Chapter No.1
Chapter No.1
Chapter No.1
Re ui es elia le syn h onization
Requires A/D conversions at high rate
Requires larger bandwidth
Performance Criteria
Probability of error or Bit Error Rate
• Digital techniques need to distinguish between discrete symbols
allowing regeneration versus amplification.
t denotes time
T0 is the period of x(t).
Analog and Discrete Signals
∫ δ (t) dt = 1
δ t = fo t ≠
δ (t) is bounded at t =0
3. R (τ) ↔ ψ (f)
x x autocorrelation and ESD form a Fourier transform
pair, as designated by the double-headed arrows
4. Rx(0) = ∫ x2(t) dt value at the origin is equal to the energy of the signal
Autocorrelation of a Power Signal
Autocorrelation function of a real-valued power signal x(t) is defined as:
Rx(τ) = lim 1/T ∫ x(t) x (t + τ) dt for - ∞ < τ < ∞ .
T→∞ -T/2
When the power signal x(t) is periodic with period T0, the autocorrelation function
can be expressed as
Rx(τ) = 1/T0 ∫ x(t) x (t + τ) dt for - ∞ < τ < ∞
The auto correlation function of a real-valued periodic signal has the following properties
similar to those of an energy signal:
Rx(τ) ≤ R (0)
x for all τ maximum value occurs at the origin
R (τ) ↔ G (f)
x x autocorrelation and PSD form a Fourier transform pair
Rx(0) = 1/T0 ∫ x2(t) dt value at the origin is equal to the average power of the signal
Random Signals
1. Random Variables
• All useful message signals appear random; that is, the receiver does not
know, a priori, which of the possible waveform have been sent.
Noise in Communication Systems
• The normalized or standardized Gaussian density function of a
zero-mean process is obtained by assuming unit variance.
5.1 White Noise
• The primary spectral characteristic of thermal noise is that its
power spectral density is the same for all frequencies of
interest in most communication systems
• Power spectral density Gn(f )
• The effect on the detection process of a channel with additive
white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is that the noise affects each
transmitted symbol independently.
Figure1.11 (a) Ideal band-pass filter Figure1.11 (c) Ideal high-pass filter
3.2. Realizable Filters
• The simplest example of a realizable low-pass filter; an RC filter
H(f) = 1/ 1+ j2 f RC = e-j (f) / 1+ (2 f RC )2 (1.63)
Figure 1.12
3.2. Realizable Filters
Phase characteristic of RC filter
Figure 1.13
3.2. Realizable Filters
• There are several useful approximations to the ideal low-pass filter
characteristic and one of these is the Butterworth filter
• The mathematical
description of a real
signal does not permit
the signal to be strictly
duration limited and
strictly bandlimited.
4.2 Bandwidth
• All bandwidth criteria have in common the attempt to specify
a measure of the width, W, of a nonnegative real-valued
spectral density defined for all frequencies f < ∞
Different Bandwidth Criteria