Dunbar 1999
Dunbar 1999
Dunbar 1999
By Stephen W. Dunbar1 and Thomas C. Sheahan2
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a case study on embankment dam seepage problems encountered at one site
over the last 30 years and various remediation efforts. The Hodges Village Dam in Oxford, Mass. is part of an
extensive flood control network built and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Thames River
basin of Massachusetts and Connecticut. The dam consists of a relatively homogeneous and pervious sand and
gravel embankment on stratified glacial outwash sands, gravels, and cobbles. Because it was designed primarily
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as a run-of-the-river, flood control facility with no anticipated long-term pool storage, no significant seepage
control measures were ever constructed for the dam. This paper describes a series of seepage events that have
occurred at the dam starting in 1968 and continuing to 1993. Remediation efforts after each of the events are
described as are their effects on dam performance. The paper concludes that the past seepage problems at the
dam were caused by assumptions made about foundation soil conditions prior to dam construction, problematic
drains and relief wells that resulted in significant head buildups in their respective zones of influence, and
insufficient subsurface information prior to design and construction. Investigation and analyses of the dam
conducted after the 1993 event are presented, and plans are described for a seepage control remediation project
currently under construction.
FIG. 1. Map of Thames River Basin and Flood Control Measures [after U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1995)]
glacial valley is present below the low dam embankment sec- of extensive seepage, described later. Although the overall de-
tion and left abutment peninsula (Fig. 4). This peninsula is a scription of this deposit is ‘‘stratified sand and gravels,’’ the
natural protrusion from the eastern slope of the valley, partially data from these two boreholes (FD87-1 in particular) show a
covering the valley itself. It is in the upper layer overlying this preponderance of ‘‘narrowly graded’’ gravels with sand and
preglacial valley that the most serious seepage problems oc- silt, sand with silt, as well as gravels that are less uniform
curred (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1995). (Unified Soil Classifications GP, GP-GM, and SP). The uni-
Referring to the soil profile of Fig. 3(a) and its continuation formity of the gravel at station 14⫹70 (boring FD87-1) in the
in Fig. 3(b), the foundation deposits beneath the dam em- primary seepage zone is striking, and the samples tested from
bankment consist primarily of three types of materials. The this zone contain from 71 to 82% gravel. Below the seepage
first zone consists of pervious, stratified sands and gravels with zone, the soil abruptly transitions to a fairly uniform sand with
occasional layers of silty fine sand and fine sandy silt. This some silt and gravel present. At station 17⫹00 (boring FD93-
zone is the primary seepage zone and varies in thickness from 3), the gravel tends to be more ‘‘widely graded,’’ and the
9.1 to 21.3 m (30 – 70 ft) directly under the dam embankment. gravel percentage generally is lower and more variable, rang-
The second zone varies between 6.1 and 18.3 m (20 and 60 ing from 21 to 68%. These soils also transition with depth into
ft) thick and primarily is silty fine sand with pockets of sandy more sandy soils that contain limited amounts of gravels and
silt. The third zone, which lies just above bedrock, consists silts (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1995).
primarily of gravels, and varies in thickness from 3 to 18.3 m
(10 – 60 ft). In addition to the primary soil types, all of these CASE STUDY, PART I: PRIOR TO 1993
soil zones have some amount of cobbles and boulders present.
March 1968 Event
Grain-size distribution curves were reviewed for the soils in
the primary seepage zone [upper 9.1 – 21.3 m (30 – 70 ft)] and In March 1968 the reservoir pool reached the 7-m (23-ft)
in particular from boreholes at station 14⫹70 [boring FD87- stage, and seepage was observed emerging through a stone
1; refer to Fig. 4(b) for location] and station 17⫹00 [boring retaining wall on the upstream (north) side of Howarth Road,
FD93-3; refer to Fig. 4(b)] because these are close to zones as well as from a location 30 m (100 ft) upstream of Howarth
FIG. 2. Hodges Village Dam Reservoir Map [after U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1995)]
Road, next to an old gravel road [refer to the overall plan was replaced later by a concrete weir [Fig. 4(a)]. These rela-
views in Figs. 4(a and b), and the close-up view of the affected tively localized measures, which wee built after this event, did
area in Fig. 4(c)]. The estimated 68 m3/h (300 gpm) combined not address the larger seepage problem that existed at the time,
seepage washed out Howarth Road. There also was seepage which was determined later to be massive seepage through
at an estimated 45 m3/h (200 gpm) from a berm next to the highly pervious, open-work gravel zones immediately below
tailwater pond and from the dam’s rockfill toe within the limits the dam embankment (described earlier). Although not inves-
of the old river channel. tigated, the installed drains may have enhanced concentrated
Following this event, a 305-m (1,000-ft)-long, shallow seepage, which in turn may have produced fines migration.
