American Insects by Vernon Kellogg
American Insects by Vernon Kellogg
American Insects by Vernon Kellogg
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Mary Welhnati, t.
i = Pholus pandoras.
2 = Smerinthus geminatus.
3=Ampelophaga versicolor.
4=Marumba modesta.
5 = Hemaris thysbe.
6=Thyreus abbotti.
Professor of Entomology and Lecturer on Bionomics
in Leland Stanford Jr. University
Professor of Entomology and Lecturer on Bionomics
in Leland Stanford Jr. University
Copyright, 1905,
If man were not the dominant animal
in the world, this would be the
Age of Insects. Outnumbering in kinds the members of all other groups
of animals combined, and showing a wealth of individuals and a degree
of prolificness excelled only by the fishes among larger animals, and among
smaller animals by the Protozoa, the insects have an indisputable claim on
the attention of students of natural history by sheer force of numbers. But
their claim to our interest rests on securer ground. Their immediate and
important relation to man as enemies of his crops, and, as we have come to
know only to-day, as it were, as a grim menace to his own health and life
the dissemination of some of the most serious diseases that make man to
suffer and die, forces our attention whether we will or not. Finally, the
amazing variety and specialization of habit and appearance, the extraor-
dinary adaptations and "shifts for a living" which insects show, make a
claim on the attention of all who harbor the smallest trace of that "scientific
curiosity" which leads men to observe and ponder the ways and seeming of
Nature. Some of the most attractive and important problems which modern
b'ological study is attacking, such as the significance of color and pattern,
the reality of mechanism and automatism in the action and behavior of
animals as contrasted with intelligent and discriminating performances
the statistical and experimental study of variation and heredity, and other sub-
jects of present-day biological investigation, are finding their most available
material and data among the insects.
This book is written in the endeavor to foster an interest in insect biology
on the part of students of natural history, of nature observers, and of general
readers; it provides in a single volume a general systematic account of all
the principal groups of insects as they occur in America, together with special
accounts of the structure, physiology, development and metamorphoses, and
of certain particularly interesting and important ecological relations of insects
with the world around them. Systematic entomology, economic entomology,
and what may be called the bionomics of insects are the special subjects of
the matter and illustration of the book. An effort has been made to put
the matter at the easy command of the average intelligent reader ; but it has
been felt that a little demand on his attention will accomplish the result
more satisfactorily than could be done with that utter freedom from effort
vi Prefatory Note
black tared type, to the explanation. So that the tyro reading casually in
the book and meeting any of these terms apart from their explanation has
only to refer to the Index for assistance. Readers more interested in accounts
of the habits and kinds of insects than in their structure and physiology
will be inclined to skip the first three chapters, and may do so and still find
the rest of the book "easy reading" and, it is hoped, not devoid of entertain-
ment and advantage. But the reader is earnestly advised not to spare the
little attention especially needed for understanding these first chapters, and
thus to ensure for his later reading some of that quality which is among
the most valued possessions of the best minds.
In preparing such a book as this an author is under a host of obligations
to previous writers and students which must perforce go unacknowledged.
Some formal recognition, however, for aid and courtesies directly tendered
by J. H. Comstock of Cornell University, whose entomological text-books
have been for years the chief sources of knowledge of the insects of this
country, I am able and glad to make. To my artist, Miss Mary Wellman,
for her constant interest in a work that must often have been laborious and
wearying, and for her persistently faithful endeavor toward accuracy, I extend
sincere thanks. To Mrs. David Starr Jordan, who read all of the manuscript
a- a "general reader" critic, and to President Jordan for numerous sugges-
tions I am particularly indebted. For special courtesies in the matter of
illustrations (permission to have electrotypes made from original blocks)
I am obliged to Prof. F. L. Washburn, State Entomologist of Minnesota (for
nearly one hundred and fifty figures), Prof. M. V. Slingerland of Cornell
University, Dr. E. P. Felt, State Entomologist of New York, Mr. Wm.
Beutenmuller, editor of the Journal of the New York
Entomological Society,
and Dr. Henry Skinner, editor of the Entomological News.
Vernon L. Kellogg.
Stanford University, California,
June i, 1904.
I. The Structure and Special Physiology or Insects i
interest in the insect body. A second interest, although to the collector and
amateur perhaps the dominant one, comes from that recognition of the
differences and resemblances among the various insects which is simply
the appreciation of kinds, i.e., of species. This interest expanded by oppor-
tunity and observation and controlled by reason and the habit of order and
arrangement is, when extreme, that ardent and much misunderstood and
scoffed at but ever-impelling mainspring of the collector and classifier.
2 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects
( >f all entomologists, students of insects, the very large majority are col-
lectors and classifiers, and of amateurs apart from the few who have "crawl-
tries" and aquaria for keeping alive and rearing "worms" and water-bugs
and the few bee-keepers who are more interested in bees than honey, prac-
tically all are collectors and arrangers. So, as collecting depends on a
knowledge of the life of the insect as a whole, and classifying (apart from
certain primary distinctions)on only the external structural character of
the body, any on the intimate character of the insec-
detailed disquisition
tean insides would certainly not be welcome to most of the users of this
That insects agree among themselves in some important characteristics
and differ from all other animals in the possession of these characteristics
is implied in the segregation of insects into a single great class of animals-
Class here is used with the technical meaning of the systematic zoologist-
He says that the animal kingdom is separable into, or, better, is composed
of several primary groups of animals, the members of each group possessing
in common certain important and fundamental characteristics of structure
and function which are lacking, at any rate in similar combination, in all
other animals. These primary groups are called phyla or branches. All
the minute one-celled animals, for example, compose the phylum Protozoa
(the simplest animals); all the starfishes, sea-urchins, sea-cucumbers, and
feather-stars, which have the body built on a radiate plan and have no back-
bone, and have and do not have certain various other important things,
compose the phylum or branch Echinodermata; all the back-boned ani-
mals and some few others with a cartilaginous rod instead of a bony column
along the back compose the class Chordata; all the animals which have
knobby little body of a house-fly or bee that an insect's body shows the
characteristic arthropod structure; it is made up of rings or segments, and
the appendages, legs for easiest example, are jointed. An earthworm's
body is made up of rings, but it has no jointed appendages. A worm is
therefore not an arthropod. A
however, is made up of distinct
successive body-rings, and other appendages are jointed. And
and its legs
so with crabs and lobsters and shrimps. And the same is true of thousand-
legged worms and centipeds and scorpions and spiders. All these creatures,
then, are Arthropods. But they are not insects. So all the back-boned
animals, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are Chordates,
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 3
but they are not all birds. The phylum Chordata is subdivided into or
composed of the various classes Pisces (fishes), Aves (birds), etc. And
similarly the phylum Arthropoda is composed of several distinct classes,
viz.: the Crustacea, including the crayfishes, crabs, shrimps, lobsters,
water-fleas, and barnacles; Onychophora, containing a single genus
(Peripatus) of worm-like creatures; the Myriapoda, including the thousand-
legged worms and centipeds; the Arachnida, including the scorpions, spiders,
mites, and ticks; and finally the class Insecta (or Hexapoda, as it is some-
times called), whose members are distinguished from the other Arthro-
tarsal segments
pods by having the body-rings or segments grouped into three regions, called
head, thorax, and abdomen, by having jointed appendages only on the body-
rings composing the head and thorax (one or two pairs of appendages may
occur on the terminal segments of the abdomen), and by breathing by means
of air-tubes (tracheae) which ramify the whole interior of the body and
open on its surface through paired openings (spiracles). The insects also
have three pairs of legs, never more, and less only in cases of degeneration,
and by this obvious character can be readily distinguished from the Mvria-
pods, which have many pairs, and the Arachnids, which have four pairs.
Centipeds are not insects, nor are spiders and mites and ticks. What
are insects most of this book is given to showing.
To proceed to the classifying of insects into orders and families and
genera and species inside of the all-including class
is the next work of the
and classifier. And for this if for no other reason some further
collector —
knowledge of insect structure is indispensable. The classification rests
4 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects
Fig. 2. —Longitudinal section of anterior half of an insect, Menopon titan, to show chitin-
i/(( 1 exoskeleton, with muscles attached to the inner surface. (Much enlarged.)
acter, due to the deposition in it, by the cells of the skin, of a substance called
chitin. This firm external chitinized * cuticle (Fig. 2) forms an enclosing
exoskeleton which serves at once to protect the inner soft parts from injury
FlG 3. — Bit of body -wall, greatly magnified, of larva of blow-fly, Cattiphora erythrocephala,
to show attachment of muscles to inner surface.
and to afford rigid points of attachment (Figs. 2, 3 and 4) for the many small
but strong muscles which compose the insect's complex muscular system.
ts have no internal skeleton, although in many cases small processes
project internally from the exoskeleton, particularly in the thorax or part
* It is not certainly known whether the cuticle is wholly secreted by the skin cells, or
is in part composed of the modified external ends of the cells themselves.
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 5
of the body bearing the wings and legs. Where the cuticle is not strongly
chitinized it is flexible (Fig. 6), thus permitting
Fig. 4- Fig. 5.
Fig. 4.— Diagram of cross-section through the thorax of an insect to show leg and wing
muscles and their attachment to body-wall, h., heart; al.c, alimentary canal; v.n.c.
ventral nerve-cord; w., wing; /., leg; m., muscles. (Much enlarged; after Graber.)
Fig. 5. —Left middle leg of cockroach with exoskeleton partly removed, showing muscles.
(Much enlarged; after Miall and Denny.)
are called sclerites, and many of them have received specific names, while
their varying shape and character are made use of in distinguishing and
classifying insects.
Fig. 6. —
Chitinized cuticle from dorsal wall of two body segments of an insect, showing
sutures (the bent places) between segmental sclerites. Note that the cuticle is not
less thick in the sutures than in the sclerites, but is less strongly chitinized (indi-
cated by its paler color).
compound eye,
tarsal segments
p IG 7
_ —Body of the monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus, with scales removed to show
(Much enlarged.)
external parts.
head are usually four pai rs of jointed appendages (Fig. 8), viz., the
antennae and three pairs of mouth-parts,
known and labium or
as mandibles, maxillae,
under-lip. Of these in most
the mandibles
cases are only one-segmented, while the two
members of the labial pair have fused along
their inner edges to form the single lip-like
labium. The so-called upper lip or labrum,
closing the mouth above, is simply a fold of
the skin, and is not homologous, as a true
appendage or pair of appendages, with the
other mouth-parts. In some insects with highly
modified mouth structure certain of the parts
Fig. 8. —
Dorsal aspect of head
may be wholly lost, as is true of the mandibles
of dobson-fly, Corydalis cor- in the case of all the butterflies. The head
nuta, female, showing mouth- compound eyes and
bears also the large the
parts, lb., labrum, removed;
vtd., mandible; ?nx., maxilla; smaller simple eyes or ocelli (for an account of
//., labium; gl, glossse of la- Attached to the thorax are
the eyes see p. 30).
bium; st., stipes of maxilla;
mxp., palpus of maxilla; which are jointed appendages,
three pairs of legs,
antenna. homologous in origin and fundamental struc-
ture with the mouth-parts and antennas, and two pairs of wings (one or
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 7
enlarged and firmly fused to form a box for holding and giving attachment
to the numerous strong muscles which move the wings and legs. The
abdomen usually includes ten or eleven segments without appendages or
projecting processes except in the case of the last two or three, which bear
in the female the parts composing the egg-laying organ or ovipositor, or
in certain insects the sting, and in the male the parts called claspers, cerci,
etc.,which are used in mating. On the abdomen are usually specially notice-
able, as minute paired openings on the lateral aspects of the segments, the
breathing-pores or spiracles, which admit air into the elaborate system of
tracheae or air-tubes, which ramify the whole internal body (see p. 19).
Of all these external parts two groups are particularly used in schemes
of classification because of their structural and physiological importance
in connection with the special habits and functions of insect life, and because
s The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects
the sap from corn-leaves, the elm-leaf beetle and maple-worm bite and chew
the leaves of our finest shade-trees, the carrion-beetles devour decaying
animal matter, the house-fly laps up sirup or rasps off and dissolves loaf-
Fig. 11. —Mouth-parts, much enlarged, of the house-fly, Musca domestica. mx.p., maxil-
lary palpi; labrum;
lb., labium;
li., labellum.
With all this variety of food, it is obvious that the food-taking parts must
show many differences; one insect needs strong biting jaws (Fig. 8), another
a sharp piercing beak (Figs. 9, 13, and 14), another a long flexible sucking
proboscis (Figs. 10 and 16), and another a broad lapping tongue (Fig. 11).
Just this variety of structure actually exists, and in it the classific entomolo-
gisl has found a basis for much of his modern classification.
Throughout all this range of mouth structure the insect morphologists
and students of homology, beginning with Savigny in 1816, have been able
to trace the fundamental three pairs of oral jointed appendages, the mandi-
bles, maxillae, and labium. Each pair appears in widely differing condi-
tions; the mandibles may be large strong jaws for biting and crushing, as
with the locust, or trowel-like, for moulding wax, as with the honey-bee, or
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 9
- mxp.
and epipharynx.
strongly chitinized lines called veins. These veins are corresponding artic-
ular thickenings, in the upper and lower walls of
the flattened wing-sac, which protect, while the
°\ wing is forming, certain main tracheal trunks that
carry air to the wing-tissue. After the wing is
expanded and dry, the tracheae mostly die out, and
the veins are left as firm thick-walled branching
tubes which serve admirably as a skeleton or
framework for the thin membranous wings. It
figure, one-half natural size; small fig- Linnaeus (17 50 app.), divides the class
ure, natural size.) into orders almost solely on a basis
of wing characters. The ordinal names expressed, to some degree, the
differences, as Diptera,* two-winged; Lepidoptera, scale- winged ; Coleoptera,
sheath-winged, and so on. As a matter of fact, there may be much differ-
ence in the wings within a single order; most beetles, for example, have
four wings, but some have two and some none. There are indeed wingless
species in almost every insect order. But a typical beetle has quite dis-
tinctive and commonly recognized wing characters; that is, it has two pairs
of wings, the fore pair being greatly thickened, and developed to serve as
sheaths for the larger, membranous under-pair, which are the true flight
wings. Similarly, practically all moths and butterflies have two pairs of
knobs and horns. The rhinoceros-beetle (Dynastes) (Fig. 19) and the sacred
scarabeus arc familiar examples of insects with such prominent processes.
The insect body, as a whole, appears in great variety of form and range
of size, as ourknowledge of the variety of habit and habitat of insects would
lead In size they vary from the tiny four-winged chalcids
us to expect.
which emerge, after their parasitic immature life, from the eggs of other
insects, and measure less than a millimeter in length, to the giant Phasmids
(walking-sticks) of the tropics, with their ten or twelve inches of body length,
and the great Formosan dragon-flies with an expanse of wing of ten
inches. A Carboniferous insect like a dragon-fly, known from fossils found
at Commentry, France, had a wing expanse of more than two feet.
Insects show a plasticity as to general body shape and appearance that results
in extreme modifications corresponding with the extremely various habits
of life that obtain in the class. Compare the delicate fragility of the gauzy -
winged May-fly with the rigid exoskeleton and horny wings of the water-
beetle; the long-winged, slender-bodied flying-machine we call a dragon-
fly with the shovel-footed, half-blind, burrowing mole-cricket; the plump,
toothsome white ant that defends itself by simple prolificness with the spare,
angular, twig-like body of the walking-stick with its effective protective
resemblance to the dry branches among which it lives. Compare the leg-
less, eyeless, antennaless, wingless, degraded body of the orange-
scale with the marvelous specialization of structure of that compact expo-
nent of the strenuous insect life, the honey-bee; contrast the dull colors of the
lowly tumble-bug with the flashing radiance of the painted lady-butterfly.
But through all this variety of shape and pattern, complexity and degenera-
tion,one can see the simple fundamental insect body-plan-, the successive
segments, their grouping into three body-regions, the presence of segmented
appendages on head and thorax and their absence on abdomen (except
perhaps in the terminal segments), and the modification of these append-
ages into antenna? and mouth-parts on the head, legs on the thorax, and
ovipositor, sting, or claspers in the abdomen.
In the character of the structure and functions of the internal organs
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects i
Fig. 20. —
Diagram of lateral interior view of monarch butterfly, Anosia plcxippus, show-
ing the internal organs in their natural arrangement, after the removal of the right
half of the body-wall together with the tracheae and fat body; I to III, segments
of the thorax; i to 9, segments of the abdomen. Alimentary Canal and Appen-
dages: ph., pharynx; sd. and sgl., salivary duct and gland of the right side; oe.,
oesophagus; /./-., food-reservoir; st., stomach; i., small intestine; c, colon; r., rec-
tum; a., anus; m.v., Malpighian tube.
Haemal System: /;., heart or dorsal vessel;
ao., aorta; a.c, aortal chamber;
Nervous System (dotted in figure): br., brain;
g., suboesophageal ganglion; l.g., compound thoracic ganglia; ag. v ag. A first and ,
base of its mate is shown. Head: a., antenna; mx., proboscis; p., labial palpus.
(After Burgess; three times natural size.)
organs and their manner of functioning. The muscular system varies from the
simple worm-like arrangement of segmentally disposed longitudinal and
ring muscles possessed by the caterpillars, grubs, and other worm-like larva?,
Fig. 22. —Diagrammatic figures of bits of insect muscle, variously treated. (After Van
Gehuchten; greatly magnified.)
tilization is itself accomplished in the lower end of the egg-duct just before the
egg is laid, by the escape of spermatozoa from the spermatheca (the female
having of course previously mated) and their entrance into the egg through a
tiny opening, the micropyle (Fig. 67), in the egg-shelland inner envelopes.
A queen bee mates but once, but she may live for four or five years after
this and continue to lay fertilized eggs during all this time. She must
1 6 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects
receive several million spermatozoa at mating, and retain them alive in the
FlG. 27. —Alimentary canal of dobson-fly, Corydalis cornuta. A, larva; B, adult; C, pupa;
oes.,oesophagus; prov., proventriculus; g.c, gastric coeca; vent., ventriculus; r.g.,
reproductive gland; m.t., Malpighian tubules; int., intestine; int.c, intestinal
ccecum; rec, rectum; drg., oviduct. (After Leidy; twice natural size.)
Fig. 28. —Cross-section and longitudinal section of salivary gland of giant crane-fly,
Holorusia rabiginosa. (Greatly magnified.)
behind and before it, the posterior one being closed behind and the anterior
one extending forward into or near the head as a narrowed tubular anterior
portion, which is sometimes called the
aorta. From end of
the anterior open
by pulsations
this aorta the blood, forced
of the heart-chambers, which proceed
rhythmically from the posterior one
forward, pours out into the body-cavity,
proceeding in more or less regular cur-
rents or paths, but never enclosed in
arterial vessels, bathing all the tissues,
and carrying food to them. Finally
taking up fresh supplies of food by bath-
ing the food-absorbing walls of the
alimentary canal, it enters the chambers
of the heart through lateral openings in
these (either at the middle or anterior end
of each), which thus establish communi-
cation between the body-cavity and heart- Fig. 30. Fig. 31.
The blood more oxygen than
receives no Fig. 30. — Diagram of circulatory
system of a young dragon-fly; in
it needs for its own use, and thus does
middle is the chambered dorsal
not play nearly so complex a function in vessel, or heart, with single artery,
the insect's body as in ours. And this Arrows indicate direction of blood-
,. . . . ,. , , 1 1 • currents. (After Kolbe.)
simplicity of function probably explains FlG> 3I —Dissection showing dorsal
twke natural
sosteira Carolina. (After Snodgrass;
Fig. 34. —
Diagram of tracheal system in body of beetle, lr., tracheae.
sp., spiracles;
(After Kolbe.)
Fig. 35. —
Diagram showing main tracheae in respiratory system of locust, Dissosteira
Carolina. (After Snodgrass; twice natural size.)
Fig. 36. —
Diagram showing respiratory system in thrips. St., spiracles. (After Uzel;
much enlarged.)
on it not merely to take up oxgyen from the outer air and give up the
waste carbon dioxide of the
body, but also to convey these
gases to and from all the tis-
respiratory capillaries. The tracheae are readily recognized under the micro-
scope by their finely transversely ringed or striated appearance (Fig. 39).
These transverse "rings" are really spirally arranged short chitinized
thread-like thickenings on the inner wall of the tube, which by their elasticity
keep the delicate air-tubes open. The tubes are filled and emptied by a
rhythmic alternately contracting and expanding
movement of the abdomen, called the respiratory
movement. When the ring-muscles contract, the
walls of the abdomen are squeezed in against
the viscera, which, compressing the soft air-tubes,
force the air out of them through the spiracles;
when the body-walls are allowed to spring back
to normal position fresh air rushes in through the
spiracles and fills up the air-tubes, which expand
-'% because of the elastic spiral thickenings in their
walls. Insects which live in water either come
up to the surface to breathe and in some cases
to take down a supply of air held on the outside
of the body by a fine pubescence like the pile of
velvet, or they are provided with tracheal gills
which run out into the gills. Probably no more blood enters these gills
than is necessary to bring food to them. Impure air is brought to them
by air-tubes, and exchanged by osmosis through the thin walls of air-tube
and gill-membrane for fresh air, which passes from these gill air-tubes to
the rest of the respiratory system of the body.
The nervous system of insects shows the fundamentally segmental make-up
of the body better than any of the other systems of internal organs, although
probably in the successive chambers of the dorsal vessel or heart, and certainly
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 21
Fig. 42.— Diagram of ventral nerve-cord of locust, Dissosteira Carolina. (After Snod-
grass; twice natural size.)
Fig. 43.— Diagram of the nervous system of the house-fly. (After Brandt; much
Fig. 44. Nervous system of a midge, Chironomus sp. (After Brandt, much enlarged.)
commissures are in most insects more or less fused to form single ganglia
and a single commissure, but in others the commissures,
at least, are quite distinct. In the simpler or more
generalized condition of the nervous system as seen
in the simpler insects and the larvae of the higher
ones there are from three or four to seven or eight
abdominal ganglion pairs, one pair to a segment, a
pair in each of the three thoracic segments, and one
in the head just under the oesophagus. From this
ganglion (or fused pair) circumcesophageal commis-
sures run up around the oesophagus to an important
Fig. 45. —Brain, com- ganglion (also composed of the fused members
of a
pound eyes, and part pair) lying just above the oesophagus and called the
of sympathetic nerv-
ous system of locust, brain, or supracesophageal ganglion (Figs. 45, 46, and
Dissosteira Carolina. 47). From this proceed the nerves to those impor-
(After Snodgrass;
greatly magnified.)
tant organs of special sense situated on the head, the
antennae and eyes. From the subcesophageal gan-
glion nerves run to the mouth-parts, from the thoracic ganglia to the
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 23
wings and legs and the complex thoracic muscular system, while from
the abdominal ganglia are innervated the abdominal muscles and sting,
ovipositor, or male claspers. In addition to this main or ventral nervous
system there is a small and considerably varying sympathetic system (Figs.
46 and 48) to which belong a few minute ganglia sending nerves to those
viscera which act automatically or by reflexes, as the alimentary canal and
heart. This sympathetic system is connected with the central or principal
nervous system by commissures which meet the brain just at the origin
from it of the circumoesophageal commissures.
The specialization of the ventral nerve-chain is always of the nature of
a concentration, and especially cephalization of its ganglia (Figs. 49 and
50). The abdominal ganglia may be fused into two or three or even into
one compound ganglion; or indeed all of them may migrate forward and
fuse with the hindmost thoracic ganglion, thus leaving the whole abdomen
24 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects
d.v.n., nerve of dorsal vessel; d.v.g., ganglia of dorsal vessel; g.n., gastric nerve
to cardiac chamber. The course of the recurrent nerve beneath the dorsal vessel is
dotted. (After Miall and Hammond; greatly magnified.)
Fig. 49. —Stages in the development of the nervous system of the honey-bee, A pis mell i-
fica; showing the ventral nerve-cord in the youngest larval stage, and 7 the system
Fig. 50. —Stages in the development of the nervous system of the water-beetle, Mcilius
sulcatus; i showing the ventral nerve-cord in the earliest larval stage, and 7 the
system in the adult. (After Brandt; much enlarged.)
are obvious when it is recalled that our only knowledge of the character
of sense-perceptions has to depend solely on our experience of our own per-
ceptions, and on the basis of comparison with this. We do not know if
hearing is the same phenomenon or experience with insects as with us.
Insects certainly have the senses of touch, hearing, taste, smell, and sight.
If they have others, we do not know it, and probably cannot, as we have
no criteria for recognizing others.
The tactile sense resides especially
in so-called " tactile hairs," scattered
more or less abundantly or regu-
larly over the body. Each of these
hairs has at its base a ganglionic
nerve-cell from which a fine nerve
runs to some body ganglion (Fig. 51).
They are specially numerous and
conspicuous on the antennae or
Fig. 51. —Diagram showing innervation of a " feelers," and often on certain pro-
tactile hair,sh., tactile hair; ch., chitinized
cuticle; hyp., hypoderm, or cellular layer from
cesses called cerci, projecting
of the skin; s.c, ganglion cell; c.o., gan- abdomen. They may
the tip of the
glion of the central nervous system. (After
occur, however, on any part of the
vom Rath.)
body, and are usually recognizable
by their length and semi-spinous nature. The sense of taste resides
in certain small papillae, usually two-segmented, or in certain pits, which
occur on the upper wall of the mouth (epipharynx) and on the mouth-
parts, especially the tips of the maxillary and labial palpi, or mouth-
feelers. As substances to be tasted have to be dissolved, and have to
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 27
come into actual contact with the special taste nerves, it is obvious
that insects, to taste solid foods, have first to dissolve particles of these
foods in the mouth-fluids, and that the taste-organs have to be situated
in the mouth or so that they can be brought into it to explore the food, as
are the movable, feeler-like palpi. What experimentation on the sense of
taste in insects has been carried on shows that certain insects certainly taste
food substances, and indicates that the sense is a common attribute of all
insects. Lubbock's many experiments with ants, bees, and wasps present
convincing proof of the exercise of the taste sense by these insects. Forel
mixed morphine and strychnine with honey, which ants, attracted by the
honey smell, tasted and refused. Will's experiments show that wasps
recognize alum and quinine by taste. He found bees and wasps to have
a more delicate gustatory sense than flies.
Smell is probably the dominant special sense among insects. It exists
at least in a degree of refinement among certain forms that is hardly
equalled elsewhere in the animal kingdom. The smelling organs are micro-
scopic pits and minute papillae seated usually and especially abundantly
on the antennae, but probably also occurring to
some extent on certain of the mouth-parts. The
fact that the antennae are the principal, and in
many insects the exclusive, seat of the olfactory
organs has been proved by many experiments in
removing the antennae or coating them with par-
affine. Insects thus treated do not find food or
each other. As substances to be smelled must
actually come into contact, in finely divided con-
dition, with the olfactory nerve-element, these
pits and papillae are arranged so as to expose
the nerve-end and yet protect it from the
ruder contact with obstacles against which the
antennae may strike. It is certain that most
insects find their food by the sense of smell, and
the antenna of a carrion-beetle (Fig. 54) shows
plainly the special adaptation to make this sense
highly effective. On the "leaves" of each antenna
Fig. 54. —Antenna of a
of June-beetles nearly 40,000 olfactory pits occur. carrion-beetle with the
Some of the results of experimentation on smell terminal three segments
enlarged and flattened,
indicate a delicacy and specialization of this sense
and bearing many smell-
hardly conceivable. A few examples will illustrate ing-pits. (Photomicro-
this. way back
It is believed that ants find their
graph by George O. Mit-
chell; much enlarged.)
to their by the sense of smell, and that
they can recognize by scent among hundreds of individuals taken from
28 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects
male prometheas
were fluttering about
outside over the glass
roof of the insectary.
They could not see
the females, but un-
doubtedly discovered
them by the sense of
smell. These pro-
methea moths have
Fig. 55. —Auditory organ of a locust, Melanoplus sp. The elaborately branched
large clear part in the center of the figure is the thin tym-
panum with the auditory vesicle (small, black, pear-shaped or feathered anten-
spot) and auditory ganglion (at left of vesicle and connected nae, affording area
with it by a nerve) on its inner surface. (Photomicrograph
by George O. Mitchell; greatly magnified.)
for very many smell-
distances soon found their way to the jar (containing females) which had
its mouth open to the air, but no male came to the jar with its mouth her-
metically sealed. Through the glass sides of both
jars the females were plainly visible. The antennae
of certain males were covered with shellac. These
males, when released, never found the females, and
often paid no attention to them when brought within
an inch of their bodies. Of other males the eyes
were covered with pitch; but these males had no
difficulty whatever in finding the females. It is
plainly obvious from these experiments that the
males found the females wholly by scent and not at
all by sight.
that they can also hear. The auditory organs of insects, curiously enough,
are of several kinds and are situated on different parts of the body, in
various species. Among the locusts,
katydids, and crickets, the most con-
spicuous of all the sound-making in-
organ composed of fine chitinous rods, tain fine long hairs, the auditory hairs "
besides the midges and mosquitoes possess this type of auditory organ;
in fact such an organ, more or less well developed, has been found in almost
every order except the Orthoptera (the order of locusts, crickets, katydids,
etc.) in which the tympanic auditory organs occur.
thus be brought straight head end on toward the source of the sound. As a
Fig. 59. — Ocellar lens of larva of a saw-fly, Cimbex sp., showing its continuity with the
chitinized cuticle. (After Redikorzew; greatly magnified.)
matter of fact, Mayer found the female mosquito's song to correspond nearly
to Ut 4 and
, that her song set the male's auditory hairs into vibration. With
little doubt, the male mosquitoes find the females by their sense of hearing.
Insects have two kinds of eyes, simple and compound. On most
species both kinds are found, on some either kind alone, and in a few no
eyes at all. Blind insects have lost the eyes by degeneration. The most
The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 3 1
primitive living insects, Campodea and others, have eyes, although only
simple ones. The larvae of the specialized
insects, i.e., those with complete metamor-
phosis, also have only simple eyes. The com-
pound eyes are not complex or specialized
derivations of the simple ones, but are of in-
dependent origin and of obviously distinct
structural character. The simple eyes, also
called ocelli (Fig. 58), which usually occur to
the number of three in a little triangle on
top of the head, are small and inconspicuous,
Fig. 60. —Part of corneal cuti- and consist each of a lens, this being simply
cle, showing facets, of the
a small convexly thickened clear part of the
compound eye of a horse-
fly, Therioplectes sp. (Photo- chitinized cuticle of the head-wall (Fig. 59)
micrograph by George O. and a group of modified skin-cells behind it
Mitchell; greatly magnified.)
specially provided with absorbent pigment and
capable of acting as a simple light-sensitive or retinal
surface. The ocellus is supplied with a special nerve
from the brain. The compound eyes are always
paired and situated usually on the dorso-lateral parts
of the head; they are and conspicu-
usually large
ous, sometimes, as in and horse-
the dragon-flies
flies, even forming two-thirds or more of the mass
of the head. Externally each compound eye pre-
sents a number (which varies all the way from a
score to thirty thousand) of facets or microscopic
polygonal cuticular windows (Fig. 60). These are
the cornea of the eye. Behind each facet is a dis-
tinct and independent subcylindrical eye-element or
ommatidium composed of a crystalline cone (want-
ing in many insects) enveloping pigment (which pre-
sumably excludes all light-rays except those which
fall perpendicularly or nearly so to the corneal
lens of that ommatidium), and a slender
tapering part including or composed of the nervous Fig. 61.— Longitudinal
or retinal element called rhabdom (Fig. 61). Each section through a few
£ S^ au^e
All of these microscopic images, each of a small part cones; pigment; r.,
retinal parts ;o.», optic
of the external object,
form a mosaic of the whole
nerve. (After Lxncr;
object, and thus give the familiar name mosaic greatly magnified.)
32 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects
Fig. 62.
Fig. 62. —Longitudinal sections through outer part of eye-elements (ommatidia) of com-
pound eyes of Lasiocampia quercijolia; ommatidia at left showing disposition of
pigment in eyes in the light, at right, in the dark. (After Exner; greatly magnified.)
Fig. 63. —
Longitudinal section through a few eye-elements of the compound eye of Cato-
cola mipta; left ommatidia taken from an insect killed in the dark, right ommatidium
taken from insect killed in the light. (After Exner; greatly magnified.)
Fig. 64. —Section through the compound eyes of a male May-fly, showing division of
each compound eye into two parts, an upper part containing large eye-elements
(ommatidia), and a lower part containing small eye-elements (ommatidia). (After
Zimmerman; greatly magnified.)
and more convex the eyes the wider will be the extent of the visual field,
while the smaller and more abundant the facets the sharper and more dis-
tinct will be the image. Although no change in focus can be effected, cer-
tain accommodation or flexibility of the seeing function is obtained by the
movements of the pigment (Figs. 62 and 63) tending to regulate the amount
of light admitted into the eye (as shown by Exner), and by a difference in size
and pigmental character of the ommatidia (Fig. 64) composing the com-
pound eyes of certain insects tending to make part of the eye especially
Fig. 65. —A section through the compound eye, in late pupal stage, of a blow-fly, Calli-
phora sarracenice. In the center is the brain with optic lobe, and on the right-hand
margin are the many eye-elements (ommatidia) in longitudinal section. (Photomi-
crograph by George O. Mitchell; greatly magnified.)
adapted for seeing objects in in poor light, and another part for
motion or
seeing in bright light and making a sharper image (as shown by Zim-
merman for male May-flies, and by myself for certain true flies (see p. 318)).
Our careful studies of the structure of the insect eye, and the experimentation
which we have been able to carry on, indicate that, at best, the sight of
insects cannot be exact or of much range.
The psychology their activities and behavior as deter-
of insects, that is,
elaborateness of many insect instincts, such as those of the ants, wasps, and
bees, to choose examples at once familiar and extreme in their complexity,
makes it very difficult to analyze the trains of reactions into individual ones,
and to determine, if it is indeed at all determinable, the particular stimuli
which act as the springs for these various reactions. The attitude of the
modern biologist in this matter would be to keep first in mind the theory
of reflexes, to look keenly for physico-chemical explanations of the reac-
tions, and only when forced from this position by the impossibility of find-
ing, mechanical explanations for the phenomena to recognize those com-
plex reflexes which we and finally those acts which we call
call instincts,
born alive, after having passed a considerable time growing and developing
in the body of the mother. And this difference in degree of development at
birth is largely due simply to the difference in amount of nourishment
which can be afforded the young. The embryo in the egg uses up its food
early in its developmental career and before it has reached the stage of
likeness to its parents. It issues in a condition picturing some far-distant
either the germinal or the food part of the eggs. There seems to exist no
differentiation among these cells at first, but soon certain ones begin to
move slowly the egg-tube in single file, each becoming sur-
down through
rounded and enclosed by yolk, i.e., reserve foodstuff. This gathering of
yolk increases the size of the forming eggs, so that they appear as a short
string of beads of varying size enclosed in the elastic egg-tube. When of
considerable size each egg in the lower end of the tube becomes enclosed
' '.
p IG 6 7 —Insect eggs and parts of eggs, showing micropyle. a, egg of Drosophila cel-
lar is; b, upper pole ofegg of robber-fly, Asilus crabrijormis; c, upper pole of egg
head-louse, Pediculus capitis; e, egg of
of hawk-moth, Sphinx populi; d, egg of
dragon-nv, Libellula depressa; f, upper surface of egg of
harpy-moth, Harpyia
h, upper pole of egg of sul-
vinula; g, upper pole of egg of Hammalicherus cerdo;
phur-butterfly, Colias hyale. (After Leuckart; much enlarged.)
through this opening the fertilizing spermatozoa enter the egg from the
seminal receptacle just before the egg is extruded from the body.
The developmentof the embryo within the egg is also securely sealed
away from the eyes of most amateurs. The study of insect embryology
requires a knowledge of microscopic technic, and facilities for fixing and
3« Development and Metamorphosis
imbedding and section-cutting which are not often found outside the college
laboratory. But the particularly interesting and suggestive stages in this
development may be outlined and illustrated in brief space. First, the
germinal cell near the center of the egg divides repeatedly (Fig. 68 A ) and
the resulting new cells migrate outward against the inner envelope of the
egg and arrange themselves here in a single peripheral layer, called the
blastoderm (Fig. 68 D,
bl). On what is going to be the ventral side of the
egg the cells of the blastoderm begin to divide and mass themselves to form
the ventral plate (Fig. 69 C). The embryo is forming here; the rest of the
Fig. 68. — Early stagein development of egg of water-scavenger beetle, Hydrophilus sp.
A, division of nucleus; B, migration of cleavage-cells outward; C, beginning
of blastoderm; D, blastoderm; y., yolk; dc, cleavage-cells; yc, yolk-cells; bl.,
blastoderm. (After Heider; greatly magnified.)
being gradually used up, fed on, by the cells of the developing and growing
embryo, until finally comes the disappearance of all the stored food, and the
time for hatching.
Development and Metamorphosis
The eggs have been laid, because of the remarkable instinct of the
mother, in a situation determined chiefly by the interests of the young
which are to hatch from them. The young of many kinds of insects take
very different food from that of the mother— a caterpillar feeds on green
on flower-nectar or live under very different circum-
leaves, the butterfly
stances—young dragon-flies and May-flies live under water, the adults in
the air. A monarch butterfly, which does not feed on leaves, nor has ever
before produced young, seeks out a milkweed to lay its eggs upon. The
young monarchs, tiny black-and-white-banded caterpillars, feed on the
Fig. 6q. — Early stages in the development of the egg of saw-fly, Hylotoma beriberidis.
C, ventral plate removed from egg; D, ventral plate, showing segmentation of body;
E, embryo, showing developing appendages; F, same stage, lateral aspect; G, older
stage, lateral aspect, ant., antenna; md., mandible; mx., maxilla; //., labium; l l P, P, ,
legs; sg., salivary glands; si., spiracles; ab.ap., abdominal appendages; n.c, nerve-
centers; a., anal opening; lb., labrum; sd., oesophageal invagination; y., yolk;
b.s., abdominal segments; pd., intestinal invagination; am., amnion; s., serosa.
(After Graber; greatly magnified.)
green milkweed leaf-tissue; indeed they starve to death if they cannot have
leaves of precisely this kind of plant! The reason that the butterfly, whose
only food is the nectar of almost any kind of flower, ranges wide to find a
milkweed for its eggs, is one not founded on experience or teaching or iea-
son, but on an inherited instinct, which is as truly and as importantly an
attribute of this particular species of butterfly as its characteristic color
pattern or body structure. And the female of the great flashing strong-
winged dragon-fly, queen insect of the air, when egg-laying time comes,
feels a strange irresistible demand to get these eggs into water, dropping
them in from its airy height, or swooping down to touch the tip of the abdo-
4° Development and Metamorphosis
men to the water's surface, there releasing them, or even crawling down
some water-plant beneath the surface and with arduous labor thrusting the
eggs into the heart of this submerged plant-stem. From the eggs hatch
wingless dwarf-dragons of the pond bottom, with terrible extensile, clutch-
ing mouth-parts and an insatiable hunger for living prey.
So our young insects, after completing their embryonic development,
come to the time of their appearance as free individuals compelled to find
their own food and no longer sheltered by a firm egg-shell from the strenu-
FiG. 70. —Series of stages in development of egg of fish-moth, Lepisma sp. A, begin-
ning embryo; B, embryo showing segmentation; C, embryo showing appendages;
D, embryo more advanced; E, embryo still more advanced; F, embryo still older
and removed from egg; G, embryo removed from egg at time of readiness to hatch.
y., yolk; emb., embryo; ser., serosa; am., amnion; ant., antenna; lb., labrum;
md., mandible; mx., maxilla; vrx.p., maxillary palpus; li., labium; H.p., labial
palpus; /'.. I 2 P, legs; pr., proctodaeum, or intestinal invagination; cer., cerci; mp.,
ous fighting and hiding of the open road. Now these young insects, depend-
ing upon how far they have carried their developmental course in the egg,
hatch either almost wholly like their parents (excepting always in size), or
in a condition fairly resembling the parents, but lacking all traces of wings
and showing other less conspicuous dissimilarities, or finally they may appear
in guise wholly unlike that of their parents, in such a condition indeed that
they would not be recognized as insects of the same kind as the parents.
But in all cases the young are certain, if they live their allotted days or weeks
Development and Metamorphosis 4i
FlG. 73. —Stages in development of the wings of a locust. /., developing rudiment of
fore wing; h., developing rudiment of hind wing; w„ wing-pad. (After Graber;
twice natural size.)
Development and Metamorphosis 43
development the young have to develop wings and make what other change
is necessary to reach the adult type, but the
life is continually free and active
and the change is only a simple gradual transformation of the various parts
in which differences exist. A common locust is an excellent example of
an insect with such incomplete metamorphosis. Fig. 72 shows the develop-
ing locust at different successive ages, or stages, as these periods are called
because of their separation from each other by the phenomenon, common
to all insects, of moulting. As the insect grows it finds its increase of girth
and length restrained by the firm
inelastic external chitinized cuticle,
or exoskeleton. So at fixed periods
(varying with the various species
both in number and duration) this
cuticle is cast or moulted. From
a median longitudinal rent along
the dorsum of the thorax and head,
the insect, soft and dangerously
helpless, struggles out of the old
skin, enclosed in a new cuticle
which, however, requires some little
this is the fifth — are the wings usable as organs of flight. So that there
is after all likely to be a rather marked difference between the habits of
the young and those of the adult of an insect with incomplete metamor-
phosis, that difference being primarily due to structural differences. The
young are confined to the ground, and their locomotion is limited to walking
or hopping. The adults can live, if they like, a life in the air, and they
have a means of locomotion of greatly extended capability.
The insects with complete metamorphosis are the beetles, the two-
winged flies, the butterflies and moths, the ichneumons, gall-flies, ants,
bees, and wasps, the fleas, the ant-lions, and several other small groups
of insects with less familiar names. In the case of all the thousands of
species in these groups, theyoung when hatched from the egg differ very
much in structure and appearance, and also in habits and general economy,
from the parents. Familiar examples of such young are the caterpillars
and "worms" of the moths and butterflies, the grubs of beetles, the mag-
44 Development and Metamorphosis
gots of the flesh- and house-flies, and the helpless soft white grubs in the
cells and wasps. These strange young, so unlike their parents,
of bees
have the generic name larvae, and the stage or life of the insect passed as a
larva is known as the larval stage. In almost all cases these larva? have
mouth-parts fitted for biting and chewing, while most of the adults have
sucking-mouth parts; the larvae have only simple eyes and small inconspicu-
Fig. —
75. Metamorphosis, complete, of monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus. a, egg
(greatly magnified); b, caterpillar or larva; c, chrysalid or pupa; d, adult or imago.
(After Jordan and Kellogg. Natural size.)
ous antennae; the adults have both simple and compound eyes and well-
developed conspicuous antennae; the larvae may have no legs, or one pair or
two or any number up to eight or ten pairs; the adults have always three
pairs; the larvae are wholly wingless, nor do external wing-pads (i.e.,
developing wings) appear outside the body during the larval stage; the
adults have usually two pairs (sometimes one or none) of fully developed
wings. Internally the differences are also great. The musculation of the
Development and Metamorphosis 45
mouth-parts, simple eyes, short antennae, and eight pairs of legs on its elon-
gate cylindrical wingless body.The caterpillars bite off and eat voraciously
bits of milkweed-leaf;they grow rapidly, moult four times, and at the end
of eleven days or longer hang themselves head downward from a stem or
Fig. 78. —
Brood-cells from honey-bee comb showing different stages in the metamor-
phosis of the honey-bee; worker brood at top and three queen-cells below; begin-
ning at right end of upper row of cells and going to left, note egg, young larva, old
larva, pupa, and adult ready to issue; of the large curving queen-cells, two are cut
open to show larva within. (After Benton; natural size.)
leaf and pupate, i.e., moult again, appearing now not as caterpillars, but as
and black spots. The form-
the beautiful green chrysalids dotted with gold
ing antennal legs and wings of the adult show faintly through the pupal
cuticle, but motionless and mummy-like each chrysalid hangs for about
twelve days, when through a rent in the cuticle issues the splendid butterfly
with its coiled-up sucking proboscis, its compound eyes, long antennae, its
three pairs of slender legs (the foremost pair rudimentary), and its four great
red-brown wings. The queen honey-bee lays her eggs, one in each of the
scores of hexagonal cells of the brood-comb (Fig. 78). From the egg there
hatches in three days a tiny footless, helpless white grub, with biting mouth-
parts and a pair of tiny simple eyes. The nurses come and feed this larva
steadily for five days; then put a mass of food by it and "cap" the cell; the
larva has grown by this time so as nearly to fill the cell. It uses up the
stored food, and "changes" to the pupa, with the incomplete lineaments
of the adult bee. It takes no more food, but lies like a sleeping prisoner
Development and Metamorphosis 47
km Lb.
take a single example, the case of the blow-fly (admittedly an extreme one),
the phenomena of internal change are, put briefly, as follows: The imaginal
wings, legs, and head-parts begin to develop as deeply invaginated little
buds of the cell-layer of the larval skin early in larval life. This develop-
ment is gradual and continuous until pupation, when the wing and leg rudi-
FlG. 80.— Stages in development of wing-buds in the larva of the giant crane-fly,
Holorjisia rubiginosa (the wing-buds have been dissected out and sectioned, so
as to show their intimate anatomy). A, B, C, D, four stages successively older: ch.,
chitinized cuticle; hyp., hypoderm or cellular layer of skin; tr., trachea; trl.,
tracheoles; p.m., peritrophic membrane; w., developing wing; t.v., tracheal branch
indicating position of future wing-vein. (Greatly magnified.)
ments and the new head are pulled out upon the exterior of the body. Just
before pupation, when the larva has given up its locomotion and feeding,
the larval muscles, tracheae, salivary glands, alimentary canal, and some other
tissues begin to disintegrate, and rapidly break wholly down, so that in the
pupa there appear to be no internal organs except the nervous system,
reproductive glands, and perhaps the heart, but the whole interior of the
Development and Metamorphosis 49
body is filled with a thick fluid in which float bits of degenerating larval
tissue. At the same time with this radical histolysis or breaking down of
tissuea rapid histogenesis or developing of imaginal parts from certain
groups of undifferentiated primitive cells, derived probably mostly from
the larval skin-cells, is going on. Thus many of the larval organs and tissues,
instead of going over into the corresponding imaginal ones, wholly disinte-
grate and disappear, and the imaginal parts are newly and independently
derived. In connection with the
breaking down of the larval tissues
phagocytes or freely moving, tissue-
eating, amoeboid blood-cells play an
important part, although one not
yet fully understood. They are
either the causal agents of the
histolysis, or are assisting agents in
pitulatory course of development; but once emerged and forced to shift for
Fig. 83. —
Degenerating muscle from pupa of giant crane-fly, Holorusia rubiginosa, show-
ing phagocytic cells penetrating and disintegrating the muscle -tissue. (Greatly
bly true. But to be a successful worm demands very different bodily adapta-
tions from those of a successful butterfly. And so far does the larval butterfly
go, or so far has it been carried, in meeting these demands that nature finds it
is the chief period of this radical and marvelous Fig. 85.— Cross-section
of newly developing
breaking down and building anew. It is an inter- muscle in pupa of
polated stage in the development of the butterfly honey-bee, Apis mel-
lifica. (Greatly mag-
corresponding to nothing in the phyletic history;
an adaptation meet the necessities of its life-
conditions. To my mind, this is the interpretation of the phenomena of
complete metamorphosis.
the order Diptera, the ants, bees, wasps, and four-winged parasitic flies
the order Hymenoptera, and so on. So that the first step in a beginner's
attempt to classify his collected insects is to refer them to their proper orders.
Now while entomologists are mostly agreed with regard to the make-up
of the larger and best represented orders, that is, those orders containing
the more abundant and familiar insects, there are certain usually small,
obscure, strangely formed and more or less imperfectly known insects with
regard to whose ordinal classification the agreement is not so uniform. While
some entomologists incline to look on them simply as modified and aberrant
members of the various large and familiar orders, others prefer to indicate
the structural differences and the classific importance of these differences
by establishing new orders for each of these small aberrant groups. Most
entomologists of the present incline toward this latter position, so that whereas
Linnaeus, the first great classifier of animals, divided all insects into but
seven orders, the principal modern American * text-book of systematic ento-
grubs of beetles, and the wingless nymphs of locusts, dragon-flies, etc., cannot
be classified by this key. Indeed the young stages of most of the insects
which we know well as adults are unknown to us, and there is, besides, such
manifold adaptive variety in the external structure of those forms which we
do know that no key for the classification into orders of immature insects
can now be made.
54 The Classification of Insects
(For adult insects only. If in any paragraph all the italicized characters agree with
the specimen in hand, the remaining characters need not be read; these latter are for use
in doubtful cases, or where the organs characterized in italics are rudimentary or absent.
The technical terms used in this Key have all been defined in Chapter I.)
A. Primitive wingless insects; mouth-parts well developed, but all except the apices of the
mandibles and maxilla withdrawn into a cavity in the head; tarsi (feet) always one-
or two-clawed; body sometimes centiped-like, with well -developed abdominal legs,
in this case tarsi two-clawed (The simplest insects.) Aptera.
AA. Normally winged insects, wings sometimes rudimentary or absent; mouth-parts
not withdrawn into a cavity in the head.
B. Mouth-parts, when developed, with both mandibles and maxilla fitted for biting;
the wings are four or absent, the body is not densely clothed with scales.
C. Posterior end of abdomen with a pair of prominent un jointed forceps-like
appendages; fore wings, when present, short, veinless, horny or leathery.
(Earwigs.) Euplexoptera,
CC. Posterior end of abdomen usually without prominent unjointed forceps-like
appendages; when these are present the fore wings are always developed,
D. Fore wings, when present, veined and membranous, parchment-like or
leathery; when absent, the labium (under-lip) either cleft in the
middle, or the mouth-parts prolonged into a distinct beak.
E. Fore wings, when present, thicker than hind wings, somewhat
leathery or parchment-like; hind wings folded several times
lengthwise, like a fan, in repose; when wings are absent, pro-
thorax large.
(Locusts, crickets, cockroaches, etc.) Orthoptera.
EE. Fore wings membranous, of same hind wings;
structure as
hind wings usually not folded, but occasionally folded like a fan;
when wings are absent, prothorax small.
F. Antenna inconspicuous.
G. Hind wings smaller than fore or absent; posterior end of
abdomen with two or three many-jointed filaments.
(May-flies.) Ephemerida.
GG. Hind wings not smaller than fore; posterior end of
abdomen without many-jointed filaments.
(Dragon-flies and damsel-flies.) Odonata.
FF. Antenna conspicuous.
G. Tarsi less than five-jointed; labium cleft in the
H. Wings always present, although sometimes very
small; hind wings broader than fore wings,
folded in repose; prothorax large, nearly flat
on dorsal surface.
(Stone-flies.) Plecoptera.
The Classification of Insects
HH. Hind wings, when present, not broader than jore
wings, not folded in repose; prothorax small,
I. Tarsi jour-jointed; wings, when present,
equal in size (Termites.) Isoptera.
II. Tarsi one- to three-jointed.
After one has classified an insect in its proper order there remains, first,
the determination of the family (each order being composed of from one
to many families), then of the genus (each family comprising one to many
genera), and genus (each genus includ-
finally of the particular species of the
ants and worker termites, many household insects, as the bedbugs and fleas,
~ and many ground-haunting forms, as some
of the crickets, cockroaches, and beetles.
The Aptera, however, owe their sim-
plicity to genuine primitiveness; among all
two groups or masses, one on each side of the body, in all other insects
(Fig. 66), are separate and arranged segmentally in Japyx (Fig. 88), and
less markedly so in Machilis; the respiratory system of Machilis (Fig. 89)
To the last family in the above key belongs the interesting creature
Campodea staphylinus which zoologists regard as the most primi-
(Fig. 90),
tive living insect. It is and so soft-bodied
small, white, flattened, wingless,
and delicate that it can hardly be picked up uninjured with the most deli-
cate forceps. It is about \ inch long (exclusive of caudal appendages), and
is to be looked for under stones and bits of wood. I have found it in Ger-
many, in New York, and in California, which indicates its wide distribu-
tion. Other collectors have taken it in Italy, England, and in the Pyrenees.
It is said to live also in Is it not a little surprising that this
East India.
most primitive, wholly defenceless, and ancient insect should be able to live
successfully the world over in the face of, and presumably in competition
with, thousands of highly developed specialized modern insect forms? It
— :
is a striking proof that Nature does not inevitably crush out all of her
first trials in favor of her later results!
The Campodeida? contain another
genus, Nicoletia (Fig. 91), one species of
which, N. texensis, has been found in Cali-
fornia and Texas, and which may be dis-
tinguished from Campodea by its posses-
sion of three caudal appendages instead
of two as in the latter form.
The Japygidte include but a single
genus, Japyx, represented in this country
by two described species and several as yet
undescribed forms found at Stanford Uni-
versity. Japyx subterraneus is a species
first found under stones at mouth of
a small grotto near the Mammoth Cave
(Kentucky). Japyx (Fig. 92) is larger Fig. 90.— Young and adult of Catn-
,1 j
/-. i_ ir
• • 1 podea sta phylinus (from California),
than Campodea^ being about one-half inch
1 1
causing it to loosen, and infests dry starchy foods. It runs swiftly and
avoids the light. It can be fought by sprinkling fresh
pyrethrum powder in bookcases, wardrobes, and
pantries. Another species, L. domestica (Fig. 93),
called the bake-house silverfish, is often common
about fireplaces and ovens, running over the hot
metal and bricks with surprising immunity from the
effects of the heat. This habit has gained for it in
England, according to Marlatt, the name of "fire-
brat." It can be distinguished from the species
Fig. 93. —
The fish-moth, Lepisma domestica. (After Howard and Marlatt; a little
larger than natural size.)
Fig. 94. —
Young and adult of Lepisma sp., from California. (Twice natural size.)
Collembola. The springtails, mostly of microscopic size, and wholly
unfamiliar to any but persistent explorers of nature, comprise many more
species than the Thysanura.Their most distinctive character is the pos-
by most of them, of the forked spring (Figs. 96 and 97), by
means of which they leap vigorously when disturbed. This spring is
: —
is dull black, with head, legs, and bases of the antennas rust-color." Smyn-
thurus aquaticus (Fig. 87) often occurs in great numbers on the surface of
pools. The insects look like tiny black spots on the water surface, but a
little observation soon reveals their
lively character.
Fig. 99. —
The snow-flea, Achomtes nivicola. lens being determined by
its capacity
(After Folsom; much enlarged.)
to reveal their extremely fine mark-
ings. One of the most interesting Podurids is
in the house. They especially frequent rather moist places, and may often
be found in window-plant boxes and conservatories.
THE MAY-FLIES (Order Ephemerida) and STONE-
FLIES (Order Plecoptera)
violent circling flight about the blinding light, while other thousands were
steadily dropping, dying or dead, from the dancing swarm to the ground.
Similar sights are familiar in summer-time in this country about the lights
of bridges, or lake piers and shore roads. This flying dance is the most
conspicuous event in the life of the fully developed, winged May-fly, and
indeed makes up nearly all of it. With most species of May-flies the winged
adult lives but a few hours. In the early twilight the young May-fly floats
from the bottom of the lake to the surface, or crawls up on the bank, the
skin splits, the fly comes forth full-fledged, joins its thousands of issuing
companions, whirls and dances, mates, drops its masses of eggs on to the
the lake's surface, and soon flutters and falls after the eggs. It takes no
food, and dies without seeing a sunrise. Sometimes the winds carry dense
clouds of May-flies inland, and their bodies are scattered through the streets
of lakeside villages, or in the fields and woods. Sometimes the great swarms
66 The May-flies and Stone-flies
fall to water's surface and there are swept along by wind and wave,
until finally cast up in thick winrows, miles long,
on the lake beach. Millions of dead May-flies
are thus piled up on the shores of the Great
We call the May-flies the Ephemerida, after
the Ephemerides of Grecian mythology, and the
name truly expresses their brief existence — above
water. But they have lived for a year at least
During the nymphal life wings have been slowly developing, visible as
short pads projecting from the dorsal margins of the meso- and meta-thorax,
and appearing visibly larger after each moulting (Fig. 102). Respiration is
accomplished by flat, leaf-like gills (Fig. 102) (these do not appear in some
species until after one or two moultings), arranged segmentally along the
sides of the abdomen. The mouth-parts are well developed for biting
and chewing, with sharp-pointed jaws (mandibles). During its aquatic
life at the bottom of stream or pond the May-
acquiring wings, a phenomenon not known to occur in the case of any other
insect. The stage between the first issuance from the water with expanded
wings and the final moulting is subimago stage, and may last,
called the
in various species, from but a few minutes to twenty-four hours. Such
is, in general, the life-history of the May-flies. As a matter of fact, the
life-history of no single May-fly species has yet been followed completely
68 The May-flies and Stone-flies
shrivel and collapse badly in drying. The abdomen usually bears two
or three long filaments on its tip; the head is provided with compound eyes
condition, being divided, each into two parts, by a narrow impressed line
or by a broader space (Fig. 105). The two parts differ in the size of the
ommatidia, i.e., eye-elements, and it has been ascertained (Zim-
facets of the
merman, 1897) that this difference in size of facets
is accompanied by other and more important
structural differences, which make it certain that
the two parts of the eye have different powers of
seeing. One part is especially adapted for seeing
in the dark, or for detecting slight differences in
intensity of light, but is ill-fitted for exact sight,
while the other part is adapted for seeing in
daylight, and for making a more exact picture of
outline. As the mating flights occur usually at
twilight or in the evening, Zimmerman believes
that this modification of the eyes of the males
is to enable them to discover the females in the
whirling shadow-dances. Chun has recorded a
similar division and difference in the eye of
certain ocean crustaceans and believes that the
"dark eves" are used for seeing in the dimly FlG ;
104-— May-fly, Canis
,. , , , . . . , „ . .... . dimidiata, possessing onlv
lighted water below the surface, while the light one pair of wings. (Much
eyes" are for special use at the brilliantly lighted enlarged.)
surface. I have noted similar conditions in the eyes of both male and
female net-winged midges (Blepharoceridae), small, two-winged flies of
particularly interesting life (see p. 319). It is unusual to find such parallel
adaptations in forms so unrelated.
The May-flies show an anatomical condition of much interest to ento-
mologists in the paired openings for
the issuance of the eggs. Insects have
their organs arranged in pairs, one on
each side of the middle line of the
^ &^5^> •^<0^
— Section
head of
body, as the
separate; that is, paired and bilateral for their whole course. This is taken
to be an indication of the primitiveness and antiquity of the order.
If the May-flies are an ancient group of insects, and there is little doubt
of this, we have in them another example (we have previously noted one
in the case of Campodea, see p. 60) of primitive insects of excessively
frailand defenceless character persisting in the face of the strenuous struggle
for existence and of the competition, in this struggle, of highly developed,
specialized insect forms. Perhaps the solution of this problem in the case
of the May-flies is to be found in their extreme prolificness and in the
ephemeral character of their adult lives. It is only in the adult condition
that May-flies are so ill-fitted to defend themselves; so they simply make no
attempt to do so. They lay their eggs immediately on coming of age, and
thus accomplish the purpose of their adult stage. In their immature form
they are not so handicapped in the struggle for existence, although they
seem by no means in position to compete with some of their neighbors, like
the nymphs of the stone-fly and dragon-fly.
About 300 species of Ephemerida are known,
of which 85 occur in
North America. Their classification has been comparatively little studied
and is a difficult matter for beginners. The differences among the adults
are so slight, and the preserved specimens are so uniformly misshapen
and dried up, that most of us will have to be satisfied with knowing that
we have in hand a May-fly, without being able to assign it to its genus.
Keys to the North American tribes and genera of May-flies may be found
by the student who may wish to attempt the generic determination of his
specimens, in a paper by Banks in the Transactions of the American Ento-
mological Society, v. 26, 1894, pp. 239-259.
There are better defined differences among the nymphs than among
the adults, but unfortunately the nymphs have been as yet too little studied
for the making out of a comprehensive key to the genera. Needham and
Betten give an analytical table of genera of Ephemerid nymphs as far as
known in the Eastern United States, in Bulletin 47 of the New York State
Museum, 1901.
On the under side of the same stones in the brook "riffles" where
the May-fly nymphs may be found, one can almost certainly find the very
similar nymphs (Fig. 106) of the stone-flies, an order of insects called
Plecoptera. More flattened and usually darker, or tiger-striped with black
and white, the stone-fly nymphs live side by side with the young May-flies.
But they are only to be certainly distinguished from them by careful exam-
ination. The gills of the immature stone-flies usually consist of single short
filaments or tufts of short filaments rising from the thoracic segments, one
tuft just behind each leg (Fig. xo6), and not flat plates attached to the sides
The May-flies and Stone-flies 71
of the abdomen as in the May-fly nymphs. The feet of the stone-flies have
two claws, while those of the young May-flies have but one. The stone-fly
nymph has a pair of large compound eyes, as well as three small simple eyes,
strong jaws for biting and chewing (perhaps for
chewing heir nearest neighbors, the soft-bodied,
smaller May-fly nymphs!), and two slender back-
ward-projecting processes on the tip of the abdomen.
The legs are usually fringed with hairs, which makes
them good swimming as well as running organs.
The nymphs can run swiftly, and quickly conceal
themselves when disturbed.
All stone-fly nymphs, as far as known, require
well aerated water; they cannot live in stagnant
pools or foul streams. Needham says that a large
number of the smaller species are wholly destitute
of gills absorbing the air directly through the skin.
Nymphs from a brook and placed in a Fig.io6.— Young(nymph)
brought in
vessel of
r -ii
1 a-
be seen with claws affixed,
°* stone-nv, from Cah- 1
to get a breath under the difficult conditions into which they have been
brought. The food-habits are not at all well known: some entomologists
assert that small May-fly nymphs and other soft-bodied aquatic creatures
are eaten, while others say that the food consists of decaying organic matter.
Here is another opportunity for some exact observation
by the interested amateur. On the other hand it is per-
fectly certain that the nymphs themselves serve as food
for fishes.
The fully worked-out life-history of no stone-fly seems
to have been recorded. The eggs, of which 5000 or 6000
may be deposited by a single female, are probably dropped
on the surface of the water, and sink to the bottom
after being, however, well distributed by the swift current.
Sometimes the eggs are carried about for a while by the
female, enclosed in a capsule attached to the abdomen.
The young moult several times in their growth, but
probably not nearly as many times as is common among
Fig. 107. — Exuvia
ofnymph ors tone" May-flies. When ready for the final moulting, the nymph
fly. (Natural size.) cra wls out on a rock or on a tree-root or trunk on the
bank, and splitting its cuticle along the back, issues as a winged adult.
The cast exuviae (Fig. 107) are common objects along swift brooks.
The adults (Fig. 108) vary much in size and color, the smallest being
less than one-fifth of an inch long, while the largest reach a length of two
j2 The May-flies and Stone-flies
inches. Some are pale green, some grayish, others brownish to black.
There are four rather large membranous, many-veined wings without pattern,
the hind wings being larger than the front ones. When at rest, the fore
wings on the back, covering the much-folded hind wings. The mouth-
lie flat
parts are present and are fitted for biting, although the food-habits are not
known. It is asserted that some species take no food. The antennas are
long and slender. The abdomen usually bears a pair of long, many-seg-
mented, terminal filaments. The body is rather broad and flattened, and
there is no constriction between the thorax and abdomen. On the ventral
aspect of each thoracic segment there is a pair of small openings whose func-
FlG. 108. —A stone-fly, Perla sp., common about brooks in California. (After Jenkins
and Kellogg; twice natural size.)
Fig. 109.— Diagram of venation ofwing of a stone-fly; /, costal vein; 2, subcostal vein,
J, radial vein; 4, medial vein; 5, first anal vein'; 6, radial sector, P, pterostigma;
A, arculus: a v a.2 a s, apical cells. Between the medial and first anal vein is
cubital vein, not numbered. Cell M
is the cell behind the medial vein; cell Sc is the
cell behind the subcostal vein.
BB. Second segment of the tarsi small, shorter than the others, cerci absent.
C. Veins radiating from the ends of the radial cross-vein forming an X.
CC. Veins radiating from the ends of the radial cross-vein not forming an X.
The genus Perla (Fig. 108) includes more species than any other. The
species of Pteronarcys retain gills in the adult condition. The species of
Chloroperla are small, delicate, and pale green. Leuctra includes the slender-
est of the stone-flies; they are small and brownish. Comstock says that
there are several species of stone-flies that appearon the snow on warm
days in late winter. They become more numerous in early spring, and
often find their way into houses. The most common one in Central New
York is the small snow-fly, Capnia pygmaa, which is grayish black. The
female is 9 mm. (about § in.) long, with an expanse of wings of 16 mm.
(about f in.), while the male is but 4^ mm. (about in.) long, and has
short wings which extend but two-thirds the length of the abdomen.
SEL-FLIES (Order Odonata)
ming over the surface in zigzag lines or sweeping curves, stopping still
in midair, and starting again, seeming never to rest, nor even to tire. Poised
76 Dragon-flies and Damsel-rlies
in the air, with the sunlight dancing on its trembling wings, it is indeed a
beautiful sight.
"'Dragon-flies? Folks call 'em devil's-darnin'-needles in our parts,
and they say they will sew up your ears.' Yes; and in some localities they
are called 'snake-doctors,' and are said
to bring dead snakes to life; and other
meaningless names are given them, such
as 'snake-feeders,' 'horse-stingers,' 'mule-
killers,' etc.; but in spite of all these
silly names and the silly superstitions
they represent, dragon-flies are entirely
harmless to man — are indeed to be
counted as friends, for they destroy vast
numbers of mosquitoes and gnats and
pestiferous little flies. To such creatures
they must seem real dragons of the air.
Fig. 112. —Young (nymph) dragon-fly, showing lower lip folded and extended. (From
Jenkins and Kellogg; twice natural size.)
flies flying over the water in a straight course an inch or less above the
surface,and rarely venturing higher; the larger damsel-flies a little higher;
the amber wings at an average of about six inches; the larger skimmers
a foot or more from the surface, and upland skimmers and darters still
higher. One has only to stand a little while by some small area of water
where all these are flying to see that each keeps rather closely to his proper
altitude. Why do damsel-flies keep so close to water? The reason is
not far to seek. Dragon-flies eat one another — the strong destroy the
weak. If to venture up into the altitude of the larger species means to run
the risk of being we can readily see why
eaten, the damsel-flies should
stay down below. The hawk may roam the air at will, but sparrows must
keep to the bushes."
We think of dragon-flies, as of albatrosses and Mother Carey's chickens,
as being always on the wing. They catch their prey while flying, eat it
while flying, mate while flying, and some of them deposit their eggs while
Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
on the wing. But of course all dragon-flies rest sometimes, and some of
them, especially the damsel-flies, are at rest most of the time, clinging to
stems or leaves by the water's edge. The larger kinds may be found
occasionally perched on the tips of tall swaying reeds, or on a stump or
projecting dead limb. From these coigns of vantage they swoop like
a hawk on any rash midge that ventures awing in the neighborhood.
Cold or cloudy weather, or a strong wind, will drive most dragon-flies to
The Odonata are unexcelled among insects for swiftness, straightness,
and quick angular changes in direction of flight. The successful main-
tenance of their predatory life depends upon this finely developed flight
function togetherwith certain structural and functional body conditions
which might be said to be accessory or auxiliary to it. And this may be
an appropriate place to describe briefly a few of their salient structural
All dragon-flies have four well-developed wings, and all show such a
tudinal veins being connected by many short cross-veins. The fore wings
are greatly strengthened along their costal (front) margin by having the
first longitudinal (subcostal) vein behind the margin placed at the bottom
of a groove, and the cross-veins in that groove so enlarged vertically as
to take on the character of flat, plate-like braces or buttresses. As, in
the figure-of-eight movement of the wing in flight, the front margin first
meets the resistance of the air, it is necessary that swiftly and strongly beat-
ing wings should be especially strengthened along this edge, and this is just
what the peculiar folding and bracing of the costal region of the dragon-flv's
fore wing accomplishes.
The head is unusually large and is more than two-thirds composed of
the pair of great compound eyes. More than 30,000 facets have been
counted in the cornea of certain dragon-fly species, and this means that each
eye is made up of more than 30,000 distinct eye-elements or ommatidia,
each capable of seeing a. small part or point of any object in range of vision.
Thus an image of a near-by object is made and the finer the
in fine mosaic,
mosaic the more definite and precise is the vision by means of compound
eyes. These great eyes, too, have facets directed up and down and sidewise
80 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
each eye can be directed sidewise or even straight down. For accurate
flight and successful pursuit of flying prey the dragon-fly has full need "of
good eyes. It is to be noted, too, that the eyes are relatively largest in those
particular dragon-fly kinds which have the most powerful flight. On the
head, also, are three simple eyes (ocelli), the pair of very small awl-like
antennae, and the great mouth. The mouth is overhung as by a curtain
by the large flap-like upper lip (labrum). The jaws (mandibles) are strong
and toothed, and obviously well adapted for tearing and crushing the cap-
tured prey.
When the prey is come up with, however, it is caught not by the mouth
but by the "leg-basket." The thorax is so modified, and the insertion of
the legs such, that all the legs are brought close together and far forward,
so that they can be clasped together like six slender, spiny grasping arms
just below the head. Although the catching and eating is all done in the
airand very quickly, observers have been able to see that the prey is caught
in this "leg-basket" and then held in the fore legs while being bitten and
devoured. These slender legs are used only very slightly for locomotion,
but they serve well for the light unstable perching which is characteristic
of the dragon-flies.
The internal anatomy is specially characterized, as might well be
imagined, by a finely developed system of thoracic muscles for the rapid
and powerful motion of the wings and the delicate and accurate move-
ments of the legs. The respiratory system is also unusually well developed,
such active insects needing a large quantity of oxygen, and generating a
large amount of carbon dioxide. The respiratory movements, according
to Calvert, consist in an alternate expansion (inspiration through the ten
pairs of breathing-holes, or spiracles, arranged segmentallyon thorax and
abdomen) and contraction (expiration) of the abdomen. The rate of
movement varies greatly at different times owing to unknown causes, but
is always quickened by exercise, increased temperature, or mechanical irri-
the thorax is translucent green or blue, and the long symmetrical body is
warm red or deep blue or purple or green. It is often covered with a soft
whitish "bloom," that tones down the brilliant metallic iridescence. But
as the body dries, the colors fade. They are due not so much to pigment
as to the interference in reflection of the various color-rays, this interference
being caused by the structure of the body-wall. Just as soap-bubbles or
weathered plates of glass or mica produce brilliant colors by interference
effects, so does the semi-transparent laminate outer body-wall of the
dragon-fly produce its fleeting color glories. While the wings of many
kinds are clear, unmarked by blotches or line, the wings of others bear a
definite "picture" or pattern, usually light or dark brown or even blackish,
reddish, thin yellow, or whitish. These wing-patterns make the determination
of many of the dragon-fly species a very simple matter.
When the dragon-flies go winging about over ponds and streams they
are engaged in one of three things: in eating, in mating, or in egg-laying.
The prey of the dragon-fly may be almost any flying insect smaller than
itself, although midges, mosquitoes, and larger flies constitute the majority
of the victims. Howard says that the voracity of a dragon-fly may easily
be tested by capturing one, holding it by its wings folded together over its
toes are soabundant that no one neglects to enclose his bed carefully each
and all bedrooms are equipped with an ingenious
night in mosquito-netting,
canopy which can be folded closely in the daytime and readily spread over
the bed at night. The continuous and abundant presence of mosquitoes
is such a matter of fact that it has dictated certain particular habits of life
to the inhabitants of Honolulu. But in the daytime one is singularly free
from mosquito attack. Coincidentally with this one notes the surprising
abundance and strangely domestic habits of great dragon-flies. I have
watched dozens of dragon-flies hawking about a hotel lanai (porch) in the
heart of the town. No pond or stream is nearer than the city's outskirts.
Dragon-flies are in the main streets, in all the gardens, and they are chiefly
engaged in the laudable business of hunting the hordes of "day" mosquitoes
to their death. The most conspicuous features of insect life in Hawaii are
the hosts of dragon-flies by day and the hordes of mosquitoes by night. As
the dragon-flies unfortunately are not night flyers (although some forms
keep up the hunting until it is really dark), it is by night that one realizes
what a plague the mosquito is in the islands. Were it not for the dragon-
flies, life in the islands would be nearly intolerable. The rice-swamps and
taro-marshes and the heavily irrigated banana and sugar plantations offer
most favorable breeding-grounds for the mosquitoes, but also fortunately
for the dragon-flies as well. The mosquitoes of Hawaii are not indigenous;
they were introduced with white civilization. It is told, and is not improb-
able, that the skipper of a trading schooner in early days, to revenge himself
for some slight put on him by the natives, purposely put ashore a cask of
water swarming with mosquito wrigglers. It needed no more than that
to colonize this fascinating tropic land with the mosquito plague. How
the saving dragon-flies came is not yet come to be tradition; indeed, few
Hawaiians understand how important a part the dragon-fly plays in their
life. They do appreciate the mosquito.
In the Samoan Islands, too, where we have another tropical colony,
the mosquitoes are a great plague. Here the matter is made more serious.
The Samoan mosquitoes are carriers and disseminators of a dreadful disease
known as elephantiasis from the enormous enlargement of the legs and
arms of sufferers from it. This disease is the great scourge of these islands,
more than 30% (from my own observation; 40% and 50% are estimates
given by other observers) of the natives having it. (For an account of
the role of mosquitoes in the dissemination of malaria, yellow fever, and
Chapter XVIII of this book.) The dragon-flies are, in
elephantiasis, see
Samoa as in Hawaii, conspicuous by their abundance and variety, and they
do much to keep in check the quickly breeding mosquitoes.
Watching the flying dragon-flies over a pond, you may occasionally
see one poising just over the surface of the water, and striking it with the
Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 83
tip of the abdomen; or another kind may be seen to swoop swiftly down to
the surface occasionally in its back-and-forth flight, and to dip the tip of
Fig. 114a.
Fig. i 146.
Stages in the development of the giant dragon-fly, Anax Junius, a, youngest stage; b,
c, and d, older stages, showing gradual development of the wings. (Young stage,
slightly enlarged after Needham; adult three-fourths natural size.)
the body moment into the water. These are females engaged in laving
for a
their eggs. The eggs issue in small masses, usually held together by a gelat-
inous substance. From several hundred to several thousand eggs are laid by
84 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
more than a year to develop into adults, while those of some others are ready
to transform in a few months, not a few dragon-fly species having two gener-
ations a year. The one-year life cycle, however, is usual among the more
familiar dragon-flies, the eggs laid during midsummer hatching in late sum-
mer, the nymphs hibernating and being ready to emerge the following sum-
mer. Needham thinks that the damsel-flies have a number of broods in
a season, the processes of transformation and oviposition beginning as soon
Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 85
as the weather permits, and continuing industriously to the close of the
The nymphs cast the skin repeatedly during their growth and develop-
ment, although the exact number of moultings is not known for any species.
After two or three moults the wing-pads appear and with each successive
moult increase in size. Immediately after moulting the nymphs are light
greenish or gray, and their characteristic color pattern is distinct, but they
gradually darken, the pattern becoming more and more obscure until by
the t'me for another moulting the body is uniformly dark and dingy. The
nymphs (Fig. 115) of the damsel-flies are elongate and slender, and have
three long conspicuous gill-plates at the tip of the abdomen, which they
can also use as sculls for swimming. The dragon-fly nymphs are robust-
bodied, some of them indeed having the abdomen nearly as wide as long
and much flattened. All the nymphs are provided with the long grasping
lower lip, which can be folded mask-like over the face when not engaged
in seizing prey. The mandibles are strong and sharp and the whole mouth
is well fitted for its deplorable but necessary business.
