Fostering Elementary Students' Mathematics Disposition Through Music-Mathematics Integrated Lessons
Fostering Elementary Students' Mathematics Disposition Through Music-Mathematics Integrated Lessons
Fostering Elementary Students' Mathematics Disposition Through Music-Mathematics Integrated Lessons
Abstract: Two classes of third grade students (n=56) from an elementary school located on the
western coast of the United States participated in this research study. A pretest-posttest control
group design was utilized to examine changes between two groups of participating students’ in
mathematics achievement and dispositions, including beliefs about success, attitude, confidence,
motivation, and usefulness. The students in the music group received music-mathematics
integrated lessons, while the students in the control group received traditional lecture and
textbook based mathematics instruction. Analysis of the results demonstrated that despite
statistically equivalent pretest scores prior to the intervention, after the intervention the music
group students had statistically significantly higher positive mathematics dispositions scores than
their non-music group peers. These findings provide empirical evidence that there are advantages
to teachers utilizing music-themed activities as a context for offering students the opportunity to
learn mathematics in a challenging yet enjoyable learning environment.
meaningful environment, and have been shown to facilitate students’ learning of mathematics
(An, Capraro, & Tillman, 2013; Costa-Giomi, 2005; Omniewski & Habursky, 1998).
There are numerous links between music and mathematics. Mathematical concepts such
as numerical relations, proportions, integers, logarithms, arithmetical operations, trigonometry,
and geometry are related to musical elements such as melody, rhythm, intervals, scales, harmony,
and tuning (Beer, 1998; Harkleroad, 2006). These naturally occurring overlaps between music
and mathematics offer opportunities for teachers to demonstrate mathematical concepts and
processes through music-themed activities (An, Ma, & Capraro, 2011). During the past two
decades researchers have pursued a line of inquiry into outcomes for students resulting from
including music activities in mathematics instruction (e.g., An, Kulm & Ma, 2008; Benes-
Laffety, 1995; Bilhartz, Bruhn, & Olson, 2000; Costa-Giomi, 1999; Omniewski, 1999). These
studies have provided empirical evidence that music has the potential to improve students’
mathematics achievement and attitudes. Continuing the line of inquiry explored in these previous
studies, the current study examined a sequence of classroom activities integrating mathematics
education into an authentic music-themed context. Specifically, the current study investigated the
effects of integrating music activities into formal classroom mathematics lessons with a group of
third grade students, and determined any changes in their dispositions towards learning
Literature Review
dispositions that are difficult to undo (Beilock, Gunderson, Ramirez, & Levine, 2010; Geist,
Previous studies examining the origins of negative mathematics dispositions have found
correlation with a variety of other undesirable mathematics learning outcomes, including poor
mathematics achievement and detrimental mathematical behaviors (Ma, 1999; Ashcraft, 2002;
Tobias, 1998). Specifically, students with negative mathematics dispositions tend to avoid
mathematics-related activities such as attempting challenging mathematics problems or
investigating more advanced mathematical concepts, which in turn has a negative impact on
these students’ decisions regarding classes and career choices that involve mathematics (Ho et al.,
2000). To develop and maintain students’ positive dispositions towards mathematics, teachers
should incorporate multiple instructional approaches emphasizing real-life contextualized
activities that build conceptual understanding and application (Bursal & Paznokas, 2006).
Methods that have been found effective include teaching mathematics in non-traditional ways,
such as using problem solving activities, simulations, challenges, discoveries, and games (Geist,
2010). Offering students interdisciplinary mathematics education is one recognized strategy for
developing students’ mathematics dispositions and content knowledge, with recognized benefits
including: (1) motivating students to engage in reflection, (2) providing students with a context
for real-world inquiry, and (3) facilitating students in making connections between their newly
acquired knowledge and their existing knowledge (Ellis & Fouts, 2001; Hargreaves & Moore,
Teaching mathematics integrated with music not only improves students’ attitudes toward
learning mathematics by teaching it in a meaningful and engaging context that is relevant to the
students (An & Capraro, 2011), but also increases students’ mathematics achievement because
they are offered multiple approaches to understanding and applying mathematical concepts (Cox
& Stephens, 2006). Music can assist students in developing an understanding of mathematics
concepts by encouraging them to have diverse cognitive and affective experiences (Selwyn,
1993). Learners who are intrinsically motivated to learn mathematics are prone to exhibit
initiative, independence, sense making, and enjoyment in learning mathematics
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1996). For example, performing and analyzing original musical works can be
used as a resource for teachers aiming to present and design mathematical problems in non-
routine ways, as well as for students to connect existing and advanced mathematical knowledge
in meaningful ways (Fiske, 1999).
