Picketfp PDF
Picketfp PDF
Picketfp PDF
• Cut a 1⁄2x 3⁄8 rabbet the length of the
bottom side rails; and a 1⁄2 x 3⁄4 rabbet the
length of the bottom front and back rails.
• Glue and screw plywood base into
bottom rail rabbets.
• Cut 2, 3⁄4 deep rabbets in each corner post
to fit the rails into.
• Drill weep holes in plywood base.
• Screw rails together and glue and screw
into posts. Glue and nail pickets to rails
allowing 3⁄4 spaces between pickets.
• Glue and screw post bottoms to posts.
• Attach finials and post tops to posts with glue
and double-threaded finial screws.
for patios, decks and walkways.
• To help maximize surface protec-
tion and to keep your wood looking
better longer, GP recommends
applying a surface water repellent
every two years.
wood, as toxic materials may be produced
as part of the smoke or ashes.
Q What is ACQ?
Q How long has ACQ been in use? For the latest information
A For more than a decade, ACQ has been about pressure treated wood,
used in neighborhood playgrounds, back- visit www.gp.com, or call
yards and other outdoor projects. 1-800-282-0600.
Page 2 of 3 (Picket Fence Planter)
Safety Dispatch coated fasteners should conform to ASTM
Standard A153 and hot-dipped galvanized
3. Drill pilot holes
Especially when nailing near the edge or
coated connectors should conform to end of a board, it’s a good idea to drill pilot
Build Safely with
ASTM Standard A653 (Class G-185). In holes for your fasteners.
Pressure Treated Wood demanding applications, such as treated
Whether you’re building a new planter wood foundations and playground equip- 4. Butt boards tightly
or replacing your deck,Georgia-Pacific ment, use of stainless steel fasteners and Butt decking boards together firmly. As
pressure treated wood is the high connectors should be utilized and may be drying occurs, some shrinkage can be
performance decking choice.The projects required by building codes. expected.
you build with Georgia-Pacific pressure Electroplated galvanized fasteners 5. Apply a weather resistant finish.
treated wood products should last a long are not recognized as being corrosion Any exposed wood, pressure treated or
time.So,it makes good sense to build in a resistant for exterior applications. not, should be protected from the weather.
craftsman-like manner.Here are some helpful Aluminum should not be used in Application of a finish coat of clear or
tips to make your job easier and look better. direct contact with ACQ treated wood. semi-transparent water-repellent stain
1. Recommended Fasteners 2. Nail bark side up will help to minimize warping, checking
Use only hot-dipped galvanized or stainless Always nail boards bark side up (annual or splitting. The finish coat should be
steel fasteners, connectors and hardware rings arc upward) to reduce cupping. applied immediately to untreated wood
to help safeguard the structural integrity Nail thin boards to thicker boards to help and to pressure treated wood as soon as
of projects built with ACQ treated wood. maintain structural integrity. the surface is dry.
As a minimum requirement for use with
ACQ treated wood, hot-dipped galvanized
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Building Products
55 Park Place, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30303
1-800 BUILD GP ©2005 Georgia-Pacific Corporation. All rights reserved.
www.gp.com/build Printed in the U.S.A. 8/05. Page 3 of 3 (Picket Fence Planter)