I5310 A2C User Manual
I5310 A2C User Manual
I5310 A2C User Manual
I5310 MoneyClip
Account to Card
User Manual
Thank You
I5310 MoneyClip Account to Card
Thank you for your purchase of a Heartland MicroPayments Electronic Cash System.
Heartland MicroPayments brings the efficiency of high technology to your cashless
transaction operations along with the added benefits of fewer service calls and shorter route
times. The Heartland MicroPayments system may be integrated into many different
applications, such as cafeteria check-out lines, vending machine operations, copiers,
washers and dryers, printers, microfiche and microfilm readers and video games.
The flexibility of the Heartland MicroPayments system allows as many as four different
discounts to be given to employees automatically. In addition, special incentives and
bonuses may be programmed for certain days or times of day. Programming is simplified
using the Data Collector.
Heartland provides credit and debit card, payroll and related processing services to restaurant, hotel,
and retail merchants throughout the United States. Heartland has become one of the largest payment
processors, with over $40 billion of annual processing volume from current merchants. Heartland's
success is the result of the combination of a superior long-term customer relationship sales model
and its internally-developed, client-server based transaction processing platform.
Heartland is the founding supporter of The Merchant Bill of Rights, a public advocacy initiative that
educates merchants about fair credit and debit card processing practices. For more information, visit
www.heartlandpaymentsystems.com and www.MerchantBillOfRights.com.
In this manual, we will explain the general procedures for installing, configuring and programming the
I5310 Heartland MicroPayments MoneyClip Revalue Station. We will also explain how to retrieve
reports and provide maintenance and troubleshooting tips.
The Heartland MicroPayments MoneyClip Revalue Station Application is a state-of-the art software
application that provides:
menu-driven selection - financial and administrative transactions and configuration functions are
initiated through menus that clearly describe the available options,
terminal initialization and host parameters download capability,
terminal configuration - allows customization of the terminal such as terminal language selection;
terminal prompts and receipts can be either in English or French,
trailer messages - trailer messages that print on the bottom of the cardholder copy of the receipt
can be customized,
debit and credit sales transaction processing,
batch and transaction search capabilities - a transaction storage (draft capture stores up to 500
transactions) - enables transaction search, provides detailed transaction reports and facilitates
settlement when there are any disputes,
settlement and reporting capabilities - provide transaction receipts and reports that are required to
be able to follow up on the financial aspects of the business such as: Transaction Inquiry, Current
and Closed Batch Totals Inquiry, and Heartland MicroPayments DebUtil and TLog reports,
Admin Access Card and password protection for selected administrative functions.
Hardware Components
The Ingenico 5310 is also a SPED (Secure Pin Entry Device). Logical and physical security is
included. The I5310 connects to the base via a curly cable. The base connects to the host via a dial
Keyboard Layout
[F1] This function key can be used to select an option or menu text that is displayed on the
screen, for example, the screen displays "BACKLIGHT" on the top line of the display and,
on the bottom line, "YES" displays on the left and "NO" displays on the right. The F1 key
would be pressed to select "YES".
This key can also be used to scroll down when menus and the scroll arrows (▲ and ▼)
are displayed.
[F2] This function key can be used to select the middle option or menu text that is displayed
on the screen, for example, the screen displays "BALANCE $nn.nn" on the top line of the
display, "SELECT AMOUNT" on the second line, "UP TO $nn.nn" on the third line and
"$10 $25 OTHER" on the bottom line. The F2 key would be pressed to select "$25".
[F3 This function key can be used to select an option or menu text that is displayed on the
screen, for example, the screen displays "BACKLIGHT" on the top line of the display and,
on the bottom line, "YES" displays on the left and "NO" displays on the right. The F3 key
The following example shows how to enter the alphanumeric sequence "D1N33"
Key Text Description
Pressed Displayed
(Blank) The initial display is empty in this example.
[3] 3 "3" is the digit key initially pressed when entering the letter D.
[ADMIN] D [ADMIN] displays the next letter in the sequence: D.
[1] D1
[6] D16 "6" is the digit key initially pressed when entering the letter N.
[ADMIN] D1M [ADMIN] displays the next letter in the sequence: M.
[ADMIN] D1N [ADMIN] displays the next letter in the sequence: N.
[3] D1N3
[3] D1N33 Data entry is complete: "D1N33".
[OK] (Next [OK] is pressed to accept data entry, taking the terminal to the next prompt.
The base unit is secured in a key accessible stainless steel enclosure which allows for unattended
operation (shown below without the optional card dispenser).
Input/Output Ports
The power and communication ports are located at the rear of the base.
