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Orchids of

Papua New Guinea

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Orchids of
Papua New Guinea
an introduction

Andree Millar
Photographs by Roy and Margaret Mackay

Australian National University Press

Canberra 1978
First published in Australia 1978
Printed in Hong Kong for the Australian National University
Press, Canberra

©Andree Millar, Roy and Margaret Mackay 1978

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purpose of private study, research, criticism, or review, as
permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be
reproduced by any process without written permission.
Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

National Library of Australia

Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Millar, Andree
Orchids of Papua New Guinea.
ISBN 0 7081 0479 7.

1. Orchids—Papua New Guinea—Identification.

1. Title.

Southeast Asia: Angus & Robertson (S.E. Asia) Pty. Ltd., Singapore
Japan: United Publishers Services Ltd., Tokyo
Papua New Guinea: Robert Brown and Associates Pty. Ltd., Port Moresby

Designed by ANU Graphic Design/Stephen Cole.


This book is for the people of Papua New Guinea who have
gone with me down through the wonderful years to every
Province in their beautiful country: up the highest mountain
and through the thickest forest; up the longest river and on
the widest lake; and especially to the small children on coral
islands, mountain hamlets and coastal villages, who have
climbed up trees and coconut palms, happily collecting and
giving to me the magnificently large and exquisitely small
orchids of their native land that 1love so dearly; and to Sir
John Gunther, first Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Papua New Guinea, who made it all possible.

This picture was taken in 1955, almost at the end of my

first long patrol on top of the Wahgi-Sepik Divide. I saw
the beauty and variety of this country’s orchids for the first
time and 1 fell completely under their spell, forever.

I would like to acknowledge my debt to the people who

gave me so much encouragement, and without whose faith
this book could not have been written.

The Orchid Research Council of America who provided the

financial assistance to study the orchids of the Sepik and
Oriomo Rivers.
The Administration Officers of the Government of Papua
New Guinea who gave so much physical help in the
Dr Ken Inglis, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Papua New Guinea, in gratitude for his faith in me; and
Amirah Inglis who went with me to the May River and
helped me with the office work.
Mr Les Johnson, last Administrator of Papua New Guinea,
and Mrs Johnson.
Mrs Margery Purnell, late of Lae, who did so much of the
collecting with me.
Jim and Brenda Mackinney of Brisbane.
Frank and Jean Slattery of Sydney.
Gerald and Nell McCraith of Sydney.
Syd and Heather Saville of Port Moresby.
Jonathon Dodd, formerly of the University of Papua New
Frank Mack, Department of Primary Industry, Port
National Mapping Bureau.
Stella Johns of Lae and Port Moresby and Frank Ginate,
my loyal assistant and successor.




Acknowledgments uii
Where Orchids Grow 1
List of Genera 4
Habitats 5
The Orchids 8
Cultivation Notes 91
Photography 96
Glossary 98
The Names 99
References 100
Index 101

the author and Ombas Omucan; collecting

in an old rubber plantation.
Drawings by the National Art School of Papua New Guinea

upper sepal

lateral sepal upper sepal


lateral sepal
lateral sepal
labellum side lobe

Flower of Vandopsis warocqueana
lateral sepal

Flower of Dendrobium lasianthera

Strap leaf

Vanda hindsii


Dendrobium discolor seed pod Stem of cane-type Dendrobium

Where Orchids Grow

Papua New Guinea has many variations in climate and habi­ In the lowland rain forest, especially around Lae, there
tat, ranging from the dry savannah and grasslands to high are hundreds of species, especially Bulbophyllums,
mist and moss forest, from the lush wet coast to small Dendrobiums and ground orchids. Such terrestrials as
islands encircled by reefs. Each distinct area very often has Acanthephippium papuanum, several Calanthe, Malaxis,
its own types of orchids and as well other interesting plants Habernaria, Corpmborkis and Plocoglottis are some of the
which flourish in the same conditions. species which grow in deep litter on the forest floor in many
The savannah and grasslands near Port Moresby and parts of the country and at different altitudes to 1,000 m,
Cape Rodney have very marked climatic conditions: a long sometimes higher, and are common in the Morobe lowland
dry period followed by a very short wet season (see the forests.
climatic chart). Dendrobium williamsianum, our only orchid Many of these lowland species are pioneer plants and
of the section Phalananthe, grows in the small Antidesma soon establish themselves in large trees in the coastal
ghaesambilia trees and the grasses grow up to 1 m all towns. In Lae, Madang and Kieta there are very good exam­
around the trees. This produces growing conditions in which ples of self-sown plants. In Lae, in the large rain trees on
this beautiful orchid grows by the hundred. Fortunately, Markham Road, the trees are full of epiphytic growth, ferns,
many of the areas where D. williamsianum grows are pro­ hoyas, schefifleras, among them, and many orchids. One
tected by swamps, mosquitoes, leeches and crocodiles in of the most beautiful is Dendrobium anosmum, which
the wet season. hangs out from the high branches, with up to twenty flowers,
It was thought at one time that the orchid population 10 to 12 cm across. Vanda hindsii, Ascoglossum calop-
of the savannahs was very small but systematic collecting, terum, are showy plants among the Erias, Bulbophpllums,
mainly with a camera and note book, has proved otherwise. Cadetias, Luisias, Sarcochilus moorei and small
D. discolor, D. musciferum and D. bifalce are very common, Dendrobiums.
in addition to a host of small ‘botanicals’ such as Oberonia, The orchids of the high moss forest are still not fully
Cadetia, Ephemerantha, Acriopsis etc. Grammatophpllum known but some of the better species are already world
pupuanum, Vandopsis warocqueanum, Vanda hindsii and favourites. Dendrobium sophronites is perhaps the most
several other Vandaceous types are in the small trees and popular. It has a very small plant and large psychedelic
in the large trees of the gallery forest on the watercourses coloured flowers, from 3 to 4 cm across, and there are red,
which criss-cross the grasslands and flow only during the pink, purple, cream, yellow and orange forms, and many
wet season. bi-colours such as orange/yellow and pink/red. It is com­
Bulbophpllums, Erias and Spathoglottis are plentiful and mon to see several colours on the one branch. They are
in some areas Phaius tancaruilliae is common. Small terres­ very long-lasting and will always be a collector’s gem.
trials such as Neruilia discolor, Geodorum densiflorum and Dendrobium sophronites and the other beautiful moun­
Dipodium punctatum appear with each wet. Most of these tain orchids of the section Oxyglossum (D. quinquecosta-
species also grow in other parts of the islands, and in other tum, D. frigidum, D. alatum etc.) grow in specialised
climatic and geographical conditions. Dendrobium bifalce conditions between 1,800-2,400 m. The temperature drops
and Acriopsis jauanica will grow anywhere up to 1,000 m. sharply at night but the middle of the day is fiercely hot.

The orchids grow on moss-covered branches or peaty or other shelters, it would be extraordinary not to see one
ridges, and in the late afternoon it nearly always rains, the or two tiny orchids on each piece of wood.
amount varying with the time of year. The low-lying clouds One of the orchid groups with the largest potential is the
and mists descend almost to the ground, and the air is moist Ceratobium group of Dendrobium. With the exception of
until about 9 a.m. The plants then get daily precipitation one or two highland species such as Dendrobium antelope,
and dry out at midday. they are all lowland dwellers, particularly favouring river
There are hundreds of species growing in the cloud edges, coastal and forest habitats and the trees overhanging
forest, moss forest and sub-alpine areas and at this stage the beach on the numerous off-shore islands. Some favour
many of them are unnamed. Schlechter did not collect in a particular area and altitude; Dendrobium streblosceras
the Highlands of Papua New Guinea at all and there has (commonly known as D. tangerine) is found in a relatively
not been any expedition organised solely for the collection small area between the Snake River and the Leron River
of orchids. and is a lowland species found nowhere else. Dendrobium
An effort is now being made to establish a collection at lineale grows from the coast to about 600 m, always epiphy­
Laiagam in the Southern Highlands, as the nucleus of a tic on the high branches of big trees. Dendrobium discolor
high altitude botanic garden. This will also incorporate the and its varieties are found in two areas of Papua: from Port
unique flora of this part of the country, a project which is Moresby to the Sogeri Plateau at 600 m and in the lowlands
vital and urgent in the light of rural development, especially of Central Province, especially in swamp trees. In Western
where large areas are being cleared for animal husbandry Province from Daru to the border with Indonesia it is thick
and for cash cropping such as tea, coffee, pyrethrum and in all the swamps and river banks.
other land-absorbing projects. However, only a fool would be didactic about the full
The forest floor in the high altitude country is covered extent of a particular species habitat while so much of the
with moss (including sphagnum), roots and a host of small country is still virgin forest. We were considerably surprised
plants. Many of the orchids will grow on this medium as to find D. lasianthera as far down as the Gogol in Madang
well as epiphytically on the trees. On the tall trees, the Province. We were even more so, in October of 1970, to
orchids grow in the topmost branches where there is suf­ learn that two plants of D. discolor had been found in the
ficient light and air-movement for their well-being. Such same area.
genera as the following grow in this area: Aglossorhpncha, On the islands of Milne Bay and down to the tip of Papua
Bulbophgllum, Ceratostylis, Dendrochilum, Dendrobium at Rossel Island, there are a host of orchids which flourish
(especially of the brightly-coloured, long-lasting Oxyg/os- in their special habitat. Big trees leaning over the sea are
sum and Pedilonum sections). Diplocaulobium, Epiblastus, continually splashed with salt water as the waves break on
Eria, Giulianettia, Glomera, Glossorhyncha, Liparis, the reef below, but this does not worry the lowland species
M ediocalcar, O beronia, P edilochilus, Phreatia and which grow as well as they do in the lowlands of both sides
Taeniophyllum grow in their thousands. When, on patrol of the mountains in Papua New Guinea.
in this mountain country, saplings are cut for tent poles

Climatic Chart

T e m p e ra tu re °C Relative H um idity Rainfall m m

A ltitude m M axim um M inim um M axim um M inim um (A nnual) Wet S e a s o n

P o rt M oresby S /L 33 16 100 60 1000 D ec.-M ar.

L ae S /L 32 23 86 68 4400 May-Aug.
Mt K aindi 2400 28 15 82 58 3000 Jan.-A pr.
R abaul S /L 33 23 80 65 2200 Jan.-A pr.
G o ro k a 1800 26 13 82 50 2000 Jan.-A pr.
D aru S /L 32 23 85 75 2000 Jan.-A pr.
Kikori S /L 34 22 96 -1 5800 May.-Aug.
K iunga 100 - - - - 4700 Sept.-A pr.
M adang S /L 33 18 84 75 3500 Jan.-A pr.
Mt H ag en 1800 31 2 83 66 2600 D ec.-Apr.
A raw a S /L - - - - 3000 no high p o in t
K avieng S /L 37 15 80 75 3200 no high p o in t

Orchidaceae of Papua New Guinea

The following list of genera and number of species in each our highland moss, cloud and sub-alpine areas. Last year,
was compiled by Alick Dockrill for the Encyclopedia of on a trawler patrol of the rivers in Western Pnvince, 1found
Papua New Guinea in 1972. Dendrobium bigibbum, for the first time athough early
botanists had credited it to Papua New Guinea many years
Impressive though the total is, there are undoubtedly many
ago. On the same patrol I found D. trilamelhtum, also for
more species. In the last six years I have found several
the first time. Future collectors will assuredly find a wealth
species not recorded and other people have certainly done
of species not so far recorded.
so. We are only now discovering the wealth of material in

List of genera with number of species

Acanthephippium 3 Cyphochilus 6 Kuhlhasseltia 1 Pristiglottis '

Acianthus 2 Cystorchis 5 Lecanorchis 5 Pseuderia 4
Acriopsis 1 Dactylorhynchus 1 Lepidogyne 3 Pterostylis 13
Adenoncos 1 Dendrobium 512 Liparis 87 Renanthera 1
Aglossorhyncha 11 Dendrochilum 2 Luisia 2 Ridleyella 1
Agrostophyllum 46 Didymophexis 3 Macodes 4 Robiquetia (ircluding
Aphyllorchis 5 Dilochia 1 Malaxis 89 Malleola) 8
Apostasia 1 Diplocaulobium 71 Malleola (see Robiquetia) Saccoglossun 4
Appendicula 43 Dipodium 3 Mediocalcar 38 Saccolabiopsi; 5
Arachnis 3 Disperis 1 Microtatorchis 35 Saccolabium 5
Ascoglossum 1 Dryadorchis 2 Mischobulbum 2 Sarcanthus 7
Bogoria 1 Ephemerantha 9 Moerenhoutia 4 Sarcochilus 3
Bromheadia 2 Epiblastus 14 Monesepalum 2 Schoenorchis 3
Bulbophyllum 569 Epigeneium 2 Nervilia 11 Sepalosiphon 1
Cadetia 66 Eria 45 Neuwiedia 1 Spathoglottis 20
Calanthe 41 Erythrodes 10 Oberonia 86 Spiculaea 1
Calochilus 1 Eucosia 1 Octarrhena 17 Spiranthes ’
Calymonathera 5 Eulophia 7 Ornithochilus 1 Stereosandra 1
Camarotis 1 Eurycentrum 8 Oryanthera 2 Taeniophyllun 89
Ceratostylis 64 Galeola 4 Pachystoma 3 Tainia 2
Chamaeanthus 3 Gastrodia 1 Paphiopedilum 7 Tapeinoglossum 1
Cheirostylis 2 Geodorum 2 Papuaea 1 Thelasis 9
Chilopogon 1 Giulianettia 15 Pedilochilus 24 Thelymitra 2
Chitonanthera 22 Glomera 40 Phaius 4 Thrixspermun 12
Chitonochilus 1 Glossorhyncha 61 Phalaenopsis 1 Trichoglottis 4
Chrysoglossum 3 Goodyera 16 Pholidota 4 Trichotosia 29
Cirrhopetalum 9 Grammatophyllum 2 Phreatia 126 Tropidia 10
Claderia 1 Habenaria (including Physurus 1 Vanda 1
Codonosiphon 2 Peristylus) 35 Platanthera 2 Vandopsis 4
Coelogyne 7 Hetaeria 7 Plocoglottis 22 Vanilla 4
Corybas 25 Hippeophyllum 4 Poaephyllum 4 Vrydagzenia 12
Corymborkis 4 Hylophila 2 Podochilus 16 Zeuxine 15
Cryptostylis 13 Hymenorchis 7 Pomatocalpa 5
Cymbidium 1 Ischnocentrum 2 Porphyrodesme 1

The Savannah

A typical savannah scene, where the trees are scattered The orchids in these areas must stand up to the long
throughout the long grass.Eucalpts are the predominant dry season and the equally harsh wet season, when almost
trees but there are also several orchid hosts, notably all of the year’s rainfall comes down in less than four
Antidesma, Nauclea, Melaleuca, all medium size trees with months.
open crowns. Palms, cycads, pandanus, and exotic plant Dendrobium williamsianum, D. discolor, Saccolobium
such as Nepenthes mirabilis and Platycerium superbum rhopalorrachis, Vanda hindsii and a host of botanicals thrive
reginae all help to make the savannah a botannical won­ in these conditions.
derland. They certainly compensate for the snakes, mosqui­
toes, mites and similar hazards which one encounters on
an orchid collecting safari.
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Rain Forest

This is the beautiful rain forest; tall trees, short trees, palms bophyllum, Eria, a score of Vandaceous species, and
and pandanus in every shade of green and leaves in every Dendrobiums in the ir thousands on these ranges—and all
size and shape imaginable. This is part of the Varirata beautifully safe from collection in this National Park, 20 to
National Park. 30 km from Port Moresby, the N ational Capital City.
In the high branches grow the orchids—Dendrobium On the rocky outcrop in the centre of the picture Bul-
cochliodes, D. johnsoniae, D. bracteosum, and the huge b o p h y llu m f le t c h e r ia n u m grow s alo n g w ith Vandopsis
Grammatophyllum papuanum. A very fine form of D. spec- warocqueana, and D. capituliflorum.
tabile grows in the trees on the forest edge. There are Bul-

Sw am p

T his is C h a m b ri Lake, w here the first ‘S epik B lu e s’ were swam p in these canoes: w hen the grass becom es to o thick
fo u nd . T he grass begins h ere and runs back to the m o u n ­ to navigate, we get o u t and walk, te stin g each fo o tste p
tains, and as th e w a te r gets sh a llo w e r and the grass gets b e fo re p u ttin g any p ressure on it. It is co n sid e re d ‘dry
thicker, the sw am p trees a p p e a r and it is in these trees that g ro u n d ' if the m ud a nd w a te r is no m ore than 15 cm deep.
D e n d r o b iu m la sianthera is fo u n d . H ow ever, one keeps a w ary eye o u t fo r the p e rm a n e n t
T he sm all canoes b e lo n g to the sago co lle cto rs, sago re sid e n ts—the croco d ile s.
being one o f the staple fo o d s in this area. We get in to the
D endrobium s

Dendrobium lineale Rolfe

This orchid was one of the earliest of Papua New Guinea The inflorescence is less than half the length of the
orchids to be taken overseas and used in hybridising, under mainland species. An identical form to this is on Long Island
the name of Dendrobium ueratrifolium. It was not until in Morobe Province and every flower is deistogomatic. They
many many hybrids had been made that Alex Hawkes remain open for less than three days and then die off as
published a paper detailing its correct lineage, and its right­ the seed pod grows.
ful name of D. lineale. The ‘Bougainville White' is not so variable in colour as
Botanists are often notorious splitters and lumpers, and its counterparts in other areas of Papua New Guinea. It
the tendency lately has been to lump anything resembling grows by the thousand in the beech trees, especially
D. lineale into that species. At one stage a published note Calophpllum inophpllum, and on the coconut trees in the
included the bright yellow brown-tipped petals and sepals older plantations. It is also on the off-shore islands and in
of D. gouldii Rchb.f. and, that being the older name, the the Buka* Passage. The plant is identical with the Morobe
writer re-christened the lot as D. gouldii. I cannot reconcile form; long sturdy canes, long inflorescence and many
that with so many physical differences so 1 am still using flowers. The colour is papery white, occasionally creamy to
D. lineale and D. gouldii as they were. light yellow, thin textured and equally long lasting. A
The white forms of Ceratobiums are common in many comparison of the photographs illustrates the physical
areas of lowland New Guinea and New Britain, New Ireland differences.
and the North Solomons (formerly Bougainville Island). On A lot of interest was revived at the Sixth World Orchid
the New Guinea side, the beech trees in many areas are Conference in Sydney when we showed a slide of the blue
festooned with the form with the pristine white sepals and Dendrobium lineale which we called ‘Kui Blue’ after the area
petals and the purple labellum: the purple in some plants in which we found it. Other colour variations which we
varies from the palest mauve to a rich vivid purple. On the showed at the ninth W.O.C. at Frankfurt brought a flood
Sepik River and its tributaries such as the Karawari River of requests. In 1976 1 organised a trawler patrol to the Lon-
and the May River, and down to the Murik Lakes, the plants guerue Chain and the Luard Islands in the Huon Gulf
are very sturdy and the flowers slightly smaller and with very (Morobe) to make a complete record and collection of the
little colour in the lip. On the coast and the islands off colour variations and what other species could be involved
Madang, the plants are often between 1.5 and 2 m tall, the in natural hybrids.
flower is more lax, petals and sepals a uniform white and The islands in these chains are rocky outcrops rising 50
the labellum very variable. to 100 m above the encircling reef. The bigger ones had
Another form is locally known as ‘Wulai Island White' typical coastal rain forest but the centres of most of them
because it is on all the trees and rocky cliffs of Wulai Island have been used for subsistence gardening for generations
in Kimbe Bay. New Britain. The physical differences in these and are now grass into which pioneer plants such as ground
flowers is very marked. The flowers are smaller and present orchids, Nepenthes mirabilis and Casuarina trees have
a round appearance and are bunched together on the top colonised and are now protecting the emerging secondary
half of the stem The petals and sepals are creamy white, growth.
thick and shiny, where the type is thin textured and white.

The cliffs are still ringed with the old trees and these host the third Ceratobium, D. warianum comes in with only an
the wealth of orchids. The first objective on this patrol was odd plant of D. mirbelianum here and there. The physical
to collect all species of Ceratobium Dendrobiums because shape and colour variations indicate that D. warianum is
I suspected these colour forms were natural hybrids. I found the other parent. The petals and sepals have the character­
three: D. lineale, D. mirbelianum and D. warianum. I suspect istic even, longitudinal light brown lines and the incidence
these lovely collectors’ items to be natural hybrids within of yellow petals is very marked. The l^bellum of these plants
these three species and the clarity of some of the colours has more the shape of D. warianum than of D. mirbelianum,
suggests that cross-pollination is a continuous process. the flowers are rounder and the presentation on the stem
An observation worthy of comment but which has no is similar to that of D. warianum.
scientific validity is that the most attractive colour com­ The colour variations are delightful, and make these
binations are found on plants growing on trees on the cliff plants a collector’s item. They vary from a beautiful overall
faces or on the rocks themselves, leaning out over the reef, blue flushed with purple to vivid yellow petals, greenish
where all plants are lashed with salt spray. sepals and a pinkish fawn lip.
Another fact which excites a little speculation is that The number of colour combinations is endless, each
colour combinations tend to vary from island to island. On plant differing from the next. On this patrol I selected 100
the Longuerue group there are two species, D. mirbelianum plants from the pure type (white petals and sepals and deep
and D. lineale and the natural hybrids have well shaped purple lip) to one with bright green petals, yellowish sepals
and well balanced petals and sepals, long inflorescences and yellow labellum.
with the flowers evenly spaced, and the colour combinations It remains to be seen if our seedlings which we are flask-
very striking. ing from each plant come true to the parent, or as I suspect,
The canes on these plants are up to 2 m long and make they show innumerable variations.
several aerials. In plants on the cliff faces these canes hang
down and the aerials often produce an aerial themselves.
One rocky outcrop raised up from the reef to about 6 m
above the sea, and 12 m away from the cliff, had the orchids
growing close together like grass with only one scruffy little
tree about 7 m tall. The grass growing with them is the
only protection they have and the rock is a complete lesson
in propagation and survival of the species. In addition to
adult plants and dozens of aerials, the rock had seedlings
growing on it from a few centimetres high to flowering size-
dozens and dozens of them, and the whole rock is lashed
by the sea spray. Next page: A plant of Dendrobium lineale in full flower in
Further down the bay on the Straggling Islands group, the National Capital Botanic Gardens

Dcndrobium lineale ‘Morobe Shower’

Habitat. Epiphytic on trees in the lowland forest and in coas­

tal trees, up to 700 m. This form is found in Morobe,
Madang and Sepik Provinces.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs average 150 cm tall. The leaves
are dark green and to 70 to 80 mm long.
Flowers. Inflorescence to 75 cm long and with 30 or more
flowers. The petals are obliquely erect, narrow at the base
and only slightly twisted. The upper sepal is rolled back and
under; the lateral sepals are usually turned under and back,
edges crisped and the tips half curled at the top. Petals
and sepals are clear glistening white. The labellum has 5
raised keels, white and dark purple on top. The side lobes
are white, closely veined with dark purple.

Dendrobiurh lineale ‘Wulai Island White’ Dendrobium lineale ‘Bougainville White’

Habitat. Wulai Island is a small island in Kimbe Bay, West Habitat. Common in the coastal trees on the islands of
New Britain. The plants grow thickly on the rocky cliffs North Solomons and New Ireland.
above the sea, and also in the trees on the beach. Plant. The plant is a good medium size up to 100 cm long.
Plant. Similar to the typical form, but usually smaller due The canes are usually slender and the leaves a little wider,
to exposure to the sea and wind; the leaves are leathery often with purple suffusions.
and especially tough. Flowers. The flowering stems are among the longest and
Flowers. The inflorescence is bunched together on the top most graceful in the species. The colour is a clear white
of the stem. The sepals and petals are a creamy white, with a translucent sheen, sometimes suffused with pale
thicker than those in other varieties. The petals are narrow, mauve. The sepals are obliquely erect, two and a half times
oblique and slightly twisted. The petals stand out around twisted. The upper sepal is upright above the column and
the labellum, with the tips curled backwards. The side-lobes curls over. The lateral sepals stand out for half their length
are large and, like the labellum, beautifully marked in vivid and the narrowed tip curls in almost a full circle. There is
purple. a faint flush of purple in the labellum.

