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How To Import From China More Successfully

How To Import From China More Successfully

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Find and Select Products for Your Importing.........6

China - The Great Factory..............................................................6

What Not to Import.......................................................................6

Beginning the Product Selection......................................................7

Chapter 2 - Create Your Own Corporate Identity....................9

Branding Your Products..................................................................9

Selecting a Brand Name.................................................................9

Protect Your Brand......................................................................10

Chapter 3 - Finding Suitable Suppliers in China....................11

Searching for Suppliers................................................................11

What You Will Learn About Suppliers..............................................12

About Trading Companies.............................................................12

Chapter 4 - Buying Factory Direct or Through a Middleman. . .14

Pros and Cons of Working With Middlemen......................................14

Establishing Communication.........................................................15

Chapter 5 - Incoterms and Tariffs......................................16

Link to INCOTERMS CHART...........................................................16

Link to ICC BUSINESS BOOKSTORE...............................................16

About Tariffs...............................................................................16

Chapter 6 - The Import Calculation....................................17

Other Costs................................................................................17

Simple Cost Calculation................................................................19

Chapter 7 - Visiting Suppliers/Factories in China..................21

Why Make the Trip?.....................................................................21

How To Import From China More Successfully

Be Prepared for Surprises.............................................................22

The Importing Consultant.............................................................22

Chapter 8 - Negotiating Prices and Terms...........................23

Arranging the Meetings................................................................23

The Importance of Business Cards.................................................23

Before the Meeting......................................................................25

Factory Tours.............................................................................25

Quality Control............................................................................26

Engineers and Laboratories...........................................................26

Delivery Times............................................................................27



Payment Terms...........................................................................29

Negotiating Prices.......................................................................29

Be Wary of Fake Goods................................................................30

Chapter 9 - Order Samples...............................................32

Samples Are Not on a Shelf..........................................................32

Detailed Sample Requirements......................................................32

Having the Samples Packaged.......................................................33

Why You Must Pay for Samples.....................................................34

Order Plenty of Samples...............................................................34

More About Sample Costs.............................................................35

Concluding the Visit.....................................................................35

Chapter 10 - Evaluating Samples.......................................37

Monitoring Progress ....................................................................37

Beginning the Evaluation..............................................................38

After the Evaluation.....................................................................38

Chapter 11 - Choosing an Inspection Company....................40

How To Import From China More Successfully

Selection Considerations..............................................................40

Inspection Frequency...................................................................41

What the Inspection Agency Needs to Know....................................43

Beginning the Inspection Process...................................................44

More About the Inspection Process................................................46

The Inspection Report..................................................................48

Rejected Goods...........................................................................48

Other Advantages Working With an Inspection Company...................50

Chapter 12 - Placing Your Order With the Factory................52

Prompt Purchase Order Placement.................................................52

Be Ready With Your Graphic Materials............................................52

How the Factory Organizes the Production......................................53

Finalizing the P/O........................................................................54

Chapter 13 - Product Liability Insurance.............................60

Chapter 14 - Open Your L/C..............................................61
Cash is King to the Factory...........................................................61

Obtaining an L/C.........................................................................62

L/Cs Are Irrevocable....................................................................63

Chapter 15 - Selling Products to Your Customers.................65

Reaping the Benefits....................................................................65

Chapter 16 - Preparing the Graphic/Cover Materials for Gift

Boxes and Instruction Manuals .........................................67
Get Some Help...........................................................................67

Submitting Graphics to the Factory................................................67

Chapter 17 - Proofing Packaging and Instruction Manuals......69

Shades of Trouble.......................................................................69

A Better Strategy........................................................................69

About Paper Quality.....................................................................70

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 18 - Release For Mass Printing...............................72

Chapter 19 - Check Pre-production Samples........................73
Verifying Production Samples........................................................73

Chapter 20 - Release for Mass Production...........................75

Chapter 21 - Constantly Monitor Production Progress............76
What Can Go Wrong?...................................................................76

Capacity Constraints....................................................................76

Industrial Growth in the North.......................................................77

Chinese New Year.......................................................................79

Chapter 22 - Arrange the Final Random Inspection...............80

Scheduling the Inspection.............................................................80

Starting Early.............................................................................80

The Inspection Report..................................................................82

When Defects Are Found..............................................................82

Chapter 23 - Releasing the Shipment or Asking for Re-work

and Re-inspection............................................................85
Typical Documentation to Release the L/C.......................................85

Rework Scenarios........................................................................86

Chapter 24 - Performing an Incoming Inspection at Your

Warehouse ....................................................................88
The Long Bumpy Route................................................................88

Chapter 25 - Delivering Your Goods ..................................89

Chapter 26 - Epilog..........................................................90

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 1 - Find and Select Products for Your


Importing from China presents businesses both big and small with an
outstanding opportunity to greatly increase profit margins and still offer
fantastic products at prices consumers are anxious to pay. The big guys
might buy massive amounts of products at incredibly lower prices for the
mass markets but there are phenomenal opportunities for small and
medium size business to make fantastic buys of smaller quantities that
still bring huge profits.

This eBook assumes that your company is a small or medium size

importer with an established customer base in your home country or a
company wanting to start with their own importing but lacking the
experience to do so. The biggest and best reason for starting an import
business or increasing your import volume is to improve your company’s
overall profit margin.

China - The Great Factory

China is fast becoming a production super power, manufacturing a hefty
proportion of the world’s consumer products. It is often called the factory
to the world. Because the Chinese economy is in a growth period, cost of
manufacturing is very low compared to elsewhere in the world. This
presents a fantastic opportunity to you as a seller. By sourcing your
merchandise directly from China, you are able to get extremely low prices
per unit and turning them around for a hefty profit in your own country.

What Not to Import

As already mentioned in the eBook extract on our website, you need to
spend substantial time to evaluate your home market for suitable
products, which are in demand or will be in demand and the customers

How To Import From China More Successfully

who want to buy them. As an importer and retailer, you know the first
rule to success is knowing your customer(s) and what they will pay
handsomely for.

If you only follow what your competitors are already pursuing, you will
end up importing too many “Me Too” products. Too much competition
drives your profits down. The real China importing opportunity is the right
product at rock bottom prices. Therefore, by all means, avoid looking for
products that are already being imported by large buying organizations
like retail chain stores, department stores or specialized importers with
their own distribution channels. It will prove too difficult for you to
compete with their buying power and their own buying offices in China.

The general process is to first select a product for import, negotiate a

contract with the manufacturer, wait for the product to be manufactured,
and then wait for it to be delivered by ship. It may take months for your
products to reach your warehouse. A forward thinking strategy is
essential to avoid piling up goods, which upon arrival, nobody wants

Beginning the Product Selection

Looking out for trends can be very time consuming because you need to
know where to start. However, there is as shortcut that can save you
valuable time. The program is called “Trend Cockpit”. You can download
it from the internet by following this link: Trend Cockpit
This program is amazing because it allows you to use a cockpit to log on
to trendsetters like Amazon, eBay, Google, YouTube, etc., unquestionably
the largest retailers on the Internet. Altogether, there are 34 different
web addresses for tracking trends. It is a heavy program of 200MB but
it’s worth downloading because you will also receive a 45

How To Import From China More Successfully

minute video explaining in detail how to use the program and where to
find the latest trends.

Trendy products allow you to pull in huge profits when you are among the
first importing them to your home country. The key is moving fast,
otherwise the selected products are already out of fashion.

The market frequently changes and products which you sold for a couple
of years, a decade ago, now may have a life cycle no longer than 8
months or so. This also explains why you must go and visit Chinese
manufacturers more frequently to avoid missing the latest developments.
You need to know in advance what’s in the pipeline and who else other
than the manufactures can tell you.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 2 - Create Your Own Corporate Identity

Since you know that you have to move fast, you better start with
preparations for your corporate identity by establishing your own brand
name and gift box design.

Branding Your Products

Many importers underestimate the importance of this step and get into
trouble later on. Having your own brand name and a convincing gift box
design (product packaging) could be the main key to success for your
import business. Why is it so important to have your own brand name and
gift box design? It immediately establishes your corporate image with
Chinese manufacturers and the customers in your home country. It sets
you apart from the rest of the crowd and gives it a professional touch.

Creating your own gift box design may seem like wasting money since
many manufacturers can also provide you with their own design (usually
a very simple one) at no extra charge. Unfortunately, they will provide
this service to everyone who is asking for it and these goods may even
enter your home market without your knowledge. You just become
another look alike retailer in a crowed field.

The result is more competition and you become unable to achieve your
planned profit margin. In other words, you wasted a lot of time and
money without benefiting from it.

Selecting a Brand Name

But let’s start with your own brand name first. You will need some outside
help with this because the brand name which you want to choose for your
products may have already been registered somewhere else. It would be
disastrous if you become entangled in legal battles with the legally

How To Import From China More Successfully

established brand name owner after you have distributed your imported
products in your home country.

Ask a lawyer to do this for you because they have the tools to do
thorough research and can register your brand name for either worldwide
or only local use. Theoretically, your chosen brand name may only be
available for a certain kind of product, but I suggest choosing one that
can be used for a wide range of products. This supports your future
expansion strategy and you don’t want to be stopped by not having the
suitable brand name to do so.

Protect Your Brand

Another reason for having a custom design is that the Chinese
Government has implemented quite a few restrictions that help protect
you as an importer. The restrictions prevent factories from producing and
shipping products with your brand to other than the legal brand owners.

Once you have created a nice and professional looking gift box design,
there is always the risk that some factory or other importer may copy it
and use it for other customers not necessarily in your home country.
There is not much you can do about it but you now can see why your own
brand name is so important. Do everything you can to protect it from the
beginning. When you become hugely successful, it will be very valuable.

At this point, your gift box design is only a concept about color
combinations, graphics, use of photos, etc. The final design can be only
created after you have finalized your product selection.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 3 - Finding Suitable Suppliers in China

Identifying suitable suppliers in China is not easy because there are tens
of thousands of them and you cannot visit everyone. First of all, you must
filter down to the suppliers which may have the products which you want
to import.

Searching for Suppliers

There are several companies with high performance search engines for
either supplier or product searches. As an already successful importer, I
have had the best experience with these companies:
Alibaba http://www.alibaba.com
Global Sources http://www.globalsources.com
Global Market http://www.globalmarket.com
Made-in China http://www.made-in-china.com
Hong Kong Trade Development
Council http://www.tdctrade.com

Alibaba is by far the largest one of these companies. Each company not
only provides you with search engines but they are also involved in
arranging exhibitions in China and overseas. Additionally, they publish
monthly magazines that you can and should subscribe to, after you have
found your market niche and know exactly what you are looking for.

For a free sample of Global Sources monthly magazine with 13 titles to

choose from, click here to request a free sample

Smart China Sourcing is another site providing information to buyers

new to importing from China, to help them learn how, while sharing
interesting stories and information www.smartchinasourcing.com

How To Import From China More Successfully

What You Will Learn About Suppliers

Using their search engines places a wealth of information about many
suppliers and their products at your fingertips. Usually you will find photos
of each product, a short description, and photos, or even videos of the
factory and/or their showroom. Additionally, you will find all contact
details to approach the factory without having to guess who you should
send your e-mail inquiry to.