Counting from the left, the first connector, labelled as LINE, is not used;
The second connector, labelled with a phone symbol (), is used to connect the telephone line;
The third connector, labelled with a power symbol (), is used to connect the power supply;
The fourth connector, labelled COM2, and the fifth connector, labelled COM3. These two ports
can be used to connect external devices that communicate serially with the terminal.
Internal Printer
The thermal internal printer has graphic capacity. Each line can have up to 24 characters. It supports
double width and double height printing, upper and lower case, and reverse font printing. It uses the
North American ASCII character set.
The printer is located behind the display at the back upper part of the terminal. An acrylic cover gives
access to the thermal paper roll.
The printing speed is 15 lines per second for the Ingenico 5310. The Ingenico 5310 does not have
paper end detection.
The optional card dispenser can dispense pre-valued MoneyClip cards to customers. The selling
price for these cards is programmable. Customers purchase the card from the dispenser with either a
debit or credit transaction. The dispenser is equipped with the maximum capacity of 115 cards.
Insert card into smart card reader with the smart chip facing up and foremost into the reader.
Card must stay inserted for the duration of the transaction.
Maintenance, Care and Operating Conditions
Always use the system components within the specified conditions. Always use approved supplies.
Misuse of the system components or the use of incorrect supplies may result in equipment damage.
Terminal Cleaning
Clean the outside of the terminal with a soft cloth moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Never spray cleaning solution directly on the terminal or pin pad, as drops may enter the unit and
damage it.
Software Setup
This section describes the software setup to be performed after the hardware is installed. Refer to
ACM User‟s Manual to create the system key card, the 5310 setup card, site code card, and the
administrative access card. These cards will need to be created before proceeding to the
Configuration and Initialization of the terminal.
Displayed for a moment at power up.
OPERATING SYSTEM Operating System Check
PLEASE WAIT This screen displays allowing access to the System Function menu or
key injection. The [F1] should only be pressed on the advice of the
? Help Desk. The [OK] key only on the advice of a Key Injection Facility.
If nothing is pressed, a non-initialized terminal displays the Terminal Initialization Required Idle
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Displayed if the terminal does not have working downloaded
TERMINAL parameters. Date/Time displayed on line 1. Time is displayed in 24-
For a non-initialized terminal, the manager password must be changed. Other terminal
functions cannot be performed until this step is completed.
3. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [CHANGE MGR PWD]. Press [OK]:
PASSWORD If the Super Password screen displays, please call the Help Desk.
When the correct Super Password is entered, the new password screen
******** displays.
If this screen appears, enter the current password, or if the terminal is
******** new, enter „123456‟ (the default). Asterisks are displayed each time a
security password is entered.
5. Enter your own choice for the manager password (4 to 8 digits). Press [OK]
The new password must be different than „123456‟. Asterisks are
******** displayed as the password is entered.
NEW PASSWORD Asterisks are displayed as the password is entered.
7. After the new password is re-entered, or if the Cancel [CAN] key is pressed, the terminal returns to
“Admin –Other” menu.
KEY EXCHANGE Press the Cancel [CAN] key to return to the Idle Prompt.
If the terminal is new and the manager password is being set for the first time, the terminal
parameters must now be set. Perform the steps listed in Terminal Configuration.
Use a password that cannot be uncovered easily, for example: different digits not ordered in any logic
Terminal Initialization
The Terminal Initialization Function loads the terminal with configuration parameters coming from the
host. You need to perform this function when the terminal displays the message TERMINAL
INITIALIZATION REQUIRED or whenever instructed by the Help Desk to do so. Please make sure
you are at the location and connected to the phone line before proceeding to the next step.
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Press [ADMIN]. NOTE: After MoneyClip card setup is successfully
TERMINAL performed, Admin Access card must be inserted instead of pressing
Select [OTHER].
KEY EXCHANGE Press [OK] key while Terminal Initialization is highlighted.
PASSWORD Asterisks are displayed as the password is entered.
5. If the terminal is new, the Retain Settings screen will not display:
RETAIN SETTINGS? Select [YES] to keep the current merchant and terminal IDs (Proceed to
next step).
YES NO Select [NO] to change the current settings.
MERCHANT ID Enter the 10 digit Merchant ID or press [OK] to keep the one displayed
(1234567890 in this example). The validity of the Merchant ID is
1234567890 checked at the host.
Enter the 11 digit phone number to be dialed for initialization with the
18772705938 host (18772705938 in this example).
6. The terminal begins host communications and displays DIALING, SENDING, RECEIVING and
7. If the merchant or terminal ID has been changed, storage is cleared automatically and this screen
is not displayed:
CLEAR STORAGE? Select [YES] if you want to erase any transaction details and totals
currently in the terminal memory or [NO] if you want to keep them.