Dendrobium lineale ‘Jawani Island Yellow’

Habitat. Jawani Island is a small island in a reef off the

Morobe coast. The sheer cliffs are about 20 m high and
the island is circled by large trees. The centre is tall grass,
where food gardens have been made.
Plant. Plants growing on the trees on the edge of the grass
are about 1 m tall.
Flowers. The inflorescence is similar in shape and size to
the ‘Kui Blue’, and the many flowers stand out symmetrically
from the stem on straight yellow pedicels. The petals are
strong, yellow shading to buff near the apex with some pur­
ple staining near the mentum. The sepals are white, flushed
with mauve and purple veined. The labellum is a strong
orange buff, with purple veining on the lateral lobes and
purpled-stained on the mid-lobe.

Dendrobium lineale ‘Kui Blue’ Dendrobium lineale ‘Kakare Island Pink’

Habitat. Epiphytic on large Calophpllum trees, on a cliff Habitat. Kakare Island is in the Luard group, small coral-
about 20 m above the sea. The branches of the trees lean fringed islands in the middle of Huon Gulf. The centre of
well out over the sea and the surf, breaking on the rocks the island is mostly bamboo and coconut palms, and strewn
below, continually splashes the plant. with large boulders on which several Vandaceous orchids
Plant. This plant was distinguished by canes over 5 m long, flourish.
not straight but bent by the elements. Plant. These plants grow on tall Calophpllum trees on the
Flowers. The inflorescence is long and usually gracefully cliff edge. The canes are often 2 m long, and a feature of
arched up to 75 to 85 cm long and many-flowered. The this form is the large number of aerial plants produced on
colour is blue with a pinkish sheen. The petals are rounded the leafless canes.
at the tip, narrowest at the base and the sepals narrow at Flowers. The flowers on the plants in this area are more
the tip. They have undulated edges and are slightly reflexed. pink than mauve and the labellum is very often deep yellow.
The side-lobes are large, erect, greenish outside and heavily The side-lobes vary and are usually veined with purple on
veined with dark violet inside. The lip has 5 raised and flat­ pink or green or yellow. No two plants in the area are exactly
tened violet keels and the whole labellum is suffused with the same.

Dendrobium streblosceras Rchb. f.

Habitat. Epiphytic on trees in the Markham Valley and cliff

faces above the Snake River.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are up to 100 cm long and are
very distinctive, with a dark ring around each internode. The
stems taper rather abruptly, and the leaves are short, thick
and dark green. The plants tend to produce aerial plants
with great frequency and this may be compensation for the
harsh, hot conditions under which they live.
Flowers. About 10 flowers, delightfully fragrant. Sepals and
petals are a burnished tangerine-orange colour with dull
dark brown-purple veins. The sepals are curved back,
twisted and with wavy edges: petals are stiffly erect, much
twisted and about 4 cm long. The lip has 5 white, violet
veins, the mid-lobe widens from a narrow base and is abrup­
tly pointed.

Dendrobium mirbelianum Gaud. Dendrobium nindii W. Hill

Habitat. Distributed from Papua New Guinea to the neigh­ Habitat. Known from Cape York Peninsula, Australia, it is
bouring Moluccas and close-by islands. It is epiphytic on distributed sporadically in many parts of Papua. It is com­
trees in all kinds of lowland forest. mon on trees in Western Province and on trees in swamp
Plant. The canes vary from about 20 to 40 cm, are sturdy, areas or rain forest.
yellowish and with fine papery bracts at each node. The Plant. This is one of the largest of the Ceratobium
leaves are dark green, thick and leathery. Dendrobiums; the usual height is around 1 m, but they do
Flowers. The forms of D. mirbelianum are very variable, grow as high as 3 m. The leaves are firm, alternate, dark
and self pollinating. The flowers usually fade within 2 or green and the canes almost black.
3 days and each one sets seed. The inflorescence has flower Flowers. A well grown plant has between 18 and 25 flowers
stems, about 350 mm long, of from 12 to 15 flowers. The beautifully arranged on all sides of the top third of 10 to
sepals are light yellow-green not twisted and the petals are 12 cm stem. A good flower measures 4 cm across, not
similar, very finely spotted with violet-brown. The lip has stretched, sepals and petals variable, white, pale mauve or
5 keels and all lobes are greenish, veined with purplish with pale lilac veins. The beautiful labellum has dark violet
brown. veins on a rich mauve base.

Dendrobium sophronites Schltr.

Habitat. Dendrobium sophronites is one of the most

coveted orchids in the world. It is found only in the moss
and cloud forests above 2,000 m. It is collected on small
trees near ridge tops and sometimes on moss-covered
rocks. It is essentially a plant of the mist and moss forest,
used to almost daily rain, periods of bright, hot sunshine
during the day and a sharp drop in temperature at night.
Years ago, D. sophronites was common on the cliff sides
of the Edie Creek road, above 2,000 m. Unfortunately
progress involved a road to the repeater station at Mt
Kaindi. The sides of the road above the deep gorge were
cut back.

Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are small, about 1.5 cm tall, less Flowers. Nobody describing the flowers of D. sophronites
than 10 mm thick. The bottom of the pseudo-bulb is bright can fail to go into raptures. They are so beautiful, such a
green, sheathed in light brown papery bracts. They are large flower on so small a plant.
curiously constricted in the middle and the top half is closely The pedicel is about 45 mm long, pinkish-cream and
ridged, greyish-green in colour. densely covered in tiny white hairs. The sepals and petals
The leaves, usually at an angle just above the ground are about equal in size: sepals are rouYided at the top, and
and beneath the flowers, are very dark green, channelled petals pointed. The flower is between 30 and 35 mm across.
in the centre by the mid rib and pitted on the surface. Very Labellum is scoop shaped, and the outer edge in all colours
often they are suffused with dark purple and remnants of is marked witf^ dark brown lines and a fine yellow margin.
the light brown papery bracts on the base of the pseudo­ The lateral sepals unite to form the long mentum.
bulbs are persistent. The leaves are about 1.75 cm long The flowers are in many colours, red, white, yellow,
and less than 40 mm across the middle. orange, purple. Three variations are shown here.
Plants are usually found growing in small colonies.

The psychedelic colours of the orchids of the high moun­

tains: Dendrobium sophronites

Dendrobium pseudo-conanthum J. J. Sm.

Habitat. Epiphytic in lowland forest and on big trees lining

wet-season creeks in the savannah. It is not common but
widespread where it occurs.
Plant. The canes are very long and slender, to 500 cm tall,
narrowest at the apex. The leaves are thick, dark green,
and decrease in size as they go up the cane.
Flowers. The inflorescence is very short for such a large
plant—about 25 to 30 cm. The flowers are about half the
size of the normal D. conanthum. lacking the bright golden
colour. D. pseudo-conanthum is greenish-yellow, with
regular longitudinal brown lines on the petals and darker
brownish-purple veins on the side-lobes and the mid-lobe.
The white keels on the labellum are very conspicuous,
ending in a raised tooth in the middle.

Dendrobium cochliodes Schltr. Dendrobium schulleri J. J. Sm.

Habitat. Although found in many widely separated areas Habitat. This is a very common orchid growing in the same
between 200 and 400 m, it is not commonly collected and conditions as D. lasianthera and D. smilliae, and most often
more study is needed on growth, habitat and effects of tem­ on trees in swamp edges or along creeks and lagoons. It
perature in aoth flowering and setting seed. Epiphytic on is always epiphytic and usually found growing in very strong
the high branches of exposed trees. light.
Plant. The pseudc-bulbs are sturdy and relatively small for Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are very sturdy and plump, up to
the section. There are 4 to 6 dark green leaves near the 100 cm long and the leaves are dark green, fleshy and up
top of the forward growth. to 17 cm long. The plants flower at a very small size.
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 250 mm long with a Flowers. The inflorescences are between 30 and 50 cm long
few typical Ceratobium type flowers crowded at the top. The with up to 30 flowers. The petals and sepals are about 6
petals are erect, 3 times twisted dark bronze-brown with a cm across, usually yellowish-green although there are some
thin yellow margin petals are similar, the tip of the labellum very fine lemon yellow forms. The petals are only slightly
curls down and urder in a complete circle. twisted, and the sepals less so. The lip has 5 slightly wavy
keels, greenish-white with violet markings. The side-lobes
are beautifully shaped, firm and slightly flared; green with
brownish veins.

D en d rob iu m d isco lo r Ldl.

Dendrobium discolor is the commonest, and certainly the Varirata with only scattered Eucalyptus, some Antidesma
most numerous, of any species in Papua New Guinea. Ir trees and Cycas circinalis. Fortunately for the survival of
is a lowland species, common on the Papuan side of the the species, a large part of the area is National Park—it
mainland. The Central Province, Gulf Province and Western is also noted for snakes.
Province are the main centres of distribution, and these On the tall trees on the banks of the Laloki River and
areas have a climate and terrain very similar to Cape York the surrounding flat country the plants vary from 30 to 50
Peninsula in Australia and the Torres Strait islands. cm in length. The plants that have to reach for the sun have
In Central Province it is referred to as ‘Moresby Gold'. the longest canes, and are often misshapen, the flowers are
There are several forms and colour combinations each in paler than those growing in optimum light.
its own colony, less than 30 km from the heart of the Tvflo of the recognised varieties are frequently found in
national capital. Every second house has a plant (or several) this part of Papua New Guinea: var. broomfieldii is a clear
tied to the coconut palms, rain trees and other garden yellow and the only other colour in the flower is the white
hosts. keels on the labellum. The yellow form varies from pale
The colour variations are seemingly endless. In a search yellow to a deep shining gold.
of the country outside Port Moresby for good breeding The other common form is the variety fuscum, which is
plants, we finished up with 60 plants, all with distinct dif­ very often brought in from the Brown River area. The
ferences in colour and shape. Later on, in two patrols to flowers are smaller, never more than 4 cm in diameter. The
Western District, we found so many beautiful colour com­ sepals and petals are reddish-brown and less twisted than
binations we ran out of space on the trawler. Many of these the common type.
plants are beautiful enough to rank with any man-made The most interesting form of D. discolor in this area is
hybrid. The interesting point is, will seedings come true to the one called the ‘Rigo Twist’—named for the area in which
the parent plant or will we get a series of variations indica­ we found the first plants. This is completely different in
ting insect pollination of various plants? shape and size, both plant and flower being smaller and
The form we call ‘Moresby Gold' is found very close to more compact than the other varieties. It also comes in a
the heart of the city, epiphytic on trees, but also on the variety of yellow and brown shadings from the almost
rock faces near Rouna Falls, on the cliffs above the Sogeri bronze flower shown here to a pure yellow and all with the
Road, and on the rocky outcrops such as those in Varirata distinct purple labellum.
National Park. These plants are mostly short and stout, with The three main varieties we recognise in the National
canes to 40 cm—usually less—and are exposed to direct Capital Botanic Gardens are: var. discolor, var. fuscum and
sunlight and every vagary of the elements. the ‘Rigo Twist’, which has been described as var. d'alber-
An interesting point about these rock dwellers is the tisii. They flower at different periods of the year, and unless
clarity of the colours. The sepals are usually dark brown, they suffer mechanical damage they will last for 12 to 14
the petals a clear gold with a yellow margin and the labellum weeks in bloom. We find post culture, such as that shown
is darker yellow with 5 raised keels in a contrasting lighter here, provides the best display although they grow equally
colour. The rocks are on the grassy slopes below Mt well on Calabash trees (Crescentia cujete). The flowers have

Previous page: Dendrobium discolor Lindl. flowering on

a teak post in the National Capital Botanic Gardens

a spicy-honey scent when they first open, and several swept away. Literally thousands of orchids growing on the
hundred plants in full bloom are something to remember. trees near the water’s edge are lost every year.
The Trans-Fly country is very like parts of Northern Aus­ The D. discolors on the Morehead and Bensbach rivers
tralia, vegetation, many orchids, trees, shrubs and vines are the most beautiful I have ever seen. The flowers are
growing in both areas. In the endless swamps, the com­ in the loveliest of colour combinations. One of our most
monest tree is Melaleuca and on these grow D. discolor, cherished plants has pinkish-orange petals and sepals, wide
D. johannis, D. smilliae and D. canaliculatum. There are bright yellow side-lobes, a light brown lip with a touch of
several other species formerly known from Northern Aus­ mauve. The inflorescences are up to 1 m long with 30 to
tralia which grow in the trees along the rivers and in the 40 flowers on them, and the plants are very free flowering.
swamps of the Trans-Fly in Western Province. Transport Most of the plants from these two rivers are collectors’
difficulties have prevented thorough investigation and I items and rank with any hybrid ever produced. This suggests
believe there are many more orchids yet to be found which that finer forms and natural hybrids are in the swamp coun­
belong to both Australia and Papua New Guinea. try on both sides of the border, and beyond the reach of
Dendrobium discolor on the Fly River and the Oriomo any ordinary botanical patrol.
River is almost identical with the Australian type. There are
minor variations in colour and size but it is not until you
get to the Morehead and Bensbach rivers that the finer
forms become the rule rather than the exception. On the
left bank at the mouth of the Bensbach River there is a
concrete marker indicating the border with Irian Jaya, and
the border continues veering inland and away from the river.
This is very good from our point of view as it is in this area
that the orchids begin to lead into the Indo-Malaysian area.
I think, too, that many of the orchids named by Schlechter
in the then German New Guinea will prove identical with
those named by J. J. Smith, who worked in what was then
Dutch New Guinea.
I also believe that in this area we will find many of the
orchids that have been described but not often seen. Such
is the case of D. trilamellatum, which we found for the first
time on a patrol to Western Province.
There were two plants, growing on a fallen tree with half
of the branches above the water. This means that in the
next flood time (in the wet season) the broken tree will be

Dcndrobium discolor Lindl. ‘Trans-Fly Form’

The outstanding Trans-Fly varieties are the ones with the

large flaring side-lobes which stand out instead of encircling
the column. The flower photographed here came from a
plant from the Bensbach River, and has canes 2 m tall. The
inflorescence is 50 cm long with 36 flowers; at the time of
flowering there were 18 flowering stems.
The petals stand out at an angle of 45° to the column,
and are pinkish-brown in colour with faint purple veining.
The edges are crimped and one and a half times twisted.
The sepals are creamy brown with darker veins: the side-
lobes are bright yellow, the keels are pale pink and the rest
of the labellum brownish-purple.

Dendrobium discolor Lindl. ‘Rigo Twist’ Dendrobium discolor Lindl. ‘Moresby Gold’

The picture here shows clearly why this plant is called Rigo This is a good example of the type of D. discolor collected
Twist. Rigo is about 100 km from Port Moresby in the Port Moresby area. Rouna Falls, Sogeri Plateau and
Everything about this variety is smaller than the type. Brown River.
Plants rarely reach more than 50 cm tall and the individual The flowers are crisp and firm textured with up to 40
flower is only two-thirds of the size of what is considered or more on the raceme which is between 20 and 60 cm
the type. long. The flowers are from 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter, petals
The colour is bronze, with lighter and darker shades in are more or less erect, twisted, golden brown with a yellow
different plants. The petals and sepals are the same colour, margin. The sepals are similar, margins yellow and undulate
with a fine yellow margin. The petals are three times twisted, and the tips curl over and back; they are yellow on the
erect and touching at the tips. The upper sepal twists into reverse side.
almost a full circle in front of the petals; the lateral sepals The side-lobes almost meet over the column, are
stand out horizontally from base of the column, much greenish-yellow outside with purple veins inside. The keels
twisted, and the mid-lobe is purple. are white, the mid-lobe is purplish and the tip turns down
and under.

Right: R ouna Falls —hom e of A rachnis m uellerii,

Renanthera edelfeldlti, Pomatocalpa marsupiale and many
Dendrobium lasianthera J. J. Sm.

The ‘Sepik Blue' has long been considered one of Papua specimen with any known New Guinea species and regret­
New Guinea’s best and most beautiful orchids. It has a tably did not publish a description or give it a name.
romantic history in that it was found in the Ymas Lakes In 1969, in company with Alick Dockrill, then keeper of
by Captain Blood during his courageous escape from the Herbarium in Lae and author of Australian Indigenous
Japanese soldiers in the 1939-45 war. When he saw it, Cap­ Orchids, I was sent to Lake Ymas off the Sepik River to
tain Blood did not stay upon his going, but grabbed one find the plants and collect as many colour variations as pos­
and made his escape. This plant was named D. ostrino- sible. One of the first things we discovered was the wide
glossum by the Reverend Rupp, an Australian botanist and distribution of the species. It was not confined to the
orchid lover. In an article in The Australian Orchid Review, swamps surrounding Lake Ymas but was common in the
Alick Dockrill wrote: ‘Unfortunately, Rupp, when describing trees behind the villages for some kilometres on the river
his species, made no comparison with Dendrobium lasian­ itself.
thera J. J. Sm. and he was obviously unaware of this species Travelling to the Ymas Lakes in those days was a tiring
which was described from West Irian material in Fedde Rep. and very expensive exercise We left Lae for Wewak in a
Spec. Nor. 31 (1932) 78 and not in the various issues of Fokker Friendship aircraft, and next day chartered a small
Nova Guinea where J. J. Sm. published most of his descrip­ plane to take us to Angoram. Here we were given the
tions of New Guinea species.’ government canoe (about 12 m long, and hollowed from
When the war was over, the Australian administration one large tree trunk, and with an out-board motor). On the
began extending the area under their jurisdiction, patrol morning of the third day we set out in the canoe for Amboin
officers discovered thousands of plants in the May River Patrol Post. We travelled for over eleven hours up the
swamps and this they called the May River Red. At the same mighty Sepik, turning into the Karawari River in the late
time, the Division of Botany obtained plants of D. afternoon and then into the Arafundu River, and finally just
lasianthera from across the land border in Irian Jaya. Dr as dark was settling, we arrived at Amboin.
Van Bodegom, who was the resident botanist at Manokwari On the morning of the fourth day we set out in a smaller
before Indonesia included the former Dutch colony in the canoe for the barat (a channel leading through the swamp
republic, felt that D. lasianthera and D. ostrinoglossum were to the lake) and so to Ymas Lakes and the Sepik Blues.
one and the same and this view was supported by the Divi­ Comparison of these plants with the Dendrobium
sion of Botany in Lae. It seems incredible that so beautiful lasiantheras in Lae Botanic Gardens showed that the
an orchid could remain undiscovered for so long; especially morphology of the flowers is different. About this time,
as a specimen had been sent to Australia from Madang plants of D. ostrinoglossum were occasionally being
in the early 1930s. The Chief of the Division of Botany, brought in from the logging area in the Gogol Valley,
Lae, Mr J. Womersley, when checking through material at Madang, which further added to our knowledge of its dis­
the Adelaide (South Australia) Herbarium, collected by R. tribution. but did not conclusively solve the nomenclature.
S. Roger (1862-1942), found the specimen. Roger made In 1972. the American Orchid Society's Fund for Education
a note to the effect that he was unable to correlate the and Research Inc. gave me a grant to travel to the May

Dendrobium lasianthera flowering on a teak post in the

National Capital Botanic Gardens

River, to collect and study the plants of the ‘May River Red' The Ymas Lakes plants are not so variable as those from
and make a detailed study of the habitat and distribution. the May River. Some have a deeper blue glow than others,
The most satisfying conclusion on the patrol was that the others show the bronze glow which is typical of those from
upper Sepik, the May and Yellow Rivers are so remote and the May River. The variations in the May River plants are
the swamps so difficult to negotiate, that this lovely orchid innumerable, ranging from very beautiful to very ugly—the
is safe from extinction and will grow in its thousands for latter fortunately do not appear common. 1 have collected
evermore. Mosquitoes, leeches, and crocodiles in the water several plants with the petals and sepals dirty white and
will be more than adequate guardians. Transport problems only just tipped with brown, and the labellum equally
add to security: on this occasion 1 went from Wewak to colourless. The red glow, which gave the plants their local
Angoram and there joined the government trawler. Five name of ‘May River Red', is a feature of the sepals and
days later 1 was at the May River Patrol Post and we used petals in most plants and most have the yellow margin as
small canoes to weave in and out amongst the swamp does D. lasianthera from Irian Jaya.
trees. The inflorescence of this orchid is much smaller than one
In the course of these patrols of discovery, I was con­ would expect from such a large plant. The average is about
siderably surprised at the variation in colour of the flowers 35 to 45 cm. as against 45-75 cm in D. lineale, with 10
and in size of the plant, particularly in the May River swamps. to 15 flowers. The flowers are among the largest of this
The canes in some of the plants the village people brought section and fairly uniform in size. They appear to be almost
into our camp were more than 3 m long: when choosing always in flower in their natural habitat. I have made several
plants ourselves we were guided by flower colour and a visits at different times of the year and some plants were
reasonable sized plant—80 to 100 cm. Most of these very always in bloom. Ten to twelve weeks is the usual life of
long plants had very weak canes, bent and deformed; in the flowers.
most cases because of their struggle to reach the sun, and In the comparatively few years in which D. lasianthera
having to struggle up through the many-branched swamp has been known, some very beautiful hybrids have been
trees. These trees are small, averaging 3 to 4 m high, and created using it as one of the parents. Some of the finer
it is something to remember all your life—acres of swamp forms of the May River plants can outshine any hybrid, nota
and the beautiful ‘Sepik Blues' or ‘May River Reds’ in their bly the plant we called D. lasianthera ‘Veronica Somare'
hundreds standing above the tree tops.
In these swamps several other species grow as luxuriously
as does D. lasianthera, notably D. conanthum, D. smilliae
(the very beautiful white form with the dark green labellum)
and D. musciferum. It is often impossible to tell D.
lasianthera and D. conanthum apart when not in flower,
and it makes selection of the finer forms for breeding or
for species collections a slow process. Until the plant
flowers, it is impossible to tell what it is.

Dendrobium lasianthera J. J. Sm. ‘May River Red’

Habitat. The full extent of the distribution of this form is

not yet fully known. It is common in the May River Swamp
and all its tributaries. It is also in the rain forest on the
ground above the river, epiphytic on very tall trees.
Plant. The canes are up to 300 cm and longer ones are
not uncommon. Leaves dark green, very tough, from 7 to
18 cm.
Flowers. The infloresence is 35 to 50 cm long with between
10 and 15 flowers. The sepals are once twisted, a shining
bronze-brown, yellow margined and with a shimmering red
glow. The petals are the same colour without the yellow
margin. The lip has lateral lobes of dark violet and the inside
is a reddish-purple. The basal section is yellow with purplish-
red veins.

Dendrobium lasianthera ‘Veronica Somare’ Dendrobium lasianthera J. J. Sm. ‘Sepik Blue’

Habitat. Epiphytic on a small Hauclea tree in the swamps Habitat. This plant grows in the swamps around Lake Ymas
off the May River. and Chambri Lake and in the surrounding forest, and is
Plant. This plant is 1.5 m tall and has three leafy canes, now being found in the logging areas near Madang.
all flowering when collected, as well as four leafless canes, Plant. Plants are typical of the Ceratobium section with
two with flowers. canes varying from 50 to 250 cm. The canes and leaves
Flowers. The inflorescence is between 40 and 50 cm long are often suffused with purple. The roots are exceptionally
and the flowers are very beautifully arranged around the strong and run for 30 to 60 cm up and down the cane.
stem. The petals are obliquely erect, glossy purple flushed Flowers. The inflorescence is comparatively short up to 40
with reddish-brown, three times twisted. The petals are very cm long, rarely more. There are up to 20 flowers, each 5
undulated and the tips curl under. They are white at the to 7 cm across. The petals are white at the base, reddish-
base shading through yellow to a deep reddish-purple. The brown for the rest, twisted and very glossy. The sepals are
labellum has large, wide spread, deep rich purple side-lobes, purplish-brown, sometimes reddish-purple. The labellum is
the mid-lobe has 5 raised keels, with a yellow border. The mostly a rich purple with a distinct blue sheen to it, hence
tip is a lighter purple with a little gold at the very end. the common name ‘Sepik Blue.’

