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Science, Technology & Public Policy

2017; 1(2): 34-40
doi: 10.11648/j.stpp.20170102.14

Comparative Analysis of Circular and Rectangular

Reinforced Concrete Tanks Based on Economical Design
Abba Mas’ud Alfanda1, Abdulwarith Ibrahim Farouk2
Civil Engineering Department, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey
Civil Engineering Department, University of Technology, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Email address:
[email protected] (A. Mas’ud Alfanda), [email protected] (A. I. Farouk)

To cite this article:

Abba Mas’ud Alfanda, Abdulwarith Ibrahim Farouk. Comparative Analysis of Circular and Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Tanks Based
on Economical Design Perspective. Science, Technology & Public Policy. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2017, pp. 34-40. doi: 10.11648/j.stpp.20170102.14

Received: March 2, 2017; Accepted: March 22, 2017; Published: April 12, 2017

Abstract: The need for a water tank is as old as civilization, to provide storage of water for use in many applications. Design
and cost estimation of water tanks is a time consuming task, which requires a great deal of expertise. All tanks are designed as
crack free structure to eliminate any leakage. This project therefore studies the efficiency of rectangular or circular tanks,
40,000 liters capacities were used in order to draw reasonable inferences on tanks shape design effectiveness, relative cost
implications of tank types and structural capacities. The basic tanks construction materials include steel reinforcement,
concrete and formwork obtained from the prepared structural drawings. Result of the materials take–off revealed that circular
tank consumed lesser individual materials as compared to rectangular one. This will give circular shaped tanks more favored
selection over the rectangular shaped tank, although some other factors must still be assessed.

Keywords: Reinforced Concrete, Steel Reinforcement, Water Tank, Formwork

1. Introduction
Water is considered as the source living for every creation segments is described and calibrated against the test results.
as it is a crucial element for healthy living. Safe drinking The proposed design procedure addresses the leakage limit
water is one of the basic elements for human to sustain a state directly. It is applicable for fully pre-stressed, fully
healthy life. High demand for safe and clean water is rising reinforced and partially pre-stressed concrete water tanks.
day by day as one cannot live without water. Thus, it The conclusions that are drawn are as follows:
becomes necessary to store water, water is stored generally in i. A design method based on limiting the steel stress,
concrete water tanks and later on it is pumped to different does not produce consistent crack or compression zone
areas to serve community. depths under the application of pre-stressing nor under
An extensive literature review reveals that a minimum a combination of axial load and moment.
amount of research works had been done on this topic, ii. A design method based on providing a residual
especially in Nigeria. [1] Rationalized the design procedure compressive stress in concrete dose not utilizes non-
for reinforced and pre-stressed concrete tanks so that an pre-stressed reinforcement effectively.
applicable Canadian design standard could be developed. The iii. Relaxing the residual compressive stress requirement
study investigates the concept of partial pre-stressing in permits a more efficient design. The stresses in non-
liquid containing structures. The paper also includes pre-stressed steel are higher, but remain below yield
experimental and analytical phases of total of eight full scale under service load. Therefore, less reinforcement is
specimens, representing segments from typical tank walls, required.
subjected to load and leakage tests. In analytical study a iv. Load eccentricity significantly affects the behavior of
computer model that can predict the response of tank wall the pre-stressed concrete sections. The behavior with a
35 Abba Mas’ud Alfanda and Abdulwarith Ibrahim Farouk: Comparative Analysis of Circular and Rectangular
Reinforced Concrete Tanks Based on Economical Design Perspective