NOTE: The transaction storage is the terminal memory area containing approved financial
transactions. It can hold a maximum of 500 transactions. No warning message is
displayed when the storage area becomes full. New transactions automatically replace
the old ones. The terminal keeps in its memory the totals for the last seven closed
8. The terminal returns to the Idle Prompt. A Key Exchange should be performed at this time.
Key Exchange
NOTE: Must be at the location, on the phone with Emergis to complete the next step. Be
prepared to provide them with the Merchant ID number and the 16 digit terminal serial number
to them on request. Emergis Help Desk phone number is 800-268-4280.
The Key Exchange Function loads the terminal with new security keys. This function is shown and
enabled if the terminal is configured to process debit transactions.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [KEY EXCHANGE]. Press [OK]:
PASSWORD Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed as the password
is entered.
Terminal Configuration
This function allows the configuration of terminal parameters and allows the terminal to be
customized to meet your needs. Press [ENTER] when a selection is highlighted and the setting is
accepted and the terminal will continue with the next display.
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [TERMINAL CONFG]. Press [OK]:
PASSWORD Enter the manager password. Press [OK]. Asterisks are displayed as
the password is entered.
Select [COMM] to configure the communications parameters.
PREFIX The current dial prefix is displayed on line 2 (*99 in the example). [YES]
will erase the current prefix; a new one must be entered.
*99 Select [NO] if no change is needed.
If [YES] is selected:
Enter 1 to 4 characters.
If connected to a PBX-type telephone system, the dial prefix is the digit sequence used to
obtain an "external line". If the phone line is an analog line there is no prefix required.
TONE The current dial type is displayed (TONE in the example). Select the
dial type.
Select [TONE] for a tone-type telephone or [PULSE] if the telephone line is pulse-type.
YES The current line detection option is displayed (YES in the example).
Turn on/off line detection.
Select [YES] if the terminal is to check if a telephone line is connected or [NO] if no check is
1200 The current baud rate is displayed (1200 in the example).
Select the baud rate.
TYPE The current Download Type is displayed (SERIAL in the example)
SERIAL Select the type.
NOTE: If modem is chosen, the terminal must have been registered previously with Heartland
MicroPayments for Remote Data Collection.
CHANGE PHONE 1 If [YES], enter new phone number, then press [OK] key. If [NO],
FOR REPORTS continue to next step.
Phone #_______________________________
(YYYYMMDD) Enter the current date (to set the internal clock) or press [OK] to keep
the displayed date (20040215 in the example).
(HHMM) Enter the current time or press [OK] to keep the displayed time (1345 in
the example). The time is entered in a 24-hour format.
START TIME HHMM Enter the time (in 24-hour format) that the „Close Batch‟ process should
automatically begin (0315 in the example).
DWNLD REPORTS Enter the time (in 24-hour format) that the „Remote Reporting‟ process
START TIME HHMM automatically begins (0345 in the example). This time must be different
0345 than the setting for „Close Batch‟ process by a minimum of 30 minutes.
20. Download Reports interval time is defined as the time lapse between the each automatic
download in hours. (2400 in the example below reflects that reports will download once per 24
CHANGE FIRST To keep the default amount ($10 in this example) enter [NO]. To
REVALUE AMOUNT? change amount enter [YES].
If [YES] is selected:
PREPROGRAMMED Enter 1 to 3 digits. The amount entered must be in whole dollars, no
REVALUE AMOUNT cents are accepted and the amount must not exceed the card
15 maximum, as defined by Administrative Card Maker.
REVALUE AMOUNT? Enter a second amount that a customer can select to revalue the
$25 MoneyClip Card or press no to keep the displayed amount. $25 is the
YES NO default amount.
If [YES] is selected:
PREPROGRAMMED Enter 1 to 3 digits. The amount entered must be in whole dollars, no
REVALUE AMOUNT cents are accepted and the amount must not exceed the card
maximum (example shown at $50).
CHANGE THIRD Select [YES] or [NO]. If NO, continue to next step. If YES, enter
REVALUE AMOUNT amount for fixed value. Press [OK] key. (Example shown: 50).
If no, continue to next step. If yes, enter new minimum transfer amount then press [OK] key.
CHANGE TEXT Select [NO] to keep current setting (“Text 1 Lang 1” is example shown).
TEXT 1 LANG 1 Select [YES] to change current setting.
YES NO Changes to this section will affect the first 16 character text line
displaying on the terminal.
The terminal display contains two 16 character lines for inserting text. When configuring the terminal
for initialization, text must either be entered, or the default text will continue to display during live
transactions. When adding text, if the process is not completed within the allotted 60 second
timeframe, then the system will “timeout” and the text entry step will have to be performed again.
Data Entry Key codes (text codes) are explained under the section „GETTING STARTED‟ as well as,
in the section „CONFIGURATION WORKSHEET‟ at the end of the manual. Please refer to these
codes in order to enter text. „CONFIGURATION WORKSHEET‟ also offers a graph similar to the
example below to assist you with in configuring text to be entered for display.