The verified suppliers on Global Sources are physically visited 3 times to

confirm they are real companies and export-capable which will provide
you with an extra assurance for your sourcing activities.

At this stage, you may not be aware that many of the companies in your
search results (mostly the better-organized ones) are not manufacturers
but in fact are trading companies or agents. This is not necessarily bad if
you are new to importing because they can provide services that the
factory is unwilling to provide.

About Trading Companies

In China, it is all about buying power and volume and some big factories
are reluctant to cooperate with small volume importers. That is where the
trading companies come in because they do have volume from their
larger number of customers and are familiar with most factories in their

If you have a large enough buying volume, I strongly suggest you to buy
directly from the factory, simply because it is cheaper. Also in the case of
a claim, you can more easily deal with the factory directly than through a

How To Import From China More Successfully

Since you will not be able to distinguish between a manufacturer and a

trading company, you must directly ask them when you contact the first

I believe there is no need to teach you how to write your inquiry e-mails
because you are already in business and know which questions have to be
asked. The communication nowadays is much easier than 10 years ago.
Today, most factories employ marketing or sales managers who can
communicate reasonably well in business English.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 4 - Buying Factory Direct or Through a Middleman

Let me give you some help for your decision with the pros and cons of
buying from a middleman. Buying factory direct or through a middleman
both have their merits and you have to ask yourself what is more
important for you.
Pros and Cons of Working With Middlemen
• Easier communication for you with a single contact for several
• They usually have a better showroom for product selection
• They are experienced in dealing with customers from different
• They sometimes invest in their own tooling and therefore have their
own products
• Their staff is more proficient in English which makes discussions and
negotiations easier

• Their prices are less competitive because you have to pay for their
• They may not be able to present you with the latest products
because they choose not taking the risk to be first
• They will try directing you to certain factories because they have
trade agreements with them
• Solving claims through their help may prove more difficult due to
the relationship with their factories. Since they have projects to
execute for other customers, their factories may be more important
to them than your business.

In some cases, you will be forced to work with an export agent simply
because the factory does not have an export license or does not want to
invest in extra marketing personnel.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Establishing Communication
After you have browsed the sourcing search engines and narrowed your
selection down to a handful of suppliers you must start communicating
with them for price inquiries and gathering information about new
developments they have in their pipeline.

At this stage, you will find out which factories or suppliers are more
responsive and show a better understanding of your needs. If they do not
reply as expected at this early stage, how can you expect them to reply
quickly later on, after you have placed your orders to them? In most
cases, you will however experience that their response is reasonably
good. Some companies are also using Skype or MSN Messenger as an
additional means for communication, which makes the communication
more personal.

Always remember that building up a good personal relationship with your

Chinese suppliers and their staff is essential. If you manage that part
successfully, you will benefit when negotiating prices or trying to obtain
help for solving an imminent problem.

When communicating with the selected factories or suppliers, you should

also inquire about their company background (ownership, how much staff,
and their main export countries). Learn if a factory is mainly producing
goods for countries with a known lower quality requirement. They may
not be able to comply with the stricter requirement of EC countries or the
United States.

Your brand name should be included in your communication in order to

give your company a professional profile. Do not forget that some of
these factories will receive hundreds of inquiries from many different
importers and sometimes have to make decisions with whom they want to

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 5 - Incoterms and Tariffs

Below is a link to a chart showing you the most common Incoterms,

which are the standard definitions of trade terms of the International
Chamber of Commerce [ICC]. Incoterms is the abbreviation for
International Commercial Terms. They are internationally recognized as
indispensable evidence of the buyer’s and seller’s responsibilities under a
sales contract.



It is also a good idea to visit their online bookshop and find out which
books you may need for staying on top in following subjects:
• Model Commercial eBooks
• Trade Reference eBooks
• International Banking eBooks
• Institute of World Business Law eBooks



About Tariffs
Here is a link to the different import tariffs for most countries. It is
essential you familiarize yourself with the details because it is needed for
your cost calculation - you cannot expect that every factory knows the
details for your import costs.

Link to International Customs Tariffs Bureau


How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 6 - The Import Calculation

After you have familiarized yourself with the Incoterms and the Customs
Tariffs, you want to establish your import calculation scheme for the
selected products.

Other Costs
This may seem to you like too much bureaucracy, but believe me, it is
necessary if you want to become successful with your import business.
Before you travel to China, you must do some homework and do your
calculation for the different products you want to import, otherwise
negotiations will be much more time consuming.

You already have a rough idea of the achievable buying price from your
recent communications with the suppliers but of course, rough means not
final. You should do some reverse calculating because you need an idea at
what price you can sell larger quantities in your home country at the
highest possible profit margin for your company. Based on that price, you
will do your reverse calculation by taking into consideration all costs that
apply - only then can you arrive at your ideal buying price.

If you want to negotiate better prices from your factories, you need to
first decide which buying terms will apply.

The Incoterms most commonly chosen by importers are FOB and CIF.

This stands for Free On Board and its terms are:
• Carriage to be arranged by the buyer
• Risks transfer from seller to buyer when goods pass the ship’s rail

How To Import From China More Successfully

• Costs transfer from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the
ship’s rail

This stands for Cost, Insurance, and Freight and its terms are:
• Carriage and insurance to be arranged by the seller
• Risks transfer from seller to buyer when goods pass the ship’s rail
• Costs transfer at port of destination with buyer paying such costs as
are not for the seller’s account under the contract of carriage

Most importers will choose buying at FOB prices because it allows them
more flexibility in choosing their own freight forwarder, insurance
company, and a greater transparency of total costs.

Factories always want to reduce their own risk by calculating higher

freight rates for their CIF price quotations to be on the safe side. This has
a negative impact on your landing cost and you have no way of really
knowing the breakdown of costs. It is much better to negotiate FOB prices
and control the freight rates by selecting the forwarder/shipping company
of your choice.

Once you have built up a business relationship with your forwarder you
can expect preferential treatment and receive early warnings. For
instance, if there is an indication that the freight rates will go up in near

The same applies to the insurance costs, which you can reduce by
negotiating better terms with insurance companies in your home country.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Here is a comparison of buyer & seller responsibilities for FOB versus CIF:

Services FOB CIF

Warehouse Storage Seller Seller

Warehouse Labor Seller Seller

Export Packing Seller Seller

Loading Charges Seller Seller

Inland Freight Seller Seller

Terminal Charges Seller Seller

Forwarder's Fees Buyer Seller

Loading On Vessel Seller Seller

Ocean/Air Freight &
Insurance Buyer Seller
Charges On Arrival At
Destination Buyer Buyer
Duty, Taxes & Customs
Clearance Buyer Buyer
Delivery To Destination Buyer Buyer

Simple Cost Calculation

As an importer, you should always keep complete cost calculations in
mind. This requires more than only calculating the landed costs.

Below is a simple calculation scheme, which can be applied for various

kinds of products but for some specific products, such as consumer
electronics, extra charges may apply that have to be taken into

I do not recommend buying products at ex-factory prices because you will

be involved in organizing the local transport in China which is sometimes
very difficult, depending on the region your factory is located. The factory
already has the connections and can handle that much more efficiently
than you.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Simple Calculation Scheme

EXW (ex-factory selling price)

+ FOB costs (outbound)
+ Ocean transport
+ Insurance
+ Finance
+ Provision for bad debts
+ Credit insurance
= CIF (landed cost)
+ of equal importance for the exporter’s consideration:
+ Import duties
+ Inland transport
+ Importer’s margin
+ Wholesaler’s margin
+ Retailer’s margin
+ VAT (UK and EU Only)
= Consumer price

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 7 - Visiting Suppliers/Factories in China

In this chapter, I want to emphasize the importance of personally visiting

your suppliers in China. You may have heard that some consultants do
not see the necessity to go to China at all. They suggest their clients
order samples and place orders based on the results of their sample

I strongly advise you against this and will explain why. My more than 25
years experience of importing goods from China has taught me otherwise.

Why Make the Trip?

There are of course some very large manufacturers in China with quality
assurance organizations to guarantee a relatively consistent quality of
products. With them, you can be more easygoing but chances are they
cannot offer you the most competitive prices because of their bigger
organization costs money. Often they have distribution channels in your
home country making it less desirable to buy from them.

You will usually deal with smaller or medium size factories which need
clear instructions from you and this is best done by meeting face-to-face.
One of the issues working with a middleman or agency is that they may
be knowledgeable about a wide variety of products, but not necessarily
sufficiently experienced in any of them. In the end, there is no way of
getting around the fact that the Chinese mentality favors frequent
personal contact with overseas trading partners and visiting their factory
is the way to go.

In my eBook How to Make Chinese Factory Visits More Successful, I give

you more detailed information about preparing yourself and how to
proceed when you arrive at the factory.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Be Prepared for Surprises

The smaller or medium size factories can usually offer you the most
competitive prices and since you want to maximize your profit from
importing, they will probably be your best partners.

By visiting your preselected factories, you can make your decisions about
whom you want to strike a deal with after concluding your negotiations.

During your factory visits, you will be in for many surprises and you may
have to revise the first judgment you arrived at from previous
communication with some of the factories. You will find that some
factories are smaller than expected and have only a limited production
capacity available on their own premises. They do not want to miss out on
your orders and hire a subcontractors to produce for them instead.

This is totally unacceptable because these subcontractors are usually

inferior in quality management and care less about your orders because
you are not their direct customer. If a factory has this policy, simply don’t
work with them if you want to stay out of trouble.

The Importing Consultant

Another way you can achieve superior results is by employing a neutral
company as your personal consultant. For instance, our company provides
this service at an affordable cost. We have gained the needed
understanding and knowledge to effectively deal with Chinese
manufacturers from more than 2 decades of experience.

Simply send your requirements to us and we will have them executed in

the best possible way. You also do not need to worry about inferior
factories because we have ways of avoiding them. We have no special
relationship with any factory and will strictly follow only your instructions.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 8 - Negotiating Prices and Terms

My other eBooks with the titles How to Make Business Negotiations in

China More Successful and How to Make Chinese Factory Visits More
Successful cover this subject thoroughly. Here, I give you a brief
summary of what you need to consider when negotiating with the factory
management. The in-depth eBooks on the subject are available from our
website and are a must read for all importers.

Arranging the Meetings

Visiting one or more factories is relatively easy because they will arrange
transportation for you and don’t even mind taking you to their competitor.

Since the transportation takes a lot of time, you are well advised to make
inquiries first with your factories for their exact locations. If you set your
schedule according to their suggestions, you can save substantial time,
which is better spent in discussions.

It should be obvious that it makes more sense to visit your supplier at

their factory instead of meeting them in your nice hotel, which would be
so much more convenient. This would deprive you from meeting the
factory team you will be dealing with.

The Importance of Business Cards

Before visiting any company in China, whether a factory or trading
company, make sure you have your business cards ready.