Dendrobium phlox Schltr.

Habitat. Common in the undisturbed rain forest, this vividly

coloured orchid grows as an epiphyte on tall trees in the
600 to 900 m altitude area: higher up in the colder 1,200
to 2,500 m band it is>found on rock and clay cliffs.
Plant. The plants vary in size from 20 to 60 cm long, the
slender stems branching and with dark green leaves for the
whole length of the new stems.
Flowers. The inflorescences are borne at many nodes, not
all simultaneously, and a seemingly dry stem will flower for
several years. The flowers are in clusters, usually of 4 to
10, each one about 2 cm long. The sepals and petals are
orange tipped, the rest of the flower and the mentum bright
golden yellow. There is also a bright yellow form.

Dendrobium lawesii F. Muell. Dendrobium aemulans Schltr.

Habitat. Epiphytic throughout Papua New Guinea in moun­ Habitat. The high mountains and swirling mist forests above
tain forest from 650 to 1,200 m. 2,000 m is the only area in which I have found this lovely
Plant. The plant grows semi-pendulous on the undersides orchid. Very closely related to D. lawesii, both are in the
of branches. The pseudo-bulbs arch out from the base a section Calyptrocalyx.
short distance so that they hang free and pointing earth­ Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are clustered together on a short
wards. The stems are from 25 to 30 cm long, slender, of rhizome, 25 to 50 cm long, and sometimes branching. They
many nodes. The leaves are dark green, the full length of are very slender, about 9 mm in diameter, cf many nodes.
the stem, and tapering to a slender point. The leaves are usually on the upper half, but the pseudo­
Flowers. Flowering begins on the leafless stems, a small bulbs retain a few terminally when flowering. Leaves are
cluster of 5 to 8 bell-shaped flowers, each from 2 to 5 cm dark green with a purple tinge.
long and about 10 to 15 mm across the tips of the free Flowers. The flowers hang singly or in pairs on the under­
petals. Colour is variable from a clear glowing red through side of the pseudo-bulb from about the mddle to where
all shades of red to cerise to deep purple, with or without the leaves begin. They are bright red, each one about 4
white tips on the petals and sepals. to 5 cm long and about 20 mm across the ooen petals and
sepals tips.

Dendrobium chloroleucum Schltr.

Habitat. A high altitude orchid which is rarely found below

1,500 m. It is an orchid of the rain forest, but grows on
the sheer cliff faces and open cuts on the roads in the high
Plant. Mainly found epiphytic on trees, growing in lichens
and mosses on the branches. The pseudo-bulbs are yellow,
up to 15 to 20 cm tall; each one rises from the base on
a very brittle slender stem and widens abruptly half way
up the pseudo-bulb. Three, sometimes four, tough dark
green leaves come from the top.
Flowers. The flowers are clear white, with petals and sepals
narrowing at the base. They are similar to D. johnsoniae
but lax and soft in appearance. They last from 4 to 6 weeks
on the plant.

Dendrobium spectabile (Bl.) Miq. Dendrobium bifalce Lindl.

Habitat. A widespread epiphyte from 30 to 120 cm high. Habitat. Dendrobium bifalce grows in all lowland areas, and
Epiphytic on forest trees, sometimes growing in thick peat most of the islands. It grows on large trees in both savannah
on the ridges. In the Port Moresby area, it is found on the and lowland rain forest, forming large clumps with anything
top of Hombrom Bluff and back through Varirata to the up to 100 plants in each.
rain forest above Musgrave River. Although essentially an Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are up to 40 cm long, tapering
epiphytic plant, I have often collected it on the ground on at the base and thickest in the middle, narrowing slightly
the ridge tops, where it grows in the thick moss and peat, at the top and with 2 tough mid-green leaves which are
doubtless from fallen trees. minutely bi-lobed.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are up to 60 cm long, thickening Flowers. Flowers are variable in size and colour. They vary
upwards from a slender base. The leaves, usually three, are between 12 mm and 15 mm in width, 6 to 10 flowers on
large, glossy dark green, 15 by 5 cm and sharply pointed. an erect green stem about 30 cm tall. The common form
The pseudo-bulbs are ribbed, yellowish-brown, and the is apple green, petals and sepals marked with dark purple,
leaves are clustered at the top of each stem. side-lobes erect, olive green; lip with light purple markings.
Flowers. The flowers on each inflorescence are the most
spectacular in the genus. The sepals, petals and lips are
all distinguished by their very long narrow points and their
gawdy red and yellow colours.
Dendrobium capituliflorum Rolfe

Habitat. Epiphytic on trees and rocky outcrops in many

parts of the lowlands, up to 600 m.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are from 10 to 25 cm long, con­
stricted at the base, and widening abruptly to fleshy stems
of several nodes. The leaves are variable in colour, usually
dark green on top and velvety purple below; in some areas
the leaves are purple on both sides.
Flowers. The flowers are in tufts arising from the nodes.
They appear on the leafless pseudo-bulbs, and sometimes
with the new leafy stem. Each small flower is about 12 mm
long, with 50 to 60 in each cluster. They are white to cream,
tinged with green, not opening widely. The pointed labellum
is greenish on the medium lobe and also underneath.

Dendrobium smilliae F. Muell. Dendrobium bracteosum Rchb. f.

Habitat. This orchid is not fussy where it lives: epiphytic Habitat. Epiphytic in the lowland rain forest and also found
on swamp trees, on rocky outcrops and rock faces, and on many of the smaller islands such as Rossel Island where
in the lowland forest and old plantations. the large dark red forms grow luxuriantly. They are often
Plant. This is a very sturdy orchid with thick fleshy pseudo­ found in the small mangrove trees in some areas.
bulbs from 60 to 80 cm long. They grow into very large Plant. A small compact plant of many stems, averaging 20
clumps. The leaves are thin, mid-green and pointed. Each to 40 cm but occasionally longer. These pseudo-bulbs are
new cane has leaves along its entire length. The pseudo­ yellowish, ringed with brown, and the leaves are thin, tough,
bulbs turn brown with maturity. narrow and pointed, dark green in colour.
Flowers. The flowers are in a densely packed raceme, about Flowers. The flowers grow in clusters at the nodes of the
10 to 12 cm long and up to 100 flowers on each. The stems, and the leafless stems continue to flower for many
individual flower is from 8 to 10 mm. The petals and sepals years. The flowers last up to six months. The colour varies
are pink varying from light to dark and the front of the lip from white to cream, pale pink to dark pink to almost red;
is Ike a pouch and always a deep, shining green. all with a yellow pointed lip.

Dendrobium rigidum R. Br.

Habitat. A very common lowland orchid. It grows luxuriantly

on rock faces and is epiphytic on a wide variety of trees.
It is common in the Papuan savannah country, in the
Antidesma ghaesembilla trees.
Plant. The thin branching stems are not very long, and the
leaves are usually 25 mm long, thick but flattened to less
than 12 mm wide. They have a rough texture and are dull
green, sometimes with purplish tints. The plant size and
habit are very variable.
Flowers. The short racemes have from 2 to 5 flowers about
20 mm wide, a beautiful rich creamy colour, tinged inside
the petals with red. The side-lobes and the column are a
darker red, the labellum is darker yellow in the centre, and
the edges are not crisped. The pendulous shape of the plant
with its numerous upturned flowers makes it a joy in any

Dendrobium platygastrum Rchb. f. Dendrobium inequale Rolfe

Habitat. A widespread and variable species common in Habitat. Epiphytic on forest trees from 300 to 600 m alti­
lowland forest, sometimes on mangroves. tude in many parts of Papua New Guinea.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are curiously flattened, beginning Plant. This is a small orchid, which clings to the trunks of
at the base with a stem less than 6 mm wide, widening a very tall trees or far out along the branches. The pseudo­
third of the way up rather dramatically, and coming to a bulbs arise from a tough base; they are slim for half their
blunt point, equally abruptly, at the top. Each stem has length, widening abruptly into a flat-sided oblong, the edges
several bracts, one at each node, the leaves begin a third of each side almost razor like. Three to five dark green
of the way up each stem. The leaves are a bright mid-green, leathery leaves come at the top. Overall size of the plants
thin textured. Both leaves and bracts fall after the initial varies from 10 to 20 cm tall.
flowering, but the leafless stem continues to produce Flowers. The petals and sepals are more or less equal in
groups of flowers from the top nodes. size, from 25 to 35 mm long and are deep cream in colour.
Flowers. The flowers are pendulous, on short stems, and The labellum and side-lobes are bright golden yellow. The
there are several forms; a beautiful creamy yellow; a true flowers, usually 3 to 4, come from nodes near the top of
deep cream, rather nearer white than yellow or a pinkish- the pseudo-bulb.
white, deep pink at the tips of petals and sepals. The flowers
are about 25 mm long. The throat is deep yellow.

Dendrobium trilamellatum J. J. Sm.

Habitat. Although known to collectors from literature, it is

not a common orchid in Papua New Guinea. I have only
found it in one area, in the swampy flats beside the Bens-
bach River near the border with Irian Jaya.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are between 30 and 50 cm long
and the leaves about 14 cm long, dark green.
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 40 cm long and the
well spaced flowers are fragrant. The sepals and petals are
narrow, twisted and a brownish-yellow with a greenish
sheen, each with close dark brown lines. The lip is light
yellow with 3 sulphur yellow keels much raised on the mid­
lobe. The side lobes are yellow with fain: violet veins and
the mid-lobe is sulphur yellow.

Dendrobium johannis Rchb. f. Dendrobium antennatum Lindl.

Habitat. Very common in the Melaleuca trees of the swamps Habitat. This is a common plant in Pajua New Guinea,
between the rivers in Western Province. It is sometimes inland up to 800 m altitude. It is often ound on islands
found near Port Moresby, also growing in Melaleuca and near the coast. In the savannah, or the Hula Road,
trees. it grows on the Antidesma trees and even cn the mangroves.
Plant. Pseudo-bulbs are between 15 and 30 cm long, and It is one of the commonest orchids on Melaleuca and
the leaves narrow, dark green and tough. Nauclea trees in the lowland swamps of Fapua.
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 25 cm and the flowers Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are variable, fnm 15 to 60 cm
are close together. They average 3 to 4 cm across and have long. Stems are yellow, leaves light green and fleshy.
a fragrant spicy scent. The sepals and petals are narrow, Flowers. The racemes are short, varying from 150 to 350
twisted, shining dark brown. The lip has 3 main keels and mm long and the flowers are beautifully spnced. sitting erect
a smaller one each side, and is a clear shining yellow. Colour on both sides of the stem. The sepals are erect, green and
is variable and it is not uncommon to find a clear yellow only slightly twisted. The petals are pure vhite turning back
form and one with almost dark brown petals and sepals. and under at the edges. Side-lobes are erect with violet
markings and the labellum is similarly cobured.

Dendrobium canaliculatum R. Br.

Habitat. Epiphytic on Melaleuca trees, especially in the

swampy areas of Western Province. It has also been found
at Hula in Central Province.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are set closely together but do not
often grow into big clumps in their natural conditions. The
leaves vary from 2 to 6, and are about 75 to 150 mm long,
narrow, channelled and fleshy.
Flowers. The racemes in all plants I have seen vary from
10 to 15 cm long, are brown and very brittle. The flowers
are about 25 mm in diameter, petals and sepals are about
equal in size, white at the base, yellow at the top; the lip
is 3-lobed, mostly rich purple, and the column is pale

Dendrobium torricellianum Krzl. Dendrobium luteocilium Rupp

Habitat. Epiphytic on trees in lowland rain forest; this plant Habitat. Epiphytic on trees in most lowland areas, especially
came from the range above Musgrave River. in beech trees on the small islands. It is especially common
Plants. This section of the Dendrobiums. Oxystophyllum. in Milne Bay Province.
has very attractive plants. The leaves are regularly and Plant. A mature plant is often 1 m tall with several woody
laterally compressed, and the stems are always leafy to the stems, the leaves are alternate, on most of the stem, dark
apex. The colour is a particularly shiny and beautiful yellow- green and hooked.
green. Flowers. The flowers are in pairs along the stem, each flower
Flowers. The flowers look like plastic—clear, shiny reddish- lasting less than a day. Each flower is about 10 mm long,
purple, rather thick in texture. The lip is narrow, without yellow with gold on the lip; not widely open and the sepals
side-lobes, and has a small conical wart on the lower surface and petals are narrowly oblong with the tips curling over
near the tip. the labellum. The plant flowers several times a year and
grows quickly. A mature one with 6 to 12 stems in flower
is a sight not easily forgotten.

Dendrobium williamsianum Rchb. f.

Habitat. The small Antidesma trees in the hot dry savannahs

of Papua are the home of D. williamsianum. The orchids
are also found in the tree tops where the lowland forest
and the savannah meet, but not in such large numbers.
Antidesma ghaesembillia trees are less than 7 m tall and
the long grass is about 1 m high. This ensures the tree's
survival when the long dry season goes over the usual
period. Very often the plants will be without rain for six
Large plants of Coelogyne asperata, Vanda hindsii,
Acriopsis jauanica and Dendrobium bifalce grow in the
same trees, and small plants of Diplocdulobiums, Bul-
bophpllums and Cadetias grow around the base of D.
williamsianum. Platycerium wilhelmina-reginae and
Nepenthes mirabi/is are common plants in the savannah.
Plant. The canes of this orchid are long and slender, but
very strong. The plants will flower at an early stage, but
the average length of the cane is from 3 to 3.5 m.
Occasionally a longer plant comes in with canes over 5 m
long, but these are generally from plants which have been
reaching for the sun. The diameter is about 5 to 7 mm.
The leaves are medium green, in the top third of the stem,
usually 12 to 14 cms, about 8 cm long and 2 to 2.5 cm
wide. The leaves have a distinct yellow tinge in plants
exposed to the sun. The plant sets pods freely, and seed­
lings in all stages of development are found on Antidesma
trees. Back bulbs will propagate easily, but the plant does
not make aerials.
Flowers. This is the only m em ber of the section
Phalaenanthe in Papua New Guinea, other than D. bigib-
bum which has not yet been found in quantity.
The inflorescence is on an arching stem up to 20 to 25
cm long and the lovely flowers face downwards, so that
unless the plant is high above head height the beauty of
the purple labellum is lost.
The sepals are about 2 cm across pale mauve with darker
purple veining and a purple flush in the top two-thirds, with
faint purple lines and pointed.
The labellum is a rich dark purple shading to lighter pur­
ple with a creamy white margin. The keels are much raised,
blackish-purple. The flowers last for 8 to 10 weeks.

Dendrobium insigne (Bl.) Rchb. f.

Habitat. Widely distributed in most of lowland Papua New

Guinea. It is epiphytic on trees from the savannah to
primary forest at 600 m and is very common on mangroves
in various areas.
Plant. Mature plants grow into large clumps with woody,
brittle stems from 50 to 60 mm long. The leaves are alter­
nate, thick, fleshy and dark green. About three-quarters
along the length of the stem the leaves reduce dramatically
in size.
Flowers. Their colour is bright yellow with liberal reddish-
orange markings, which are symmetrical broken lines. The
sepals are 12 to 25 mm long, rounded on the top and arch­
ing sideways. The upper sepal is twice as long, sharply
pointed and the tip sometimes bends forward. The lip is
basically cream with 3 glistening white keels covered in soft
white hairs.

Dendrobium acerosum Lindl.

Habitat. One of the commonest lowland orchids from Aus­ Habitat. Common in the mountain rain forests of Papua
tralia through Papua New Guinea to Malaysia and Borneo. New Guinea between 2,000 and 3,000 m above sea-level.
There appear to be several closely related species and some They favour strong light and air movement but no direct
confusion in nomenclature. It grows in full sun on rock faces sunlight.
and on any wild or cultivated tree. Plant. Like the other Dendrobium in this section, D. forbesii
Plant. The stems are pendulous, branching with the leaves has several pseudo-bulbs thickening upwards from a slen­
flattened and fleshy, closely alternate for half the length, der base and with two or three strong green leaves at the
then elongating again for the flowering portion. top. The pseudo-bulbs widen very abruptly in these plants
Flowers. The flowers are 1 to 1.5 cm long and hang down­ and are yellowish-green. The roots are particularly strong
wards on the lateral part of the thin green stem. The upper and fleshy.
sepals and petals are equal in size, the lateral sepals twice Flowers. An endearing habit of the Latourea Dendrobes
as wide, uniting to form the mentums. They are creamy is their early flowering on quite small plants. The flower
with purple veins, and the lip has a central orange spot. is creamy white with the backs of petals greenish and
covered in white hairs. The flower is up to 30 mm across
and long and a good plant will carry up to 15 flowers.

Dendrobium musciferum Schltr

Habitat. This plant, with D. bifalce. shares the widest dis­

tribution of any of the section Latourea. This is essentially
a lowland form, epiphytic in tall trees, especially in riverine
forest and open forest.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are about 30 cm tall, with many
ribs, and are yellowish-brown in colour. The three leaves
at the top are tough and shining light green.
Flowers. There are between 15 and 20 flowers on each
stem. The sepals are yellow, hairy on the outside, rather
thick textured. Petals are a darker yellow, thin and wavy
edged. The large side-lobes spread and then meet above
the column; they are darker yellow, white edged with purple
veins inside and purple spots outside. The mid-lobe is a
warm yellow, with faint purple marks, the tip pointing
abruptly downwards.

Dendrobium johnsoniae F. Muell. Dendrobium retroflexum <J. J Sm

Habitat. This species has a widespread but sporadic dis­ Habitat. Rarely found below 2.500 m. D. retroflexum
tribution throughout Papua New Guinea and is usually com­ appears to grow in isolated areas in the cloud forest, epiphy­
mon where it occurs. It grows from an altitude of about tic on the small trees near the tops of the ridges. This plant
600 to 1,200 m and especially favours Casuarina trees came from the Paiela area in the southern highlands.
along water courses and in gullies. Plant. An upright small plant with stems 12 cm tall, but
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are slender, narrow at the base, usually less. They retain the enveloping bracts for almost
widening abruptly for almost the full length, then narrowing the entire life of the stem. The leaves are few, dark green
below the leaves. The leaves are thin, tough and leathery, and firm, with two strong longitudinal veins on the under­
from 2 to 4, from 50 to 150 mm long and 12 to 40 mm sides.
wide. Flowers. The colour of this flower is almost translucent,
Flowers. Flowers are on an upright inflorescence, varying sometimes with a glistening silver sheen. The column is dark
with the size of the plant (which flowers when very small). olive green to almost black and the tip of the labellum bright
They are between 65 to 120 mm across the outstretched red. The bracts at the base of the mentum are velvety
petals, snow-white, the lip marked with purple inside. D. greenish-yellow.
johnsoniae is the badge of the Orchid Society of Papua
New Guinea.

Dendrobium uncinatum Schltr.

Habitat. Epiphytic in moss-covered trees in the cloud forest,

but it is common to find them growing in colonies on the
moss-covered roots on the forest floor.
Plant. Each plant has several stems arising from the tightly
packed root system. They are up to 12 cm tall, fleshy and
with several dark green, narrowly pointed leaves.
Flowers. The flowers come between two top leaves, rarely
one, up to 5 flowers opening at the same time. Current
collections indicate that there may be several distinct varia­
tions. Colour forms found so far include orange, bright red,
dark purple and white. The labellums are all dark green.
Size varies from 2 to 3 cm wide across the petals and sepals,
and they are from 3 to 4 cm long, fused together to form
the mentum.

Dendrobium dryadum Schltr. Dendrobium oreocharis Schltr.

Habitat. Epiphytic on trees above the 1,500 to 2,000 m Habitat. This small plant comes from the very high moun­
mark. It is common in the Casuarina trees which have grown tains, rarely found below 2,500 to 3,000 m. It is epiphytic
up in old food gardens. The wet mountain mists keep the on the lichen and moss-covered branches of trees, most
roots damp practically all the time. often in exposed positions and subject to extremes of tem­
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs grow into quite large clumps. They perature, wind and the hot midday sun and bitterly cold
are brownish-green and the remnants of the protecting nights.
sheaths are persistent on the plant. The leaves are dark Plant. A mat-forming plant with the tiny pseudo-bulbs close
green, sometimes yellow-green from exposure to the sun. together and often growing for 20 to 30 cm along a branch.
Flowers. The inflorescence arises from the base of the The pseudo-bulbs are reddish-brown and the leaves dark
pseudo-bulb and grows in tight clusters with 10 or more green, heavily suffused with purple. This is a delightful
flowers. The flowers are bright purple with touches of white miniature and the whole plant is never more than 4 cm
on the petals and labellum. They are very long-lasting, up high.
to four months on the plant, and are almost always in Flowers. The tiny flowers are brilliant orange or bright red
flower. and occasionally a clump of pure yellow is found. They
flower for months at a time. In their natural habitat they
seed very freely.

Dendrobium quinquecostatum Schltr.

Habitat. One of the commonest of all the section Oxyglos-

sum, this orchid is found in most of the high mountain
forest, above the 2,000 m mark in all parts of the country.
It is especially common in the Casuarina trees in old food
gardens, growing with D. dryadum.
Plant. The average height of the plant is 6 to 8 cm. The
pseudo-bulbs are fleshy, thick, narrowing sharply at the top.
The leaves are a little smaller than the pseudo-bulb, dark
green, and slightly channelled in the middle.
Flowers. Several flowers open together at the top of the
pseudo-bulb. They are wide spread, from 25 to 30 cm
across the widest part. Petals and sepals are pinkish-purple,
the column dark reddish-brown and the tip of the labellum

Dendrobium pseudo-frigidum J. J Sm. Dendrobium fulgidum Schltr.

Habitat. One of the earliest of the section Oxyglossum to Habitat. This plant is found in many areas throughout
be discovered. Dendrobium pseudo-frigidum is a high alti­ Papua New Guinea but the greatest concentration of the
tude orchid ranging from 2,000 to 3,000 m. It grows on species appears to be in the islands of Milne Bay. They
moss-covered trees, and the higher one goes, the smaller grow on the huge trees overhanging the beach.
the trees. Very often this orchid is collected at eye-level. Plant. A slender plant of many canes, often branching and
Plant. The plants are fairly uniform in size, from 3 to 4 cm rooting at many places on the stems. It is not uncommon
tall, and grow into large mats. The leaves are shining dark to find plants up to 100 cm long. The leaves are thin, alter­
green, and, like the flowers, very long-lasting. nate and usually the full length of the new canes, but fall
Flowers. The plants are in flower most of the year. The as the flowering nodes reach maturity.
sepals and petals are creamy yellow, the lateral sepals Flowers. They appear in short clusters about 10 to 15 cm
enclosing the mentum below the green column. The lip is long with up to 30 flowers in each. They will flower from
bright orange. Dendrobium pseudo-frigidum was one of the various nodes on the leafless canes for many .years. Each
first set of Papua New Guinea orchid stamps. flower is 20 to 25 mm long, bright golden yellow and lasts
up to four weeks.

Dendrobium anosmum Lindl.

Habitat. Common in most lowland rain forest throughout

Papua New Guinea. A pioneer plant which soon appears
on large trees in the towns.
Plant. The long pendulous stems are between 40 to 60 cm
long. The new pseudo-bulb has leaves almost its length and
flowering takes place after the leaves have fallen. Some­
times only a portion of the stem will bloom, and small aerial
plants are produced from the nodes. This is particularly
common if the growing eyes are injured.
Flowers. The flowers vary from 50 to TOO mm across; one
form has medium purple sepals and petals with a very dark
purple lip. The flower illustrated is usually called var. huttoni
and has white sepals and petals with a faint mauve blush.
The labellum has two deep purple patches with the margins
of the side lobes white.