Sp Sp Sp Sp I N S E R T Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp
Refer to the explanation detailed under step #25 for instructions on entering Text (See example
M O N E Y C L I P Sp C A R D Sp Sp
Based on the example text entered, the display will read as follows:
Sp Sp Sp Sp I N S E R T Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp Sp
M O N E Y C L I P Sp C A R D Sp Sp
CHANGE TEXT Select [NO] to keep current setting (“TEXT1 LANG2” is example
IDLE1 FRENCH shown).
YES NO Select [YES] to change current setting.
Refer to the explanation detailed under step #25 for instructions on entering Text.
If yes, enter new text then press [OK] key.
Refer to the explanation detailed under step #25 for instructions on entering Text.
If “MODEM” was selected on Step #9, the Asset number must be assigned by an authorized
Heartland MicroPayments representative. Please contact the Heartland MicroPayments Customer
NOTE: If a „Price and Configuration‟ card is inserted after this point, the asset number
entered will be over-written.
If yes, enter new text then press [OK] key. Refer to the explanation detailed under step #25 for
instructions on entering Text
If yes, enter new text then press [OK] key. Refer to the explanation detailed under step #25
for instructions on entering Text
If yes, enter new text then press [OK] key. Refer to the explanation detailed under step #25
for instructions on entering Text
If yes, enter new text then press [OK] key. Refer to the explanation detailed under step #25
for instructions on entering Text
If the terminal configuration is complete and the terminal is new, perform Terminal Initialization.
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed as the password
PASSWORD is entered.
BACKLIGHT Select [YES] to turn the backlight on. [NO] turns the backlight off.
The default is [YES].
Printer Setup
Printer Set-up allows the footer line to be customized. Footer lines are printed on customer receipts.
There are no separate English and French footers. The footer lines are automatically printed in the
center of the customer receipt.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [PRN SET-UP]. Press [OK]:
CHANGE FOOTER [YES] allows any of the footer lines to be changed. [NO] returns to the
"Admin - Other" menu.
CHANGE LINE 1 The terminal displays the current content of footer line 1 (CHECK OUR
[YES] erases the current footer line 1 and allows entry of a new one.
Select [NO] if no change is needed. Proceed to the next step.
FOOTER LINE 1 Enter 0 to 24 letters for the new footer line 1. The terminal displays the
characters entered (HAPPY HOLIDAYS in this example).
Refer to the „CONFIGURING TEXT‟ section at the back of the manual for instructions on entering
CHANGE LINE 2 The terminal displays the current content of footer line 2 (COME AGAIN
COME AGAIN SOON SOON in this example).
[YES] erases the current footer line 2 and allows entry of a new one.
Select [NO] if no change is needed. Proceed to the next step.
FOOTER LINE 2 Enter 0 to 24 letters for the new footer line 2. The terminal displays the
characters entered (BIG SALE DAY in this example).
Refer to the „CONFIGURING TEXT‟ section at the back of the manual for instructions on entering
CHANGE LINE 3 The terminal displays the current content of footer line 3 (REAL
REAL BARGAINS BARGAINS in this example).
[YES] erases the current footer line 3 and allows entry of a new one.
Select [NO] if no change is needed. Proceed to the next step.
Refer to the „CONFIGURING TEXT‟ section at the back of the manual for instructions on entering
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [CHG TERM LANG]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed as the password
PASSWORD is entered.
TERM LANGUAGE The terminal displays the current terminal language setting (ENGLISH
ENGLISH in this example). Select the desired terminal language.
English Menu
French Menu
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [TERM CNFG LIST]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed as the password
PASSWORD is entered.
SYSTEM ERROR 62 displays when a System Key Card has not been read successfully and
processed by the terminal:
OUT OF SERVICE Insert the Heartland MicroPayments MoneyClip SYSTEM KEY CARD to
SYSTEM ERROR 62 program the System Keys.
The System Key Card must be inserted first. The encrypted keys are stored on the System Key
Card. Inserting the System Key Card again after successful processing will deactivate the keys and
System Error 62 will display again. Deactivating the system keys will not remove other programming
done with other Heartland MicroPayments MoneyClip Admin cards.
SYSTEM ERROR 60 displays when a Price and Configuration Card has not been read successfully
and processed by the terminal:
The Price and Configuration Card is used to configure the asset number and MoneyClip Card
maximum. If the Price and Configuration Card has never been successfully loaded, the following
screen displays:
ASSET # The asset number from the Price & Config card displays (87654321 in
NEW: 87654321 the example).
Press [ENTER] to continue the configuration.