small load eccentricity, less than about half the and to form an interstitial space.
thickness, the section may be treated as a flexure
member. 1.2. Statement of Problem
v. The ratio of non pre-stressed steel to pre-stressed steel Reinforced concrete water tanks are used to store and
in partially pre-stressed concrete section has a supply safe drinking water. With the rapid speed of
significant effect on the member serviceability and urbanization, demand for drinking water has increased by
strength. Choosing the ratio such that both non- pre- many folds. Also, as demand for water tanks will continue to
stressed and pre-stressed steel reach their strength increase in coming years, quick cost prediction of circular
simultaneously utilizes both types of steel at the rectangular tanks before its design will be helpful in selection
ultimate limit state effectively. of tanks for real design. Quick cost prediction of tanks of
vi. Increasing the wall thickness is very effective in different geometry and capacity is a difficult job and a time
increasing the capacity of the section and improving its consuming task especially for less experienced design
serviceability by increasing the compression zone engineers [18], [17]. Many times it is required to know the
depth and reducing the deformations. cost of a tank of known capacity and geometry before its
Another Study was done on cost optimization of reinforced detailed design [24]. Many researchers such as [16], [14],
concrete circular grain silos based on the BS Code (2002) [11], [9] and [18] have studied the stability and the economic
[2]. He proved that the minimum cost of the silo increases aspects of water tank design.
with increasing angle of internal friction between stored
materials, the coefficient of friction between stored materials 1.3. Significance of the Study
and concrete, and the number of columns supporting hopper.
While [14] studied the economical design of concrete water This research is concern with the comparison between
Tanks by optimization method. He applied the optimization circular and rectangular reinforce concrete tanks. It attempted
technique to the structural design of concrete rectangular and to achieve some measure of the best practical solutions, that
circular water tanks, [20] have brought out the revised is, the optimum design of reinforced concrete water tanks for
version of BS 3370 (part 1 and 2) after a long time from its a specified performance.
1965 version in year 2009. This revised code is mainly 1.4. Aim
drafted for the liquid storage tank.
The major aim is to reveal the degree of effectiveness of
1.1. Need for Storage Tank the geometric shapes for the functional requirement, with the
Reservoir is a common term applied to liquid storage view to achieving adequate strength and economy.
structure and it can be below or above the ground level. 1.5. The Specific Objectives
Reservoirs below the ground level are normally built to store
large quantities of water whereas those of overhead type are The specific objectives of the study are:
built for direct distribution by gravity flow and are usually of i. To make the analysis and design of water tank in
smaller capacity. accordance with BS8007code
Storage reservoirs and water tanks are used to store water, ii. To compare the economical design of circular and
liquid petroleum, petroleum products and similar liquids. The rectangular reinforce concrete tank.
force analysis of the reservoirs or tanks is about the same iii. To estimate the cost of construction of both circular
irrespective of the chemical nature of the product. All tanks and rectangular tanks and hence to access the possible
are designed as crack free structures to eliminate any leakage. cost implications of each choice.
Water or raw petroleum retaining slab and walls can be of
reinforced concrete with adequate cover to the reinforcement. 2. Methodology
Water and petroleum react with concrete and, therefore, no
special treatment to the surface is required. Industrial wastes The design tool for circular and rectangular reinforced
can also be collected and processed in concrete tanks with concrete water tanks was prompted by the rigorous and
few exceptions. lengthy manual design of reinforced concrete water tank,
The need for a water tank is as old as civilization, to fully dimensioned and listed in a schedule of the
provide storage of water for use in many applications. Water reinforcement which is used on site for the bending and
tanks can be classified as circular, rectangular, conical, fixing of the bars. Standard bar shapes and a method of
depending on their location. The tanks can be made of steel scheduling were used as specified in BS8666, The British
or concrete. Tanks resting on ground are normally circular or code of practice BS8007, which is a modification to BS8110,
rectangular in shape and are used where large quantities of was also adopted as well. The principal features include:
water need to stored. Water tank parameters include the i. The use of a factor of safety Uf=1.4 for liquid loads.
general design of the tank, and choice of construction ii. The use of concrete grade C30 (with a maximum
materials and linings. Reinforced Concrete Water tank design water/cement ratio of 0.55 and a minimum cement
depends based on the location of tanks. The tanks can be content of 325kg/m3 that is, durability performance
made of RCC or even of cylinder for corrosion protection comparable to grade C40).
Science, Technology & Public Policy 2017; 1(2): 34-40 36

iii. The use of a minimum cover of 25mm owing to ∴ 456789:;: = 230 – 25 = 205mm
. × 3
assumed severe exposure condition on internal and at ="# = /01
= = 1010.52!!
least one of both faces. $() >: × . ×

