Adjective Paper

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First at all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us. Thanks to God for
helping as and give as chance to finish this peapers with title " Al-Quran
(Adjective)" timely. And I would like to say thank you Miss Ning Setyo Wati,
M.Pd as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about how
to practice English well.
This papers is the one of english task that composed of practical english
usage english as second language I realized this assigment is not perfect. But I
hope it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this
peapers be better.
Hopefully we as a student in “IAIN Metro "can work more professional by
using English as the second language whatever we done. Thank you.

Metro, September 2017



PREFACE ............................................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................ ii

CHAPTER II INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ 1

A. Background of The Problems .................................................................................. 1

B. Problem Formulation .............................................................................................. 1

C. Writing Purpose ...................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II CONTENTS ................................................................................................. 3

A. Text About Al-Qur’an .............................................................................................. 3

B. Meaning of adjective .............................................................................................. 5

C. The Function Of Adjective (Fungsi Kata Sifat) ...................................................... 5

D. The Types Of Adjectives (Macam-Macam Kata Sifat) ............................................. 6

E. Adjectives Forms .................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................................. 10

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 11



A. Background of The Problems

The purpose of teaching English language at university is to develop the

university students’ language skills. There are four major skills that should be
mastered by students in learning English, namely listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. One of the skills that cannot be neglected is reading skill because the
success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read.
Therefore, reading is essential not only to get the information but also to
comprehend the eight parts of speach. There are

Writer wish respect to one parts of speach in this peapers there is"
Adjective" or indonesian language "kata sifat" becouse adjective is importent
speach at a sentence.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the definition of adjectives?
2. What is the function of adjectives?
3. What many types of adjectives?
4. How to use adjective?
5. How is the explanation of adjective?

C. Writing Purpose
1) Knowing the definition of aadjective.

2) Knowing the types of adjective.
3) Knowing how to use adjective.
4) Knowing the explanation of adjective.



A. Text About Al-Qur’an

The Quran

Muslims believe the Quran to be God’s final revelation. They believe it is

the literal word of God, revealed over many years, to His final prophet,
Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him. The Quran is full
of wisdom. It is full of the wonder and glory of God, and a testament to His
mercy and justice. It is not a history book, a storybook, or a scientific textbook,
although it contains all of those genres. The Quran is God's greatest gift to
humanity – it is a book like no other. In the second verse of the second chapter of
the Quran, God describes the Quran by calling it a book whereof there is no
doubt, a guidance to those who are pious, righteous, and fear God. (Quran 2:2)

The Quran is core to Islam. Believing in it is a requirement. One who

does not believe in the Quran, in its entirety, cannot claim to be a Muslim. Islam
has two primary sources, the Quran, and the authentic Traditions of Prophet
Muhammad, that explain and sometimes expand on that of the Quran. The Quran
was delivered to Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel and revealed in stages
over a period of 23 years.

Prophet Muhammad was commanded by God to convey the Quran to all

of humankind and the responsibility weighed heavily upon him. Even in his
farewell address he called on the people present to bear witness that he had
delivered the message.

The Quran explains the concept of God, it explains in detail what is

permissible and what is forbidden, it explains the basics of good manners and

morals, and gives rulings about worship. It tells stories about the Prophets and
our righteous predecessors, and describes Paradise and Hell. The Quran was
revealed for all of humankind.1

“The Story of the Quran (All parts) - The Religion of Islam,” diakses 16 September 2017,

B. Meaning of adjective

Adjective is a word like green, hungry, imposssible, which is used when we

descibe people, thingss, events, etc. (adjektiv adalah sebuah kata seperti hijau,
lapar, mustahil, yang mana digunakan ketika kita mendeskripsikan orang, sesuatu,
peristiwa, dll.). Adjectives are used in connection with noun and pronouns
(adjektiv juga digunakan unntuk mmenghubungkan kata benndaa ddaan kaata

C. The Function Of Adjective (Fungsi Kata Sifat)

Adjectives dapat digunakan pada kata benda dalam bentuk singular
(tunggal) maupun plural (jamak). Adjectives dalam bentuk tunggal dan
jamak tidak mengalami perubahan. Bagian yang berubah hanyalah to be dan
kata bendanya, yaitu disesuaikan dengan bentuk tunggal atau jamak.
Contoh :
- She is a clever student. (singular / tunggal)
- Diana and Ferdy are clever students. (plural / jamak)
 Apabila terdapat dua adjective atau lebih sebelum kata benda, kedua
adjectives tersebut diletakan langsung secara berurutan.
Contoh :
- A funny short story.
- A pretty blonde girl.
 Namun, apabila terdapat dua buah atau lebih adjective yang menunjukan
warna, keduanya harus dipisahkan dengan kata "and" diantara adjective
Contoh :
- A blue, red and yellow jacket.
- My black and white photo..
 Selain ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut di atas, adjective juga pada
umumnya ditempatkan setelah to be.
Contoh :
- You are lazy student..
- She is a beautiful girl.