Dendrobium confusum Schltr. Dendrobium malbrownii Dockr.

Habitat. This lovely orchid is found in many parts of Papua Habitat. This is an epiphytic species which grows in almost
New Guinea, usually quite common in the particular area any situation from the coast up to about 1,500 m. It is com­
in which it grows. It is often found epiphytic on trees mon on the trees overhanging the beach throughout the
overhanging water. mainland and off-shore islands.
Plant. The plants grow in a cluster of stems arising from Plant. The stems of this orchid grow into large clumps, often
the base; they are dark green and leafy all along the length, to 30 cm in diameter. Each stem is up to 25 cm in length
usually from 6 to 30 cm. The leaves are alternate, flattened and is leafy for most of its length. The leaves are a light
and 25 to 30 mm apart. olive green, very slender and thin, up to 40 mm in length.
Flowers. The flowers are pristine white, appearing at the Flowers. The flowers are reversed on the stem, are borne
ends or on the upper portion of the stem, 25 to 30 mm on a short stalk and are about 10 mm in diameter. The
long and up to 20 mm wide. The tips of the petals and petals and sepals are widely opened, creamy white, and the
sepals are free, but join to make the mentum, which frames labellum is partly yellow, the rest a deep shining reddish-
the beautiful labellum. The only colour is a touch of yellow purple.
on the mid-lobe.

Dendrobium tcretifolium R. Br.

Habitat. The ‘Pencil Orchid’ is found in the lowland forests

and up to 1,500 m, especially in the Casuarina trees and
Nauclea trees near rivers or in swamps.
Plant. Epiphytic in the high branches, the plant is pendulous.
The stems are wiry, dark brown and much branched. From
the end of each branch is one long pencil-shaped leaf, and
the plant varies in size from 4 cm to 60 cm in length.
Flowers. A large plant can have numerous racemes of
gossamer-like flowers. They vary in colour from pure white
to purple and brown and there may be more species invol­
ved. Each flower is between 10 and 20 mm across and each
branch can have 20 or more flowers. A mature plant in
full flower is a beautiful sight.

Dendrobium cancroides T. E. Hunt Dendrobium roseipes Schltr.

Habitat. An orchid of the lowland forest, especially common Habitat. A forest species from about 450 to 1,000 m, usually
in the Western Province. It is widely distributed from North epiphytic on the lower moss-covered branches of the trees.
Queensland to Papua New Guinea. It has been collected in several similar areas throughout
Plant. The stems grow close together from a base of tough the country, but our knowledge of orchid distribution is far
roots. They vary from 25 to 90 cm in length and are slightly from complete.
flattened. The leaves are alternate on the stem, and they Plant. The stems are up to 30 to 35 cm in length, the leaves
grow on almost the entire length. They are dark green and falling before the plant flowers. The new lead is leafy
thin textured. throughout and yellowish-green. The older stem turns
Flowers. The flowers grow in pairs, each one facing the greyish-brown.
other. They have very short stalks and are borne on the Flowers. The flowers are in clusters, up to 8 to 10, from
stems underneath the leaves. They are about 20 mm across, the nodes of the leafless stems. The petals and sepals are
and not widely opened. The colour is reddish-brown with white at the top shading into a delicate pink. Pedicel and
yellow markings and they have a warty appearance. The mentum are a darker pink. Each flower is about 15 mm
flowers last for less than a day. across the petals and sepals and about 20 mm long.

Dcndrobium glomeratum Rolfe

Habitat. Although a few plants of this species have been

collected in various parts of Papua New Guinea, its greatest
distribution appears to be in the swamps beside the rivers
in Western Province, and to a lesser degree in the equally
wet Gulf District.
Plant. The stems vary from 25 to 50 cm, and are brownish-
grey. with many nodes. The leaves appear with each new
pseudo-bulb, are thin textured and dark green.
Flowers. The flowers come on the leafless canes and are
in clusters of 6 to 10. Each flower is about 3 cm across.
The petals and sepals are a deep rose pink, joining to form
a rounded mentum. The labellum is bright orange, the tip
of the column white. The flowers last for several weeks and
the plants bloom several times a year.

Dendrobium chrysoglossum Schltr. Dendrobium atroviolaceum Rolfe

Habitat. The greatest concentration of this orchid is in the Habitat. This is the most famous orchid in Papua New
Casuarina trees on the banks of the Ramu River and sur­ Guinea. Hundreds of plants were taken to England in 1900
rounding forest at about 1,500 m. It has been collected and none survived. Little was known then about the orchids
in other areas at the same altitude, notably in the Waria of Papua New Guinea or their culture. It grows as an
Valley. epiphyte on Rossel Island.
Plant. An epiphytic orchid with tough stringy roots. The Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are narrow at the base, widening
pseudo-bulbs are usually between 20 and 30 cm long, to club shape above. They are greenish-brown and 20 to
brownish-grey. The new season’s growth produces a stem 25 cm tall. The leaves, 2 to 4, are very stiff and tough and
with green leaves for all its length. The flowers appear on dark green.
the leafless stems behind the new lead. Flowers. The inflorescence is about 20 cm long and carries
Flowers. The flowers are in clusters, very much like a small up to 20 flowers, 50 mm across. They are fragrant, heavy-
form of D. glomeratum. The petals and sepals are a paler textured, and very long lasting. Petals and sepals are creamy
pink and the lip is orange. It is free flowering, usually with white with purple markings on them. The labellum is green
several clusters on each stem. Each flower is 10 to 15 mm outside, and a rich violet-purple inside. The flowers face
wide and long. downwards.

Dendrobium bigibbum Ldl.

Habitat. Although D. bigibbum has long been ascribed to

Papua New Guinea, it has not been collected in recent
years. The plant photographed here was my first and it came
from the Baimuru swamp country in the Gulf Province. It
was growing on the branches of a Melaleuca tree in much
the same conditions as the North Queensland plants.
Plant. The stems of this plant were 15 cm long, sturdy, and
the leaves were very thin textured, mid-green and narrowly
Flowers. The stem measured 15 cm long and carried 6
flowers; the open flower was 3.5 cm across the widest part.
Petals and sepals pale lilac, the labellum darker purple.
Little orchid collecting has been done in the swamp coun­
try and I believe that this plant will be found in quantity
in this part of Papua New Guinea.

Dendrobium macrophyllum A Rich. Dendrobium cincinnatum FV.M.

Habitat. The rain forest, from 600 to 2000 m is the home Habitat. Epiphytic on beech trees, mainly Calophyllum
of D. macrophyllum. There is still a lot of confusion in both inophyllum. near Wakaiuna on Normanby Island. I have
taxonomy and habitat about the orchids in the Latourea collected extensively in Milne Bay and have not found this
section, mainly due to lack of communications and ability orchid anywhere else.
to reach the mountain areas. Plant. The slender canes are up to 80 cm long, a distinctive
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are from 15 to 30 cm long, thin yellowish colour, and they grow into large clumps, often
at the base and widening upwards. They are greenish-brown with 20 or more canes. The leaves are olive green, thin tex­
and the leaves are purple on the reverse and dark green tured and pointed. The roots are particularly strong and
with purple staining on top. wiry.
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 30 cm long with up to Flowers. The inflorescence is not long, about 15 cm, and
20 flowers from 4 to 6 cm across. The sepals and petals has from 8 to 12 pure white flowers, well spaced on the
are creamy white, hairy and spotted with purple on the back. rhizome, and long lasting. The petals are narrowly pointed,
The labellum is greenish-white, with large spreading side- slightly twisted, the sepals are wider and curled and the
lobes heavily spotted with purple. beautiful frilled labellum is like the Oncidium. Each flower
is about 3 cm long and wide, with a faint perfume.

Dendrobium conanthum Schltr.

Habitat. This orchid has sporadic distribution in widely

separated areas, but in the swamps of the upper Sepik it
is as numerous as D. lasianthera. The plants are impossible
to distinguish when not in flower. The older plants are not
so robust as D. lasianthera of equal age.
Plant. Canes are up to 3 m tall, usually less, and the dark
green leaves are to 15 by 6 cm. This species often side
branches from nodes on the back bulbs and plants with
several flowering stems and 2 or 3 green leafed ones are
a joy.
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 50 cm long with from
15 to 25 flowers. The colour is gold with dark purple lines
on the inside of the large flaring side-lobes and the tip of
the labellum.

Dendrobium warianum Schltr. Dendrobium rhodostichtum Schltr.

Habitat. The distribution of this species is in lowland forest Habitat. Found in rain forest above 1,500 m. Usually epiphy­
and especially on trees on the small islands in the reefs, tic, it is also a pioneer plant. In building of the road from
from the Huon Gulf to Milne Bay. the coast to the mountains for the giant copper mine on
Plant. The canes are sturdy up to 70 cm long. The leaves Bougainville Island, a cutting was made through a mountain
are wider than most others in the Ceratobium section and to the site and the cliffs above it are about 60 m high. Four
are tough and dark, glossy green. years after the road was cut, I found D. rhodostichtum in
flower on the cliff.
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 25 cm long with 15 to
20 flowers. The colour varies through all shades of yellow Plant. The stems are very slender, but widen to an ovoid
and brown. Background colour on the sepals and petals pseudo-bulb. The leaves are dark green.
is usually yellow, closely veined and suffused with brownish- Flowers. The sepals and petals are lax and irregular in
purple. The side-lobes are erect on either side of the shape. The labellum folds to a sharp point at the tip, and
column, the edges of the mid-lobe are crimped, the yellow the purple veining is the only colour on the white flower.
tip turns under, and the keels are white edged with purple.

Dendrobium coeloglossum Schltr.

Habitat. A rain forest species from about 450 to 800 m,

growing epiphytically on the branches or trunks of large
Plant. The stems of this orchid are slender for half their
length and then widen to 1.5 cm in diameter. They are
yellow at maturity. The new shoot comes up from a series
of bracts with a pair of leaves, very pale in the developing
stage but dark green when fully grown. The old stems die
off and the average plant is of 4 to 6 stems.
Flowers. The inflorescence of 2 to 4 flowers comes from
the base of the top node. The sepals and petals are creamy,
thick textured, sepals and petals uniting to form the men-
tum. The side-lobes and labellum are yellow with some
orange markings. The flower is about 3 cm long and 2 cm

Dendrobium dichaeoides Schltr. Dendrobium trachyrhizum Schltr.

Habitat. A very common orchid in the montane forest from Habitat. A lowland forest species which is found in colonies
1,500 m to 2,500 m. It is usually found in among the in various areas up to about 600 m. It grows in semi-shade,
epiphytes (Rhododendrons, ferns, orchids, Gesneriads, never in direct sunlight. It is often found in gallery forest
etc.) on large trees. At the highest extent of its range, it along wet-weather water courses.
grows in small tufts among the lichen. Plant. A mature plant has many stems, many of them
Plant. A pendulous orchid with soft stems from 3 to 13 cm leafless, on which the flowers appear for several seasons.
long. Leaves are at right angles to the stems, slightly crim­ They are up to 45 cm long, curiously banded fawn and
ped in appearance, grooved by the mid rib, and bluish-green brown. The leaves are very thin textured, dark green and
in colour. It has small roots at any point on the reverse pointed.
side. This plant survives any weather except direct Flowers. The inflorescence is short, from 4 to 8 cm with
sunlight. 3 to 4 flowers on each, and it is usual to find several on
Flowers. The flowers are terminal, typical of the Pedilonum each flowering stem. The flowers are creamy white. The
section, a rich cerise-purple. There are from 6 to 10 flowers labellum is large and the tip bi-lobed with dark purple and
in each cluster and they are long-lasting. green markings.

The S ectio n Grastidium

This section of the Dendrobiums cannot be overlooked in

any introduction to the orchids of Papua New Guinea. It
is a section of numerous species which reach their greatest
development in Papua New Guinea, where about 80 have
been recorded. The habit of the flowers, most of which last
only one day, a few lasting two days, has precluded any
serious interest being taken by amateur collectors
The plants are in tufts from a few to many, and plants
are from a few centimetres high to nearly 2 m The leaves
vary from grass-like foliage (from which the section takes
its name) up to 10 cm long.
Most of the species are epiphytic but some are equally
at home on the ground.

The flowers on this species are bright purple in colour with The beautiful white flowers pictured here are rom a plant
a touch of white in the labellum and mentum. They are growing in the rain trees along Markham Roac, Lae, in the
in pairs, sometimes single, from the nodes between the heart of the town.
leaves. This is not a common orchid and I have only seen The flowers are in pairs from nodes on the voody stem,
three plants. the petals and sepals are equal in length, usially 10 cm,
The stems are up to 30 cm in length, greenish-brown measured from the base to the tips. They arc pure white
and not woody. The leaves vary with the size of the plants, except for a little yellow in the fringed labellurr.
up to 10 cm long or more. They are dark emerald green The plant grows into huge clumps with up to one hundred
flushed with purple and a dull purplish-green on the stems, each up to 1 m in length. The habit o the mature
reverse. plants is pendulous, and they hang dou/n from tie interlock­
The plant tends to be overlooked by collectors as the ing branches over the road. They flower several times a
flowers appear behind the leaves and are often not visible year and are a beautiful sight on that particuar day. The
from the front. I have collected this once from Kikori River leaves remain on the plant for many years.
and twice on the Sogeri Plateau.

Identification P rob lem s

Anyone working on botanical matters in Papua New Guinea

must find species, not necessarily new to science but new
to the explorer. Schlechter and J. J. Smith did some very
comprehensive work in the early years of this century, and
sporadic identification comes in from the odd plant. Some
of the major world herbaria are holding hundreds of sheets
of orchid material from Papua New Guinea and lack of
literature plus access to the type, plus pre-occupation with
the flora of other countries, has precluded identification.
Although it is easy for anyone to identify a plant wrongly,
no one likes to do so in print. The only consolation that
any orchid author has is that if anyone believes an orchid
wrongly identified, he will correct it.

Latourea Dendrobiums
The golden orchid is terrestrial, found on the forest floor
in deep leaf mould and full shade, flowers to 1.5 cm across
and wide.

1first saw this beautiful little orchid at the first international This is Bulbophyllum nasica Schltr. and its correct name
orchid conference held in Port Moresby. It was brought over came to me a few months ago. It is a small plant of the
by a Papua New Guinean member, who had collected it mountain rain forest, from 850 to 2,000 m.
near his home village, Finschhafen. The whole plant is usually less than 6 cm tall. The dark
The plant is very like the common Dendrobium bifalce, greenish-brown pseudo-bulbs are close together and the
and anyone giving it a cursory glance when on patrol would leaf is medium green, with a blunt tip. The petals are dark
also class it as such and leave it th^re. The stems are more red, the upper sepal is fringed on the reverse side and the
slender, and the leaves thinner in texture and tapering to two lateral sepals are wide at the base, narrowing abruptly
a sharp point. to a thin, folded tip in the lateral third. The labellum ends
The habit of the inflorescence is the same, slender stem in a bright golden extended tip.
to 12 cm high, with 4 to 8 flowers. The photograph is the
best description of this plant. Petals and sepals are apple
green and the beautiful labellum is striped and suffused
with rich purple.

Dendrobiums: Variations of the
The Dendrobium Phlox Alliance
In spite of the considerable knowledge we have of the
species of the Latourea section, the names applied :o the
individual orchids are more confused than any others. I
suspect there are even more variations of these than there
are in the Ceratobiums.
The one pictured here is known locally as ‘one of the
Dendrobium musciferums'. The parts of this flower are very
distinctive. The upper sepal leans forward, is yellow inside,
greenish on the reverse and covered with white hairs. The
lateral sepals are yellow with dark purple spots on the
reverse, the sepals are yellow.
The distinctive feature is the labellum. The large side-
lobes are yellowish with longitudinal purple veins and the
median lobes and tip are apple green.

The variations of this species appear to be infinite. You The yellow form of D. phlox has many variations within
can get into more trouble climbing around the high moun­ itself, in size and growing habits. It grows epiphytically on
tains trying to sort out the coloured forms of D. phlox than trees, on rocks and terrestrially in the peaty swamps. It is
you can sailing a trawler in the off-shore islands collecting constant only in the clear yellow colour of the flowers and
D. lineale. 1 strongly suspect there are several distinct in habitat: it grows always in the cold high mountains.
species involved, and until some institution undertakes the In the swampy valleys of the high mountains the yellow
mammoth job of sorting out the Papua New Guinea form grows in profusion in the peat and sphagnum moss.
Orchidaceae, they will stay involved. It is an erect, much branched form, like a small shrub.
This is one of the bright red-orange yellow tipped petals The Orchidaceae in these swamps present one of the
and sepals form. It is distinct in many respects, grows in most interesting ecological studies in the world of botany.
the highest altitudes, is a large (to 1 m long) plant, much Many orchids classed as epiphytes grow there, and a host
branched, flowers on leafy and leafless stems, very of epiphytes about which we know very little.
floriferous and colours very vivid.

Dendrobium ‘Mushroom Pink’

Another Dendrobium from New Britain which became

known at the same time as ‘Pomio Brown! Several educated
guesses have been made as to its scientific name but none
has been accepted by the taxonomists, so we continue to
hide behind the safe Dendrobium sp.
The petals are yellow, three and half times twisted, at
45° angle to the upper sepal, which is erect above the
column, the top half curling crisply over and under. The
lateral sepals flare out from the column, curled in the same
way, and the colour is mushroom pink. The side-lobes are
large, flare outwards and have dark lilac veining. Tips of
the mid-lobe on keels are lilac. The texture of the flower
is firm and crisp, colour beautifully glossy.

‘Pomio Brown’ There are over 500 different species of Dendrobium in

Papua New Guinea and nobody knows how many floral
Dendrobium ‘Pomio Brown’ is one of the finest orchids in variations. This presents a very difficult task to a taxonomist
this country. The flowers should be a judge’s model of what who already has enough difficulties with the great diversity
is required of a Ceratobium Dendrobium. It became well of plant form. The inability of past scientists to undertake
known between 1958 and the early 1960s when it was systematic exploration and recording of the vegetation
collected from a small island off Pomio, in New Britain. leaves great gaps in knowledge of the geographical distribu­
There was no literature relative to the plant and its environ­ tion of the species.
ment, and so the locality and colour became the horticul­ The white form of D. smilliae is found in the Sepik
tural name: Dendrobium ‘Pomio Brown! swamps, growing with D. lasianthera and D. conanthum.
The texture of the flower is firm. The petals are obliquely The plants are much larger than elsewhere, owing to the
erect, 3 times twisted, 4 to 5 cm long, glossy bronze-brown growing conditions. The flowers are a sparkling white
with a thin yellow margin. The upper sepal twists back and flushed with pale green on the mentum and pedicel. The
curls under, similar colour with yellow staining and border. tip of the labellum is vivid, shining dark green. The canes
The later petals are turned under and the same colour. The are clear yellow.
labellum has a mauve tip.


The genus Bulbophyllum is the largest in Papua New

Guinea, Schlechter acknowledging 569 species, and it is cer­
tain that more have been found since his day. Some are
known and named and frequent collections have been
made. Others have one or two imperfect herbarium speci­
mens and there is still much to be discovered. There are
large plants such as B. macrobulbum with the leaf often
over 1 m in length, to the species very minute in both flower
and plant structure.
The attractive reddish star-shaped species shown here
came from the Kikori River. The pseudo-bulbs are brown
tinged with red, about 10 to 12 cm long and the solitary
leaf almost twice as long. The leaf colour olive green on
top, yellowish below.

■ ’T |

Bulbophyllum c.f. elisae (F.Muell.) Bth. Pedilochilus c.f. flavum Schltr.

Habitat. Lowland forest from 600 m upwards is the home Habitat. A high altitude species within the 2,500 to 3,000 m
of this attractive Bulbophyllum, epiphytic on large trees, band. It is epiphytic on the moss-covered branches of large
especially near water courses. This has been identified as trees on the slopes of Mt Kaindi, and in similar areas
B. elisae, and is almost identical to the Australian species. throughout the country.
The colour is the only difference. Dockrill describes B. elisae Plant. The habit of the plant is very similar to the genus
as usually a rather vivid green, occasionally very pale with Bulbophyllum, and if collected not in flower is usually clas­
a pinkish tinge, or, rarely, wholly reddish-purple. The Papua sified as such. The pseudo-bulbs are green and the young
New Guinea plants are all pale yellow wherever they are shoot is protected by a papery sheath. The leaves are to
found. 5 cm long, tapering to a sharp point.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are to 3 cm tall, and the leaf is Flowers. The inflorescence is to 4 cm long, very slender,
up to 12 cm long by 2 cm wide. pale green, whitish at the top. The pedicel arises from a
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 20 cm long, sometimes yellow bract and supports the flower with its soft, yellow
longer. The flowers face downwards and are a uniform pouch. The plant seeds freely as can be seen in the pic­
lemon yellow. The lateral sepals are about twice as long ture.
as the upper sepal, and have a slight fragrance.

Bulbophyllum trachyanthum Krzl.

Habitat. A Bulbophyllum of the high mountains which is

found growing epiphytically on the moss-covered branches
of big forest trees, and also in sphagnum moss near the
ridge-tops between 2,300 and 3,000 m.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are tan in colour, from 3 to 5 cm
long, wide at the base and about 1.5 cm at the leaf base.
Flowers. The petals are very tiny on each side of the column.
The upper sepal is hooded, a creamy colour with deep red
closely-set spots and dark red at the base. The tip narrows
abruptly behind the hood and shades to bright yellow. The
lateral sepals are purplish-red at the base and then yellow.
They are joined at the base, but as the flower grows they
turn yellow and elongate to 7 cm or more, twisting

Bulbophyllum cinciatum J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum streptosepalum Schltr.

Habitat. A forest species from the lowland forests to about Habitat. A very common orchid in the forest, from 500 m
1,500 m. It is epiphytic on a variety of trees, usually on high in the lowland rain forest to 2,500 m in the cloud forest.
branches in the canopy. Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are greenish-yellow, closely set and
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are very close together, flat on the branching in all directions to make a compact little plant
bottom and somewhat conical in shape. They are reddish- up to 20 cm long and 10 cm or more wide. The leaves are
brown, up to 3 cm across at the base and narrowing to a shining olive green.
about 10 mm at the top, from which comes the medium Flowers. The stem is usually about 7 cm, very slender and
green leaf. The plants grow in mat formation. brittle and slightly arched at the very top. The tiny petals
Flowers. The flowers come from the base of the pseudo­ are blackish-purple. The upper sepal is large, about 1.5 cm
bulb, on very short pedicels. They measure about 2 cm across the widest part, and the colour is tessellated wine
across at the widest point, and about the same length. Their red. The lateral sepals are much the same colour with a
colour is wine-red with white stripes and the intricate shape little yellow and they narrow to a long thread, twisting
of the lip is enhanced by the yellow and red colouring. around each other. The plant is very free-flowering.

Bulbophyllum baileyi F. Muell.

Habitat. A widespread lowland orchid found in many parts

of Papua New Guinea, very common in the Trans-Fly. It
is epiphytic on a variety of trees, especially along river
Plant. The rhizome is thick and the pseudo-bulbs are set
well apart, each one up to 25 mm high, and with one erect
leaf, from 5 to 20 cm. They are yellowish-green and slightly
Flowers. The inflorescence is erect, 4 to 10 cm long, and
has one flower, which is about 3 cm in diameter and faces
upwards. The sepals and petals are cup-shaped; the colour
is creamy white with reddish spots on both sides. When the
flower is fully mature it turns pink before dying. The flower
has a strong spicy-honey smell.

Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thou. Bulbophyllum fletcherianum Rolfe

Habitat. This is a rain forest species, up to 600 m or more Habitat. Rain forest up to 600 m and several special locali­
and is found in many parts of the mainland and offshore ties such as cliff faces and rocky outcrops. This is not a
islands. common species but there are usually large colonies where
Plant. An epiphytic Bulbophyllum of the Cirrhapetalum sec­ it grows.
tion, the plant resembles several other Bulbophyllums. The Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are large, up to 10 cm long and
rhizome is woody, of many internodes with pseudo-bulbs 5 cm in diameter. The colour is dark olive green with a tough
30 mm long or more each about 10 mm apart. The leaf pitted exterior and they have one long, strap-like leaf. The
is up to 15 cm long, thick and dark green. colour of the leaf is usually dark green with purple over­
Flowers. The inflorescence is on a slender stem about 6 tones, a narrow purple margin and the reverse side is dis­
to 12 cm tall with 6 to 8 flowers radiating from the tip. Each tinctly purple.
flower is up to 4 cm long, greenish-cream with many purple Flowers. The outstanding characteristic of the flowers is
dots and suffusions. The petals and the lip are purple. The their unpleasant odour, which attracts all the blowflies in
petals are small, the side sepals are joined together at their the area. The flowers do not open widely. The colour is
top margins, and the lip is slender. a rich velvety red, and the mentum and pedicel are white.

Bulbophyllum orthoglossum Krzl.

Habitat. This is essentially a forest species, and is epiphytic

on trees in many parts of the islands.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are evenly spaced on a sturdy
rhizome.' They are erect, smooth, pale green and oval in
shape. The new leads are covered in rather sticky bracts
which fall away as growth proceeds. The solitary leaf is from
150 to 200 mm long, fleshy and dark green.
Flowers. The flower stalk arises from the base of the
pseudo-bulb, taller than the leaves. The flowers open in suc­
cession, usually from 4 to 6 on each stem. The petals and
sepals are shining greenish-yellow, the lateral sepals folded
close together. The sepals are twice as big as the petals;
labellum is thick, deeply channelled in the median lobe, the
tip is reddish-purple.

Bulbophyllum graveolens J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum sessile (Koen.) J. J. Sm.

Habitat. Exact distribution of this plant is uncertain. It Habitat. Again exact distribution of this species in Papua
appears to go right through to Indonesia, and has been New Guinea is unknown, but as in Java, Sumatra, Borneo
collected in several areas in Papua New Guinea. and Malaysia, it is abundant as an epiphyte on trees in open
Plant. The light green angled pseudo-bulbs are on a strong, forests. In the Port Moresby and Lae areas it is often found
creeping and branching rhizome. Leaves are a shining m id­ on huge rain trees planted in the early days of town buil­
green, thick and tough. ding.

Flowers. The scape is about 170 mm long with 2 or 3 green Plant. The rhizomes are slender, pendulous and much
bracts at the base. The 7 to 9 flowers are arranged in a branched. The pseudo-bulbs are small and sit close to the
fan shape; upper sepal 25 mm long and 10 mm wide, erect rhizome; leaves are fleshy, dark green and tough.
lateral sepals to 38 mm long, joined together and pointing Flowers. The tiny flowers are borne from all nodes on the
forward, pale green marbled reddish-purple inside. The rhizome, with very conspicuous sheaths. Sepals are about
petals are very small, about 8 mm long and wide, pointed 4 mm long, creamy tipped with pale yellow; petals are 1.5
at either side of the column. The labellum is curved in a mm long and creamy in colour. The lip is about the same
semi circle, orange, darkening to reddish-purple. Flowers size and yellowish-green.
last about two weeks.

Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Bl.

Habitat. Distributed from Papua New Guinea to parts of

Indonesia, it is usually epiphytic up to 500 m.
Plant. Pseudo bulbs are widely spaced on a creeping,
branching rhizome. The leaf is stalked, one tc ezch bulb,
up to 150 mm long and almost 50 mm wide. It is bluntly
rounded, bi-lobed, bright green, thick and tough. Plants
growing in the sun have yellowish leaves. If there are 3 or
4 leafless pseudo-bulbs behind several strong growng ones,
a new shoot almost always appears.
Flowers. Though not beautiful, the flowers are large enough
to make a well grown plant a conversation piece. The upper
sepal is 100 to 130 mm long by 40 to 50 mu wide; the
lateral sepals are about half the size, curiously curved and
twisted. The overall colour is greenish-yellow with greyish

Bulbophyllum fritillariflorum J. J. Sm. Bulbophyllum arfakianum Krzl.

Habitat. This orchid is widespread in Papua and some of Habitat. This is an epiphytic orchid in many pars of lowland
the New Guinea islands, and may even be common on the Papua New Guinea. It is often found in loig mats on
New Guinea side in certain areas. It is one of the com­ horizontal branches about 10 to 15 m above (round.
monest Bulbophyllums on the Sogeri Plateau. Plant. This plant grows into large mats up to 75 cm long.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are erect and firm, purplish on a The rhizome is creeping, woody, the pseudo-bilbs firm and
woody rhizome. An undisturbed plant will completely encir­ light green. Leaves are thick, fleshy and narrowed to a blunt
cle a large branch, and climb upwards for several metres. tip, with a dark purple flush.
Leaves are one to each pseudo-bulb, dark green, stalked Flowers. Basic colour is off-white, very closely marbled in
and about 100 mm long by 40 mm wide, blunt, rounded pinkish-red. The tiny petals are dark red. The upper sepal
and slightly bi-lobed. is curved gracefully down to the tips of the laeral sepals.
Flowers. The flowers are very striking, unusual rather than These are fused throughout their length. The elges of both
beautiful. Each single flower is on a sturdy, very straight upper and lower sepals are folded up and owards the
stem, 100 to 150 mm long. The upper sepal is about 70 centre. The plant flowers several times a year.
by 50 mm and the laterals are just as long, joined together
and pointing forwards. The basic colour is yellowish-green,
but it is closely marbled with purplish-red.

Bulbophyllum cheiri Lindl.

Habitat. A species of the lowland rain forest, distributed

from Papua New Guinea to Malaysia. It is one of the first
epiphytic orchids to colonise on rubber trees, especially
near water courses.
Plant. The plant grows into sizable clumps of many light
green pseudo-bulbs each with one bright green leaf about
12 cm long, oval and with a rounded tip.
Flowers. The solitary flowers are on a brittle scape about
12 cm long. The small petals are about 5 by 2 mm, curved
over the dark brown lip. The lateral sepals are red, wider
at the base, narrowing to slender white points. The upper
sepal is red, yellow margined; the sides close abruptly form­
ing a cup shape above the column and narrowing to the
yellow tip.

Bulbophyllum halianum Schltr. Bulbophyllum tollenoniferum J. J. Sm.

Habitat. A very common orchid in the lowland rain forest. Habitat. A lowland rain forest species, common on the
Plant. It grows into large clumps of 100 or more pseudo­ Sogeri Plateau. It is found epiphytic on the branches of tall
bulbs on a creeping and branching rhizome. The pseudo­ trees on the forest edge.
bulbs are spaced about 1 cm apart and are smooth and Plant. The rhizome is thick, woody and covered with chaffy
light green. The leaves are dark glossy green and rounded bracts. The plants grow in a solid mat. The pseudo-bulbs
at the tip. are pale green, ovoid, to 4 cm tall. The leaf is thick, bright
Flowers. This photograph is the best description of this green and slightly bi-lobed.
beautiful little flower. The petals are dark reddish-purple Flowers. The flower stands above the mass of pseudo-bulbs
and hooded over the labellum which narrows abruptly to on a yellow pedicel. The whole flower has a shine like plastic.
a dark red thread. The upper sepal is erect, very closely The petals are half the size of the sepals and sulphur yellow
veined in red and with a white margin. The long slender in colour. Both sepals and petals have green tips on the
lateral sepals may be separate but are often twisted reverse side. This photograph shows the fruit fly, Droso­
together. They are dark red with a purplish sheen with a phila. in the act of pollinating the flower, which closes up
vivid yellow margin. afterwards and almost every flower sets a poch

Wf ^ f
Wm M ||^9
Bulbophyllum macranthum (Lindl.)

Habitat. Essentially a forest species, B. macranthum is

found up to 1,200 m. Distribution is fairly even throughout
the mainland and islands and west as far as Malaysia and
Plant. The rhizome is strong and woody, with very persistent
sheaths, remaining as groups of fibre at the base of each
leaf and pseudo-bulb. The pseudo-bulbs are light to
medium green, usually smooth, and about 10 to 12 cm
apart. The leaves are fleshy, 25 to 35 cm by 7 cm, narrowed
at the stalk and widest near the rounded top. The rhizome
branches if damaged and, in cultivation, beautiful specimen
plants develop if a sharp cut is made every 6 or so pseudo­
bulbs. making sure there are 3 or 4 strong well-leaved bulbs
in front.
Flowers. The flowers are distinguished by their very beau­
tiful shining petals and sepals, and their wide opening habit,
not very common in Bulbophyllums. The sepals are about
3 by 1 cm, the wide spreading petals slightly smaller. The
upper sepal and petals are white, with many reddish-purple
spots in fairly regular lines. The lateral sepals are yellowish
on the inner edges, similarly spotted on the outer. The lip
has short, spreading side-lobes at the base.

Pollination of Bulbophyllum macranthum

1. Flower newly opened, sweetly scented and ready to wel­

come the pollinator.
2. The insect alights on the slippery sepals, which tip it neatly
on to the column, tail first.
3. In pulling itself out. the insect holds on to the side-lobes
of the lip. Its tail then comes into contact with the rostellum
and the pollinia is removed.
4. This is deposited on to the stigma when the insect visits
another flower. The petals and sepals close shortly after­

Other Orchids

Acampe longifolia Lindl

Habitat. Our plants were found at Kikori in Gulf Province

of Papua New Guinea, but 1 believe this orchid is well dis­
tributed throughout the mainland of Papua New Guinea,
and from the Sikkim Himalayas south to Malaysia. My plants
were found in the forks of large trees 15 m from the Laloki
river bank.
Plant. The stems are sturdy, often branching, and reach a
length of 4 m. The leaves are thick, tough, dark green and
are about 10 to 12 cm long and up to 4 cm wide.
Flowers. The inflorescence is erect, sometimes with one or
two side branches. The flowers are bunched together, not
opening very widely (1.5 cm wide and high). The sepals and
petals are yellow with crimson spots and markings.
Labellum is white with purple spots.

Robiquetia gracilistipes (Schltr.) J. J. Sm. L. Dendrochilum longifolium Rchb. f.

Habitat. An epiphytic orchid which grows on trees or on Habitat. One of the commonest orchids in Papua New
rock faces up to 600 m. It will grow equally well in shade Guinea, growing from 1,000 to 2,500 m in rain forest. It
or in almost direct sunlight. is epiphytic on trees and equally common on cliff faces.
Plant. The stem grows from a strong root system and On the heaps of rocks left by gold mining it settles among
mature plants usually have several short branches develop­ the crevices and grows into large clumps.
ing near the base. It is leafy throughout with long aerial Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are conical in shape, close
roots at many nodes. The leaves are dark green, fleshy and together, 8 to 10 cm long, pale green and smooth. The leaf
brittle. is up to 45 cm long by 7 cm wide, mid-green, and thin tex­
Flowers. The racemes are pendulous, between 20 and tured.
35 cm long, and carry 40 or more flowers, from 7 to 10 mm Flowers. The inflorescence is about as long as the leaf, very
in diameter, a brownish-yellow with tiny dark red spots. The slender and carries up to 40 flowers. They are pale green
labellum is very beautiful, 3-lobed and spurred. The side- and the labellum is sepia coloured. The sepals and petals
lobes are very small but the middle lobe is reversed and are about 9 mm long and are very narrow. The lip has small
pear-shaped. The flowers have a distinct but delicate side-lobes, and the mid-lobe is 2.5 mm wide.

Epiblastus basilis Schltr.

Habitat. A rain forest species from 1,400 m upwards. It

grows among the epiphytes on the branches of the giant
trees, but at about 2,000 m upwards it is common on the
moss-covered banks above the hunting tracks in light shrub
Plant. The plant has pseudo-bulbs of many joints and can
be pendulous or erect. Each shoot produces one folded
leaf, fleshy, shining dark green, and from 5 to 15 cm long.
Flowers. The flowers come from the base of the leaf, 6 or
more, on pedicels up to 8 cm long, dark green. The ovary
is dark rose red as is the mentum and the tips of. the petals
and sepals and the inside are pale pink. The flowers are
long-lasting and the plant seeds freely.

Ephemerantha rhipidolobium Schltr. Ephemerantha comata (Bl.) P. F. Hunt & Summerh.

Habitat. A lowland plant found up to 300 to 400 m in many Habitat. A common lowland forest orchid throughout
situations: rain forest, on the rocky cliff faces and in the Papua New Guinea.
scattered trees in the savannah. Plant. A mature plant has rootless branching stems up to
Plant. The plant has many close erect branched shoots from 1 m long, sometimes erect, sometimes pendulous. Each
20 to 40 cm high; the pseudo-bulbs are slightly flattened, branch is terminated by a pseudo-bulb which decreases in
about 5 by 2 cm. They are greenish-brown and the leaf is size as each one succeeds the other. There is one light green
olive green. leaf to each pseudo-bulb.
Flowers. The flowers are at the base of each leaf, and about Flowers. The flowers are in clusters from the top of each
1.2 cm across. The sepals and petals are white with a suf­ pseudo-bulb, from 1 to 5 or more, and last less than one
fusion of pale green at the base and the sepals are spotted day, but the stems flower frequently. Each flower is about
purple on the reverse side. The labellum is cream with 25 mm wide, deep cream with faint purple lines at the base
purple spots on the side-lobes and at the base of the mid­ of the petals and sepals, the side-lobes purple. The end
lobe, which widens from a narrow base, edges folded, with of the lip is densely fringed with long thick hairs, crimped,
2 wavy keels. and the colour varies from cream to mauve.

Robiquetia c.f. squamulosa J. J. Sm.

Habitat. A lowland species found in coastal rain forest, in

scattered trees in the savannah and in various situations
up to 500 m. It is widely distributed throughout the country
and appears to grow on anything it can take root on.
Plant. A small plant, with a very short stem and fleshy leaves
in the habit of Vanda hindsii. The leaves are curved, to 12
cm long and 3 cm wide. The roots are often 3 or more
small plants clustered close together on the rhizome.
Flowers. The inflorescence is short, with flowers its full
length which is between 6 to 10 cm, and there are 20 or
more flowers crowded all around the stem. They are a bright
uniform gold with a few reddish spots inside and the pedicel
is a lighter yellow.

Robiquetia mooreana (Rolfe) J. J. Sm. Sarcanthus litoreus (J. J. Sm.) Schltr.

Habitat. A beautiful orchid growing on trees in the rain Habitat. A common epiphyte in all parts of the country from
forest from 200 m to over 1,000 m. It prefers shade, but the coast to over 1,000 m. It will grow in almost complete
needs a strong light intensity to flower well. shade and tolerates a lot of sunlight.
Plant. The stems are more or less pendulous turning Plant. The stems are erect, pendulous or scrambling, up
upwards in the lateral third. Often the plant branches at to 30 cm or more, with aerial roots at any point on the
the base, and the stems can be 60 cm long, sometimes stem. The leaves are olive green, 10 to 12 cm long, fleshy,
more. The leaves are 20 cm long and 5 cm wide, glossy grooved and tapering to a point. The stems branch at
dark green, unequally bi-lobed. various nodes and the plant grows into sizable clumps.
Flowers. The inflorescence points straight down to the Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 15 cm long, and has
ground, to 30 cm long, and the rachis is densely covered up to 20 flowers. The sepals and petals are a translucent
with flowers, which gradually open from the bottom up. The white when first opened; the labellum is a pale lilac and
sepals and petals are red, upper sepal concave about 5 by the spur is white with a lilac flush. The whole flower turns
3 cm, lateral sepals a little wider. The lip is red with yellow yellow within a week of opening.
at the base of the column.

Tapeinoglossum centrosemiflorum (J. J. Sm.) Schltr.

Habitat. This small plant is epiphytic on large trees in the

rain forest from 800 m upwards. This is the only plant I
have seen in flower. It was collected in the ranges behind
Varirata in Central Province.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are about 2 cm tall and the same
across the base. They are spaced 3 cm apart on the creeping
rhizome, are olive green in colour, four angled and narrow
sharply to the top. One thin dark green leaf up to 4 cm
long is semi-pendulous from the top of the pseudo-bulb.
Flower. The flower of this delightful miniature resembles
a little duck, and sits straight at the base of each pseudo­
bulb. The colour is dark red and white. We were able to
photograph this plant but unhappily broke it in collection.

Podochilus australiensis (F. M. Bail.) Schltr. Podochilus microphyllus Lindl.

Habitat. Common in the trees in the lowland rain forest, Habitat. Distributed throughout the country in lowland rain
and up to 1,000 m. It is also native in North Queensland. forest to 1,000 m.
The plants are of botanical interest rather than a collector’s Plant. The stems are up to 30 cm long about 10 mm thick.
item. The leaves are very close together, sharply pointed, twisted
Plant. The stems are usually erect, sometimes pendulous, at the base and about 10 by 4 mm. They are a shining
30 cm or more tall, the new stems leafy throughout, the green, suffused with purple on the reverse.
older ones lose their leaves gradually from the base Flowers. The inflorescence comes from the top of the stem
upwards. The leaves are to 5 cm long, thin textured, glossy and also between the leaves. The flowers are in groups of
mid-green. up to 4 in each cluster, and each one is no more than 4
Flowers. The very short inflorescences are borne from or 5 mm long. They are white, the upper sepal hooded and
nodes in the upper half of the stem and there are from the laterals united to form a mentum, all three sometimes
1 to 6 flowers, each about 4 mm in diameter. The colour with a median purple line. The petals have a purple patch
is creamy white with a flush of green. The plants are usually in the centre. The zig-zag pattern of the inflorescence is
in flower for several weeks and it is a very pretty plant. most attractive.

Eria imitans Schltr.

Habitat. The exact distribution of this species is not clear.

It grows as an epiphyte on trees and also as a terrestrial
on the forest floor up to 1,800 m.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are clustered, rather sharply four­
angled, about 50 mm in diameter at the base and less than
25 mm at the top. The leaves are a shining soft green.
Flowers. The inflorescences arise from the tops of the
pseudo-bulbs, usually two at a time, and are green, three­
angled, channelled on the top. They begin to flower two-
thirds of the way up the stem, usually one flower at a time,
more opening as the stem elongates. They are greenish-
yellow, translucent, 3 to 4 cm across. The labellum has two
rows of minute triangular flaps pointing back to the base
of the column. The mid-lobe is a small white hinge and the
large gold-edged and bronze lip hangs from it and the sharp
tip points under.

Eria xanthotricha Schltr. Eria velutina Ldl.

Habitat. This is perhaps the corhmonest of the lowland Habitat. The Trichostosia is a large section and is fairly com­
Erias. epiphytic in forest trees from a little way inland to mon in both lowlands and mountains. It is epiphytic on
about 200 m above sea-level. trees, and the species vary in size according to the harshness
Plant. The stems are up to 20 cm long, usually covered with or otherwise of their surroundings. There are several
the papery remains of the bracts which protect the new leaf. species in this group and nomenclature is doubtful.
There are 3 or 4 leaves, dark shining green, between 15 Plant. This is a clumping plant with stems up to 40 cm long.
and 20 cm long and pointed. The leaves are fleshy, rounded at the top and both stems
Flowers. The flower stems are almost horizontal from near and leaves are densely covered with very short red-brown
the top of the stem and it is not unusual to find a plant hairs.
with 20 or more inflorescences out together, and up to 15 Flowers. Each inflorescence is about 3.5 cm long with about
flowers on each. The sepals and petals are a translucent 6 bracts. The flowers are about 2 cm long and do not open
creamy white, the mid-lobe is bright yellow. Each flower is widely. The colour is pale pink, which is very pretty against
about 2 cm wide and 1.5 cm high. The plant flowers several the dark red hairs on the bracts, stems and leaves.
times a year.

Eria floribunda Lindl.

Habitat. This Eria is found throughout lowland Papua New

Guinea on both mainland and off-shore islands and has
a fairly wide distribution up to Malaysia.
Plant. The stems arise from a creeping rhizome and average
20 to 25 cm in length. It is common to find a plant with
up to 20 or more stems in one clump. The roots are dark
brown, thin and very wiry. The leaves are dark green, thin
and tough, 3 or 4 at the top of each stem. The plant is
Flowers. The inflorescences are horizontal, or nearly so,
from the top of the stem, 7 to 10 cm long, and the flowers
grow right to the base. Flowers are about 2 cm wide and
have a sweet, honey-like scent. The petals and sepals are
creamy yellow with a very beautiful translucent appearance.
The mid-lobe is bright yellow.

Eria bractescens Lindl. Eria javanica Bl.

Habitat. This is one of the commonest orchids in the trees Habitat. A lowland species, epiphytic in trees along water­
alongside the rivers of Western Province, and it is also found courses and rivers. It is common in many parts of the coun­
throughout the country in the lowland forest. try.
Plant. Clumping plants with short stems about 6 cm long Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are erect and ovoid and each has
and 1.5 cm thick. They are greenish-brown, fleshy and the two large foliage leaves and several scale leaves. The new
remnants of the papery bracts are persistent. The leaves shoots emerge first as a strong creeping bud which develops
are from 10 to 12 cm long and very glossy. into a new pseudo-bulb. The size of the plants varies with
Flowers. The stem has creamy bracts, usually a few empty, the amount of exposure to light and wind.
the others shielding the young bud. The sepals and petals Flowers. The inflorescence arises near the top of the
are white with the faintest touch of pink and the side-lobes pseudo-bulb, and can attain 60 cm in length. The flowers
are light purple. The lip has pinkish keels and the mid-lobe usually appear on the full length of the stem, with scape,
is cream. The inflorescence is usually a little longer than rachis and bracts usually hairy. The flowers face in all direc­
the leaf. The sepals have purplish hairs on the back. tions, are about 4 cm wide, pearly white, and with a pleasant

Acriopsis javanica Reinw.

Habitat. A lowland orchid in almost all conditions, savannah

trees, forest trees, old coconut and rubber trees. It is wide­
spread throughout the country.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are ovoid, ridged and 3 to 5 cm
long and have 2 or 3 leaves near the top. The leaves are
thin, to 20 by 1.2 cm, usually smaller.
Flowers. The inflorescence comes from the rhizome, the
total length 40 to 50 cm with a long scape, usually branching
a few times. There are many small flowers set well apart
from each other. The flowers are pale yellowish with a pur­
ple median stripe. The lip forms a tube about 2.5 mm long
with the base of the column: the blade is 3-lobed, 5 to 6
mm long, crimson-purple with white edges. The variety nel-
soniana has white flowers with a touch of yellow.

Grammatophyllum scriptum (L.) Bl. Grammatophyllum papuanum J. J. Sm.

Habitat. An epiphytic orchid common in the lowland forest Habitat. Epiphytic on trees and sometimes on rocks
of New Britain, New Ireland and the North Solomons. It throughout the country up to 1,200 m. It grows high up
is very common on coconut trees in old plantations. in the giant trees and also on rocky outcrops and cliff
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are to 25 cm long and to 9 cm faces.
thick and the plant grows into large clumps with 20 or more Plant. This is the largest orchid in the world. The stems
pseudo-bulbs. The leaves are mid-green and the roots are are thick, fleshy and up to 4 m long. The leaves are thin
numerous, erect, branching around the plant and usually textured, alternate and overlapping on the stem.
encircling the branch or tree it is on. Flowers. The flowering stems are up to 2 m long, and carry
Flowers. Inflorescence is to 2 m long and curves gracefully up to 40 flowers each about 25 to 30 cm across. The bottom
out from the base of the pseudo-bulbs, with between 20 3 to 5 flowers are abnormal having two petals, no lip and
and 30 flowers. The colour is-greenish (rare plants are an abortive column. The normal flowers are about 10 cm
yellow) suffused with brown, about 8 cm across. The flowers wide. The sepals and petals are wide spreading, greenish-
last for several weeks and seed freely. yellow, with large reddish-brown blotches. Another variety
has olive green petals thickly dotted with small dark reddish

Luisia teretifolia Gaud.