NOTE: If using Remote Data Collection feature, terminal operator must enter the asset
number provided by Heartland MicroPayments. If this feature is not being used, choose to
accept the old asset number or use a new number.
SELECT ASSET # The OLD Asset # displayed is the one previously programmed on the
OLD: 12345678 terminal. NEW is the one from the Price & Config card. Select [OLD] or
NEW: 87654321 [NEW]. If Modem was selected in Step #9 / Page 14, then the terminal
OLD NEW asset number must be reset manually.
After a selection is made, the remaining values from the card are loaded.
SYSTEM ERROR 63 displays when a Sitecode Card has not been read successfully and processed
by the terminal:
A Sitecode is a number between 0001 and 9899 that is recorded on each MoneyClip card. Up to 32
Sitecodes may be programmed onto a terminal. As long as the Sitecode on a MoneyClip Card is on
the reader list, the card will be accepted for transactions. Once the final setup card has been
successfully inserted, the 5310 will default to the idle screen. At this point, the ADMIN key will be
locked and will no longer work. To access the admin functions, you must now use an ADMIN
ACCESS card, which can be created using ACM.
A Heartland MicroPayments MoneyClip Message Definition Card may be inserted during the
Heartland MicroPayments MoneyClip Card setup or it may be entered after the initial setup of the
system. This card defines the contents of the field that defines the Location of the terminal for
DebUtil and TLog reports. This card may be inserted at any time after the System Key Card. Each
time a Message Definition Card is inserted, the values from the card are loaded are used for
subsequent transactions. No error message is displayed if the Message Definition Card has not been
A Heartland MicroPayments MoneyClip TLog Wrap Toggle Card will set the TLog Wrap to either
STOP or WRAP. A TLog entry is generated for each transaction as well as for many events (power
up, Price and Configuration Card use, DebUtil download, etc.). Inserting the TLog Wrap Toggle
Card will display the following screen:
TLOG MEMORY FULL [WRAP] will overwrite the oldest TLog records in memory.
[STOP] will display System Error 128 until TLog records are collected.
The default setting is WRAP. No error message is displayed if the TLog Wrap Card has not been
SYSTEM ERROR 128 will only be displayed when the terminal is in production mode:
OUT OF SERVICE This means that there is no room in the Heartland MicroPayments
SYSTEM ERROR 128 transaction memory for any more TLog records. This error is only
TLOG IS FULL displayed if TLog Memory Full has been set to STOP.
BALANCE $15.00 The MoneyClip Card balance is displayed ($15 in the example).
$10 $25 OTHER
BALANCE $15.00 Using the number pad, the customer can enter up to a three digit dollar
ENTER AMOUNT amount to revalue the MoneyClip Card (30 in the example).
UP TO $85.00
AMT = $30.00
5. The revalue transaction continues with Credit Card Transaction or Debit Card Transaction,
depending on the type of swiped card.
BALANCE $15.00 The customer selects YES to continue the revalue transaction, NO to
SALE TOTAL cancel the revalue transaction.
2. The terminal starts to communicate with the host and displays DIALING, SENDING, RECEIVING
and PROCESSING. The MoneyClip Card balance is displayed.
NOTE: Card must remain in the reader during the whole process. Removal of the card
before prompting will result in loss of value on the card.
Sample Receipt:
AMOUNT $30.00 Transaction amount
MONEYCLIP CARD *123456 Card serial #
BALANCE $45.00 Card balance
01 – APPROVED – 025 Host approval message
The Remove Card screen if there still is a customer card in the card reader:
BALANCE $45.00 The Idle Prompt will display after the card is removed.
1. This optional prompt displays if the terminal is configured for debit sales surcharge:
SURCHARGE $1.00 The customer selects YES to continue the transaction or NO to cancel
YES NO the transaction.
BALANCE $15.00 The customer selects YES to continue the revalue transaction, NO to
SALE TOTAL cancel the revalue transaction.
BALANCE $15.00 The customer enters a 4 digit PIN. Asterisks are displayed each time
ENTER PIN & OK the secure password is entered.
5. The terminal starts to communicate with the host and displays DIALING, SENDING,
RECEIVING and PROCESSING. The MoneyClip Card balance is displayed.
NOTE: Card must remain in the reader during the whole process. Removal of the card
before prompting will result in loss of value on the card.
Sample Receipt:
AMOUNT $30.00 Transaction amount
SURCHARGE $1.00 Surcharge amount
TOTAL $31.00 Total amount
MONEYCLIP CARD *123456 Card serial #
BALANCE $45.00 Card balance
01 – APPROVED – 025 Host approval message
The Remove Card screen if there still is a customer card in the card reader:
BALANCE $45.00 The Idle Prompt will display after the card is removed.
