GML Ultra User Manual 1398-5.11 PDF
GML Ultra User Manual 1398-5.11 PDF
GML Ultra User Manual 1398-5.11 PDF
Who Should Use this Manual ............................................................... P–1
Purpose of this Manual ........................................................................ P–1
Contents of this Manual ....................................................................... P–1
Where to Find Help.............................................................................. P–2
Using the Manual Set .................................................................... P–2
Using Online Help.......................................................................... P–3
Related Documentation........................................................................ P–4
Rockwell Automation Support .............................................................. P–4
Local Product Support ................................................................... P–4
Technical Product Assistance ........................................................ P–5
Common Techniques Used in this Manual ........................................... P–5
Working with
Diagrams Chapter 5
Creating New Diagrams ....................................................................... 5–1
Editing Your Diagram as you Build It.................................................... 5–1
Working with Finished Diagrams.......................................................... 5–2
Accessing the Diagram Menu ........................................................ 5–2
Finding a Specific Block or Parameter ........................................... 5–2
Finding the Same Block or Parameter Again ................................. 5–3
Diagram Information...................................................................... 5–3
Testing Diagrams................................................................................. 5–4
Accessing the Online Manager............................................................ 5–5
Inserting a Breakpoint .......................................................................... 5–5
Documenting Your Diagram................................................................. 5–5
Accessing Previous Documentation............................................... 5–6
Using Preexisting Modules to Create Diagrams.................................... 5–7
Using a Preexisting Module ........................................................... 5–7
Using a Preexisting Diagram ......................................................... 5–8
Converting a Diagram to a Script ....................................................... 5–10
Read this preface to familiar yourself with this manual. This preface
covers the following topics.
l Who should use this manual
l The purpose of this manual
l The contents of this manual
l Related documentation
l Where to find help
l Technical support
l Common techniques used in this manual
Use this
manual To find information on this topic
Related Documentation
The following documents contain additional information concerning
related Allen-Bradley products. To obtain a copy, contact your local
Allen-Bradley office or distributor.
For Read this Document Number
Information regarding ULTRA Plus ULTRA Plus Installation and 1398 - 5.1
hardware Setup Manual
An overview of the ULTRA Series ULTRA Series 1398 - 1.0
family Digital Servo Drives
An overview of ULTRA Plus Positioning ULTRA Plus Positioning Servo 1398 - 1.1
Servo Drives Drives
Descriptions and specifications for the ULTRA Series Product Data 1398 - 2.0
ULTRA family
An article on wire sizes and types for National Electrical Code Published by the
grounding electrical equipment National Fire
Association of
Boston, MA.
A complete listing of current Allen- Allen-Bradley Publication Index SD499
Bradley documentation, including
ordering instructions. Also indicates
whether the documents are available
on CD-ROM or in multi-languages
A glossary of industrial automation Allen-Bradley Industrial AG - 7.1
terms and abbreviations Automation Glossary
For the quickest possible response, we recommend that you have the
catalog numbers of your products available when you call. Refer to
Where to Find Help for the publication numbers related to this product.
How it Works
GML Ultra uses a flowchart approach to motion control programming.
To produce a diagram (motion program), you place function blocks
(representing the specific actions) on the screen, then connect them in
the proper order of operations.
You need a PC for program development but you do not need it for the
final turn-key application.
RS-232 is an industry-defined electrical interface standard for serial
RS-422 is a hardware standard that defines a method for transmitting
high-speed serial data over very long distances using a balanced,
twisted-pair transmission line.
Multi-drop mode
All ULTRA Plus controllers can be configured to operate in
multi-drop mode. This mode allows up to ten controls to share a single
RS-422 communication link by using two special non-echoed
commands to activate individual units. The individual units then
respond to commands issued by the operator interface device or by the
host computer.
Before you begin using GML Ultra, read this chapter to become
familiar with:
l Your work area
l Your tools
This window is always visible when GML Ultra is open, but you never
see it alone. When you open the application, a New Diagram window
appears immediately after the GML Ultra application window opens.
When you are online, the Online Manager window also appears here.
You use the Diagram Editor to create, edit, translate, and test your
GML Ultra application programs. You can create or edit programs in
this graphical environment, then transparently translate them into their
native language.
1. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
You can move the Online Manager window to a more convenient place
on your screen.
1. Click in the title bar and hold the mouse button down as you drag
the window to a new position.
You can move easily between the Diagram Editor window and the
Online Manager window. If you click on your diagram while the Online
Manager window is open, the diagram moves to the front and the
Online Manager window moves to the back. We recommend that you
resize your diagram window so both windows are visible at the same
time, similar to the following:
Trace Window
The Trace window looks similar to the Diagram Editor window, which
it replaces when you are online. In the Trace window, however, each
block or module is highlighted as the program (partial or total) in the
motion controller executes that block, allowing you to visually follow
program execution. Tools such as breakpoints are provided for
graphical debugging.
Watch Window
When working online, you use the Watch window to monitor a variable
as it executes in the program.
If you have not already identified the items you want to watch, a dialog
box alerts you to do so. The following Watch Items dialog box is
similar to the one you use to select the tags you want to monitor.
Command Window
When you are working online, use the Command window to:
2. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
For more information on using the Script Editor to view and fine tune
your program, refer Translating to Script.
Title Bar
The GML Ultra title bar shows the name of your diagram along with
the size and close controls. Use the Title Bar to locate a diagram in the
window. If you have not yet named or saved your diagram, the diagram
is temporarily named New Diagram. Subsequent unnamed diagrams are
also named New Diagram. For example, when you open a new
diagram, you see the following:
After you save a diagram, the name changes, similar to the following:
Note: GML Ultra automatically adds the .ULT suffix to the name of
your diagram.
Main Menu
The main menu is at the top of the window. It provides access to the
primary GML Ultra functions.
Block Palette
Block Libraries
The Block Library varies depending on the type of diagram you are
building. There are three block libraries.
Places a new blank Scan Event Handler module in Blocks that are
the diagram. relevant to scan
Scan Event Handlers monitor the condition of
scan events. If the condition is true and the scan
event is enabled when scanned, the actions are
performed in parallel with program execution. You
can enable and disable scan events in the
Places a new blank Xkey Handler module in the Blocks that are
diagram. relevant to Xkey
Xkey Handlers perform their actions in parallel
with program execution. The keys on the Operator
Terminal marked X1 through X4 are special
purpose keys that, when pressed, cause the
execution of an Xkey Handler.
Color Function
Green Initiate or change motion
Red Stop motion
Yellow Change setting or configuration
Brown Affect program flow control
Pink Provide I/O control
Violet Provide operator interface functions
Light Green Provide communications facilities
Light Yellow Provide calculations, tables, and other similar
White Provide miscellaneous functions that are not
available in the categories above
General Procedures
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File Menu appears.
2. Select New Diagram. A new GML Ultra diagram window similar to the
following appears:
The diagram menu located at the top of the window provides access to
the primary GML Ultra functions.
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
This menu
option Provides access to these features
File Open new and existing diagrams and scripts, print
functions, and general GML Ultra system settings.
Edit Standard text editing functions.
Script Find/Replace.
Windows A list of active diagrams and scripts.
Help GML Ultra online help.
Opening a Diagram
You can access previously written and saved functional modules (saved
as diagrams) and entire diagrams to build your new diagram. When the
diagram opens, you can:
l Edit or further develop a previously saved diagram.
l Copy formatted blocks, modules, or larger portions of the diagram
for use in another diagram (a primary benefit of GML’s graphical
design structure.)
To access a diagram:
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
Opening a Script
Use the Open Script option to open a saved script. You can then copy
all or portions of the script as you build your new program. When the
existing script opens, you can:
l Edit or further develop the existing script.
l Copy portions of the script for reuse in another script.
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File Menu appears.
2. Select Open Script. The Open dialog box appears with *.qps text
files identified the List files of type field, similar to the illustration
4. Select Open. The script file opens in the window similar to the
illustration below.
Clear 8 8
Delete 8
2. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
Clear deletes the selected blocks, but does not put them on the clipboard
so it is not available for pasting.
1. Select the block or blocks you want to clear. The blocks are
2. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
If you place a block in the Diagram Editor window and then change
your mind, you can delete it.
To delete a block:
2. Press Delete.
Copying Blocks
You can copy any block or group of blocks along with their associated
parameters. Copying has no effect on the original diagram, leaving the
selected blocks exactly as they were. When you copy a module, the
copied information includes all the blocks, connections, parameters, and
other modules contained in the module.
You can copy information from one diagram and paste it into another:
l Diagram.
l Location in the same diagram.
To copy:
2. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
The information that you want to paste can originate from either a Cut
or a Copy. GML Ultra allows you to paste the information multiple
To paste the contents of the clipboard in the same diagram window that
you cut or copied from:
1. Place your cursor at the location at which you want to put the
3. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
This option selects all the elements in the Diagram Editor window.
