The Kahuna Mind
The Kahuna Mind
The Kahuna Mind
Is Huna a Religion?
"What is Huna?"
We often speak of Huna as not in itself a religion, but the truth which lies behind all
religions alike. It is a science because it explains spiritual/metaphysical matters … not as
theological belief … but by direct knowledge obtainable by study and investigation.
It's religious aspect gives Huna practitioners a rule of life ... not based on alleged
"commands" given to the "chosen" at some remote period in the past, but on plain
common sense as indicated by observable facts. The "Divine Will" is expressed in what
we know as the Laws of Nature.
YOUR RELIGION is what YOU believe ... not what you're told to believe.
FIRST ... Huna does NOT demand belief or even speak of "belief" in the usual sense,
because the Huna student either KNOWS a thing or suspends judgment about it until they
can experience the results and prove it for themselves.
SECOND ... Huna does NOT endeavor to “convert” anyone ... it EXPLAINS your
religion to you and enables you to see the DEEPER MEANING and PURPOSE.
Huna principles are not tenets of faith, but are based on direct and repeatable
OBSERVATION of what happens.
Kahuna Physics
The Huna "Mechanics of
Telepathy and Telepathic Prayer"
from The Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max Freedom Long
B. The shadowy body pictured as slightly out of the physical body (as in astral travel etc.)
but connected with the physical body by a large cord of shadowy body material.
D. This single wavy line represents the low voltage of vital force used by the low self
(and made by it in the body). The shadowy body is an ideal storage battery to hold such
vital force, and the threads of shadowy mate-rial extending in all directions (uniting the
individual with all things and persons once touched) are ideal conductors for the low
voltage vital force.
E. The thicker shadowy body material cord connecting the shadowy body with the
physical body when the low self (usually accompanied by the middle self in its shadowy
body) leaves the physical body during sleep, trance and astral travel. The zig-zag line
pictures the flow of vital force along the cord.
F. The dotted circle indicates the shadowy body of the middle self. It does not have the
shape of the physical body and is thinner than the shadowy body of the low self.
G. A distant person with whom telepathic or mind reading experiments are being carried
out, or to whom the healing thought forms and vital force are being transferred in absent
H. The thread or cord of shadowy body substance which connects the man with a distant
person (as explained in G). Along the connecting thread flows low voltage vital force and
thought forms, both moving to and from the experimenters. The small circles represent
the thoughts as thought forms, but these would naturally be clusters to form complete
ideas or impressions gained by an extension of sensory faculties along the thread to see,
hear, smell, taste etc. and bring back reports. The kahunas symbolized this extension of
sensory organs along shadowy threads as "reaching out a finger" or "an ear" etc. The
sensory organs are duplicated in the shadowy body, so that the low self, when out of the
physical, as in astral travel or after death can still see, hear, taste, etc.
I. Low voltage vital force bringing into action the shadowy cord connecting the low self
with the High Self. This low voltage of force goes along the thread carrying the thought
forms of a prayer to the High Self. It also furnishes the High Self with the force to be
used in making instant or miraculous answers to prayers for healing.
J. The three wavy lines symbolize the flow of high voltage vital force from the High Self
to the low. This is the atom smashing voltage which can make instant changes in bodily
tissues to cause instant healing, or can produce the "physical phenomena" of Psychical
K. The symbol of the High Self. It is connected with the low self by a thread of shadowy
body substance.
L. Along the shadowy connecting thread move thought forms and sensory impressions,
the latter gained either by a projection of shadowy sensory organs, such as the eyes, or by
impressions already recorded as thought forms. All visions of the future are from the
High Self and reach the low self as sensory impressions or thought forms sent along the
thread from the High Self to the low self. Or, the low self may extend a portion of a
shadowy body eye to the region of the High Self and "see" the thought forms of the not-
yet-materialized future which have already been constructed by the High Self.
M. The doubled wavy line represents the middle voltage of vital force used as "will" and
in its thinking, by the middle self.
2. Obtain the cooperation of the three selves. This requires the complete relaxation of the
body, the inner self and the conscious mind, followed by meditation on the High Self to
"draw it near to you."
6. Send the thought-form to your inner self to present telepathically to your High Self:
7. Strengthen the thought-form with mana and send it to your High Self.
Now ...
Even though this is more than 30 years old and we are constantly learning new ways of
improving it ... you can easily use this technique to start turning your dreams into
* Adapted from William Glover's book, Huna: The Ancient Religion of Positive
Thinking, pp. 52-53
© 2008 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD
All rights reserved
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