Learning mathematics in a music-based interdisciplinary curriculum has provided
students with opportunities to comprehend the world from a different perspective, leading to
success in mathematics (Gamwell, 2005). Learning mathematics associated with music can help
students complete the transferring of mathematical knowledge from other content areas (Johnson
& Edelson, 2003). One result from learning mathematics in a music context is that students can
develop a wider understanding of the interconnections between school subjects (Hargreaves &
Moore, 2000). Learning core school subjects such as mathematics within a music context has
enabled students to go beyond artificially established disciplinary boundaries, and venture into
exploring interdisciplinary overlap (Parsons, 2005). By providing opportunities to participate in
Fostering Elementary Students’ Mathematics Disposition 4
creativity during the learning process, mathematics lessons integrated with music can also
increase students’ intrinsic motivation to learn mathematics (Glastra, Hake, & Schedler, 2004).
Previous studies have investigated ways of integrating music themed activities into
mathematics instruction as a means for improving students’ achievement and attitude toward
mathematics. Findings from these studies indicated that music had a positive impact on the
participating students’ mathematics achievement and attitudes (An, Kulm, & Ma, 2008; An, Ma,
& Capraro, 2011; Benes-Laffety, 1995; Bilhartz, Bruhn, & Olson, 2000; Costa-Giomi, 2005;
Omniewski & Habursky, 1998). Most of these studies were conducted in either laboratory or
informal education settings, with results indicating that music is a context that students find
authentically engaging, with corresponding increased motivation to learn due to the
meaningfulness of the activities (Costa-Giomi, 1999; Rauscher et al., 1993, 1995, 1997).
However, only a few studies investigating music activities as a context for teaching mathematics
instruction have been conduced within a formal classroom setting (Cox & Stephens, 2006).
Building upon the results from this previous literature, the present study examined an
intervention characterized by a sequence of classroom music activities providing a context for
teaching mathematics integrated with music. The overarching goal of the current study was to
increase understanding of effects from music-mathematics integrated instruction and curriculum
upon elementary students’ mathematics dispositions. Two specific research questions guided this
study: (1) What were the results from comparing the pretest and posttest mathematics
dispositions of 3rd-grade students who experienced a music-math intervention? (2) What were the
results from comparing mathematics dispositions of 3 rd-grade students who experienced a music-
mathematics intervention compared to their counterparts who experienced traditional lecture
based mathematics instruction?
Setting and Participants
Caucasians, and 5 Hispanics. Among all the students in the control group, 12 were English
language learners at the intermediate, early-advanced, or advanced language levels.
Two female elementary school teachers who taught at the target school volunteered to
participate in the present study. Each teacher was randomly assigned to one of the two
classrooms, and teacher A was assigned as the treatment group teacher while teacher B was
assigned as the comparison group teacher. Both teachers had nearly identical patterns of student
achievement on the end of grade California State Test, as well as similar teaching backgrounds
based upon historical analysis of their teaching files. Specifically, teacher A had 11 years of 3rd-
grade teaching experience while teacher B had 9 years of 3rd-grade teaching experience.
Additionally, both teachers attended annually an approximately equivalent number of hours of
regular teacher professional development programs offered by the school district, as well as
workshops offered by professional organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM) and the California Mathematics Council (CMC).
