Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice:: Jobs 24-J1-J15 (Pipe)
Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice:: Jobs 24-J1-J15 (Pipe)
Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice:: Jobs 24-J1-J15 (Pipe)
This chapter deals only with the techniques for gas metal Chapter Objectives
arc welding standard (schedule 40) and heavy (schedule 80)
wall carbon steel pipe.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
24-1 Explain the use of the gas metal arc welding process
Industrial Applications of GMAW on piping structures and systems.
Pipe Welding 24-2 Describe the gas metal arc equipment used for pipe
Spurred on by the rapid growth of nuclear power, space welding.
and rocket exploration, marine construction, and the 24-3 Demonstrate understanding of the gas metal arc
chemical, oil, and gas industries, welded-pipe fabrication welding operations for pipe welding.
is increasing at a tremendous rate. Over 90 percent of all 24-4 Demonstrate understanding and ability of gas
steel piping installations are welded. There are over one metal arc welding by producing satisfactorily
million miles of pipeline in this country. Over 10 percent welded joints.
of the steel produced in the United States is used in the
production of pipe. The Hoover Dam piping installations
required pipe 30 feet in diameter with a wall thickness up
to 23⁄4 inches.
There is a considerable increase in the use of the gas
metal arc process in the field for power piping, process
piping, and construction (Figs. 24-1 and 24-2) and in
shop fabrication (Figs. 24-3 and 24-4). Much of this pipe
welding is being done with the GMAW-S and GMAW-P
processes. The practice jobs in this chapter specify tech-
niques for carbon steel pipe. Pipe is available in such
ferrous metals as low and high strength carbon steels, car-
bon-molybdenum steels, chromium-molybdenum steels,
low temperature steels, stainless steels, and clad and lined
steels. Pipe is also available in such nonferrous
metals as aluminum, nickel, copper, titanium,
and their alloys.
Welding may be done in all positions. The
direction of welding for vertical welds may be
up or down. The usual practice is to weld the
first pass down followed by passes that may be
welded up or down.
It is not difficult to obtain radiographic qual-
ity welds. The MIG/MAG pipe welding process
is used extensively on both noncritical and criti-
cal piping in which the weld must meet require-
ments of the codes for such critical applications
Fig. 24-1 Gas metal arc welding with the short circuit mode of metal transfer
as nuclear piping, steam power plant piping, and
on a 5G position V-groove weld on a pipe butt joint for the natural gas industry. chemical process piping.
This highly skilled journeyman has been trained and skilled in a multitude of It is assumed that you are already skilled in
welding and cutting processes. The feeder is enclosed to protect it from the the welding of pipe with the shielded metal arc
elements. The engine driven generator power source is located some distance process and the gas tungsten arc process. You are
away. Note the type of conditions that are typically encountered when doing urged to take the utmost care in the practice of
welding in this field. © United Association
these jobs. Gas metal arc pipe welding is a grow-
ing field and offers many opportunities for those
who develop a high degree of craftsmanship in
this welding process.
The piping industry is one of the most progres-
sive of all industries. The installation of piping is
costly, and for this reason the industry is alert to
new developments in the fabrication of pipe. The
Fig. 24-2 Typical groove welded pipe butt joint used in piping construction. It gas metal arc welding of pipe was first studied
was welded with the GMAW process—uphill. Downhill procedures are also used. in the laboratory and then tested in field experi-
ments. The results led to the use of MIG/MAG as a fabrica-
tion tool in the welding of pipe. The tests and the production
experiences indicated the following desirable advantages:
•• The process is fast and in many instances faster than
other welding processes.
•• The elimination of flux and slag reduces the cleaning
time considerably.
•• Heavier passes can be made, thus cutting down the
number of passes per joint.
•• Since the electrode is continuous, fewer starts and stops
are necessary, and there is no electrode stub loss.
•• The process can be used on all pipe sizes and pipe
wall thicknesses.
•• Weld metal is high quality and meets requirements of
most codes.
•• It is considered a low hydrogen process.
Fig. 24-3 Welding carbon steel pipe in the shop with the GMAW •• Weld appearance is good.
short circuit mode of metal transfer on the root pass. Note the arc visible
•• Good penetration, fusion, and a smooth weld bead can
on the inside of the pipe. This ensures that complete penetration is tak-
ing place. A pipe gripper is attached to a turning fixture that is rotating be produced inside the pipe on the underside of the
the pipe. © Miller Electric Mfg. Co. root pass.
Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe) Chapter 24 791
•• Backup rings may not be required.
•• Because of the concentration of heat when welding,
distortion and warpage are reduced.
The root pass is thicker and stronger than that produced
by the TIG and stick electrode process so that the danger
of first pass cracking is reduced.