Select All is most often used in combination with other editing changes
to your diagram, such as aligning and spacing.
1. From the menu bar select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
2. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
You can undo an action if you make a mistake or change your mind.
You only have one chance to undo and you must perform the undo
immediately after the action you want to undo.
1. From the menu bar , select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
1. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
Note: If you select Redo after an undo, the action you undid is
The first time you save your diagram, you are required to:
l Name the diagram.
l Place the diagram in a specific folder, in a specific location.
2. Select Save. All changes since the last save are saved.
Naming a Block
When you first create a block, the description below it is generic. You
probably want to rename it using a descriptive name reflecting the
block’s function within this program. When you place the block, the
description below it is highlighted.
To name a block:
1. With the left mouse button, click in the name area below the block.
3. When you are finished, click any blank area in the diagram. The
block is released and the new name appears.
Naming a Module
When you create a module, GML Ultra assigns it the name New
Module x.
1. Select the box below the icon that contains the name. The box is
Printing Files
Use the following procedures for printing:
l Setting up the printer
l Printing a diagram
l Printing a picture of all diagram modules
l Printing a picture of select diagram modules
l Printing a script
1. From the File menu, select Print. A Print Diagram dialog box like
the following appears.
2. From the Print Diagram dialog box, select Setup. A dialog box
similar to the one below appears. Complete the fields based on your
printer, your version of Windows, and other criteria.
Printing a Diagram
For a printed record of all or parts of your diagram, you can print:
l Only the diagram
l The diagram and all the modules
l The diagram and some of the modules
l Only the modules
l Only some of the modules
For each selection, you can choose to print:
l Details
l Descriptions
l An index
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
1. Select All Modules. All modules, including the top level module
(the diagram itself) are printed.
2. Select the type of information you want to print about each module.
For a description of information types, refer to the table in the next
Note: You can print only four pages for each diagram.
1. Select Selected Modules. All the modules in the diagram are listed
in the window (including the diagram itself).
2. From the module list, select the modules you want to print. A check
( ) appears in front of the selected modules.
3. Select one or more information types you want to print about each
module. Use the information in the following table.
Field Description
Print Details To print a page describing the parameter
values for each block.
4. Select Print.
Printing a Script
For a hard copy of your program script to edit or keep on file, print a
script as follows:
2. From the File menu, select Print. The print function begins. Status
dialog boxes similar to the following appear. The script prints.
Closing a File
You can close a file at any time. You need not be finished with the diagram.
The system saves whatever you have completed. Use the following
To close a diagram:
6. Select OK. The file is named, saved, and closed. The GML Ultra
window appears with the new name in four places: the diagram
Title Bar, the module list, and beneath the START and END blocks.
If other files are open in GML Ultra, they appear when the current
file closes.
To close a file.
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
If other GML
Ultra files are This happens
Open They appear when the current file is
Not open The window is blank.
2. Select Exit. GML Ultra checks all open documents for changes and
asks if each changed document should be saved before quitting.
Note: To close only a file within the application, select Close, not
Exit, from the File Menu.
1. At the far left of the block palette, select the Library Browser
Note: More blocks are available by sliding the scroll bar down.
3. Select the Select button. The Diagram Editor window appears and
the cursor changes to a finger.
4. Position the cursor and click the mouse button. The selected block
appears in the Diagram Editor window.
This palette is useful when you need to reuse a block repeatedly. The
most recently selected block is positioned in the next block that has not
been used, starting after the New Module block.
To select a block from the toolbar and position it using pick and place:
4. Click and release the mouse button. The block appears in the
Manipulating Blocks
Most blocks and modules, including the START and END blocks, have
input and output nodes. The diagram must start at the START block. It
also must have connections drawn from an output node of one block to
the input node of another. The diagram usually ends at the END block,
but does not need to.
Connecting Blocks
To connect blocks and modules:
1. Move the cursor to the desired output node. The cursor changes
from a pointer to a soldering iron.
3. Drag the soldering iron to the desired input node or anywhere inside
the icon. As you drag, a green line representing the connection is
Moving Blocks
You can drag blocks, including the START and END blocks, anywhere
in the diagram. Their connections remain no matter where you move
Disconnecting Blocks
To cut a connection:
In some cases, when you have a connection that loops back to an earlier
block in the diagram, you could want to move a vertical connection to
avoid other blocks. To move lines:
2. Press the left mouse button, drag the connection to the desired
position and release.
You also use this menu to select editing features that are specific to
GML Ultra, such as moving blocks and accessing block parameters.
These options are described in this section.
Selecting All
Use the Select All option to select all the elements in the Diagram
Editor window. This option is often used with other editing changes to
your diagram, such as aligning and spacing.
To select the entire diagram, select Select All from the Edit menu.
Every block, module, connection, property, and parameter is
Duplicating a Block
Use Duplicate on Edit menu to make a copy of an existing block in a
To duplicate a block:
Adding a Block
You add a new block to a diagram by selecting it from the Diagram
Library. You can display the Diagram Library in two ways:
Replacing a Block
You can quickly replace one block on the diagram with another block.
To replace a block:
2. From the File menu, select Change Block. The Diagram Library
Inserting a Block
Use the Insert Between option to insert a new block between two
existing blocks.
To insert a block:
2. From the File menu, select Insert Between. The Diagram Library
Note: The Insert Between option is disabled (gray) until you select the
two blocks.
3. From the Diagram Library, select the block you wish to insert. The
new block appears between the two selected blocks.
Grouping Blocks
You can treat a group of blocks as a unit by placing a temporary box
around them. They can then be manipulated as a group.
To group blocks:
1. Place the blocks so you can draw a box around them without
including other blocks.
3. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag it to the lower right
of the group. A box is drawn around the group.
You can now work with the block group as a unit. For example, you
can move (as shown above), cut, or encapsulate the blocks as a group.
Swapping Blocks
Use the Swap Blocks option to swap the location and connections of
two selected blocks. The blocks need not be connected.
In the example that follows, the Control Settings block is swapped with
the Output block.
3. From the Edit menu select Swap Blocks, The blocks switch
4. Click your left mouse button in another area of the pane to clear the
Aligning Blocks
Use the Align Blocks option to align blocks on a vertical or a horizontal
1. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
2. Select Select All. All the blocks and modules in the diagram are
3. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
Spacing Blocks
Blocks that are evenly spaced are easier to read. When a diagram
becomes cluttered and blocks overlap, it is time to space the blocks and
modules so you can keep track of what you are doing.
1. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
3. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
5. Click your left mouse button in another area. The diagram selection
is cleared and the blocks are uniformly spaced.
Note: You can Align Blocks at this time for optimum readability.
You can specify that blocks be aligned to the nearest horizontal and/or
vertical grid line when placed in the diagram.
1. Select a block.
2. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
3. Select Block Information. The dialog box for that block appears.
4. Examine or change the parameters that have been set for that
function block.
3. Select OK. The defined parameters are saved. The dialog box
closes and the Dialog Editor window appears.
This section describes the process for entering values in fields. For a
detailed description of the Expression Builder, refer to the Expression
Builder chapter in the GML Ultra Reference manual (Publication 1398-
Understanding Expressions
Sometimes, you need a numerical value or expression to define a
parameter for a block. A value can be a single constant, a variable, an
array reference, a function, or any combination in the form of a
mathematical calculation.
You can either enter an expression string directly in the field or build an
expression by selecting items from the lists in the lower left corner of
the Expression Builder. In GML Ultra, all operators are of equal
precedence and compute in left to right order. Use parenthesis to change
precedence. You can nest operators up to 25 levels deep.
2. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
Building an Expression
Use the procedures below to select appropriate items from the lists to
build an expression.
Adding Inputs/Outputs
Adding Operators
Adding Numerals
User-Defined Variables
Refer to the GML Ultra Getting Started manual for more information
on defining variables.
System-Defined Variables
Working with
To create a new diagram, select New Diagram from the File menu. A
new window appears with a temporary name. Rename it as you wish.
From the menu bar select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
1. From the Diagram menu, select Find. A dialog box similar to the
following appears.
3. In the Look for: field, enter the text you are looking for. You can
enter up to 255 characters in this field.
4. Select the Find It button. GML Ultra searches for the text and
displays it if it is located.
Diagram Information
Use the Diagram Info option to display the number of blocks and
modules in the current diagram.
Testing Diagrams
This option allows you to test your diagram for valid translation into a
script for the selected motion controller, including tests for valid block
parameters and block connections. If GML Ultra finds an error, a
window appears, describing the error and identifying the block where
the error occurred.
For more information about the Online Manager, refer to the Going
Online chapter.
Inserting a Breakpoint
Use the Breakpoint option on the Diagram menu to set or clear
breakpoints. Breakpoints are set and cleared from the Diagram menu
but you must be online to set a breakpoint.
1. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
1. From the menu bar, select Windows. The Window menu appears,
listing the open diagrams. The active diagram is checked.
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
3. Highlight the diagram you want to use. Select Open. The diagram
opens and becomes active.
5. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
6. Select Copy. The module and all its blocks, connections, and block
parameters are copied.
10. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
11. Select Paste. The module is pasted into the new diagram.
Note: You can change settings now, later, or keep the module as
1. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
3. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
7. In the Diagram Editor window of the new diagram, place the cursor
where you want to insert the copied module.
8. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
Note: You can change settings now or later, or keep the module
as is.
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
2. In the Diagram Editor window, place your cursor at the upper left
corner of the area you want to copy.
4. Drag the cursor to the lower right corner of the area you want to
copy. A dotted rectangle surrounds the area.
6. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
10. Place your cursor in the Diagram Editor window of the new
diagram at the place where you want to insert the copied module.
11. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
12. Select Paste. The module is pasted into the new diagram.
Note: You can change settings now, later, or keep the module as
You can easily switch between the script window and the diagram
window to make changes in the diagram because they are both
1. From the Block Palette, select (click and release) the New Module
block. The block attaches itself to the cursor until you place it in
the Diagram Editor.
6. Click and release your cursor. The New Module block appears.
1. From the Edit menu, select Add. The Block Library appears.
4. Select Select. The Diagram Editor appears with the cursor looking
like a pointing hand.
5. Point to the location where you want to place the New Module
6. Click and release your cursor. The New Module block appears.
1. Position the blocks that you want to include in the new module so
l They are next to each other, and
l Unwanted blocks are excluded when you select the desired
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
6. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
9. From the Edit menu, select Paste. The module appears in the
diagram receiving the diagram.
Unencapsulating a Module
If you’ve encapsulated several blocks or modules into one module, you
can reverse the process by unencapsulating the module.
To unencapsulate a module:
2. From the menu bar, select Module. The Module menu appears.
Viewing Modules
When designing a very complex diagram, you can find it easier to work
with if you can simplify it visually. GML Ultra lets you do this without
actually changing the structure of the diagram, as you do when you
encapsulate a module. You use the Show Overview option to visually
simplify a module. Alternately, you can view module detail by using the
Show Details option.
2. From the menu bar, select Module. The Module menu appears.
The resulting view is exactly like the diagram window except that
you are looking at a different level. The Module List shows the
module level in the Diagram Editor. The module name appears
under the START and END blocks. Only the blocks encapsulated in
the module appear.
To view a higher module level, select Module from the menu bar. The
information in the Diagram Editor shows the next higher level of
Diagram1: Level 1
Diagram1: Level 2
Diagram1: Level 3
1. Select the level that you want details about. The level is highlighted.
2. From the menu bar, select Module. The Module menu appears.
3. Select Module Info. The GML Info dialog box appears, showing
the number of blocks and the number of modules in the selected
Documenting a Module
In a special dialog box, you can enter information about the module that
might be helpful to you and future users.
To document a module:
1. From the Diagram Editor window, select the module you want to
2. From the menu bar, select Module. The Module menu appears.
In addition, you can use the Script Editor to create, edit, and print script
programs. For example, script files reside on your controller. You can
upload these to your PC and save them as scripts.
2. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
In the above example, both the diagram file (xxx.ULT) and the script
file (xxx.QPS) are open but only the script file is active. The menu bar
changes to reflects the script file.
1. From the GML Error dialog box, select OK. GML Ultra
automatically takes you to the part of the diagram or the block that
has a problem, as shown below.
3. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
Creating a Script
Use the Script Editor to create a new script, view and edit text files.
Examples include:
l Script documents generated from GML Ultra diagram documents.
l Script files that reside on your controller. You can upload these to
your PC and save them as scripts.
The Script Editor provides standard cut, copy, paste, delete, and
find/replace functions.
1. From the menu bar, select File. The File menu appears.
Editing a Script
Inserting Text
When the Script Editor window is active, the text insert position is
indicated by a blinking vertical bar. Characters typed from the
keyboard appear at this location. While the cursor is inside the Script
Editor window, it appears as an I-beam.
2. Click and hold the mouse button at the beginning of the text to be
5. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
1. Click and hold the mouse button at the beginning of the text to be
4. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
Pasting Text
2. From the menu bar, select Edit. The Edit menu appears.
3. Select Paste. The selection is pasted into the script at that location.
Finding/Replacing Text
Find allows efficient searches for known script patterns. Replace allows
you to automatically make global changes. These tools are especially
effective for multiple searches in long documents
2. From the menu bar of the active script window, select Script. The
Script menu appears.
4. In the Find field, type the text you want to search for in the current
text file exactly as it appears in the script file.
Note: Pay special attention to dots and spaces. The search is not
case sensitive unless you select that option. Refer to Step 6.
5. In the Replace with field, type the text you want to replace in the
Find field.
Field Description
match case Select the box to match upper and lower
case to exactly what you typed in the
Find and Replace with fields.
from beginning Select the box to search the entire file
from the beginning, instead of starting
where the cursor rests.
replace text Select the box to search and replace one
find at a time.
global replace Select the box to search and replace all
the finds in the file at one time.
confirm replace Select the box to perform a global
search, but to confirm each occurrence
before you replace it with the new text.
7. Select Find. The search begins. When the text in the Find field is
identified, the new text automatically replaces the old text, the new
text is highlighted and the search stops.
Find/Replace Again
Use Find Again to find, in the current file, the next occurrence of the
text you searched with Find/Replace.
Note: The Find-Replace dialog box does not change even when you
activate a new diagram or a new script. Therefore, you can
search for the same text in different files without typing new
text in the Find and Replace With fields.
2. From the Script Main Menu, select Script. The Script menu
Going Online
You can build and edit your diagram, create variables, and test
connections without connecting to your ULTRA Plus controller, but
you must go online to communicate with the controller.
2. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
The Online Manager window has three areas: upper, center, and lower.
The organization of the window is summarized below.
Note: The Watch window must be closed before you can download,
upload, or delete a file.
3. Select Execute. The function executes and the script for the
function displays in the display field.
Deleting a Diagram
To delete an executable diagram (and script file) residing in the
2. Select the radio button for the type of file you want to delete—the
executable diagram or both script and executable diagram.
Publication 1398-5.11 - February 1997
8-8 Going Online
Download Diagram Translate and send the current diagram to the ULTRA Downloading Your
Plus. The program type and program # selected in Diagram
Control Options (on the Definitions menu) determine
what type of program is downloaded and where it is
stored in the ULTRA Plus. If you change the program
you must download it before trying to run it.
Enter Setups Display the Axis Setups dialog box. From here you can:
l Select and run diagnostic tests.
l Tune motors and drives.
l Monitor I/O status.
l Initialize the Personality Module.
l Display version information of the ULTRA Plus
Upload Options Display the Transfer Control dialog box. From here you Upload Options
l Transfer a script file from the ULTRA Plus to the
l Send or receive an entire NVRam image from the
PC to the ULTRA Plus.
l Transfer the Fault History from the ULTRA Plus to
the PC.
l Send or receive an executable file from the PC to
the ULTRA Plus.
Pausing a Program
To pause the program at a specific point to monitor machine function,
set a breakpoint. Breakpoints can only be set after the diagram is
downloaded. The diagram must be downloaded every time a change is
made to it. You can set up to twenty-four breakpoints:
Suspending a Program
To suspend program execution, in the Online Manager window, select
Pause. The program suspends execution. It can be resumed without a
new download.
Stopping a Program
To stop a program, in the Online Manager window, select Abort. The
program stops.
Option Description
Trace Displays program flow, with the executing block
highlighted. Runs at full speed.
Auto Displays program flow, with the executing block
highlighted. Runs at less than full speed
Step Displays program flow. You control the process by
pressing a button to step through the program one
block at a time.
Breakpoints Set a specific point to pause a program so you can
check it.
Watch To display variables you want to monitor.
Using Trace
Use Trace to periodically show program flow while running at full
program speed.
2. In Normal view mode, select Trace. The program runs at full speed
and highlights blocks as they are executed.
Using Auto
Use Auto to automatically step through program blocks. Auto shows
program flow at slower than normal program speed. In the Online
Manager window, in Normal view mode, select Auto. When execution
of that block is complete, the next block in the diagram is highlighted.
Using Step
Use Step to manually step through a program one block at a time:
2. Select Step.
Setting a Breakpoint
You can set and clear breakpoints from the Diagram menu but you
must be online to set a breakpoint.
You can set the breakpoint only after the diagram is downloaded. A
block with a breakpoint set has its validation check mark highlighted in
black instead of green. Up to 24 breakpoints are supported. When a
breakpoint is reached, the block with the breakpoint is highlighted.
2. In the diagram, select the block at the location at which you want
the program to stop.
3. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
To: Do this:
Cause the program to stop when Select Stop Program When
it reaches a specified block Reached.
Allow the program to continue Go to step 7.
without pausing
7. Select OK. The menu closes and the green checkmark at the upper
left corner of the block changes to black. The breakpoint is set.
