Hazard Report Form: Workplace South Brisbane Institute
Hazard Report Form: Workplace South Brisbane Institute
Hazard Report Form: Workplace South Brisbane Institute
Medical treatment
Near miss or no required for Extensive injuries Fatality, loss of
First aid / casualty
injury. injuries and lost time requiring limb. Major
Low financial loss. recorded. No hospitalisation. Incident
Likelihood Insignificant Negligible Moderate Extensive Significant
Is expected to occur
in most
Almost 3 2 1 1 1
Certain (Medium Priority) (High Priority) (Urgent) (Urgent) (Urgent)
Will probably occur
in most Likely 4 3 2 1 1
circumstances (Low Priority) (Medium Priority) (High Priority) (Urgent) (Urgent)
Hazard Details:
1. Detailed description of hazard (include time, date, location and all relevant details):
In room 3022 at G Block at TAFE Brisbane South Bank campus, there is an area where there is a poor lighting, causing
headache to some students. This hazard has been detected the 12/04/2014 at 8:03pm. The area mentioned is in the top
right corner of the room once you enter to it and facing the window across.
This headache could occur at some time, really unlikely, causing insignificant consequences. Risk score 5.
I proceeded to check the lights in that area redistributed some workplaces and created a report QF058.
I have noticed that there were some lights missing, which is the main problem, reinstalling all the lights missing may solve it.
QF058 Page 1 of 3
Human Resources RTO No. 0275 | CRICOS Provider No. 03020E
Version 2.0 - 22 May 2013
Template current as of 20/02/2013 – Version 3.1
Workplace South Brisbane Institute
Manager Comments/Action:
Hazard ID:
Signed: Date:
QF058 Page 2 of 3
Human Resources RTO No. 0275 | CRICOS Provider No. 03020E
Version 2.0 - 22 May 2013
Template current as of 20/02/2013 – Version 3.1
Workplace South Brisbane Institute
Is expected to occur in Will probably occur in most Might occur at some May occur only in exceptional
Could occur at some time
most circumstances circumstances time circumstances
Engineering Involves structural change to the work environment or work process to place a barrier to, or interrupt a
transmission path between the worker and the hazard.
Administrative Reduces exposure to a hazard by adherence to procedures, instructions or training. Administrative controls
are dependent on human behaviour for success.
Personal Protective Provides a barrier between a person and the hazard. This is dependent on PPE being chosen correctly, as
Equipment well as fitted and worn at all times when required.
QF058 Page 3 of 3
Human Resources RTO No. 0275 | CRICOS Provider No. 03020E
Version 2.0 - 22 May 2013
Template current as of 20/02/2013 – Version 3.1