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Atherosclerosis: Magdalena Mika, Renata B. Kostogrys, Magdalena Franczyk - Zar Ow, Agnieszka Wikiera, Edyta Ma Slak

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Atherosclerosis 240 (2015) 125e130

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Anti-atherosclerotic activity of catechins depends on their

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Magdalena Mika a, *, Renata B. Kostogrys b, Magdalena Franczyk-Zar  w b,
Agnieszka Wikiera a, Edyta Maslak b
Department of Food Biotechnology, Faculty of Food Technology, Agricultural University, Balicka 122, 30-149 Krakow, Poland
Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Food Technology, Agricultural University, Balicka 122, 30-149 Krakow, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In terms of stereochemistry, catechins are divided into two groups: () epi forms (2R, 3R) and () forms
Received 6 August 2014 (2S, 3R). Most of the catechins present in green tea are () epi forms (2R, 3R). Under the influence of high
Received in revised form temperatures, in anaerobic conditions, as a result of epimerization the proportion of the () form (2S, 3R)
11 February 2015
increases. The data indicate that the presence of thermally modified catechins in the diet more efficiently
Accepted 14 February 2015
Available online 23 February 2015
reduces the development of atherosclerosis in apoE knockout mice than the presence of native catechins.
The addition of the thermally modified formulations to the high-fat diet resulted in a reduction of the
area of atherosclerotic lesions by about 28% (en face method) and 45% (cross-section method) compared
to the group fed the high-fat diet without catechins. Furthermore, the body weight gain and plasma
apoE knockout mice TBARS concentration in mice fed a diet with the addition of catechins depends on the degree of epi-
Catechins merization of catechins and decreases with increasing content of catechins belonging to the () form (2S,
Cholesterol 3R). Moreover, plasma HDL cholesterol concentration in mice depends on catechins' stereoisomerism
and increases along with the increasing content of catechins belonging to the () form (2S, 3R).
© 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction belonging to the () form (2S, 2R). This is indicated by the results
obtained in studies comparing the antioxidant effectiveness of
Catechins are the major group of polyphenols of tea leaves, different pairs of stereoisomers. Xu et al. found that catechins
constituting 20e30% of the dry weight of the leaf. In terms of ste- within individual pairs of stereoisomers have comparable antioxi-
reochemistry, catechins are divided into two groups: () epi forms dant potential; only the pairs EGC and GC showed a difference in
(2R, 3R) and () forms (2S, 3R). () Epi forms (2R, 3R) constitute favor of epi forms [3].
about 90% of catechins naturally occurring in the tea leaf. Under the In the literature there are many reports indicating the health-
influence of high temperatures, in anaerobic conditions, as a result related (anti-atherosclerotic, anti-cancer, anti-obesity and even
of epimerization the proportion of the () form (2S, 3R) increases anti-diabetic) properties of green tea catechins [4]. Anti-
[1]. The stereoisomerism of catechins affects their properties. It has atherosclerotic effects of catechins, among others, are the result
been shown that the thermally modified catechin formulations of the impact they have on the metabolism of cholesterol. Green tea
used as food stabilizers more efficiently prevent oxidative and hy- catechins cause a decrease blood plasma total cholesterol level in
drolytic processes occurring in the fats during their storage than experimental animals and in humans [5,6]. Moreover, it has been
the native catechins formulations [2]. A greater antioxidative po- revealed that thermally modified catechins added to the diet of rats
tential of the thermally modified catechins formulations than reduce total cholesterol [5] and triglycerides [7] in plasma more
native catechins formulations is likely to be the result of a syner- effectively than native catechins. Lowering the level of cholesterol
gistic effect of the compounds of both groups of stereoisomers, and is a complex process and is a result of the effects catechins on: the
it is not caused by the increased activity of the individual catechins decreased absorption of exogenous and endogenous cholesterol
from the digestive tract [8,9], the reduction of bile acid resorption in
the intestine by the inhibitory effect on the apical sodium bile acid
transporter (ASBT) [10], and inhibiting the activity of HMG-CoA
* Corresponding author.
reductase (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase), which is
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Mika).