Prior to beginning the intervention, both teachers were: (1) offered a series of workshops
(total of 10 hours per teacher) demonstrating how a variety of music activities can be
incorporated with different mathematics content areas to develop mathematics-music integrated
lessons, and (2) assigned to develop and implement music-themed mathematics lessons. These
professional development workshops were led by college professors and had the support of the
authors of this paper. During these workshops, the teachers were provided a music-mathematics
curriculum and additional related resources such as musical instruments and mathematics
manipulatives for them to develop their own music-mathematics integrated lessons as a part of
their regular mathematics teaching component.
Research Design
A random assignment pretest-posttest control group design (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell,
2002) was used to examine changes in mathematics dispositions between the two groups of
participating students. One class was randomly assigned to learn from the teacher utilizing
music-mathematics integrated lessons; the other class was assigned to the teacher using standard
mathematics lessons. As Shadish and his colleagues (2002) showed, a randomized experiment is
the preferred design for obtaining unbiased precision estimates of the effects from an
intervention. The random assignment in the current study helped to neutralize any differences
between the two groups, reducing the potential for alternative causes confounding the impacts
assessed from exposure to the music-mathematics intervention. A pretest was administered to
students in both groups to assess their mathematics dispositions before the intervention. The aim
of the pretest was to investigate if the two groups initially differed from each other, and to
identify whether there was any pretest difference which may lead a selection bias (Shadish et al.,
Intervention Procedures
Non-Music Group’s Curriculum and Instruction. For non-music group students, the
teacher provided mathematics lessons based on traditional curriculum and implemented
mathematics lessons by using the regular method of instruction that did not involve any music
related activities, but instead used the textbook adopted from the school district. The lessons
Fostering Elementary Students’ Mathematics Disposition 6
taught to this group covered all the required mathematics content areas based on the State’s
Mathematics Standard for 3rd-grade. The teacher leading the non-music group took a teacher-
centered approach for delivery of mathematics lessons, with her instruction often starting with a
lecture based on the new content in the textbook, followed by assigning in-class mathematics
practice activities from the textbook and upcoming homework. Compared with the music group
students, for the non-music group students received less opportunities to perform
interdisciplinary activities, and no music-mathematics integrated activities were provided during
their regular mathematics lessons.
Music Group’s Curriculum and Instruction. The present study utilized an
interdisciplinary curriculum consisting of a series of music-mathematics integrated activities as
the intervention, providing students opportunities to experiment with, practice, and apply
mathematics concepts and skills through hands-on lessons (An & Capraro, 2011). The teacher
leading the music-group assisted the research team in designing music activities that integrated
with her regular mathematics lessons, and then taught the lessons over a nine-week period.
During this intervention period, a sequence of 14 music-integrated mathematics lessons (see
Appendix A) was introduced to the music-group 3rd-grade students. Each of these individual
music-mathematics integrated lessons was focused on at least one major mathematics content
area (see sample lesson plan in Appendix B).
The two chief music activity themes that the music-group teacher incorporated into her
mathematics lessons were music composition and music playing. In the music-mathematics
integrated lessons, students had opportunities to use graphical notation such as color-cards
representing musical notes, with a variety of musical instruments such as handbells, drums,
musical sticks, and keyboards, as mathematics learning manipulatives. The students were
provided with pre-composed musical pieces, which they used to learn mathematics by
investigating some of the fundamental components of musical theory. Students had multiple
opportunities to share their emergent knowledge of mathematics concepts with their classmates,
often during music-themed small group activities. As an illustration, during a mathematics lesson
involving composing original music, color-cards were provided to the students as a tool enabling
them to quickly compose their own music based on the color patterns they created. The students
would then use colored handbells to perform their original music compositions for their
classmates, both learning and demonstrating the mathematical concepts corresponding with the
color patterns they had utilized.