Habitat. Widely distributed from Australia to Malaysia, there

is still some doubt as to the correct nomenclature of the
Luisias. This is a lowland species, to 900 m, and is epi­
Plant. The stems spring from a woody rhizome and are
branched near the base, or in the lateral third. They are
dark brown and of many nodes, between 10 to 30 mm tall.
The roots are few, but extensively branched. Leaves are
dark olive green, and pencil-shaped.
Flowers. The small flowers are turned in all directions,
usually close to the stem. Petals are greenish-yellow with
the tips curled inwards; sepals are greener and the labellum
is broad, dark purple and minutely hairy. Each flower is
about 12 mm across, and usually 1 to 3 open at a time,
in each cluster.

Ascoglossum calopterum (Rchb.f.) Schltr. Vandopsis warocqueana (Rolfe) Schltr.

Habitat. Epiphytic in habit, it is usually found high up in Habitat. Widely distributed in lowland areas, on both
the spreading branches of leafy trees. It is often collected mainland and islands. It grows on rocks and cliff faces as
in old plantations. giant plants many metres long. A colour variety grows on
Plant. The leafy stems usually curve out from the branch, trees beside the sea on North Solomons and is short.
turning up at the apex, about 60 cm long, but smaller plants Plant. Stems are very robust from 1 to 3 m long. The aerial
are common. The leaves are very rigid, 25 cm long and roots appear at intervals as the stem lengthens; the stem
25 cm wide, unequally bi-lobed at the tip. They are dark is leafy throughout its length.
green, often with a suffusion of purple. Flowers. The inflorescences, which appear from buds be­
Flowers. The inflorescence is usually many-branched, tween the leaves as the plant grows upwards, develop two
following the same curve as the leaf stem. The flowers are or more at a time. They are branching, from 20 to 35 cm
many, rather densely set and a beautiful magenta-purple long and many flowered, each to 2.5 cm long and wide,
in colour, each flower 25 mm long and from 40 or more slightly fragrant when first opened. Colour is variable in dif­
in number. The labellum has a distinct spur. ferent areas. Basic colour is cream, liberally spotted inside
with dull red; petals are dark, almost black-purple on the
reverse. Side-lobes erect, pointed, white, median lobe white
Grammatophyllum papuanum, plant in flower. on top.

I have followed a long carrier line up and into the far blue mountains, on horizons like this—

At the little grass airstrip at Wagau, in New Guinea, after

a trek into the Mapos Mountains, we waited for a small one-
engined plane that forgot to come on the right day.
Saccolabium rhopalorrachis Rchb.f.

Habitat. Very common in small trees in the lowland savan­

nahs of Papua. It has been collected in several other parts
of the mainland.
Plant. The stems of this orchid vary from 25 to 150 mm
long, narrow and oblong in shape, thick and light green
in colour. The 4 to 8 leaves are thick, narrowly oblong, pale
green, about 12 cm long and 3 cm wide.
Flowers. The stem of the inflorescence is club-shaped,
which accounts for its specific name: the Greek word
rhopalon, a club. It flowers in spasms over a period of 3
to 4 months, with from 2 to 8 flowers open at one time.
The whole flower is less than 12 mm wide and long. A deep
cream with gold markings on the labellum.

Sarcanthus bicornis J. J. Sm. Sarcochilus moorei (Rchb.f.) Schltr.

Habitat. A rain forest species distributed widely in Papua Habitat. Epiphytic on large trees from the coast to 1,000 m,
New Guinea. It is common in the forests up to 600 m. well distributed from the mainland to the islands.
Plant. The stems are slender, branching and pendulous, and Plant. Variable in size and leaf colour. In plants collected
the end of each branch turns upward. The base is attached in rain forests, the 3 to 5 leaves are usually up to 20 cm
to the tree with strong roots, and there are aerial roots all long and about 4 to 5 cm wide, soft and dark green. Plants
along the branches. The leaves are dark green, slightly growing on trees overhanging the sea have purplish leaves.
grooved and about 75 mm long. The plant is usually pendulous, or partially so, and the wide,
Flowers. The flowering spikes come between the leaves, flattish roots run for long distances along the branch.
each branch having 10 to 12 spikes, about 57 mm long, Flowers. The raceme is pendulous, usually pushing out
of up to 15 small intricately shaped flowers. The sepals and from the base of the plant up to 10 cm and then arching
petals are glistening white; the lobes are tipped with purple gracefully down. The buds develop very quickly. There are
and the lip has two purple keels. The flowers open in succes­ 20 or more flowers each about 25 mm wide and all flowers
sion and turn yellow with age. on the stem open together. They only last one day. They
vary in colour from cream to deep yellow, and are heavily
spotted with purplish-brown.

fi mm ■ %
Spathoglottis Bl.

This is a large genus, found in many countries, from

northern India to southern China, throughout Malaysia,
down through Papua New Guinea to Australia and as far
into the Pacific as Samoa and New Caledonia.
The exact distribution of the 20 or more species in Papua
New Guinea is unknown. Many of these have several varia­
tions. They range from the coast to the lowlands, the savan­
nahs, small islands and the swamps to the high mountains.
They are terrestrial, growing in sunny situations, and
some such as S. riuularis Schltr. grow on the rocks in the
grassy slopes below Varirata. Not usually deciduous, the
leaves die in the long dry, and the bulbs are protected by
the dead stalks and foliage of other plants.
Spathoglottis riuularis is impossible to recognise when not
in flower, as the foliage in most species is so similar. The
distinctive feature about this species is the colour, a shining
rosy purple with reddish-purple side-lobes, and the large

S. plicata has long been a cultivated garden plant, and This species is S. portus finschii Krzl., found in the drier
under cultivation many plants have responded with lush lowland grasslands such as the Markham Valley. The plant
foliage and stronger stems. The same thing applies to cer­ is deciduous during the worst of the dry weather, but invari­
tain plants in the wild: optimum conditions produce much ably flowers on the leafless pseudo-bulbs following isolated
improved plants or flowers and a horticultural name is given storms or temperature changes.
to that plant, which further adds to the identification The flowers are among the largest in the genus, often
problem. Holttum says that there is reasonable doubt if S. 5 cm across, and the sepals and petals are beautifully
plicata is a Papua New Guinea species. The one pictured shaped. The labellum and side-lobes are bright red, but the
here has been called S. plicata var. alba. colour of the flower varies from white through pinkish-
mauve, lilac to dark purple. The flowers have a velvety
An interesting point about this plant is that it seldom
branches, each bulb succeeds another and the back bulbs
die off as the plants increase. The plant favours steep grass-
covered cliffs.

Sarcochilus moorei Schltr. A teak post in the National Capi­

tal Botanic Gardens.
Schoenorchis densiflora Schltr.

Habitat. Probably widespread throughout the country, but

first collected by me on Sogeri Plateau. It is quite common
on old rubber trees, and also in the forest at Musgrave River.
It is always epiphytic, usually in branches protected by the
Plant. The whole plant rarely exceeds 15 to 20 cm and
grows into small tangled clumps. The leaves are dark green,
thick textured, and channelled, about 6 by 1 cm.
Flowers. The flowering stem is usually less than 3 cm long
with between 6 to 20 minute white flowers. They are very
dainty, long-lasting and bell-shaped. The plant grows very
readily on coconut husks, or in small wooden baskets.

Thrixspermum arachnites (Bl.) Reicht).f. Thrixspermum platystachys (F. M. Bail.) Schltr.

Habitat. Common in lowland Papua New Guinea. It often Habitat. This is a lowland species epiphytic on rain forest
appears on the branches of very old Hibiscus and Crotons trees, distributed from Northern Australia to many localities
in settled areas, growing into a sizable, tangled clump on in Papua New Guinea.
the lower part of the shrubs. Plant. The stems are from 15 to 35 cm long, very often
Plant. The stems are of many internodes, about 25 cm long. branched and with a few to several leaves between 8 to
The plant attaches itself very firmly to its support, and also 10 cm long and 2 to 4 cm wide. The plant is often held
has long, white aerial roots from many parts of the stem. on to the host tree by just a few of the many roots.
Leaves are a light yellowish-green, rather fleshy in texture, Flowers. The inflorescence is about 20 cm long, the flower­
each one about 12 cm by 2 cm. ing portion is flattened and consists of two rows of overlap­
Flowers. The inflorescence has a scape about 80 cm long ping bracts. The flowers appear one or two at a time over
and the rachis elongates to 15 cm with flattened, slightly a period of twelve months or so. Each flower is about 4
curvy bracts, from each of which comes a delicate flower, to 6 cm in diameter, cream with an orange and white lip.
usually two at a time. The petals and sepals are pale yellow, They open in the early morning and close before the sun
and the whitish labellum is spotted with orange-red. goes down.

Vanda hindsii (Ldl.)

Habitat. Widespread throughout Papua New Guinea, V.

hindsii grows on a variety of trees, in strong light or in fil­
tered sunshine.
Plant. Specimen plants up to 1 m tall develop very quickly
and have a clumping habit. Leaves are dark green, straplike,
alternate, to 45 cm long, 4 to 5 cm wide, and are tough
and leathery.
Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 40 cm long and has
8 to 12 flowers in the top half. Each flower is up to 35
mm across and long. There is little difference in the size
of petals and sepals. Colour is variable but the more usual
form is a bright cinnamon brown with a yellow margin.
There is also a very rare pure yellow form.

Diplocaulobium tipula J. J. Sm. Diplocaulobium hydrophyllum J. J. Sm.

Habitat. The plants grow on trees on the edge of the rain Habitat. A rain forest species seldom found below 500 m.
forest. They require good light but not direct sunshine. This It is epiphytic and is usually found in more shade than the
species is common throughout the country. other lowland species of Diplocaulobium.
Plant. The plant has creeping and branching rhizomes and Plant. The pseudo-bulbs clump together, up to 100 or more,
the pseudo-bulbs are quite close to each other, from 10 with a particularly strong root mass. The stems are slender,
to 15 cm long. The pseudo-bulbs narrow about 2 cm from rising from the swollen bases which are covered with large
the base and are slender and bright brown in colour. Each thin papery bracts. The slender leaf is very dark green and
one has a shining dark green leaf. the pseudo-bulbs reddish-brown.
Flowers. The flowers come from a bract near the base of Flowers. The flowers are on white pedicels 1.5 to 2 cm long.
the leaf. The petals and sepals are glistening white for two- The sepals and petals are white at the base, about 3.5 cm
thirds of their length when they change to bright reddish- long, narrowing very abruptly and changing to bright yellow.
orange. The labellum is golden yellow and the tip turns The flowers are among the prettiest in this large genus and
under. The flowers turn pink in the late afternoon, and die are star-shaped when first open. They change to pink and
very quickly. fall off by evening.

Diplocaulobium arachnoideum (Schltr.) Krzl.

Habitat. Common in lowland forest and one of the pioneer

plants which establishes itself in large numbers in mature
rubber trees or coconut palms on plantations. It likes strong
light but little sun.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are in the usual clump formation
and the stems are up to 18 cm from the swollen base, a
deep blackish-brown. The leaf is up to 6 cm long and 4
cm wide, bright shining green.
Flowers. A feature of this plant is the multiple flowering
of some of the stems, up fo 4 flowers out at a time. The
sepals and petals are very slender, yellow for three-quarters
of their length and white near the base. The beautiful
labellum is bright gold.

Dipodium punctatum (J. E. Sm.) R. Br. Dipodium pandanum F. M. Bail.

Habitat. Common in the grasslands but not in the forest. Habitat. Common in the lowland rain forest in many parts
It is a wet season species in Papua, appearing soon after of both mainland and islands. Usually epiphytic, they will
the rains begin. grow among the roots and moss of the forest floor. On
Plant. This is a leafless plant and depends on some sort many islands off the coast they are found on the top of
of fungal symbiosis for existence. So far, cultivation has cliffs, beneath the trees and often hanging over the edge.
failed. It has a small underground rhizome with a mat of Plant. The stem is long, climbing, and roots at any point.
thick fleshy roots. The inflorescence comes from an The leaves are very closely two-ranked with over-lapping
offshoot of the rhizome. bases, each about 25 cm long; where the stem is broken,
Flowers. The inflorescence is from 30 to 40 cm long and a new side shoot will develop below the break.
carries up to 50 flowers 25 mm across. The colour varies Flowers. The scape is about 20 cm long and the flowering
from pale pink to dark purple, usually spotted with purple portion about the same, and there are up to 12 or more
in the lower half of the petals and sepals. It seeds freely flowers. The sepals and petals are about equal in size, pale
and our research has shown that it does not always come yellow with dark purplish-red blotches on the back. The lip
up in the same place. is striped with purple and the apical half has long white

Geodorum densiflorum (Lan.) Schltr.

Habitat. This is a terrestrial orchid distributed from New

South Wales in Australia to Papua New Guinea. Here it
is found throughout the country, from the lowland
grasslands to 1,000 m.
Plant. Deciduous, with clumping pseudo-bulbs, which are
above ground for half their length. There are 3 to 5 pleated
green leaves from 10 to 30 cm tall and about 4 to 5 cm
across the centre.
Flowers. The inflorescence has a fleshy green stem which
bends over at the top in a perfect U shape. The flowers
are clustered on the down-pointing portion of the stem, but
once they are fertilised the stem lengthens until it is straight.
The flowers are pale pink, sometimes white and a darker

Cadetia taylori (F. Muell.) Schltr. Cadetia potamophila Schltr

Habitat. Usually found in rain forest trees up to 600 m. Habitat. The Cadetias are distributed throughout the coun­
Widely distributed in other areas throughout Papua New try and are one of the commonest orchids in the open
Guinea. savannah forest. They are epiphytic on large and small
Plant. A clump-forming plant, often collected in dense mats trees, and often on clay banks and rocky outcrops.
20 cm long and wide. The stems are angular with 3 blunt Plant. The plant grows into extensive mats of closely packed
edges, and about 10 cm long. Each one bears a solitary stems. Each stem is up to 100 mm by 5 mm long and the
leaf, up to 75 mm wide, rounded and slightly bi-lobed at leaf from 45 mm by 10 mm. The leaves are thick, firm and
the tip. The leaves are fleshy and light green. fleshy, medium green in colour.
Flowers. One flower—very occasionally two—comes from Flowers. The sepals are about 6 by 2 mm; petals are about
the base of the leaf, each bud emerging from a yellow-green 6 by 0.5 mm, slender, slightly recurved. The mid-lobe has
bract. The flower is about 12 mm in diameter and pure a touch of yellow. Although Schlechter lists over 40 species
glistening white. The mid-lobe has a tinge of pinkish yellow. in the genus, there are known to be about 50 altogether.
A plant with 50 of these small flowers out at one time is Very few have at this stage been collected and positively
a truly beautiful sight. identified. More work is required.

Ceratostylis humilis J. J. Sm.

Habitat. The Ceratostylis are a particularly interesting genus

and there are over 60 species known to science. Schlechter
alone lists over 40 and others have been found since his
death. The centre of the greatest distribution is Papua New
Guinea and the range is greater in the cooler altitudes.
Plant. The plant grows in mat-forming clumps. The rhizome
is creeping and covered with many brown sheaths as are
the pseudo-bulbs and leaf stalks. The leaves are semi-terete,
dark green and joined to the rhizome.
Flowers. The inflorescence is always terminal and the leaf
is joined to the stem just below it. The flowers are pure
glistening white and appear at any time during the year.
It is very unusual to find a plant without at least 2 or 3
flowers open.

Coelogyne beccarii Rchb. Coelogyne asperata Lindl.

(Synonym: Coelogyne pustulosa) Ridl.
Habitat. Widespread in many parts of Papua New Guinea
from 300 to 1,200 m, colonising freely in the old rubber Habitat. Widely distributed from Papua New Guinea to
plantations. Epiphytic on trees with maximum light and little Sumatra, C. asperata is an adaptable species which grows
direct sunshine. on almost anything from the coast up to 1,000 m. It forms
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are smooth, oval, dark green and huge clumps in trees, on the forest floor and on the rocks
emerge from a series of pale green bracts from the top in the grasslands and cliff faces above the roads.
of which two strongly-ribbed, shining green leaves appear, Plant. A large plant will have as many as 50 pseudo-bulbs,
which grow to 20 to 30 cm long. The pseudo-bulb widens each 150 mm long, broadly conical and set very closely
and firms after flowering. together. The leaves are usually in pairs, a clear mid-green,
Flowers. The inflorescence comes with the new leaves and 600 by 120 mm.
grows with them. Two or three flowers open successively Flowers. The inflorescence has from 15 to 20 creamy white
sometimes two weeks apart. The petals and sepals are glist­ flowers along the full length, usually to 30 cm long. The
ening white, almost translucent. The magnificent labellum mid-lobe is white, fleshy, with two broad keels covered with
has warm cinnamon-brown side-lobes and keels, which raised wart-like lumps which are a beautiful bronze-brown
open deep black and lighten to brown within two days. colour.

Coelogyne alata

Habitat. The distribution of this species is not fully known.

It is common in the Daga in southern Papua and I have
found it on Sogeri Plateau, always in very old rubber trees
or the remnants of rain forest above plantations.
Plant. This is a small species, with shiny green pseudo-bulbs
each with one leaf, 15 to 20 cm. The new pseudo-bulbs are
strongly sheathed and the inflorescence appears with each
new growth.
Flowers. As the rachis elongates, the covering bracts fall
and the flowers open, usually singly but sometimes in pairs.
The sepals and petals are creamy white. The petals are nar­
row, almost horizontal and the upper sepal is hooded over
the column. The wide labellum has bright orange side-lobes
and mid-lobe.

Acanthephippium papuanum Schltr. Calanthe chrysantha Schltr.

Habitat. This is a genus of about 10 species, found mainly Habitat. This is a plant of the forest floor. It grows in rain
in the Pacific-Asiatic tropics. This species has been found forest, under the canopy, and in company with ferns, Ges-
in many parts of island and mainland Papua New Guinea, neriads and other orchids. It needs deep mulch, shade and
always in shady, moist locations on the forest floor. This the cool nights of the mountains. It is found in many areas
may well be identical with A. jauanicum Bl. of Malaysia. in Papua New Guinea up to 1,000 to 2,000 m.
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are thick and fleshy, about 25 mm Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are small, woody and on a creeping
long and 5 mm thick, with about 4 large leaves near the rhizome. The leaves are thin, sharp-edged, dark green and
top; the leaf blades are about 50 by 5 mm. to 40 cm tall.
Flowers. The flower spikes are fleshy, and carry between Flowers. The beautiful bright gold of these flowers is a joy
5 and 7 flowers. The basic colour is creamy-pink with in the dark rain forest. The stem is usually 30 to 40 cm
reddish-purple stripes and spots. The sepals which form the tall, light green and with 20 or more small flowers, each
sac-like structure of the flowers are about 6 mm long and about 1.5 cm long. The flowers open over a period from
partially united, and the petals are very much reduced. the bottom upwards and seed prolifically.

Calanthe triplicata (Willem) Ames

Habitat. A very widely distributed orchid from parts of Aus­

tralia through Papua New Guinea. Indonesia, Malaysia,
India and on to China. It is a forest floor species growing
in deep leaf litter, most often near creeks and rivers. It likes
only the dappled light that filters down from the tree tops.
Plant. An evergreen terrestrial orchid, with a large clump
of fleshy pseudo-bulbs, most of which are above ground
level. The leaves are dark green, pleated in appearance,
about 50 mm long and 15 mm wide. There is a silvery sheen
to the mature leaves.
Flowers. The scape is about 60 mm long, with several small
greenish bracts. The beautiful, glistening white flowers are
crowded on the rachis, each about 2.5 to 3.5 mm wide.

Diplocaulobium regale Schltr. Diplocaulobium chrysotropsis Schltr.

Habitat. Diplocaulobium regale is a high mountain forest Habitat. Epiphytic on trees in many parts of Papua New
species and is epiphytic on moss-covered trees from about Guinea—in Port Moresby often found on Antidesma
1.200 m upwards. ghaesembilla trees in company with Dendrobium william-
Plant. Each stem arises abruptly from its small round base sianum. Common also on trees in forest margins on river
up to 35 cm. The lower part of the stem is covered in golden banks.
brown viscid sheaths. The solitary leaf is dark green and Plant. This is a mat-forming plant with small pseudo-bulbs
very shiny. and narrow, olive green leaves, less than 50 mm long. The
Flowers. The flowers are protected by a narrow, sheath in pseudo-bulbs are on a strong rhizome and branch in all
the folded base of the leaf. Each stem produces 1 or 2 directions, sometimes completely encircling a branch in
flowers over a long period, each flower lasting 1 to 2 days. mats 300 to 600 mm long.
The flowers are large, between 2 to 4 cm across. The petals Flowers. Pure white flowers stand out from the mat of leaves
and sepals are more or less equal, 2 to 3 cm long and less on 50 mm long white pedicels. The mid-lobe is light yellow.
than 12 mm wide. The colour is deep rose pink inside, royal This is the most enchanting of the species, lasting 2 to 4
rose red outside. days.
Diplocaulobium chrysotropis Schltr.—a beautiful clump 10
by 30 cm, growing on a tree fern slab.

n a
Diplocaulobium glabrum (J. J. Sm.) Krzl.

Habitat. Epiphytic on trees in or near the rain forest. Fairly

com m on on the old rubber trees.
Plant. M at-form ing with many 25 to 50 mm pseudo-bulbs,
close together on a tough, branching rhizome. Leaves are
a little larger, widest at the base, narrowing to a bi-lobed
tip and dark green.
Flowers. The flowers are star-shaped, less than 25 mm wide
and long, creamy white. They last less than a day, but flower

Thelasis carin ata Bl. Appendicula reflexa Bl.

Habitat. The distribution of this species is very wide in the Habitat. A forest species from the lowlands to about 1,000
south east Asian tropics. It is always epiphytic and most m. Epiphytic on tall moss-covered trees overhanging the
often found high up in large forest trees in company with water.
other orchids, Gesneriads, Rhododendrons and Aroids, Plant. The stems (pseudo-bulbs) are erect, up to 45 cm tall
from 400 to 600 m. with leaves alternate, each about 30 mm long, and less than
Plant. The stems are tufted, flattened and with about 5 light 12 mm wide. The colour of the leaves varies with habitat,
green leaves. It grows into very compact plants with up to from dark green to purplish-bronze. As a general rule, plants
10 stems. from highest up in the m ountains have the longest leaves.
Flowers. The flowers are tiny, white and petals are about Flowers. The small flower spikes are somewhat pendulous,
5 mm, sepals slightly smaller. The structure of the labellum usually in groups of 6 to 19, with up to 12 minute flowers,
is very interesting: the lip is about 4 mm long, tip shortly most exquisitely shaped. The petals and sepals are greenish
pointed, base suddenly widened, concave, with a nectary and the lip white.
on each side.

Agrostophyllum majus Hk.f.

Habitat. Epiphytic on trees in a wide variety of habitats. It

grows in dense shade and in almost full sun; found on tall
forest trees and small scrubby trees in the savannah. It is
common throughout the islands.
Plant. The stems are up to 50 cm long, flattened and widen­
ing slightly towards the tip. The leaves are two-ranked, nar­
row, thin and with overlapping sheaths. It is common to
find a huge clump of Agrostophyllum with up to 30 or more
Flowers. The inflorescences are in terminal heads of many
white flowers, each about 5 to 7 mm in diameter. The lip
is sac-shaped at the base. The plant is an asset in any collec­
tion for its beautiful green leaves and a pot specimen is
a useful plant in the background for show purposes.

