Researchers in An Entropy Wonderland: A Review of The Entropy Concept
Researchers in An Entropy Wonderland: A Review of The Entropy Concept
Researchers in An Entropy Wonderland: A Review of The Entropy Concept
Marko Popovic
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602
“I intentionally chose the word Entropy as similar as possible to the word Energy…
The energy of the universe is constant; the entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.”
Rudolf Clausius, 1867
Abstract: Entropy concept was introduced by Clausius 160 years ago, and has been continually enriched,
developed and interpreted by the researchers in many different scientific disciplines ever since.
Thermodynamics and other scientific disciplines face several simple but crucial questions concerning the
entropy concept. Thus, it is frequently possible to notice a misuse of entropy. Sometimes unbelievable
confusion in the literature is summarized by von Neumann’s sentence: “No one knows what entropy really
is.” Four major questions stand before thermodynamics. (1) How many kinds of entropy are there? (2)
What is the physical meaning of entropy? (3) Is entropy a subjective or an objective property? (4) Is entropy
in any way related to information? This paper attempts to describe the roots, the conceptual history of this
important concept and to describe the path of its development and application in different scientific
disciplines. Through this we attempt to give some possible answers to the questions mentioned above.
Key words: Thermal entropy; Shannon entropy; Residual entropy; Total entropy; Negentropy.
1. Introduction
Entropy concept is frequently used in many scientific disciplines: physics [1-70], equilibrium and non-
equilibrium thermodynamics [1-25, 60-70], statistical mechanics [89,91,95], cosmology [50-59], life
sciences [42-46, 86], chemistry and biochemistry [60-67], geosciences [85], linguistics [84], social sciences
[83], and information theory [41,69,74, 88].
Before we proceed to review the entropy concept, it should be stressed that the concept is often used,
misused and even abused in the literature [30, 79-82, 108]. The widespread use of entropy in many
disciplines lead to many contradictions and misconceptions involving entropy, summarized in von
Neumann’s words: “Whoever uses the term ‘entropy’ in a discussion always wins since no one knows what
entropy really is, so in a debate one always has the advantage” [80,81]. There are two main reasons why
entropy concept is often used in different disciplines for presenting new theories [72]. First, no one knows
what entropy really is [72, 80, 81], so no one will dare to challenge the new theory. Second, the word
“entropy” is intriguing, mysterious, abstract, intellectual and fashionable, so it will attract attention of many
to a new theory [72]. Kostic [30] reported that the misuse of entropy concept leads to “unbelievable
confusion”. The following sentence illustrates the confusion: “The mathematical definition of Shannon
entropy has the same form as entropy used in thermodynamics, and they share the same conceptual root in
the sense that both measure the amount of randomness” [72]. As will be sown below, this sentence is just
partly valid for residual entropy S0 only, and not valid for thermal entropy STherm. Residual entropy is not
the first nor the only kind of entropy used in thermodynamics. Residual and Shannon entropy indeed share
very similar definition, normal distribution and statistical coin model but constants in their equations (kB
and K, respectively) are not the same [14]. However, thermal entropy STherm represents a completely
different kind of entropy. It uses Boltzmann distribution and Boltzmann constant kB. Thus, such a sentence
leads to confusion especially for readers not fluent in thermodynamics. From the perspective of particles
that make a system, thermal entropy has been defined in several ways, some more correct than others. One
of the definitions of thermal entropy is: “(thermal) Entropy is a measure of the number of specific
realizations or microstates” [31]. Another definition states that entropy is: “the configuration or
arrangement of the atoms and molecules in the system” [39]. Notice that opposite to [39] the above
definition [31] uses more appropriate words: “measure of the number of specific realizations or
microstates”, instead of: “configuration or arrangement” to define thermal entropy. “Configuration and
arrangement” are words that could be more appropriate related to residual or Shannon entropy. Another
definition is the chemical thermodynamic definition: “Qualitatively, entropy is simply a measure of how
much the energy of atoms and molecules become more spread out in a process” [32]. This definition is in
line with Clausius’ original intention to relate Entropy and Energy. Thermal entropy is according to
Clausius [1-3] a part of the total energy content and measures how much of the total energy becomes
useless. Thus, entropy represents a fraction of energy that cannot be extracted from the system and
converted into the mechanical work.
Moreover, Schrödinger introduced “negentropy” as entropy taken with a negative sign (S<0) [6]. This
demonstrates very well how deep the misunderstanding of the physical nature of entropy can be. Indeed,
entropy is, just as energy, a nonnegative property according to the third law of thermodynamics [12, 90, 91,
94] and Clausius’ [1-3] definition. Furthermore, the definition [30] that entropy is “associated with energy”
is not very helpful. The phrases “associated with” and “related to” do not imply the physical meaning of
entropy, nor the real nature of the relationship of entropy and energy.
A significant part of scientific community considers entropy as a subjective property [67,69,74]. Others
insist that entropy is an objective property [70,76-78]. So, von Neumann was right – no one knows what
entropy really is (subjective or objective, energy or something else, arrangement of particles or realization
of microstates, negentropy, many kinds of entropy…). The following Neumann-Shannon anecdote
expresses the frustration over two different quantities being given the same name. Shannon and his wife
had a new baby. Von Neumann suggested them to name their son after the son of Clausius “entropy”.
Shannon decides to do so, to find out, in the years to follow, that people continually confuse his son with
Clausius’ son and also misuse and abuse the name [79].
The importance of the entropy concept is probably illustrated in a best manner by Sir Edington’s words:
“The law that entropy always increases holds, I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature…”
[4]. Einstein paid tribute to entropy: “Classical thermodynamics is the only physical theory of universal
content which I am convinced will never be overthrown, within the framework of applicability of its basic
concepts” [103].
This paper addresses four main questions: (1) How many kinds of entropy are there? (2) What is the
physical meaning of entropy? (3) Is entropy a subjective or an objective property? (4) Is entropy in any way
related to information? Answering these questions would give us a better insight into the entropy concept
and its appropriate application.
The term entropy is used by many authors in many scientific disciplines, resulting in many definitions
and causing confusion about its meaning. Clausius created the term entropy as an extensive classical
thermodynamic variable, a state function shown to be useful in characterizing the Carnot cycle. Two kinds
of entropy; thermodynamic and Shannon entropy are commonly encountered in the literature. The total
thermodynamic entropy includes residual entropy near zero kelvins and thermal entropy at temperatures
above absolute zero [117]. Shannon entropy is A measure of uncertainty of arrangement of material carriers
of information in a string [34]. This section reviews entropy used in macroscopic thermodynamics,
statistical mechanics, information theory, as well as its applications in life sciences.
