Auguste Comte 2222
Auguste Comte 2222
Auguste Comte 2222
Auguste comte (1798-1857) was a French philosopher, and the founder of the sociology; it studies
society in a scientific way. Before the emergence of sociology, there was no systematic and scientific
attempt to study human society with all its complexities. Sociology has made it possible to study
society in a scientific manner. Auguste comte coined the term ‘’positivism’’ which is collectively
founded by the bacon, Descartes, and Galileo. Hence empiricism, which he called positivism and
positive philosophy – which means ‘’ anyone who made real contribution to the science’’ he terms
positivism. Science is not all the time objective, but it is subjective also in which laws are all the same
cannot be changed and moulded; perhaps they are constant who define the world.
Further, Auguste comte argued that all the theories, concepts or entities that are incapable of
being verified empirically must be solved from scientific explanations. The aim of scientific
explanations is prediction, rather than trying to understand a noumenal realm that lies beyond our
sense and, is thus unknowable. Science seek uncovers the laws of governing relations between
observed phenomena, of which gravity and newton’s law of motion exemplary. Hence human
behaviour must obey laws just as strict as newton’s laws of motion, and that if we could discover them,
we would eliminate more evils. The unity of scientific method, arguing that natural and social sciences
should both adopt a positivist approach. Perhaps, Comte formulation of sociological methods in which
he explains; how are facts about social world to be gathered and used to develop, as well as to test,
theoretical principles? How to solve problems, find solution etc. so the naturalism and materialism
are the basis of natural science. In which he begins with the nature as reality, in which natural facts
are philosophical materialism as the basis, Galileo, Descartes, newton. For comte the simple collection
of facts was not enough’’ facts cannot be observed without the guidance of some theory’’. In social
facts we apply reasons and in natural facts we apply cause / causality. In Natural facts; there are
potentiality and actuality and Natural facts existing as a thing or an event in space and time with cause
and effect relationship without imagination and imitation.
2) metaphysical stage; in this stage human beings attribute effects to abstract but poorly
understood causes. In this stage it is no longer a god that causes and directs each of the
various agencies of nature: it is a power, or a force, or an occult quality, considered as real
existences, inherent in but distinct from the concrete bodies in which they reside, and which
they in a manner animate. Then, Wilhelm Dilthey discusses the Plato’s; theory of forms and
ideas. Beginning of metaphysics, first theory of ideas used by Plato’s and forms used by
Aristotle later. Ideas are not invented by us they are universal. Plato argued that the theory
of ideas and forms represent the most accurate reality as they are not physical but substantial.
3) positive stage; human beings now understand the scientific laws that regulate and control
the natural and social reality. i) maturity of humanity, facts and data, phenomenon, no
finality, and no essentialism. Thus, Auguste comte did not clear distinction between society
and science. Science is an institution in the society it is bound to affect and affected by its
social values. Science is affecting us everywhere, science and technology helps us in building
and infrastructure, production, safety and security.
Therefore, positivist and hermeneutics prospective, there is one similarity, that they both
support the historical aspects. Thus, the meaning of life is embodied in the institution only.
The history is the way human understands its meaning, philosophical ideas have to be there.
The dimensions of historical facts are date (objective concerned), place or locality, and
effect/causality, it requires interpretation. That is created by human being. Positivist and
hermeneutics are both right at their places they both are contributing to the social science in
their own way.
Date; 27-02-18
Submitted by- kavita singh
Centre- centre for philosophy
School- SSS I
Outline of the paper
I have divided my paper in 4 sections which are the followings;
First section; the Auguste comte define the role of positive philosophy and
scientific methods or laws in the social science.
Second section; the Wilhelm Dilthey describes the role of hermeneutics,
human science in social science.
Third section; criticism
Forth section; conclusion