0021-9150/© 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
126 M. Mika et al. / Atherosclerosis 240 (2015) 125e130

the key enzyme responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol in the were the reference group, whereas the control group was the mice
liver [11]. Reducing the absorption of exogenous and endogenous fed high-fat diet (HF) without catechins. Diets were divided into the
cholesterol from the digestive tract is the result of formation of single daily portions and stored at the temperature of 20  C.
cholesterol conjugates with catechins [8] and the inhibitory activity Before feeding the portions were mixed with water at a ratio of 2: 1.
of catechins on phospholipase A2 [9], which allows the catalytic All uneaten food was removed, dried at 60  C and weighed. Mice
activity of cholesterol esterase and significantly enhances absorp- were weighed weekly. Two days before ending the experiment, the
tion of cholesterol by enterocytes. blood glucose taken from the tail vein was determined. At the end
Anti-atherosclerotic effects of green tea catechins have been of the experiment, the mice were injected with heparin and after
confirmed in a study conducted on apoE knockout mice [12e15]. 10 min were anesthetized with pentobarbital (40 mg/kg of the body
However, an interesting topic, so far unexplained, is the impact of weight). The blood samples from the abdominal aorta were placed
catechins' stereoisomerism on their anti-atherosclerotic potency. in tubes. The plasma samples were separated by centrifugation
The aim of this study was to investigate whether catechins for- 12 000  g for 2 min and stored at the temperature of 80  C until
mulations, containing 20% and 35% () forms (2S, 3R), added to a the analysis. The organs were washed with PBS by direct injection
high-fat diet, may inhibit the development of atherosclerosis in in the heart left ventricle. The heart and the aorta were collected
apoE mice more effectively than the native catechins. from the animals.
The research involving animals was approved: No. 78/VI/2009
2. Materials and methods dated 16.06.2009, issued by the Local Ethics Committee for Ex-
periments on Animals in Cracow.
2.1. Preparing catechins formulations and their composition
analysis 2.3. Determination of plasma antioxidative activity

The green tea Polyphenon 60 from green tea (SigmaeAldrich) The concentration of lipid peroxidation products reacting with
was used. The catechins were used in the native form (A) and 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBARS) in animals plasma was determined
thermally modified (B, C). 5% of aqueous solutions of catechins spectrophotometrically method using a commercially available kits
were thermally modified. The process was carried out in anaerobic (Cell Biolabs, Inc.). TBARS are expressed as mmol of malondialde-
conditions. The aqueous solutions were bubbled with nitrogen gas hyde (MDA).
for 2 min and placed in Scott's test tubes. The modification was
performed at the temperature of 140  C for 40 min (B) and 80 min 2.4. Determination of plasma triglycerides and cholesterol levels
The content and the type of catechins in the formulations were The concentration of triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (Chol-
determined by a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) T), cholesterol associated with high density lipoprotein (HDL-C)
as described by Lina et al. [16]. A liquid chromatography, spectro- and cholesterol associated with low density lipoprotein (LDL-C) in
photometric detector, l ¼ 280 nm and an LUNA C18(2) mice's plasma were determined by an enzymatic method using a
(250  4.6 mm) column were used for the above. Samples were commercially available kits (Cormay).
eluted from the column following the programme:
0e10 mine100% of phase A eisocratic elution; 10e25 mine100%e 2.5. Quantification of atherosclerosis in aortas by en face analysis
90% of phase A, 0%e10% of phase B e linear gradient;
25e60 mine90%e70% of phase A, 10%e30% of phase B e linear In anesthetized mice, the thorax was longitudinally opened, the
gradient. The flow rate was 1 ml/min. Phase A comprised methanol, right atrium was incised, and the heart was perfused with
formic acid and redistilled water (20:0.3:79.7 v/v/v) and phase B phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) through the apex of the left
composed of methanol and formic acid (99.7:0.3 v/v). ventricle. The aorta from arch to bifurcation was dissected out from
surrounding tissues and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Then, it was
2.2. Animal and diets opened longitudinally, pinned onto brown silicone plates, and
stained with Sudan IV (SigmaeAldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). The
Homozygous 10-week-old male apolipoprotein E knockout mice aortic lesion area and total aortic area were measured using the
(apoE-knockout) were purchased from Taconic Laboratory (Taconic LSM Image Browser.
Europe A/S, Denmark). The mice were divided into five groups
(n ¼ 7). Each group of mice was kept in a separate cage and housed 2.6. Quantification of atherosclerosis in aortic roots by cross-section
in an air-conditioned room (21  C), with 12 h light/dark cycles and analysis
the humidity at 55 ± 10%. Food and water were provided ad libitum.
For the first two weeks the mice were being acclimated to the The heart and the ascending aorta were dissected. The excised
experimental conditions. At this time, the animals were fed with heart and ascending aorta were embedded in OCT compound
commercial pellets diet for rodents. After the acclimatization (CellPath) and snap-frozen. 10 mm-thick cryosections were cut from
period, the mice were fed AIN-93 modified diets for 12 weeks [17]. the aortic root using a standardized protocol [18,19]. Eight sections
A standard diet (DS) containing 52.95% cornstarch, 20% casein, 10% were collected at 100-mm intervals starting at a 100-mm distance
sucrose, 7% oil, 5% fibre, 3.5% mineral mix (AIN-93G-MX), 1% from the appearance of the aortic valves. Sections were thaw-
vitamin mix (AIN-93-VX), 0.3% L-cystine, 0.25% choline as well as a mounted on poly-L-lysine coated slides and air dried. After fixa-
high-fat diet (HFA, HFB, HFC) containing 39.95% cornstarch, 20% tion in 4% paraformaldehyde (pH ¼ 7), sections were stained with
casein, 10% sucrose, 19,9% butter, 5% fibre, 3.5% mineral mix (AIN- Meyer's hematoxylin and oil red-O (SigmaeAldrich). Oil red-O-
93G-MX), 1% vitamin mix (AIN-93-VX), 0.3% L-cystine, 0.25% stained sections were examined under an Olympus BX50 micro-
choline and 0.09% catechins formulations (A, B, C). Total energy of scope and used for quantitative evaluation. Images of the aorta
the standard diet and high-fat diet was estimated as 3948 kcal/kg were recorded using an Olympus Camedia 5050 digital camera and
and 4589 kcal/kg. The estimate of caloric content was based on the stored as TIFF files of resolution 1024  768 pixels. The total area of
standard physiological fuel values for protein, fat, and carbohydrate the lesion was measured semiautomatically in each slide using LSM
of 4, 9, and 4 kcal/g respectively. Animals fed standard diet (DS) Image Browser 3 software. For each animal a mean lesion area was
M. Mika et al. / Atherosclerosis 240 (2015) 125e130 127

