Municipal Solid Waste

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Municipal Solid Waste Composition in Urban

Municipality: Case Study of Parit Raja

Mohammed Sani Yusuf1, Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed2, Anwaruddin Ahmed Wurochekke3

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering1 Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering2
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Johor, Malaysia. Johor, Malaysia.
[email protected] [email protected]

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering3

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Johor, Malaysia.
[email protected]

Abstract—Solid waste management (SWM) is acknowledged
as one of the most challenging issues faced by both the I.
developed and developing countries. The problems increase The development of waste management strategy for any
due to growing population in recent years which results in
urban city or town requires the knowledge of the amount of
increased generation of waste compositions. The aim of this
study was to determine the current waste compositions at
waste generated and composition of the waste stream. In
selected areas of Parit Raja municipality for improvement of other words, it is necessary to know the intrinsic qualitative
waste management system. Compositional analysis of MSW and quantitative characteristics of generated municipal solid
was done covering 20 households which was categorized in 3 waste such as physical and chemical compositions. This
zones and 3 restaurants respectively. Types of waste may pave way in predicting future solutions associated with
components from the study area were determined by sorting solid waste problems. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is
out method. Results from the analyses indicate that the average defined to include refuse from households, non-hazardous
majority of waste composition at the 3 zones was organic waste from industrial, commercial and institutional
(53%). Recyclable wastes (plastic, paper, metal and
establishments (hospitals inclusive), market waste yard
wood/cardboards) make up 44% and the remaining 3% was
miscellaneous component. Similarly, at the 3 restaurants the
waste and street sweeping [1]. On the other hand municipal
average majority of waste composition was organic (68%), solid waste management (MSWM) refers to collection,
while the recyclable wastes (plastic, paper, metal and transfer, treatment, recycling, resource-recovery and
wood/cardboards) make up 30% and the remaining 2% was disposal of generated wastes from urban/rural areas.
miscellaneous component. These reveal high compositions of Urbanization, increase in population number and rising
organic waste stream at the study area. Hence to enhance standards of living worldwide have significantly contributed
present and indeed future sustainable SWM the followings are to the expanding composition of waste generation and also
recommended applicable mitigating measures :(i) Enhance to the degree of its complexity especially in developing
food composting under controlled conditions to a state of
nations like Malaysia [2, 3].
sufficiently stable for nuisance free-storage and handling. This
reduces the volume of MSW destined for disposal at landfills
However [4] observed that in India, these factors have
and yields agricultural manure. (ii) Design an intelligent greatly influence the tremendous increase in waste
system such as sensorised waste collection container meant for generation in cities across the country. Economic
content estimation and collection optimization (iii) development and population growth have increased the rate
Enforcement of waste legislation and (vi) Continuous public of waste composition in Beijing [5]. According to [6], stated
awareness campaign on waste related issues such as separation that waste is the most visible environmental problem in
of wastes at source for easy recycling reduces adverse many urban areas of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEANs).
environmental impact. This is due to the fact that the region has been experiencing
rapid urban growth, economic development and
Keywords—composition; generation; municipal solid waste;
huosehold; restaurant industrialization since in the late 1980s which result in
increased generation and composition of solid waste.
According to [7] stated that the estimated quantity of MSW municipal solid waste and challenges it faces from the study
produced worldwide is 1.7 to 1.9 billion metric tons. area for future planning and management purposes within
Municipal solid waste (MSW) collection and disposal is the municipality.
presently the main problem in urban environment
worldwide. The reasons are due to lack of appropriate TABLE 1. Composition of MSW from various researchers in Malaysia:
MSWM which leads to significant soil, water, air and (Chua et al., 2011).
aesthetic pollution, associated human health problems, as
Types of waste 2003 2004 2005 2007 2010
well as an increase in green house emission [8]. The Food waste & organic 37.4 49.3 47.5 42.0 43.5
outbreak of plaque in India in 1994 was as a result of the Mix plastic 18.9 9.7 - 24.7 25.2
invasion of flea-bearing rats feeding from waste containers Mix paper 16.4 17.1 18.5 12.9 22.7
situated near a housing complex following the closure of Textiles 3.4 - 2.13 2.5 0.9
Rubber/lather 1.3 - - 2.5 -
solid waste disposal dump [9]. Wood 3.7 - 4.41 5.7 -
