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Dr.V.Vaidhyanathan, Saranya,K
Associate Dean (Research), II yr,


Cloud computing has the ability

to rent servers for powerful
systems, available anywhere.
The fundamental elements of
cloud computing are
user choice security,privacy.
Cloud computing service models
include Software as a
service(SaaS),Infrastructure as a
service(IaaS),Platform as a
service(PaaS).The deployment
models of cloud computing are
Private cloud,Community
Cloud,Public cloud,Hybrid
cloud.The cloud migration is
preferred due to cost
savings,power savings,increased
agility in software deployment.

the resources of all kinds
Cloud Computing (CPU, storage, server
capacity, load balancing, and
Cloud Computing is a general databases).
term used to describe a new  The “pay as much as used
class of network based and needed” type of utility
computing that takes place over computing and the “always
the Internet.In other words, this is on!, anywhere and any place”
a collection/group of integrated type of network-based
and networked hardware, computing.
software and Internet
infrastructure (called a platform).  Cloud are transparent to
Using the Internet for users and applications, they
communication and transport can be built in multiple ways -
provides hardware, software and branded products, proprietary
networking services to clients. open source, hardware or
These platforms hide the software, or just off-the-shelf
complexity and details of the PCs.
underlying infrastructure from  In general, they are built on
users and applications by clusters of PC servers and off-
providing very simple graphical the-shelf components plus
interface or API (Applications Open Source software
Programming Interface).In combined with in-house
addition, the platform provides on applications and/or system
demand services, that are always software.
on, anywhere, anytime and any
place. Pay for use and as Cloud Deployment Models
needed, elastic (scale up and
down in capacity and  Private cloud: This cloud
functionalities).The hardware and infrastructure is operated
software services are available to solely for an organization. It
the general public, enterprises, may be managed by the
corporations and businesses organization or a third party
markets. and may exist on premise or
off premise.
Basic Cloud  Community cloud: This
Characteristics cloud infrastructure is shared
by several organizations and
 Remotely hosted: Services or supports a specific community
data are hosted on remote that has shared concerns
infrastructure. (e.g., mission, security
 Ubiquitous: Services or data requirements, policy, and
are available from anywhere. compliance considerations). It
 The “flexibility and elasticity” may be managed by the
allows these systems to scale organizations or a third party
up and down at will – utilising

and may exist on premise or application. No need of other
off premise. hardware purchase or
 Public cloud: This cloud software installation.
infrastructure is made  SaaS is already deployed or
available to the general public quickly deployed and it is
or a large industry group and
always ready to use.
is owned by an organization
 Unlike the traditional
selling cloud services.
apps, Cloud architecture
 Hybrid cloud: This cloud
infrastructure is a composition makes SaaS highly scalable.
of two or more clouds (private,  Multi-tenant architecture
community, or public) that makes SaaS highly efficient
remain unique entities but are as the source code is
bound together by same for every customer.
standardized or proprietary  Unlike traditional apps
technology that enables data where customization is the
and application portability key; a true SaaS can meet
(e.g., cloud bursting) any requirement by
simple configuration.
Software As A Service  Upgrades are pushed directly
(SaaS) at the SaaS provider’s end.
 Since all the customers are
SaaS is a model of software using same code base, any
deployment where an application
new tech-innovation is easily
is hosted as a server provided to
customers across the Internet. integrated by the provider,
SaaS is generally used to refer to and is available for all the
business software rather than subscribers.
consumer software, falls under
Web 2.0! By removing the need Who Can use SaaS?
to install and run an application
on a user’s own computer it is Apart for big enterprises who
seen as a way for businesses to have multiple options, It’s a
get the same benefits as perfect solution for small & mid
commercial software with smaller size businesses. Most of
cost outlay. Saas alleviates the them have a little or no legacy
burden of software
software to carry forward. They
maintenance/support, but users
relinquish control over software can subscribe to a SaaS, it would
versions and requirements. be just like subscribing to
electricity or phone and paying
the provider on a monthly basis
Why SaaS Is Needed?
as per usage.
 Only a web browser is
needed to access the

and storage that is optimal for
his/her application. The whole
Which industry segment is cloud infrastructure viz. servers,
better served by SaaS? routers, hardware based load-
balancing, firewalls, storage and
It can serve almost any software other network equipments are
need. SaaS players are used in provided by the IaaS provider.
the following: The customer buy these
resources as a service on a need
 CRM basis.
 Collaboration Applications
 Security Why companies should
 A few other segments like HR opt for IaaS ?
are also available. But there
are a number of other The billing is on hourly or monthly
sections which need basis. User pays only for the
affordable apps, for example, actual resource consumption.
Schools. Unlike the traditional services
where we have to pay a fixed
Best SaaS Example amount even if we don’t use the
resources or have no enough
 SalesForce CRM clients to consume the
 Google Apps preconfigured resources.In cloud
 DeskAway computing i.e. IaaS, payment is
 Impel CRM less for a lower customer base
 Wipro w-SaaS and vice-versa.