Phaius tancarvilliae (Bl.) O.Ktze. Arachnis beccarii J. J. Sm.

Habitat. Phaius tanceruilliae is very widespread from the Habitat. On the highest cliffs, on the hottest rocks, grows
lowlands to about 1,000 m. The common name is ‘kunai the gigantic A. beccarii. Very little is known of its exact dis­
orchid’ after the long grass in which it is often found. tribution, but it is common on the Sogeri Plateau.
Plant. The size of the plant usually conforms to the ground Plant. The plant resembles a giant strap leaf vanda; leaves
cover: the leaves are longer in tall grass, usually from 30 are up to 3 m long and the plant itself often over 2 m.
to 90 cm long. The pseudo-bulbs are above the ground The tough, leathery leaves are a dull yellowish-green. The
and each one will develop from 4 to 7 leaves, thin textured woody rhizome elongates backwards and many small plants
and pleated. grow from it, eventually forming huge, impenetrable
Flowers. The stem is up to 120 cm tall and has a head clumps.
of large flowers, up to 12 and about 10 cm wide. The sepals Flowers. The inflorescence is 5 to 7 m tall, with very many
and petals are chalk white on the back, and a reddish-brown branches and many flowers each 3 to 4 cm across. The
on the inside. The labellum is trumpet-shaped, whitish out­ sepals and petals are widely separated, the petals slightly
side, dark red inside and purplish at the apex. The colour wider than the sepals. Colour is a warm gold very liberally
is variable according to the light in which it is growing. A blotched with tan-brown. Column and side-lobes and up­
form with yellow on the insides of the petals and sepals turned labellums are yellow. There are vivid purple markings
and a yellow labellum is not rare, but it is always in the inside the lip and the column cap is white.
higher altitudes.
Phalaenopsis amabilis Bl. var. papuana Schltr.

Habitat. Native from Northern Australia, through Papua

New Guinea and from Java up through Borneo to the Philip­
pines, this is a very variable species. The differences are
minor, size of flowers, breadth of mid-lobe etc. It is found
from Rossel Island at the tip of Papua and in high forest
trees up to 1,500 m.
Plant. Epiphytic on large trees near water. The dark green
leaves are 10 to 30 cm long, stand out from the tree and
are pendulous. The short base is attached to the trees by
long, wide, fleshy roots.
Flowers. The inflorescences are sometimes 1 m long and
usually with several branches. Each branch carries up to
15 long-lasting flowers, about 40-70 mm in diameter, pure
white with a few spots of yellow on the lip.

Phreatia baileyana Schltr. Phreatia robusta Rogers

Habitat. Usually found as an epiphyte growing on trees in Habitat. Epiphytic in trees of the lowland rain forest
the rain forest or on rock faces above rivers. It has a wide throughout the country, especially on coastal trees.
distribution from northern Australia to Papua New Guinea. Plant. Often called the ‘fan orchid’ for its shape. The base
The plant photographed here was collected on a mature of the fan appears to be swollen, but this is caused by the
rubber tree. persistent sheathing bases of the leaves. Usual height is
Plant. A small orchid, usually of many stems, sometimes about 15 cm; leaves from 6 to 10, in a perfect fan. The
branching and with 3 to 6 leaves. The whole plant is about plants are very small when they flower and as each new
40 to 50 mm tall. leaf comes up, the plant widens and the base becomes
Flowers. The inflorescence is almost as tall as the plant and thicker.
appears from the leaf axils. The tiny flowers are white or Flowers. The long slender green stalk comes between the
cream with light brown bracts. upper leaves: usually erect and about 20 mm long. There
are numerous, small white flowers, about 2 mm in diameter,
on the top two-thirds of the stem. This Phreatia is one of
many: Schlechter alone described 75 species; research may
Arachnis muellerii cultivated in the National Capital Botanic prove many are only varieties.

Camarotis papuana J. J. Sm.

Habitat. This is a common orchid in the rain forest near

Sirinumu. This and many other plants of the same species
were rescued from the tree-tops in the drowned forest of
Sirinumu dam.
Plant. The stems are long, climbing, with many roots, both
clinging and aerial. The leaves are narrow, dark green and
fleshy; about 10 cm long and about half as wide, well spaced
on each stem. The plant has many erect stems, makes an
attractive plant, with green leaves in the upper half.
Flowers. The racemes are erect, standing out from the
plant, and each about 25 to 30 cm long, with from 12 to
20 flowers. The petals and sepals are yellowish; the column
and side-lobes are white and the saccate tip is creamy
yellow. One of the many climbing Vandaceous orchids in
the lowland forest.

Pholidota pallida Ldl. Pom atocalpa marsupiale Krzl.

Habitat. Widely distributed from Australia to China. It grows Habitat. Very widely distributed in Papua New Guinea from
epiphytically on trees and rock faces. the coast to about 70 m above sea level, sometimes higher,
Plant. The pseudo-bulbs are in tight clumps, up to 30 each in the dry forests. Epiphytic on large trees.
with a solitary grey-green leaf. The pseudo-bulbs are up to Plant. Size variable from 80 cm to 1 m tall. Leaves are large,
12 cm, usually smooth, conical and greyish-green. Plants strap-like, fleshy and yellowish-green in colour. A well grown
growing on the rocks are often furrowed and more compact mature plant often branches at the base, making a sizable
in size. Leaves are thick textured and pleated. clump.
Flowers. Often called the necklace orchid for the arrange­ Flowers. The inflorescence is tall, often up to 90 cm, branch­
ment of the flowers, the inflorescence is terminal on the ing and with a crowded, almost flat head of flowers near
pseudo-bulb, and develops with it and the new leaf. The the top of the stem. Each flower is about 13 mm wide and
stalk is erect but the flowering part is pendulous. There are long. Sepals and petals are greenish-yellow inside, dark
up to 50 flowers, usually 1.5 cm across, round in shape purple outside, lightening to minute spots about half way
and creamy white. up. The labellum is a yellow pouch with erect side lobes
and pointed tip.

Renanthcra edelfeldtii F.V.M. & Krzl.

Habitat. A scrambling orchid on cliff faces, rocky outcrops

and river banks, up to 500 m. Common on mainland and
islands in many parts of Papua New Guinea.
Plant. The stems are long and climbing, usually branching,
especially if the growing tip is broken. The leaves are
oblong, well spaced, thick and about 100 to 150 mm long
and yellowish-green if grown in sun. The long aerial roots
develop as the stems elongate, sometimes reaching 1 m
in length.
Flowers. The inflorescence is horizontal, branched and has
up to 40 bright red flowers, each about 18 mm long and
12 mm wide. Once this plant settles down in cultivation it
is very attractive. Grows well on a 1 m length of teak and
fibre, standing in a pot.

Porphyrodesme papuana Schltr. Pomatocalpa macphersonii (F. Muell.) T. T. Hunt

Habitat. Little is known of the distribution of this orchid. Habitat. An eastern tropical species epiphytic in rain forest
It is a lowland forest species epiphytic on tall trees. I have trees, especially in Western Province. The plant extends
collected it once in the Lae area, and twice on the Sogeri from North Queensland to Papua New Guinea.
Plateau at about 600 m. Plant. The stems of this plant are up to 10 cm long, the
Plant. A rambling branching plant, with stems up to 4 m roots are long, up to 3 mm in diameter. The leaves are
with many aerial roots. The stems are brittle, about 5 mm yellowish-green to 6 cm long and from 2 to 3 cm wide.
in diameter. The leaves are very dark green in the top third Flowers. The racemes are up to 10 cm usually less, with
of each branch, up to 9 cm long and 4 cm wide. from a few to 30 flowers. The flowers are about 10 to 15
Flowers. The inflorescence varies in length, up to 6 to 8 mm in diameter, yellow with red markings, and the lip is
cm, branching and bright red. The beautiful little flowers white with red markings. The sepals and petals are rather
are a darker red about 5 to 8 mm across the petals and broad, and the side-lobes short; the front lobe is thick and
sepals. The labellum has a touch of yellow in it and the fleshy and curves downward. The inflorescence curves near
spur is rounded, deep red. the base and points downwards.

Pomatocalpa leucanthum Schltr.

Habitat. Epiphytic in large trees in lowland forest areas up

to 700 m. The only collections I have made of this plant
are in swamp forest trees of the Upper Sepik and again
in similar conditions on the Bensbach River.
Plant. Stems are up to 30 cm or more, thick and woody.
The yellowish-green leaves are up to 30 cm long and 5 cm
wide, leathery, apex rounded and bi-lobed. It is similar in
form to P. marsupiale.
Flowers. Inflorescence to 25 cm, branched, stiffly spreading,
each to 10 cm lorrg. The flowers are close together, creamy
yellow, with touches of red. The labellum is typical of the
genus, with the lip saccate and the tongue on its back wall.
The inflorescence is erect and the flowers very long-

Hippeophyllum scortechinii (Hk. F.) Schltr. Hippeophyllum micranthum Schltr.

Habitat. This is one of the many small orchids in the lowland Habitat. A common plant in the lowland forest throughout
rain forest, always in shade and common in trees on the the mainland, and on some of the offshore islands in the
river banks. reefs. It is sometimes found growing on the ground near
Plant. Stems are 4 to 6 cm apart, short, and with up to the ridge tops up to 1,000 m.
6 leaves, each to 20 to 25 cm long and 1 to 2 cm wide. Plant. The branching stems arise from a woody and elon­
They are dark green, fleshy, straight, and not widely diver­ gating base with up to 4 leaves on each stem. The leaves
ging. The plant is pendulous. are a light yellowish-green, thick and fleshy, slightly
Flowers. The inflorescence is to 20 cm long with a short rounded in the middle. Each new branch sends out new
scape. The many very small flowers are less than 3 mm roots.
long and wide, and burnt orange in colour, with a yellowish Flowers. The inflorescence is up to 15 cm, erect, with the
lip. The sepals are slightly reflexed, with the edges turned top slightly arched. The many flowers are minute,
back, petals are narrow, curving forwards and the lip is con­ greenish-white with a yellowish lip. Each flower has a
cave at the base with raised side-lobes and a reflexed mid­ pointed green bract. The habit of the plant is very like
lobe. The flowers are very long-lasting. Oberonia.

Paphiopedilum violasccns Schltr.

Habitat. The only member of the genus Paphiopedilum

in the eastern half of Papua New Guinea. It has been
found in several locations in various parts of the country:
in the mountains behind Kui in the Huon Gulf, in the
Waria Valley below Garaina and in 1974, following the
reading of a report by Dr Brass with the Archbold Expedi­
tion of 1937, we found it in its thousands on Normanby
Island, Milne Bay. Some years ago it was found on Karkar
Island off Madang growing up the steep slopes to the
crater (which is still irritably spitting smoke). Unhappily
most of the plants which were easy to obtain were stripped
out by ‘orchid lovers’ who could not grow them on the
coast anyway.

Plant. The leaves are about 15 cm long, mottled dark and Flowers. The scape is reddish-brown and carries one flower,
light green, and do not make large clumps. Single shoots between 4 and 5 cm in diameter. The upper sepal is about
are predominant in any colony, some plants having two, 2.5 cm long, narrows abruptly in the middle and forms a
and a few with three or more. slight hood. The centre narrows to a sharp point. Basic
Paphiopedilum wenworthianum and P. zieckianum from colour is yellowish-green with close purple shading in the
the North Solomons Province (formerly called Bougain­ lateral half. The petals, up to 4 cm long, are whitish with
ville) are probably synonymous with P. uiolascens. All the the outside half of each a clear bronze-purple and purple
plants I have seen of these three have little or no dif­ veins are closely set on the other half. The tips have a tiny
ference, only perhaps darker colouring in the petals and point and are greenish-white. The pouch is yellowish-green
labellum. to about 5 cm long with brown overtones. The indexed side-
lobes are sometimes marked with dull purple.
The ecological conditions under which it grows are very
stringent. It grows in deep leaf litter under the canopy,
where it gets very good light but little or no sunlight. It
can withstand periods of drought in its natural habitat and
will not tolerate over-watering.

Oberonia anceps Lindl.

Habitat. A lowland species found in many situations from

deep shade to fairly exposed positions. It is epiphytic on
a variety of trees and often appears on coconut palms
in old village sites.
Plant. The stems are up to 30 cm long, usually smaller;
the stems and leaves together are about 2 to 3 cm wide.
The leaves are flattened and yellowish-green. The stems
die off after flowering and setting seed.
Flowers. The inflorescence is about 8 to 10 cm long,
densely covered with flowers for all its length. The minute
flowers are bright orange, with broad bracts with toothed
edges. The flowers are long-lasting, pendulous and make
an attractive plant in a collection.

Oxyanthera papuana Schltr.

Habitat. A terrestrial orchid of the forest floor, usually found Habitat. A small plant which usually grows on the branches
in the 600 to 1,000 m altitude range. It grows in deep shade of lowland rain forest trees at about 500 m in company
and forest litter, and is found in all parts of the country. with a host of other epiphytes. It is not often collected and
The plant is intolerant of sun- and can stand long periods has been confused with Thelassis.
of dry weather.
Plant. The stems grow in tufts, few to each plant. The leaves
Plant. Leafy stems to about 100 cm. The leaves are deep are very thin, to 20 cm long and 2 cm wide, narrowing to
green, sometimes purple tinged, stemless, strongly ribbed a sharp point.
and narrowing to a fine point.
Flowers. The flowers are on the top third of the rachis, each
Flowers. Inflorescence is strong, straight, from the base of one in a yellow-green bract. The flower is white, sepals are
the leafy stem. The bracts are to 1.5 cm long with a narrow about 3 mm long and the lip is about the same with a blunt
tip. The sepals and petals are orange-red on the outside tip.
shading to yellow, and yellow inside. The labellum is yellow,
Little work has been done on orchids of this size: This plant
3-lobed, and the flowers have a slightly foetid smell.
has very close affinity with Thelassis carinata (Brongn.) J.
J. Sm. the Malaysian species, and may prove to be iden­

Malaxis latifolia J. E. Sm.

Habitat. Common on the forest floor in many parts of the

country. It grows in deep forest litter and on the banks of
small creeks within the rain forest.
Plant. The stems are thick and fleshy, yellowish-green and
from 7.5 to 20 cm tall, usually with only one new flowering
shoot, but occasionally found with two. The new leaves are
soft and shining, very pale green, pleated and from 7 to
15 cm long.
Flowers. The inflorescence is terminal on the stem, and
variable in length, from 5 to 300 mm tall. The small flowers
are crowded on the top third of the stem, usually creamy
green, but sometimes yellowish-green to brown or purple
and they may be a combination of these colours.

Habenaria goodyeroides D. Don Nervilia discolor (Bl.) Schltr.

Habitat. A wet season orchid, H. goodyeroides comes up Habitat. A widespread terrestrial in many parts of Papua
in the swampy areas of grasslands shortly after the first New Guinea. It appears in the savannah shortly after the
rains. It is usually found where sedges flourish. rainy season begins, and also in the rain forest, among the
Plant. The whole plant is about 16 cm tall, the basal part ferns on the forest floor.
being leafless; the leaves are about 20 mm long, very Plant. It has an underground tuber much like a small potato
sharply pointed at the tip, dark green on top, and glaucous with thick short and brittle roots radiating all round it. The
underneath. They grow from a small underground tuber, solitary leaf comes up after the flowers. It is almost round,
which is dormant below the soil in the dry weather and a bright, pale green, pleated on top, on a short stalk, and
apparently survives the grass fires. almost prostrate on the ground.
Flowers. The inflorescence is usually longer than the leafy Flowers. The slender stem arises from a succession of
stem, about 25 cm long. It has 7 to 12 beautiful little flowers, bracts, about 9 cm tall. Petals and sepals are creamy green.
each one opening within hours of each other. The lip is The white side-lobes are incurved close to the column. The
pristine white, petals and sepals cream, yellow in the lateral mid-lobe is expanded bright purple with a sharp lip.

Sarcanthus robustus Schltr.

Habitat. A Vandaceous plant of the lowland rain forest

sometimes found in trees in both savannah and swamps.
Usually epiphytic, but is occasionally found on rocky
Plant. A very robust plant of the strap leaf section of the
Vanda tribe. It is between 30 and 50 cm tall, and the leaves
are from 30 to 40 cm long to 9 cm wide, very thick and
tough, yellowish-green. A mature plant has small leaves
coming up at the base and making quite a big clump.
Flowers. The inflorescence is 40 to 60 cm long, branching,
of many small flowers. The petals and sepals are creamy
when first opened, labellum pale yellow and the mentum
green. The whole flower very quickly turns to dull yellow,
and is long-lasting.

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I have waited with friends at Tambunam Village on the Sepik

River, while the canoes assembled for the day’s work.

Jewel Orchids

Habitat. The Jewel Orchids—the common name because

of their beautiful leaves—are found on the forest floor, grow­
ing in deep leaf litter and full shade. Growing conditions
appear to be more important than altitude. All the species
1 have ever seen have been between 350 and 1,200 m alti­
tude and each species has been at varying altitudes within
that range. I have been able to grow them on the coast
using the same growing media and full shade plus plenty
of air movement.
These orchids are considered to be the nearest living rela­
tives of the original monandrous orchids. Holttum (Orchids
of Malaya) says that the ancestors of orchids were certainly
terrestrial plants, and we are therefore likely to find the most
primitive orchids among the terrestrial species.

Plants. The plants belong to the Goodyera and Corym- Flowers. The flowers are the least important feature of these
borchis tribes within the Orchidaceae, and Papua New orchids. Many of the species do not flower either regularly
Guinea has all but two of the genera ascribed to the Indo- or continuously and, without flowers, identification is impos­
Malaysian area. Many of the species recorded have only sible.
been collected once or twice and we need to know more The inflorescence is erect, not branched and the size
about them. varies with the species. In the Macodes the scape is from
Many of the genera, especially the A noectochilus, 10 to 16 cm long, the Goodyera averages 20 cm but some
Macodes and some of the Goodyera, have beautifully of the larger species such as Hetaeria are up to 60 cm
coloured leaves, with glittering gold or silver veins. The tall.
plants are usually of one stem, and after flowering another The flowers are usually rather small, often not widely
shoot comes up from the base. The plant seeds freely where opening. The upper sepals and petals are usually joined
the environment meets its particular needs. The plants are to form a hood over the column and the lip is usually saccate
small, seldom more than 15 cm tall (without the inflores­ or spurred at the base.
cence) and the lower leaves are often prostrate on the The Jewel Orchids deserve recognition in any work on
ground. The roots are spreading rather than penetrating. the orchids of Papua New Guinea in spite of their insig­
nificant flowers.

C ultivation N o te s

Orchid collectors in Papua New Guinea have, over the Other trees are acceptable hosts, and orchids in private
years, developed some very individualistic methods of cul­ gardens grow on almost any tree. An outstanding native
tivation. These methods were devised because of lack of tree in the Port Moresby area is Antidesma ghaesembilla.
accepted materials in the country when collecting began. Tree culture presents few problems: perhaps the most
The infrequent boats from the south made it unprofitable annoying is the frequency with which the Frangipanni tree
to import materials since the plants would be dead long contracts sooty mould and scale. However, a thorough
before the pots or potting materials arrived. spray with white oil and your favourite insecticide will control
People tended to collect the orchids around them and it. All surfaces of leaves and branches must be covered and
treat them as garden subjects. Epiphytic orchids were at least four hours must elapse before watering or before
placed on trees or coconut palms. Terrestrials such as rain falls. If caught in time, one application is enough and
Calanthes and Phaius grew in the garden. The vast majority the sooty mould will eventually flake off.
of E u ro p e a n h o u s e h o ld e r s h ad huge clum ps of The orchids need cleaning well so that the plant can sit
Dendrobium discolor, Grammatophpllum papuanum and firmly on the branch. Place each orchid carefully and make
other easily cultivated and obtainable orchids growing in sure it has room to ‘walk’ forward and up the branch.
Frangipanni trees.
Years of experience, sad losses and failures, and some 2 Teak Posts
joyful successes, have developed local techniques and The teak post method of cultivation of epiphytic orchids
specialised methods of growing our native orchids. was an emergency measure invented to accommodate over
30,000 orchids which Lae Botanic Gardens had to accept
1 Trees
Many collectors plant trees in their gardens especially for
orchid hosts. The two most popular are the Frangipanni
(Plumeria rubra and P. obtusifolia) and the imported
Calabash tree (Crescentia cujete). Both of these grow easily
and quickly from cuttings and large branches up to 2 metres
or so make instant orchid trees. It is not uncommon to see
a tree like this with literally hundreds of orchids growing
on the branches.
Judicious pruning of these trees to regulate light and air
circulation is usually necessary. Prune as much as is neces­
sary. and only as the need arises. If the pruned branch has
an exposed surface more than 12 mm diameter, then paint
the exposed surface with a sealing wax or a lead-based
paint, to prevent die-back or fungus infection. The Crescen­
tia tree has numerous tufts of leaves between the branches
and some of these may need removing to give the orchid
room for its roots.
When orchids are tied on to trees, use a non-cutting
material. I prefer plastic-covered wire, as this can be twisted
firmly and then untwisted again with ease when the roots
have taken hold. Wire left on the branch cuts into the bark
as the tree grows.
In a large garden, where it is possible to build up a collec­
tion of tree-grown orchids, the trees should be 6 m apart. Teak post. Dendrobium attached to post with plastic ties.
almost without notice, following the resumption of the New I like several posts of each of the long-flowering varieties,
Guinea Biological Foundation property for the giant copper such as the Ceratobium and Latourea Dendrobes. They
project on Bougainville Island. The experiment was so suc­ flower for months at a time, and this is good for either gar­
cessful that teak post culture is now perhaps the commonest den decoration or for commercial cut flowers.
outdoor method.
Large forests of teak (Tectona grandis) have been 3 Tree Fern Fibre
planted as an aid to the timber industry. The thinnings have A very common tree fern about the 500 m mark is Cyathea.
many uses—not the least valuable being as orchid hosts. The lower part of the trunk is almost solid fibre and very
The posts are ideally between 2 to 3 m long and 15 to useful for epiphytic orchids.
20 cm in diameter. Original posts were planted 60 cm in Small slabs, varying in length to suit the orchid, and about
the ground and in a 3 m triangle in staggered rows. After 20 mm thick are ideal. The fibre should be clean, and stored
two years or so, the underground portion rotted and the dry until wanted, and the slabs cut as required. A small wire
posts crashed down, injuring many orchids. hook at the top for hanging on to rails or A.R.C. mesh is
Today the practice is to tie the teak post to an iron picket all that is necessary.
15 cm above the ground. The posts last years longer. Of The plant should be placed with room for the roots to
course our ultimate aim is to transfer our plants to living go down and the plant to go up, or the reverse if a pen­
trees as soon as practicable. dulous one such as Dendrobium anosmum.
Teak p o sts, how ever, for many of our showy I use a small piece of fibre as a support in pots of brick
Dendrobiums. especially of the Ceratobium and Latourea and charcoal. Tying the orchid firmly to fibre support and
sections, will play a lasting role in our tourist and garden then packing the brick and charcoal around it ensures that
attractions. A small industry has begun in hiring such posts the new root tips will not be damaged in the early growth
out for hotel decoration. The flowers last for ten to twelve stage. This often happens if the orchid pot is knocked or
weeks, and the hundreds of spikes give a glorious display blown about in high winds.
over a period of 3 to 4 months.
Plants should be thoroughly cleaned, all damaged roots
and stems cut off. They should be tied firmly to the post,
taking care not to take a wire across a growing eye. It is
also sensible to tie one long cane flat against the post so
that the plant will not wobble in the wind and so damage
new root tips.
The tops of the pseudo-bulbs should be about 15 cm
above the top of the post. The new growth and flower stems
will then conceal the bare wood.
Posts should be in semi-shade, preferably an area with
large trees about 15 to 18 m apart. In this way, posts usually
have early morning sunshine but some protection from the
midday sun.
Plants which will not tolerate full sunlight, such as Sar-
cochilus moorei or the Erias, should have a i m square
‘hat’ on top of the post. I make these on a wooden frame
with Sarlon cloth or Trical tacked to it. The frame needs
a cross piece so that it can be nailed on to the post. This
gives a d e q u a te sh ad e and e n su res plenty of air-
movement. Tree fern fibre
The fibre usually lasts about two years, and does not every day, and damaged earthenware pipes are fairly easy
break down easily. to come by. In Port Moresby, we find chips of the rocks
A mixture of the shredded fibres is useful as one of the on Tuaguba Hill very useful. I use one-third charcoal in each
ingredients in potting composts for Paphiopedilums and the pot, and it keeps the roots clean and healthy.
smaller botanicals. 1 use small pieces of brick and charcoal The pieces of brick and charcoal should be graded to
with the fibre, and top with sphagnum moss in the dry the size of the pot: the larger the pot, the larger the pieces.
season. They should be quite small near the top, about 12 mm,
The vast majority of orchids that we grow are epiphytes as these can be packed around the roots without damaging
and therefore we need room for the roots to walk about. the new growth.
Air must be able to circulate through the compost or the When the pots are changed, the old brick can be used
plants will die. again. I soak it in a strong fungicide, and sun-dry for several
Fibre on its own tends to pack down too firmly as it ages: days before re-using.
the brick helps to counteract this and the charcoal keeps
it sweet. 5 Coconut Husk
A segment of coconut husk, usually a quarter, is a good
4 Brick and Charcoal medium for starting new orchids on the road to good
The most common material used in place of true brick is growth, and is especially good for large jungle collections.
broken drain pipes: most bricks made here are of cement In our rescue operations in logging areas, we are often
and not suitable for orchid composts. Fortunately in this faced with hundreds of sunburned, usually damaged
young developing country, building is going on everywhere, epiphytic orchids. The coconut husk is cut into segments,