Hence for integrated solid waste planning, it is Yard wastes 3.2 - 2.72 - -
indispensable to indicate solid waste generation and its Ferrous 2.7 2.0 - 5.2 2.1
composition from the communities [10, 11]. Consequently, Glass 2.6 3.7 - 1.8 2.6
Pampers 5.1 - 3.81 - -
solid waste management system (SWMS) needs to be Others 5.3 18.2 21.93 2.6 1.8
updated to suit the waste quality, quantity and composition Total 100 100 100 100 100
[12]. The composition of generated waste is extremely
variable as a consequence of seasonal, lifestyle,
demographic, geographic, and legislation factors which
increase or decrease its volume. This variability’s makes II. Materials and Method
defining and measuring the composition of waste more Easy accessibility for collection of generated wastes at the
difficult and at the same time more essential [13]. households and restaurants from the study area was
The goals of municipal solid waste management are to achieved through the map of site selection zones as
promote the quality of the urban environment, generate indicated in Figure1.
employment and income, and protect environmental health
and support the efficiency and productivity of the economy
[1]. Solid waste management is the application of suitable
techniques to execute the functions of collection, transport,
processing, treatment and disposal of solid waste [14]. The
process of solid waste management involves five stages
namely generation, sorting, collection, storage, transport and
disposal of waste [15]. Similarly, [16] stated that it is a
process of solid waste collection and subsequent transfer,
treatment and disposal and recycling. Thus, generally solid
waste management refers to the process of sorting, storage,
collection and haulage of discarded materials (either for
recycling or) for final safe disposal in sanitary landfills.
Local authorities in Malaysia have been responsible for
solid waste management services in their various areas of Fig. 1. Map of Site Selection Zones
jurisdiction [17]. However, over the years due to various
Generated waste compositions were collected at the site
constraints in infrastructure, institutional setup, financial
selection zones as per following distributions indicated in
and technical resources led to privatisation process by the
table 2 and sampling category was done according to [18]
Malaysian government in 1996. The composition of
method, as indicated in Table 3.
Malaysian MSW changes with time due to its tropical
climate which is hot and humid throughout the year [2] as
can be seen in Table 1. The existence of Universiti Tun TABLE 2. Site Selection Zones
Hussein Onn Malaysia near Parit Raja, led to rapid
development of the town in both socioeconomic aspect and Zone Identification Houses Restaurants
One Parit Raja 10 1 (KFC)
population growth which increases MSW production from Two Taman U 5 1(Al-Azhar
the municipality. Three Quarters 5
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the - Melewar Quarters 1(TSN)
present solid waste composition within selected households UTHM Campus
and restaurants in Parit Raja municipality. The overall aim Total 20 3
is to determine the composition and effectiveness of waste
management system. Thus, enhance environmental quality,
encourage resource re-use and waste minimisation. It is
therefore of vital importance to study the current state of
7% 2% 1% Organic
TABLE 3. Sampling Category 10% Plastic
2% Paper
Type of Waste Category 53% Textile Materials
Paper paper, book and printed materials 14% Metal
Pack packing materials Glass
Can can, jar, tin and metal Wood/cardboards
Plastic plastic, polythene and rubber Miscellaneous
Textile textile, rags and jute
Glass glass and ceramic Fig. 4. Municipal Solid Waste compositions Zone 3
Vegetable Rocks vegetable and food waste
Wood rocks, dirt and miscellaneous
wood, grass and leaves 60
Waste compositional analysis (sorting out) was Zone 1
conducted between 05/09/2013 to 05/23/2013 at Zone 2
Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Civil and Zone 3
Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn,
The experimental system of waste mitigation process
includes polythene bags for waste collection, weighing Fig. 5. Summary (%) of MSW Compositions at Zone 1-3
balance, hand gloves, goggle and nose mask for protection
purposes during sorting out. Thus the study employed a 0% 2%
6% 0%
physical site survey and sampling of wastes as data Organic
12% Plastic
collection tools targeting 20 households and 3 restaurants in
13% Paper
order to ascertain types of generated waste. For sorting of Textile Materials
waste composition, polythene bags were used for collection Metal
of generated wastes within 24 hours and analyzed at Glass
Environmental Engineering Laboratory. Using weighing
balance, total weight of generated waste from each bag was .
found and recorded. The waste was then spread on a clean
Fig. 6 Municipal Solid Waste Compositions TSN Cafeteria
plastic material and segregation was done by hand from
which the corresponding weights for each type of waste
from the selected households and restaurants were obtained 6% 1%2%
0%3% 0%
and recorded [17]. Percentage weight for each waste 10% Plastic
component was then calculated. Paper
78% Textile Materials
III. Results and Discussions Glass
Followings were the results of waste analysis for households
and restaurants.
Fig. 7. Municipal Solid Waste Compositions Al-Azhar Restaurant

