BLUE-Protocol and FALLS-Protocol: Two Applications of Lung Ultrasound in The Critically Ill
BLUE-Protocol and FALLS-Protocol: Two Applications of Lung Ultrasound in The Critically Ill
BLUE-Protocol and FALLS-Protocol: Two Applications of Lung Ultrasound in The Critically Ill
This review article describes two protocols adapted from lung ultrasound: the bedside lung
ultrasound in emergency (BLUE)-protocol for the immediate diagnosis of acute respiratory
failure and the fluid administration limited by lung sonography (FALLS)-protocol for the man-
agement of acute circulatory failure. These applications require the mastery of 10 signs indi-
cating normal lung surface (bat sign, lung sliding, A-lines), pleural effusions (quad and
sinusoid sign), lung consolidations (fractal and tissue-like sign), interstitial syndrome (lung
rockets), and pneumothorax (stratosphere sign and the lung point). These signs have been
assessed in adults, with diagnostic accuracies ranging from 90% to 100%, allowing consid-
eration of ultrasound as a reasonable bedside gold standard. In the BLUE-protocol, profiles
have been designed for the main diseases (pneumonia, congestive heart failure, COPD,
asthma, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax), with an accuracy . 90%. In the FALLS-protocol,
the change from A-lines to lung rockets appears at a threshold of 18 mm Hg of pulmonary
artery occlusion pressure, providing a direct biomarker of clinical volemia. The FALLS-protocol
sequentially rules out obstructive, then cardiogenic, then hypovolemic shock for expediting the
diagnosis of distributive (usually septic) shock. These applications can be done using simple
grayscale machines and one microconvex probe suitable for the whole body. Lung ultrasound
is a multifaceted tool also useful for decreasing radiation doses (of interest in neonates where
the lung signatures are similar to those in adults), from ARDS to trauma management, and
from ICUs to points of care. If done in suitable centers, training is the least of the limitations
for making use of this kind of visual medicine. CHEST 2015; 147(6):1659-1670
ABBREVIATIONS: BLUE 5 bedside lung ultrasound in emergency; FALLS 5 fluid administration limited
by lung sonography; LUCI 5 lung ultrasound in the critically ill; LUCIFLR 5 Lung Ultrasound in the
Critically Ill Favoring Limitation of Radiation; PLAPS 5 posterolateral alveolar and/or pleural syndrome
Daily concerns of the intensivist are acute 1982. This article, therefore, could have
respiratory and circulatory failure. The need been written 33 years ago. Echocardiog-
for fast and accurate management calls for a raphy has been used for a long time in the
visual approach, which is what ultrasound ICU and now is currently used inside the
provides. Portable machines suitable for use thorax through the transesophageal route.1,2
at the bedside have been available since Echocardiography is an elegant way to solve
Manuscript received June 1, 2014; revision accepted November 22, 2014. © 2015 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS. Reproduction of
AFFILIATIONS: From the Service de Réanimation Médicale, Hôpital this article is prohibited without written permission from the American
Ambroise-Paré, Boulogne-Billancourt, France. College of Chest Physicians. See online for more details.
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Daniel A. Lichtenstein, MD, FCCP, Service DOI: 10.1378/chest.14-1313
de Réanimation Médicale, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré, 9 Ave Charles-
de-Gaulle, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France; e-mail: [email protected] 1659
Figure 1 – A, B, The bedside lung ultrasound in emergency (BLUE)-points. This figure shows the standardized points used in the BLUE-protocol. Two
hands (from roughly the patient’s size) are applied as follows: upper little finger just below clavicle, fingertips at middle line, and lower hand just below
upper hand (thumbs excluded). The point coined “upper BLUE-point” is at the middle of the upper hand. The “lower BLUE-point” is at the middle of the
lower palm. These four points roughly follow the anatomy of the lung, and avoid the heart as much as possible. The posterolateral alveolar and/or pleural
syndrome (PLAPS)-point is built from the horizontal line continuing the lower BLUE-point and the vertical line continuing the posterior axillary line.
The intersection, rigorously, is the PLAPS-point, but the user can move the probe in two directions: (1) as posteriorly as possible in order to get more
posterior information in these supine, sedated patients or (2) downward when no PLAPS is detected at first sight. Usually, after two intercostal spaces,
the probe scans the abdomen. Like the six spots of ECG, the six BLUE-points help in reproducible analysis. They were sufficient for providing the 90.5%
accuracy of the BLUE-protocol. (Adapted with permission from Lichtenstein.45) 1661
Figure 7 – A, B, Lung rockets. An elementary signature of interstitial syndrome, the B-line, can be described by seven criteria. This is always a comet-tail
artifact and always arises from the pleural line. It always moves in concert with lung sliding. Almost always (roughly 95% for each of these last four
features), it is long and up to the edge of the screen (in the left image, some do not reach the 17-cm depth); is well defined, like a laser; obliterates the
A-lines; and is hyperechoic like the pleural line. Usually, all seven criteria are present (always the first three ones) and define the B-lines with a precision
that avoids confusion with other comet-tail artifacts, such as Z-lines and E-lines. (E-lines are comet-tail artifacts with most criteria of B-lines but arising
above the pleural line, indicating subcutaneous emphysema.) Lung rockets, defined as three B-lines or more between two ribs, demonstrate interstitial
syndrome. The left image shows septal rockets. Three or four B-lines can be counted between two ribs (ie, roughly 6 or 7 mm apart, the anatomic
distance between two subpleural interlobular septa in adults). Septal rockets indicate the thickening (usually edematous) of these septa. The right image
shows ground glass rockets. One can count here twice as many B-lines than on the left image. Ground glass rockets are correlated with scanographic
ground glass areas. Lung rockets are used in daily routine to assess acute respiratory or circulatory failure, among other uses. 1663
providing an impressive list of parameters when A-lines and B-lines, indicating that B-lines appear
combined, suggesting that no gold standard is cur- (and vanish) all of a sudden, making septal thick-
rently available. The fluid administration limited by ening an on-off parameter. The use of lung artifacts
lung sonography (FALLS)-protocol is not yet sup- allows for a direct assessment of lung water, more
ported by clinical studies but should be considered as specifically interstitial lung water (what no bedside
a potential source of help in difficult situations. It is tool can do). The FALLS-protocol assumes that pul-
based on sequential concepts: Pulmonary edema gen- monary edema is the most harmful consequence of
erates a thickening of the interlobular septa of which fluid overload in an extreme emergency (see limita-
their subpleural end is accessible using lung ultra- tions presented later in this section).
sound63,64; A-lines transform into B-lines at a pulmo- The FALLS-protocol follows the Weil classification of
nary artery occlusion pressure threshold of 18 mm Hg shock.66 The best of simple cardiac sonography and some
at the anterior chest wall in critically ill patients65; BLUE-protocol are used. With the same unit and the
and no artifact has ever been described between same probe, we first search for a substantial pericardial
BLUE 5 bedside lung ultrasound in emergency; NPV 5 negative predictive value; PLAPS 5 posterolateral alveolar and/or pleural syndrome; PPV 5 positive
predictive value. (Adapted from Lichtenstein and Mezière.61) 1665 1667 1669