Ultrametric Model of Mind, I: Review
Ultrametric Model of Mind, I: Review
Ultrametric Model of Mind, I: Review
Fionn Murtagh
Department of Computer Science
Royal Holloway University of London
arXiv:1201.2711v3 [cs.AI] 16 Jul 2012
We mathematically model Ignacio Matte Blanco’s principles of sym-
metric and asymmetric being through use of an ultrametric topology. We
use for this the highly regarded 1975 book of this Chilean psychiatrist and
pyschoanalyst (born 1908, died 1995). Such an ultrametric model corre-
sponds to hierarchical clustering in the empirical data, e.g. text. We show
how an ultrametric topology can be used as a mathematical model for
the structure of the logic that reflects or expresses Matte Blanco’s sym-
metric being, and hence of the reasoning and thought processes involved
in conscious reasoning or in reasoning that is lacking, perhaps entirely,
in consciousness or awareness of itself. In a companion paper we study
how symmetric (in the sense of Matte Blanco’s) reasoning can be demar-
cated in a context of symmetric and asymmetric reasoning provided by
narrative text.
1 Introduction
Before introducing and then discussing in detail Matte Blanco’s work in sec-
tion 3, in section 2 we deal with alternative models of mental processes – the
geometry or the topology of mental processes. These are neural model cen-
tered. Therefore they can be taken as influenced by physical models of the
brain. They provide a useful starting point for us because they also avail of
ultrametric topological representations and processing frameworks.
It will become clearer later that our primary motivation is not with a physical
(and hence, let’s assume, observable through physico-chemical and biological
processes) view of the brain. Instead our motivation is to have a processing
framework to model human reasoning that is, as reasoning, based on data such
as text or dialog data, or other behavioral or expressive signals.
In section 3 we survey Matte Blanco’s “logico-mathematical”, albeit largely
descriptive, theory of psychoanalysis.
In section 4 we look at how ultrametrics can provide an appropriate frame-
work for understanding Matte Blanco. In section 5 we tie the ultrametric topol-
ogy strongly to input data.
In section 6 we note how the unconscious can be vastly more efficient –
quicker in reasoning – compared to the conscious mind. An implication of
this is why unconscious thought processes are of interest, as well as conscious
reasoning, for computation and for decision making.
In general we address through our mathematical – topological and, at times
when metric, geometric – modeling how the unconscious differs from the con-
scious. Modeling for us consists of formulating and defining heuristic data struc-
tures, with the intention of allowing us to explore how the unconscious can be
expressed in terms of measured data.
ing behavior. Diffusion on these rooted trees leads to establishing probability
models on collections of trees. The mental activity in this case is based on a
unit given by “the state of a hierarchic neural pathway”. Furthermore, “Each
psychological function is based on a hierarchic tree of neural pathways”, i.e.
neuronal trees. Mental encoding of information in this model uses accounting
of “frequencies of firings of neurons along the hierarchic neural pathways”.
• For him, these were “two kinds or modes of being rather than of
existence”. The interplay of symmetry and asymmetry is the focus
of Matte Blanco’s work.
• The upshot of this was that Matte Blanco arrived at what he termed
a bi-logical system or bi-logic.
There are “two fundamental types of being which exist within the unity
of every man: that of the ‘structural’ id (or unrepressed unconscious or
system unconscious or symmetrical being) which becomes understandable
with the help of the principle of symmetry; and that visible in conscious
thinking, which can roughly be comprehended in Aristotelian logic.”
Freudian consciousness and unconsciousness are reformulated in terms of
symmetrical and asymmetrical modes of being. It is to be noted that this
is not a Freudian “rational-irrational” polarity but rather, on the side of
the symmetric mode of being, the “unrepressed unconscious”, or what is
“the unconscious by its own nature or structural unconscious”. As seen
in the development of the theory of Matte Blanco, “It is an attempt at
putting in logico-mathematical terms the findings of Freud”.
2. Symmetrization is a principle which, as shown in Matte Blanco, helps in
3. Within a class of things as conceptualized by the thinking person, there
is perfect equivalence of class members, implying the following.
