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By LB Bork [email protected]

While reading this, keep in mind that we are all FREE under the Law of God. And, in
law, i.e. man’s law, there are: Free Men (freemen) and Things.1
Now it is asked: Who owns government? It is in control of the nation (people that make
up the nation), is it not? One would think, anyway. Now, is a government a thing or a
human being? Of course the answer is: A government is a thing. Now, how can a THING
tell a man or woman what to do? It cannot. Therefore, does not a man or woman have to
be brought down or to the same level to be dealt with by the thing, government?
Through my years of research I have determined that man has constructed a bridge
between the Law of God and the law of man thorough terminology. In our natural state,
we are men and women; the next bridge—which is somewhat in unison with the Law of
God, i.e. God’s nations—is to bring us under the law of our nation. The term nationality
is linked to the term nation. Under the Law of Nations, if we are not a member of a nation
we are considered stateless. The term state is simply defined as: the government of a
nation, or may be the government of a sum of nations, such as the United States’ league
or confederation, i.e. The United States of America, the incorporation (a thing).1
In regard: The term RESIDENT means a man or woman who is given the identity of a
THING so he or she may be controlled in interrelations of different governments and/or
countries, i.e. to be controlled by their respective governments under man’s law.
I will now explain this quandary. While reading this, please keep in mind that terms in
law somewhat depart from the general usage of words; thus, I will be implementing some
thought in regard herein which departs from the derivative of the word resident.2
Thus far through my research I have found that the actual meaning of the term resident
has never been disclosed to anyone; it appears to have been kept a secret to most, even
the ones in the legal profession. In example, here is the definition of resident found in a
rather current edition of Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition:
• Resident. Any person [i.e. a resident person [resident, adj.] who occupies a
dwelling within the State, has a present intent to remain within the State for a
period of time, and manifests the genuineness of the intent by establishing an
ongoing physical presence within the State together with indicia that his presence
within the State is something other than merely transitory in nature.
The word “resident” when used as a noun, means a dweller, habitant or occupant;
one who resides or dwells in a place for a period of more, or less, duration; it
signifies one having a residence, or one who reside or abides.

Oh… Okay. What did that really say?

1 Thing, Law. That which can be possessed or owned. American Heritage Dictionary
2 dwell. 1. To live as a resident; reside. 2. To exist in a given place or state. In general usage of word
resides: Middle English residen, from Old French resider, from Latin residēre, to remain behind,
reside: re-, re- + sedēre, to sit. re (rē) preposition. In reference to; in the case of; concerning. [Latin rē,
ablative of rēs or thing]. American Heritage Dictionary

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The two different definitions actually act in unison as one. The first part is the adjective,
the second the noun, like stated. In an example of the adjective use in modifying the
noun, we can say resident person or resident alien. After the particular persona with the
adjective modifier is established on that person, we can then apply that persona to the
subject (i.e. man or woman) in question: resident, n. he or she is a resident.3
Moreover, please note that “within the State” was used several times in the above
definition of resident. This is a legal term that puts a person under the jurisdiction of a
government. I will be going over that term more in subsequent parts of the series, which
will go over the 14th Amendment operations. For the purpose of this instant tutorial,
please note the transitory description of the person in question used in Black’s definition.
That is to say: the subject in question is someone that is from a different location of his
normal presence, i.e. not necessarily permanent, but possibly permanent to a degree.
This leads me to go over the next issue, which is the term inhabitant. In example, I will
give you the current definition of that term from Wisconsin statutes:
• Wisconsin Stats. 990.01(15) Inhabitant. "Inhabitant" means a resident.
It is clear that an “inhabitant” is a “resident” in that authority. The only place that I could
find the term inhabitant defined is in the original French translation of Law of Nations by
Vattel. Below is the definition of the term from the legal reference.
• Inhabitants, as distinguished from citizens, are aliens who are permitted to take
up a permanent abode in the [a] country. The Law of Nations, Vattel-circa 1750
If you review the Articles of Confederation you will find that definition implemented
therein. The Articles use both “inhabitant” and “citizen”, and in its apparent vagueness,
set forth the principles of which were established by Vattel. Expanding, however, in the
edition of Vattel the Carnegie Foundation 4 had established for use of the general law
profession after the so-called Civil War, I have noted that this term was changed to the
term “resident”. As you will see there is some evil behind this, in a sense. An inhabitant
had little legal attachment to it.5 In the advent of the Brave New World, which brought
about people being more migratory in nature, the world elite had to create a legal term
that turned people into THINGS so they could be more readily regulated and taxed.
Before I further explain the term resident, please review the term person:
• PERSON. This word is applied to men, women and children, who are called
natural persons. In law, man and person are not exactly synonymous terms. Any
human being is a man, whether he be a member of society or not, whatever may
be the rank he holds, or whatever may be his age, sex, &c. A person is a man
considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which
the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. It is also used to
denote a corporation which is an artificial person. But when the word “persons” is