Pot of brick and charcoal Segment of coconut husk with growing orchid
flattened with a heavy rock hammer, and all but a little of began as a piece of improvisation to handle hundreds of
the husk removed: the fibre is less than 10 mm thick. A orchids from our rescue and conservation operations has
small wire hook is attached and the plant tied on with plastic- developed into an ideal display method. This is particularly
covered wire. so in small home collections because the shade can be
A good dunk in a bucket of warm water and they are adapted to the orchids hung under it: 40 per cent for
then hung on A.R.C. mesh frames. Dendrobiums, 60 per cent for Cattleyas and 80 per cent
for Phalaenopsis; these shades suit my conditions.
6 Hanging and Display Methods
Few of us build expensive orchid houses: a good lath house 7 Wooden baskets
(of wood, bamboo or pit-pit) is very handy, but most of our Slatted wooden baskets are an ideal way of growing most
orchids are grown in outdoor conditions as near to those of our orchids, and in particular, the mat-forming Bul-
of nature as we can achieve. bophyllums, Erias and Coelogynes. The pendulous
A.R.C. mesh is a favourite with most of us. We stand it Dendrobiums and Vandaceous species—Sarcanthus,
up between two iron pickets in semi-shade and hang slabs Sarcochilus—do very well in these conditions. We use the
of fibre, teak blocks or coconut husks on to it with wire same composts as we do in pots.
hooks. Phalaenopsis do especially well in slatted baskets. The
In the National Capital Botanic Gardens in Port Moresby plant is allowed to extend over the side, and the roots and
1 made three-railed frames of pipe—about 1.5 cm wide, compost kept in place with a square of chicken wire.
about 2 m high and 6 m long by 40 cm wide. 1 covered They usually last eighteen months to two years, and re­
these with either Sarlon or Trical shade cloth and what basketing is very easily done if tackled before the actual

Wire basket Wooden basket of brick and charcoal

collapse of the old one. The rotted wood peels away leaving However, I am bound to say that the beautiful,
the roots still firmly attached to the brick pieces. The plant psychedelic-coloured orchids of the high mountains are as
is packed into a new basket, dunked in a bucket of fungicide temperamental as so many beautiful women: no two orchids
and re-hung. In a day or two, the plant has settled down behave in quite the same way, and growers must accept
and new roots take hold. the challenge, pander to each one's whims and variations
and the rewards are well worth it.
8 Feeding N otes The two basic rules in orchid cultivation are, 1 think, per­
Papua New Guinea orchids are not hard to cultivate. Most fect drainage and correct watering. The orchids of Papua
of their requirements in Nature come from air and water. New Guinea follow these rules and they are very rewarding
Epiphytic orchids collect falling debris and when 1 bring to grow.
them in from the bush, 1 try to compensate. Once a week
1 put leaf mould into a bucket and fill it with water—one
part leaf mould and two parts water. 1 let it soak for 24
hours and then pour it on to my posts—orchids on slabs.
I dunk in the bucket.
Once the new roots have developed and the plant is grow­
ing well, it goes into harder conditions and gets the usual
fortnightly spray with Aquasol or any other nitrogen-heavy
fertiliser. The only other luxuries my plants get are a
quarterly feed with cold beer (1 part beer to 32 of water).
Pieces of dried cow manure are placed on top of the pots.
Most of our orchids are easy to grow if the climatic con­
ditions are studied, and growing methods equalised. It is
for this reason that l have included brief habitat notes in
each description. Plants from varying altitudes can often
be grown in the one collection if the surface needs of the
roots and rhizome are studied before cleaning and potting.
Epiphytic orchids invariably cling to a hard surface such
as tree branches or trunks, rocks and other media:
Dendrobiums of the Ceratobium section have their roots
exposed to the elements in all seasons; the Oxyglossums
and almost every other orchid in the high mountains have
moss covering all roots and often the pseudo-bulbs too.
In cultivation 1 use a compost of hard chunks of brick and
charcoal, with the plant tied to a small piece of tree fern,
and a covering of sphagnum moss.
In the high mountains, these orchids sometimes have
periods of dry weather, but usually several times a week
rain falls in the late afternoon, the temperature drops
sharply and, in the morning, the air is thick with mist or
low cloud. This usually lifts in two or three hours and the
sun is extremely hot, and so the plants dry out again before
the afternoon. This can be equalled with daily waterings
and a light misting in the morning.

I have read a few accounts by professional photographers Botanic Gardens. Andree has then called on Margaret to
who warn the intending professional that it is very unprofes­ ‘come out and photograph this orchid; it is a one day won­
sional to go on a photographic assignment and suddenly der and will be dead by this evening’. Orchids are like that.
find you have the wrong film, or no film or one camera They will flower when you least expect them to.
which is unreliable, etc. It so happens that when I first took Photographing orchids in the field sometimes has un­
on the task of photographing orchids with Andree, 1 was expected hazards. Walking down from the top of Mount
using a 35 mm camera and after using a whole film, found Albert Edward last year, at about 3,300 m altitude, I passed
I was using black and white instead of colour film. Andree through moss forests laden with rhododendrons and many
was forbearing so I started again with a new colour film. species of orchids but there was no hope of photographing
At about the fortieth shot I realised all was not right. The them. A continual sleety drizzle whipped along by a ten knot
film had not gone through at all. Why I was not thrown S.E. wind, mist and bone chilling cold prevented the use
out on my ear I could not understand then. But Andree of cameras and time was against us. It was very frustra­
is a very understanding person so I photographed the same ting.
series of orchids a third time. They must have turned out There are also moments of elation such as the time when
satisfactorily for we have continued as partners in this Margaret and I were with Andree and two German botanists
project over the past few years. in the Milne Bay Province. We were looking for a Slipper
One cannot go out and photograph all the orchids one Orchid (Paphiopedilum sp.) found once before in this area
wants for a book in a short time. Some species flower for by the 1953 Archbold Expedition. We were struggling up
about four hours in the middle of the day, maybe three a mountainside through patchy rain forest, boulder strewn
or four times a year, some once a year. Others do not reach creeks and tall grassland containing patches of Pitcher
the flowering stage because of insect attack, many are rare Plants (Nepenthes sp.) but not one slipper could we find.
and it takes considerable time and energy to find them. We turned down a slope into a bamboo thicket on our
Once found they are either photographed on the spot or return and were startled by Dr Schoser, one of the German
brought back and cultivated, then photographed in their botanists, jumping up and down in a paroxysm of joy. We
next flowering season. It is not a matter of taking just one had walked over dozens of slipper plants without recognis­
or two photographs of each species. A whole series is taken ing them but Dr Schoser, trailing the team, had recognised
to show the plant, a full raceme of blooms or just one them. We stayed there to collect some samples and to pho­
bloom. The selection in this book has been made from our tograph them in situ. Unfortunately none were in flower but
collection of over one thousand slides of orchids. it was a nice moment.
Few, except the most accessible orchids, were photo­ Some of the memorable times in taking photographs of
graphed in the natural state. It is awkward hanging under­ orchids have been on the field days organised by Andree
neath a moss covered branch in a dark and misty forest, and her staff. A day in the old rubber plantations at 700 m
trying to get the right angle and light intensity on a long altitude behind Port Moresby brought forth a surprising
drape of Dendrobium anosmum. Photographing in the field wealth of material some of which was photographed
has other problems too as when trying to focus on a speci­ immediately as the flowers sometimes do not travel well
men of D. cincinnatum you have set up against a in a bouncing truck and, if damaged at all, they are not
background in the cabin of a trawler lurching onto its beam worth photographing. It is not always possible to get a good
ends in a thirty knot breeze. This we did off the coast of plant and a good flower together. Broken or stained leaves,
Fergusson Island in 1974. petals with holes or frayed edges should not be photo­
It is convenient to have a wife who is also a good photo­ graphed. Only the best possible blooms were selected
grapher for sometimes I will be holding an orchid in a par­ except for the very rare species when it may be years before
ticular position while Margaret photographs it or vice versa. another is found.
At times 1 have been on field duties in another province As this is basically a book for the identification of orchids,
when a particular orchid has just bloomed in the National we felt it best to portray the orchids with as little extraneous

background as possible. Consequently a large percentage
of these photographs were taken against a length of black
velvet which completely eliminates shadows. Most of the
photographs were taken on Kodak Ektachrome EX 120 (64
ASA) film and used in two Zenza Bronica S2A cameras with
bellows. The bellows have the advantage of focusing from
1:1 magnification through to infinity as well as providing
rise, tilt and swing. Detail was guaranteed by the standard
75 mm Nikkor H.C lens. This lens also has exceptional
colour rendition. Two electronic flashlights were used, one
on each side of the camera on a metal bar, slotted so that
we could move the flashes close in or up to 40 cm away
from the camera. At such close distances exposure was jud­
ged by experience. Some instruction sheets with electronic
flash units point out that their exposure chart may not work
at distances of less than one metre. Each flower is a different
size, a different colour or a different shape and therefore
the exposure for each orchid had to be estimated
individually. As a guide, closeups of individual florets were
taken at f. 16 or f.22 with both flashes approximately 30
cm away from the flower. The flashlights were Kako model
828 (guide no.40). Some of the photographs were taken
on Kodak Ektachrome EX:135 (64 ASA) using a Nikon F2
camera with the 50 mm F2 lens or the Micro-Nikkor 55
mm F3.5 lens with the supplementary ring. The latter is a
superb lens for closeup work. Almost invariably, a tripod
was used.

Roy D. Mackay.


Acute Tapering to a point. Mentum In orchids, a chin-like extension at the base of

Adventitious When applied to roots, those which arise the flowers, which is formed by the combination of the
from the stem or pseudo-bulb: ‘adventitious plants’, com­ column foot and the bases of the lateral sepals.
monly called ‘Kikis’, arising from a node on the flowering Node The thickened knot or part of the stem which
stem (as in Phalaenopsis) or pseudo-bulb. usually bears a leaf or a bract.
Anther Part of the main portion of the flower which holds Oblong For example, an oblong leaf—longer rather than
the pollen. In orchids it is usually cap-like. broad and with parallel sides.
Apex The terminating point. Panicle A branched inflorescence.
Axil The angle formed between the axis and any part Pedicel The stalk of a single flower.
which arises from it: e.g. the leaf and the stem. Peduncle The basal (or lower) stalk of an inflorescence
Bract A modified leaf which is below the normal leaves which term inates in a rachis, pedicel or group of
on a stem or between the calyx and the normal leaves. pedicels.
Callous An unusually thickened part. Pendulous Hanging or pendant.
Cleistogmatic Fertilisation taking place within unopened Persistent Parts which remain until the whole reaches
flowers. maturity, e.g. bracts on a stem.
Column The solid part of the centre of the orchid flower Petal In orchids there are two petals which are segments
which is formed by the fusion of the stamens and the of the second whorl of the flowers. The third petal is
styles. called the labellum and is usually greatly enlarged.
Concave Hollowed out. Pistil The female or seed-producing organ of a flower,
Constricted Sharply narrowed. consisting usually of the ovary, style and stigma.
Contracted Narrowed. Plicate Folded lengthwise in pleats.
Convex Arched, or having a rounded surface. Pollen The fertilising agent produced by the anthers.
Cordate Heart-shaped. Pollinia The coherent masses of pollen found in the
Corm Swollen base of a stem containing food reserves. anthers.
Crisped To describe margins—such as the outer edge of Pseudo-bulb A thickened and bulb-like internode or
petals—which are curled up and irregularly twisted and group of internodes in the stem of an orchid.
divided. Pubescent Hairy, the hairs being soft.
Deciduous Falling in season. Raceme An inflorescence which bears single-stalked
Disc The part of the labellum from which the lobes flowers usually opening progressively from the base.
radiate. Rachis That part of the flower stem which carries the
Endemic Confined to a region. pedicels or sessile flowers.
Epiphytic Growing on another plant but not parasitic. Recurved Curved upward or backward.
Filament The stalk on an anther. Reflexed Sharply bent upward or backward.
Filiform Thread-like. Rhizome The root stock or stem from which the roots
Glabrous Smooth as opposed to hairy. appear and from the apex of which come the stems or
Hirsute Hairy (the hairs being long enough to be dis­ leaves.
tinct). Rosette A cluster of leaves in a circle form.
Holotype The specimen of any scientific item (plant, Rostellum A small beak.
insect, animal, etc.) from which the original description Sac A pouch or cavity.
was made. Saccate Shaped like a sac.
Inflorescence The part of the plant from which the flowers Sepal A segment of the calyx or first (outer) whorl of the
come—including the peduncle bracts, rachis, pedicels, flower.
ovaries and flowers. Sessile Stalkless.
Internode The portion between the nodes. Sporadic Widely scattered.
Labqllum The third or unpaired petal: it is usually larger, Terete Pencil shaped.
often lobed or with appendages attached to it. Terrestrial Growing in the ground.
Lanceolate Said of a leaf or a flower, part of which is Tomentose Densely hairy.
shaped like a lance: that is, narrow and tapered at both
Lithophytic Growing on rocks.
Lobe Division of an organ.
Membranous Thin and transparent.

The Names

When an amateur plant collector reads the initials or F. Muell. Ferdinand von Mueller, 1825-1896, Royal
abbreviations after a plant name he may wonder what they Botanist of Australia, author of works on economic
mean. Briefly it means that this name is the scientifically plants.
accepted and correct name for that plant, and the initials Miq. Frederick Anton Wilhelm Miquel, 1811-1871, of
indicate the name of the man who made the description. Utrecht, Holland.
For example, Dendrobium nindii was first found and Rchb. Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach, 1823-1889,
named by W. Hill in Australia in 1874. The orchid was again Germany.
described by F. M. Bailey and called Dendrobium tofftii in Rchb. f. Caspar George Carl Reichenbach, 1773-1854.
1896. In July of 1909, Rudolph Schlechter found the Professor, of German birth, later worked in Indonesia
species in what was then German New Guinea, and he and founded Bogor Botanical Garden, Indonesia, in
called it Dendrobium ionoglossum. Research and study of 1817.
the orchids confirmed the first and valid name, Dendrobium G. Reich. Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach, 1823-1889, Ger­
nindii W. Hill. man botanist and orchidologist, Professor of Botany,
The authority is not part of the name, but it is cited Hamburg.
whenever historical or botanical accuracy is necessary. In Ridl. Henry N. Ridley, Assistant, Botanical Department,
popular writing and speech it is not necessary or even good British Museum, London.
taste to use the authority. Rogers R. S. Rogers, 1862-1942, physician and botanist.
The following list gives the name and a brief history of Rolfe R. Allen Rolfe, A.L.S., Assistant to the Herbarium
the authorities quoted: of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
Rupp Rev. T. E. Rupp, Australian cleric and botanist.
Ames Oakes Ames, b. 1874. Orchid specialist at Harvard Schltr. Rudolph Schlechter, 1823-1908, German botanist,
University, U.S.A. who wrote the first great work on the orchids of Papua
F. M. Bail. F. M. Bailey, author of Queensland Flora. New Guinea, Die Orchidaceen uon Deutsch-Neu-
1902. Guinea.
Bl. Karl Ludwig Blume, 1796-1862, of Holland. Writer on J. E. Sm. Sir James Edward Smith, 1759-1828, British
the plants of Java. botanist; founding member of the Linnaean Society and
R. Br. Robert Brown, 1773-1858, of Great Britain. Royal Horticultural Society.
Dockr. A. W. Dockrill, author of Australian Indigenous J. J. Sm. Johannes Jacobus Smith, 1867-1947, Belgian-
Orchids. 1969. Dutch botanist, horticulturalist, who specialised in
D. Don. David Don, 1799-1841, Scotland. orchids.
G. Don. George Don, 1798-1856, England. Summerh. Victor S. Summerhayes, botanist and specialist
G aud. C harles G au d ich au d -B eau p re, 1789-1854, on South African orchids, Kew Herbarium.
W. Hill W. Hill, Scottish horticulturist and botanist, born
1820 in S cotland; died in B risbane 1904, first
Queensland colonial botanist.
Hook f. Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1807-1911, son of the
great William Jackson Hooker, 1785-1865.
P. F. Hunt Botanist, Kew, England, orchid specialist.
T. E. Hunt Trevor E. Hunt, Australian botanist and
Koen. Johann Gerhard Koenig, 1728-1755, German
botanist who travelled in India.
Kranzl. Fritz Wilhelm Ludwig Kranzlin, born 1847,
orchidologist, Germany.
Ktze. Otto Kuntze, 1843-1907, German traveller and
botanist. Famous for large herbarium and collection of
plant pictures: published Riuisio Generum Plantarum,
1891-1893, 3 vols.
LindL, Ldl. John Lindly, botanist, England, 1799-1865.


J. Van Bodegom, Enige Orchideen uan West Niew Guinea,

Technical High School, Twente, 1973.
R. S. Davis and Mona Lisa Steiner, Philippine Orchids,
William-Frederick Press, 1952.
A. W. Dockrill, Australian Indigenous Orchids, The Society
for Growing Australian Plants, Sydney, 1969.
----, Australasian Sarcanthineae, The Australasian Native
Orchid Society, 1967.
R. E. Holttum, Orchids of Malaya, Govt Printing Office, Sin­
gapore, 1954.
S. M. Latif, Bunga Anggerik, Penerbitan ‘Sumur Bandung’,
W. H. Nicholls, Orchids of Australia, Nelson, 1969.
Rudolph Schlechter, Die Orchidaceen uon Deutsch-Neu-
Guinea, Dahlem bei. Berlin, 1914.
Magazines. The Australian Orchid Review.
The Orchid Review (England).
The American Orchid Bulletin.
Malayan Orchid Review.

I have walked back over a reef after a glorious day collecting

on an island in the blue, blue seas, with orchids in my arms,
and blue star-fish and sea urchins at my feet.


Acampe canaliculatum, 31 hydrophyllum, 71 Pomatocalpa

longifolia, 57 cancroides, 39 regale, 76 macphersonii, 84
Acanthephippium capituliflorum, 28 tipula, 71 leucanthum, 85
papuanum, 75 chloroleucum, 27 Dipodium masupiale. 83
Acriopsis chrysoglossum, 40 pandanum, 72 Porphyrodesme
javanica, 63 cincinatum, 41 punctatum, 72 papuana, 84
javanica var. Nelsoniana, 63 cochliodes, 16 Ephemerantha Renanthera
Agrostophyllum coeloglossum, 43 comata, 58 edelfeldtii, 84
majus, 79 conanthum, 42 rhipidolobium, 58 Robiquetia
Appendicula confusum, 38 Epiblastus gracilistipes, 57
reflexa, 78 dichaeoides, 43 basilis, 58 cf. squamulosa, 59
Arachnis discolor, 17-20 Eria mooreana, 59
beccarii, 79 dryadum, 36 bractescens, 62 Saccolabium
muelleri, 80 forbesii, 34 cf. floribunda, 62 rhopalorrachis, 67
Ascoglossum fulgidum, 37 imitans, 61 Sarcanthus
calopterum, 65 glomeratum, 40 javanica, 62 litoreus, 59
Bulbophyllum inaequale, 29 velutina, 61 bicomis, 67
arfakianum, 52 insigne, 34 xanthotricha, 61 robustus, 89
baileyi, 80 johanis, 30 Geodorum Sarcochilus
cheirii, 53 johnsoniae, 35 pictum, 73 moorei, 67-8
cinciatum, 49 lasianthera, 22-5 Grammatophyllum Schoenorchis
clavigerum, 50 lawesii, 26 papuanum, 63-4 densiflora, 70
elisae, 48 lineale, 8-12 scriptum, 63 Spathoglottis
flavum, 48 luteocilium,31 Grastidium section, 44- rivularis, 69
fletcherianum, 50 macrophyllum, 41 Habenaria plicata, 69
fritillariflorum, 52 malbrowni, 38 goodyeroides, 88 portus-finschii, 69
grandiflorum,52 mirbelianum, 13 Hippeophyllum Tapeinoglossum
graveolcns, 51 musciferum, 35 scortechinii, 85 centrosemiflorum, 60
halianum, 53 nindii, 13 macranthum, 85 Thelasis
macranthum, 54-6 oreocharis, 36 Identification problems, 45 carinata, 78
orthoglossum,51 phlox, 26 Jewel Orchids, 90 Thrixspermum
sessile, 51 platygastrum 29 Luisia arachnites, 70
streptosepalum, 49 pseudo-conanthum, 16 teretifolia, 65 platystachis, 70
tolloniferum, 53 pseudo-frigidum, 37 Malaxis Vanda
trachyanthum, 49 quinquecostatum, 37 latifolia, 88 hindsii, 71
Cadet ia cf. retroflexum, 35 Nervilia Vandopsis
taylori, 73 rhodostichtum, 42 discolor, 88 warocqueana,65
potamophila, 73 rigidum, 29 Oberonia
Calanthe roseipes, 39 anceps, 87
chrysantha, 75 schulleri, 16 Oxyanthera
triplicata, 76 smilliae, 28 papuana,87
Camarotis sophronites, 14-15 Paphiopedilum
papuana, 83 spectabile, 27 violascens, 86
Ceratostylis strebloceras, 13 Phalaenopsis
humilis, 74 stuartii teretidolium, 39 amabilis, 81
Coelogyne toricellianum,31 Phaius
alata, 75 trachyrhizum, 43 tancarvilliae, 79
asperata, 74 trilamellatum, 30 Pholidota
beccarii, 74 uncinatum, 36 pallida, 83
Dendrobium warianum,42 Phreatia
acerosum, 34 williamsiamun, 32-3 bailey ana, 81
aemulans, 26 variations, 47 robusta,81
anosmum, 38 Dendrochilum Podochilus
antennatum, 30 gracilistipes, 57 australiensis, 60
atroviolaceum, 40 Diplocaulobium microphyllis, 60
bifalce, 27 arachnoideum, 72 Plocoglottis
bigibbum, 41 chrysotropis, 76-7 maculata,87
bracteosum, 28 glabrum, 78

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Source - PNG RESOURCE ATLAS : V e g e ta tio n

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