Course Description:: FRAN 201 Franciscan Gospel Living in The Contemporary World

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FRAN 201

Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World

(3 IUs)

DESCRIPTION: A study of theology and spirituality as the foundation of the Franciscan
Gospel life with an emphasis on the challenge to shape a spiritual,
historical, and Franciscan vision in the contemporary world.

An explanation of the pastoral and spiritual dimensions of Christian Franciscan

tradition in terms of their scriptural roots, historical developments and current
interpretations, highlighting the relevance of Christian Franciscan values for living
in the contemporary world.

PREMISE: A course in Franciscan Gospel Living in the Contemporary World attempts to
highlight the importance of responding to the Gospel challenge in everyday life.
Accordingly, this course aims to investigate the responses to the following
questions: What does it mean to be a Franciscan in the contemporary world?
What have we inherited? What is Gospel living? What does the Gospel
mandate? What is the Gospel lifestyle for everyday life?

This introductory course for the Institute for Contemporary Franciscan Life strives
zealously to evoke critical habits of mind and heart, stimulate a sense of the
mandates of living a Gospel life, and encourage Gospel choices in the service of

OBJECTIVES: To foster and nurture a respect for the tradition of the Judeo-Christian-
Franciscan way of life;

To grasp how The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order and the Franciscan
tradition is a response to the gospel in our contemporary world;

To study the spirituality and theology that give meaning to the references to
Christ in the Franciscan tradition;

To study Judeo-Christian-Franciscan community as a root of western culture with

an emphasis on the challenge to share a faithful, spiritual, and social vision in the
contemporary world; and

To foster and nurture a response to the gospel mandate in the contemporary


TEXTBOOKS: Dennis, Marie, Joseph Nangle, OFM, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, and Stuart Taylor.
St. Francis and the Foolishness of God. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1993.

"Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity" (Apostolicam Actuositatem). Trans.

N.C.W.C. Boston: Pauline - St. Paul Books & Media, 1965.

"Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World" (Gaudium et Spes).

Trans. N.C.W.C. Boston: Pauline - St. Paul Books & Media, 1965.

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