calculated from eight sections, reflecting the cross-section area plasma of the mice fed the high-fat diet was significantly higher
covered by atherosclerosis. than in the animals fed the standard diet (Table 2). However, we
observed that total cholesterol in the mice fed the high-fat diet with
2.7. Statistical analysis thermally modified catechins was significantly lower than in the
animals fed the high-fat diet without catechins. The diet that acted
Results are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Data most efficiently was HFB with thermal modification of catechins,
were analyzed using STATISTICA for Windows. Statistical analysis containing 20% () form (2S, 3R). This diet resulted in total
was performed by ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni multiple cholesterol levels lower by 23% compared to the HFA diet with
comparison test. Correlations between parameters were assessed native catechins. Plasma LDL-C level in the mice fed the high-fat
by Pearson's correlation test. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically diet was almost twice as high as in the animals fed with the stan-
significant. dard diet (Table 2). Moreover, the high-fat diet caused a lower HDL-
C concentration than the standard diet. The addition of catechins to
3. Results the high-fat diet had no effect on plasma LDL-C level in the animals.
However, a significant higher HDL-C level in mice fed diet with
3.1. Composition of catechins formulations thermal modification catechins was observed (Table 2). It was
observed that the concentration of HDL-C increases with the
High temperature did not cause a reduction in quantity of cat- increasing content of () form (2S, 3R) in the catechins formulation
echins in the solution and caused only a change in stereoisomerism introduced to the diet. The HDL-C level was 33.6% higher in the
of the () epi forms (2R, 3R), which changed into the corresponding presence of catechins with a higher degree of thermal modification.
() forms (2S, 3R). The amounts of individual stereoisomers of A correlation (R ¼ 0.89) was demonstrated between the amount of
catechins in the diet are shown in Table 1. Total catechins in for- catechins belonging to the () form (2S, 3R) added into the diet and
mulations amounted to 85%. In addition, all formulations contained plasma HDL-C level.
a constant amount of gallic acid (3.1%), caffeine (8.1%) and small
amounts of other catechins. Native catechins formulations (A) 3.5. Concentration of triglycerides in blood plasma of mice
contained 8.5% () forms (2S, 3R), whereas thermally modified
formulations B and C contained respectively 20% and 35% () forms The increased intake of fat with a high-fat diet (HF) relative to a
(2S, 3R). standard diet (DS) caused a significantly higher level of plasma
triglycerides (TG) in the experimental animals (Table 2). However,
3.2. Feed intake the introduction of catechins to a high-fat diet resulted in the
reduction of this concentration. The smallest concentration of TG
The mean food intake did not differ significantly between was determined using dietary supplementation of catechins with a
groups (Table 2). Quantity of catechins ingested with the HFA, HFB higher degree of thermal modification (HFC group). In these ani-
or HFC diets was approximately 90 mg per kg of mouse body mals 20% less plasma TG was observed than in the mice fed with
weight per day. With respect to the human diet this quantity cor- the high-fat diet without the addition of catechins.
responds to the intake of approximately 460 mg of catechins within
24 h, which is equivalent to drinking 1 to 2 cups of green tea. 3.6. Antioxidative activity in blood plasma

