Create Calendar in Outlook 2013
Create Calendar in Outlook 2013
Create Calendar in Outlook 2013
1. In the Calendar view, please click Home > New Items > New meeting.
2. Now a new Meeting window is opening. Please click Appointment > Recurrence. See
I. In the Appointment time section, please specify the start time, end time, and
duration as you need.
II. In the Recurrence pattern section, please check the One of the options and specify
the recurrence pattern option or others as you may need successively.
III. In the Range of recurrence section, please specify the recurrence range as you need.
IV. Click the OK button.
V. For the Reminder option please see screenshot
4. Now you return to the MRM Reservation window, please add attendees, subject, location,
appointment note and any attached files as you may need, and then click the Save/Send &
Close button.