How To Use Astrology Part.2
How To Use Astrology Part.2
How To Use Astrology Part.2
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How To
Part II
Michael Erlewine
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
An ebook from
315 Marion Avenue
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
Fist published 2006
©2006 Michael Erlewine
ISBN 978-0-9794970-2-5
All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the publisher.
Some images © 2007JupiterImages Corporation
Cover photo by Margaret Erlewine.
Photos mostly by Margaret Erlewine. Some by Michael
Erlewine or Kate White.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Table of Contents
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Cycle Phases
Phases Keywords
Cycles can be (and are) broken down into smaller parts
called phases. It does not matter whether we are
looking at the phases of the Moon, the zodiac cycle, the
astrological houses, or the aspect cycle between any
two planets or bodies. The phases for any cycle are all
the same, and a number of introductory lessons on
cycles can be found elsewhere. What we have here are
a series of keywords and phrases relating to some of
the major cycle phases. Here twelve are detailed.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 1 90 Waxing
090 Square Waxing
Turning Point
Theoretical to Practical
Signs of Progress
Make Statement
Do Something
Beyond Planning Stage
Concrete Step
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Drive Forward
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 4 Opposition
180 Opposition
Stop Driving Forward
Don't Push
Experience It
Let Go
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Aikido Style
Passive Handling
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 7 90 Waning
090 Square Waning
Turning Point
From Outside, In
Subjective to Objective
Personal to Impartial
Growing Up
Personal to Public
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 8 60 Waning
060 Sextile Waning
Can See Problems
Energy Surge
Energy to Act
Working-With Energy
Remove Excess
Cut Back
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 9 45 Waning
045 Semi-Square waning
Seed Time
Bare Bones
Long Lasting
Kernel of Truth
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 10 Conjunction
A Vision
New Ideas
Clear Seeing
Big Picture
New Beginning
Fresh Start
Seed Impulse
Single Purpose
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 11 45 Waxing
045 Semisquare
Community Vision
Future Goals
Overcome Obstacles
Push Forward
Deal With Habits
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 12 60 Waxing
060 Sextile Waxing
Working Energy
Forward Momentum
Implementing Plans
Accept Limitations
Put Up With
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Cycles Continued
The signs of the zodiac follow each other, endlessly, in
a circle or cycle. The earth makes one complete circle
(completes one cycle) in the course of a year. Taurus
follows Aries, Gemini follows Taurus, and so on. In any
cycle, there is no particular point that is the beginning or
the end. You can start at any point and continue on
around. All cycles do, however, have phases, and we
can start at any phase and follow it through the round of
It is customary to measure the cycle from the beginning
of Aries, but many cultures consider the summer and
winter solstices as more important, and start from there.
Philosophically, any point or degree of the circle is a
potential starting point. It is not of crucial importance
which point is used.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Cycle Phases
Any cycle can be divided into as many phases as you
find helpful. For example, the cycle of the Moon's
phases is typically divided into four main phases (New
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
zodiac sign Cancer, the Full Moon phase, and the I.C.
(4th house). The breath is all breathed in (inhaled and
expanded) or the breath is all breathed out (exhaled and
If we want to analyze the cycle of the breath using four
phases, instead of two, then we add a phase for the
process of inhaling (the air coming in) and a phase for
the process of exhaling (the air going out). So the four
phases being considered right now are: exhaled,
inhaling, inhaled, and exhaling, at the four corners of a
square, as far as position. We could easily turn this into
an eightfold phase analysis by adding four more phases
at the 45-degree points, and this is frequently done, in
particular with the lunar cycle. And each of these
phases has a meaning, something to tell us. Let's go
over a simple cycle.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Cycle Phases
Let's go through a cycle phase by phase, which is a
good way to understand and see how the whole cycle
works, as well as to learn about each phase. Since all
cycles are roughly the same, it does not matter what
cycle we look at, but since most of us are used to the
yearly cycle of the sun signs, we can start there. As for
phases, why not just use the standard set of aspects
that most astrologers use, being careful to distinguish
between waxing and waning aspects. In other words:
full-phase aspects.
The diagram shows the familiar zodiac wheel, complete
with the major aspect phases we are going to take a
look at. Our starting point will be zero degrees of
Capricorn, the winter solstice, and the most indrawn or
seed-essence point.
The flow of the phases is in a counter-clockwise
direction, moving from Capricorn to Aquarius to Pisces,
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Conjunction - New Idea
Semisquare (waxing) - Overcoming Resistance
Sextile (waxing) - Making Plans
Square (waxing) - Positive Start
Trine (waxing) - Building
Sequiquadrate (waxing) - Push On
Inconjunct (waxing) - Connect Up
Opposition - Result or Experience
Inconjunct (waning) - Dawning
Sequiquadrate (waning) - Gather Things
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Life As Cycles
Our life is filled with cycles. There are very short cycles,
short cycles, long cycles, and very long cycles. All
cycles repeat or return on themselves - happen again.
Some examples of convenient-sized cycles that we can
understand and measure with our mind include the
cycle of our breath, the cycle of the seasons or year,
and the cycle of day and night. The cycle of our heart
beating is almost too small and fast for us to keep in
mind. Smaller cycles yet include cellular cycles and, of
course, atomic and sub-atomic cycles. These smaller
cycles happen so often or fast that they are a blur to our
mind. They fall through or beneath our awareness and
make up the ground of our consciousness.
When we look for long cycles, the planets provide good
examples. We live through and experience the two-year
cycle of the planet Mars, the 12-year Jupiter cycle, and
even the 30-year Saturn cycle. However, many people
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
A Tangle of Cycles
For now, let's not even try to sort out the tangle of
cycles in which we are embedded, and say "This is the
Mars cycle doing this, that is the Jupiter cycle over
there," and so on. It is quite enough to become aware
that our moods, capabilities, attitudes, etc. come and go
in a very regular manner. We can wake up minutes,
hours, days, months, or years later and remember that
we have been here before, have been going through a
patch just like this. We may not have felt this good in
years. These are cycles that we are seeing at these
times, although they have been there all along.
Many people have no awareness of the cycles they are
going through each day or month. They may not even
recognize that they don't feel very good or that they do
feel very good, so embedded in the tangle of life's
cycles are they. That is why the first step is to develop
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Making Bodies
The situation we each face in day-to-day living follows
all the laws of cycles - of investment and returns. It is
very important that this be perceived and understood.
You are investing time in reading this article. We all are
looking for a return of some sort in most of the things
that we do. You want to get something out of it,
something back for your effort. It is not as simple as
saying, "What's in it for me?" It is not simple selfishness,
but like a blind person feeling their way along a corridor;
this is how we feel our way through life, by experiencing
and feeling for the returns.
Even now, while reading this, you are creating a body of
knowledge, called astrology, through your efforts to
understand what I am writing. I apologize if this sounds
too abstract. I am trying to say it simply.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
As Below, So Above
When we try to understand everything in relation to our
physical body and personal lifetime, our own life and
death, we are biting off a very large chunk. It is hard to
understand and grasp the meaning of our whole
lifetime, since we are right in the middle of it. Most of us
can't seem to remember life before our birth and have
trouble grasping what life after death might be, and we
can be left with some very large questions - some real
The very same process of birth, life, and death is
happening all around us in countless examples. In fact,
there is nothing else. We can be said to have lifetimes
within lifetimes within our personal lifetime. And it is
possible to examine these smaller lives or cycles in their
entirety and, by analogy, to get a picture of what our
personal lifetime too must be like. If we spend
considerable time now on these concepts, it is because
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Aspect: 0 to 30 Degrees
You should be able to sense a new beginning, with
some fresh ideas burning brightly, lighting up this time
with clarity and visions of what can be accomplished.
You can see what needs to be done right now, and also
farther on up the road. You may feel inspired.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase Details
The signs, houses, aspects, and many other astrological
cycles can be divided into the various phases that make
them up. All cycles share the same phase structure, so
if we learn about the basic phases of one cycle, we
automatically know about them for any other cycle. Let's
go over them.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 10
000 Degrees
The Vision (CJN)
Idea time. Something new sparks forth and perhaps
inspires plans and an effort to get the word out.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 11
045 Degrees
Community Plans (SSQ)
New plans and fresh ideas meet resistance from the
past and have to be worked with. Getting more involved.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 12
060 Degrees
Paying the Dues (SXT)
An easier time, perfect to move things ahead, and one
which should be made use of. Any progress, however,
will depend on putting up with some major and minor
inconveniences that stand in the way. Getting more
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 01
090 Degrees
Making a Start (SQR)
Getting plans and new ideas through to actuality,
making a visible start. Something to be seen. Obstacles
will appear. Getting more involved.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 02
120 Degrees
Embodying It (TRI)
A time of increased ease or energy, when ideas can be
embodied, and real progress with implementing or
building infrastructure can take place. Getting more
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 03
150 Degrees
Making Connections (INC)
A time to complete or finish things, and to extend and
follow out connections, down to the last detail. Not a
time for starting anything new. Getting more involved.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 04
180 Degrees
The Experience (OPP)
A time to experience and to feel something in its
fullness, no past and no future. Take it in.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 05
225 Degrees
Awareness and Use (SQQ)
Getting something out of an experience, perhaps pride
and awareness, and also learning how to handle things
related to it. Reflecting and stepping back.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 06
240 Degrees
Conservation and Care (TRI)
An easier time, one where we learn to care for an
experience, and perhaps to salvage or save what we
can in a situation. Reflecting and stepping back.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 07
270 Degrees
Objectivity and Response (SQR)
A turning point, away form a more personal point of view
and toward a more public, impersonal, objective
viewpoint. Reflecting and stepping back.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 08
300 Degrees
Analyzing and Excess (SXT)
Critical powers of observation, focusing on detail,
looking to pick out the good and throw away the rest.
Reflecting and stepping back.
How to Learn Astrology: Part II
Phase 09
330 Degrees
Seed Encapsulation (SSX)
Boiling things down to the essence. Encapsulating
experience. Reflecting and stepping back.
The astrology chart is a snapshot of the solar system at
the moment of your birth, but the Sun, Moon and
planets don't stop moving. They are not frozen in time
like your birth chart. They continue moving in the
heavens, day by day, and year by year. Today, as you
read this, they are out there, somewhere, moving
steadily ahead through space and time. Do they still
affect us? How do they impact our natal chart? This is
what we will cover in this section.