3.3. Body weight gain in mice The addition of catechins to diet effectively reduced lipid per-
oxidation products in blood plasma (Table 2). Plasma TBARS (thi-
The initial body weight of the experimental animals was on obarbituric acid reactive substances) concentration in the mice fed
average 25.5 g (Table 2). At the end of the experiment, the animal with the high-fat diet containing catechins with a higher degree of
body weight gain ranged from 8.0 g to 14.1 g. The highest final body thermal modification was 22.5% lower than in the mice fed the
weight was observed in the mice fed the high-fat diet (HF). The high-fat diet without catechins. A correlation (R ¼ 0.87) was
addition of catechins with a higher degree of thermal modification demonstrated between the amount of catechins belonging to the
to the high-fat diet reduced the body weight gain of mice by 20.6%. () form (2S, 3R) added into the diet and plasma TBARS.
A high correlation coefficient (R ¼ 0.99) was demonstrated be-
tween the amount of catechins belonging to the () form (2S, 3R) 3.7. Quantification of atherosclerosis
added into the diet and body weight gain.
The development of atherosclerosis was assessed quantitatively
3.4. Concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma of mice in aortas using the en face analysis (Fig. 1A) and in aortic roots using
the cross-section analysis (Figs. 1B and 2). In animals fed the
The concentration of total and LDL cholesterol in the blood standard diet the area of atherosclerotic lesions was smaller by 45%

Table 1
The contents of () epi forms (2R, 3R) and () forms (2S, 3R) in the diet.

Diet symbol () epi forms (2R, 3R) [mg/kg diet] () forms (2S, 3R) [mg/kg diet] Catechins [mg/kg diet]


HFA 605c ± 6.2 42c ± 1.5 114c ± 2.7 63a ± 1.3 14a ± 1.1 8a ± 0.9 846a ± 13.7
HFB 515b ± 5.2 34b ± 1.1 103b ± 1.9 154b ± 1.8 23b ± 1.1 22b ± 1.3 851a ± 12.4
HFC 389a ± 4.9 28a ± 1.6 79a ± 1.7 277c ± 3.3 32c ± 1.4 42c ± 2.3 847a ± 15.2
Date are means ± SD values of 6 replicates.
The mean in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different among groups at p < 0.05 (Test Bonferroni).
C e () catechin, CG e () catechin gallate, EC e () epicatechin, ECG e () epicatechin gallate, EGCG e () epigallocatechin gallate, GCG e () gallocatechin gallate, SD e
standard deviation.
128 M. Mika et al. / Atherosclerosis 240 (2015) 125e130

Table 2
The body weight gain of the mice, plasma cholesterol and plasma TBARS levels in mice after 12 weeks of nutrition.