The true dragon-fly nymphs do not have plate-like gills, like those of the
damsel-flies, nor any other external kind, but have the posterior third of
the intestine lined with so-called internal gills. These internal or rectal
gills are in six longitudinal bands, each consisting of two thin rows of small
plates or tufts of short slender papillae. Water is taken into the intestine
through its posterior opening and, after bathing the gills, giving up its dis-
solved oxygen, and taking up carbon dioxide, it is ejected through the same
opening. When this water is ejected violently it serves to propel the nymph
forward. It is also apparently occasionally used for defence.
Just as the adult flying dragon-flies keep to certain regions above or
in the neighborhood of the pond, so Needham has found the nymphs to
have various preferred lurking-places in the pond. The damsel-fly nymphs
and a few of the more active dragon-fly nymphs clamber among submerged
vegetation or inhabit driftwood and submerged roots or brush. The heavier
sprawling Libellulid nymphs usually crawl over the bottom or climb over
fallen rubbish, while certain other Libellulids and some similar forms occupy
the mud or sand of the bottom. The nymphs of one of these latter kinds
isdescribed as each scratching a hole for itself and descending into it like
a chicken into a dust-bath, kicking the sand over its back and burrowing
until all but hidden, only the tops of its eyes, the tips of its treacherous labium,
and the respiratory aperture at the end of the abdomen reaching the surface.
After the few weeks or month or year which the nymph requires for its full
growth and development it is ready to transform. If in early summer, when
the dragon-flies are beginning to appear, one will go out to the dragon-fly
pond a little after daylight, he will see this transforming or issuance of the
86 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
winged imagoes busily going on. The nymphs crawl out of the water, and
up on stones or projecting sticks, or on bridge-piles or the sides of boats,
or on the stems of weeds growing by the water's edge. Here they cling quietly,
awaiting the moment when the chi-
tinous body-wall shall split lengthwise
along the back of the thorax, and the
made-over body inside with its damp,
compressed wings, its delicate trans-
parent skin, and changed mouth-parts
and legs shall slowly work its way out
damp, soft imago from the nymphal skin, and some further time for the
slow expanding and drying of the wings, and the hardening of the body-
wall so that the muscles can safely pull against it. When all this has come
about the imago can fly away. But even yet the colors are not fully acquired
Fig. 117. —Adult and last exuvia of the whitetail, Plathemis trimacidata.
(Natural size.)
and fixed, and these fresh imagoes have an unmistakably new and shiny
appearance. They are called teneral specimens. Usually the emergence
of nymphs from pond and the subsequent transforming cease by the
middle of the forenoon, and after that one can find only the frail, drying
Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 87
cast nymphal skins or exuviae, clinging here and there to stones and plant-
stems. Attached to these exuviae there may be often noted two or three short,
white, thread-like processes. These
are the dry chitinous inner linings
of the main tracheal trunks of the
dragon-fly which were moulted with
the outer body- wall. As the main
tracheal tubes are really invagina-
tions of the outer skin, it is obvious
that the inner lining of the trachea
is continuous with the outer coat
(chitinized cuticle) of the body-wall
and so is naturally cast off with it.
andj capturing
of andjr.
fly> Lestes tincata. (Natural size.)
tion near the surface; but for getting these latter a net is better. Fig. 119
88 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
shows the construction of a good water-net that can be made at home out
of a piece of grass-cloth, two sizes of wire, and a stick.
"The best places to search for dragon-fly nymphs in general are the
reedy borders of ponds and the places where trash falls in the eddies of
creeks. The smaller the body of water, if permanent, the more likely it
is to yield good collecting. The nymphs may be kept in any reasonably
clean vessel that will hold water. Some clean sand should be placed in
the bottom, especially for burrowers, and water-plants for damsel-fly nymphs
to rest on. They may be fed occasionally upon such small insects (smaller
than themselves) as a water-net or a sieve will catch in any pond. Their
habits can be studied at leisure in a dish of water on one's desk or table.
"The best season for collecting them is spring and early summer. April
and May are the best months of the year, because at this time most nymphs
are nearly grown, and, if taken then,
will need to be kept but a short time
before transforming into adults. And
this transformation every one should
see; it will be worth a week's work at
the desk; and as it can be appreciated
only by being seen, some simple direc-
tions are here given for bringing the
Fig. i 20.- simple aquarium for rear-
the sides are so smooth that they cannot crawl up to transform, put some
sticks in the water for them to crawl out on. Tie mosquito-netting tightly over
the top, or, better, make a screen cover; leave three or four inches of air
between the water and the netting; feed at least once a week, set them where
the sun will reach them; and after the advent of warm spring weather look
in on them early every morning to see what is going on."
Elsewhere Professor Needham says that nymphs may be fed bits of
fresh meat in lieu of live insects. If must be kept in motion
meat is fed, it
before them, as they will refuse anything that does not seem alive. Some
nymphs will take earthworms. Care must be taken to keep cannibalistic
kinds apart from others. When the nymphs transform the freshly issued
imagoes should be transferred each with its cast skin (exuvia) to dry boxes
for a short time, till their body-wall and wings gain firmness and the colors
are matured. The imago and its exuvia should always be kept together.
Specimens of the adults for the cabinet should have the wings spread
like butterflies and moths (for directions for spreading see the Appendix).
The slender and brittle dried abdomen breaks off very easily, and a bristle
or fine non-corrosive wire should theiefore be passed lengthwise through
the body as far as the tip of the abdomen. A couple of insect-pins, inserted
Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
lengthwise one at each end of the body, are used by some.
intended for exchange should not be pinned up, but' "papered,"
i.e., put
with folded wings into an enclosing little triangular paper envelope
by folding an oblong paper sheet once diagonally and then folding over
slightly the two margins.
a f 2 3 a/ b
1 %- / / / / /h P
11/0 9 °
Fig. 121. —Diagram of venation of wing of dragon-fly. antecubitals; b, postcubitals;
N, nodus; P, pterostigma; A, arculus; t, triangle. (After Banks.)
Front and hind wings nearly similar and held vertically over the back
in outline,
when head wide and with eyes projecting and constricted at base.
at rest;
(Damsel-flies.) Suborder Zygoptera.
Front and hind wings dissimilar, hind wings usually being much wider at base, and
both pairs held horizontally outstretched when at rest; eyes not projecting
and constricted at base ....(Dragon-flies.) Suborder Anisoptera.
Key to Suborders (Nymphs).
Posterior tip of abdomen bearing three, usually long, leaf-like tracheal gills.
Key to Families (Imagoes).
Wings with not less than five antecubital cross-veins (Fig. 121).
Family Calopterygid.e.
Wings with not more than three, usually two, antecubitals (Fig. 121).
Family Agrionid.e.
Key to Families (Nymphs).
Basal segment of the antennae extremely elongate Family Calopterygid.e.
Basal segment of the antennae short, subrotund Family Agrionid^e.
broad near the tip, and Hetaerina, in which the basilar space is net-veined
and the wings narrow.
Calopteryx maculata (Fig. 122), the most familiar representative in the
Eastern States of the first genus, has velvety black spoon-shaped wings,
9° Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
graceful festoons to the drooping willow branches Then they look like
strings of rubies, or of warm red flowers or seeds.
The family Agrionidae includes the host of slender-bodied, narrow- and
Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 91
clear-winged true damsel-flies. Most of them are small, and many keep
so closely in low herbage or shrubby woodland that they attract little atten-
tion. A few of the longer-bodied and longer-winged forms, however, fly
in the open along the stream-banks or over the ponds. Some are strikingly
varied with black and orange or yellow, and all, whether brightly colored
or dull, are graceful and charming. There are at least a dozen genera of
Agrionids in this country, comprising about seventy-five species, but their
classification is too difficult to be undertaken by general students. Damsel-
flies deposit their eggs in the tissue of aquatic plants by cutting slits in the
stems with their sharp ovipositor. The nymphs are slender and elongate,
and can readily be known by the three caudal leaf-like tracheal gills. The
nymph stage of these forms is much shorter than with the true dragon-flies,
lasting usually probably but a few weeks, or at most two or three months.
When ready to transform the nymphs crawl out of the water and into the
low herbage on the stream or pond bank. I have seen scores of freshly
emerged damsel-flies rising from a few square yards of tall grass near a pond,
although it required close search to discover the nymphs, so well concealed
were they in the dense tangle.
Key to Families (Imagoes).
Antecubitals of the first and second rows mostly meeting each other; triangle of
wings with long axis at right angles to the length of the wings, triangle
of hind wing with long axis in direction of the length of the wing.
Antecubitals of the first and second rows not meeting (or running into each other)
except the first and another thick one; triangles of fore and hind wings of
similar shape (Fig. 121).
Eyes meeting above on middle line of head; abdomen with lateral ridges.
Eyes just touching at a single point or barely apart; abdomen without lateral
Eyes distinctly separated; abdomen without lateral ridges Gomphtd^e.
Key to Families (Nymphs).
Under-lip (labium) flat, not concealing most of the face, with jaw-like or oblong
side pieces (lateral lobes).
Antenna? 7-segmented, tarsi 3-segmented, climbing nymphs, .^schnid^e.
Antenna? 4-segmented, the fourth segment rudimentary; fore tarsi 2-seg-
mented; burrowing nymphs Gomphid.e.
Under-lip (labium) spoon-shaped, covering most of the face, when closed, with nearly
triangular side pieces (lateral lobes).
for a long time, if prey does not come near. " In a dish of sand on my table,"
says Needham, "I have had a nymph remain without change of position
for weeks, no food being offered it. Let any little insect walk or swim near
.thenymph's head, and a hidden labium springs from the sand with a mighty
sweep and clutches it." The imagoes are strong flyers and have the habit
of flying back and forth, as on a regular beat, over some small, clear stream.
The family Gomphidae includes six genera, comprising about fifty species
in our country. They are mostly large forms, clear-winged and with bodies
striped with black and green or yellow. They are readily distinguished
by the wide separation of the rather small eyes. The abdomen is stiff and
spike-like. The eggs, held in a scanty envelope of gelatin, are deposited
by the repeated descent of the flying female to the water of a clear pond
or flowing stream, the tip of the abdomen first striking the surface. The
gelatin dissolves and the eggs, scattering, sink to the bottom and become
hidden in the silt. The nymphs are active burrowers, capturing their prey
either on or beneath the surface of the bottom silt. The adults often alight
on foliage, or on the surface of some log stretching across a stream, or on
the bare soil of a path or roadway. They do not fly about in apparent
sportiveness as the skimmers (Libellulidae, p. 95) do, nor, like the skim-
mers, perch atop a slender twig. June is the best month in the East for
these dragon-flies. The principal genus of the family is Gomphiis, which
includes one-third of all our Gomphidae. Of these Gomphus exilis is
probably the most common one in the Northeastern States. Its head is pale
green, thorax brownish with two oblique green bands on each side, and
abdomen blackish brown with a basal green spot or band on the back
of each segment. The nymphs transform at the very edge of the water,
seldom crawling more than an inch or two above it. Hagenius brevistylus
isa large black-and-yellow species common in the East, South, and Middle
West. The nymph has an unusually wide, flattened body.
The /Eschnidae include our largest, swiftest, and most voracious dragon-
flies. Various species are flying through the whole season from early spring
to late summer. Some roam far from water, being found over dry fields
and roadways, and even in houses. Some forms fly until late in the even-
ing, making life a burden for the mosquitoes gathering for their night's
singing and feasting. The eggs are thrust into the stems of aquatic plants,
in floating timbers, in the wood of piers, etc., at or near the surface of the
Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 93
water. The nymphs are slender, clean creatures, with smooth bodies pat-
terned with green and brown, and very active, strong, and brave. They
climb among green plants and roots or submerged driftwood along the border
of open water or the edge of a current. The imagoes of this family can be
recognized by the meeting of the eyes all along the top of the head. The
wings are long, broad, and and the body-colors are mostly bright blue
and green. The family is represented in the United States by about twenty-five
species, belonging to six genera. Anax Junius, one of the commonest dragon-
flies all over the United States, and found also from Alaska to Costa Rica,
in China, Siberia, and in various islands of the Pacific, notably the Hawaiian
group, is the most inveterate enemy that the mosquito has. It is conspicu-
ously on the wing from early spring to
late fall, flying from daylight to dark,
ish brown. The males have the space between these blotches milky white.
In old individuals the abdomen has a strong; whitish bloom. Other familiar
Fig. 125. —The ten-spot dragon-fly, LibeUula pulchella. (After Needham; nat. size.)
Fig. 128. —The amber wing, Perithemis domitia, male at left, female at right.
(After Needham; natural size.)
127), is a common large dragon-fly, but one hard to capture because of its
fine flight. The wings show a basal patch, often nearly wanting on the
front pair, a patch at the nodus, and a black apex. It likes "ponds or slug-
gish streams with muddy reed-grown banks, and seems absolutely tireless
in flight; very rarely indeed is one seen resting." One of the smallest of
Fig. 129. —The wind sprite. Celithemis eponina. (After Needham; natural size.)
Fig. 131. —The whitetail, Plathemis lydia. (After Needham; natural size.)
with rapidity and regularity give the observer the impression of two inter-
secting circles which roll along near the surface of the water.
The whitetail, Plathemis lydia (Fig. 131), resembles the ten-spot, but
is one-fourth smaller. In the males also the apex of the wings is usually
clear, not brown. The whitetail rather likes slow-flowing brooks and
open ditches. When alight it has the habit of setting its wings aslant down-
ward and forward with a succession of jerks. Needham thinks that the
powdery whiteness of the body of the old males (in females and young males
the body is brown marked with yellow) must render it more easily seen by
its enemies, the king-birds and others, and thus be a disadvantage in the
struggle for existence. He says, indeed, that the whitest ones avoid rest-
g Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies
sticks on
ing-places over a dark
background and settle oftenest on white
on light-colored earth. Very frequently ^U
^one ah h
bl ached stumps, or held m the
it is laid down, or
even when still
on a white insect-net when
But in the United States our few species make their communal nests
in dead and dying wood, or underground, and not being given to building
great dome-like mound-nests, or making covered ways up all the trees of
a great forest or plantation, are not as conspicuous as their tropical cousins.
few observers of insects have failed to notice the little, white, wingless
or dark brown. It is plump, and slightly broader than thick. The abdo-
men is joined broadly to the thorax, not by a little stem or peduncle as in
the ants, with which insects the name "white
ants" (unfortunately too long and widely
used be done away with) confuses the
termites in the popular mind. The termites
not only are not ants, but are neither nearly
related to them nor of similar structure.
The only resemblances between the two forms
exist in the communal life and in the com-
position of the community by different kinds
of individuals. The termites are either blind
or have only simple eyes, have slender an-
tennas which look as if made up of tiny beads
strung a-row, and have biting mouth-parts
with strong jaws. They live in small or large
workers resemble closely, except in size, the just-hatched young; the soldiers
have but to acquire their largeness of head and mandibles, and the perfect
insects their wings. But there is a serious complexity in termite develop-
ment in that at hatching all the young are alike, and the different castes
Key to Genera.
Simple eyes absent Termopsis.
Simple eyes present.
Tarsi with a pulvillus (little pad) between the claws; prothorax large and
oblong; costal (anterior) area of the wings veined. .Calotermes.
Tarsi without terminal pulvillus; prothorax cordate; costal area of wings
without veins Termes.
Termopsis and Calotermes each include two species, all four limited
to the Pacific Coast; while which but one,
Termes includes three species, of
T. flavipes, is found in the northeastern states. This has been introduced from
America into Europe, and is well known there. The other two species, and
flavipes also, are found in the southwestern and Pacific coast states. Thus
Termes flavipes (Figs. 134 and 135) is the only representative of the order Isop-
tera which can be observed and studied in the East,
but it is so commonly distributed that the student of
insects in almost any locality can find its communities.
Despite its abundance, however, the long time it has
been known, and the very interesting nature of its
The workers of T. flavipes (Fig. 134) are, when full grown, about £ in.
long, while the soldiers are a little larger. Both of these castes are whitish.
But the winged males (Fig. 135a) and females which come from the nest
and swarm in the air in late spring or early summer are chestnut-brown
to blackish and measure about 4- in. in length. The four wings are of about
equal size, and when the insect is in flight expand about § in. When at
rest they lie lengthwise on the back, projecting beyond the tip of the abdo-
men. They have many veins and are pale brown in color. After flying
some time and to some distance, the insects alight on the ground and shed
their wings (Fig. 13 5ft). This they are enabled to do because of a curious
suture or line of weakness running across each wing near its base. All the
wing beyond this suture falls off, leaving each now wingless male or female
with four short wing-stumps. These swarming flights
attract the birds. Hagen noted fifteen different species
of birds following such a termite flight one May-day in
Cambridge, Mass. "Besides the common robins, blue-
birds, and sparrows," he says,
"were others not seen before
near the house. The birds
caught the Termes partly in
flight, partly on the ground,
females pair, and each pair Fig. 135a. T. flavipes, winged male. (After Mar-
latt; natural size indicated by line.)
probably founds a new colony. Fig. 135&. —
T. flavipes, complementary queen.
Perhaps some of the pairs (After Marlatt; natural size indicated by line.)
trees. The galleries are made in the deeper portions of the wood, and
usually follow the grain. The colonies with the primary royal pair number
usually from 50 to 1000 individuals, and include workers, soldiers, and im-
mature forms. The full-grown workers (Fig. 136) are f in. long, the soldiers
(Fig. 136) § in., and the kings and queen (Fig. 137) a little less, while the
wings expand 1^ in. After the death of the primary royalties and the
development of several substitute royal ^
forms the egg-laying and consequent
increase of the colony are much more
rapid. Heath counted 3221 individuals
in one colony, in which were also thousands of eggs. The colony which we
found in the yellow-pine log in the King's River Canon certainly num-
bered many thousands. In the late summer or early autumn the nymphs
(young stage, with visible wing-pads of perfect insects) that have developed
during the year moult, the operation taking' from ten to twenty minutes,
after which they rest for two hours, while the wings expand, and the
body- wall hardens and darkens; they take flight usually about dusk. Some
* Heath, H., The Habits of California Termites, Biological Bulletin, vol. 4, 1902,
pp. 47-63.
The Termites, or White Ants 105
soon fall to the ground, but others may fly a mile. The swarm is pursued
by birds and then bats take a turn at the chase. The few ter-
until dark,
mites that escape fly from tree to tree, seeking a spot of decaying wood.
Heath has noted them dashing against door-knobs and nail-holes and against
discolored spots on trees and logs, in their search for a place where decay
has begun. After finding a suitable spot they usually shed their wings,
not by biting them off, some species, but by curving the abdomen
as said of
until it rests across the wings of one side and then moving backwards
and sidewise until the wing tips are brought against some obstruction,
thus causing the wings to buckle and break along the transverse suture or
line of weakness at the base. Sometimes the wings are not shed until after
the nest is begun. The spot is usually selected by the female,
and she begins
the mining and does most She
accompanied by one or more males,
of it. is
who may occasionally help in excavating. When the burrow is large enough
for two, one male usually crowds in beside the queen and fights off the others.
Sometimes two males may remain with the queen; Heath thinks that such
a condition may last for a year or more. He has found a few cases where
two, three, and even six pairs live in company. The actual mating does
not take place, probably, until some time after the nest is begun. Heath
has noted pairing from a week to a fortnight after swarming.
The egg-laying may be long postponed. Usually, however, about two
weeks after pairing the first egg is laid, and from one to six are deposited
daily until the total number amounts to from fifteen to thirty. When the
habitat is unusually moist the royal pair may remain together for a year
without producing young. Heath has found the Termopsis royalties to
mate readily and has had more than 500 pairs of primary kings
in captivity,
and queens in excellent condition after a year of captivity. Royal pairs
with small colonies are readily found by stripping off the bark of trees from
three to nine months after the swarming period. Heath has been the first
to find actual egg-laying queen termites in this country.
After from fifteen to thirty eggs are laid the laying ceases, and the
parents give their time to enlarging the nest and to caring for the eggs,
which are kept scrupulously clean, and frequently shifted from place to
place in the nest. The young are all alike when first hatched. After three
moults, one of them appears as a large-headed individual, and after three
more moults develops into a perfectly formed soldier, although little more
than one-half the size of the soldiers in old communities. Three months
later another soldier appears, larger than the first, and later others still
larger, until after a year the full-sized form appears. The first workers,
too, are smaller than the later ones. Nymphs, i.e., young of the winged
individuals, do not appear until after the first year, so that the swarm of
winged individuals cannot leave a nest until the end of the second year of
io6 The Termites, or White Ants
on this continent that "the results of Termitid economy have reached their
climax." More than a century ago an exploring Englishman, Smeathman,
startled zoologists with his account of the marvelous termite communities
of West Africa. He told of the great mound-
nests of Termes bellicosus, twenty feet high, and
so numerous that they had the appearance of
native villages (Fig. 132). The soldiers are fifteen
times as large as and the fertile
the workers,
queen has her abdomen so enlarged and stretched
by the thousands of eggs forming inside that it
comes to be "fifteen hundred or two thousand
times the bulk of the rest of her body and
twenty or thirty thousand times the bulk of a la-
borer." He describes the egg-laying as proceed-
ing at the rate "of sixty a minute, or eighty thou-
sand and upward in one day of twenty-four
hours." In the South Kensington Museum at
London there is such a prodigious queen resem-
bling simply a cylindrical whitish sausage four
Fig. 138. — Worker and
inches long. A similar specimen is to be found
queen of Termes red-
mani. (After Nassonow; in the natural-history museum of the University
natural size.)
of Kansas.
The enormous number of individuals in a great village of nests cannot
* Sjostedt, Y., Monographie der Termiten Afrikas, Kongl. Svenska, Vetensk. Ak.
Hand!., v. 34, 1000, pp. 1-236, Stockholm.
The Termites, or White Ants 107
you could push your little finger. Furniture, tables, chairs, chests of drawers,
everything made of wood, is inevitably attacked, and in a single night a
strong trunk is often riddled through and through, and turned into match-
wood. There is no limit, in fact, to the depredation of these insects, and
they will eat books, or leather, or cloth, or anything; and in many parts of
Africa I believe if a man lay down to sleep with a wooden leg it would be
a heap of sawdust in the morning! So much feared is this insect now that
no one and Africa ever attempts to travel with such
in certain parts of India
a thing as a wooden trunk. On the Tanganyika plateau I have camped on
ground which was as hard as adamant, and as innocent of white ants appar-
ently as the pavement of St. Paul's, and awakened next morning to find a
stout wooden box almost gnawed to pieces. Leather portmanteaus share
the same fate, and the only substances which seem to defy the marauders
are iron and tin."
But more impressive than this devastation of houses, tables, and boxes is the
sight of millions of trees in some districts plastered over with tubes, galleries,
and chambers of earth due to the amazing toil of the termites in their search
for dead or dying wood for food. According to Drummond, these tunnels
are made of pellets of soil brought from underground, and stuck together
with saliva. The quantity of soil thus brought above ground is enormous
and Drummond sees in this phenomenon a result very similar to that accom-
plished by earthworms in other parts of the world, and made familiar to
us by Darwin, namely, a natural tillage of the soil. As Drummond says:
"Instead of an upper crust, moistened to a paste by the autumn rains and
then baked hard as adamant in the sun, and an under soil hermetically sealed
from the air and light, and inaccessible to all the natural manures derived
from the decomposition of organic matters these two layers being eter-—
nally fixed in their relations to one another —
we have a slow and continued
transference of the layers always taking place. Not only to cover their
depredations, but to dispose of the earth excavated from the under-
ground galleries, the termites are constantly transporting the deeper
and exhausted soils to the surface. Thus there is, so to speak, a con-
stant circulation of earth in the tropics, a ploughing and harrowing, not
108 The Termites, or White Ants
furrow by furrow and clod by clod, but pellet by pellet and grain by
With a few references to certain special conditions and problems in the
termite economy, we must finish our consideration of these highly inter-
esting insects. Do the termite individuals of a community communicate
with each other, or is the whole life of the colony so inexorably ruled by
instinct that each individual works out its part without personal reference
to any other individual, although with actual reference to all the others,
that is, to the community as a whole? It is pretty certain that termites have
The most important problem, and one whose solution will require much
exact observation (and, if possible, experimentation), is that of the origin,
or causes of production, of the different castes or kinds of individuals in
the termite community. It has been determined by various observers that
all the termites of a community are apparently alike at birth. That is,
and perfect insects. The soldiers and workers are not, as was formerly
thought, the result of the arrested development of the reproductive organs.
They are not restricted to one of the sexes. If then it is not arrested develop-
ment, or sex, or embryonic (hereditary) differentiation, what is the causal
factor? Grassi, an Italian student of the termites, thinks that it is food;
that the feeding of the young with food variable in character brings about
The Termites, or White Ants 109
jelly" —a rich food regurgitated through the mouth from the anterior part
of the alimentary canal. This is done for the queens during the whole
larval life, while larva? which are fed royal jelly for only one or two days,
and then mixed pollen and honey for the rest of larval life, develop into
workers. With the honey-bee, however, the workers are to be looked on
as probably only arrested females. But in the case of Termopsis angusti-
collis Heath has experimented by feeding members of
more than twenty living species, ofwhich but four Me lander; en-
of an inch long, and of rufous color. It was described from a few specimens
bodies somewhere in the binding. Under the lens they are seen to have
a rather broad, flattened body (Fig. 140), six short legs, no wings (although
sometimes tiny wing-pads are present), long, slender antennae, and a pair of
small black spots on the head, the simple eyes. There is a distinct neck,
the head being free, and plainly wider than the prothorax. The abdomen
is nearly oval in outline. There are no distinctive markings or pronounced
chitinization of the soft body-wall. These book-lice can be found else-
where than in old books; they feed on dry, dead organic matter, the
paste of the book-bindings and the paper, and are common in birds' nests,
where they feed on the cast-off feathers, in the crevices of bark, and on
old splintered fences, where they feed on moulds and dead lichens.
Certain other insects closely related to the book-lice are not so small and
simple, however, some having two pairs of wings and a plump, rounded
body (Fig. 141); these look much like plant-lice (Aphids). These winged
kinds do not live in libraries, moreover, and the name "book-lice" is a
misnomer for them. They are rarely seen by persons not trained entomolo-
gists, and indeed are not at all familiar to professed students of insects.
tarsi are of two joints, while in the adult they have three." The structure
of the adults presents no points of particular interest except in the case of
the mouth. The book-lice have biting mouth-parts, the jaws being strong
and heavy for the successful mastication of the hard dry food. In the throat
panse of wing of nearly an inch. Ceylon and the Hawaiian Islands are
said by Sharp be specially rich in species.
The members of the order can be divided into two families as follows:
Wings well developed; ocelli present (in addition to compound eyes). . .Psocid^e.
Wings wanting or present as small scales or pads; ocelli absent . Atropid.*:.
of bark-lice, individual in all stages, from very young to adult, may be seen.
The techinal terms discoidal cell and posterior cell may be understood by reference to
Fig. 142.
2. Tarsi 3-jointed 3.
Tarsi 2-jointed 4-
Third posterior cell elongated.
Polypsocus ^ lG - 42
T '
Diagram of venation of a Psocid.
„, . , L
11 u d, discoidal cell; 10, 2a, 7.a, posterior cells.
Third posterior cell absent.
(After Banks>)
The few North American species of the true book-lice or Atropidae are
included in five genera, which may be distinguished as follows:
The technical terms, hitherto undefined, used in the following table are the following".
squama; wings in the condition of small scales or pads; hyaline, clear, not colored.
1 Meso- and metathorax united, no wings Atropos.
Meso- and metathorax separate, rudimentary wings 2.
The genera Atropos and Clothilla were named for two of the three Fates
of mythology, and a third genus was named Lachesis for the third Fate, but
unfortunately the last genus was not a valid one, so the book-lice have lost
their third Fate, and by the rigid laws of zoological nomenclature can never
regain her! The few species of these two Fate-named genera are the com-
monest of the book-lice. Atropos divinatoria is the species usually
found in books. It is about 1 mm. long, is grayish- white, and the small
eyes show as distinct black specks on the head. It does not limit its feeding
collections. To this insect has long been attributed the power of producing
a ticking noise known as the "death-watch," but McLachlan, an authority
on the Corrodentia, does not believe that thisminute insect "with a body
so soft that the least touch annihilates it can in any way produce a noise
sensible to human ears." A small beetle, called Anobium, is well known
to make such a ticking (by knocking head against the wood of door-casings,
siderable injury. They are called bird-lice, but they should not be confused,
because of this name, with the true blood-sucking lice that infest many kinds
of animals, particularly domestic mammals and uncleanly persons. The
biting bird-lice (Fig. Mallophaga, never suck
143), constituting the order
blood, but feed exclusively on bits of the dry feathers, which they bite off
with small but strong and sharp-edged mandibles. The true lice have
mouth-parts fitted for piercing and sucking, and
it constitute one of the numerous families of the
and gets too little rest and thus grows thin and weak. The dust-baths
taken by fowls and other birds are chiefly to get rid of the bird-lice. The
fine dust, getting into the breathing-pores (spiracles) of the insects, suffocates
them. So that the best remedies for these pests of the barn-yard are to
see that the fowls have plenty of dust to bathe in, and also to keep
thoroughly clean their roosting- and breeding-places. By tightly closing
up the hen-house and burning sulphur inside (the fowls, it is hardly necessary
to say, first being excluded) most of the infesting parasites can be killed.
The life-history of the Mallophaga is very simple. The small elongate
eggs are glued separately to the hair or feathers of the host, and from them
young soon hatch (Fig. 144,3), which, except in size and, to some degree, in
marking, closely resemble the parents. These young begin immediately their
hair or feather diet, grow larger, moult a few times, and in a few weeks reach
Book-lice and Bark-lice; Biting Bird-lice 115
Fig. 144. — Immature and adult stages of the biting bird-louse, Lipeunis forficulatus,
taken from a pelican, i,adult female; 2, adult male; 3, very young stage; 4,
older immature stage. (Natural size of adult specimens 1^ in.) j-
flattened head. The legs are strong, and each foot bears two claws. These
small creatures run very swiftly.
Perhaps the oddest thing about the structure of the Mallophaga is the
presence in the throat of the curious oesophageal or pharyngeal sclerite
already referred to in the account of the Corrodentia. This sclerite is a
sort of bonnet-shaped piece (Fig. 145) lying in the lower wall of the throat
and seems to be an arrangement for starting the little bitten-off pieces of
feather barbs straight, that is, lengthwise down the oesophagus The bark- !
lice and book-lice, which have a similar oesophageal sclerite, also bite off
and swallow small bits of hard, dry organic substance.
i i 6 Book-lice and Bark-lice; Biting Bird-lice
similar cases, and in all these cases it is hard to see how actual migration
of the parasitefrom host to host of different species could take place. Indeed
there are cases in which such migration is absolutely impossible. Of the
262 species of Mallophaga taken from North American birds, 157 have
been described as new species, while 105 are specifically identical with Mal-
lophaga originally described from European and Asiatic birds; hosts, that
is, not only of different species, but geographically widely separated from
the North American hosts! Eliminating the few cases of importations of
livingEuropean birds to this country, and the few species of cicumpolar
range, there remain to be accounted for about 100 cases in which a single
species of Mallophaga is common to both Old World and New World hosts.
It will have been noted that in all the cases above mentioned of parasite
species common to several North American host-species, the host-birds are
closely allied forms, that is, same genus or allied genera.
species of the
This condition holds good also for practically all of the cases in which both
European and American hosts have a common parasite. For example,
Docophorus pertusus is common to the European coot (Fulica atra) and
the American coot (Fulica americana); Nirmus pileus is common to the
European avocet (Recurvirostra avocetta), and American avocet
to the
(Recurvirostra americana)', Lipeurus forficulatus is common to the European
pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) and to the American pelicans (Pelecanus
erythrorhynchus and P. calijomicus), and so on through the list. From
this fact of near relationship of hosts in all the cases of parasite species com-
mon to several host-species it seems almost certain that this common occur-
rence, under circumstances not admitting of migration of the parasites from
host to host, is due to the persistence of the parasite species unchanged from
the time of the common ancestor of the two or more now distinct but closely
allied bird-species. In ancient times geographical races arose within the limits
of the ancestral host-species; these races or varieties have now come to be dis-
tinct species, distinguished by superficial differences in color and mark-
ings of plumage, etc. But the parasites of the ancient hosts have remained
unchanged; the plumage as food, the temperature of the body, practically
the whole environment of the insect, have remained the same; there has
been no external factor at work tending to modify the parasite species, and
it exists to-day in its ancient form, common to the newly arisen descendants
of the ancient host.
To classify Mallophaga the following keys to suborders, families, and
genera may In these keys are included only genera which haw-
be used.
been found in the United States. Seven other genera of Mallophaga are
In the following tables the following technical terms are used which have not been
previously defined: clavate, club-shaped; capitate, with the tip swollen like a ball; tra-
1 1 8 Book-lice and Bark-lice ; Biting Bird-lice
header, triangular membranous processes projecting laterally from the head and situated
one in front ofeach antenna; temples, the hinder lateral parts of the head; ocular emar-
gination, a bending in of the lateral margins of the head just in front of the eyes; labral
lobes, short blunt membranous processes projecting laterally from near the front angles
of the head; sternal markings, blackish markings, bars or spots, on the ventral aspect of
the thorax.
Key to Suborders of Mallophaga.
are Goniocotes hologaster,
recognized by its squarish
head with angulated
temples, and Lipeurus /
variabilis, 2 mm. (T V in.)
mon among them is the Fig. 146.— The biting chicken-louse, Menopon pallidum.
little DocophorilS icterodes (After Piagct; natural size, 1 to 1.5 mm.)
I mm UV m , . • s Fig. 147. —
The biting louse of wild ducks, Docophorus
147), - -) icterodes. (Natural size indicated by line.)
head curiously
long, with
expanded and rounded in front, darkish-red head, and thorax with darker
i 20 Book-lice and Bark-lice ; Biting Bird-lice
bands, and a white region in the middle of the abdomen. Trinoton luridum
is another common duck-louse unusually large, being from 4 to 5 mm. ( 5 in.)
long and readily distinguished by the triangular
head with lateral swellings, and the abdomen with
pronounced blackish-brown transverse bands.
Fig. 150.
Fig. 1 48. —A biting louse of pigeons, Lipeurus bacillus. (Natural size indicated by line.)
Fig. 149. — Biting louse of the dog, Trichodectes (After Nitzsch; natural
latus. size,
1 to mm.)
Fig. 150. — Biting louse of the horse, Trichodectes parumpilosus, male. (After Morse;
natural shown by
size line.)
Fig. 151. — Biting louse of Trichodectes
cattle, (After Lugger; natural
scalaris. size, 1.5
to 2mm.)
Fig. 152. — Biting louse of birds, Docophorus communis.
fringilline (Natural size in-
dicated by line.)
Book-lice and Bark-lice; Biting Bird-lice 121
Pigeons are almost always infested by a long and very slender louse,
Lipeurus bacillus (Fig.148). The head and thorax are reddish brown,
while the abdomen dusky with darker segmental blotches. This bird-
louse was described and named more than two hundred years ago.
All of the species infesting domestic mammals belong to the genus Tricho-
dectes. Dogs are often infested by Trichodectes latus (Fig. 149), a short,
wide-bodied species about 1 mm. long; while cats are less often infested by
T. subrostratus, distinguishable by the rather pointed head with a short,
longitudinal furrow on the under side. Horses and donkeys are troubled
by two or three which T. pilosus, a hairy form with antenna? rising
species, of
near the front of the head, and T. pa rum pilosus (Fig. 150), a broader-bodied
form with head larger and less flatly rounded in front, are most common.
Trichodectes scalaris (Fig. 151) infests cattle the world over, while sheep
and goats have species peculiar to themselves. Comparatively few species
of Trichodectes have been recorded
from wild mammals, but this is
Fig. 153. —A biting louse of gulls, Nirmus felix, male. (Natural size indicated by line.)
Fig. 154. —Giant bird-louse of the albatrosses, Ancistrona gigas, male. (Natural size
indicated by line.)
been found on the bear, raccoon, fox, coyote, weasel, gopher, beaver, deer,
skunk, and porcupine. Gyropus, the other mammal-infesting genus of
122 Book-lice and Bark-lice; Biting Bird-lice
Mallophaga, has been found only on the guinea-pig. Washing the body of
the infested animal with kerosene emulsion (see p. 190) is probably the
most effective remedy for biting lice.
mention maybe made of the largest, Lccmobothrmm loomis, taken from the
Canada goose; of Docophorus communis (Fig. 152), the most abundant and
widely distributed parasite of perching and song birds; of the pretty inn us N
jelix (Fig. 153), with its clean white body and sharply marked black spots;
of the fierce-looking Lipeurus ferox, found on albatrosses; and of Ancistrona
gigas (Fig. 154), found on fulmars, the broadest of the Mallophaga.
As there are nearly one thousand different species of North American
birds, and Mallophaga have been taken from but two hundred and fifty of
them, it is obvious that the collector and student of these parasites has a
profitable field open to him.
keep up the chorus. At home, in house and garden, the domestic cricket
offers its music to the already over-full ears. All this choiring is done by
singers without a voice; that is, without the
production of sound from the throat and
mouth by means of vocal cords set into vi-
bration by air. Insects are orchestral per-
formers, using their legs and wings, for the
most part, to make their music. When the lo-
cust sings while at rest, it is rasping the inner
surface of the broad hind thighs across the
roughened outer surface of the folded fore
wings; when it "clacks" in the air, it is strik-
Fig. 155. —
Longitudinal section through head and neck of locust,
showing disposition of alimentary canal, brain, and sub-
oesophageal ganglion. (After Snodgrass; much enlarged.)
All the Orthoptera have biting mouth-parts, and bite off and chew their
food, which is usually live vegetable matter, especially green leaves,
although the members of one family are predaceous, preying on other insects,
and those of another family prefer dried vegetable or animal matter. The
metamorphosis is incomplete, the young, when hatched, resembling the parents
except for small size and lack of wings. The young have the same feeding
habits and same haunts as the adults, and by development and growth the
Fig. 156. The immature stages of a locust, Melanoplus jemnr-riibriim. a, just hatched,
without wing-pads; b, c, d, and e after first, second, third, and fourth moultings
respectively, snowing appearance and development of wings; /, adult, with fully
developed wings. (After Emerton.)
wings and parental stature are soon acquired. The name of the order is
and katydids, all with long thread-like antennae; and Gryllidce, the crickets.
The three silent and walking or running families are the Blattida?, cock-
roaches; Mantidae, praying-horses and soothsayers; and Phasmidae, walk-
ing-sticks or twig-insects. These families can be distinguished by the follow-
ing table:
Mrs. Smith takes it amiss when you ask permission to collect "roaches"
in her house, and will prove to you any day the conspicuous absence of these
unwelcome guests in the scrubbed and spotless pantry and kitchen. But
with a candle go stocking-footed at night into the same kitchen and you
will not unlikely find "good hunting." Although but few of the thousand
different kinds of cockroaches known in the world are to be found in the
United States, these few, and particularly three or four imported foreigners
among them, are very abundant, and, after dark, very much in evidence in
their favorite habitat. Their chosen abiding-place is in kitchens, pantries,
laundries, restaurants, bakeshops, etc., where the atmosphere is warm
Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets 127
and humid and the roach's table is well set with good things. Almost any
sort of dry organic matter suits their taste; bread, crackers, miscellaneous
cold-lunch delicacies, the paste of bookbindings and wall-paper, leather,
woolens, and even their own egg-cases and cast skins making up the dietary.
The fo'k'sel and galley of ships are the roaches' special joy; the hotels and
restaurants of tropic and subtropic lands house swarms of these bill-evadino-
guests. From Mazatlan, Mexico, a naturalist sent me quarts of large native
American roaches {Periplaneta americana), which he readily scooped up
from his bedroom floor. Ships come into San Francisco from their lon<?
half-year voyages around the Horn with the sailors wearing gloves on their
hands when asleep in their bunks in a desperate effort to save their finger-
nails from being gnawed off by the hordes of roaches which infest the
whole ship. A few of our species still live outside under stones and old
logs, but most of them have learned that an easier life awaits them in the
The roaches compose the Orthopterous family Blattidae, and are an
ancient and persistent insect group. In Carboniferous times, before flies,
butterflies, bees, and wasps had come into existence, cockroaches were
the dominant insects. The body in all is flattened and slippery with the
legsadapted for quick running, so that the insects are well fitted to escape
narrow cracks and crevices. The head is concealed from above
safely into
by the expanded shield-shaped dorsal wall of the prothorax (pronotum).
Wings are present in most species, the front pair
leathery and serving, when the wings are folded, to
cover and protect the larger, thin, membranous
hind pair. In some forms the females are wingless,
and the indoor habit may be held responsible for
the lessened usefulness and resultant loss of the FlG - x 57- — £gg-case of
its range north from its native region in Mexico and Central America. The
Australian roach, Periplaneta australasia, resembles P. americana, but is
darker in ground color, a quarter of an inch shorter, and has a conspicuous
yellow submarginal band running around the shield-shaped pronotum.
Each fore wing has also a strong yellow tapering bar in the basal part of
the region.
costal It came originally from the Australian Pacific region,
and now spread widely over the world, being common in this country
in Florida and other southern states. The most abundant and destruc-
tive house-roach in the eastern states is the small German cockroach,
Ectobia germanica (Fig. 158), about half an inch long, and pale yellowish
brownish with a pair of distinct black longitudinal stripes on the pro-
notum. This roach is often called croton-bug, from its intimate asso-
bottle; and the first course of a square meal has come to him who waits
and watches. Other names, as rearhorse, camel-cricket, and soothsayer,
have been given the mantis, all suggested by the attitude and curious body
make-up of the creature. The prothorax is long and stem-like, the head
broader than long, with protuberant eyes, and the fore legs are not used
for locomotion, but are large, strongly spined, and fitted for seizing and hold-
ing the prey. The wings are short and broad and usually rather leaf-like
in coloration and texture, the whole insect when at rest resembling somewhat
a part of the plant on which the mantis ordinarily stands. The window-corner
is a new and unnatural locale for the insects, but the abundance of prey here
Grande and Gulf coast regions. All the species are carnivorous, and
undoubtedly do much good in making away with many noxious insects. In
i8qq some specimens of the common European praying-mantis, Mantis
religiosa (Fig. 161), were found in and
near Rochester, N. Y. They had
probably been accidentally imported
into this country in nursery stocks from
France. As this species seems able
to live farther north than our native
species, Professor Slingerland is laud-
ably trying to establish it in our coun-
try. He takes care of a colony, and
is distributing many of the egg-cases
over the entire country. All the man-
tids lay their eggs in curious masses
(Figs. 162 and 163), covered with a
quickly drying tough mucus. These
egg-cases are attached to branches and
plant-stems in the fall, and the young
hatch in the following summer and
soon grow (moulting several times
and developing wings) to full stature,
which for our most common native
species, Stagmomantis Carolina, is
plications to their Gods." And he says again: "They resemble the Diviners
in the elevation of their hands, so also in likeness of motion; for they do not
sport themselves as others do, nor leap, nor play, but walking softly, they
retain their modesty, and shewes forth a kind of mature gravity. ... So
divine a creature is this esteemed, that if a childe aske the way to such a
place, she will stretch out one of her feet, and shew him the right way, and
seldome or never misse." Piso in his works states that mantids "change into
a green and tender plant, which is of two
hands' breadth. The feet are fixed into
the ground first ; from these, when neces-
sary, humidity is attracted, roots grow out
and strike into the ground; thus they
change by degrees, and in a short time
become a perfect plant."
Almost everywhere that mantids occur,
strange superstitions are held concerning
them. Most of these ascribe some degree
of sanctity to them, and to kill them
maliciously is considered sinful. Cowan
says that "theTurks and other Moslems
have been much impressed by the actions
of the common Mantis religiosa, which
greatly resemble some of their own attitudes
of prayer. They readily recognize intelli-
gence and pious intentions in its actions,
and accordingly treat it with respect and
attention, not indeed as in itself an object
of reverence or superstition, but as a fel-
low worshipper of God, whom they believe
that all creatures praise with more or less
consciousness and intelligence. Other su-
perstitions with respect to the Mantis are
current: when it kneels it sees an angel
in the way, or hears the rustle of its wings;
when it alights on your hand you are about
to make the acquaintance of a distin-
guished person; if it alights on your head,
a great honor will shortly be conferred FlG l6 4- - —The walking-stick, Diaphc-
romera iemorata.
• •
injures you m
any way,
which it does but seldom, you will lose a valued friend by calumny.Never
kill a Mantis, as it bears charm against evil." monkish legends
teli us, says Slingerland, that St. Francis Xavier, seeing a Mantis moving
132 Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets
along in its solemn way, holding up its two fore legs as in the act of devo-
tion, desired it to sing the praise of God, whereupon the insect carolled
forth a fine canticle!
More amazing than the Mantids for modification of form and appear-
ance away from the usual insect type are the members of the family Phas-
midae. The only representatives of this family in the United States are
the walking-sticks, or twig insects (Fig. 164), of which half a dozen genera,
with from one to three species each, have been recorded. The only one
of these genera which is found in the East is Diapheromera, of which D.
jemorata is the common species. Our other Phasmids are found in the
West or extreme South. All of our species are wingless and are generally
sluggish in movement, and depend for protection largely on their amazingly
faithful resemblance in shape and color to twigs, and on their capacity to
emit an ill-smelling fluid from certain glands on their prothorax. Diaphero-
mera jemorata (Fig. 164) feeds on the leaves of oaks, walnuts, and probably
other trees. It drops its hundred seed-like eggs loosely and singly on the
ground, where they lie through the winter, hatching irregularly through
the following summer. Some may even go over a second winter before
hatching. Femorata may be either brown or green; so it frequents dead
or leafless, or live and green-leaved parts, according to the correspondence
of its body color with the one or the other of these environments. The long,
slender, wingless body, the thin, long legs held angularly, and the harmonizing
body color, all serve to make the walking-stick well-nigh indistinguishable
when on the twigs.
at rest
In tropic and subtropic countries the Phasmids are numerous (over 600
species are known) and present other striking resemblances to the details
of their habitual environment. A conspicuous and perfect example of
resemblance is the green leaf-insect Phyllium (PI. XIII, Fig. 2), whose wings,
flattened body, and expanded plate-like legs, head, and prothorax, all bright
green and flecked irregularly with small yellowish spots, like those made
by the attacks of fungi on live leaves, combine to simulate with wonderful
effect a green leaf.
Tibiae with a groove at tip to receive the base of the tarsi when bent upon them.
Antennae with less than twenty segments, and much shorter than the fore femora.
Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets 133
Antenna- with many segments, and longer than the fore femora.
Mesothorax twice as long as prothorax Anisomorpha.
Mesothorax no longer than prothorax TlNEMA.
Tibia; without groove at tip, as above described.
Hind femora with one or more distinct spines on the median line of the under side
near the tip Diapheromera.
Hind femora without such spines.
Head, especially in female, with a pair of tubercles or ridges on the front between
the eyes Sermyle.
Head without such tubercle or ridges Bacunculus.
One day in early summer of the Centennial Year (1876) the people all
over Kansas might have been seen staring hard with shaded eyes and serious
faces up towards the sun. By persistent looking one could see high in the
air a thin silvery white shifting cloud or haze of which old residents sadly
said, "It's them again, all right." Now this meant, if it were true, that,
far from being all right, it was about as wrong as it could be for Kansas.
"Them" meant the hateful Rocky Mountain locusts, and the locusts meant
devastation and ruin for Kansas crops and farmers. In 1866 and again
in 1874 and 1875 the locusts had come; first a thin silvery cloud high over-
head sunlight glancing from millions of thin membranous fluttering
wings and then a swarming, crawling, leaping, and ever and always
busily eating horde of locusts over all the green things of the land. And
the old residents spoke the truth in that summer of 1876. It was "them,"
uncounted hosts of them, and only such patriotic farmers as had laid by
money for a rainy day or a grasshopper year could visit the Centennial
all locusts are migratory or appear in such countless swarms as
thisinvader from the high plateau of the northern Rocky Mountains. In
South America another locust species, larger than ours, has similar habits;
having permanent breeding-grounds on the great plateau at the eastern
foot of the Chilean Andes and descending almost every year in swarms on
the great wheat-fields of Argentina. And in Algeria and Asia Minor occurs
the migratory locust of the Scriptures, a still other and larger species. But
of the 500 (app.) locust species, members of the family Acridiidae, which
are known in the United States but three or four can be fairly called
will move slowly on, walking and hopping for many miles, eating every
green weed and grass-blade in their path, but this is only a limited and
local sort of migration.
Almost all the Acridiidae, despite the many species in the family, are
readily recognizable as locusts
or grasshoppers — short-horned
grasshoppers they may be called,
to distinguish them from the
meadow green grasshoppers with
long thread-like antennae —because
of their general similarity in ap-
pearance and habit. The body
Fig. 165. —Locust from lateral aspect (left wings f J
removed), showing (ao.) auditory organ. IS rather robust, the head is set
(Natural size.) with its long axis at right angles
with the axis of the body, so that the mouth with its strong biting and
crushing jaws is downwards (Fig. 165); the antennae are never
as long as the body and are composed of not more than twenty-five
segments; the prothorax is covered laterally as well as dorsally by its large
saddle-like horny pronotum, which projects so as also to cover and protect
from the sharp grass-blades the soft thin-walled neck and the equally
thin-walled suture between prothorax and mesothorax; the abdomen is
broadly and closely joined to the metathorax, and
in the female ends in a short and strong ovipositor
composed of four horny pointed pieces; the hind
legs are much larger than the others and fitted
for leaping, and the fore wings, called tegmina,
are narrow and straight-margined, and serve
specially to cover and protect the much larger
thin membranous hind wings, which are plaited
and folded like a fan when the locust is at rest.
The sounds or stridulation of locusts are
made in two ways. When at rest certain species
draw the hind legs up and down across the wing-
covers so that numerous fine little ridges on the
inner surface of the broad femora are rasped FlG l66 ._ Locust impalcd on
across a thickened and ridged longitudinal vein thorn by shrike (butcher-
bird) ( Natural size -)
on the outer surface of the wing-covers. When -
in flight certain locusts rub or strike together the upper surface of the
front edge of the hind wings and the under surface of the fore wings
or tegmina. This produces a loud, sharp clacking which can be heard
for a distance of several rods. The loudest "clacking" of this kind
Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets 135
circular clear window-like spots (Figs. 165 and 55). These are thin places
in the body- wall serving as tympana; on the inner face of each is a small
vesicle, and from it a tiny nerve runs to a small auditory ganglion (nerve-
center) at one side of the tympanum. From this auditory ganglion a nerve
runs to the large ventral ganglion in the third thoracic segment. Similar
auditory organs are found in the other singing Orthoptera, the crickets and
katydids, but situated in the front legs instead of on the back.
136 Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets
The life-history of all our locusts is, in general characteristics, very similar.
The eggs are deposited in oval or bean-shaped packets enclosed in a glutin-
ous substance. They are usually laid just below the surface of the soil,
but in some cases are simply pushed to the ground among the stems of
grasses, while a few locust-species thrust them into soft wood. The strong,
horny ovipositor at the tip of the abdomen is worked into the ground, the
four pieces separated, and the eggs and covering mucous material extruded.
The eggs in a single mass number from twenty-five to one hundred and
twenty-five, varying with different species, and the females of some species
lay several masses. The different species also select different times and
places for egg-laying, some ovipositing in the fall and some in the spring,
while some select hard, gravelly, or sandy spots or well-traveled roads, and
others choose pastures and meadows and the uncultivated margins of irriga-
If the eggs are laid in the fall, the more usual case, they do not hatch
until the following spring. The young hoppers are of course wingless, very
small, and pale-colored, but they have the general body make-up of their
parents, with the biting mouth and long-leaping hind legs. They push
their way above ground and feed, as do the adults, on the green foliage of
grasses, herbs, or trees, and in two or three months become full grown and
mature, having moulted five or six times during this growth and developed
wings. The wings begin to appear as minute scale-like projections from
the posterior margins of the back of the meso- and meta-thoracic segments,
and with each moulting are notably larger and more wing-like in appear-
ance. During all this development the wing-pads are so rotated that the
hinder wings (always underneath the fore wings in the adult locust) lie out-
side of and above the fore wings (Fig. 156).
The family Acridiidas includes in the United States about 500 species,
representing 107 genera. These genera are grouped in four subfamilies
as follows:
Pronotum back over the abdomen nearly or quite
(dorsal wall of prothorax) extending
to its tegmina (fore wings) short and scale-like
tip; Tettigin.e.
Pronotum not extending back over abdomen or only slightly; tegmina usually well
developed (sometimes short or wanting).
Presternum (ventral aspect of prothorax) with a prominent thick conical or cylindrical
spine Acridiin^e.
Prosternum not spined (sometimes a short, oblique, inconspicuous, obtuse tubercle).
Face very oblique Tryxalin^e.
Face nearly or quite vertical CEdipodin.e.
Fig. —The
168. lesser migratory locust, Melanoplus atlanis, female. (After Lugger;
natural size indicated by line.)
Fig. —The
169. differential locust, Melanoplus differential is, female. (After Lugger;
natural size indicated by line.)
hand to feed the millions of young which hatched each spring. So, after
exhausting the scanty wild herbage of their breeding-grounds, and develop-
ing to their winged stage, hosts of locusts would rise high into the air until
they were caught by the great wind-streams bearing southeast, and, with
parachute-like wings expanded and air-sacs in the body stretched to their
fullest, would be borne for a thousand miles to the rich grain-fields of the
Mississippi Valley. As far east as the middle of Iowa and Missouri and
south to Texas these great swarms would spread; and once settled to ground
and started at their chief business, that of eating, not a green thing escaped.
First the grains and grasses; then the vegetables and bushes; then the
leaves and fresh twigs and bark of trees! A steady munching was audible
over the doomed land! And this munching was the devouring of dollars.
Fifty millions of dollars were eaten in the seasons of 1874-76 alone.
Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets 139
Remedies there were practically none; when the summer hosts laid
their eggs in theground for the one generation that could be reared in the
invaded land, these eggs could be plowed up, a remedy that is used with
much success in the far western locust-infested states; also when the wingless
voung "hoppers" appeared in the spring they could be crushed by heavy
Fig. 172. —
The emarginate locust, Schistocerca emarginata, male. (After Lugger; nat-
ural size.)
Fig. 173. —The pale-green locust, Hesperotettix pratensis, female. (After Lugger;
natural size indicated by line.)
Fig. 174. —
The short-winged locust, Stenobotkrus curtipennis, female. (After Lugger;
natural size indicated by line.)
Fig. 175. —
The sprinkled locust, Chlcealtis conspersa, male. (After Lugger; natural size
indicated by line.)
killed every year, and for those that are left there is food enough and to spare
in the great grain-fields of the northwest plains.
The genus Mekmoplus, to which the Rocky Mountain locust belongs,
is the largest of all our Acridiid genera, one hundred and twenty species
found in the United States belonging to it. Of these species a very common
one all over the country is the red-legged locust, Melanophts jcmur-rnbrum
(Fig. 167), which is about one inch long, with olivaceous brownish body,
clear hind wings and brownish fore wings that have an inconspicuous
longitudinal median series of black spots in the basal half (these spots
Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets 141
sometimes wanting). The hind tibiae are normally red (sometimes yellow-
ish),hence the name, although these red hind legs are common to many
other locust species. The lesser migratory locust, M. atlanis (Fig. 168),
is a species same size and appearance which sometimes
of about the
appears in great swarms and does much injury to crops. The largest
species of the genus is M. differ entialis (Fig. 169), over an inch and a half long,
with brownish-yellow body, fore wings without spots, and hind wings clear.
It is common in the Southwest, where, in company with M. bivittatus (Fig.
pale-yellowish stripes extending from the head across the thorax and along the
folded wing-covers nearly to their tips, it often becomes sufficiently abundant
to do serious injury. These two species are always to be found commonly
in western Kansas, and bivittatus ranges far to the north, being one
of Minnesota's destructive species.
Among the other genera of the subfamily Acridiime Schistocerca is con-
spicuous because of the large size and wide distribution of its species. The
American americana (Fig. 171), measures three inches from head
locust, S.
to tips of tegmina, with reddish-brown body and a longitudinal yellowish
strip extending along the head, thorax, and closed tegmina nearly to their
142 Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets
tips. The tegmina are opaque and reddish at base, subtransparent dis-
tally; the great hind wings are clear and transparent. This locust is com-
mon in the South, where it sometimes assumes a migratory habit and
becomes very injurious to crops. The leather-colored locust, S. alutaceiim,
with dirty brownish-yellow body and paler stripe on top of head and thorax,
Fig. 179. —The coral-winged locust, Hippiscus tubercidatus, female. (After Lugger;
natural size indicated by line.)
semi-transparent tegmina, and clear transparent hind wings, and the rusty
locust, S. rubiginosum, with light dust-red body and opaque tegmina, are
the common eastern representatives of this genus. Both are large and
striking forms.
The subfamily Tryxalinae includes a number of locusts distinguished
by the sharp oblique sloping of the face, and in some cases by the much
prolonged and pointed vertex (region of the head between the eyes). In
the East the short- winged locust,
Stenobothrus curtipennis (Fig. 174),
recognizable by
its short
wings, yellow under-body, and prom-
inent yellowish hind legs with black
knees, is a common example of this
group. It likes to hide among tall
grasses, where its sprightly tumbling
Fig. 180.— Young coral-winged locust, and dodging usually save it from
Hippiscus tubercidatus. (After Lugger; cap ture despite its poor flving
natural size indicated by line.) *
. 7 , . ,
leaping powers. I he sprinkled
locust, Chloealtis cons persa (Fig. 175), is an abundant species through-
out the East. It is light reddish brown sprinkled with black spots,
and has pale yellowish-brown tegmina with many small dark-brown spots,
the wings being clear; it is about three-fourths of an inch long. The
males have the sides of the pronotum shining black. This locust lays its
eggs in rotten stumps or other slightly decayed wood. Blatchley discovered
a female in the act of boring a hole for her eggs in the upper edge of the
topmost board of a six-rail fence. One of the most grotesque of all the
locusts is a member of this subfamily named Achurum brevipenne. The
body is very long and thin, measuring an inch and a half in length by one-
tenth of an inch wide in the broadest part; the head is pointed and pro-
jects far forwardand upward, the face being very oblique. The wings
are short and the body color brown. Comstock found this locust quite
common in Florida on the "wire-grass" which grows in the sand among
the saw-palmettoes, and "so closely did their brown linear bodies resemble
dry grass that it was very difficult to perceive them." So the grotesqueness
has its use.
Fig. 181. Hippiscus tigrinus, female. (After Lugger; nat. size indicated by line.)
containing twenty-four genera and about 140 species. Almost all the familiar
locusts with showy colored hind wings belong to this subfamily. One
of the commonest species all over the United States and Canada is the
Carolina locust, Dissosteira Carolina (Fig. 178), easily recognized by its
black hind wings with broad yellow or yellowish-white margin covered with
dusky spots at the tip. Its body color is pale yellowish or reddish brown,
and it measures 1^-2 inches in length. It flies well; the males have the
habit of hovering in the air a few feet above the ground and making a loud
— .
femora are green and there is a broad green stripe on each wing-cover;
the other form is dusky brown all over; both are about 1 inch (male) to 1
inches (female) long, and have a distinct sharp little median crest on the
Fig. 188.— Barren-ground locust, Spharagemon bolli, male. (After Lugger; natural size
of male 20-22 mm., of female 27-33 rnm.)
Fig. 189. Spharagemon collare, race scudderi, male. (After Lugger; natural size in-
dicated by line.)
Fig. 190.— The long-horned locust, Psinidia jenestralis, male. (After Lugger; natural
size indicated by line.)
Fig. 191. Circotettix verruculatus, male. (After Lugger; natural size indicated by line.)
thorax to the abdomen and more or less covers it. In some species the
pronotum actually extends beyond the tip of the abdomen. The head is
deeply set in the prothorax, the prosternum being expanded into a broad
border which nearly covers the mouth. As all the grouse-locusts are dark-
colored and without any conspicuous markings, and choose for habitat the
dark ground along streams and ponds, or swampy meadows, they are
tion and slight markings, and harmonize thoroughly with the soil on which
they habitually live. They feed on lichens, moulds, germinating seeds,
and sprouting grasses, and are said to eat
surface mud and muck containing or largely
consisting of decaying vegetable matter. The
eggs are laid in a pear-shaped mass in a
Fig. 197. Tettix ornatus. (After h inch, and with the narrow pointed pronotum
Lugger; natural size indicated extending beyond the abdomen. This species
by line.)
hibernates among rubbish and loose bark, but
Fig. 198. Paratettix cucullatus.
(After Lugger; natural size is more or less active on warm winter days.
indicated by line.) through the rest of the year
It is plentiful all
on its feeding-grounds. T. ornatus (Fig. 197) is a shorter, more robust
species, and is marked with black spots' and indefinite yellow blotches as
Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets 149
indicated in the figure. In the genus Tettigidea the antennae have from
15 to 22 segments, while in Tettix they have only 12 to 14 segments. Tet-
tigidea lateralis (Fig. 195) is a common species yellowish brown in color,
more yellowish underneath. It is rather robust and the pronotum extends
beyond the tip of the abdomen.
Included in the family Locustidae are katydids, meadow grasshoppers,
cave-crickets, wingless crickets, western crickets, Jerusalem crickets, and
what not, but no locusts. The general reader of natural history should
always keep clearly in mind the
made by natu-
sharp distinction
between "scientific" and
these singers among the leaves of some neighboring tree, never a note of
explanation will he get. The beautiful, finely veined wings folded close
over the body keep the secret hidden, and the long antennae, looking like
threads of living silk, will wave airily above the droll green eyes as much
as to say, 'Wouldn't you like to know?'"
150 Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets
The katydids are rather large, almost always green insects that live in
trees and shrubs, where they feed upon the leaves and tender twigs, some-
times doing considerable injury. With almost all the other Locustids,
they will also take animal food if accessible, and some of the ground-
inhabiting forms undoubtedly depend largely on animal substances for
food. The color and form of the wing-covers and body serve to make them
nearly indistinguishable in the foliage, and as they do not flock together
in numbers, they are not frequently seen. Their love-calls or songs, how-
ever, make the welkin ring at night from
midsummer coming of frost. Few
until the
katydids sing by day: it would bring their
enemies, the birds, down on them; but as
twilight approaches, the males begin their
shrilling, which is kept up almost constantly
till daylight. Like the sound-making Acri-
diids the musical Locustids have a pair of
special auditory organs, or ears, for hearing
these love-songs. These ears are tympanal
organs situated one in the base of each fore
tibia (the Acridiid ears are on the upper
part of the first abdominal segment), and
consist of a thin place in the chitinized
body-wall tympanum), a resonance-
chamber inside, and a special arrangement
of nerves and ganglia. There are several
genera of these Locustids, corresponding to
the distinctions popularly made under the
vernacular names narrow- winged, round-
winged, angular-winged, oblong leaf-winged,
and broad-winged katydids. The true
katydid is one of the last-named forms,
Fig. 200. —
Broad-winged katydid, the commonest and most wide-spread species
Cyrtophyllus concavus, male. being Crytophyllus concavus (Fig. 200).
(After Harris; natural size.)
It is bright dark-green, and is rarely
distinguished when at rest in the foliage, although familiar to all from its
and the most familiarly known of all. The best-known species, M. retinervis,
is over 2 inches long (from head to tip of folded wings) the overlapping ;
dorsal parts of the wing-covers form a conspicuous angle with the lateral
parts, hence the name "angular-winged." The ovipositor of the female is
very short, strongly curved, and with a bluntly pointed, finely serrate tip. The
song of M. laurijolium (Fig. 203) is said to sound like tic repeated from
eight to twenty times, at the rate of four a second. which each The eggs, of
female lays from 100 to 150 in the fall, and long-
are grayish brown, flat,
oval, about \ inch long by \ inch wide, and are glued in double rows along
twigs or on the edges of leaves (Fig. 199). I have found them on thorns
of the honey-locust, and Howard once received "a batch from a western
correspondent which was found on the edge of a freshly laundried collar
which had lain for some time in a bureau drawer." The rows are side by
side, and the flat eggs overlap each other in their own row. The young
hatch in spring and, slowly growing, moulting, and developing wings, reach
full size and maturity by the middle of the summer.
and zigzag, and when pursued they will take to the lower branches of trees,
especially oaks if near by. The males sing somewhat in daytime as well
as at night, and have different calls for the two times. The females lay
their eggs in the edges of leaves, thrusting them in between the upper and
lower cuticle by means of their flattened and pointed ovipositor.
While almost all katydids are green, a few exceptions are known.
Scudder has found certain pink individuals belonging to a species normally
green. In mountain regions a few species of gray- or granite-colored katy-
Fig. 207. —The sword-bearer, Conocephalus ensiger, female. (After Lugger; nat. size.)
dids are known, the color here being quite as protective as the green of the
lowland forms, for these mountain species alight to rest on the granite rocks
of the mountainside. I have found these granite katydids in the Sierra
Nevada of California.
54 Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets
are laid usually in the stems or root-leaves of grasses, or the pith of twigs.
The color is usually green, but a few are light reddish brown. The song
of the males is faint and soft, and is made by day as much as by night.
hke remnants of wing-covers. These latter kinds can sing because the parts
retained are the sound-producing bases of the wing-covers. The genus
Fig. 214. Diestrammena marmorata, male; a Japanese locust species found in Minnesota.
(After Lugger; natural size.)
Ceuthophilus (Figs. 213 and 215) includes the various species of stone,
or camel, crickets found all over the country, recognizable by their thick,
smooth, wholly wingless, brownish body with arched back and head bent
downwards and backwards between the front legs. They are nocturnal,
and during the day hide under stones or logs along streams or in damp woods.
The individuals of a species which live in the burrows of certain turtles in
Florida are called "gophers." Perhaps the commonest species, extending
from New England to the Rocky Mountains, is the "spotted wingless grass-
156 Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets
hopper," C. maculatus (Fig. 213), with sooty brown body dotted with
pale spots. Some of the wingless Locustids are found in caves, and these
much reduced. One of these cave-crickets,
are either blind or have the eyes
Hadamucus common in the larger caves of Kentucky, where
subterraneus, is
it may be found creeping about on the walls. Garman states that it speedily
dies when removed from the cave. The genus Atlanticus comprises dull-
Fio. 218. —The western cricket, Anabrus purpurascens, male. (After Lugger; nat. size.)
colored species with the pronotum extending like a shield back over the
base of the abdomen, and although the hind wings are wanting, rudimentary
wing-covers are present, and in the males carry a circular stridulating organ.
These are called "shield-backed grasshoppers"
and are to be found in dry upland woods and on
sloping hillsides with sunny exposure. The two
common species in the East and the Mississippi
Valley are A dorsalis, with pronotum well rounded
Fig. 219.
Fig. 21Q. —The western cricket, Anabrus purpurascens, female. (After Lugger; nat-
ural size.)
Fig. 220. —The Jerusalem cricket, Stenopelmatus sp. (Natural size.)
Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets 157
broad shovel-like fore feet, and still other curious Lugger; natural size in-
little wingless pygmies that live as guests in ants' dicated by line.)
nests. But the house- and field-crickets represent the more usual or we
might say normal and typical kind of Gryllid;
the others are modifications or offshoots of this
type, both in habit and structure. In ail the
antennae are long and slender (except in the
burrowing forms, longer than the body), the hind
legs long and thickened for leaping, and the
ovipositor, when exserted and visible, long, slender,
subcylindrical and lance- or spear-like. Well-
developed wings and wing-covers are present in
most species, and the males are provided with a
very effective stridulating organ on the bases of
To sing, the males lift their wing-covers at an angle of about 45 over the
back, and strongly rub together the bases. Their chirping is made either
in the daytime or night, and is a love call or song for their mates. We have
several common crickets in dwellings, one, Gryllus domestiats (Fig. 223)
being the European house-cricket, the "cricket on the
hearth," which is becoming at home here, being espe-
cially met With in Canada. It is pale brown and less
than an inch long. Gryllus luctuosus and G. assimilis
are two native crickets which are common in houses;
they are black with brownish-black wing-covers, larger
and mpre robust than domesticus, and with the folded
wings projecting backward beyond the wing-covers like
pointed tails. These house-crickets are most active
at night, and seem to have a taste for almost any
food-product in the house. They will eat each other
when other food is scarce. If they become so nu-
merous in the house that they need to be got rid of,
unusually short, reaching but half-way to the end of the abdomen. The
slender ovipositor is as long as the
body, and the hind femora are very
thick and have a red spot at the
base on either side. The life-history
young from beneath logs in late autumn and in midwinter. The field-
of day," says Blatchley, "he ventures forth as soon as darkness has fallen,
in search of food, and allappears to be fish which comes to his net. Of
fruit, vegetables, grass, and carrion he seems equally fond, and does not
ing their food, but wherever the grass has been cropped
short,whether on shaded hillside in the full glare of striped ground -
the noonday sun along the beaten roadway, mature speci- cricket, Nemobius
jasciatus; form vit-
mens may be seen by hundreds during the days of early tatus, female. (After
autumn." They are powerful jumpers and readily evade Lugger; about
twice natural size.)
attempts to capture them. They feed on living vegetation
and on all kinds of decaying animal matter, and because of
their abundance and voracious appetite must do much
damage at times. Scudder gives the following account of
the singing of the wingless striped cricket, Nemobius vittatus
cricket, (Ecantheus niveus (Fig. 226), common all through the East and
Middle West. These crickets differ much from the better known robust,
about one-half inch long, slender, and the long wing-covers are so held,
when the insect is at rest, that the back (including the wing-covers) is widest
behind and tapers forward to the
small narrow head. The body is
less common.
as wide in broadest part as their length,
Occasionally one finds on the ground, or more likely
in digging, a curious
light velvety brown insect about an inch and a half long, with
the fore feet much widened and strangely resembling those, of the common
strange and unlike that of any
mole, and altogether having an appearance
burrowing, or mole, cricket, which burrows beneath
other insect. This is a
in search of such food as the tender roots of plants, earthworms,
the soil
Its eyes are also like those of the mole,
and the larvae of various insects.
much reduced, being nearly lost, and as this cricket crawls rather than
leaps, the hind or leaping legs are not so disproportionately larger than the
others as in the above-ground crickets. The males make a sharp chirping
loud enough to be heard several rods away. The common species, called
the northern mole-cricket, Gryllotqlpa borealis, has the wing-covers less than
half the length of the abdomen, while the wings extend
only about one-sixth of an inch beyond them. A less
The most aberrant of all the crickets are the tiny flat and broad-bodied
species of the genus Myrmecophila, which live as commensals or mess-
mates in the nests of ants. They are found only in ants' nests, have no
compound eyes, and the hind femora are much swollen and enlarged.
1 62 Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Crickets
The semi-parasitic life which they lead has resulted in such a change of
habits that their body ismodified very far from the normal cricket type.
The commonest species is Myrmecophila nebrascensis, about -^ inch long,
shown in Fig. 232.
Formerly included in the order Orthoptera, the earwigs are now recog-
nized as entitled to distinct ordinal rank, and the thirty or more genera in
the world, of which but six occur in the United States,
are held to constitute the order Euplexoptera. This
order is closely related to the Orthoptera, although the
insects themselves look more like beetles.
Wwhen we
say it
are likely to
of as
mean any
a professed student of insects,
— and
— he
bug which
moths and butterflies, the two-winged flies, and the ants, bees, and wasps.
Most of the true bugs are small, and obscurely, or at least inconspicuously,
colored, and few of them attract that attention necessary to gain popular
The order Hemiptera includes over 5000 known species of North
American insects, representing a large variety and a great economic impor-
tance; some of the most destructive crop pests and most discomforting insect-
scourges of man and the domestic animals belong to this order. The
chinch-bug's ravages in the corn- and wheat-fields of the Mississippi Valley
offer effective evidence to the dismayed farmers of the workings of a dis-
pleased Providence; the tiny sap-sucking aphids and phylloxera and insig-
164 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
Fore wings with basal half thickened and parchment-like, apical half thin
and membranous; the four wings lying flat on the back when folded,
the membranous tips overlapping; sucking-beak arising from the
front part of head, and the head usually separated from the pro-
thorax by a more or less distinct neck Heteroptera.
Key to Families of the Homoptera (includes both Nymphs and Adults).
(Adapted from Woodworth.)
Proboscis seeming to rise from the middle of the sternum, or proboscis wanting; insects
than 3 inch long.
Hind femora much larger than other femora (Jumping plant-lice.) Psyllid^e.
Hind femora not much larger than the others.
Legs long and slender (Plant-lice.) Aphidiid^j.
Legs short, or wanting.
Feet of one joint, or wanting (Scale-insects.) Coccid.e.
Feet of two joints (Mealy wings.) Aleyrodid^e.
Proboscis plainly arising from the head.
With three ocelli, sometimes (nymphs) with large front tibiae and no wings.
(Cicadas.) CicadidjE.
With two ocelli or none, and the front tibiae not enlarged.
Antennas inserted on head below the eyes (Lantern-flies.) Fulgorid^:.
Antennae inserted in front of and between the eyes.
Prothorax extending back over the abdomen. .(Tree-hoppers ) . Membf.acid.iE.
history of the same interest as the extraordinarily long duration of the adoles-
cence of the seventeen-year cicada. That a single one of the 300,000 and
more known species of insects should have a period of development from
egg to adult of more than sixteen years, while this period in all other insects
varies from a few days to not more than three years comparatively few —
insects live, all told, more than a year — is perhaps the most striking excep-
tional fact in all insect biology. The other members of the family
Cicadidse, to which this insect belongs, have, as far as known, an immature
life of but one or two years. But few species of cicadas, dog-day locusts,
harvest-flies, or lyremen, as they are variously called, occur in this country
— they are more abundant in subtropic and tropic countries but their —
large, robust, blunt-headed body, their shrill singing and their wide dis-
tribution make them familiar insects.
In summer and fall the piercing,
rhythmic buzzing of the cicadas comes
from the trees from early morning
till twilight. The song, unlike that
of the katydids and tree-crickets, is
about i^ inches long, black, banded with red on the abdomen, and with
bright red eyes and the veins of both wings red at the base and along the
front margin. The females lay their eggs in early summer in slits which
1 68 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
they cut with the sharp ovipositor in the twigs of various trees, in this
often doing much damage to The young hatch
orchards and nurseries.
in about six weeks and drop to the ground, where they burrow down through
cracks and begin their long underground life. They feed on the humus
in the soil and, to some extent, on juices sucked from the tree-roots. They
grow slowly, moulting probably four or six times at intervals of from
two years to four years. In spring or early summer of the seventeenth
year (thirteenth in a race in the southern states) they come above ground,
and, after hiding for a while under stones and sticks, crawl up on the trunks
of trees and there moult for the last time, the winged adult emerging and
soon flying into the tree-tops. The various broods or swarms in this country,
about twenty in number, are known, and the territory occupied by each
has been mapped, so that it is possible for entomologists to predict the
appearance of a swarm of seventeen-year cicadas in a particular locality
at a particular time. As all the members of one of these swarms issue in
the same season, and indeed in the same month or fortnight, they usually
attract much attention. The broods to issue in the next few years are the
following: a large one in 1905 in the northern half of Illinois, eastern part
of Iowa, southern part of Wisconsin, southern edge of Michigan, and northern
and western edge of Indiana; a scattered one in 1906 ranging, not contin-
uously, from Massachusetts south and west through Long Island, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky,
Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and northern Georgia; and a large
one in 1907, ranging from central Illinois southand east to the Gulf and
A considerable number of small insects, often seed-like in shape, or
with the thorax prolonged into odd horns, spines, or crests, are included
in the families of tree-hoppers (Membracidae) and lantern-flies (Fulgorida')
(Fig. 237). Striking members, large and bright-
colored, of this latter family are found in the
South American tropics, but the North American
species are small, and are rarely seen or collected
Fig. 2 ^7. a fulgorid, Stobera by amateurs. Among the commonest of our forms
tricarinata.(After Forbes; are the candle-heads, species of Scolops, small
natural length A inch.) . ,. . , , , .,, ., 1 j
insects living on grass and herbage, with the head
bearing a long slender upcurving projection. The tree-hoppers (Mem-
bracidae) almost all suggest small angular brownish seeds or thorns in shape
and color. The prothorax is sometimes widely expanded, sometimes
lengthened so as to cover nearly the whole body, sometimes humped or
crested, sometimes spined or pitted. The unusual form is probably pro-
tective, making the insects simulate seeds or other plant structures. The
species of Enchenopa (Fig. 239) are curiously horned. E. binotata is common
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 169
D ,1V
Fig. 23S. Fig. '39- Fig. ?40.
