Double Negatives
Double Negatives
Double Negatives
Double Negatives
Negative words: no, not, nobody, nothing, none, never, hardly, scarcely, barely,
rarely, unlike.
Using two negatives in the same sentence gives the opposite meaning, but it does
the job awkwardly. Avoid double negatives!
Directions: In the sentences below, circle each correct word in the parentheses.
12. The tear in his shirt (was, was not) barely noticeable.
14. Of all the cars I tried, I did not buy (none, any).
Directions: Each of these sentences contains a double negative. Re-write each sentence
so that it makes sense and only contains one negative.
7. You don’t have no business using two negatives in the same phrase.
8. I hardly never make the double negative mistake, but when I do, my
embarrassment is unlike none other.