Charting It
At this point, you should be familiar with your natal
chart, whether geocentric or heliocentric does not
matter. The natal chart is fixed in time, freeze-framed, a
snapshot of the solar system at your birth. In the
diagram above, we see my helio natal chart in the
center. Around it, on the outer band, are the planets
right now, today, April 7, 2007. The familiar band of the
zodiac is show on the outside, so that you have some
reference point.
We can see my natal planets (chart center) and the
transiting planets (outer) band, as they are placed
against the zodiac for April 7th.
The Bi-Wheel
Here are both sets of planets placed in a single chart
form, which is how astrologers like to look at transits
and natal positions. This is called a bi-wheel chart form.
The natal planets are in the center; the transiting
planets (today) are on the outside. For clarity's sake
here, I have not drawn in the degree, zodiac, sign, and
minutes for either the Sun, Moon, and planets or the
house cusps, but in a standard chart, they would be
Interpreting Transits
As mentioned above, when astrologers speak of
transits, they are referring to the Sun, Moon, and
planets as they exist today in the heavens above us, in
other words: what is happening right now. A chart wheel
with today's transiting planets is identical to a natal chart
for someone born today. The two kinds of charts are the
same and they are interpreted using the same
Interpreting Transits
As you can see from this chart form, we can see the
transiting planets in the zodiac signs where they are at
present. By placing the wheel of the zodiac along with
the twelve natal house cusps, both the houses and the
signs are as they were in the birth chart. Therefore, the
positions of the transiting planets appear against the
natal signs and houses. We can see at a glance what
sign and house the current (transiting) planets are in the
natal chart. In the example above, transiting Mars is
near the end of the sign Gemini, in the seventh house,
soon to conjunct the natal Mercury. I trust this is clear.
Saturn Transits
In ancient and traditional astrology, the planet Saturn is
the great malefic, confronting each of us with obstacles
and defining what we have to work or pass through (the
stuff that we must face) in our lives. Modern astrology is
a little more kind, and sees Saturn as the great form
giver, molding and shaping our lives by setting limits
and boundaries that we must each negotiate. It has also
been said that Saturn is the prince of the material world
and rules all things physical.
The cycle of Saturn through the houses of our natal
chart takes about 30 years (29.4 years), which is
considered one generation. We all have heard the
phrase that young people use "never trust anyone over
thirty." Why this is so is a subject for esoteric astrology,
but it relates to the Saturn cycle. Here we will stick to
the exoteric or more obvious fact that astrologers have
for centuries monitored the passage of Saturn through
the flakes fall and melt. But then, there is a point when
suddenly they don't melt, but stick to the grass, hold,
and start to build. Saturn's crossing of the 4th house
cusp is like that, a point where, after a long time of our
putting things into action, but with nothing coming back,
they suddenly catch, hold, and we very slowly begin to
move forward. We start to get some return out of our life
investment, starting with an awareness of our self and
what we have been doing. It is, however, slow, like the
Sun coming up, the dawn.
What is great about this transit of the 4th house cusp is
that, from that point forward, everything you do well
accumulates for you. Your awareness grows, and you
can actually see and feel this from day to day.
Confidence from this point onward builds, and each day
brings more assurance. Saturn crossing this point is a
major turning point, astrologically, in this 30-year cycle.
Teen Prominence
This time of serious study or investment concludes
around 30 years of age, as Saturn rounds the tip of the
4th house cusp and begins its climb upward through the
chart once again. In this case, this formative period of
years was experience at the last possible time for
someone growing up, that is: before the age of 30,
which marks Saturn's return. This second rise through
the 4th, 5th, and 6th houses should be very successful
and pronounced in itself, and mark a period of quickly
increasing self confidence and mastery.
This will, of course, really take fire as Saturn crosses
over the 7th house cusp, and above the horizon of the
natal chart, bring a somewhat late, but very
accomplished section of time, of prominence, success,
More Thoughts
The above scenarios should give you an idea of how to
interpret the Saturn in your own natal chart. Of course,
Saturn in your chart may not be conveniently placed on
one of the chart angles (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house
cusps), but somewhere else within one of the sectors.
This means that you will have to adjust the dates and
compensate for how far off your natal Saturn is to one of
these four angles. Keep in mind that Saturn's cycle is
roughly 30 years long, no matter where Saturn is in your
chart, so about every seven years Saturn will be about
90-degrees farther along in the zodiac than it was at
birth. This should help you come up with approximate
dates when it crosses the angle.
Saturn Sectors
To begin with, locate the position of Saturn in your natal
chart by sign and house, but for what we will be doing
here (in particular) by house. That is where we start, at
birth. Yet Saturn keeps moving, always
counterclockwise, through the houses of our chart. As it
moves, it crosses over (conjuncts) the various planets in
our chart, and also each of the house cusps. Most
important, we want to note when it crosses one of the
four angular house cusps: 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th. These
four points mark the sectors or quadrants and they have
a particular meaning, which we shall look at.
the flakes fall and melt. But then, there is a point when
suddenly they don't melt, but stick to the grass, hold,
and start to build. Saturn's crossing of the 4th house
cusp is like that, a point where, after a long time of our
putting things into action, but with nothing coming back,
they suddenly catch, hold, and we very slowly begin to
move forward. We start to get some return out of our life
investment, starting with an awareness of our self and
what we have been doing. It is, however, slow, like the
Sun coming up, the dawn.
What is great about this transit of the 4th house cusp is
that, from that point forward, everything you do well
accumulates for you. Your awareness grows, and you
can actually see and feel this from day to day.
Confidence from this point onward builds, and each day
brings more assurance. Saturn crossing this point is a
major turning point, astrologically, in this 30-year cycle.
Closing Thoughts
The above scenarios should give you an idea of how to
interpret the Saturn in your own natal chart. Of course,
Saturn in your chart may not be conveniently placed on
one of the chart angles (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house
cusps), but somewhere else within one of the sectors.
This means that you will have to adjust the dates and
and will live forever, for time has not yet appeared on
the horizon, much less touched us.
Each year of our life before that first Saturn return
appears linear, and time stretches out toward the future
in what looks to be a straight line. We cannot yet see
that the straight line to our future is a slow curve that will
come full circle, and with it a sense of responsibility - the
gradual knowledge there is nowhere particular we are
going. Life and its circumstances for those under thirty is
somehow always new.
Forever Young
This concept is useful for many reasons; chief among
them perhaps is that once you understand that the
physical factory, so to speaks, stops at thirty years of
age, you stop looking so much to the future for
something else to come along. You stop thinking linear.
We begin to look a lot closer to home, somewhere near
or in the present, with plenty of reality checks in the
past. Just ask any older person and they can tell you
that they do not feel as old as they look, but stopped
aging, inside, many years before. Inside, they are still
young, and will always be.
And you will find that different people stop aging at
different ages. Some are still teenagers, others in their
early or late twenties, and so forth. No one is over thirty,
ever. That is the physical law of Saturn, remember? As
for myself, I figure that inside I am still 25 years old, and
have never aged a day over that. It is like that part of
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Luck Element 7
The element that you have the least of, is the one you
"want" most, and this is called your lucky or Luck
Element. The reason why this element is the key to your
luck or success is because only when you find or get
this element more into your life, will your birth chart
approach any kind of balance. It is only when there is a
sense of elemental balance in the chart that real
success or progress can be made. Getting this element
more into your life can become crucial to progress. The
things we don't have can be the keys to our success.
Major Chart Patterns
Cautionary Element
By the same token, one would think that having a lot of
something was only a blessing, and never a problem.
When it comes to balancing elements, this is not always
the case. Every element is essential to having an overall
balance. Having a lot of one element means, of course,
that you are very strong in that element. At the same
time, and this is the caution, one must be careful not to
overuse or dominate with that element, at the expense
of other elements you have less of. In fact, it is the
weakest elements in your chart that are considered your
Luck Element, because without them, you can never
reach a balance.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
The Qudruplicities
Dividing the zodiac signs into three parts, The
Triplicities, is part of traditional astrology. There are
three sets of four signs, called: Cardinal, Fixed, and
Mutable, as Follows.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Cardinal Signs
The Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn) mark the four corners of the zodiac, marked
by the two equinoxes and solstices. Cardinal signs are
the initiators in the zodiac, always taking the initiative
and the first to move and start things. If you need a
jump start or a kick in the pants, you can always count
on a cardinal sign to come through for you. These are
the leaders of the zodiac, the entrepreneurs.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Fixed Signs
The Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Capricorn)
are the heart and hub of the wheel in the zodiac, where
things stay or stick. The buck stops here. Fixed signs
are dependable, stubborn, and are not afraid to block
your way in you cross them. They are more like a closed
door, than an open window. These are the 'tough guys'
of the zodiac.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
qualities you want or lack and see if you can bring them
Mutable Signs
The Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
are the communicators and go-betweens in the zodiac.
Above all, they are flexible and pliant, able to bend with
the wind and still stand tall. They work around you,
rather than through you, and use skillful means rather
than brute force. Unless they want you to, you won't
even know they are there.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Hemisphere Balance
The astrological chart has traditionally been divided into
halves, East and West, and North and South, which
makes four halves in all, one each on the right and left
side of the chart, and one each on the top and bottom of
the chart. These are called hemispheres. What we want
to know is which of these hemispheres or halves have
the most (or the least) planets in them. In other words,
we may have one (or more) of the hemispheres with
more planets, and another with few or no planets, and
both of these configurations mean something and are
The hemisphere with the least planets is considered key
to bringing balance into our chart, and we would do well
to study what those qualities are and learn something
more about them.
Major Chart Patterns
East Hemisphere
An emphasis of planets in the East Hemisphere suggest
you are a giver, more than a taker, one who takes the
first step into action, rather than one who responds to
action. In other words, in your case, Mohammed goes to
the mountain, rather than the mountain coming to
Mohammed. Don't wait for things in life to come your
way, and to fall into your lap, but rather go out and get
them. Take the initiative.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
West Hemisphere
An emphasis of planets in the West Hemisphere
suggest that your are more a receiver than a giver, more
passive than active. Things you need in life tend to
come to you, rather than your having to go out and seek
them. You practice aikido, rather than judo. In your
case, the mountain comes to Mohammed, rather than
vice versa.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
North Hemisphere
An emphasis of planets in the North Hemisphere
suggest that you value your privacy and tend to be more
subjective, more to yourself, than you are a public
personality. You may even feel uncomfortable out in the
public, and would rather see, than be seen.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
South Hemisphere
You have an emphasis of planets in the South
Hemisphere, and this suggests that by nature you are
outgoing, probably very much a public person, used to
being seen by others, and very much a presence in a
social situation. You are not retiring or private.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Here we are entering into a more contentious area of
astrology, that of sign rulership, the essential dignities
and debilities of The Lights and planets in the various
signs. The various planets are considered stronger in
some signs than in others. In fact, there is a whole
pecking order that is usually divided into four parts
called the Essential Dignities and Debilities: Rulership,
Detriment, Exaltation, and Fall.