There is really no excuse for not having enough business cards with you.
In all major cities, there are print shops that can print your name cards
for you in a very short time. It looks very unprofessional if you cannot
hand out enough name cards to your negotiation partners.

How To Import From China More Successfully

It would be also unwise, considering that staff in factories frequently

change and move on to other factories. If they have your name card, you
can bet that they will contact you sooner or later. These are people who
already know your requirements and visiting them in their new factory
could be very helpful. They would do anything to convince their
management that your company is an important customer and you will
receive better quotations for that.

I recently read an article from another author stating: “In my experience

almost every sales person that I have met in China who is not the owner
of the business, has shown interest in either setting up on his own by
“stealing” his employer’s customers and product designs or simply doing
his own deals on the side through friends, contacts or family.”

There is some truth in this although I cannot fully endorse it or maybe I

have been lucky all these years. On the other hand, Chinese people want
to be recognized. When sitting around the conference table you can only
address them with their correct name after you have received their name
cards first. For visitors from western countries it is usually quite difficult to
memorize all the different names and without their name cards you are
likely to fail.

If you have a notebook computer, bring it to every meeting. If you do not

have one, consider purchasing one. Believe me, that purchase will be
worth all the money you spend for it. Your notebook computer provides
you with all necessary information for your business negotiations, plus
allows you to show background information about your company or your
packaging concept for the product. This is very helpful for factory
management. You should also input vital information during your
discussions without the need to take extra notes. That is of course easier
if you have an associate but with a bit of practice you can manage it alone
after a while.

How To Import From China More Successfully

The notebook computer saves precious time once you are back home or
you could send your daily reports to your head office for further
instructions or recommendations.

Before the Meeting

Don’t be surprised if the sales manager or even the company owner
meets you at the airport or hotel. This is a good thing because the driver
in most cases is not capable of speaking English and you can and should
use the time it takes getting to the factory for some small talk with the
manager. In this way you gain a first impression with whom you are
dealing before the more serious negotiations start.

Try to learn the position your contact person occupies in the management
hierarchy, along with who is in control of the factory, and who makes final
decisions. This is important because the Chinese may want to delay
decisions and will tell you that they have to wait for the decision maker
who is not available. Since the whole concept of visiting the factories is to
reach your final conclusion about who will be selected as your business
partner in future, it is understandable that you need to talk to competent
decision makers and not middle managers.

Factory Tours
After arriving at the factory, you will be shown around the premises. Be
sure to take your time studying the production lines, their QC
arrangements, and the amount of technical equipment the factory is
using. Additionally you must check whether the factory is complying with
the Chinese labor laws, which prohibit the use of child labor and
excessively long work hours. It is important to include a clause in your
P/O later to protect your own interest. Since you are only asking the
factory to comply with existing laws, there is nothing wrong with it.

How To Import From China More Successfully

When the factory manager walks you through the building(s), you should
check out what is in production currently and who the customer is. Ask to
see packing materials or shipping samples. These give you a clue about
who else is buying from that factory. Sometimes factory management
may be reluctant to disclose that information but they cannot stop their
production to prevent you from seeing it.

Don’t be shy about taking photos. You should ask before but I have
seldom been prevented from doing so.

Examine cleanliness and tidiness. If there is no space available to store

the manufactured products before they are packed, you can expect that
some of them will be scratched or covered by dust, which leads to
scratches when the dust is cleaned up.

Quality Control
Seek out their QC management to learn about QC processes for defective
products. Are problems simply registered, without taking any further
action? Or are they proactively working to eliminate the cause of defects.
It could be that a single less experienced worker is creating the problem
and if this worker is not replaced, the problem will continue and cost the
factory money because they have to rework the products or simply
through them away.

Whether the factory has achieved ISO 9000 or ISO 9001 certification is
not so important as long as they take action to improve their production
quality on continuous basis.

Engineers and Laboratories

Also, check whether the factory has a decent or fully equipped lab. Of
course, this depends of the factory size and the kind of products they are
producing. Check whether their engineers are familiar with your home

How To Import From China More Successfully

country requirements. This is a must because it would be very difficult to

teach them if they do not already have the necessary know how.

If you want to import to the EC, the factory must only deliver products
that comply with the ROHS directives, otherwise you would get into deep
trouble. If they say there is no problem, ask them how they can
guarantee it. You can also ask them to provide lab certificates or in case
of electronic products, they must be able to show you their existing
approval certificates from internationally recognized labs. You should
refrain from accepting certificates from local Chinese labs because they
are difficult to verify.

Delivery Times
You need to ask the factory management about their delivery time during
the low and peak seasons so that you have clear information about how
long it will take to have your products shipped out. It is also good to ask
them about their present order situation, which gives you an indication
how well or poorly the factory is performing. If they do not have many
orders, there should be an understandable reason. Good or bad, it is
important for your decision-making. If the factory won’t tell you, there is
a chance that their competitors know which proves one more time how
important it is to visit the factories in person. A middleman may have his
own interest in mind and would not inform you.

Another very important factor is whether the factory needs outside help
for some production processes, these can include plastic injection
molding, metal punching, painting, PCB injection, etc., or whether they
can do everything in house. If a major part of the production cannot be
done in house, there is always the risk that they cannot completely
control the plastic injection factory and receive their plastic parts too late
for timely assembly.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Factories are usually very reluctant to let you visit their subcontractors
and for good reason. They work for other factories as well and the
managers don’t want to introduce you to competitors you are not
currently considering.

Another subcontracting practice to discuss with factory management, is

transferring part of the goods to other factories for assembly or
production. By all means, avoid this because you will often receive inferior
goods. What is the point if you have selected a factory based one a good
impression, but your products are really manufactured elsewhere.

Include these subcontracting requirements in your P/O to protect your

interest in the event of a claim after the goods arrive at your home
country. In many cases, factories have relatives involved because of the
firmly held Chinese tradition of “Guanxi”. This literally means
“relationship” and demands they help each other. Guanxi may have more
importance than your request for stable production quality.

Since factories sometimes use different ports of loading, you need to
inquire which one is usually used because the applicable freight charges
will apply and you need that information to calculate your landed cost
properly. Some ports will only have one vessel departing per week and
you must know this in advance when planning shipments for promotions.

I should not forget to mention that some products should only be shipped
by airfreight. Notebook computers and MP3 players are typical examples.
The key components of these products are ICs that fluctuate in price and
at present, their prices are in constant decline. Buyers must therefore
receive their goods quickly. Otherwise they will not be able to make any
profit because the buying price could exceed the achievable selling price
in their home country. Shipments by air are therefore unavoidable.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Payment Terms
When discussing the payment terms with factory management, ask them
for their banking details which allows you to do some background
checking before you place orders with them.

Finally, you need to negotiate the payment terms, which are usually by
irrevocable letter of credit at sight (L/C). This is usually the safest way to
pay the factory and also allows them to obtain loans from their bank to
start production on time.

Never ever let the factory convince you to remit a down payment of let’s
say 20 or 30% of the total order volume by T/T to them to enable them to
start your production. Ask yourself why are they asking for this? There is
only one reason, which is that the factory has no money and obviously no
other orders. They want to jumpstart their production with your cash. If
something goes wrong and the likelihood is rather great, you will lose
your money and never receive a shipment.

Negotiating Prices
Now you can negotiate your prices with the factory. Inform them about
your requested specifications, quality standards, and terms. Otherwise
you will receive very competitive prices but for a substandard quality
which will cost you dearly later on.

Most important is making sure that the factory management understands

your specifications. What sort of things do you need to specify? Have you
included labeling, marks, packaging, including the quality of cardboard
etc. as well as materials or components to be used? What type and colors
of paints and finishes, instructions in a single language, or several
languages suitable for your customers? Instructions in Chinese don’t go
down well in Europe or the USA.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Many importers use the Pantone Color Chart numbers to inform the
factory about their color or color combination requirement. I can tell you
from my experience that the results will not be very good. Especially if
you have several factories involved which need to meet your color
specifications. It is much more practical and produces better results,
when you use color chips instead. You can buy items having the correct
color in your home country and cut off pieces of the plastic material.
Always keep several reference samples for yourself and handover to each
factory a piece of a reasonable size. Reasonable does not mean a
thumbnail sized one because it is not large enough for the factory to
make the injection color accurately.

Also, consider the testing requirements necessary during manufacturing

and upon completion. Do you need CE or ROHS approvals for importing
electrical goods to Europe? If wood is contained in the product or the
packaging are fumigation certificates required?

Be Wary of Fake Goods

Does the factory or supplier own the intellectual property rights of the
product? Don’t believe you can import well known international brands
unless you intend to buy them from the brand owner. Gucci, Samsung ,
Sony, or Philips or any owner of a well known brand certainly won’t allow
a Chinese supplier to sell their branded products at low prices through the
back door! China is probably the world’s largest source of fake or pirated
goods with well-known logos and branding that are simply copies or
worse just a logo stuck on a similar looking product.

Not only will there be little or no warranty but worse, you risk serious
legal action and possibly a criminal conviction if you cannot show proof of
ownership of the brand name or an agreement with the brand owner
when you import. You have been warned now and please don’t even

How To Import From China More Successfully

consider trying importing fake goods; it would destroy your reputation at

home besides the legal proceedings.

Your request automatically sets the standards for the sample preparation,
mass production, and inspection. You now understand why negotiations
should be done in person by talking to the responsible managers.

If you use identical procedures for all your negotiations; you will receive
directly comparable quotations from the different factories to make your
choice from.

Since you will visit one or more factories on the same day or soon after,
you will have a pretty good impression about their performance, which
also needs to be considered besides the price for your important decision

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 9 - Order Samples

After making your decision about which factory to contract with, order
your product samples but plan to evaluate them once you return home.

Samples Are Not on a Shelf

Sample preparation, depending which kind of products you want to
import, can take considerable time. Contrary to what many people think,
factories usually do not keep samples in their warehouse that can be sent
right away. The more complicated a product is (for instance home
appliances or consumer electronics products) the longer it will take and
the more diligence is needed from the factory side to prepare the samples
according to your specific requirements.

You have reached a turning point in your own quality control. The first
step was your scrutiny of each factory visited during the trip. You should
have a good idea how each factory will perform and how talented their
management is.

Detailed Sample Requirements

Providing them with detailed information about your sample requirements
could become the key to your success. Why is this so important?

Imagine that you did not pay adequate attention to instructing the factory
about your sample requirements and they prepare the sample according
their own factory standards. As mentioned before, timing is important and
you need the samples checked for compliance with your requirements in
your home country. It needs to be right the first time.

If the first sample is incorrect, you could take a risk and place your orders
in hopes that the factory will get it right the second time. It is not a good

How To Import From China More Successfully

idea to take the risk because there cannot be a guarantee that the factory
will actually follow your new instructions.

It is best asking the factory to manufacture new samples. Time starts to

become an issue as you wait for new samples to be made and it will take
3-7 days delivery time to ship them to your home country. Add
everything up and you have possibly lost a month. This could be crucial if
your goal is to be among the first to promote the new products in your
home market.

