16 LIUThe Effect of A PDF
16 LIUThe Effect of A PDF
16 LIUThe Effect of A PDF
WJNXXX10.1177/0193945916670645Western Journal of Nursing ResearchLiu et al.
Intervention Study
Western Journal of Nursing Research
2017, Vol. 39(7) 906–923
The Effect of a © The Author(s) 2016
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Breastfeeding Outcomes
in Primiparous Mothers
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a self-efficacy
intervention on primiparous mothers’ breastfeeding behaviors. Participants
were recruited from an antenatal clinic at a university-affiliated hospital.
Seventy-five primiparous mothers were recruited from November 2013
to February 2014 for the control group, and 75 primiparous mothers
were recruited from March to June 2014 for the intervention group. The
intervention group participated in a 1-hr prenatal breastfeeding workshop
and a 1-hr breastfeeding counseling session within 24 hr after delivery.
The Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale–Short Form and the infant feeding
method were assessed at hospital discharge, as well as 4 and 8 weeks
postpartum. The breastfeeding support program was found to be effective
and beneficial to mothers. Nurses should incorporate breastfeeding self-
efficacy interventions into their routine care to support new mothers
and to increase their breastfeeding self-efficacy and the duration of their
breastfeeding exclusivity.
Corresponding Author:
Benlan Ye, Department of Nursing, School of Medicine, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian
361102, P.R. China.
Email: [email protected]
Liu et al. 907
breastfeeding self-efficacy, breastfeeding confidence, exclusive breastfeeding,
nursing intervention
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework was based on Bandura’s (1977) self-efficacy the-
ory and Dennis’s breastfeeding self-efficacy framework. Self-efficacy was
defined by Bandura (1977) as a dynamic cognitive process in which an indi-
vidual evaluates his or her ability to perform a given task. Bandura (1977)
suggested four major influential factors that determine one’s confidence to
Liu et al. 909
This study utilized a quantitative, comparative, and quasi-experimental research
Both groups received standard care and were not limited to the types of
breastfeeding support they sought before and after their infants’ birth.
Standard care included their choice of physician or midwife, prenatal visits,
and prenatal classes. In addition to standard care, participants in the interven-
tion group participated in a 1-hr prenatal breastfeeding workshop and a 1-hr
postnatal, one-on-one breastfeeding counseling session provided by the
researcher of this study in the hospital.
910 Western Journal of Nursing Research 39(7)
The design of the breastfeeding intervention was based on the four influ-
ential factors of breastfeeding self-efficacy (Dennis, 1999). In the prenatal
breastfeeding workshop, participants were invited to explore their thoughts
and feelings that were related to previous accomplishments in various realms
and were prompted to incorporate identified skills (e.g., providing positive
suggestions about how to improve future breastfeeding performance and how
to express breast milk after delivery) into anticipated breastfeeding behavior
(performance accomplishments). Expectant mothers watched a video and
used a life-like doll to practice the skills and perseverance needed when
encountering common problems (vicarious experience). Their husbands or
significant others were invited into the workshop. This invitation emphasized
the importance of their encouragement and support to the expectant mothers
and to the success of breastfeeding (verbal persuasion). The mothers were
additionally provided with visual and written examples about how negative
physiological response can affect breastfeeding mothers, and with alternative
skills (e.g., self-talking, problem solving) to alter perception and to gain con-
trol (physiological responses).