Major Chart Patterns
A planet is said to be dignified when it is in the sign that
it rules. Like an emperor or dignity, a planet is
strengthened or more powerful when in its rulership.
Thus Mars in Aries is the most powerful position for
Mars in the signs, and so forth. Mars rules the sign
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Only slightly less important than sign rulership is when a
planet is exalted, that is: in the sign of its exaltation. A
table of exaltation is included in the diagram above. The
very well-known astrologer William Lilly wrote that if a
planet is in its sign of exaltation, in particular if it is in an
angular house (1, 4, 7, and 10), it is said to be
especially strengthened, may even give the possessor a
haughty arrogance, one who "affirms more unto himself
than is his due."
Major Chart Patterns
Planets in Detriment 2
If a planet is in the opposite zodiac sign from the one
that it rules, this is said to weaken the strength of that
planet in the chart, and this condition is termed in
Detriment. Included above is a table of the signs, and
which planets are in detriment in them.
Major Chart Patterns
Planets in Fall
If a planet is in the opposite zodiac sign from the one it
is exalted in, this is said to greatly weaken the strength
of that planet in the chart, and this condition is termed
the planet's Fall. Included above is a table of the signs,
and which planets are in Fall in for each sign.
Rulerships and the Essential Dignities are something
you will have to experiment with yourself to see if they
are useful or not for your work.
Major Chart Patterns
Rulerships/ 0884
Here we are entering into a more contentious area of
astrology, that of sign rulership, the essential dignities
and debilities of The Lights and planets in the various
signs. The various planets are considered stronger in
some signs than in others. In fact, there is a whole
pecking order that is usually divided into four parts
called the Essential Dignities and Debilities: Rulership,
Detriment, Exaltation, and Fall.
A planet is said to be dignified when it is in the sign that
it rules. Like an emperor or dignity, a planet is
strengthened or more powerful when in its rulership.
Thus Mars in Aries is the most powerful position for
Mars in the signs, and so forth. Mars rules the sign
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Only slightly less important than sign rulership is when a
planet is exalted, that is: in the sign of its exaltation. A
table of exaltation is included in the diagram above. The
very well-known astrologer William Lilly wrote that if a
planet is in its sign of exaltation, in particular if it is in an
angular house (1, 4, 7, and 10), it is said to be
especially strengthened, may even give the possessor a
haughty arrogance, one who "affirms more unto himself
than is his due."
Major Chart Patterns
Planets in Detriment
If a planet is in the opposite zodiac sign from the one
that it rules, this is said to weaken the strength of that
planet in the chart, and this condition is termed in
Detriment. Included above is a table of the signs, and
which planets are in detriment in them.
Major Chart Patterns
Planets in Fall
If a planet is in the opposite zodiac sign from the one it
is exalted in, this is said to greatly weaken the strength
of that planet in the chart, and this condition is termed
the planet's Fall. Included above is a table of the signs,
and which planets are in Fall in for each sign.
Rulerships and the Essential Dignities are something
you will have to experiment with yourself to see if they
are useful or not for your work.
Major Chart Patterns
StarType Patterns
"Opposition is true friendship." - William Blake
"Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a
sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to
be the other, and both together make up one whole." -
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Conscious love evokes the same in response.
Emotional love evokes the opposite. Physical love
depends on type and polarity." - G.I. Gurdjieff
What is love? What is it that drives relationships? If we
sift through the sands of the world's writing, we come up
with quotes like those above. Yet, surprisingly, there is
little conjecture (and fewer things written) about the
nature of that attraction (how it works) and yet this force
keeps us endlessly relating to one another.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Sun-Centered Astrology
The standard earth-centered astrology chart, which was
all that I had known up to that point, begin to resolve
itself to my mind as a chart of the circumstances and
psychology in which each of us is involved or
incarnated, however you want to phrase that. And the
sun-centered heliocentric chart revealed itself as the
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Patterns
Grand Trines, Grand Crosses, and T-Squares have
been a part of traditional astrology for centuries, but not
front and center. They are noted, but often just
mentioned along with any other aspect or configuration
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Sun Cross
For some reason, it all revolves around these birth
charts that have a cross through the sun. And we are
talking heliocentric here, not geocentric. While some of
this effect can be tracked by looking at geocentric
positions, it soon became clear that the geocentric chart
is just a peek at what was going on heliocentrically, with
the sun at the center. Why not take a look at what we
are peeking at. Thee sun-centered patterns best
represented what was going on in our solar system.
These sun-centered charts with the cross through their
center, for reasons we could talk all night about and still
not know why, seemed to have 'something' within them
that other people felt attracted enough toward, as to
want to be around them, to care for them, and to even
serve them. Now, that is something to note..
These T-Square StarTypes exuded some kind of
energy, call it information or whatever, that others
Major Chart Patterns
The Receivers
Well, good for them, but what about the rest of us, those
who were born without this T-Square in our helio
charts? It appears that our job, those without the cross,
is to care for and perhaps decode (if that makes sense)
the information locked into these Square StarTypes.
They have it; we don't. They are the "Haves," we the
You see, it seems that the 'Haves' don't know what they
have, and the 'Have-Nots' can see what the 'Haves'
have, if that sentence will be allowed. It is like the T-
Square StarTypes have this attractive information
embedded in their very being and the other StarTypes
can read and decipher this information.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Relationship Types
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Chart Types
Let's start out by examining your birth chart for any
whole-chart patterns, which will give us an idea of what
the overall aspect configurations are. To do this, you will
need a chart drawn out on the 360-degree wheel of the
signs, not the standard wheel of houses. For this
analysis, we don't need houses. In fact, this technique
will work quite well for charts without a birth time. What
we are looking for here are large-scale chart patterns
only. Here is what the 360 or Open Wheel looks like.
Most astrological services and programs can produce
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
The Lover
This group of chart types, easily recognized by their
green lines, represent the archetype of "The Lover," the
one who cares the most, and thus (for all practical
concerns) the caretakers of the relationship. These are
the ones who endlessly care for (and worry about!) the
loved one, running here and there to provide for their
well-being. They are the eternal hosts, seldom the
guests, of any relationship. They are the ones who jump
up and get you a glass of water, who happily do any
organizational work - the planning. They pick up your
Not at home in a crowd, this type can be found around
the edges of a group, watching, perhaps criticizing, but
always taking it all in. They run cool, when others run
warm (or hot). They think, when others do. They serve,
while others are served. They care, when care is
Major Chart Patterns
In Service
Not all of us are miniature rock stars, fit to shine in the
heart of a crowd. Some are quite happy to watch, to
comment on, and to care for others. Since both types
('lover' and 'loved one') occur in almost equal numbers,
not all of us can always be the one who gets served.
Some of us must do the serving, and you may find that
you like serving others. Many green-lined types, once
they understand what their type is about, manage to get
past the social stigmata of 'serving others," and enjoy
taking care of others. It is natural to this type. Once they
Major Chart Patterns
Green-Bordered Types
All of the green-bordered chart types are born to serve
and care for others. All reach for the mind before they
reach to press the flesh. They think before they act. All
are (at heart) shy, eager for experience, and glad to be
included. Not much into hugs, they all secretly love to be
hugged and physical contact is an exciting event for
them. Sounds like E.T., eh?
Well, not quite from outer space, but they are very at
home in the great space of the mind, and they all tend
to make their living using their wits and mental
capabilities, rather than their charisma and warm
presence. They can think; they can see, and many of
them really get the big picture, and can see the forest as
well as the trees. They are great providers of advice to
the rest of us. They are wicked critics and are as sharp
Major Chart Patterns
Here is another form of the green-lined charts. And, as a
rule, this type of chart is very compassionate, always
appreciating a situation for what it is, making room for
others, making allowances, being kind.
So what can you know when you meet one of the green
chart types? You can expect a sharp mind, perhaps
very broad in scope, but probably at least facile and
detail oriented. If you will let them, that is, if you can
assume the role of an object (someone to be cared for),
they will probably assume the role of protector and
caretaker. If you meet them with criticism and mental
arguments, you are in for a tussle, because this is there
turf. They own it.
Major Chart Patterns
But, as mentioned, if you will sit still and let them look
after you, more often than not, they will do just that. On
the outside they may appear tough or even wrathful, but
inside they are easy, and will always give way. Giving is
their gift.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Perhaps best of all, they have the vision and foresight of
the green chart types and the charisma and fun-loving
nature of the red chart types. Depending on their
partner, they can play either role. They can see what to
do and also do it, without any outside help, thus the
term "independent," which they are.
Reverse Side: As for a downside, there is not much.
They kind of have it all, if being self-sufficient is the goal.
If anything, they can be lazy, because it is easy, in this
society, to fall into the habit of playing the loved one,
and being taken care of, being served. The blue chart
types often end up in this role, and don't get a lot done
because of this habit.
An Island to Themselves
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Geocentric or Heliocentric?
Most astrology books and the majority of astrologers in
the 20th-Century used the standard geocentric natal
chart, almost exclusively. Very few astrologers also
looked at the heliocentric chart for themselves. Today,
all that is changing as astrologers find there are several
natal charts that are useful in looking at a birth, rather
than just one - different perspectives. Sometimes a
second (or third) opinion makes a huge difference, and
different perspectives are almost always helpful. Let's
look at the benefits of looking at the geocentric and
heliocentric charts, side by side. First let's be clear what
we are discussing here.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Two Views
I am reminded of the old story of the elephant, with a
group of blind people each feeling a different part of the
animal and describing their experience. From the
collective perspectives or views, we can get a pretty
good idea of what an elephant is, while if all we had was
the fellow feeling the trunk, we would come up with
quite a different picture. This is why getting two
perspectives of the same time, the same planets, and
space is a real help.
More and more well-known astrologers, like Hugh
McCraig, L.E. Johndro, Robert Hand, and Dane
Rudhyar have all told us of the value of the heliocentric
Major Chart Patterns
The Perspective
For those of you who like to understand the astronomy
of these two charts, read on. Others may want to go
straight to the section on interpreting these two charts.