3. In the Defined Items field in the Watch Items dialog box, select the
variables you want to track. A check mark ü appears in front of
the selected variable.
6. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The items are placed in the
Variable View window on the Online Manager window.
8. Scroll the Watch window to the find the variable(s) you want to
2. Scroll the Watch window to the find the variable(s) you want to
To initialize and load the appropriate personality module files for PDM
and motor combination:
2. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
Field Description
Drive Type Select the appropriate PDM type.
Motor Type Select the appropriate motor type.
Motor/Encoder Select the appropriate motor encoder size.
1. From the menu bar, select Diagram. The Diagram menu appears.
To: Do this:
Verify that encoder 1. Rotate the encoder. As the counts
counts are being are received, the count display is
received incremented or decremented
depending on the direction the
encoder is rotated.
2. Select Zero Counts to clear the
count display.
Check the size of the 1. Select Zero Counts to clear the
encoder count display.
2. Rotate the encoder slowly until the
size appears in the Size field. The
size displayed is in encoder counts
(number of encoder lines
multiplied by 4).
The DAC Output test exercises the DAC1 output. The test outputs
either a triangular waveform between ±10 volts or a fixed voltage on
the DAC1 output. To test the DAC1 output:
3. Select Execute.
To: Do this:
Output a triangular 1. Select Triangular Waveform.
waveform with a range 2. Select Start. A Waveform Running
of ±10 volts message appears.
Output a fixed voltage 1. Select Set DAC Voltage.
2. Type the desired voltage (between
±10 volts.
3. Select Start. A Voltage Set
message appears.
To: Do this:
Stop a waveform or 1. Select Set DAC Voltage.
the fixed voltage signal 2. Type a value of 0 volts.
3. Select Start. A Voltage Set
message appears.
Stop a waveform or Select Close.
the fixed voltage signal
and close the dialog
3. Select Execute.
To: Do this:
Output a triangular 1. Select Triangular Waveform.
waveform with a range 2. Select Start.
of ±10 volts
3. Select Start. A Voltage Set
message appears.
Output a fixed voltage 1. Select Set DAC Voltage.
2. Type the desired voltage (between
±10 volts.
3. Select Start.
To: Do this:
Stop the waveform or 1. Select Set DAC Voltage.
the fixed voltage signal 2. Type a value of 0 volts.
Stop the waveform or Select Close.
the fixed voltage signal
and close the dialog
To: Do this:
Turn on an output Select the check box corresponding to
the output number.
Turn on all outputs Select All On.
Turn the Ready or Select the appropriate check box.
Enabled relay on
Turn off individual Clear the corresponding check box.
Turn all outputs off Select All Off.
Turn the Ready or Clear the appropriate check box.
Enabled relay off
The outputs are restored to their previous state when you select
2. Select Execute. The Operator Terminal dialog box appears and the
test starts immediately.
Characters sent to the operator terminal are also sent to the dialog box
for verification. Any keypress action at the operator terminal (on or off)
is also shown in the dialog box.
3. Select Tune.
Note: The fields in the Application Type and Response areas are
used to calculate the system tuning gains after the system
inertia estimation is complete.
Field Description
Point to Point Select this option if your application is
point to point.
Contouring Select this option if your application is
Field Description
Bi-directional Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in both directions.
Positive Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in a clockwise direction when looking at the
motor shaft end.
Negative Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in a counter-clockwise direction when
looking at the motor shaft end.
Field Description
High Select this option if And if you selected:
the bandwidth is:
10 Hz Position loop
30 Hz Velocity loop
Medium Select this option if And if you selected:
the bandwidth is:
5 Hz Position loop
15 Hz Velocity loop
Select this option if you are not sure which
response suits your application.
Low Select this option if And if you selected:
the bandwidth is:
2 Hz Position loop
7 Hz Velocity loop
8. In the Velocity Loop area, the system makes entries in the following
Field Description
Filter Select this field to enable the low pass filter on
the output of the velocity regulator. The value is
the bandwidth in Hz of the low pass filter on the
output of the velocity regulator. Reducing the
value of the filter smooths the torque command,
which reduces noise from high frequency torque
pulsations. The maximum value is 300 Hz. The
system turns the filter off.
P Gain Proportional gain of the velocity loop. Increase
proportional gain to reduce dynamic velocity
errors and to increase the velocity loop
I Gain Integral gain of the velocity loop. Integral gain is
used to improve the stiffness of the velocity loop
and to reduce the effects of load disturbances.
Excessive integral gain results in velocity
overshoot and could cause instability.
Auto tune sets the velocity loop integral gain (I)
to zero for point to point. For contouring,
integral gain is set to a non-zero value that
results in about a 15% velocity step overshoot.
AFF Acceleration feedforward gain of the position
loop in percent. The system sets acceleration
feedforward gain (AFF)=0%.
9. In the Limits area, the system makes entries in the following fields:
Field Description
Step Current Type the step current in user units per the
Timebase for Max Velocity field. The default
value should provide good results for most
systems. Reduce the value if the torque exceeds
machine specifications.
Max Type the maximum distance in user units. The
Distance default value should provide good results for
most systems.
Max Type the maximum velocity in user units per the
Velocity Timebase for Max Velocity field. The default
value should provide good results for most
10. In the Position Loop area, the system makes entries in the
following fields:
Field Description
P Gain Proportional gain adjusts the bandwidth of
the position loop. The higher the value of
the proportional gain, the stiffer the system
response. Proportional gain appears in
inches per minute per mil (i.e., meters per
minute per millimeter).
P in Zone Position loop proportional gain in zone is
used when the system is within the region of
the commanded position defined by the
PZone field.
I Gain Position loop Integral gain is used to bring
the system into the desired position more
quickly and increase the stiffness of the
positioner. The IZone field determines the
region around the commanded position
where integral gain is active. The system
sets position loop integral gain (I Gain)=0.
VFF Velocity feedforward gain adjusts the
following error of the position loop.
Velocity feedforward gain is entered in
percent. The system sets velocity
feedforward gain=100%.
PZone Proportional zone is the region around the
commanded position where the position
loop proportional gain is changed to the
gain set by the P in Zone field. The
proportional zone value appears in user
units as defined in the Transducer
Counts/Unit field. The system sets
proportional zone (Pzone)=0.
IZone Integral zone is the region around the
commanded position where the integral gain
is active. The integral zone value appears in
user units as defined in the Transducer
Counts/Unit field. The system sets integral
zone (Izone)=0.
12. Select Start. The Auto Tune process begins. The motor shaft
oscillates back and forth.
Note: Enable and Start are toggle buttons. When you select
Enable, for example, it changes to Disable and when you
select Start, it changes to Stop.
After about 5 seconds, the motion ceases and the calculated load
inertia to motor inertia ratio and the new calculated gains appear.
13. If the gains are set to the maximum value, repeat the Auto Tune
process with higher values for Step Current, Max Distance, and
Max Velocity.
If: Do this:
You are satisfied Select OK. Your information is saved.
with the new gain
You are not Select Reset Gains. The gains are restored
satisfied with the to the previous settings.
new gain settings
Further fine- Go to Understanding Manual Tune.
tuning of the
gains is required
To tune the velocity loop, you change the proportional gain, integral
gain, and filter. Proportional Gain is the proportional gain of the
velocity loop. Increasing Proportional Gain reduces the time required to
reach the commanded velocity.
Integral gain is the integral gain of the velocity loop. Integration in the
velocity loop forces the motor velocity to precisely follow the
commanded velocity with no error under steady state conditions (no
changes in velocity, command, or load). Increasing integral gain
increases the stiffness, or the ability to reject load disturbances.
Increasing integral gain also, however, increases the amount of velocity
overshoot when responding to a step change in velocity. Too much
integral gain can cause the system to go unstable. To reduce stress on
the mechanical parts of the machine, you should set proportional gain
and integral gain as low as possible while still maintaining the desired
To: Do This:
Increase bandwidth Increase Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (PGain).
Increase stiffness Increase Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (PGain) or
Velocity Loop Integral Gain (IGain).
Reduce overshoot increase Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (PGain) or
reduce Velocity Loop Integral Gain (IGain).
Reduce rise time Increase Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (PGain) or
Velocity Loop Integral Gain (IGain).
Reduce resonance Reduce the Filter value.
Reduce motor rattle Reduce Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (PGain),
Velocity Loop Integral Gain (IGain), or Filter value.
Once the velocity loop has been tuned, the position loop can be tuned.
Changing the position loop proportional gain changes the position loop
bandwidth. When you use an integral gain in the position loop you
reduce the effects of friction and allow zero error when holding
6. Select Tune.
Field Description
Bi-directional Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in both directions.
Positive Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in a clockwise direction when looking at the
motor shaft end.
Negative Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in a counter-clockwise direction when
looking at the motor shaft end.
Field Description
Step Velocity Type the step velocity of the internal square
wave generator that you want. (A good
value is between 100 and 500 RPM.)