Control System
Wire Reel
Feed Control
Voltage Control
Held Gun Wire-feed
Drive Motor
Fig. 24-5 Schematic diagram of the GMAW system for welding pipe.
792 Chapter 24 Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe)
•• Gas shielding system: one or more cylinders of carbon
dioxide (CO2) or a mixture of 75 percent argon and
25 percent carbon dioxide, whichever is used, and a
combination pressure-reducing regulator-flowmeter
•• Welding gun and cable assembly
•• Connecting hoses and cables
•• Face helmet, gloves, protective clothing, and hand
Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe) Chapter 24 793
the shielding gas for a spray (conventional or pulse mode) 371/2° ± 21/2°
to take place. When welding stainless steel with the
GMAW-S mode of metal transfer, a mix of three separate
gases is used. This is often referred to as a “tri-mix” and
consists of 90 percent helium, 71⁄2 percent argon, and 21⁄2
percent CO2. While pulse spray arcs on stainless steel can / ʺ Max.
1 8
794 Chapter 24 Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe)
Tack welds should be a minimum of 3⁄4 inch long and good fusion into the groove face as well. Any weld face
preferably about 1 inch long. For highly critical work or weld toe discontinuities should be removed by grind-
welded in the shop, gas tungsten arc welding is often used ing or filing.
for tacking and may be used for the root pass.
Both ends for all tacks should be “feathered” by grind-
ing as shown in Fig. 24-9. There are two important rea- Practice Jobs
sons for feathering: (1) to remove any possible defects in Instructions for Completing
the ends of the tack, and (2) to reduce the mass of metal at Practice Jobs
the ends of the tack and, therefore, ensure good fusion of
Your instructor will assign appropriate practice in the gas
the root bead to the tack. Four tacks are all that are neces-
metal arc welding of pipe from the jobs listed in the Job
sary for diameters up to 12 inches.
Outline, Table 24-2, pages 813–814. Before you begin
Some welding procedures require a backing ring to be
a job, study the specifications given in the Job Outline.
used. In this case the root opening should be not less than
⁄16 inch, and the root edge should be prepared as shown in Then turn to the pages indicated in the Text Reference
Fig. 24-10. This provides for excellent fusion of the root column for that job and study the welding technique
bead to the backing ring. described.
Note that the specifications are basic. Specific materi-
als and techniques vary with the job situation, the results
Interpass Cleaning desired, and the skill of the welder.
You will recall from your previous welding practice that Study Table 24-1, Troubleshooting for the GMAW
it is very important to clean between each pass in mul- Process (p. 796), carefully before you begin welding prac-
tipass welding. Although there will not be a heavy flux tice. Look up, your discontinuities in the table during
deposit to remove, there will be a little dust and a black practice and correct them as instructed before beginning
glassy material in spots on the surface of the bead. This the next job.
material should be removed with a power wire brush.
If the materials are not removed, they will become en- Beading Practice: Jobs 24-J1 and J2
trapped in the weld, causing porosity, and the arc will be
Beading practice around the outside of the pipe is for
the purpose of getting used to changing the position
With either vertical uphill or vertical downhill pro-
of the gun while following the contour around the pipe.
gression techniques the root pass will generally require
The direction of travel should be both downhill and
a good deal of grinding.
When the root pass is
Practice with various electrode extension distances.
being made, little atten-
With an electrode extension of about 1⁄4 inch, you will no-
tion is paid to its weld face tice that the penetration is deep and that you may even
contour. What is being fo- melt through the wall of the pipe. With an electrode ex-
cused on is that good root tension distance of 1⁄2 to 5⁄8 inch, you will notice that the
penetration is occurring on penetration is not as deep. A longer extension will also
Fig. 24-9 Detail of pipe the inside of the pipe. The bridge a gap with less melt-through.
showing “feathered” tack. root pass must also have Take a piece of pipe of the size specified in the Job
Outline. Hold your gun at an angle of 20 to 25° in the
direction of travel (drag angle), Fig. 24-11, page 796, and
371/2° ± 21/2°
make a stringer bead. Start at the 12 o’clock position and
weld downhill to the 3 o’clock position. Reposition the
/ ʺ Min. Root Opening
3 16
pipe by turning it counterclockwise and continue this
until the bead is joined at the starting point. Move over
about 1⁄4 to 3⁄8 inch and make a second bead. Then make a
weave pass between the stringer beads, Fig. 24-12, page
796. Weave the gun and pause at the side of each bead to
permit fusion to take place. This pass is like the second
Backing Ring and third passes in a groove weld or a cap pass.