trench drain was installed as shown in Figs. 4(b and c). A
system of 20-cm (8 in.)-diameter perforated, concrete masonry 1987 Event
pipe (CMP) was placed in a 2.4 – 3.0 m (8 – 10 ft) deep trench
and surrounded by 1.9 cm (0.75 in.) crushed stone and filter During March to April 1987 the maximum pool ever ex-
sand (a 1:1 mixture that was readily available and state spec- perienced on the dam occurred, 8.4 m (27.4 ft) stage [2.7 m
ified at the time). The stone was deemed necessary in the sand (8.1 ft) below spillway crest]. During this event, seepage
to prevent loss of material into the stone surrounding the CMP. emerged from several areas. Clear seepage flowed from the
This drainage setup was designed to discharge on the rockfill dam’s rockfill toe within the old river channel, and several
slope above the tailwater pond through two 38-cm (15 in.)- small boils had developed. The total combined seepage flow
diameter reinforced-concrete pipes (RCPs). A seepage mea- from this area was approximately 57 m3/h (250 gpm). At the
suring weir also was constructed across the old river channel downstream toe of the left abutment peninsula, more severe
to monitor seepage quantities; this temporary wooden structure seepage conditions developed. Seepage emerged through the
FIG. 3. Soil Profile at Hodges Village Dam Site: (a) Station 1⫹00 to 12⫹50; (b) Station 12⫹50 to 25⫹00 [after U.S. Army Corps of En-
gineers (1995)]
FIG. 4. Plan View of Hodges Village Dam Site: (a) Station 1⫹00 to 12⫹50; (b) Station 12⫹50 to 25⫹00; (c) Close-Up View of Affected
Area [after U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1995)]
FIG. 4. (Continued )
FIG. 5. Seepage Breakout through Howarth Road and Adjacent Wall after March 1987 Event
that would address the more systemic seepage problems. Al- rounded by a 20-cm (8-in.)-thick gravel pack. A new foun-
though other options may have been considered (no records dation drain, approximately 262 m (860 ft) long, was con-
were found indicating other remediation alternatives), the fol- structed beneath Howarth Road and the old gravel road [Fig.
lowing corrective actions were taken. A gravel berm, approx- 4(c)]. Varying from 3.4 to 6.1 m (11 – 20 ft) in depth, the drain
imately 152 m (500 ft) long by 9 m (30 ft) wide was built is a 46-cm (18-in.)-diameter slotted RCP surrounded by 30.5
along the edge of the tailwater pond, with a 30.5-cm (12-in.)- cm (12 in.) of 3.2 cm (1.25 in.) crushed stone and at least 30.5
thick gabion mattress on 30.5 cm (12 in.) of 3.2 cm (1.25 in.) cm (12 in.) of blended filter material [i.e., the same 1:1 mix
stone for shoreline erosion protection [Fig. 4(c)]. Twelve relief of filter sand and 1.9 cm (0.75 in.) crushed stone used earlier].
wells were placed along this berm at approximately 15 m (50 Manholes were included about every 30 m (100 ft) to monitor
ft) spacing to depths of 15 m (50 ft). The wells consist of 20 flows. The rest of the trench was backfilled with the same
cm (8 in.) inside diameter stainless steel well screen sur- compacted, blended filter material. A nonwoven geotextile
FIG. 6. Foundation Materials That Had Piped Out of 24-in. Outlet Pipe from MH-6 into Tailwater Pond after April 1993 Event
FIG. 7. Seepage Damage after April 1993 Event, Including Collapsed Roadway, Manhole and Wall, Cut Trees That Had Been Leaning,
and Tension Crack on Slope
lined the excavation trench to separate natural foundation soils from the manhole. From within MH-6, it could be seen that
from the drain. A 61-cm (24-in.) RCP carried the drain dis- several sections of the 46-cm (18-in.) foundation drain pipe
charge into the tailwater pond. and the 61-cm (24-in.) outlet pipe had subsided and the top
of the manhole had tilted several centimeters in the upstream
CASE STUDY, PART II: 1993 HIGH POOL EVENT direction and had subsided at least 0.3 m (1 ft). A 1.2-m
(4-ft)-wide section of pavement upstream from MH-6 was be-
On April 3, 1993, the dam again experienced a high pool ginning to subside and extended to the stone wall 3.7 m (12
event, this time reaching 6.5 m (21.3 ft) stage, and a depres- ft) away, and by late evening a section of the stone wall was
sion began to develop on the surface of Howarth Road, west subsiding and tilting into the developing depression. In addi-
of manhole no. 6 [MH-6; Fig. 4(c)]. This 3 – 3.7 m (10 – 12 ft) tion, several large trees behind the wall began to lean toward
diameter, 20 – 25 cm (8 – 10 in.) deep depression coincided the depression and a tension crack developed about halfway
with muddy water flowing into MH-6 and through the 61-cm up the natural slope behind the wall; the affected trees were
(24-in.) RCP outlet pipe, out to the tailwater pond, where a cut down as a safety precaution (Fig. 7). All of these devel-
plume of fine sand was formed. By April 5, 1993, as the res- opments pointed toward a malfunction or breach of the filter
ervoir elevation was dropping approximately 0.15 m/day (0.5 around the foundation drain. The muddy water flowing into
ft/day), approximately 23 m3 (30 yd3) of sand had been de- MH-6, the propagation of the depression, and the sand depo-
posited in the tailwater pond around the outlet pipe (Fig. 6) sition in the tailwater pond further indicated the early stages
and the depression in Howarth Road had increased to approx- of a piping channel from the reservoir pool to the area around
imately 0.6 m (2 ft) deep and extended out 15 m (50 ft) west MH-6.