FlG. 238. —The black-backed tree-hopper, Arthasia galleata. (After Lugger; natural
length inch.)
Fig. 239. —A tree-hopper, Enchenopa gracilis. (Three times natural size.)
Fig. 240. — A tree-hopper, Senilia camelas. (Three times natural size.)
them, and by making slits in the twigs to lay eggs in. It is about \ inch
long, light grass-green with whitish dots and a pale yellowish streak on
each side. On the front there are two small sharp processes jutting out one
on each side from the prothorax, and suggesting a pair of horns, hence
the name. It is common on apple and many other trees from the middle
of summer until late in the autumn. The eggs are laid in pairs of nearly
parallel and slightly curved slits. The young hatch in the spring following
Walking over our lawns or through pastures and meadows we often
startle from the grass hundreds of small, usually greenish, little insects that
leap or fly for a short distance, but soon settle again in the herbage. Nearly
all these smi.ll and active insects are sap-sucking leaf-hoppers, of the family
Jassida?, one of the largest and most injurious of the Hemipterous families.
It is stated by careful students of these grass-pests that from nearly one-
fourth to one-half of all the grass springing up annually is destroyed by
leaf-hoppers. Professor Osborn estimates that over one million leaf-hoppers
can and often do live on an acre of grass-covered ground. These insects
are rarelymore than \ inch long, and most of them are nearer half of that.
The body is more slender than in the tree-hoppers, and is usually widest
across the prothorax or a little behind it, tapering back to the tip of the
folded wings. The head is more or less triangular, as seen from above,
and the face is oblique, sloping back to the base of the fore legs. The
family is a large one, containing many species, of which several are well
170 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
belief that the spittle is that of tree-frogs — are small flattish, brownish or
grayish insects about J inch long which occasionally occur in sufficient
numbers to do some injury to grapes,
cranberries, or pasture grasses. A grape
frog -hopper, Aphrophora 4-notata, has
brown wing-covers with three blackish
spots on each; another found on grapes
in the east, A. signoreti, is tawny brown
clouded with dull white and thickly dotted
with black spots; the cranberry spittle-
berry and other trees. The best-known and most destructive member of
the family is the pear-tree flea-louse, Psylla pyricola. This is a minute
insect measuring only TV inch long to tip of folded wings, but it often occurs
in such large numbers in pear-orchards in the northeastern and northern
states as to destroy extensive orchards. The eggs are orange-yellow and
laidon the leaves, each egg having a lash-like process projecting from it.
The young is broad and fiat and yellow in color, growing brownish as it
grows older. The adults hibernate in crevices in the bark and come out
in spring to lay their eggs. The pests can be killed by spraying the trees
with kerosene emulsion (see p. 189), immediately after the leaves have
expanded in the spring.
A very important and very interesting family is that of the Aphidiidae,
the plant-lice or aphis-flies 244 and 245). The species, of which
there are many, are all small, \ inch being a rarely attained maximum
length. The most familiar representatives of the family are the tiny,
172 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
eaten in spring 10 and summer by .
gramineum, wingless.
3, young nymph; C, older
eager predaceous insects, such as lady- nymph. (After Pergande; much en-
bird beetles, certain syrphid-fly larvae larged.)
Weed as follows: "It winters over on the twigs in the egg state. Early
in spring the young aphids hatch and crawl upon the bursting buds, insert-
ing their tiny sap-sucking beaks into the tissues of the unfolding leaves.
In a week or ten days they become full-grown and begin giving birth to
young lice, that also soon develop and repeat the process, increasing very
rapidly. Most of the early spring forms are wingless, but during June
great numbers of the winged lice appear, and late in June or early in July
they generally leave the cherry, migrating to some other plant, although
we do not yet know what that plant is. Here they continue developing
throughout the summer, and in autumn a winged brood again appears and
migrates back to cherry. These migrants give birth to young that develop
into egg-laying females which deposit small, oval, shining black eggs upon
the twigs."
The point of all this is plainly that in the aphids there must be recog-
nized an unusual and, to them, very advantageous adaptive plasticity of both
structure and function. Defenceless as are the aphid individuals as far
as capacity either to fight or to run away is concerned, the various aphid
species are,on the contrary, very well defended by their structural and physi-
ological plasticity and their extraordinary fecundity.
The two secretions, wax and honey-dew, play an important part in the
aphid life. The wax secreted or excreted through various small openings
scattered over the body is, of course, liquid when first produced, but quickly
hardens ; the total waxy secretion appears usually as a mass of felted threads
or "wool," and doubtless is an important protection for the delicate body.
The honey-dew, long supposed to be secreted through two conspicuous
tubular processes on the dorsal surface of the posterior end of the abdomen,
is now known to be an excretion from the intestine, issuing in fine droplets
or even spray from the anal opening. From
the so-called "honey-tubes"
which little is known. It is
issues another secretion, not sweetish, about
common knowledge, however, that the aphid honey-dew is a favorite food
of ants— the Germans call it the ants' "national dish" —and many accounts
have been written of the care of by the ants them-
plant-lice, the ants' cattle,
selves.Without question there is some basis of fact for these stories. No
more evidence of this is needed than the careful observations of Professor
Forbes of the extraordinary care of the corn-root louse by the little brown
ant,Lasius brunneits, of the Mississippi Valley corn-fields (see p. 545 for an
account of this). The feeding by ants on the fresh honey-dew can be readily
observed in almost any garden (Fig. 247), and undoubtedly the mere presence
in the aphid neighborhood of such redoubtable warriors as the ants is a
strong deterrent of various predaceous insect enemies of the plant-lice.
But most of the stories of ants and aphids printed in popular natural-history
books need to be tested bv careful observation.
176 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
has deservedly the widest notoriety. First made known in 1853 by Fitch from
specimens found in New York, it was soon discovered to be well scattered on
wild vines over the eastern United States. "It was introduced into the
south of France before 1863, upon rooted vines sent from America;
though the insect itself was not found and described there until 1868.
The infection commenced
two points: one in the southeast in Gard,
the other in the southwest near Bordeaux. In 1868, when the nature of
the pest was understood, it had already invaded considerable areas. The
Fig. 248. —
The grape-phylloxera. In upper left-hand corner an egg from which a male
has issued, next an egg from which a female has issued; in upper right-hand corner
winter egg; at left hand of middle row a just-hatched young, next a male (note
absence of mouth-parts); at right end of middle row, female; lower figure, winged
form. (After Ritter and Rubsaamen; much enlarged.)
two areas first attacked gradually enlarged until they touched about the
year and the insect began to spread northward. By 1884 about
2,500,000 acres, more than one-third of all the vineyards of France, had
been destroyed and nearly all the rest were more or less affected. The
progress of the disease in parts of southern France was so rapid that in some
towns vine-stumps became the principal fuel. Since 1884 the pest has
continued to spread with somewhat less rapidity in France, partly because
the most densely planted vineyard districts had already been devastated,
but also because elsewhere its progress was retarded by quarantine and
other restrictive measures. No remedies yet discovered, however, are
capable of exterminating the pest; and to-day there is no vine-grow-
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 177
1874; by 1880 vines had been killed by phylloxera in three counties and
hundreds of acres had been pulled up in the famous Sonoma Valley.
Since then the pest has spread, according to Bioletti, to all the important
grape-growing regions of central and northern California, and probably not
less than 30,000 acres of vineyards have been destroyed.
The phylloxera appears normally in four forms: (1) the gall form, living
in little galls on the leaves, and capable of very rapid multiplication (this
form rarely appears in California) ; (2) the root form, which is derived from
individuals which migrate from the leaves to the roots, and which, by its
piercing of the roots, sucking the sap, and producing little quickly de-
caying tubercles on the rootlets, does the serious injury; (3) the winged
form, which flies to new
and vineyards and starts new colonies; and
finally (4) the sexual forms, male and female, which are the regenerat-
ing individuals, appearing after several agamic generations have been
The life-history of the pest has been described as follows by Bioletti:
"Some time during the summer, usually in July or August, some of the eggs
laid by the root-insects develop into insects of slightly different form, called
nymphs. They are somewhat larger than the normal root form and show
slight protuberances on the sides, which finally develop into wings. These
are the winged or colonizing insects, which emerge from the soil and,. though
possessing very weak powers of flight, are capable of sailing a short distance,
and if a wind is blowing may be taken many rods or even miles. Those
which reach a vine crawl to the under side of a leaf and deposit from three
to six eggs. These eggs are of two sizes, the smaller of which produce males
and the larger females. The female, after fertilization, migrates to the
rough bark of the two-year-old wood, where she deposits a single egg, called
the winter egg, which remains upon the vine until the following spring.
The insect which hatches from this egg in the spring goes either to the young
leaves and becomes a gall-maker, or descends to the roots and gives rise to
a new generation of egg-laying root-feeders. The normal and complete
life-cycle of the phylloxera appears then to be as follows: Male and female
insects (one generation in autumn); gall-insects (one to five generations
while the vines are in leaf); root-insects (an unknown number of genera-
tions throughout the year); nymphs, which become winged insects (one
generation in midsummer). The gall stage may be omitted, as it generally
is in California, and the insects which hatch from the fertilized eggs laid by
178 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
hatched young of the root form moves about freely, but when it reaches
the egg-laying stage it becomes fixed.
The chief injury to the vine is not sap-drinking, but the decaying or
"cancer" of the roots caused by the punctures and tubercle forming (Fig.
249). It usually takes two or three years for phylloxera to kill a vine, but
the results of the infestation are shown each season in the increasingly reduced
growth of the new wood and in the lessened bearing. Suspected vines
should be dug up and the rootlets carefully examined for tubercles and
the insects themselves. The remedies, unfortunately, are either expensive,
difficult, or severe. If a vineyard can be submerged for six weeks under
at least six inches of water, the insects will be killed (by suffocation). Car-
bon disulphide can be put into the soil among the roots by an injector at
a cost of from ten to twenty dollars an acre. " This method succeeds only
in rich, deep, loose soilsand cannot be successfully used in soil containing
much clay or on dry rocky hillsides."Finally, most severe but most effec-
tive is the digging up of the whole of an infested vineyard and replanting
resistant vines. "A resistant vine is one which is capable of keeping alive
and growing even when phylloxera are living upon its roots. Its resistance
depends on two facts: first, that the insects do not increase so rapidly on
its roots; and second, that the swellings of diseased tissue caused by the
punctures of the insects do not extend deeper than the bark of the rootlets
and are sloughed off every year, leaving the roots as healthy as before.
The wild vines of the Mississippi States have evolved in company with the
phylloxera, and it is naturally among these that we find the most resistant
forms. No vine is thoroughly resistant in the sense that phylloxera will not
attack it at all; but on the most resistant the damage is so slight as to be
imperceptible. The European vine, Vitis vinijera L., is the most suscep-
tible of all, and all the grapes cultivated in California, with a few unimportant
exceptions, belong to this species." But the preferred French stocks can
be grafted on to resistant American roots and the vineyard made practically
immune. This is the method which has rehabilitated the French vine-
yards and is now rehabilitating the California ones.
Another very important aphid pest of this country is the woolly
apple-aphis, called in England and in Europe the American blight. This
species, like the phylloxera, appears in different forms and lives both above
ground on the twigs and larger branches and underground on the roots.
It makes itself conspicuous and readily recognizable by the abundant fluffy
waxen "wool" which it secretes. Badly attacked trees have the bark of
their branches badly "cankered" and the roots covered with excrescences,
and may die. The injuries are almost always severe, and the pest is one
difficult to eradicate. If but few trees in an orchard are attacked, it is best
to dig them up and burn them. The bark can be thoroughly sprayed or
180 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
spring, when coming of the first warm days they crawl up the tree
at the
and out to the budding tips of the twigs. Here they begin sucking sap and
at the same time secreting waxen "wool." In a week or so they become
mature and begin giving birth to living young, and hereafter during the
autumn and summer agamic generation after generation is. produced. With
the oncoming of cold weather the last generation crawls down to the ground
to seek winter quarters. No sexual forms of this species have yet been
Among the gall-forming aphids, one of special interest, because of the
strange character and abundance of its galls, is the cockscomb gall-louse,
Colopha ulmicola. Elm-trees infested by this aphis develop on the upper
side of the leaves narrow, erect, blackish galls irregularly toothed along
the top, and suggesting a cock's comb sufficiently to warrant the common
name. These aphids secrete much honey-dew, noticeable on sidewalks
under the trees and on the leaves, and in this honey-dew where it covers
the galls and leaves grows a blackish fungus.
Of all the families of the Hemiptera, probably the most important from
the economic entomologist's point of view is that of the Coccidas, or scale-
insects, and from the point of view of the biological student, also, no other
is more interesting and suggestive. More nearly on a footing with the
Coccids than any other Hemiptera are the Aphididas, just studied, but the
scale-insects are even more specialized in curious and unusual ways, both
as regards structure and physiology. In the more specialized scale-insects
the females are quiescent in adult life, as well as in part of the immature
life,and their fixed bodies are very degenerate, lacking both organs of loco-
motion and of orientation, viz., eyes, antennas, wings, and legs. The family
is a large and widely distributed one, numbering about 1450 known species
in the world, of which 385 occur in the United States, but almost all are
small and obscure and so foreign in appearance to the usual insect type
that but few others than professional entomologists and the harassed fruit-
growers ever recognize them as insects. Most of us have often had oppor-
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 181
tunity to make easy acquaintance with one or two species at our breakfast-
tables; the flattish, nearly circular little red-brown spots, or the more
ovate blackish spots, which are occasionally to be seen on carelessly packed
oranges are scale-insects and excellent examples of the extreme of degen-
erate, quiescent type. The adult male scale-insects, unlike the females,
are winged but a single pair) and have eyes,, an-
(although possessing
tennae, and enough, no mouth-parts nor mouth-opening,
legs, but, strangely
so that they can take no food and must necessarily have but a few hours or
perhaps days, at most, of life. And they are much more rarely seen
than the females. Indeed, of many scale-insect species the males are not
yet known, it being possible that in some species there is no male sex at
China,— was c
made known to , ,
Fig. 2 so. —
San Jose scale on bark of fruit-
tree / (After Slingerland; natural size.)
science, and named, by Prof J. H. Com- .
had been brought to California is not known, but at the time of its naming
by Professor Comstock it was already recognized by California fruit-growers
as a serious pest, and Comstock wrote: "From what I have seen of it I think
it is the most pernicious scale-insect known in this country." In August,
1893, ^ was found to have got a footing in the east, and since then no other
injurious insect — indeed hardly all others together —has received such con-
stant and excited attention as has this obscure little pest. It is found now
in every state and territory of the Union, and in Canada as well, and in
thirty-five states has been the subject of hurried and only partly well- —
advised legislation. This legislation has been directed toward restricting
its spread by (a) quarantining it at the states' borders, and (b) inspecting
orchards and nurseries for it within the state and attempting to stamp it
i 82 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
grayish, irregularly circular scales of varying size (Figs. 250 and 251), the
large stones (about ?V inch diameter) being the adult females and the smaller
ones being the immature individuals
of both sexes. These circles are thin
waxen plates, bearing one or more (de-
pending on the age of the individual)
faintly yellowish concentric inner cir-
cles or plates (the inner one usually
blackish and like a tiny nipple) which
are the moulted exuviae of the scale.
When the plant is badly infested the
scales lie thickly together, even overlap-
ping, and forming a sort of grayish
scurf over the smooth bark. By rubbing
or crushing this scurf a yellowish oily
liquid issues from the injured bodies.
If a scale be tipped over with a pin-
point, there will be found underneath
it a delicate flattened yellowish sac-like
Fig. 251. — The San Jose Aspi-
scale, creature, the insect itself (Fig. 252).
diotus pemiciosus, females and young,
If adult, this degenerate female will be
on bark of fruit-tree. (From living
specimens; at left, natural size; at seen (by examination with magnifier)
right, considerably enlarged.) to have no distinct head, no eyes nor
antennae, no wings nor legs. It does have a long, fine, flexible, thread-like
process projecting from near the center of under side; this is the suck-
* The following long quotation is made from Howard and Marlatt's "The San Jose
Scale " (Bull. 3, N. S., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric, 1896).
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 183
in the form of very minute white fibrous waxy filaments, which spring from
all parts of the body and rapidly become more numerous and dense. At
first the orange color of the larva shows through the thickening downy white
envelope, but within two days the insect becomes entirely concealed by the
white or pale grayish-yellow shell or scale, which now has a prominent central
nipple, the younger ones often possessing instead a central tuft. The scale
is formed by the slow matting and melting together of the filaments of wax.
During the first day the scale appears like a very microscopic downy hemi-
sphere. The matting of the secretion continues until the appearance of
down and individual filaments is entirely lost and the surface becomes
smooth. In the early history of the scale it maintains its pale whitish or
grayish-yellow color, turning gradually darker gray, the central nipple
remaining lighter colored, usually throughout development.
"The male and female scales are exactly similar in size, color, and shape
until after the first moult, which occurs twelve days after the emergence of
the larva. With this moult, however, the insects beneath the scale lose all
resemblance to each other. The males (Fig. 252, a) are rather larger than
the females, and have large purple eyes, while the females have lost their
eyes entirely. The legs and antennae have disappeared in both sexes. The
males are elongate and pyriform, while the females are almost circular,
amounting practically to a flattened sac with indistinct segmentation,
and without organs, except a long sucking-bristle springing from near the
center beneath. The color of both sexes is light lemon-yellow. The
scales at this time have a decidedly grayish tint, overcast somewhat with
"Eighteen days from birth the males change to the first pupal condition
(propupa), and the male scales assume an elongate oval, sometimes slightly
curved shape, characteristic of the sex, the exuvia or cast larval skin show-
ing near the anterior end. The male propupae are very pale yellow, with
the legsand antennae (which have reappeared) together with the two or three
terminal segments colorless. Prominent wing-pads extend along the side
. . .
of the body.
"The femaleundergoes a second moult about twenty days from the
larva. At each moult the old skin
splits around the edge of the body, the
upper half adhering to the covering scale and the lower forming a sort of
ventral scale next to the bark. This form of moulting is common to scales
of this kind.
"The covering scales at this stage are of a more purplish gray, the por-
tion covering the exuviae inclining to yellowish. The male scales are more
yellowish than the female. The effect of the sucking of the insects is now
quite apparent on the young growth, causing the bark to assume a pur-
plish hue for some distance around the central portion, contrasting strongly
184 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
with the natural reddish green of the uninjured bark. With the second
moult the females do not change materially from
their former appearance, retaining the pale-yellow
color with a number of transparent spots around
the edge of the body. The sucking-bristles are
extremely long, two or three times the length of the
body of the insect.
insect with long feelers and a single anal style projecting from the end of
the body; orange in color, with a faintly dusky shade on the prothorax.
The head is darker than the rest of the body, the eyes are dark purple, and
the antenna?, legs, and style are smoky. The wings are iridescent with
yellow and green, very faintly clouded.
"Thirty days from birth the females are full grown and the embryonic
young may be seen' within their bodies, each enclosed in a delicate mem-
brane. At from thirty-three to forty days the larvae again begin to make
their appearance.
"The adult female, prior to the development of the young, measures
one millimeter in length and a little less in breadth, and is pale yellow with
transparent spots near the margin of the body (Fig. 252).
"The length of a generation is determined by the female, and, as shown
by the above record, covers a period of from thirty-three to forty days. Suc-
cessive generations were followed carefully throughout the summer, and
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 185
it was found that at Washington four full generations are regularly developed,
with the possibility of a partial fifth generation. On a number of potted
trees a single overwintered female was left to each tree. After the full
progeny of this individual had gone out over the tree all were removed
again, except one of the oldest and fertilized females. This method was
continued for each generation throughout the breeding season. Some
interesting records . . . were thus obtained, which indicate the fecundity
of the females as well as the number of generations."
From these records it may be fairly estimated that an average of 200
females (in addition to about as many males) are produced by each female,
and that there are four generations each year in the latitude of Washington,
D. C. Thus the product of a single overwintered female in a single year
amounts to 3,216,080,400 male and female descendants. This total is,
segmented condition of the body (typical of normal insects) and are capable
of locomotion throughout life; they secrete wax usually in the shape of white
cottony filaments or masses with which they cover the body more or less
secrete no wax, but have the body-wall of the dorsum strongly chitinized,
and usually very convex, so that it forms
m a strong rigid protecting shell; finally the
females of the third (and largest) group are
the so-called armored scales, which in the
adult stage are degenerate creatures without
distinct body segmentation, without antennas,
eyes, and legs, thus being incapable of
locomotion; they form a flattish or convex
dorsal scale of secreted wax and of the cast
skins or exuviae of the body.
In all the groups the males (Figs. 252 and
253) are very different in appearance from the
females, being minute fly-like creatures with
Fig. 253. —
The fluted or cottony a single pair of wings, a pair of long antennae,
cushion-scale, Icerya pitrchasi, and a plump, soft, little body, usually
winged male and wingless
terminating in a single needle-like process or
female with fluted waxen egg-
sac (es). (After Jordan and in a pair of long waxen hairs. Males are
Kellogg, much enlarged.)
not yet known for some of the species.
Familiar examples of the first group are the mealy-bugs (Dactylopius sp.)
from Australia for this very purpose. In 1868 some young orange-trees
were brought to Menlo Park (near San Francisco) from Australia. These
trees were undoubtedly infested by the fluted scale, which is a native of
Australia. These scale immigrants throve in the balmy California climate,
and particularly well, probably, because they had left all their native enemies
far behind. By 1880 they had spread to the great orange-growing districts of
southern California, five hundred miles away, and in the next ten years
caused enormous loss to the growers. In 1888 the entomologist Kcebele,
recommended by the government division of entomology, was sent at the
expense of the California fruit-growers to Australia to try to find and send
back some effective predaceous or parasitic enemy of the pest. As a result
of this effort, a few Vedalias were sent where they were zeal-
to California,
ously fed and cared for, and soon, after a few generations, enough of the little
beetles were on hand to warrant trying to colonize them in the attacked
orange-groves. With astonishing and gratifying success the Vedalia in a
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 187
very few years had so naturally increased and spread that the ruthless scale
was definitely checked in its destruction, and from that time to this has
been able to do only occasionally and in limited localities any injury at all.
Fig. 254. —
The fluted scale, Tcerya purchasi, attacked by the Australian ladybird-beetle,
Vedalia cardinalis. In lower left-hand corner a Vedalia which has just issued from
its pupal case. (From life; upper figure slightly enlarged; lower figure much
Of the second group, the best-known scales are the various species of the
genus Lecanium (Fig. 256). Of these, the olive or oleander or black scale,
L. olece, as it is the most widely distributed and abundant
variously called, is
tree and also one of the worst of the orange enemies. It has certain natural
enemies in the persons of various ladybird-beetle species, and a few special
ladybird-beetles have been imported from Australia and elsewhere in the
hope of repeating the signal Vedalia success. Only a fair measure of suc-
cess has been achieved. An indirect but serious injury caused to plants
by the black scale is due to the germination in the honey-dew secreted by
it of the spores of a fungus, Capnodium sp., which spreads its felted mycelia
over the leaf-surfaces, closing the breathing-pores (stomata) and thus truly
suffocating the plant. Although this scale species has been known for a
century and a half, the males have
been seen but few times and in but
few places. Another familiar member
of this group, which secretes a distinct
white waxen egg-sac, is the maple-
scale, Pulvinaria inniimerabilis (Fig.
255), common on map'es in the
eastern states.
Of the third group, that of the
most specialized (degenerate) scales,
the pernicious scale, already fully
described, may be taken as a shining
example. There is a host of these
armored scale-insects, and few trees or
shrubs escape their attacks. The various genera are mostly distinguishable
by the shape of the covering scale, but to determine the species exactly
requires, for many, careful examination, under high powers of the microscope,
of the minute chitinous processes which form a fine fringe along the posterior
margin of the last abdominal segment. To make this examination it is
necessary to remove the female from under her scale, and mount her cleared
body fiat in balsam or glycerine on a glass slide. An important species
in this group is the red orange-scale, Aspidiotus aurantii (Fig. 257), common
in orange-groves of southern California. A species very closely resembling
it is A. fiats, common in the Florida groves. On pine-needles one may
often note small, narrow elongate white waxen scales, with the smaller,
yellowish-brown exuviae at one end; these belong to the widely spread species
Chionaspis pinifolice. On apple-trees often occurs a roughened shining
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 189
little an oyster-shell
blackish narrow elongate curved scale, resembling a
in miniature; this is the sometimes serious apple-pest, Mytilaspis pomorum.
But we have no space to list
water enough to do it thoroughly, and during the process add the sulphur.
Boil one hour with water enough to prevent burning and until the mixture
becomes of a deep amber color. Dissolve the salt in water enough to do
it quickly and add slowly to the boiling mass. When all is thoroughly
mixed together and has actually boiled at least an hour add water enough
to make up 150 gals., and apply by spraying or washing
while hot. It
may be safely applied when the foliage is off to any fruit-tree, garden shrub,
or small fruit, and is a very effective "scale-killer." Of sprays for the leaves,
crude petroleum and kerosene emulsion are the best. For use, undiluted
crude petroleum should be entirely untreated and of specific gravity of 43
or over on the Beaume scale. Smith has used this oil safely on all ordinary
fruit-trees, but advises not applying it to peach-trees. At time of apply-
ing, the trees should be dry, the oil of a temperature not below 6o° Fahrenheit,
and the nozzles should throw a perpetual fine spray. Kerosene emulsion is
made by boiling % lb. of hard soap in 1 gal. of water and then adding 2 gals.
1 90 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
much like scale-insects and have the same general habits. Provided with
a delicate long sucking-beak, each individual remains fixed in one spot on
a green leaf, sucking up
its food, the plant-sap, as it needs it. The adults
which from the beautiful little cases have four rounded wings,
finally issue
pure white or with small dusky spots and golden yellow, finely beaded
margins; each wing has but a single vein, and is dusted with a granular
Tig. 260. —The California live-oak scale, Cerococcus ehrhorni. (Photograph by Rose
Patterson; natural size.)
and soon moult, losing at this time the legs and antennae. After a second
moulting, however, minute new legs and antennae are again to be seen, and
later the wing-pads appear, and wings, legs, and antennae develop and grow
apace; at a last moulting the insect leaves the protection of its beautiful little
case and flies away. Leaving the pupa-case is a slow and toilsome process,
the imago often struggling for hours before it is free and ready for flight.
This honey-dew is emitted from the tip of a little flap-like anal structure called
the lingula (Fig. 266). The sweet liquid honey-dew, when exposed to the
air, becomes thick and finally hardens. The spores of fungi often germinate
in the excreted honey-dew, and numerous ant-species collect it for food.
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 193
entomologist. Two special students of -y ^^^^^C :
the American species have published lists and descriptions of all the kinds
so far known in this country, namely, Quaintance (Bull. 8, Tech. Ser., Div.
Bemis (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 27, 1904), who has studied the Pacific
Coast forms. Mrs. Bemis found twenty hitherto unknown species of mealy-
winged flies in easy collecting
range of Stanford University,
and these twenty kinds added
to those already known make a
total of sixty different species so
far recorded from the United
States. There are certainly
many more species yet unde-
The mealy-winged flies have
some, though not a large, eco-
nomic importance. One or two
species, Aieyrodes vaporarioritm,
Fig. 267.—Pupa of Aieyrodes merlini, showing etc., are recognized as pests ill
long waxen tufts. (After Bemis; much en- greenhouses; one, A. citri,
is a
larged.) . , ,
pest of oranges, and another,
A. packardi, injures strawberry-plants. In all these cases probably as much
injury is done by the suffocating fungus growth that is supported by the
secreted honey-dew as by the direct sap-sucking of the Aieyrodes themselves.
Fumigation by hydrocyanic gas (see p. 189) is probably the best remedy
for the greenhouse and orange mealy-wings, and spraying with kerosene
emulsion (see p. 189) the best for the strawberry Aieyrodes.
Key to Families of the Heteroptera (includes both Nymphs and Adults).
(Adapted from Woodworth, with some Additions.)
in fully de-
^Forelegs very different from the others; wings when present
veins in the membrane bounding three
veloped condition with four long
from these cells diverge veins which i£^
discal cells, which are often
form several
marginal cells (Fig. 2 6S, 5 ) ... (Damsel-bugs.)
Nabid*. - OUX^
Antennae 5-segmented.
Body flat above. Pentatomid.*:.
uu h )
With few or no spines on the
(Burrower-bugs.) Cydnid*.
With rows of spines on the tibia,
Body strongly convex above.
straight behind.
Prothorax round in front and nearly
(Negro-bugs.) Corimel.enid.e.
(Shield-backed bugs.) Scutellerid.i,
Prothorax hexagonal
196 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
ing fore legs, piercing and sucking the blood of the unfortunate victim, yet
alive. Care should be taken in handling water-striders, as the sharp beak
Fig. —An ocean water-skater, Halobites
272. from near Galapagos Islands.
(Three times natural size.)
Fig. 273. —A marsh-treader, Limnobates (One and one-half times natural
lineata. size.)
can make a painful puncture. Some of them are winged and some wing-
less, and both kinds of individuals may belong to the same species. The
198 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
young are usually short-bodied, and of course wholly wingless or with small
wing-pads only. In late autumn the water-striders conceal themselves
in the mud beneath leaves or rubbish or at the bottom of the pool under
roots or stones to hibernate, coming out again with the first warm days of
spring. The whitish elongate eggs are laid in early spring, being attached
by a sort of glue to the leaves and stems of aquatic plants. Some species
have several generations each year. Water-striders are easily kept in
aquaria if the sides are high enough above water to prevent their leaping
out. In bringing them in from the pond covered pails should be used, or
they may be enclosed in any small dry receptacle not air-tight. They are
easily drowned if shaken about in a covered pail of water.
side, being held there by fine hairs which form a pile like that on velvet.
A supply of air is thus taken down by the bugs, which enables them to remain
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 1
for some time under water. Both kinds are attracted to lights, and may
often be seen in summer about outdoor electric lamps. The eggs of the
water-boatmen are attached to the submerged stems of aquatic plants, while
those of the back-swimmers are inserted in the stems, the female having
a sharp ovipositor for this purpose.In winter the adults lay dormant in the
mud bottom of ponds or streams.
at the
All the species of water-boatmen in the country belong to the genus
Corisa, while there are three genera of back-swimmers, Notonecta, with
hind legs longer than the others and fore wings but little longer than the
abdomen, being the most abundant and
wide-spread. Plea is a genus with all the
legs alike, while Anisops, the third genus,
has the wing-covers usually much longer
than theabdomen. The complete life-
history of no member of either of these
families of water-bugs is yet known, but it
ought not to be a difficult matter for some
persistent observer to add this needed
r ,-.
1*IG. 274. —A water-boatman,
knowledge to entomological science. Both sp. (After Jenkins and Kellogg;
water-boatmen and back-swimmers live twice natural size.)
will go whirling around the bright globe of light, casting large fleeting
shadows on the ground below. The giant in the pool's depth and the giant
in the giddy swarm at the light are one and the same, viz., the giant water-
bug or electric-light bug, a member of the family Belostomatidae. Most
of its life is passed in the water; it hatches from eggs deposited under water,
lives its whole immature life in the pool, and only comes out for a short flying
season to find mates or a new pool. The two largest species of this family,
both common in this country, are Belostoma americana (Fig. 275) and Benacus
griseus, distinguishable by the fact that
the former has a groove on each front
femur for the tibia to fit in when folded.
A smaller kind, more oval in shape, is the
commonest form on the Pacific slope.
This is Ser pints dilatatus, the toe-biter,
Fig. 275.
Fig. 275. —The giant water-bug or electric-light bug, Belostoma americana. (Natural
Fig. 276. —The western water-bug, Serphus sp. ; male with eggs deposited on its back
by female. (Natural size.)
beak with which a serious puncture can be made. They secrete themselves
beneath stones or rubbish, whence they dart out on their victims. A con-
siderable amount of poisonous saliva enters the wound made by the beak,
and probably aids in overcoming the prey. The larger species attack
young fish, seizing them with their strong grasping fore legs and sucking
their blood. They can do much injury in carp-ponds or in garden-pools
where fishes are kept for pleasure. The females of the species of the
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 201
smaller genera Serphns and Zaitha have the curious habit of gluing their
eggs upright, in a single layer, on the back of the unwilling male (Fig. 276).
For a long time it was believed, and is so stated in most entomological books,
that the female deposited the eggs on her own back, but it was discovered
by Snodgrass that the female Scr pints had no ovipositor capable of reach-
ing to her back, and by Miss Slater that the female Zaitha is in similar con-
dition. Miss Slater observed the egg laying by aquarium specimens. The
male struggles against the indignity, but is actually overcome by the female.
Another small aquatic family of few species is that of the Nepidae, or
water-scorpions. These dirty brown, stick-like insects can be distinguished
from other aquatic Hemiptera by the long slender respiratory tube, made
up of separable halves each grooved on its
inner face, which projects from the tip of
the abdomen. Rather sluggish in habit,
they lie at the bottom of a shallow pool and
lift this respiratory tube up so that its open
Fig. 277. —A water-scorpion, Ranalra fusca. (One and one-half times natural size.)
Fig. 278. —Eggs of the water-scorpion, Ranatrafusca. (After Pettit; enlarged.)
broad, and Ranatra (Fig. 277), with elongate slender body more than five
Fig. 279. —
The toad-bug, Galgulus oculatus. (Three times natural size.)
Fig. 280. —
Three toad-bugs, Galgulus oculatus, "coming on." (From life; three times
(natural size.)
legs. Toad-bugs vary in general coloration with the mud or soil they are
on, so as toharmonize with the ground color and thus be undistinguishable.
The shores of a small pond, Lagunita, on the campus of Stanford
University, vary much in ground color, three shades, namely, reddish, slaty
bluish, and mottled sand color, being the principal
ones, and toad-bugs collected from the banks of
this pond show very noticeably all these distinct
schemes of color. The shore-bugs (Saldida?) are
represented by but one genus, Salda (Fig. 281), of
thirty or more species, in our country. The insects are
about T3¥ inch long, smooth-bodied, and narrower than
the toad-bugs, blackish with white or yellow markings,
FiG. 281. —A shore-
bug, Salda sp. (Six and have long slender antenna?. They prefer stream
times natural size.) or pond banks which are weedy or grassy and offer
good hiding-places. They are common also on seabeaches. They feed
on drowned flies and other insects, from which they suck the blood. They
thus do some good as scavengers.
The preceding ten families include all of the aquatic and strictly shore-
insects, as small butterflies, bees, and wasps, much larger than itself.
hatch in about a week and the young become full grown in about three months
moulting five times during growth, but active and capable of "finding" for
themselves from birth. In the northern states there
is but one generation
small glands opening, in the adult, on the under side of the body. Another
species of Acanthia attacks chickens, pigeons, swallows, and bats, and
Lugger found this species, A hirundinis, or another similar one, attacking
in daytime the pupils in a school in western Minnesota. The best remedy
is the free application with a quill-feather of a saturated solution of corrosive
sublimate (Poison!) in alcohol to all cracks and crevices in infested bed-
steads, walls, floors, and ceilings. When bedbugs cannot be found hiding
in bedsteads in daytime and yet mysteriously appear every night, it is often
because they drop from the ceiling.
Fig. 28:
Fig. 285. —
The bedbug, Acanthia lectnlaria; young at left and adult at right. (After
Riley; natural size indicated by line.)
Fig. 286. —
A predaceous leaf-bug, Lyctocoris fitchii. (After Lugger, natural size
indicated by line.)
yellow, and die. When too many leaves wilt, the plant starves to death.
And if the leaves happen to be the corn-leaves, and the pumpers chinch-
bugs, we have the result estimated for us (by the official U. S. statistician) in
the Missis-
millions of dollars of loss, as in 1887, when this particular loss in
sippi Valley states was $60,000,000.
The eleven plant-feeding families of true bugs (Heteroptera) can be
Antennae 4-segmented.
Fore wings reticulated and of uniform thin substance throughout
wings of various forms or absent, but not reticulated, and not of uniform thin
substance throughout.
3-segmented; body greatly flattened Aradid.e.
Beak 4-segmented; body not greatly flattened.
Membrane two closed cells at base, but
(apical area) of fore wings with one or
otherwise without veins (Fig. 268)
wings with four or simple or anastomosing longitudinal
Membrane of fore five
veins arising from
veins arising from the base; or with a larger number of
a cross-vein at the base.
membrane of fore wings with two large and
cells at the base,
Ocelli wanting;
from these arise branching veins (Fig. 268) Pyrrhocorid;e.
Ocelli present.
of the ocelli Berytid,e.
Head with a transverse incision in front
Head without transverse incision.
Membrane of fore wings with four or five simple veins arising from the
to a
base of the membrane; the two inner ones sometimes joined
cell near the base (Fig. 268)
Membrane of fore wings with many usually forked veins springing from
transverse basal vein (Fig. 268)
Antenna? 5-segmented.
Scutellum nearly flat, narrowed behind.
fine short spines Pentatomid.e.
Tibia; unarmed or furnished with very
Tibiae armed with strong spines in rows
Scutellum very convex and covering nearly the whole of the abdomen.
Small, black (sometimes with bluish or greenish tinge)
Not black
The first of the families in the above table, the Tingitidae, includes the
by the delicate gauze-
curious small lace-bugs (Fig. 287), readily recognized
or lace-like appearance of the back, due to the uniform thin and
character of the fore wings and of the wing-like expansions of the
About twenty-five species are found in this country, all being plant-feeders,
living mostly on shrubs and trees. Hawthorn-bushes and oak-, sycamore-,
and butternut-trees all have particular species of lace-bugs on them. In the
208 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects \Y^
south cotton and beans are also attacked by lace-bugs. Xne most familiar
eastern species is the hawthorn lace-bug, Corythuca a&m+ri-, which is com-
mon on the leaves of hawthorn-bushes. The bugs keep almost exclusively
on the under side of the leaves. The eggs are laid in small groups on the
leaves, each egg being imbedded in a little bluntly conical mass of a brown
sticky substance which hardens soon after egg-laying and looks much like
a small fungus. The top of the glistening
white egg can be seen, however, by looking
down on one of these brown masses. The
young is broadly oval and flattened in shape,
brown and spiny, and moults five times in its
development. The torn, delicate, whitish
exuviae (cast skins) stick to the leaf. The
adults hibernate under the fallen leaves
on the ground beneath the bushes. In
California a similar lace-bug, Corythuca sp.,
(Fig. 287), infests the Christmas berry,
Heteromeles arbutifolia, a plant whose clusters
of bright red berries take the place in Cali-
Fig. 2S7. - lace-bug, Cory-
th uca sp the California fornian Christmas-tide decorations of the
Christmas berry, Heteromeles holly of the East. The eggs (Fig. 287) are
arbutifolia; at bottom, eggs on
small tubercles on leaf; above,
deposited in the same way as the hawthorn
just -hatched young, intermediate and the life-history is practically
stage, and adult. (Eight times
But because the California winter
the same.
natural size.)
is much less severe and the Christmas berry
is covered with green leaves all the year, active lace-bugs, young as well
like body make them very difficult to distinguish when at rest in their hiding-
places. The glistening white eggs are laid under the bark. The flatbugs
are often mistaken for bedbugs, as they are nocturnal and are often found
in log But they probably feed exclusively on plant-sap, being
especially attracted to mills and recently felled trees, where they suck up the
sap exuding from the cut or sawed logs. Aradus cinnamomeus (Fig. 288)
is about the same size as a full-grown bedbug and is reddish in tinge, so that
superficially it does much resemble a bedbug. But all the adult flatbugs
have wings, while all the bedbugs are wingless.
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 209
The flower-bug family, Capsidae, contains two hundred and fifty known
North American species, almost all of which, however, are small and incon-
spicuous. They mostly live in pastures, meadows, gardens, and along
roadsides, on the grasses, weeds, and herbaceous flowering plants of these
places, but some infest woody plants and a few species do much damage
to garden and orchard shrubs and trees. A few species are predaceous,
and Howard has seen one species sucking the eggs of the imported elm-leaf
beetle, a great pest of our elm-trees. The structural characteristic by which
they can most readily be distinguished from other bugs is the presence of
one or two closed cells and no longitudinal veins in the membrane (apical
half) of each fore wing (Fig. 268). When examined closely many of these
Fig. 288.— A
flatbug, Aradus cinnamomeus. (After Lugger; enlarged about six times.)
Fig. 289. —The tarnished plant-bug, Lygus pratensis. (Five times natural size.)
Fig. 20c. —The four-lined leaf-bug, Pcecilocapsus lineatus ; at right, eggs deposited in
plant-stem. (Figure of insect original, enlarged three and a half times; of eggs,
after Slingerland, and much enlarged.)
and under side of body orange-red, and four black stripes on the back, is
abundant in the east and north, and is known to attack at least fifty dif-
ferent kinds of cultivated plants. It is especially familiar as a currant-pest.
The eggs are deposited in slits cut lengthwise in plant-stems. The best
general remedy for these bugs is the jarring of branches of the bushes over a
dish partly filled with kerosene. Comstock says that the most abundant
flower-bug in the northeastern states is a small greenish-yellow species with
two longitudinal black stripes extending from the eyes over the prothorax
and scutellum. It is long (§ inch) and narrow (j^ inch), is found in the
grass in meadows, and its name is Leptoterna dolobrata. The injury done
by all Capsids is by the sucking of sap through small punctures and prob-
ably also, in some cases, the pouring of poisonous saliva into the plant-
tissues through the punctures. The attacked leaves or buds wilt, turn yellow,
and finally wither. One of the beneficial Capsids is the glassy-winged bug,
Hyaliodes vitripennis, a beautiful small yellowish-white insect with almost
transparent fore wings, with a dash across the apex of these wings, and pro-
thorax red. It feeds on other insects, and especially on the grape-phyl-
loxera in its leaf-inhabiting form. Lopidea media is an abundant yellowish-
red and black Capsid which has learned to like human blood. When it
common in meadows and thin woods, where it keeps half concealed under
fallen and twigs. In the south a small species, Pamera longida, \
inch long, dark brown with lighter brown on prothorax and fore wings, is
abundant, feeding mostly on meadow plants.
Among the many smaller species, the chinch-bug, Blissus leucopterus
(Fig. 293), is the best known and most important. It is found nearly all
2 1 2 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
over the United States and in Canada, but the great losses occasioned by
it occur mostly in the corn-growing states of the Mississippi Valley, where
it has been known as a pest since 1823. I have seen great corn-fields in
than a week, the little black and white bugs mass-
this valley ruined in less
ing in such numbers on the growing corn that the stalk and bases of the
leaves were wholly concealed by the covering of bugs. The chinch-bug
when adult is about ^ inch long, blackish with the fore wings semi-trans-
parent white and with a conspicuous small trian-
gular black dot near the middle of the outer margin.
The very young are red, but become blackish or gray
as they grow older. The bug is injurious in all
is highly probable if not certain that a third brood often appears in Kansas.
The chinch-bug, though winged, uses its powers of flight but little, and its
migrations from wheat- to corn-fields in July are usually on foot. The wings
are used to some degree at pairing-time.
The remedies for chinch-bug attacks include the gathering together in
winter of all rubbish, old corn-leaves, dead leaves, etc., in which the old bugs
hibernate, and burning it, which will destroy many parent bugs, thereby largely
lessening the spring brood. Disputing the entrance of the bugs into the
field, when migrating on foot, by plowing furrows around the field and
268), and the antennae arise from the upper side of the head. The squash-
bug, Anasa tristis (Fig. 294), ill-favored and ill-smelling, is a pest of squashes
and pumpkins all over the country.
It is brownish black above, with some
yellow spots along the edges of the
body, and dirty yellow below. It hiber-
nates in the adult stage, comes out in
early spring,and lays its eggs on the
young sprouts or leaves of squash- and
pumpkin-vines. The young hatch in
about two weeks and at first are green,
but soon turn brown and grayish.
They suck the sap from the growing Fig. 204. Fig. 295.
vine, and soon stunt them or even kill Fig. 294— A squash-bug, Anasa tristis.
ered with netting. After the plants get well started the bugs cannot injure
them so easily. The box-elder bug, Leptocoris trivittatus (Fig. 295), a con-
spicuous black insect with three bright-red broad lines on the prothorax
and the fore wings, with edges and veins of a more dingy red, has become
familiar with the increased planting of box-elder trees in gardens and streets.
In the Mississippi Valley and in the plains states these box-elders are much
used for shade and ornamental trees because of their hardiness, and with this
increased supply of trees the box-elder bugs have come to be very abundant.
In late autumn they gather under sidewalks and houses
or, often, in stables
to pass the winter, and have led many housewives to think a new and
enlarged kind of bedbug had come to town. The bug lives on the sap of
214 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
the trees until winter, and it does not care for much food while hibernating.
As its mouth is a sucking-beak, it cannot possibly injure hard and dry house-
hold substances, as some housewives claim. Another Coreid, not uncom-
mon, is the cherry-bug, Metapodius jemoratus, which punctures cherries to
suck the juice from them. It is dark brown with a rough upper surface,
and its hind femora are curved thick and knobby, while the hind tibiae have a
blade-like expansion. The leaf-footed plant-bug, Leptoglossus oppositus,
is a Coreid destructive to melon-vines, recognizable by the remarkable
leaf-like expansion of its hind tibiae. A similar leaf-footed species, Lepto-
glossus phyllopus, occurs in the south, where it attacks oranges and other
subtropical fruits.
Allied to the Coreidae is the family Berytidae, or stilt-bugs, of which but a
few species are known in this country. One of these, Zalysus spinosus,
is common all over the country east of the Sierra Nevadas. It is about \
inch long, very slender, and light yellowish and is foundbrown in color,
"in the undergrowth of oak woods." Its life-history is not known.
The remaining four families of true bugs are distinguished by their
possession of 5-segmented (instead of 4-segmented) antennae (with a few
exceptions) and by having the body broad, short, and flatly convex, — shield-
shaped it may then fairly be called, —or very convex or turtle-shaped. Almost
all of these bugs are exceptionally ill-smelling and have on this account
got for themselves the inelegant but expressive popular name of stink-bugs.
As a matter of fact the giving off of offensive odors is characteristic of most
of the terrestrial true bugs, the squash-bug, chinch-bug, and others being just
about as malodorous as the so-called stink-bugs.
Of these four families of shield-bodied bugs, one, the Pentatomidae, is
represented in this country by numerous species, but the other three con-
tain but one or two genera each. While most of the Pentatomids, or stink-
bugs, are plant-feeders, a few are blood-sucking, while some feed indifferently
on either animal or plant juices.more common Pentatomids
Several of the
are green, as the large green tree-bug,Nezara pennsylvanica, nearly f inch
long, flattened, with grass-green body margined with a light yellow line,
occurring in the fall on grape-vines and other plants; and the bound tree-
bug, Lioderma ligata, much like Nezara, but with broader body edging of
pale red and with a pale-red spot on the middle of its back, found
often abundantly on berries and hazel. Other common stink-bugs are
brown, as the various species of Euchistes. Still others are conspicuously
colored with red and black, as the abundant small species Cosmopepla car-
nijex, about \ inch long, shining black with red and orange spots, most con-
spicuous of which are a transverse and a longitudinal line in the back of
the prothorax. The best known and most destructive of these bizarre-
colored stink-bugs is the harlequin cabbage-bug, or calico-back, Murgantia
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 215
histrionica (Fig. 296), black with red or orange or yellow strips and
which has gradually spread from its native home in Central America to
allexcept the northern states of our country. It feeds on cabbages,
turnips, and other garden vegetables, and often does great damage in market-
Fig. "298— A stink-bug, Pentatoma juniperina. (One and one-half times natural size.)
and seed-gardens of the Santa Clara Valley. The adults hibernate, and in
the spring each female lays about twelve eggs in two parallel rows on the
are pale green,
under surface of the young leaves. The young bugs, which
grown. There can
hatch in three days, and in two or three weeks are full
thus be several generations in a season.
Among the predaceous or blood-sucking stink-bugs the species of the
destroy many
genus Podisus are especially common and effective. They
the most familiar species,
injurious insects. Podisus spinosus (Fig. 297),
projecting from
may be recognized by the prominent spine-like processes
the posterior lateral angles of the prothorax. The large gray tree-bugs
of the genus Brachymena with roughened spiny
back and grayish body-
color may be found resting on thebark of trees, with whose color and rough-
indistinguishable. They
ness they harmonize so thoroughly as to be nearly
the blood of other insects.
feed indifferently on either plant-sap or
shield-backed or stmk-
Representatives of the three other families of
collectors. The flea-like negro-bug,
bugs will be rarely found by general
very malodorous,
CorimeUena pulicaria (family Corimelaenidas), is a tiny,
and raspberries,
polished black species often abundant on blackberries
with which it often goes to market and even farther! The burrower-bugs
(family Cydnidae) have an oval rounded or elliptical blackish body with the
front legs more or less flattened and fitted for digging. They are found
burrowing in sandy places or under sticks or stones. They probably suck
the sap from plant-roots.
The members of the suborder Parasita are the disgusting and discom-
forting degenerate wingless Hemiptera known as lice. They live parasitic-
ally on the bodies of various mammals, the ones most familiar being the
three species found on man, all belonging to the genus Pediculus, and the
several species of the genus Haematopinus found on domestic animals, as
dogs, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Both these genera together with a few
others found on various wild animals, belong to the Pediculidae, the single
family of the suborder represented in this country. The only other family,
Polycterridae, contains but two species, both found on bats, one in Jamaica
and the other in China.
All the Pediculids are wholly wingless, have the mouth-parts fused to
form a flexible sucking-tube, and the feet provided with a single strong curved
claw which specially adapts them for clasping and clinging to hairs. The
Fig. 299.
Fig. 299. —
The bead-louse of man, Pediculus capitus. (After Lugger; natural size
indicated by line.)
Fig. 300. —
The body-louse of man, Pediculus vestimenti. (After Lugger; natural size
indicated by line.)
give a firm hold for the penetrating bristles arranged as chitinous strips in
a long, slender, flexible tube terminated by four very minute lobes which
probe to the capillary vessels of a sweat-pore." Of the three species of
Pediculus infesting unclean persons, P. capitus (Fig. 299), the head-louse,
is longer than wide, whitish with faint dark markings at the sides Of the
thorax and abdomen; P. vestimenti (Fig. 300), the body-louse, is of the
same shape and general appearance, but when full grown has the
dorsal surface marked with dark transverse bands; while P. inguinalis
(Fig. 301), the crab-louse, has the body as wide as long, with strong
legs spreading out laterally so as to increase the apparent width very
Fig. 301.- The crab-louse. of man, PlUhirius inguinalis. (After Lugger; much enlarged.)
Fig. 302.- Egg of crab-louse, Phtliirius inguinalis. (After Lugger; much enlarged.)
Fig. .
Sucking dog-louse, Hcrmatopinus piliferits Burm. (After Lugger; natural
size indicated by line.)
much. The eggs (Fig. 302), called "nits," of these lice are whitish and are
glued to the hairs (in the case of P. capitus) or deposited in folds of the
clothing (P. vestimenti), and the young, when hatched, resemble the parents
except in size. The wholelife is passed on the body of the host. The prime
remedy for these disgusting pests is cleanliness. Various sulphur and mercu-
rial ointments will kill the insects.
The lice of the domestic animals belong to a different genus, Haema-
topinus, but are very similar in appearance and structure to the head-lice
of man. H. pilijerus (Fig. 303), of dogs, is about T1T inch long, reddish
yellow, and with the abdomen thickly covered with fine hairs and minute
tubercles; H. eurysternus (Fig. 304), the short-nosed ox-louse, of cattle,
isfrom | inch to \ inch long, fully half as wide, with the head bluntly
rounded in front and nearly as broad as long; H. vitiili, long-nosed ox-louse,
2i 8 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
also of cattle, is about | inch long and not more than ^ as wide, with long
slender head, narrow in front; H. urius (Fig. 305), of hogs, is \ inch long,
being one of the largest of the sucking-lice, with broad abdomen and long
head, and gray in color, with the lateral margins of head, thorax, and abdo-
men black; H. pedalis, the sheep-foot louse, found only on the legs and
feet of sheep, below the long wool, has a short, wide head and same general
shape as the short-nosed ox-louse; H. asini, of horses, of about same size
as the short-nosed ox-louse, but with long and slender head with nearly
parallel sides; H. and with the
spinulosus, of the rat, small, light yellow,
head projecting very little in front of the antennae and the thorax very short;
H. acanthopus, of the field-mouse, resembling the rat-louse in color and
shape, but larger; H. ventricosus, of rabbits and hares, thick-bodied and
short-legged and with abdomen nearly circular; H. antennatus, of the
fox-squirrel, with long slender body and curious curved tooth-like process
on basal segment; H. sciuropteri, of the flying squirrel, with slender light-
yellow body, and head as broad as long, and with front margin nearly
straight; H. suturalis, of the ground-squirrels and chipmunks-, with short
broad golden-yellow body. The eggs of all these forms are glued to the
young louse escaping by the outer or unattached end
hair of the hosts, the
and immediately beginning an active blood-sucking life. The most effective
Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects 2 1
and feasible remedy in the case of thin-haired animals, as swine and horses,
is the application of a wash of tobacco-water or dilute carbolic acid, or of
an ointment made of one part sulphur to four parts lard, or kerosene in
lard, or of a liberal dusting with wood ashes
powdered charcoal; in the
case of thick-haired animals, as cattle, the best remedy is fumigation by
enclosing the animal in a sac or tent with the head left free, and burning
sulphur or tobacco inside the sack. One to two ounces of tobacco and
exposure of twenty to thirty minutes for each cow have been found effective.
cycle of this species is very short, requiring only twelve days. Eggs depos-
ited in the tissues of infested plants hatch in three days, the larvae are full-
222 Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, and Scale-insects
grown in five days, and the quiescent pseudo-pupal stage lasts four days.
The grass-thrips is the cause of the injury or disease ofmeadow and pasture
grasses known as "silver top" or "white top," a common trouble in the
northeastern states. The male sex seems to be wanting in this species, the
young all developing parthenogenetically.
and in most cases given specific ordinal rank. Thus we now consider the
May-flies to from an order, the stone-flies another, the dragon-flies still
another, and so on. There are left, grouped together as the order Neu-
roptera, seven families which possess the common characteristics of netted-
veined wings (numerous longitudinal and cross veins), mouths with well-
developed biting or piercing jaws (mandibles), and a development with com-
plete metamorphosis. Further than this little can be said to characterize
the order as a whole, and we may proceed at once to a consideration of the
various distinct families.
While most of the Neuroptera are terrestrial in both immature and adult
life, one family, the Sialidse, includes forms whose larvae are aquatic. There
are only three genera in the family, but all are fairly familiar insects to col-
lectors and field students. The adults of these genera can be distinguished
by the following key:
Fourth segment of the tarsus bilobed; no simple eyes (ocelli) Sialis.
Fourth segment of the tarsus simple, cylindrical; three simple eyes (ocelli).
Antennae with segments enlarged at the outer ends; hind corners of the head rounded.
Antennae with segments cylindrical; hind corners of the head with a sharp angulation
or tooth Corydalis.
Two species of Sialis occur in this country; they are called alder-flies,
or orl-flies. The smoky orl-fly, Sialis infumata, widely distributed over
this country, is a dusky brownish in-
larva crawls out of the water and at Fig. 309. —Larva (at right) and pupa (at
a orl - fl >r 'Siali * *»/«»" te
some distance burrows into the }<*} °[T "
little .
Fig. 310. —
The saw-horned fish-fly, Chauliodes serricornis, laying eggs.
(After a photograph from life by Needham; natural size.)
larvae live in wet places at the edge of water or in water close to the surface.
According to Needham they are perhaps oftenest found clinging to the under
side of floating longs or crawling beneath the loosened bark. They are
predaceous, feeding upon other aquatic insects. When ready to transform
they excavate a cell above the level of the water under a stone or log or layer
226 Nerve-winged Insects; Scorpion-flies; Caddis-flies
of moss or in a rotten log, in which they pupate, and from which the adult
fly issues in about two weeks.
The genus Corydalis (Fig. 311) is represented by a single species, C. cormita,
but it is such a conspicuous and wide-spread insect that it is probably the
best-known species in the whole order
Neuroptera. The adult fly is most com-
monly called "hellgrammite," while the
larvae (Fig. 312), much used by fisher-
men as bait, are known as dobsons or
crawlers. But other names are often
used. Howard lists the following array
of names, collected by Professor W. W.
Bailey, which are applied to the larva
in Rhode Island alone: dobson, crawler,
arnly, conniption-bug, clipper, water-
grampus, gogglegoy, bogart, crock, hell-
Fig. 311. —Dobson-fly, Corydalis cornuta, male, with head of female above. (Natural
Fig. 312. — Larva of dobson-fly, Corydalis cornuta. (Natural size.)
flows swiftest. They are carnivorous, feeding upon the nymphs of stone-
flies, May-flies, and other insects. When about two years and eleven months
Fig. 313. —
Head of larva, pupa, and adult of dobson-fly, Corydalis cornuta, showing
development of the mouth-parts of the adult within the mouth-parts of the larva.
A, head of a larva with its cuticle dissected away on the right-hand side, revealing
the pupal parts; B, head of male pupa with cuticle dissected away on right-hand
side, revealing developing imaginal parts; C, head of female pupa with cuticle
wholly removed, showing imaginal parts; D, head of adult male, rnd., mandible;
mx., maxilla; li., labium; lb., labrum; ant., antenna; l.h., larval head-wall; p.h.,
pupal head-wall; ga., galea; 1 1, p., labial palpus; mx.p., maxillary palpus. Any
of these terms may be prefixed by/, larva; p, pupa; or imago.
old the larva leaves the water, and makes a cellunder a stone or some other
object on or near the bank of the stream. This occurs during the earlv
228 Nerve-winged Insects; Scorpion-rlies ; Caddis-flies
part of the summer; here the larva changes to a pupa. In about a month
after the larva leaves the water the adult insect appears. The eggs are
then soon laid; these are attached to stones or other objects overhanging
the water. They are laid in blotch-like masses which are chalky-white
in color and measure from half an inch to nearly an inch in diameter. A
single mass contains from two thousand to three thousand eggs. When
the larvae hatch they at once find their way into the water, where they
remain until full-grown."
In the Kansas corn-fields I used to find certain wonderfully beautiful,
and pupal cocoons on the under side of leaf. jaws which are grooved on the
(Natural size.)
inner face. Having found a
plant-louse it pierces its body with the sharp jaw-points, and holds it up, so
that the blood of its victim runs along these grooves into its thirsty throat.
The Chrysopa larvae will bravely attack insects larger than themselves, or will
half an inch high, fastened at the base to a leaf or twig (Fig. 314). When
the first larvaehatch they crawl down the stems and wander around in this
little forest of egg-trees, but fortunately haven't wit enough to crawl up to
the still unhatched eggs of their brothers and sisters. When the aphis-lion
is full-fed and grown, which, in the studied species, occurs in from ten days
to two weeks, crawls into some sheltered place, as in a curled leaf or
The commoner one, P. punctatus (Fig. 316), is about i\ inches long and its
lights. Its body is blackish, and the wings are clear but mottled with irreg-
ular brownish-black spots. When at rest the wings are held steeply roof-
like over the back. Nothing is known of its life-history.Of the best-known
genus, Hemerobius (Fig. 317), twenty species have been noted in this country,
but they are small, dull-colored insects, and are rather rare, or at least
infrequently seen. Comstock says they occur in forests and especially on
coniferous trees. The Chrysopa larvae, predaceous and
larvae are like the
well equipped with big strong head and sharp, curved seizing and blood-
sucking mouth-parts. The larvae (Fig. 318) of some species have the
curious habit of piling up on their back the empty, shriveled skins of their
victims, until the aphis-lion is itself almost wholly concealed by this unlovely
load of relicts. This is true of all the Hemerobius larvae I have seen in
California. Stripped of the covering of skins the aphis-lion is seen to have
a short, broad, flattened body, with numerous long, spiny hairs arising from
tubercles. These hairs help to hold the mass of insect skins together.
Stillother Neuroptera with fierce, ever-hungry, carnivorous larvae are
the ant-lions, or Myrmeleonidae. The horrible pit of Kipling's story, into
which Morrowbie Jukes rode one night, is paralleled in fact in that lesser
world of insect life under our feet. The foraging ant, too intent on bringing
home a rich spoil for the hungry workers in the crowded nest to watch care-
fully for dangers in its path, finds itself without warning on the crumbling
Nerve-winged Insects; Scorpion-rlies ; Caddis-flies 231
verge of a deep pit (Fig. 320). The loose sand of the pit's edge slips in and
down, and the frantic struggles of the unlucky forager only accelerate the
tiny avalanche of loose soil and sand that carries it down the treacherous
slope. Projecting from the very bottom of the pit is a pair of long, sickle-
like, sharp-pointed jaws, adapted most effectively for the swift and sure
grasping and piercing and blood-letting of the trapped victims. The body
of the ant-lion (Fig. 319) is almost wholly concealed underneath the sand;
only the vicious head and jaws protrude above the surface in the pit's depths.
Comstock has seen the ant-lion throw sand up from the bottom, using its
flat head like a shovel in such a way that the flung sand in falling would
strike an ant slipping on the slope and tend to knock it down the side. Ant-
lion pits are to be found all over the country, in warm, dry, sandy places.
The ant-lions can be brought home alive, and kept in a dish of sand, where
their habits may be observed.
The adult ant-lion (Fig. 321) is a rather large, slender-bodied insect
with four long oar-shaped gauzy wings, thickly cross-veined and usually
more or less spotted with brownish or black. The eggs are laid in the sand
and the freshly-hatched larvae or ant-lions immediately dig little pits. When
the larvae are full-grown —and just how long this takes is not accurately
known —each forms a curious protecting hollow ball of sand held together
by silken threads, lines it inside smoothly with silk, and pupates in this cozy
and safe nest (Fig. 320). The larva is said to lie for some time, even through
a whole winter, in this cocoon before pupating. The life-history of no ant-
lion species is yet thoroughly known.
The family Myrmeleonidae includes eight genera, which are usually
grouped into two subfamilies as follows:
The subfamily Ascalaphinae includes but three genera and six species,
the larvae of which do not dig pits (as far as known), but hide under stones
sometimes with the body partially covered with sand, or even nearly buried
in it, and wait for prey to come within reach of their long, sickle-like jaws.
The adults of this subfamily can be readily recognized by their long antennae,
knobbed at the tip, like the antennae of butterflies. The habits and life-
Fig. 322. —An Ascalaphid, Ulula hyalina, male. (After McClendon; natural size.)
Fig. 323. — Larva of Ulula hyalina. (After McClendon; natural £ size, inch.)
eggs are arranged in two rows along a stalk and fenced in below by little
rod-like bodies called repagula, placed in circles around the stalk. The
eggs hatch in nine or ten days, and the larvae (Fig. 323) crawl down, after a
day of resting, and hide under stones or in slight depressions. The body
is covered with sand and the jaws open widely. When a small insect crawls
within reach the jaws snap together, pinioning the victim on the curved
points. The jaws are grooved along the inner or lower side and the maxillae
fit into these grooves so as to form a pair of ducts or channels through which
the blood is sucked into the mouth. The larva often changes its hiding-place
at night. It lives about sixty days, and then seeks a concealed place and
forms a spherical cocoon of sand and silk within which it pupates.
Our three genera of the Ascalaphinae may be determined by the follow-
ing key:
Fig. 324. Raphidia sp., adult, larva, and pupa. (Two and a half times natural size.)
eastern Siberia, Europe, and England, while four species of Raphidia and
three of Inocellia occur in the western half of the United States. The
snake-flies are predaceous insects, the larvae being notoriously voracious
insectivores. The larvae live in crevices of bark, or under it, where
there are breaks in it, as is always the case on old trees of most eucalyptus
Snake-fly larvae are said to find and eat many larva? of the codlin-moth,
one of the worst pests of apple-trees. Many of the codlin-moth larvae crawl
into crevices in the apple-tree bark to spin their cocoon, and there meet
The pupae (Fig. 324), which are not enclosed in silken cocoons like the
other terrestrial Neuroptera (ant-lions, lace-winged flies, Hemerobians), lie
— —
concealed in sheltered places. They are active, though, -when disturbed, and
look much like the larvae, but are more robust-bodied and bear externally
the developing wings. The head, with eyes and antennae, is more like that
wing flies. The larvae are hatched in autumn; they then hibernate and
go for about seven months before they take any food. In the spring, when
the spiders of the genus Lycosa have formed their bags of eggs, the minute
Nerve- winged Insects; Scorpion-flies; Caddis-flies 235
Mantispa larvae find them out, tear a hole in the bag, and enter among the
eggs; here they wait until the eggs have attained a fitting stage of develop-
ment before they commence to feed. Brauer found that they ate the spiders
when these were quite young,
and then changed their skin for the second
time, the moult having taken place when they were hatched from the
interior of the egg-bag of the spider, and changes to a nymph inside its larva-
skin. Finally the nymph breaks through the barriers— larva-skin, cocoon,
and egg-bag of the spider— by which it is enclosed, and after creeping
for a little appears in itsform as a perfect Mantispa."
Thus in this insect the larval life consists of two different stages,
of which is specially adapted for obtaining access to the creature it
is to
prey on.
The Coniopterygidae include a few tiny, obscure insects, the smallest
members of the order. They have wings with very few cross-veins, and
both wings and body are covered with a fine whitish powder, hence the
"dusty wings" which entomologists apply to them. Only two species are
known in this country, of neither of which is the life-historv known. In
Europe the larvae of a "dusty wing" species have been found feeding on
scale-insects. When full-fed these larva? spin a silken cocoon, within
they transform.
Boreus is the genus of minute leaping black insects which appear occa-
sionally in snow. Four species occur in this country, one, B. calijomicus,
on the Pacific coast, two in the northern and northeastern states, and one,
B. unicolor, found, so far, only in Montana. Of the two eastern species, the
snow-born Boreus, B. nivoriundus, is shining or brownish black, with the
rudimentary wings tawny; the other, called the midwinter Boreus, B.
brumalis, is deep black-green. Comstock says that both species are found
on the snow in New York throughout the entire winter, and that they also
occur in moss or tree-trunks. The females have a curved ovipositor nearly
as long as the tiny body. Neither their feeding-habit nor life-history is
The genus Panorpa includes the scorpion-flies, of which fifteen species
are found in the United States. These insects are from \ to \ inch long,
with the wings of about the same length. is brownish to
In all, the body
blackish and the wings are weakly colored with yellowish or
clear "but
brownish, and have a few darker spots or blotches, which in one or two
species cover nearly the whole wing-surface. Part of the head projects
downwards as a short thick beak, the mouth and jaws
being at the end. The few observations made on the
feeding-habits seem to show that the scorpion-flies sub-
sist mainly on animal matter found dead. They have
been seen to attack living injured and helpless insects. Panorpa rujescens
Nerve-winged Insects; Scorpion-flies; Caddis-flies 237
(Fig. 326), the commonest species in the eastern states, lays its eggs, accord-
ing to Felt, in crevices of the ground; the larvae (Fig. 327) hatch in from
six to seven days and grow rapidly. They burrow in the soil, but not deeplv,
and spend some time wandering about on the surface hunting for food.
They are full-grown in about one month, probably. The further life-history
of no American species is yet known, but the larva of a European species,
when full-fed, burrows deeper in'o the ground, excavates an oval cell in
a small 'ump of earth and lies in it for several months before pupating. In
this condition it shrivels to one-half of its previous length, and the body
becomes curved backwards. If taken out, it moves slowly and cannot
The species of the genus Bittacus, of which there are nine known in
our country, are long-legged, slender-bodied, narrow-winged insects (a
California species is wingless) which do not resemble the scorpion-flies
much in general appearance, but have a similar
beak (although longer and slenderer) on the
head, and have also a similar venation of the
wings. All the species as far as known are
predaceous, capturing and eating various kinds
of insects and probably taking no food except
that which they catch alive. Bittacus strigosus
most familiar form in the East.
(Fig. 3 8) is the
I: inhabits shady swamps or moist coverts along
with teeth upon their opposing surfaces. The struggle is usually short;
two, three, or four of those long legs lay hold of the captive and soon
bring it within reach of the sharp beak. It is only a minute's work
to pierce a soft part of the body and suck the victim's blood, when
the lifeless remains are dropped to the ground and the insatiate insect
is ready for the next." The eggs of this species seem to develop and be
238 Nerve-winged Insects; Scorpion-flies; Caddis-flies
clutches. The crane-fly was stilland struggled feebly while the scor-
pion-fly sucked its blood. She disturbed them, but though the scorpion-
fly stopped its eating, it held its prey as before and moved slowly off with
it. The body of the crane-fly was almost cut in two by the grasping tarsi of
its enemy.
Finding another of the queer creatures swinging on a weed, its four legs
held out hungrily, she gave it a crane-fly, which it grasped firmly, winding
the tarsi around its body. The crane-fly struggled, but its captor soon had
its head buried almost to the eyes in its body. Finally the mangled crane-
fly gave out. She caught another crane-fly and held it out to the scorpion-
fly, which thereupon grasped its first victim firmly in one of its hind tarsi
Nerve-winged Insects; Scorpion-flies; Caddis-flies 239
and snatched at the second. Then holding both, it began to suck the blood
of the fresher prey.
Bringing some scorpion-flies into the laboratory, Miss Patterson placed
a crane-fly in the jar with a pair of them. The male scorpion-fly seemed
unusually hungry and soon caught its prey and began to eat. The female
paid no attention until the male had eaten for some time. Then Miss Pat-
terson observed the male tobend the posterior portion of its abdomen, and
between the sixth and seventh and seventh and eighth segments on the
norsal side of the body rounded organs were quickly protruded and with-
drawn. Shortly after this the female approached and also began to eat
the crane-fly. Several times she noted the males attracting the females by
protruding the "scent-glands." In every case, when the male began to give
off the scent, the female gradually approached.
Eggs were laid by the females in the laboratory jars. These eggs were
pink in color and spherical, although slightly flattened at opposite sides.
They are simply dropped by the female loosely and singly to the ground.
In the Rocky Mountains of northern Colorado are some of the most
attractive "camping-out" places in our land; that is, for "campers" who
specially like Nature in her larger, more impressive phases. The peaks
of the Front Range rise to 14,000 feet altitude, and the ice- and water-worn
canons and great sheer cliffs of the flanks of the Range are only equalled
heavy spruce forests, and the strange aquatic larvte desperately clinging
to the smooth boulders and rock bed of the swift mountain streams are
among the most interesting and prized of all the insect host. So it was
that my first summer's camping and climbing in the Rockies acquired a
special interest from the slight acquaintanceship I then made with a group
of insects which, unfortunately, are so little known and studied in this
country that the amateur has practically no written help at all to enable
him to become acquainted with their different kinds. These insects are
the caddis-flies; not limited in their distribution by any means to the Rocky
Mountains, but found all over the country where there are streams. But
it is in mountain streams that the caddis-flies become conspicuous by their
The larvae within the cases are worm- or caterpillar-like, with head and
thorax usually brown and horny- walled, while the rest of the body is soft
and whitish. The head with the mouth-parts, and the thorax with the long
strong legs, are the only parts of the body that project from the protecting
case, and hence need to be specially hardened. At the posterior tip of the
242 Nerve-winged Insects; Scorpion-flies; Caddis-flies
stock found that it had perfect use of its wings, although they were so recently
expanded. The time required for the insect to expand its wings and take
its first flight was more than one second; certainly less than two.
As such normally emerge from rapidly flowing streams which
dash over rocks, it is evident that if much time were required for the wings
to become fit for use, as is the case with most other insects, the wave succeed-
ing that which swept one from the water would sweep it back again and
destroy it.
Fig. 336.
chiefly at night, as large numbers have been taken in trap lanterns by Betten.
The eggs are laid, according to this observer, in or directly above the water
Many were found under the bark of submerged trees, which
clusters of eggs
would lead some cases the female insect goes under
to the conclusion that in
water to deposit the eggs. A spherical cluster found suspended on a sub-
merged twig under a log floating in deep water contained 450 eggs.
Some of the caddis-fly larvae can be readily kept in an aquarium.
Almost any kinds found in ponds will live in aquariums, where their feed-
ing-habits and transformation may be observed. The caddis-worms that
build odd cases of small sticks laid crosswise live contentedly in an
aquarium and are most interesting to watch. The complete life-history
of no single caddis-fly species has yet been worked out completely, and the
specific identitv of but few of our larvae is known. For three California
species Geo. Coleman, a student of Stanford University, has obtained adults
by putting wire-screen cages Over the larvae in the streams. In these cages
the larvae had room enough to hunt food successfully, and they lived, except
for the circumscribing of their territory, perfectly naturally. Betten has
similarly reared imagoes from four kinds of larvae in the Adirondack Moun-
The following keys will enable the collector to classify either his caddis-
Larva with head bent downward at an angle with the body; tubercles generally present
on the first abdominal segment; lateral fringe generally present; gill filaments,
when present, usually simple.
Hind legs more than twice as long as the first pair; cylindrical case of sandand small
stones Leptocerid.e.
Hind legs not more than twice as long as first pair.
Nerve-winged Insects ; Scorpion-flies; Caddis-flies 245
Head elliptical, only pronotum (dorsal wall of prothorax) chitinized (horny and
dark), abdominal constrictions deep; cases of vegetable matter laid longitudi-
nally and forming a spiral, widening at front end Phryganeid^e.
Head oval to circular, pronotum chitinized, mcsonotum often, and metanotum some-
times chitinized, abdominal constrictions slight.
Lateral fringe well developed; cases various Limnophilid^e.
Lateral fringe slightly developed; cylindrical case of sand or small stones.
Larva with head projecting straight forward in line with the rest of body; tubercles
and lateral fringe wanting; gill-filaments, when present, branched.
Abdomen much thicker than the thorax; case kidney-shaped, of small stones, or flat
and parchment-like Hydroptilid.e.
Abdomen little if any thicker than the thorax.
Third pair of legs a little longer than the first pair; no larval case. .Rhyacophilid.e.
Third pair of legs about the same length as first pair; no portable larval case.