The story begins with recognition of low efficiency of steam engines used by the industry in the early
and mid-19th century, an important period for thermodynamics. It saw the establishment of basic concepts
such as thermodynamic system, its state and surroundings, state variables, equilibrium, and reversible and
irreversible thermodynamic process. The machine inefficiency issue was attracting attention of many
researchers in the mid-19th century, including a young physicist named Rudolf Clausius. In the early 1850s,
Clausius set forth the concept of thermodynamic system, defining it as the material content of a macroscopic
volume in space – the rest of the universe being its surroundings, and dividing it into three main categories:
isolated, closed and open systems. A thermodynamic system is in a state defined through state variables,
such as the amount of substance, volume, temperature, entropy, enthalpy, internal energy and pressure. A
class of states of particular importance to thermodynamics is thermodynamic equilibrium, a state where
there is no macroscopic flow of energy or matter between systems that are in equilibrium, or in case of an
internal equilibrium between parts of a single system. All three kinds of thermodynamic systems can be in
or out of state of thermodynamic equilibrium [116]. Thermodynamic states define thermodynamic
processes: any change of state of a thermodynamic system represents a thermodynamic process [1-3].
Thermodynamic processes can be categorized in two ways. First, processes are categorized by state
variables they affect, as: isothermal, isochoric, isobaric, isenthalpic, isentropic and adiabatic. Second,
processes are categorized based on whether system and its surroundings are in or out of equilibrium during
the process, resulting in two groups: reversible and irreversible processes. In a reversible process, the
system and its surroundings are in a state of equilibrium during the entire process [35]. Equilibrium implies
that the system and its surroundings have practically equal state variables, such as pressure or temperature,
differing only by an infinitesimal amount that drives the process. The infinitesimal driving force enables
the process to be reversed by an almost negligible – also infinitesimal change in some property of the system
or the surroundings. Thus, the name: reversible process. A reversible process requires constant
establishment of equilibrium between system and surroundings [35]. Because true equilibrium is a limiting
state that takes an infinite amount of time to form, there are no truly reversible processes in nature [36-38].
The second class are the irreversible processes, processes during which the system and its surroundings are
out of equilibrium.
Even though Clausius laid the foundations of thermodynamics, he was still facing an important
question: why are machines inefficient? He found that the solution to the problem has been anticipated 50
years before and is a thermodynamic property both fascinating and mysterious. The first glimpse of the new
property was seen in 1803 by Lazarus Carnot, who in his paper “Fundamental Principles of Equilibrium
and Movement”, wrote that “in any machine the accelerations and shocks of the moving parts represent
losses of moment of activity” [26]. In other words, any natural process has an inherent tendency to dissipate
energy in unproductive ways. Lazarus’ son, Sadi Carnot lifted more of the fog and almost revealed the
unusual property. In 1824, he published “Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire” [5], which introduced
the concept of heat-engines, producing work or motive from the flow of heat. Sadi Carnot was called by
Clausius “the most important of the researchers in the theory of heat” [87]. Clausius followed the lead of
the Carnots, applying his newly-laid thermodynamic concepts and following it to its root - entropy. What
the Carnots found was an early statement of the second law of thermodynamics, also known as the “entropy
law” [5]. Clausius’ most important paper, On the Moving Force of Heat [1] (1850), first stated the basic
ideas of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics. He thus answered the question of the inefficiency
of heat engines. Clausius wrote that he "intentionally chose the word entropy as similar as possible to the
word energy” [3], thus implying the close relation between entropy and energy. Like energy, “entropy” is
a state function. It represents a measure of energy that cannot be converted into work by a closed system,
as opposed to “free energy” that can be converted into work [66]. Entropy was introduced with the following
summary sentences stating the first and second laws of thermodynamics as “The energy of the universe is
constant; the entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.” [1]. Thermodynamic entropy as a property of a
material is a consequence of
1) Translation, rotation, vibration, electron states, magnetic states, nuclear states, etc.
2) Arrangement of the particles in a crystal lattice.
S S0 T
T 0 (1)
Cp is heat capacity at constant pressure, T is temperature, and S0 is the zero-point or residual entropy of the
material at absolute zero. Note that the thermodynamic entropy equation contains two conceptually
different types of entropy:
a) Thermal entropy, STherm = ∫ (Cp / T) dT, due to thermally induced motion of particles, and
b) Residual entropy, S0 due to the arrangement of the particles in a crystal lattice.
To obtain the absolute value of entropy, we use the Third law of thermodynamics that states
that thermodynamic entropy equals zero at absolute zero for a perfect crystal: S0(perfect crystal) = 0.
generates no entropy [35]. Since all natural processes are irreversible, the entropy of the universe always
increases [35-38]. The thermodynamic entropy is sometimes called “the arrow of time” [105, 106].
dSTherm (2)
Qrev is heat exchanged in a reversible process, T is temperature, and STherm is in J/K. Thus, more energy in
form of heat at the temperature T implies greater entropy, and T dSTherm is a measure of thermal energy at a
given temperature. In any process where the system gives up energy ΔE, and its entropy falls by ΔSTherm, a
quantity at least Q = T ΔSTherm of that energy must be given up to the system's surroundings as heat. From
a macroscopic perspective, in classical thermodynamics, entropy is interpreted as a state function of
a thermodynamic system: that is, a property depending only on the current state of the system. Thermal
entropy STherm and residual entropy S0 should be considered as non-negative properties (STherm ≥ 0; S0 ≥ 0).
Thus, it seems that Schrödinger’s negentropy concept does not have any physical sense. Total entropy S is
defined to be zero for an ideal crystal at absolute zero by the third law. Entropy can be determined directly
by calorimetry, using equation (1). Alternatively, entropy can be measured indirectly from Gibbs free
energy ΔG and enthalpy ΔH, using the Gibbs equation:
S H G T (3)
Gibbs energy is a thermodynamic property that measures the maximum amount of non-expansion or
reversible work that may be performed by a thermodynamic system at a constant temperature and pressure.
The Gibbs energy, originally called “available energy” was described as: “the greatest amount of
mechanical work which can be obtained from a given quantity of a certain substance in an initial state,
without increasing its total volume or allowing heat to pass to or from external bodies, except such as at
the close of the processes are left in their initial condition” [40]. Gibbs assumed two types of energy:
available energy that can be converted into a work, and unavailable energy that cannot be converted into
work. Entropy is a measure of unavailable energy. “Free energy - the available energy, energy capable of
doing work, and the correct significance of the second law of thermodynamics is that free energy cannot
be recycled fully because real processes are not reversible” [82].