The diagram above shows my natal chart, in both
geocentric and heliocentric formats. As you can see
they are quite different. The geocentric charts has all
the planets on one side of the chart wheel, while the
heliocentric view is spread out to the point of having a
very exact grand trine pattern, involving six of the nine
planets. To see just of this works, you may want to
Major Chart Patterns
switch back and forth between the next few pages, until
it is very clear. Let's start with the familiar geocentric
chart, the chart that we already know and use.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
The Comparison
Now let's compare the geocentric natal chart and the
heliocentric natal chart, as far as what they mean. How
are we to interpret these two views of the same
The Geocentric Chart
The geocentric or outer natal chart, the standard used
for the last number of centuries, is a chart of our
personal self, the particular life circumstances, qualities,
and talents. It is how we appear to ourselves and others
in this day-to-day world we all live in. The geocentric
planetary patterns, houses, cusps, angles, and what-not
point to who we are, and this chart has been well
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
helio are of the same type, then you are (more or less)
what you appear to be. What you see (geo chart) is
what you get (helio chart) on closer acquaintance.
On the other hand, if your geo and helio chart types are
of different relationship types, than you are not what you
appear to be, and what you see is not what you get.
This can be very helpful to know, not just about yourself,
but about those you come in contact with on a day-to-
day basis. To read about these types, please see
another section.
Difference in Positions
Examining the chart patterns in the geo and helio charts
is not the only technique we can use when comparing
these two charts. In fact, we can use the whole arsenal
of astrological techniques, with a few exceptions. In the
helio chart, there is no Moon and no houses, since both
of those qualities are part of the geocentric chart. They
belong to Earth.
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Major Chart Patterns
Your Astrological Toolbox
The Toolbox
(1) Chart Wheel
(2) 12 Astrological Houses and House Cusps
(3) Planets in the Houses
Let's get familiar with the various tools of astrology.
Right now, all you need is a copy of a natal chart,
preferably your own. There are many online services
that will provide this. Using my own chart here as an
example, the standard astrological wheel-of-houses
chart forms looks like this. Your form may differ slightly,
but it should look quite similar.
What you have is the circular chart form, divided into
twelve equal divisions of 30-degrees each, much like
you would cut a pizza. These are the Twelve
Astrological Houses or the "houses," as they are usually
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
The South
In temperate climates, like here in the U.S., the upper
half of our astrology chart maps the area of the sky
above us (Zenith) and to the South. This is the most
open part of the chart, since it includes the very top of
the chart (the Midheaven in the zodiac) and all the sky
and heavens open above us. The top of the chart
includes the six houses: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Later
in this course, we will see that this very open (and
upper) area of the chart represents our outer or public
aspect (out in the open), and those who are born with
most of their planets in these upper houses (7, 8, 9, 10,
11, and 12) are said to have a more public destiny -
some outward show.
Your Astrological Toolbox
The North
In temperate climates, like here in the U.S., the lower
half of our astrology chart maps the area of the sky
beneath us and to the North. This is the most closed or
private part of the chart, since it includes all of the
heavens beneath our feet and on the other side of the
earth from where we are, and this lower point in the
chart in the zodiac is called the I.C. (Immum Coeli),
which literally means the "bottom of the sky."
This bottom of the chart includes the six houses: 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, and 6. Later in this course, we will see that this
very closed (and lower) area of the chart represents our
inner or more personal aspect (not in the open), and
those who are born with most of their planets in these
lower houses (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) are said to be more
private, inward, and family or home oriented.
Your Astrological Toolbox
The East
In temperate climates, like here in the U.S., the left half
of our astrology chart maps the area of the sky to the
East of us. This is where the Sun comes up each day
and all the planets rise, and this part of the chart is
called the ascendant (the ancient Greek term is:
The eastern part of the chart includes the six houses:
10, 11, 12, 1, 2, and 3. Later in this course, we will see
that this area of the chart, where everything rises or
comes up, represents a very active and forward-moving
part of our chart, and those who are born with most of
their planets in these eastern houses (10, 11, 12, 1, 2,
and 3) are said to be energetic, self-starting, and
initiators of action.
Your Astrological Toolbox
The West
In temperate climates, like here in the U.S., the right half
of our astrology chart maps the area of the sky to the
West of us. This is where the Sun goes down each day
and all the planets set, and this part of the chart is
called the descendant. .
The western part of the chart includes the six houses: 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Later in this course, we will see that
this part of the chart, where everything sets or goes
down, represents a very passive and accommodating
part of our chart, and those who are born with most of
their planets in these western houses (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and
9) are said to be very receptive, working with an existing
situation, rather than starting with something new. We
are talking Aikido, and not Judo.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
House Cusps
The twelve astrological houses divide the circle of the
zodiac into twelve roughly-equal pie-shaped houses,
and each of these twelve house (in most cases) has
one of the signs of the zodiac on what is called its
"Cusp." A house cusp marks the beginning of that
particular house. In the above diagram, we see the
house cusp for the 10th House. This house cusp is, as
you can see, in the zodiac sign of Virgo. In fact, as the
chart wheel shows, the 10th house cusp starts at 25-
degrees and 21 minutes of the zodiac sign Virgo, and
goes to 18-degrees and 32 minutes of the zodiac sign
Libra, which marks the end of the 10th house and the
beginning (the cusp) of the 11th house. House cusps
follow one another, in the regular (counter-clockwise)
motion of the zodiac in the chart wheel.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
was the result. As you can see, we still have the twelve
houses, with the ascendant or first house cusp on the
far left, but there is more emphasis on the twelve signs,
the band of the zodiac. They even added color to give
each sign a distinctive feel. Here we are using a variant
of what is called the Queen's Color Scale. The space in
the chart wheel center is perfect for drawing a small
aspectarian in color, which helps to show the major
chart patterns at a glance. In some versions, the twelve
house numbers are also drawn in, as well. This chart
form has many variants and today is one of the most
popular chart formats used, but here and in Europe.
Your Astrological Toolbox
the top, and so on, all around. The twelve houses are
then drawn where they belong in the zodiac, in unequal
mode. In this format, the houses are de-emphasized in
favor of the fixed position of the zodiac in space. This
type of chart form is excellent for keeping track of
everything out there in space, such as the various fixed
stars and important points like the Galactic Center
(G.C.), which is around 26 degrees of Sagittarius.
Instead of having to look through the chart wheel to see
where a point like the G.C. occurs, instead you look
right at the 26 degrees of Sagittarius, since that is
where it always is.
This format has the disadvantage that you do have to
find where the first house cusp is (or any other cusp),
and this can be distracting. But for those astrologers,
like myself, who are more interested in the large-scale
patterns in the chart, and only less concerned about
house position, this chart form or a variant of it may be
the chart wheel of choice, which leads me to the chart
form that I actually use, coming up next.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Astrological Symbols
The Planets
The astrological glyphs or symbols tell a story all their
own, one worth hearing. Let's take the time to go
through some of the main symbols and make brief
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Mercury Symbol
The symbol for Mercury, is threefold, the circle of spirit,
crowned with the soul of the crescent, and carrying the
cross of matter beneath. The crescent receives from
above, and the cross of matter tugs from below. The
circle of spirit is what they are all connected to.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Venus Symbol
Very simple, the circle of spirit, above the cross of
matter. The cross is pulling down, toward matter, but the
circle of spirit is dominant. Matter is subservient here to
Your Astrological Toolbox
Mars Symbol
Here we have the circle of spirit dominated by the cross
of matter, and the cross more like the point of a spear.
Here matter is dominant over spirit, and indicated by its
direction, the outward flow we associate with Mars.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Jupiter Symbol
Here is the cross of matter, combined with the crescent
of soul, and the crescent is on top, and faces outward.
Soul dominating matter is a sign of a benefic, rather
than a malefic.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Saturn Symbol
Here we have the cross of matter and the crescent of
soul, with the cross very much on top and dominating.
The soul is under the control of matter. How fitting for
Saturn, the ruler of form and often considered the major
Your Astrological Toolbox
Uranus Symbol
Here is the circle of spirit and the cross of matter, with
the spirit beneath the matter. However, this is not your
typical cross of matter, looking at either of these
symbols of Uranus, one of which also has the crescent
of soul. Matter is dominant, but it is more like an
antennae or feeling, very fitting for the planet that uses
matter as a way to insight, via inventions, insights, etc.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Neptune Symbol
Here we have the crescent of soul, and very wide at
that, above the cross of matter, In fact the cross kind of
extends up and is embraced or enclosed by the
Your Astrological Toolbox
Pluto Symbol
There are two popular symbols for Pluto, both of which
include some form of crescent. The one on the right is
probably more telling as a symbol for in it, the cross of
matter is dominated by the crescent of soul, which
embraces the circle of spirit. How appropriate for a
planet the represents the door to the underworld and
rebirth. It looks like a womb, with a baby in. The older
form of Pluto looks like a fetus. Both are perfect.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Earth Symbol
Here we have it all, the circle of spirit, the crescent of
soul, and the cross of matter. The circle embraces the
cross, and the cross divides the circle into crescents.
This is the symbol of earth, where matter and spirit
Your Astrological Toolbox
The Signs
The astrological glyphs or symbols tell a story all their
own, one worth hearing. Let's take the time to go
through some of the main symbols and make brief
Your Astrological Toolbox
Aries Symbol
The crescent of soul, upside down, on a single shaft,
can be seen as a sprout arising or as a tool for digging
or puncturing. It traditionally represents the horns of a
Your Astrological Toolbox
Taurus Symbol
The circle of spirit, with the crescent of soul on the top,
open and receiving. Perhaps it is supposed to look like
a bull, but it is a perfect sign for the most receptive
Your Astrological Toolbox
Gemini Symbol
Obviously, this simple represents the number two, the
twins, and a mirror-like image.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Cancer Symbol
The circle of spirit and the crescent of soul, doubled,
and interfaced with one another. Yes, cancer the crab,
but aside from that, a very powerful symbol of being.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Leo Symbol
Here we have the circle of spirit, with what we might call
two forms of the crescent of soul, combined to create a
form that almost looks like something unfolding or
Your Astrological Toolbox
Virgo Symbol
Mostly variations of the cross of matter, but with the V-
like shape as an unusual form of the crescent of soul.
Shown here are both the Greek (left) and the later (right)
form of the glyph.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Libra Symbol
An odd one, obviously representing the scales, but also
interesting in combining the circle of spirit with the
crescent, to almost close the circle. And this above
parallel horizontal lines, representing almost a
separation from matter, above and below.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Scorpio Symbol
Shown here, a couple of form of the Scorpio glyph, both
showing the cross of matter very prominently, and
pointed up with an arrow tip, as is the Mars symbol.
