ECG questions are integral part of the MRCP/MRCPI examinations. Familiarity
with certain ECG scenarios and clinical problems is the key to be successful in these
examinations. Please read textbooks before hand and then make a rapid review here.
This book is a collection of many questions and tips and review points; the ECG
pictures with their questions and answers were taken from , and reproduced with permission to produce
this handy PDF. I am greatly thankful to:
"Professor Frank G. Yanowitz, M.D, Professor of Medicine, University of Utah
School of Medicine, Medical Director, ECG Department , LDS Hospital Salt Lake
City, Utah" for letting me use his website's (shown above) ECG pics.
Best wishes…
Dr. Osama Amin
Neurologist and Head of Team Neurology4MRCPGroup
( , , , )
November 2006
1- Chapter I ; Few points to remember, page 4
2- Chapter II; Arrhythmias, page 10
3- Chapter III; Conduction Abnormalities, page 15
4- Chapter IV; Chamber Enlargement, page 21
5- Chapter V; Myocardial Infarction, page 27
6- Chapter VI; ST-T Segment, page 34
7- Chapter VII; Advanced Quiz, page 40
8- Chapter VIII; ECG Best of Five Scenarios, page 45
Chapter I / Few Points to Remember
ECG manifestations of chamber enlargement:
c. Deep terminal S wave in lead V6.
d. Normal septal Q wave.
e. Inverted T wave in lead V1 ( secondary T wave changes ).
f. Late intinsicoid deflection in lead V1 and V2.
Infarct location Leads depicting primary ECG changes Likely vessel * involved
Inferior II,III,aVF RCA
Septal V1-V2 LAD
Anterior V3-V4 LAD
Antero-septal V1-V4 LAD
Extensiveanterior I,aVL,V1-V6 LAD
Lateral I,aVL,V5-V6 CIRC
High Lateral I, aVL CIRC
Posterior ** Prominent R in lead V1 RCA or CIRC
Right ventricular*** ST elevation in lead V1,and more specifically, V4R in the
setting of inferior infarction RCA
*this is a simple generalization, variations occur.
** Usually in association with inferior or lateral infarctions.
***Usually in association with inferior infarctions.
Remember: Causes of IRREGULAR ventricular rhythm:
1-Atrial fibrillation.
2-frequent and irregularly occurring atrial and or ventricular extrasystoles.
3-Atrial flutter with second degree AV blockand varying AV conduction ratios.
4-Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with variable second degree AV block .
5-Marked respiratory sinus arrhythmia.
Remember: Generalized LOW voltage might be due to :
1-incorrect standardization.
3-marked obesity or thick chest wall.
4-pericardial effusion.
7-Cardiac Amyloid.
8-Severe cardiomyopathy
9-Global Myocardial iscehmia.
Mitral reflux:
1-P mitrale
2-atrial fibrillation
3-left ventricular "diastolic" overload
4-RVH, Right axis deviation.
Tricuspid stenosis:
1-VERY TALL right atrial P wave in standard lead II.
2-1st degree AV block
3-normal QRS axis
Pulmonic styenosis:
1-P congenitale
2-right ventricular systolic overload
3-right axis deviation
Tricuspid atresia:
1-left axis deviation
2-left ventricular dominance
NB: MOST cases of cyanotic congenital heart disease are associated with RIGHT
ventricular dominance and RIGHT axis deviation ; tricuspid atresia is a notable
exception .
Ebstein's anomaly:
1-TALL peaked P waves in standard lead II
2-RBBB with small amplitude QRS complexes
3-WPW syndrome type B, ie the QRS complex is negative in the right precordial
4-paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia
Causes of SA block:
SA block is a rare ECG finding and might be caused by:
1-marked sinus bradycardia
2-marked sinus arrhythmia
3-highly trained young athletes
4-digitalis toxixity
7-sick sinus syndrome
1st degree AV block is associated with:
1-coronary artery disease
2-acute rheumatic carditis
3-Beta blockers
NB: Para systoles; parasystole is an uncommon arrhythmia .It may occur with
myocardial diseases and following digitalis administration, however it might be seen
in normal healthy people. There is no specific treatment and the treatment is of the
underlying disease if present.
Chapter II / Arrhythmias
Q1: What type of arrhythmia is pointed out by the two arrows?
