Erduran Villamanan 2009
Erduran Villamanan 2009
Erduran Villamanan 2009
In this paper, we investigate university engineering students’ written arguments in the context
of the thermodynamics principles involved in refrigeration. The students were given writing
frames to complete reports following investigations on thermoelectric coolers, sometimes
called “thermoelectric module” or “Peltier cooler”. The device is a semiconductor-based
electronic component that functions as a small heat pump. By applying a low voltage DC
power source to a cooler, heat moves through the module from one side to the other. One
module face, therefore, will be cooled while the opposite face is simultaneously heated. The
task immerses students in the context of providing evidence and justifications for temperature
change using general principles of thermodynamics. The context of the study provides
examples on the nature of arguments in the applied field of engineering where appeals to
scientific principles are made to justify the design of an industrial product. The writing frame
engaged the students in the recording, analysis and interpretation of experimental
data including data from a simulation program. Several lines of analyses have been conducted
including the epistemic levels of students’ arguments. This paper will report on one aspect of
analysis focusing on the quality of students’ written arguments. A simplified version of
Toulmin’s Argument Pattern (1958) has been used as a guiding model to investigate the
written arguments. Results indicate that very few students were able to accurately interpret the
experimental data and only 35% of the arguments from 31 reports were valid. Most texts used
conclusions that were not derived from the evidence used. We propose some rubrics to further
support the writing and evaluation of arguments.
0,5 9,57
1 18,38
1,5 26,43
2 33,71
2,5 40,23
3 46
3,5 51
4 55,23
4,5 58,71
5 61,43
justification or warrant for this claim. When the student side’s temperature” as a warrant and “DT has a determinate
writes, “In the previous tables (tables I and II) we can observe value for each value of the voltage” as data.
how the temperature changes similarly between the cold and
the hot side of the cell. One can realize that when we in- Analysis of the inferences made between
crease the applied voltage, we increase the absolute value of facts and observed phenomena
both sides, this is, the hot side increases its temperature and Throughout the text, from the initial thesis to the final con-
the cold side decreases its temperature”, he is referring to the clusion there needs to be coherence in order to validate the
empirical data from his experimental work. In summary, in whole argument. Facts are established from experimental
this example, there is an argument with a main claim, refer- data having a meaning in the conclusions due to laws, theo-
ence to empirical data and a warrant to justify how the data ries, principles, models and so on. Hence concordance be-
relate to the main claim. tween experimental evidence and established conclusions
were analyzed in the students’ inferences. Conclusions were
Example 2: Algebraic equation as a claim made from three different points of view: (a) a theoretical
In this example, the experimental data are used to substanti- view inserted in a scientific context; (b) the experimental
ate a claim made through a common algebraic equation in facts themselves; (c) a descriptive account. Only 35% of ar-
the conceptual domain. gued texts present a concordance between facts and conclu-
sions (e.g. Figure 3). Most of the texts used evidence that did
The value of the lower temperature depends on the temperature of the not reach the conclusions using the evidence. For example, as
hot side. When we apply a voltage, a difference of temperature between illustrated in Figure 4 (from one report consisting of the main
both sides is created, not a fixed value of temperature. Therefore, DT claim, the experimental data used and the justification for the
has a determinate value for each value of the voltage. That is, if the hot conclusion) many students’ arguments did not connect the
side has a high temperature (as the DT is fixed), the cold side will be
experimental data and any theoretical warrants to justify the
a higher temperature than if the hot side has a lower temperature.
Then increasing the temperature of the hot side means that the conclusions reached. Instead, the main claims made were ir-
temperature of the cold side will be higher for a determinate voltage respective of the data collected. The warrants used were rep-
DT = Th – Tc = cte. etitions of formulae used in the content domain but not nec-
In summary, essarily leading to the conclusions reached in the particular
The higher T, the Tcold ; The lower Thot, the Tcold
The observed behaviour is logical, since when the voltage is higher in the Peltier cell, ∆Tª(Tc – Tf) is higher, and to increase Tc, as we
have seen in b section, higher should be the heat that must be dissipated at hot side, so a high intensity that flow
Medición Vmód [V] Imód [A] Tc [ºC] Tf [ºC] At practical level, due to the loss by the heat transferred
between the cell and refrigeration fin, it is difficult to get the
1 1 2,9 22,09438 3,71094 thermal jump. Neither does it have a linear performance and
2 2 8 26,42923 – 7,28944 there are very heavy elements, so the working performance
obtained is very low.
TC: es la temperatura de la cara caliente.
TF: la temperatura de la cara fría
α: es el coeficiente Seebeck
I: la corriente que atraviesa al circuito.
P = QC − QF = α (TC − TF ) I = α Δ T I
scaffolds in order to improve the quality of students’ argu- result provide some indicators for guidelines as to how future
ments. Given that most issues related to the quality of the support structures could be designed to help students in their
formal validity of an argument and the inferences made be- collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of experi-
tween the components of an argument, we consider that ex- mental evidence. For instance, we have illustrated how an
plicit support of these aspects would help to improve stu- evaluation rubric could supplement students’ writing. The
dents’ writing. Hence we have devised a rubric (Table 2) to study has implications for how students can be introduced to
supplement the report writing. The rubric again uses the the writing of arguments in science and engineering contexts
Toulmin model to target particular aspects of argument and earlier on in their education in order to minimise difficulties
are accompanied by a set of questions that the students can at a more professional level. As the task context illustrates,
reflect on with respect to their own data collection and inter- understanding the rationale for and the structure of argument
pretation. There is also a section on evaluation of the feature are prerequisite to tertiary students’ satisfactory performance
of argument suggesting the self- and peer- assessment of the in both basic and applied science. These skills are unlikely to
arguments produced in groups. be acquired effectively at university level without any earlier
background on scientific reasoning with argument.
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