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International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)

ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 08 || August 2016 || PP. 76-81

Logarithmic Multiplier Using Seamless Pipelined

Parvin Akhter1, Sachin Bandewar2

M.Tech Student, Assistant Professor2
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1, 2
Sri Satya Sai College of Engineering1, 2
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Abstract: In a current scenario Logarithmic Number System (LNS) is the mostly used words in the field of
arithmetic operations. In all arithmetic operations multiplication is most area/power/delay consuming
component, but researchers have analyzed that, Logarithmic multiplier using seamless pipelined technique has
potential to solve this problem. Hence, this paper gives a detailed and meaningful discussion of the seamless
pipelined of LNS, systematic developments of the LNS multiplier architecture design, highlights the research
areas, a further possibility of improvements.
Keywords: Arithmetic circuits, logarithmic multiplication, Mitchell method, Operand decomposition,
Seamless pipelined.

1. Introduction
Arithmetic operations are the broadly used in the field of Digital signal processing (DSP), and image
processing applications [1]. As, we know that Multiplication is most an area/delay/power consuming component
of arithmetic operations. But LNS has potential to solve this problem [2-4]. LNS provide an option for fast
computing. The signed logarithmic numbers has been kept in the defined format [5] [6]. The IEEE 754 standard
sets formats for LNS: 1) Single precision 2) Double precision [7]. The logarithmic multiplication has mainly
distributed in three steps: (1) conversion of binary numbers into the logarithmic numbers, (2) arithmetic
operations are performed into the logarithmic domain, and (3) the antilogarithmic conversion of logarithmic
numbers [4]. Now, the challenge is to make the multiplication efficient regarding hardware architecture as well

as accuracy.
A simple example of multiplication of two logarithmic numbers 16 and 60 is given below [8].
Let A=b’ (00010000) =d’16; and B=b’ (00111100) =d’60;
Log A =0100.0000; and Log B=0101.11100;
Sum = Log A + Log B
Sum = (0100.0000) + (0101.11100) =1001.11100;
Antilog (Sum) = Antilog (Log A + Log B);
Antilog (Sum) =00000011110000000;
X*Y= Antilog (Sum) =960;
Rest of paper has been organized as the brief overview of LNS is described in Section 2. Proposed techniques of
logarithmic multiplication have been explored further in Section 3. Section 4 gives synthesis and simulated
results. And finally, explores the applications of LNS and the conclusion is concluded in Section 5.

2. Review of Logarithmic Multiplication Methods

Step by steps development of logarithm multiplication methods are given in the block diagram given in
Fig. 1. LNS multipliers can be divided into two categories: (1) Look-Up Tables (LUT) and interpolations and
(2) Mitchell’s algorithm [3-10]. Mitchell’s algorithm can be subdivided into four sub-categories namely as a)
divided approximation b) correction based terms c) operand decomposition and d) MA-based iterative
algorithm. 76 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 08 || August 2016 || PP. 76-81

Logarithmic Multiplication

Look up Table based
Algorithm(MA) based

Improving MA Accuracy

MA based Iterative
Divided Approximation Algorithm

Correction Term based Operand Decomposition

In 1962, Mitchell proposes an algorithm for multiplication and division [7]. Interpolation based LNS
multiplier gives high accuracy, but due to hardware complexity the design cost becomes high. In 2003, Abed
and Siferd developed correction algorithm that required trade-off between the accuracy, speed and complexity.
Its three distinct corrections strategies based on equations for two, three and six regions with varying hardware
complexity and accuracy. One of the hallmarks of Abed and Siferd, their study reduces the maximum percent
errors that result from 0.9299 percent, 0.4314 percent and 0.1538 percent .In 2009 and 2011, Juang

propose a two region bit level manipulation scheme to achieve high accuracy with area, time and efficient
hardware implementation [9]-[10]. It obviates the need of ROM circuits by using Boolean operations for the
first four bits of the inputs. A similar approach has been used to achieve accuracy for an antilogarithmic
converter. In 2015, Juang et. al 2 region logarithm approximation ranges over 0 to 0.0319 and ranges over -0.60
to 1.72 for antilogarithm converter [11].
The operand decomposition approach improves the average error percentage and the error range of Mitchell
algorithms. It is equally applicable on all other methods like Divided Approximation based correction and
correction term based methods [4]. The iterative logarithmic approximation is based on the correction terms,
calculated immediately after the calculation of the product which avoids the comparison of the sum of mantissa
with ’1.’ In this way, high-level of parallelism can be achieved by the principle of pipelining, thus the basic
block for multiplication requires less logic resources and increasing the speed of the multiplier with error
correction circuits[14]-[15].