The entropy equations discussed above hold for closed and isolated thermodynamic systems. Prigogine
extended the use of entropy to open thermodynamic systems. Prigogine’s equation for total entropy change
of an open system is
dS d e S d i S (4)
deS denoting entropy exchange with the surroundings, diS the production of entropy due to irreversible
processes in the system, like chemical reactions, diffusion, and heat transport. The term diS is always
positive, according to the second law; deS, however, may be negative as well as positive [60, 61]. To
determine the value of diS, one needs to consider the ways in which an open system can exchange energy
with its surroundings: work, heat and mass flow. Exchange of energy as work does not lead to entropy
exchange [12]. Heat flow does lead to entropy exchange, the relationship being
d e S Q d
where deSQ is entropy exchange due to heat transfer, Q is the amount of heat exchanged, Tb is the
temperature at the boundary between a system and its surroundings and the integral is over the boundary
surface area Σ [12]. In case heat flow and Tb are constant during the process over the entire surface area,
the equation simplifies to
d e SQ
Mass flow can also lead to entropy exchange. Entropy is a fundamental property of all substances.
Substances that enter the system brings their entropy in, while those exiting takes their entropy out of the
de Sm ms ms
in out
where deSm is entropy exchange due to mass transfer, m is mass exchanged and s is specific entropy (entropy
per unit mass) [12]. The first summation is over all matter entering the system, while the second summation
is over all matter exiting the system. The entropy exchange with the surroundings is the sum of the heat and
mass flow contributions: diS = diSQ + diSm [12].
While the Clausius inequality tells us that entropy change in a process is greater or equal to heat divided by
temperature in a closed system, the Prigogine equation allows us do extent thermodynamics to open systems
and to find out exactly how much it is greater than Q/T. This difference between entropy and Q/T is taken
into account by the entropy production term diS [119]. Entropy production of a thermodynamic system can
be estimated through the equation
di S dV dt
where the integral is over the volume of a system and the time period of interest. The parameter σ is the
entropy production rate, also known as the entropy source strength [12, 119]. Entropy production rate σ is
defined as a product of conjugate thermodynamic flows J and forces X:
Ji X i
where the summation is over all flows and forces acting on the system [119]. Each thermodynamic force Xi
acting on a system has its conjugate flow Ji. Examples of processes that lead to entropy production are
irreversible heat transfer, mass transfer, viscous dissipation and chemical reactions [119].
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics can be divided into two regions: near-equilibrium linear region and far-
from-equilibrium nonlinear region [119, 120]. In the linear region, the generalized flows and forces are
related by a set of simple equations, called phenomenological equations
Ji Lij X j
where Lij is a phenomenological coefficient of force j on flow i. Notice that a flow can be influenced by
forces other than its conjugate force. For example, irreversible heat transfer can create mass diffusion [119].
Phenomenological equations are very useful because once the phenomenological coefficients are known:
all one needs to find entropy production in the linear region are generalized forces, the flows being set as
their functions by phenomenological equations.
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics is of particular importance in life sciences [118, 120]. Living organisms
are open systems far from equilibrium [118, 120, 121]. Therefore, analyzing biological processes requires
nonequilibrium thermodynamics [118, 120]. Balmer [12] gives a good introduction into nonequilibrium
thermodynamics, along with its applications. For a detailed description of nonequilibrium thermodynamics,
see Demirel [119].
Statistical mechanics describes the behavior of thermodynamic systems starting from the behavior of
their constituent particles. To describe the motion of a particle, we must know three coordinate parameters
plus time. The parameters needed to completely describe a physical system are the degrees of freedom.
Since one mole of monoatomic ideal gas is made of 6∙1023 particles, it has 18∙1023 degrees of freedom that
we have to know. Obviously, dealing with each particle individually is impossible in practice and statistics
is used to simplify the problem through the concepts of microstates and their probabilities. Imagine a system
made of an ideal gas at equilibrium with its many atoms moving randomly. Now take a snapshot of that
system in a single instant. You just determined the system’s microstate at that point in time. Since the
particles move, a snapshot of the gas made at some other moment will differ. The microstate changes in
time, even though the gas is at macroscopic equilibrium. So, many microstates constitute one macrostate.
While only two parameters are required to describe the macrostate, describing a microstate requires
describing each degree of freedom, typically of the order of 1023. A way out is offered by the Ergodic
theorem, which says that the macroscopic properties of a system can be found as probability weighed
average of the values for microstates [89]. This rule is also known as the Gibbs postulate [90] or second
postulate of statistical thermodynamics [89]. Internal energy is defined
U pi i (5)
where pi is the probability of microstate i and εi is its energy [89-91]. Therefore, we don’t need to know all
1023 degrees of freedom for the microstates to find the internal energy of the system; we just need to know
their probabilities and energies. The probability of a microstate as a function of its energy is given by the
Boltzmann distribution
e i / k BT
e / k T i B
i (6)
where T is temperature and kB is the Boltzmann constant. The Gibbs entropy equation allows us to calculate
the entropy of a system based on the probability distribution of the microstates
S k B pi ln pi (7)
Consider a system in a macrostate which corresponds to a set of microstates of equal energy, volume and
number of particles. Since there is nothing that would make any single microstate more probable than the
others, each microstate is equally probable [74, 89, 90, 93]. This is known as the Laplace principle [93, 74],
principle of equal a priori probabilities [90] or the first postulate of statistical thermodynamics [89].