The mathematics disposition survey used in this study was adapted from the Fennema-
Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scales (Fennema & Sherman, 1976) but because Fennema and
Sherman’s test was designed for high school students, the current study developed a modified
version of this attitude test through consultation with elementary teachers and experts in
assessment in this area. Changes performed included such as operations as simplifying the
vocabulary in order to facilitate unbiased elementary student responses to the survey items. After
consultation with experts and several iterations of changes, the final modified survey included 36
items covering the following six themes: (1) mathematics success, (2) mathematics attitude, (3)
mathematics confidence, (4) mathematics motivation, (5) mathematics usefulness, and (6)
mathematics beliefs. So as to strengthen internal validity, each theme had six items. A five-point
7 An, Tillman, Boren, & Wang
Likert scale was used on the survey for each item, with participants choosing a single picture
within the range from big-smile-face (indicating score of 5), small-smile-face (4), no-smile-face
(3), small-frown-face (2), and big-frown-face (1). Such illustrated symbols are often used as
response options in children’s surveys (e.g., Fello, 2010; McKenna & Kear, 1990) with these
five symbols illustrating the corresponding opinions of “Strongly Agree,” “Agree,” “Neutral”,
“Disagree,” and “Strongly Disagree” respectively. The overall alpha reliability coefficient of the
mathematics disposition survey was 0.852, and samples from the final survey items are displayed
in Table 2.
The data collection was conducted during regular class meetings, with the pretest
dispositions survey collected from the participating students one week before the intervention,
and an identical posttest dispositions survey collected from the students one week after the
intervention. In order to ensure that the students fully understood the meaning of each of the
items on the survey during the pretest and the posttest, during the dispositions assessments the
two teachers adhered to the following structured process for administering the assessment to
their students with four steps. Firstly, the teacher used a projector to show her students each
individual survey item while simultaneously reading them the item using a loud voice. Secondly,
the students then quietly re-read the individual survey item to themselves and marked their
response on the survey instrument. Thirdly, the teacher walked around the classroom and offered
assistant to any individual students who appeared to need additional help understanding the
survey item. Finally, once the teacher was confident that all students had understood and
completed the survey item, she would then switch to the next individual survey item from the
survey and repeat the process again until all of the survey items were finished. Both groups of
students each utilized approximately 30 minutes to complete the pretest survey, as well as about
the same amount of time to complete the posttest survey.
Data Analysis
Prior to running any statistical analyses, the original alpha value to determine
significance of .05 was adjusted into .0083 (Thompson, 2006) to account for the six analyses
(e.g., mathematics success, mathematics anxiety, mathematics confidence, mathematics
motivation, mathematics usefulness, and mathematics beliefs). For the mathematics disposition
survey, total scores were calculated for all six factors, using a score of 5 for “Strongly Agree”
through 1 for “Strongly Disagree” which was the lowest level of agreement within the response
As stated earlier, one chief research question guiding this study was aimed at
understanding if there were any significant differences between the two groups regarding
changes in mathematics disposition after the intervention. The other chief research question was
aimed at understanding if there were any differences in mathematics dispositions within the
music group from before to after the intervention. Prior to the intervention, a t-test analysis
indicated that the participating students in the two groups did not significantly differ in their
mathematics dispositions, and that therefore subsequent comparisons of the groups would be
based on a similar starting point. To address the first research question, paired sample t-tests
were performed comparing changes between pretest and posttest of students’ mathematics
disposition scores within the music group, as well as within the non-music group. To address the
Fostering Elementary Students’ Mathematics Disposition 8
second research question, an independent t-test was used to compare posttest mathematics
disposition scores between the music group and non-music group.
The results of students’ mathematics dispositions were compared at two different levels.
