Formal Hearing Procedure
Formal Hearing Procedure
Formal Hearing Procedure
Please ensure that all discussions during this process are fair, appropriate and above reproach.
Welcome attendees.
Request that all attendees turn off any electronic devises to avoid unnecessary interruptions during the meeting and advise that the University
expressly prohibits the recording of meetings.
Introduce those present and their roles, (see guidance re: roles/responsibilities); this may include: panel members, any HR member supporting panel,
note-taker, management representative, support for management side etc.
Representation of Employee – If accompanied confirm the role of the companion, i.e. that they will be able to address the hearing in order to: put the
employee’s case forward; sum up the case; respond on the employee’s behalf to any view expressed at the hearing; and confer with the employee.
However, the representative will not usually answer questions on behalf of the employee, but may do so with the agreement of the panel.
If not accompanied note that the employee has been advised of their right to be accompanied but has chosen to attend unaccompanied.
Ask the employee to introduce themselves and any companion they may have with them. Check whether the participants are happy with use of first
Confirm with the employee that they have received the letter notifying them of the hearing and the associated documentation providing advanced
disclosure of the case.
Confirm with the employee that they understand that it is a formal disciplinary hearing which will be conducted in line with the University of Sheffield’s
Disciplinary procedure. [If appropriate, having first sought advice from HR, subject to previous action/warnings, advise that one potential outcome of the
hearing could be dismissal – however in such as case it is essential that delegated authority is provided beforehand]
Ask that all communications go through you as the Chair during the hearing.
Advise of the procedure or if appropriate invite a HR representative (if applicable) to outline the procedure.
Confirm Documentation provided – Identifying, if appropriate, any other documentation the panel has at their disposal for reference purposes. Also confirm
if the panel received any additional information/evidence from the employee.
Adjournments - Advise that should any party consider an adjournment necessary requests should be made via the chair. Identify the location of the rooms
available to both management and employee.
Taking of Notes – Advise that the note-taker will take summary notes to support the panel’s consideration. Should the employee want a summary of these
notes these can be provided on request. Advise that both the employee and their representative would be welcome to make their own notes.
Respond to any procedural concerns/queries that may arise.
1. The management representatives will be invited to present the allegation(s) against the employee and the evidence upon which this is based, which may
include calling witnesses.
2. The staff member, their representative if applicable and the panel will be given the opportunity to ask questions of the management representatives and
any witnesses, and to query the evidence provided.
3. The staff member and their representative are then invited to present their case, which again may rely on witnesses.
4. The panel and the management representatives will correspondingly be allowed to ask questions of the employee and any witnesses.
5. Both the management representatives and the employee will be asked to provide a brief concluding statement.
6. The Panel will adjourn for the Panel to consider the decision.
Record summary of the discussions, (including any agreed actions and timescales for improvement etc).
Ensure that the records are factual, unambiguous and constructive (assume that the staff member may see these).
Write to employee summarising the outcome of hearing and any next steps.
Store records securely, as these may be subsequently required within later procedural stages and shared with all relevant parties, including the employee.