Group Cholesterol [mmol/l] TG TBARS Initial body weight Final body weight Feed intake Body weight gain

Chol-T LDL-C HDL-C [mmol/l] [mmol MDA/l] [g] [g] [g/mouse/day] [g]
Mi Mf Mf - Mi

DS 37.1a ± 4.0 14.3a ± 2.3 1.82b ± 0.15 0.97a ± 0.11 56.2ab ± 4.6 25.3a ± 1.3 33.3a ± 1.9 3.9a ± 0.13 8.0a ± 1.3
HF 87.9d ± 4.1 27.7b ± 4.1 1.33a ± 0.18 1.32b ± 0.17 61.8b ± 4.1 25.6a ± 1.0 39.7c ± 1.1 3.9a ± 0.14 14.1c ± 0.9
HFA 84.4cd ± 14.4 26.9b ± 2.8 1.59ab ± 0.29 1.09ab ± 0.18 51.9a ± 5.9 25.5a ± 1.6 39.2bc ± 1.7 4.0a ± 0.14 13.7bc ± 2.7
HFB 64.7b ± 15.7 26.4b ± 3.2 1.75ab ± 0.28 1.05ab ± 0.17 50.7a ± 4.2 25.6a ± 2.2 38.4bc ± 2.3 3.9a ± 0.15 12.8bc ± 2.4
HFC 70.0bc ± 12.6 27.1b ± 3.6 1.78b ± 0.21 1.01a ± 0.12 47.9a ± 7.1 25.7a ± 1.2 36.9b ± 1.7 3.8a ± 0.16 11.2b ± 1.8
Date are means ± SD values of 7 mice per group.
The mean in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different among groups at p < 0.05 (Test Bonferroni).
DS e mice fed standard diet, HF e mice fed high-fat diet, HFA e mice fed high-fat diet with native catechins, HFB e mice fed high-fat diet with thermally modified catechins
formulation containing 20% () forms (2S, 3R), HFC e mice fed high-fat diet with thermally modified catechins formulation containing 35% () forms (2S, 3R).
Chol-T (total cholesterol), HDL-C (cholesterol associated with high density lipoprotein), LDL-C (cholesterol associated with low density lipoprotein), MDA (malondialdehyde),
TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances), TG (triglycerides).

(the en face method) and by 56% (the cross-section method) than in modified formulations with varying degrees of epimerization. The
the mice fed the high-fat diet without catechins. Both methods least efficient were native catechins. In that case the area of
showed that the addition of thermally modified catechins inhibited atherosclerotic lesions in mice did not differ significantly from le-
the progression of atherosclerosis. The addition of the thermally sions in the mice fed the high-fat diet without catechins.
modified formulations to the high-fat diet resulted in a reduction of
the area of atherosclerotic lesions by about 28% (en face method) 4. Discussion
and 45% (cross-section method) compared to the group fed the
high-fat diet without catechins. There were no statistically signifi- Our results showed that although the mean food intake did not
cant differences observed between the effects of the thermally differ significantly between groups, the final body weight of mice
fed the HFC diet was significantly lower than mice fed the HF diet.
We observed that the weight gain of the mice fed the high-fat diet
with the addition of catechins depended on the degree of epime-
rization of catechins. The weight gain of the mice decreased with
the increasing content of catechins belonging to the () form (2S,
The effect of catechins on the animal body weight gain revealed
by various authors is not clear. Some authors have observed
decreased appetite and reduced weight gain with dietary supple-
mentation of catechins [20], whereas other authors have reported
increasing animal weight gain [21].
The LDL cholesterol level in the mouse blood plasma from the
groups HFB, HFC and HF did not differ. However, our data
demonstrated that in the mice fed the HFC diet there was a lower
total plasma cholesterol level with a simultaneous higher HDL-C
level than in the mice fed the HF diet without catechins. The
lower level of Chol-T in the blood plasma of mice whose diets
contained thermally modified catechins probably resulted from the
lower quantity of cholesterol connected with VLDL and chylomi-
cron remnants. Similarly, Lee et al. observed that thermally modi-
fied catechins more effectively reduced plasma total cholesterol
levels in rats than native catechins [5]. Effects of green tea catechins
on plasma cholesterol levels in animals have also been reported by
other authors [6,12]. On the other hand, Shrestha et al. observed
that supplementation of a high-fructose diet with green tea extract
caused an increase in total cholesterol in the blood plasma of the
experimental animals, with a simultaneous increase in HDL-C [21].
Our results indicate that addition of catechins to the high-fat
diet affects the plasma TG in mice. A lower plasma TG concentra-
tion in the mice fed a high-fat diet with the addition of catechins
probably resulted from the reduced bioavailability of the dietary
fat [22].
Fig. 1. A:Quantification (% area) of atherosclerotic plaque in entire aorta (en face) in
apoE knockout mice after 12 weeks of nutrition. B: Quantification (mm2) of athero- The effectiveness of green tea catechins in inhibiting lipid per-
sclerotic plaque area in aortic roots (cross-section) in apoE knockout mice after 12 oxidation processes in animals has been observed by many authors
weeks of nutrition. 1The bars not sharing a common letters are significantly different [12,23]. However, our results showed the impact of epimerization
among groups at p < 0.05 (Test Bonferroni). 2DS e mice fed standard diet, HF e mice of catechins on this process. Plasma TBARS concentration in mice
fed high-fat diet, HFA e mice fed high-fat diet with native catechins, HFB e mice fed
high-fat diet with thermally modified catechins formulation containing 20% () forms
fed a diet with the addition of catechins depends on the degree of
(2S, 3R), HFC e mice fed high-fat diet with thermally modified catechins formulation epimerization of catechins and decreases with increasing content
containing 35% () forms (2S, 3R). of catechins belonging to the () form (2S, 3R). A correlation
M. Mika et al. / Atherosclerosis 240 (2015) 125e130 129