At the macro-level, the examination of differences in mathematics dispositions between students
who experienced the music-mathematics intervention versus their counterparts who experienced
traditional lecture-based instruction demonstrated that the music group students had a
statistically significant higher disposition score than their non-music peer group. In particular,
analysis of the posttests revealed that the music group students had statistically significantly
higher scores in mathematical dispositions than the non-music group students after the
intervention (p<0.001; t=5.79), meaning that the music group had more positive attitudes about
mathematics than the non-music group. On the posttest the music group students had
significantly higher scores than the non-music group students on five out of six disposition areas
including mathematics confidence, attitude, usefulness, success, and beliefs. A practical
significance test using Cohen’s d determined there were small effect sizes between the music
group and non-music group during pretest comparisons, but within the posttest comparisons
there were large effect sizes found between music group and non-music group. As an illustration,
a small effect size was found between music group and non-music group within pretest on the
overall disposition scores (d=0.19), while middle to large effect sizes were found between the
music group and non-music group within posttest comparison of both the overall disposition
scores (d=0.1.37), as well as of all the specific disposition areas which had a range of effect sizes
from 0.49 to 2.00 (see Table 1)
Table 1
Comparison of Results between Music Group and Non-Music Group
Pretest Posttest
Music Non-Music Music Non-Music
Group Group Group Group
At the micro-level, examining the specific changes between pretest and posttest in
mathematics dispositions for the music group students within each of the areas (e.g.,
mathematics confidence, attitude, usefulness, success, motivation, and beliefs) showed that the
music group students demonstrated a statistically significant higher disposition score in the
posttest than pretest in all six mathematics disposition areas measured (see Table 2). Specifically:
(1) For the disposition theme of confidence, the results of the paired t-tests showed that there
were statistically significant improvements from pretest to posttest (p<0.001, t=3.87). (2) For the
9 An, Tillman, Boren, & Wang
disposition theme of attitude, the results of the paired t-tests showed that there were statistically
significant improvements from pretest to posttest (p<0.001, t=6.24). (3) For the disposition
theme of usefulness, the results of the paired t-tests showed that there were statistically
significant improvements from pretest to posttest (p=0.016, t=4.45). (4) For the disposition
theme of success, the results of the paired t-tests showed that there were statistically significant
improvements from pretest to posttest (p=0.004, t=2.58). (5) For the disposition theme of
motivation, the results of the paired t-tests showed that there were statistically significant
improvements from pretest to posttest (p<0.001, t=3.87). (6) For the disposition theme of beliefs,
the results of the paired t-tests showed that there were statistically significant improvements from
pretest to posttest (p<0.001, t=5.90). To determine practical significance, Cohen’s d values were
calculated for each of the six specific disposition areas, and it was determined that all six areas
had medium-large to large effects sizes, with their specific Cohen's d values ranging from 0.74 to
Table 2
Comparison of Results within Music Group for Each of the Disposition Themes
Disposition # of
Themes Pretest Posttest Sample Items Items
Mean ± SD 3.61 ±1.01 4.39±0.65
Confidence I am sure I can learn 6
p & t values <0.001 (3.87)
Cohen's d 0.94
Mean ± SD 2.96±0.63 4.13±0.78
Math scares me
Attitude p & t values <0.001 (6.24) 6
Cohen's d 1.46
Mean ± SD 3.54±0.79 4.66±0.40
I need math for my
Usefulness p & t values 0.016 (4.45) 6
future work.
Cohen's d 1.88
Mean ± SD 3.92±0.74 4.66±0.52
I feel proud to be the
Success p & t values 0.004 (2.58) 6
best student in math.
Cohen's d 1.18
Mean ± SD 3.58±0.96 4.27±0.90
I would like to do more
Motivation p & t value <0.001 (6.45) 6
math in school.
Cohen's d 0.744
Mean ± SD 2.83±0.70 3.85±0.46
I need lots of natural
Belief p & t value <0.001 (5.90) 6
ability to learn math.
Cohen's d 1.98
The overall findings indicated that for mathematics dispositions, the music group students
statistically significantly improved from pretest to the posttest; while the non-music students did
not show statistically significant improvement from pretest to the posttest. Moreover, the music
group students’ mathematics dispositions in the posttest were statistically significantly higher
than the non-music group students. These findings specified that throughout the 9-week
intervention of participating music-mathematics integrated lessons, the music group students
Fostering Elementary Students’ Mathematics Disposition 10
positively changed their mathematics dispositions. In this study, aesthetics was explored by the
teachers as a methodology to provide a rich and emotionally stimulating mathematical learning
context, and the overall finding were consistent from previous findings that arts themes lesson
can reduce students’ mathematics anxiety and engage students through creative and active
involvement in mathematics learning (e.g. Eisner, 2002; Sylwester, 1995; Upitis & Smithrim,
2003; West, 2000; Witherell, 2000).