Answer: A
Remember that not all sore thumbs are PVCs. In this case, 1 is a PAC with normal IV
conduction and 2 is a sore thumb PAC with RBBB aberration.
PACs have three fates: normal conduction into ventricles, aberrant conduction in
ventricles, and non-conduction. In the example of PAC '2' the longer preceding cycle
increases the refractory period in the right bundle and results in the aberration
Answer: B
These PAC's, indicated by arrows, enter the ventricles and find the right bundle
refractory. They therefore conduct with RBBB aberrancy. In most normal hearts the
right bundle recovery time is longer than the left bundle's; most aberrancy, therefore,
has a RBBB morphology.
Late PACs result in premature beats, but early PACs can initiate a paroxysmal
Q3: What type of arrhythmia is seen here?
A. 1st degree AV block
D. PVCs with fusion
Answer: B
These PAC's, indicated by arrows, enter the ventricles and find the right bundle
refractory. They therefore conduct with RBBB aberrancy. In most normal hearts the
right bundle recovery time is longer than the left bundle's; most aberrancy, therefore,
has a RBBB morphology.
Late PACs result in premature beats, but early PACs can initiate a paroxysmal
Q4: Using calipers (don't poke the monitor!), what type of pause do you see after
this funny looking premature beat?
Answer: A
The distance between the P waves before and after the PVC is the same distance as
two P cycles elsewhere in the rhythm strip. This implies that the sinus node was not
reset, and that the fu
nny looking beat is a PVC.
As a side note, this PVC occurs on the peak of the T wave of the preceeding beat
making it an R on T.
Q5: Using calipers, what type of pause do you see after either of these two
premature beats?
Answer: B
PAC's are identified by the arrows. Note that the PP interval surrounding the PAC is
less than 2x the basic sinus cycle indicating that the sinus node has been reset by the
ectopic P wave. The pause after the PAC, therefore, is incomplete.
An incomplete pause suggests a PAC (although there are exceptions).
Answer: C
Atrial fibrillation is characterized by an irregularly irregular ventricular response, and
the absence of discrete P waves.
In the top lead in this ECG, atrial activity is poorly defined. The atrial activity seen in
the lower lead resembles old saw-teeth (as opposed to the new, sharp saw-teeth of
atrial flutter).
Q7: What is seen in this ECG?
A. Sinus tachycardia
B. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
C. 3rd degree AV block
D. Atrial fibrillation
E. Atrial flutter with 2:1 block
Answer: E
This is the most commonly mis-diagnosed SV tachycardia. Clues are a ventricular
rate of around 150 bpm (atrial of ~300 bpm), and regular R-R intervals, and two atrial
events for every QRS (if you can find them!).
Another clue for leads II, III, and aVF is to mentally erase the QRS complexes. It is
then sometimes possible to visualize the classic flutter pattern.
Answer: E
This is an active junctional pacemaker rhythm caused by events that perturb
pacemaker cells such as ischemia, drugs, and electrolyte abnormalities.
The normal junctional escape rate is 40-60 bpm. A rate of 60-100 bpm is accelerated
(This one is about 80 bpm).
The retrograde P wave is normally hidden in the QRS or found immediately after it.
Q9: What is this arrhythmia?
A. Ventricular tachycardia
B. Supraventricular tachycardia with aberration
C. Accelerated junctional rhythm
D. Accelerated ventricular rhythm
E. Ventricular bigeminy
Answer: A
Hints to this are the wide QRS, and the fact that regular sinus P waves can be
identified which are slower than AND dissociated from the ventricular rate.
Approximately 50 percent of ventricular tachycardias are associated with AV
dissociation. In these cases atrial impulses can enter the ventricles and either fuse with
a ventricular ectopic beat or completely capture the ventricles. This ladder diagram
illustrates these events.
Chapter III / Conduction Abnormalities
Q1: Look at this ECG, what is the conduction abnormality?
C. LBBB+2nd degree AV block
D. RBBB+1st degree AV block
Answer: A
BBB causes sequential rather than simultaneous activation of the ventricles. The
second half of the QRS represents the ventricle with the blocked bundle because that
ventricle is activated later. Leads I and V1 show that terminal QRS forces are oriented
leftward and posterior indicating LV forces. Therefore, LBBB is recognized by:
1) QRS duration > 0.12s
2) monophasic R waves in I and V6
3) terminal QRS forces oriented leftwards (see lead I) and posterior (see V1).
