Components: Santo Tomás University

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Video: It is the one in charge of SANTO TOMÁS

amplifying the video that is
already separated, comes from the UNIVERSITY.
integrated jungle with its
respective colors to deliver it to
the cathodes of the electronic
cannon of the TRC.
Audio: It is the one in charge of
amplifying the audio that is
already separated, comes from the
integrated jungle and that soon is
delivered to the speakers or horns.
Willy Jhoel Rodríguez
Juan Carlos Uribe
The televisión. ¿what is the function of Improvement of efficiency in
television? the labor institution due to
A television is an electronic the technological advance,
device intended for the Television is a massive which allows to reduce fixed
reception and reproduction of medium of communication costs and to take advantage of
television signals. Usually it that most people have access some economies of scale.
has a screen and commands or to, so it is a companion to
today's homes, bearing in ¿How does this help in the
controls. It was created on
mind that as the world development in the office?
January 26, 1926 by John
Logie Baird. evolves, television becomes This is an exceptional medium
more affordable. in the office conveys a clear
It’s operation is based on the
¿How does it work? and direct message to all
phenomenon of
employees of the
photoelectricity, which is The emergence of these media company,best of all is that it
responsible for the is one of the most interesting gives a concise message in
transformation of light into of today's training, for its general can make important
electric current in a camera ability to provide support in notices, psychological help,
that can be transmitted by teaching and learning in a for a more pleasant
high frequency waves to the wide variety of ways. environment.
reception antennas and
reproduces on the screen of This new didactic plan other
our televisions. content: instead of theoretical
and abstract aspects, aspects
concrete and artistic

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