Perhaps we can see some kind of angular crescent of
soul in the "M" shape. I tend to use the left glyph for my
work, as I like the almost coil-like or spring-like feeling of
it. The scorpion.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Sagittarius Symbol
Two forms of the cross of matter, both sharing a real
sense of direction. Of course, this is the archer, but
aside from that, the directionality is key here - getting to
the point.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Capricorn Symbol
Capricorn is a strange combination of the crescent of
soul and the cross of matter, along with a couple of
crescent of soul-like curves. It represents the goat, but
is a fascinating design all by itself.
Your Astrological Toolbox
Your Astrological Toolbox
Pisces Symbol
Here are two forms of Pisces, the Greek version on the
left, and the more modern version on the right. Both
have the crescent of soul clearly shown, and in
duplicate. The cross of matter is only seen in the right-
hand version. I use the Greek version, myself, because
it does look like two fishes.
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
The Bi-Wheel
Here is a typical bi-wheel chart, with the natal chart on
the inside, and the transiting planets on the outside.
Here we are using the heliocentric natal chart form my
birth, as an example. Note that on the outer ring of
transiting planets, we have only drawn in the planet
symbol, the sign the planet is in, and the degrees. We
have left out the minutes, as they tend to clutter up the
chart too much. This is the usual method of displaying
transits, not showing the minutes.
As you can see, by looking at any of the transiting
planets (outer ring), you can see where it is today in
relationship to the natal or birth chart. For example, we
can see at a glance that transiting Mars is about to
conjoin (make a conjunction aspect) with my natal Pluto.
Or we could note that transiting Neptune is forming a
waning square with my natal Saturn. In fact, we could
note all kinds of aspects. That is what a transit to natal
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Equatorial Coordinates
Equatorial Coordinates -- In this system, the Earth's
Equator is the plane of reference. The poles are at the
intersection of the Earth's pole and the pole of the
celestial sphere, an imaginary surface at an infinite
distance with the Earth as its center. This is true for all
points on the Earth, latitude and longitude. The poles
are the North Celestial Pole (NCP) and South Celestial
Pole (SCP). The circle at the intersection of the plane of
the Earth's equator and the celestial sphere is the
Celestial Equator.
The great circle through the celestial poles and the
object (such as a star) is the object's Hour Circle and
the great circle which passes through the celestial poles
and the zenith is the Meridian Circle. The coordinates in
this system are given by Declination (angle between the
celestial equator and the object) and the Right
Ascension (angle measured from an arbitrary reference
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Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Astronomy for Astrologers
Tropical Zodiac
The term 'ecliptic' is the astronomical word for what
astrologers call the plane of the zodiac. Although, as
astrologers, we all use the zodiac or ecliptic in our work,
let us review just what it, in fact, is:
The Ecliptic or zodiac is the plane of the Earth's orbit
and, like a vast sheet of glass, it can is considered to
extend infinitely in all directions. In other words, the
360° orbit of the Earth around the Sun describes a
plane that passes through the center of the Earth and
the Sun. By definition, our Earth ever moves only within
Astronomy for Astrologers
this thin plane in its endless orbit around the Sun. In the
diagram, the Earth revolves in a counter-clockwise
direction (as seen from looking down from the north pole
of the ecliptic).
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Astronomy for Astrologers
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Astronomy for Astrologers
The earth is endlessly revolving, exposing us, wherever
we are, to the entire circle of the heavens. At night, we
can see the stars, planets, and constellations, change
every few hours or so. But there are two places in the
heavens that do not change, and that is the part of the
heavens directly above (and below) the north and south
geographic poles, respectively. Everything revolves
around those two points.
In the Northern Hemisphere, there happens to be a star
right above the North Pole, and this is called (obviously)
the Pole Star. It is also called the North Star. This star
has been used forever as a guide star for travelers and
seamen, because it is the one celestial object in the
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Astronomy for Astrologers
Circles of Latitude
Each place and city on this Earth is located at a specific
latitude, somewhere between the equator and the North
and South poles. Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I used to
live, is located at some 42° latitude, north of the
equator. In fact, there is a circle of cities at 42° latitude
that stretch across the U.S.A. and on around the Earth.
Thus there are other cities on the globe that also are
located at 42° north geographic latitude.
Now the interesting fact about the relation between
geographic latitude and declination in the equatorial
sphere is that there exists a circle of stars on the
celestial sphere located at a declination that matches
the geographic latitude of your home. This circle of
declination and the stars at 42° of declination are the
only stars that ever pass directly (by zenith transit)
overhead your town. Thus, each parallel of geographic
latitude on the Earth has a matching parallel of
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Astronomy for Astrologers
Longitude Meridian
We have seen how there is a circle of stars on the
celestial sphere that equals the circle of geographic
latitude for any spot on Earth. We can do the same for
the geographic longitude factor. In fact we do this each
time we cast a natal chart and locate the Local Sidereal
Time (LST) or Right Ascension of the Mid-Heaven
(RAMC). We stop the Earth's motion and hold it still
(frozen in time) to see what part of the heavens is
overhead at our birth place. Another way of saying this:
we determine in what direction of the heavenly sphere
the Earth was pointed or oriented.
Astronomy for Astrologers
Meridian Alignment
For those of you with access to a standard star map,
you might like to look up your RAMC or LST and locate
the right-ascension meridian that was overhead at your
birth, which give you the direction in space to which your
birth location was pointed or oriented. All stars and
points along the line of right ascension running from top
to bottom on this map were in line with the geographic
meridian for your birth. The diagram will illustrate this:
1.Ann Arbor is located along the 42nd parallel of Earth
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Astronomy for Astrologers
The Horizon
In the Horizon system a plane through the observing
point parallel to the horizon is the plane of reference.
The poles are the Zenith (point overhead) and the Nadir
(point underfoot). The vertical circle through a celestial
object (such as a star) and the zenith is the Object
Circle. The coordinates are given (for the object) by
Azimuth, which is the horizontal angle (A in the diagram)
measured from an arbitrary reference direction -- East in
our case -- counterclockwise to the object circle) and the
Altitude (a), which is the elevation angle measured
upward from the horizon to the object). The great circle
through the north and south points and the zenith is the
Meridian, and the great circle through the east and west
points and the zenith is the Prime Vertical. Circles of
parallel altitude to the horizon that are not great circles
are called Almucantars.
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Astronomy for Astrologers
Time Spiral
This diagram shows how the earth, in its yearly orbit,
cycle, or circle, actually is always moving forward (we
mentioned the speed!), so it really makes more of a
spiral, than a simple circle. These circles spiral.
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Astrology as a Business
Rites of Passage
In this world, with so many tools and resources available
to us, where even a plethora of knowledge (via the
Internet) is often only a button away, many people still
have so little means to learn about themselves, about
their personal self. I am not exaggerating when I say
that, by and large, everyone at some point in their lives
secretly is waiting to be found and discovered for the
wonderful being that they (at least on the good days)
know themselves to be. For a great many of us, there is
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Amateur or Professional?
I am a strong advocate of amateur astrology, but I have
done both, and for many years at that. In the best of
possible worlds, this kind of knowledge, that of self
birthing, psychological midwifery, is best done by
someone who loves and cares about you, just like our
mother is the one who brings us into this world. There
is, in my opinion, something lost when we charge
money to do what is essentially a spiritual process.
Don't misunderstand me. I am not a business prude. I
have worked for many years as a professional reader,
so I am not averse to charging a fee. I just want you to
know that, given a choice (and enough income), I don't
charge for a reading. But, I should also add that (these
days) I tend to do readings only for those I have come
to know or otherwise bumped into along the road of life.
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What kind of astrology you use is up to you, and this is
an important point: Astrology is an oracle, not a science.
Astrology is a way for what is happening out there in the
heavens to be recognized as happening also down here
on earth, the heavens speaking, and we listening and
recognizing these archetypical events in our day-today
life here on Earth. I liken it to star writing in the sky that
we can learn to read. And.... there are all kinds of
astrological techniques.
It took me years to figure this out and to accept it as
true: there is no one astrological technique that is better
than the others. There are only the techniques that work
or are useful to you. I used to believe that there were
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Popular Techniques
Now that we have made it clear that you can use
whatever astrological technique works for you and not
have to justify it to anyone, what are the techniques
used by most professional astrologers? Here we are
going to just mention a few of the major ones, which you
can read more about elsewhere.
Birth Charts
Sure. The place to start in astrology for most people is
to learn about themselves through their own birth chart.
By doing this, you will find out pretty quickly if astrology
catches your interest or not. And there are several birth
charts that you have worth looking into. There is the
traditional geocentric natal chart, but there is also your
inner or what is called the "Dharma Chart," the
heliocentric natal chart. There are others, as well,
including the equatorial natal chart (helpful aligning
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Client Confidentiality
As an astrologer, what you hear in an astrological
reading is private, perhaps not as protected as in the
confessional, but for your ears only. Like lawyers,
doctors, psychiatrists, and other professionals, the
astrologer-client privilege should be honored and
protected. This is universally recognized by astrological
groups and organizations.
As a counselor, I have had just about everything (and
more) that I could conceive of laid out before me at one
time or another, more than I could ever have imagined.
Compared to what goes on out there, my life is very
boring and uneventful. What I hear in a consulting
situation is not something I repeat or pass on to the
social scene or even discuss. It is deeper even than
that. It really can't be discussed.
In fact, one of the things you soon learn in counseling is
to just drop it. After the reading is over, with its tempests
Astrology as a Business
and sea changes, I just forget it. One good reason for
doing this is because it is way too much to try and keep
in mind, much less process. All kinds of experiences
take place during a reading, and your mind is often
stretched far beyond what you personally are used to,
as part of the accommodation process, that of listening
to the client. A client can easily take you on what
amounts to an acid trip, bending the limits of the mind,
and pushing you into realms you otherwise would never
see or go near.
So, there is no figuring out later what went on during the
session, and, as mentioned, I have learned to just let it
pass, and to think nothing of it. I don't want to belabor
this point, but I would like to prepare you for what you
will experience. Let me say it one more time:
The client, whom you don't know, may have material so
pent up that it has not seen the light of day for years, if
ever. Neither you nor they know what may erupt from
the deep areas of the psyche. It can be so powerful that
you won't be able (or want to) remember just what did
transpire. It is that powerful. I don't know how to put it,
but you may well be standing at the very edge of the
void with your client, gazing into the eternity or
damnation. When that experience closes, and you both
come back down into what we could call normal
consciousness, the mind closes after it. It is not even
much of a memory. You can't remember or reconstruct
it, and trying to only further strains an already exhausted
state. My point here is that we learn to just let some
things pass. They make no sense, in the ordinary sense
of that word.