Never place any order with new suppliers before you receive acceptable
samples of the proper quality and they have been approved by your QC
people or an authorized lab. Anything else is a gamble and you don’t want
to begin production with that level of risk. Only after establishing a sound
business relationship with your suppliers, can you be confident the factory
will closely follow your instructions. It is important to set things right from
the very beginning.

Having the Samples Packaged

When asking for samples, be sure to request they be packaged according
to your specifications. This should be the same packaging the end
consumer receives. At this point, they should workout the details to
determine how many pieces fit into one 20’ or 40’ ocean-going container.
Along with this comes the details of how many fit into one export carton
and if any inner packing needs to go into the export carton.

With this information, you can calculate the freight cost. It may be
necessary to change the sales packaging size in order to fit more pieces
into one container and save substantial freight charges. It makes a big
difference if you can pack for 1,400 coffeemakers in a 40’ container
instead of only 1,200 pieces and it will certainly affect your selling price.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Why You Must Pay for Samples

Samples are seldom free which is understandable because they are
handmade and very labor intensive. Even if they are simple plastic
products, the factory has to follow your instruction and injection mold
them in a certain color which is very time consuming because the plastic
injection machines are usually running at full capacity and the injection is
limited to one color at a time. If you ask for several different color
samples, they can only make them when they have production in the
requested color. Naturally, this can increase the time it takes to receive
the samples.

An alternative is painting the samples but the surface of a spray painted

object looks different from an injected one and may mislead you to
approve something which later proves imperfect.

Order Plenty of Samples

Do not make the error of ordering a single sample per product/color
because you need reference samples for several purposes. Common
sample needs include:
• Samples for your showroom
• Samples for lab testing
• Samples for photo shooting and gift box preparation
• Samples for your inspection company
• Samples for your sales managers to show to customers

That is only the beginning of a long list and believe me, large buying
offices like hypermarkets, department stores, and other large volume
importers ask for even more samples because they are aware of the
extensive need when introducing a new product.

The worst-case scenario is if you give the only color reference sample to a
key customer and after they place an order with you, you cannot

How To Import From China More Successfully

determine which specific to color instruct the factory to begin with. It is a

good idea to always keep one or more samples per color locked up in a
safe place to avoid embarrassing errors. Due to the limited storage space,
factories may not keep their reference samples at all.

More About Sample Costs

You now have the information to better understand why factories are
reluctant to provide free samples to new customers. In many cases, you
can convince the factory to refund the sample costs after you reach a
certain order volume. It is good business to negotiate this in the

Besides the sample charges, you will be asked to pay the freight charges
for the sample delivery. This can get expensive because samples are
usually sent by air courier in order to make up lost lead-time and stay on
schedule. Factories don’t want to pay for these charges and it is often
difficult to convince them to do so. If they do so, it is usually only after a
successful business relationship has been established.

If you need the samples urgently and is that usually the case, you are
better advised to look for a compromise otherwise you may lose the
competitive edge in your home market.

Concluding the Visit

After everything has been successfully negotiated and you are certain the
factory understands and will closely follow your requirements you will
likely have the option to proceed to the next factory or accept a
lunch/dinner invitation from the factory management. A meal together
can be a great idea to cement the negotiations if you are fully confident
the factory can meet all of your company’s requirements.

How To Import From China More Successfully

However, if you have the feeling during your visit that this is not the best
factory, simply shorten your visit and focus on the next factory, which
may be more qualified. We are not living in a perfect world and you
cannot expect all factories to be acceptable.

A first hand visit quickly teaches you which are factories to do business
with and which you want to avoid. You can do it the hard way and place
your orders without a visit but chances are high a mistake will be made.
The cost of a bad production shipment will cost much more than the cost
of a personal visit to China.

The Chinese understand that you cannot fly in every time something
needs attention. You can always hire an in country agent to attend to
future activities but if you are going to be an importer from China, it is
vital to occasionally visit and develop a good relationship with your

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 10 - Evaluating Samples

After returning from your business trip to China, you will be very busy
evaluating the huge amount of information collected during the trip. As
suggested before, you will have a much easier task if you used a
notebook computer and can print all information at once. If you sent daily
reports, your job becomes even easier because most of your information
has already been processed by your staff or colleagues during your trip.

Monitoring Progress
As you have learned already, timing is important. Therefore, your
company must track progress of the samples to make sure they ship on
time. According to my experience, most samples will be delayed in one
way or another. There are several reasons for it but one of the main
reasons is that nobody really likes to handle samples because it is not
productive and therefore this job is often passed to someone at the lower
end of the factory hierarchy.

The factory managers may have promised you to deliver the samples at a
certain date but they are not making them and have to wait until their
sample production staff completes them. You are well advised to monitor
progress closely otherwise, you may not be able to recover from the
delay. The one who cries the loudest will be heard first.

Without approved samples, you cannot place orders, confirm orders with
customers, or begin a sales promotion. In other words, you will lose
turnover and the chance to sell products at maximum profit margin.
Unfortunately, this step in the product creation chain is frequently
underestimated. Now that you are aware of it, get your sample act

How To Import From China More Successfully

Beginning the Evaluation

Since you still have not made final a decision about placing your orders,
the way your samples are handled by the factory should give you another
indication how your production orders would be executed later.

Only after all the samples arrive can you start the evaluation. Check
whether the samples meet every specific requirement, e.g. are the colors
correct, is the size as requested, and did you receive the correct number
of products and samples. Depending how complex the products being
imported are, you may elect having the samples evaluated by your own
QC department or a special authorized lab.

The numerous recent cases of lead paint tainted toys gives you an idea
of what you are in for if you neglect your responsibility for thorough
sample evaluation. Household items are easier to check than more
sophisticated electrical home appliances or consumer electronics products.
Always bear in mind that the submitted samples represent the standard
that will be used during mass production.

After the Evaluation

With the sample evaluations in hand, you are ready to decide which
factory gets your orders. Evaluating each sample by exactly the same
criteria makes this decision easier than if the criteria is changed during
the evaluation. If you must change the criteria during mid evaluation, be
sure to go back and reevaluate earlier samples.

At this stage, you have several key data points to make your decisions
• Price quote
• Sample performance
• Factory performance
• Your impression of factory management during your visit

How To Import From China More Successfully

• Result from your factory evaluation tour

If a price discrepancy remains between your target prices and the quoted
prices it will be relatively easy to convince the selected factories to
improve their quote. This should become your standard practice because
some factories do not quote the very best price at the first meeting. After
visiting China, it is probably fine calling the factory manager to negotiate
a better price by phone because it is faster and you have met him in
person. Given a good reason why you need a better price, he will seldom
refuse to negotiate.

Remember to be fair and inform the other factories that you will not be
placing any orders with them. Keep in mind you may decide to place a
future order with them and want to be on good business terms.

Factory performance can change very quickly for the better or for the
worse. A change of management can sometimes do wonders. Never take
for granted that a factory will maintain the same level of performance as
you experienced during a previous visit. That means you must not say:
“Been there, have seen it all” and take no further action. Doing business
with China is a constant evaluation process and only the one that
understands the game stays on top.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 11 - Choosing an Inspection Company

When verifying the quality of goods imported from China you have three
choices to consider.
• Let the manufacturer perform a self inspection
• Have someone in your company perform the inspection
• Appoint a third party inspection agency to perform the
inspection for you

Selection Considerations
If you really want to be on the safe side, I would not suggest letting any
manufacturer check their own quality. It is much too risky and you will
only find out after the goods have already arrived at your warehouse that
something is wrong and by then it is too late.

Having someone from your company conduct the inspection is actually

not a bad idea but prohibitively expensive if that person has to travel to
China solely for that reason. What remains, is seeking out an experienced
international inspection company with several local offices in China. Key
office locations are Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo,
Xiamen etc.

Why is that important? If an inspection company has only one office in

Hong Kong (southern China) but frequently needs to inspect goods for
your company in Northern China, you will be charged for their travel
expenses including the cost for the accommodation. Over time, the costs
add up and it really makes no sense to work with such a company. The
better option is relying on inspection agencies with offices throughout
China. The travel charges are much lower because the inspectors only
have to travel from their nearest office to the factory. Besides, they are

How To Import From China More Successfully

usually familiar with the area and may even speak the local dialect, which
makes the communication with the factory staff easier.

It is also obvious that they can visit your factory much faster because
they are in the vicinity. This becomes important when an inspection has
previously failed and the re-inspection needs to be conducted only1 or 2
days later. Usually the factory has to pay the re-inspection charges after
failing an original inspection due to the factory’s own fault. If the re-
inspection charges are too high because of extraordinary travel expenses
from your inspection agency’s head office, you are in for lengthy
negotiations with the factory. They will argue and try to avoid the
payment. In other words, the practical decision is appointing an
inspection agency that already has offices near major production centers.

Inspection Frequency
Depending on the size and importance of the order volume, you may want
to consider more than a single inspection after production is complete.
There are three primary inspection methods you can choose from.

Initial Production Inspection (IPI)

This inspection takes place when approximately 10-20% of the total order
quantity is produced. It normally covers the following criteria:
• Verification of the production schedule
• Check of raw materials
• Partially completed goods
• Finished products and the packaging
• Inspection for appearance, workmanship, color, measurements,
quantity, packaging/packing details, compliance with directives etc.

This inspection method is used mostly when the order volume is very
large and production needs to be closely monitored from the very
beginning to assure the delivery deadline will be met.

How To Import From China More Successfully

The benefits of an Initial Production Inspection are that the status of the
production can be verified at every stage. If problems are found early,
there is still time to take corrective action and prevent the early problems
from affecting the entire order. Since the production is already in
progress, you will have a clear picture of the factory’s performance at that

During Production Inspection (DPI)

This inspection takes place when approximately 40-60% of the total order
quantity is produced. It should cover the following criteria:
• Production status monitoring
• Raw materials or key component validation
• Quantity and performance checks on completed products
• On-site tests
• Finished products and their packaging
• Inspection for appearance, workmanship, color, measurements,
quantity, etc.
• Verification of packaging material and details

The benefits of a During Production Inspection are that the status of the
production can be verified at this stage. By performing this inspection you
can verify that corrections have been implemented since the Initial
Production Inspection. Additionally you will still have a chance to apply
other corrective actions before the final inspection.

Final Random Inspection (FRI)

This is actually the most important of the three inspection categories. It is
commonly used to safeguard the shipment when a consignment is 100%
manufactured and at least 80% packed.

International sampling plans ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, ISO 1259, BS6001, GB

2828, or any client specific method will be used and a representative

How To Import From China More Successfully

number of shipment samples will be randomly drawn for the visual


It will at least cover the following criteria:

• Total quantity of finished product
• Cosmetic and workmanship check
• Measurement and on-site test
• Performance check of completed products
• Inspection for appearance, workmanship, color, measurements,
quantity, etc.
• Verification of packaging material, labeling, barcodes, shipping
marks, etc.

The benefits of a Final Random Inspection are that usually the most
serious defects or deviations from given specifications will be detected
and any shipment can be stopped at this stage. However since this
inspection is already close to the actual shipment date, there is a risk that
the scheduled shipment date cannot be met which could cause serious
problems if the requested re-work is impossible or takes considerable
time. In other words, a Final Random Inspection alone prior to releasing a
shipment may not prevent or uncover risks that might appear at earlier
stages of the production process.

