DKG-307 Automatic Mains Failure Unit: Canbus and Mpu Versions
DKG-307 Automatic Mains Failure Unit: Canbus and Mpu Versions
DKG-307 Automatic Mains Failure Unit: Canbus and Mpu Versions
The DKG-307 is a comprehensive AMF unit for True RMS measurements
single genset standby or dual genset mutual standby ECU connection through J1939 CAN option
MPU input option
The unit is available with MPU or CANBUS versions.
Dual genset mutual standby operation
The CANBUS version connects to ECU controlled
electronic engines providing engine control, Event logging with time stamp and
protection and instrumentation without extra measurements
senders. Battery backed-up real time clock
The unit is able to initiate modem calls and send Built in daily / weekly / monthly exerciser
SMS messages in fault conditions through external Weekly operation schedule programs
modems. Field adjustable parameters
The unit provides a comprehensive set of digitally RS-232 serial port
adjustable timers, threshold levels, input and output Free MS-Windows Remote monitoring SW
configurations, operating sequences and engine
types. All programs may be modified via front panel GSM and PSTN modem support
pushbuttons, and do not require an external unit. GSM SMS message sending on fault
Last 100 faults are stored in the event log file. The MODBUS communications
event log includes not only the date-time information, 10ADC relay outputs
but also a comprehensive list of measured genset Configurable analogue inputs: 4
parameters at the time that the fault has occurred.
Configurable digital inputs: 7
The WINDOWS based RAINBOW program allows
Configurable relay outputs: 2
remote monitoring and control.
Total relay outputs: 6
The unit supports MODBUS protocol enabling
communication with PLCs and building management I/O expansion capability
systems. The MODBUS protocol is also supported Plug-in connection system
through GSM and PSTN modems.
Generator Volts: L1-N, L2-N, L3-N
Generator Volts: L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1
Generator Amps: L1, L2, L3
Generator total kW
Generator total pf
Generator Frequency
Engine rpm
Mains Volts: L1-N, L2-N, L3-N
Mains Volts: L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1
Battery Voltage
Engine Coolant Temperature
Engine Oil Pressure
Fuel Level
Engine Oil Temperature
The unit has 7 configurable digital inputs. Each input is fully Alternator voltage: 0 to 300 V-AC (Ph-N)
configurable with alarm type, polling, latching and contact Alternator frequency: 0-100 Hz.
type. Mains voltage: 0 to 300 V-AC (Ph-N)
Mains frequency: 0-100 Hz.
ANALOG INPUTS DC Supply Range: 9.0 to 33.0 V-DC
Cranking dropouts: survives 0 V for 100ms.
Engine analog inputs are provided for coolant temperature, oil Typical Standby Current: 100 mA-DC
pressure, oil temperature and fuel level. The inputs have Maximum Operating Current: 250 mA-DC (Relay outputs open)
programmable sensor characteristics so that they are suitable Generator/Mains Contactor Relay Outputs: 16 A / 250V
for any type and brand of sensors. DC Outputs: 10A @ 28V
Charge excitation: min 2 Watts
RELAY OUTPUTS Magnetic pickup input:: 0.5 – 30 V-AC.
Magnetic pickup frequency: 10 KHz max.
The unit provides 6 relay outputs and 2 of them have Current inputs: from CTs, .../5A. Max load 0.7VA per phase.
programmable functions, selectable from a list. Any function or Analog input range: 0-5000 ohms.
alarm condition may be output as a relay output. Serial port: RS-232, 9600 bauds, no parity, 1 bit stop
Using two Relay Expansion Modules, the number of relays Operating temp.: -40°C (-40°F) to 70°C (158°F).
may be increased to 22, 16 of them being volt-free contacts. Storage temp.: -55°C (-67°F) to 80°C (176°F).
Maximum humidity: 95% non-condensing.
EVENT LOGGING Dimensions: 172x 134 x 46 mm (WxHxD)
Panel Cut-out Dimensions: 151x111 mm minimum.
Weight: 340 g (approx.)
The unit records last 100 events with date-time stamp and a
Case Material: High Temperature ABS/PC (UL94-V0)
total of 18 measured parameters.
IP Protection: IP65 from front panel, IP30 from the rear
Installation: Flat surface mounting on a Type 1 Enclosure. Rear
TELEMETRY AND REMOTE PROGRAMMING retaining plastic brackets.
CE Conformity reference standards:
The unit provides the user with large telemetry facilities via its
EN 61010 (safety requirements)
standard RS-232 serial port, connecting either to a PC, PLC or
a GSM or PSTN modem. It supports both RAINBOW and EN 61326 (EMC requirements)
MODBUS communication protocols. The standard PC software UL / CSA Conformity: certificate # 20110527-E314374
offers local and modem operation capabilities as well as UL 508, Edition 17
modem networking feature. UL 2200, 1st Edition.
UL 840 Edition 3
The PC program is used for below purposes:
CSA C22.2 NO. 14 - Edition 10
-parameter upload/download
-remote monitoring and control
-diagnostics and analysis
The MODBUS interface allows the unit to be integrated in
building management systems.