Also, in BBB the ST-T waves should be oriented opposite to the terminal QRS forces,
and the increased voltage in V2 is normal.
Q2: Have a rapid glance at this ECG, what is the conduction abnormality?
C. LBBB+1st degree AV block
D. RBBB+1st degree AV block
Answer: B
The wide QRS suggests a BBB.
Looking at the latter half of the QRS in I and V1, the late forces are rightward and
anterior. Thus the right ventricle has been blocked and depolarized after the left
The rSR' complex seen in V1 is commonly seen with RBBB.
D. RBBB+2nd degree AV block
E. LBBB+1st degree AV block
Answer: C
The mainly negative QRS in lead II should clue you in to a left axis deviation which
is the main ECG abnormality produced by LAFB.
Some other findings are:
1) rS complexes in leads II, III, and aVF
2) tiny q waves in I and/or aVL
3) poor R wave progression in V1-V3 (not seen in this ECG)
4) narrow (normal) QRS
LAFB is the most common IV conduction defect.
Q4: Look at this ECG, what is the conduction abnormality?
E. LBBB+1st degree AV block
Answer: B
The rSR' in V1 should make you think about RBBB.
In addition, there are non-specific, primary ST-T wave abnormalities in V5 and V6.
Remember that the 'normal' ST-T waves in BBB are oriented opposite to the direction
of the terminal QRS forces.
Answer: D
This is the most common of the bifascicular blocks. RBBB is most easily recognized
in the precordial leads by the rSR' in V1 and the wide S wave in V6 (i.e., terminal
QRS forces oriented rightwards and anterior).
LAFB is best seen in the frontal plane leads as evidenced by left axis deviation (-50
degrees), rS complexes in II, III, aVF, and the small q in leads I and/or aVL.
A. Sinus arrhythmia
B. Type I 2nd Degree AV
C. Type II 2nd Degree AV
D. 3rd Degree AV
E. SA Exit
Answer: E
SA exit block is characterized by an unexpected drop of the P wave.
2nd degree SA Block (types I and II) is the only degree of SA block that can be
recognized on the ECG. This one is type II because of the fairly constant PP intervals,
and the pause duration which is approximately twice the basic PP interval.
Sinus arrhythmia (choice A) is less likely because the PP intervals are not changing
gradually, but abruptly.
A. 1st Degree AV Block
B. Type I 2nd Degree AV Bloc
C. Type II 2nd Degree AV Block
D. 3rd Degree AV Block
E. Sinus arrhythmia
Answer: B
The 3 rules of classic AV Wenckebach are:
1) the PR interval lengthens until a nonconducted P wave occurs
2) the RR interval of the pause is less than the two preceding RR intervals
3) the RR interval after the pause is greater than the RR interval just prior to the pause.
Unfortunately, there are many examples of atypical forms of Wenckebach where
these rules do not hold.
Answer: A
The normal PR interval is 0.12 - 0.20 sec, or 120 to 200 ms. 1st degree AV block is
defined by PR intervals greater than 200 ms. This may be caused by drugs (such as
digoxin), excessive vagal tone, ischemia, or intrinsic disease in the AV junction or
bundle branch system.
A. 1st Degree AV Block
B. Type I 2nd Degree AV Block
C. Type II 2nd Degree AV Block
D. Intermittent 3rd Degree AV Block
E. WPW Preexcitation Syndrome
Answer: C
The constant PR interval distinguishes this from type I AV block.
Mobitz II 2nd degree AV block is usually a sign of bilateral bundle branch disease.
One of the two bundle branches is completely blocked (note the wide, negative S in
V1 = LBBB). The nonconducted sinus P waves are most likely blocked in the other
bundle (ie, the right bundle) which exhibits 2nd degree block.
Although unlikely, it is possible that the P waves are blocked somewhere in the AV
junction such as the His bundle.
Answer: E
Note the short PR interval and the delta wave (initial slurring) of the QRS complex.
Chapter IV / Chamber Enlargement
Q1: When using the ECG criteria for diagnosing ventricular hypertrophy (VH),
which of the following is correct?