= 198.907 ≈
iv. Maximum crack width limited to 0.3mm unless the
Spacing of 16mm diameter bar =
aesthetic appearance is critical, when 0.1mm is used to .
avoid staining of the concrete. 200mmc/c
v. Maximum bar spacing of 300mm. Provided # @AA @200mmc/c as vertical reinforcement on
vi. For a wall thickness is exceeding 200mm and floor water face
B/01 . × C
thickness exceeding 300mm. Hoop steel = ="# = = = 983.25!!
= 114.92 ≈
vii. Anchorage bond stress for straight horizontal bars in
Spacing of 12mm diameter bar =
sections subjected to direct tension must be reduced to . .
70 per cent of the usual values. 110mmc/c
viii. At least 75mm blinding concrete is required below Provided # AA @110mmc/c as hoop reinforcement on
ground slabs. water face
Actual area of steel provided = ="# = =
2.1. Design of Circular Reinforced Concrete Water Tank 1027.3!!
Step 1: Given data Step 4: Check for tensile stress
Capacity of the tank = 40,000L B/01 . × C
= = =
Depth of water (h) = 5.9 – 0.2 = 5.7m #'(AE )G() × '( . E )× .
Overall depth (H) = 5.9m 0.61N/!!
Volume of water (V) = 40,000/1000 = 40 m3
Concrete cover = 0.25m Permissible stress = 1.2N/!! > 0.61N/!! safe
Free board = 0.2m Step 5: Top slab
Concrete grade = Reinforcement Fe415 The thickness of top slab shall be 150 since there is no
Step 2: Determination of tank diameter load or stresses on it, minimum area of steel is 0.24% of
concrete area should be provided
A= = 7.0175 ≈ 7.018m . .
∴ ="# = ×I ×J= × 1000 × 150 = 360!!
× .
D= = = 3 ≈ 3m Reinforcement for each face = 180!!
. ×
Spacing of 8mm diameter bar = = 279mmc/c
Step 3: Analysis of hoop tension and bending moment Provide # AA @250mmc/c as vertical and horizontal
One meter width of the wall is considered as the thickness distribution steel
of the wall is estimated as: Step 6: Base slab
t = 30H + 50 = 30 × 5.7 + 50 = 221mm The thickness of base shall be 150mm the base rests on
The thickness of the wall is assumed as 230mm firm ground; hence only minimum reinforcement is provided
∴ Maximum hoop tension = 0.575 × = 0.575
. .
× . ×
= 49 KN ∴ ="# = ×I ×J= × 1000 × 150 = 360!!
Maximum bending moment = 0.0146 × = Reinforcement for each face = 180!!
0.0146 × 10 × 5.7 = 27 KNm . ×
Spacing of 8mm diameter bar = = 279mmc/c
Step 3: Design of section
Permissible compressive stress in concrete = 7N/!! Provide # AA @250mmc/c as vertical and horizontal
Permissible compressive stress in steel "# = 150mpa distribution on the outer face
Modular ratio = M = 13.33 2.2. Design of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Water
Design constants are: Tank
×$%&% . ×
K= = = 0.39
× $%&% '$() . × ' Step 1: Given data
, . .
J = 1 −+ - = 1 −+ - = 0.87
Capacity = 40,000L = 40m
Depth = 2.0m
Q= JK = × 7 × 0.87 × 0.39 = 1.19 Size = 4m × 5m
. × 3 Free bore = 0.2m
Effective depth = d = /01
= = 150.73 ≈ Concrete = M
2 . .×
151mm Reinforcement = Fe415
Step 2: Permissible stresses
Let the overall thickness be 230mm with effective cover of = 7N/!!
25mm "# = 100N/!! (on faces near water face)
"# = 125N/!! (on faces away from water)
37 Abba Mas’ud Alfanda and Abdulwarith Ibrahim Farouk: Comparative Analysis of Circular and Rectangular
Reinforced Concrete Tanks Based on Economical Design Perspective