Fig. 2. Representative images of cross-sections of aortic roots showing aortic plaque in apoE knockout mice after 12-week experimental period. DS e mice fed standard diet, HF e
mice fed high-fat diet, HFA e mice fed high-fat diet with native catechins, HFB e mice fed high-fat diet with thermally modified catechins formulation containing 20% () forms (2S,
3R), HFC e mice fed high-fat diet with thermally modified catechins formulation containing 35% () forms (2S, 3R).

(R ¼ 0.87) was demonstrated between the amount of catechins mice, although Xu et al. showed that the epimerization of catechins
belonging to the () form (2S, 3R) added into the diet and plasma (EGCG and GCG) has no significant influence on bioavailability in
TBARS. Lower TBARS levels in HFA, HFB and HFC groups, compared male rats [3]. However, in the latest studies it was shown that the
with the TBARS levels in the HF group, results most likely from the catechin with 2,3-trans structure form complexes more easily with
lower quantity of substrates for the peroxidation process (Chol-T the human protein HSA (taking part in catechin transport in blood)
and TG) as well as from the antioxidation effect of catechins and than the catechin with 2,3-cis structure. This suggests that cate-
their metabolites present in the blood. chins belonging to the () form (2S, 3R) may show greater bio-
The present study demonstrated that catechins formulations logical activity [30].
containing 20% and 35% () forms (2S, 3R), introduced into the To conclude, thermally modified catechins reduce atheroscle-
high-fat diet, may inhibit the development of atherosclerosis in the rosis in the apoE knockout mice more effectively than native cat-
apoE mice more effectively than the native catechins. One of the echins. Furthermore, the body weight gain and plasma TBARS and
important risk factors of atherosclerosis is the elevated concen- HDL cholesterol concentration in mice fed a diet with the addition
tration of plasma LDL-C. Oxidation of LDL lipids is thought to render of catechins depends on the degree of epimerization of catechins
the lipoprotein atherogenic, because oxidized LDL is more readily and decreases with increasing content of catechins belonging to the
taken up by macrophages via scavenger receptors. The addition of () form (2S, 3R). Moreover, plasma HDL cholesterol concentration
catechins to the high-fat diet did not affect plasma LDL-C level in in mice depends on catechins' stereoisomerism and increases along
mice (Table 2). However, the concentration of lipid peroxidation with the increasing content of catechins belonging to the () form
products determined in plasma of the mice fed with the high-fat (2S, 3R). These results suggest that thermally modified catechins
diet with the addition of catechins was significantly lower than in should be studied further for their possible use in production of
mice fed the HF diet (Table 2). Antioxidative effects of catechins and functional food.
their metabolites in plasma inhibit the oxidation process of un-
saturated fatty acids present in LDL. However, the antioxidant ac- Conflicts of interest
tivity is not the only effect of catechins that inhibits the
development of atherosclerosis. The green tea catechins have a None.
positive effect on the cardiovascular system by inducing the gene
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