Note: An excessive Step Velocity or a
low peak current limit setting can cause the
servo amplifier to enter current limit, which
should be avoided while tuning the ULTRA
Plus. If the ULTRA Plus reaches current
limit, The message In Peak Current
Cycle Period Type the time in seconds to complete one
cycle of the command.
If the Direction is set to Bi-directional, one
cycle is a move forward and back. If the
Direction is either Positive or Negative, one
cycle is the move in one direction only.
Do not set the cycle period to a high value
(one that would allow the system to reach
the end of travel) or to a value less than
0.02 seconds.
Ilimit Type the current limit to be used during
manual tuning. When you first select
Manual Tune, this is equal to the Peak
Current Limit parameter. You can change
Ilimit without changing the Peak Current
Limit parameter.
14. Select Start. The Manual Tune process begins. The motor shaft
oscillates back and forth.
15. In the Velocity Loop area, set the Integral Gain (IGain) to a low
value (no noticeable overshoot).
16. If you haven't already done so, set the Monitor Output to
Feedback_Velocity for Encoder 1.
18. In the Velocity Loop area, increase Integral Gain (IGain) until the
acceptable limit for the amount of overshoot is reached.
20. Reduce the value in the Filter field until the overshoot begins to
3. Select Tune.
Field Description
Bi-directional Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in both directions.
Positive Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in a clockwise direction when looking at the
motor shaft end.
Negative Select this option to rotate the motor shaft
in a counter-clockwise direction when
looking at the motor shaft end.
Field Description
Step Position Type the step of the desired position
change. (A good value is 0.25.)
Cycle Period Type the time in seconds to complete one
cycle of the command.
If the Direction is set to Bi-directional, one
cycle is a move forward and back. If the
Direction is either Positive or Negative, one
cycle is the move in one direction only.
Do not set the cycle period to a high value
(one that would allow the system to reach
the end of travel) or to a value less than
0.02 seconds.
Ilimit Type the current limit to be used during
manual tuning. When you first select
Manual Tune, this is equal to the Peak
Current Limit parameter. You can change
Ilimit without changing the Peak Current
Limit parameter.
Field Description
PGain Proportional gain adjusts the bandwidth of
the position loop. The higher the value of
the proportional gain, the stiffer the system
response. Proportional gain appears in
inches per minute per mil (i.e., meters per
minute per millimeter).
P in Zone Type 0.
Field Description
Position loop proportional gain in zone is
used when the system is within the region of
the commanded position defined by the
PZone field.
IGain Position loop Integral gain is used to bring
the system into the desired position more
quickly and increase the stiffness of the
positioner. The IZone field determines the
region around the commanded position
where integral gain is active. The system
sets position loop integral gain (IGain)=0.
VFF Type 0.
Velocity feedforward gain adjusts the
following error of the position loop.
Velocity feedforward gain is entered in
percent. The system sets velocity
feedforward gain=100%.
P in Zone Proportional zone is the region around the
commanded position where the position
loop proportional gain is changed to the
gain set by the P in Zone field. The
proportional zone value appears in user
units as defined in the Transducer
Counts/Unit field. The system sets
proportional zone (Pzone)=0.
IZone Integral zone is the region around the
commanded position where the integral gain
is active. The integral zone value appears in
user units as defined in the Transducer
Counts/Unit field. The system sets integral
zone (Izone)=0.
11. Select Start. The Manual Tune process begins. The motor moves
back and forth.
15. Type a value in the Izone field in the Position Loop area (about
twice the In-Position Window is a reasonable value).
16. Slowly increase the value in the IGain field in the Position Loop
area from 0 while watching the Feedback_Velocity signal on the
oscilloscope. As Position Loop IGain is increased, the system
begins to overshoot.
17. Adjust the IGain field in the Position Loop area to achieve the
fastest possible time to come into position with minimum
18. When you are satisfied that the gains have been set to give the
correct system response, select OK. The information is saved and
the window closes.
To restore: Do this:
Gains to the previous values Select Reset Gains.
Gains to the previous values and Select Cancel.
close the dialog box
3. Select Execute. The Status and I/O Monitor dialog box appears.
The box contains the status of all the inputs and outputs along with
certain dedicated inputs and outputs, Ready and Enabled relay status,
and machine faults (if any).
Upload Options
Use the Transfer Control dialog box to transfer information between
your PC and the ULTRA Plus. In the Transfer Type dialog box, select
the type of information you want to transfer. In the Transfer Mode
dialog box, select the direction of the transfer. You can select the Send
to ULTRA Plus option only when you’ve selected NVRam or
Executable in the Transfer Type box.
2. Select Script.
2. Select NVRam.
2. Select NVRam.
The ULTRA Plus stores the last 46 faults and the running time when
the fault occurred. (The running time is based on the first time the
ULTRA Plus was powered up.) The Fault History is saved in NVRam
so it is not lost when power is removed from the ULTRA Plus.
To transfer the Fault History from the ULTRA Plus to the PC:
2. Select Executable.
4. Select Start.
2. Select Executable.
4. Select Start.
Understanding Blocks
You can find more information about function blocks in the GML Ultra
Reference Manual (Publication 1398-5.12).
Change Gain
The Change Gain block allows you to change—on-the-fly—the
working values of the gain setting of the servo axis.
Note: You can use this block to change this setting at any
time. It has no effect on the stored power-up values.
Field Description
Change Select one of the following:
Loop Gain To adjust a position loop gain.
Loop Gain To adjust a velocity loop gain.
Gain Select one of the following:
Proportional To set a proportional gain.
If the Change field is Velocity
Loop Gain, increase the value to
reduce dynamic velocity error
and to increase the velocity loop
bandwidth. Excessive
proportional gain could cause
(in zone) Use this when the system is in the
proportional zone.
If the Change field is Position
Loop Gain, increase the
bandwidth of the position loop.
The higher the value, the stiffer
the system response.
Field Description
(in zone). To set an integral gain.
If the Change field is Position
Loop Gain, use this field to bring
the system into the specified
position more quickly and
increase the stiffness of the
position loop. The zone
determines the region around the
commanded position where the
position loop gain is active.
If the Change field is Velocity
Loop Gain, use this field to
improve the stiffness of the
velocity regulator and to reduce
the effects of load disturbances.
Excessive integral gain results in
velocity overshoot and could
cause instability.
Value Type the positive number that represents the
proportion of the gain
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Once a jog has been stopped by a Change Dynamics to Zero speed, you
can either Change Jog Dynamics to a nonzero speed to resume the jog
in the same direction, or use a Jog Axis block to start a new jog.
Field Description
Speed Type the speed at which the move or jog occurs.
Acceleration Type the acceleration at which the move or jog
occurs in axis position units per second
Deceleration Type the deceleration at which the move or jog
occurs in axis position units per second
Clear Display
The Clear Display block allows you to clear the operator
terminal screen.
To clear the entire screen, don’t make entries in this dialog box.
Field Description
Row To clear an entire row on the operator terminal
screen, type the number of that row.
To clear an area within a row:
1. Type the number of the row at which you
want to begin clearing.
2. Enter column and length values.
Column Type the number of the column at which you
want to begin clearing.
To clear a number of characters beginning at a
location, you also have to enter a length in the
Length field.
Length Type the number of characters to be cleared
starting at the row and column specified.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Field Description
Scan Event # Select a number from 1 to 8 to identify this
scan event.
Scan Type Select one of the following:
Conditional To test for a condition you
Timer To use a timer to determine
the elapsed time between two
events, or delay an action.
If If the Scan Type field is Conditional, type an
expression or event.
Timer # If the Scan Type field is Timer, select the
number that you want to assign to this timer.
Timer Type If the Scan Type field is Timer, select one of
the following:
Action After
Timeout To delay the action by the
value of the time once the
condition is met.
Elapsed Time To determine the elapsed
time between two events.
Start Timer If the Scan Type field is Timer, type the
condition that starts the time.
Stop Timer If the Timer Type field is elapsed time, type
Condition the condition that stops the timer.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Define Xkey
The Define Xkey block allows you to define the function of the
keys marked X1 through X4 on the operator terminal. These
are function keys that, when pressed, execute a routine in
parallel with the application program. To define the actions
performed when the key is pressed, you need to use the Xkey
Handler block to create a condition handler. You must enable
each Xkey using the Set Condition block.
Field Description
Xkey Select the number of the function key (1 to 4 )
that you want to define.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
4. Create an Xkey routine using the Xkey Handler block. Refer to the
Xkey Handler section for more information.
The Delay block allows you to pause the program for the
specified time or until the count-down timer you specify times
Field Description
Type Select one of the following:
Dwell To pause the program for a specified
time that is affected by the feedrate.
Delay To pause the program for a specified
time that is not affected by the
Timer To wait for a timer to expire.
Set Time If you selected Dwell or Delay in the Type field,
(seconds) type the amount of delay in seconds.
Timer If you selected Timer in the Type field, type the
number of the timer (1 or 2).