M = 13, Q = 1.41, J = 0.84 Maximum bending moment = [. = × =

× × 10 × 2.0 = 3.333KNm
Step 3: Dimension of the tank
Length = L = 5m
Width = B = 4m Effective depth using 10mm diameter = d = (160 – 25 – 10
N – 5) = 120mm
Ratio = = = 1.25
. × 3
Step 4: designs of long walls and short walls ∴ ="# = = 396.785 ≈ 397!!
× . ×
Long walls are designed as vertical cantilevers and short
But 0.3% of gross area = + × 160 × 1000- =
walls are spanning horizontally between long walls
Maximum bending moment at base of long wall
C × . C × .
N = = = 17.75KNm Spacing of 10mm diameter bar = = 164.58mm
@ @
Provide # AA @200mm c/c both faces in the vertical
. × 3
= 112.2 ≈ 120mm
Effective depth = d = =
2 . × Step 6: Base slab
The thickness of base slab shall be 150mm the base rests
Using 16mm diameter bars and 25mm clear concrete cover on firm ground; hence only minimum reinforcement is
Effective depth = 120mm provided
Overall depth = 160mm
. × 3 ∴ ="# = + × 150 × 1000- = 360!!
="# = P
= = 186.99 ≈ 176!!
O>: × . ×
Reinforcement for each face = 180!!
Spacing of 16mm diameter bar = = 114.2 ≈ Spacing of 10mm diameter bar =
× .
= 438mm
120mm c/c Provide # AA @400mm c/c as vertical and horizontal
Provide # @AA @120mm c/c toward the top distribution on the outer face.
Intensity pressure 1m above the top = P = ( − ℎ) =
10(2.2 – 1) = 12KN/!
× 3. Result Presentation
Direct tension in long walls = N = + - = 12KN
The summary for both circular and rectangular reinforced
× C
="# = = 120!! concrete tanks reinforcement is given in Table 1 and Table 2
But minimum area = 0.3% = + × 160 × 1000- = Table 1. Bar schedules for reinforced rectangular concrete tank.
× .
Bar Diameter Length Total number
Bar shape
Spacing of 10mm diameter bar = = 188mm reference (mm) (mm) of bar
# @AA
Provided # AA @200mm c/c on both faces Straight 16 2716 198
# @AA − = Straight 10 2560 89
Design for short walls:
# @AA − [
Intensity pressure 1m above the top = P = ( − ℎ) =
Straight 10 5210 48
# @AA − \ U – shaped 10 660 54
10(2.2 – 1) = 12KN/!
# @AA − ] Straight 10 4210 108
Effective span of horizontally spanning slab = (4 + 0.16) =
# @AA − ^ Straight 10 2410 12
# @AA − _
Straight 10 4210 25
Bending moment (corner section) = S = + - = # @AA − ` Straight 10 5210 20
× . @U
+ - = 17.31KNm Table 2. Bar schedules for reinforced concrete circular tank.
Tension transferred per meter height of short wall = S =
(12 × 1) = 12KN
Diameter Number Length
Reference Bar-shape
(mm) of bar (mm)
3E C( C
V EBW BV . × × E ) ×
∴ ="# = + +
# Circular/Hoop 12 55 27930
$() ×> ×: $() × . × # Straight 16 298 5590
#-A U-shape 8 37 9050
= 1927.21 ≈ 1928!! #-B U-shape 8 39 9350
× .
Spacing of 10mm diameter bar = = 40.98mm
Provide # @AA bars at 40mm c/c at mid-span section the The taking – off, abstract, bill of quantity and detailed
bending moment is YZ /24 and hence # AA diameter bars at calculations are shown in the appendices while the summary
80mm c/c away from water face. is shown in Table 3.
Step 5: Design of cantilevering effect of short walls
Science, Technology & Public Policy 2017; 1(2): 34-40 38

Table 3. Bill of Quantities Summary.