Because of this and the fact that probabilities of all states add up to 1, for all states, pi=1/Ω, where Ω is the
total number of microstates [89, 92]. When we substitute this into the Gibbs entropy equation and sum over
all Ω possible states [89, 92], it leads to
1 1
ln k B ln k B ln
1 1
S k B pi ln pi k B
i 1 i 1
which is the Boltzmann equation. The Boltzmann equation, also known as the Boltzmann-Planck equation,
in its more well-known form is
S k B ln W (8)
where W is the number of microstates available to the system [91, 94]. Sometimes the microstates of the
system don’t all correspond to the same macrostate. In that case if we drew all microstates on a 2D graph
it would resemble a map. Different territories (e.g. countries) on the map would correspond to different
macrostates. The macrostates (countries) divide between them the microstates (land), but not equally; some
territories are larger than others [95]. All microstates are still equally probable, but because some
macrostates contain more microstates than others, they are more probable. The Boltzmann equation can
still be applied to this problem, but now we apply it to each macrostate. The entropy of a macrostate is
S k B ln Wi
Wi is the number of microstates corresponding to that macrostate [95]. The total number of microstates
available to the system is equal to the sum of Wi’s for all the macrostates. The number of microstates
corresponding to the equilibrium macrostate Weq is much larger than that of all other macrostates, or in
other words the equilibrium macrostate territory is by far the largest on the map, so we can say that its
logarithm is approximately equal to the logarithm of the total number of microstates W [91, 95]
S eq k B ln Weq k B ln W
Note that it is the logarithms of W and Weq that are approximately the same, while their values may differ
greatly [91, 95]. This equation enabled Boltzmann to define entropy for both equilibrium and
nonequilibrium systems [95]. Alternative ways to derive the Boltzmann equation are given in [90, 91, 94].
The Gibbs and Boltzmann entropy equations allow us to understand entropy at the level of particles. The
Boltzmann equation tells us that entropy is proportional to the number of microstates available to the
system. Boltzmann viewed entropy as a measure of disorder. In particular, it was his attempt to reduce the
second law to a stochastic collision function, or a law of probability following from the random mechanical
collisions of particles. Particles, for Boltzmann, were gas molecules colliding like billiard balls in a box.
Each collision brings more disorder to the nonequilibrium velocity distributions, leading to a final state of
macroscopic uniformity and maximum microscopic disorder - the state of maximum entropy. Maximum
entropy and the second law, he argued, are simply the result of the fact that in a world of mechanically
colliding particles disordered states are the most probable [7]. Because there are so many more possible
disordered states than ordered ones, a system will almost always be found either moving towards or being
in the state of maximum disorder – the macrostate with the greatest number of accessible microstates, such
as a gas in a box at equilibrium. On the other hand, a dynamically ordered state, one with molecules moving
"at the same speed and in the same direction", Boltzmann concluded, is thus "the most improbable case infinitely improbable configuration of energy"[7]. Thus, entropy represents the disorder of
a thermodynamic system.
(where k is the Boltzmann constant kB, and log is the natural logarithm). Hence the awkward expression
negative entropy can be replaced by a better one: entropy, taken with the negative sign, is itself a measure
of order” [6]. Schrödinger postulated a local decrease of entropy for living systems, quantifying it with
negentropy and explaining it through order of biological structures. Order (1/D) represents the number of
states that cannot arrange randomly, exemplified by replication of genetic code. Negentropy has found an
application in biothermodynamics - thermodynamics of living organisms, describing their orderliness and
explaining the general patterns of metabolism. However, recent studies are casting doubt on the validity of
negentropy [46-49].
What exactly is the “negentropy concept” or more precisely - entropy taken with a negative sign?
Boltzmann predicted in the 19th century that organisms decrease their entropy during life: “The general
struggle for existence of animate beings is not a struggle for raw materials, but a struggle for (negative)
entropy, which becomes available through the transition of energy from the hot sun to the cold earth” [7].
Schrödinger followed his lead: “(An organism) feeds upon negative entropy, attracting, as it were, a stream
of negative entropy upon itself, to compensate the entropy increase it produces by living and thus to
maintain itself on a stationary and fairly low entropy level” [6]. Thus, thermodynamic entropy of a cell or
an organism is predicted to decrease during its life span, paralleled by an accumulation of information [12].
Balmer argued in 2006 that: “one characteristic that seems to make a living system unique is its peculiar
affinity for self-organization” [12]. As the system lives, it grows and ages and generally becomes more
complex. So, “living systems are uniquely characterized by decreasing their entropy over their life spans”
[12]. However, Schrödinger pointed out a potential conflict between the second law and life processes,
because direction of change in entropy tends to its maximum, and the direction of change in life process
seemed to be toward greater order, decreasing thermodynamic entropy and accumulating information [6].
Schrödinger explained this “apparent” contradiction by suggesting that the very existence of living systems
depends on increasing the entropy of their surroundings [13]. The second law is not violated but only locally
circumvented at the expense of global increase in thermodynamic entropy, concluded Morowitz [13]. It
seems obvious that there is at least an apparent contradiction between the second law and life processes.
The decrease of thermodynamic entropy of living systems during their life spans was predicted by
Boltzmann and Schrödinger and is represented by the following equation of entropy rate balance on a living
system [12]
m s m s
d i S dS
Tb in out
dt dt
where Q̇ = dQ / dt is metabolic heat transfer rate, ṁ is the mass flow, diS is the system’s entropy production,
S is the total system entropy and t is time. This equation is interpreted by noting that Q̇ is always negative
for living organisms, according to Balmer [12]. Balmer [12] also interprets that “since the entropy of the
incoming food is lower than the entropy of the outgoing wastes, whole term Σ in ṁs - Σout ṁs is negative.”
The last term Ṡp must always be positive, according to the second law [12]. So Balmer [12] concluded
m s m s S P
in out
dS ds dm
m s 0
dt dt dt
“Organisms continuously decrease their thermodynamic entropy over their life spans” [12], implying
negentropy. The negentropy concept is also supported by Mahulikar and Herwig [8], Davis and Rieper [9],
Ho [10. 11] and others [97, 100-102].
However, several recent studies are revealing an increase of entropy during life processes, thus questioning
the negentropy concept. Hayflick [43-45] revealed an increase in entropy during the aging process. Silva
[46] found an increase of entropy during lifespan of average human individuals to be 11.4 kJ/K per kg of
body mass. Gems and Doonan [42] reported that the entropy of the C. elegans pharynx tissues increases as
the animal ages, showing that Silva’s [46] results are a general pattern among living organisms. Cells and
organisms grow as a consequence of internal accumulation of matter, a process shown to increase their
entropy [49, 118]. Thermodynamic entropy increases proportionally to mass of an organism during growth
[118]. Hansen concluded that entropy of an organism “doesn’t have to decrease” [47, 48]. Theoretical
considerations indicated possible contradictions involving the negentropy concept. Instead of negative
entropy change (ΔS<0) Schrödinger introduced entropy taken with a negative sign (S<0) [6]. However,
entropy itself cannot have a negative sign according to the third law of thermodynamics [12, 90, 91, 94].