It is therefore highly recommended that higher risk products be subject to

greater QA intervention such as product design review, supplier
evaluation, prototype testing, and the execution of the Final Random
Inspection in combination with the Initial Production Inspection and the
During Production Inspection.

What the Inspection Agency Needs to Know

You now know the main inspection categories for verifying acceptable
quality. But how is it done?

How To Import From China More Successfully

Purposely I have placed the chapter Choosing an Inspection Company

after the sample evaluation chapter. Because without having received
proper samples, which comply with your given specifications, you are not
really on the safe side and should be very reluctant to make further

However, I assume that you and/or your staff did a very good job by
giving the full information to your factory and that the factory also closely
followed your requirements. Therefore, it is the right time to provide at
least one sample together with all your specifications and requirements to
the inspection company of your choice.

I will suggest some of the international inspection companies I have

worked with for a long time at the end of this chapter. You can visit their
websites, contact them and find out which is the most suitable for your

Since this inspection company will act on your behalf as your savior in
case of a non-compliant production, it is very obvious that you must feed
them all the information you have to let them do the job. This is even
more important when your product is more complex like home appliances
and consumer electronic products.

Please consider that they can only follow the general inspection
procedures and your specific requirements. If you do not inform the
inspection agent about certain details, they will not take the necessary
action and can’t be blamed.

Beginning the Inspection Process

What happens after they receive your sample(s) and your clear detailed

How To Import From China More Successfully

The inspection company prepares a checklist which you have to verify and
at this stage you can still make corrections.

They inspection company will also take your sample(s) as reference

sample(s) for their inspector and you will again realize how important it
was to give clear instructions to the factory for their sample preparation

If you insist the inspection be conducted without a sample, do not be

surprised later on, if the inspector’s findings do not match your
expectations. The factory will always try to confuse the inspector because
they have only one thing in mind, which is “ship out and receive your
money as soon as possible”.

I do not go into all the inspection details, because my other eBooks

thoroughly cover the detailed steps. However, I would like to point out
the extent importers have changed the inspection requirements in the
last few years.

Home appliances make a good example. Some years ago, Toasters were
operated without any bread during the inspection. Nobody cared to test
whether bread was toasted consistently from top to bottom and side to
side. That has completely changed because end consumers have also
become more demanding and don’t accept slices of toast bread where the
top completely burned and the bottom is still white.

Some years ago coffee makers were operated without ground coffee and
it was sufficient when the boiled water dripped into the glass jar proving
the coffee maker was functioning properly. Today inspections are
conducted with ground coffee along with paper or permanent filters in
order to simulate a normal operation. Only then, can the inspector

How To Import From China More Successfully

discover whether the coffee will run fast enough through the filter and
coffee without overflowing.

You should get the point about how much effort is necessary to inspect
products to make sure that they meet the consumer’s expectations for
day-to-day use. Therefore, you will understand that only an experienced
inspection company can cope with ever-changing requirements and
directives. It makes no sense to employ someone without this experience
but who may charge less.

After you have selected your inspection company and they have received
your sample(s) you must provide them with a copy of your P/O. It is
advisable to blank out the FOB prices because inspectors could be
tempted to pass such information to competitors.

In general, you should know there are not many secrets in China.
Inspectors frequently run into counterparts from other companies when
performing their job at several different factories. It may well be that they
have lunch together (usually provided by the factory) and talk shop. And
talk they will. Important information spreads faster than you can imagine.

FOB prices are not necessarily something you want discussed among
inspectors. Don’t give them the chance by showing it on your P/O copies.

More About the Inspection Process

The inspection company will include vital information from your P/O in the
checklist along with other specifications received from you. Usually the
checklist includes various digital photos of specific details the inspector
needs to be familiar with. In general, the more detailed information you
provide to the inspection company, including digital photos, the better the
inspector can perform his duties.

How To Import From China More Successfully

After everything is clear, you will book your inspection(s) with your
inspection company. This is usually done by filling out an online
application form. Follow this link to view a sample booking form for the
major Hong Kong quality control company Hong Kong Standards and
Testing Centre
Application Form

Booking the inspection must be arranged at least 5-7 working days prior
to the estimated date of production completion or at least the date when
80% of your production will have been completed. It is very important to
know, that the inspector will refuse to perform an inspection if the total
completed production quantity is less than 80% and if the products have
not been packed in their sales packaging and export cartons. The factory
will be charged for the inspector’s expense for the failed inspection.

After having received your inspection booking, the inspection company

contacts the factory and verifies the inspection date because they have to
coordinate the manpower and will try to allocate their inspectors to
several factory locations in the same area.

Depending on the order quantity, the inspector will randomly inspect a

predetermined number of products and file an inspection report with his
findings. If you want to know the quantities that will be inspected to
comply with the requested inspection standard, use the following link
from SQC Online Company. The information is free although you have to
register with them to access their service. The Sampling Plans Calculator
provides you with fast results. http://www.sqconline.com/mil-std-

Following this link provides more details about the sampling plan

How To Import From China More Successfully

The international standard presently used for most inspections is ISO

2859-1, a civilian standard derived from the American Military Standard
105D and 105E.

The Inspection Report

After the inspection is performed, you will receive an inspection report by
e-mail. Usually no more than one working day after the inspection date.

This inspection report is nearly identical with the inspector’s checklist

along with his findings and additional photos taken by the inspector as
evidence and for your decision making. The inspection company is
employed by you as a third party. They do not have decision-making
authority to release of the inspected goods for shipment. They have an
advisory function and you must make the decision.

Most inspection companies have expended effort simplifying inspection

reports to make them easier to understand. Importers are seldom
technically trained or engineers. Importers need clear and concise
information. Therefore, most inspection reports show only two
a) Rejected
b) Passed

That is easy to understand and usually you do not need to take further
action when the result is “Passed”. I can however tell you, that
unfortunately you will have more “Rejected” results than “Passed”.

Rejected Goods
Be very careful about making a decision releasing rejected goods for
shipment. Once the shipment is on its way, there is not much what you
can do to protect your own interests. As mentioned before, manufacturers
will always try to convince you that the cause for the rejection was a

How To Import From China More Successfully

minor one and you should not worry. The factory may also offer you a
compensation payment (minor price reduction) to convince you. It is up
to you to accept it but please be aware that the labor cost in your home
country is much higher than in China and if you are faced with a claim
from your customers, the small compensation will not even cover your
own cost.

Since rejected inspections do occur, you have to take them into

consideration when planning the shipment date and of course when
planning and confirming promotions to your customers at home. Anything
else would be asking for trouble. The problem always becomes serious if
you have placed yourself under too much pressure, with a too tight of
shipment schedule, leaving no room for any unexpected events.

The normal procedure is for the factory to rework the rejected goods
within a couple of days and a re-inspection will be called for. The re-
inspection is always on the manufacturer’s account because they created
the problem by lack of performance.

There could be many disputes about the reasons for the rejection if you
did not provide clear information about your requested specifications,
standards, and specific requirements. Be aware that you immediately
change the rules when you release goods with a lower than requested
quality standard. The factory will take note, that an on-time delivery is
more important to you than the quality and act accordingly during the
next production run.

A strict position towards quality issues is your best protection against

inferior products. A properly planned shipment schedule will give the
factory enough time for the rework and you more negotiating power.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Other Advantages Working With an Inspection Company

When working with an inspection company you gain one very important
advantage. In your P/O and your L/C you can specify that a shipment will
be only released after you have received an Inspection Certificate from
your inspection company. The Inspection certificate is of course only
issued when the order has a “Passed” result, which could mean after a
successful re-work.

The good thing is that the factory has to comply because if they ship
goods without having received the Inspection Certificate (this happens
sometimes) they will not be paid from your bank if you included such
clause in your L/C. You would be then in a much stronger negotiation
position because it would be up to you when the factory would receive
their payment.

I believe I have covered the most important points and you will find more
in my other eBooks, for instance How to assure Quality of imports from

How To Import From China More Successfully

Here are the links to the major International Inspection Companies:

Asia Pacific Inspection Hong Kong http://www.api-hk.com/

Bureau Veritas Hong Kong www.bureauveritas.com/cps

HKIC Hong Kong http://www.hk-ic.com/

Intertek Hong Kong http://www.intertek-labtest.com/

PRO QC Hong Kong http://www.proqc.com/

SGS Hong Kong http://www.hk.sgs.com/

TUV Rheinland Group China


Most have offices in other Chinese or Asian cities and will provide an
excellent service for you.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 12 - Placing Your Order With the Factory

With competitive prices, approved samples, and everything else in place,

place your orders with the factories without delay.

Prompt Purchase Order Placement

In China as anywhere else, people are highly regarded when they take
action. If you visit the same factory five times without placing any order,
you will become a low priority to factory management. The consequence
is intentionally higher price quotes to discourage you from wasting their
time in the future.

There is not much reason to continue requesting information from a

factory that you concluded cannot perform to your standards. If you are
still trying to make a final decision, shorten the factory list to those you
still think will make successful business partners. They will honor this by
giving you and your orders preferential treatment.

Before placing your Purchase Order (P/O), be sure to you check one more
time about the earliest possible delivery date. Circumstances change and
you delivery is an essential part of your Purchase order along with the

Be Ready With Your Graphic Materials

With your Purchase Order, the factory will ask you to open your L/C and
provide all graphic materials for your gift box, instruction manual, and
export carton. If the graphics and artwork has not been finalized by your
company, the factory will put a clause in their Performa Invoice (P/I),
their counterpart to your Purchase Order, which states that the final
delivery date will be only confirmed after all before requested materials
have been received.

How To Import From China More Successfully

This will likely impact your delivery schedule. However, it is

understandable. The factory cannot start production without receiving the
necessary packing materials and that depends on the receipt of your
graphic materials. Some importers have requested that finished products
be stored temporarily. That is completely impracticable because the
finished goods must be packed immediately as they come off the
conveyor belt. Additionally, there is a high risk the goods will become
damaged if not immediately packaged and the factory does not want to
be responsible.

How the Factory Organizes the Production

I should also give you some more information how factories plan their
customers’ production. Factories have a limited number of production
lines that are allocate to customer projects weeks ahead of time.

Besides production capacity, they need to procure the materials and

components for the various customer orders. This procurement has widely
changed in the last couple of years due to the shortage of raw materials.
Nowadays, most factories have to pay for the raw material upfront or
upon delivery to their warehouse. “Guanxi” is dominant because without a
good relationship with the raw material vendors, factories may end up
receiving the ordered material much later than anticipated. Meaning they
cannot complete customers’ orders on time. If they are lucky and that
depends indeed on “Guanxi” they can pay for their raw materials and
their components after 30 days. You can see how the factories cash flow
depends on punctual payments and their relationship with their banks.
This relationship is often more important to their survival than taking
additional new orders.