A. The patient most likely has VH if the ECG criteria are met.
B. The patient is free from VH if the ECG does not meet the criteria.
C. The Cornell Voltage Criteria should be used because of their excellent sensitivity.
D. The ECG criteria for VH have a sensitivity and specificity of at least 95%.
E. None of the above.
Answer: A
About half of all patients with ventricular hypertrophy will not meet the ECG criteria
and may go unrecognized. This is because of the relatively low sensitivity (~50%).
Answer: B
LAE causes a P wave duration >0.12s in the frontal plane. The P wave is also notched.
Also, in LAE Lead V1 shows terminal P negativity.
B. AV block
C. True posterior MI
Answer: C
The prominent anterior forces seen in RVH are also seen in a number of other
conditions including a true posterior MI. Thus, RVH is sometimes referred to as a
RBBB and WPW could also result in prominent anterior forces but they may be
distinguished in other ways. (rSR' morphology in V1, delta waves, and short PR.)
Q4: What is the correct diagnosis of this ECG?
E. Bi-atrial enlargement
Answer: C
LAE is best seen in V1 with a prominent negative (posterior) component measuring
1mm wide and 1mm deep.
C. Bi-atrial enlargement
D. LAE and LVH
E. RAE and RVH
Answer: E
RAE is recognized by the tall (>2.5mm) P waves in leads II, III, aVF.
RVH is likely because of right axis deviation (+100 degrees) and the Qr (or rSR')
complexes in V1 and V2.
Q6: Other than 1st degree AV block, what abnormality is seen in this ECG?
E. Bi-atrial enlargement
Answer: A
The P-wave is notched, wider than 0.12s, and has a prominent negative (posterior)
component in V1. These are all criteria for left atrial enlargement (LAE).
The PR interval is >0.20s. Minor ST-T wave abnormalities are also present.
Q7: What abnormality is seen in this ECG? (Other than the PVCs)
E. Biventricular hypertrophy
Answer: D
The combination of voltage criteria (S-V2 + R-V6 >35mm) and ST-T abnormalities
in V5-V6 are definitive for LVH.
There may also be LAE as evidenced by the prominent negative P terminal force in
lead V1.
Isolated PVCs and a PVC couplet are also present.
Answer: B
Right axis deviation is present because lead I is slightly more negative. This means
the axis is slightly beyond +90 degrees (+110 degrees). RAE is best seen in the frontal
plane leads; the P waves in lead II are >2.5mm in amplitude.
In this case of severe pulmonary hypertension, RVH is present with the RAE but not
seen in the leads shown.
Q9: What is the most likely diagnosis of this ECG?
C. LAE and LVH
D. RAE and RVH
E. None of the above
Answer: A
This question is answered by using voltage criteria. Note the R in lead II >20 mm, and
the R in V5 >30 mm.
It's important to realize that voltage criteria alone are usually not sufficient for
C. LVH with strain
D. Right axis deviation
E. Left axis deviation
Answer: C
The features of this ECG include increased voltage (V2,3,5,6) and ST-T oriented
opposite to QRS direction (left ventricular strain pattern).
Chapter V / Myocardial Infarction
Q1: What can help to differentiate between the normal septal q wave and a
pathologic Q wave?
A. The width
B. The height
C. Both width and height
D. The QRS axis
E. The specific ECG leads involved
Answer: C
Pathologic Q waves are the most characteristic ECG finding of myocardial infarction.
They can be either wide (>0.04s) or deep (>30% of QRS height).
Q2: In an acute Q-wave MI, which ECG finding is usually the first to appear?
A. Q wave
B. Hyperacute T wave
C. T wave inversion
D. ST segment elevation
E. None of the above
Answer: B
As seen in the diagram below, hyperacute T waves usually preceed ST segment
elevation. However, this ECG finding may never be seen due to delays in obtaining
the initial ECG.
The ST segment is usually the earliest change back to normal, followed by the T
wave. The Q wave may remain indefinitely.
A. Anterolateral MI
B. High lateral MI
C. True posterior MI
D. Inferolateral MI
E. Inferior MI
Answer: E
The site of infarction can be localized by remembering that each lead reflects a
specific area of the heart.