Based on an initial assessment of breastfeeding self-efficacy using the
Hong Kong Chinese version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale–Short
Form (BSES-SF), strategies were implemented in an effort to increase moth-
ers’ breastfeeding self-efficacy during the one-on-one postnatal breastfeeding
counseling session. For example, if a mother indicated low self-efficacy on
the Hong Kong Chinese version of BSES-SF item, “I can always recognize
the signs of a good latch,” specific strategies were implemented such as (a)
giving attention to the successful or improved aspects of the latch, such as an
audible swallow and painless nursing (performance accomplishment); (b)
using visual materials to make unobservable breastfeeding skills apparent to
the mother, such as what a proper latch looks like (vicarious experience); (c)
providing encouragement, such as infant weight gain and infant contented
after the mother’s perseverance with feeding (verbal persuasion); and (d) pro-
viding anticipatory guidance, explicitly acknowledging and normalizing the
tendency to experience anxiety and fatigue during the postpartum period,
such as “It is normal for new mothers to experience fatigue and anxiety. Do
not hesitate to ask for help and give yourself a short break” (physiological
Outcome measurements
Baseline demographic variables. The baseline questionnaire included demo-
graphic variables that may influence breastfeeding outcomes. Data such as
age, marital status, education, family income, and employment were col-
lected prenatally at registration. Data on birth weight, type of birth, labor
Liu et al. 911
and delivery complications, and any free formula received were gathered
the purpose and the rationale of the study clearly so that the eligible mothers
understood the nature of the research. Consent forms were signed by the
mothers who agreed to participate. The recruited mothers completed the
Hong Kong Chinese version of the BSES-SF and a demographic question-
naire at registration. At hospital discharge, the researcher came to the ward to
collect the postpartum demographic questionnaire, the Hong Kong Chinese
version of the BSES-SF, and the infant feeding questionnaire. The researcher
called the participating mothers at 4 and 8 weeks postpartum to collect data
related to the Hong Kong Chinese version of the BSES-SF and the infant
feeding questionnaire. The details of the study work flow are provided in the
consolidated standards of reporting trial (CONSORT) flowchart (Figure 1).
Ethical Considerations
The study received approval from the health research ethics committee of the
university and hospital. The participants’ rights were protected by ensuring
that their participation in the study was entirely voluntary, that they could
refuse to answer questions on any sensitive topics, and that they could with-
draw at any time during the study without penalty or loss of benefits with
regard to maternal infant care in the unit.
Data Analysis
The data analyses were performed using SPSS Version 19.0. Descriptive sta-
tistics were used to analyze the socio-demographics, breastfeeding catego-
ries, and scores of the Hong Kong Chinese Version of the BSES-SF. The
difference in demographic characteristics between the two groups was
assessed by the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests. For the breastfeeding
exclusivity categories, the chi-square test was used to assess differences
between groups. The differences in scores on the Hong Kong Chinese Version
of the BSES-SF between the two groups were assessed using repeated mea-
sures ANOVA. Repeated measures ANOVA with a least square difference
(LSD) post hoc analysis was used to examine the significance of differences
in the mean scores of the Hong Kong Chinese version of the BSES-SF over
time (at registration, hospital discharge, 4 weeks postpartum, and 8 weeks
postpartum) in the 2 groups. This statistical test was also used to determine
the effect of the prenatal and postnatal breastfeeding intervention on the
mean scores of the BSES-SF. The t test was used to compare the mean scores
of the Hong Kong Chinese Version of the BSES-SF between groups at the
same time point.
Liu et al. 913
n = 150
Loss to follow up
at hospital discharged (n = 2) Loss to follow up
2 withdrawal at hospital discharged
(n = 0)
Outcome Measures: the Hong Kong Chinese Outcome Measures: the Hong Kong
Version of BSES-SF, breastfeeding exclusivity Chinese Version of BSES -SF, breastfeeding
(by telephone) exclusivity (by telephone)
hospital discharged hospital discharged
4 weeks postpartum 4 weeks postpartum
8 weeks postpartum 8 weeks postpartum
A total of 150 eligible mothers were assigned to the control group and the inter-
vention group with 75 mothers in each group. In the control group, two (2.7%)
mothers withdrew at hospital discharged, four (5.3%) mothers were lost to fol-
low-up at 4 weeks postpartum (two mothers did not respond to the telephone call,
and two mothers withdrew from the study), and four (5.3%) mothers were lost to
follow-up at 8 weeks postpartum (three mothers did not respond to the telephone
call, and one mother withdrew from the study), leaving a total of 65 (87%)
914 Western Journal of Nursing Research 39(7)
mothers in this study. In the intervention group, four (5.3%) mothers gave birth at
other hospitals and did not receive the postpartum intervention, four (5.3%)
mothers were lost to follow-up at 4 weeks postpartum (two mothers did not
respond to the telephone call, and two mothers’ telephones were disconnected),
and two (2.7%) mothers were lost to follow-up at 8 weeks postpartum (one
mother did not respond to the telephone call, and one mother’s telephone was
disconnected), leaving a total of 65 (87%) expectant mothers in the study.