You should also know it is the factory’s discretion who gets their goods
first. It is primarily an economic decision and a matter of good
relationships between the factory and their customers. Please bear in

How To Import From China More Successfully

mind, if you squeeze your factory too much for lower prices, you will be
automatically allocated a later production slot, and there is nothing you
can do about it.

Finalizing the P/O

Chinese companies do not appreciate when the sledgehammer approach
is used to obtain better prices although they may not discuss it openly.

When you issue your P/O to the factory, it is typically your last chance to
negotiate prices.

It should be obvious that all information in your P/O must be final.

Amending it later demonstrates to the factory that your company was
careless drawing up the P/O and it makes dealing with your company
somewhat risky in their eyes. Spend plenty of time drafting the content of
your P/O before asking the factory to sign it. You may want to provide a
draft to them first and have it checked. This helps save time-consuming
amendments later on.

Here is a summary of what I suggest you incorporate in P/Os regardless

of the product type you are dealing with:
• Clear and detailed product descriptions including requested color,
measurements, sizes etc.
• Clear and detailed packaging information including barcodes and
shipping marks
• Order quantity
• Delivery date
• Port or airport of loading
• Price
• Payment terms
• Spare parts or spare units if any
• Agreed defective rate

How To Import From China More Successfully

• Guarantee clause
• Indemnification clauses
• Late delivery clause
• Transshipment clause
• Clause for compliance with requirements in your home country
• Information whether goods must be inspected and by whom
• A clear statement that the mass production must comply with the
submitted and approved samples

However, don’t overdo it. I have seen P/Os which could have been issued
by lawyers and you can imagine that factories don’t make the effort to
employ lawyers just for the sake of checking P/Os. Remember, it’s all
about partnership and if you are still afraid the factory will cheat you,
your factory evaluation was not thorough enough.

Here are additional comments about what must be included in your P/Os:
1. Order quantity - Should match the container loading capacity or the
total quantity of products in case you want to place different
products from the same factory in one container.
2. Packaging information - Very important because it is a cost for the
factory and could be manipulated in their favor. There are for
instance several levels of corrugated cardboard quality. These are
measured in grams per square meter. If you did not specify the
weight you could end up with a 2-layer corrugated cardboard sheet
which is so thin that you could easily punch a hole through with
your fist. This quality is unacceptable for a sales packaging because
you cannot stack sufficient cartons on top of each other. The
barcode information is also very important because the inspector
has to verify it during the inspection. If a barcode scanner cannot
read the barcode properly, the product cannot be registered during
checkout by the hypermarket/supermarket cashier. Companies like

How To Import From China More Successfully

Wal*Mart consider this a major defect and would not allow any
shipment under such conditions.
3. Spare parts or spare units - This depends on what kind of products
you import. For technical products, you can negotiate 1 or 2% of
free spare parts/spare units included in the buying price. The
factory will of course calculate it. If these goods come without a
guarantee or service agreement, you had better negotiate net
4. Defective rate - Putting a clause in your P/O will help to protect
your compensation claim in case of epidemic defects or overall poor
product performance. It splits responsibilities between the factory
and your company. Nobody can demand that production be
completely without faults and defects. Therefore, it is fair enough to
allow the factory a certain percentage of defects as an upper ceiling
limit. You have to negotiate this and usually the factory will have
some historic figures in mind. Everything exceeding this percentage
will be the factory’s responsibility. You may say I will employ a good
inspection company, which will help me to protect my interests.
That may be true but there is still a risk that something has been
overlooked or a defect shows up later in time. You can imagine that
this could become very expensive because there will be
compensation claims from your customers or demands for price
5. Guarantee clause - Most countries have laws protecting the end
consumer’s rights and provide them with a guarantee period of
anything between 1-2 years. In some cases, retailers even have
extended this guarantee period by another year. Three years is a
long time for some products with a limited life cycle. Because it is a
legal requirement (except the additional year offered by retailers)
you must comply and protect your interests by adding a clause in
your P/O. This gives you the right to ask the factory for
compensation. Most factories however will not accept these clauses

How To Import From China More Successfully

and you may have to negotiate to find a way around it to still

protect your company’s interest.
6. Indemnification clauses - This is another important clause that helps
you if you become entangled in copyright claims or patent
infringement claims. Unfortunately, Chinese manufacturers have a
different understanding of copyright and patent infringements from
western societies. They think, if they copy a successful product and
apply some design modifications, it is their own design and they
even go so far to have it registered at the Beijing Patent Registry
under their company name. If you ask them, you will usually hear
“No problem - it is our design and we have already registered it”.
This will be of no help if the original designer sues you in your home
country. Without an indemnification clause you would be in deep
trouble and pay everything yourself.
7. Late delivery clause - This is relatively easy to understand. If your
goods cannot be shipped on time due to the factory’s fault, they will
probably arrive too late for your customer’s promotion and that can
become expensive as well. You have to be careful here because
sometimes it can be your own fault because you failed to give the
factory needed information, documents, or approval to start or
finish production on time. I cannot provide exact figures because
they vary from product to product and company to company but
you should at least request the factory to use an express vessel at
their cost to make up the lost time. In a worst-case scenario the
factory should share or completely pay the compensation costs your
customers negotiated with you. Some importers may even include a
clause which asks the factory to ship goods by air but in all these
years I have seen very few cases where this has really happened
and usually factories will not agree to such a clause.
8. Clause for compliance with requirements in your home country -
This is another important clause because if the Government
Authorities in your home country perform random checks at retail

How To Import From China More Successfully

outlets, you may be in for a surprise when they find that the goods
you supplied do not comply with local directives or laws. You should
not assume that all factories are fully aware of all requirements in
your home country. The opposite is mostly true. You, as the
importer, are responsible to import only goods which comply with
your countries laws and you must protect your company from
damage for non-compliance by adding a clause in your P/O.
9. Information whether goods must be inspected and by whom - This
clause is easy. If you want the goods to be inspected, which I
strongly recommend, then you have to inform the factory about the
details. The inspection procedure was previously explained Chapter
10. Information that mass production must comply with the submitted
and approved samples - As already mentioned several times before,
you set the quality standard by approving the samples and must
enforce it now by not allowing the factory to produce anything else.
If you are lenient in this request, your efforts evaluating the
samples and factory will have been a waste of time.

Your specific product requirements may deem other P/O clauses be

included. For instance the garment or textile industries differ from home
appliances. In general, you are supposed to be the expert for your
products and should have the knowledge to figure out any other needed

Please be aware that any P/O is only legally binding after an authorized
factory representative signs it. Sometimes factories delay signing for quite
some time. In that case, the best solution is calling the person in charge
to ask what is going on. There could be a reason for the delay but the
factory will try to change the delivery date. Therefore, act immediately
rather than waiting in good faith.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Other than adding your specific terms, try to write P/Os which are easily
understood and are no longer than 2-3 pages. Anything else becomes too
complicated and requires too much effort on both sides to read and
comprehend. You should be able to establish the P/O format one time and
then copy and paste the contents for other products without starting from

Don’t underestimate the importance of this chapter. If you make mistakes

here, it usually will cost you money and respect.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 13 - Product Liability Insurance

Product Liability Insurance indemnifies the insured against all sums which
the insured becomes legally liable to pay in respect of accidental bodily
injury or illness to third parties, and accidental loss of or damage to third
party property, arising out of the use, misuse, consumption, or handling
of insured products or goods.

Whether you are a manufacturer, a vendor, a supplier, or an exporter,

you are exposed to the risk of product claims. In fact, any link in the
chain of commerce is exposed to the risk. That means you as an importer
may also face claims from your customers in your home country.

Product liability claims typically arise from real or alleged defects in

design, manufacturing, labeling, warnings and warranties, and packaging.
Other causes may arise from the storage, transportation, or handling of
your products.

You may believe that your products are flawless. But have you thought
about misuse? In some jurisdictions, even the deliberate misuse of a
product can be a basis for a liability claim.

Therefore, you may want to check with one of your insurance companies
about Product Liability Insurance they can offer to you. This may be
especially important if you are considering importing electrical or
electronic goods.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 14 - Open Your L/C

After you have issued your P/O to your factory and they in return issue
their Performa Invoice, there is one more important action to be taken.
Opening your L/C to your factory or your supplier. Be aware that nothing
will be arranged by the factory without first receiving your L/C, especially
if your business relationship with the factory is still in its infancy.

Cash is King to the Factory

The cash flow of many factories has become very tight in the last couple
of years. They simply do not have money to finance material
procurements and the labor costs by themselves. I had already
mentioned that they have to pay for components and raw material in
advance or upon delivery. And their workers will leave if they do not get

So what actually is a L/C? Exporter and importer conclude a sales contract

with the method payment will be made. This is usually by Letter of Credit
(documented credit).

A L/C can be thought of as a letter from the importer’s bank informing an

exporter that they will be paid for a shipment upon presentation of
specific documentation. All communication takes place within banking
channels. Bankers are not industrial experts and will not make decisions
outside of what is documented in the L/C. If the L/C contains
discrepancies it can dramatically impede everything.

For example, you want to import a shipment of clothing and the seller
(exporter) asks for a L/C. You accept the exporter’s terms and need to
apply for a L/C from your bank in favor of the seller. L/Cs usually state a
time period and manner in which the exporter must provide documentary

How To Import From China More Successfully

proof that they have shipped the goods. Other obligations may also be
Obtaining an L/C
Obtaining a L/C is not as simple as just asking for one. Your bank is
pledging to pay the exporter on your behalf, so you will be required by
your bank to demonstrate that they will be able to recover the funds from

Once it has agreed to open a L/C, the opening bank (the importer’s bank)
will transmit the L/C to its branch or correspondent (the advising bank)
closest to the exporter. The advising bank will notify the exporter that
credit has been established in their name after receiving the L/C.

Exporters should make sure that they are capable of meeting the terms
and conditions of a L/C upon receiving it. This is very important because if
the shipment does not match the description in the L/C, payment will be
delayed in most cases until the discrepancy is resolved.

Since that may be time consuming and time is what you don’t have if you
want to be among the first importing new products, you should use the
following method to avoid such unnecessary delays.

Before your L/C is officially opened, send your draft to the (exporter) and
let them check it. If amendments are needed, you simply correct your L/C
draft before you pass it to your bank for processing. Since both parties
will have checked the content before, everything should be fine and no
delay will occur.

After shipment and presentation of the necessary documentation to the

advising bank, if no discrepancies are found, the exporter is due payment.
The paying bank could be the advising bank and thus the exporter can
receive payment very quickly. If the opening bank is the paying bank,

How To Import From China More Successfully

payment may take a few days. Both importers and exporters may request
that the paying bank be in their country as they are looking to the L/C to
protect their interests.

L/Cs Are Irrevocable

Importers can ask for any legal terms to be included within the L/C and
exporters must provide documentary evidence to prove that such terms
have been met. As most L/Cs are irrevocable, once a L/C has been
opened and advisement has been made, they cannot be altered or
cancelled without the consent of the exporter.