The overall findings were consistent with pervious findings on the positive impact of
music integrated mathematics activities, lessons and curriculum on students’ mathematics
dispositions (An, Kulm, & Ma, 2008; An, Ma, & Capraro, 2011; Benes-Laffety, 1995; Catterall
& Waldorf, 1999), significant positive shifts in disposition through the intervention compared
with their non-music group peers. In the current study, the music group students improved their
confidence and motivation by having mathematics lessons within an enjoyable learning
environment associated with music. In addition, the music group students developed a positive
disposition about the usefulness and success of mathematics by exploring the relationships
between music and mathematics along with completing various mathematics problems based on
their own musical works. Several possible reasons will be proposed in the following paragraph to
explain the findings in this study.
First of all, in the highly motivational learning environment created based on music
activities, the music group students were aesthetically engaged. Throughout the intervention
period, students’ development of engagement in mathematics demonstrated three distinct levels:
(a) in the beginning, their original interests in and previous musical experiences along with their
curiosity toward the relationship between music and mathematics engaged them to participate in
the music-mathematics integrated lessons; (b) the pleasant musical composition experiences of
using colorful cards and playing handbells and other musical instruments further engaged
students to participate in mathematics activities; and then (c) through this engagement, students
participated in closely related mathematical tasks throughout their music related experiences.
Secondly, during the same period of time that the music group students enhanced their
engagement in mathematics, their confidence toward mathematics learning also improved.
During the mathematics lesson, the music group students experienced the power of mathematics
in an aesthetic creation process -- mathematics knowledge in various content areas can be used to
create music as well as design musical instruments. As students experienced the beauty of both
music and mathematics through their own musical compositions, playing and listening as well as
the musical instrument designing processes, their perceived and excited feelings possibly
motivated their learning behavior while participating in mathematics tasks by exploring and
investigating mathematical concepts associated with music. Moreover, during the sharing of
musical works while discussing mathematical tasks, classmates revealed and recognized each
other’s potential capacities. A strong sense of participants’ personal discovery emerged as they
constructed and explored meanings through their own works, thus their motivation and
confidence in learning mathematics was further enhanced.
Moreover, throughout the whole process of using mathematics to create, play and listen
to music, and using mathematics knowledge to answer mathematical tasks constructed from
music of their own, participants in this study had multiple opportunities to experience the
applications of mathematics in the real life situations such as using mathematical knowledge to
compose music and design musical instruments. By completing different music related tasks and
solving contextually meaningful mathematical problems in each music-mathematics integrated
11 An, Tillman, Boren, & Wang
activity, students had numerous chances to experience the success of accomplishing music-
mathematics related tasks, mathematics tasks embedded within real life context and pure
mathematical tasks.
Finally, the process of participating in music themed mathematics lessons not only
enriched students’ view of mathematics problem forms but also improved their basic
mathematical procedural fluency and strategic competence. Because all the music themed
activities were integrated as a part of students’ regular mathematics lessons for the music group,
in addition to receiving the regular lessons as the non-music group students, the music group
students also had opportunities to have mathematics lessons through a variety of non-routine
strategies. During the intervention, the music group students have more opportunities to solve a
variety of mathematics problems focused on different mathematical content that contextualized
in music themes, these individualized problems designed based on each student’s own music
compositional works or musical instrument designing further impacted their dispositions.
opportunity to observe the benefit of teaching mathematics integrated with music. It is not
suggested that the intervention activities that integrated music into mathematics described in this
study are a prototype for all classroom activities related to mathematics. The development of
mathematical understanding and a positive disposition should not be expected to emanate from
an isolationist curriculum, but instead should be designed to connect mathematics content with
knowledge and skills from fields other than mathematics, such as music.