3 In Latin, sedēre means: to sit; re means: in regard; and res means: thing, see footnote 2. As re is
regarded as a derivative (ablative/departure) of res, think of re as conducive to the act of or in regard
to sitting, and res being conducive to the thing or in reference to the noun, or the thing sitting.
4 Carnegie, Andrew. 1835-1919. Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist who amassed a
fortune in the steel industry. American Heritage Dictionary
5 i.e., “inhabitant” simply means living in by habit; “resident” encompasses deeper Latin derivatives.

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spoken of in legislative acts, natural persons will be intended, unless something
appears in the context to show that it applies to artificial persons.
They (persons) are also sometimes divided into free persons and slaves. Freemen
are those who have preserved their natural liberty, that is to say, who have the
right of doing what is not forbidden by the law. A slave is one who is in the power
of a master to whom he belongs. Slaves are sometimes ranked not with persons
but things. Persons are also divided into citizens, (q.v.) and aliens, (q.v.) when
viewed with regard to their political rights. Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856
Note that unless you are a person, you do not belong to any society. A society can or may
be deemed to be a country (nation), or a political subdivision thereof. Also, note that an
alien does not have political rights. This will be covered in more detail below.
Now, to continue on the subject of this tutorial: the legal term resident.
We have established that an inhabitant is a person in a country not his own. It has been
further set forth that current state governments in the Union see the term inhabitant and
resident in an identical manner, taking note that the Carnegie Foundation and its lawyers
had changed the meaning or modified inhabitant to mean resident. Again, in law it
appears that these people conjure up things to fit their own purposes which depart from
general usage of a word. In example, the term “citizen” means a corporation.6 As citizen
is generally tied to political rights,8 such usage is a major perversion from the roots and
meaning of the word. Keeping such fabrications in mind, now see thing defined below
along with its partner that describes the rest of what resident encompasses:
• RES, property. Things. Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856
• i·den·tic, [identic] adj. 1. Being or constituting a diplomatic action or diplomatic
language in which two or more governments agree to use the same forms in their
relations with other governments. 2. Identical. American Heritage Dictionary
I cannot find the second definition (identic) in any general law books. I find it interesting
that the controllers who run everything hide things in different places so you cannot
figure things out in their manipulation of us in different jurisdictions. This can be
construed to be uniform law, i.e. identical law in regard to the res.
Now, to note that res does not always mean property, I will provide a more extensive
explanation of the term RES. The following is taken from Black’s Law Dictionary:
• RES, Lat. In the civil law. A thing; an object. As a term of the law, this word has
a very wide and extensive significance, including not only things which are
objects of property, but also such as are not capable of individual ownership.
In modern usage, the term is particularly applied to an object, subject-matter, or
status, considered as the defendant in an action, or as the object which, directly,
proceedings are taken. Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th edition
One would think that a man or woman is not considered a thing as a subject that is owned
by government, but in Part II it will be set forth how this is done under a legal principle

6 In example, see Title 28 USC § 1332(c)(1). Diversity of citizenship. For the purposes of this section
and section 1441 of this title - a corporation shall be deemed to be a citizen of any State by which it has
been incorporated and of the State where it has its principal place of business...