D. The Types Of Adjectives (Macam-Macam Kata Sifat)
Adjective dalam bahsa inggris dapat dibagi dalam beberapa macam, yaitu2 :
1. Descriptive Adjectives
Yaitu adjective yang menerangkan keadaan atau bentuk suatu benda.
kata-kata yang termasuk dalam kelompok ini adalah : beautiful (cantik),
big (besar), clever (pintar), high (tinggi), low (rendah), dll.
Contoh :
- Amira is a beautiful girl.
- She has a big body.
2. Distributive Adjectives
Yaitu adjective yang bersifat distributif (terbagi-bagi). Beberapa contoh
katanya adalah : each (masing-masing), every (tiap-tiap), either (salah
satu dari), neither (tidak satu pun), dll.
Contoh :
- They are study English every day.
3. Possessive Adjectives
Yaitu adjective yang menyatakan atau menunjukan kepunyaan
Contoh :
- my (kepunyaan saya)
- your (kepunyaan kamu)
- her (kepunyaan dia - perempuan)
- his (kepunyaan dia - laki-laki)
- their (kepunyaan mereka)
- our (kepunyaan kami)
- its (kepunyaan : benda dan binatang)
4. Demonstrative Adjectives............................................................................
Demonstrative Adjectives atau kata ganti penunjuk yaitu penunjuk kata

De Cherlents, Easy Grammar: Cara Mudah dan Asyik Menguasai English Grammar
(Bandung: Ruang Kata Imprint Kawan Pustaka, 2011), 61–64.

- This (Ini [tunggal])
- That ( itu [tunggal])
- These (ini[jamak])
- Those (itu[jamak])
5. Interrogative Adjectives
Interogative adjective berfungsi untuk menyakan kata benda.
- What (apakah)
- Which (yang manakah)
- whose (kepunyaan siapakah)
6. Adjectives of Quantity
Adjective of Quantity berfungsi menunjukkan ukuran kata benda yang
tidak dapat dihitung.jenis ini selalu diikuti oleh kata benda tunggal, dan
kata benda ini harus selalu merupakan kata benda material atau kata
benda abstrak, misalnya much bread, much butter, much sugar (material),
much pain (abstrak). Oleh karena itu adjective of quantity disebut juga
adjective of degree.
Contoh :
- Many (banyak - untuk benda yang dapat dihitung)
- Much (untuk benda yang tidak dapat dihitung)
- A little (sedikit - untuk benda yang tidak dapat dihitung)
- A few (sedikit - untuk benda yang dapat dihitung)
- Whole (seluruh)
- No
- Some
- Any
- Enough
7. Numeral Adjectives
Kata sifat yang menunjukkan berapa banyak (how many) benda atau
dalam urutan berapa. Kata sifat ini terbagi menjadi dua golongan, yaitu :
a. Definite numeral (bilangan tertentu).

Bilangan-bilangan yang menunjukkan berapa banyak benda yang ada
(seperti one, two, three, four dan sebagainya) disebut cardinals.
Bilangan-bilangan yang menunjukkan urutan serial tempat suatu
benda berada disebut ordinal number atau bilangan tingkat (first,
second, etc). Bilangan-bilangan yang menunjukkan berapa sering
suatu benda diulangi disebut multiplicative atau pelipatgandaan.
b. Indefinite Numerals (bilangan tak tentu) menunjukkan bilangan jenis
tertentu tanpa mengtakan secara tepat berapa bilangan itu. Oleh
karena itu disebut indefinite numerals.
Kata-kata utama golongan ini adalah all, some, enough, no, many,
few, dan several.
8. Exclamatory Adjectives
Adjective yang digunakan pada kalimat eksklamasi. Eksklamasi selalu
diawali dengan kata How dan What dan diakhiri dengan tanda seru.
Contoh :
- What a beautyful day (alangkah indah hari in!i)
- How handsome you are! (alangkah tampannya kamu!)
9. Emphasizing Adjectives
Emphasizing adjective digunakan untuk mempertegas kata benda.
Contohnya very dan own.
- I saw him with own my eyes.
- Thats is the very book i’m looking for.
10. Propher Adjectives
Adjektif ini menunjukkan origin atau asal kata dari noun yang
diterangkan. Propher adjectives selalu dimulai dengan huruf kapital.
Contoh :
- My father like Lampung Cofee.
- My uncle gives me an Indian Hat.

E. Adjectives Forms
1. Adjective asli

Adjective asli adalah adjektif yang kata-katanya bukan bentukkan dari kata
Contoh :
- Rikho is slim and tall.
- Suci is smart and beautyful.
2. Adjective berakhiran dengan –ing atau –ed
Adjektiv ini merupakan adjektiv yang berasal dari bentukan kata kerja
yang diberi akhiran –ing ataupun –ed.
Contoh :
- I’m bored (saya merasa bosan)
- Yati’s job is boring (yati merasa pekerjaannya membosankan).
Perbedaannya adalah adjektiv dengan akhiran –ed biasanya mengacu
pada perasaan manusia. Jika dalam bahsa Indonesia bisa kita artikan
merasa atau –ter. Adjective dengan akhiran –ing biasanya mengacu pada
situasi kondisi yang ada. Dalam bahasa Indonesia biasanya menggunakan
awalan me-.



Adjective is a word like green, hungry, imposssible, which is used when we
descibe people, thingss, events, etc. Adjectives are used in connection with noun and
The function of adjective is Adjectives can be used in nouns in singular
(plural) or plural (plural) forms. Adjectives in singular and plural forms do not
change. The part that changes is just to be and the noun, which is adapted to a
singular or plural form.
The types of adjective is descriptive adjectives, distributive adjectives,
possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, . interrogative adjectives,
adjectives of quantity, numeral adjectives, exclamatory adjectives, emphasizing
adjectives, propher adjectives.


Cherlents, De. Easy Grammar: Cara Mudah dan Asyik Menguasai English
Grammar. Bandung: Ruang Kata Imprint Kawan Pustaka, 2011.
“The Story of the Quran (All parts) - The Religion of Islam.” Diakses 16
September 2017.


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