HE moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera) and the
beetles (Coleoptera) are the most familiar of the
insect orders. They most affected by
are, too,
collectors: of all the amateur collectors of insects
probably nine out of ten collect either Lepi-
doptera or Coleoptera, or perhaps both. The
moths and butterflies obviously owe their special
attractiveness to their beautiful colors and pat-
terns, and to the interesting metamorphoses
exhibited in their life-history. A gratifyingly
number of amateurs and collectors are
"rearing" or breeding Lepidoptera, and adding much to our scientific knowl-
edge of them. The beetles owe their place of honor among collectors largely
to their abundance of species and individuals, the readiness with which
they can be collected, and the little special attention necessary to their per-
fect preservation. They are mostly large enough, too, to be handled and
examined readily, and not so large as to require much cabinet space for
their keeping. They also make specially fit specimens for exchange. But
amateurs give almost no attention to the immature stages of beetles.
Although, like the Lepidoptera, they undergo a complete metamorphosis, the
larvae are so obscure and usually so concealed underground or in tree-trunks
or decaying matter or in the water, or, if seen, are so often unattractive and
even repulsive in appearance —most beetle-larvae are "grubs" — that rearing
beetles is practically an unknown pastime even with the professed "coleop-
As a matter of fact, the beetles do not begin to present an interest even
to professional entomologists at all in proportion to the dominant number
of species in the order. There is a curious uniformity —with of course the
d =8
i = Desmocerus palliatus.
2 = Tragidion
3=Chalcophora liberta.
4=Chrysochus auratus.
5 = Silpha americana.
6=Geotrupes splendidus.
7=Chrysochus cobaltinus.
8 = Buprestis sp.
9=CaIosoma scrutator.
io=Tetraopes tetraophthalmus
ii = Cucujus platipes.
i2 = Meloe sp.
i3=Pelidnota punctata.
i4=Parandra brunnea.
J 5~ Cyllene robinias.
16= Rosalia funebris.
1 7= Cicindela genetosa.
Beetles 247
labial r / .,, . •
compound ey&
tarsal segments «
Fig. 338. —Ventral aspect of male great water-scavenger beetle, Hydrophilus sp.
(Three times natural size.)
The characters made use of in separating species, genera, and even families
are so slight, obscure, and difficult to understand that the tables and keys
based on them chiefly result in wholly discouraging any beginner who
attempts to use them. And this is not so much the fault of the systematic
specialists as of the beetles themselves. When it is recalled that nearly
bra in
ventral nerve
12,000 species of this order are known in North America north of Mexico;
that they represent nearly 2000 genera, grouped in 80 families; and that
much general similarity of structure as well as of habits prevails through-
out the order, it begins to be apparent why difficulties in classification are
inevitable. To find structural differences among these thousands of beetles,
Beetles 249
the specialists have been driven to turn their microscopes on the most obscure
and insignificant parts of the body, and to take cognizance of the slightest
appreciable constant differences. The real way in which an entomologist
gets his beetles classified is to submit specimens to a specialist for determina-
tion. Then as his authoritatively determined collection gradually increases,
the collector begins to get acquainted with certain well-marked species, and
appearance or habitus of the members of any one family.
also with the general
He becomes in time able to classify his new specimens to families, not by
tables or keys but by general appearance and a certain few characteristic
send an extra specimen to return in the case of any species likely to interest him.
25° Beetles
organs of flight; the firm, thick, usually dark, chitinized cuticle or outer
body-wall; the strong-jawed biting mouth, and the compact body, usually
short and robust, are structural characteristics obvious and usually dis-
itate(and also elbowed); 4-7, clavate; 8-9, lamellate; 10, serrate; 11, irregular
(Gyrinus); 12, 2-segmented antennae of Adranes ccecus. (After LeConte.)
To learn the range of these differences in the antennae, and the names applied
to the various kinds a careful inspection of Fig. 340 will do more than a
Fig. 341. —Different forms of legs and tarsi of beetles. (After LeConte and Comstock.)
page of description. Similarly Fig. 341 illustrates the range of the charac-
ters drawn from the tarsi.
The development of beetles is "with complete metamorphosis "; that is,
from the eggs laid underground, or on leaves or twigs, in branches or trunks
of live trees, in fallen logs, on or in decaying matter, in fresh water, etc.,
Beetles 251
hatch larvae usually called grubs, with three pairs of legs (sometimes want-
ing), with biting mouth-parts, simple eyes, and inconspicuous antennae.
These larvae are predaceous, as the water-tigers (larvae of water-beetles),
plant-feeders, as the larvae of the long-horns, or carrion-feeders, as those of the
burying-beetles, and so on. They grow, moult several times, and finally change
into a pupa either on or in the food, or very often in a rough cell under-
ground. From pupa issues the fully developed winged beetle, which
usually has the same feeding-habits as the larva. The special food-habits
and characteristics of development are given for numerous common species
in the accounts (postea) of the various more important families of the order.
But there are good beetles as well as bad ones. The little ladybirds eat
unnumbered hosts of plant-lice and scale-insects; the carrion-beetles are
active scavengers, and the members of the predaceous families, like the
Carabids and tiger-beetles, undoubtedly kill many noxious insects by their
general insect-feeding habits.
The great order Coleoptera is divided into two primary groups, some-
With four tarsal segments in each of the feet Section Tetramera (p. 277).
Mostly with slender cylindrical antennae, sometimes very long and thread-like,
sometimes shorter and thickened toward the tip; the fourth and fifth seg-
ments of the tarsus closely fused, the fourth segment being very small and
sometimes difficult to distinguish. -»
In the tribe of Adephaga, or carnivorous beetles, are four principal
families, which may be distinguished by the following key:
Antenna; inserted on front of the head above the base of the mandibles.
(Tiger-beetles.) Cicindelid^e.
Antenna; inserted on side of the head between the base of the jaws and the eyes.
(Predaceous ground-beetles.) Carabid.e.
With two eves (Predaceous diving-beetles.) Dytiscid^e.
With four eyes, two above and two below (Whirligig-beetles.) Gyrinid^e.
/ /
C, \\v
I I |
11 VI
i 20
2* 26 2t^
Beetles 253
grubs (Fig. 342) which lie in the mouth of a vertical burrow several inches
deep, with the dirt-colored head bent at right angles to the rest of the body
and making a neat plug for the top of the hole. When an unwary insect
comes in reach of this plug the waiting jaws make a quick grasp, and the
doomed prey is dragged down into the darkness. On the fifth segment
of the abdomen of the larva there is a hump, and on it are two small but
strong hooks curved forward. "This is an arrangement by which the little
rascal can hold back and keep from being jerked out of its hole when it gets
some large insect by the leg, and by which it can drag its struggling prey
down into its lair, where it may eat it at leisure. It is interesting to thrust
a straw down into one of these burrows, and then dig it out with a trowel.
The chances are that you will find the indignant inhabitant at the remote
end of the burrow chewing savagely at the end of the intruding straw."
Plate III shows the appearance of the body and the character of the mark-
ings of the tiger-beetles, while the vivid color-effects are illustrated in Plate II.
In the East occurs, besides Cicindela, the genus Tetracha (PI. Ill, Fig. 1)
with two species; on the plains of the middle West the largest member of
the family, Amblychila cylindriformis, which hunts its prey at twilight, and
on the Pacific coast the genus Omus with ten species, all nocturnal.
The family Carabidae, the predaceous ground-beetles, is a large one,
including in North America about 1200 species, representing over a hundred
genera. They are mostly dark-colored and are nocturnal in habit, hiding
by day under stones, chips, logs, etc., so not many of them are familiar or
even often seen. A few, however, are large and brilliantly colored, and
get discovered by most collectors. Like the tiger-beetles
they are active and predatory, with long strong mandibles
and slender running legs. They differ from the tiger-beetles
in their dislike of daylight, and in having the head in
most species narrower than the thorax. The larva? (Fig.
343) are "mostly long flattened grubs with a body of almost
equal breadth throughout. It is usually protected on top
by horny plates and ends in a pair of conical and bristly
appendages." Most of the larvae burrow just beneath the
surface of the earth, feeding on various insects which enter
the ground to pupate or for other reasons. They destroy
large numbers of the destructive leaf-feeding beetles, whose 4 Larva
; A -?-
of Lalosoma sp.
soft-bodied larvae leave the plants and burrow into the (After Lugger;
ground when ready to pupate. When full-grown the Carabid enlarged.)
larvae form small rough cells in the soil within which they change to pupae.
When the adult beetles emerge they push their way up to the surface.
Plate IV illustrates several species of this family and shows the charac-
teristic flattened, usually rather broad although trim and compact, shape
2 54 Beetles
of the body. In most of the species the elytra are marked with fine longi-
tudinal lines or rows of punctures, and in several species the hind wings are
wanting, so that flight is There is something characteristic
and almost unmistakable about the general make-up and appearance of
these beetles. Their flatness, and smoothness, their shining black, greenish,
or brownish coloration, and their small head with prominent, projecting,
slender antennae, pointed mandibles, conspicuous clubbed palpi, and bright
eyes, together with their equally characteristic haunting of hidden places
on the ground, their swift alert running, and readiness to bite when caught,
distinguish them, almost at a glance, from all other beetles. One of the
largest, most conspicuous and well-known Carabids is the searcher, or cater-
pillar-hunter, Calosoma scrutator (PI. II, Fig. 9), an inch and a half long,
with vivid violet-green elytra margined with reddish. It is commonly found
at twilight and after dark on trees, and is often seen by collectors when
"sugaring" for moths. It is said to make special war on the hairy tent-
caterpillars, and thus do much good. Two other species of this genus,
C. Jrigidum (Fig. 344) and C. calidum (Fig. 345), the latter
called the fiery hunter from its characteristic rows of reddish
or copper-colored punctures on the black elytra, are keen
Fig. I.
Beetles 2 5S
sharp-pointed, hollow mandibles, each with a small opening at the tip and
Beetl es 2 57
another near the base. When a live insect or other aquatic creature is caught
by the active larva its body is pierced by the mandibles and the blood sucked
through them into the mouth, the opening at the base just fitting, when the
mandibles are closed, into the corners of the small silt-like mouth. Both
larvae and adults are and voracious, and the larger species attack and
kill small fish. In the middle states these beetles actually do much damage
in cjarp-ponds. The larva breathes through a pair of spiracles at the slender
tip of its body, which is thrust up to the air when it comes to the surface
of the water. When ready to pupate it leaves the water — breathing now
also through six pairs of lateral spiracles — and
makes a rough cell in the
ground of the pond or stream bank. "The pupa state lasts about three
weeks in summer; but the larvae that transform in autumn remain in the
pupa state all winter."
The larger of our common species belong to Cybister, Dyticus, and
allied genera. In Cybister the
cups on the under side of the tarsal
disks of the male are similar, and arranged in four rows. In Dyticus and
its allies the cups of the tarsal disks vary in
and readily recognized by their curious spin- Fig. 350. — Whirligig - beetle,
jecting from the water in order to make a start. They can make a curious
squeaking noise, probably a call to other whirligigs, by rubbing the under
side of the wing-covers against the end of the body. When handled, most of
these beetles emit an ill-smelling whitish liquid.
In the winter the whirligigs lie torpid in mud among the roots of water-
plants, coming out by twos and threes in the spring. The eggs are laid
usually on the leaves of some water-plant, and the curious slender larva
(Fig. 351) is provided with long tapering lateral gills fringed with fine hairs.
There is a pair of on each abdominal segment. It feeds on water-
insects and other small aquatic animals, and probably also on the "tender
parts of submerged plants." The pupae of but few species are known.
That of a common English species lies in a grayish silken cocoon spun on
some water-plant above the water's surface.
The clavicorn beetles, or those with clubbed antennae, show much variety
in the character of the terminal thickening of the antennae (Fig. 340, 4-7),
which is the characteristic structural feature of the members of the group,
and from which the tribal name is derived. The tribe includes, too, beetles
of widely different habits, some aquatic, others terrestrial, some predaceous,
others plant-feeding, others living on dry stored grains, woolens, and still
Large insects, the smaller not much less than half an inch long (except Catops);
body usually flattened (Carrion- or burying-beetles.) Silphid^e.
Small insects, mostly less than one-half inch long; body thick and convex above.
(Larder-beetles, etc.) Dermestid^e.
In the same ponds and pools with the predaceous diving-beetles and
whirligigs may be found other water-beetles, black, shining, and often of
large size, which are readily distinguished by their short concealed clavate
Beetles 259
antennae (the long slender palpi may be at first glance mistakenly taken
for antennae) as members of the family Hydrophilidae, the water-scavenger
beetles. As the popular name indicates, these beetles feed, for the most
part, on decaying material, animal or plant, found in the water, although
they feed also on living water-plants, as Nitella; and living insects are cer-
tainly taken by some species. They can be distinguished from the Dyticidae
when swimming by their use of the oar-legs alternately, and when at the
surface getting air by hanging there head upward. The air spreads in a
thin silvery layer over the ventral side of the body, held there by fine pubes-
The eggs are deposited in a ball-like silken cocoon with a curious handle-
like tapering curved stem or spike (Fig. 353). The cocoon floats freely
on the water, or is attached to some floating leaf or grass-blade or stem.
From fifty hundred eggs are enclosed in each sac. The larvae (Fig.
to a
poles, etc. They breathe through spiracles at the tip of the body, coming
occasionally to the surface to get air. In shallow water they simply lie
with the tip of the tail projected up to the surface. When ready to pupate
the larva? leave the water, and, burrowing a few inches into the ground, form
a rough cell in which they transform. The adult beetles fly readily, and
sometimes, with Dyticids, are to be found at night around electric lights.
When winter comes they burrow into the bottom or bank of the pond or
stream and lie torpid until spring.
260 Beetles
About one hundred and fifty species of Hydrophilidae are known in this
country. The largest species belong to the genus Hydrophilus, are shining
bluish or greenish black, and measure nearly two inches in length. "In the
genus Hydrocharis the metasternum is prolonged somewhat, but does not
form a long, sharp spine as in Hydrophilus and Tropisternus, and the sternum
of the prothorax bears a keel-shaped projection. Our most common species
is Hydrocharis obtusatus; this measures about five-eighths of an inch in
" Some of the smaller species of this family are not aquatic, but live in
moist earth and in the dung of cattle, where, it is said, they feed on dipterous
The rove-beetles, Staphylinidae, form a large family, numerous in species
and individuals over the whole country, and one whose members are readily
recognized bv the elongate flattened soft body, narrow and parallel sides,
with short truncate leathery elytra under which the hind
wings are compactly folded so as to be wholly concealed.
They are mostly carrion-feeders and with the Silphidae
(p. 261) are almost sure to be found whenever a mass of
C. villosus (Fig. 356),common all over the country, is about f inch long,
blackish, with an incomplete broad transverse patch of yellowish-gray hairs
across the elytra and another on the second and third abdominal segments.
Leistotrophus is a genus with but one American species, L. cingulatus, about
same size as the preceding, but of grayish-brown color
indistinctly spotted with brown and with a golden tinge
on the tip of the abdomen. Staphylinus is a genus of
twenty species or more; S. maculosus, 1 inch long, is
dark cinnamon-brown with a row of squarish black
spots along the middle of the abdomen; S. cinna-
mopterus, \ inch long, is cinnamon-colored, with
blackish abdomen; S. tomentosus, % inch long, is deep
dull black; S. violaceus, % inch long, is black with
Fig. 356. —
tle, Creophilus vil-
thorax and elytra violet. Not uncommon along sandy losus. (One and one-
half times natural
seashore in California is a curious light-brown wing-
less rove-beetle, Thinopinus pictus, with very short
elytra, each with an open black ring, and with a double row of small black
dots on the abdomen. Its abdomen is short and rather broad
Another family of carrion-beetles of comparatively few species, some of
which, however, are familiar and widely distributed, is that of the Silphidae,
or burying-beetles. Both adults and larvae
feed almost exclusively on decaying flesh.
leathery than horny, and lined longitudinally with shallow grooves. The
prothorax is subcircular, with thin projecting margins. The larvae (Fig.
359) and adults are found in and underneath putrid flesh. The larva;
are apparently more active than the adults. Silpha lapponica, a common
dull black form in both Europe and America, is said to enter houses in Lap-
land to eat the stores of animal provisions. S. americana (PI. II, Fig. 5) has
262 Beetles
the large shield-like prothorax yellowish with a black blotch in the center.
In S. noveboracensis only the margin of the prothorax is yellow.
The burying-beetles, Necrophorus, are large insects from an inch
toan inch and a half long, with the body thick and parallel-sided. The
commoner species have a pair of dull red transverse blotches on each elytron.
In some species the prothorax and head are also marked
with red. The common name comes from the well-
known habit of these insects of digging underneath small
dead animals, as mice or birds, until the corpse is in a
hole; it is then covered over and thus really buried.
The female lays her eggs on the corpse, and the larva?
hatching from them feed on the decaying matter.
Fig. 359. — Larva larvae have spiny plates on the back of the body and
of can ion-beetle,
Silpha sp. (One are otherwise
unlike the Silpha larvae. Some Necrophorus
and one-half times larvae are predaceous and others feed on decaying vege-
natural size.)
table matter.
Most of the blind, pale cave-beetles found in caves in this country and
Europe are Silphidae.
The Cucujidae, with a name derived from the Portuguese Cucuvo, a
large luminous Brazilian snapping-beetle or elater, of entirely different
family, are a family of small beetles, with flattened reddish or light-brown
body, whose outdoors haunts are mostly under the bark of trees. Sev-
eral species, however, have learned that
lifein a granary is just as safe from pre-
daceous enemies, and a thousand times
safer from starvation. Of these sophisticated
Cucujids, Silvanus surinamensis, the saw-
toothed grain-beetle (Fig. 360), is the most
familiar and injurious. The adult is about
$• inch long, flat and chocolate-brown, and
may be distinguished from the other small
beetles similarly attacking stored grain by
the serrated margins of its prothorax. It Fig. 360. —
Larva, pupa, and adult of
infests dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and dry the saw-toothed grain-beetle, Sil-
vanus surinamensis. (After How-
pantry stores of all sorts, as well as grain bins ard and Marlatt; much enlarged.)
and cribs. The larvae (Fig. 360) are active
little six-legged flattened whitish grubs which run about and nibble indus-
triously. When full-grown the larva attaches itself by a gummy excretion
to some object, and pupates. When living in light granular substances,
as oatmeal, etc., a delicate case is constructed of the material in which to
pupate. In summer the life-cycle from egg to adult requires but twenty-
four days; in spring from six to ten weeks. Six to seven generations are
Beetles 263
produced annually in the latitude of Washington. The insect here hiber-
nates in the adult state.
The largest and most familiar of the outdoor Cucujids is a very fiat
bright-red species, Cucujus flavipes (PL n), about half an inch
II, Fig.
long, with black eyes and antennae and the legs with dark tibiae and feet.
The Dermestidae constitute only a small family of forty or more North
American species representing twelve genera, but one which nevertheless
is of unusual interest and importance to entomologists, for to this family
grown. Then they crawl into a crack or hide in the body of a museum
specimen and pupate within the larval cuticle, which serves as a sort of thin
hairy protecting shell.
The usual museum pests are two species, A. varius and A. museorum, of
the genus Anthrenus. The adult beetles are tiny, broadly oval, very convex,
with the black body covered above with scales some of which are yellowish
264 Beetles
and some whitish and so arranged as to give the back an irregularly spotted
appearance. The hairy larvae burrow into the specimens and nibble away
at the dry bodies. Their presence may be detected by a little pile of dust
under the pinned-up specimen and by the falling off of its legs, head, etc.
Pour a teaspoonful of carbon bisulphide into a corner of the case and
keep it tightly shut for a day. The fumes of the CS 2 are fatal to the pests.
The carpet-beetle or " buffalo-moth " (Fig. 361) is another species, A. scroplut-
same genus.
larice, of this The beetle is about T3^ inch long, marbled black
and white above with a central reddish line bearing short lateral offshoots
on each side. The larva is thick, soft, active, and covered with stiff brown
hairs. It feeds voraciously on carpets, working on the under side, and
usually making long slits following the floor-cracks. The beetles are common
outdoors on plants of the family Scrophulariaceoe, but come indoors to lay
their eggs. The remedy for the carpet-beetle is to use rugs instead of
carpets, and to lift and shake these rugs often. Another member of this
family attacking carpets is the black carpet-beetle, Atta genus piceus (Fig.
362). The beetle is black, and the larva is longer, more slender, and lighter
brown than the buffalo-moth, and has a conspicuous pencil or tuft of long
hairs at the posterior tip of the body. The larder- or bacon-beetle, Dermesles
lardafius (Fig. 363), is about ^ inch
long, dark brown with a pale-yellowish
band, containing six black dots across
the upper half of the wing-covers.
The larva is elongate, sparsely hairy,
Fig. 363.—The larder-beetle, Dermestes lardarius, larva, pupa, and adult. (After
Howard and Marlatt; much enlarged.)
Fig, 364. — Larva of a water-penny beetle of the Parnidce. (Four times natural
brown, and has two short curved spines on top of the last body-segment.
It feeds on many kinds of animal substance, as ham, bacon, old cheese,
hoofs, horn, skin, beeswax, feathers, hair, and also attacks museum specimens.
Another family of Clavicornia which possesses a special interest is the
Parnidae, or "water-pennies," a family of forty species representing ten genera
of small brown robust-bodied insects which live in water and yet do not
Beetles 265
have their legs fitted for swimming, nor in any other way the body partic-
ularly modified for an aquatic life. They crawl around on submerged stones,
sticks, and water-plants, carrying a supply of air with them, held by the
fine pubescence of the body. The larvae are curiously flattened, broadly
oval to nearly circular small creatures (Fig. 364), which cling to stones and
give the family its popular name As the legs, mouth-
of "water-pennies."
parts, eyes, etc., are all on the under and concealed, the flat, brownish,
leathery little "penny" is usually not recognized as an insect by the observer
of brook life.
Head inserted in thorax as far as the eyes; body elongate or elliptical, and with unusually
hard cuticle.
Antennae finely serrate, the first two abdominal segments grown together on the ven-
tral side (Metallic wood-borers.) Buprestid.e.
Antennae often filiform; first two abdominal segments free.
(Click-beetles.) Elaterice.
Head free, but bent under the thorax.
Small insects usually less than \ inch long (Death-watch beetles.) Ptinid.e.
Head free, but often partly or wholly covered by the thin anterior margin of the thorax.
Wing-covers flexible; body elongate and flattened; antennae not enlarged at tip.
(Fireflies.) Lampyrid.e.
Wing-covers firm, thorax convex, body not much flattened; antennae often enlarged
at tip (Checkered beetles.) Clerid^e.
burnished metal and the whole body looking as if cast in bronze. The
antennas are short and serrate on the inner margin, the head deeply inserted
in the thorax, and the latter fitting closely against the
abdomen and wing-covers; and the second and third
abdominal segments are rigidly fused. These beetles are
diurnal, running actively on tree-trunks or resting on
flowers; seeming to delight in the warm bright sunlight,
in which their resplendent colors flash and glance like
The larvae are mostly wood-borers, although those of
some of the smaller species mine in leaves or live in galls.
When borers are once in the tree, cutting them out is the only remedy.
The genus Agrilus contains a number of species having the head flatly
Beetles 267
truncate in front, as if cut sharply off, and the body rather cylindrical than
thrown into the air. The Elateridae are a large family, about 350 species
being known in this country. They are mostly of small or medium size,
although some are an inch or more long; a very few reach a length of
nearly two inches. As a rule they are uniform brownish; some blackish
or grayish and others banded and marked with brighter colors. In the
South occur certain luminous click-beetles. In Cuba ladies sometimes use
these phosporescent species, which are large and emit a strong greenish
268 Beetles
lowing spring.
Among our largest click-beetles
Fig. 369.
is the eyed elater, Alans oculatus
Fig. 368.
inch long, blackish
Fig. 368. —
Larva of a click-beetle, Elater
(Fig. 369), if
acerrimus. (After Schiodte; natural with large uneven whitish gray dots,
a pepper-and-salt fellow, Comstock
Fig. 369. —An eyed elater, Alans oculatus.
(One and one-half times natural size.) well calls him, with a pair of large
white-rimmed velvet-black eye-spots
on the prothorax. The large larvae, about 2 inches long, live in decaying
wood and are often found in the trunks of old apple-trees. Elater rubricollis,
yellow. Several species of Corymbetes have the elytra brownish yellow with
transverse zigzag black bands; C. hieroglyphic us, % mc h long, has two
bands; C. hamulus, rather smaller, has one band near the tip. Melanactes
piceus, 1 inch long, is glossy black and its large larva is luminous,
strong green light being emitted from a narrow transverse region with
expanded ends on each segment.
Beetles 269
The fireflies are familiar insects which are not flies but beetles, although
their soft body and flexible leathery wing-covers are not of the typical
coleopterous type. The nocturnal fireflies and their diurnal first cousins,
the compose a coleopterous family, Lampyridae, of con-
and common distribution over the whole world. The "glow-
siderable size
worm" of England and Europe is the wingless female of a common firefly,
and the railway-beetle of Paraguay, a worm-like creature 3 inches long,
that emits a strong red light from each end of the body and a green light
from points along the sides, is also probably the wingless female of a large
firefly species. In this country over 200 species of Lampyridae have been
found. Comparatively few of them, however, are luminous. The light-
giving organ is usually situated just inside of the ventral wall of the last seg-
ments of the abdomen, and consists of a special mass of adipose tissue richly
supplied with air-tubes (tracheae) and nerves. From a stimulus conveyed
by these special nerves oxygen brought by the network of tracheae is released
to unite with some substance of the adipose tissue, a slow combustion thus
taking place. To this the light is due, and the relation of the intensity or
amount of light to the amount of matter used up to produce it is the most
nearly perfect known to physicists.
Not only are the adult fireflies
£ inch long, blackish, with prothorax with red disk, yellow margin, and black
spot in center, and the elytra with narrow yellowish border. Farther north
and east the commonest species is P. scintillans (Fig. 371), similar in mark-
ing but smaller. P. angulatus, h inch long, is pale, with wide yellow margins
on elytra and the margin of the prothorax clouded with black. The com-
moner soldier-beetles belong to the genus Chauliognathus, which is char-
27o Beetles
Cleridae; a name apt enough for some of the species which, like the one
shown have the body conspicuously marked with red and white
in Fig. 372,
or other colored Other species, however, content themselves
with a monochrome coat. The family is a fairly large one, over a hundred
species being known in this country. "The adults are found on flowers
and on the trunks of trees running about rapidly, somewhat resembling
brightly colored ants.Indeed some are decidedly ant-like, the prothorax
being narrower than the wing-covers and slightly narrower than the head.
The legs of the Clerids are rather long, the antennae with a marked knob
at the end, and the body more or less cylindrical, either hairy or not.
"The larvae are usually carnivorous and are most frequently found
in the burrows of wood-boring insects, chiefly of those that live in sap-wood;
others are found in the nests of bees, and still others feed on dead animal
matter." The slender larvae possess short legs and a somewhat prominent
and pointed head. They are extremely useful in keeping in check such
destructive beetles as bark-beetles and other borers.
The species of Clerus are prettily marked and are often found running
about on logs and trees. C. dubius is \ inch long, steel-blue with three
orange bands across the elytra; C. nigrijons is \ inch long, tawny yellow
with smoky markings above and all black below; C. nigripcs is similar,
but all red below; C. sanguineus has the thorax brown and elytra scarlet.
The species of Trichodes (Fig. 372) are hairy and prettily banded; the larvae
are slender white active grubs with a brown head and brownish patches
above and two small hooks at the end of the body. They feed on the meat
until full-grown, when they either burrow deeper into the meat or come out
and bore into the wooden receptacle holding it, and make a glistening paper-
like cocoon within which they pupate.
The family Ptinidae is composed of small obscure brownish beetles that
would never attract our attention at all were it not for the injurious food-
habits of many of the species. The family includes a hundred and fifty
species, and among them a few notorious pests of rather unusual tastes.
As the Ptinids mostly live on dead and dry vegetable matter, it was not
improbable when I began a collecting expedition in a d ug-store that I should
find a number of specimens of this family. But to find a majority of the
canisters and jars containing vegetable
drugs in the condition of roots, stems,
by beetles of this
leaves, etc., infested
family was unexpected. The most
abundant species on this collecting-
ground was Sitrodrepa panicea (Fig.
3 73), which we may well call the "drug-
store beetle." It was found
be to
Fig. 373. —
The drug-store beetle, Sitro-
drepa panicea, larva pupa, and adults.
attacking blue-flag rhizome, comfrey- (After Howard and Marlatt; much
root, dogbane-root, ginger-rhizome,
marshmallow-root, aniseed, aconite-tuber (deadly poison to us!), musk-root,
Indian-turnip rhizome, belladonna-root, witch-hazel leaves, powdered coffee-
seed, wormwood and leaves, thorn-apple leaves, cantharides
stems, flowers
and thirty other different drugs! Larvae,
(dried bodies of blister-beetles),
pupae, and adults were side by side in most of the canisters. Ptinus brun-
neits, a larger Ptinid, was in half a dozen jars, and the cigarette-beetle,
In this tribe are only two families, one small but containing strangely
shaped and interesting beetles, the other very large. In both the terminal
segments of the antennae have conspicuous lateral prolongations in the shape
of teeth or plates (lamellae) (Fig. 340, 8 and 9). The families may be dis-
tinguished as follows:
Antennae elbowed, the club (terminal segments) composed of segments with fixed
transverse teeth; mandibles of the male often greatly developed.
(Stag-beetles.) Lucanid^:.
Antennae not elbowed, the club composed of segments modified to be large flat
plates which can be shut together like the leaves of a book; mandibles of
males not greatly enlarged.
(Lamellicorn leaf-chafers and scavenger-beetles.) Scarab^id^-
larvae of some of the larger species require six years to complete their growth.
Beetles 273
The genus Lucanus contains four North American species, three of which
are familiar. L. elapJius (Fig. 374), the giant stag-beetle, of the southern
states, varies from ij to 2 inches in length, not including the mandibles,
which in the male are 1 inch long and branched; L. dama, the common
pinching-bug of the East, rich mahogany-brown in color, from 1 inch to
i§ inches long, "flies by night with a loud
buzzy sound and is often attracted to lights
in houses," and has a white grub larva
looking like the white grub of the June-bug,
but found in partially decayed trunks and
roots of apple-, cherry-, willow-, and oak-
trees instead of in the ground; L. placidus,
not quite an inch long, and black, is a third
common species. The antelope-beetle,
Dorcus parallelus, is less than an inch long,
274 Beetles
in manure, rotten wood, and in the ground. The familiar white grub, larva
of the June-bug, is a typical example.
Of the scavenger Scarabaeids the tumble-bugs are wide-spread and well
known. The species common in the East belong to three genera: Copris,
with middle and posterior tibiae dilated at the tip; Canthon, with these tibae
slender or only slightly dilated and Phaneus, with the anterior tarsi wanting,
and the others without claws. The species of Canthon, male and female
working together, make balls of dung, which are rolled along for some dis-
tance and finally buried in the ground. The female lays an egg in the ball,
and the fat white, grub hatching from it feeds on the ball until ready to pupate.
The adult beetle issues in about two weeks from the time of laying the egg.
The common Copris Carolina does not make a ball, but digs holes close to
or under manure, and fills on which the larvae,
the holes with this substance,
hatched from eggs placed one in each hole, feed. The species of Phaneus
(Fig. 377) are brilliantly colored with metallic green, rose, and bronze, and
bear curious projecting horns on the prothorax.- The famous Sacred Scara-
beus of the Egyptians, Ateuchus sacer, was "held in high veneration by
this ancient people. It was placed by them in the tombs with their dead;
its picture was painted on their sarcophagi, and its image was carved in
stones and precious gems. These sculptured beetles can be found in almost
any collection of Egyptian antiquities."
Common dung-beetles are the numerous species of Aphodius, £ to J
inch long, with oblong, convex, or cylindrical body, and with the front
of the head expanded shield-like over the mouth-parts. "These insects
are veryabundant in pastures in the dung of horses and cattle, and immense
numbers of them are often seen flying through the air during warm autumn
afternoons." Common species are A. fimetarius, % inch long, with red elytra;
Beetl es 2 75
A. oblongus, ^ inch long, wholly black; and A. terminalis, \ inch long, black
with reddish legs and tips of elytra. The earth-boring dung-beetles,
Geotrupes, have n-segmented antennae, and the upper lip and mandibles
can be seen from above. "The females bore holes into the earth either
beneath dung or near it: this is to serve as food for the larvae, an egg being laid
in each hole." G. splendidus (PI. II, Fig. 6), f inch long, dark metallic
green to purple; G. excrementi, \ inch long, is bronze-black; G. opacus, J inch,
is deep black. Common on dried decaying animal matter, especially skins,
and on the hooves and hair of decaying animals are small {\ to h inch long)
rough convex beetles, often with a crest of dirt on their elytra, belonging
to the genus Trox. They have the thighs of the front legs greatly dilated.
The Scarabaeid leaf-chafers are many and various in color and marking;
they feed, when adult, on leaves, pollen, and flower-petals. They have the
abdomen usually projecting beyond the wing-covers. The thick, fat, white,
yellowish brown, with three large black dots on each elytron, with under
side of body metallic greenish black, flies during July and August by day,
feeding on grape-leaves. The larva lives in rotten wood, especially the
decaying roots of apple, pear, hickory, and other trees. It pupates in a
276 Beetles
(Fig. 381) of these beetles live in the roots of decaying trees. Allied to
Dynastes is the genus Ligyrus, of which L. rugiceps, the black sugar-cane
beetle of the southern states, is the best -known species; it burrows into the
base of sugar-cane and sometimes corn, and is often seriously destructive.
The larva lives in manure. The flower-beetles are Scarabaeids of several
genera, which are commonly seen flying from flower to flower and feeding
on pollen. The bumble flower-beetle, or Indian Cetonia, Euphoria inda
(Fig. 382), a common species, is f inch long, yellowish brown, with the
elytra irregularly covered with small blackish spots, and with the whole
body clothed with short fox-colored hairs, it appears early in spring, and
flies near the ground with a loud humming. It feeds on flower-pollen, the
tassels and green silk of young corn, and later on ripening fruits of all kinds;
it often swarms about wounded trees, lapping up the escaping sap. The
larvae feed on decaying substances underground. The fig-eater, or "southern
June-beetle," Allorhina nitida, f inch to 1 inch long, is rather pointed in
Beetles 277
front, velvety green with the sides of thorax and head brownish yellow; the
under side is not velvety, but metallic green.
It flies with a loud buzzing
sound and feeds on ripe fruit. The larva? are found in richly manured
soil, feeding on decaying matter. They cannot use the short legs for crawling,
but move along on their backs by means of stiff bristles. "If put on a table
in normal position, they immediately turn upon their backs and by the
alternate contractions and expansions of their body-segments they wriggle
away in a straight line."
In the four families of beetles constituting this section the feet are appar-
ently composed of four tarsal segments, one of the more usual five being
so reduced in size and fused with the last segment as to be practically indis-
tinguishable as a distinct segment (except in the Spondylida?). The first
The leaf-beetles, Chrysomelidae, are one of the largest of the beetle fami-
lies, over 600 North American species being known. They are mostly small,
278 Beetles
the familiar Colorado potato-beetle being one of the largest species in the
family; the body is short, more or less oval in outline, strongly convex above;
the head much narrower than the prothorax, and with the antennae
inserted widely apart. The adults walk slowly about on the plants on which
they feed, and when disturbed usually fold up the legs and fall, inert, to the
ground. However, they sometimes take readily to wing. The eggs are
usually laid in little groups on the food-plants, and the larva?, rather broad,
thick, and roughened, crawl about, exposed, on the leaves which they eat.
Sometimes they eat only the soft tissue of the leaf, skeletonizing it; some mine
inside the leaf, and a few burrow into stems. Most, however, eat ragged
holes in the leaves, and, if feeding on cultivated plants, do great injury.
Indeed there are perhaps more beetle enemies of our crops, shade-trees, and
ornamental plants in this family than in any other in the order.
The Colorado potato-beetle, Doryphora 10-lineata (Fig. 383), with
robust, oval, cream-colored body, and elytra with five longitudinal black
stripes on each, is a notorious Chrysomelid whose gradual extension or
migration eastward from its native home in Colorado
created much excitement forty years ago. Its native
to hibernate.
The common asparagus-beetle, Crioceris asparagi, red, yellow, and black,
gnaws holes in young asparagus-heads, and the brown slug-like larvae which
hatch from oval blackish eggs laid on the heads also eat them. The three-
lined Lema, Lema trilineata, of similar shape, but yellow with three longi-
tudinal black stripes on each elytron, is common on "ground-cherries."
Their larvae have the curious habit of covering their backs with their own
excrement. Elm-trees in the East are often badly infested with the imported
elm-leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola (Fig. 384), a common European pest.
It first got to this country in 1834 and is now "in all probability responsible
for more ruined elm-trees in the Hudson River valley than all other destruc-
Beetles 279
tive agencies combined." The beetle, J inch long, is reddish yellow with
black spots on head and prothorax, and a thick black stripe on each elytron.
From orange-yellow eggs laid on the under side of the leaves hatch larvae
which when full grown are ^ inch long, flattened, marked with blackish
and yellow. They skeletonize the leaves. When ready to pupate they
crawl down into the ground. The beetles themselves after issuance fly
to the tree-tops and eat holes in the leaves. There are two broods a year,
and the adult beetles of the last brood hibernate in concealed places.
Fig. 384. — The elm-leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola; eggs, larvae, pupa, and adults. (After
Felt; eggs greatly magnified; larvae, pupa, and adults about twice natural size.)
Four species of the genus Diabrotica are common over the country and
very injurious: D. vittata, the striped cucumber-beetle, is greenish yellow
with two black stripes on each elytron, and feeds on cucumber-, pumpkin-,
squash-, and melon-vines, the larva also burrowing into the stems and roots
of the same plants; D. 12- punctata (Fig. 385) is greenish yellow with six
black spots on each elytron, and feeds on a great variety of plants, the larva
often being injurious to corn in the South; D. longicornis, the corn-root-
worm beetle, is grass-green with spots or stripes, and its underground larva
is very destructive to corn by burrowing into its roots; D. soror (Fig. 386)^
28o Beetles
six black spots on the wing-covers (like 1 2- punctata), does great damage as
an adult by eating into the flower-buds of roses, chrysanthemums, and a
host of others, the larva feeding on the roots of alfalfa, chrysanthemums,
and many other plants.
Chrysochus auratus (PI. II, Fig. 4), f inch long, golden green in color,
found in the East, and C. cobaltinus (PI. II, Fig. 7), of same size and shape,
but brilliant blue, found in the West, are the two most beautiful Chrysomelids.
Chrysomela (Fig. 387) is a
genus whose species are often
curiously marked with short,
curved linesand irregular
spots. The active little flea-
Fig. 389.— A tortoise-beetle, Coptocycla aurichalcea. (Two and one-half times natural
ously, are common pests of grapes, cucumbers, melons, cabbages, turnips, etc.,
numerous species being known. They are small, usually about T\i to i inch
long, and commonly blackish or steel-blue in color. Haltica
chalybea, the steel-
where it feeds on the
blue flea-beetle (Fig. 388), is common on grape-vines,
Beetles 281
and are often called goldbugs. The colors appear and disappear strangely
while the insects are alive, but are always lacking in the dead specimen.
Coptocyda clavata has two projections of the central dark color of each
elytron looking like the four short broad legs of a tortoise; Cassida bicolor
is like "a drop Chelymorpha argus, § inch long, brick-
of burnished gold ";
red with many black spots on prothorax and elytra, is found on milkweeds;
Physonota unipunctala, \ inch long, the largest of our tortoise-beetles, yellow
with whitish margins, is common in midsummer on wild sunflowers.
The small family Bruchidae contains two common and important beetles,
viz., the pea-weevil, Bruchus pisi (Fig. 390), and the bean-weevil, B.
obtectus (Fig. 391). The adult pea-weevil is \ inch long, general color rusty
or grayish black with a small white spot on the thorax. The eggs are small,
fusiform, and yellow. The grubs on hatching bore through the pod into
the peas. The hole made in the growing pea soon closes up, leaving
the voracious larva within. Here it often comes to an untimely end,
— which is uncomfortable to think about. If, however, the peas are
allowed to ripen and are put away for seed, it eats on until there is
only a shell left of the pea. Weeviled peas are unfit for food, and, as
proved by the experiments of Professor Popenoe, should not be used for
seed. During the fall and winter the larva? pupate and finally mature as
weevils (the adult beetles). Some of the beetles emerge from the peas,
while others remain in them until they are planted.
2«2 Beetl es
"Weevily" peas should be put into a tight box or bin, together with a
small dish of bisulphide of carbon, the fumes of which will kill the insects.
Or they may be immersed for a minute or two in water heated to 140° F.;
The bean-weevil is a little larger than the pea-weevil and lacks the
white spot on the thorax. Its life-history is about the same as that of the
pea-weevil, the eggs being laid of course on the young bean-pods. Several
eggs are frequently laid in a single bean. The bean-weevil continues to
breed also in dry stored beans, and increases its damage materially if the
stored beans lie long untouched. It is therefore necessary to treat weeviled
beans with bisulphide of carbon or hot water before storing them away.
The eggs are usually laid on the bark, and the whitish, usually footless,
soft-bodied but hard-headed and strong-jawed larvae burrow about in the
tree-trunk for a year or two or even three (varying with the different species),
feeding on the chewed wood. They pupate in the burrow, in a cell par-
titioned off with chips, or sometimes specially made just under the bark.
The beetle has only to gnaw its way through the bark or the loosely plugged
burrow to escape from the tree. These wood-borers usually select a
weakened or dying tree for attack.
The largest Cerambycids belong to the subfamily Prionidae (Fig. 392),
whose members have the sides of the prothorax sharply margined and
usually toothed. Prionus laticollis, the broad-necked Prionus, varies from
Fig. 394. —The sugar-maple borer, Plagionotus speciosus, larva; and adult beetle. (After
Felt; natural size.)
with three sharp teeth on each lateral margin, and the antennae 12-segmented;
the larvae, which live three years, are great footless white grubs, 2\ to 3
inches long, which burrow in the roots of oak, poplar, cherry, apple,
grape-vine, and blackberries. The tile-horned Prionus, P. imbricornis,
a similar beetle, has nineteen antennal segments in the male and usually
sixteen in the female; Orthosoma brunnea, is long (i£ to 2^ inches) and
284 Beetles
narrow, with the margins of the body nearly parallel. In the south occurs
the genus Mallodon, and on the Pacific coast the genus Ergates (with a
single species, spiculatus), both z\ inches long, and with the lateral margins
of the prothorax with many fine sharp teeth. The larva? (Fig. 393) of
Ergates the giant sugar and yellow pines of the Sierra Nevada forests.
live in
Fig. 395. —Maple-tree borer, Elaphidion villosum, larva, pupa, and adult beetle.
(After Felt; natural size.)
Fig. 15), is black, with striking yellow bands often found on goldenrod;
its larva? live in locust-trees. A similar species, Cyllene pictus, attacks the
hickory. The red milkweed-beetle, Tetraopes tetraopthalmus (PI. II,
1 inch long, is black, brilliantly marked with yellow; the eggs are laid in
Beetles 285
July or August in the bark, the young borer (a footless, flattened, whitish
grub) burrowing first into the sap-wood, where it passes the winter. Dur-
ing the next year it bores vigorously around under the bark, and when about
sixteen months old makes a final deep burrow into the heart-wood, in the
end of which it pupates. Fig. 394 shows all the stages of this insect. The
maple-tree pruner, Elaphidion viUosum (Fig. 395), | inch long, slender
grayish brown, lays its eggs on small twigs in maple-trees in July; the larva;
bore into the center of the twig, eat out a large portion of the woody fiber,
plug the end of the burrow with castings, and wait for a strong wind to break
off the nearly severed branch. In the fallen twigs thus broken off the
larvae pupates, and the beetles issue, the life-history taking just about a year
for completion. This pest also "prunes" oaks, and apple, pear, plum, and
other fruit trees. The sawyers, various species of the genus Monohammus,
are beautiful brown and grayish beetles with extremely long delicate antennae;
the larvae bore in sound pines and firs and do great injury to evergreen
One of the worst and most familiar orchard pests is the round-headed
apple-tree borer, Saperda Candida (Fig. 396). The beetle is f inch long,
narrow, and subcylindrical, pale brown with
two broad creamy-white longitudinal stripes.
The eggs are laid on the bark at the base of
the tree in June and July. The larva works
at first in the sap-wood, making a flat shallow
cavity filled with sawdust and castings; later
it burrows deeper and works upward. When
nearly three years old it bores a tunnel from
the heart-wood out nearly to the bark, partly FlG
39 6. The round-headed
filling the OUter part with sawdust and then apple-tree borer, Saperda can-
retires to
the inner
, ,
end and pupates.
dida, larva and adult beetle.
(After Saunders; natural size.)
or three weeks after pupation the adult beetle
issues from the pupal skin, works outward along the tunnel and cuts a
smooth circular hole in the bark through which it escapes. When several
larvae are working in a tree they may completely girdle it, so that it dies.
The most effective remedy is to apply a repellent wash of lime or soft soap
from the base of the trunk up to the first branches several times during the
egg-laying time, i.e., June and July.
A small family, Spondylidae, called the aberrant long-horned beetles, is
Only one family is included in this section of beetles with but three tarsal
segments in each fool, namely, the familiar little ladybirds or plant-louse
beetles, the Coccinellida?. Their uniformly small size, the semispherical shape,
and the "polka-dot" pattern distinguish them readily from all other beetles
except perhaps the Chrysomelidae, a few of which are often mistakenly
called ladybirds. This is a particularly unfortunate confusion because of
the radically different food-habits and consequent economic relation to
man of the two families. The Chrysomelidae, or leaf-eaters, both as larvae
and adults, attack our crops and trees and flowers; the Coccinellidae, or
.ladybirds, both as larvae and adults, feed on plant-lice and scale-insects,
great enemies of our orchards and gardens, and thus are among our best
insect friends. A friend of mine found that his roses were suffering from
insect attack; he saw little, convex, black-spotted reddish beetles clamber-
ing busily up and down the stems, and he set to work to pick these off one
by one and drop into a tin cup with petroleum in the bottom. When he had
Fig. 397. —
Some Californian ladybird-beetles; beginning at left of upper row the species
are Megilla vitigera, Coccinella califomica, C. oculata, Hippadamia convergens;
beginning at left of lower row, Coccinella trifasciata, C. sanguined, C. abdominalis,
Megilla maculata. (Twice natural size.)
a full showed them proudly. But the more little round beetles he
pint he
picked more rapidly wilted his roses. And for the wholly sufficient
off the
reason that he was collecting and killing the ladybirds that were making
a fight —a losing one in the face of my friend's active part in it — against
the hosts of tiny inconspicuous green rose-aphids that were sucking the sap
out of the rose-stems and buds. So be it remembered that not all bugs
are bad bugs, but that some, like the ladybirds, are most effective helpers
in waging war against the real pests!
There are about 150 species of ladybirds known in the United States,
and almost all are reddish brown with black dots or black with reddish
Beetles 287
spots. Their colors and markings make them conspicuous, and yet the
let them alone; it is presumed,
natural enemies of insects, the birds, obviously
therefore, that these beetles are ill-tasting to birds, and that their bright colors
398). This cuticle often surrounds the pupa "like a tight-fitting overcoat
with the front not closed by buttons." In other cases the larval skin is
forced backwards and remains as a little crumpled pad about the posterior
The two-spotted ladybug, Adalia hi punctata, reddish yellow with a
single black spot on each elytron, is common in the East, where it often
few years had become so abundant and widely spread over the state that
it seriously threatened the extinction of the great orange industry. In 1888
a few live Vedalias (altogether about 500 specimens in five separate lots)
were brought from Australia, put on trees infested by the fluted scale, and
by helpful scattering of the progeny of these original emigrants this lady-
bird species was soon distributed to all scale-infested localities. In a few
years it had the pest completely under control, and has ever since remained
its master. And California continues to grow Washington oranges.
This section includes those beetles which have the front and middle
feet with five tarsal segments, the hind feet with four. It is a heterogeneous
assemblage, including, besides two large families of widely differing aspect
and habits, a number of small ones of obscure, little known, and mostly
uncommon species of small size, which present a wide variety of structure
and life-history. The two principal families can be distinguished by the
following diagnosis:
Head without distinct neck, narrower than thorax and more or less inserted in it;
body-wall hard; color usually black.
(Darkling ground-beetles.) Tenebrionid.e.
Head as wide as prothorax, and attached to it by a visible neck; body soft and
elytra flexible; colors often diversified, frequently metallic blue or green
(Blister- and oil-beetles.) Meloid.e.
The common ground-beetles of the North and East are the swift preda-
ceous Carabidae; any stone or log turned over
will reveal them. In the dry warm western plains
and southwestern semi-desert states, however, the
slower vegetable-feeding Tenebrionida? are the com-
mon ground-beetles. The most familiar of them on
the Pacific coast are large, awkwardly moving, shin-
ing black pinacate bugs, Eleodes (Fig. 399) which,
when disturbed by the turning over of their covering
stone, stand on and head and emit an
their fore legs
ill - smelling fluid of the abdomen.
from the tip
F, G -qq.— pinacate bug, They have no wings, and the thick horny elytra are
Eleodes sp. (Natural grown fast to the back. All the rest of the body
is similarly armor-plated, and the collector has to use
an awl to make a hole through the body-wall for pinning up his specimens.
Beetles 289
The darkling-beetles constitute a large family, more than four hundred species
all familiar. They are mostly dull or shining black, and feed on dry vege-
table matter, often in a state of decay. Some live in grain, flour, meal, or
sawdust; others in living or dead fungi, and a few are probably predaceous.
and pantries the meal-
A common species in mills, stables, grocery-stores, is
Warm boxes partly filled with bran, in which they undergo all their metamor-
phosis. T. obscurus is a darker, almost black, species found also in mills
and granaries. Both of these species have been spread all over the world
by commerce. A smaller brown species, Echocerus maxillosus, \ inch long,
is common in and neglected flour.
the southern states in old
Uloma impressa, \ inch long, deep mahogany-brown, is common in the
east, occurring in decaying logs and stumps. Smaller species of the same
genus, lighter in color, are also to be found in
similar places. An odd-looking species called
by Comstock the forked fungus-beetle, Boleto-
uncommon in the north —Larva a Tene-
therus bijurcus,
and east in
is not
and about the large shelf-fungi bd-B.
Fig. 400.
H«-«N> of
green, blue, and steel-black being common colors (PL II, Fig. 12). Some,
however, are grayish, dead black, or yellowish and brown. All are leaf-feeders-
In the development of the blister-beetles an extreme condition known
as hypermetamorphosis occurs, which is undoubtedly the result of a purpose-
ful adaptation brought about by long selection, but
which seems an almost impossible achievement of
such "blind" natural forces. The eggs are deposited
in the ground; from them hatch minute active strong-
jawed larvae (Fig. 402) with three pairs of long legs,
Fig. 402. —
Hypermetamorphosis of Epicanta vittata. A, young larva or triungulin;
B, caraboid larva; C, coarctate larva; D, scarabaeoid larva; E, pupa; F, adult.
(After Riley; natural size indicated by line.)
larval guise with soft skin, short legs, small eyes, and different body form
and proportions. One week later a second moult occurs, but without re-
Beetles 291
vealing much of a change in the larva, although it is now more curved, less
active, and somewhat like a small June-beetle grub; after a third moult it is
still more helpless and grub-like. It now grows rapidly. When full-grown
it leaves the ruined egg-pod, makes a little cell in the ground near by in
which it lies motionless except for a gradual contracting and slow fourth
whiter. It becomes now rather active and burrows about, but takes no
food, and after a few days again moults for the sixth time, to appear at last
as a true pupa. Five or six days later the adult beetle emerges.
Those blister-beetles which live parasitically on bees' eggs instead of on
those of the locust probably follow about the course described by Fabre
for Sitaris humeralis, a European species,an account of which I quote
from Sharp (Cambridge Natural History, vol. vi): "The eggs of the Sitaris
are deposited in the earth in close proximity to the entrances to the bees'
nests, about August. They are very numerous, a single female producing,
it is upward of two thousand eggs. In about a month— towards
of black
the end of September— they hatch, producing a tiny triungulin
color; the larvae do not, however, move away, but, without taking any food,
hibernate in a heap, remaining in this state till the following April or May,
when they become active. Although they are close to the abodes of the
bees, theydo not enter them, but seek to attach themselves to any hairy object
that may come near them, and thus a certain number of them get
on to the
bodies of the Anthophora [the bees] and are carried to its nest. They
attach themselves with equal readiness to any other hairy insect, and it is
egg, finally closing the receptacle. worthy of remark that in the case
It is
the bee. When she deposits an egg on the honey, the triungulin glides from
the body of the bee on to the egg, and remains perched thereon as on a raft,
floating on the honey, and is then shut in by the bee
closing the cell. This
remarkable act of slipping on to the egg cannot be actually witnessed, but
the experiments and observations of the French naturalist leave little room
fordoubt as to the matter really happening in the way described. The egg
of the bee forms the first nutriment of the tiny triungulin, which spends
about eight days in consuming its contents; never quitting it, because
292 Beetles
tact with the surrounding honey is death to the little creature, which is
entirely unfitted for living thereon. After this the triungulin undergoes
a moult and appears as a very different creature, being now a sort of
upper part; so that it is admirably
vesicle with the spiracles placed near the
fitted for floating on the honey. In about forty days, that is, towards the
middle of July, the honey is consumed, and the vesicular larva after a few
days of repose changes to a pseudo-pupa within the larval skin. After
remaining in about a month some of the specimens go through
this state for
the subsequent changes, and appear as perfect insects in August or Septem-
ber. The majority delay this subsequent metamorphosis till the following
spring, wintering as pseudo-pupa^ and continuing the series of changes in
June of the following year; at that time the pseudo-pupa returns to a larval
form, differing comparatively little from the second stage. The skin,
though detached, is again not shed, so that this ultimate larva is enclosed
in two dead skins; in this curious envelope it turns round, and in a couple
of days, having thus reversed its position, becomes lethargic and changes
to the true pupa, and in about a month subsequent to this appears as a
perfect insect, at about the same time of the year as it would have done
had only one year, instead of two, been occupied by its metamorphosis.
M. Fabre employs the term by Riley
third larva for the stage designated
Scolytoid larva, but this an inconvenient mode of naming the stage.
is clearly
. Meloe is also dependent on Anthophora, and its life-history seems
. .
on the whole to be similar to that of Sitaris; the eggs are, however, not
necessarily deposited in the neighborhood of the bees'
. nests, and the
triungulins distribute themselves on all sorts of unsuitable insects, so that
it is possible that not more than one in a thousand succeeds in getting access
to the Anthophora nest. It would be supposed that it would be a much
better course for these bee-frequenting triungulins to act like those of Epicauta,
and hunt must be remembered that
for the prey they are to live on; but it
get on to the body of the female of one species of bee; but it has no dis-
crimination whatever of the kind of object it requires, and, as a matter of
fact,passes with surprising rapidity on to any hairy object that touches it;
sorts of other insects; these larvae have been found in numbers on hairy
Coleoptera, as well as on flies and bees of wrong kinds; the writer has ascer-
tained by experiment that a camel's-hair brush is as eagerly seized, and
294 Beetles
when the host larva itself pupates the Stylops pushes one end of its own
body out between two abdominal segments of the host, and there gives birth
alive to many little triungulins. How the triungulins find their way to
their bee-larva hosts is not very clear, but they probably lie in wait in flowers
and when a bee comes along they cling to its leg and are thus carried to
the nest where the larvae are. There are two genera of Stylopidae in our
country, Xenos, which parasitizes the social wasps, Polistes, and Stylops,
which parasitizes the mining-bees, Andrena. The triungulins of Xenos,
being born in a community nest, can simply roam about over the brood-
comb until they they find a wasp-larva to burrow into.
In this suborder are included all those beetles known as curculios, wee-
vils, and snout-beetles (excepting the pea- and bean weevils, see
The dorsum of the lastsegment (pygidium) of the male divided transversely, so that
this sex appears to have one more body-segment, when viewed dorsally, than
the female.
Mandibles with a scar on the anterior aspect.
(Scarred snout-beetles.) Otiorhynchid.e.
Mandibles without scar on the anterior aspect (Curculios.) Curculionid^e.
Pygidium of both sexes undivided.
Pygidium vertical; tibise not serrate.
(Bill-bugs and granary-weevils.) Calandrid^e.
Pygidium horizontal; tibiae usually serrate (Bark-beetles.) Scolytid^e.
Beetl es 295
The scarred snout-beetles, Otiorhynchidae, get their vernacular name
from the presence of a distinct little scar on the front aspect of each mandible.
It is made by the falling off of a mandibular appendage present in the pupa.
Most of these beetles are covered with minute scales, much like those of the
moths and butterflies, which give them often a bright metallic coloration.
Several species of the family are injurious to fruits.
The imbricated snout-beetle, Epiccerus imbricatus, % inch long, dull
silvery white with darker markings, and with the elytra with longitudinal
lines of deep pits, has the posterior ends of the elytra very steep and cut off
almost squarely and ending in a pointed process. It feeds on various culti-
vated plants, as garden vegetables, strawberries, etc., and gnaws holes in
the twigs and fruits of apple and cherry. The pitchy-legged weevil,
Otiorhynchus ovatus, h inch long, dark brown to black with deeply pitted
thorax and striated elytra, with deep punctures in the striae, almost egg-
shaped hind body, and thorax with projecting angle on each side, attacks the
roots and crowns of strawberry-plants, and also the leaves of apple-trees.
Fuller's rose-beetle, Aramiges julleri, is perhaps the most familiar species
of this family, as it attacks garden and conservatory roses, and in Cali-
fornia is an orange pest of some note. It is \ inch long, oval, smoky-brown,
and thinly covered with scales; "snout" is short and obtuse. The eggs
pests. The eggs of Curculionids are laid singly in holes bored or cut by
the female with her snout in stems or fruits of the food-plant and pushed
to the bottom by the snout, which is therefore often very long and slender.
The nut- and acorn-weevils of the genus Balaninus are characterized by
their possession of an unusually long, slender, curving beak (Fig. 404) in ;
the females this beak may be twice as long as the rest of the body; in the
males it is usually about the length of the body. These beetles are from
296 Beetles
the bud, so that it drops off; the larva feeds on the fallen
unopened bud,
changing to a beetle in midsummer. A. grandis is the notorious boll-
weevil of the South, which has made its way since 1890 from Mexico into
this country and is now one of our most serious insect pests; it destroys as
much as ninety per cent of the cotton-crop in badly infested localities. The
eggs are deposited in the buds and bolls, and the larvae feed on seed and
shell, pupating inside the wall of the boll, through which the issuing beetle
gnaws its way. This pest seems to feed only on cotton.
Next to the codlin-moth and San Jose scale probably the most notorious
and destructive fruit-pest is the plum-curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar
(Fig. 405), a small beetle, |- inch long, brown,
and with four small elevated excrescences on
the hard wing-covers. The beetles hibernate
in rubbish, such as accumulated leaves, about
the orchard, and come out in early spring to feed
on the tender buds, leaves, flowers, and even
trreen bark. When the plums have set, the
Fig. 40^.— The plum-curculio, ° . . .
that the rapid growing of the fruit does not injure the delicate egg buried
in it. The whitish larva bores in until it reaches the stone around which
it feeds. (The larva of the plum-gouger, Coccotorus scuteUaris, another
destructive Curculionid pest of the plum, bores into the stone.) When
the larvae are full-grown the infested plums fall to the ground, and the larvae
Beetl es 297
crawl out and into the soil to pupate.The adult beetles soon issue and
hunt up hibernating quarters. The plum-curculio attacks cherries, and
also peaches, nectarines, and apricots. In many regions of this country
it has wholly stopped growing of plums. Curiously enough, but
seem to be able to maintain itself in California,
fortunately, this pest does not
where plum (prune) growing is one of the chief industries. A remedy of
some effectiveness is to jar each plum-tree, under which a sheet has been
spread, repeatedly during blossoming and fruit-setting time. The curculios,
alarmed by the jarring, fold up their legs and snout and fall to the ground
(sheet), where they feign death. This feigning can be turned into reality
Fig. 406. —Larva and pupa of the quince-curculio, Conotrachelus cratagi. (After photo-
graphs by Slingerland; at left, larva, natural size and enlarged; at right, pupa much
bumper) is driven with force enough to do the jarring. All fallen plums also
should be promptly gathered and burned or scalded so as to kill the larvas
The family Calandridae includes about eighty North American species
of weevils, of which several are common and familiar under the names of
corn bill-bugs and rice- and grain- weevils. To the large genus Sphenophorus
belong the species known as corn bill-bugs, blackish, brown, or rarely gray
in color, from \ to \ inch long, with thick and hard elytra which are
ridged and punctured, as is also the thorax. By day they hide in the soil
298 Beetles
at the base of young corn-plants, and at night bore little round holes into
their stems. The larva? live in the stems of timothy, sedges, or bulb-rooted
grasses, pupating in fall or early spring. To the genus Calandra belongs
the destructive rice-weevil, C. oryzce, ^ inch long, blackish to pale chestnut,
which attacks all kinds of stored grains and is especially injurious in the
southern states to and the granary-weevil, C. granaria, | inch long,
dark brown, also common in grain-bins. Both these species have been
widely distributed by commerce, and by their rapid multiplication and the
concealment afforded them by the grain often attain such abundance as
to cause great loss in mills, breweries,
and elevators. The preventive remedy
is cleanliness and the rapid removal of
the stored grain. They prefer dark
places, therefore a flood of sunlight
will prevent their rapid increase. In
bins that can be made nearly air-tight
these pests may be killed by the fumes
of carbon bisulphide.
One may often see in the woods the
curious hieroglyphics of the engraver-
beetles (Scolytidse). Where bark has
been torn from a tree - trunk both
the exposed trunk-wood and the inner
surface of the stripped-off bark reveal
the tortuous branching mines or tunnels
of the Scolytidae. A common way of
eggs in masses or scattered along a tunnel. Soon the larvae hatch, where-
upon each digs a tunnel for itself, all of the new larval mines branching out
from the original tunnel made by the parent beetles. When full-grown
the larva digs a cell at the end of its tunnel and pupates in it. The issuing
beetle finds its way out through the tunnels and is soon ready to begin a new
mine. But there is much variation in the mining habits of the various species.
The beetles are small, often microscopic, the larger ones rarely more than
\ inch long. They are brown to blackish, with stout, nearly cylindrical
hard bodies, the hind end of the body usually obliquely or squarely truncate,
and the head short, bent downward, and so covered by the thorax as to be
Beetles 299
almost invisible from above. The larva? are white and footless little grubs
with very strong jaws. The family includes 1 50 species in North America, and
because of the recently awakened interest in forestry is now being given special
attention by entomologists. The losses, by the death of trees and the rid-
dling of timber, causedby these obscure little insects are enormous. Pinchot,
chief of the United Slates Bureau of Forestry, has recently estimated the
annual forest losses caused by insects to be $100,000,000, and most of the
ravages are due to the Scolytidas.
Among the most destructive genera are Dendroctonus and Tomicus,
each with numerous species. They often work in the same tree. For
example, the famous Monterey pines of California are attacked by Dendroc-
Fig. 408. —Galleriesin Monterey pine, with larvae, pupae, and adults of the engraver-
beetle, Tomicus plastographus. (Natural size except the single beetle outside,
which is enlarged three times.)
tonus valens in the lower three or four feet of the trunk, as many as four
hundred individuals (larvae, pupa?, and adults) occurring in this limited
space in badly infested trees, while above this zone on up to the top of the
tree are the mines of Tomicus plastographus (Fig. 408), from thirty to forty
pairs burrowing into each yard of trunk. It is plain that such a combined
attack on a single tree means death to it.
3°° Beetles
have special habits which make them comparable in some ways with the
social wasps, bees, and ants, and with the termites. They live in mines
the "black holes" often seen in timber —bored into the heart-wood of sick
or dead trees, in colonies including numerous adults and many larvae. Their
food is not the wood of the tree, but consists of certain minute and succulent
bodies produced by a fungus which grows on the walls of their burrows.
This fungus does not grow there by chance, but is "planted" by the beetles.
It is started by the female upon a carefully packed bed or layer of chips,
sometimes near the entrance of a burrow, in the bark, but generally at the
end of a branch gallery in the wood. It spreads, or is spread, from this
forcing-bed to the walls of the various galleries and chambers of the mine.
The young larva? nip off the tender tips of the fungus stalks "as calves crop the
heads of clover," but the older larva? and adult beetles eat the whole structure
down to its base, from which new hyphae soon spring up afresh. The fungus
is suitable for the insects only when fresh and juicy: if allowed to ripen, the
tender protoplasm is shut up in spores, and the galleries are soon filled to
suffocation with these spores and the ramifying mycelial threads. Indeed
the colony of ambrosia-beetles —ambrosia being the name applied to the
tender fungus food is often overwhelmed and destroyed by the quick
growth of their garden-patch. If anything happens to interrupt the constant
feeding on and cutting back of the fungus, the colony is almost always
The order Diptera is so large and includes insects of such widely differing
form and habit that it is difficult to formulate any general account of it. The
£;--> name itself is derived from the most conspicuous
jT"**' structural condition of flies, namely, their two-
winged state. All Diptera have but a single
pair of wings, if any; a few are wingless. The
Fig. 409.
FlG -
3 02 The Two-winged Flies
other insects. The wings are membranous and usually clear, and
supported by a few strong veins. No flies can bite in the sense
of the chewing or crushing biting common to beetles, grasshoppers, and
other insects with jaw-like mandibles, but some have mandibles elongate,
slender, and sharp-pointed, so that they act as needles or stylets to make
punctures in the flesh of animals or tissues of plants. The great majority
of flies, however, have no mandibles at all and no piercing beak, but lap up
liquid food with a curious folding fleshy proboscis,
which is the highly modified labium or under-lip.
They feed on flower-nectar, or any exposed sweet-
ish liquid, or the juices of decaying animal or
plant substance. To take solid food as the
Fig. 411. —
Head, antennae, house-fly does from a lump of sugar, the solid
and beak of mosquito, lat-
has to be rasped off as small particles which are
eral aspect.
either dissolved or mixed in a salivary fluid
that issues from the fleshy tip of the proboscis.
All the Diptera have a complete metamorphosis, the young hatching
from the egg as footless and often headless larvae (maggots, grubs), usually
soft and white, and in many cases ob-
taining food osmotically through the
skin. The life-history is usually rapid,
But that the mosquito-bite not only annoys but may kill, by
ing the punctured tissues with the germs of
malaria or yellow fever or filari-
The Diptera include about 7,000 known species in North America, thus
in degree of numerical represen-
ranking among the principal orders of insects
About 50,000 species are known in the whole world.
tation in this country.
may be separated into certain principal subdivisions
by the
The order
following table:
Of two suborders the smaller one, the Pupipara, including
and degraded parasitic flies, will be considered last.^ Of
strangely specialized
families of small midge-
he first' suborder, the Diptera genuina, the various
(flies with slender
and mosquito-like flies composing the section Nematocera
antenna) will be discussed first, as they are believed by
entomologists to be the more generalized or simpler flies.
304 The Two-winged Flies
Of this section the mosquitoes, black flies, and punkies are perhaps best
known because of the annoyance and irritation caused by their "bites,"
that is, the punctures made by the sharp beak of the females in their blood-
sucking forays. But the swarms of dancing midges and the sprawling long-
legged crane-flies, or leather-jackets, are not unfamiliar members of this group.
In addition there belong here a few families of flies littleknown but possessed
of most interesting habits and form.
Of the ten families included in the above key the members of five pass
the young stages, larval and pupal, in fresh water; of the members of two
The Two-winged Flies 3°5
some have aquatic immature stages and some terrestrial; while the larvae
and pupae of all the members of the remaining three live in plants or in the
ground, none being aquatic.
Best known of the aquatic families, and indeed of the whole suborder,
is the mosquito family, the
Culicida?. While the different
kinds of mosquitoes are much
alike, so much so indeed that
most of us are quite content if
we can determine an insect to be
a mosquito without carrying the
identification farther, there are
known in the world at least 300
different mosquito species, rep-
resenting two dozen distinct
genera. In North America
nearly 60 species are already
known, representing 10 genera,
and new ones are being found
constantly. In the family Culi-
cidae are included two distinct
general types of mosquito, one
with mouth-parts forming a long,
slender, sucking proboscis, pro-
vided with sharp, needle-like
stylets for piercing (Fig. 411), the
of yellow fever and filariasis, and to Anopheles belong the malaria breeding
and distributing mosquitoes.
All the mosquitoes agree in having strictly aquatic immature stages. The
eggs are laid on the surface of standing or slowly moving water, usually
fresh, although several species breed abundantly and probably exclusively
in brackish water. These eggs are in small one-layered packets or rafts (usual
in Culex) (Fig. 413) or are scattered singly (in Stegomyia and Anopheles) (Fig.
414) and hatch in from one to four days, varying with the species, and in
the same species with the temperature and light
conditions. The water oviposited on may be, for
Culex, that of a pond, a pool, or any temporary
puddle, or even that in an exposed trough, barrel,
pail, or can. With Anopheles only natural, usually
jr IG4I4 The eggs of
permanent, pools are have found the
selected. I
Anopheles sp. (After e gg S f Culex incidens on the surface of a bubbling
Giles: much enlarged.) , _, ,. f r „ , . .
mosquito wriggler is prevented from coming to the surface, or if, once there, it
finds some impediment which restrains it from getting its respiratory tube
into connection with the free air above the surface, it will drown. And
this fact partly explains the fatal effectiveness of a film of kerosene spread
over the surface of a pool in which mosquitoes are breeding. The larval
stage lasts from one to four weeks, varying in different species and also
varying in the case of each species at different seasons and under different
conditions of food-supply, temperature, and light. Larvae of Culex have
lived in breeding-jars in my laboratory for three months. The larvae moult
twice, and on the third casting of the skin appear as active, non-feeding
The Two-winged Flies 307
pupae (Figs. 413 and 415) with thick, broad head end (the thick part includes
thorax and head) and slender, curving abdomen, bearing two conspicuous
swimming-flaps at the tip. The pupa rests at the surface of the water with
itstwo short horn-like respiratory tubes, which rise from the dorsum of the
thorax, extending through the surface film to the air above. When dis-
turbed it swims swiftly down into the water by quick bendings or flappings
of the abdomen with its terminal flaps. The pupal
stage lasts from two to
five days, with comparatively little beyond these extremes.
The adults issue through a longitudinal rent in the back of the pupal
cuticle, and while drying their wings, legs, and body vestiture rest on the
surface of the water, often partly supported by the floating discarded skin.
The two wings are long and narrow, the legs long and slender, the thorax
humped with the small head hanging down in front and the slender sub-
cylindrical abdomen depending behind. The body is clothed with scales, as
are the veins of the wings, and on the scales, which are of different shapes
and sizes on different parts of the body, and vary in different species, depend
the colors and pattern, often striking and beautiful, just as all the color pat-
terns of the butterflies and moths are produced by a covering over body and
wings of similar scales. The males of all mosquitoes differ from the females
in having the slender, many-segmented antennas provided with many long
fine hairs arranged in whorls and combining to give the antennae a bushy or
ably feed, if at all, on the nectar of plants or on other exposed liquids. The
females suck blood when they can get it, but in lieu of this animal fluid
feed on the sap of plants. In experimental work in the laboratory cut
pieces of banana are provided the imprisoned adult mosquitoes.
At this writing about fifty species of Culex, one species of Stegomyia, and
four species of Anopheles have been found in this country. These three
genera may be distinguished by the following key:
Palpi (the mouth-feelers projecting by the side of the proboscis) long in both male and
female, about as long as the proboscis Anopheles.
Palpi as long as proboscis in male, but only one-third as long in female.
Scales on the head narrow and curved Culex.
Scales on the head flat and broad Stegomyia.
quitoes. Despite the hosts of the enemy, its great capacity for providing
new individuals to supply the places of the fallen, its effective means of
locomotion, and its easily managed de-
partment of commissary, local foraging
being exclusively relied on for sustain-
ing its armies, we are making headway
against it. Our modes of attack are
various: by draining swamps, ponds,
and puddles we restrict the multiplication of these pests, and rid particular
localities of them altogether; by introducing into ponds and pools which
cannot be drained substances, as kerosene, etc., which are poisonous to mos-
Looking not unlike mosquitoes are the larger species of the family Chiro-
nomidae, whose members are popularly known as midges and punkies, the
name blood-worm being applied to the reddish aquatic larvae of certain
species. Like the mosquitoes, the males are distinguished from the females by
their very bushy or feathery antennae, but, unlike the mosquitoes, the females,
except in the case of the minute punkies or "no-see-ums" of the New Eng-
land and Canadian mountains and forests, and their near relatives in the
western forests, are not blood-suckers. The midges are particularly notice-
able in "dancing-time," that is, when they collect in great swarms and
up toss
and down meadows, pastures, and stream sides.
in the air over
The larvae (Fig. 420) of most species are aquatic, some of them forming
small tubular cases, as caddis-fly larvae do, and most of them being distinctly
reddish in color. They wriggle about in the slime and decaying leaves at
the bottom of ponds or lakes, feeding on vegetable matter. The pupae
(Fig. 421) are, like those of the mosquitoes, active, although of course non-
feeding,and are provided with two bunches of fine hair-like tracheal gills
on the dorsum of the thorax, or with a pair of short club-shaped processes
The Two-winged Flies 3
1 *
^ 1G 4 21-
Fig. 420. -
Fig. 422.
FlG 423.
tight and secure in their rock basins to small but strong silken nets spun
by the larva?. They rest on the under side of these nets, indeed are almost
enclosed in them as in a cocoon. This little fly is a most interesting insect
because of its ocean-water habitat very few insects live in salt water, and
almost no others have so truly an ocean home, except
the curious salt-water striders, Halobates (see p.
197), which live on the surface of the ocean far out
at sea. It is interesting, too, because of its structu-
ral modifications, the atrophied wings, rudimentary
balancers, etc., which set it off widely from all
Fig. 426. —Larvae and pupae of Simulium sp. on edge of stream, May-fly on projecting
twig. (After Felt.)
The Two-winged Flies 3 X
decaying seaweed, etc., and from among these this species has no doubt
gradually worked its way out to the very verge of the shore-line, becoming
gradually adapted in habit and structure to the conditions of its new
Besides the mosquitoes and punkies a third kind of fly assails the rod-
and-line fisherman, the hunter, and the camper in forests and along the streams;
black, stout-bodied, hump-backed, short-legged, broad-winged flies (Fig.
424) from one-sixth to one-fourth of an inch long, with short but strong
piercing proboscis. These are black-flies, buffalo-gnats or turkey-gnats, as
they are variously called, composing the small family Simuliidas, distributed
all over this country, but especially abundant in the southern states, where
they attack cattle so fiercely and in such great swarms that the animals are
driven frantic and sometimes even killed by a violent fever produced by the
terrible biting.
The larva? (Fig. 426) are odd, squirming, slippery, little black "worms,"
which, clinging by the hind tip of the body, occur in dense colonies or patches
on the smooth rock bed in shallow places
of swift streams. The lip of a fall is a
favorite place for them. The swift- I [
running water constantly affords them
an abundant air and food supply. The
free or head end of the body is provided K j;
pharynx; md., mandible; mx., maxilla; mxp., maxillary palpus; li., labium; pg., '
with a conspicuous pair of freely movable brushes which collect food from
the water. The clinging to the rock is effected by means of silk spun
from the mouth, and by the skilful use of silken threads the larvae can
move about over the submerged rock bed without being washed awav by
the swift water. When ready to pupate, which is after about a month of
314 The Two-winged Flies
Fig. 429. — Longitudinal section of head of old larva of black-fly, Simulium sp., showing
adult mouth-parts developing inside of or corresponding with the larval mouth-
parts,, larval mandible;, larval maxilla; /./z'., larval labium; I.e., larval
cuticle; /.a., larval antenna;, adult mandible;, adult maxilla;, adult
labium; i.d., adult hypoderm (cell-layer of skin); i.a., adult antennae; i.e., adult
eye. (Much enlarged.)
just below the surface of the water, or on the spray-dashed sides of boulders
in the stream or on its margin.