Note the pathologic Q waves in leads II, III, and aVF. Also, there are inverted T
waves in the same leads with a small amount of residual ST elevation. This is a
classic inferior MI. It's not a new MI because the ST elevation has mostly returned to
A. Anteroseptal MI
B. Anterior MI
C. Posterior MI
D. Posterolateral MI
E. Right ventricular MI
Answer: A
The QS complexes, resolving ST segment elevation and T wave inversions in V1-2
are evidence for a fully evolved anteroseptal MI. The inverted T waves in V3-5, I,
aVL are also probably related to the MI.
An anterior MI looks similar to this except V1 is usually spared
A. True posterior MI
B. Extensive Anterior/Anterolateral MI
C. Inferoposterior MI
D. Posterolateral MI
E. Posterolateral MI + LBBB
Answer: B
Posterolateral MI + LBBB
A. Inferior MI
B. Posterior MI
C. Inferoposterior MI
D. Anterior MI
E. Non-Q wave MI
Answer: C
The inferior diagnosis is made from leads II, III, and aVF (Q waves and inverted T's).
The posterior part of the infarct doesn't result in pathologic Q waves, but rather in
patholigic R waves in V1-V3. The R/S ratio in V1 or V2 is >1.
Another term for these tall and wide R waves in V1-V2 is prominent anterior forces.
The infarcted posterior tissue allows the normal anterior forces to become more
prominent on the ECG.
Q7: What is the correct diagnosis of this ECG?
Answer: A
Leads I and/or aVL can reveal a high lateral wall MI.
This example shows a Q wave and T inversion in lead aVL. There is also some slight
ST elevation in the same lead but it's difficult to see.
Answer: D
Leads II, III, and aVF show the inferior part of the infarct.
A wide QRS with rR' in lead V1 shows RBBB. However, this is an unusual RBBB
because the initial R wave is taller than the R' wave in lead V1. This is the clue for
true posterior MI. The tall initial R wave in V1 is a pathologic R wave analagous to
the pathologic Q wave of an anterior MI.
A. Non-Q wave MI
B. Acute anterior MI
C. Old inferior MI
D. Anterolateral MI
E. Posterolateral MI
Answer: B
The marked ST elevation and hyperacute T waves in leads V1-V4 suggest an acute
anterior wall infarct.
Non-Q wave MI (choice A) should never be given as a diagnosis based on a single
ECG reading because it could be a new Q-wave MI which hasn't yet developed Q
Q10: What best describes this ECG tracing?
Answer: D
This fully evolved anteroseptal MI is diagnosed by the QS waves in V1-2, qrS in V3,
and ST-T wave changes.
As a side note, a monophasic negative QRS complex is referred to as a QS rather than
just a Q.
Chapter VI / ST-T Segment
Q1: Which of the following may cause ST segment depression?
A. Ischemia
B. Hyperventilation
C. Ventricular hypertrophy
D. Hypokalemia
E. All of the above
Answer: E
ST segment abnormalities are very non-specific. The ECG changes must be correlated
with clinical data to accurately diagnose any problems.
Some other causes of ST segment depression are digoxin, mitral valve prolapse, CNS
disease, non-Q wave MI, and poor skin-electrode contact.
Answer: E
This is a normal ECG. The normal T wave is asymmetric with the first half moving
more slowly (less of a slope) than the second half.
The normal T wave is always upright in I, II, V3-6, and always inverted in aVR.
A small amount of ST elevation in V1,V2, or V3 is normal.
Q3: Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause the changes seen in
this ECG?
A. Subendocardial ischemia
B. Lesion of the circumflex artery
C. Posterior wall transmural injury
D. Acute pericarditis
E. Acute pericarditis
Answer: A
In a patient with angina pectoris ST depression usually means subendocardial
ischemia and, unlike ST elevation, is not localizing to a particular coronary artery
The other answer choices would most likely result in ST elevation.
Answer: C
ST Segment elevation with a straight or convex upwards configuration usually means
transmural ischemia (or injury) and is seen in the setting of acute myocardial
infarction. This ECG finding may also be seen transiently during coronary artery
Unlike ST depression, ST elevation is often localizing. In this example of inferior ST
elevation, the culprit artery is often a dominant right coronary artery or dominant left
circumflex artery.
Q5: Which of the following conditions is usually associated with primary ST-T
wave abnormalities?
C. WPW preexcitation
D. Electrolyte abnormalities
E. Fascicular block
Answer: D
Primary ST-T wave abnormalities may be the result of global or segmental pathologic
processes that affect repolarization.