FIG. 8. Results of Seepage Analysis of Hodges Village Dam Left Abutment Peninsula Performed after 1993 event: (a) Existing Seep-
age Conditions for Surcharge Pool at Elevation of 515 ft; (b) Predicted Conditions after Concrete Panel Cutoff Wall Is Constructed
Emergency repairs consisted of driving steel sheet piling to patterns through the existing dam and to investigate the effects
a depth of 10.7 m (35 ft) along the upstream side of Howarth of various remediation schemes. The focus of the analyses was
Road and encompassing MH-6, an area of approximately 30 on the dam’s left abutment peninsula, because that is where
m (100 ft) long by 6 m (20 ft) wide. Flow into MH-6 was the Howarth Road seepage problems had occurred [the plan
monitored closely and went from 34 m3/h (150 gpm) on April view of Fig. 4(b) shows this peninsula relative to the seepage
6 to 8 m3/h (35 gpm) on April 20, 1993, with relatively clear area]. Fig. 8(a) shows the flow patterns (velocity vectors and
flows observed after April 7. Thus, although the sheeting did pressure heads) at the left abutment peninsula back-analyzed
not prevent flow, it did significantly reduce it and effectively after the 1993 event. The model results indicate that when the
stopped fines migration. pool exceeds the 9.1-m (30 ft)-stage level, seepage will emerge
Permanent reconstruction work consisted of removing the on the slope above Howarth Road, and at the 12.2-m (40 ft)
damaged pipe and filters, reconstructing MH-6 and the foun- stage, exit gradients will exceed the calculated critical gradi-
dation drain, and backfilling. During excavation inside the ent, icr = 0.825. It is noteworthy that when the 1987 event [8.4
sheet pile enclosure adjacent to the MH-6 location, the natural, m (27.4 ft) stage] was modeled, an exit gradient of i = 0.8
highly pervious open-work gravel was exposed in the exca- resulted. The boils that developed adjacent to Howarth Road
vation sidewalls. This is one reason for much of the adjacent are indicative of this close agreement between the estimates
seepage damage, because it allowed concentrated seepage to for i and icr. Considering the uncertainties associated with an
erode internally the filter protection system in the trench. With analysis of this complexity, the boils essentially validated the
no reservoir pool, pin boils were observed to be developing at seepage analysis and also may have been indicative of the
the base of the excavation, clearly an indication of high exit larger seepage problem.
gradients even without a reservoir present. An abandoned 3.2- When the relief wells in the gravel berm were modeled,
cm (1.25 in.) crushed stone sump drain, used during the 1990 there were indications that each well can control the exit gra-
construction of the foundation drain, also was uncovered. This dient in its immediate vicinity, but the wells are less effective
drain appeared to have been in direct contact with the stone at influencing gradients at intermediate locations. The model
filter around the slotted RCP entering MH-6; thus, no filtering shows that even if the wells were 100% effective, their radius
of fine-grained soils occurred when seepage entered from be- of influence is diminished by the presence of open-work gravel
neath the pipe. Finally, beneath the abandoned crushed stone strata and the interbedding and cross-bedding in foundation
sump and extending into the excavation sidewalls, a stratum deposits. According to model results, toe drains built in 1968
of fine silty sand was observed, which was apparently the and 1990 [Fig. 4(c)] control the phreatic surface immediately
source and/or remains of eroded material. downstream of drain locations but do not affect the exit gra-
Based on the observed conditions during reconstruction, it dients along the seepage berm and tailwater pond. This pri-
appears that high seepage gradients (which the pin boils, later marily is because the drains do not have adequate depths and
observed, prove exist even with no reservoir pool) forced silty capacities and therefore cannot sufficiently solve the problem
sand into the abandoned stone sump and then into the concrete of massive underseepage and the associated erosion problems.