Repeat this procedure, but weld uphill for both the
Fig. 24-10 Edge preparation and fitup if backing ring is used. stringer and weaved passes. When welding uphill, hold
Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe) Chapter 24 795
Table 24-1 Troubleshooting for the GMAW Process
20° to 25°
3 – Weave
Direction of
Fig. 24-11 Position of gun for surfacing or butt joint groove Fig. 24-12 Stringer and weave beads around the outside
welding around the pipe downhill or the pipe can be rolled. surface of a pipe welded in position number 1.
796 Chapter 24 Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe)
positions in that order). Make
sure that the pipe remains
equally spaced all the way 3/32 Dia. Bare Wire
about the 2 o’clock position and weld to just beyond the and rotate the pipe in a coun-
12 o’clock position. Here again, experiment with various terclockwise direction until
electrode extensions and with various voltage and amper- the weld crater is again in the
age settings. Be very careful that the weld metal does not 12 o’clock position. Be cer-
pile up and run off. tain to grind the crater and 3/32
Compare the beads with those shown in Fig. 24-13 and feather it. Clip the end of the
inspect them carefully for the usual discontinuities. Pay wire to remove any ball and
particular attention to weld contour, incomplete fusion, to get the proper electrode
spatter, undercut, and surface porosity. extension. Start the arc back Joint Detail
up on the prior root bead 1⁄4 to A = 60° to 75°
⁄2 inch. Let the arc stabilize,
Butt Joint
and then move down into and Fig. 24-14 Setting up and
The butt joint is the most commonly used pipe joint in fuse into the feathered cra- spacing the pipe before tack
welded pipe systems. In the field the welder is called welding. The diameter of the
ter area and continue with spacing wire determines the
upon to weld this joint in all positions, such as 2G, 5G, the root pass. Then repeat root opening.
and 6G. the welding procedure. The
Pressure piping usually requires heavy wall pipe. The electrode extension should
bevel angle is 371⁄2°, and the direction of travel is uphill. be between 1⁄4 and 3⁄8 inch.
Cross-country and distribution piping usually has thinner At certain times it may be
walls. The bevel angle is 30°, and the direction of travel as long as 5⁄8 inch because
is downhill. As in the previous pipe practice, the beveling of the 45° drag angle. The
may be done by flame-cutting or machine cutting. stringer bead should be no
Job 24-J3 will be the welding of a butt joint in pipe more than 1⁄8 inch thick. The Direction of
in the horizontal roll position (1G), travel down, from the root opening often varies.
12 o’clock to the 3 o’clock position. If the opening is wider than
⁄32 inch, it may be necessary
Horizontal Pipe Axis Roll Position: Job 24-J3 to weave the gun slightly,
Root Pass Select two lengths of pipe of the size and weight Fig. 24-15.
specified in the Job Outline. Set up the two nipples with Be careful when weld- Fig. 24-15 Suggested
the pipe axis vertical as shown in Fig. 24-14 and tack weld ing over a tack. The tack pattern for torch oscillation for
at four equally spaced places (the 12, 6, 3, and 9 o’clock must be completely fused root pass welding downhill.
Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe) Chapter 24 797
and become a part of the weld bead. Many welders have
failed qualification tests because of their failure to com-
pletely remelt the tack. As you approach the leading
edge of the tack, position the gun about 20 to 25° from
the perpendicular, Fig. 24-16. As you leave the tack, po-
sition the gun about 45 to 55° from the perpendicular,
Fig. 24-17.
Each time the weld is restarted, it is necessary to “tie-
Carry Weld Pool Slowly to
in” with the previously deposited bead carefully. As you Pipe Bevel Approx.1/4ʺ to 3/8ʺ.
move up into the pool, let the metal wash up against the
sides of the groove, and then move downhill. Also be sure Fig. 24-18 Recommended technique for eliminating crater
to reposition the pipe when stopping the weld. A stop in cracks when welding is stopped in an open joint.
welding a root pass in an open joint can cause shrinkage,
cracks, cavities, and cratering. The weld should be carried
slowly 1⁄4 to 3⁄8 inch onto the pipe bevel wall, Fig. 24-18. However, the crater area must be feathered before a “tie-in”
is attempted.
Inspect the weld carefully for penetration through the
back side (Fig. 24-19) and fusion to the side walls. Grind
20° to 25° the weld face to make sure that it is flat. Grind the toes to
eliminate any undercut or incomplete fusion. The surface
of the weld should be flat, Fig. 24-20. Brush the weld before
applying the next pass.
Filler Pass Start
the second pass about 2 inches past the
original starting point for the root pass. Begin welding
by moving your gun from side to side, Fig. 24-21. Pause
briefly at each edge of the root pass in order to permit the
Direction of
45° to 55°
Direction of
798 Chapter 24 Gas Metal Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 24-J1–J15 (Pipe)