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Disable Gearing
The Disable Gearing block allows you to stop the electronic
gearing motion axis immediately. If gearing is the only motion
in progress on the axis, the axis stops.
The Disable Gearing block does not require you to enter any
Edit Value
The Edit Value block allows you to create a data entry
environment for an operator interface. This block allows you to
enter a value on the operator interface stored in a user variable.
Field Description
Set Select this check box to define row/column.
Row If you selected the Set check box, type the number
of the row in which the display begins.
Field Description
Column If you selected the Set check box, type the number
of the column in which the display begins.
Force to Select the serial port that you want to use. The
Port default is Port A, the operator terminal port.
Message Select this check box to enter a prompt message.
In the adjacent box, type the prompt message.
Variable Select the type of variable that you want to read.
Show Select this field if you want the current value of
Current the variable to appear. This allows the operator to
Value see the current value and simply press Enter to
keep it.
Range Select this check box if you want to specify a
minimum/maximum range.
This option is only available if you selected G or
V User Variables.
Min If you selected the Range check box, specify the
minimum value the operator is allowed to enter.
This option is only available if you selected G or
V User Variables.
Max If you selected the Range check box, specify the
minimum value the operator is allowed to enter.
This option is only available if you selected G or
V User Variables.
Format Select this check box if you want to specify the
field and precision of the displayed variable or if
you want to display it as a fraction.
This option is only available if you selected G or
V User Variables.
Field If you selected the Format check box, type the
number of characters that you want to allow for
the variable, including the decimal point.
This option is only available if you selected G or
V User Variables.
Precision If you selected the Format check box, type the
number of places that you want to display after
the decimal point.
This option is only available if you selected G or
V User Variables.
Field Description
Fraction If you selected the Format check box, select this
field if you want the variable to appear as a
This option is only available if you selected G or
V User Variables.
3. Select the variable that you want to display from the scrolling list.
4. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
The Equation block allows you to assign a value to a user
variable, a system variable, or a general purpose output. You
can assign a constant or an expression to determine the value
that is to be assigned.
To define a value:
Field Description
Let Select the type of variable that you want to use
in the equation. A list of those variables appears
in the window.
= Type the value or expression that defines the
value for the variable.
4. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
The Feedback block allows you to directly and immediately
enable or disable the feedback loop on the servo axis.
You can use the Feedback block anywhere in a GML Ultra
diagram. However, because it causes an abrupt, uncontrolled
stop, you should not use it while the axis is moving.
Field Description
State Select one of the following:
ON To immediately enable the feedback
loop on the servo axis.
OFF To immediately disable the feedback
loop on the servo axis.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
5. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
This block allows you to simulate pressing an Fkey from within
the program.
The operator terminal has four function keys (Fkeys F1 through F4)
you can program to perform different functions. Once these key are
programmed, you can assign text to them so their functions appear on
the operator terminal screen. Enable these displays by connecting the
operator terminal to serial port A (P7).
There are two places to set the Fkey mode displayed on the operator
l From a program.
l By using the mode key.
1. Press the MODE key to step through as many modes as are defined
in the FKey Set Up dialog box. If Fkey functions are not assigned
to a mode, the operator terminal pass over that mode and moves to
the next mode with defined Fkeys.
2. Press the MODE key. The Fkey labels appear on the screen.
Press either the CLEAR key or the STATUS key, which displays one
of the status displays.
Gear Axes
The Gear Axes blocks allows you to enable electronic gearing
between the servo and master axes at a specified ratio.
Electronic gearing remains active through any subsequent Jog
Axis or Move Axis. This allows electronic gearing motions to
be superimposed on the jog or move motions to create complex
motions and synchronization.
Field Description
Set Ratio Select one of the following:
as a
Real Number To allow the gear ratio to be
specified as a real number or
expression representing the
ratio of follower axis counts to
master axis counts.
as a
Fraction To allow the gear ratio to be
specified as a pair of integer
numbers or expressions
representing the ratio between
the number of follower axis
feedback counts and the
number of master axis
feedback counts.
Field Description
Follower: If your ratio is a real number, type the real
Master number or expression that represents the ratio
Ratio of follower axis counts to master counts.
Follower If your ratio is a fraction, type the pair of
Counts integer numbers or expressions that represent
Master the ratio between the number of follower axis
Counts feedback counts and the number of master axis
feedback counts.
Slew Select the Slew check box and type the value
that defines the maximum acceleration of the
follower axis.
2. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
If Axis
The If Axis block allows you to check the status of an axis. If
the status of the axis matches the chosen status, program flow
branches to the 1 (true) node. If the status of the axis does not
match the chosen status, program flow continues to the 0
(false) node.
Field Description
Status Select one of the following:
In Position To check for an in position
status. When the axis locks onto
its command position, the
program branches to the 1 (true)
node (In_Position_Flag=ON).
Jogging Done To check for a jogging done
status. When the axis is no
longer being commanded to jog,
it branches to the 1 (true) node
(Jog_Active_Flag= OFF).
Moving Done To check for a moving done
status. When the axis is no
longer being commanded to
move, the program branches to
the 1 (true) node
Homing Done To check for a homing done
status. When the axis has been
homed, the program branches to
the 1 (true) node
Gearing Done To check for a gearing done
status. When the axis is no
longer being commanded to
move from the electronic
gearing function, the program
branches to the 1 (true) node
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
If Expression
The If Expression block allows you to evaluate a mathematical
expression and make a logical decision based on its value. If
the value of the expression is true, program flow branches to
the 1 (true) node. If the value of the expression is false,
program flow continues to the 0 (false) node.
Field Description
If Type or use the Expression Builder to create a
logical expression.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
If Fault
The If Fault block allows you to check for fault conditions on
the drive. If the selected fault condition is active, the program
flow branches to the 1 (true) node. If the selected fault
condition is not active, the program flow continues to the 0
(false) node.
Field Description
Condition Select one of the following:
Error Active To detect a condition where
program flow branches to the 1
(true) node if an error has
Warning Active To detect a condition where
program flow branches to the 1
(true) node if a warning has
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
If Input
The If Input block allows you to read the specified general
purpose input.
If the input you selected matches the specified state, program
flow branches to the 1 (true) node. If the input you selected
does not match the specified state program flow continues to
the 0 (false) node.
Field Description
Input Select the input that you want to read.
State Select one of the following:
On To have the program flow branch to
the 1 (true) node if the input is ON.
Off To have the program flow branch to
the 0 (false) node if the input is OFF.
Flag To have the program flow branch to
the 1 (true) node if the state of the
input matches the state of the
specified flag variable.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
If Move
The If Move block allows you to move a specified distance
unless the condition is satisfied during the move. The velocity
for the move is that of the previous Segment Move Axis block.
This block evaluates the condition and makes a logical decision
based on its value. If the condition is met, then program flow
branches to the 1 (true) node. If the condition is not met, then
program flow continues to the 0 (False) node.
IMPORTANT: This block must follow a Segment Move Axis
block. Also, the final block of a complex If Move profile must
be a Segment Move Axis block.
Field Description
Distance Type a value or expression that represents the
maximum distance of the move.
Condition Type a value or expression that represents the
condition that must be met to exit the move.
l If the condition is met at any time during the
move, program flow branches to the 1 (true)
l If the condition is not met, program flow
pauses on this block until the specified
distance is reached, then branches to the 0
(false) node.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
If Registration
The If Registration block allows you to evaluate the previously
configured registration event. If the event occurs, program flow
branches to the 1 (true) node. If the event has not occurred,
program flow continues to the 0 (false) node.
You need to have set up a registration for the specified axis
previously in the diagram using a Registration block.
Field Description
Source Select one of the following:
Input 11
Interrupt To select hardware Interrupt 1.
Input 12
Interrupt To select hardware Interrupt 2.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
If Timeout
The If Timeout block allows you to evaluate the count-down
timer you specify to determine if it has timed out. If the timer
has timed out, program flow branches to the 1 (true) node. If
the chosen timer has not timed out, program flow continues to
the 0 (false) node.
The following three events must be complete before you insert the If
Timeout block:
l A Define Scan Event block was used to define the use of the timer.
l A Set Timer block was used to set the value of the timer.
l A Set Condition block was used to activate the Scan event.
Field Description
Timer Select the preset timer that you want to
use: 1 or 2.
3. Make sure you have set the parameters in the specified Set Timer,
Define Scan Event, and Set Condition blocks.
4. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Jog Axis
The Jog Axis block allows you to jog (move continuously) the
servo axis a specific direction at a specified speed. You can set
the jog and location rates by using a Change Jog Dynamics
block or in Jogging under Axis Configuration.
To define a jog:
Field Description
Direction Select one of the following:
Forward To jog the motor forward.
Reverse To jog the motor reverse.
Speed Type the speed at which the motor jogs.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Motion Settings
The Motion Settings block allows you to change the working
profile values used with all subsequent moves.
Note: This block does not change the power-up profiles that are
defined in setup. It only changes the current working profile
and subsequent motion for this axis.