Secondary ST-T wave changes are normal changes solely due to changes in the
sequence of ventricular activation. The other answer choices can all cause secondary
ST-T wave changes.
Q6: This ECG shows an example of right bundle branch block. What other
abnormality is present?
Answer: A
In RBBB the ST-T waves should be oriented opposite to the terminal QRS forces.
In this example there are primary ST-T wave abnormalities in leads V5-6 (best seen in
V6). In these leads the ST-T orientation is in the same direction as the terminal QRS
forces (both are negative). This is abnormal when bundle block is present.
The secondary ST-T wave changes seen in V1-4 (oriented opposite to the terminal
QRS forces) are normal for BBB.
A. Acute pericarditis
B. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
C. Hypothyroidism
D. Aortic stenosis
E. It's a normal ECG
Answer: B
TU fusion waves (seen in lead V6) are often seen in long QT syndromes. The
differential diagnosis of this ECG abnormality includes:
- Electrolyte abnormalities (hypokalemia)
- CNS disease (subarrachnoid hemorrhage)
- hereditary long QT syndromes
- drugs such as quinidine.
Answer: B
U waves are usually best seen in the right precordial leads -- especially V2 and V3.
The U wave becomes prominent in clinical situations such as hypokalemia.
They may also become inverted in cases of ischemia.
Q9: What is the major abnormality on this ECG?
B. Low voltage QRS complexes
C. Long QT interval
D. High lateral MI
E. Low amplitude T waves
Answer: C
The key word in the question is major. Right axis deviation and low voltage QRS are
both present but minor abnormalities.
The negative QRS in aVL may lead you to think of an MI. However, it is negative
because of the rightward axis, not because of an MI.
A. Prominent U waves
B. Primary ST-T wave abnormalities
C. Symmetrical T waves
D. Giant TU fusion waves
E. All of the above
Answer: B
Primary T wave abnormalities in LBBB refer to T waves in the same direction as the
terminal half of the QRS. These are seen in leads I, II, III, aVL, aVF, and V3-6. The
most likely diagnosis is myocardial infarction.
Chapter VII / Advanced Quiz
This is an ECG taken during routine medical examination of 40 year old
man .He is totally asymptomatic. What is the cause of this funny looking beat in
his V1 chest lead rhythm strip?
Answer: B
Notice the rsR’ complex and the preceding premature P-wave.
Your junior house officer wants to ask you a question about this ECG V1 chest
lead rhythm strip of a 61 year old man with a history of ischemic heart disease.
He said" why do the RR intervals vary"?
Answer: A
The longer RR intervals are twice the short intervals suggesting that not every
impulse form the ventricular focus makes it out to the rest of the ventricles.
You are the senior house officer of your coronary care unit and you are watching
the ECG monitors of your patients. One of the V1 chest lead rhythm strips is a
little bit FUNNY looking with 4 strange beats besides the normal sinus beats.
What is the cause of these funny looking beats?
Answer: B
Late PVCs often occur coincidentally with sinus activation of the ventricles. The
degree of fusion may vary as seen in this example.
This is the V1 chest lead rhythm strip of a 58-year-old man with a recent
myocardial infarction. What does "F" mean in this strip?
Answer: D
The subsequent ventricular ectopics are upgoing (anterior oriented) QRSs, suggestion
origin from the LV.
This is the ECG V1 cheat lead rhythm strip of a 53 year old man with dropped
beats. What is the degree of AV block if present?
Answer: B
Some P waves conduct, and some do not.
This is the V1 strip rhythm of 61-year-old woman with a history ischemic heart
disease. What does "e" and "c" mean?
A. The ‘e’ represents a ventricular echo beat form the nonconducted P wave. The ‘c’
is a sinus capture.
B. The ‘e’ is for ventricular escape. The ‘c’ is a PAC.
C. The ‘e’ is a junctional escape, and ‘c’ represents a PAC.
D. The ‘e’ represents a junctional escape beat; the ‘c’ represents a sinus capture.
E. The 'e' represents a ventricular premature complex and 'c' represents a parasystole.
Answer: D
Sometimes this goes by the name of “escape-capture bigeminy”. Any pause in the
rhythm may result in an escape beat if the pause is too long.