In the same places where the Simulium larvae live, that is, on the smooth
rock faces of stream bed and lip of fall under the thin apron of swift silver
water of mountain streams, live also the curious flattened larvae (Fig. 430) of
the net-winged midges or Blepharoceridae. This small family of interesting
comprising only eighteen species in the whole world, of which seven
belong to this country, is one with which the general collector will hardly
become acquainted unless he takes particular pains to do so. But the pains
are well worth while, for they are not pains at all, but pleasures. In the first
place, the larvae —and they must be looked for first, the winged flies being very
rare, very retiring, and hardly distinguishable, until captured, from a number
of other common and less interesting kinds — live only in the most attractive
parts of the most attractive mountain brooks. I have found them in a tiny
swift stream near Quebec, in two or three hillside brooks near Ithaca,
N. Y., in roaring mountain torrents in the Rocky Mountains, and in similar
plunging streams in the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range. Clinging by a
ventral series of six suckers to the smooth shining rock bed, the short broad
The Two-winged Flies 3*5
larvae squirm slowly around, feeding on diatoms and other microscopic water
Fig. 431. —
Cross-section of body of larva of net-winged midge, showing anatomical
details of sucker and other parts, h., heart; al.c, alimentary canal; I. p., lateral
process; v.c, ventral nerve-cord; r., rim of sucker; s., stopper of sucker; m.s.c,
muscles for retracting sucker and contracting body; /., tendon at end of muscles.
(Much enlarged.)
organisms, and never suffering themselves to get into slow water. Trans-
planted from the highly aerated swift water of the
stream's center to the slow water of eddies or pools
along the bank, they die very soon. When ready
to pupate they gather in small patches, still keeping
in the swift water, and each changes into a curious
flattened, turtle-shaped, motionless, non-feeding pupa
(Fig. 432) which is safely glued to the rock face by
itsunder surface. The dorsal wall is thick and black,
and projecting from it at the broad front head end
is a pair of breathing-organs, each composed of three
Fig. 435. —
Heads of female (at left) and of male (at right) of net-winged midge, Bibio-
cephala comstocki, showing division of eyes into two parts, the upper part with fewer
and larger facets than the lower part. (Much enlarged.)
these flies have, and the great danger attending the transformation to the
adult stage probably partly explains why the species are so few. It is an
unsuccessful type of insect life; the family is probably becoming extinguished.
Because the few living species are so widely distributed over the world
Fig. 437. Fig. 438.
Fig. 437. —
Diagram of cross-section of head through compound eyes of net-winged
midge, Blcpharoccra capitate, female, o, ocelli; br., brain; o.l., optic lobes; /./., large
facets; s.f., small facets.
Fig. 438. —Mouth-parts of larva of net-winged midge, Bibiocephala doaiiei. md., man-
dible; nix., maxilla; l.ep., labrum-epipharynx; li., labium; hyp., hypopharynx.
(Much enlarged.)
and diagonal veins are the marks of the creases made by the compact folding
of the wings in the pupal shell. The females are provided with long saw-
edged mandibles (Fig. 434), and are predatory in habit, catching smaller
living insects, especially Chironomid midges, lacerating their bodies with
the mandibular saws and sucking the blood. The males have no mandibles,
and probably take flower-nectar for food. Both males and females of several
fourth andfifth body segments. It usually keeps the body bent almost double,
and when feeding near the surface the head is twisted so that the under or
The Two-winged Flies
3 !
mouth side faces up although the rest of the body has its ventral aspect facing
down. This larva belongs one of the midge-like flies of the genus Dixa
(Fig. 44c), which is the only genus in the family Dixidae, represented by about
a dozen North American species. The winged flies (Fig. 442) are found in
moist places, densely grown over with bushes or rank herbage, in woods.
Although resembling mosquitoes and
Chironomid midges in general appear-
ance, they can be readily distinguished
from them by the arrangement of
the wing- veins (Fig. 444).
An interesting small group of
readily recognizable flies is the
family Psychodidse, or "moth-fly"
family. The vernacular name comes
from the slight resemblance to minute
moths shown by these flies because
of the hairy broad wings, which are
held over the back when the fly is at
rest in the roof-like manner of the Fig. 442.
moths (Fig. 445). The largest of these Fig. 441. —Pupa of Dixa sp. (Much en-
flies are onlv about one-sixth of an t?-,^?.
rlG. 442.- -Dixa sp. (Much enlarged.)
inch long, and are rarely distinguished
except by careful observers. I have found them especially common in gar-
dens near the seashore in California, and also in the overhanging foliage
Fig. 443. —
Mouth-parts of Dixa sp., female, l.ep., labrum-epipharynx; tnd., mandible;
mx., maxilla; mx.L, maxillary lobe; mx.p., maxillary palpus; li., labium; pg., para-
glossa; gl., glossa; hyp., hypopharynx.
known. The larvae (Fig. 446), which are little slug-like creatures, one-
tenth of an inch long, cling by a row of eight suckers on their ventral side
to stones in or on the margin of the stream, where they are constantly
wetted by the dashing water. When ready to pupate the larvae crawl a little
higher on the stones, where only the spray will reach them, and, fixing them-
selves to the rock face by a gummv exudation, change to small flattish,
up into the overhanging foliage, where they spend most of their time
resting on the under side of the leaves.
The largest family of nematocerous flies in point of number of species,
The Two-winged Flies 321
and that one containing the largest flies in the whole order, is the family
Tipulidae, whose long-legged, narrow-winged members are familiarly known as
crane-flies, leather-jackets, and " granddaddy-long-legs. " The granddaddy-
long-leg which have wings, should not be confused with the often simi-
larly named harvestmen which are allies of the spiders, have no wings, and
have four instead of three pairs of legs. The Tipulid legs are extremely
fragile, breaking off at a touch. Most slender-bodied, long- and thin-legged,
two-winged insects of more than one-half-inch length of body are Tipulids.
There are some smaller species,
and the front legs held angularly projecting in front, are unmistakable
when seen in the air.
The eggs are laid in the ground at the bases of grasses and pasture plants,
or, by some species, in mud or slime. The footless, worm-like, dirty-white
larvae feed on decaying vegetable matter, fungi, or on the roots or leaves of
green plants. The root-feeders do some damage to meadows and pastures.
The largest Tipulid, and the largest species in the whole order of flies, is
Its body is nearly two inches long, and its legs are from two to two and one-
half inches long, so that the spread of legs is four inches. The eggs are
laid in the ooze of wet banks of little streams where fallen leaves are decay-
ing and subdrainage water is always slowly trickling out from the soil. The
larvae (Fig. 450) he in this slimy bed, in crevices or on narrow ledges of rock,
with the posterior tip of the body bearing the two breathing-openings (spi-
racles) held at the surface. The soft ooze, composed of soil and slowly
decomposing leaves, is swallowed, and, as it passes through the alimentary
canal, the organic material digested out of it. The footless, worm-like
larvae grow tobe two and one-half inches long, but can contract to less than
an inch. The duration of the larval life is not yet known, but it is at least
several months. The pupae which are provided with a pair of
(Fig. 450),
long, slender respiratory hornson the prothorax, lie motionless in the slime
for twelve davs, when the great flies emerge and fly up into the foliage of
the stream bank.
3 22 The Two-winged Flies
Next to the mosquitoes, the worst pests among the nematocerous flies are
various species of the gall-midge family, Cecidomyidae, a family in which
all the stages, larval, pupal, and adult, of all the species are terrestrial. The
gall-midges are the frailest,
Fig. 449. —The giant crane-fly, Holorusia ritbiginosa, male. (Three-fourths natural
Fig. 450. — Larva
(at left) and pupa (at right) of giant crane-fly, Holorusia ritbiginosa;
inmiddle of figure enlarged posterior aspect of larval body, showing spiracles.
(Larva and pupa three-fourths natural size.)
times transforming within the hardened last larval moult, sometimes with
no special protecting covering at all.
The most notorious gall-gnat is the wheat-pest, known as the Hessian
fly, Cecidomyia destructor, and distributed over all the United States east of
meridian ioo°, as well as in California. By the ravages of its larvae, feeding
as they do on the sap of growing wheat, this minute fly causes an annual loss
in this country of approximately ten million dollars. This enormous direct
tax is paid by those farmers who prefer to farm in the good old way, with a
strong belief in the dispensations of an erratic Providence, rather than to
do their farming as modified by modern knowledge and practice. The
tax-collecting insect, which is a tiny delicate blackish midge about one-
tenth of an inch long, lays its eggs in the creases or furrows of the upper
surface of the leaves of young wheat, and the hatching larvae wriggle down
to the sheathing bases of the leaves, where they lie and drain away the sap
of the growing plant. When full-grown they pupate within the outer hardened
brown last larval cuticle, and resemble very much a small spindle-shaped
seed. This is called commonly the "flaxseed" stage. The adult soon
issues and after a few days of flight and egg-laying There may be as
many as four or five generations in a year, both spring and winter wheat
being attacked. The remedies are the late planting of winter wheat, the
burning or plowing in of the stubble after harvesting, and the early planting
of strips of decoy wheat about the field, which shall attract the egg-laying
females and may be afterwards plowed under with the myriad eggs it contains.
The Hessian fly is a European insect brought unintentionally to this country
about 1778, but probably not, as often said, with the straw brought by the
Hessian troopers of the Revolutionary War. It attacks rye and barley as
well as wheat, and has, in turn, to withstand the combined attacks of half
a dozen hymenopterous parasites, which are said to destroy nine-tenths
of all the Hessian-fly larvae. Without these natural checks to its increase
this pest would destroy every wheat-field in this country in a very few
In 1896 the Monterey pines, Pinns radiala, much grown, together
with the famous Monterey cypresses, as ornamental trees on the San Fran-
3 24 The Two-winged Flies
Fig. 451. —
The Monterey-pine midge, Diplosis pini-radiata; eggs in upper left-hand
corner; pupa, larva, breast-bone of larva, and adult female. (Much enlarged.)
which lays its eggs at the base of the growing new needles and whose larva?
hatching and lying here use up the sap necessary for the development of
the needles. Monterey pines have been cut down, and unless
Hundreds of
the natural enemies of thislittle fly, of which two or three have been dis-
covered, get the upper hand of the pest, this splendid species of pine may
be wholly destroyed. A half-dozen other species of Diplosis are known
in this country and Europe as pests of conifers, but no other pine species
seems to have suffered quite so severely as this interesting Californian one,
whose whole geographical range extends over but a thousand square miles,
and which is thus specially liable to destruction by concentrated insect
If the collector will break up and examine carefully almost any old or
partially decaying toadstools or shelf fungi from trees, he will find in the
soft fungous body numerous small translucent white maggot-like larvae, the
feed on the decomposing substance in which the eggs are .aid, sometimes
spinning silken webs for protection. They pupate in the food-substance or
crawl away to some more sheltered spot, often forming a thick cocoon in
Fig. 452. -A fungus-gnat of the family Mycetophilidce; larva, pupa, and adult.
(Much enlarged.)
which to transform. Perhaps the most singular habits noted in the family
are those connected with the strong gregarious instinct which leads the
larva; of many species to live closely together. Some of the species of Sciara,
known as "army-worms," have "the singular propensity of sticking to-
in potatoes and other vegetables, while the serious injury to potatoes called
"scab" is caused by a fungus-gnat known as Epidapus scabies.
With larger and more robust bodies and relatively shorter and thicker an-
tennae, the March-flies, Bibionidae, serve as a sort of transition family between
the long-legged, slender -bodied midge type of fly with its thread-like hairy
antennae, and the compact, heavy-bodied, short-legged type of fly with short
and club-like three-segmented antennas, characteristic of the many families
grouped in the section Brachycera. The March-flies (Fig. 454) are from
one-eighth to one-half inch long, with fairly robust, often hairy, body, black-
326 The Two-winged Flies
Fig. 454. —
March-fly, Bibio albipennis. (Three times natural size.)
Fig. 455. -Diagram of wing of Bibio albipennis, showing venation.
The air danced with them, and the pine-trees and shrubs bore countless
myriads on their branches. Professor Needham records a similar sight
in which individuals of B. fraternus formed the hosts, and a woodland pasture
near Lake Michigan was the scene of their appearance. "I have rarely
come upon a scene of greater animation than a sheltered hollow in this wood
presented," writes Professor Needham. "There was the undulating field
clad in waving grass and set about with the pale-hued foliage of the white
oaks; there were the flowering hawthorns; and there were the myriads
of Bibios floating in the sunshine, streaming here and there like chaff before
sudden gusts and swirls of air. All the spiders' webs in the bushes were
filled with captives; little groups of ants were dragging single flies away to
their nests, and once I saw overhead a chestnut-sided warbler, perched on
a bare bough directly in a stream of passing flies, rapidly pecking to right
and to left, persistently stuffing his already rotund maw. I counted a number
of flies I could see resting on the grass in several small areas wide apart, and
The Two-winged Flies 327
found the counts averaged fifteen Bibios per square foot; and there were
here in one place forty acres of such Bibio territory."
Two families of nematocerous flies are not included in the key, and have
not heretofore been referred to. They are the Orphnephilidae, of which but
a single species is known in this country, viz., Orphnephila testacea, a small
reddish-yellow fly without hairs or bristles on its body, and with short antennae
apparently composed of two segments, but really of ten, the apparent first
j ,,.. . ,
are small and slender, with broad spotted wings veined in a character-
istic way (Fig. 456). The larvae of Rhyphus are worm-like, legless, naked,
more or less transparent, with snake-like movements. They live in water,
brooks, pools, or puddles, or in rotting wood, hollow trees, or manure.
The Brachycera, or flies with "short horns," i.e., short thick antennae
composed of few segments, in contrast with the many-segmented antennae,
usually slender and Nematocera, are separable into three groups
long, of the
of families, as indicated in the key on page 303, based on a further analysis
of the structural character of the antennae. These groups are, first, one includ-
ing flies in which the antennae are composed of more than five segments but
with all those beyond the second coalesced to form a single compound
segment, bearing more or less distinct annulations indicating the component
subsegments; second, one including flies having antennae made of four or
five distinct segments; and third, and by far the largest, one including flies
The branches of the radial vein (see Fig. 460) crowded together near the costal (front)
margin of the wing (Soldier-flies.) Stratiomyid.*:.
Venation normal.
Alulets, i.e., little whitish wing-like membranous flaps at the base of the true wings,
large (Horse-flies.) Tabanid^e.
Alulets small (Snipe-flies.) Leptid.e (in part).
328 The Two-winged Flies
The most familiar and interesting flies in this group are the well-known
horse-flies, gad-flies, or deer-flies, Tabanidae. They are all fairly large,
some indeed being among the largest of our flies.
The great, black, swift horse-flies that in summer dart suddenly at our
carriage-horses and with quick shifting flight seem to be fairly carried
along in the air close to the horses, are the most familiar representatives of
Fig. 457. —Greenhead, or horse-fly, Tabanns lineola. (After Lugger; natural size
indicated by line.)
the order. Many of the smaller horse-flies show gleaming metallic colors,
especially about the head. Much of this color is in the large compound
eyes, and almost any horse-fly caught alive or just killed will astonish the
collector by the brilliant bands and flecks of iridescent green, violet, purple,
and copper on the eyes. The biting and blood-sucking are done by the
females alone, the males lacking the sharp dagger-like piercing mandibles
and contenting themselves with lapping up flower-nectar.
The brown elongate eggs of horse-flies are laid either on stems or leaves
of terrestrial plants, or on aquatic plants or submerged stones. The larvae,
whitish, cylindrical, tapering at both ends, and with a series of slightly raised
roughened ridges running around the body, either live in water, in slimy
places along pond and brook shores, or in soft rich soil, and are predaceous,
The Two-winged Flies 329
Fis. 459. —Mouth-parts of a horse-fly, Therioplectes sp. md., mandible; mx., maxilla;
mx.l., maxillary lobe; mx.p., maxillary palpus; hyp., hypopharynx; lb., labrum;
ep., epipharynx; li., labium; la., labellum.
colored eyes and black or brown and yellow bodies mostly belong to the
genus Chrysops. Silvins pollinosus is a beautiful small species with a milk-
white bloom over its body, and with clear whitish wings with a few small
brown spots.
The soldier-flies, Stratiomyidae, are unfamiliar insects, although as many
species of them as of horse-flies occur in this country. Many of the species
have bright yellow or green markings, and most of them have the abdomen
curiously broad and flattened.
They are found about flowers,
and can readily be classified,
after capture, by the unusual
character of the venation (see
Fig. 460). The eggs are laid
on the ground or on leaves in or
near water, some of the larva?
Fig. 460. — Diagram of wing of Odontomyia
sp., showing venation.
being terrestrial, while others are
aquatic. The food seems to be mostly vegetable, although the larvae of some
species are believed to be carnivorous. One or two species live in salt or
brackish water, and Sharp records that some Stratiomyid larvae were found
in a hot spring in Wyoming with the water temperature only 20 to 30 F.
below boiling. They pupate within the last larval skin, which is long and
33° The Two- winged Flies
tapering at one end. Some species inhabit ants' nests, and one is suspected
of living parasitically in bee-hives.
is a genus containing rather large conspicuous yellow-banded
flieswith broad flattened abdomen, while Sargus, a genus whose species
are common, has a subcylindrical abdomen with the whole body metallic
The snipe-flies, Leptidae, are a small family represented by about fifty
the robber-flies in size and general appearance, but differ from them by having
the antennae rather long and clubbed at the tip. They are predaceous,
catching and devouring other flying insects, and the larvae of the few species
whose life-history is known are also carnivorous, and seem to have a special
fancy for the larvae of the great wood-boring grubs of the giant Prionus
beetles. Howard believes that the large species, Mydas luteipennis, found
in the Southwest, mimics in coloration and general appearance for protection
or aggression the tarantula-killer wasp found commonly in this country.
The Asilidae, or robber-flies, compose a considerable family nearly 1000 —
species occur in this country —of large, swift, hairy, ferocious-looking Hies
which five wholly by predatory attacks on other insects. The body is usually
long and slender, tapering behind (Fig. 462), although in a few genera the
abdomen is flattened and not unusually elongate. The proboscis is strong
and sharp, the eyes large and keen, and the wings long and narrow and
capable of carrying this insect hawk swiftly and strongly in pursuit of its
prey. Some of the robber-flies are very large, an inch and a half or even
two inches long, and they do not hesitate to attack other large and strong and
The Two-winged Flies 33 1
foliage, and fly quickly up with a buzzing sound when disturbed or attracted
by prey. All the prey is caught on the wing, held in the long spiny feet of
the robber-fly, and torn and sucked dry by the sharp piercing-beak.
mimicry (see Chap. XVII). Erax is a genus with many common gray and
black species about an inch long, with sharp-pointed tip of the abdomen.
The third section or group of Brachycerous families includes many
families, in all of which the antennae have the first two segments small and
the third curiously large and club-like, and usually bearing a single con-
spicuous bristle-like hair. The families of this group can be distinguished
by the following table:
A. Antennae composed of three segments, the third usually large and either with or
without a bristle or style.
B. Empodium pulvilliform, i.e., feet with three little pads instead of two.
(Snipe-flies.) Leptid.e (in part).
BB. Empodium not pulvilliform, i.e., feet with two little pads and a median bristle
or nothing.
C. Radial vein four-branched.
D. Second branch of cubital vein extending free to the margin of the
wing or coalesced with the first anal vein for a short distance
(see Fig. 466) (Bee-flies.) Bombyliice.
DD. Second branch of cubital vein joining first anal far from the
margin of the wing (see Pig. 471).
(Dance-flies.) Empidid^e (in part).
The families of flies named in the above key contain many hundreds of
species but few of which are at all popularly known. The bot-flies (GEstridae),
find himself possessed of a fly which will prove intractable when an attempt
is made to classify it into its proper family. But such unfortunate happen-
ings will be very infrequent, as only small families of obscure or rare species
are thus omitted.
Poised almost motionless in the air a few inches above a sunny path or
roadway, or darting away, when disturbed, with lightning swiftness and
having all the seeming of bees, hairy, plump-bodied, and amber-colored, certain
bee-flies (Bombyliidae) are rather familiar acquaintances of the summer field
is used to suck up sweet nectar from flower-cups. The larva of the bee-flies,
however, are carnivorous, living parasitically in the egg-cases of grasshoppers
or on the bodies of wild bees and various caterpillars. One of these bee-
fly larvae burrowing into a grasshopper's egg-pod can do awful harm to the
embryo grasshoppers, but at the same time much good to us, by the satisfac-
tion of its egg-eating propensities. Beautiful, velvet-clothed, swift-winged,
and nectar-feeding as a fly, maggot-like and parasitic as larva, the bee-fly
is a good example of the great differences in structure and habit which are
hair usually lightbrown or whitish in color. The wings are blotched with
brown or blackish. Anthrax contains numerous species with short proboscis,
and broad flattened body covered with short hair. The wings are either
clear or partly colored with brown or black. In the species of the genus
Exoprosopa (Fig. 468) the hair of the body is very short and often in silvery
bands across abdomen, the pro-
boscis is and the wings usually
beautifully "pictured" with brown and
In California the roads and paths, especially along streams and through
woods and parks, are made almost intolerable in part of the spring for driving
or bicycling because of hosts of small slender blackish flies
prey in the
(Three times natural size.)
sometimes chasing iton the
ground. The larvae, slender cylindrical grubs living in the soil or under leaves
trees and elsewhere on or under bark. The larvae of certain species spin
little thin cocoons when ready to pupate, but with most the pupa is
33 6 The Two-winged Flies
Dolichopus (Fig. 473) is the largest genus of the family, nearly 100 species
occurring in this country. The males are curiously ornamented by special
outgrowths or expansions on the feet. These make the feet at the end of
the long legs very conspicuous and are believed to serve the male to help
attract the female in his courtship of her. These ornaments are not con-
fined to the males of this genus, other genera of the family showing similar
capture, is found to have but a single pair of wings, and short, clubbed anten-
na; like a fly. The puzzle is readily solved with
these clues: the insect is a fly, not a wasp; it simply
looks so much like a wasp that it undoubtedly is
In the genera Conops and Physocephala (Fig. 475) the abdomen is distinctly
peduncled as in the thread-waisted wasps, while in Myopa, Zodion, Oncomyia,
and others the abdomen is sessile or constricted only at the very base.
Under the name bot-flies (CEstridae) some of the most interesting members
of the order Diptera are widely, but superficially, known. The flies themselves
are much less familiar than their eggs and larvae, the glistening white eggs
of some species being often seen attached to the flanks, legs,
or feet of a horse or cow, and the stomach-inhabiting larvae
sects, looking rather like small bumble-bees whose mouth-parts are so atrophied
that they can probably take no food at all. They lay their eggs on the hairs
or skin of their special host animal, and the larvae on hatching bore directly
through the skin and into the tissues of the host, or, as in the case of the
familiar bot-fly of the horse and the heel-fly or warble of cattle, the eggs are
taken into the mouth of the host by licking, swallowed, and thus introduced
whose walls the larvae either attach themselves or
directly into the stomach, to
through which they burrow into the true body-cavity of the host.
Less than 100 species of bot-flies are known in the whole world,
but the parasitic habits and resulting economic importance of these flies
have resulted in making the family well known. The most widely dis-
tributed and best known species is probably the horse bot-fly, Gastropliihts
cqui (Fig. 477). This fly, which may be seen in open sunny places along
the roadways, is about \ inch long, brownish yellow, with some darker
markings, but much resembling a honey-bee in appearance. The female
has the abdomen elongate and bent forward underneath the body. The
light-yellow eggs are attached by a sticky fluid to the hair of the horse
33» The Two-winged Flies
on the shoulders or legs or belly. They are licked off by the horse and
swallowed, and the larvae hatch in the mouth or stomach and attach themselves
to the stomach lining, living at the expense of the host. When many larvae
thus live in the stomach (and as many as several hundred have been found
in one animal) the horse suffers serious injury. The larvae live in the stomach
Fig. 477- -Bot-fly of horse, male, Gastropliilus equi, abdomen of female and egg. (After
Lugger; natural size of fly indicated by line.)
and intestines through fall and winter, and late in the spring release their
hold, pass through the intestine with the excretions, and burrow into the
ground to pupate. The pupal stage lasts about a month, when the flies
issue and the life-cycle begins again. A smaller species of bot-fly, Gastro-
pliilus nasahs, with bright-yellow band across the abdomen, lays its eggs
in the lips and nostrils of horses. For the rest its life-history is about like
that of G. equi.
The bot-flies, warble-flies, or heel-flies of cattle, whose larvae are found in
small tumors under the skin, also have their eggs swallowed, and the young
larvae may be found in the mouth and oesophagus. But from here they burrow
out into the body-tissues of the host, finally coming to rest underneath the
skin along the back. When the larva or grub is full-grown it gnaws through
the skin, drops to the ground, pupates, and in from three to six weeks changes
to the adult fly. The hides of cattle attacked by these flies are rendered
nearly valueless by the holes, and are known as "grubby" hides. Osborn
estimates that these warble-flies, of which we have two species, Hypoderma
bovis and H. lineata, cause a loss of $50,000,000 annually in this country.
The genus Cuterebra number of species of which the rabbit
includes a
bot-fly, C. cuniculi, is most familiar. The larvae lie in large warbles or tumors
under the skin of the infested rabbit, and late in the summer the jack-rabbits
and cottontails are so badly infested in some localities that hardly one can
be found free from the pest. The adult is a large fly resembling a bumble-
The Two-winged Flies 339
bee, with black head, yellow-brown thorax, and the abdomen blue-black
with yellow base. The full-grown larva is a large black spiny grub.
One or two species of bot-flies infest man, and also (probably the same
species)monkeys and dogs and perhaps other animals. Numerous instances
are recorded in which the larva? of Dermatobia noxialis and D. cyaniventris
have been found under the skin of persons in tropical America, and a few
instances of such cases in the United States. The larvae are thick and broad
at one extremity and elongate and tapering at the other.
The family Syrphidae, Syrphus-flies, flower-flies, or hover-flies, as the
English call them, is one of the largest in the order; including fully 2500
species in the whole world, of which over 300 are found in this country.
For so large a family few generalizations regarding the appearance or
habits of the flies can be made. Many of the Syrphus-flies resemble bees
and wasps in appearance, and almost all are rather bright and handsome
insects. They feed on nectar and pollen, and hence are to be found in sun-
shiny hours at flowers, hovering like tiny humming-birds in front of open
don, which live in ants' nests, look like little mollusks, and when first found
were actually described as new molluscous genera. Their body is flat,.
broad, unsegmented, and looks like a flat broadly elliptical little shell or
The species of Syrphus are black with yellow bands, with the abdomen
not so heavy as in Eristalis. The larvae are predatory, doing great havoc
in aphid colonies, but being thus of great benefit to florists and gardeners.
Fig. 482. —Mouth-parts of Eristalis sp. li., labium; hyp., hypopharynx; lb., labrum;
w.v., maxilla; mx.L, maxillary lobe; mx.p., maxillary palpus.
The species of Volucella are bee-like in appearance and their larva? live in
the wing and the outer margin of the wing. See in Fig. 490.)
Alulets small Acalyptrate Muscid.e.
Alulets large Calyptrate Muscid.e.
First posterior cell widely open Subfamily Anthomyiin^e.
First posterior cell narrowly open or closed (Fig. 490).
Antennal bristle wholly bare Subfamily Tachinin.e.
Antennal bristle with some distinct hairs.
Antennal bristle bare near the tip Subfamily Sarcophagus^.
Antennal bristle plumose or pubescent to the tip.
of the more interesting kinds in the group after taking up briefly the five
subfamilies of larger, more noticeable Calyptrate Muscids.
342 The Two-winged Flies
Fig. 485. —
Larva of house-fly, Musca domestica. (After Howard and Marlatt; three
times natural size.)
Fig. 486. Pupa, in puparium, of house-fly, Musca domestica. (After Howard and
Marlatt; three times natural size.)
Fig. 487. A stable-fly, Sto- This stable-fly and another ally of the house-
moxys calcitrans. (Three fly, called the horn-fly, are great pests of stock.
The horn-fly, Hcetnatobia serrata (Fig. 488), which
gets its popular name from the habit of clustering, when not feeding, on the
bases of the horns of cattle, is a European insect that was accidentally brought
to this country in 1886 or 1887.
It quickly established itself, and in two years had spread over the eastern
The Two-winged Flies 343
fly named
in this country is Sarcophaga sarracenice (Fig. 489), and looks like
(hatched from eggs retained
an extra-large house-fly. It gives birth to larvae
in the body of the female) which are
deposited on fresh meat, sometimes in
rapidly, attaining their
open wounds. The larvae (maggots) feed and grow
They pupate within the thickened brown last
full size in three or four days.
344 The Two-winged Flies
larval skin, and issue as adults in ten or twelve days after birth. The blow-
flies and bluebottles, members of this subfamily, have the body steely blue or
greenish and are great buzzers. The blow-fly, Calliphora erythrocephala,
has the thorax black and abdomen steely blue. Its eggs are laid on exposed
meat, fresh or decaying, such egg-infested meat being called "blown." The
Fig. 489. —A blow-fly or flesh-fly, Sarcophaga sarracenicz. (After Lugger^, natural size
indicated by line.)
larva; feed on the juices of the decaying meat and pupate after a few days.
The pupae enclosed in the thickened brown last larval skin look like
large smooth shiny brown elliptical seeds, as do indeed the pupae of all
pharynx, causing terrible pain and sometimes death. Indeed, out of twelve
cases which came to the knowledge of Dr. Richardson, an Iowa physician,
eleven resulted fatally. As many as three hundred screw-worms were taken
from the inner nose and region above and behind the soft palate of some
of the patients. As a pest of domestic animals the greatest injuries have been
caused in Texas. The eggs are laid in any open wound or in the nose or mouth,
and the quickly hatching larvae burrow into the adjacent tissues. Cattle and
hogs are particularly attacked, horses and sheep less often.
In the states in which sugar-beets are grown some anxiety for the success
of this new industry —
new in this country, that is; sugar has long been made
from beets in Germany -is felt because of the presence in the beet-fields
of an obscure little fly, Pegomyia vicina, which may be called the sugar-beet
midge. The eggs are laid on the leaves, and in three or four days the tiny
white larvae hatch and burrow into the soft leaf-tissue. When many of the
larvae are at work mining the leaves much injury to the plants results. In the
great sugar-beet fields along the California coast four or five generations
of this flyappear annually and occasion great loss to the growers. This
fly belongs to the subfamily Anthomyiinae, to which Muscid group two
other well-known fly-pests belong, namely, the onion-fly, Phorbia ceparum,
and the cabbage maggot-fly, Phorbia brassicce. Both these insects in the
adult stage are small light-gray flies, looking rather like small house-flies.
The onion-fly lays its soil, and
eggs on the stems of onion-plants, near the
the hatching larvae burrow into the underground bulb, which they soon
nearly destroy. This fly appears to live on no other plant. The cabbage
maggot-fly lays its eggs also on the stem just above or even below the ground,
and the larvae burrow into the roots. Cauliflowers as well as cabbages
are attacked, and often tens of thousands of acres of these two vegetables
are destroyed in a single season by this little fly. The best remedy is the
use of cards cut from tarred paper and bound, collar-like, around the stems
of the plants. These protecting collars should be put on when the young
plants are transplanted from the cold frames into the field. Another familiar
member of this subfamily is the little house-fly, Homalomyia caniciilaris ,
smaller, paler, and more conical in shape than the true house-fly.
Every one who has undertaken to rear butterflies and moths from their
caterpillars has been compelled to make the acquaintance of certain heavy-
bodied bristly flies which appear now and then from a cocoon or chrysalid
in place of the expected moth or butterfly. These are Tachina-flies, and in
their appearance and parasitic habits are representative of the large sub-
family of house-fly cousins known as Tachiniinae. The females fasten their
eggs to the skin of young caterpillars, the hatching larvae burrow into the
body of their crawling host and feed on its body-tissues Sometimes the
caterpillar is killed before it can pupate, but usually not, spinning its cocoon
46 The Two-winged Flies
and pupating with its fatal parasites still feeding inside. But the butterfly
never issues: in its placebuzz out several of these bristly Tachina-flies.
While their habits arouse our indignation at first acquaintance, and par-
ticularly if we have set our hearts on rearing a rare moth or butterfly, a
moment's immense good these flies must really
reflection assures us of the
do. Howard an instance observed by him where the buzzing of
tells of
the swarms of Tachina-flies, hovering over and laying their eggs on the
hosts of a great army of army-worms, could be heard for a long distance.
Fig. 4Qi. —A Tachina-fly, Dejeania corpitlenta. (One and one-half times natural size.)
Fig. 492. —Tachinid parasite (at left) of the California flower-beetle, and parasitic fungus,
Sporotrichum sp. (at right) of same beetle. (Slightly enlarged.)
In the large group of flies, some dingy and obscure in coloration, others
brightly colored and with beautifully patterned wings, but all small and
most unfamiliar, called the Acalyptrate Muscidae (that is, the house-fly
allies with small alulets), we shall not attempt to distinguish the vari-
ous subfamilies as we have for the Calyptrate Muscids. Dipterologists
The Two-winged Flies 347
recognize some twenty distinct subfamilies (or families, if the group
Muscidae be looked on as a super-family) of these small flies, but the distinc-
tions are quite too fine for the general collector to handle. I shall therefore
simply refer briefly to a few of the more interesting or abundant or economi-
cally important species in this group.
Fig. 493. —
Red-tailed Tachina-fly, Winthemia 4-pustulitta, a parasite of the army-worm,
Leucania unipuncta. a, fly, natural size; b, fly, enlarged; c, army-worm, natural
size, upon which eggs have been laid; d, parasitized army-worms, enlarged. (After
These dead-sea waters support hardly any other animal life, but this fly
finds the water much to its liking and breeds there with extraordinary fecun-
dity. The Pai Ute Indians of this region, who, like the flies, have a ques-
tionable palate, gather these larvae by the bushel, dry them in the sun, and
use them for food under the name koo-chah-bee. Prof. Brewer of Yale,,
who made a trial of koo-chah-bee, says "it does not taste badly, and if one
were ignorant of its origin it would make a nice soup." Other species of
Ephydridae occur abundantly in salt-water marshes, the flies living a preda-
Fig. 494. Scalophaga sp. (Two and one-half times natural size.)
Fig. 495. —An aquatic muscid, Tetanocera pictipes, larva, pupa, and adult. (After
Needham; two and one-half times natural size.)
Fig. 498 —Larva of cherry-fruit fly, Rhagoletis cingulata, dorsal and lateral views.
(After Slingerland; natural size and much enlarged.)
35° The Two- winged FJies
than two weeks. Thus even in the short season of the fruit ripening and
gathering much injury can be and often is done by these little tipplers.
A much larger group of fruit-flies is the Trypetidae, whose larva burrow
in fruits or plant-stems, often producing galls on these latter. The familiar
spherical swelling or gall on goldenrod stems is the hiding and feeding place
Fig. 499. — Puparia of cherry-fruit fly, Rhagoletis cingulata. (After SHngcrland; natural
size and much enlarged.)
of the thick white larvae of Trypeta solidaginis, a pretty fly with banded
wings. The longer which sometimes occurs on goldenrod
hollow gall
is made by the caterpillar of a small moth, Gelechia gallce-solidaginis.
Some Trypetid species do much injury by burrowing into fruit, as the apple-
maggot, and the larva of a black-and-white fly with
banded wings known as Trypeta ludens, whose
larvae infests Mexican oranges and may sometime
get a foothold in California or Florida.
Another group of small flies whose larvae are
responsible for serious injury to growing grain,
meadows, and pasture grasses are the Oscinidae,
or grass-stem flies. The adults are commonly taken
by collectors when beating or sweeping in meadows
Fig. 500. — An aquatic and pastures. The flies are minute but plump,
muscid, Sepedon fasci-
an(j are var iouslv colored, sometimes blackish,
pennis, larva, pupa, and .
adult. (After Needham ; sometimes yellowish. They are so small that they
two and one-half times ft en get into one's eyes in their swarming-time,
and are said to cause a prevalent disease of the
eyes in the South. The thick cylindrical little larvae of several species of
Oscinis live in the stems of wheat, barley, oats, rye, and grass. The larva
of Chlorops sinrilis burrows in the leaves of sugar-beets, and another
The Two-winged Flies 351
species of the genus is . the notorious "frit-fly,'' one of the chief grain-
pests of Europe.
Bird-collectors occasionally find on their specimens curious flat-bodied
insects with leathery skin and a single pair of wings, which are obviously
parasites on the body of the birds. Owls and swallows seem especially
infested. Similar parasitic insects, but wingless, are also found on sheep, and
a winged form is not uncommon on horses. These degraded insects are
flies of the suborder Pupipara which are commonly known as bird-ticks,
sheep- and horse-ticks, etc. The animals more rightly entitled to the name
"ticks" are really not true insects, but belong with the scorpions, spiders,
and mites in the class Arachnida. They have four pairs of legs and are always
wingless. Such true ticks are the leathery-skinned cattle-ticks, dog-ticks,
and wood-ticks.
The degraded Diptera belonging to the suborder Pupipara, and also
have of course three pairs of legs and some are winged. Their
called ticks,
name Pupipara comes from the curious circumstances of their birth. The
female does not deposit eggs outside her body, but gives birth to young which
are just ready to assume the pupal stage at the time of their appearance.
In the case of one species, the sheep-tick (Melophagus), whose development
has been carefully studied, the female has four egg-tubes each of which
produces a single germ-cell at a time. Of these four egg-cells three remain
small, while one becomes large and develops into an embryo. This embryo
lies in the unpaired wide vagina of the female, soon casts off its egg-envelopes,
and is nourished as a growing larva by a secretion from two pairs of glands
opening into the vagina of the mother. Here the headless, footless larva
lies and grows until about ^ inch long, when it is born and immediately
it is
is a yellowish winged species common on owls, some hawks, and the ruffed
grouse. Swallows are often infested, and I have taken bird-ticks from half
a dozen other kinds of birds. A careful search for these curious insects
will certainly make known numerous new species.
Fig. 504.
Fig. 502. Fig. 503. Fig. 503. Bat-tick, Nycteribia sp.
Fig. 502.— Sheep-tick, Melophagus ovinus. Nat. size \ in.
Fig. 504.— A bee-louse, Braula sp. (After Sharp; much enlarged.)
dorsum of the thorax, and the prothorax from the upper instead of
anterior aspect of the mesothorax. They are found only on bats and are not
The strange minute long, found clinging to the thorax
insect, T1 j inch
are rather short and stout, and each ends in a pair of comb-like brushes.
The fleas are blood-sucking parasites of mammals and birds which were
long classified as a family (Pulicida?) of the Diptera, being looked on as
wingless and otherwise degenerate flies. But they are now given by ento-
mologists the rank of an order, called Siphonaptera, subdivided into three
families of its own. Nearly one hundred and fifty species of fleas are known
in the world, ofwhich about fifty are recorded from this country. They have
been taken from the domestic dog, cat, rat, and fowls, and from various wild
animals, such as several rabbit and squirrel species, the lynx, weasel, mole,
mountain-rat, shrews and mice, prairie-dog, woodchuck, opossum, etc.
Rothschild has recently described a new flea species from the grizzly bear
(British Columbia). But from the great majority of our wild mammals fleas
have not yet been recorded, although undoubtedly most of them are infested.
Baker, who has recently published a monograph * of the known North
American species, suggests that particularly interesting forms will probably
be found on bats. One flea species, Pulex avium, has been taken from several
kinds of birds, and two or three other fleas are recorded from bird hosts.
The peculiar structural characteristics of fleas are their winglessness,
the extraordinary lateral compression of the body, and the curious modifica-
tion of their mouth-parts for effective piercingand blood-sucking. The an-
tennas lie in little half-covered grooves, down and back behind
the eyes ; they can be lifted or stretched up whenever needed. Each antenna
is composed of three segments, the terminal one, however, being spirally or
transversely lined or grooved and variously shaped, so that it appears to be
composed of several segments. The mouth-parts consist of a pair of needle-
like mandibles, a pair of slender grooved labial processes, probably the
palpi, a pair of short, broad, flattened maxillae, each with a short antenna-
like palpus at and an unpaired needle-like hypopharynx. The needle-
its tip,
like parts serve for piercing and the grooved labial processes for sucking.
Regularly arranged over the body are (in most fleas) many series of stiff,
spine-like hairs, often unusually conspicuous and strong on the head and
* Baker, C. F. A Revision of American Siphonaptera. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol.
xxvii, 1904, pp. 365-469.
354 The Two-winged Flies
thorax. The head is ridiculously small and malformed, so that a flea under
the microscope always suggests an idiotic (microcephalous) creature. But
if its insidious attack and brilliant tactics in retreat be due to wit, this
Fig. 505. —Dog- and cat-flea, Ctenocephalus canis. (After Lugger; much enlarged.)
allow us to give the elusive flea little credit for its ingenuity; we must look
Small fleas with proportionally large head; female a stationary parasite with worm-
like or spherical abdomen, burrowing into flesh of the host; labial palpi
i-segmented; no "combs" of spines on head, thorax, or abdomen.
Larger fleas with proportionally small head; adults active temporary parasites,
with abdomen always compressed; labial palpi 3- to 5-segmented; head,
thorax, or abdomen often with "combs" of spines Pulicid/E.
Of the Sarcopsyllida? but two genera are known, one, Sarcopsylla, includ-
ing the common jigger-flea, infesting various mammals and man in the
tropics and probably occurring in Florida and southern Texas, and Xes-
topsylla, the common chicken-flea, being distinguished by having the head
not angularly produced.
The jigger-flea, or chigoe, Sarcopsylla penetrans (not to be confused with
a minute red mite, common on lawns, which burrows into the skin and is
horse, cow, sheep, etc., as well as birds. The male jigger-fleas hop on or
off the host as other fleas do, but the females, when ready to lay eggs, burrow
into the skin, especially that of the feet, and produce a swelling and later
a distinct ulcer, sometimes so serious as to result fatally. The remedy is
(as also for the chigger-mite) the pricking out entire, with a needle or knife-
point, of the pest as soon as its presence is detected. The bursting of the
body of the female in the skin, with the release of its eggs, is likely to result
pest. The liberal use of pyrethrum on the rubbish or dust in which the
young stages are developing is recommended. The hen-flea, Xestopsylla gal-
Hnacea, first described from Ceylon, sometimes becomes a serious pest of
fowls in warm regions. The females of the hen-flea burrow into the skin of
the fowl and lay their eggs in the small tumor which forms about them.
This pest has been known in the Southern United States since about 1890
and is a common pest from Florida to Texas.
The second family, Pulicidae, includes all the other fleas, none of which
burrows into the skin. The various species range in size from T\ inc ^ (Anomi-
opsyllus nudatus, found on a mouse in Arizona) to \ inch (Ceratophyllus
stylosus, taken from Haplodon in Oregon), but all fairly similar in shape
and appearance to the familiar house-fleas. They are grouped in nine
genera, of which Pulex is much the largest and includes the human flea
and the cat- and dog-flea, the two species to which the house-infesting pests
belong. The human flea, Pulex irritans, was described by Linnaeus in
1746. It is known all over the world, and often becomes a serious pest.
there. Larvae placed on dust with birds' feathers mixed with dried blood
developed perfectly. Others put on the sweepings of a room developed
as well. These fleas are especially abundant and troublesome in houses
in the East in damp summers. As flea-larvae will not develop successfully
in places where they are often disturbed, much sweeping and scrubbing
The Two-winged Flies 357
will keep them down. Mats and places where dogs and cats lie down should
be kept well dusted with pyrethrum. (Buhach is the trade name for this
insecticide, which is not injurious to man or domestic animals.) Where
fleas get a foothold in a neglected room or cellar, the remedy used by Profes-
sor Gage in the basement of one of Cornell University's buildings might be
tried; i.e., tying sheets of sticky fly-paper, sticky side out, around the legs
from foot to knee of the janitor or a cheap boy and having him tramp for
several hours around in the room!
Of the various other flea species, the only ones that come into special
relation with man are the rat-fleas. The proof that rats are active agents
in the dissemination of the dreadful bubonic plague, and the belief of some
pathologists that the disease-germs may be transmitted from rats to man
by the bites or punctures of rat-fleas, gives this insect a special interest like
that attaching to the malaria- and yellow-fever-dissminating mosquito and
the germ-carrying house-fly. Baker pertinently calls attention to the fact
that the rat-fleas of this country are only remotely related to Pulex irritans
and Ctenocephalus cams, the two species that bite human beings, while the
fleas that infest rats in the tropics are, on the contrary, very nearly related to
the man-infesting kinds. The prevalence of the bubonic plague in tropical
countries and its rarity with us may be connected with this difference in the
rat-flea kinds.
i=Junonia coenia.
2=Iphidicles ajax.
3=Epargyieus tityrus.
4=CyanirLs pseudargiolus.
5 = Ancyloiypha numitor.
6=Papilio tumus.
7=Nathalis iole.
8=Parnassius smintheus.
9=Thecla halesus.
io=Zerene caesonia.
the two thus forming a perfect tube (Fig. 510). This sucking proboscis, when
extended, may protrude five or six
inches, as in some of the sphinx-
moths, or only a fraction of an inch,
as in the small moth "millers," but
when not in use it is so compactly
coiled up, watchspring-like, under
the head, and so concealed by a
pair of hairy little tippets (the labial
palpi) which project up on each
side of it that it is nearly invisible.
Of the other mouth - parts, the
upper lip (labrum) and under lip
Fig. 509.— Sucking-proboscis of a sphinx- three pairs of jointed legs on the first
moth; at left the proboscis is shown three segments behind the head,
coiled up on the under side of the head, , r •
three to five pairs ofc ^1 ..*
the normal position when not in use.
(Small figure, natural size; large figure, fleshy unjointed legs or feet called
one-half natural size.)
prop-legs, on certain abdominal seg-
ments; one of these pairs is on the last segment and four, which is the num-
ber present in all except the inchworms or loopers (larvae of the Geometric!
moths), are on the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth segments behind the
head. The inchworms have prop-legs only (with a few exceptions) on the
ninth and last segments. These
prop-legs, together with the striped
or hairy body-surface, make a
moth or butterfly larva almost as
readily recognizable for what it is
the adult moth or butterfly distinguishable from any other kind of insect.
The chrvsalids with their hard shell, but with the folded antennae, legs, and
wings of the enclosed developing adult always indicated, are also hardly to
be mistaken for the pupae of any other orders, while even the eggs, when ex-
amined under a magnifier, mostly reveal their lepidopterous parentage by
the beautiful fine sculpturing of the shell (Fig. 67). As will be noted
from a perusal of the accounts of the life-history of various familiar and
representative moths and butterflies given in the following pages, there is
much variety in the means shown of protecting the defenceless pupae; some
are subterranean, the leaf-feeding larva? crawling down from tree-top or
weed-stem and burrowing into the ground before pupation; others are
enclosed in a tough silken cocoon spun by the larva before making its
last moult; while those which are not protected in one or the other of these
ways either lie in concealed spots under stones or in cracks of the bark,
etc., or are so colored and patterned that they blend indistinguishably with
the object against which they are suspended. The larvae have also their
362 The Moths and Butterflies
Fig. 513. —Front of head,with scales removed, of sphinx-moth, showing frontal sclerites
and mouth-parts, ep., epicranium; su., suture; cl., clypeus; ge., gena or cheek; pj.,
pilifer of labrum; md., mandible. Between the two pi'lifers the base of the sucking-
proboscis composed of the apposed maxillae is seen. (Much enlarged.)
Fig. 514. —Diagram showing mouth-parts of Lepidoptera. Figure in upper left-hand
corner, head, with scales removed, of Catocala sp.: cl., clypeus; ge., gena or cheek;
mx.p., maxillary palpus; pj., pilifer of labrum. In upper right-hand corner, ventral
aspect of head of Catocala sp.: mx.p., maxillary palpus; ge., gena or cheek; mx.b.,
base of maxilla; gu., gula; lm., labium; lp., basal segment of labial palpus. In
lower left-hand corner, frontal aspect of head, with scales removed, of sphinx-
moth, Protoparce Carolina: ep., epicranium; cl., clypeus; lb., labrum; pj., pilifer
of labrum; md., mandible; ge., gena or cheek. In lower right-hand corner, front
of head, with scales removed, of monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus lb., labrum;
g., gena or cheek; pj., pilifer of labrum. (Much enlarged.)
are content with dry organic substances, as the larvae of clothes-moths, meal-
moths, and the like. For all of this kind of feeding very different mouth-
parts are needed from the delicate sucking-proboscis characteristic of the
adults,and the lepidopterous larvae are all provided with well-formed jaw-like
mandibles and other parts going to make up a biting mouth structure. The
larval eyes are simple ones, not compound as in the adults; the antennas
are short and inconspicuous, not large and feathered as in the moths, or
long and thread-like, with knobbed tip, as in the butterflies. Altogether the
The Moths and Butterflies
the butterfly, which the Lepidoptera make for their often disastrous toll on
our green things, is the prodigal gift of silk made by the moth species known
as the mulberry or Chinese silkworm. Thoroughly domesticated (the wild
silkworm species is now not even known), this industrious spinner produces
each year over one hundred million of dollars' worth of fine silken thread
64 The Moths and Butterflies
ready for the loom. In Italy and Japan nearly every country household has
its "worms" are carefully fed and
silk-rooms in which thousands of the white
tended by the women and and from which comes enough raw silk
to furnish a good share of the annual income of each of these households.
The reader who would undertake the collecting of moths and butterflies,
or the rearing of caterpillars in home "crawleries," is referred for some
specific directions for this work to the appendix of this book, p. 635 et seq.
The order Lepidoptera may be most conveniently divided into two prin-
cipal subgroups (suborders they are often called), namely, the Heterocera,
which are slender (filiform) for most of their length, but have the tip expanded
or thickened, forming an elongate spindle-shaped dilation or "club";
niina, which includes all our great silkworm-moths, Cecropia, Luna, Prome-
thea, Polyphemus, etc., etc. However, the more familiar and readily made
subdivision of the order into moths and butterflies is more convenient and
Fig. 523. —Moth and cocoon cut open to show pupa of Samia cecropia. (After Lugger;
slightly reduced.)
quite as informing for our purpose, so we shall adopt it, taking up the moths
first, more generalized members of the order. There are many
as including the
more moth than butterfly families, the numbers represented in this country being
44 to 5. By reference to the following key adapted from Comstock aln: ost any
North American moth can be traced to its proper family.
the systematic account of the families which follows later. To use the key requires
an acquaintanceship with the plan of venation in the wings and the nomenclature of
the veins. This may be got from an inspection of Fig. 525, and by referring to the
various other figures illustrating the typical venation for the various important families.
To see clearly the veins, a necessary prerequisite to using the key, a few drops of ether
should be put on the outstretched wing of a spread specimen and this held so that bright
light, as from a window or lamp, may pass through the wing to the eye. For a few
moments (until the evaporation of the ether) the covering-scales will be transparent
and the number and course of the veins plainly visible. The ether will not injure the
specimen at all. specimens are available, the fore and hind wings of one
If duplicate
side may Eau de
be removed and placed in a watch-glass or small saucer containing
Labarraque (to be obtained of a druggist), when the scales will be bleached perfectly
transparent. The wings may be then washed and mounted on glass slides with glycerine
jelly and thus be made available for inspection at any time.
A. Moths which have a thin lobe-like process (jugum) projecting backward from the
base of the fore wing, which holds fore and hind wings together when they are
outstretched; veins similar in number and arrangement in both wings (Fig. 526).
(The Jugatae.)
B. Very small moths, not more than one-fifth inch long.
Micro pterygid^e and Eriocephalid.e.
BB. Moths from one-half to one inch long (The Swifts.) Hepialid^e.
AA. Moths whose wings are not united by a jugum but by a frenulum (Fig. 533), and
in which the veins in the hind wing are less in number than in the fore wing.
(The Frenatae.)
B. Hind wings with fringe on hinder margin as long as the width of the wing;
hind wings often lanceolate in shape Superfamily Tineina (part).
BB. Hind wings with narrow or no fringe, and not lanceolate in shape.
C. Wings fissured, i.e., divided longitudinally into several narrow parts.
(Plume-moths.) Pterophorid^e and Orneodid.e.
CC. Wings not fissured.
D. Fore wings very narrow; part of the hind wings always, and of
the fore wings often, clear, i.e., without scales.
(Clear-winged moths.) Sesiid.e.
DD. Wings allcovered with scales or, if partly clear, the fore wings broad.
E. Hind wings with three anal veins.
F. Subcosta and radius of hind wings close together or fused
beyond the discal cell (Fig. 533).
Superfamily Pyralidina.
FF. Subcosta and radius of hind wings widely apart beyond
the discal cell.
F. Fore wings with two distinct anal veins or with these two
veins partly fused so as to appear like a single branched vein.
G. The two anal veins distinct (Fig. 553).
Pyromorphid^e (part).
GG. The two anal veins partly fused and appearing like
a single branched vein (Fig. 552). Psychid^e (part).
FF. Fore wings with but one complete anal vein (rudiments of
one or two others sometimes present).
G. Frenulum present.
H. Hind wings with subcosta and radius
apparently distinct, but connected by a strong
oblique cross-vein; moths mostly with narrow,
long, strong front wings and small hind wings.
(Sphinx- or hawk-moths.) Sphingid.e.
HH. Hind wings with subcosta and radius either
distinct or fused, but not connected by an
oblique cross-vein.
I. Vein m t
of fore wings closer to radius than
cubitus, cubitus being apparently three-
Subcosta hind wings extending
from base apex of wing in a regular
curve (Fig. 560); moths with heavy
abdomen and rather narrow strong
fore wings.
(The prominents.) Notodontid.e.
JJ. Subcosta
of hind wings with its basal
part making a prominent bend into the
37° The Moths and Butterflies
HH. Cubitus of both wings apparently three-
branched; robust moths with broad wings (Fig.
603). (Giant silkworm-moths.) Saturniina.
The jugate moths include but two families, the Micropterygida? and
Hepialidae, both represented by but few species and these rarely met with
The Moths and Butterflies 37 l
by collectors and nature students. But these moths are of particular impor-
tance and interest to entomologists because they are undoubtedly the oldest
or most generalized of living Lepidoptera; they represent most nearly, among
present-day existing moths, the ancestral moth type. This is shown most
conspicuously by the similarity in size, shape, and venation of the fore and
hind wings, for the primitive winged insects had their two pairs of wings
equal, while nowadays the various orders show a marked tendency to
throw the function on one pair, either the fore wings, as among the
hind wings, as with the locusts, crickets, etc. (Orthoptera) and beetles (Cole- ,
with large broad-ended wings and rather heavy body. They can be recog-
nized by their venation (Fig. 526), which distinguishes them from all other
moths of their size. The mouth-parts are rudimentary, but the parts per-
Fig. 526.
Fig. 525. —Diagram of wing venation of Micropteryx sp. cs, costal vein; sc, subcostal
vein; r, radial vein; m, medial vein; c, cubital vein; a, anal veins. (After Corn-
stock; enlarged.)
Fig. 526. —Diagram of wings of Hepialus gracilis, showing jugum (y), and similarity of
venation in fore and hind wings. (After Comstock.)
sisting indicate plainly that they are reduced remnants of a very simple set
of structures. The labium is free and truly lip-like and of the type of the
under lip of biting insects. Two genera, Sthenopis, four species, and Hepi-
alus, nine species, occur in this country. All of these moths are rather sombre
The Moths and Butterflies 373
in color, being grayish, yellowish brown, and reddish brown, with a few
silvery-whitish irregular streaks on the upper
wing surface. They fly swiftly and are said to
prefer twilight. The males of some species give
off a strong scent to attract the females. Others
seem to show off their silvery spots by hovering
for some time in the air at twilight, being con-
spicuous, despite the semi-darkness and the
Fl 527 Th cl hes -7 oth
quiet general coloration of the moth, bv
^- ;7- f/
Tinea pellwnella; f
larva, larva
n b J a ipale >
in and adult.
case, (After silvery appearance. Females have been seen
Howard and Marlatt; twice
to fl
directl "V to the ghostly hovering males
natural size.) ,
The pupae are provided with certain short spiny teeth, and can wriggle so
strongly that they are able to move about in the burrows or soil, and when
ready to transform work their way to the surface of the ground.
The Comstock as equivalent in ranking to all
Jugatae are looked on by
the other moths and all the butterflies combined which are given the sub-
ordinal name Frenatae. That is, this scant dozen of persisting represen-
tatives of the ancient moth type, or rather
of immediate offshoots from the ancestral
type, are to be distinguished subordinally
from all other living Lepidoptera, however
more striking may appear the differences
between some of these, as the obscure
clothes-moths and the regal Cecropias, or the
dull moth-millers and the brilliant day-fly-
ing butterflies. The Frenate Lepidoptera
include all those forms which have the vena-
tion of the hind wings reduced (branches
less in number than in the fore wings)
and whose wings are tied together by a
frenulum (Fig. 533) or by the expanded
humeral angle of the hind wing overlapping
the base of the fore wing, or by no more ^ IG -
S2 ^-— Larva of the palmer-
elaborate means than
of front margin of
the simple overlapping
hind wing and hind
natural length
margin of fore wing, but never \ inch.)
by a jugum,
the caddis-fly-like method common to the Micropterygids and Hepialids
374 The Moths and Butterflies
etc., done having noticeable differences in habit. The moths lay their
pupate, make a cocoon out of bits of woolen tied together by silken threads
in which to transform. The moths, on issuing, rest during the day on the
garments or stuffs, but fly about at night, often coming to the lights in
rooms. They are all small, pellionella and expanding about h
inch and tapetzella f inch; pellionella has grayish-yellow fore wings with-
out spots, and tapetzella has the fore wings black at base and creamy-
The Moths and Butterflies 375
white with some grayish on the middle and apex. The eggs are laid
by the moths directly on the woolen garments or other articles favored
by the larval palate, and several generations may appear each year. The
remedies for clothes-moths are the admission of light into closets and dressers,
the fumigation of infested clothes or rugs in tight chests with bisulphide
of carbon (the fumes will kill every larva and moth in the chest) , and the
keeping of carpets, rugs, hangings, and garments in cold storage during
summer absences from home. Send the things to a
cold-storage company with instructions to keep at
a temperature below 40 F. The insects cannot
develop in a temperature below this point. Cloth-
covered furniture and cloth-lined carriages, if to be
left long unused, may be sprayed once each in April,
June, and August with benzine or naphtha.
A sometimes serious pest of stored grains, espe-
cially corn in cribs, is the Angoumois grain-moth,
Gelecliia cerealella. The larvae bore into the kernels,
feeding on the inner starchy matter. I have seen ears
of corn in Kansas cribs with every kernel attacked.
The larvae feed for about three weeks, then pupate
inside the kernel, the moth issuing in a few days.
The kernels of show from one to
infested ears
three from which moths have issued.
little holes
The adult moth, expanding about half an inch, is
light grayish brown, more or less spotted with black,
looking much like the case-bearing clothes-moth.
The eggs are deposited on grain in the field or bin.
Numerous Tineid species are known as leaf-
miners because of the burrows of the larvae. Leaves
of various trees and shrubs often show whitish blotches
or lines, which when examined closely are seen to
be due to the separation of the epidermis of the leaf
from the inner soft tissue or to the complete dis- Fig. ^31. Pupal cocoons
appearance of the inner tissue. This is the work of
r .
the tiny burrowing and feeding
til r 1
of the apple bucculatrix,
Bucculatrix pomijoliclla.
(Twice natural size.)
larvae of certain Tineid species. Often the miner,
a small white grub with the usual eight pairs of legs characteristic of Lepi-
dopterous larvae, can be found in his mine, or, perhaps he will have ceased
feeding and have transformed to a small light-brown pupa. The species of
these leaf-miners aremany, and numerous different types of mines may be
found; the winding narrow lines called serpentine mines common on wild
columbine, the spotted and folded tentiform mines on the wild cherry and the
37 6 The Moths and Butterflies
apple, the blotch-mines of the oaks and other forest trees. Even pine-
needles are mined by certain species, the pine leaf-miner, Gelechia pini-
rt£= r3 r4
and there make long, slender, finely woven little white cocoons, conspicuously
ribbed or fluted lengthwise, in which they pupate (Figs. 531 and 532). The
pupae hibernate, the tiny moth issuing the following spring and laying its
eggs on the leaves. The larva? are miners at first, but after the first moulting
feed on the outer surface of the leaves under thin flat silken webs.
The Pyralidina include half a dozen families, some of the moths
hardly properly called microlepidoptera, for they reach a wing expanse of
ih inches. But most of the species are small and but few are at all
familiar to collectors. The larva? of numerous species are injurious to
fruits, stored grain, etc., and these species have a particular interest for
length of the wing. The fore wings are usually thus divided into two parts
and the hind wings into three (Fig. 534), but on some there are more divisions.
All the feather-wings excepting one species belong to the family Pteropho-
The Moths and Butterflies
ridae, the exception being a small moth with both wings deeply cleft into
six parts. It is called Orneodes hexadactyla and is considered to be the
sole representative, so far as known, of a distinct family, the Orneodidae.
Of the Pterophoridae several species are common in the North and East.
Oxyptilus tenuidactylus (Fig. 535), with coppery brownish wings, with the
plumes deeply fringed, has a pale yellowish-green larva that feeds on rasp-
berries and blackberries; O. periscelidactylus has wings of a metallic yellow-
ish brown, with several dull whitish streaks and spots; its greenish-yellow
caterpillars with scattered small tufts of white hairs feed on grape-leaves
and often are numerous enough to do much damage. Along the Pacific
coast the plume-moths are not at all uncommon.
FlG. 536. —The Mediterranean flour-moth, Ephestia kuehniella; larva, pupal cocoon,
pupa, and moth. (One and one-half times natural size.)
or they may be uniformly dull-colored ; the hind wings are white or grayish.
The palpi are long and project conspicuously, so that snout-moth is a name
often given to the Crambids.
Pretty little moths with shining black wings, two-spotted with white on
the front ones, and one- or two-spotted on the hind wings, are the Desmias,
of which the species maculalis, the grape-vine leaf-folder, is especially common,
and often seriously injurious. The larva? fold or roll up grape-leaves and
feed concealed inside the roll, skeletonizing the leaf by eating away all of its
soft tissues. The larva when full-grown is a little less than an inch long,
glossy yellowish green, and very active when disturbed. It pupates within
Among the insects that attack stored grain, flour, meal, etc., are several
Pyralids. The meal snout-moth, Pyralis jarinalis, is a common pest,
the larvae making long tubes of silk in the meal, and taking readily to cereals
Fig. 537. —A curious hammock and its maker, Coriscum cucuHpennellnm, a leaf-rolling
moth, whose larva pupates in the odd little hammock shown in the figure. (After
photographs by Slingerland; natural size of moth indicated by line; hammock
natural size; a rose-leaf enlarged.)
of all kinds and conditions, in the kernel or in the form of meal, bran, or
straw. The moth expands one inch, the wings being light brown with red-
dish reflections and a few wavy transverse lines. The Indian meal-moth,
Plodia interpunctella, is another familiar pest in mills and stores, its small
whitish larva, with brownish-yellow head, feeding on dry edibles of almost
every kind, as meal, flour, bran, grain of all sorts, dried fruits, seeds, and nuts,
condiments, roots, and herbs. It spins webs of silk with which it fastens
together particles of the attacked food, making it unfit for our use. The moth
expands f inch and has the fore wings cream-white at base and reddish
The Moths and Butterflies 379
brown with transverse blackish bands on disk and apex. Another and per-
haps the most formidable of all mill pests is the notorious Mediterranean
flour-moth, Ephestia kuehniella (Fig. 536). This insect first became seri-
ously harmful in Germany in 1877, soon invading Belgium and Holland
and by 1886 having got a foothold in England. Three years later it
appeared in Canada and since 1892 it has been a pest in the United States.
The moth, which expands a little less than an inch, with pale leaden-gray
fore wings, bearing zigzag black and transverse bands and semi-transparent
dirty-whitish hind wings, lays its eggs where the hatching larvae can feed on
flour, meal, bran, prepared cereal foods or grain. The caterpillars spin
silken galleries as they move about, which make the flour lumpy and stringy
and ruin it for use. In addition to this direct injury, the mill machinery
often becomes clogged by the silk-filled flour and has to be frequently stopped
and cleaned, involving in large mills much additional loss. When a mill
becomes badly infested the whole building has to be thoroughly fumigated
by carbon bisulphide, an expensive and rather dangerous process. Unin-
fested mills should be tightly closed at night (if not running continuously)
and every bushel of grain, every bag or sack brought into the mill, should
be subjected to disinfection by heat or the fumes of bisulphide of carbon.
An interesting as well as economically important little Pyralid is the
bee-moth, Galleria mellonella, whose larva? live in beehives, feeding on the
wax combs. The moths find their way into the hives at night to lay their
eggs. This hasbe done very quickly, however, as bees are alert even at
night to defend themselves against this insidious enemy. I have intro-
duced bee-moths into glass-sided observation-hives both by day and night,
and in each case the moths were almost immediately discovered, stung to
death and torn to pieces in a wild frenzy of anger. Many must be killed
where one succeeds in getting its eggs deposited inside the hive. The squirm-
ing grub-like white larvae protect themselves by spinning silken webs and
feed steadily on the wax, ruining brood- and food-cells and interfering sadly
with the normal economy of the hive. When ready to pupate they spin
very tough bee-proof silken cocoons within which they transform to other-
wise defenceless quiescent pupae. Bee-moths often become so numerous
in a hive as to break up the successful life of the community. I have taken
thousands of pupae, lying side by side like mummies in sarcophagi in their
impervious stiff silken cocoons, from a single hive from which the bees had
all fled.
the genus Cacoecia are among the commonest and most important of these
because they prefer the leaves of apple, plum, and cherry trees, and currants,
raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, cranberries, roses, etc., rather than
those of trees and shrubs
sc r/ r^r:1 r 4
whose healthfulness is not
so important to us. The
larvae of Cacoecia rosaceana,
the oblique-banded leaf-
? roller, pale yellowish-green
Fig. 538 caterpillars § inch long, dis-
figure and injure many kinds
of fruit-trees, small fruits,
C. cerasivorana (Fig. 538), whose active yellow larvae "fasten together with
silken threads all the leaves and twigs of a branch and feed upon them,
an entire brood occupying a single nest. The larvae change to pupae within
the nest; and the pupae when about to transform work their way out and
hang suspended from the outer portion of the nest." The moths expand
from to 1-5- inch, have bright ochre-yellow wings with brownish spots, and
may often be seen cleverly engaged in extracting one by one the toothsome
morsels from their homes. Hovering over a rolled leaf, the bill is carefully
thrust into the roll for the unseen caterpillar and rarely withdrawn without
it. Lugger says that the Baltimore oriole is particularly expert at this sort
spotted bud-moth 545 and 546), the most important enemy of the apple-
Tmetocera ocellana
grower. Distributed all over the United States, wherever
(After Lugger
natural size.) apples are grown, minute and obscure so as to be
easily overlooked until fairly intrenched in the orchard,
prolific and subject to no very disastrous parasitic attacks, this frail little
away to some crevice in the bark or sheltered place on the ground, and
there pupate. In two weeks the moths issue and deposit eggs on later
apples for the second brood. The larvae of this brood are tucked away
in the fall and winter apples when gathered, and are thus carried with
them into cellars, warerooms, etc. They soon issue from the fruit, and
finding concealed spots in the cracks of barrels or boxes or elsewhere
near the stored apples, pupate, the pupae lasting over the winter and
the moths issuing about apple-blossoming time the following spring. The
pupae are protected by thin papery cocoons of silk spun by the larvae. The
remedies are effective, but must be carefully and regularly used. Spraying
the young fruit with an arsenical mixture, as Paris green or London purple,
soon after the blossoms fall and again in about two weeks, will reduce
immensely the possible loss. Banding the tree with strips of old carpet or
pjG _ tj
—The larva or worm of the rodlin-moth, Carpocapsa pomonella. (After
photograph by Slingerland; three times natural size.)
sacking at the time the larvae are crawling out of the apples and hunting
which to pupate, will enable the grower to trap and
for concealed places in
destroy thousands of them and thus greatly lessen the numbers in the second
brood. All fallen fruit should be promptly gathered and destroyed in such
a way as to kill the larvae inside.
An interesting insect closely allied to the codlin-moth is the Mexican
jumping bean-moth, Carpocapsa saltitans (Fig. 547), which lays its eggs
on the green pods of a euphorbiaceous plant of the genus Croton. The
hatching larvae bore into the growing beans in the pod, but do not attain
their full growth until after the beans are ripe and hard. The ripe beans
with the squirming larvae inside act as if bewitched, twitching and jerking,
rolling over and leaping slightly clear of the table or desk on which they
The Moths and Butterflies 383
may rest. The larvaepupate within the beans, first gnawing a circulai
thin place through which the moth may push its way out. Another Tor-
tricid moth, Grapholitha sebastiance, has similar habits. Most of the jump-
ing beans come from the Mexican province of Chihuahua.
A few moth families, represented in this country by but few species, may
now be referred to briefly, chiefly for the sake of mentioning certain par-
ticular forms that are fairly common and wide-spread and hence likely to
be taken by the collector.
The flannel-moth family, Megalopygidas, includes but five North Ameri-
can species, of which the crinkled flannel-moth, Lagoa crispata, pale straw-
yellow, with long, curling, woolly,
brownish and blackish hairs, with
wing expanse of about 1 inch, is ^C^wS^ffifT*)
not uncommon in the north Atlantic ^-^«i' j :
other caterpillars, and the cocoons in which the pupae lie have a hinged
door for the exit of the moth. The larva of M. opercularis looks like an
animated bit of cotton-wool or lock of white hair. That of L. crispata
feeds particularly on blackberry, raspberry, and apple; it is nearly oval
in shape, covered with evenly shorn brownish hairs, which form a ridge
along the middle of the back. When about f inch long it ceases to feed
3§4 The Moths and Butterflies
and spins a tough oval cocoon fastened securely to the side of a twig.
The moth issues in the summer of the following year. The cocoon of M.
opercidaris so closely resembles a terminal bud of the Southern live-oak on
which the caterpillars mostly feed that it is almost impossible to detect it,
especially as both twigs and cocoons are covered with small bits of lichen.
and with stinging yellow tubercles. It feeds on cherry, apple, and rose.
Euclea pcenidata has chocolate-brown fore wings with an irregular bright
green elongate curving blotch, and the hind wings soft wood-brown.
The most extraordinary species in this family of moths with strange
larvae is the hag-moth, Phobctron pithecium, whose larva is one of the
oddest known. It is nearly square, dark brown, and bears eight singular
fleshy processes projecting from the sides. These processes, which are half
as long as the larva itself, are covered with feathery brown hairs, among
which are longer black, stinging hairs. Thus covered, and twisting curi-
ously up and back, they resemble heavy locks of hair and give the name
hag-moth to the species. The moth is rarely seen; it is dusky purple-
brown with ocherous patches on the back and a light yellow tuft on each
middle leg; the fore wings are variegated with pale yellowish brown, and
crossed by a narrow wavy curved band of the same color; the hind wings
are sable, bordered with yellowish in the female.
The Moths and Butterflies 3«5
for from two to four years, when they make in their tunnel a thin cocoon,
female,and darker
fore wings and yellowish Fig. 548. —Venation of a Cossid, Prionoxystus robinia.
radial vein',
wings male. cs, costal vein; sc, subcostal vein; r,
hind in the
m, medial vein; c, cubital vein; a, anal veins. (After
Its feed on locust-
larvae Comstock; enlarged.)
trees and are often abun-
dant enough to do much injury The wood leopard-moth, Zenzera pyrina,
is strikingly spotted with black on a white ground color, and is common
certain eastern cities, its larvae infesting maples and other shade-trees. On
the Pacific coast the poplar carpenter-moth, Cossus popiili, with whitish
fore wings shaded all over with blackish and irregular black lines, and hind
wings yellowish gray, growing darker at the outer margin, is common, its
larvae infesting poplars and cottonwoods. There are only twenty species
in North America belonging to this family.
Familiar curiosities of entomology are the moving bags of silk and bits
of twigs and needles occasionally found in cedars, firs, and arbor vitae. The
"worms" which make these bags and carry them around, with all the body
inside except the projecting head and thoracic legs, are the larvae of tne
386 The Moths and Butterflies
Fig. 549.— The locust-tree carpenter-moth, Priovoxystns robini<z, male and female
moths, young larva and empty pupal case. (After Lugger; moths and pupal case
natural size; young larva enlarged.)
brown through-
blackish with opaque wings, P. gloveri, a Southern species, dark
out, and P. carbonaria, a Texas form, brownish black with subtranslucent
wings. The females of all the Psychids are wingless. The larvae, after
moving about over the tree and feeding until full-grown, pupate within their
bags, and the issuing wingless grub-like females simply remain in the sac
until found by a flying male, after which they lay their eggs in the bag and
die. The male Psychids can be readily distinguished from other moths by
the growing together of the anal veins of the fore wings until they appear
to be a single branching vein (Fig. 552).
The smoky-moths, Pyromorphidae, of which but fifteen species occur
in theUnited States, are small, expanding from -f inch to 1 inch (a single
Western species expands 1^ inches), and with blackish ground-color on body
The Moths and Butterflies 387
and wings, relieved by brilliant patches of red, yellow, and orange. They
are favorites with collectors and, though few in number, are not at uncom-
mon. The larva? feed on the leaves of various plants, but grape and Vir-
ginia creeper seem to be specially liked. Vineyards indeed often suffer
from the presence in considerable numbers of smoky-moth caterpillars.
These caterpillars often show a striking gregarious instinct, massing side
by side in lines while feeding. The small black and yellow larvae of Har-
risina americana, a common Eastern species, may often be found arranged
Fig. 550. —The bag-worm moth, Thyridopteryx ephemerajormis; eggs, larva, pupa
bag containing larva, bag containing pupa, male moth. (After Felt; about natural
size except the eggs.)
side by side in single line clear across a grape-leaf. Feeding, when young,
only on the soft tissues of the leaves, they skeletonize them; when older,
however, they eat everything but the larger veins. When full-grown they
disperse, each finding a sheltered spot, where it makes a tough, oblong-
oval cocoon of parchment-like silk, in which it pupates. The moth of this
species expands one inch, is bluish or greenish black, with orange protho-
racic collar broad above and narrow below, and narrow subtranslucent
wings. It fliesand unevenly during the warmest, brightest hours
of the day, frequenting flowers. H. coracina, found in Texas and Arizona,
expands f inch and is all dull black with a bluish tinge on the abdomen; H.
metallica, the largest Pyromorphid, found in Texas and Arizona, expands
jalsarius, one of the smallest members of the family, expanding § inch, com-
mon in the East, is black with very narrow reddish collar. Pyromorpha
dimidiata, expanding i inch, common in the Atlantic states, is black with
translucent wings. The only other genus in the family so far unmentioned
is Triprocris with eight species, all
In the spring they become active vein; r, radial vein; m, medial vein; c,
cubital vein; a, anal veins.
again, feed and grow rapidly, and
by summer are ready to pupate. Pacifica begins pupating in California
in February. For this they leave
c, cubital vein; a, anal veins. (After Com- front wings covered with blackish
stock; enlarged.) scales (Fig. 554).* The remedy
for this pest is the application, by painting on, of gas tar to the basal
part of the tree-trunk just before the flying and egg-laying time of the
39° The Moths and Butterflies
moths; this prevents the females from ovipositing on the treated trees. Or
the base of the trunk may have a newspaper tied about it.