The findings obtained in the current study were limited to a curriculum unit of relatively
short duration; a logical next step would be to expand to other mathematics content areas at other
grade levels. Future work includes case studies in select classrooms, using music-mathematics
integrated curriculum and instructional strategies to model the impact of background and
implementation variables, analysis of interview data from teachers and students, analysis of the
mathematics achievements tests’ particular items with specific content areas, and analysis of
students’ behavior from lesson videos. Future studies will also include more students with
different background (e.g., more African American and Hispanic students, more low-achieving
students) and longitudinal studies with multiple years will also be implemented to investigate the
effects of the music-mathematics integrated curriculum and instructional strategies on students’
future mathematics achievements and dispositions.
Educational Implications
With the publication of the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM,
2000), mathematics educators pay greater attention to the mathematics processes of connection
and representation, along with communication, reasoning and proof and problem solving
proposed by NCTM. Mathematics learners can discover and understand mathematical ideas by
experiencing different kinds of activities with connections made within and outside of
mathematics. Music, with its unique features, can be used as a resource for students to make
these connections and also as a way for students to represent mathematics in alternative ways.
Teachers should take advantage of the opportunities that music offers to help all students learn
mathematics in challenging and enjoyable ways (Johnson & Edelson, 2003). We believe that by
connecting arts or music into mathematics teaching and learning, elementary students may have
more opportunities to improve their mathematics dispositions towards mathematics.
This study is part of a line of research inquiry that appears to be gaining increasing
empirical evidence (e.g., Kjellstrom, Tillman, and Cohen, 2012; Tillman, 2011; Tillman et al.,
2012) that mathematics educators should adopt and develop a more comprehensive and
connected curriculum. Due to a heavy focus on preparing students for high stakes, standards-
based tests in K-12 schools, the arts have been increasingly marginalized in the school
curriculum. Only those subjects like mathematics and language arts that are officially assessed
on a state or national level are given priority in the curriculum (Oelkers & Klee, 2007). The
current study provided evidence that music can be used as an educational resource and context
for teaching mathematics to elementary students. The results of the current study provide some
guidance for the potential scope of future educational research progressing this line of inquiry.
First of all, there is a need for additional research studying efforts to enrich preservice teacher
education programs, and the optimum supports for effective development of interdisciplinary
teaching strategies using varying authentic contexts for mathematics pedagogy. Moreover, there
is a need for research studying professional development for inservice teachers that will support
13 An, Tillman, Boren, & Wang
This research is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
HRD-1342038. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
An, S. A., & Capraro, M. M. (2011) Music-math integrated activities for elementary and middle
school students. Irvine, CA: Education for All.
An, S. A, Capraro, M. M. &, Tillman, D. (2013). Elementary Teachers Integrate Music Activities
into Regular Mathematics Lessons: Effects on Students’ Mathematical Abilities. Journal
for Learning through the Arts, 9(1), 1-20.
An, S., Ma, T., & Capraro, M. M. (2011).Preservice teachers’ beliefs and attitude about teaching
and learning mathematics through music: An exploratory study. School Science and
Mathematics Journal, 111, 235-247.
An, S. A., Kulm, G. O., & Ma, T. (2008). The effects of a music composition activity on
Chinese students’ attitudes and beliefs towards mathematics: An exploratory study.
Journal of Mathematics Education, 1(1), 91-108.
Ashcraft, M. H. (2002). Math anxiety: Personal, educational, and cognitive consequences.
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11(5), 181-185.
Bilhartz, T. D., Bruhn, R. A., & Olson, J. E. (2000). The effect of early music training on
child cognitive development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 20(4), 615-
Beer, M. (1998). How do mathematics and music relate to each other? Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia: East Coast College of English.
Benes-Lafferty, K. M. (1995). An analysis of using musical activities in a second-grade
mathematics class. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University of
Pennsylvania, PA.
Beilock, S. L., Gunderson, E. A., Ramirez, G., & Levine, S. C. (2010). Female teachers’ math
Fostering Elementary Students’ Mathematics Disposition 14
Song A. An, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in mathematics education at the University of Texas
at El Paso. Daniel A. Tillman, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in educational technology at The
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). Rachel Boren, Ph.D., is an associate research scientist at
the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). Junjun Wang is a graduate student in special
education at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Dr. Song An, 601 Education
Building, 500 W. University Ave., University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), TX, 79912.