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called a presumption or legal fiction. Keep in mind that many issues of law can be
applied to any certain situation; further in regard, one might say that law is invisible to
the naked eye until it is shown, i.e. it depends what issue of law is engaged by any certain
person or party which will determine what is brought into the light; however, in reference
to legal fictions, the government opponent may keep something in the dark and use it
against you; such principle that most people fall victim of in their legal actions.
Now back in reference to the term identic...
Note that the definition of “identic” included the general language of “…same forms in
their relations with other governments.” See this term or word:
• Diplomacy, n. The art or practice of conducting international relations, as in
negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements. American Heritage Dictionary
One form of these matters is to be considered treaties or agreements between different
states or countries. This is an agreement (or contract, if you will) between two or more
governments which dictates certain particulars encompassed therein:
• TREATY, international law. A treaty is a compact made between two or more
independent nations with a view to the public welfare treaties are for a perpetuity,
or for a considerable time. Those matters which are accomplished by a single act,
and are at once perfected in their execution, are called agreements, conventions
and pactions. Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856
• COMPACT, contracts. In its more general sense, it signifies an agreement. In its
strict sense, it imports a contract between parties, which creates obligations and
rights capable of being enforced, and contemplated as such between the parties, in
their distinct and independent characters.7 Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856
Note that compact is also used to define agreements between states or governments.7
Now, before I go into more detail, one should note that it has been a long standing rule of
international law that things (articles) in trade coming into a nation were subject to duties
(taxes) and other controlling measures. However, people, when in another country that
was not their own, were generally not controlled or regulated as free people. Hence,
another layer of law had to be established to bring them under the control of treaty or
compact law; hence to encompass this, the term resident was implemented.
Remember I stated above that the two different definitions of resident, the adjective and
noun actually act in unison as one. If you noted in the definition of “inhabitant” by Vattel,
a man in a country not his own was referred to as an “alien”. Again, an alien is a person
in a different country, and hence is not a subject or citizen 8 of that country. The adjective
resident brings an alien (n) or inhabitant (n) into being a resident (n), i.e. the THING to
be controlled or regulated by compact agreements and/or treaties.

7 Story, Const. B. 3, c. 3; Rutherf. Inst. B. 2, c. 6, Sec. 1. 2. The constitution of the United States declares
that "no state shall, without the consent of congress, enter into agreement or compact with another
state, or with a foreign power." See 11 Pet: 1; 8 Wheat. 1 Bald. R. 60; 11 Pet. 185.
8 subject. A citizen. Ballentine’s Law, 3rd; citizenship. The privilege of membership in a political
society, implying a duty of allegiance on the part of the member and a duty of protection on the part of
the society; the status of a citizen with its respective rights and duties. 3 Am J2d Aliens § 115.

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Now, to evidence this in practical application as to general definitions found in the
United States Code. It should be noted the US Code fully encompasses international law,
because the US Constitution is an agreement between the several nations of the American
union. Accordingly, you will find the term “non-resident alien” and “resident alien” in
the Internal Revenue Code. Here are the terms that cover the two aliens below:
• Title 26 USC § 7701(b)(1). Definition of resident alien and nonresident alien.
In general. For purposes of this title:
(A) Resident alien. An alien individual shall be treated as a resident of the United
States with respect to any calendar year if (and only if) such individual meets the
requirements of clause (i), (ii), or (iii): [subsection (ii) and (iii) omitted]
(i) Lawfully admitted for permanent residence. Such individual is a lawful
permanent resident of the United States at any time during such calendar year.9
(B) Nonresident alien. An individual is a nonresident alien if such individual is
neither a citizen of the United States nor a resident of the United States.
After reviewing that authority, note that both a resident alien and nonresident alien are
both considered “residents of the United States”. Remember, a resident is considered a
person of a migratory nature who is not in his country of origin. Also note the transition
of the alien from adjective form into the noun through title definition. Now look at such
term as applied to the following which defines “United States persons” in the Title:
• Title 26 USC § 7701(30) Definition of United States person.
The term “United States person” means:
(A) a citizen or resident of the United States [subsections, B, C & D omitted]
The term “United States person” means: 1) a citizen of the United States; 2) a resident of
the United States. Both of these people are controlled by the law of congress. A citizen of
the United States is subject to the legislative power of congress due to being a person that
has accepted federal citizenship. See this authority which is tied to this US person:
• Title 8 USC § 1101(a). As used in this chapter [chapter 12 of Title 8]
(22) The term “national of the United States” means:
(A) A citizen of the United States [subsection B omitted, see footnote 4] 10
And also this authority states who a US citizen is, as directed by the 14th Amendment:

