Allahabad Bank: Notice of Sale E-Auction
Allahabad Bank: Notice of Sale E-Auction
Allahabad Bank: Notice of Sale E-Auction
Zonal Office, 3/1-B, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar - 751015
Ph.:(0674)2551655, 2551656, FAX- 2555194
Sale of Immovable Properties mortgaged to Bank Under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and
Enforcement of Security Interest Act.2002.
Whereas, the Authorized Officer of Allahabad Bank had taken possession of the following property/ies pursuant to the notice issued
under Sec 13(2) of the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 in the
following loan account with right to sell the same on “AS IS WHERE IS BASIS & AS IS WHAT IS BASIS” for realization of Bank’s dues
plus interest as detailed hereunder and whereas consequent upon failure to repay the dues, the undersigned in exercise of power
conferred under Section 13(4) of the said Act proposes to realize the Bank’s dues by sale of the said property/ies. The Sale will be done
by the undersigned through e-auction platform provided at the website
TEMPLE MARG BRANCH/ Details of Properties Demand / Reserve Price /
Name & Address of the Possession Earnest Money
Borrower/Guarantor(s) Notice Date
A/c- Orion Minerals, Borrower : All that immovable property in the name of Sanjaya 01.10.2011 ` 27,00,000/-
Sameer Pattnaik, N 3/372, IRC Village, Kumar Palei, S/o: Dhaneswar Palei near /
Nayapalli, New Address : Sisa, Gothapatana Chhak, Via.: Malipada, Sale Deed No.; /
Subhadra Apartment, Sikhar Chandi 362/67 of 28/10/1980, Khata No.: 91, Plot No.: 22, ` 2,70,000/-
Chhak, Bhubaneswar-24 / Guarantor : Mouza : Uttara Muhana, Area : Ac.0.66dec., Khata
Sanjay Kumar Palei, S/o.: Dhaneswar No.: 182, Plot No.: 482, Uttara Munda Muhana, Area :
Palei, Vill.: Gothpatana, P.O.: Malipada, Ac.0.150dec. having boundaries of North : Vendor,
P.S.: Chandaka, Bhubaneswar, Dist.: South : Allekh Bhatta, East : Vendor, West : Govt.
Khurda. Road.
Terms and Conditions of Auction:
1. Platform ( for e-Auction will be provided by our e Auction service provider M/S e-Procurement
Technologies Limited (abcprocure), Ahmedabad. having its Registered office at State of Gujarat (contact Phone & Mobile
Numbers 09879996111 / 079 40230813/814/816/817/818.).This Service Provider will also provide demonstration/ training on
eAuction, if required, to the bidders who have deposited EMD with the Authorized Officer.
2. The intending participants of e-auction may download free of cost, copies of the Sale Notice, Terms & Conditions of e-auction,
Help Manual on operational part of e-Auction & Process Compliance Form related to this e-Auction from above mentioned web
site of service provider e-Procurement Technologies Limited (abcprocure), Ahmedabad.
3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for an amount equivalent to 10% of reserve price of the property is required to be deposited in a
closed cover along with above referred Process Compliance Form for taking part in e-auction with Authorized Officer within -
19.01.2015 up to 1.00 pm.) along with Demand Draft / Banker's Cheque pertaining to above referred EMD. The envelope should
be super-scribed "EMD for e-Auction A/c_____________".
4. EMD amount shall be paid through Banker's Cheque/Demand Draft issued by a Scheduled Commercial Bank drawn in favour of
"The Authorised Officer, Allahabad Bank, A/c.50140980188, payable at Bhubaneswar.The EMD is refundable, if the bid is not
successful. Payment by any other mode such as Cheques/Cash will not be accepted for the aforesaid purpose. Bidders, not
depositing the earnest money, will not be allowed to participate in the e-auction.
5. For the purpose of participation in e-auction, the bidder must have a valid Login Id and password . For Login Id and Password
Intending bidder may contact M/S E-procurement Technologies Ltd (ABC Procure) [Help Line Number:-
09879996111/08140094365 or 079-40230801/813/816/817/818/819/820 e-mail [email protected] /
[email protected]].
6. Interested bidders may first login on above mentioned e-auction portal of the Service Provider & online register as one of the
participants for e-Auction, download Process Compliance Form (PCF) & after filling it(PCF) properly may submit the same along
with EMD with the Authorised Officer as specified above OR intending Bidder may first directly approach the Authorized Officer,
obtain blank PCF and fill it properly and submit it along with EMD with the Authorized Officer as specified above and then visit /log
in on above mentioned e-auction portal of the Service Provider for on line registration as one of the participants for e-Auction.
7. Process Compliance Form should be properly filled in & signed by the authorized person of the bidder only. It must contain i)
Name ii) Address iii) valid e-mail id and Mobile No., Contact No. (registered / to be registered with above referred e-Auction
Website ).
8. The intending Bidders /Purchasers are required to participate in the e-Auction process at e-Auction Service Provider's
website & e-Auction will be conducted on 20.01.2015 at 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.
9. During the e-auction bidders will be allowed to offer higher bid in inter-se bidding over and above the last bid quoted and the
minimum increase in the bid amount (Minimum Increment Value) must be of Rs.10,000/- to the last higher bid of the bidders. Ten
minutes time will be allowed to bidders to quote successive higher bid and if no higher bid is offered by any bidder within ten
minutes to the last highest bid, the e-auction shall be closed.
10. Intending Bidders are advised to properly read the Sale Notice, Terms & conditions of e-auction, Help Manual on operational part
of e-Auction and follow them strictly. In case of any difficulty or assistance is required before or during e-Auction process they may
contact authorized representative of our e-Auction Service Provider (Mr. Debesh Purohit, Mob: 09978591888, 7940230807).
11. After finalization of e-Auction by the Authorized Officer, only successful bidder will be informed by our above referred service
provider/ Authorized Officer through SMS/ email.( on mobile no/ email address given by them/registered with the service provider).
12. The successful bidder shall have to deposit 25% (twenty five percent) of the bid amount, less EMD amount deposited,
immediately and the remaining amount shall be paid with in 15 days from the date of auction. In case of failure to deposit the
amount within the time as stipulated, the amount deposited by successful bidder will be forfeited by the Authorized Officer and
Authorized Officer shall have the liberty to cancel the auction and conduct a fresh auction.
13. The balance payments are required to be made in the form of Banker's Cheque /Demand Draft issued by a Scheduled
Commercial Bank drawn in favour of "The Authorized Officer, Allahabad Bank, A/c. 50140980188." Payable at. Bhubaneswar OR
to be remitted through RTGS/NEFT (IFSC Code ALLA 0212009 for credit of account number of The Authorized Officer, Allahabad
Bank, A/c: 50140980188.
14. On receipt of the entire sale consideration, the Authorized Officer shall issue the Sale Certificate as per rules.
15. All expenses relating to stamp duty and registration of Sale Certificate/ conveyance, if any, shall be borne by the successful
16. The Authorized Officer will not be held responsible for any charge, lien, encumbrance, property tax, or any other dues to the
Government or anybody in respect of the property under sale.
17. The Authorized Officer has the absolute right to accept or reject any bid or adjourn/postpone/ cancel the sale without assigning
any reason therefore. It may be noted that nothing in this notice constitute or deemed to constitute any commitment or
representation on the part of the bank to sell the property.
18. For inspection of the property/ies, the intending bidders may contact Temple Marg Branch, Bhubaneswar of Allahabad Bank
during office hours between 19.12.2014 to 19.01.2015
Note: This is also a notice to the borrower/guarantors/mortgagors of the above said loan about holding of this sale on the above
mentioned date and other details.