Thermodynamic equation for negentropy results from a mathematically correct manipulation of the
Boltzmann equation [14]. However, it has no physical sense, since entropy (just as energy) cannot have a
negative value. [14]. Entropy is a thermodynamic property, resulting from motion of the particles in a
system. Motion of particles cannot be negative. Therefore, thermodynamic entropy represents a non-
negative property. However, entropy change (ΔS) can be negative. Negentropy in the discussion above was
interpreted using nonequilibrium thermodynamics, a discipline developed and applied to living organisms
by Prigogine [60, 61]. Nonequilibrium thermodynamics was applied to living organisms by Garbi and
Larsen [99], yielding a detailed analysis of metabolic processes. On the other hand, Gladishev [98] proposes
an alternative method of analysis of living organisms.
Residual entropy (S0) was introduced in the first half of 20th century and is a property of a
thermodynamic system at absolute zero, appearing as a consequence of random arrangement of asymmetric
atoms or molecules aligned in a crystal lattice [14, 20-21, 31-34]. Molecules can be symmetric (Figure 1a)
or asymmetric (Figure 1b). They can be unaligned, like in gasses, or aligned in arrays such as crystals.
Arrays of aligned molecules can be monotonic or nonmonotonic. In a monotonic array all molecules are
aligned in a same way (Figure 1d). A nonmonotonic array is made of molecules that are not aligned in a
same way (Figure 1c). Asymmetrical molecules can align nonmonotonically to form an imperfect crystal
or can align monotonically to form a perfect crystal, an ability that results in residual entropy. Residual
entropy represents a difference in entropy between an imperfect crystal and an equilibrium state - a perfect
crystal. Thus, the total entropy of an imperfect crystal at absolute zero is equal to its residual entropy
according to equation (1). Notice that both perfect and imperfect crystals appear at the same absolute zero
temperature. The residual entropy occurs if a material can exist in different states when cooled to absolute
zero. Residual entropy is a consequence of molecular arrangement in a crystal lattice and does not result
from any form of molecular motion, including the “zero-point energy” of vibration or rotation [21]. The
“zero-point energy state” is the same for both perfect and imperfect crystals [21]. The “Residual entropy
(3–12 J mol-1 K-1) is present near 0 K in some crystals composed of asymmetric atoms and molecules, for
example, H, CO, N2O, FClO3, and H2O.” [20]. Water ice is one of the first discovered examples of residual
entropy, first pointed out by Pauling [25].
Figure 1: (a) A symmetric particle: in this case an argon atom, which can have only one orientation in
a crystal lattice. (b) An asymmetric particle: in this case CO, which can have two orientations in a
crystal lattice: either C or O can point upwards. (c) An imperfect crystal of CO: each CO molecule in
the crystal lattice can point either up or down. Therefore, there is randomness and thus uncertainty in
molecular orientation, leading to residual entropy. (d) A perfect crystal of CO: all molecules in the
lattice are oriented in the same direction. There is no randomness nor uncertainty and, thus, residual
entropy is zero.
Residual entropy is experimentally determined as the difference in entropy between an imperfect and a
perfect crystal, using calorimetry. However, there’s a catch: calorimetry can measure only the change in
entropy by adding known amounts of heat. The situation is similar to a problem where one has two vessels,
the first is empty and the second is partly filled with water. The task is to determine how much water is in
the second vessel only by adding known amounts water. The solution is to fill both vessels completely and
subtract the amounts of water added to them. Similarly, one adds known amounts of heat until both the
perfect and the imperfect crystals melt. Since in the liquid there is no residual entropy [109-112], the
entropies of both samples are equal. However, since the entropy of the starting crystals were not equal, the
heat added to them was not equal either. The difference in the added heat is then converted into difference
in entropy, yielding the residual entropy. An example of such a measurement is the determination of residual
entropy of glycerol by Gibson and Giauque [34], who measured the heat capacity difference between a
perfect and an imperfect crystal of glycerol. In the case of glycerol [34] there were both a perfect and an
imperfect crystal, so the residual entropy was found directly as the difference in their experimental
entropies. On the other hand, in the case of CO only an imperfect crystal was available [31]. In order to
circumvent this problem, the entropy measurement for the hypothetical perfect crystal of CO was replaced
by a statistical mechanical calculation based on spectroscopic measurements [31]. The calculation yielded
the entropy change from a perfect crystal of CO at absolute zero to gaseous CO at its boiling point. The
entropy change from the available imperfect crystal was determined by calorimetric measurements of heat
capacity and enthalpies of phase changes from 0 K to the temperature of the gas [31]. The difference
between the measured imperfect crystal and calculated perfect crystal values gave the residual entropy of
4.602 J mol-1 K-1 [31]. In terms of the water vessels, here one is given only the partially full vessel and the
dimensions of the empty vessel, from which he calculates its volume. Residual entropy can also be
calculated from theory, without any experiments. Kozliak [20, 33] described four ways to calculate residual
entropy. The informational or “combinatoric method”, derived using the “coin tossing model”, is
traditionally used in textbooks to illustrate residual entropy [20, 72]. Residual entropy is the difference
in entropy between a non-equilibrium imperfect crystal state and the equilibrium perfect crystal state of a
substance. The entropy difference between the two states can be found by applying the Boltzmann–Planck
S 0 k B ln (9)
W1, perfect
where W2 and W1 correspond to the numbers of microstates of the imperfect and perfect crystal state,
respectively [20]. The perfect crystal state has only one microstate corresponding to it – all molecules are
aligned monotonically in the same way, so W1 = 1. The quantity W2 is related to the number of distinct
orientations a molecule can have in an imperfect crystal, m, and the number of molecules that form the
crystal, N, by the relation W2= m N. This way to find W2 is equivalent to tossing a coin or an m-sided die N
times, thus the name “coin tossing model.” The residual entropy of imperfect crystalline CO calculated
using equation (9) is 5.76 J mol-1 K-1, slightly higher than the experimentally determined 4.602 J mol-1 K-1
[31]. To analyze entropy-information relationship, a few relevant properties in information theory should
be underlined.
Shannon introduced in his famous paper: “A mathematical theory of communication” the basis of
information theory. Shannon introduced two main properties in information theory: amount of information
and Shannon information entropy [41]. First, the amount of information, or just information, given as
I K ln M (11)
where I is the total information of a message (string), K is a constant and M is the number of possible
messages in a finite set from which the message came. The constant K is used to convert from one base of
the logarithm to another, which corresponds to switching between units of information (i.e. bit, trit, nat…).