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Tell It Like It Is
Astrologers are very different when it comes to this
topic. When looking at a chart, do you present what you
see there, whether or not the client seems to respond to
it, or do you constantly tailor and alter your message
based upon the feedback you are getting from the client
as things progress? Bluntly, if the client tells you that
what you are presenting to them does not fit them, how
do you alter that message, if at all?
We could have a long discussion on this issue, and
there would be many points of view to consider. In
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Techniques as Experience
Just what are astrological techniques, anyway? To the
best of my understanding, any technique is but the
residue of an astrological "Aha!" realization that occurs.
All techniques were discovered by some astrologer,
somewhere, even if it was way-back-when. The
discovery of a new astrological technique is a big deal,
at least for the astrologer who discovers it. It lights up
their life and can be a turning point.
When that experience of discovery passes, what
remains of the experience is the technique, a somewhat
(by definition) mechanical way of remembering or
recreating that experience, in many cases. You can't
pass on the experience to another, because each of us
must have our own experience. But you can pass on the
technique, whatever steps or process you can
remember about how you got to that experience
yourself. Astrological techniques are like this, the steps
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from the chart, not from the client, and this is one
reason I find it just as easy to write out a reading as to
have one in person. What I am going to say, in either
case, will be more or less the same. This is not to say
that I don't respond to feedback coming from the client. I
do, always, but I tend to use that feedback to get to the
point of communicating what is in the chart, not to
wander into more intuitive or psychic areas. In other
words, I am an astrologer, not a medium or psychic.
Astrology as a Business
Astrological Jargon
I have never understood why astrologers try to explain
or teach astrology to a client during a reading.
Statements like "Your Mars is conjunct Saturn" is
meaningless to the average client, and only serve to
muddy the waters. I did some of this when I was first
learning astrology, but it was usually to stall for time and
to cover up for the fact that I did not yet know enough of
what I was talking about, or was running out of material.
In fact, a sure sign of an amateur is dependence on
astrological jargon as a means of communication in the
reading situation.
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Astrological Therapy
And last in this group of lessons, it is important for you
to be aware when a client needs not just astrological
counseling, but actual therapy. This is not difficult to
When you have the first reading or counseling session
with a client, in that hour or so, you are pointing out
what you can, astrologically, about their chart. They are
taking it in, and will take it home, and digest it - think it
through. You are pointing out what you see, and they
are absorbing what they can of it. This is all straight
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Astrology as a Business
Setting up A Business
When astrology becomes a business, our business, we
had best become more business like. If you have taken
the plunge and turned professional, how do you make a
living with astrology? That is a good question.
I must tell you that, as a group, astrologers tend to be
on the lower end of the economic scale. Years ago,
when I went to a bank to take out a loan to buy my first
programmable calculator, I was told by the loan
department that astrologers appeared just above
migrant workers in their list of loan risks. That was
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Word of Mouth
You know what I am going to say. Word of mouth is still,
and by far, the best form of advertisement, and the price
is right. If you take good care of your clients, give them
the best you have every time, and help them get a
handle on their lives, they will do your advertising for
you. This is as good as it gets. In lieu of that, you can
work with other forms of advertising yourself.
Astrology as a Business
Business Cards
You need these, although it does not have to look all
starched and white, like the corporate card. As
astrologers, we can take liberties with color, design, and
even shape, but an easy-to-read and pleasing-to-the-
eye card is important, and can be used in many
situations. This much I assume you already know. You
can give one (or several) to each client, give them to
people you meet, and leave little stacks of them in
metaphysical bookstores, food co-ops, and so on. This
is a no-brainer. Be sure to put your email address and
web page URL on the card.
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Other Advertising
Advertising can be very expensive, so take advantage
of as many of the less expensive ways to get your name
around as you can. Health food stores, clinics, coffee
shops, groceries, bookstores, libraries, etc. often have
bulletin boards or areas where you can post flyers, with
their blessings. Otherwise, they may be torn down as
fast as you can put them up.
Also, many colleges have authorized spaces for flyers,
and some (for a small fee) will even take a stack of your
flyers and post them for you. Be respectful where you
post, because it is your name that is going up and if you
post where you are not wanted, they know just where to
find you, and at least will take note of who is posting
against their wishes.
Whatever form of flyer or circular you post, be sure to
take care in designing it. If it is in a loose scrawl like
those lost-cat flyers, you are doing yourself and
Astrology as a Business
Paid Advertising
Be careful with paid advertising like newspapers and
particularly radio. It is easy to spend a lot of money and
not have much to show for it. A small classified ad is not
too expensive and may to the same job as the much
more expensive display advertising piece. With radio
and TV advertising, be doubly careful. It sounds so
tempting, but it usually costs so much, and does not
always pay off well - in one ear and out the other.
Your resources, especially when you are just starting
out, are precious, so use them wisely and sparingly.
Astrology as a Business
Astrology Classes
Classes are another way to bring in extra income and
also to meet new clients. You may be able to offer
classes through the W.M.C.A., local bookstores,
community colleges, and many other venues. I gave
classes in my home for many years. Teaching
introductory astrology classes brings you into contact
with new people and is a good way for you to learn
more about how to communicate astrology.
Classes are typically around six weeks in length,
meeting once a week, for around two hours a session. If
you charge for these classes, which most astrologers
do, it is best to get the entire 6-week fee up front, no
later than the start of the 2nd session. If you don't, you
will subject yourself to the whims of people changing
their minds, dropping out, putting off payment, etc. I
Astrology as a Business
have seen it all, trust me. Just have them pay up front,
after the first class. People's lives are too unstable to
stake your rent payment on.
Over the years I have given the one-off lecture at about
every place you can think of: colleges, high-schools,
secretary meetings, various clubs, and the list goes on
and on. Here you almost always do get a speaker's fee,
and you meet a lot of new potential clients. Be sure to
take a stack of your business cards, and don't be afraid
to pass them around.
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Fellow Astrologers
Astrologers tend to be on the lonely side, perhaps
because astrology is not considered kosher by society.
Astrologers in my experience can enjoy getting together
and mixing with their own kind. There are several
national organizations worth looking into, including the
American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), National
Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) and the
International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR),
all of which can be found on the web. There are also
scores of state and local astrology groups all across the
U.S., so if astrological friends look good to you, check
them out. Most of them offer some sort of convention
every year or so, and many more regional and local
activities. AFAN, the Association for Astrological
Networking is another organization worth looking into.
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Birth Data
The basic birth information you need to use astrology,
you already have, which is simply the month, day, and
year of birth. If you have a driver's license or social
security number, then you have this much. I presume
you know where (the place or town) you were born, so
that just leaves the time of birth, what time of the day or
night you were born.
For many people, this is written on your birth certificate.
If not, perhaps your mother or other family member
remembers the time you were born. How important is
having your birth time?
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Astrology as a Business
Time Changes
The various countries and cities on the globe are
located in different time zones, so this may be
something that you have to keep in mind. For example,
my home here in Big Rapids, Michigan is at the extreme
western edge of the Eastern Standard Time Zone
(EST). Time zones are referenced by the number of
hours they are away from Greenwich, England, which is
used as the time standard marker for the entire earth.
For example, Easter Standard Time is five hours away
from Greenwich, five hours earlier. When it is 7 A.M. in
Big Rapids, it is already Noon in England.
Many computer programs automatically adjust your birth
time for the time zone in which you were born, while
others have you pick the correct zone or input it. We
have four major time zones in the continental U.S.,
Eastern Standard Time (EST = 5 hours), Central
Standard Time (CST = 6 hours), Mountain Standard
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- 6 CST Central
- 7 MST Mountain
- 8 PST Pacific
- 9 YST Alaska
-10 AH Hawaiian
-11 NT Nome
-12 IDL Dateline
+11 Magadan
+10 GST Australia
+ 9 JST Japan
+ 8 CCT China
+ 7 SST Indonesia
+ 6 USR Russia 5
+ 5 USR Russia 4
+ 4 USR Russia 3
+ 3 BT Moscow
+ 2 EET Easter Euro
+ 1 CET Central Euro
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Locked In
The first phase reflects the condition or attitude in which
most clients arrive. Clients seek out astrologers when
they find themselves in a state of inquiry or questioning
(often confusion) in their lives. They have nowhere else
to turn.
In general, clients find themselves locked into a routine
or set of habits, and they have forgotten how in the
world they ever got into their situations. Their life
commitments and circumstances have reached some
crucial point and are so confining that their lives appear
to be rushing towards some foregone conclusion with
no further options, opportunities, or choices left open.
They are not only uptight, but most are at their wit's end.
And here is the key: they can no longer respond to their
life situation. They have lost their ability to respond to
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It should be clear why the first stage of most readings
involves allowing the client to vent some of this pent-up
material. Criticism, complaints, and outrage are at a
peak here. The air can be filled with complaining,
criticism, and anger as the client expresses
dissatisfaction, as he or she gets it out. In time, tears
and welling emotions can replace these more acrid,
bitter, and even venomous outpourings. It is very
important that the counselor know how to facilitate this
emptying process. The basic idea here is that the client
has moved (in the life situation) from an open, game,
and inquiring attitude, to a closed and concluding frame
of mind. The client is passing judgments and jumping to
all kinds of conclusions at the expense of the life
In summary, the situation that leads most individuals to
make an appointment with an astrologer is a crucial,
pressure-filled period in their lives, during which they
have ceased to respond to the demands of their
particular circumstances and cannot seem to get any
response or reflection pertaining to their present
condition. They no longer know what is happening to
them, and they are reaching outside for some response,
feedback, or confirmation (one way or the other) as to
what is going on.
The important point here is that, in the majority of cases,
the clients are at a breaking or turning point in their
lives. Something has to give since they have nothing
more to give and have ceased to respond to their
conditions. They are at the point of saying, "the hell
with it," and are forcing themselves (or feel they are
being forced) to continue with whatever situation or
responsibilities they may have. With exceptions, this is
the general condition of the average client when they
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Getting A Grip
The resistance in clients to returning to their body of
circumstances and to accepting their particular situation
will vary. At one extreme is the individual who has seen
the light and obtained enough insight into his own self to
again feel responsible for his or her own condition.