Socio-Demographic Data
The socio-demographic characteristics in terms of marital status, education,
family income, employment, type of birth, birth weight, labor and delivery
complication, and free formula received were not statistically different
between the two groups. Table 1 shows the socio-demographic characteris-
tics of both groups.
Table 2. Comparison of the Mean Scores of the Hong Kong CV-BSES-SF in Two
Groups Over Time.
Note. Group effect: F = 26.39 (p < .0001); Time effect: F = 4.47 (p = .0103); Intervention effect
(Time × Group): F = 33.21 (p < .0001). CV-BSES-SF = Chinese Version of Breastfeeding-
Efficacy Scale–Short Form.
the mean scores were significantly different between the intervention group
and control group at hospital discharge (50.86 ± 10.124 vs. 47.22 ± 10.508; t
= −2.01, p = .0460), at 4 weeks postpartum (52.32 ± 9.066 vs. 42.17 ± 11.285;
t = −5.66, p < .0001), and at 8 weeks postpartum (55.15 ± 10.617 vs. 38.95 ±
12.244; t = −8.06, p < .0001).
three (4.6%) mothers in the intervention group fed their infants exclusively
breastfeeding, and two (3.1%) mothers in the control group fed their infants
with breast milk only (χ2 = 0.000, p = 1.000). At 4 weeks postpartum, the
number of mothers in the intervention group who exclusively breastfed was
18 (27.7%) compared with two (3.1%) in the control group (χ2 = 15.127, p <
.0001). At 8 weeks postpartum, there was a higher rate of exclusive breast-
feeding in the intervention group (24.6%) compared with the control group
(1.5%; χ2 = 15.226, p < .0001).
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a perinatal
nursing intervention to increase breastfeeding self-efficacy and the rates of
breastfeeding exclusivity. The findings suggested that this intervention was
effective. In the intervention group, mothers had higher mean scores on the
BSES-SF at hospital discharge, 4 weeks postpartum, and 8 weeks postpar-
tum. In addition, a higher rate of mothers in the intervention group breastfed
their infants exclusively compared with those in the control group at 4 and 8
weeks postpartum.
In this study, we found that time had an important effect on mothers’
breastfeeding self-efficacy and behavior. Blyth, Creedy, Dennis, Moyle, and
Veries (2002) suggested that mothers’ breastfeeding self-efficacy would
increase over time. Otsuka et al. (2014) also reported that if a mother began
to breastfeed her infant, her breastfeeding self-efficacy score would increase
with time. Many previous studies also showed that mothers’ breastfeeding
self-efficacy scores were associated with their breastfeeding behavior (Alus
Tokat, Oksmus, & Dennis, 2010; Blyth et al., 2002; Dennis, Heaman, &
Mossman, 2011; Oliver-Roig et al., 2012; Otsuka, Dennis, Tatsuoka, &
Jimba, 2008). Consistent with a previous study, our study showed that moth-
ers’ breastfeeding self-efficacy scores were significantly increased in the
intervention group. However, the scores of breastfeeding self-efficacy
decreased in the control group at 4 and 8 weeks postpartum. This result indi-
cated that time has an effect on mothers’ breastfeeding self-efficacy and
breastfeeding behavior in the intervention group.
Mothers had higher breastfeeding self-efficacy scores in the intervention
group than control group. Nichols et al. (2009) and McQueen et al. (2011) also
showed that mothers’ breastfeeding self-efficacy increased after a specialist’s
intervention. Mothers in the intervention group learned some techniques to
solve problems and role-played activities in the breastfeeding education work-
shop, which may have enhanced their confidence in feeding their infants with
breast milk. Bandura (2005) showed that problem-solving and role-playing
918 Western Journal of Nursing Research 39(7)
We would like to acknowledge all the mothers for their participation in this study. In
addition, we would like to thank all the nurses from the antenatal visit and the study
wards for their great support during the data collection.
Author Contributions
L.L.Y., Z.J.M., and Y.B.L. were responsible for the study design. L.L.Y. and W.M.
performed the data collection. L.L.Y., Z.J.M., and Y.J.Q. performed data analysis.
L.L.Y., Z.J.M., Y.J.Q., W.M., and Y.B.L. were responsible for the manuscript prepa-
ration and critical revision of the article for important intellectual contents.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publi-
cation of this article.
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