1. The terminal displays:
Press [F2] key
2. The card price displays with an option to print a receipt (Please note that the card price amount is
set in Administrative Card Maker):
Swipe card vertically in swipe sleeve on the right side of the terminal with
SWIPE CARD the Magnetic Stripe to the left.
4. Terminal then indicates „Sale Total‟ to be charged to the credit card. Customer has the option of
accepting or cancelling the transaction.
CONNECTING System will display as the communication process proceeds.
6. Authorization displays:
AUTH 000000
Remove new card from the dispenser.
After the terminal starts to communicate with the host, the transaction can no longer be cancelled.
NOTE: If card is removed, this does not cancel the transaction after the dialing process
initializes. This will result in loss of value on the card.
When an approved credit or debit host response is received, the terminal does not display a message
from the host.
INVALID CARD The merchant declined message text (INVALID CARD in the example).
REFER CUSTMER TO If the declined message text is larger than the screen, the terminal
> The TRANS DECLINED message.
The declined message text (REFER CUSTOMER TO CREDIT CARD
ISSUER in this example.
An arrow appears on the side of the truncation.
Press one of the Function keys indicated by the arrow to scroll the
REFER CUSTMER TO The message is scrolled and the arrow switches to the side of the
EDIT CARD ISSUER truncation.
Press one of the Function keys indicated by the arrow to scroll the
INCORRECT PIN The declined message text (INCORRECT PIN in the example) which
is associated with the ISO response code in the response.
If the ISO code is not valid, CANNOT PROCESS is shown.
While the approved or declined message is displayed, the terminal prints the receipt. The receipt will
include a 2 -4 digit code. If Help Desk assistance is needed, this code number may be requested.
Business Functions
Transaction Inquiry
Transaction Inquiry is a terminal memory search for transactions matching the criteria you define.
The terminal has transaction memory storage that keeps approved financial transactions.
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [TRANS INQUIRY]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password Asterisks are displayed as the password
PASSWORD is entered.
4. Select [ALL] to print all of the stored transactions (up to 500). Select [DATE] to print transactions
for a specific date:
ENTER DATE Displayed if the [DATE] option was selected.
(YYYYMMDD) Enter the date of the transactions to be printed (20040226 in the
Sample Report:
2004/02/26 11:32 Date and time the report was printed
Terminal totals are the printed totals for the current batch. The totals are local totals, printed from the
terminal transaction memory storage.
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [CLOSE BATCH]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed as the password
PASSWORD is entered.
Sample Report:
2004/02/26 11:32 Date and time the report was printed
Close Batch
Batch Close is automatic and is initiated by the terminal at the preprogrammed time (see Close Batch
Start Time in Terminal Configuration). Batch Close closes the current batch and settles the
transactions with the host. Selecting [CLOSE BATCH] > [CLOSE] will manually perform the same
Batch Close process as the automatic Batch Close.
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [CLOSE BATCH]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed each time the
PASSWORD secure password is entered.
5. The terminal starts to communication with the host and displays DIALING, SENDING,
6. After a successful close, the current batch totals are stored in the closed batch totals, the current
batch totals are cleared, and a new batch is opened with a new batch number.
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [CLSD BTCH TOTS]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed each time the
PASSWORD secure password is entered.
4. Select [ALL] to print all of the closed terminal batch totals (maximum of 7) and [BATCH #] to
select a specific batch to print:
ENTER BATCH Displayed if the [BATCH #] option was selected. Enter the
NUMBER batch number that you want to print (010 in the example).
The report begins to print.
Sample Report:
2004/02/26 11:32 Date and time the report was printed
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [DEPOSIT TOTAL]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed each time the
PASSWORD secure password is entered.
4. The terminal begins communications with the host and displays DIALING, SENDING,
Sample Report:
2004/02/26 11:32 Date and time the report was printed
Reports that do not make a host connection (local reports) cannot be reprinted. If you need an
additional copy, just perform the report function again.
A reprinted receipt or report contains the message ***DUPLICATE***. Other than this warning line,
the reprint is the same as the original. All approved and declined transactions can be reprinted.
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [DUPL RECT/REPT]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed each time the
PASSWORD secure password is entered.
Data Exchange
This selection allows communication and data exchange with the Heartland MicroPayments Data
Collector (Palm OS Device). DebUtil and TLog reports may be collected when Data Exchange is
1. Press the [ADMIN] key on a new terminal or insert the Admin Access Card.
2. Use [F1] or [F3] to scroll up or down to highlight [DATA EXCHANGE]. Press [OK]:
MANAGER Enter the manager password. Asterisks are displayed each time the
PASSWORD secure password is entered.
DATA EXCHANGE The terminal is ready for communication with the Heartland
MicroPayments Data Collector.