Thus we can use any logarithm base and obtain any information units as long as we choose the right value
of K. The following example illustrates how I can be found from equation (11): “A device with two stable
positions, such as a relay or a flip-flop circuit, can store one bit of information. N such devices can store N
bits, since the total number of possible states is 2N and log2 2N = N.” [41]. So, here we have M=2N possible
messages that can be stored in N flip-flop circuits. Thus, the set contains M=2N possible messages.
Therefore, the total information of a message that comes from that set is I= log2 (M) = N bits of information.
The second property, entitled information (Shannon) entropy, is introduced in the same article. Shannon
entropy Š is the average information per symbol in a message and is defined as
Š K pi ln pi
i 1 (13)
where pi is the probability of symbol i. Shannon entropy Š and amount of information I are related by the
equation: I=N∙Š, where N is the number of symbols in a message.
Since Shannon’s work, scientists have been discussing the relationship between thermodynamic
entropy, information entropy and information. Brillouin [97] concluded that information is equal to
negentropy, using this relationship to resolve the Maxwell demon problem. Based on Brillouin’s work,
Landauer [113] found that irreversible logical operations, such as erasing data, lead to physical
irreversibility, requiring a minimal generation of heat equal to kBT, where T is the temperature at which the
operation is performed. This result is known as the Landauer principle [115]. On the other hand, Jaynes
[74] found that information I is equal to thermodynamic entropy S. Thus both thermodynamic entropy and
information can be measured in the same units of bits [74]. Thermodynamic entropy S expressed in bits,
instead of J/K, will be denoted as H in further considerations. The quantitative relationship between
information and entropy was considered by Layzer [73, 114]. According to Layzer [73, 114], a system has
a finite information content – information necessary for its complete description, equal to the maximum
information that can be known about the system Imax. This information is divided into two main categories:
known information and unknown information. Known information will be denoted I. Unknown information
is equal to thermodynamic entropy measured in bits, H. Thus, thermodynamic entropy and information are
related by a simple conservation law, which states that the sum of the amount of information and the entropy
is constant and equal to the system's maximum attainable information or entropy under given conditions
[62-65, 73]:
where H is entropy I is information, and Hmax and Imax are the maximum possible values. Thus: “a gain of
information is always compensated for by an equal loss of entropy” [73]. A good example is reading a
book. A book contains a certain amount of information Imax, independent of how much of it is known. As
one reads the book, the amount of known information I increases, while the amount of unknown
information, or entropy H, decreases. Once the book is read, I reaches its maximum value of Imax.
3. Theoretical analysis
The entropy concept has a 150-years long, exciting and stormy history. Entropy represents a very
abstract both philosophical and scientific concept. However, after a long time and extensive use in many
scientific disciplines, entropy is still frequently misused and even abused in the literature [30,72, 79]. The
actual situation is very well described by von Neumann’s sentence: “no one knows what entropy really is”
[80, 81]. The entropy concept itself is clear, but some of its interpretations lead to the unbelievable
confusion and misuse [30, 79].
The first question about the entropy concept is: what is the physical meaning of entropy? To get some
answers, we shall recall that Clausius wrote that he "intentionally chose the word Entropy as similar as
possible to the word Energy” [3]. This implies the close relationship between entropy and energy. Yes
indeed, but how close? Clausius stated later that “The energy of the universe is constant; the entropy of the
universe tends to a maximum” [1]. This statement apparently implies that energy and entropy are different
properties. However, are these two properties somehow related? Notice that these two statements are related
to thermodynamic entropy only. Obviously, we may conclude that entropy is closely related to energy. The
definition given by Kostic that entropy is “associated with energy” does not help us too much. The phrase
“associated with” and “related to” does not imply the physical meaning of entropy, nor the real nature of
the relationship between entropy and energy. Clausius originally intended to explain the reason why all
energy produced in combustion engines cannot be converted into useful work [1]. This leads us to conclude
that entropy represents a measure of useless energy. Indeed, thermodynamic entropy is given in units of
J/K, implying that it represents a measure of (useless) energy (J) at a given temperature (K). Thus, thanks
to Clausius, we can assume that thermodynamic entropy is a part of the total energy content, a measure of
the fraction of useless energy at a given temperature. During the last 150 years, the Clausius’ statement has
disappeared from minds of many specialists. This useless fraction of energy results from chaotic motion
(translation, rotation, vibration…) of particles that a system is consisted of. We can conclude a lot about
the physical meaning of thermodynamic entropy from the Helmholtz free energy equation
A U TS (23)
A is Helmholtz free energy, U is internal energy, T is temperature and S is thermodynamic entropy. Thus
1 (24)
Helmholtz free energy is equal to the maximum amount of P-V work that can be extracted from a system
Wmax [94]. We can write
W max TS
The first term Wmax/U (or A/U) represents the maximum fraction of the internal energy of the system that
can be extracted as work. The term TS/U represents the fraction of the internal energy of the system that is
“trapped” as thermal energy and cannot be extracted as work. The more work we extract from the system,
the less heat we can get because of the first law U=Q+W, so to the maximum work Wmax corresponds
minimum heat Qmin. So, we could rewrite the Helmholtz free energy equation as
xW xQ 1 (25)
S xQ (26)
Therefore, the term TS/U represents the minimum fraction of internal energy that is trapped as heat and
cannot be converted into work. In that sense, entropy is a measure of the part of internal energy that cannot
be converted into work, or in practical terms is useless energy.
The second question is: how many types of entropy exist? To get possible answers let us start from the
origin of the entropy concept. Clausius introduced entropy (S) as a purely thermodynamic property [1-3]
that concerns loss of energy. Boltzmann and Gibbs introduced statistical equations for thermodynamic
entropy leading to the Boltzmann constant and Boltzmann distribution. About a century after Clausius,
Giauque introduced residual entropy (S0) [31]. The residual entropy is calculated using the same equation
and Boltzmann constant, but the normal distribution. The statistical “coin” model is used [20, 33]. Shannon
independently introduced information entropy (Š) using the same statistical “coin” model and a very similar
equation (the only difference is in the constants kB and K in the Gibbs and Shannon equations, respectively).
Residual entropy does not result from thermal motion, but from arrangement of molecules aligned in a
chain or crystal lattice of an imperfect crystal. Thus, thermodynamic entropy represents a measure of
disorder of unaligned molecules in chaotic motion. The residual entropy represents a measure of disorder
of aligned molecules in a chain or crystal lattice [21]. The third type of entropy – entropy of aligned signs
in a message is related to linguistics and theory of communication. So, there are two types of entropy related
to material science and one related to linguistics and information theory (Figure 2). The thermal and residual
entropy are given in J/K, but information entropy is given in bits. All other forms of entropy that can be
found in the literature can be related to one of these three basic types.