On the occasion when an exporter doubts the solvency of an opening

bank, they can request having the L/C confirmed by the advising bank.
This means that if the opening bank is responsible for making payment
and cannot do so, the confirming bank will pay. For a cost of
approximately 1% of the cost of the L/C an exporter receives a fair
amount of added assurance.

In summary, an L/C is:

• A formal document of payment
• Opened by a party wishing to import
• Communicated through banking channels
• Paid by the opening bank within a specified timeframe upon
presentation of stipulated documentation

The cost of a L/C to an importer is often a fixed fee plus a percentage or a

percentage with a minimum commission. Additionally, exporters will be
required to pay a variety of costs. When a L/C is not payable on sight,
costs increase. This is also the case where more than two banks are
involved, exporters request confirmation of credit, and when
discrepancies are found within the documentation, and additions/changes
to the L/C are necessary.

How To Import From China More Successfully

There are different kinds of L/C but the most common one is L/C at sight.
Other forms of L/C delay payment until a later day, after 30, 60, 90, or
120 days. You will however find, that factories cannot afford these
payment terms because it seriously impacts their cash flow.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 15 - Selling Products to Your Customers

After executing all the necessary steps to get the production process
going, it is the right time to ask your sales managers to get into action
and sell your products to existing and most importantly to new

Reaping the Benefits

Since you focused ample effort finding interesting new products at very
competitive prices, your task should be much easier than selling in a
crowded and competitive field.

At the beginning of this eBook I advised you to spent substantial time

evaluating the market and specifically the future market and if you did
your homework right, you can now reap the benefits from your hard

You are the expert in your home market and I will not give you too much
advice about marketing your wonderful new products.

All major retail organizations plan their promotions months ahead and
most buyers are very happy if they have something new to sell. Your
selling price should not be a stumbling block, while still bringing you a
handsome profit.

An important factor for your customers’ decision-making, besides the

product, is the quality of the sales packaging. Specialized Retailers and
especially discounters have continuously cut back on expenses for sales
personnel, which means a product without good sales packaging (gift box)
is difficult to sell.

How To Import From China More Successfully

The more effort you spend to create good sales packaging, the more you
will be awarded with larger volume orders.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 16 - Preparing the Graphic/Cover

Materials for Gift Boxes and Instruction

In Chapter 2, I advised you to create your own corporate identity

including brand name registration and sales packaging (gift box) concept.

Get Some Help

During the factory visits, you had sufficient time to present them with
your ideas. Now the factory needs individual graphics and instruction
manuals for each product ordered. Since this job can be very time
consuming if you ordered multiple products, you may choose employing
an outside company for the job.

You know that time is money and the factory will not start their
production without graphic materials. A company in your hometown can
be to be instructed one time in the details and can then work
independently on several products. They can also create the concept from
the beginning if you choose.

Submitting Graphics to the Factory

What is the fastest and most economic way to submit graphics to the

In recent years submitting graphics has completely changed. Some years

ago, completed graphic mockups were submitted to the factories. Today,
files are burned on CD-ROMs or even better, and much faster, files are
sent to a FTP server.

Graphic mockups are bulky and usually need a special protective packing
to assure that they are not damaged during transport. Therefore, the

How To Import From China More Successfully

transport cost is relatively high because extra courier charges apply.

However, CD-ROMs are small and can be sent easily and less expensively.
There is still a slim chance that the CD-ROM may be damaged during

The best solution is using a password protected FTP server and allowing
the factory to download all graphics from there. Since uploading and
downloading is relatively easy and convenient for the factory and includes
taking advantage of time zone differences, you should seriously consider
this latest method. Mockups and CD-ROMs, even when expedited, take
several days to get to the factory, compared with instantly downloading
from a FTP server.

Sometimes factories do not provide the correct die-cut measurements to

your graphics agency. If this is not corrected before the graphics are sent,
the factory will ask their printer to print the gift boxes according to your
instructions. That becomes very costly because material are wasted and
precious time lost. In the worst-case scenario the whole project can fall
apart because too much time is lost.

Please take my advice and double check the measurements of the die-cut
before you ask your marketing department to begin with their artwork

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 17 - Proofing Packaging and Instruction


After the factory receives the final graphics, you will receive their printed
proofs of the packaging and the instruction manuals. This takes between
1-3 weeks plus courier time. Of course, you do not need to check the
proofs and the instruction manuals if you think the factory is reliable.
Unfortunately, my experience is that the factory staff usually has a
different understanding of what is acceptable and what is not.

Shades of Trouble
I had projects with products in 5-6 different factories expecting that the
colors to be identical because we provided every factory the same
information. The outcome was very disappointing because of vast color
deviations, which become more obvious when a group of products is
placed together on a retail shelf. Retailers don’t take well to this.

How does that happen? The factory outsources the package preparation
and if you have 5-6 different factories you may have also the same
number of different printing companies. Of course, the printing companies
try very hard to follow your requests but as I said, any deviation from the
original colors can vary greatly. You end up with everything from very bad
to quite close.

Your corporate identity strategy suffers when the colors are wrong.

A Better Strategy
You might be tempted to fine tune the printing at each print shop. But
that is very time consuming and time is what you do not have. It is also
costly because each proof has to be expedited to avoid losing even more

How To Import From China More Successfully

Fortunately, there is another way. Put a local company in charge of

quality control. Since inspection companies are all about quality control,
you can have them check the proofs and instruction manuals for you. You
will save time and cost and these companies usually have the experience
to guarantee you good results.

One large German retail organization came up with a different idea, which
many people were skeptical about in the beginning. They appointed one
large printing company in China to do the printing for all of their projects.
The outcome was of course much better because there was no color
deviation when everything was printed at the same print shop. The only
major problem they had to overcome was managing the logistics to
transport the printed gift boxes in the right quantity and on time before
the production start at each of the factories involved.

There was a side benefit when they asked for 2 quotations for their
a) With gift boxes and instruction manual

b) Without gift boxes and instruction manuals

It was interesting to compare the cost each of the factories claimed for
their packaging. The cost from factory to factory in many cases was not
even close for comparable gift box sizes.

It is a clear that factories have ways to quote different prices for

comparable products due to better managerial skills and perhaps better
connections to their raw material suppliers and printing companies.

About Paper Quality

Another thing to make sure about is checking the paper and corrugated
cardboard quality which the factory submits for approval.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Instruction manuals could be printed on a very thin paper, which lets the
printing bleed through to the next page. This is of course totally
unacceptable and you must inform the factory immediately to change the
paper quality to the requested one. If you did not specify it before, the
factory will claim that this is their standard and everything else will cost
more money.

It is the same with the corrugated cardboard but the savings for the
factory would be even greater if they get their way. Also, the export
carton must be checked thoroughly. Since most importers and large
retailers maintain warehouses to store received goods before they are
distributed, the quality of the export carton must comply with normal
operations in the warehouses.

Large retailers have specifications for maximum size and allowable gross
weight of export cartons along with the cardboard quality to make sure
that they can stack sufficient quantities of cartons on top of each other
without damaging the contents. If you are in doubt about the quality, you
can ask your inspection company to check on it for you.

In most European countries, export cartons must not be stapled because

of recycling requirements. Metal parts and plastic parts must be separated
before the paper can be recycled and the separation costs extra money.

Every factory is on a tight production schedule and they depend on the

punctual delivery of their components, raw materials and their packing
materials. If any one of them is delayed, it automatically delays
production and can mean a late shipment.

It is often claimed the factories are unreliable and do not follow given
instructions but I ask you to reconsider whether you really gave them all
the instructions they needed?

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 18 - Release For Mass Printing

After everything is checked and finally found satisfactory, you instruct the
factory that they can go ahead with the mass printing.

After you have done this, there is no easy way out if you want changes

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 19 - Check Pre-production Samples

In the meantime, the factory has been busy arranging to begin

production. It is now time to check their pre-production samples, which
could be from the first day of production.

Verifying Production Samples

Everything you told the factories before should have been implemented in
these samples and it is your job to verify it.

Now is the time to take out the reference samples and compare them with
the production samples. They should be close or identical but
unfortunately, that is not always the case. There could be minor
deviations, which could even be an improvement and it is up to you to
make the right decisions.

I do not suggest letting this decision out of your hands. Only you or your
company representative know the complete picture and should be the
ones to release the mass production for all its consequences.

If you employ an inspection company to perform an Initial Production

Inspection (IPI) or an During Production Inspection (DPI) you will be in a
much better position because they will be on the spot and can talk
directly to the factory management and request changes on your behalf.

You can now see how a local representative can save time and money,
especially if you are on a tight schedule which sometimes happens for
reasons which are out of your control.

The pre-production or early production samples will of course be delivered

together with their final gift boxes and instruction manuals and you can
check again that all changes have been incorporated by the factory.

How To Import From China More Successfully

If everything is according to your expectations, you must release or

confirm mass production without further delay.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 20 - Release for Mass Production

The release of the mass production will be a major impact to the factory’s
internal organization. They must allocate sufficient production lines and
workers to complete your project on time. They also must have prepared
all printed and packing material to pack the finished goods after they
come off the conveyor belt. All materials, components, cabinet parts if
any, must be on hand to start the production.

There must be sufficient QC staff available and familiar with your detailed
instructions. Workers without QC supervision may not deliver the
expected results.

I am not going into the details, but you know if some preparations were
not completed on time the whole project cannot start smoothly.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 21 - Constantly Monitor Production


This is an important and necessary follow up task. Assuming everything is

going according to schedule if you do not hear otherwise is much too

What Can Go Wrong?

Anything could still go wrong for many reasons. The tooling can become
damaged and the factory has to stop production until it is repaired. The
factory does not want be embarrassed telling you the bad news and may
not inform you about the delay. They often have a naïve hope of fixing
problems without having to tell you about them. It is a gamble that
usually fails and you as the importer suffer the consequences one way or

It is a good idea to ask the factory for a status report on daily basis if
necessary. Certainly ask them to inform you immediately about
production problems that come up.

If a problem does arise, ask the factory for an estimated date it will
corrected. If the delay is long, check back with them regularly, and have
them confirm when the problem is fixed. After the problem is fixed, have
the factory confirm the production completion date can still be met. If It
cannot, have them provide a new date.

Capacity Constraints
The factory may have limited control over some capacity constraints.
These include:
• Available number of production lines
• Number of trained workers

How To Import From China More Successfully

• Injection capacity of their own injection machines or from outside

• Sufficient electric power available
• On-time component and raw material supply
• Legal requirement (e.g. allowed overtime working hours)
• Weather conditions such as severe Typhoons can interrupt

Some of the limitations can be overcome by subcontracting part of the

production to other factories in the near vicinity. Unfortunately, this may
have a negative impact on the product quality and raises liability

Many importers do not know the Chinese Government has imposed

restrictions on the use of electric power for production. In many cities,
factories will not have electrical power 1 or 2 days per week. Of course,
the electrical power is not completely cut off but severe penalties are
imposed if the factory is caught disobeying the Government instructions.
Many factories have purchased electrical power generators to overcome
the power shortages. The generators run on diesel and everyone knows
how expensive this has become recently. Some factories do not want to
absorb the additional cost so they stop production during the electrical
shut down period. Without constant communication, you may not know
about it.