Items Circular tank Rectangular tank
General clearance of top soil 0.0144ha ₦7200.00k 0.003ha ₦150.00k
Excavation for foundation 21.60! ₦172800.00k 5.698! ₦45584.00k
Provision of concrete 58.99! ₦782240.00k 12.141! ₦161211.00k
Placing of concrete 58.99! ₦294950.00k 12.141! ₦60705.00k
Form work 126.95! ₦334960.00k 163.2! ₦42615.00k
Reinforcement 0.32204t ₦111137.00k 0.1277t ₦90299.00k
Total ₦1703287.00k ₦400564.00k

Based on Figure 2, a circular tank is greater than

4. Discussion rectangular tank with respect to their quantities of
reinforcement. Both circular and rectangular water tanks
Table 2 indicates that the quantities of materials need for have the same capacities but from the result design, the
the circular water tank were constantly more than those amount of reinforcement tonnage in circular tanks is greater
needed for the rectangular water tank at each varied capacity. than that of rectangular tank.
Assessing the relative reduction in the amounts of
materials for the rectangular tanks, it was seen that the
formwork would be significantly more challenged in the
construction of the circular tanks, their presumed material
quantity advantage could be given up for a selection of
circular tank (through with potential increase in material
requirement). This could be considered if the said reduction
in materials is relatively small or variable. But, the final
choice would depend on the client’s desire and the advice of
the professional taking off the job.

Figure 3. Formwork distribution chart.

According to Figure 3, both circular and rectangular water

tanks have the same capacities however from the design
output, the amount of formwork in meter square in
rectangular tanks is greater than that of circular tank. In
conclusion, circular tank has the higher quantities and
amount in terms of concrete and reinforcement than that of
rectangular tank. But rectangular tank is greater than circular
tank in term of formwork. Moreover from the overall cost,
Figure 1. Concrete volume distribution chart. the circular tank is greater than rectangular tank.
From the Figure 1, although, both circular and rectangular 4.1. Conclusion
water tanks have the same capacities but from the result, the
amount of concrete in circular tank is greater than that of Generally, the construction material outputs for all water
rectangular tank. Therefore it is advisable to use the tanks shape would be based on the choice of the design
rectangular tank in terms of cost but in case of resistance to considerations, with the size of their structural elements.
all pressure exerted in the tank circular is better. Hence, there exists the possibility of having an equal capacity
and similar geometrically shaped water tank but with some
measurable difference in material requirement, for instance, a
tank wall designed as a cantilever would come up with a
relatively difference material quantity when compared with
its material requirements. If designed as a two-way spanning
wall (as for rectangular tank) or ring (or hoop) wall, (as for
circular tank).
It can be clearly seen that materials needed for the
construction of rectangular water tank is comparatively more
than those required for circular one but ease of construction,
is more difficult in circular water tank as compared to that of
rectangular water tank. Hence it could be deduced that the
Figure 2. Reinforcement distribution chart. outcome of tank design and the possible cost implication of
39 Abba Mas’ud Alfanda and Abdulwarith Ibrahim Farouk: Comparative Analysis of Circular and Rectangular
Reinforced Concrete Tanks Based on Economical Design Perspective