• no contradiction
• absence of negation
• displacement
• space and time vanish
• no relations of contiguity
• arising from the last-mentioned: no order
• It is visible in conscious thinking.
• It can roughly be comprehended in, or expressed through, Aris-
totelian logic.
• “Asymmetrical being ... perceives reality as divisible or formed by
parts and, as such, related to spatio-temporality”.
• Symmetrical being can by known only through the glass or prism of
asymmetrical being: “Thinking requires asymmetrical relations. So
does consciousness.”
8. Quantifying the symmetrical.
9. In free recall, and in other areas besides such as in literature, words are
tracers for expressing what lies behind.
• To the foregoing we can add: Text is the “sensory surface” (McKee,
1999, formulated in statistical and computational terms in Murtagh
et al., 2009) of the underlying semantics. In section 7 we will return
to further motivation as to why words are a good starting point for
further analysis and how this can even go towards accessing aspects
of underlying symmetrical being.
Thus far, we have selected various central themes from Matte Blanco. This
leads us to a conclusion drawn by Lauro-Grotto (2007) that directly follows from
Matte Blanco: “... here comes my observation: the structural unconscious, in
the way it is reformulated by Matte Blanco, the symmetric mode – all this is
homologous to an ultrametric structure. The generalization principle reflects the
hierarchical arrangement in which all the stimuli (or concepts) are perceived as
belonging to classes, and the classes are clustered into super-classes of increasing
generality. Finally, a single omni-comprehensive class is generated.”
In a word, an ultrametric topology means that all that we are dealing with
is to be found in a hierarchy or a tree structure.
Lauro-Grotto (2007) points to how equi-similar (or equi-distant) stimuli or
concepts indicate an ultrametric (or hierarchy, or tree) topology. In this work,
we will go further.
We will show how the laying out by Matte Blanco of the symmetric and
asymmetric principles leads in a very natural way to an ultrametric topology
as a representational model. An ultrametric space is defined by two of the four
possible triangle configurations in a Euclidean space, viz. that they be either
isosceles with small base, or equilateral.
The isosceles with small base case does not detract one iota from symmetry.
Murtagh (2009) explores the many ways and contexts in which a hierarchy ex-
presses symmetry. There is a huge advantage for us in considering especially the
isosceles with small base case of ultrametricity: it models novelty, or anomaly,
or change. We will illustrate that below (in section 5).
2 3 4 5 6
4.1 Metric
The triangular inequality holds for metrics. An example of a metric is the
Euclidean distance, illustrated in Figure 1, where each and every triplet of points
satisfies the relationship: d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z) for distance d. Two other
relationships also must hold. These are symmetry and positive definiteness,
respectively: d(x, y) = d(y, x), and d(x, y) > 0 if x 6= y, d(x, y) = 0 if x = y.
Semantic analysis based on a metric embedding is pursued in Murtagh
(2005a), especially chapter 5 dealing with many types of textual content, in-
cluding technical, literary, and philosophy. In Murtagh et al. (2009), in an
extensive analysis of film script, it is shown how emotion can be traced out, and
this is achieved in an unsupervised way from the text input alone.
4.2 Ultrametric
An ultrametric, compared to a metric, requires a stronger relationship between
all triplets of points. The ultrametric is illustrated in Figure 2, left.
To see how an ultrametric is a good mathematical model of anomaly, or
exception, or novelty, consider Figure 2, right. Say, for example, there is the
situation of seeking best match material, and our search term and the existing
material are shown as points in Figure 2, right. If the target population has
at least one good match that is close to the query, then this is (let us assume)
clearcut. However if all matches in the target population are very unlike the
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Property 2
Isosceles triangle:
approx equal long sides
10 20 30 40
Property 1
query, does it make any sense to choose the closest? Whatever the answer here
we are focusing on the inherent ambiguity, which we will note or record in an
appropriate way. Figure 2, right, illustrates this situation where the query is
the point to the upper right. Relative to the illustration in Figure 2, left, the
query point would be associated with terminal node, x.