Fig. 554. —Moths of the peach-tree borer, Sanninoidea exitiosa, the upper one and the
one at the right being females. (Photograph from life by Slingerland; natural size.)
Fig. 555. —Eggs of peach-tree borer, Sanninoidea exitiosa. (After Slingerland; natural
size at n; one egg enlarged at /; micropyle end of egg greatly enlarged at m.)
dark abdomen ringed with yellow, and yellow lines on the thorax; the eggs
are laid on currant-canes, and the hatching larvae burrow into the center
and then tunnel longitudinally in the pith. They hibernate in the cane
as larvae, not pupating until die following summer, when the moths escape
The Moths and Butterflies 39i
Fig. 556.- -Larva of peach-tree borer, Sanninoidea exitiosa. (After Slingerland; natural
size and much enlarged.)
narrow bands about the abdomen; the fore wings are brownish black, the
hind wings clear; the larvae bore in the roots of wild and cultivated grapes
and pupate underground. The raspberry-root borer, Bembecia marginata,
is also very waspish in appearance, with its black body repeatedly banded
Fig. 557. —Cocoons and empty pupal skins of the peach-tree borer, Sanninoidea exitiosa.
(After Slingerland; natural size.)
with yellow and transparent fore and hind wings. The eggs are laid on
raspberry canes, and the larvae, first boring into the cane, finally work down
into the roots. Squashes are badly injured by having their stems
tunneled by the larvae of the squash-vine borer, Melittia ceto, a Sesian with
olive-brown fore wings, clear hind wings, and black or bronze abdomen,
marked with red or orange, and with the hind legs fringed with long hairs,
orange on the outer surface and black on the inner. When full grown the
larvae leave the stems and go into the soil to cocoon and pupate. The genus
Fig. 558. —The ash-tree borer, Trochilium jraxini. (After Lugger; natural size.)
Fig. 559. Sesia pictipes, male. (After Lugger; natural size.)
Sesia (Fig. 563) contains over half (fifty-seven) of the species in this family;
they are found in all parts of the country.
The family Notodontidae, comprising the puss-moths, handmaid-moths,
and prominents, is represented in
this country by about ninety-five
species, all of medium size, i.e., with
a wing expanse of from i| to 2
Fig. 563. —
!• guttivitta
cemented well together in neat patches.
When thegrown they
descend from the
or two spots near the middle also being darker; the hind wings are pale
yellow and not patterned. The species common on walnuts and hickories is
Datana angush, with fore wings varying from chocolate to deep smokv
brown, with transverse lines like those of ministra; the hind wings are
paler brown. The caterpillars are black, with dirty-white hairs and with
three equidistant, very narrow, pale-yellow or whitish stripes on each side
and three yellow stripes on the under side; when full grown it is a little more
than 2 inches long.
Another conspicuous Notodontid larva occurring on apple-trees is a
head and promi-
greenish-yellow black-striped caterpillar with a coral-red
nent hump on the back of the fourth body-ring. This is the larva (Fig. 562)
of the red-humped caterpillar-moth, QLdemasia concinna (Fig. 561), a
darkish-brown moth expanding about i| inches, the fore wings having a
darker brown spot near the middle, a spot near each angle, and several
longitudinal streaks along the hinder margin.
The puss-moths, Cerura, are readily distinguishable by their characteristic
black and white wings, white being the ground color, with two broad, not
sharply defined blackish bars across the fore wing, one across the disk, the
other, often incomplete posteriorly, across the apex. Along the outer margin
of each wing there is a row of distinct small black points. The larvae (Fig.
793) of Cerura are extraordinary creatures: short, thick, naked body, tapering
behind to a kind of forked tail which is held up at an angle with the rest
of the body. This tail, which is an organ of defence, consists of two tubes,
within each of which is concealed a long orange-colored extensile thread
which can be thrust out and drawn in at will. When disturbed, the puss-
moth caterpillar thrusts out these vivid tails, waving them threateningly,
at the same time giving off a strong odor. It also telescopes its head and
front two thoracic segments into the large, humped, third segment, which is
so shaped and marked as to suggest some formidable large-eyed creature
quite unlike a soft-bodied toothsome caterpillar. With little doubt this
elaborate terrifying but actually harmless equipment avails to frighten off
many of Cerura's enemies. The larva of a common puss-moth species
feeds on wild cherry. When ready to pupate the caterpillars gnaw out a
shallow cavity or depression in the wood which they lie in and over which
they spin an oval silken net mixed with particles of wood, which makes it
almost indistinguishable from the rest of the wood surface. These moths
The Moths and Butterflies
seem to carry very far expedients of Nature for protection by deceit. Other
common members of the family are the several species of Schizura,
strongly resembling owlet-moths (Noctuidas) with their brown and gray
and gray and blackish finely variegated fore wings and unmarked silky white
wings. Their brown or greenish larvae, which feed on fruit-trees, forest
trees, small fruits, and other shrubby plants, are distinguished by having
Fig. 565. —Canker-worms, larvae of a geometric! moth. (After Slingerland; natural size.)
head downward, with wings closely folded around the body and legs all
drawn together, the dull-gray tone of the wings with their bits of lichen-
green and whitish color giving the whole a marvelous resemblance to a bit
of rough weathered bark.
Familiar to all observers, although certainly not very often seen and
rarely found in large numbers, are the inchworms, spanworms, or loopers
396 The Moths and Butterflies
as they are variously called, which are the larvae (caterpillars) (Fig. 565)
of the moths of the superfamily Geometrina (earth-measurers). These
three common names as well as the scientific one refer to the peculiar mode
of locomotion affected by all the Geometrina. Each loop or step is made by
the bringing forward of the caudal extremity of the body quite to the thoracic
feet, the portion of flexible body between
Fig. 567. —
Venation of a geometrid, The geometer -moths, of which we have
Dyspepteris abortivaria. cs, cos-
800 species in this country, while of course
tal vein; sc, subcostal vein; r,
effectively. Some are small, i.e., less than 1 inch expanse, and a few large,
Fig. 568. —Male and female lime-tree canker-moths, Hibernia tiliaria. (After Jordan
and Kellogg; twice natural size.)
selves with brief reference to some of the more interesting, beautiful, or eco-
nomically important species.
The best-known Geometrids of economic importance are the canker-
worms (Fig. 565), two species in particular, known as the spring canker-
worm (Paleacrita vernata) and the fall canker-worm {Anisopteryx pometaria),
being responsible for much damage to orchards, especially apple-orchards.
The females canker-worm moths are wingless and so have
of the to climb
the trees to lay their eggs on the branches and twigs.
This fact naturally suggests the most effective remedy
for them, namely, banding the trees with tar (mixed
with oil to prevent its drying) so as to make effective
dark lines; Anisopteryx has glossy brownish fore wings crossed by two
irregular whitish bands.
Among the Geometrids are numerous species whose wings are green,
the shades varying, but usually with a strong admixture of whitish and also
usually barred more or less distinctly with narrow or broader whitish lines.
Geometra iridaria such a species common in the East in which the green
is very light in tone; Dyspepteris abortivaria (Fig. 569) is bluish green and
Fig. 572. Fig. 573. Fig. 574.
Fig. 572. —
The large blue-striped looper, Biston ypsilon. (After Forbes; natural size.)
Fig. 573. —
The common Cymatophora, Cymatophora pampinaria. (After Lugger;
natural size.)
Fig. 574. —
The plum-geometer, Eumacaria brunneraria. (After Lugger; natural size.)
FIG 577-
FlG -578-
(After Lugger; natura size.
G 576-_Th*
ft rurrant-aneerona, Angerona crocataria.
armataria. (After Lugger; natural size.
? -
Fig. 580. — A group of red and yellow underwings; upper moth, Catocala palcrogama;
lower left-hand corner, Catocala ultronia; lower right-hand corner, Catocala grynea.
(After Lugger; natural size.)
tapering towards both ends. The larvae of Catocala ultronia (Fig. 581)
feed on plum-tree leaves; they are about ij inches long, grayish brown,
with two or four small reddish tubercles on each body-segment, a small
fleshy horn on the back of the ninth segment and on the back of the twelfth
segment a low fleshy ridge tinted behind with reddish brown. It descends
to theground when ready to pupate, making a flimsy cocoon of silk under
a dead leaf or chip. The pupa inside the cocoon is covered with a bluish
"bloom." The moth has the forewings rich amber with
flour-like dust or
a broad indefinite ashy band along the middle and several brown and
Fig. 581. —The plum-tree Catocala, Catocala ultronia, moth and larva.
(After Lugger; natural size.)
white transverse lines; the hind wings are deep red with a wide black
band along the outer margin and a narrower one across the middle. The
eggs are laid in cracks of the bark in summer. Catocala grynea (Fig. 580),
with grayish brown forewings marked with zigzag lines of rich brown and
gray short dark-brown streaks on the front margin and with hind wings
reddish yellow crossed by two wavy black bands, is called the apple-tree
Catocala, because the ashen-brown caterpillar feeds on apple-leaves. The
two front pairs of abdominal prop-legs of all the Catocala caterpillars are
much smaller than the hinder two pairs, hence the caterpillar has a sort of
looping gait like that of the Geometrid larvae, the inchworms. Catocala
relicta has the fore wings grayish white with several indefinite transverse
black bands, and the hind wings black with one curving white band.
Catocala epione has blackish-brown fore wings with wavy narrow black and
lighter brown transverse lines with black hind wings narrowly margined
with white.
The largest and most interesting Noctuid, and indeed one of the largest
of all the moths, is the curious rare species Erebus odora, called the black
witch; it expands 6 inches and has both wings blackish brown with many
4-02 The Moths and Butterflies
indefinite wavy lines of black and of lighter brown; in the hinder angle
of the hind wings are two incomplete eye-spots bounded in front by a curv-
ing velvety black line, and on each fore wing is a single irregular eye-spot
near the front margin.
"Cutworm" is the name applied to the smooth, "greasy," plump cater-
pillars of numerous species (representing several genera) of Noctuids. The
greasy cutworm, dull blackish brown with pale longitudinal lines attacks
all sorts of garden products and other low-growing plants; it is the larva
Fig. 582. — Green-fruitworms, Xylina grotei, at left, and Xylina automata at right.
(Photograph by Slingerland; natural size.)
and the fore wings are marked with irregular blackish dashes. The
The Moths and Butterflies 4°3
dagger-moth Acronycta (Figs. 586 and 587), so called from the rather uncer-
tain small black dagger-like markings of the fore wings, have the larva in
some species covered with long colored stiff hairs; the familiar caterpillar
of A. americana is densely clothed with
yellow hairs, besides bearing a pair of
long black pencils on the first abdominal
segment, another pair on the third, and
a single pencil on the eighth. It feeds on
The cotton-
worm, Aletia argillacea, feeds on the foliage of the cotton-plants and the cotton
boll- worm, Heliothis armigera, attacks the cotton pods or bolls. These two
caterpillars cause losses to the cotton-growing states of millions of dollars
fliiiwy^ ^M^\w#*v
every year. The cotton boll-worm is more or less familiar in states farther
i = Catocala parta.
4=Pseudohazis eglanterina.
5 = Automeris io.
cocoon and lays her 300 to 500 eggs covered by a frothy-looking but firm sub-
stance in a grayish mass on the outside of it. The males are ashy gray and
have broad short wings, expanding 1^ inches, the fore wings with darker wavy
transverse bands, a small black spot near the tip, an oblique blackish stripe
beyond it, and a minute white crescent near the outer hinder angle. The
antennae are feathery, and the
fore legs tufted with hairs. The
best remedy for these pests is
Fig. 589. —
The California oak-worm moth, Phryganidia calijornica. A, eggs on leaf;
B, just-hatched larva; C, full-grown larva; D, pupa, or chrysalid; E, moth; F, Pimpla
bekrendsii, parasite of the larva. (B, much enlarged; D
and F, twice natural size;
others natural size.)
against the pest and up had expended over a million dollars in the
to 1900
struggle. The caterpillar when
grown is i^ inches long, creamy white,
thickly sprinkled with black, with dorsal and lateral tufts of long black and
yellowish hairs. The cocoon is very slight, merely a few silky threads. The
male moths, expanding i| to 2 inches, are brownish yellow with smoky fore
wings bearing darker irregular transverse lines and pale hind wings with
darker outer margins. The females are large, expanding 2^ inches, and
creamy white in color, with irregular transverse gray or blackish lines.
The Moths and Butterflies 407
In California is found a pretty pale-brownish moth that flutters weakly
about the live-oak trees in early summer and late autumn, which has the
distinction of being the only North American species in the family Dioptidae.
The larvae of this moth feed chiefly on the leaves of the live-oaks and white
oaks in the California valleys and the species may be called the live-oak
moth, Phryganidia calijornica (Fig. 589). The moths expand about 1 inch
and are uniformly pale brownish, with thinly scaled and hence almost trans-
lucent wings. The male has a small yellowish-white ill-defined blotch on
the center of each fore wing. The eggs are laid by the early summer brood
of moths on the under side of the leaves of the oaks and the naked light-
yellowish black-striped larvae feed until October 1st on the tough leaves.
Then they crawl down to the tree-trunks or to
near-by fences or logs and
change naked greenish-white or yellowish chrysalid with many black
to a
lines and blotches. The moths issue in from ten to twelve days after pupa-
tion and lay their eggs again on the oak-leaves. But here is a curious fact.
All the eggs laid on white-oak leaves by these autumn moths are doomed
to death because just at the hatching-time the white-oak leaves fall and dry.
The live-oak retains its leaves all winter and the larvae hatched on them
feed and grow slowly through the winter, pupating in May and issuing as
moths about June 1st. Thus each year about oue-fourth of the eggs laid
by this species are wasted. The larvae from the eggs laid on the white oaks
in the spring live because they have white-oak leaves all summer to feed
on, but those of the brood which hatch on the white oaks all die. In
(Q. agri folia), but it occurs also on Q. lobata, Q. kelloggii, Q. ditmosa, and
Q. douglassi.
A family represented in this country by only four species is the Peri-
copidae. Three of these species are found only in the western states, the
fourth in Florida. The single species of the four at all familiar to collectors
is and abundant Gnophtzla latipennis, with its two or three
the beautiful
varieties. This moth expands about 2 inches and is black, with two
large white blotches on the fore wing, each blotch subdivided by the black
veins running through it and single large blotch on the hind wing. A
variety common in California has the blotches smaller and pale yellowish.
The wood-nymph moths, Agaristidae, of which about two dozen species
4 o8 The Moths and Butterflies
are found in North America, include a few strikingly patterned moths not at
all uncommon. The moth known as the eight-spotted forester, Alypia octo-
maculata (PI. VIII, Fig. 5; also Fig. 590), is common in the Atlantic states;
Fig. 590. —Three eight-spotted forest-moths, Alypia 8-maculata, and one beautiful wood-
nymph, Eudryas grata (the lowest). (After Lugger; natural size.)
it expands about 1 \ inches, has deep blue-black wings, with two large sub-
circular whitish-yellow spots on each wing, the spot nearest the base on
the hind wing being much larger than the outer one. The patagia (shoulder-
lappets) are often yellow and the legs marked with orange. The larvae,
The Moths and Butterflies 409
which are light brown with many fine black lines and one broad orange
band across each segment and head and cervical shield deep orange with
black dots, feed on the Virginia creeper, sometimes on the grape, and often
are so abundant as to injure the plants seriously. The caterpillar is nearly
ih inches long when full-grown, and burrows into soft or rotten wood to
pupate, or failing this pupates on or just below the surface of the ground.
The beautiful wood-nymph, Eudryas grata (Fig. 590) (classed by
some entomologists with the Noctuidae), is very different in color and
pattern, having milk-white fore wings broadly bordered and marked with
brownish purple and with two indistinct brownish spots in the center.
The under surface of these wings is reddish yellow. The hind wings are
yellow with a pale purplish-brown border. The head is black and there
is a wide black stripe along the back of the thorax, breaking up into a
series of spots along the abdomen. The caterpillar is much like that of
the eight-spotted forester and feeds on the same plants. "The moth, which
is active at night and sometimes attracted to electric lights in large numbers,
is very often discovered during the day upon the surface of the leaves of its
food-plants. Its closed wings form a steep roof over its back, and its four
legs, which have a curious muff-like tuft of white hairs, are protruded and
liveries ofdrab or slate, yellow or scarlet, and with their slender bodies
and trimly narrow fore wings. The larvae of but few species are known;
they mostly feed on lichens and have the body covered with short stiff
hairs. Because these caterpillars are not injurious but little attention
has been given to the life-history of the footman-moths, and the amateur
has here an opportunity to add to our knowledge of insects in an order
popularly supposed to be pretty well "worked out."
The moths themselves although few in number of species are well dis-
tributed over the country, although the southwestern and Pacific states
have really more than their share. Two common eastern species are
the striped footman, Hypoprepia miniata, and thepainted footman,
H. juscosa, eachexpanding about 1 inch. The first is brick-scarlet, with
two longitudinal broad plumbeous bars and the distal half of a third on
the fore wing and a broad outer slaty border on the hind wings. The
latter has almost the same pattern, but the ground color is distinctly yellowish
red in place of scarlet or brown-red. Another common eastern Lithosiid
41 o The Moths and Butterflies
and is slate-colored, with yellow on the front margin of the fore wings, the
tip of the abdomen, the prothorax, and the palpi. The several Rockv
Mountain and desert species mostly have brick-red or drab or slaty ground
color, some unmarked and some with dark border on the hind wings if
red is the ground color, and smoky-whitish hind wings if body and fore
wings are drab or slaty.
Another family of moths expanding about an inch, and with a charac-
teristic habitus due to the long narrow fore wings, the small size of the
hind wings, and the contrasting colors of the wing-pattern, are the Zygaenidae,
or Syntomidas, as the newer nomenclature names them. In the hind wing,
veins subcosta and radius are fused, usually for the whole length. About
twenty species of the family are found in this country, and because, as
with the Lithosiidae, the larvae are not of much economic importance the
life-history of but few of the species is known. The majority of the species,
besides, live in the western and southwestern states, and like other
mountain, plain, and desert insects are hardly known except in their flying
stage. The some species feed on grasses, of others on lichens.
larvae of
One of most striking species is Cosmosoma auge, found in the
extreme south, which has both fore and hind wings clear of scales over
the base and disk only, a border all around the veins, and a small black
patch at the tip of the discal cell of the fore wing covered with black scales.
The plump body is scarlet, with the end of the abdomen and a dorsal
longitudinal band on it metallic blue-black. The wings expand i inch.
Lycomoipha is a genus of small Zygaenids characterized by having the
wings colored in two strongly contrasting shades, black and brick-red or
black and reddish yellow. In L. pholus the basal two-fifths of each
wing is yellow and all the rest black; in L. miniata the basal two-
thirds is red, the rest black; in L. grotei all of the fore wing is red
except a narrow black border on the outer margin, while the anterior
half of the hind wings is red, the posterior half black. Ctenucha is a
genus of larger species which have smoky-brown wings unmarked, as
in C. virginica, a northeastern species, which has a yellow head
and metallic bluish-black body, C. mtdtijaria and C. ruberoscapus,
Pacific coast species which have a coral-red head and shoulder- lappets
The Moths and Butterflies 411
and metallic deep-bluish body, or which have the fore wings marked
by a few conspicuous longitudinal
yellowish lines as in C. venosa, found
in Colorado, New Mexico, and
Texas. Scepsis julvicollis, found in
the eastern and Mississippi Valley
states, has subtranslucent smoky
wings with a region clear of scales
in the middle of the hind wings; its
prothoracic collar is yellow and its
Fig. 592. —Woolly -bear caterpillars, Halesidota sp., all three of the same species but
showing variations in extent of the black markings.
larvag are the recognition-marks of the family. The moths, too, are
mostly fairly large and are readily attracted by lights, while the cater-
412 The Moths and Butterflies
The most destructive member of the family is the fall web-worm, Hyphan-
tria cunea, which makes the large unsightly silken "nests" in plum-trees, both
wild and cultivated, so familiar in late summer and autumn. The eggs
are deposited in regular clusters of 400 or more on the plum-leaves, and the
hatching pale-yellow larvae spin small silky web-nests close together which
finally get included in one large one. The full-grown larvae are pale yellow-
ish or greenish with a broad dusky stripe along each side; they are covered
with whitish hairs which rise from black and orange-yellow warts. They
often hang from the by a long silken thread. They pupate
nest or branches
in crevices of the bark and other sheltered places on the ground, passing
the winter in this stage. The milk-white moths, sometimes with small
black spots on the wings, sometimes unspotted, issue in late spring or early
The Moths and Butterflies 413
in the Atlantic states, whose larva feeds on pigweed and other uncultivated
plants, expands 2J inches, has black fore wings with the veins broadly marked
with pinkish yellow, and red hind wings with large angularly irregular black
blotches. The thorax is colored like the fore wings, the abdomen like the
Striking moths are Arachnis pida (PI. VIII, Fig. 4), with whitish fore wings
marked with wavy band-like blotches of pearl-gray, and red hind wings with
three uneven gray bands; Ecpantheria deftorata, the leopard-moth of the south
Atlantic states, and E. muzina, of the southwestern states, both creamy white
with circular or elliptical black spots or rings thickly scattered over the fore
wings, but only in a single submarginal series on the hind wings; and Utcthc-
isa bella (PI. VII, Fig. 7), a familiar little moth of the Atlantic states with
its pinkish-red hind wings with black branching border and yellowish-red
fore wings crossed by six bending white bands containing small black spots.
Attractive and familiar moths are the various species of Halesidota, whose
larvse feed on the leaves of hickory, oak, and several kinds of orchard trees.
These caterpillars (Fig. 593) are covered with short spreading tufts of hairs
white and black or yellow, and bear, too, a single pair of long hair pencils
usually black or orange. They are often called tussock-caterpillars and
are not unlike the true tussock-moth larvae (see p. 404). The moths
(Fig. 504) have long narrow fore
wings, and hind wings only about
half as long; in H. tessellata the
hind wings are almost transparent
yellowish (while the fore wings have
faint darker short transverse lines
or blotches) ; H. maculata (Fig. 595)
has yellowish fore wings thickly
Fig. 594. Halesidota caryaz, above, and H. tesselata, below. (After Lugger; natural size.)
Fig. 595. Halesidota maculata. (After Lugger; natural size.)
sprinkled with brown and blotched with creamy-white spots, the pale hind
wings being unmarked; H. lobecula has the wings nearly transparent, the fore
wings dusted with dark scales, and a regular check pattern on the front and
hind margins, the hind wings unmarked, and the abdomen of a beautiful
rose color; H. argentata has the fore wings blackish brown with distinct
white spots all over the surface, white hind wings bearing a single irregular
brown spot near the apex. The Callimorphas (Fig. 596) are pretty, slender-
i = Anisota rubicunda.
2 = Geometra iridaria.
3=Pyrrharctia isabella
4=Tropsa luna.
5 = Haploa clymene
6=Melittia ceto
7=Utetheisa bella.
wings with six large white blotches; H. julvicosta has all the wings pure
white with the front margin of the fore wings weakly fulvOus. A familiar
Arctian is the salt-marsh-caterpillar moth Eustigme acrcca, expanse i^
inches, with creamy-white fore wings and soft yellow-brown hind wings, all
the wings sparsely dotted with black.
A small family which includes a few widely distributed and well-known
moths is which the tent-caterpillar moths are the most
the Lasiocampidae, of
familiar. Lasiocampid moths, which are robust, hairy, and fairly
All the
large, lack the frenulum, having, however, the humeral angle of the hind
wing expanded so as to overlap the inner hind angle of the fore wing. In
this humeral angle are one or two short supporting veins or vein-spurs.
Fig. 596. Haploa fulvkosta (above) and H. contigua (in the middle and below).
(After Lugger; natural size.)
three hundred eggs in the summer in a band or ring glued around a small
4-1 6 The Moths and Butterflies
twig-of an apple or wild-cherry tree; the eggs do not hatch until the follow-
ing spring, when the young larvae feed on the buds and young leaves of the
tree. The social larvae build a little web or nest in the fork of a branch,
going out of it only to feed. As the
caterpillarsgrow they enlarge the web
until it becomes a bulky ugly affair
perhaps two feet long, partly filled with
excrement and cast skins. The full-
grown caterpillars are blackish with
yellow and bluish spots, white striped
along the back, and covered with fine
yellowish hairs. "They feed on the
young and tender leaves, and eating
on an average two leaves a day the
young of one pair of moths consume
from ten to twelve hundred leaves, and
Fig. =597- —Venation of Haksidota tessel- as it is not uncommon
to find from six
lata. cs, costal vein; sc, subcostal to eight nests on a single tree not less
vein; r, radial vein; m, medial vein;
a, anal veins. (After
than seventy-five thousand leaves are
c, cubital vein;
but most individuals are reddish brown with a broad interrupted whitish
band across both wings; the hinder and outer edges of the fore wings and
the outer edges of the hind wings are deeply notched. The caterpillar feeds
on apple, cherry, and oak, hiding during the day but becoming active at
night. It is broad, convex above and flat beneath, ash-gray with fringes
of blackish or gray hairs, and when at rest it is almost impossible to recognize.
The Moths and Butterflies 417
It grows to be 2 inches long and spins a peculiar gray cocoon which looks
very much like a slight swelling of the twig to which it is fastened. The
pupa hibernates, the moth issuing in June of the next year.
FlG 599-
Fig. 59S. -
the day on the bark. (Photograph from life by Slingerland; one-third natural size.)
FlG -
0Q _
The forest tent-caterpillar moth, Clisiocampa disstria, in its various stages.
in a ring about twig; g, eggs after
m, male moth; /, female moth; p, pupa; e, eggs natural
hatching; c, larva or caterpillar. (After Slingerland; moths and caterpillar
size, eggs and pupa slightly enlarged.)
familiarly known to the amateur collector and crawlery owner. And popular
books like Dickerson's "Moths and Butterflies," Eliot and Soule's "Cater-
pillarsand Their Moths," etc., which tell in
and habits of various
detail of the life-history
Lepidoptera, mean by "moths," first Saturnians,
then Sphingids, and finally a scant sprinkling
of "others." The giant vividly colored cater-
pillars, the great silken cocoons safely enclosing
their mystery until that day when a marvel of
a a
Fig. 600. Fig. 601.
Fig. 600. —Venation of Clisiocampa americana. cs, costal vein; sc, subcostal vein;
r, radial vein; m, medial vein; c, cubital vein; a, anal veins. (After Comstock;
Fig. 601. —
The American lappet-moth, Gastropacha americana. (After Lugger; natural
living color and pattern slowly crawls out and unfolds and takes on the
seeming of the perfect cecropia or polyphemus, it is little wonder that the
giant silkworm-moths are always never overlooking the swift and masterful
Sphingids the moths of popular fancy.
Just because these moths are so well known and so well and fully written
of elsewhere I may limit my account of them to a brief descriptive catalogue
of adults and larvae with the particular aim of making the more common
species determinable by amateurs. The particular species in hand once
safely identified, details of life-history and habits can be looked for in the
many popular or technical accounts of the various kinds. In all, the males
can be distinguished from the females by their large antennae and smaller
bodies. In some species the sexes are very different in color and pattern.
Of the genus Samia, the real giant silkworms, four species occur in
this country. S. cecropia, the great cecropia-moth of the eastern states,
expands 5 to 6 inches, has red thorax with white collar, red abdomen
banded with white and black lines, wings with grizzled gray ground, and
markings, as shown in Fig. 602, of reddish white and blackish with clay-
colored outer margins. The large discal spots on the wings are whitish in
the center, surrounded and encroached on by reddish, and margined with a
narrow black line. The full-grown larva (Fig. 604) is nearly 4 inches
long, pale limpid green, and bears on its back conspicuous tubercles, coral-
The Moths and Butterflies 419
red on the second and third thoracic segments, blue on the first thoracic and
last abdominal, and yellow on the others; smaller blue lateral tubercles are
present.It feeds on many kinds of orchard- and forest-trees, most small fruits,
and some herbaceous plants. The winter is passed in the pupal stage
enclosed in a great pod-shaped rusty-gray or brownish silken cocoon about
3 inches long and 1 inch wide in the middle, composed of two layers,
an outer strong "brown-paper" layer and an inner loose fibrous one. The
pupae may be easily found on trees when the leaves are off and brought
into the house. The moths will issue in early summer through an opening
which by the larva in one end of the cocoon. S. Columbia of the north-
is left
eastern states and Canada is smaller than cecropia, the angulated discal
wing-spots have hardly any reddish border and the transverse outer wing-
border of white has no red outer margin as in cecropia, the abdomen is dark-
red brown rather than red, and the basal half of the front wings is tinged
with reddish brown. S. gloveri, found in the Rocky Mountains and west
to Arizona, is like Columbia, but as large as cecropia. S. ceanothi of the
Pacific coast has the ground color of the wings strongly reddish, the outer
420 The Moths and Butterflies
falls to the ground inautumn, but sometimes remains on the tree. The
moth secretes a fluid from its mouth which softens and partly dissolves one
end of the cocoon for its emergence.
each side of the body; each segment bears about six small purplish or rosy-
tinged pearl tubercles; at the tip of the body are three brown spots edged
with yellow. It feeds on hickory and walnut, on other forest-trees, and
on body and wings, a whitish lunate discal spot and a white and purplish
transverse bar on each wing, and body with longitudinal series of white
tufted spots, has become common near several cities.
The promethea-moth, Callosamia prometliea, expanse 3 to 4 inches, light
reddish brown in female, and blackish and clay color in male, with mark-
ings as shown in Fig. 609, is perhaps the most abundant of all these giant
moths. Its larva when full-grown is 2 inches or more in length; it is bluish
green and the body bears longitudinal series of black polished tubercles,
two of these tubercles on each of the second and third thoracic segments
Fig. 607. —The luna-moth, or pale empress of the night, Tropaa luna.
(After Lugger; reduced about one-fourth.)
being larger and red instead of black. It feeds on many kinds of trees, but
Comstock has found more frequently on ash and wild cherry than on
others. The cocoon is long and slender and enclosed in a dead leaf whose
petiole has been fastened to the branch with silk by the larva. "At the
upper end of the cocoon there is a conical valve-like arrangement which
allows the adult to emerge without the necessity of making a hole." C.
angulijera is a moth slightly larger than promethea, but otherwise hardly
distinguishable from it except that the shape and markings of the wings>
The Moths and Butterflies 423
which vary a little in male and female of promcthca, are identical in this. It
is found also only in the Atlantic states.
The Io emperor-moth, Automeris io (PI. VI, Fig. 5; also Fig. 610), ex-
panse 2^ to 3 inches, is the most familiar and the only eastern species of
the four members of this genus. It can be recognized by the large blue
and black eye-spots in hind wings and by its unmarked fore wings. The
female has rich purplish-brown fore wings, the markedly smaller male yellow
fore wings. The larva (Fig. 611), which feeds on trees, small fruits, corn,
clover, etc., when full-grown is 2 J inches long, and is pale green with a
broad brown stripe edged with white and reddish lilac on each side, and
has the body covered with clusters of black-tipped green branching spiny
hairs which are very sharp and strongly stinging. The thin, irregular
parchment-like cocoon made of tough gummy brown silk is spun under
dead leaves or other rubbish on the ground. In Texas is found A. zelleri,
expanse 5 inches, reddish brown, without any yellow color in hind wings;
in Arizona^!, pamina, expanse 2^ to 3 inches, with yellow around the white-
centered black eye-spots of the hind wings; and in New Mexico A. zephyria,
expanse 2\ to 3 inches, with brown-black fore wings and pale-brown abdomen
broadly banded with red.
With a single species, the maia moth, in the eastern states, and but half
a dozen in the Rocky Mountains, desert and Pacific slope states, thegenus
Hemileuca presents a striking difference from the other Saturnians so far
described in the thinly scaled, not hairy, condition of the wings and the
prevalence of black and white in the pattern instead of warmer colors. H
maia, expanding 2\ inches, is subtransparent black with a broad middle
transverse band of white on each wing; in this band is a small blackish blotch
Fig. 610. —The Io emperor-moth, Automeris io, and cocoon; female moth above;
male below. (After Lugger; natural size.)
isolated in the hind wings, but connected with the black of the base in the
fore wings. This species occurs in the eastern states; a similar species, H.
nevadensis, being found from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific; H. electra,
found in southern California, has the hind wings blackish red; other species,
found in New Mexico and Arizona, are mostly black and white with a red-
426 The Moths and Butterflies
dish or pinkish tinge here and there. The larva of H. niaia feeds on oak;
it brownish black with a lateral yellow stripe, and has large branching
Fig. 611. —Larva of Io emperor-moth, A utomeris to. (After Dickerson; natural size.)
moth (Fig. 612), are the most impressive of a subgroup of the Saturniina
called the Ceratocampidae. They are all short-bodied and hairy and show
for colors exclusively rich warm browns and soft yellows, light purple and
rose. A curious structural characteristic of the family is the limiting of the
pectinations on the antennae of the male to the basal half of the antenna.
The regal walnut-moth, Citheronia regalis (Fig. 612), expands fully 5 inches,
has a rich brown ground-color on body and hind wings, with the fore wings
slaty gray with yellow blotches, and veins broadly marked out in red-brown.
The larva (Fig. 613), 4 to 5§ inches long, and yellowish brown, reddish
brown, or greenish, is distinguished from all other caterpillars by the great,
threatening, but harmless blue-black horns of the body; it feeds on butter-
nut, walnut, ash, pines, and other trees. Basilona imperialis, the imperial
moth, is as large as the regal walnut, but with ground-color of rich yellow,
overspread on base and outer part of fore wings and as a spot and band
on hind wings with soft brownish purple. The larvae when full-grown are
3 inches long, brown or greenish, thinly clothed with long whitish hairs,
and bear conspicuous spiny horns on the second and third thoracic segments.
They feed on hickory, oak, elm, maple, and other deciduous forest-trees,
as well as on spruce, pine, juniper, and hemlock. The larvae of both these
The Moths and Butterflies 427
great moths burrow into the ground to pupate, the rough brown naked
chrysalids wintering over.
Fig. 612. —The regal walnut-moth, atheroma regalis. (Photograph by author; natural size.)
yellow. This latter, called the rosy dryocampa, is shown in color in Plate
VII, Fig. 1. Its larva, sometimes caHed the green-striped maple-worm,
42; The Moths and Butterflies
parent in the center; the larva, found on oak, is grayish or greenish with
brownish-yellow or rosy stripes and with small white warty processes all over
Fig. 616. —Mulberry silkworms, larvae of Bombyx mori. (From life; natural size.)
the skin; A. stigma, expanse 2 inches, is light ocherous brown with many
blackish dots; its bright tawny or orange caterpillar -has long spines on
The Moths and Butterflies 429
the back; A. senatoria (Figs. 614 and 615) is like A virginiensis, but lacks
the transparent place in the middle of the wing; the caterpillar is black with
four stripes. on oaks, and that of A senatoria
All these Anisota larvae feed .
dusky dots, which is not uncommon in the Mississippi Valley and southern
states; its larvae feed on the locusts and the Kentucky coffee-bean. In the
southwest are two or three species of the genus Syssphinx resembling Sphingi-
campa bicolor, but one, S. heiligbrodti, in Arizona, has iron-gray fore wings.
Now unknown in wild condition, the long-cultivated Chinese or mulberry
silkworm, Bombyx mori, is spread over most of the world, living exclusively,
however, under the personal care of man. Indeed it is often said that the
worm is so degenerate, so susceptible to unfavorable circumstances, that
it could not live out of doors uncared for. As a matter of fact, however, I
have bred moths from silkworms placed
exposed on mulberry-trees in California
immediately after the first moult. And
these individuals experienced consider-
able hardship in the way of low temper-
atures and dashing rains. The heavy
creamy-white moths, with wing expanse
of if inches, take no food at all, and
most of them cannot even fly despite Fig. 617. —
Mulberry silkworm, show-
their possession of well-developed wings, ing front view of head and thorax.
(From life; natural size.)
so degenerate are the flight-muscles from
generations of disuse. The by the female on any
eggs, about 300, are laid
bit of cloth or paper provided her by the silkworm-growers. They are yellow
at first, but soon change to a slaty color due to the beginning development
of the embryo. In the annual race of silkworms, i.e., the variety which
produces but one generation a year as compared with those others which
produce two (bivoltins), three (trivoltins), and even five or six (multivoltins),
the development of the eggs soon ceases, and they go over the winter, hatching
in the following spring at the time the mulberry-trees begin leafing out.
The 616 and 617) must be well fed with fresh mulberry or osage-
larvae (Figs.
orange leaves (they may at a pinch be carried through on lettuce) from which
all rain- or dew-drops should be wiped off. The worms moult every nine
or ten days, ceasing to feed for a day before each moulting, during the forty-
five days of larval life, spinning before the last moult (pupation) the dense
white or golden silken cocoon which is, to man, the silkworm's raison d'etre.
In this spinning the thread is at first attached irregularly to near-by objects,
but after a sort of loose net or web has been made the spinning becomes
more regular, and by the end of three days a thick firm symmetrical closed
43' The Moths and Butterflies
cocoon, composed of a single continuous silken thread averaging over iooo feet
long, is completed. Inside this cocoon the larva pupates, and if undisturbed
the chrysalid gives up its damp and crumpled moth after from twelve to fourteen
days or longer. A fluid secreted by the moth softens one end of the cocoon
so that the delicate creature can force its way out. But this is not the usual
fate of a silkworm pupa. The professional grower must save the cocoon
The Moths and Butterflies 43 1
the cocoons into boiling water or by putting them into a hot oven. Then,
after cleaning away
the loose fluffy silk of the outside, he finds the beginning
of the long threadwhich makes the cocoon, and with a clever little reeling-
machine he unwinds, unbroken, its hundreds of feet of merchantable silk floss.
From here to the silk-dress stage is a story not entomological, but one of
elaborate machines and processes of human devising.
Hovering, humming-bird-like, in the early dusk over the deep flower-
cup of a petunia or honeysuckle or great jimson-weed, with its long flexible
proboscis thrust deep down to the nectaries, and the swift wings making a
faint haze on either side of the trim body, the sphinx-moth, or hawk-moth,
or humming-bird moth, as variously called, is a familiar garden acquaintance.
But that he is but one of a hundred different American species; that he has
cousins red and cousins green, somber cousins and harlequin cousins; that,
strong- winged, clean-bodied, exquisitely painted, and honey-fine in his taste
as he is now, his earliest youth was passed as a "disgusting," soft, fat, green
FiG. 620. —Larva of the sphinx-moth, Phlegethontius Carolina. (After Jordan and
Kellogg; one-half natural size.)
row, pointed fore wings, very small hind wings, a smooth-coated, compact,
cleanly tapering body, and a long proboscis, coiled when not in use, like
a watch-spring, on the front of the head (Fig. 509). The colors and pat-
terns are extremely varied, but uniformly quietly beautiful and harmonious.
The larvae (Fig. 619) are naked, usually green, often with repeated oblique
whitish lines on the sides, and bear a conspicuous sharp-pointed horn,
or, in fewer instances, a flattish, button-like shining tubercle, on the back
of the eighth abdominal segment. The caterpillars, or "worms," feed on
The Moths and Butterflies 433
the foliage of various plants, and when full-grown most of them descend
and burrow into the ground to pupate. The chrysalid is naked, with firm,
dark-brown wall, and is distinguished by the odd jug-handle-like sheath
for the developing long imaginal proboscis. A few larvae pupate on the
ground in a slight cocoon made of silk and a few leaves tied together. The
insects hibernate in the pupal stage; a few are said to be double-brooded.
The name sphinx, applied to these moths by Linnaeus a century and a half
ago, is suggested by the curious attitude assumed by the larvae when dis-
turbed; the front part of the body is lifted (Fig. 620) clear of the object
on which the insect is resting, and the head is bent forward on the thoracic
feet. This position may be held rigidly for hours.
Of the many species found in this country we can refer to but a few of
the more familiar or beautiful or interesting ones, and these references may
be made brief because of the colored figures which are grouped in our frontis-
piece. These figures render descriptions unnecessary.
434 The Moths and Butterflies
Best known of all the hawk-moths, both in larval and adult stage, are
the five-spotted sphinges, the tomato- and tobacco-worm moths, Phlege-
thontius quinquemaculata (celeus) and P. sexta {Carolina) (PL VIII, Fig. 3).
i : .
unIol£n/ ^d
rl4 =^
i = Deilephila lineata.
2 = Cha^rocampa tersa.
3=Phlegethontius sexta.
4=Arachnis picta.
5 = Alypia octomaculata.
6=Anatolmis grotei.
7 = Plusia simplex.
Mary Wellman, del.
The Moths and Butterflies 435
The beautiful little Ampelophaga myron, with soft red-brown hind wings
and brownish-gray fore wings, patterned as shown in Fig. 624, has a pea-
green, cream-banded, and yellow and lilac spotted larva known as the hog-
caterpillar of the vine, so named from its form —
the third and fourth seg-
ments being greatly swollen, the head and first two segments small and —
its destructiveness to grape-vines. When ready to pupate it spins a brown
silken open-meshed cocoon on the ground under leaves or other rubbish.
Fig. 625. —The double-eyed sphinx, Smerinthus geminatus, above; Paonias excacatus,
in middle; and P. myops, below. (After Lugger; natural size.)
each spot consisting of two curved black lines enclosing a bright crimson
blotch and a pale-yellow line; all the spots are connected by a pale-yellow
lineedged above with black. Sometimes the larvae are black, with a
narrow yellow line along the back and a series of paler- and darker-yellow
The Moths and Butterflies 437
spots. The double-eyed sphinx, Smerinthus geminatus (PI. I, Fig. 2; also
Fig. 625), is a common species whose larva? feed on apple, plum, ash, willow,
birch, and other trees; the full-grown caterpillar (Fig. 626) is 2\ inches
long, apple-green, with seven oblique yellow stripes on each side of the
body and a violet caudal horn. The genus Sphinx (Fig. 627) contains
nearly twenty species, all ofthem soberly patterned with grayish, brownish,
and blackish, and most of them expanding more than three inches.
Fig. 628. —Larva of the abbott-sphinx, Thyreus abbotti. [( After Soule; natural size.)
While most hawk-moths have narrow tapering fore wings and a slender
tapering smooth-coated body, structural conditions indicating a well-de-
veloped flight power, a familiar species, the modest sphinx, Marumba modesta
(PI. I, Fig. 4), found all over the country, is hairy, heavy-bodied, and
Fig. 629. —Larva of abbott-sphinx, Thyreus abbotti; note difference in pattern from
larva shown in Fig. 628. (After Soule; natural size.)
broad-winged. The full-grown larvae are 3 inches and more long, whitish,
yellowish, and bluish green, with fine white dots all over the skin; the cau-
dal horn is short. They feed on "balm-of-Gilead," poplar, and other trees.
Another species of unusual shape is the beautiful dark-brown and canary-
yellow small tufted-bodied abbott-sphinx, Thyreus (Sphecodina) abbotti
(PL I, Fig. 6), found in the Atlantic and Mississippi Valley states. Its
larvae (Figs. 628 and 629) feed on woodbine and grape. They are "ashes-
of-rose" color, finely transversely lined with dark brown and with longitu-
dinal series of brown blotches. They have a large circular, eye-like tubercle
in place of a caudal horn. They may appear in two different patterns as
438 The Moths and Butterflies
shown 628 and 629. The pupa is found under dead leaves or other
in Figs.
rubbish.Very similar in appearance and habits is the grape-vine amphion,.
Amphion nessus (Fig. 630), of the same size and shape and colors and found
A few sphinx-moths have the wings partly clear. These are called the
clear-winged sphinxes and belong to the genus Hemaris. H. thysbe (PI. I,
The Moths and Butterflies 439
Fig. 5) is the most abundant Eastern species, although H. diffinis, with
bright-yellow hairs in place of brownish yellow on thorax and abdomen, is
with yellowish thorax and abdominal band, and in California are one or two
varieties of H. diffinis. The
larva of H. diffinis (Fig. 631) feeds on honey-
suckle and snowberry-bush and is pale green above, darker green on the
sides, with three brown stripes on the under side; the caudal horn is yellow
with blue-black tip; some of the caterpillars, as is common among the larvae
of this family, are brown instead of green. It is two-brooded. Moths just
issued from the chrysalid have scales over all of the wing surface, but these
scales are so loosely attached on the discal area that the first few flights
dislodge them, so that the "clear-wing" comes about. The larvae of
H. thysbe feed on viburnum, snowberry, and hawthorn.
Taken all in all the butterflies are the most familiar and attractive insects
to people in general; their size, beautiful color-patterns, and daytime flight
Fig. 633. —The Parnassian butterfly, Parnassius smintheus, which lives in the Rocky
Mountains and Sierra Nevada at an altitude of 5000 feet and more. (Natural size.)
chiefly account for this. Six hundred and fifty butterfly species (compare
with the six thousand species of moths) are accredited to this country in
the latest authoritative catalogue of North American Lepidoptera. These
represent, according to this catalogue, thirteen families; a more usual classi-
fication, however, groups all these species into six families. As this latter
arrangement is in it will be adopted in this.
use in most of the insect manuals,
Comstock, who has given the classification of the Lepidoptera much attention,
gives the following key to families:
44° The Moths and Butterflies
markings, and all of them are more moth-like than butterfly-like in general
the wings; it flies rapidly about close to the ground and lays its eggs on
various mallows; the larva is green with a dark interrupted dorsal line, dark
lateral bands, and a pale band below the spiracles.
A whole host of skippers are the "sooty wings," members of several
genera, but almost impossible to be distinguished by means, of written
descriptions.They vary in size from an expanse of 1 inch to nearly 2 inches,
and have the wings grayish brown to blackish brown to truly sooty, usually
with obscure indications of markings on both wings and almost always
with a few small distinct white spots near the apex of the fore wings. The
small sooty-wing, Pholisora catullus, common in the east, expands 1 inch
and has uniformly nearly black wings with a few distinct white dots on
upper side.
Fig. 5), common in the Atlantic states, is a good example of the group.
The least skipper, Ancyloxypha numitor (PI. V, Fig. 5), is the smallest
commonly seen and differs from other skippers in lacking the recurved
hook at the tip of the antennae and in having a slender body. The
pale-yellow pilose larva feeds on grasses, especially those that grow in wet
small butterflies popularly known as blues, coppers, and hair-
streaks compose the family of Lycaenidae, or gossamer-winged butterflies, of
which a hundred and twenty-five species are recorded from the United States,
mostly the western half. The popular names express well the colors and
pattern characteristic of the group. They are delicate, light-winged, slender-
bodied butterflies rarely expanding more than an inch and a half and either
bluish (pale whitish blue to brilliant metallic dark blue) or coppery or reddish
or dark brown, often with small blackish spots, or marked with short fine
little lines, hair-streaks,on the under side of the wings, and often with delicate
little tail-like processes projecting from the hinder margin of the hind wings.
The larvae are flattened, short, broad, small, forked, slug-like caterpillars
with small retractile heads; those of a few species distinguish themselves
from all other butterfly larvae by feeding on other insects, especially aphids.
The chrysalid is naked, suspended from the posterior tip and supported by
a silken line, or "bridle," about its middle.
Often to be seen fluttering or clustered about wet spots in the roadway
are numbers of delicate little pale-blue butterflies with under side of wings
almost white and conspicuously dotted with small black spots and with
white-ringed slender antennae; these are "blues," some species of the old
genus Lycaena now broken up by modern systematists into a half dozen or
more different genera. The spring azure, Cyaniris psendargioliis (PI. V,
Fig. 4), is a wide-spread and common example of the group; with its several
varieties it ranges over the whole continent, and it is one of the few "blues"
whose young stages are known. The larvae, which curiously secrete honey-
dew from little openings on the seventh and eighth abdominal segments, feed
on the "buds and flowers of various plants, especially those of dogwood
(Comus), Cimijuga, and Aclinomeris.'n As many as three broods appear
in a year. The various species of blues differ slightly in size, in shade of
444 The Moths and Butterflies
wings are spotted with white. The vernacular name is derived from a few
small lead-colored or pearly-white spots near the outer margin of the wings.
The tiny metal-mark, Calephilis ccenius, expanding only f inch, and with
the reddish-brown wings spotted with small steely-blue markings, comes
as far north as Virginia.
A smaller family than the Hesperida? or Lyccenidae, but with numerous
better-known members, is the Pierida?, the whites, yellows, and orange-
tips. Because the larvae of several species feed on cabbage and other
cruciferous plants, the unhappy name of cabbage-butterflies is sometimes
applied to them. The common whites and yellows are the most familiar
of roadside butterflies, but of the sixty species composing the family in this
country, only half a dozen occur in the northeastern states, the south and
The Moths and Butterflies 445
west being the favored regions of distribution. All the species except two or
three are of medium size, that is, have an expanse of i^ to 2 inches, and
have white or yellow, from light sulphur to orange, as ground color, with
markings of black. The larvae are mostly green, longitudinally striped,
with more or less distinct lines usually paler, and harmonize so thoroughly
in coloration and appearance with the green foliage on which they feed that
they are not often seen. The chrysalids are naked, supported at the pos-
terior tip and also by a loose silken bridle, and distinguished from other
butterfly pupae by a conspicuous median-pointed process on the head end.
The males of many Pierids give off a pleasing aromatic odor which comes
from certain scent-scales (androconia) scattered about over the wing-surface.
If the fore wings of a freshly caught male cabbage-butterfly be rubbed
between thumb and finger, this scent can be readily smelled on the fingers.
It is used to attract or excite the females.
The three most abundant whites in the eastern and northern states are
Pontia protodice, P. napi, and P. rap<z, the larvae of all three species being
voracious cabbage-eaters. P. rapa, the European cabbage-butterfly, is a
European which got to Quebec about i860 and since then has
spread over the whole country and is the most serious pest among all the
butterflies; it expands from if inches (male) to nearly 2 inches (female),
has faintly yellowish-white wings with the base and apex of fore wings
blackish and with two circular black dots on fore wings of the female and
one in the male; there is a single black spot (in male very faint) on front
margin of hind wings; under sides of hind wings and tip of fore wings lemon-
yellow. P. protodice, the southern cabbage-butterfly, or checkered-white,
has at least three black spots besides a blackish apical border on the fore-
wings of the male, while both the wings of the female are much checkered
with blackish brown; the under side of the hind wings is white in the male.
P. napi, the northern cabbage-butterfly, or mustard-white, appears in eleven
or twelve appreciably different patterns, but characterized through all this
variety by the pale or distinct grayish bordering of the veins; there is but
little blackish on the wings of the male, at most one or two circular spots
and a blackish apical border. In the western states the species of Pontia
which will be found by most collectors are beckeri, distinguished by green
markings on the under side of the hind wings; occidentalis much like pro- ,
todice, and sisymbri, a small species with the veins of the hind wings widely
three or four white spots appear; in some specimens the hind wings have
in size, some individuals called albinos being white, some called negros
being suffused with blackish; some are very small, others unusually large.
A variety of names has been given to some of these aberrations because
of their regular appearance under certain seasonal conditions. The longi-
tudinally striped green larvae of both species feed on clover. Another com-
mon sulphur in the southern and western states is the dog-face, large with
pointed-tipped front wings and the yellow color of these wings so outlined
by the black base and broad border as to produce a rough likeness to a dog's
head seen in profile; a small discal black spot serves as the eye. The south-
ern species is Zerene ccesonia (PI. V, Fig. 10), the Pacific coast species Z. eury-
dice. The caterpillars, which are green with a whitish longitudinal stripe and
a transverse dark line on each segment, feed on various Leguminosae. Another
common southern and western species is Terias nicippe, the black-bordered
orange (PL XI, Fig. 2), whose larva? feed on cassia. A striking species
is the cloudless sulphur, Catopsila eubule, the largest of the Pierids, expand-
ing 2\ inches; it occurs in the southern and southwestern states, its larva
feeding on cassia. At the other extreme in size is the dainty sulphur,
Nathalis iole, (PI. V, Fig. 7), the smallest member of the family, expanding
but 1 inch; it has the same range and food habits as the cloudless sulphur.
In the western states occur seven or eight species of the pretty little
Pierids known as orange-tips; only one species, Synchloe genutia (PI. XI,
Fig. 3), is found in the east. All are small and most of them are readily
distinguished by the characteristic orange-colored apex of the fore wings
as shown in the colored figure of genutia. S. sara, with two named varie-
ties, reakirtii and commonest western species.
sara, is the The larvae of
the orange-tips, so far as known, feed on Cruciferae.
Perhaps the most striking and admired of all familiar insects are the
great swallowtail butterflies. They have an easy, half-fluttering, half-soar-
ing flight; their unusual size and their black and yellow (or greenish-white)
tiger-like markings make them so conspicuous that they are fascinatingly
apparent to the most casual observers. Twenty-one different swallowtail
The Moths and Butterflies 447
butterflies are found in the United States. Combined with them in the
species of curious thinly scaled black- and red-
family Papilionidse are two
exclusively in high
spotted white butterflies called parnassians, which live
altitudes in the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains. Two more species
i = Cercyonis alope.
2 = Vanessa atalanta
^=Papilio cresphontes
4=Heodes hypophloeas.
5 = Erynnis sassacus.
6=Basilarchia arthemifc
7 = Euvanessa antiopa
' %'
w: \ \
rfm m.
*-- -.'•
Iphidicles ajax (PL V, Fig. 2), which is distinguished from all other
swallowtails by its black and greenish-white wings and its long tails; it
appears in three forms, one, marcellus, emerging in early spring with tails
f inch long and tipped with white; another, telamonides, appearing in
late spring, a little larger, with tails -f
inch long and bordered with white
on each side for half the length or more, and. the third the typical ajax, still
may come from a single brood, some of the hibernating chrysalids producing
butterflies earlier than others. It seems to depend wholly on the time of
issuance and not at all on the character of the parent whether an individual
shall be of the marcellus or of the telamonides form. The ajax individuals
are those that are produced from eggs laid in the spring by either marcellus
or telamonides individuals. Also some few chrysalids in every brood delay
disclosing butterflies until the next spring. " Marcellus and telamonides thus
produce ajax the same season, or either marcellus or telamonides in the follow-
ing spring; ajax produces itself the same season or one of the others in the
spring; but neither marcellus nor telamonides is produced the same season
by any of the forms" (Scudder). The larvae of this species are pea-green,
is another common species, with a striking " negro" form called glaucus.
In glaucus the disk of the wing is wholly dusted over with black scales so
that the bands can be hardly seen. It is found only in regions where there
are two or more broods a year, and is represented by females alone. The
tiger swallowtail ranges clear across the continent, and sometimes occurs
in great numbers ; Scudder says that on a cluster of lilacs 69 specimens were
captured at one time by closing the two hands over them. The larvae, which
feed on many plants but particularly like wild-cherry, are naked and leaf-
green, with the front part of the body much enlarged and bearing a double
stripe of yellow and black across the back, as well as a pair of yellow-black
and turquoise eye- spots in front of thisband and several rows of turquoise
dots behind it. On the Pacific coast occur P. rutulus (Fig. 639) and P.
eurymedon of the same general pattern of turnus, the first being black
and yellow as turnus is, but the second being black and pale greenish or
yellowish white. In the Rocky Mountains is found the splendid Daunus
swallowtail, P. daunus, larger than Turnus and with two tails on the hind
wings and a third tail-like lobe at the inner angle. The larva of rutulus
feeds on alder and willow, of eurymedon on Rhamnus and other plants,
and of daunus mostly on rosaceous plants.
Of different pattern is the fine giant swallowtail, P. cresphontes (PL X,
450 The Moths and Butterflies
Fig. 3), native in the south, but now gradually spreading north. The
caterpillar, sometimes called "orange-puppy" in Florida, feeds on orange-
and lemon-trees, besides other plants, and is swollen in front of the middle,
with the anterior part of the body rusty brown with lateral stripe, the hinder
end of which, including two or three segments and a broad saddle in the
middle, is cream-yellow flecked with brown.
A smaller widely distributed and well-known Papilio is the common
Eastern black swallowtail, P. polyxenes, represented by five named varie-
ties besides the type form. The black wings are crossed by two rows of
yellow spots, the inner ones the larger, and there is a series of yellow mar-
ginal lunules; incomplete bluish spots lie between the two yellow rows of
spots on the hind wings, specially distinct and large in the female. The
larva feeds on parsnips, caraway, etc., and is green-ringed with black and
spotted with yellow. P. troilus, the spice-bush swallowtail of the eastern
and middle states, has a single row of well-separated yellow spots near the
outer margin of each wing, with indications of a bluish or greenish row inside
this, specially distinct on the hind wings; there is an orange spot at each
end of this row on the hind wings. The larva lives on spicewood and sassa-
fras and makes a protecting nest by tying the edges of a leaf together. The
pipe-vine swallowtail, Laertias philenor, has no band of yellow spots, but only
a few indicated lilac-colored remnants of spots, and has the hind wings suf-
fused with beautiful glossy blue-green, especially beyond the base; its cater-
pillar feeds on Dutchmen's pipe and a wild species of Aristolochia, common
in the Appalachian forests. There are two Papilionids without tails, viz.,
Ithobalus acaiida, found in New Mexico, and I. polydamas, found in
Florida; both are beautiful butterflies, much like P. philenor in color and
The largest family of Rhopalocera is that of the Nymphalidae, or brush-
footed butterflies, the vernacular name partly describing their most dis-
tinctive structural peculiarity, namely the marked reduction (atrophy) of
the fore legs to be functionless little hairy brush-like processes without tar-
sal claws on the feet; in both sexes these fore feet lie folded on the thorax,
"like a tippet," as Comstock has said. This and the possession of an always
five-branched radial vein in the fore wing are about the only structural
characteristics common to all the butterflies of this large family. The species
range from small to large, present a bewildering variety of coloring and pattern
and an equal variety of larval habit and appearance. All the chrysalids
are naked, usually angular, and are suspended head downward by the tail
point of view taken by the author of the latest catalogue of North American
Lepidoptera —while those who believe in the family unity of the group sub-
divide it into a number of subfamilies.
In the face of the large number of beautiful, interesting, and familiar
species of Nymphalidae we can only select, for description in our limited
space, a few of the most familiar and interesting. The special collector
and student of butterflies will find awaiting him a large literature mostly
readily available, and to this he must refer for anything like a comprehensive
account of the species of this family.
The all-conquering American butterfly is the monarch, Anosia plexip-
pus (PI. XI, Fig. 4; also Fig. 641), sometimes called the milkweed-butter-
FiG. 641. —
The monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus (above), distasteful to birds, and
the viceroy, Basilarchia archippus (below), which mimics it. (Three-fourths natural
fly because of the food-plant of its larva. This great red-brown butterfly
king ranges over North and South America, and has begun its invasion
all of
arch the most abundant butterfly through all of the Hawaiian Islands 2000
miles distant from the Californian coast, and still 2000 miles farther into the
great Pacific in the Samoan Islands it is also the dominant butterfly species.
Its success is due to its hardiness, its strong flight power, the abundance and
452 The Moths and Butterflies
and birds soon learn to let these disagreeable butterfly morsels alone. For
the sake of this immunity another butterfly species, the viceroy, Basilarchia
archippus (Pi. XI, Fig. i; also Fig. 641), which is not ill-tasting, mimics in
extraordinary degree the color pattern of the monarch, so that it must be
constantly mistaken for the disagreeable monarch and is passed unmolested
by experienced birds. The monarch in the eastern states has a migratory
habit not unlike that of birds, great swarms flying south in the autumn to the
Gulf states and West Indies, returning north again in the spring, not in swarms,
however, but singly. It ranges as far north as Canada. It has, too, a curious
habit of assembling in great numbers in a few trees, like blackbirds or crows
in a "roost," and hanging there and festoons, many indi-
quietly in masses
viduals clinging only to each other and not to the branches at all. On cer-
tain great pine trees near the Bay of Monterey on the Californian coast I
have seen myriads of monarchs thus "sembled." The eggs are laid singly
on the leaves of various milkweed species, Asclepias cornuti the favored
kind, and hatch in about four days. The larva (Fig. 791) attains its full
growth in two or three weeks and is a conspicuous object with its greenish-
white body regularly banded with narrow black and yellow stripes; it has
two pairs of slender black filaments, one on the second thoracic and the other
on the eighth abdominal segment. The beautiful plump chrysalid is pea-
green, smooth, and rounded with a few black and gilt spots and bands. The
pupal stage lasts from nine to fifteen days. There is but one generation a
year in the north, but two appear in the south. The winter is passed by
the adult butterfly in the warm region of the subtropics.
Although the viceroy, Basilarchia archippus, closely resembles the
monarch in its red-brown ground-color, black-bordered veins, and small
white spots, only one of the half-dozen other species of the same genus is
at all like it. This one is B. floridensis found in the southern states. The
others have a blackish ground-color with the hind wings suffused with
greenish blue and a few conspicuous reddish blotches on the under side
of both wings, as in the red-spotted purple, B. astyanax, common in the East,
a caterpillar, and
Fig. 642.—The comma-butterflv, Polygonia comma; two butterflies,
natural size.)
empty chrysalid on gooseberry branch. (After Lugger;
known as hop-merchants. If the spots are golden, hops are to bring high
prices; if low prices! The violet-tip, P. inter rogationis, is another
common eastern angle-wing and has on the under side of the hind wings a
double silver spot a little like a question-mark but more like a semicolon.
. J<I
i = Basilarchia archippus.
2 = Terias nicippe.
2=Synchloe reakirtii.
4=Anosia plexippus.
5 = Anaea andria.
6=Polygonia comma.
which is naked, gray-green, and studded with numerous paler points, feeds
on species of Croton, the goatweeds. The American tortoise-shell, Aglais
456 The Moths and Butterflies
has both wings fulvous above and thickly spotted with black; the under
side of the hind wings is silver-blotched; in the female the basal half of
the fore and hind wings above is dark chocolate-brown. The caterpillar
is black with six rows of shining black branching spines, and feeds on violets.
Numerous other smaller Argynnids are like cybele in color and pattern:
it is difficult to distinguish the various species.
The checker-spots, small to medium size, blackish with red and yellowish
spots, are representedby numerous species in the western mountain states,
but by only two species in the east. The Baltimore, Euphydryas phaeton,
expanding if to 2 \ inches, is the most familiar eastern checker-spot; it is
black above with a marginal row of red spots followed by three rows of pale-
The Moths and Butterflies 457
yellow spots on the fore wings and two on the hind wings; besides there
are some scattered red spots and some other yellow ones. The caterpillar
is black, spiny, and banded with orange-red; it feeds chiefly on Chelone
glabera, a kind of snakehead. On the Pacific coast the chalcedon,
Melitaea chalcedon, most abundant checker-spot, although several
is the
other species are common. It has black wings spotted with red and
The satyrs or meadow-browns are a group of fifty or more beautiful velvet-
brown butterflies whose markings consist chiefly of eye-spots, large and small,
on both upper and under wing surfaces. A number of species are abundant
and familiar, but a majority live exclusively in mountain states, and especially
in the west. The common wood-nymph, or eyed grayling, Cercyonis dope,
(PI. X, Fig. 1), is the most familiar eastern and middle state species.
spaces with lasting snow, these hardy little flutterers live successfully. At
the edges of the great snow-fields are patches of alpine flowers, fragrant
dwarf forget-me-nots and buttercups, which furnish food and interest for
them in the solitude of the high peaks.
The mountain-top butterflies of the White Mountains, of the Rocky
Mountains, and of the Sierra Nevada are closely allied; indeed individuals
of the same summit of Mt. Washington and on
species are found on the
the crest of the Rockies, and nowhere between these two widely separated
localities. The question as to how this interesting condition of things came
about would be answered (by the student of distribution) as follows: In
glacial times the species probably ranged clear across the continent. With
the retreat of the great continental ice-sheet, while most of the butterflies
followed it closely north, or became in successive generations slowly adapted
to the temperate life conditions, some few probably followed up the slowly
retreating local mountain glaciers. In time, therefore, the descendants
of these arctic-loving species found themselves still under truly arctic con-
45» The Moths and Butterflies
help the nature student classify his specimens, and tell him of the distribution
and habits of the various species. Among the best are Comstock's "How
to Know the Butterflies," Holland's "The Butterfly Book," and Scudder's
' Everyday Butterflies."
P £uFs
- -
460 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
as are also the females of the Mutillid wasps and a few other exceptional
forms. In many Hymenoptera (shown
well in the honey-bee) the fore
(costal) margin of the hind wings
bears a series of small but strong
recurved hooks which, when the
wings are outspread, fit snugly over
a ridge along the hind margin of the
fore wing, the two wings of each side
being thus fastened together so as to
move synchronously. A structural
characteristic not readily made out
but of much morphological impor-
tance is the complete fusion of the
Fig. 646. —Lateral head of full- true first abdominal segment with
aspect of
grown larva of honey-bee which has been
the thoracic masSj so lnat the small
cleared so as to show the forming adult head
within, ih., head of adult; i.e., compound articulating segment between what
eye of adult; lc, body-wall of larval head; are ca H e d thorax and abdomen i?
1iint., antenna of adult;, mandible of .. . , , , . ,
larva;, mandible of adult;, really the second abdominal seg-
maxilla of larva;, maxilla of adult; rnent.
labium of larva; Hi., labium of adult., r™ t A • 1
The mouth-parts i
are variously
modified, but usually are fitted for both biting and sucking (or lapping).
This is arranged for by having the maxilla? and
labium more or less elongate and forming a sort
of proboscis for taking up liquids, while the man-
dibles always retain their short, strong, toothed,
jaw-like character. The mandibles of the honey-
bee are modified into admirable little "trowels"
for moulding wax and propolis. The females
throughout the order are provided either with a
saw-like or boring or pricking ovipositor, or with
the same parts modified to be a sting. The sting
is possessed by the wasps, bees, and ants (rudi-
mentary in many ants), on which account these
groups are often
Fig. 647. —
Mouth-parts of
referred to collectively as the mud-wasp, with mandible
aculeate Hymenoptera. The sting of the honey- and maxilla of right side
removed, md., mandible;
bee is shown in Fig. 650 and is a well-developed w.y., maxilla; mx.L, max-
example of this characteristic hymenopterous illary lobe; m.x.p.,maxil-
lary palpus; li.,labium;
weapon of defence and offence. The barb-tipped at., mentum of labium;
darts (d) extend down through the sheath (s) and pg., paraglossa; gl., glossa;
//./>., labial palpus.
are controlled by the chitinous bars called levers
(/). The poison produced in the poison-gland (p-gl.) and stored in the
,1/ai-v Welltnan, del.
Wasps, Bees, and Ants
sac (A,.) flows from this into lesser
reservoirs in the expanded
sheath and escapes through the valve base of the
(v) along the darts
into the wound. The tactile (and
perhaps olfactory) palpi
(p) are used to explore the surface of the
object to be
stung. The modifications of the various
parts which compose the sting to form an egg-depositing
organ (ovipositor) are extremely various
and are described
later in connection with various special
groups. The
number of separate parts or processes
which compose mar.
the ovipositor or sting and which '
arise from the two ab- !
dominal segments next in front of mxl
the terminal one is
six, and some entomologists Fig. 648.— Frontal as-
consider these parts to be true
pect of head of larva
appendages, homologous with the legs and of mud-wasp, mi.,
In the development of all mandible; »ix., max-
Hymenoptera the meta-
illa; mx.L, maxillary
morphosis is complete, and the larva
are, more than lobe; li., labium;
inany other order, helpless and //./>., labial palpus.
dependent for their
food and safety on the provision
or care of the parents. With many
Fig. 649.
as to
maafflary nanus of adu It' \T ''"^ iMX- maxill » ot •**! mx p., ''
i , b Um
' of,°larva; «'»- labi »"> »f «**; UJip., labial
palpus of adult '
, dart;
the egg is deposited, so that the larva on hatching will find it ready to hand.
With the wasps and bees and all the ants, the workers bring food to
the larva during its whole life. With the lower forms, the parasitic and
gall-making kinds, the egg is deposited on or in a special and sufficient food-
supply- All these unusual conditions are described in the discussion of
the various groups. Indeed this whole chapter on the Hymenoptera is writ-
ten especially with the aim of illustrating the biology, the special life con-
ditions and relations of the various larger groups of these insects, rather
than with the aim which determined the character of the chapters on the
beetles (Coleoptera) and moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera), namely, that
of presenting a systematic survey of the classification and individual habits
of those members of the order most likely to be seen or captured by the col-
lector. The beetles and the moths and the butterflies are the insects which
fill the cabinets of the amateur and beginning student, and names and facts
concerning particular species are likely to be the particular desiderata in
connection with them. But
is the extraordinary and "wonderful" char-
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 463
that at best the keys and tables used in this book, as in most other insect manu-
als, to assist the student in his work of classifying insects are primarily things
appearance, and the larvae all agree in their salient characters of structure
and habit. Despite the large number of our species, comparatively few
are known and these almost solely because of the
to the general observer,
injurious habits of their larvae. These larvae
in the leaf-tissue, usually on the under side,by means of the famous "saws"
which have given the insects their vernacular name. These saws are a pair
of small slightly chitinous pieces, finely serrate on the outer margins, which
are carried by the last abdominal segment and can be thrust out and moved,
saw-like, up and down. The larvae, or slugs as they are often called
because of their shape and the slimy secretion which covers the body of some
kinds, usually "skeletonize" the leaves, i.e., eat away only the soft tissues,
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 465
leaving the skeleton of tough, fibrous veins; often only the upper surface
Some of them cover the body with
of the leaf is fed on. a white, waxy secre-
tion, and some, when disturbed, emit a
malodorous fluid from the mouth or from
pores in the skin. When full-grown, they
crawl down to the ground, burrow into it, and
pupate within a little cell sometimes lined
with a thin silken cocoon. Some of the larvae
. ,, i-iii
which develop about them; one
in gall
i , 1
Fig. 6<52. The currant-slug, larva
of the currant saw_flv , Nematus
such species is common on willows. The ventricosus. (Two and one-half
,, ,, ,1 1 1 1 , times natural size.)
adults mostly have rather broad somewhat
flattened bodies and head, are quietly colored, blackish, reddish, brownish,
and usually quietly mannered, but fluttering about in the trees at egg-lay-
ing time.
It has been noted that numerous species of saw-flies can produce young
Fig. 653. —The currant-stem girdler, Janus integer, a saw-fly at work girdling a stem
after having deposited an egg in the stem half an inch lower down. (Photograph
by Slingerland; natural size.)
no males have yet been discovered. It is indeed a general rule in the family
that the females greatlyoutnumber the males.
Probably our most familiar saw-fly, at least in its larval stage, is the
rose-slug, Monostegia roscc, a soft-bodied, greenish-yellow, nocturnal larva
that skeletonizes rose-leaves and often occurs in such numbers as practically
to defoliate the bushes. The adult fly is black with sooty wings and whitish
fore and middle legs. There are two generations a year. Two currant-
slugs are common: one the imported currant-worm, Nematus ventricosus
(Fig. 652), green with many small black spots (in its last stage only the head
is black-spotted); the other the native currant-worm, Pristophora grossu-
larice, all pale green except the blackish head, which becomes partly green
just before pupation. Both of these slugs make slightcocoons of silk and
leaves in which to pupate, the first-named one in or on the ground, the second
one attached to the twigs or leaves of the currant-bush.
The pear-tree slug, Eriocampa cerasi, is half an inch long when full-grown,
with the body expanded in front so as to be almost tadpole-shaped; it is
spotted with yellow. It lays its eggs in tiny holes bored in the stems just
about the time of the forming of the heads; the larvae tunnel down through
the stem, reaching the lowest part of the straw about harvest-time. This
part is left by the reaper, and in it the larva makes a silken cocoon within
which it hibernates. In March or April it pupates, and the adult issues
in May.
Indications of the work of certain hymenopterous insects are familiar to
even the most casual observers in the variously shaped "galls" that occur
on many kinds of trees and smaller plants, especially abundantly, however,
on oaks and rose-bushes. Not all galls on plants are produced by insects,
certain kinds of fungi giving rise to gall-like malformations on plants, nor
are all the insect galls produced by members hymen-
of that family of small
opterous insects called the Cynipidae, or But most of the closed
Cynipid gall-flies. These flies (Fig. 655) are all very small, the largest
species not beingmore than £ inch long;
they are short-bodied and have in most
cases four clear wings with few veins.
The females —and in numerous species
there seem to be no males have a long, —
slender, and flexible but strong, sharp-
pointed ovipositor (Fig. 656), composed of
several needle- or awl-like pieces, which
is used to prick (pierce) the soft tissue of
leaf or tender twig so that an egg may be
deposited in this succulent growing plant-
Fig. 656. —
Ovipositor of a gall-fly, dorsal and lateral views; the long tapering part is
the piercing portion; the other parts constitute levers and supports (After Lacaze-
Duthiers; greatly magnified.)
position, and the interesting response or reaction of the plant to the growth-
stimulating irritation of the gall-fly larva are subjects which have attracted
much attention and study, but concerning which much remains to be dis-
covered. In and shape the galls present amazing variety some are irreg-
size ;
ular little swellings on the leaves, others are like small trumpets, others like
rosettes or star-like with radiating
on the twigs some are spherical,
some elongate, and some large and
reniform. Figs. 657 to 665 show
something of
this variety.
In their interior
make-up they
also differ
much ; some
have a large
hollow central
space ; some
a few Cynipid galls are known on other plants of California white oak.
5 , , r r , 1 eV. (Natural size.)
• •
inches or more in
diameter, and the
.smaller, of the post-
oak, H. centricola, \ Fig. 663. F13. 662.
inch or less in diam- Fig. 662. — Galls on twigs of California white oak; upper figure,
eter, the space be- a gall split open longitudinally. (Natural size.)
FIG. 664. —An oak-apple, or fibrous gall of the California live-oak; in upper figure the
gallshown in position on the oak-twig; in lower, a gall cut open to show the inside.
(Upper figure slightly reduced; lower figure natural size.)
develops on the leaf, but which after reaching full growth falls off, when the
FlG. 665. —The giant gall of the California white oak, produced by Andricus californicus;
at right a gall cut open to show inside structure. (After Jordan and Kellogg; one-
half natural size.)
wriggling of the still active larva within causes it to roll about or even spring
a quarter of an inch or more into the air.
Of the rose-galls Comstock mentions
the mossy rose-gall, produced by Rhodites
rosce, as a very common one on the sweet-
brier. It consists of a large number of
hard kernels surrounding the branch and
covered with reddish or green mossy
In each kernel is a larva.
smells, and by the simultaneous ripening of the eggs within the fly.
These set the whole physiological apparatus in motion, and secure the
insertion of eggs at the right time and in the right place. The number
of eggs placed is instinctively proportionate to
the space suitable for oviposition, to the size of
the fully grown galls, and to the food-supplies
available for their nutrition. Dryophanta scutellaris
will only place from one to six eggs on a leaf which
Neuroterus Jenticularis would probably prick a
hundred times."
''Whatever form the gall takes, the poten-
tialities of the tissue-growth exhibited by it must
be present at the spot pricked by the fly."
owe their origin to their success in feeding and defending it; and, so far as
the plant is concerned, these structures have been evolved in consequence
of their value in enabling the plant to repair injuries in general, and the
injuries inflictedby larvae in particular. If John Doe raises a cane to strike
Richard Roe, and Richard throws up his arms intuitively to parry the stroke,
the action does not indicate a prophetic arrangement of molecules to frustrate
John in particular, but an inherited action of defence. The first act of an
injured plant is to throw out a blastem, and only those larvae survive to hand
down their art which emerge from an egg so cunningly placed as to excite the
growth of a nutritive blastem. It is not always possible to keep the besiegers
from using the waters of the moat, although there is no disinterested thought
of the besiegers' wants when the ditches are planned. So in the war-game
that goes on between insect and moves
plant, natural selection directs the
of both players, but there is nothing generous or altruistic on either side."