its material requirements coupled with the relative ease of [2] Al-Badri (2005) “Application Evolutionary Global
construction would be considered for the proposed water tank Optimization Techniques in the Design of RC Water Tanks”
Engineering Structures, Pp 332-334.
of any capacity although some other factors must still be
assessed. [3] Anchor, R. D. (1981) “Design of Liquid Retaining Concrete
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4.2. Recommendation
[4] Anchor, R. D. (1992) “Design of Liquid Retaining Concrete
The research studies the comparison between circular and Structure”. Second edition London.
rectangular reinforced concrete tanks based economical [5] BS 8007 (1987) code of practice for design of concrete
design point of view. For future research, the following structure for retaining aqueous liquids.
investigations are recommended:
i. Examination the response of reinforced concrete tanks [6] BS 8110 part 1 (1997) code of practice for design and
construction structural use of concrete.
under the effect of Hydrodynamic pressure resulting
from earthquake loading. [7] BS 8110 part 1 (2002) code of practice for design and
ii. Failures of tanks should be investigated by using a construction structural use of concrete.
computer program that considers cracking and [8] BS 8110 part 1 (2007) code of practice for design and
nonlinearity. construction structural use or concrete.
iii. Additional experimental study of wall specimens
subjected to both axial tensions and combined axial [9] Charles, J. (2007) “Longtime Emblems of City Roofs, Still
Going Strong” The New York Times.
compression is needed.
[10] Durgesh, C. R. (2001) “Design of Differences Type of Tanks”.
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h: Depth of water York Times.
V: Volume
Fe: Reinforcement grade [12] Gray, W. S. and Manning, G. P. (1964) “Water Towers,
Bunkers, Silos and Other Elevated Structures”. London.
A: Area
Concrete Publications Limited.
D: Diameter
t: Wall thickness [13] H. J. Mohammed (2011), “Economical Design of Water Concrete
: Maximum hoop tension Tanks”, European journal of scientific research vol. 49.
: Maximum bending moment [14] Hassan Jasim Mohammed, “Economical Design of Water
: Weight of water Concrete Tanks” Europeans Journal Publication, Vol 49 No. 4
: Permissible compressive stress in concrete (2011), Pp 510-520.
"# : Permissible compressive stress in steel
M: Modular ratio [15] Ludwig, A. (2008) “Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds. For
Domestic Supply, Fire and Emergency Use-Includes How to
K, J, Q: Design constants Make Ferro cement Water Tanks”.
d: Effective depth
="# : Area of steel [16] Manning, G. P. (1967) “Reservoirs and Tanks‟. London.
#: Steel type Concrete Publications Limited.
≈: Approximation [17] Pall, A. and Pall, R. T. (2004) “Performance-Based Design
: Tensile stress Using Pall Friction Dampers- An Economical Design
b: width Solution”. Paper No. 1955. 13th World Conference on
N : Bending moment for long walls Earthquake Engineering. Canada.
N : Direct tension for long walls [18] Patentscope (1998) “Construction of Liquid Retaining
P: Intensity pressure Structures”.
" : Bending moment for short walls
" : Tension transferred for short walls
[19] Pathak & Agarwal, (2003) and Pall, (2004), “Cost Prediction
B. M: Maximum bending moment of Overhead Water Tanks Using Artificial Neural Networks”,
IE (I) Journal, Vol. 84, pp. 153 – 158.
@: at
c/c: Center to center [20] R. K. Prasad & Akshaya B. Kamdi (2012) “Recent
Development in Structural Optimization” Journal of Structural
Engineering, Vol 113 No. 9.
References [21] Rao M L N (2000) Effect of confinement on ductility of RC
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[1] Abdul Aziz & A. Rashid “Water Tanks Design in Urban of Earthquake Eng., Univ. of Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
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Science, Technology & Public Policy 2017; 1(2): 34-40 40

[23] S. A. Raji “Window Base Computer Programs for Analysis [25] W. O, Ajagbe, S I. Adedokun and W. B. Oyesile W. B,
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[24] Slater, W. M. (1985) “Concrete Water Tanks in Ontario”.
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