pipe adjacent to the manhole. As conditions worsened, a void It became clear from the results of these analyses, as well
was created around the drain line, which quickly spread to as from observed conditions during actual pool events, that
overlying and adjacent areas. remedial measures are necessary to maintain the future integ-
rity of the dam. The two basic goals of the remediation are to
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS minimize the exit gradients and to prevent piping conditions,
The Army Corps of Engineers finite-element seepage anal- both of which can lead to failure of the dam. After modeling
ysis program CSEEP and FastSeep were used to model flow the wall at two different high pools and extending the wall to
the critical value of 0.825. However, because boils and piping cannot be controlled by existing drains and relief wells. New
conditions could still occur during a maximum surcharge pool subsurface investigations, monitoring piezometers, seepage
depth [15.1 m (49.5 ft) stage, elevation 51 ft] even with the analyses, and stability analyses have provided better insight on
wall in place, the decision was made to extend the wall another the dam’s problems. Current plans call for a concrete panel
10.1 m (33 ft) to bedrock (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cutoff wall to be installed to bedrock to eliminate future seep-
1995). age problems.
Other alternatives that were considered for the Hodges Vil- This case study provided some good lessons for future dam
lage Dam included an upstream impervious blanket, a partial projects, both new and remedial. Careful analyses of flow and
steel sheet pile cutoff wall, a slurry-trench cutoff wall, and stability need to be undertaken, even for minor repairs, when
enhanced downstream drainage features. The impervious blan- the flow regime under or through a dam may be affected. For
ket was ruled out because of the lack of an impervious core proper design and analysis of flow control features (i.e., drains
to connect to and also because of the environmental impacts: and filters), the natural soil needs to be characterized accu-
an area 305 m (1,000 ft) upland from the dam along its entire rately and close attention paid to filter design criteria. Metic-
length would have to be covered with the blanket. The sheet ulous construction control during both new construction and
pile cutoff wall was not considered feasible because of the remedial work is vital. Even small lapses in construction con-
numerous cobbles and boulders encountered during the 1993 trol, particularly in crucial parts of the dam (i.e., drains), can
subsurface investigations. The problems with a slurry-trench result in serious problems that may not manifest themselves
cutoff wall included space limitations, the need to keep until years later. As this case study showed, these types of
trenches open for extended periods, and, again, the lack of a problems may not only take years to develop, but also may
dam core to tie into. Improving the downstream drainage was take years to resolve.
not considered a permanent fix (because it would require more
extensive maintenance than other alternatives) and presented ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the problems of placing fill in wetland areas and requiring
The first writer is grateful to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for
extensive dewatering. the support provided to pursue his graduate studies and for the use of the
The cutoff wall currently is under construction with antici- project files for case study development. In particular, the writers thank
pated completion in 1999. The wall is being constructed using the Corps’ New England District, especially John C. Hart, Hari Singh,
a cast-in-place, alternating panel method, with slurry used for and Dick Reardon. The writers also thank Mark Vance of the New Eng-
trench stability until concrete is tremied into the panel exca- land District for researching and summarizing some of the project records
and Justin Gardinier, an undergraduate at Northeastern University, for
vations. When completed, the dam will continue to be moni-
helping with the figures.
tored, as it is now, with a substantial array of piezometers and
other instrumentation that are monitored centrally via a com-
puter automated system.
Cedergren, H. R. (1989). Seepage, drainage and flow nets, 3rd Ed., Wiley,
Dunbar, S. W. (1996). ‘‘Seepage theory, analysis and control.’’ MS Rep.,
This paper described the seepage problems at the Hodges Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern Uni-
Village Dam, an earth embankment dam in south-central Mas- versity, Boston.
sachusetts, that is used for flood control by the U.S. Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1986). ‘‘Engineering and design: Seep-
age analysis and control for dams.’’ Engrg. Manual EM 1110-2-1901,
Corps of Engineers. Mainly because this dam consists of rel- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
atively pervious materials and sits on pervious foundation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1995). Major rehabilitation evaluation
soils, seepage problems have been severe at various times over report, Hodges Village Dam, Oxford, MA. U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
the last 30 years. A more extensive subsurface exploration pro- neers, New England Division.