Self-Regulation Lesson Plan

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The lesson teaches students different breathing techniques to help calm their bodies and minds when feeling in heightened emotional states. It also has students create their own self-regulation toolboxes to identify strategies that can help them.

The breathing techniques taught are Lazy 8 breathing and The 6 sides of breathing.

The students are asked to fill out a 'Tools for my Zones' activity sheet to identify strategies they think would work for them to include in their own self-regulation toolboxes.

Classroom Teacher: ______________________________ Resource Teacher: ____________________________________

Co-Teaching Lesson Plan

Subject: You and Your World: Self-Regulation (Zones of Regulation)

Grade level: Elementary (grade 1 in mind but could be adapted to various grade levels)

All resources are from the Zones of Regulation program purchased by school.

Lesson Co-teaching Time Classroom Teacher Resource Teacher Considerations

Approach (may include adaptations,
(can select more differentiation,
than one) accommodations, and
student-specific needs)
Beginning: <INPUT 10 mins Have a group discussion on the EST-R will be circulating the *Make any necessary
(Review) TYPE=\One four different zones of classroom, observing and accommodations
Teach, One regulation and ask students to encouraging whole body depending on the needs of
Support listening and participation. your students.
provide 1-2 examples of what
an individual might feel like in
each zone. This will be a review
from the previous lesson.

Introduce today’s lesson:

Today we will be learning about
different ways to calm our
bodies and minds when we feel
like we are in the yellow zone
or maybe in the red zone.

Format compliments of: © Murawski, 2007

Classroom Teacher: ______________________________ Resource Teacher: ____________________________________

Middle: <INPUT 15 mins Model and then have student Model and then have student *Make any necessary
(Introduction TYPE=\Paralle practice two different breathing practice two different accommodations
to breathing l techniques to help self- breathing techniques to help depending on the needs of
strategies) regulate. self-regulate. your students.

-Split class into #1. Lazy 8 breathing #1. Lazy 8 breathing

2 heterogeneous

#2. The 6 sides of breathing #2. The 6 sides of breathing

- Have students practice as a - Have students practice as

whole group and with a a whole group and with a
partner. partner.
- Have copies of each - Have copies of each
technique for each student. technique for each

Format compliments of: © Murawski, 2007

Classroom Teacher: ______________________________ Resource Teacher: ____________________________________

End: <INPUT 20 mins While still in two While still in two *Make any necessary
(may include: TYPE=\Paralle heterogeneous groups remind heterogeneous groups accommodations
Closing, l students of previous self- remind students of depending on the needs of
Assessments, <INPUT regulation strategies that previous self-regulation your students.
Extension of TYPE=\Team have been taught. Fidget box, strategies that have been
the Lesson) calming corner, breathing taught. Fidget box, calming
techniques, etc. Create a list corner, breathing
on a chart paper. techniques, etc. Create a
list on a chart paper.
Explain to students that they
will be creating their own Explain to students that
tool boxes by filling in they will be creating their
strategies they think would own tool boxes by filling in
work for them using the tools strategies they think would
for my zones activity sheet. work for them using the
tools for my zones activity

Circulate and monitor Team:
student progress while Circulate and monitor
students complete activity. student progress while
students complete activity.

Format compliments of: © Murawski, 2007

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