You're reading an ECG taken for 48 year old woman with idiopathic dilated
cardiomyopathy. What is your conclusion of this confusing V1 strip rhythm?
Answer: C
Thanks to the PVC and resulting pause, the sinus P wave becomes separated form the
preceding T wave. The 1st degree AV block is quite marked.
This is the V1 strip rhythm of a 37-year-old man with dropped beats. How do
explain the pause in his ECG strip?
Answer: C
This is the most common cause of an unexpected pause in the rhythm. The P-waves of
the PACs are early relative to the sinus PP intervals.
Your junior house officer is perplexed after seeing this V1 strip rhythm with
many pauses. He asked you" what event terminates these pauses?"
A. A sinus beat that has been reset by the PAC.
B. A ventricular escape beat
C. An electronic pacemaker beat originating from the right ventricle.
D. A junctional escape complex.
E. Atrial flutter with 3:1 block
Answer: D
Actually the sinus P wave is seen partially superimposed on the junctional escape beat
thereby distorting the onset of the QRS.
This is the V1 rhythm strip of a 55 year old man with ischemic heart disease.
What is the cause of this BIGEMINAL looking rhythm?
Answer: A
The PR intervals for two consecutive beats are constant, followed by a blocked sinus
P wave. The QRS is wide suggesting a bundle branch block.
Chapter VIII / ECG Best of Five Scenarios
Q1: A 27-year-old man complaining of frequent palpitations. He likes coffee too
much. He stated that there is a sensation of a thumbing beat in the left side of the
chest every now and them and he is anxious about it. An ECG was done. What
type of arrhythmia is seen here?
Answer: D
The QRS complexes are very wide, funny looking beats. So it is either PVCs or
aberrantly conducted supraventricular premature beats. 3 clues help to differentiate
between an aberrant PAC and a PVC:
1. Complete vs. incomplete pause
2. Abnormal preceeding 'P on T' wave (suggests hidden P wave of PAC)
3. Morphology of the QRS in V1. Note the fat r wave and .08s delay from QRS onset
to nadir of S wave.
There is also sinus tachycardia.
Answer: D
Atrial fibrillation in patients below the age of 65 years with no hypertension or cardio-
respiratory diseases is called Lone Atrial Fibrillation. The risk of systemic
embolization is very low, about 1.2% per year. This is reduced to 1.0% with aspirin,
and to 0.5% with warfarine. So aggressive anti coagulation is not justified. Aspirin
alone would suffice here. Needless to say, slowing the hear rate with for example
digoxine, or a beta blocker, or a calcium channel blocker is also indicated.
Q3: A 68-year-old man with long standing hypertension presents with 2 days
history of palpitations. He is a little bit dizzy with a tight sensation in the chest.
ECG revealed the following abnormal rhythm, choose one only:
Answer: C
Atrial fibrillation is characterized by an irregularly irregular ventricular response, and
the absence of discrete P waves. In the top lead in this ECG, atrial activity is poorly
defined. The atrial activity seen in the lower lead resembles old saw-teeth (as opposed
to the new, sharp saw-teeth of atrial flutter).
Q4: A 61-year-old man with a history of ischemic heart disease since 2 years in
the form of chronic stable angina; during his follow up visit, you noticed
something new in his ECG. Look at this ECG, what is the abnormality?
A. Left bundle branch block.
B. Atrial flutter with 3:1 conduction.
C. Torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia.
D. Acute inferior wall myocardial infarction.
E. Normal ECG.
Answer: A
Bundle branch block causes sequential rather than simultaneous activation of the
ventricles. The second half of the QRS represents the ventricle with the blocked
bundle because that ventricle is activated later. Leads I and V1 show that terminal
QRS forces are oriented leftward and posterior indicating LV forces. Therefore,
LBBB is recognized by:
1) QRS duration > 0.12s
3) terminal QRS forces oriented leftwards (see lead I) and posterior (see V1).
Also, in BBB the ST-T waves should be oriented opposite to the terminal QRS forces,
and the increased voltage in V2 is normal.
A. Bifascicular block.
B. Right bundle branch block.
C. Old inferior wall myocardial infarction.
D. Ventricular bigeminy.
E. Acute pericarditis.
Answer: B
The wide QRS suggests a BBB. Looking at the latter half of the QRS in I and V1, the
late forces are rightward and anterior. Thus, the right ventricle has been blocked and
depolarized after the left ventricle. The rSR' complex seen in V1 is commonly seen
with RBBB.