9 Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(20). As used in this chapter: The term “lawfully admitted for permanent
residence” means the status of having been lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in
the US as an immigrant in accordance with the immigration laws, such status not having changed.
10 Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(22)(B) As used in this chapter: The term “national of the United States” means
a person who, though not a citizen of the US, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.
Such section traces to the following 2 authorities, the only “nationals of the United States”:
Title 8 USC § 1408(1). Nationals but not citizens of the United States at birth. Unless otherwise
provided in section 1401 of this title, the following shall be nationals, but not citizens, of the United
States at birth: A person born in an outlying possession of the United States on or after the date of
formal acquisition of such possession.
Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(29). Definitions. As used in this chapter: The term “outlying possessions of the
United States” means American Samoa and Swains Island.

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• Title 8 USC § 1401(a). Nationals and citizens of United States at birth.
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: a
person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. 11
That “US person” is controlled by congress, i.e. this man or woman is INTERNAL to the
jurisdiction, or subject to [or of], the United States. Such person is considered “within the
United States” due to the de facto citizenship and nationality that is carried under the 14th
Amendment. The other “US person” is covered under treaty law via the agreements of
his country under the authority that is evidenced above, see Title 26 USC § 7701(b)(1).

There are some Americans that believe that they are non-resident aliens and believe that
they are not citizens who are subject to the United States, i.e. they believe that the 14th
Amendment does not effect them for some misguided reason or another. This is a
misconception. The authorities that are established by the United States in regard to the
term “nonresident aliens” only encompasses people that are not US (or American)
citizens, as defined by Title 26 USC § 7701(b). Any American that fills out any Internal
Revenue forms that applies to “nonresident aliens” will be an act of mistake or fraud.12
If one has the proper status he or she would appear to be invisible—so to speak—to the
acts of congress which apply “within the State” 13 (created by the 14th Amendment). The
question is: most people in the United States of America are in their countries (states) of
birth. So why are they calling such persons residents? Could it be that such people are not
in their countries at all and have moved into a different country?
In the Parts to come I will go over the legal actions that make the people found in the
several states of the Union act in violation of law, hence rendering themselves as things
of which then are controlled—and owned—by the United States.
Compiled by LB Bork of the People’s Awareness Coalition
POB 313 – Kieler – Wisconsin
LB may be reached via email at: [email protected]

11 GN 00303.100 U.S. Citizenship. SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE U.S. Individuals under
the purview of the Fourteenth Amendment (which states that all individuals born in the U.S. and to
whom U.S. laws apply are U.S. citizens). Acquisition of citizenship is not affected by the fact that the
alien parents are only temporarily in the U.S. at the time of the child's birth. Under international law,
children born in the U.S. to foreign sovereigns or foreign diplomatic officers listed on the State
Department Diplomatic List are not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. (see also the landmark case
of UNITED STATES v. WONG KIM ARK, 169 U.S. 649 (March 25, 1898)
12 Title 26 USC § 7701(b). (B) Nonresident alien. An individual is a nonresident alien if such individual
is neither a citizen of the United States nor a resident of the United States (WITHIN THE MEANING
OF subparagraph (A))…In other words: (A)(i) states: “Such individual is a lawful permanent resident
of the United States at any time during such calendar year.” i.e. a foreign non-citizen, see footnote 9
13 Title 4 USC § 110(e). Same; definitions. As used in sections 105-109 of this title: the term “Federal
area” means any lands or premises held or acquired by or for the use of the United States or any
department, establishment, or agency, of the United States; and any Federal area, or any part thereof,
which is located within the exterior boundaries of any State, shall be deemed to be a Federal area
located within such State. See also the Buck Act;

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