Compromise Agreement
Compromise Agreement
Compromise Agreement
Republic of the Philippines
Metropolitan Trial Court
Brach 28
City of Manila
Case #: 476968-CR
Defendant/ Accused
LIZZA MARIE CHUA, private complainant, with residence address at c/o Unit 18-E Pearl of the
Orient Tower, Roxas Boulevard, Manila;
MANUEL CHUA., accused, of legal age, with residence address at 2062 C.M Recto Avenue cor San
Sebastian St., Quiapo, Manila;
Agree as follows:
1. To buy peace and for the immediate settlement of this case, the accused sahll pay the Private
Complainant the total amount of Thirty Five Million Pesos Only (Php 35,000,000.00) payment
of which shall be made primarily from the sale of the Cavite property which shall be sold and to
be bought by Maynilad. Should the amount paid by Maynilad is not enough; the accused shall
find ways and means to pay his overall obligation to private complainant. Full payment of the
entire obligation shall be paid on or before January 15, 2015;
2. That the payment through check made by Maynilad shall be in the name of the private
complainant LIZZA MARIE CHUA;
3. That as part of the settlement, all properties mortgaged to the sister of private complainant,
Michelle Chua, shall be transferred to her name, which are identified herein as lots: 15719,
15970, 15971, 15972, 15973, 15974 and 17573 all located in Cavite City;
4. All cases filed by the parties against each other and all persons associated with them shall be
dismissed only upon the acceptance of the full amount above mentioned;
5. Accused warrants and guarantees that private complainant and her sisters shall be free from
any liability whether criminal, civil, or administrative arising from the properties, mall and all
actions performed by the accused and his associates starting from September 12, 2014;
6. Accused will pay all liabilities, if any, to Atty. Hilario “Larry” Paredes and Atty. KC Batino;
7. Until full settlement of this agreement parties shall undertake to refrain from any activity to
harass or take over properties or stalls outside the Fun mall in Rosario, Cavite;
8. That failure of the accused to perform what is expected of him above mentioned, Private
Complainant shall have no other recourse but to pursue the case and all other cases to its/their
final conclusion;
9. This compromise agreement shall constitute full settlement of the civil aspect of this case;
10. In the meantime private complainant will show this compromise agreement to her sister
Michelle Chua and will return the same on or before November 18, 2014;
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have mutually and voluntarily agreed to the above
stipulation, and sign this Agreement, at Philippine Mediation Center-MeTC manila Unit, on
17th day of November, 2014 for the consideration and approval of the Honorable Court.