Q6: A 56-year-old diabetic man with a history of an old anterior wall myocardial
infarction presented with a few days history of cough and pleuritic chest. You
diagnosed uncomplicated community acquired pneumonia and responded well to
antibiotics. A routine ECG revealed something that is unrelated to his
presentation; have a look at these leads, what is the abnormality?
A. Acute pericarditis.
B. Recent evidence of inferior wall myocardial infarction.
C. Left anterior fascicular block.
D. Slow atrial fibrillation.
E. Type I second degree AV block.
Answer: C
The mainly negative QRS in lead II should clue you in to a left axis deviation which
is the main ECG abnormality produced by LAFB.
Q7: A 66-year-old woman with along history of hypertension and diabetes. She is
being investigated routinely prior to an open cholecystectomy. Her ECG is
shown below. There are many abnormalities consisting with:
Answer: D
This is the most common of the bifascicular blocks. RBBB is most easily recognized
in the precordial leads by the rSR' in V1 and the wide S wave in V6 (i.e., terminal
QRS forces oriented rightwards and anterior).LAFB is best seen in the frontal plane
leads as evidenced by left axis deviation (-50 degrees), rS complexes in II, III, aVF,
and the small q in leads I and/or aVL.
Q8: One of your colleagues from the gynecology department is consulting you
about this funny looking ECG strip belonging to a 59 year old woman who is
supposing to undergo total hysterectomy. You are thinking of a conduction
abnormality, what is it?
A. Sinus arrhythmia
B. Type I 2nd Degree AV
C. Type II 2nd Degree AV
D. 3rd Degree AV
E. SA Exit block
Answer: E
2nd degree SA Block (types I and II) is the only degree of SA block that can be
recognized on the ECG. This one is type II because of the fairly constant PP intervals,
and the pause duration which is approximately twice the basic PP interval.
Sinus arrhythmia (choice A) is less likely because the PP intervals are not changing
gradually, but abruptly.
Answer: B
Q10: A 50-year-old hypertensive man on atenolol 100 mg / day, presented with
painful micturition and a supra-pubic pain, but no features of enlarged prostate
upon rectal examination. General urine examination revealed a lot of pus cells
per high power field. You diagnosed uncomplicated UTI. You ordered a routine
ECG. Look at his ECG, what is the conduction abnormality?
Answer: A
The normal PR interval is 0.12 - 0.20 sec, or 120 to 200 ms. 1st degree AV block is
defined by PR intervals greater than 200 ms. This may be caused by drugs (such as
digoxin), excessive vagal tone, ischemia, or intrinsic disease in the AV junction or
bundle branch system.
Q11: A 68-year-old man with a history of ischemic heart disease since 5 years.
Recent coronary angiogram revealed 70% narrowing in the proximal left
descending coronary artery (LAD), and 50% narrowing of the mid portion of the
right coronary artery (RCA). He is complaining of dropped beats which are a
source of anxiety to him. Look at his ECG, what is the conduction abnormality?
Answer: C
Mobitz II 2nd degree AV block is usually a sign of bilateral bundle branch disease.
One of the two bundle branches is completely blocked (note the wide, negative S in
V1 = LBBB). The nonconducted sinus P waves are most likely blocked in the other
bundle (ie, the right bundle) which exhibits 2nd degree block.
Although unlikely, it is possible that the P waves are blocked somewhere in the AV
junction such as the His bundle.
Q12: A 64-year-old man with long standing hypertension and diabetes, presented
with 20-hour history of right sided weakness. His family stated that they are
unable to understand what he is saying as his speech is funny ands bizarre. An
emergency brain CT scan revealed a large hypodense area in the left fronto-
temporo-parietal lobes consisting with an occlusion of the proximal main-stem of
the left middle cerebral artery. His ECG done at the A/E department is shown
below, What is the rhythm abnormality?
Answer: C
The ECG strip is consistent with atrial fibrillation. The overall clinical picture and the
massive cerebral infarction involving occlusion of the proximal main stem of the
middle cerebral artery are explained by this arrhythmogenic (cardiogenic) source of
cerebral embolization.