When communication is complete or if the error message times out, the terminal returns to the
Administrative Other Menu
You need to call the Help Desk to obtain a master password that will allow you to change your
password back to one you know.
The card types depend on what is specified at the host for each merchant. The terminal can be
configured via host parameter download to accept all major brand credit cards and direct payment
cards (that is, debit cards).
What do I do if the totals reported by the host do not match the ones I have?
If a receipt was not printed correctly, do I need to perform the transaction again?
Do not perform the transaction again. If the approved transaction message was displayed, the host
processed the transaction regardless of the receipt being printed or not.
However, if the printer was turned off during the original transaction, the receipt cannot be reprinted.
ADMIN The wrong manager password was entered too many times.
ACCESS DENIED CALL Removing the Admin Access card will allow customer
HELP DESK transactions; however, no administrative functions are available
until the password from the Help Desk is entered.
CANCELLED This message is displayed when a transaction is cancelled or
when the terminal times out (that is, if it stays too long at a
prompt). When this message is displayed, press [CAN/ANN] to
return to the idle prompt.
COMMUNICATIONS This message is displayed when there is no host response or a
ERROR (03) bad host response is received. Call the Help Desk.
COMMUNICATIONS This message is displayed when the terminal is unable to
ERROR (09) connect to the host. An unplugged phone line or an empty
phone number field are examples of this situation.
FAILED TO INIT The terminal did not finish initialization successfully. Retry
CALL HELP DESK initializing it 2 or 3 times and check for incorrect settings in your
communications parameters. See these sections:
Terminal Configuration List to print a configuration list;
Terminal Configuration to change the configuration.
If the problem persists, call the Help Desk.
FAILED TO READ This message is displayed when the terminal cannot read the
CARD card magnetic stripe. Clean the card and refer to the card
swipe instructions:
The magnetic card reader is bi-directional. The card can be
swiped in either direction;
The card must be swiped at constant speed and pressure,
ensuring it remains in contact with the bottom of the track
throughout the entire swipe action;
The card magnetic stripe must face the terminal.
FUNCTION NOT This message is displayed when the option you selected is not
AVAILABLE supported by your current configuration. some of the possible
reasons are:
If the terminal is not initialized with the host, certain options
are not available. Perform an initialization. See Terminal
If the printer is not configured and you attempt to select an
option requiring printing.
INVALID CARD The card number is invalid. Some possible reasons are:
You swiped a debit card during a transaction that accepts
only credit;
The credit card - even if a valid credit card - is not accepted
by your business.
INVALID DATE You typed in an invalid date. Valid dates follow these rules:
The date is in the format "YYYYMMDD";
The year is in the format "20XX";
The month is from "01" to "12";
CARD ERROR 01 The card error number displays on the first line (01 in the
CARD IS BLANK example).
The card error message displays on the second line (CARD
IS BLANK in the example).
Card Error 83 or 03: If a card is removed after host communications have begun and before the new
MoneyClip card balance is written to the MoneyClip card, the terminal displays Card Error 83. A
receipt is printed even if the customer has chosen to not print a receipt. Card Error 83 or 03 will print
on the receipt. The balance on the MoneyClip card may not be valid.
NOTE: Instructions posted on or near the terminal will inform the customer where to call in case of
Always use the system components within the specified conditions. Always use approved supplies.
Misuse of the system components or the use of incorrect supplies may result in equipment damage.
Alphabetic Alphabetic (data entry) means any letter is accepter (see also
alphanumeric and numeric.
Alphanumeric Alphanumeric (data entry) means any letter, digit or special character
(see also numeric and alphabetic.
Baud rate The baud rate is the speed data is transferred in a telephone line. It can
be set to 1200 or 2400.
bps Bits per second.
Cardholder The customer with a MoneyClip or chip card.
Card reader Device built into the terminal that reads the MoneyClip card.
Customer The client using the MoneyClip Revalue Station.
Download Set of configuration parameters coming from the host. See also
Host The central computer interfacing with the terminal application. The tasks
performed by the host are:
Initializing terminal parameters;
Approving financial transactions;
Approving a batch close for the business day.
Two 16 character lines are available for inserting text. Please use the graph below to layout text to
be entered. Enter spaces according to the Data Entry Keys to center and align text.
The following example shows how to enter the alphanumeric sequence "D1N33"
Key Text Description
Pressed Displayed
(Blank) The initial display is empty in this example.
[3] 3 "3" is the digit key initially pressed when entering the letter D.
[ADMIN] D [ADMIN] displays the next letter in the sequence: D.
[1] D1
[6] D16 "6" is the digit key initially pressed when entering the letter N.
[ADMIN] D1M [ADMIN] displays the next letter in the sequence: M.
[ADMIN] D1N [ADMIN] displays the next letter in the sequence: N.