They are glad to go back armed with this new vision.
They can't wait to "have at it." However, many of these
types of individuals may require some form of therapy
before they can come around to feeling responsible and
take possession of their own life's affairs.
The critical idea here is that the future of any client (any
of us) will depend to a very great extent on what he or
she can do with the present personal situation. It is an
age-old maxim that one cannot change or even work
with what one refuses to acknowledge -- or accept what
one ignores. So, the idea and experience of what takes
place in a reading is simple. There is a letting go and
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Accepting What Is
The role of the counselor is very like that of the priest
who reads from The Book of the Dead. Hopefully,
clients can see why it is to their advantage to accept a
situation, to take their lives into their own hands, as a
starting point to progressing elsewhere. But, if the
clients cannot accept the situation as is, it is not the
place of the counselor to pass judgment on this
eventuality, but only to proceed to read from and to
make clear the next level of alternatives, all the way
down to (if need be) the door of the womb, and -- using
our example from above -- complete divorce and the
inevitable remarriage. The role of the counselor, like the
midwife, is to serve and to facilitate the natural process.
Once there has been release, the only subject worthy of
consideration is the terms for re-entry or return. This is
a matter of attitude or approach and depends, to a great
degree, on the imprint or clarity that the client has been
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Pressures of Counseling
Contrary to the popular belief, which pictures the
astrological counselor with the very easy life of making a
lot of money telling people the obvious, the life of a
professional counselor is not without its pressures and
even dangers. The counselor repeats the reading
process with many hundreds and even thousands of
individuals. In most instances, the reading is an
important even in the life of the client. The client will not
only consider carefully what transpires in the course of a
reading, but he or she has the right to try and to test
these insights. And, the clearest of insights can fade in
the bustle of everyday life. Often, the client cannot keep
those insights in mind and even begins to doubt the
validity of the insights and of the entire counseling
session. It may be more convenient to forget what was
seen, or the client may wish to turn the whole reading
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The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
Lunar Gaps
Although measuring time and life by the moon is
ancient, it is more than just some primitive sort of clock.
The very sophisticated concept of lunar gaps springs
from centuries of painstaking psychological observation
by the lamas of Tibet, and the Hindu sages. They
practice it today with the same vigor and intensity as
they did a thousand years ago. Unlike many other
traditions, where the line of successors (lineage) has
been broken due to various events, the dharma tradition
of Tibet remains pure and unbroken to this day.
Although much of the Tibetan dharma tradition requires
dedication and intense practice, learning to use the
moon's phases and the concept of lunar gaps is easy to
get into. The theory is simple.
It involves the ongoing relationship between the Sun,
the Moon and the Earth -- the monthly cycle of the
phases of the Moon. We already know about the moon
The Moon
cycle, and can even walk outside at night and see which
lunar phase we are in.
This is not the place (and I am not the expert) to
describe to you either the very complicated astronomical
motions these three heavenly bodies produce, or the
profound theories of what all of this motion means in a
philosophical sense. What is quite accessible is the
concept of "lunar gaps."
As we know, the moon cycle goes through its phases
from new moon to full moon, back to new moon in a
cycle of about one month, some 30 days. This is seen
as an ongoing cycle of activity -- endless in extent. It
goes on forever.
The Moon
The Moon
Moments of Clarity
In the East, they speak of mental obscurations that tend
to cloud our minds, but that can sometimes clear up,
just as the Sun comes out from behind the clouds.
These moments of clarity are the gaps in the clouds.
>From a reading of the Eastern literature on this
subject, one gets the sense that (in general) life (and
our minds) are perceived as being filled with the noise of
our own problems (obscurations), making clear insight
often difficult. These obscurations can be many and
their accumulation amounts to the sum total of our
ignorance -- that which we ignore.
Therefore, in Eastern countries, these articulation points
or windows in time/space (lunar gaps) are very much
valued. In fact, the Eastern approach is to analyze the
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
Observation Times
Aside from knowing when these lunar gaps can be
experienced, the other major thing to know about this
subject is what to do when the gaps occur. As you might
imagine, there are a wide range of practices, depending
on the particular lunar gap (phase) and the personal
needs of the practitioner.
However, in general, these lunar gap times are set
aside for special observation. Tibetans observe these
days with great attention and care. In fact, in many
Eastern countries, they don't have Saturday and
Sunday off. Instead, new and full moon days are
considered holy days (holidays), and normal routines
are suspended at these times. These are days for
The Moon
Lunar Opportunities
And lest we get too far a field sitting there waiting for a
gap in time or space to occur, let me restate: The gap
that appears is a gap in our particular set of
obscurations, our own cloudiness. When such a gap
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
Phase Cycles
Keep in mind that the cycle of the Moon resembles all
cycles (the heartbeat, the breath, the day, the year,
etc.); the cycle has a point of greatest inwardness or
conception (New Moon, inhalation-point) and a point of
greatest externalization or fullness (Full Moon,
The Moon
New Moon
In the Western tradition, from the New Moon through the
First Quarter is good for making this push from an
insight outward, making our dreams into reality. The
New Moon point is a time for vision and involves a new
seed impulse, sometimes called the solar tone.
The Moon
Second Quarter
The Second Quarter (end of First Quarter) represents,
according to the tradition established by Dane Rudhyar,
a crisis in action, when we must carry our new impulse
or idea beyond the planning stage and into the sphere
of action. This is a time when the idea breaks into reality
and is launched. The First Quarter is a time to get
underway and to figure out how to make our dreams
(ideas) come true.
The end of the First Quarter and beginning of the
Second Quarter marks that point in the lunar cycle when
we are able to bring across some portion of an insight or
idea into reality. The Second Quarter through the Full
Moon (beginning Third Quarter) represents the time
when we achieve outward realization or actualization of
what we saw or felt at the New Moon impulse. It is a
time for physical work and externalization. It is during
The Moon
Full Moon
The Full Moon marks outward extension and completion
of the project. For better or worse, this is it! If we have
tuned into the insight available at the New Moon -- and
if we have worked to that end -- the Full Moon can
represent a time of fruition and completion. What we
have dreamed or seen in the mind is now real and can
be experienced in the flesh. If we have worked at cross
purposes to the New Moon message, then the Full
Moon might bring home that fact as well. We can reap
the reward of our misguided effort. Above all, the Full
Moon represents an experience -- a fullness, if you will.
The Third Quarter is a time during which we can
appreciate, enjoy, and begin to reflect on the experience
that peaked at the time of the Full Moon. This quarter is
traditionally a time for growing awareness of what
The Moon
Fourth Quarter
The start of the Fourth Quarter is said to mark a crisis in
consciousness. The experience of the Full Moon is over,
and we are left to draw whatever conclusions we can
from it. It is during the Fourth Quarter that we prune and
weed out from our lives what we have seen to be of no
value or use in this experience. It is a time for
constructive elimination and release. It is often referred
to as a 'seed time' and it is here we keep or take to
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
Eclipses are simply New or Full Moons with
extraordinary alignment or focus. They have been
considered for centuries to be astrological events of the
first magnitude. If we consider New and Full Moons to
be important, then eclipses represent the keys to the
lunar cycle for any year.
We mentioned earlier about the New Moon containing
an impulse or insight that grows to fruition at the Full
Moon. Eclipses, then, provide moments when
extraordinary insight or vision are available to us. It is
possible for some of us, at least at certain times in our
lives, to experience what has been called the "vision of
the eclipse," and to remember or keep that vision in
mind. There appears to be a theme or principal insight
connected with major eclipses. Let me make clear just
what we mean here by the word vision.
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
days prior to new moon are set aside for invoking the
fierce dharma protectors, those energies that ward off
harm and protect us during the worst of times.
Protector Days
In particular, the 29th day (the day before new moon) is
called dharma protector day. It is a time given over to
purification and preparation for the moment of new
moon. Ritual fasting, confession of errors, and the like
are common practices. In a similar vein, the days just
prior to the full moon (the 13th and 14th) are also days
of purification, days in which the various guardian and
protector deities are again invoked, but in a somewhat
more restrained way. For example, the 14th day is often
given over to fire puja -- a ritual purification. In summary,
during days prior to full and new moon, there is some
attempt at purification, both physical and mental, in
preparation for those auspicious events.
The Moon
The Moon
Days of Observation
Aside from the new and full moon, the two most
auspicious lunar days in the East are the 10th and the
25th. The 10th day (108º to 120º), called Daka Day, is
considered auspicious for invoking the father-line deities
-- the masculine. The 25th day (288º to 300º), called
Dakini Day, is given over to the feminine principle and
the mother line deities, in general. These two days, the
10th and the 25th, are formal feast days, days of
observation when extra offerings are made and
increased attention given to what is happening. There is
some sense of celebration at these points in the month.
In many respects, these two days even rival the new
and full moon days in importance. The fact is that these
four days (new, full, 10th, 25th) are the primary
auspicious days as practiced in many Eastern rituals.
The Moon
The Moon
Purification Days
Earlier we mentioned the days given over to purification,
most prominently the 13th and the 29th. In addition, on
a lesser scale, the 9th and the 19th days are also noted
as days when the protector deities should be invoked
and kept in mind. These, too, are days of purification.
And there are more, still finer subdivisions that are
made. In this brief article, these major observance days
are enough to give us the idea of how Eastern
astrologers approach the lunar cycle. It should be kept
in mind that, in the East, astrology is practiced by the
general public. So it is not just astrologers who are
using the lunar days; everyone observes these days.
Next, we might ask ourselves how this Eastern
approach to the lunation cycle might be of value in the
West? As mentioned earlier, a major fact is that the
lunar cycle is perceived as having a variety of gaps,
joints, or points of articulation that can be used. They
The Moon
Insight Moments
It is an intuitive fact that moments of clarity and insight
(gaps) do come in the course of living. We all benefit
from this kind of insight. What Eastern astrology seems
to suggest to us is that many of these gaps are not just
random events that occur in our life, haphazardly. They
are regular opportunities, joints in the nick of time, when
insights are somehow more possible than at other
times. Therefore, it is common practice to set aside
some portion of these special days for observance, for
The Moon
The Moon
Open Channels
Here in the West, we are beginning to learn these
techniques of observation. By setting aside a time on
these special lunar days for observation, we can be
open and aware to the possibilities of insight. This kind
of awareness appears to be what is required to pick up
on these natural events. If we have an insight at one of
these time, we might be more willing to give it credence,
knowing that it is happening on such-and-such a lunar
day. And so on.