K=kB n
Š k pi lnpi
i 1
S=kB ln Ω
p unaligned particles
K=kB p aligned signs
Figure 2: Three types of entropies: Two on the left side use Boltzmann constant and Boltzmann
distribution (thermodynamic entropy) and normal distribution (residual entropy). The third is related to
social sciences and information theory. kB is the Boltzmann constant and k is a constant that should be
determined. For thermal entropy, the probability pi is related to unaligned particles. For residual entropy
the probability pi is related to aligned particles. For information entropy, pi is related to aligned symbols
in a string.
Is entropy at the most fundamental philosophical – epistemological and metaphysical level a subjective
or an objective parameter? Denbigh [67] stated: “there remains at the present time a strongly entrenched
view to the effect that entropy1 is a subjective concept precisely because it is taken as a measure of missing
information”. Jaynes’ insight also suggests that the ideas of thermodynamic state and entropy are
“somewhat subjective” [69, 74]. However, Singh and Fiorentino [70] introduced four interpretations of the
entropy concept. First, “entropy2 as a measure of system property assumed to be objective parameter” [70].
Notice that it was not specified what kind of entropy, thermodynamic or information, or both.
obviously it means the thermodynamic entropy
Second, “entropy3 assumed as a probability for measure of information probability” [70]. Third, “entropy
assumed as a statistic of a probability distribution for measure of information or uncertainty” [70]. Fourth,
“entropy as a Bayesian log-likelihood functions for measure of information” [70]. The second, third and
fourth are assumed to be subjective parameters [70]. However, Clausius 150 years ago, and after him Gibbs,
clearly stated: “the entropy of the universe tends to a maximum”. Indeed, thermodynamic entropy of
universe tends to a maximum independently of our knowledge or even our (human) existence. To claim
that thermodynamic entropy is subjective would be somewhat anthropocentric. Heat represents energy and
is thus an objective parameter, and temperature represents a measure of molecular chaotic motion and thus
is an objective parameter. Energy is an objective property. Thus, the measure of its useless fraction –
thermodynamic entropy is also objective. Stars would explode in supernovae (and increase their entropy)
independently of our ability to measure this phenomenon. Entropy change in chemical reaction occurs with
or without observers. Bohm wrote “Entropy now has a clear meaning that is independent of subjective
knowledge or judgement about details of the fluctuation” [76], and explicitly “entropy is an objective
property” [76]. Bunge was also explicit: “Thermodynamic probabilities are objective property” so “it is
used to calculate another system property namely its entropy” [77]. Hintikka wrote: “Boltzmann and Gibbs
were somewhat closer to the objective end of the spectrum of entropy as a physical objective to entropy as
nonphysical property” [78]. Further, R. Carnap wrote: “Entropy in thermodynamics is asserted to have the
same general character as temperature and heat all of which serve for quantitative characterization of
some objective property of a state of a physical system” [78]. Thus, the thermal entropy should be
considered as an objective parameter. At absolute zero asymmetrical molecules of CO, H2O or H atoms
would align in a crystal lattice spontaneously by a physical process, creating an imperfect crystal containing
some residual entropy without an observer. Thus, the residual entropy should also be considered as an
objective parameter. The experimental determination of glycerol entropy shows that residual entropy (S0)
is an objective parameter, since two crystals take different amounts of heat for an equal change in their
temperatures [34].
Information is a subjective parameter. It depends on specific knowledge of writer and reader. It seems
very easy to intuitively accept the assumption that information entropy also should be a subjective property.
A thought experiment is here proposed to examine the nature of information entropy: Consider a book as a
system i.e. an ancient Egyptian papyrus. It can be described by thermodynamic parameters such as volume,
temperature, mass… and entropy. There are two observers – an Egyptologist and thermodynamicist. Both
will measure the same mass of the system. Thus, both will notice the same thermal entropy. However, the
Egyptologist recognizes and reads the hieroglyphs and can understand the message. The thermodynamicist
does not understand and cannot read a message written in hieroglyphs. Thus, we may conclude that amount
of information is a subjective property. However, both the thermodynamicist and the Egyptologist (using
IT) can easily count the number of symbols and exactly calculate information entropy. Thus, information
(Shannon) entropy represents an objective property that does not depend on subjective knowledge. It does
not require understanding of a message. A message (information) is subjective, but information entropy is
an objective property.
I=-S (27)
However, it seems that negentropy concept is wrong [81]. Both thermodynamic and Shannon entropy
should be considered as a nonnegative property. Thermal entropy is the result of the thermal motion of
particles. The thermal motion cannot be negative. Thus, entropy is a nonnegative property. Consequently,
the negentropy concept is wrong. If entropy is a measure of useless fraction of total energy, and if energy
is a nonnegative property, then this implies that thermal entropy is also a nonnegative property. In that case
information cannot be equal to negative entropy (useless fraction of energy). Moreover, information is
carried by material carriers of information aligned in a string. Thus, Information and Shannon information
cannot be negative. So, entropy is nonnegative S > 0 and Shannon entropy is a nonnegative property Š >0.
Thus, Brillouine’s assumption (27) is incorrect. However we know empirically that entropy and information
are related. Landauer’s principle [113], which was proved experimentally [122], lead us to conclude that
any loss of information is followed by an increase in entropy.
111ooo 1 0
11101001010101010 1
0 1 0
Figure 3: (left) In an imperfect crystal near absolute zero material carriers of information are aligned in an information
string. Amount of information I0 is at maximum. Entropy and energy is at minimum. (Right) At temperature T>0 some of
the material carriers of information leaves a crystal lattice. Thus, the carried information is shortened. Unaligned particles
have more degrees of freedom and more energy. Thus, entropy of the entire system increases. The total number of particles
is constant during phase transition. The decrease in information (shortened string) is followed by increase in entropy.
Numbers 1 and 0 represents asymmetrical particles (ie CO, OC).