[3] D1N3
[3] D1N33 Data entry is complete: "D1N33".
[OK] (Next [OK] is pressed to accept data entry, taking the terminal to the next prompt.
Addendum I
www.heartlandmicropayments.com Account to Card User‟s Manual 49
SLIM-AC/DC, SLIM-Video and M-Series Reader Error Codes
WRONG CONF CARD Invalid Price and See system administrator to determine if the
www.heartlandmicropayments.com Account to Card User‟s Manual 50
CARD ERROR 44 Configuration card Price and Configuration card needs to be
BAD APPL ID Invalid Application ID TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
Or SEE MANAGER administrator for card replacement.
CARD EXPIRED Card has expired TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
Or SEE MANAGER administrator. Either the card is expired,
CARD ERROR 49 written incorrectly, or the clock in the reader is
not set properly. Determine which and correct
SOFT LOCK Card is at or near the Take the card to the system administrator. The
Or SEE MANAGER maximum number of allowed card can be read by the system administrator
CARD ERROR 50 verification attempts. and may be reissued at the discretion of the
system administrator.
BAD CARD AUTH Card authentication failed TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
Or PLEASE TRY AGAIN administrator for card replacement.
BAD ISSUER CODE Invalid issuer code or CIB TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
Or PLEASE TRY AGAIN administrator for card replacement.
BAD CSUM Invalid card checksum TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
Or PLEASE TRY AGAIN administrator for card replacement.
BAD CARD STATUS The card status is not TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
Or SEE MANAGER "active" (<>1). administrator for card replacement.
BAD ADMIN CARD# Invalid admin card (99xx) TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
Or SEE MANAGER administrator. The card will have to be
CARD ERROR 56 rewritten, or a new one will have to be issued.
CARD IS LOCKED Card is Locked The User card has been previously Hotlisted
Or SEE MANAGER and is now Locked. See system administrator
CARD ERROR 57 for card replacement.
HOT CARD Hot card The card ID was found in the reader's hotlist,
or and has been rendered unusable. See system
SEE MANAGER administrator for card replacement.
SYSTEM ERROR 60 Program data has not Program reader using admin program card(s)
NOT PROGRAMMED been loaded or handheld.
SYSTEM ERROR 61 VMC Mismatch (MDB) Attach the reader to the matching device type
peripheral (VMC), or reprogram the reader to
match the existing peripheral using admin
card(s) or handheld.
SYSTEM ERROR 62 System keys have not Set reader system keys using admin system
NO KEYS been loaded key card.
SYSTEM ERROR 63 Sitecodes have not been Set reader sitecode list with admin sitecode
NO SITECODES loaded card or handheld.
SYSTEM ERROR 64 Machine data has not Set machine data using admin machine data
NO MACHINE DATA been loaded card.
SYSTEM ERROR 65 There has been a write Floor attendant must come and insert the
*CALL ATTENDANT* error on a VIDEO payout. proper admin card to ascertain the amount
owed to the card holder and clear the OOS
SYSTEM ERROR 66 The ASSET NUMBER in Reader must be reprogrammed with a numeric
BAD ASSET NUMBER the reader is not numeric ASSET NUMBER.
SYSTEM ERROR 67 Reader is disabled for Use "Wakeup" admin card.
security reasons.
SYSTEM ERROR [71 [hardware error] Call Heartland MicroPayments Customer
through 77] SDF and/or RTC and/or Service.
COMM failure
CARD ERROR 83 The card was pulled from TRY AGAIN. Leave card in place until
www.heartlandmicropayments.com Account to Card User‟s Manual 51
the reader during a write REMOVE CARD prompt appears in reader
operation. display.
CARD ERROR 85 The card was pulled from TRY AGAIN. Leave card in place until
the reader during a read REMOVE CARD prompt appears in reader
operation. display
CARD ERROR 95 The card was pulled from TRY AGAIN. Leave card in place until
the reader during verification. REMOVE CARD prompt appears in reader
OUT OF SERVICE 128 TLOG is full. Collect TLog report, clear Tlog data, or enable
the Tlog Wrap function.
[chip error] Internal chip card errors. TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
CARD ERROR [200 administrator for card replacement.
through 216]
MUTE CARD Card not responsive Clean card contacts and TRY AGAIN. If error
CARD ERROR 221 persists, see system administrator for card
BAD ATR Card is not identified as TRY AGAIN. If error persists, see system
CARD ERROR 222 MoneyClip card during administrator for card replacement.
error recovery
PULLED CARD Card pulled prematurely. TRY AGAIN. Leave card in place until
CARD ERROR 223 REMOVE CARD prompt appears in reader
FUNCTION NOT AVAILABLE (When performing a debit Redo the key exchange
transaction) valid key
exchange was not
successfully performed