Field Description
Speed Type the speed for the move or jog. This
changes the working velocity value used with
subsequent Move blocks.
Overspeed Type the overspeed fault set point.
Accel/Decel Type the acceleration and deceleration value.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Move Axis
The Move Axis block allows you to move the servo axis to a
specified absolute position or to a specified incremental
distance at a specified speed. The Move Axis block can also
generate custom move segments.
To define a move:
Field Description
Move: Select one of the following:
Absolute To move the axis to an
absolute position.
Incremental To move the axis by an
incremental distance.
Segment To move the axis by an
incremental distance
representing a portion of a
complex profile.
Position If you selected Absolute in the Move field,
type the value or expression that defines the
specific position.
Distance If you selected Incremental or Segment in the
Move field, type the value or expression that
defines the incremental distance.
Speed Type a value or expression that represents
the speed of the move.
Field Description
Override If you selected Segment in the Move field,
Profiles select one of the following:
S-Curve S-curve acceleration and
deceleration (controlled jerk).
Trapezoidal Linear acceleration and
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
New Module
The New Module block allows you to place a new blank
module on the Diagram Editor window.
Output On
The Output On block allows you to turn ON a single output or
to set a group of outputs to the binary state of an expression.
Field Description
Output Select one of the following:
Purpose To specify a general purpose output.
Binary To specify a group of outputs to set
to the binary state of an expression.
All To set all general purpose outputs
Start Bit If the Output field is Binary, type a value from 1
to 8 that represents the least significant bit of the
group of binary outputs.
Set To If the Output field is Binary, type a value or
expression that represents the binary value.
Number of If the Output field is Binary, type the number of
Bits outputs included in this group.
Pulse Time If the Output field is General Purpose, use this
(sec.) field to set an optional pulse time for the output.
Program flow continues to the next block and the
output turns OFF after the specified time.
3. Select the output that you want to turn on if set to General Purpose.
4. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Output Off
The Output Off block allows you to immediately turn a single
output OFF or to the state of the flag variable, or set a group of
outputs to the binary state of a variable.
Field Description
Output Select one of the following:
Purpose To specify a general purpose
Binary To specify a group of outputs to
set to he binary state of an
All To set all general purpose outputs
Start Bit If the Output field is Binary, type the output
number from 1 to 8 that represents the least
significant bit of the group of binary outputs.
Field Description
Set To If the Output field is Binary, type a value or
expression that represents the binary value.
Number of If the Output field is Binary, type the number of
Bits outputs included in this group.
Pulse Time If the Output field is General Purpose, use this
(sec.) field to set an optional pulse time for the output.
Program flow continues to the next block and the
output turns ON after the specified time.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Patch Statement
The Patch Statement block allows you to enter iCODE (the
native language of the ULTRA Plus motion controllers)
commands directly into the application diagram.
IMPORTANT: Use this block only if you are experienced with
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Pause Move
The Pause Move block allows you to ramp motion to a stop
and pause. You can also set the Pause input to perform this
function in setup.
Print Fault
The Print Fault block allows you to print messages on the
operator terminal.
Field Description
Print Select one of the following:
Error Message To display an error message
when a fault occurs.
Warning Message To display a warning
message when a fault
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Print to Display
The Print to Display block allows you to display messages and
variable values on the operator interface.
Field Description
Set Row Type the row at which the message begins.
Set Column Type the column at which the message begins.
Message Type the message that you want to appear.
Variable Select the type of variable that you want to
Force to Select the Force to Port B check box to print to
Port B Port B. The default is Port A, the operator terminal
3. Select the variable you want to display from the scrolling list.
4. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Redefine Position
The Redefine Position block allows you to set the actual or
command position of the axis to a specific absolute or relative
position. You can use the Redefine Position block when the
axis is moving or at rest. This block does not cause motion; it
simply redefines the current axis position. In addition, the
master axis position is set to zero.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
The Registration block allows you to set up a registration event
to store the actual positions of the servo and master axes. Also
use this block to cancel a registration event set up by a
Registration block that has not been executed.
Field Description
Type Select one of the following:
Hardware To set up hardware
Software To activate a software
simulation at an Input 12
Field Description
State Select one of the following:
Arm To monitor the specified
axis until a transition of the
registration source you
specified in the Source field
Disarm Disengage a previously set
registration event.
Source Select one of the following:
Input 11
Interrupt To select Hardware
Interrupt 1.
Input 12
Interrupt To select Hardware
Interrupt 2.
Wait For Select this to pause the program until the
Tripped registration event occurs.
Auto Rearm Select this to activate the registration event
Registration continuously.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
The Reset Axis Fault block does not require you to enter information.
Reset Drive
The Reset Drive block allows you to perform a hardware reset.
Resume Move
The Resume Move block allows you to resume motion
previously halted by the Pause Move block. You can also set a
Resume Move by clearing the Pause input.
The Resume Move block does not require you to enter information.
IMPORTANT: You need to connect the input node from node 2 (the
lower output node) of a Define Scan Event block.
IMPORTANT: You cannot connect this block back into the diagram.
Only blocks relevant to this module are available in the block library.
Set Condition
The Set Condition block allows you to set the state of a
condition handler.
Field Description
Handler Select one of the following:
Scan Event To activate a scan event.
Note: You need to use a Define
Scan Event Handler block
to create a condition
handler for a Scan Event
Xkey To activate an Xkey routine.
Note: You need to use a Define
Xkey block and an Xkey
Handler block to create a
condition handler for a
Xkey routine.
Number Select a number between 1 and 8 (1 and 4 for
Xkey) to define the handler that you selected in
the Handler field.
State Select one of the following:
On To activate the condition handler for
a single event.
Off To deactivate the condition handler.
Continue To allow for continuous monitoring
of the condition handler.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Field Description
Timer Select the number that represents the timer
device that you use (1 or 2).
Set Time Type the value or expression in seconds to
(seconds) indicate the amount of time before the timer
Set Scan Type the number that represents the event
Event that is scanned for.
: Select one of the following:
On To activate the scan event
for a single event.
Continuous To allow for continuous
monitoring of the scan event
Field Description
Wait for Select this field to pause the program flow
Timeout until the timer you selected in the Timer field
times out.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Slew Disable
The Slew Disable (red) block allows you to disable the rate of
change (accel/decel) limit for the electronic gearing function.
The Slew Disable block does not require you to enter information.
Slew Enable
The Slew Enable (green) block allows you to set and enable the
rate of change (acceleration/deceleration) limit for the
electronic gearing function. Slew is the maximum acceleration
permitted as a result of a signal received from the master axis.
The slew limit is frequently used when the follower starts
following a master that is already moving. If the master is
moving and a gear is enabled with no slew limit set, the
follower uses maximum acceleration to come up to speed. This
can cause excessive wear on most machines and potentially
damage equipment.
If you set a slew limit, the follower uses this acceleration rate
to match the speed of the master.
Note: The slew rate can be set in either the Slew Enable block
or the Enable Gear block.
Field Description
Slew Type the value in user units per second that
represents the maximum acceleration to
match speed with the master.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Stop Motion
The Stop Motion block allows you to disable motion in
progress and bring the axis to a decelerated stop.
Field Description
Mode Select one of the following:
Stop All Motion All motion caused by any
previous Move Axis, Jog
Axis, and Gear Axis blocks
is stopped simultaneously,
bringing the axis to rest.
Stop All Gearing Stop all Gear Axis blocks.
Stop All Jog Stop all Jog Axis blocks.
Stop All Move Stop all Move Axis blocks.
Decelerate Select this check box to use the default
Move acceleration to stop motion. If you do not select
this check box, no deceleration is used.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Terminal Monitor
The Terminal Monitor block allows you to display monitor
variable values on the top line of the operator terminal screen.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
To define the status condition you want the axis to wait for:
Field Description
Status Select one of the following:
In Position To make the axis wait for a
locked condition.
Jogging Done To make the axis wait for
jogging to finish.
Moving Done To make the axis wait for
moving to finish.
Homing Done To make the axis wait for
homing to be complete.
Gearing Done To make the axis wait for
gearing motion to finish.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
The Wait For Enter block does not require you to enter information.
Field Description
Wait For Type or use the Expression Builder to create the
mathematical expression, which when true,
allows the program to continue.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Field Description
Input Select the input that you want to use to
pause the program.
State Select one of the following:
On To wait for the input to be ON.
Flag To wait for the state of the input
to be equal to the specified flag
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
1. Double-click on the Wait For Input Off block. A dialog box similar
to the following appears:
Field Description
Input Select the input that you want to use to pause
the program.
State Select one of the following:
Off To wait for the input to be OFF.