Note that our illustration in Figure 2, right, uses approximate similarity
of the long sides of the triangle shown. This is by way of background for the
companion paper, Murtagh (2012).
to the absolute value function. Such fields satisfy the “strong triangle inequality”
|x + y| ≤ max(|x|, |y|). Given a valued field, defining a totally ordered Abelian
(i.e. commutative) group, an ultrametric space is induced through |x − y| =
d(x, y).
Various terms can be used interchangeably for analysis in and over such
fields such as p-adic, ultrametric, and non-Archimedean.
The natural geometric ordering of metric valuations is on the real line,
whereas in the ultrametric case the natural ordering is a hierarchical tree.
point. That is also to claim that the members of the class, for our purposes
here, are tantamount to being identical.
To conclude, therefore, we have sought to show how well an ultrametric
space models Matte Blanco’s symmetry, as surveyed in section 3.1, and how
ultrametric space provides a framework for understanding symmetrical being,
or a mathematical model of symmetrical being.
As with many other multivariate techniques (i.e., input data consists of
measures on an object set crossed by an attribute set, so the obects are said to
be multivariate), the objects to be classified have numerical measurements on
a set of variables or attributes. Hence, the analysis is carried out on the rows
of an array or matrix. If we do not have a matrix of numerical values to begin
with, then it may be necessary to construct such a matrix from qualitative or
symbolic data. The objects, or rows of the matrix, can be viewed as vectors in
a multidimensional space (the dimensionality of this space being the number of
variables or columns). A geometric framework of this type is not the only one
which can be used to formulate clustering algorithms. Suitable alternative forms
of storage of a rectangular array of values are not inconsistent with viewing the
problem in geometric terms (and in matrix terms – for example, expressing the
adjacency relations in a graph).
Motivation for clustering in general, covering hierarchical clustering and ap-
plications, includes the following: analysis of data; interactive user interfaces;
storage and retrieval; and pattern recognition.
Surveys of clustering with coverage also of hierarchical clustering include
Gordon (1981), March (1983), Jain and Dubes (1988), Gordon (1987), Mirkin
(1996), Jain et al. (1999), and Xu and Wunsch (2005). Lerman (1981) and
Janowitz (2010) present overarching reviews of clustering including through use
of lattices that generalize trees. The case for the central role of hierarchical
clustering in information retrieval was made by van Rijsbergen (1979) and con-
tinued in the work of Willett (e.g. Griffiths et al., 1984) and others. Various
mathematical views of hierarchy, all expressing symmetry in one way or another,
are explored in Murtagh (2009).
Ribenboim, 1999, pp. 10, 13). The novelty in the work of Priess-Crampe and
Ribenboim (1999, 2000) is that these authors use the generalized ultrametric as
a multivalued mapping. (A more critical view of the usefulness of the generalized
ultrametric perspective is presented by Kroetzsch, 2006).
The generalized ultrametric approach has been motived (Seda and Hitzler,
1998) as follows. “Situations arise ... in computational logic in the presence of
negations which force non-monotonicity of the operators involved”. To address
non-monotonicity of operators, one approach has been to employ metrics in
studying some problematic logic programs. These ideas were taken further in
examining quasi-metrics, and generalized ultrametrics i.e. ultrametrics which
take values in an arbitrary partially ordered set (not just in the non-negative
reals). Seda and Hitzler (1998) “consider a natural way of endowing Scott
domains [see Davey and Priestley (2002)] with generalized ultrametrics. This
step provides a technical tool [for finding fixpoints – hence for analysis] of non-
monotonic operators arising out of logic programs and deductive databases and
hence to finding models for these.”
A further, similar, viewpoint is (Seda and Hitzler, 2010): “Once one intro-
duces negation, which is certainly implied by the term enhanced syntax ... then
certain of the important operators are not monotonic (and therefore not con-
tinuous), and in consequence the Knaster-Tarski theorem [i.e. for fixed points;
see Davey and Priestley, 2002] is no longer applicable to them. Various ways
have been proposed to overcome this problem. One such [approach is to use]
syntactic conditions on programs ... Another is to consider different operators
... The third main solution is to introduce techniques from topology and analy-
sis to augment arguments based on order ... [latter include:] methods based on
metrics ... on quasi-metrics ... and finally ... on ultrametric spaces.”