6% 6% 4%
4% Organic 4% 4% 3% 3% 0%
3% Plastic Organic
Paper 13% Plastic
Textile Materials Paper
10% Metal 57%
Textile Materials
Glass Metal
11% Wood/cardboards 16% Glass

Fig. 2. Municipal Solid Waste Compositions Zone 1

Fig. 8. Municipal Solid Waste Compositions KFC Restaurant

2% 3% 4% 5% 1% Organic
Plastic 100
17% Paper
50% Textile Materials 50 TSN
18% Metal AZHR
Glass 0
Wood/cardboards KFC

Fig. 3. Municipal Solid Waste Compositions Zone 2

Fig. 9. Summary (%) of MSW Compositions for the 3 Restaurants
Since waste is a by-product of human activities its should provide more waste disposal containers and be
composition in term of location and individual habit is placed at different locations of the municipality to
expected to vary widely. MSW composition is no counteract illegal open waste disposal.
exception as it can be seen by the wide range of
percentage for each type of waste presented in figures 1- IV. Conclusions
8. This variability can be explained by different In general, the average waste composition at households
collection method and management strategies by diverse was organic (53%) by weight. Recyclable wastes (plastic,
people and consequently the amount of waste generated paper, metal and wood/cardboards) make up 44% while the
varies accordingly with every usage. Figure 10 shows remaining 3% was miscellaneous component. Similarly at
the overall summary of MSW Compositions at the study restaurants the average waste composition was organic
area from which the highest waste component was (68%), while the recyclable wastes make up 30% and the
organic (68%) from restaurants as against 53% from the remaining 2% was miscellaneous component. MSW
households. Organic wastes were generally generated recycling and agricultural compost manure may serve as
when there was a gathering of people at restaurants, promising strategies in term of significant savings, reducing
festivals, political and other social activities. the risk of air and water borne diseases especially in urban
The same pattern was observed, plastic (13%), areas. However, some important questions may arise
paper (12%) and textile materials (2%) were found to be regarding MSW re-use such as acceptability with regard to
similar at both households and restaurants. The reason cultural values, affordability and financial benefits. Answers
for these similarities (plastic and paper) was because of to these questions can be addressed by public awareness,
rapid usage of the materials at both households and seminars and training activities related to solid waste
restaurants [19]. Other components which differ were
metal (6%, 4%), glass (6%, 1%) and wood/cardboards
(6%, 3%) for households and restaurants respectively.
Metal, glass and wood/ cardboards differs from plastic
and paper due to their high cost of production and Acknowledgment
transportation while plastic/paper has great potential of The authors will like to thank Environmental
being recycled, cheap, easy to manufacture and carry. Engineering Laboratory technicians for the generous
In some zones such as zones 2 and 4, percentage support and suggestions during the experimental as well to
contribution of waste compositions (78%, 67%) was Adamu Harir and Muhammad Kabir for their unrelenting
high due to the presence of UTHM student hostels. efforts during collection and sorting of waste samples, and
all those who help in successful completion of this study.
Percentage (%) of waste composition

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