Infrastructure As A Using IaaS, configuration of

Service(IaaS) resources for unexpected spike in
traffic is possible. Based on the
This is the base layer of the cloud computing requirement and
stack. It serves as a foundation configuration the IaaS provider
for the other two layers, for their can respond quickly to scale up
execution. The keyword behind or down. Amazon EC2 calls
this stack is Virtualization. This it Auto Scaling.This is suitable for
concept is explained using applications that undergo quite
Amazon.In Amazon EC2 (Elastic unpredictable spike in traffic on
Compute Cloud) the application an hourly, daily or weekly
will be executed on a virtual basis. i.e. On-Demand.
computer (instance). User have
the choice of virtual computer, One more feature provided by
where he/she can select a IaaS providers is Elastic Load
configuration of CPU, memory Balancing. It auto-

distributes application incoming a smart analytical ability &
traffic across multiple instances domain knowledge can get
(virtual computers). started with her/his 1st SaaS on
these platforms.
Platform As A
Examples: Best PaaS
The PaaS provider will deliver  Microsoft Windows Azure
the platform on the web, and in  Google App Engine
most of the cases you can  (SalesForce)
consume the platform using your  OrangeScape
browser, i.e. no need to  Wolf PaaS
download any software. It has
definitely empowered small & Microsoft Windows Azure &
mid-size companies or even an Google App Engine are for
individual developer to launch developers. Existing .Net
their own SaaS leveraging the developers can easily move up to
power of these platform the Azure platform & create their
providers, without any initial own scalable SaaS. Java &
investment.There are two PaaS Python developers can use
layers Cloud OS(Operating Google Apps Engine to deliver
System) and Cloud Middleware. cloud apps.
Google App Engine and Windows
Azure are examples of Cloud OS. What is the purpose and
OrangesScape and Wolf PaaS benefits?
are cloud middleware.
 Cloud computing enables
PaaS are on-Demand browser companies and applications,
based platforms for rapidly which are system
designing & delivering multi- infrastructure dependent, to
tenant Cloud SaaS apps. They be infrastructure-less.
can be considered as 5 GL  By using the Cloud
platform which automates many infrastructure on “pay as used
standard software development and on demand”, all of us can
tasks to simplify application save in capital and
development. The USP of these operational investment.
platforms are they can be used  Clients can put their data on
by business analysts (non the platform instead of on
developers) as well as they have their own desktop PCs and/or
a rich design environment, i.e. no on their own servers.
need to write any piece of code.  They can put their
With a little patience anyone with applications on the cloud and

use the servers within the bigger Internet companies like
cloud to do processing and Google and IBM, who may
data manipulations etc. monopolise the market.
 Cloud is used to reflect the  It is still unclear how safe out-
class of Internet centric sourced data is, and when
computing infrastructure being using these services
transparent , highly scalable ownership of data is not
(scale up and down as always clear.There are also
needed), on-demand, pay as issues relating to policy and
needed and as used. access.
 Today,Cloud Computing is the  There have been cases of
network based computing users being locked out of
over Internet. accounts and losing access to
Oppurtunities And
Challenges Advantages of Cloud
The use of the cloud provides a
number of opportunities:  Lower computer costs.
 No need of a high-powered
and high-priced computer to
run cloud computing's web-
 Cloud computing works using based applications.
economies of scale.It  Since applications run in the
potentially lowers the outlay cloud, not on the desktop PC,
expense for start up the desktop PC does not need
companies, as they would no the processing power or hard
longer need to buy their own disk space demanded by
software or servers. traditional desktop software.
 Cost would be by on-demand  When you are using web-
pricing. based applications, the PC
 Vendors and Service can be less expensive, with a
providers claim costs by smaller hard disk, less
establishing an ongoing memory, more efficient
revenue stream. processor.
 Data and services are stored  In fact, the PC does not even
remotely but accessible from need a CD or DVD drive, as
“anywhere”. no software programs have to
 Use of cloud computing be loaded and no document
means dependence on others files need to be saved.
and that could possibly limit  Improved performance.
flexibility and innovation. The  With few large programs
others are likely become the hogging the computer's