The convergence to fixed points that are based on a generalized ultrametric
system is precisely the study of spherically complete systems and expansive
automorphisms. See Murtagh (2009) for a short introduction.
In Giese and Leopold (2005), it is found that norm-referenced encoding
of human faces is a more likely mechanism in facial recognition, compared to
example-based encoding. The former is with reference to an average or norm,
whereas the latter is relative to prototypical faces.
Leopold et al. (2006) reinforce this: “The main finding was a striking ten-
dency for neurons to show tuning that appeared centered about the average
face”. They suggest that norm-referencing is helpful for making face recognition
robust relative to viewing angle, facial expression, age, and other variable char-
acteristics. Finally they suggest: “Norm-based mechanisms, having adapted to
our precise needs in face recognition, may also help explain why our [human]
face recognition is so immediate and effortless...”
A wide range of experimental psychology results are presented by Dijkster-
huis and Nordgren (2006) to support the link between norm-referenced reasoning
and unconscious reasoning, on the one hand, contrasted with the link between
prototype-referenced reasoning and conscious thinking, on the other hand. We
will pursue some discussion of these links since they provide a most consistent
backdrop to our work.
Encoding of information is fundamental. “Thinking about an object implies
that the representation of that object in memory changes.” Furthermore, “in-
formation acquisition” remains crucial for either form of thought, conscious or
Dijksterhuis and Nordgren (2006) point to how conscious thought can pro-
cess between 10 and 60 bits per second. In reading, one processes about 45
bits per second, which corresponds to the time it takes to read a fairly short
sentence. However the visual system alone processes about 10 million bits per
second. It is concluded from this that the conscious thinking process in humans
is very low, compared to the processing capacity of the entire human perception
We advance here a hypothesis as to why human thinking includes uncon-
scious as well as conscious thought. Namely, we note that conscious reasoning
is slow compared to the vastly more efficient and dramatically faster processing
speed of unconscious thought processes. Dijksterhuis and Nordgren (2006) also
point to how unconscious thought is less precise and carries no order, includ-
ing chronological, information. We have already noted these aspects in Matte
Blanco’s symmetry and our ultrametric interpretation (subsections 3.1 and 5.2).
Conscious thought therefore is both limited and limiting. A small number
of foci of interest (“only one or two attributes”) have to take priority. There are
inherent limits to conscious thought as a result. As a result of limited capacity,
“conscious thought is guided by expectancies and schemas”. Limited capacity
therefore goes hand in hand with use of stereotypes or schemas. “... people
use ... stereotypes (or schemas in general) under circumstances of constrained
processing capacity ... [While] this [gives rise to the conclusion] that limited
processing capacity during encoding of information leads to more schema use,
[current work proposes] that this is also true for thought processes that occur
after encoding. ... people stereotype more during impression formation when
they think consciously compared to when they think unconsciously. After all,
it is consciousness that suffers from limited capacity.”
It may, Dijksterhuis and Nordgren (2006) proceed, be considered counter-
intuitive that stereotypes are applied in the limited capacity, conscious thought,
regime. However stereotypes may be “activated automatically (i.e., uncon-
sciously)”, but “they are applied while we consciously think about a person or
group”. Conscious thought is therefore more likely to (unknowingly) attempt
“to confirm an expectancy already made”.
On the other hand, unconscious thought is less biased in this way, and more
slowly integrates information. “Unconscious thought leads to a better organiza-
tion in memory”, arrived at through “incubation” of ideas and concepts. “The
unconscious works ... aschematically, whereas consciousness works ... schemat-
ically”. “... conscious thought is more like an architect, whereas unconscious
thought behaves more like an archaeologist”.
Viewed from the perspective of the work discussed in this subsection, it can
be appreciated that our hierarchical and generative description of an object set
is a simple model of unconscious thought. That it is simple is clear: to begin
with, it is static. Our hierarchical and generative description of an object set
(cf. Murtagh, 2010b) is underpinned by the object set being embedded in an
ultrametric topology.