Email: [email protected].
17 An, Tillman, Boren, & Wang
Appendix A
Math Content Foci with Corresponding Music Activities from Intervention Lessons
Note: The mathematics content foci were based on California State Standards
Appendix B
Sample Music-Mathematics Integrated Lesson Plan (Lesson 13)
Designed by the teacher who volunteered to participate in the present study
I. Opening
Use a visual music pocket chart to have students engage in the lesson activity to motivate their
inquiry learning.
Display the song color cards in the pocket chart and ask students to find the patterns in the song. I
say to the students, “Today you are going to do a very exciting music integrated math lesson. You are
going to create your own color or number patterns to compose your own music. First of all, who can
find the patterns in the song in a pocket chart?” Students use their prior knowledge about patterns and
find several patterns in a song with class together.
Teacher explains the close relationship between math and music in a sense that they both consist of a
variety of patterns.
Discuss about more patterns in a song and how students use the color, number, or letter patterns to
compose their own
Review and preview the lesson vocabulary and introduce the lesson materials and activity
Lesson Vocabulary: music composition
Explain to the students that they are now going to explore the pattern activities and create their own
color patterns. (Cooperative and inquiry-based learning activity)
The process of the experiment of creating patterns.
– Pass out a set of color composition papers to each table.
– Each table creates the color patterns.
– Students work cooperatively inputting their pattern creation ideas.
– During the experiment, I, as a teacher, act as a supervisor or a guide for the students to be able to
perform the experiment smoothly and productively.
Check for Understanding and address misconceptions and/or the obstacles:
Teacher walks around and asks students about their pattern creation activity and monitors the student
group work smoothly.
Also, teacher provides the extra support if the table needs help with creating their own patterns.
Guided Practice
Teacher chooses one table’s pattern and performs the color patterns in music using keyboard. Also,
teacher uses overhead to show the patterns created by other table. The table members play their own
music using hand bells to the class.
Teacher provides students the feedback of the pattern creation they did and the outcome of their work
as music.
Discuss, Argue, or Proof
Discuss about the cooperative learning with kindness. Also, guide students to appreciate the music
that is created by their classmates.
Discuss about the fabulous activity of composing music using color patterns and playing their created
music using hand bells.
The tables who didn’t present show their color patterns to the class and play their patterns using hand
Teacher provides students the feedback of the pattern creation they did and the outcome of their work
as music.
V. Closure
Conclude the lesson by asking questions: “Who wants to share what you learned from today’s lesson?
Lesson participation of creating color, number, and letter patterns
Presentation and performance skills of the composed music using hand bells
Check with partners – cooperative learning and assessment
Based on the assessment results teacher finds out if the students achieved the lesson
objectives/standards or not.
Decide whether the extended activity or the re-teach activity is necessary to meet the students’ needs.
For ELL Students: Use visuals (color papers) and real life objects (hand bells) to guide them to have
the concrete understanding of music composition using color patterns. Pair up with the student who
uses the same language. When the class does the independent activities, teacher works with ELL
students, using SDAEI strategies.
For special Ed and low students: When the whole class works on the table activity, teacher works
closely with them to provide the extra support to meet their specific needs. Also, always provides
hands on materials to support their mathematical reasoning skills.
For exceptional students: Have them create more complex color patterns and express those patterns
into music.
If time allowed, students might have had more opportunities to create more color patterns and play
them into music using hand bells and other instruments.
Also, students could have created their own word problems related to the pattern creation. (Ex. Alex
created the patterns 5, 8, 3 two times and Riona created the pattern 5, 3, 1 three times. If they play
music using those patterns they created and each number represents one beat, how many beats do they
play altogether? 3x2=6 (Alex), 3x3=9 (Riona) So, 6+9=15 beats. They play 15 beats altogether.)