Penta International Corporation: Natural Certificate (Us)
Penta International Corporation: Natural Certificate (Us)
Penta International Corporation: Natural Certificate (Us)
At the time of shipment, the article of food, drug, or other commodity listed below, comprising our shipment
or other delivery hereafter made by the seller to, or on the order of the buyer, is on such date (1) not
adulterated or mis-branded within the meaning of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; (2) not an
article which may not, under the provisions of Section 404 or 405 of said act be introduced into interstate
commerce; (3) not adulterated or mis-branded within the meaning of the Food or Drug laws of any state or
municipality which are applicable to such shipment or delivery, or (4) it is composed of only natural
ingredients as defined in Section 21 CFR 101.22 (a)(3) and to the best of our knowledge and belief contains
no artificial flavor ingredients and we have added no artificial flavor ingredient to it.
The guarantees given herein are continuing and shall be in full force and effect until revoked in writing.