It is quite clear from the Eastern teachings that the
moments of full and new moon are times when the
various channels in the psychophysical body are
somehow aligned. This is not to say the new or full
moon days are days of peace and quiet. It is taught in
the East that, although a new or full moon day may tend
to be wild or hectic. Any patience or forbearance we can
muster at that time will be much rewarded. In other
The Moon
The Moon
don't even observe the full or new moon, much less the
quarters or any of the other possible lunar days. It is
true that most astrologers are aware of the zodiac sign
the Moon is in, but here we are not examining that part
of the tradition; we are looking at the cycle of the lunar
phases. Or, here in the West we may know that it is new
or full moon, but we do nothing out of the ordinary in
response to that information. And, of course, the
general public seldom even takes note of lunar events.
The Eastern approach to the lunar cycle is quite ancient
and very detailed. East or West, I assume that both
astrological traditions have been engaged in recording
something rather than nothing all of these centuries. In
other words, I assume that the existing lunar tradition,
East and West, is a reflection of reality rather than
something we have made up. After all, that is what
astrology is all about and why we practice it.
Here we have concentrated on the synodic cycle of the
sun, moon, and earth -- the lunation cycle. We have
ignored the use by astrologers of the Moon in the signs
and houses, something practiced both here and in the
The Moon
On a personal note, my study of the lunation cycle has
led me from Western to Eastern texts in an attempt to
obtain more practical information for day-to-day living.
When I ran out of new texts to study, I sought out some
of the living Eastern meditators who observe the lunar
cycle on a regular basis. For example, we have had a
wide variety of Eastern astrologers living and working at
our center in recent years. In addition, one individual
skilled in Sanskrit and Tibetan astrology spent almost
two years here, translating various Buddhist texts on the
From my experience with these sources, the primary
piece of information that stays with me is that reading
about or listening to someone with experience in this
area is, by definition, preliminary. Both text and teachers
(however fine they may be) can but point beyond
themselves to the lunar cycle itself. Through any
The Moon
The Moon
Earth's Aura
Geomagnetic activity coming from beyond the earth's
aura or atmosphere has been linked to all kinds of
mundane activities ranging from radio reception to the
aurora borealis type displays and so on. The picture that
emerges from modern research is one where each body
The Moon
The Moon
Although we have long studied oceanic tides, we know
now that there are atmospheric tides as well that move
in response to the position of the Moon. For example,
auroras are caused by the excitation of atmospheric
molecules by energetic charged particles penetrating
the atmosphere along geomagnetic field lines. Although
the mechanism of this phenomenon is still being
examined, it is generally understood that auroras are
associated with the arrival of solar corpuscular radiation
in the magnetosphere, 1 to 3 days after a solar flare.
These particles (depending on their intrinsic energy and
the current density of the atmosphere) penetrate the
It has now been shown that these auroral peaks and
valleys are modulated by the position of the Moon. This
lunar auroral tidal effect in the upper atmosphere can be
correlated with flood and ebb tides on earth, thus linking
The Moon
its rise and fall to the position of the Moon in its monthly
It has been well documented that rainfall is correlated
with the Moon's position in its monthly cycle. According
to many studies, rainfall maximizes midway through the
1st and Third Quarters of the lunar synodic month. In
other words, about a half week after new and full moon
rainfall reaches a peak. Correspondingly, a low point in
rainfall occurs during the 2nd and Fourth Quarters with
the lowest point of all occurring some three days before
new or full moon.
In addition, it was found that increased rainfall at these
two peak times in the month was greater at solar
minimum than at solar maximum. The lunar cycle
accounts for 65 pecent of the variance during years of
solar minimum, but only 14 percent during the year
surrounding solar maximum. It has been suggested that
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
Solar Sectors
Solar sectors and the geometry of the solar magnetic
field represent important areas for research. The solar
wind is a plasma of charged particles endlessly being
ejected from the surface of the sun. These particles tend
to concentrate in the plane of the ecliptic. All of the
planets are within the aura or atmosphere of the sun,
the solar wind. Each charged particle moves away from
the sun in a straight line; however, since the sun itself is
rotating, these particle streams get bent into a spiral of
the type made famous by Archimedes. In addition, this
plasma contains a frozen-in magnetic region constituting
the sun's magnetic field that conforms to this spiral. This
is the interplanetary magnetic field.
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
Solar Flares
The Moon
The Moon
Exoteric References
B. Bell and R.J. Defouw, Dependence of the lunar
modulation of geomagnetic activity on the celestial
latitude of the moon, J. Geophys. Res. 71 (1966), 1951-
D. A. Bradley, M.A. Woodbury and G. W. Brier, Lunar
synodical period and widespread precipitation, Science
137 (1962), 748-749.
G.W. Brier and D.A. Bradley, Lunar synodical period
and precipitation in the United States, J. Atmos. Sci. 21
(1964), 386-395.
The Moon
The Moon
The Moon
Mind Practice
The lunar cycle and its gaps are available to everyone,
all the time. If we don't observe these special times, it is
because we have set no time aside to observe, to check
it out for ourselves. In the East, most people are
introduced to basic observation techniques or mind
practice from an early age. It is unfortunate that mind
practice is not much known of here in the West. I mean
how many people do you know who practice observing
or using their mind anyway? Most of us assume that the
mind is perfectly usable just as we find it, and doesn't
require any practice.
In the Tibet mind practice is not only acceptable, it is
pretty much obligatory. This is true for countries like
Tibet, Nepal, much of India, and even parts of China
and Japan. Over there, the mind is considered by
nature to be unruly and hard to manage. No one would
think of trying to do much with it without considerable
The Moon
Mind Practice
We might wonder why this style of mind practice has
never caught on in North America. In part, this is due to
our whole take on meditation and what we think that is.
Meditation in the West has come to mean something
almost like relaxation therapy, a way to relax and get
away from it all -- to escape the worries of the world in
the contemplation of some inner landscape.
Somewhere, perhaps early in this century, the word
meditation lost any semblance to its Eastern counterpart
and became what most understand as meditation today
-- a way to relax and get rid of tension.
Of course this is nothing like the Tibetan concept of
mind practice or mind preparation, which involves the
intense use of the mind. It is unfortunate that this very
The Moon
The Moon
The Techniques
The actual technique is quite simple, taking only a few
minutes to learn. And it is worth getting this instruction
from someone authorized to give it. Most Buddhist and
some Hindu groups offer this type of mind practice.
When looking for training in mind proactice, be sure to
ask for a technique that emphasizes concentration on
the present moment -- being present, and not some of
the more dreamy relaxation techniques. What you need
in order to use lunar gaps is to become very alert and
observant. The technique is called Shamata training in
Tibetan Buddhis and Zazen in Zen Buddhism. I would
be happy to send a list of well-respected centers to
anyone who writes me at 315 Marion Avenue, Big
Rapids, MI 49307. It is important that you receive
The Moon
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
Burn Rate
Perhaps no astrological factor has more different
opinions and less agreement among astrologers than
the phenomenon of retrograde motion, the fact that from
the earth's view, all planets appear to move backward in
reverse motion through the zodiac, one or more times a
year. Expert's opinions range from there being no effect
whatsoever when a planet is retrograde, to their being a
very dramatic effect. But then, even if an effect is
indicated, there is a wide range of declarations as to it
might be. The interpretations are all over the board. In
this section, we will examine the physical astronomy
behind the retrograde phenomenon, and based on that,
go on to discuss how this might be interpreted.
For starters, among those who do credit retrograde
planets with an interpretation at all, it is generally
agreed that when a planet is retrograde, its nature and
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
Astrologers are not unlike their more psychic cousins,
the psychometrists who use objects to get in touch with
various types of information. Instead on handling some
object belonging to the person in question, we
astrologers tend to use the available astronomical facts
as a touchstone or pointer to whatever meaning we are
searching for.
Much of modern astrology is concerned with our paying
close attention to the observed facts as determined by
the science of astronomy and astrophysics. Perhaps
early in this century astrologers were a little fuzzy as
regards science, but nowadays most astrologers are
interested in learning all they can about the hard facts of
deep space, the planets, and what not. My point here is
that it seems that the more we understand the actual
facts, the better directed we are to any inner meanings
they may indicate, or point to. The real facts of any
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
Except at the two moments when the Earth is conjunct
or in opposition to a particular planet, the geocentric
position always differs from the heliocentric position.
The helio position is a kind of midpoint about which the
geocentric position ebbs and flows, at least for those
planets beyond the orbit of the Earth. The same thing is
indicated for the inner planets (Mercury and Venus) by
what is called their points of "greatest elongation"
This difference between the helio and geo planet
positions is based upon what we can call here the
maximum phase angle possible between the Earth and
the planet in question. Here is a list of the maximum
phase angles for the outer planets using circular orbits
(average distance from Sun). The fact of a non-circular
orbit produces values that may, at times, be greater
than those listed below.
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About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
Planet Retrogrades
This marks a period where the geocentric position of the
planet stops its forward motion and begins to move back
over the new area it has just traversed, making a
second pass over this particular area of the zodiac. This
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
Thus both geocentric and heliocentric positions have a
time within the cycle during which they lead or are
sampling new degrees of the zodiac, that is: going over
fresh zodiac area. In fact, the helio position is the
midpoint or focus about which the geo position loops,
which is what we have been pointing out all along.
The stations or points in the zodiac where the planet
goes retrograde or direct are the two points where this
maximum phase angle takes place. This may amount to
an alternate form of the square aspect where, instead of
90-degrees being the limit, the limit becomes the
maximum phase angle, in effect, the stations. In other
words, this technique measures the point of maximum
phase angle between the Earth and any other planet --
perhaps another approach to the concept of the
"square" aspect. Only here we have a measure of the
amount of change required for the two planets to
become one -- an index of change.
The technique is one of a number of techniques that are
very useful for charts where there is no exact birth time.
For each planet we can determine the percentage of
difference between the geo and helio position. In
addition, we can calculate a total for the entire chart
using all the planets but leaving aside the Sun and
Moon. And then for each planet we can determine
where in the retrograde cycle it is. Is the geo position
ahead of the helio? Is it ahead and direct in motion or
ahead and retrograde in motion? Or, is the geo position
behind the helio position? Again, is it behind and direct
or behind and retrograde in motion?
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
Michael Erlewine
Internationally known
astrologer and author
Noel Tyl (author of 34
books on astrology) has
this to say about Michael
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
About Michael Erlewine
Michael Erlewine can be reached at
[email protected]