Industrial Growth in the North

Another important factor is the shortage of workers, especially in the
Southern China provinces. You may be surprised by the fact that China, a
country of 1.3 billion people, cannot provide enough workers for all the
factories. However, it is true. Factories need trained workers and it takes
significant effort transforming unemployed young people from rural areas

How To Import From China More Successfully

to skilled factory workers. The result is trained workers are in short


Northern China has undergone dramatic changes in its infrastructure over

the last couple of years. Major investments have been made to build new
factories on former farmland and the process continues. Compared to a
few years ago, the changes in places like Ningbo, Wenzhou, and Xiamen
are breathtaking.

Workers that previously migrated to southern China for jobs are now
finding them in the north. You might recall the terrible events shown on
TV at the Guangzhou railway terminal when approximately a million
migrant workers waited for days to catch a train to their home provinces.
Severe weather prevented the trains from running on schedule and
hundreds of thousands got stuck at the railway station.

You can certainly understand that these people appreciate finding jobs
near their northern hometowns rather than going through such an
odyssey again.

One reason for the southern migration was for better pay. That
enticement no longer exists. With all of the new development, workers in
the north are now receiving nearly the same pay as those as in the South.

The factories in Southern China no longer enjoy the luxury of workers

competing for jobs. Wages are higher and they have mostly abandoned
production of low price products. Southern production has shifted towards
more complex and more profitable manufacturing. It is should be no
surprise that sourcing of really low-end products in Southern China is
becoming more and more difficult.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chinese New Year

The Lunar New Year Holidays are an annual opportunity for workers to
travel to hometowns and reunite with family. The opportunity usually only
comes once a year. Factories close for at least a complete week and
usually for 2 weeks or even 3 weeks.

If you happen to have production completing shortly before the Lunar

New Year Holidays or production starting immediately after it, you may be
in trouble. Of course, no one will tell you, but from my experience I can
tell you, try to avoid these periods because the quality deteriorates. The
workers have their forthcoming holidays in mind and lack the
concentration to do a proper job.

After the holidays, 10-20% of the workers fail to return to the factories
for various reasons. The result is, that again the factory is short of
manpower and even if they manage to hire new workers, they have to be
trained. It could be your schedule that suffers. Be sure to take
precautions if you are forced to run production during this time.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 22 - Arrange the Final Random


When it becomes evident that the estimated completion date of your

production will be met by the factory (thanks to your continuous
communication), it is time to book the Final Random Inspection with your
inspection company.

Scheduling the Inspection

This is usually done approximately 7-10 days before the shipment date.
As mentioned before, inspection companies request inspection bookings
be made at least 5 working days in advance. This gives them a fair
chance to coordinate their manpower and to make arrangements with the
factory. After receiving your request, the inspector(s) will contact your
factory to schedule the date and time of the inspection.

Remember, China is a very big country and the distances from factory to
factory are quite large. Therefore, the inspection company tries to
coordinate inspections with inspectors who are already in the vicinity. In
some cases, the factory may arrange to pick up the inspector up from
another location.

Starting Early
Inspector(s) try to arrive early because the production is stopped during
lunch, which is one hour long and starts as early as 11:30AM. During that
time, management, QC staff, and workers are not available. Inspectors
will normally take their own lunch break. If they arrive late in the
morning, there will not be enough time to get the inspection started. Of
course, there are some lazy guys that purposely arrive shortly before
lunch break but most inspectors are tightly controlled and have to report

How To Import From China More Successfully

back to their head office by phone several times each day, especially if
they have to inspect an important project.

Once started, the inspector(s) will randomly selected the correct quantity
of products from the production lot. They will then compare each
production sample for compliance with the checklist requirements.

The following link was provided in Chapter 11 but in case you missed it
here it is again:
The inspector’s job is time consuming and for more complex products,
such as bread makers or microwave ovens, they may even need two
man-days to complete the job.

What is a man-day? The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines a

man-day as: “A unit of one day’s work by one person”. It is the standard
definition used by Inspection companies when they invoice their expenses
to customers.

Most factories have one or more separate QC rooms for customers’

inspectors. This allows them to check the selected samples without
interrupting the production process. They are equipped with instruments,
which the inspectors need to perform their job duties.

Some really good advice from me is, if a factory cannot offer inspection
rooms and equipment, you better refrain from working with them. They
do not want you to have their quality checked and probably a good reason
for it.

In Chapter 8, I advised you to check the QC facilities of the factory and

now you can understand why that is important.

How To Import From China More Successfully

The Inspection Report

The inspector takes many notes of their findings for the Inspection
Report. They also take many digital photos to be integrated into the
inspection report later on.

After the inspector has finished their inspection, usually late in the
afternoon, they will discuss the results with the factory management and
ask them to sign a handwritten report. Often factory management
disagrees with their findings and refuse to sign. In this case, the inspector
must inform his head office immediately because lengthy negotiations are
not in your interest. The handwritten report is then faxed to the
inspection company’s head office for further processing. The inspector
may take one or more samples with him as supporting evidence of his

When Defects Are Found

You need some advice about how to deal with the factory management
when unacceptable defects are found. Management will immediately try to
put you into the corner by requesting advice from you about what is
acceptable and what is not. If you or the inspector fails to pay close
attention, you can unwillingly set a new quality standard for the

A well-organized factory will ask you to sign a production sample you

accept and have it sealed. That means anything meeting that standard
cannot be challenged in the future.

Receiving a Passed Inspection Report

Assuming everything went according to plan and the inspection passes.
The head office of the inspection company issues the final computerized
inspection report to you and the factory. Typically within one working day.

How To Import From China More Successfully

The head office of the inspection company can overrule the inspector’s
findings and amend the inspection report. That might happen after
discussing the content with you and receiving your approval.
You should only give approval for minor defects that will not affect your
future sales. Remember, you are responsible for quality for your
customers and must protect both your and their interests.

Discounts for Defects

Sometimes factories offer price reductions to convince you to accept the
defective goods. It would be the cheapest way to escape their
responsibility but I have to warn you to think hard before you accept the
proposals. If the factory compensates you with a minor price reduction,
you have to ask yourself how much it would cost your company if
customers at home return part or all of the goods. You end up paying the
return delivery charges and could be financially liable if a retailer’s
promotion fails.

After taking everything into consideration, you may not want to accept
the factory’s discount and instead ask them to re-work the goods.

Sometimes the factory will propose to re-working the products in a short

time period knowing that the inspection company cannot sent an
inspector for the re-inspection. They ask that you skip the inspection
because they will take every precaution to assure proper quality. You may
or may not accept this. It depends on your relationship with the factory
and whether you are willing to trust them.

The factory has two separate self-interests here. First, they want to avoid
paying the re-inspection charges and secondly they simply want the
goods out of their factory because space is needed for other projects.

How To Import From China More Successfully

So long as you do not advise the inspection company to issue the

Inspection Certificate, you are in the stronger position with more
negotiating power.

Now you should better understand why I suggested you avoid a tight
shipping schedule. If you must ship to catch your customer’s promotion
date, you are in for a hard time. One thing you can consider to protect
your company’s interest is asking the factory to issue a letter of
guarantee. In the letter of guarantee the factory should pledge to take full
responsibility for all claims resulting from a specific defect found during

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 23 - Releasing the Shipment or Asking

for Re-work and Re-inspection

After the goods pass inspection or you have agreed to accept the
inspection result with minor defects and the factory issues a Letter of
Guarantee to you, the next step is asking your inspection company to
issue their Inspection Certificate. This automatically releases the goods
for shipment. The factory is paid from the L/C when the necessary
documentation is presented to the advising bank and after no
discrepancies are found with the documentation.

Typical Documentation to Release the L/C

• Bill of Lading
• Commercial Invoice
• The Bill of Exchange/Draft
• Insurance Policy or Certificate
• Inspection Certificate
• Detailed Packing List
• Certificate of Origin
• GSP Forma A Certificate if applicable

Some countries require additional documents that would have been noted
when your home bank opened the L/C.

After shipment and presentation of the clean documentation to the

advising bank the exporter is due payment. If paying bank is the advising
bank the exporter can receive payment very quickly. If the opening bank
is the paying bank, payment may take a few days. Both importers and
exporters may request that the paying bank be in their country to protect
their interests.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Rework Scenarios
What happens if the goods are rejected during the inspection? Several
possible actions can result.

A first choice is often to have the goods re-worked and re-inspected. In

such a case you can ask the factory to re-work the goods and have them
re-inspected. Even when accompanied with a letter of guarantee this may
not be the best resolution.

When re-work is not an acceptable solution, the next choice can be to

have the factory re-manufacture the complete order again at their own
expense. No factory wants this decision and will argue and try to
negotiate a less costly solution.

A good question is, what could and will they do with the rejected goods?
In some cases, they could sell them at a huge discount to less quality
conscious customers but this is not easy because the goods carry your
brand name and are packaged to your specifications. This not a good
solution because you don’t want defective goods with your brand going to
the market.

Now is the time to bring in an arbitrator to negotiate with the factory.

Their first step should be verifying the problem has not been exaggerated
by the inspection company (this also happens sometimes). Inspectors can
have a different understanding of quality or performance levels. Because
the final decision is not their responsibility, they can note a defect and
simply pass the ball to the customer. Our company provides arbitration
services with a third party neutral judgment. This is a scenario where a
solution from your home country is difficult if a representative is not
immediately on the spot.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Another important consideration is the latest payment date documented

in the L/C. If goods have to be re-manufactured, that date can expire and
the L/C will have to be amended at an additional expense.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 24 - Performing an Incoming Inspection

at Your Warehouse

The goods will arrive at your warehouse after a long voyage and clearing
customs. The next step is performing an incoming inspection ASAP.

The Long Bumpy Route

You may ask: ”Why should I perform yet another inspection?” The answer
is your products and their packing had been subjected to constant
vibration on the ocean liner for weeks. They have also traveled by truck
on substandard rural roads in China. The goods probably have had a few
good jolts during the journey.

Complex products can have the quality affected during shipment. Another
inspection is necessary to assure quality products are sent to your
customers. This inspection is less intense because characteristics like
color do not need verification again.

Once the products pass this last hurdle, it is time deliver the goods to
your customers

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 25 - Delivering Your Goods

For economic reasons, importers usually cannot wait until the arrival
goods arrive to begin selling to customers.

Most goods should have been pre-sold long ago and are now ready for the
retailers to begin promoting a hot new product to a hungry market. This
entire process should have begun about the time the L/C was opened and
the firm order placed with the factory.

How To Import From China More Successfully

Chapter 26 - Epilog

I sincerely hope my eBook helps make your Importing from China more
successful and that you now have a better understanding about how
business is done in China.

During the research for my seven eBooks, I realized most available

resources mainly focus on the import business without showing a
complete picture from the Chinese point of view.

As an importer, it is essential to learn how everything is interconnected

and how to get the best results at each step of the process.

I would like to express my gratitude for buying this eBook from me and
hope that you will consider some or all of my other eBooks as well.

Klaus-Dieter Hanke


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