We find that, in this framework, the information content is defined from the
size of the object set, and not from any given object. To that extent, therefore,
the computational (or generative) potential of unconscious thinking is far more
powerful that that of conscious thinking.
capture and represent such transition. Text, says McKee, is the “sensory sur-
face” of a work of art (counterposing it to the subtext, or underlying emotion
or perception).
Simple words can express complex underlying reality. Aristotle, for example,
used words in common usage to express technically loaded concepts (Murtagh,
2005a, p. 169), and Freud did also.
Rayner (1995) notes the following: “The unconscious largely deals not with
particular logically asymmetrically locatable subjects and objects, but with ab-
stract attributes, qualities or notions. Put in another way, these propositional
functions are adjectival and adverbial; they lie behind verbal nouns: lovingness,
frighteningness and so on.” Such words, he notes, are “abstract class attributes,
notions or conceptions” and “are the equivalent of the propositional functions
of the class”.
This has an immediate bearing on the words used in unconscious processes.
Rayner (1995) notes the “propositional functions or abstract attributes” or
“predicate thinking”, that underly the unconscious as fundamental constituents.
He also briefly exemplifies this through clinical work in schizophrenia and child
abuse by adults.
One could of course deal with other units of thinking, or reasoning, or un-
conscious processes, other than through words. Chafe (1975), in relating and
establishing mappings between memory and story, or narrative, considered the
following units.
The “flow of thought and the flow of language” are treated at once, the latter
proxying the former, and analyzed in their linear and hierarchical structure as
described in other essays in the same volume as Chafe (1979) and in Chafe
In the companion article to this article, Murtagh (2012), we address the
following: Can we attempt to separate out good proxies for symmetrical logic
and for asymmetrical logic? To do this, we take a great number of texts, relat-
ing to literature, technical writing, and after-the-fact reporting on unconscious
thought processes.
8 Conclusion: Matte Blanco’s Symmetric Logic
as Thought Processes in an Ultrametric Infor-
mation Space
Ultrametricity, notes Lauro-Grotto (2007), can “be used as a means to generate
mental representations that hold in their inner structure all the contradictory
aspects of experience and present a smooth surface allowing a kind of ‘easy
handling’ by mental processes.”
Chapter 8 of Khrennikov (1997) deals with p-adic dynamical systems in
biology and social science. Section 6 is entitled “The human subconscious as
a p-adic dynamical system”. The conscious is seen as controlling the “gigantic
dynamical system” that is the subconscious. A model of the unconscious is
set up, based on ideas, that are hierarchically related. Dynamical systems on
p-adic number encodings of hierarchies are discussed, including how disruptive
or “manic ideas” can be considered in such a context.
This work on p-adic dynamical systems is taken further in the direction of ap-
plication to cognitive processing in Khrennikov (2004). (See also Khrennikov,
2007, and Khrennikov, 2010.) The author sets out to develop mathematical
models for consciousness and allied or analogous mental processes, along the
lines of what Newton, Descartes and others started in physics. Right from the
start it is noted that “human thinking (as well as many other information pro-
cesses) is fundamentally a hierarchical process”. An m-adic number encoding is
used, expressing hierarchy and encompassing therefore an ultrametric topology.
Mental spaces, of ideas, are at issue. A p-adic arithmetic, the author notes, is
used as a “mind arithmetric”. A particular outcome of this work is the link-
ing, by deployment of the same mathematical approaches, of the mathematical
models to quantum physical models.
In chapter 7, dealing with “abstract ultrametric information spaces”, Khren-
nikov (2004) enunciates two conjectures that are compatible with the exploration
of the ultrametric topologies of ideas that are studied:
1. “Cognitive systems (at least some of them) are able to operate simultane-
ously on all levels of the infinite cognitive hierarchy.”
2. “Consciousness is created by this infinite volume of information which is
concentrated in a finite domain of physical space.”
quotation shows: “... my central theme is that complexity frequently takes the
form of hierarchy and that hierarchic systems have some common properties
independent of their specific content. Hierarchy, I shall argue, is one of the
central structural schemes that the architect of complexity uses.” (Simon, 1996,
p. 184).
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