Flag To wait for the state of the input to
equal the state of the specified flag
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Field Description
Source Select one of the following:
Input 11
Interrupt To wait for Interrupt 1 to
Input 12
Interrupt To wait for Interrupt 2 to
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
The Xkey block allows you to simulate an operator pressing an
Xkey. The keys marked X1 through X4 on the operator
terminal are special function keys (Xkeys) that, when pressed,
execute a routine in parallel with the application program. To
enable an Xkey routine, you need to use the Xkey Handler
block to create a condition.
Field Description
X key Type the number (1-4) that represents the
Program # Xkey routine defined by a previous Define
Xkey block and Xkey Handler, and activated
by a previous Set Condition block.
3. Select Save. The dialog box closes. The diagram appears with the
block checked to indicate that the parameters are set.
Xkey Handler
The Xkey Handler allows you to place a new blank module on
the diagram. Xkey handlers perform their actions in parallel
with program execution. The keys on the operator terminal
marked X1 through X4 are special purpose keys (Xkeys) that,
when pressed, cause the execution of an Xkey Handler.
Only blocks relevant to this module are available in the block
IMPORTANT: You must connect the input node from node 2
(the lower output node) of a Define Xkey block and you cannot
encapsulate it. You cannot connect back to the diagram.
spacing, 4–9
A swapping, 4–7
Build Expression option
Add option Edit menu, 4–12
File menu, 4–5
blocks, 4–5
expression operators, 4–14 calculator, 4–12
numerals, 4–14 Change Block option
system functions, 4–13 File menu, 4–6
system variables and flags, 4–13 Change Gain function block, 9–1
user variables and flags, 4–13 Change Jog Dynamics function block, 9–3
Align Blocks option Clear Display function block, 9–5
Edit menu, 4–8 Clear option
aligning compare with Cut and Delete, 3–7
blocks, 4–8 Edit menu, 3–7
Allen-Bradley representative, local, P–4 clearing
Application window blocks, 3–7
purpose, 2–1 clipboard contents
audience pasting, 3–8
for this manual, P–1 Close option
File menu, 3–16, 3–17
B closing
saved files, 3–17
block closing a file
naming a, 3–11 after saving, 3–17
Block Information option without saving, 3–16
Edit menu, 4–10 colors of blocks, 2–11
block palette Command window
using the, 4–2 purpose, 2–7
blocks communication link
adding, 4–5 multi-drop mode, 1–2
aligning, 4–8 RS-232, 1–2
clearing, 3–7 RS-422, 1–2
colors of, 2–11 connecting
combining, 6–3 blocks, 4–3
connecting, 4–3 connection lines
copying, 3–8 moving, 4–4
cutting, 3–7 showing, 4–4
deleting, 3–8 Copy option
disconnecting, 4–4 Edit menu, 3–8, 7–6
display information about, 4–10 copying
duplicating, 4–5 blocks, 3–8
encapsulating, 6–3 creating
finding specific, 5–2 new diagram, 3–1
grouping, 4–6 scripts, 7–5
guidelines for use, 4–1 cursor
inserting a block between, 4–6 functions, 4–3
libraries of, 2–10 Cut option
moving, 4–4 compare with Clear and Delete, 3–7
palette of, 2–10 cutting
replacing, 4–6 blocks, 3–7
selecting, 4–1
modules, 6–9
D Duplicate option
Define Scan Event function block, 9–6 Edit menu, 3–9, 4–5
Define Xkey function block, 9–8 duplicating
Definitions option blocks, 4–5
Diagram menu, 3–2
Delay function block, 9–9 E
Delete option
Edit menu
compare with Cut and Clear, 3–7
Align Blocks option, 4–8
Block Information option, 4–10
blocks, 3–8
Build Expression option, 4–12
Clear option, 3–7
changing a, 3–7
Copy option, 3–8, 7–6
creating a new, 3–1, 5–1
Cut option, 3–7, 7–6
display information about its content, 5–3
Duplicate option, 3–9, 4–5
duplicating some or all, 3–9
Find Again option, 5–3
naming a new, 3–11
Paste option, 3–8, 7–7
opening a, 3–4
Redo option, 3–10
printing a, 3–13
Select All option, 3–9, 4–5
saving a new, 3–11
Space Blocks option, 4–9
saving changes, 3–11
Swapping Blocks option, 4–7
selecting a complete diagram, 3–9
Undo option, 3–10
Diagram Editor window
Edit option
purpose, 2–2
Diagram menu, 3–2
Diagram Info option
Script menu, 3–4
Definitions menu, 5–3
Edit Value function block, 9–10
Diagram Library
Encapsulate option
using the, 4–1
Module menu, 6–4
Diagram menu
encapsulating blocks, 1–1
Definitions option, 3–2
END block, 4–3
Diagram option, 3–3
Equation function block, 9–12
Edit option, 3–2
Exit option
File option, 3–2
File menu, 3–17
Find option, 5–2
Help option, 3–3
GML Ultra, 3–17
Module option, 3–2
Translate to Script option, 7–2
building an, 4–13
Windows option, 3–3
Expression Builder
dialog box, 4–12
selecting a complete, 4–5
using the, 4–12
testing, 5–4
translating to script, 7–1
dialog boxes F
Expression Builder, 4–12 Feedback function block, 9–13
Find Block, 5–2 fields
Find-Replace, 7–7 entering expressions as values in, 4–12
Open, 3–4 file extensions
Print Dialog, 3–13 .qps, 3–5
Watch Items, 2–6 .ult, 2–9
Disable Gearing function block, 9–10 File menu
Documentation option Add option, 4–5
Module menu, 6–9 Change Block option, 4–6
documenting Close option, 3–16, 3–17
Jog Axis function block, 9–26 naming
a diagram, 3–11
L blocks, 3–11
New Diagram option, 3–1
libraries File menu, 5–1
block, 2–10 New Module block, 6–1
Library Browser, 6–2 New Module function block, 2–10, 9–29
as a library, 2–10
M New Script option, 3–3
File menu, 7–5
Main Menu
purpose, 2–9
adding, 4–14
as part of manual set, P–2
content overview, P–1 O
conventions, P–5 Online Manager
help, P–2 opening, 8–1
purpose, P–1 Online Manager window
who should use, P–1 accessing, 2–3
Module Documentation dialog box, 6–9 moving, 2–4
Module Info option purpose, 2–3
Module menu, 6–9 Open Diagram option, 3–4
Module menu Open dialog box, 3–4
Documentation option, 6–9 Open Script option, 3–5
Encapsulate option, 6–4 opening
Module Info option, 6–9 a diagram, 3–4
Show Details option, 6–6 a script, 3–5
Show Overview option, 6–8 operators
Unencapsulate option, 6–5 adding expression, 4–14
Module option Output Off function block, 9–31
Diagram menu, 3–2 Output On function block, 9–30
modules overview
combining, See modules, encapsulating GML Ultra, 1–1
definition, 6–1
documenting, 6–9
encapsulating, 6–3
separating, See modules, unencapsulating parameters
show information window, 6–9 finding specific, 5–2
unencapsulating, 6–5 setting parameters, 4–10
viewing details, 6–6 Paste option
viewing overview, 6–7 Edit menu, 3–8, 7–7
modules, creating pasting
using an existing module, 6–4 clipboard contents, 3–8
using Diagram Library, 6–2 Patch Statement function block, 9–32
using the block palette, 6–1 Pause Move function block, 9–33
using the Edit menu, 6–2 PDM, See Positioning Drive Module
Motion Settings function block, 9–27 Personality Module (PM)
Move Axis function block, 9–28 purpose, 1–2
moving PM, See Personality Module
blocks, 4–4 Positioning Drive Module (PDM)
multi-drop mode communication link, 1–2 purpose, 1–1
preface, P–1
Terminal Monitor function block, 9–44
Test Diagram option
a diagram, 3–11
Diagram menu, 5–4
diagram changes, 3–11
Scan Event Handler function block, 2–10, 9–38
diagrams, 5–4
as a library, 2–10
title bar
purpose, 2–9
creating a new, 3–3
Trace window
definition, 3–3
purpose, 2–5
opening a, 3–5
Translate to Script option
Diagram menu, 7–2 Wait for Input Off function block, 9–48
translating diagram to script Wait for Input On function block, 9–47
successful, 7–2 Wait for Registration function block, 9–49
unsuccessful, 7–3 Watch Item dialog box, 2–6
translating diagrams Watch window
to script, 7–1 purpose, 2–6
U Application window, 2–1
available offline, 2–8
undo available online, 2–8
last action, 3–10 Command window, 2–7
Unencapsulate option Diagram Editor window, 2–2
Module menu, 6–5 Online Manager window, 2–3
user variables and flags quick reference to, 2–8
adding, 4–13 Script Editor window, 2–7
user-defined variables, 4–14 Trace window, 2–5
Watch window, 2–6
V Windows option
Diagram menu, 3–3
Script menu, 3–4
entering expressions as values in fields, 4–12
Xkey function block, 9–50
Wait for Axis function block, 9–45
Xkey Handler function block, 2–10, 9–51
Wait for Enter function block, 9–46
as a library, 2–10
Wait for Expression function block, 9–46