3. Proposed Method
The existing approach does not provide a trade-off between the accuracy, and speed. We purpose a
logarithmic multiplier using seamless pipelined to get further improvement in trade-off among various

3.1 Logarithmic multiplier using seamless pipelined

In this section, we understand the mathematical analysis of iterative algorithm with various possibilities
for achieving an error as small as required and the possibility of achieving an exact result.
Consider two n-bit numbers N1 and N2 of the form.
X  xn1 xn2 ........x2 x1 x0 (1)
Y  yn1 yn2 ........ y2 y1 y0 (2)
The final MA approximation for the multiplication depends on the carry bit form the sum of the mantissas and is
given by: 77 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 08 || August 2016 || PP. 76-81
The binary representation of multiplication of two numbers N 1 and N2 is express as below:
Ptrue  N1  N2  2k1  k2 (1  x1  x2 )  2k1 k2 ( x1 x2 ) (5)
For avoid approximation error, we take.
x  2k  N  2k (6)
Putting the value of equation (19) in equation (18) and we find.
Ptrue  N1  N2  2( k1 k2 )  ( N1  2k1 )2k2  ( N2  2k2 )2k1  ( N1  2k1 )  ( N2  2k2 ) (7)
Suppose that
 2( k1  k2 )  ( N1  2k1 )2k2  ( N2  2k2 )2k1
P approx
Is the first approximation of the product and P true is the
Ptrue   ( N1  2k1 )  ( N 2  2k2 )
P approx
The absolute error after the first approximation is
E (0)  Ptrue  P approx  ( N1  2k1 )  ( N 2  2k2 )
If we repeated multiplication procedure till n correction terms, we can approximate the product as:
   C( j)
(n) (0)
P approx P approx
j 1

3.2. Functional Architecture of the Logarithmic multiplier using seamless pipelined

The general block diagram of the logarithmic multiplier using seamless pipelined is shown in Fig. 2.
The computations consisting of six major blocks: leading one detector (LOD), priority encoder, barrel shifter
(left), adder, decoder, and a seamless pipelined register.
Input 1 IJLRET
Input 2


Priority Priority
Encoder Encoder



Decoder RCA



P(0) approx.
Fig.2. Block diagram of proposed seamless pipelined logarithmic multiplier 78 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 08 || August 2016 || PP. 76-81
Here in fig.2 PIPO stands for parallel in parallel out register, RCA stands for ripple carry adder, BSL
stands for barrel shift register, and SPR stands for seamless parallel register. Functionality of various blocks is
discussed as: the LOD is simple to design and give result which count the position of LSB, priority encoder
expand the LOD as a number, barrel shifter shift number in left side. Seamless pipelined is a newly proposed
concept by Dr. Pramod Kumar Mehar, here this concept apply on this architecture at the suitable place of
pipelining where it has possibility of apply, it reduced delay of architecture without any increment of area[16].
And finally we remove unnecessary and unremarked pipelined. We use component level hardware minimization
also for improve hardware performance. As in the seamless pipelined implementation of the basic block the
residues are available after the first stage. The correction circuit can now start to work immediately after the first
stage from the prior block is finished. The seamless pipelined multiplier with one correction circuits is presented
in figure 3.


Fig.3. Block diagram of the proposed seamless pipelined multiplier with one error correction circuits

4. Results and Discussion

The proposed structure has N input samples and produces a 2N output sample Where N is equal number
of bits used as the input bits .The proposed structure for logarithmic multiplication involves a leading one
detector, XOR gate, priority encoder, barrel shift (left), RCA circuit, decoder circuit, PIPO register and seamless
pipelined PIPO register.

4.1 Synthesis results

Our motive to suggest the seamless pipelined technique to construct a logarithmic multiplier
architecture which is efficient in terms of the delay, power, and area. We concentrate to minimize the hardware
with an equal accuracy. To fulfill this target we apply seamless pipelined register in place of simple pipelining.
We have synthesized the proposed logarithmic multiplier using seamless pipelined architecture by
using at 90 nm CMOS technology node performance evaluations for 8, and 16 bits have been carried out. We
have implemented and synthesizing the designs of the 8, and 16 bits a simple pipelined logarithmic multiplier of
[14]. The area, power, and timing constraints are compared with the reported Logarithmic multiplication [14]
with the seamless pipelined logarithmic multiplier, with the error correction circuit as listed in Tables 1. The
ADP is defined as the amount of resources consumed by the hardware structure to provide unit throughput while
EPS is defined as the power consumed by the hardware structure per unit throughput. The ADP and EPS for the
proposed and reported structures [44] , are also listed in Tables 1. 79 | Page
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
ISSN: 2454-5031 || Volume 02 - Issue 08 || August 2016 || PP. 76-81
Table1. Synthesis results of proposed Logarithmic Multiplication using seamless pipelined architecture and
reported structures [14].

Structure Existing14 Proposed

N=8 N=16 N=8
37.04 73.80 32.80 58.55
9557.47 22381.69 8578.33 21619.27
103.63 263.36 110.7 280.6
354.008 281.369 165.176 126.580
3826.23 19435.968 3630.96 16429.13
EPS(n J)

As shown in Table 1, the proposed logarithmic multiplier using seamless pipelined architecture
involve 11.45 % , and 20.67 % less DAT, 10.25 % and 3.41% area, 20.52 % and 23.37 % ADP, 5.12 %, and
15.47% less EPS for 8 bits, and 16 bits architecture respectively than of the reported A simple pipeline
logarithmic multiplication structure [14].

5. Conclusion
Seamless pipeline can be reduced any circuits critical path better then pipeline techniques. Pipeline can
only reduced DAT upto 10 % but Seamless pipeline reduced upto 20 % at same hardware cost sometimes
hardware requirement is also less. Our main motive of design a hardware architecture of logarithmic

multiplication is to make a efficient multiplier because in DSP applications where accuracy is not a big deal. We
want less hardware resource required multiplier because binary multiplier takes lot of hardware resources. After
implementation of logarithmic multiplication using seamless pipelined fulfill our motive. This multiplier is
hardware efficient multiplier and capable to use everywhere as a component and independent multiplier.

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IJLRET 81 | Page

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