memory, the performance of  Increased data reliability.
PC will be raised.  Unlike desktop computing, in
 Computers in a cloud which if a hard disk crashes
computing system boot and and destroy all your valuable
run faster because they have data, a computer crashing in
fewer programs and the cloud should not affect the
processes loaded into storage of your data.
memory.  If the personal computer
 Reduced software costs. crashes, all the data is still out
 Another advantage to cloud there in the cloud, still
computing is that no longer accessible.
faced with choosing between  In a world where few
obsolete software and high individual desktop PC users
upgrade costs. back up their data on a
 When the application is web- regular basis, cloud
based, updates happen computing is a data-safe
automatically - available the computing platform!
next time when logged into  Universal document access.
the cloud.  All your documents are
 When you access a web- instantly available from
based application, you get the wherever you are.
latest version - without  Latest version availability.
needing to pay for or  Another document-related
download an upgrade. advantage of cloud computing
 Improved document format is that when we edit a
compatibility. document at home, that
 Where Word 2007 documents edited version is what we see
cannot be opened on a when we access the
computer running Word 2003, document at work.
all documents can be read.  The cloud always hosts the
 There are potentially no latest version of the
format incompatibilities when documents; as long as we are
everyone is sharing connected, we are not in
documents and applications in danger of having an outdated
the cloud. version.
 Unlimited storage capacity.  Easier group collaboration.
 Cloud computing offers  Sharing documents leads
virtually limitless storage. directly to better collaboration.
 Computer's current 200 Gbyte  Multiple users can collaborate
hard drive is small compared easily on documents and
to the hundreds of Pbytes projects.
available in the cloud.  Device independence.
 Storage is possible.

 Changes to computers,  Stored data might not be
applications and documents secure.With cloud computing,
follow through the cloud. all your data is stored on the
 Cloud computing companies
say that data is secure, but it
Disadvantages of Cloud is too early to be completely
Computing sure of that. Only time will tell
if your data is secure in the
 Requires a constant Internet cloud.Stored data can be lost:
connection.  Theoretically, data stored in
 Cloud computing is the cloud is safe, replicated
impossible without internet across multiple machines.
connection.  But on the off chance that
 Does not work well with low- your data goes missing, have
speed connections: no physical or local backup.
 Similarly, a low-speed Internet  Each cloud systems uses
connection, such as that different protocols and
found with dial-up services, different APIs. So it may not
makes cloud computing be possible to run applications
painful at best and often between cloud based
impossible. systems.
 Web-based applications
require a lot of bandwidth to Applications of Cloud
download, as do large Computing
 Can be slow,even with a fast • Researchers at Arizona State
connection, web-based University are using Nirvanix's
applications can sometimes cloud storage service to store
be slower than accessing a images of the Moon
similar software program on transmitted by NASA's
your desktop PC. recently launched Lunar
 Everything about the program, Reconnaissance Orbiter
Camera. The satellite will
from the interface to the
capture images of the lunar
current document, has to be surface and transmit them to
sent back and forth from the ASU for processing, which will
computer to the computers in include replicating the images
the cloud. on Nirvanix's Storage Delivery
 Features might be limited. Network.
 The basics are similar, but the
cloud application lacks many • Radiology departments are
of PowerPoint's advanced amongst the early adopters
features. exploiting the enormous

capability of the clouds. The services, including SQL Data
hospitals are being charged Services, to develop cloud-
per image for their storage based software capabilities
requirements. The stored that would let automobile
radiology images are not dealers share information on
restricted within the inventories and other
boundaries of a continent. resources. Infosys
They can be accessible to the demonstrated a prototype of
right clinicians at the right time the app at Microsoft's
to make the right use of the Professional Developers
available information. For the Conference last fall.
hospital, this can be a model
worth exploring in order to • Best Buy's Giftag applet uses
meet the regulatory Google App Engine to let
compliance for the meaningful users create and share wish
use of certified EHR lists from Web pages they
technology and keep the entry visit. The browser add-on was
cost as low as possible. built using the hProduct
Similarly the payer microformatting standard and
organizations and the App Engine's datastore API.
pharmaceutical companies
can spend more money on • Virgin America and Google
the R&D instead of spending recently hosted an online
on multiplying their IT puzzle challenge that allowed
infrastructures. However the travelers to participate in the
challenges of the data game using in-flight WiFi. The
governance and the promo was meant to
regulatory compliance issues demonstrate the ability to use
need to be answered before Google Apps documents and
they slow down the speed of e-mail not just on the ground,
clouds adoption. but in the air.

• Pathwork Diagnostics uses • Marketing firm Digitaria used

Univa UD's UniCloud and Amazon's EC2 to launch a
Amazon EC2 for on-demand global marketing campaign to
high-performance computing. promote Hasbro's Monopoly
Pathwork Diagnostics Here & Now, World Edition. A
develops molecular diagnostic Web site, created in 40
tests used by oncologists to languages, let users vote on
diagnose tumors, work that cities to be included in the
requires analyzing libraries of game.
gene expression profiles.

• Infosys is using Microsoft's
Windows Azure cloud


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