The exact character of the plant's abnormal growth has been recently
studied by several investigators. Cook, an American student, concludes
from his studies that in the formation of all leaf-galls (except the Cecidomyid
or dipterous midge-galls) the normal cell-structure of the leaf is first modi-
fied by the formation of a large number of small, compact, irregular-shaped
cells. The mesophyll is subject to the greatest modification and many small
fibro-vascular bundles form in this modified mesophyll. Both Adler and
Sockeu consider that after the first stages of formation the gall becomes an
independent organism growing upon the host-plant. Cook believes this
proper gall.
In the account of the Cynipidae reference has been made to the division
into gall-making species and parasitic species, the latter constituting but
47 6 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
a small part of the whole family. The parasitic habit, only slightly indulged
in among the Cynipidae, is, however, the prevailing one of a majority of Hy-
rrienopterous insects. Although we commonly think of bees, ants, and wasps
as the typical Hymenoptera and as constituting the bulk of the order, it is a
fact that in point of numbers they are far outclassed by the parasitic forms
whose life is, like that of the social Hymenoptera, also highly specialized,
Fig. 668. —Caterpillar of a moth killedby Hymenopterous parasites, the adult parasites
having issued from the many small circular holes in the body-wall. (After Jordan
and Kellogg; twice natural size.)
Fig. 670. —Hairy caterpillar killed by parasitic ichneumon-flies which have left the
body through small holes in the skin. (Natural size.)
Fig. 672. —A common parasite, Merisus furnish the great majority of hosts
destructor, female, of the Hessian fly (After Hymenoptera. On
for he parasitic
Lugger; natural size indicated by line.) *
, ,
host's body very soon burrow into it. Here they lie, feeding on its body,
tissues, growing and developing until ready to pupate. They may now
eat their way out of the enfeebled and probably dying host to pupate in little
silken cocoons or fluffy silken masses on or off its body-surface, or may pupate
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 479
within the body. In the latter case the issuing winged adults have to bite
their way out. The host usually dies before its time for pupation has arrived,
but some species it succeeds in pupating beforehand. The
in parasitic
Fig. 673. — A
chalcid fly, Pteroptrix flavimedia. (After Howard; much enlarged.)
Fig. 674. — A
chalcid parasite, Aspidiotiphagus citrinus, of one of the scale-insects of
the orange. (After Howard; much enlarged.)
eyeless, antennaless maggots of house-flies, are not more so. Their parasitic
habit has led to no such extraordinary structural specialization through
degenerative loss or reduction of parts as is the usual condition in other
While Lepidopterous larvae undoubtedly furnish the majority of hosts
for the parasitic Hymenoptera, they are by no means the only ones. The
eggs and pupae of Lepidoptera as well as the larvae, Diptera, Coleoptera,
Hymenoptera in both egg and larval stages, some Hemiptera, especially
While as a general rule each parasite confines its attacks to a single host-
species, there are numerous exceptions; and on the
other hand the host
itself may be attacked by more than one parasitic species; most of our familiar
Lepidoptera are parasitized by several different parasitic Hymenoptera.
4 8o Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
For example, the American tent-caterpillar has been found by Fiske (New
Hampshire) to be attacked by twelve species.
With regard to the number of parasitic individuals that may live at the
expense of a single host individual no generalization can be made; the
Fig. 676.— Hymenopterous parasites of a social-wasp. Fig. 1, nest of Vespa sp., portion
of two envelopes cut away (two-thirds natural size); fig. 5, an adult parasite,
Sphecophagus (?) predator, female; fig. 6, male of same species; fig. 10, Melittobia
sp., female. (After Zabriskie; natural size indicated by lines.)
their case isalways limited. Still, from a single scale-insect hardly more
than J inch long a dozen and more tiny parasites have been bred.
A question of interest is that regarding how many individuals of a single
host-species may, in a given locality, be parasitized. For the effectiveness
of any parasite in keeping an injurious
insect pest in check depends, of course,
on its relative prevalence. Touching
this may be quoted Fiske's estimate
that less than 20 per cent of the Ameri-
can tent-caterpillars, which are at-
tacked by a total of twelve species
of parasites, are destroyed annually
in the vicinity of Durham, N. H.
On the other hand I have found
a constant parasitization of about
two-thirds of all the pupating indi-
viduals of the California oak-worm
moth (Phryganidia calijornica) in
years of its abundance in the vicin-
Fig. 677. —
Larvae of certain curious hymen-
opterous parasites; at left, Platygaster
ity of Stanford University, and this instricator; at right, P. herricki, which
live in the alimentary canal of Cecidio-
by the single ichneumon-fly, Pimpla
myid flies, ant, antennae; lb, labrum;
behrendsii. md, mandible; li, labium; /, I2 l3 legs; kr,
well marked, and we have come to rely on the effectiveness of the parasite spe-
cies, Pitnpla behrendsii, in overtaking by rapidly succeeding generations the
increasing hosts of the pest, and in checking it before the actual realization
of what is not infrequently threatened, the killing of all the live-oaks in
certain regions of the state.
An interesting phenomenon in the biology of these parasites is that of
hyperparasitism. It frequently happens that the parasites of a given host
are themselves parasitized by other (usually smaller) parasitic Hymenoptera,
while even these secondary parasites are not infrequently parasitized in
their turn by still other species. Indeed some
cases are known in which the tertiary parasites
are infested by a fourth or quaternary species.
An excellent example of hyperparasitism is re-
vealed by Fiske's careful study, already referred
to, of the hymenopterous parasites of the Ameri-
y »
can tent-caterpillar. Twelve species of parasitic
hymenoptera infest these caterpillars; of these
twelve, six are themselves attacked by parasites
(secondary),' of which as many as six species may
Fig. 679.— O ph ion fiitrga- , V . , , .
attack on certain of the solid tissues, as muscles, fat-body, etc. Such attacks
necessarily avoid the vital organs or the host would be killed long before
the parasitic larva is ready to pupate. With regard to the breathing it has
been variously suggested that the larva applies itself to air-tubes (tracheae)
in the host-body in such a way as to effect an exchange of gases ; that it needs
no more oxygen than it obtains in the body fluid of the host; that its rela-
is effected through the skin by osmosis, that excretion from the intestine
does not occur until after the pupal cocoon is formed, and that moulting
actually occurs.
The host of species and the difficulties attending their determination,
even (for amateurs) as regards their family classification, let alone their
generic and specific identification, have led me to avoid any reference to the
systematic study of these parasites. Certain particular species, especially
among the larger forms, are of course more or less re-
cognizable and familiar to observers. Among the larger
species, most of which belong to the superfamily
Ichneumonoidea, those of the genera Pimpla (Fig. 678)
and Ophion (Fig. 679) are especially familiar. P. con-
quisitor (Fig. 680) is the commonest parasite of the tent-
caterpillars (Clisiocampa), is also the chief one of the de-
structive cotton-worm, Aletia argillacea, of the south and
has been bred from half a dozen other species of moths.
It lays its eggs not on the larvae of the tent-caterpillar
moth, but on the pupae (and perhaps on the cater- Fig. 680. — Pimpla
conquisitor, laying
pillars after spinning and just before pupating) inside
egg in cocoon of
the silken cocoon (Fig. 680). P. inquisitor, a common American tent-cater-
pillarmoth. (After
parasite of the tussock-caterpillars, is an ichneumon-
Fiske about natural
in a loop over her back, with its tip on the bark of the tree, she makes a der-
rick out of her body, and proceeds with great skill and precision to drill a
hole into the tree. When the Tremex-burrow is reached she deposits an
egg in it. The larva that hatches from
this egg creeps along this burrow until
it reaches its victim, and then fastens itself
FlG. 681. Thalessa sp., ichneumon-parasite of the pigeon-tremex. (After Jordan and
Kellogg; natural size.)
Fig. 682. Thalessa lunator drilling a hole in a tree-trunk, in order to deposit its egg in
burrow of the pigeon-tremex. (After Comstock; natural size.)
about £ inch
that of the male is not more than 1 inch. The males, only
than the females.
long, are much more rarely seen
Among the smaller parasitic Hymenoptera,
the Chalcidids, Braconids, and Proctotrypids, but
few complete life-histories are known. Many
of the Proctotrypids, an enormous family in
£»» ^
Fig. 684.
Fig. 683. .
perhaps in a single egg; needless to say they
a half-dozen individuals
some show a marvelous hyper-
among our smallest insects. Some are
Xylina sp.
ol the green-fruit worms,
Fig. 68 S .-Meteorus hyphantrue, parasite
(After Slingerland; much enlarged.)
their life-history, and all present extremely interesting
metamorphosis in
Howard gives in his Insect Book an account
lems to biological students.
of a chalets-fly, Euplectrus
of the life-history, as worked out by Schwarz,
4 86 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
comstockii, which infests various caterpillars. Its larvae are external para-
sites clinging to the skin of the caterpillar. The chalcis-flies may usually be
recognized by the characteristic branched single vein of the fore wings (Fig.
The economic importance of the hymenopterous parasites is obvious;
from the point of view of the economic entomologist there are no other
Fig. 686. —
Larva of Xylina lacticinerea, green-fruit worm, killed by the parasitic grub
of Mesochorus agilis, which has spun its cocoon beneath the caterpillar, fastening
the latter to the leaf. (After Slingerland; natural size.)
males (Fig. 689) are winged and fly freely about among the trees. A fig is a
hollow, thick, and fleshy-walled receptacle in which are situated, thickly
crowded over the inner surface, the minute flowers. The only entrance into
the receptacle (or fig) is a tiny opening at the blunt free end of the young
fig, and even this orifice is closely guarded by scales that nearly close it.
of the caprifig from which she came, and thus fertilizes them. This process
is called caprification* Without it no Smyrna fig has its flowers fertilized
and its seeds "set." It is the development of the seeds with the accom-
panying swelling of the fleshy receptacle and the storing of sugar in it that
makes the Smyrna fig so pleasant to the palate. The trees may grow large
and bear quantities of fruit, but if the figs (really the .fig-flowers) are not
Fig. 690. —
Figs on a branch; the two lower ones are mammae, winter figs, from which
Blastophaga are about to issue; the others are profichi, spring figs, ready to receive the
Blastophaga. (After Howard; natural size.)
caprified, the size, sweetness, and nutty flavor of the perfect fruit are lacking.
To insure caprification, branches laden with caprifigs containing Blastopha-
gas just about to issue are suspended artificially among the branches of the
* For an account of the important role played by insects in the fertilization of flowers
see Chapter XVI.
spring; another, the "mammoni," ripening in the late summer; and the third,
or "mamma?" generation, which hangs on the trees through the winter. By
means of these successive generations of caprifigs a series of three genera-
tions (or sometimes four) of Blastophaga appear each year.
In this country California fruit-growers have long grown figs, but they
were of a quality very inferior to the well-known Smyrna, whose home is in
Asia Minor. But the persistent efforts of an orchard-owner of the San Joa-
quin Valley, Mr. George Roeding, with the assistance of expert entomolo-
gists of the United States Division of Entomology, have resulted, after numer-
ous unsuccessful trials extending over ten years, in establishing by direct
importation from Asia Minor the Blastophaga in California, and the pro-
duction of figs of the same quality as that of the Asiatic fruit. From capri-
fig-trees(grown from cuttings originally imported from Smyrna) scattered
through a sixty-acre orchard of Smyrna fig-trees (also obtained from imported
cuttings and which Mr. Roeding maintained for fourteen years without any
financial return) figs containing Blastophagas ready to issue are taken off,
strung on short raffia strings, and hung on the branches of the Smyrna fig-
trees when the Smyrna fruit is ready for fertilization. In 1900 the first crop
of California Smyrna figs was obtained — sixty tons, all from this orchard
and it is now practically certain that the colonization of the tiny chalcidid fly,
We have nowto take up the more familiar groups of wasps, bees, and
ants, in all ofwhich the females (and the sterile workers in those species in
which such kind or caste of individuals exists) have a sting. The sting
(see description of that of the honey-bee on p. 460) is really the same struc-
ture as the slender, pointed, often long ovipositor of the parasitic Hymen-
optera; but whereas in the saw-flies, horntails, and true Parasita this instru-
ment is used for piercing or drilling a hole and placing the egg
in it or on
the body of the host —
the egg passing along the whole length of the ovipositor
and issuing from its tip in the so-called aculeate Hymenoptera, that is, the
stingers, the egg issues from the body at the base of the instrument which is
itself used as a weapon of offence and defence. In most of the ants of our
country the sting is rudimentary and functionless, but traces of it and its
poison can be found.
The Hymenopterous insects referred to by the generic term wasps are
many and various, and their multiplicity and variety have led to the formula-
tion of many contradictory schemes of classification for them. That adopted
by Comstock in his Manual groups them in two superfamilies: one, the Sphe-
cina, or digger-wasps, including fourteen families; the other, the Vespina, or
so-called true wasps, including but three. The Vespina include the social
forms, as the yellow-jackets and the hornets, composing the family Vespidae,
one family of solitary parasitic wasps, the Masaridae, and one other family of
solitary mason, carpenter, leaf-cutting, mining, and digging wasps, the
Eumenidae. The Sphecina include wasps all solitary (not social), but some
of them parasitic, some inquiline, some earth-diggers, and some carpenters
and wood miners. The structural character separating these two super-
families is the longitudinal folding or plaiting of the wings in the Vespina,
a condition not present in the Sphecina. Some systematists refuse to recog-
nize so many distinct families while others would perhaps subdivide them
into a still larger number. The latest classification, that of Ashmead, recog-
nizes two superfamilies, the Sphecoidea, or insect-catching wasps, including
twelve families whose species are all solitary, none parasitic, and all diggers
or miners, and the Vespoidea, including sixteen families of social, parasitic,
guest, and mason wasps, together with a few diggers. The structural char-
acter separating these two great groups of wasps is the extension of the pro-
notum back to the tegulae or shoulder-tippets (or the absence of the latter) in
the Vespoidea, and the failure of the pronotum to extend back as far as the
tegulae in the Sphecoidea. All the bees agree with the Sphecoidea in this
character, so that Ashmead thinks the Sphecoidea more nearly related to
the Apoidea or bees than the Vespoidea are, despite the fact that all the
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 491
wasps that live a communal life, like that of the bumble- and honey-bees,
belong to the Vespoidea. The Sphecoidea may be distinguished from the
bees by their slender undilated tarsi, as contrasted with the swollen, pollen-
carrying tarsi of the bees.
The eggs of wasps are usually deposited in a nest (burrow in soil, tunnel
in wood, receptacle built of clay, cells made of wasp-paper, etc.) in which
food, consisting of killed or paralyzed insects, is stored for the use of the
larva, or to which, after the larva's __ e *.
birth, insect food is brought by the
mother or by sterile workers. The
parasiticwasps deposit their eggs on
the paralyzed body of some insect,
while the guest wasps lay their eggs
in the nests of other wasps or bees,
where the hatching larva can feed on
the food stored up by the host for its
own young. The larvae are white,
footless, soft-bodied grubs, which lie
in their cells feeding on the food stored Fig. 692. — Nest-burrow of Oxybelus
Peckham; °ne "
up or brought them and pupating in
g?Suraf3ze j^"
the same cell. The adults on issuing
from the pupal cuticle their way out of the cell by means of their
strong jaws. With wasps all the eggs are laid by a queen or
the social
fertile female in each community; with the solitary ones each female lays
The general external structural characters of wasps are familiar: the
elongate but compact and trim body with usually smooth, shining surface,
variously colored and patterned, steely blue, jet black, yellow, and rusty
reddish being the commoner colors and the pattern usually consisting of
narrow or broad transverse bands or rings. All have four clear membra-
nous wings (excepting the female Mutillidae), and all the females and
workers have strong stings. The mouth-parts consist of strong toothed
jaws, of jaw-like maxillae and lobed under lip, the last two usually closely
joined by membranes and specially fitted for lapping up sweetish liquids
or soft viscous or solid substances. The killing or paralyzing of the prey
(food for the young) is accomplished by the sting, while the digging and
mining and the transporting of materials for the nest are done by the strong
mandibles. The antennae are rather long and slender, the compound eyes
large and many-faceted.
The digger-wasps differ from the social kinds, such as the yellow-jackets
and hornets, by not living together in communities, composed of a queen,
males, and sterile workers, but by living solitarily. There are no sterile
492 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
worker digger-wasps, but each female makes a separate nest and provisions
it by her own labor. The stored food consists of paralyzed or, more rarely,
killed insects or spiders. "The nests may be of mud, and attached, for
shelter, under leaves, rocks, or eaves of buildings, or may be burrows hol-
lowed out in the ground, in trees, or in the The adult wasp
stems of plants.
lives upon fruit or nectar, but the young grub or larva must have animal
food, and here the parent wasp shows a rigid conservatism, each species
providing the sort of food that has been approved by its family for genera-
tions, one taking flies, another bugs, and another beetles, caterpillars, grass-
hoppers, crickets, locusts, spiders, cockroaches, aphids, or other creatures,
as the case may be.
"The solitary wasps mate shortly after leaving the nest, in the spring
or summer. The males are irresponsible creatures, aiding little, if at all,
Fig. 693. —A solitary wasp, Sphex occitanica, dragging a large wingless locustid
(Ephippiger) to nest. (After Fabre; natural size.)
in the care of the family. When the egg-laying time arrives the female
secures her prey, which she either kills or paralyzes, places it in the nest,
lays the egg upon it, and then, in most cases, closes the hole, and takes no
further interest in it, going on to make new nests from day to day. In some
genera the female maintains a longer connection with her offspring, not
bringing all the provisions at once, but returning to feed the larva as it grows,
and only leaving the nest permanently when the grub has spun its cocoon
and becomes a pupa.
"The egg develops in from one to three days into a footless maggot-like
creature, which feeds upon the store provided for it, increasing rapidly in
size, and entering the pupal stage in from three days to two weeks. In the
cocoon it passes through its final metamorphosis, emerging as a perfect
insect perhaps in two or three weeks, or, in many cases, after the winter
months have passed and summer has come again. Probably no solitary
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 493
wasp lives through the winter, those that come out in the spring or summer
perishing in the autumn."
The nest-making habits of any solitary wasp, when carefully observed,
FlG. 694. —Nesting-grounds of the solitary wasp, Ammophila sp., in the salt marshes
of San Francisco Bay.
western shore of San Francisco Bay near Stanford University I have often
watched an interesting species of wasp at work. This is one of the genus
Ammophila, the thread-waisted sand-diggers. The marshes are nearly
covered with a dense growth of a low fleshy-leaved plant, the samphire or
pickle-weed (Salicornia), but here and there are small, perfectly bare, level,
sandy places, which shine white and sparkling in the sun because of a thin
incrustation of salt. In September these bare places are taken possession
Fig. 695. — Ammophila putting inchworm into nest-burrow. (From life; natural size.)
over the ground. An Ammophilahaving chosen a site for its nest bites
out a small circular piece of the salty crust, and with its strong jaws digs out
bit by bit a little well. Each pellet dug out is carried away by the wasp,
flying a foot or two from the mouth of the tunnel, and dropped. To emerge
494 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
from the hole the wasp always backs upward out of it and while digging
keeps up a low humming sound. After the tunnel is dug about three inches
deep she covers up the mouth with a bit of salt crust or little pebbles, and
flies away. Some minutes later she comes back carrying a limp inchworm
about an inch long, which she drags down into the nest. Away she goes
again and soon returns with another inchworm; repeating the process until
from five to ten caterpillars have been stored in the tunnel. All these are
alive, but each has been stung in one of its nerve-centers (ganglia) so that
it is paralyzed. Finally, down she goes and lays a single egg, attaching
it to one of the paralyzed caterpillars. She then fills the tunnel with pellets
of earth, carefully chewing up the larger pieces so as to make a close, well-
packed filling. Lastly, she carefully smooths off the surface and puts a
small flat piece of salt crust on top, so that the site of the tunnel shall be as
nearly indistinguishable as possible.
Ammophilas are common all over the country, and the nest-building
least succeed, albeit unwittingly, in crushing the tender wasp egg by wrig-
gling about in the underground prison-cell. More than that, unhurt, some
insects could not live without food the many days that are necessary for
the development of the wasp larva, especially in the face of the frantic and
exhausting efforts they would be impelled to in their attempts to escape.
But paralyzed, there is no exertion, metabolism is slight, and life without
food is capable of being prolonged many days. The paralysis is due to
the stinging by the wasp of one or more of the ganglia (nerve-centers)
* Peckham, Geo. W. and Eliz G., On the Instincts and Habits of the Solitary Wasps,
Bull. 2, Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, 189S.
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 497
only in rare cases see even the commencement cf the life of the next; the
progeny for the benefit of which they labor with unsurpassable skill
industry being unknown to them. Were such a solicitude displayed by
ourselves we should connect it with a high sense of duty, and poets and
moralists would vie in its laudation. But having dubbed ourselves the
higher animals, we ascribe the eagerness of the solitary wasp to an impulse
or instinct, and we exterminate their numerous species from the face of the
earth for ever, without even seeking to make a prior acquaintance with them.
Meanwhile our economists and moralists devote their volumes to admira-
tion of the progress of the civilization that effects this destruction and toler-
ates this negligence."
Sharp divides the solitary wasps, according to their habits, roughly into
four groups: (i) those that form no special receptacles (nests) for their young,
but are either of parasitic or subparasitic habits or take advantage of the
abodes of other insects, holes, etc.; (2) constructors of cells of clay formed
into pottery by the saliva of the insect,
and by drying; (3) excavators of burrows
in the ground; (4) makers of tunnels in
wood or stems of plants. Several species
make use of both of the last two methods.
Some of the parasitic wasps dig into
some underground
the ground until they find
example a beetle-
insect, usually a larva, for
grub, which they sting (paralyze) and on
which they then deposit an egg. There
is no attempt to make a nest or to remove
ants, or cow-killers. The females (Figs. 699 and 700) are wingless and
are not unfamiliar to collectors, and belong, because of their habits, in the
group of parasitic wasps. "Although these insects are handsome," says
Comstock, "they have very ugly morals, resembling those of the bird whose
name has been applied to them. A cuckoo-fly seeks until it finds one of
the digger-wasps, or a solitary true wasp, or a solitary bee, building a nest,
and when the owner of the nest is off collecting provisions steals in and lays
itsegg, which the unconscious owner walls in with her own egg. Some-
times the cuckoo-fly larva eats the rightful occupant of the nest, and some-
times starves it by eating up the food provided for it. The bees and wasps
know this foe very well, and tender it so warm a reception that the brilliant-
coated little rascal has reason enough to double itself up so that the righteous
sting of its assailant can find no hole in its armor. There is one instance on
record where an outraged wasp, unable to sting one of the cuckoo-flies to
death, gnawed off her wings and pitched her out on the ground. But the
undaunted invader waited until the wasp departed for provisions, and then
crawled up the post and laid her egg in the nest before she died."
Of mason- or potter-wasps, that is, solitary wasps that make a nest of
clay or mud worked up with saliva, there are numerous species belonging
to several different families. The daintiest mud-nests are the little vases
of Eumenes (Fig. 701), which are said to have served as models for early
Indian pottery. Eumenes is a neat little black-and-yellow wasp with the
abdomen shaped an old-fashioned tear-drop earring. It belongs to the
family Eumenidae, which is the only family of solitary wasps (besides the
rarely seen parasitic Masaridae) which fold their front wings longitudinally
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 499
jackets, but are smaller and more slender. They are given to taking advan-
tage of any deserted nest of another wasp, or of some already existing hole
or tunnel, to save themselves the trouble of mining or moulding a nest of their
own. Riley found an Odynerus cell in the tunnel through a spool, and Ash-
mead found one in the keyhole of a door-lock. The familiar, long, thread-
tnonea (PL XII, Fig. 14), a brilliant and powerful Sphecid, is a common
and widely distributed species, which makes a burrow from 4 to 8 inches
deep, provisioning it with green grasshoppers. The Peckhams have described
in detail in their fascinating book, "The Solitary Wasps," the life and habits
of two species of Astata, wasps
of the family Larrida, which
make nests with funnel-like open-
ings (Fig. 703) in sandy soil
provision them with bugs (He-
miptera), most of which are
killed, not paralyzed. The Bem-
becidae, distinguished by the pro-
jecting, even beak-like upper lip,
are all diggers, and include our
largest solitary-wasp species.
and to scrape it in again as she leaves the nest. One of the giant solitary
wasps of our country is the powerful cicada-killer, Sphecius speciosus, i\
inches long, rusty black with yellow-banded abdomen. The wasp, attracted
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 501
after finishing a burrow and making ready to provision it. From these
observations they conclude "that wasps are guided in their movements by
their memory of localities. They go from place to place quite readily because
5° 2 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
they are familiar with the details of the landscape in the district they inhabit.
Fair eyesight and a moderately good memory on their part are all that need
be assumed in this simple explanation of the problem."
In the last of Sharp's divisions, on the basis of habit, are those solitary
wasps that make nest-tunnels in wood or the stems of plants. In the pith
of various kinds of cane-bearing plants, as brambles, blackberries, etc.,
may often be found the tunnels (Fig. 707), provisioned with plant-lice or
other small homopterous bugs, of various small
wasps of the families Mimesidae and Pemphredo-
nida?. The Mimesids have a petioled abdomen
and look like little Sphecids; the Pemphredonids
are shining black. The family Crabronidre, a
rather large group of solitary wasps distinguished
by having only one closed submarginal cell in
the fore wings, includes many wood-borers. Very
common in sumac-branches, according to Corn-
stock, are the nests of slender yellow-banded Tri-
poxylon jrigidum; the cells are separated by mud
partitions. The Peckhams found two slender-
waisted, black species of Tripoxylon common near
Milwaukee, namely, T. albopilosum, f inch long,
with tufts of snowy-white hairs on the fore legs,
and T. rubrocinctum, a little smaller and with a red
band about the body. Although these wasps are
normally wood-borers, they will use convenient
any material; rubrocinctum was found
cavities in
using the mortar of a brick house,
crevices in
and the straw of a stack where thousands of
the cut ends of the straws offered attractive
clean nesting-holes; albopilosum was found nest-
Fig. —
707. Nest-tunnels of ing in holes made by beetles in posts and trees,
two carpenter -wasps. A but never in straws; a third common species,
, .
is the large Eumenid species, Monobia quadridens, which drills a tunnel in solid
wood, dividing it into cells by transverse partitions (Fig. 707, A). The species
of the genus Crabro make their nests especially in the canes of blackberry -
and raspberry-bushes. The Peckhams found that Crabro stirpicola did
much of its work at night, something not observed in the case of any other
solitary wasp. This species provisioned its cells with various species of
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 503
The social wasps all belong to the single family Vespidae, which includes
but three genera of American wasps, of which one is limited to the Pacific
coast. These three genera may be distinguished by the following characters:
Social wasps with abdomen broad and truncate at base (next to thorax) .Vespa. .
All these wasps fold the wings longitudinally when at rest, and in all
there exist three castes or kinds of individuals in each species, namely, males,
females, and sterile workers. Like the worker bees, worker wasps are
winged, not wingless, as the worker ants are.
The "social" habit, as distinguished from the "solitary" habit charac-
wasps we have so far studied, consists of the founding and
teristic of all the
of old wood with and chewing them into pulp, and consists of one or
more horizontally placed tiers or combs of cells, exposed or enclosed by
paper envelopes, in which a single entrance and exit opening is left.
The castes or kinds of individuals are not so distinctly recognizable by
structural differences as with the social bees and the ants, but the sexual
forms, males and females, are always obviously larger than the workers
(Fig. 709). The special functions of the different castes are (1) the mating
with the females by the males; (2) the building of the queen-nest (the minia-
ture early spring nest, see next paragraph), the gathering of food for the
first, early spring generation, and the laying of eggs for all the broods by
the females; (3) the bringing of food, and the enlarging and building and
care of the nest and of the young by the workers.
It has already been mentioned that a community holds together through
part of the year only. The life-history of a community is in general outline
as follows: In the early spring fertilized females (queens) which have hiber-
nated (as adults) in sheltered places, as crevices in stone walls, under logs,
stones, etc., come out from their winter hiding-places and each makes a small
nest (of the kind characteristic of its species, see later) containing a few
brood-cells. an egg is laid, and food, consisting of insects, killed
In each cell
and somewhat masticated, is hunted for and brought to the larvae throughout
their brief life by the queen. The larvae soon pupate in the cells and in a
FlG. 708. —Nest of Vespa crabro, found in hollow oak-tree on Long Island. (After
Beutenmuller. Natural size, 2 feet long by 7 inches wide.)
few days issue as winged wasps. They are exclusively workers. These
Fig. 709. Vespa sp. a, worker; b,female or queen. (After Jordan and Kellogg;
natural size.)
workers now enlarge the nest, adding more brood-cells in which the
queen deposits eggs. The bringing of
food and care of the young now devolve
on the w orkers.
The new or second
brood is also composed of workers only,
and these immediately reinforce the first
hornets, are the ones which build the large subspherical nests familiar to
all outdoor observers and related to much boyish adventure. Inside the
great globe are several horizontal combs of brood-cells in tiers, all enclosed
by several layers of wasp-paper (Figs. 711 and 712). The large bald-faced
hornet, V. maculata, is the best-known builder of the globe nests. The smaller
Fig 712. —Nest of yellow-jacket, Vespa sp., cut open to show combs within.
(About one-third natural size.)
FlG. 713. — Queen-nest of yellow-jacket, Vespa sp.; specimen at right in normal con-
dition; at left cut open to show brood-cells. (Natural size.)
Only one species of Polybia occurs in the United States, and that one,
P. flavitarsis (PL XII, Fig. 12), is found only on the Pacific coast. It is
common in California. from the other social
It is readily distinguishable
wasps by its slender pedunculate basal abdominal segment and the small
button-like shape of the rest of the abdomen. It builds a single-comb,
unenveloped nest, like that of Polistes, but not reaching the diameter of
the broad disk-like Polistes comb.
It has been mentioned that the social wasps feed their young (larvae)
chewed insects. Differing from most of the solitary wasps, the social kinds
do not store up food for the young, but collect and bring it constantly through
the life of the larvae, a period of from eight to fifteen days. This food con-
sists of the partially masticated remains of various insects pursued and killed
by the queen or workers. The queen brings food only for the larvae of the
first small spring brood.
The adult wasps are more catholic as regards the palate; they feed on
insects or —
decomposing animal substances fish especially attract them
and on exposed sweet substances, as sirups, preserved fruits, etc.
The paper-making and nest-building are industries whose details can
only be touched on in our limited space. The paper is not only made of
had fastened it. Then she ran forwards, and, as she returned again back-
Fig. 715. —The single-comb nest of a hornet, Polistes sp. (One-half natural size.)
wards over the same ground, she drew the cord through her mandibles,
repeating this process two or three times till it was flattened out into a little
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 509
"By the conjoint labors of all these busy workers, here a little and there
a little, the nest grows. The work of one week may have to be removed
the next week, to make way for modern improvements and for the require-
ments of the growing city; and, as we have seen, it has nearly all to be done
twice over. But wasps work very hard, and the nest grows visibly day by
day. The egg-shell in which it began is lost in the changes which the
top of the nest undergoes. The slight strap from which it hung is now quite
inadequate to sustain the daily increasing weight, and new points of attach-
ment are sought to projecting roots, or stones, or branches. Sometimes
a branch runs all through a nest, materially adding to the difficulty of its
"The combs, unlike those of the honey-bee, are laid horizontally, stage
below stage, each hanging from the one immediately above it, without any
reference to the rest of the series. The two or three uppermost stages of
comb, into which the first rudimentary cells have been expanded, are, in
course of time, worked into the case of the nest at their edges. And the
cells are cut down to allow room for the wasps to camp on the upper surface
of the comb beneath. Wasps do not stand cold and wet, so a shelter is
here provided for them, where they may be kept dry and warm, without
interfering with the comfort and safety of the larvae in the lower stages. Inci-
dentally another advantage is gained by this arrangement. For the fabric
of the nest is thus materially strengthened, by substituting, at this vital point,
a hard, dry, light flooring for the loose, damp comb, which is almost ready
to fall to pieces by its own weight.
"When a new stage is to be constructed, the wasps begin by raising the
walls of two or three adjoining cells in the center of the lowest comb. From
these diverging roots a round cord is drawn out, as it were, on the end of
which little cells are made, just as on the end of the footstalk from which
the nest originally sprung. As each cell takes shape an egg is deposited in it,
so as to lose no time; and while its walls are gradually rising the comb is
gradually spreading, by concentric rings of cells. The mother wasp follows
close on the traces of the worker, and the circles of larvae of the same age
show the system on which the comb has been made. As the comb spreads,
new stays are let down to support the weight increasing with the width.
Meanwhile the expansion of the case keeps exact pace with the lateral growth
of the comb; the old case is nibbled away within, and new paper is laid
on outside, so as to make room all around the edge. And before each stage
has attained its full dimensions, another has been commenced below it,
In popular repute there are just two kinds of bees, honey-bees and bumble-
bees. Actually there is a host of kinds, many of them small and hardly
noticeable,and perhaps even when seen mistaken for other insects. Still,
all "bee-y" manner and general appearance that such
the bees have such a
mistakes can only be made by the most casual of observers. There are indeed
a few slender-bodied small bees that suggest wasp more than bee perhaps
in general seeming; and there are not a few kinds of flies (Diptera), espe-
cially the flower-flies (Syrphidae), bee-flies (Bombyliidae), and certain robber-
flies (Asilidae) that resemble bees quite sufficiently to be often mistaken for
them. Careful inspection will quickly reveal the deception, by showing
the presence of but a single pair of wings on all these bee-mimicking flies.
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 5 11
etc., belong to a single species, and that not a native but an imported one.
Of the bumblebees a few more than fifty native species are known. Besides
the hive-bee and the bumblebee, then, there are nearly a thousand other bees
in the American fauna to be taken into account. As among the wasps,
there are parasitic, guest, solitary, and social kinds of bees; and as among
the solitary wasps there are diggers, miners, carpenters, and masons, so
also there are miner-, carpenter-, and mason-bees. There are bees which
lay their eggs in the nests of other bees, so that their young feed on the stored
food of the hosts; there are bees which make nest-burrows in the ground,
others that tunnel in stems of plants and wood, others that mould clay cells,
others that cut leaves and line their nest bored into the pith of canes, others
that live in communities underground which break up each year, and finally,
most conspicuous among them all, there is the familiar species that lives in
great persistent communities in hives and hollow trees.
All these thousand bee kinds can be conveniently and naturally primarily
grouped into two divisions, the short-tongued bees (Fig. 716) (those with
a short, broad, flattened, spoon-like tongue)
and the long-tongued bees (Fig. 717) (those with
a slender, elongate, subcylindrical flexible tongue).
In the older books these groups were called fami-
lies, namely the Andrenidse (short-tongued bees)
back to the tegulas of the wings as is the case with the Sphecoid wasps,
5 I2
Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
but not with the Vespoid wasps, including the social kinds. The mouth
in all bees is provided with a well-developed pair of strong mandibles,
either sharp and toothed for digging in the ground or tunneling in wood,
or smooth and spoon-like for moulding wax. The
food of both adults and larva is always flower-
nectar (made into honey) and pollen (for the very
young larvae a predigested food, bee-jelly, is
fledged family in a flight into the sunshine. This is Fig. 718. —Nest -tun-
nel of carpenter-
the only case known to the writer where a solitary
bee. (Natural size.)
bee watches her nest till her young mature. After
the last of the brood has emerged from its cell, the substance of which the
partitionswere made, and which has been forced to the bottom of the nest
by the young bees when making their escape, is cleaned out by the family,
the old bee and the young ones all working together. Then the nest is used
again by one of the bees. We have collected hundreds of these nests, and,
Other familiar carpenter-bees are the great black Xylocopas (PL XII,
5H Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
Fig. 7). They are as large as bumblebees and with their heavy thick
body and black color look much like them they have ;
the body more flattened and less hairy, however, and the
hind legs of the females are never provided with a
"corbiculum," or pollen-basket (a concave smooth
place bounded on each side by a row of long stiff curv-
ing hairs), but are covered by a stiff brush of short
hairs. These giant bee-carpenters tunnel into solid
shingles on a roof, beneath stones lying on the ground, and in Florida in the
tubular leaves of a pitcher-plant."
Other common genera of solitary long-tongued bees are Anthophora
(PL XII, Fig. 11), the species of which are hairy and robust-bodied, looking
indeed much like small bumblebees, Melissodes and Synhalonia with very
long antennas, rather like honey-bees in general appearance, and others
of the great family Anthophoridae. All these bees agree in general habits
with those already described, but every species presents an opportunity for
interesting and valuable work by amateurs and nature-lovers in observing
precisely its nest-building habits and life-history. No more attractive
opportunity for outdoor observers offers than that of the field study of the
solitary bees.
As mentioned at the beginning of the discussion of the solitary bees, some
species are parasitic or, more properly named, guest or inquiline in habit.
That is, the females of these species, instead of building a nest-burrow of
their own and storing it with food, lay their eggs in the nest-burrows of other
bees, so that the larvae on hatching will be able to feed on the supplies stored
up by the host-bee. This habit is not confined to a few species, but is com-
mon to a surprisingly large number of solitary bees. Two entire families,
including a hundred species of North American bees, are exclusively composed
of parasitic bees (in addition a third parasitic family, an offshoot of the
bumblebees, is mentioned in connection with the account, later, of the social
bees). These two families are the cuckoo-bees, Nomadidae, mostly bright-
colored species, metallic blue or green with the abdomen spotted or banded
with yellow or white, and the Stelidce, differing structurally from the cuckoo-
bees by having only two, instead of three, submarginal cells in the wings.
Ashmead believes that the Nomadidae are descended from the Anthophoridae,
and the Stelidae from the Megachilidae, the parasitic habit having arisen
independently in the two groups. Howard mentions the interesting fact
that the cuckoo-bees seem not only to be tolerated by their hosts, but that
in some cases it has been observed that enough food is stored by the host-
bee to enable the larvae of both host and guest to complete their development
side by side and to issue simultaneously as adult bees. It may indeed be
found, as has been discovered in numerous other cases of commensal life,
that the cuckoo-bee gives, in some way, aid to the host, so that the living
burrow, lays an egg in it and stores it with food, or brings food to the larva
through its life, and the social or communal life exhibited by the yellow-
jackets and hornets, where many females (of arrested sexual development,
although not always to such a degree as to be actually incapable of producing
5 .6 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
fertile eggs) called workers combine to build a common nest and numerous
brood-cells, in which eggs are deposited by a single queen female, the mother
of the whole community. With this division of labor has come to exist a
certain differentiation of structure, manifest in a difference in size and in some
anatomical details between the working females and the egg-laying female.
But with the bees certain interesting gradations in domestic economy
or insectean sociology exist which throw some light on the possible line
of progression or specialization from strictly solitary to strictly communal
life. Numerous technically "solitary" bees show a marked gregariousness,
a fondness, as it were, for the company and society of other individuals of
their kind. This is chiefly manifested in the building of many nest-burrows
close together, forming a sort of village or colony of homes, each home belong-
ing to a single female, built by her, provisioned by her, and the young issuing
from it her own offspring, but all these homes belonging to individuals of
one species of gregarious or social inclination. Near Stanford University,
in a roadside cutting exposing a clayey bank, lived a few years ago a great
colony of the large mining-bee Anthophora stanjordiana, the vertical, open-
mouth nest-burrows set about as closely as they could be without breaking
into each other. This bee does not store up food in the nest, but brings it
to the larva, the burrow not being closed. The whole colony covered but a
few square yards of the many yards of exposed surface. The nest-tunnels
were capped by curious little chimneys, mostly curving so as to present the
opening not directly upward, exposed to rain, but to one side or almost down-
ward, thus preventing the flooding of the open burrows by water. Similar
villages or colonies are made by the little short-tongued mining-bees of the
genus Andrena. Comstock has noted Andrena villages covering only one
square rod of ground that included several thousand nests, and he received
from a correspondent "a description of a collection of nests of this kind
which was fifteen feet in diameter, and in the destruction of which about
2000 bees were killed —a terrible slaughter of innocent creatures."
A step farther in this social tendency is exhibited by the smallest of all
our mining-bees, the tiny little short-tongued bees of the genus Halictus,
the various species measuring from t \ to T3¥ of an inch in length. While each
female forms her own nest-cells, lays eggs in them, and provisions them, she
is one of a number of females that work together to build a common vertical
tunnel with single external opening, along the sides of which the various
cells are arranged. In this way one entrance and one corridor, built and
used by several individuals in common, serve to give access to several dis-
tinct homes, i.e., nest-cells. These groups of homes with common corridors
and openings are placed thickly together in populous sand-bank colonies.
Thus, as Comstock aptly puts it, "while Andrena builds villages composed
of individual houses, Halictus makes cities composed of apartment-houses."
The next stage exhibited among present-day bees in this progressive
specializing of the gregarious tendency is the condition under which the
bumblebee lives. This is a long leap from the apartment-house life of Halic-
tus, and does not explain how the differentiation into castes, i.e., the estab-
exhibited by bees now extinct (or, if living, not yet discovered), but that cer-
tainly existed not very long ago (as geologic time-reckoning goes), the mar-
velous division of labor, differentiation of structure, and commensal inter-
dependence of individuals displayed by the honey-bees would be divested
of much of its mystery.
The bumblebees possess a domestic economy wholly like that of
the social wasps (yellow-jackets and hornets). In each species there are
three kinds of individuals, males, fertile females, and workers (infertile
females) which are sometimes of two constant sizes, called worker majors
and worker minors. The workers are all distinctly smaller than the fertile
females and usually differ somewhat in marking (Fig. 723). The only indi-
viduals to over-winter are fertilized females, queens, which hibernate as
queen wasps do in sheltered places, as crevices in stone walls, holes in the
5'8 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
ground, in hollow trees or under leaves, etc. When spring comes, each
queen finds some deserted mouse's hole, mole's burrow, or other cavity in
the ground, or digs one herself; she then gathers some pollen and honey
which she brings to the hole, making there a ball-
like mixed pasty mass of it. On this lump of food
she deposits a few eggs, from half a dozen to a
score, and then, while waiting for their hatching, brings
more food and deposits more eggs. The hatching
larvae feed on the pollen and honey paste, sepa-
rating and eating out one or more considerable
cavities in it. When full-grown each spins a silken
cocoon within which it pupates. The issuing bees
are all They enlarge the nest-burrow,
if necessary bring more food, the queen lays more
eggs, and so for several broods. The larvae ready
to pupate are enclosed in waxen cells, sometimes
by the workers (except in the
several in a single cell,
of the black and yellow markings (PI. XII, Figs. 5 and 10). A common eastern
species is B. jerviotus (the " boiling bumblebee" is good!), which has the body
of the workers almost all yellow above, only a narrow median band across
the thorax and the tip of the abdomen being black; B. affinis has (workers)
the base of the abdomen, its posterior half, and a median band across the
thorax black, the rest yellow; B.
terricola has the anterior half of the
thorax, a band across the posterior
third of the abdomen, and another
one on the next to the last segment
this arrangement they may always be distinguished from the true bumble-
Fig. 725. —Comb of the tiny East Indian honey-bee, Apis fiorea.
(After Benton; one-third natural size.)
to tropical regions; some are very small, the so-called "mosquito-bees," and
in all the sting is blunted and apparently never used as a weapon. The life-
history of no one of the species has been fully made out, and there is some
doubt as to — some of the nests are known
whether each community to include
an enormous number of individuals— has but a single queen — that is, single
egg-laying female —or Of the other genus, Apis, there are
not. but few
species, the best known being the common hive-bee, A. mellifica,which
extends naturally over all the northern half of the Old World and from there
has been introduced into nearly all the countries of the globe. In its long
domestication several varieties or races have been created by artificial selec-
tion, the more familiar ones being the German or black race, the Italian
or amber race, and the Carniolan or striped race.
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 521
males, the drones; and the rest are infertile females, the workers. These
three kinds of individuals are readily distinguishable by structural charac-
FiG. 728. —
Ovaries of queen (A) and worker (B) honey-bee, Apis mellifica. et, egg-
tubes; sp, spermatheca; pg, poison-gland; ps, poison-sac. (After Leuckart; much
ters. The queen (Fig. 726) has a slender abdomen one-half longer than that
of a worker, she has no wax-plates on the under side of the abdominal seg-
522 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
ments, and no transverse series of comb-like hairs, the planta (Fig. 734), on
the under side of the broad first tarsal segment of the hind feet, and no pollen-
basket (Fig. 727) on the outer surface of the hind tibia. The drones, males,
(Fig. 726), have a heavy broad body excessively hairy on the thorax, and
lack pollen-basket, planta, wax-plates, and other special structures of the
workers. The workers are smaller than queen or drones, and possess cer-
tain special structures or body modifications to enable them to perform cer-
tain special functions connected with their performance of the various indus-
tries characteristic of the species. These special structures will be described
in some detail later when the various special industries are particularly con-
sidered. In internal organization the workers differ from the queen in
having the ovaries rudimentary (Fig. 728), so that only in exceptional cases
can a worker produce fertile eggs.
In functions the three castes differ as they do in the social wasps and
the bumblebees, only more constantly; that is, the queen lays the eggs, never,
as with Bombus and the Vespids, doing any food-gathering or nest-building;
the males act simply as consorts for the queen, which means that only one
of every thousand, perhaps, performs any necessary function at all in the
communal economy; the workers build brood- and food-cells, gather, pre-
pare, and store food, feed and otherwise care for the young, repair, clean,
ventilate, and warm the hive, guard the entrance and repel invaders, feed
the queen, control the production of new queens, and distribute the species,
founding new communities, by swarming.
The life-history of a community is as follows: A "swarm" (how and
when a swarm is formed will be explained later), consisting of a queen (fertile
female) and a number of workers (from two to twenty thousand or more) v
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 523
Fig. 730. —Brood-cells from honey-bee comb showing different stages in the metamor-
phosis of the honey-bee; worker brood at top and three queen-cells below; begin-
ning at right end of upper row of cells and going to left, note egg, young larva, old
larva, pupa, and adult ready to issue; of the large curving queen-cells, two are cut
open to show larva within. (After Benton; natural size.)
from a male during a mating flight high in the air, lays fertilized eggs, one
at the very bottom of each cell. In other cells, pollen and honey brought
by workers (the honey brought as flower-nectar and made from this, as
explained later) are stored for food. In three days the eggs hatch, the tiny
larva? being footless, white, soft-bodied, helpless grubs. They are fed at
thirds of the cell, lying curled in it (Fig. 730), a small mass of mixed pollen
524 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
and honey is put into each cell, which is then capped, i.e., sealed over with
a thin layer of wax. The larva feeds itself for a day or so longer on the
"bee-bread" and then pupates in the cell. The quiescent non-feeding
pupal stage lasts for thirteen days, when the fully developed bee issues from
the thin pupal cuticle, gnaws away the wax cap and emerges from the cell.
For from ten days to two weeks the bee does not leave the hive; it busies
itselfwith indoor work, particularly nurse work, the feeding and care of
the young. Then it takes its place with the fully competent bees, makes
foraging expeditions or undertakes capably any other of the varied indus-
tries of the worker caste.
After numerous workers have been added to the community, egg-laying
by the queen going on constantly day after day, so that the young come to
maturity, not in broods, but consecutively, day after day, certain hexagonal
cells of plainly larger diameter are made by the comb-building workers, and
in these the queen lays unfertilized eggs. This extraordinary capacity for
producing either fertilized or unfertilized eggs, as demanded, depends upon
the queen's control of the male fertilizing cells held in the spermatheca.
This reservoir of fertilizing cells can be kept open as eggs pass down the ovi-
duct and by it on their way out of the body, thus allowing the spermatozoids
to swim out, penetrate (through the micropyle in the egg-envelopes) and
fertilize the eggs, or it may be kept closed, preventing the issuance of the
spermatozoids and, consequently, fertilization. From the unfertilized eggs
laid in the larger cells hatch larvae which are fed and cared for in the same
way as the worker larvae, but which require six days for full growth, the
pupal stage lasting fifteen days. When finally the fully developed bees
issue from these cells it will be found that all are males (drones). This
parthenogenetic production of drones, discovered about 1840 by Dzierzon,
and long accepted as proved, was recently questioned by Dickel and one
or two other naturalists and was therefore reinvestigated by Petrunkewitsch
and others, with the result of confirming, on new evidence and by new
methods of investigation, the declarations of the discoverer of the fact.
now, our community has increased so largely in numbers that its
little or no pollen or honey being given it. When the larva is five days
old a quantity of the milky semi-fluid jelly is put into the cell, which is then
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 525
capped, the opening being at the bottom of the hanging, nut-shaped cell,
and in only seven days more the fully developed bee issues. This bee is a
queen. Very rarely a worker and not a queen issues from a queen-cell.
That is, a larva hatching from a fertilized egg laid by the queen in a small
hexagonal cell, if fed bee- jelly for two or three days and then pollen and honey,
will develop into a worker; that larva from the same egg, if fed bee-jelly
all its life, and reared in a large roomy cell, will develop into a queen. The
difference between a queen honey-bee and a worker honey-bee, both struc-
tural and physiological, are, as already pointed out, conspicuous. The
influence of a varying food-supply something mysteriously potent, and
this case of the queen bee gives great comfort to those biologists who believe
that the external or extrinsic factors surrounding
an animal during develop-
ment have much influence in determining its outcome.
As there is by immemorial honey-bee tradition but one queen in a com-
munity at one time, when new queens issue from the great cells something
has to happen. This may be one of three things: either the old and
new queens battle to death, and it is believed that in such battles only does
a queen bee ever use her sting, or the workers interfere and kill either the
old or new queen by "balling" her (gathering in a tight suffocating mass
about her), or either old (usually old) or new queen leaves the hive with a
swarm, and a new community is founded. If several new queens are to
issue, the workers usually, by thickening from the outside the walls of one
or more of the cells, compel the issuing to be successive and not simultaneous.
This results in a series of royal battles, or
a series of swarmings, or a com-
bination of the two. A
queen ready to issue from a cell makes a curious
piping audible some yards from the hive, which is answered by a louder
piping, a trumpeting, from the old queen. At these times there is great
excitement in the hive, as indeed there is during all of the queen-raising
The swarming out, it is apparent, does not break up the old community;
in fact only accident, or the successful attacks of such insidious enemies
as the bee-moth, and various break up the parent
contagious diseases,
colony. In be noted an important difference between
this respect is to
the other social bees and wasps with their communities annually destroyed
and refounded, and the honey-bee with its persistent one. Of course workers
die and so do drones and queens. The tireless workers which hatch and
labor in the spring and summer months rarely live more than six or eight
weeks, while the workers born in the late autumn and remaining quietly
in the shelter of the hive through the winter live for several months. Queens
live, usually, if no accident two or three years; an age of four or
workers and and pupa? are also sometimes killed just before winter,
elsewhere existing in animal life, that with the division of labor in the honey-
bee economy there should be a corresponding differentiation of structure
or polymorphism inside the species. This polymorphism or existence of
structurally different kinds of individuals occurs in bees only to the extent
already pointed out; there are three kinds of individuals: the queens, with
a special function, the drones, with a single special function, and the workers,
each capable of performing, and, for the time of the performance, doing it
any of the varied industries necessary to the community life.
All worker honey-bees are alike, each possessing all the special structural
specializations, as pollen-basket, wax-plates, wax-shears, trowel-like jaws,
etc., which have been developed for the special performance of particular
industries. In some other communal insects a differentiation or polymor-
phism among the workers exists; many ant species have two or even three
kinds of workers, the termites have soldiers as well as workers, etc. I pur-
pose now to describe briefly each of the principal special industries achieved
by the workers, at the same time describing the structural specialization
connected with each of these industries.
The wax produced by the workers is a secretion which issues as a liquid,
soon hardening, from pairs of thin five-sided plates, one pair on the ventral
surface of each of the last four abdominal segments (Fig. 731). It is secreted
bv modified cells of the skin lying under the chitinized cuticle of the plates,
and oozes out through fine pores in the plates. To produce it certain work-
ers eat a large amount of honey, then massing together form a curtain or
festoon hanging down from the ceiling of the hive or frame, and increase
the temperature of their bodies by some strong internal exertion; after the
lapse of several hours, sometimes indeed two or three days, fine, thin, glisten-
ing, nearly transparent scales of wax appear on the "wax-plates." These
wax-scales continue to increase in area and soon project beyond the margin
of the segment, when they either fall off or are plucked off by other workers
or by the wax-producing worker itself. They are then taken in the mouth,
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 527
Fig. 732.
Fig. 731.
honey-stomach. At any rate, some ten or twelve per cent, of the water con-
tent of the nectar has to be evaporated before this nectar becomes honey.
When the foraging worker with honey-sac full returns to the hive it
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 529
regurgitates its nectar either into the mouth of another bee or into a clean (new
wax) cell, usually near the margin of the comb. At the bottom of the honey-
sac is the so-called stomach-mouth, a little pea-like, protuberance with two
cross-slits, making four lips. These lips can be opened or closed voluntarily;
if the bee drinking nectar wishes to bring it back to the hive to store it, she
keeps them closed, thus making a sac of the honey-
stomach, open only through the mouth; whenever she
wishes to feed herself she opens them, thus allowing
the honey or pollen to pass on into the true or digest-
ing stomach. This arrangement also permits of the
regurgitation of the bee- jelly or bee-milk (fed the
larvae by the nurse workers), which is believed to be
prepared in the true stomach, pressed past the lips
alfalfa; in the south are the mangrove, cabbage- and saw-palmettos, and
sorrel-tree; while in the west are alfalfa and white sage. The best and
most of the California honey is from the wild white sage.
Besides pollen and nectar, two other substances are collected and brought
to the hive by the foraging workers. At some seasons of the year when
530 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
many larvae are being reared, and the supply of water derived by con-
densation of the moisture in the warm hive atmosphere as this air strikes
the cooler hive-walls is insufficient, the workers drink up dew from leaves,
or water from puddles, which they hold in the honey-sac and bring to the
hive, regurgitating it into the thirsty larval mouths. For the filling in of
crevices, the stopping up of holes, the fastening together of loose parts, etc.,
the bees use a substance called propolis, which is simply the resinous exuda-
tions of various plants. This propolis is collected and packed into the pol-
len-baskets as pollen is and brought in by the foragers. Some of my bees,
needing propolis, discovered a house just in course of painting, and made
a gallant though hopeless struggle to bring in all the fresh paint as fast as
it was put on by the painters! This house must have seemed a remarkable
sort of propolis-producing plant! Propolis is not packed in cells, but is
used as soon as brought in, the trowel-mandibles being the instruments used
in putting and moulding it in the needed place.
Of the indoors work there is much besides those industries already referred
to, namely, wax-making, comb-building, honey-making, crevice-chinking.
Because the queen and nurses (bees less than two weeks old) do not leave
the hive their excreta are voided within doors; there are also bits of old, dirty
wax, occasional dead bees, and various other waste substances constantly
accumulating in the hive. Or, rather, this detritus would accumulate if
the workers were not always keenly careful to carry out all such stuff; the
hive is constantly being cleaned, and is on any day in the week a model of
good housekeeping.
Besides keeping the hive clean the workers must keep it ventilated, that
will occur in and about the entrance and inside the hive itself, resulting in
the death of hundreds, even thousands, of bees. More insidious and even
more dangerous are the stealthy invasions of a small dusty-winged moth,
the bee-moth (Galleria mellonella) , which, slipping in at night unobserved,
lays its eggs in cracks; the larvae which hatch from the eggs feed on the
wax and as they spin a silken net over them wherever they go,
of the combs,
the presence of many
such works great injury both in the actual destruction
of comb and in the felting and cobwebbing of the interior of the hive with
the tough silken netting. Other still more insidious enemies there are, as
the minute bee-lice (Braula), which attach themselves to the bees and suck
out their body-juices, and the invisible bacterial germs of foul-brood and
other characteristic bee diseases. But all these are beyond the sensitiveness
of the guards to recognize, and for the successful fighting of them the aid
of the bee-keeper is necessary.
The feeding and care of the young bees, the larvae, have already been
partly described in the account of the life-history of the different kinds of
FlG. 736. —An ordinary beehive made into an observation-hive by inserting glass panes
in sides and putting a glass sheet under the wooden cover. (Drawn from hive in
the author's laboratory.)
be placed conveniently near the house, or, better, inside one's room, it will
prove a never-failing source of interest and pleasure.
Perhaps it had better be explained how an observation-hive can be kept
in one's room without interfering with coincident human occupancy. The
observation-hive, in the first place, may be, as shown in Fig. 736, simply an
ordinary outdoors hive into each side of which a large pane of glass has
been with swinging outer wooden doors, one on each side, which, when
shut, keep the hive in normal darkness, but opened, allow "observing" to
go on. In addition to the side glasses a loose sheet of glass is inserted just
under the ordinary "honey-board" or removable top of the hive. Or the
observation-hive may be, as shown in Fig. 737, a special, narrow, two-frame
Fig. 737. —An observation -hive holding only two frames, with the two sides wholly of
glass, so that any single bee can be continuously watched. (Drawn from hive in
author's laboratory.)
hive, with both sides wholly composed of glass held in the narrow wooden
frame which forms the ends and the top and bottom of the hive. A black
cloth jacket should be kept on the hive when " observing " is not going on.
In such a hive, which will obviously hold but a small community (one of
not over 10,000 individuals) any single bee can be kept continuously under
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 533
we should examine the life and ways of the ants, the most specialized of all
the social animals.
Unlike the wasps and bees, the two other great groups of Hymenoptera
that contain communal-living species, the ants (superfamily Formicina)
include no solitary species at all, every one of the twenty-five hundred or
more known ant species living in communities. The development or evolu-
tion of social life in persistent communities is accomplished for the whole
group; no connecting or gradatory forms living in annually destroyed com-
munities (like those of the bumblebees and social wasps) or in simple colonies
of gregarious individuals (like Halictus and other mining-bees) exist to con-
nect the ants with the solitary or independent life common to the great
Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
majority of insects.* And the division of labor, establishment of castes or
kinds of individuals, and marked differentiation of structure are developed
to the extreme among the ants. The variety of habits and the special adap-
tations to different conditions are also represented in their widest range and
most complex stage of development among the ants. Obviously the ants
are at the head, the extreme forefront of this kind of specialization in insect
bear just a slight superficial resemblance to true ants, especially in the case
of the sexual individuals with their long narrow wings. But ants may be
at once definitely distinguished from all other insects by the readily made
out structural character of the basal segments or peduncle of the abdomen.
One or two of these segments are expanded dorsally to form a little scale
or flat button-like knot —
a characteristic exhibited by no other insects. For
the rest, ants show a body structure like that, in general, of the wasps and
bees: compact and well-distinguished thorax and abdomen; wings (present
only in males and fertile females, and in them easily removable) with a few
sparsely branching veins and few cells; the mouth furnished with strong
biting-jaws, which in most species can be used without the opening or even
the moving of the other mouth-parts (maxillae and lips) antennae slender,
cylindrical, and sharply elbowed at the end of the rather long basal segment;
legs long and strong and fitted for running, and the body-wall firm and
smooth. Many ants have a stridulating (sound-making) organ situated
on the articulating surface of one of the peduncular abdominal segments,
which are always extremely mobile. Ants show few special structures of
the kind so characteristic of the honey-bee; that is, modifications of the
body to suit the various particular industries undertaken by the insect. They
seem to use the strong mandibles as universal tools to dig and tunnel, to
it and manipulate it, to fight, to carry tenderly their eggs
obtain food, carry
and young from place to place, to cut leaves, husk seeds, and what not else.
While some ants have the sting well developed and capable of inflicting a
wound even more painful than that of a honey-bee, in most of our species
* Wheeler's recent studies of the Ponerine ants of Texas, referred to later in this
chapter, seem to show that this long-believed generalization must be modified: the com-
munities of some of these ants seem to be annual growths.
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 535
the stingis rudimentary, short and blunted, and no longer a weapon. The
mandibles are relied on by the stingless ants as means of defence and offence.
An ant species always includes at least three kinds of individuals, as a
social wasp or bee species does, and may include several more (Fig. 738).
the nest being almost always in fig. 738.— A California black ant, species un-
wingless condition. In addition determined, showing winged forms and wing-
, . ,.,..,,
the winged individuals there
, less worker. (After Jordan and Kellogg;
to twice natur al size.)
are wingless workers which are
infertile females,with rudimentary egg-glands and lacking also the
Fig. 739. —
Soldier (a) and worker (c) of Pheidole lamia; b, head of soldier in profile.
(After Wheeler; much enlarged.)
Fig. 740.—Male (a) and ergatoid female (b) of Tomognathus sublawis. (After Wheeler;
much enlarged.)
diate stages are sometimes seen. Finally there may exist ergatoid (worker-
duce eggs. First of all comes the enlarging of the nest. Ants' nests, com-
prising a sum of irregular chambers and galleries, are mostly built under-
ground, although some have a considerable part above the normal ground
52% Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
or rather attacked as prey, by the ants. In many cases two ant species will
live together in a compound or mixed nest, the relation between the two
species being (a) simply that of two close neighbors, friendly or unfriendly;
(b) that of two species having their nests with "inosculating galleries" and
that of one species, usually with workers of minute size, which lives in or
near the nests of other species and preys on the larvae or pupae or surrepti-
tiously consumes certain substances in the nests of their hosts —some different
larger species —that is, the relation of thief and householder; (d) that of two
species living in one nest but with independent households, one of these
species living as a guest or inquiline at the expense of the food-stores of the
other, but consorting freely with their hosts and living with them on terms
of mutual toleration or even friendship; and (e) that of slave-maker and
slave, a relation not at all rare and readily observed all over our country. In
addition certain other as yet little studied cases of the living together of dis-
tinct ant species occur which, when understood, may reveal yet other sym-
biotic relations.
Inside the nest the eggs are laid by the queen or queens in large numbers,
not in separate cells as with the wasps and bees, but in little piles heaped
of knowing the exact facts with regard to this matter will be appreciated
when the reader comes to the later discussion of the probable origin of the
various castes in the communal insect species. The adult ants feed on a
variety of substances, both animal and vegetable, almost
all, however, having
a special taste for sweetish liquids, such as the secreted honey-dew of plant-
lice, scale-insects, certain small beetles and others, and the sugary sap of cer-
tain trees. The males and fertile females are fed by the workers.
Besides feeding the larvae, the nurses have to see that the young enjoy
suitable temperature and humidity of the atmosphere; this is accomplished
by moving the larvae or pupae from room to room, farther below the sur-
face, up nearer the surface, or even out into the warm sunshine above
ground. The carrying about of ants'
"eggs," which are not eggs but
usually the cocooned pupae, by the workers, is a familiar sight around any
ant-nest, particularly a disturbed one.The various special industries under-
taken by ants, as the attendance on and care of honey-dew-secreting plant-
lice, the fungus-growing in their nests, the harvesting (but not planting!)
of food-seeds, the waging of wars for pillage or slave-making, the long migra-
tions, etc., etc., all more or less familiar through much true and some inaccu-
rate popular writing, will be referred to in what detail our space permits in
the later descriptions of the life of certain interesting species of American
In any community there may live at one time several (two to thirty)
queens with wings removed. In small colonies there is, however, usually
but one. As already mentioned, winged ants are to be seen only at certain
times in the year. When a brood of sexual individuals (males and females)
is matured in the community, these winged forms issue on a sudden impulse
(comparable in a way with the outwinging ecstasy of bees at swarming-
time) from all the openings of the nest and take wing. The air may be
swarming with them, flights from neighboring nests intermingling and joining.
This is the mating flight, and after it is over and those ants which have
escaped the bird attacks and other dangers attending this bold essay into the
outer world alight or fall exhausted to the ground, the males soon die, while
the females pull the wings from the body and get under cover. In the com-
munal nest, therefore, winged ants are rarely found. The life of the workers
of most ant species is conspicuously longer than that of other social insect
workers: they live for from one to three or four or even five years. Lub-
bock has kept workers until six years old, and queens until seven. The
males all die young, but both other kinds of individuals are exceptionally
long-lived for insects.
About two hundred species of North American ants constituting the
superfamily Formicina or Formicoidea are comprised in three principal
families. Some authors recognize five or six families, but it is doubtful if
54-o Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
such a division of the group can be fairly made, These three families can
be distinguished by the following key:
Basal peduncle of the abdomen composed of a single segment (the first) (Fig. 743).
Abdomen not constricted between the second and third segments (Fig. 743, z ).
Abdomen constricted between the second
and third segments (Fig. 743, 2 ) Ponerid.e. .
Basal peduncle of the abdomen composed of two segments (Fig. 743, 3 ) .Myrmicid.e. .
f 1 1
f the communal life) of all the ants. In the following
brief accounts of a few of the better known American
ants the family relationship of each of the species
referred to is indicated.
Of the Poneridas only about 25 species are so far
known in this country; all are stingers, although
not very strong ones, and but a few species are at
all common. Little was known of their habits
and life-history before the recent studies of Profes-
Wheeler on three species occurring in Texas,
to quantity and time. If the regulation by the workers of the kind and
quantity of food given the larva is the cause or one of several influencing
factors in determining the caste or kind of individual into which the larva
shall develop, as is believed by most
students of social insects, then the
unmanipulated food of the Ponerine
larvae and the inequality of its con-
trol as to quantity and time of feed-
ing may explain how it is that the
caste distinctions are so much less
from the neighboring grasses, and their well-marked runways make dis-
tinct paths through the dense grass surrounding the nest. Immediately
around the nest this grass is cleanly cut away. The widespread popular
belief that these ants plant or sow (with purpose or intention) the seeds of a
favorite grass, Aristida, is shown by Wheeler tobe untrue; what does often
happen is that the carrying out of the chaff and sometimes sprouted seeds
Wasps, Bees, and Ants
(unfit for food) from the nest, and dropping them at the edge of the cleared
circle, results in a kind of unintentional planting of grain and grass, and as
Aristida seeds make up an exceptionally large part of the food-stores, a
majority of the plants in the ring about the nest may often be Aristida. A
common Californian agricultural ant, P. subdentatus, found abundantly by
Professor Heath at Monterey, is a splendid fighter as well as provident grain-
storer, its stings being declared
by Heath to be more painful than
those of the honey-bee.
Eciton,the driver-ant, a genus
long famous for the marauding
and pillaging habits of certain
Brazilian species — in these
marches the great procession is
said to be marshaled by big-
headed officers and led by scouts!
— is represented in the south-
western part of our country by a
few species, E. ccecum, E. schmitti,
E. opacithercs, and others.
These show in their life the char-
acteristic habit of indulging in
maurauding expeditions to the
nests of other ants for the pur-
pose of seizing and carrying off
and labium of the Myrmica. Such ardent osculation was not bestowed in
vain, for a minute drop of liquid —
evidently some of the recently imbibed
sugar-water appeared on the Myrmica's lower lip and was promptly lapped
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 545
Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs, where he found hundreds of the
low-mounded nests in the gravelly soil. The name honey-ant is derived
from the curious structural modification and habits of certain workers, where-
by these become simply the containers of stored honey, which fills out the
abdomen to the size and shape of a currant or small grape. These honey-
bearers hang by their feet from the ceiling of small dome-shaped chambers
in the nest; their yellow bodies stretch along the ceiling, but the rotund
abdomens hang down as almost perfect globules of transparent tissue through
Wasps, Bees, and Ants
which the amber honey shines. The honey is obtained by the workers
from fresh (growing) Cynipid galls on oak-trees, which exude a sweetish
sticky liquid which is brought in by the foraging workers and fed to the
sedentary honey-holders by regurgitation. It is held in the crop of the
honey-bearer, the distention of which produces the great dilation of the
abdomen. The stored honey is fed on demand to the other workers by
regurgitation; a large drop of honey issues from the
mouth of the honey-
bearer, resting on the palpi and lips, and is eagerly lapped up by the feeding
individuals, two or three often feeding together. A somewhat similar honey-
ant, Prenolepis imparts (Fig. 750), is common in California.
The most interesting, however, of the familiar
American ants are the
"slave-makers" and Three species of slave-makers occur
their "slaves."
in North America, of which two belong to the family under present discussion.
These are Formica sanguinea, represented by five subspecies, and Polyergus
rufescens, the shining slave-maker, represented by two subspecies. The
third slave-making species, Tomognalhus americanus, is a rare Myrmicid.
The slaves of F. sanguinea are other smaller species of the
same genus, espe-
ciallyF. subsericea, F. nitidiventris and F. subcenescens, while the slaves of
Polyergus are the same species of Formica and the additional one, particu-
larly common as a slave form, F. schaujussi. Communities of the slave-
making species are occasionally found in which there are no slaves; when
slaves are present they may be few or many; usually they are more numerous,
proportionally, the smaller the numbers of the slave-makers in any com-
munity. The by the attack, by a body of slave-making
slaves are captured
workers, on a slave-ant community and of the pillage of the attacked nest of
larvae and pupae; some of these may be eaten, but others are brought back
unharmed to the slave-makers' nest. Here more yet may be eaten, but most
are cared for and soon hatch to become the slaves of their captors. Never
are adults enslaved; they are killed or driven off during the attack. The
slaves undertake unhesitatingly all the varied work of bringing in food, nest-
building, and caring for the young in the community. Indeed in some cases
the slave-makers come to be very dependent on the slaves, which ought really
then to be called auxiliaries or helpers, for the slave-maker workers also
assist in all the community undertakings, while the "slaves" often seem
to dominate, or at least to be quite as important as, their would-be rulers in
the determination of the course of events in the compound community. So
far does this dependence go in the case of certain foreign ants that the origi-
nally dominant species loses its workers, and is thus absolutely dependent
on the auxiliary species for the maintenance of the community. In the
general division of labor in the compound community the fighting is always
done, at any rate chiefly, by the slave-makers. McCook has described in
some detail the community life of the shining slave-maker, Polyergus luciJus,
548 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
and its auxiliary, Formica schaufussi (Proc. Phil. Acad. Sci., 18S0, p. 376
et seq.).
The observation and study of ants' ways must be partly done in the
field, but, thanks to the obliging manner in which most species will readily
live in artificial nests prepared for them indoors, much intensely interesting
work in the study of ants can be done on one's own reading-table. Several
types of artificial formicaries (ants' nests) have been devised, one by Lub-
bock, another by Forel, another by Janet, another by White, etc., any one
of which seems to give good results. Professor Comstock gives the follow-
ing directions for making a Lubbock nest: "The principal materials needed
for the construction of a nest of this kind are two panes of window-glass ten
inches square, a sheet of tin n inches square, and a piece of plank i{ inches
thick, 20 inches long, and at least 16 inches wide.
"To make Cut a triangular piece about
the nest, proceed as follows:
1 inch long on two short sides from one corner of one of the panes of glass.
From the sheet of tin make a tray § of an inch in depth. This tray will be
a little wider than the panes of glass and will contain them easily. On the
upper side of the plank a short distance from the edge cut a deep furrow.
This plank is to form the base of the nest, and the furrow is to serve as a
moat, which is to be kept filled with water in order to prevent the escape
of the ants. It is necessary to paint the base with several coats of paint to
protect it from water and thus prevent its warping.
"To prepare the nest for use, place the tin tray on the base, put in the
tray the square pane of glass, lay on the edges of the glass four strips of wood
about \ inch wide and a little thicker than the height of the ants which are
to be kept in the nest, cover the glass with a layer of fine earth of the same
upon this layer of earth and the strips
thickness as the strips of wood, place
of wood pane of glass from which one corner has been cut, and cover the
whole with a cover of the same size and shape as the upper pane of glass.
In the nest figured the cover is made of blackened tin, and one-half of it is
covered by a board. This gives a variation in temperature in different parts
of the nestwhen it stands in the sunlight.
"The when established in the nest are to mine in the earth between
the two plates of glass. The removal of one corner from the upper pane
provides an opening to the nest. The thickness of the strips of wood between
the edges of the two panes of glass determines the depth of the layer of earth
in which the ants live. This should not be much thicker than the ants are
high; for, if it is, the ants will be able to conceal themselves so that they can-
not be observed.
" The nest being prepared, the next step is to transfer a colony of ants to it.
The things needed with which to do this are a two-quart glass fruit-can, or
some similar vessel that can be closed tightly, a clean vial, and a garden
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 549
trowel. With these hand find a small colony of ants, such as are com-
mon under stones most parts of the country. Collect as many of the ants
and of the eggs, larvae, and pupae as possible, and put them in a fruit-can,
together with the dirt that is scooped up in collecting them with the trowel.
Search carefully for the queen; sometimes she is found immediately beneath
the stone covering the nest, but often it is necessary to dig a considerable
distance in order to find her.She can be recognized by her large size. If
the queen is not found, empty the contents of the can back into the nest,
and take up another colony; without a queen the experiment will be a failure.
Wh:n the queen is found place her in the vial so that she shall not be injured
while carried to the schoolroom.
"Having obtained a queen and a large part of her family, old and young,
return to the schoolroom and empty the contents of the fruit-can onto the
board covering the upper pane of glass, and place the queen there with her
family. If much dirt and rubbish has been collected with the ants, remove
some of it so that not more than half a pint of it remains. When this is
done leave the ants undisturbed for a day or two. Of course the moat should
be filled with water so that they cannot escape.
"Usually within twenty-four hours the ants will find the opening leading
into the space between the two panes of glass and will make a mine into
the layer or earth which is there, and will remove their queen and young to
this place. This process can be hastened by gradually removing the dirt
placed on the cover of the nest with the ants.
"After the ants have made a nest between the panes of glass they can
be observed when desired by merely lifting the board forming the cover of
the nest.
"With proper care a colony can be kept in a nest of this kind as long
as the queen lives, which may be several years. The food for the ants can
be placed on the base of the nest anywhere within the moat, and may con-
sist of sugar, minute bits of meat, fruits, etc. With a little care the kinds
of food preferred by the colony can be easily determined. The pupae of
ants, which can be collected from nests in the field during the summer months,
will be greedily devoured. The soil in the nest should be kept from becom-
ing too dry by putting a little water into one side of the tin tray from time
to time."
White prefers for a formicarium an inverted bell-glass (Fig. 751) mounted
on a wooden block which is set like an island in a shallow pan of water.
"Enough of the contents of a nest should be removed and transferred to
the bell-glass to occupy about half of its available space. A cover either of
baize or brown paper should be placed over the sides of the glass so as to
conceal the contained earth and to allow the light to filter only through the
surface, so that the ants may be thus induced to work against the transparent
55° Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
Fig. 751. —A convenient bell-jar formicary. The dish in which the bell-jar stands is sur-
rounded by water held in the large zinc pan.
we may judge to our satisfaction when, after a few days, the screen is with-
drawn for a short season, and the marvels of the constructive instinct of the
little people revealed to our wondering gaze."
Fig 752. —Plan of a Janet nest, o, opening covered by opaque cover, c; wc, wet chamber*
(After Janet.)
connecting with each other by little surface grooves, the whole covered with
a glass plate, and over that an opaque cover (Fig. 753). Into a cavity at
one end of the block he puts water which soaks some distance along the
length of the block, thus rendering some chambers humid, while others at
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 55'
the far end are dry. He gives the ants no soil, forcing them to use the already
made chambers. This formicarium reveals, therefore, none of the secrets
of nest-building, but it does reveal admirably a host of those interesting pro-
cesses connected particularly with the life-history of the individuals of the
colony. Miss Fielde uses still another kind of nest, also like Janet's with
FlG. 753. — A Janet nest in vertical section, w.c, wet chamber; 1, 2, 3, brood-chambers;
0., circular openings for brood-chambers made in c, a transparent cover; o.c, glass
cover in three removable pieces; d.p., opaque cover; b.p., base plate. (After Janet.)
fixed chambers, but made wholly of glass, the requisite moisture being fur-
nished by a bit of sponge kept soaked with water and placed in one of the
communicating chambers. Fig. 754 with its caption explains the make-up
of a Fielde nest.