Layzer suggested reciprocity of entropy and information [73]. An imperfect crystal of CO near absolute
zero contains chain of aligned randomly arranged molecules or atoms (fig 1). Thus, it contains some residual
entropy. It can be assumed that a chain of nonmonotonically aligned molecules can be understood as an
information string [81]. Thus, random information contained in an imperfect crystal can be interesting for
information theory. Information theory covers information contained in a string of signs and symbols and
may also be interested in information carried by a crystal lattice at absolute zero. The material carriers of
information aligned in an imperfect crystal leave the crystal lattice during a phase transition. Thus, the
number of aligned material carriers of information decreases. The message is shortened. Consequently, the
information content decreases. At the same time particles in a gas phase (ex-material carriers of
information) have more degrees of freedom and energy because they perform various forms of thermal
motion. Thus, thermodynamic entropy increases. Any loss of information during a phase transition from
solid state imperfect crystal into gas phase is followed by an increase in thermal entropy.
If the universe consists of a single thermodynamic system and its surroundings, then an infinitesimal change
in total entropy of the universe dSu is given as
where dSsys is the infinitesimal change of entropy of the system (i.e. organism, object…) and dSsur is the
infinitesimal change of entropy of the surroundings (rest of the universe). According to the Prigogine’s
equation the infinitesimal entropy change of the system is given as
where deSsys and diSsys are the entropy change of the system due to exchange with the surroundings and
internal generation, respectively. Prigogine’s equation for the surroundings is
where deSsur and diSsur are the entropy change of the surroundings due to exchange with the system and
internal generation, respectively. By inserting equations (29) and (30) into (28) we find
dSu d e S sys d i S sys d e S sur d i S sur
dSu d e S sys d e S sur d i S sys d i S sur (31)
All the entropy generation inside the universe is taken into account by the internal entropy generation diSsys
and diSsur terms. The exchange terms, deSsys and deSsur, do not contribute to entropy generation in the
universe. Therefore, since the universe consists solely of the system and the surroundings, the entropy
imported into the system from the surroundings is equal to the entropy exported by the surroundings to the
system, and vice versa. Therefore, their entropy exchanges are related as deSsys = - deSsur. Thus, equation
(31) simplifies into
dSu d e S sys d e S sys d i S sys d i S sur
dSu d i S sys d i S sur (32)
In other words, only the entropy generation in the system and in its surroundings contribute to the entropy
change of the universe, while the exchange terms cancel out.
Landauer [113] found that for deleting N bits of information in a system, leads to an entropy generation of
ΔiSsys = N k ln(2), where k is the Boltzmann constant. Deleting N bits of information implies an information
change of the system ΔIsys = - N bits, where information I is in bits. By combining these two equations,
entropy generation inside the system is related to its change in amount of information:
Where dIsur is the infinitesimal change in information of the surroundings. Equations (34) and (35) relate
the change in information to the internal generation of entropy for the system and the surroundings,
Substitution of equations (34) and (35) into the entropy of the universe equation (32) yields
dS u k ln( 2) dI sys k ln( 2) dI sur
dSu k ln( 2) dI sys dI sur (36)
By definition, the sum of the information change of the system dIsys and the surroundings dIsur is the
information change of the universe dIu. Therefore, equation (36) becomes
dS u k ln( 2) dI u 0 (38)
Equation (38) relates the entropy change of the entire universe dSu to its information change dIu.
In order to arrive to the relationship between the absolute values of entropy and information of the universe,
not their changes, equation (38) needs to be integrated. An indefinite integration, with no bounds, of
equation (38) gives
dSu k ln( 2) dI u 0
dSu k ln( 2) dI u 0
dSu k ln( 2) dI u 0
S u k ln( 2) I u C 0 (39)
Where C is the integration constant. Rearranging equation (39) and substituting K = - C, where K is also a
constant, gives
S u k ln( 2) I u K (40)
Equation (40) gives the relationship between the absolute values of entropy and information in bits for the
universe. It can be simplified if units of information are changed from bits to J/K. Information in bits is
related to information in J/K as: Ibits = IJ/K / k ln(2). Therefore equation (40) becomes
Su I u,J / K K (41)
For simplicity, we will drop the J/K from the subscript of I, and use information in J/K in the rest of the
derivation. Therefore,
Su I u K (42)
Equation (42) gives the relationship between entropy and information, both in J/K, for the universe. Since
K is a constant independent of both Su and Iu, the sum of entropy and information (given in J/K) of the
universe is constant. Notice that the universe represents an isolated system. Thus, the increase in entropy
should be followed by decrease in information. If entropy represents the measure of useless energy that
cannot be converted into work, then it cannot be created out of nothing and should be compensated by a
loss of information. If the universe is divided into two subunits, then the increase in entropy can be followed
by a decrease in information in either the system, the rest of the universe, or both.
The value of the constant K can be found by examining the two limiting cases. The first limiting case is if
the information content of the universe is zero: Iu=0. In that case equation (42) implies that
K S u 0 S u ,max
Therefore, constant K is equal to the maximum possible value of entropy in the universe Su,max. Since the
universe expands, according to the second law of thermodynamics it increases its entropy. The entropy of
the universe can, according to equation (42), increase until it reaches its maximum value Su,max.
The second limiting case is if the entropy of the universe is zero Su=0. Then equation (42) becomes
K 0 I u I u ,max
This implies that the constant K is also equal to the maximum possible information content of the universe
Iu,max. Thus, when the limiting cases are considered, equation (42) can be rewritten as
This derivation shows that the sum of information and entropy is constant in an isolated system – the
universe. A similar equation was proposed by Layzer [106, 114] based on logical considerations. This paper
gives a formal derivation of the equation within the framework of thermodynamics. It also includes an
analysis of the limitations of equation (43), finding that it is applicable only to isolated systems. The only
true isolated system known in nature is the universe. So, equation (43) can give insight into processes of
the expansion and increase of entropy of the universe.
4. Conclusions
Entropy concept is an unavoidable property in many scientific disciplines. In order to clarify the use of
entropy, an attempt was made to answers the four questions from the abstract. The analysis showed that the
answers are:
(1) There are only three types of entropy: two types of entropy in material science and one in
information theory. So, entropy should be referred to one of the three types: any additional type of
entropy seems to be artificial and can cause confusion.
(2) The physical nature of thermal entropy is represented by the statement: Thermal entropy represents
a measure of useless energy stored in a system at a given temperature, resulting from thermal
motion of particles. Residual entropy represents a measure of disorder of arrangement of aligned
asymmetrical particles in a crystal lattice (string). The sum of residual and thermal entropy
represents the total entropy content of a thermodynamic system.
(3) Entropy is a non-negative objective property. Thus, the negentropy concept seems to be wrong.
(4) Total entropy is reciprocal to information content, after a phase transition involving a solid state
(equations 42, 43).
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