In the study of the life of ants by means of such formicaries as have just
been described, as well as through observations in the field, the student,
amateur or professional, should keep in mind certain particular desiderata
in formicology. It is highly de-
sirable to determine for as many
species as possible the exact
method of founding a new colony:
isolate a queen in a small artifi-
cial formicary, well provided
with food, and see if she can and
will begin one; isolate a small
group of workers with some eggs
or young larvae, but without a
queen, and see if they can and do
produce a queen and establish fig. 754. — Plan of the Fielde ant-nest, 10
themselves as a permanent com- inches by 6 inches, a, entrance and exit to
, . ..
characteristic habits
, , ., food-rooms (1); 2, nursery; 3, sponge-room;
b> scree ns; m, passage.
(After Brues; natural little or no injury to their ant hosts, while a few
even return in some degree the advantages which
they receive by the association. These advantages are (a) ready-made
subterranean cavities and lodging-places, defended against most enemies by
the fierce and capable owners
of the nest; (b) a pleasant
and favorable temperature
maintained despite the frigid
ity of the outer atmosphere;
(c) stores of vegetable food,
as seeds, etc., garnered by
the ants, and supplies of ani-
Fig. 756. Fig. 757.
mal food, as bits of freshly
Fig. 756. — Termitogaster texana, a rove-beetle
killed insects, etc., collected by (Staphylinidae), which lives in the nests of the
termite, Eutermes cinereus, in Texas. (After
the hosts, as well as the larvae
Brues; natural length 15 mm.)
and pupae, and even the dead FlG ^i.—Mnigmaiis . blattoides, a Phorid fly, which
bodies of the ants themselves; lives in the nests of the ant, Formica jusca, in
. _ , , .
, ,. . , , , Denmark. (After Meinert; thirteen times natural
(a) the sweetish liquid toocl
size ^
readily regurgitated by most
ant workers in response to certain stimuli, and normally used for feeding
the queens, males, and occasionally other workers: and finally (e) means
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 553
ants, bees, and wasps has long been a subject of popular interest and an
object of muchscientific observation and experimentation more or less
of action other than our experience of our own sensation and psychology.
Nevertheless the matter can be, and is now being, undertaken in a rational
and unbiased spirit, and is attaining important positive results based on
observation and experiment conducted with rigorously scientific method
and expressed with scientific caution. Although little more than an ap-
preciable beginning has been made in this work, we can already dis-
tinguish some of the springs or factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic, which
determine the actions of these insects, and we can define scientifically some
of the limitations as well as some of the possibilities of their purposeful
Between the cleanly mechanical or reflex theory of Bethe, Uexkull, and
others, and the reflexes plus instincts and animal-memory theory of Was-
mann, Loeb, and Wheeler, or between this and the instincts plus intelligence
theory of Lubbock and Forel, there is no sharp line, although between Bethe
and Forel there is a wide gulf. What modern investigation has clearly and
positively done is to cut away the anthropomorphism of the careless popu-
larizer, and to compel a strong leaning toward a belief in the efficiency of
reflex and instinct to explain most if not all of ant behavior. What would
not have been heard with any patience at all a few years ago, that is, a purely
mechanical, i.e., reflexive reaction to physico-chemical stimuli, explanation
of many "wonderful" actions of ants, as their perception of paths,
of the
their recognition of nest-mates, and swift attack on strangers, their refrain
from attack on other species living in symbiotic relations with them, etc., etc.,
is now heard with careful attention. Couple with this purely reflexive theory
the theory of inherited specialized instincts developed by natural selection
from widely diffused generalized instincts and most of us are inclined to
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 555
find in the combination the springs of most if not all ant behavior; and what
will explain the complex activities of ants will certainly explain those of all
the other so-called "intelligent insects," namely, bees and wasps, both soli-
A final problem in the life of the social insects is that touching the origin
and establishment of the various castes or kinds of individuals inside the
single species. The presence of two, often widely differing kinds of indi-
vidual-, namely, male and female, is so familiar as to lose, for some of us,
part of its significance and importance. But why the young produced by
the union of male and female can differ so widely as they may, that is, to the
extent of the difference between male and female, seems to us explicable by
the fact that just such two differing parent individuals take part in the pro-
duction of new individuals, and by the fact that such a phenomenon
is and ordinary one of heredity. (However little we may under-
the usual
stand the natural phenomenon or law of heredity just as little do we under-
stand gravitation, which we habitually are content to assign as an ultimate
cause for certain effects). But with the social insects we have always one,
and often more than one, still different individual among the offspring, and
one which takes no part whatever in the (embryonic) production of new
individuals; it can hand on nothing to the offspring by heredity. The ques-
tion is, then, how are two kinds of individuals (male and female) able to
produce not only their own kinds, but a third kind which has no part in pro-
ducing or fertilizing the egg-cell from which it develops?
And on the heels of this question comes a second. How is it that if the
present-day forms and kinds of animals are due to the results of the com-
bined influences of variation, natural selection, and heredity — that is, that
the inevitably appearing slight congenital differences as they are of advantage
or disadvantage in the life of the animal are preserved or destroyed in the
species —
by natural selection how, it may be asked, have the characters of
the worker castes been thus determined by selection, for in this case the
modified individuals have no part in the transmission of their characteristics
by heredity?
The first question is answered as far as it at present can be in terms not
wholly agnostic, by the statement that it is probably true among ants, as
has been shown actually to be true with certain other social insects, namely,
the termites (p. in) and the honey-bee (p. 525), that the difference between
queen (fertile female) and worker (infertile female) is brought about during
postembryonal development by differences regulated by the nurses in the
quality and quantity of food supplied the developing individuals. Sharp
says: "There is a considerable body of evidence suggesting that the quality
or quantity of the food or both combined are important factors in the treat-
$ $6 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
ment by which the differences are produced. The fact that the social insects
inwhich the phenomena of caste or polymorphism occur, though belonging
to very diverse groups, all feed their young, is of itself very suggestive. When
we add to this the fact that in ants, where the phenomena of polymorphism
reach their highest complexity, the food is elaborated in their own organs
by the feeders that administer it, it appears probable that the means of pro-
ducing the diversity may be found herein."
The answer to the second query a query anticipated by the keen-minded
Darwin as voicing an apparently insuperable objection to the selection
theory —
as made in the Origin of Species at the end of the chapter on Instinct
has, by the investigation of modern students of ants, only been strengthened.
This answer made by Darwin, and repeated with new supporting observa-
tions and ingenious arguments by the present-day Neo-Darwinians, is briefly:
that the differences between the queens and the various worker castes are
quantitative rather than qualitative, that gradatory conditions exist between
the extreme points of the various lines of structural and physiological speciali-
zation, individuals being found in almost every ant species, so far carefully
studied, standing as connecting links between queen and highly specialized
infertile worker (or soldier); that there has been a gradual achievement
of this differentiation of structure through the advantage to the species of
the slight congenital tendencies toward sterility on the part of some of the
young, and by consequence their special devotion to the nest industries, leav-
ing the fertile individuals freer for reproductive activity; that the evolution
has been one of communities rather than of individuals; that those fertile
males and females have persisted which have shown a tendency to produce
some sterile individuals among their progeny which, living in consociation
with the fertile individuals of the brood, were of special advantage to the
community more and more as they possessed such variations of structure
as would fit some for general work and others for the special defence of the
colony; and, finally, that such advantages to the community have been
quite sufficient as handles for the action of natural selection, with the final
result as seen to-day in developing ant species in which there is a fairly fharp
division between fertile and sterile forms, and between two or three different
castes of the sterile individuals. Those species are the modern ones whose
fertile females produce several well-modified kinds of individuals. Darwin
and the Neo-Darwinians answer an adequate
of to-day not only find in this
explanation of the development of the modern highly com- specialized ant
munity by the action of natural selection, but find the existence of such com-
munities a convincing fact telling against the belief of Lamarckians and
Neo-Lamarckians in evolution by the accumulation of inherited structural
and physiological characters acquired in the lifetime of individuals. As
Wasps, Bees, and Ants
Darwin says: "The case (of ant communities with worker castes) also is
very interesting, as it proves that with animals, as with plants, any amount
of modification may be effected by the accumulation of numerous, slight,
spontaneous variations, which are in any way profitable, without exercise
or habit having been brought into play. For peculiar habits, confined
to the workers of sterile females, however long they might be followed, could
not possibly affect the males and fertile females, which alone leave descend-
rocal advantages, once begun, could readily be developed into such a curi-
ous condition as that, for example, of Myrmica and Leptothorax described
on p. 544. The beginning of such an association requires the assumption,
of course, that the apparent general rule of mutual animosity existing among
ants shall have its natural exceptions; that their instincts are not wholly
immutable or all embracing. To take a particular case, Wheeler has admi-
rably shown the remarkable differences of instinct exhibited by the species
of the single genus Leptothorax. While systematists agree that this large
and widely distributed genus is unusually homogeneous, Wheeler shows
that in habits its species are singularly diverse: "Many of the forms have
no tendency to consort with ants of other species, but differ considerably
in the stations which they inhabit. Some prefer to live under stones, others
in moss, others under bark or in dead wood, and still others, like one of the
Texan species, in cynipid galls, or, like our New England L. longispinosus
Rog., in the worm-eaten hickory-nuts among the dead leaves under the
trees. Many species, however, have a pronounced penchant for entering
into more or less intimate symbiotic relations with other Formicida?, as shown
in the following conspectus:
"1, The European L. muscorum often lives in plesiobiosis [double nest]
with Formica ruja.
"2. A similar tendency is undoubtedly exhibited by our American L. cana-
densis Provancher, which I have had occasion to observe since the second
part of this paper was [Here Wheeler describes in detail the
symbiosis of L. canadensis and Cremastogaster lineolata, the common shed-
builder ant of the north and east.]
"3. L. pergandei lives, probably as a guest, in the nests of Monomorinm
minutum, var. minimum.
"4. The single colony of the Mexican L. petiolatus which I h ve seen
was living in parabiosis [interlacing nest] with species of Cryptocerus and
"5. L. tuberum, var. unifasciatus, lives with the European Formicoxenus
ravouxi, the relations between the species being, perhaps, the same as those
which obtain between Formica ruja and Formicoxenus nitididus.
"6. L. muscorum, L. acervorum, and L. tuberum live as slaves or auxili-
aries with the European Tomognathus sublojvis.
"7. L. curvispinosus probably performs the same role in the nests of
T. Americanus.
"8. L. tuberum has been found associated with Strongyiognathus testa-
ecus. Here, too, the Leptothorax probably acts as the slave of the dulotic
"9. L. emersoni lives with Myrmica brevinodis as described [on p. 544]-"
Wasps, Bees, and Ants 559
It is evident, therefore, says Wheeler, that the ants of this genus
have originally possessed certain traits which made it specially easy for
them to enter into symbiotic relations with other species of ants. Some
of these fundamental or original traits may still be recognized in the genus,
to wit:
"1. The genus has a very wide geographical distribution, a prerequisite
to the establishment of such numerous and varied relations with other ants.
"2. The species are all of small size. This must undoubtedly facilitate
their association with other ants.
"3. The colonies consist of a relatively small number of individuals.
This, too, must greatly facilitate life as guests or parasites in the nests of
other ants.
"4. Most of the species are rather timid, or at any rate not belligerent.
They are, more adaptable temperament than many other
therefore, of a
ants even of the same size (e.g., Tetramorium ccespitum). Forel has
shown that L. tubero-affinis will rear pupae of L. mylanderi and even of
Tetramorium ccvspititm and live on good terms with the imagines when they
''5. There is no very sharp differentiation in habits between the queens
the whole complex of conditions in compound and mixed nests, but the
demonstration is more cogent when it can be shown that we have relations
as different as those of dominant species (L. emersoni) and slaves (L. acer-
560 Saw-flies, Gall-flies, Ichneumons,
vorum) not only in the same genus but among closely allied forms. This
fact also suggests that the instincts oj the same species may be so generalized
as to enable it to junction like man, either as a slave or master, according to
the circumstances."
And this leads us to consider briefly that extremest form of consociation
between two ant species, namely, the so-called dulosis, the living together of
slave-makers and slaves. To put summarily the result of various careful
studies of dulotic communities made by both European and American
observers, it may be said that this condition has grown out of the general
instinct that most ants show, to obtain when and where possible the larva?
and pupa? of other ant species for food. From a raid on a neighboring com-
munity and the immediate devouring of as many larva? and pupa? as possible
to a similar attack and feast plus the bringing home of a supply of this choice
food to be stored for eating through the next few days is a natural, and as
exemplified by numerous observed cases, an actual s ep. Then if the booty
be large in amount, it is inevitable that some of the pupa? shall transform
in the new nest. Now, newly issued workers to be at once
are these
attacked and eaten? This depends on whether the proper stimulus is
present or not. As practically certainly determined by numerous observa-
tions and experiments the stimulus for attack and war among ants (as
well as bees) is odor; recognition of nest mate and perception of intruder
or foreigner depends probably solely on the sense of smell, and the
stimulation of this sense has come during the evolution of the instincts,
of ants to be a stimulus to direct reflexive action; the odor of the home
community determines friendly behavior, the odor of any other community
gives direct rise to attack. Now, this odor has several component ele-
ments; one, for example, inherited (by the inheritance of a characteristic
metabolism) from the queen, so that descendants of a common mother, or
of sister-mothers(common grand-maternal inheritance), have an odor with
something in common; another element and a strong one is, however, the
nest odor compounded of all the individual odors in a community and gradu-
ally taken on by each hatching young. If the young be removed from one
community and be hatched in another they seem to take on the odor
of the second community. And so the living booty brought back by the
raiders, issuing in the new nest, becomes endowed with the odor of the new
community and is unmolested. But the instinct of the hatched workers
is to work; and so work they do. If their work is of advantage to the raider
community, natural selection will do the rest. In the beginning there
were no slave-makers; raiders there were which raided other nests, not for
slaves, but for food. But bringing home extra supplies of this food, which
hatched and lived and worked in the new nest, evolution from food to slaves
and from raiders to slave-holders has naturally taken place. Now such
sion and great specialization of this interrelation, and to explain the causal
Fir,. —
761. Diagram of section of pistil and ovary of a flower, showing the descent of
the pollen-tube and its entrance into the ovule, p-g-, pollen-grain; p.t., pollen-
tube; e.s., embryo-sac; ex., egg-cell; s.n., sperm-nucleus. Left-hand figure (1)
shows the pollen-tube grown down around and up into the ovary with the sperm-
nucleus just entering the ovule; right-hand figure (2) shows the fusion of the
sperm-nucleus and egg-nucleus. (After Stevens.)
growth (shown in size of plant and its fruits, in number of seeds, etc.) than
seeds produced by the fertilization of ovules by sperm-cells of the same plant.
To effect this advantageous cross-pollination two lines of specialization cr
modification of floral structures have arisen (presumably through the action
of natural selection): (1) modifications such as to attract insects and insure
much less extent to attract
cross-pollination as the result of their visits (and to
othir animals, particularly humming-birds), and (2) modifications tending
to prevent self-pollination. Coupled with both these general lines of modi-
fication are others to effect certain auxiliary or accessory conditions the
necessity for which grows out of the larger needs; such are, for example,
modifications to prevent the stealing of nectar and pollen by other animals
(insects particularly) than those on which cross-pollination specially depends,
and to make possible self-pollination in cases where cross-pollination,
although probable, may for some accidental or other rare cause not take
place. Coincidently, and reciprocally with the development of modifications
of the flower structures, has occurred the specialization of certain structures
and habits among those which are the cross-pollinating agents.
These modifications occur the structure of the mouth-parts and
chiefly in
legs of bees, wasps, flies, and a few other insects and in their food and
flight habits, and the care of their young. The reciprocal modifications
of flowers and insects have gone so far in some cases that certain species of
plants and certain species of insects cannot now live except by virtue of
their inter-relation. Many flowers are not fertile when pollinated by their
own pollen, and yet have no other possible means of getting pollen from
other plants except that of insect visits.
same flower) different in length so that the pollen would be unlikely to fall
on the stigmas, or (d) the having the stamens and pistils so situate with
regard to each other that it is difficult or very unusual for the pollen to reach
a stigma. and
All these devices are familiar to every student of botany,
to gardeners, florists, and and examples of them all
flower-lovers generally,
can readily be found among our common garden and field plants. Any
simple manual of botany will put one in the way of hunting them out for
one's self.
to guide them to the flower and when there and pollen in such
to the nectar
a way as to insure their brushing against both, or either, pollen and stigma,
(c) the modification of shape so as to prevent the stealing of nectar and
The pollen collected for food by the bees and a few other insects is, of
course, a normal product of the flower, and it is only necessary that there
be enough of it to supply the insects and yet suffice for the plant's own uses,.
i.e., in fertilization. As the oldest, the most primitive, means developed
among plants to effect cross-pollination, a means still used by all the conifers,,
the grasses, and many other plants mostly characterized by the total absence
of colored floral envelopes (petals and sepals), is the production of vast quan-
tities of light, non-adherent, pollen grains to be distributed by the wind,
in attracting insects from a considerable distance, and that with the nearer
approach of the insect color becomes an important guide. Despite the
poor sight (formation of incomplete images, and this possible only within
certain limited focal distances) of insects they appear to distinguish colors
at distances where the forms of objects must be very indistinct to them.
Once attracted to the flowerby odor or color, or by both, the pattern and
fine color streaks and spots play their part in guiding them to the nectaries.
(See discussion on p. 580 of the sight and color recognition of insects.) The
shape of the flower now has also its influence; this it is which compels the
visitor, in order to get at the nectar, to brush against the pollen, or the stigma,
or both as the case demands, and thus to render fairly its payment for the
special food provided. The particular shape and make-up, too, often have
reference to the necessity of keeping away illegitimate visitors, who would
drain the secreted stores without recompense. Small creeping insects, as
ants (very fond of nectar), thrips, and others may be shut out of the nectaries
by fine, stiff little hairs densely set in the throat of the flower-cup, like those
on the stamens of spiderwort or at the bases of the stamens of Coboea scan-
dens, or may be denied access even to the flower itself by sticky glandular
hairs on the stem and leaves. I once counted nearly a hundred dead or
S 68
Insects and Flowers
hopelessly entangled small insects on the tall sticky stem of a single Salpo-
glossus plant. But sometimes the burglars are successful. Needham, in a
careful study of the insect visitors on the blue flag {Iris versicolor) near Lake
Forest, 111., found a dozen or more successful pollen and nectar thieves
among them, while several other would-be thieves were deceived by the
curious markings of the flower as to the proper entrance and so failed to
FlG. 762. — Blue flag, Iris sp., being robbed of nectar by skipper-butterfly; at left diagram
showing position of butterfly's proboscis (represented by the arrow) with reference
to openings of the nectaries. (After Needham; natural size.)
make entry and get to the stores. The most persistent nectar thieves were
flower and inserted the proboscis obliquely between the sepal and the base
of the style, plying and thrusting with it until one of the two holes leading
to the nectary is found (Fig. 762). The actual pollinating visitors were
chiefly small Andrenid bees.
bees, who use pollen not only directly themselves, but carry it in quantities
to their nests as food for their young, and in the case of honey-bees for the
other workers busy indoors. To show the affinities and the number of
species of the insect visitors to entomophilous flowers I have compiled the
following figures from Robertson's records of his observations on flowers
in the neighborhood of Carlinville, 111. In twenty-six observing days 275
which 1 was a Neurop-
insect species visited the flowers of Pastinaca saliva, of
teron, 6 were Hemiptera, 9 were moths and butterflies, 14 were beetles, 72
were Diptera, and the rest Hymenoptera, of which 21 were bees, 39 saw-
flies and parasitica, and the remainder wasps, solitary and social. Of 115
species visiting the milkweed Asclepias verticillata, 52 were Hymenoptera,
42 Diptera, 16 Lepidoptera, and 3 Coleoptera; of 52 species visiting Rham-
nus lanceolata, 23 were various solitary bees; of 87 species found at the
flowers of the willow Salix cordata in seven days, 43 were Hymenoptera, 39
Diptera, 4 Coleoptera, and 1 Hemipteron; 112 species of insects visited Ceano-
thus americanus in five days; 79 species visited sweet-clover in two days;
71 species visited the little spring beauty, Claytonia .Virginica, in twenty-six
days, while 18 species visited the yellow violet in seven days. The hive-
bee and the bumblebees are the pre-eminent cross-pollinating insect agents,
some flowers, as clover for example, having its pollen distributed by bumble-
bees alone (although Robertson found 13 different species of butterflies rob-
bing nectar from red clover). The willow Salix humilis, watched for eleven
days, had its staminate flowers wholly monopolized by honey-bees, although
51 kinds of nectar-feeding insects visited its pistillate flowers. Of the 488
species of American entomophilous flowers which have been studied by
Robertson I find by going through his records that the honey-bee visits nearly
all, while bumblebees are recorded from a large number.
The simpler entomophilous flowers, such as those of the apple, cherry, wild
and fragrant, are mostly wide open and
rose, ranunculus, etc., brightly colored
They are all abundant pollen
accessible to a large variety of insect visitors.
providers and some secrete nectar which is easily got at. But to get either
nectar or pollen the insects have to scramble over and among the many
crowded stamens of the center, dusting themselves well during the process
with pollen, which is carried on to the next flower visited and there probably
rubbed off on to the stigma. In such simple forms the stigma of the first
the Umbelliferge and the numerous Composite. In the umbels and flower-
heads, often rather inconspicuous but nearly always well provided with
nectar, the sweet drink is easily got at even by short-tongued insects, so
that some of the species have a surprising host of visitors. For example,.
Robertson found 275 different insect species visiting Pastinaca sativa (an
umbellifer with exposed nectar) in the neighborhood of Carlinville, 111.;
238 visiting Cicuta maculata, and 191 visiting Slum cicutccjoliitm; observing
some of the composites, more specialized, Robertson noted 146 insect species
at goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) in eleven days during August, September,,
and October, and 100 at Aster paniculatus in four days in October.
Of course not all the insect visitors to a flower are cross-pollinating agents;"
some are deliberate thieves, some may or may not help in cross-pollination,
and some are reliable, although, of course, unwitting, pollinators. As an
interesting test of the proportion of actual pollinators to the whole number
of insect visitors may be taken Robertson's observations on the milkweed
(Asclepias) and its visitors (see account of the conditions in Asclepias on
p. 573). Of 115 insect species which visited flowers of Asclepias verticillata
(Carlinville, 111.) in fifteen days, representatives of 58 of these actually got
pollinia (pollen-masses) attached to themselves; while of 80 species visit-
but in the deeper cups the moths and butterflies are the only insects which
can reach the nectar. The common jimson-weed, Datura stramonium, is, as
Stevens says, an excellent illustration of this. "The corolla is about five centi-
meters long, and the cavity of the tube is nearly closed at about the middle
of its length by the insertion of the filaments there. When the flower opens
in the evening it emits a strong musky odor, and a large drop of nectar is
already present in the bottom of the tube; so that large sphinx-moths, leav-
ing the places of seclusion occupied by them during the day, are attracted
by the strong odor and white color of the flowers.
"Flying swiftly from flower to flower, the moth thrusts its long proboscis
to the bottom of the tube and secures the nectar; and while it is tarrying
briefly at each flower, keeping itself poised by the swift vibration of its wings,
it is pretty certain to touch with its proboscis both anthers and stigmas,
57 2 Insects and Flowers
which stand close together at about the same height near the mouth of the
corolla. Both cross- and self-pollination might be brought about in this
way, but, as Darwin has shown, the foreign pollen would probably possess
the greater potency, and cross-fertilization would be apt to result. Fig. 763
is a photograph of a sphinx moth and Datura-flower, posed to show the rela-
of the stamens are minute and rudimentary. In the other pair the two
anther-cells, instead of being, as usual, close together, are separated
by a long
connective. Moreover, the lower anther-cells contain very little pollen;
sometimes, indeed, none at all. This portion of the stamen, as shown in
Fig. 764, hangs down and partially stops up the mouth of the corolla-tube.
When, however, a bee its head into the tube in search of the honey,
this part of the stamen
pushed into the arch, the connectives of the two
large stamens revolve on their axis, and consequently the fertile anther-cells
are brought down onto the back of the bee."
In the scarlet sage {Salvia sp.) cross-pollination is accomplished by
bee, however, seeks to go to another flower, its foot slips upward and becomes
caught in the slit in the corpusculum. A struggle
heads. Robertson has noted nine species of insects thus killed by A. cor-
nuti. Bumblebees and large wasps and large butterflies are the most cer-
tain milkweed pollinators.
Still another markedly different kind of specialization to effect cross-
pollination by insects is that shown by many Aracece and Aristolochiaceae.
The flower (Fig. 767) in these plants consists of a long tubular perianth
(spathe) with a constriction near the base, the
narrow opening into the cavity below being
nearly closed by stiff downward-pointing hairs,
so as to make a sort of floral eel-trap. It really
pollen in masses, pollinia, which adhere to the insect and are carried around
by it during its visits to other flowers. The stalks of these pollinia bend
(by contracting) after they are attached to the insect so as to bring the pollen-
masses into the most effective position for insuring contact with the stigmatic
Some other flowers, not orchids, also possess sensitive parts; familiar
sticky and hangs together in masses, so that it is not adapted to being carried
by the wind, and it is apparently impossible for it to get to the stigmatic
tube without some outside agent.
"A small amount of nectar is secreted, but it is excreted at the very base
of the pistil, so that insects seeking it would be far removed from the stigmas.
Indeed, the low position of the nectar would seem rather to lead insects away
from the stigmas. The flowers are borne in compound racemes high aloft
on a strong woody shaft, and, because of their rather strong odor when new
buds are opening in the evening and their white color, they are quite cer-
tain to make their presence known to insects flying in the twilight.
"If we take these facts as our clew and attentively watch these flowers
about eight o'clock in the evening, the method of cross-pollination will be
made clear. A white moth, known as the
Pronuba-moth, is seen to mount a stamen,
scrape together the sticky pollen, and
pack it against the under side of its head
by means of a spinous structure known
as the maxillary tentacle, which seems
to have been specially developed for this
purpose, for in other moths it is a mere
vestige. In gathering the pollen it hooks
its tongue over the end of the stamen,
evidently to secure a better hold. Having
become well loaded with pollen, as shown
in the photomicrograph of
the moth's
head, it stamen and flies
descends the Fig. 768. Pronuba-moth depositing —
to another flower. There it places itself eggs in ovary of Yucca. (After
Stevens; natural size.)
on the pistil between two of the stamens
(see Fig. 768) and thrusts a slender ovipositor through the wall of the ovary
and into the cavity occupied by the ovules.
"Having deposited an egg, it ascends the pistil, and by means of the
maxillary tentacles and tongue, which at other times are coiled around the
load of pollen, it rubs pollen down the inner surface of the stigmatic tube.
Fig. 769 is a [drawing made from a] flashlight photograph of a moth performing
this act. The moth then descends the pistil, and standing between another
pair of stamens it deposits another egg within the ovary; then it ascends
the pistil and rubs pollen on the stigmatic surface as before. This process is
repeated until it may be that each of the six lines of ovules is provided with an
egg, and the process of pollination has been as many times accomplished.
578 Insects and Flowers
is excreted. It does not eat the pollen which it gathers, and it seems certain
that it is prompted to place the pollen in the stigmatic tube after each act
of oviposition solely by the instinct to provide for its young; for it is readily
understood that if the ovules are not fertilized the seeds would not develop
and the larvae would be without food.
"The Yucca flower, instead of having elaborate devices to secure cross-
pollination, simply prohibits self-pollination by its tubular stigmas and its
relatively short and reflexed stamens; and then, the sticky pollen and
an abundance of ovules being provided, the performance of pollination
is intrusted to the wise instinct of the Pronuba-moth; and not pollina-
tion simply, but cross-pollination, for it has been noticed that it is the habit
of the moth after securing the pollen to fly to another flower before it begins
to lay its eggs." (This extraordinary interrelation between Yucca and
Pronuba was discovered and carefully studied by C. V. Riley in 1872, and
his intensely interesting detailed accounts of his observations are to be found
in Vol. 3 Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., his 5th and 6th reports as state ento-
tern for the sake of cross-pollination by insects explains a great deal of the
manifold variety of form and color-marking which exists among flowers.
The adaptation of the flower to its insect visitors goes even farther: to a cer-
tain extent the flowering season of many plants is determined by the time
of the appearance in winged stage of its more important insect visitors.
Robertson sums up his interesting observations concerning this fact (based
on the study of nearly 500 plant species and their insect visitors) as follows:
"We have reviewed the principal groups of insect-pollinated, plants and
have noted a correspondence more or less well marked between their bloom-
ing seasons and the seasons of the insects upon which they depend." But
it is only fair to presume that the insects, at least those which get a large
amount of food from the flowers, may have become adapted as to their flight-
time in some degree to the blossom-time of their host-flower. That this is
true of the bees, which get practically all of their food (pollen and nectar),
both for themselves and for their young, from flowers, seems certain.
But the easy and sweeping way in which this theory has been made to
explain the immense variety and often intricate condition of floral struc-
ture and pattern has, naturally and wisely, led to a more rigid scrutiny
of its all-sufficiency for the explanation of floral variety. It is apparent of
course that flowers in their fundamental structural character are controlled
largely by heredity, and this heredity is largely an expression of phylogeny,
that is, ancestral history. Flowers of close natural relationship are bound
to be more alike than those widely separated genealogically. But beyond
580 Insects and Flowers
this there really seems to be no other explanation of flower shape and appear-
ance having the same validity as that of adaptation to insect visitors.
The most effective criticism of this explanation is one against its effective-
ness in explaining color, and It is based on the
particularly color-pattern.
general consensus of belief among and entomologists concerning
the poorness of insect vision. The
general character of this vision, with an
account of the eye structure, is explained on pp. 30-33 of this book. The
fixed short focal distance, the incompleteness and lack of detail incident to a
mosaic image, and the lack of accommodation (only partly provided for by
the shifting of the peripheral pigment) to varying light intensity, which are
admitted conditions of insect vision, make it seem difficult to account for the
intricacy in pattern common to many flowers on a basis of adaptation to
animal visitors of such poor seeing capacity as insects.
Experimental evidence touching this criticism is singularly meager when
one considers the importance of the subject. If insects can accurately dis-
tinguish colors, and at some distance, and can perceive fine and intricate
details of color-pattern at very short distance, then the explanation of floral
structure and pattern or adaptation to insect visitors has solid foundation
for even the amazingly large and varied results which it attempts to explain;
if not, it is hard to understand how the explanation is valid (at least in any
such all-sufficient degree as commonly held), despite its logical character
(in the fight of our knowledge of the nearly limitless capacity for modifica-
tion of natural selection) and the abundant confirmatory evidence.
Most of the experimental evidence so far offered is that included in Dar-
win's account (" On the Fertilization of Flowers by Insects ") ; in Lubbock's
account of his experiments on honey-bees, familiar because of its presentation
in his readable book, "Ants, Bees, and Wasps"; and in Plateau's account
of hismore recent but less familiarly known experiments with various insects,
including bees. Both Lubbock and Plateau are investigators ingenious
in device, keen in deduction, and of unquestioned scientific honesty. Yet
their conclusions are in direct contradiction. Lubbock believes that bees
recognize colors at a considerable distance, that they "prefer one color to
another, and that blue is distinctly their favorite." Plateau finds that neither
the form nor the brilliant colors of flowers seem to have any important attrac-
tive role, "as insects visit flowers whose colors and forms are masked by
green leaves, as well as continue to visit flowers which have been almost
totally denuded of the colored parts"; that insects show no preference or
antipathy for different colors which flowers of different varieties of the same
or of allied species may show; by foliage are readily
that flowers concealed
discovered and visited; pay no attention to flowers
that insects ordinarily
artificially made of colored paper or cloth whether these artifacts are provided
or not with honey, while, on the contrary, flowers artificially made of living
Insects and Flowers 581
green leaves and provided with honey are visited (from the attraction of
''natural vegetable odor"). From these observations Plateau concludes
that "insects are guided with certainty to flowers with pollen or nectar
a sense other than that oj vision and which can only be that oj smell,"
finds particular proof of this in the facts, according to his observations,
that insects tend, without hesitation, towards flowers usually neglected
reason of the absence or poverty of nectar, from the moment that one
supplies these flowers with artificial nectar, represented by honey;
(2) that
insects cease their visits when one cuts out the nectary without injuring
and re-begin their visits if one replaces the destroyed nec-
the colored parts,
tary by honey; (3) that it suffices to attract numerous insects if one puts
honey on or in normally anemophilous flowers, simply green or brown in
color, which are normally practically invisible and almost never visited by
insects; and (4) that the visiting of flowers artificially made of fresh green
leaves and containing honey demonstrates plainly the role of the sense of
It must be said that, despite many just criticisms which may be made on
the character of his experiments, Plateau has made necessary more experi-
mentation for the relief of the general theory that floral adaptation of color
is due to the color preferences of insect visitors. It seems to me probable
that the truth of the matter is in a large degree expressed
by the statement
that the distant attraction is exerted by the odors of flowers working on a
very sensitive sense of smell in insects (chemotropism, in the language of
the modern believers in reflexes), while the intimate guiding to the particu-
lar flower and the nectary is controlled chiefly by the color and pattern.
Finally we come to the question of the origin of this mutually advan-
tageous interrelation and its many-branched course of development or
specialization. Advantage and natural selection are looked on as the chief
factors in this development. "It is extremely probable," says the botanist
Campbell, "that all the primitive flowers were anemophilous (cross-polli-
nated by the wind), and that from these have been derived the more special-
ized entomophilous and ornithophilous forms. It is evidently of advantage
flowers would not be visitedby insects unless they had some inducements
more substantial to offer. These inducements are the pollen and, to the
great majority of flower-visiting insects, the nectar.
It is of distinct interest to note that no plants with colored flower-parts
or special floral envelopes existed (in geological time) before the time of
winged insects. The oldest fossil Angiosperms, monocotyledons as well
as dicotyledons, are from the lower Cretaceous rock strata; in Tertiary times
there was a great increase in the number and variety of the dicotyledons,
and most of the present families were probably in existence in those times.
Winged insects are known from Devonian rocks, and much more numer-
ously from Carboniferous strata; but all these early Paleozoic insects belong
to the lower more generalized kinds, which to-day take little part in cross-
pollination. Not until Jurassic times did the higher orders appear, the
Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera, which include the great majority
of the cross-pollinating insect agents. Thus the insects which we know to-
day as the pollen- and nectar-feeders, hence flower-visitors, began to be abun-
dant coincidently with or a little in advance of the flowering plants. Recip-
rocally helpful and mutually adapting themselves to the growing interrela-
tion, the flies, bees, moths, and butterflies on the animal side and the
dicotyledonous plants with varied flower-shapes, color, and pattern on the
vegetable side have developed so successfully that in present times both
flower-visiting insects and insect-attracting flowers have come to be the
most specialized and notable members of each of their respective groups of
Some colors are obviously there simply because of the chemical make-up
of parts of the insect body. That gold is yellow, cinnabar red, and certain
copper ores green or blue are facts which lead us to no special inquiry after
significance; at least significance based on utility. And if an insect has
part of its body composed of or containing a substance that is by its very
chemical and physical constitution always red or blue or green, we may
be content with knowing it and not be too insistent in our demand to the
insect to show cause, on a basis of utility, for being partly red or blue or
green. And even if this red or blue be disposed with some symmetry, some
regularity of repetition, either segmentally or bilaterally, this we may well
attribute to the natural segmental and bilaterally symmetrical repetition of
similar body parts. Some color and some color-pattern, then, may be
explicable on the same basis as the color of a mineral specimen or of a tier
of bricks.
But no such explanation will for a moment satisfy us as to the presence
and arrangement of colors in the wing of Kallima, the dead-leaf butterfly
(PL XIII, Fig. 1), or in Phyllium, the green-leaf Phasmid (PL XIII, Fig. 2).
We demand an explanation based on direct and large usefulness to the insect.
Certain uses seem pretty apparent: the brown and blackish pigments
in the compound eyes have the function of absorbing light-rays so that these
rays may be prevented from passing through the waUs of adjacent ommatidia,
and thus confusing the mosaic vision; the pigment of the simple eye-flecks
ofsome insect larvae serves, as in the eye-spots of other simple animals, to
absorb light at a certain spot especially sensitive and thus make possible
a recognition of light intensity, a low grade, not of seeing, but of simple appre-
ciation of the presence or absence of light. Some color in the skin of insects
may serve, too, as is pretty certainly the case with many vertebrates, to
absorb heat or prevent its radiation, or, on the other hand, to reflect it, or
to allow it to radiate freely. In view of the cold-bloodedness of insects this
must be a use, in this class of animals, extremely restricted and infrequent.
But such uses as these are at best explanatory of but little of the wealth of
color and pattern manifest in the insect class. A utility more important,
and common to many more individuals and capable of explaining a specializa-
tion of color and pattern much more complex, is needed as a basis for color
The green katydid singing in the tree-top or shubbery is readily known
tobe there by its music, but just which bit of green that we see is katydid
and which is leaf is a matter to be decided by unusually discriminating eyes.
The its black wings in the air, is conspicuous enough,
clacking locust, beating
but after has alighted on the ground it is invisible, or, rather, visible but
i. Kallima sp.
2. Phyllium sp.
i i
lying longitudinally along green grasses simply merge into the color scheme
of their environment. The gray mothunperceived on the bark of
to the chief significance of color and pattern. And this not alone in the
and conditions are, the specialization and refinement, all the wide modifica-
tion and variety of colors and patterns, are explicable by the hypothesis of
their gradual development in time through the natural selection of naturally
occurring advantageous variations. On this basis, such special instances
of resemblance to particular parts of the environment, as that shown by
Kallima in its likeness to a dead leaf, and Diapheromera in its simulation
of a dry, leafless twig, are simply the logical extremes of such a line of speciali-
But the nature observer may be inclined to ask how such brilliant and
bizarre color-patterns as those of the swallowtail-butterflies and the tiger-
the striking similarities of pattern often noted between two unrelated con-
spicuously colored species still another clever hypothesis is proposed. In
these cases it not concealment that the color-pattern effects, but indeed
just the opposite. Since the pioneer studies of Bates and Wallace and Belt,
naturalists have been observing and experimenting and pondering these
exposing as well as these concealing conditions of color and pattern, and
they have proposed several theories or hypotheses explanatory of the various
conditions. These hypotheses are plausible; but they are much more than
that; they are each more or less well backed up by observation and experi-
ment, and some of them have gained a large acceptance among naturalists.
5 86 Color and Pattern and their Uses
Both the reasoning and the observed facts on which these hypotheses rest
are based on the usefulness of the colors and patterns to the animals in their
relation to the outside world. And the influence of advantage and natural
selection is given the chief credit for determining the present-day conditions
of these colors and patterns.
Before, however, we take up these hypotheses, defining them and looking
over some of the evidence adduced for their support, as well as some of the
criticism leveled at them, we may advisedly look to the actual physical causa-
tion of color in insects. Whatever the use or significance of color, our
understanding of this use must be based on a knowledge of the method or
modes of the actual production of color.
Color in organisms is produced as color in inorganic Nature is. Certain
substances have the capacity of selective absorption of light-rays so that
when white light falls on them, certain colors (light-waves of certain length)
are absorbed, while certain others (light-waves of certain other lengths) are
reflected. An object is red because the substance of which it is (superficially)
composed reflects the red rays and absorbs the others. Certain other objects
or substances may produce color (be colored) because of their physical rather
than their chemical constitution: their surfaces may be so composed of
two kinds.
Substances that produce color by virtue of their capacity to absorb certain
colors and reflect only one or more others we may call, in our discussion of
color production, pigments, and pigmental may be used as practically synony-
mous with chemical in referring to colors thus produced, while structural
may be sometimes used as synonymous with physical in referring to colors
dependent on superficial structural character of the insect body. For colors
produced by the co-operation of both pigment and structure, combination
or chemico-physical may be used as a defining name. In a recent valuable
paper by Tower * the history of and authority for the adoption of these
various names is given.
* Tower, W.
L. Colors and Color-patterns of Coleoptera. Decennial Pubs, of
Univ. of Chicago, 1903, vol. X, pp. 33-70.
Color and Pattern and their Uses 587
Tower finds, on the basis of his own researches and those of various other
investigators of insect colors, that among insects the chemical colors are
green-blue and black;
yellow, orange, red, buff, brown, black, and rarely
physical colors are the pearly colors, almost all whites,
and rarely violet-
greens, reds, and some metallic and iridescent colors; while chemico-physical
metallic colors.
colors are violet, greens, reds, and iridescent and almost all
but few really pure physical colors will be
Tower believes it probable that
found by far the larger part of those now classed as such falling
in insects,
into the category of the chemico-physical. Tower finds white to be the
Coleoptera (the insect group
only purely physical color occurring among the
whose colors he has specially studied).
chemical and,
With regard to the situation of the pigments on which
partly, physico-chem cal colors depend, these colors may be divided into
in the haemolymph (blood) which show through the skin (hypoderm and
cuticle). . .
Permanent. Insoluble
yellows Located in
in water, oils, alcohol,
Red hypodermal
weak acids, or alkalies
Vermilion cells as
Soluble in ether or other
Scarlet granules
fatty solvents
colors Not permanent.
Fade at death or
Located in
on exposure
Green or between
Derived Soluble in water, al-
Yellow the hypo-
pigments cohol, etc.
White dermal
Are chlorophyll or
xyanthophyll de-
rivatives largely
Reflection Caused by air included within scales, etc. The most
White i
colors | common, and perhaps the only true physical, color
Diffraction ( Iridescent ) c . i
-j metallic
Cause —polished
layer of pigment
refractive lamella overlying a
colors (b) ( colors
. /
Cause —surface structures, pits, ridges on refrac-
tive lamella overlying a layer of pigment
colors (c) colors
If the wing of a moth or butterfly be rubbed gently between finger and
its color and become transparent,
thumb, a spot on the wing will soon lose
while on finger and thumb will be found a fine sparkling powder, the "flour"
lines or striae. These striae vary in distance apart, on different scales, from
.0007 mm., as in the scales of the great blue Morpho butterflies, to .004 mm.,
as in the sulphur-yellow butterfly, Catopsila eubule.
The scales cover (in all but the few "clear- winged" moths) the wings
on both upper and lower sides,
being insecurely attached to the
wing membrane by having their
short pedicels inserted in little
scales in
each row are at
approximately equal distances apart. Their distance is less than the width
of each scale, so that adjoining scales
overlap laterally and thus make each row
to be composed of two tiers of scales, an
upper and an under one: the insertion-
cups of one tier are very slightly but per-
ceptibly advanced beyond those of the
other tier. The scales of the upper tier
alternate with those of the lower tier, and
each upper scale overlaps laterally two
under ones. But in addition to this
lateral overlapping, the distance between
the rows of insertion-cups is less than
the length of the scales, so that there
Fig. 773. — Bits of denuded wing of a
butterfly, Grapta sp., to show rows
is an overlapping of the tip of the of insertion-pits on upper and lower
sides, with three scales in position.
scales row over the bases of the
of one
(Greatly magnified.)
scales in the next row in front. By this
double overlapping there is formed a complete shingled covering of scales
over each surface (upper and under) of each wing.
Color and Pattern and their Uses 591
This close placing and overlapping, and the small size of the scales,
bring it about that the number of scales on a single wing is truly prodigious.
Fig. 774. — Diagramto show shingled arrangement of scales over surface of butterfly's
wing; the short black bars indicate scales in cross-section; the broad central bar,
the wing in cross-section.
In Morpho sp., for example, the distance apart of the lines of insertion-pits
on a bit of the upper wing surface taken from the middle of the fore wing
is .151 mm.; the distance apart of the pits in a line is .043 mm. (on the
under surface the pits are .05 mm. apart); so that in a space 25 mm. by
25 mm. square inch circa) there would be 165 lines of scales with 600 scales
Fig. 77s- — Base of scales: a,
of ^lovcria arizonesis; bj |
brane, and the pedicels are more easily brushed Morpho sp. (Greatly mag-
from the wing than when the insect is alive. me.)
Now to pay attention to the actual structure or make-up of individual
scales. When studied carefully under the microscope singly and in cross-
sections of the wing the scales are seen to be tiny flattened sacs, composed
of two membrances, enclosing sometimes only air, sometimes pigment
granules attached to the inner face of one of the membranes, and some-
times (as observed in cabinet specimens) the dry remains of what may have
been during life an internal pulp. The striae are confined to the outer mem-
brane (that farthest from the wing-membrane) and are probably folds in
this outer membrane. These stria? are plainly elevated above the inter-
592 Color and Pattern and their Uses
ing cross-strite.
** we examine a long series 01 scales brushed from
(Greatly mag- different parts of a wing of moth or butterfly, we can
always note a series of gradating forms running from slender
hair-like form to typical short, broad, flat scale. The significance of this,
when we come to inquire about the origin
Fig. 778. —Scales taken from a single fore wing of Megalopyge crispata, showing grada-
tions from true hair to specialized scale. (Greatly magnified.)
again, and so on, while the base is continually shortening and broadening
so that the scale form finally reached is a fingered or deeply-toothed
Fig. 779. — Scales from a single fore wing of Gloveria arizonesis, showing gradations from
scale-hair to specialized hair. (Greatly magnified.)
one. But in all the series the final result is that from a long, slender, sub-
cylindrical hair is evolved a short, broad, flattened, little scale. A study
of the actual development of an individual scale on the forming wing of a
butterfly during the pupal or chrysalid stage confirms the hypothesis of the
evolution of the scales. In the growing developing wing the scales begin
as hairs, arising by the extension of certain hypodermal cells in the wing-
594 Color and Pattern and their Uses
membrane which gradually change in the few or many days of pupal develop-
ment into typical scales (Figs. 782 and 783).
Fig. 780. — Scales from a single fore wing of Heliconia sp., showing gradations from scale-
hair to specialized scale. (Greatly magnified.)
We have studied now with some care the general character of the scale-
covering of moths and butterflies, and the actual structural make-up and
the origin of the indi-
vidual scales. And we
learned at the very begin-
ning of our study that
it is the scale - covering
which is the producer or
carrier of all the brilliant
and varied color and
pattern which character-
ize the moths and butter-
Fig. 7S1. — Scalesfrom a single hind wing of the
flies. When we rub off
goat-moth, Prionoxystus robina, showing gra-
dations from scale-hair to specialized scale. the myriad little scales
(Greatly magnified.)
the wings themselves are
found to be colorless, transparent. We have now to note how it is that
the scales, the color-carrying organs, actually produce the colors.
The scales in their fully
developed dry condition are
chiefly cuticular in structure,
but they may contain pig-
ment granules and various
substances left by the hypo-
dermal cell-layer in drying.
The colors of the scales are
to be classified then as both Fig. 782. — Diagrammatic figures showing the devel-
cuticular and hypodermal in opment of the scales on a wing of Euvanessa anti-
opa; at left, cross-section of bit of pupal wing show-
character, and both chemical ing the two wing-membranes and intervening space
and physical in origin. For or wing-cavity; cross-section of a single
at right,
wing-membrane in older pupal wing, s.c, scale-
the most part they are strictly cells; hyp., hypodermal cells; /, leucocytes; 5, devel-
combination colors due to oping scales. (After Mayer; greatly magnified.)
Color and Pattern and their Uses 595
chemical (pigmental) substances within the scale and to the structural
character of the scale-walls. The pigment granules within the scales are
brown, yellowish, or reddish, and as they mostly transmit the same colors as
they reflect, the colors of strongly pigmented scales are the same by trans-
mitted light (light shining through them) as by reflected light. But with
FlG. 783. — Diagrammatic figures showing late stages in development of scales of the
wing of Anosia plexippus; figure at right showing older stage than figure at left, s,
scale; sc, scale-cell; /, leucocyte. (After Mayer; greatly magnified.)
the physical colors this is not the case. Scales which produce brilliant
blues and other colors are often empty, and these when viewed by trans-
mitted light are nearly colorless. Or they may contain pigment and then
when viewed by transmitted light show a dull brownish or yellowish color
entirely different from the metallic iridescence which they show by reflected
The physical color effects produced by scales are due to their (a) lamina-
tion and (b) striation. Each scale is composed of a pair of thin subtrans-
parent laminae (lamellae), the thin dry sides of the flattened sac, and when
arranged in the shingling sheath over the wing-membrane, overlapping
each other at sides and ends, they produce a layer of superposed thin trans-
parent lamellae which is exactly the structural condition necessary to the
production of varied refraction (interference) effects of color. This scale
layer produces color by virtue of its structure just as a piece of laminated
m'ca or bit of old weathered glass or film of soap-bubble produces color
(Newton's rings). In addition the striae-bearing outer surface of each scale
is essentially the same as a ruled surface or grating, producing color by
yet too little organized to make it available in such a brief general account
of insect color and pattern as this one necessarily is. In the actual develop-
themselves, however,
remain white **7*^,
Mo rufous
and the black
ground-color ha al()ng the
where the dirty yellow
has deepened and
areajod has al*
Fig. 784,*, U£
^ ^^
being (he only
edges of the nervures.
wing and the subme
nervures, the base of
59 8 Color and Pattern and their Uses
parts that still remain dull yellow. It is apparent that in Anosia plexippus,
as in Callosamia promethea, the central areas of the wings are the first to
exhibit the mature colors, and that the nervures and costal edges of the
wings are the last to be suffused."
The development male and the female of the
of the wing-patterns in the
promethea moth, as worked out by Mayer, is shown by Fig. 785.
Other butterflies and moths which have been thus followed through
the pupal life show a similar possession of color-appearance. Tower has
similarly followed the color-development in certain beetles. Tower's figures
illustrating the development in the large blackish-brown Prionid beetle,
Fig. 786. — Diagrammatic series showing development of color-pattern in pupae and young
adults of the giant wood-boring beetle, Orthosoma brunnea. The first three figures in
the upper line, counting from the left, are pupae of successive ages, the rest of the
figures adults of successive ages. (After Tower; natural size.)
Orthosoma brunnea, are shown in Fig. 786. Tower finds that in all the
insects so far studied the chemical colors of the body follow the general course
illustrated by Orthosoma. The color begins to form on the head and anterior
parts first and gradually spreads posteriorly.
its enemies or of enabling it to capture its prey. They are uses obviously con-
cerned with the "struggle for existence"; they are "shifts for a living."
For the sake of clearness in the discussion of these various uses a discussion —
which must by the limitations of space be most unsatisfactorily condensed
the uses will be rather arbitrarily classified into several categories which in
Nature are not as sharply distinguished as the paragraph treatment of them
might suggest.
General protective resemblance. The general harmonizing in color and
pattern with the color scheme of the usual environment is a condition which
every field student of insects recognizes as widely existing. The difficulty
of distinguishing a resting moth from the bark on which it is resting, a green
caterpillar or leaf-hopper or meadow grasshopper from the leaf to which it
clings, a roadside locust or bug from the soil on which it alights, is a diffi-
culty which has to be reckoned with by every collector. Now while there
are few human collectors of insects, there are hosts of bird and toad and lizard
insect-hunters, to say nothing of the many kinds of predaceous insects them-
selves who use their own cousins for chief food. So that where this diffi-
culty of distinguishing the resting insect from its environment is sufficient
to postpone success on the part of the insect-hunting bird or lizard, the life
of the protectively-colored insect is obviously saved, for the time, by its dress.
This is a utility of color and pattern than which there can be, from the insect
point of view, nothing higher.
Variable protective resemblance. —While with most insects all the indi-
viduals of one species show a similar color and pattern, it is noticeable that
with a few species there is a marked variability or difference in color and
sometimes in markings. Locusts of various species of the genus Trimero-
tropis show a variability in color of individuals ranging through gray, brown,
reddish, plumbeous, and bluish, and such accompanying variab'lity in mark-
600 Color and Pattern and their Uses
ated with the color-differences in the soil of the localities in which these locusts
live; the reddish individuals are taken from spots where the soil is reddish,
the grayish where it is sand-colored, and the plumbeous and bluish from soil
vation while writing this chapter is the case of the larvae of Lyccena sp.,
abundant on the flower-heads of the just-blossoming (May) California
buckeye, .-Esculus calijornicus. The buds of the buckeye are green, or green
FlG. 787. —The dead-leaf butterfly, Kallima sp., a remarkable case of special protective
(Natural size.)
and rose, or even all rose externally. The quiet slug-like Lycaenid larvae
lie longitudinally along the buds and their short stems, and are either green
6o2 Color and Pattern and their Uses
with faint rosy tinge, especially along the dorsi-meson, or are distinctly
rosy all depending strictly upon the color-tone of the particular inflo-
rescence serving as habitat for the larva (PL XIII, Figs. 3, 4, and 5). The
correspondence in shade of color is strikingly exact: the utter invisibility,
or rather indistinguishability, of the larva? is something that needs to be
experienced as my artist, my students, and I have experienced it in the last
few weeks, to be fairly realized. We have watched the larvae through their
whole life, and all the time the safe position along the bud and the immobility
are maintained.
Special protective resemblance.— The figures of Kallima (PI. XIII, Fig. r,
also text Fig. 787) and of Phyllium (PI. XIII, Fig. 2, also text Fig. 788),
referred to in an early paragraph in this chapter, illustrate extreme and
often-referred-to examples of a protective
resemblance which may be called "special"
in that the insect's appearance simulates in
more or less nearly exact way some par-
ticular part of the habitual environment, this
being, in the case of Kallima, a dead leaf,
in the case of Phyllium a green leaf. The
details of this simulation are extreme: in
Kallima the projections or tails of the hind
wings represent the leaf-stem, the long cen-
tral midrib of the leaf is represented by a
brown line continuously across both wings,
the lateral leaf-veins corresponding on one
side to the actual course of the wing-veins,
but on the other being represented by brown
lines running at right angles, nearly, to the
wing-veins; in Phyllium the flattened and
expanded head, thorax, legs, and abdomen
Fig. 7S8. —The green-leaf insect,
with the broad green wing-covers, leaf-veined
Phyllium sp. This insect is bright
green with
scattered yellowish and spotted with yellow like a fungus-
rL^ er a nd
C er
r,h t h e shSp" ,o
make the insect almost indistin-
attacked or insect-punctured leaf compose a
false picture of great effectiveness. Are
guishable when at rest among
nQt thege details of decdt almost r t
green leaves.
The slender grass-green larvae of many moths and butterflies are much
like green grass-leaves; Weismann's interpretation
their slimness and, if
these larvae are, they are only occasionally seen, and then usually when "loop-
ing" along on the ground or sidewalk. When in their habitual haunts in
trees and bushes, the slightest disturbance, as the approach of bird or lizard
or human observer, causes them to "go stiff," holding the body (Fig. 789)
Fig. 790.
Fig. 789. —An inch-worm, larva of geometric! moth, in protective position. (After Jor-
dan and Kellogg; natural size.)
Fig. 790. —The walking-stick, or twig-insect, Diapheromera jemorata. (Slightly enlarged.)
rigidly out from the branch or stem to which they cling by the posterior
two pairs of prop-legs, and looking so like a short twig, or broken one, that
they are only rarely recognized for what they really are. The skin is brown or
604 Color and Pattern and their Uses
habit or kind of behavior with the structural and color modification to make
the illusion successful.
Another familiar and extreme case of special protective resemblance is
Some of these may appeal more to him than to persons seeing his speci-
mens and some indeed will probably be questionable
in the collecting-boxes,
But nevertheless no collector or field student but has
to other naturalists.
noted many examples of this clever artifice of Nature to protect her
Warning colors. — student may be relied on to note and record
If the field
FlG. 791. Larva of the monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus, conspicuously marked with
black and whitish yellow rings, and distasteful to birds. (Natural size.)
* A most interesting recent account of a long series of such observations and experi-
ments is presented in "The Bionomics of South African Insects," by G. K. Marshall
and E. B. Poulton, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1902. This paper contains the records of
five years of careful study in the field of the phenomena relating to the theories of warning
colors and mimicry.
6o6 Color and Pattern and their Uses
tip of the body which has a most formidable appearance, but is, as a matter
of fact, not at all a weapon of defence, being quite harmless. Numerous
stingless insects when disturbed wave about the hind part of the body or
curl it over or under much as stinging insects do, and seem to be threatening
to sting. The striking eye-spots of many insects are believed by some
entomologists to be of the nature of terrifying markings. Marshall tried
feeding baboons a full-grown larva (about 7 in. long) of the sphinx-moth,
Fig. 792. — Larva of the pen-marked sphinx-moth, Sphinx chersis, showing threatening
attitude. (After Comstock.)
Chcerocampa osiris. The larva has large strongly colored eye-spots and
is "remarkably snake-like, the general coloring somewhat recalling that
of the common puff-adder, Bitis arietans. The female baboon ran forward
expecting a titbit, but when she saw what I had brought she flicked it out
of my hand on to the ground, at the same time jumping back suspiciously;
she then approached it very cautiously, and after peering carefully at it from
the distance of about a foot she withdrew in alarm, being clearly much
impressed by the large blue eye-like markings. The male baboon, which
has a much more nervous temperament, had meanwhile remained at a
distance surveying the proceedings, so I picked up a caterpillar and brought
Color and Pattern and their Uses 607
it towards them, but they would not let me approach, and kept running
away round and round their pole, so I threw the insect at them. Their
fright was ludicrous to see; with loud cries they jumped aside and clambered
up the pole as fast as they could go, into their box, where they sat peering
over the edge watching the uncanny object below." (Marshall.) Marshall
also writes concerning the eye-like markings on the wings of the mantis,
Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi: "They are, I think, almost certainly of a terrify-
ing character. When the insect irritated the wings are raised over its
back in such a manner that the tegmina stand side by side, and the markings
Fig. 793. —
Larva of the puss-moth, Centra sp.; upper figure showing larva in normal
attitude; lower figure showing larva when disturbed. (After Poulton; enlarged.)
(See description of this larva on p. 394.)
on them then present a very striking resemblance to the great yellow eyes
of a bird of prey or some feline animal,which might well deter an insec-
tivorous enemy. It is noticeable that the insect is always careful to keep
the wings directed towards the point of attack, and this is often done without
altering the position of the body."
Directive coloration. Still another use is believed by some entomologists
to be afforded by such markings as ocelli and other specially conspicuous
spots and flecks on the wings of butterflies and moths, and by such apparently
useless parts as the "tails" of the hind wings of the swallowtail and Lycsenid
butterflies, and others. Marshall busied himself for a long time with collect-
ing butterflies which had evidently been snapped at by birds (in some cases
he observed the actual attack) and suffered the loss of a part of a wing.
Examining these specimens when brought together, Poulton and Marshall
608 Color and Pattern and their Uses
noted that the "great majority [of these injuries to the wings] are inflicted
at the anal angle and adjacent hind margin of the hind wing, a considerable
number at or near the apical angle of the fore wing, and comparatively few
between the points." In this fact, coupled with the fact that the apical
and hind angles of the fore and hind wings respectively are precisely those
regions of the wings most usually specially marked and prolonged as angular
processes or tails, Poulton sees a special significance in the patterns of these
wing-parts: he thinks they are "directive marks which tend to divert the
attention of an enemy from more vital parts." It is obvious that a butterfly
can very well afford to lose the tip or tail of a wing if that loss will save losing
has been reserved for use in connection with a specific kind of imitation,
namely, the imitation by an otherwise defenceless insect, one without poison,
beak, or sting, and without acrid and distasteful body fluids, of some other
specially defended or inedible kind, so that the mimicker is mistaken for
the mimicked form and, like this defended or distasteful form, relieved from
attack. Many cases of this mimicry may be noted by any field student of
Buzzing about flowers are to be found various kinds of bees, and also
various other kinds of insects, thoroughly bee-like in appearance, but in
reality not bees nor, like them, defended by stings. These bee-mimickers
are mostly flies of various families (Syrphidae, Asilidae, Bombyliidas),and
their resemblance to bees is sufficient to and does constantly deceive collectors.
We presume, then, that it equally deceives birds and other insect enemies.
Wasps, too, are mimicked by other insects; the wasp-like flies, Conopidae,
and some of the clear- winged moths, Sesiidae (Fig. 794), are extremely wasp-
like in general seeming.
The distasteful monarch butterfly,Anosia plexippus, wide-spread and
abundant a "successful" butterfly, whose success undoubtedly largely
depends on its inedibility in —
both larval and imaginal stage is mimicked
with extraordinary fidelity of detail by the viceroy, Basilarchia archippus
Color and Pattern and their Uses 609
(Plate XI, Figs. 1, 4, also text Fig. 795). The Basilarchias, constituting a
genus of numerous species, are with but two or three exceptions not at all
of the color or pattern of Anosia, but in the case of the particular species
archippus not only the red-brown ground-color but the fine pattern details
in blackand whitish copy faithfully the details in Anosia; only in the addi-
FlG. 794.— Various moths and wasps, the moths having the appearance of wasps, prob-
ably through mimicry, and protected by being mistaken for the stinging insects.
(Photograph by author; natural size.)
tion of a thin blackish line across the discal area of the hind wings does
archippus show any noticeable difference. Viceroy is believed not to be dis-
tasteful to birds, but its close mimicry of the distasteful monarch undoubt-
edly leads to its being constantly mistaken for it by the birds and thus left
The subject of mimicry has not been studied largely among the insects
of our country, but in the tropics and subtropics numerous striking examples
of mimetic forms have been noted and written about. The members of
two large families of butterflies, the Danaidae and Heliconidae, are distasteful
to birds, and are mimicked by many species of other butterfly families, espe-
cially the Pieridae, and by the swallowtails, Papilionidas. Many plates
illustrating such cases have been published by Poulton and Marshall, Haase,
6io Color and Pattern and their Uses
Fig. 795. —The monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus (above), distasteful to birds, and
the viceroy, Basilarchia archippus (below), which mimics it.
ill taste or a sting when he attacks an insect of certain type or pattern. This
requirement of relative abundance of mimicker and mimicked seems actu-
ally met, as proved by observation. In some cases only females of a species
indulge in mimicry, the males being unmodified. This is explained on the
ground of the particular necessity for protection of the egg-laden, heavy-
flying, and long-lived and hence more exposed females, as compared with
In recent years, however, a much sounder basis for these theories has been
laid by experimental work. There is now on record a large amount of strong
evidence for the validity of the hypothesis of mimicry. Certainly no other
hypothesis of equal validity with those of protective resemblance and mimi-
cry has been proposed to explain the numerous striking cases of similarity
and the significant conditions of life accompanying the existence of these
cases, which have been recorded as the result of much laborious and indefati-
gable study by certain naturalists.
Plateau and Wheeler have tasted so-called inedible or distasteful insects
and found nothing particularly disagreeable about them. But as Poulton
suggests, the question is not as to the palate of Plateau and Wheeler nor of
any men: it concerns the tastes of birds, lizards, etc. Better evidence is
that afforded by actual observation of feeding birds and lizards; of experi-
mental offering under natural conditions of alleged distasteful insects to
their natural enemies. Marshall's observations and experiments on the
point are suggestive and undoubtedly reliable. Much more work of the
same kind is needed.
The efficient cause for bringing color and pattern up to such a high
6 I 2 Color and Pattern and their Uses
Fig. 796. —The owl-butterfly, Caligosp., under side. (Two-thirds natural size; photo-
graph by the author.)
only mode of working. Could the viceroy have had any protection for itself,
any advantage at all, until it actually so nearly resembled the inedible mon-
arch as to be mistaken for it? Xo slight tinge of brown on the black and
white wings (typical color scheme of the genus), no slight change of mark-
ing would be of any service in making the viceroy a mimic of the monarch.
The whole leap from typical Basilarchia to (apparendy) typical Anosia had
to be made practically at once. On the other hand is it necessary for Kallima,
certainly does that and more. Kallima goes too far. and proves too much.
And there are other cases like it. Natural selection alone could never carrv
the simulation past the point of full advar.:
But whatever other factors or agents have played a part in bringing
about this specialization of color and pattern, exemplified bv insects showing
protective resemblances, warning color-. og manners, and mimicrv.
natural selection has undoubtedly been the chie: fart :. and the
more detailed
insects care to refer to :. - \eral subject of color
and pattern, or to pans of it. they will find the a ..nd papers -
useful: Poulton's"TheC •
Xewbigin's "Color in Nature": Wallace's "Ds an," Chaps. VIII. IX,
and X: papers by Mayer on "The De Wing-s : their -
Pigment in Butterflies and Moths'" (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.. Vol. XXIX.
Xo. 5, iS n "'The Color and Color-pal :hs and Butterflies
(Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.. Vol. XXX. X 4, 1897)5 - - on E: ;: ~ :N '
- - -
Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sci., Vol. I, No. 2, 1902); a paper by Tower on
isby no means confined to human beings. In Egypt and in the Fiji Islands
there is a destructive eye-disease of human beings the germs of which are
carried by the common house-fly. In our southern states an eye-disease
known as pinkeye is carried by certain very minute flies of the genus Hip-
pelates. The so-calledTexas fever of cattle is unquestionably transferred
by the common and this was the earliest of the clearly demonstrated
cared for in the isolation hospital, which is now closed. The benefits of the
war waged on the mosquito at Rio Janeiro have been as great as those obtained
at Havana, where the vigorous work of the American authorities during our
occupation of the islands practically stamped out yellow fever in a city long
notorious the world over as a plague-center.
Mosquitoes and malaria. First of these known cases of the dissemina-
tion of human disease by insects to be worked out in detail was the relation
of mosquitoes to the breeding and distribution of the causative germs of
malaria. Malarial fevers occur the world over and have long been associated
in the popular mind with low wet localities or with localities near marsh
or swamp. Mosquitoes live in great abundance precisely in such regions,
but for a long time no association between mosquitoes and malaria was
even suspected. Miasma, the effluvia from low wet ground, was held to be
the causative, or at least carrying, agent of malaria. It was not until 1880,
ness and death in the tropics. "Cholera and plague," he says, "are the
insignificant enemies that perhaps kill a few thousands a year in an impres- —
sive way, it is true; but the quiet insidious malaria sweeps off its millions."
The serious state of affairs in India, as well as on the Gold Coast of Africa,
on the Roman Campagna, and in other notoriously malaria-stricken regions,
finally led to careful scientific study of the life-history of the malaria-pro-
ducing sporozoon by well-trained English and Italian physicians and natu-
ralists, with the result that we now know in definite and accurate detail the
part of malaria are the direct and indirect pathological effects of the growth
and metabolism and multiplication of the Hasmamcebae in our blood. From
a single infection the sporulation or escape of the myriads of spores from the
breaking-down corpuscles into the blood-plasma takes place practically simul-
taneously and makes the beginning of the malarial spasm. This kind of
multiplication of the Haemamcebae, by sporulation, is termed asexual; there
is no participation of individuals of two kinds, or sexes, in the reproduction.
It is a sort of multiplication common to a great many
minute, simple animals
and plants, butdoes not seem in any of these to be the only mode of mul-
from the circulation, as when a drop of blood was taken out of the skin with
a pipette for examination under the microscope, these traveling amcebulas
would swell up and liberate themselves from their enclosing corpuscle, and
that some of them would emit a number of long motile filaments; these fila-
ments could be seen lashing about strongly, and often succeeded in breaking
away from the parent cell, and darting away among the corpuscles. This
phenomenon can always be observed in the blood drawn from a malarial
patient, in from ten to fifteen minutes after its withdrawal from the circula-
tion. What is the meaning of it ? A further insistent question came up at
this time. And that is, If the Haemamcebae are the actual and sole cause of
malaria, how do they get from man to man? How is the malaria dissem-
inated ?
ing by the mosquito of the Haemamcebae from man to man. The following
620 Insects and Disease
long quotation from Ross, taken from a lecture delivered by him on March 2,
1900, before the Royal Institution of Great Britain, gives a detailed account
of this work, answers both the questions asked above, and at the same time
serves to reveal a typical instance of the faith and persistence of the men
to whom we owe scientific progress.
"It was reserved for Manson," says Ross, "to detect the ultimate (though
not the immediate) functions of these bodies [the motile filaments]. He
asked why the escape of the motile filaments occurs only after the blood
is abstracted from the host (a fact agreed upon by many observers). From
his study of these filaments, of their form and their characteristic movements,
he rejected the Italian view that they are regressive forms; he was convinced
that they are living elements. Hence he felt that the fact of their appearance
only after abstraction from the blood (about fifteen minutes afterwards)
must have some definite purpose in the life-scheme of the parasites. What
is that purpose ? It is evident that these parasites, like all others, must pass
from host to host; all known parasites are capable of not only entering the
host, but, either in themselves or their progeny, of leaving him. Manson
himself had already pushed such methods of inductive reasoning to a bril-
liantly successful issue in discovering by their means the development of
Filaria nocturna in the gnat. He now applied the same methods to the
study of the parasites of malaria. Why should the motile filaments appear
only after abstraction of the blood? There could be only one explanation.
The phenomenon, though it is usually observed in a preparation for the
microscope, is really meant to occur within the stomach-cavity 0] some suctorial
insect, and constitutes the first step in the life-history of. the parasite outside
must return to the exact methods laid down by Manson. The experiments
with the two commonest kinds of Culex were once more repeated only to —
prove once more negative. The insects, fed mostly on cases containing
the crescentic gametocytes of Hcemomenas prcecox, were examined cell by
cell not even their excrement being neglected. Although they were known
to have swallowed Haemamcebidas, no living parasites like these could be
detected in their tissues the ingested Haemamcebidae had in fact perished in
the stomach-cavity of the insects. I began to ask whether after all there
was not some flaw in Manson's induction; but no I still felt his conclusion
to be an inevitable one. And it was at this moment that good fortune gave
me what I was in search of.
" In a collecting-bottle full of larvae brought in by a native from unknown
Insects and Disease 623
source I found a number of newly hatched mosquitoes like those first observed
by me —
Ghat namely, mosquitoes with spotted wings and boat-shaped
in Sigur
eggs. Eight of these were fed on a patient whose blood contained crescentic
gametocytes. Unfortunately I dissected six of them either prematurely or
otherwise unsatisfactorily. The seventh was examined, on August 20, cell
by cell the tissues of the stomach (which was now empty owing to the meal
of malarial blood taken by the insect four days previously being digested)
were reserved to the last. On turning to this organ I was struck by observ-
ing, scattered on its outer surface, certain oval or round cells of about two
or three times the diameter of a red blood-corpuscle —
cells which I had never
before seen in any of the hundreds of mosquitoes examined by me. My
surprise was complete when I next detected within each of these cells a jew
granules of the characteristic coal-black melanin of malarial fever a substance —
quite unlike anything usually found in mosquitoes. Next day the last of the
remaining spotted-winged mosquitoes was dissected. It contained precisely
similar cells, each of which possessed the same melanin; only the cells in
the second mosquito were somewhat larger than those in the -first.
" These fortunate observations practically solve the malarial problem.
As a matter of fact, the cells were the zygotes of the parasite of remittent fever
growing in the tissues of the gnat; and the gnat with spotted wings and boat-
shaped eggs in which I had found them belonged (as I subsequently ascer-
tained) to the genus Anopheles. Of course it was impossible absolutely
to prove at the time, on the strength of these two observations alone, that the
cells found by me in the gnats were indeed derived from Haemamcebidae
sucked up by the insects in the blood of the patients on whom they had
been fed this proof was obtained by subsequent investigations of mine;
but, guided by the presence of the typical and almost unique melanin in the
cells, and by numerous other circumstances, I myself had no doubt of the
fact. The clue was obtained; it was necessary only to follow it up an —
easy matter. . . .
never found in insects of the same species when fed on healthy birds or on
birds containing the other parasite, called Hamamaeba danilewskii.
" It will be evident that this fact was the crucial test both as regards the
parastic nature of these cells and as regards their development from the
haemocytozoa of the birds; and it was not accepted by me without very close
and laborious experiment. The actual results obtained were as follows:
" Out of 245 Culex jatigans fed on birds containing H. relida 178, or 72
since these are so extremely like each other. I elected to work with the
avian species, chiefly because the plague-scare in Bengal still rendered obser-
vations with the human species almost impossible. By feeding Culex
jatigans on b.xds with H. relicta and then examining the insects one, two,
three or more days afterwards, it was easy to trace the gradual growth of
the zygotes. Their development briefly is as follows: After the fertilization
of the macrogamete has taken place in the stomach-cavity of the gnat, the
fertilized parasite or zygote has the power of working its way through the
mass of blood contained in the stomach, of penetrating the wall of the organ,
and of affixing itself on, or just under, its outer coat. Here it first appears
about thirty-six hours after the insect was fed, and is found as a 'pigmented
cell' —that is, a little oval body, about the size of a large red corpuscle, and
containing the granules of melanin possessed by the parent gametocyte
from which the macrogamete originally proceeded. In this position it shows
no sign of movement, but begins to grow rapidly, to acquire a thickened
capsule, and to project from the outer wall of the stomach, to which it is
attached, into the body-cavity of the insect-host. At the end of s'x days, if
the temperature of the air be sufficiently high (about 8o°F.), the diameter
of the zygote has increased to about eight times what it was at first that is, ;
of this gland. It is the salivary or poison gland of the insect, similar to the
salivary gland found in many insects, the function of which, in the gnat,
had already been discovered —although I was not aware of the fact. The
function is to secrete the fluid which is injected by the insect when it punc-
tures the skin —the fluid which causes the well-known irritation of the punc-
ture, and which is probably meant either to prevent the contraction of the
torn capillaries or the coagulation of the ingested blood. The position of
the blasts in the cells of this gland could have only one interpretation
spicuous among these tests was that of two English physicians, Sambon and
Low, in 1900, in the "malaria-house" in the Roman Campagna. This ex-
periment is described by Howard as follows: "Doctors Sambon and Low had
constructed a comfortable little five-roomed wooden house about three hours'
drive from Ostia, in one of the most malarious portions of the Campagna.
The house was and was thoroughly screened. The experi-
tightly built
menters lived in this house through the period when malaria is most prevalent.
They took no quinine and no health precautions beyond the fact that at
sundown each day they entered the house and remained there until day-
light the next morning. Dr. Rees, of the London School, visited them
and occupied the house with them for a portion of the time, and all three
conducted laboratory work in one of the rooms, which was fully equipped
for such a purpose, and led a busy and contented life. They visited the
neighboring villages and investigated outbreaks of the fever in men and
cattle. They received and entertained many visitors who were interested
in the experiment. They turned indoors before six o'clock and then stood
at the windows and timed the first appearance of Anopheles, which would
come at a certain hour each evening and try to enter the screened windows
and doors. As Dr. Rees expressed it, 'It must have been very tantalizing
for them to be unable to get at us.' When the rains set in, every one said
that that was the critical time of the experiment. The people in the sur-
rounding country generally became feverish and ill, which meant simply
that they were all full of malaria, and the chilling caused by the rain brought
about an explosion of the fever. The experimenters, however, went out
into the rain and got soaked to the skin, but their health remained perfect.
Not the slightest trace of malaria developed in either of them; as above
stated, the spot where the house was built was probably the most malarious
one in thewhole Campagna, and it was situated on the banks of one of the
canals, which was literally swarming with Anopheles larvae. The prevalent
idea that the night air of the Campagna is in itself so dangerous was included
in the experiments, and the windows were always left open at night, so that
if the marsh air had anything to do with malaria they would have contracted it
Another test in the same year was made by Professor Grassi near Salerno.
"The objects of this experiment were," writes Howard, "(1) to afford
absolute proof of the fact that malaria is transmitted exclusively by the
bite of Anopheles mosquitoes; (2) to found, on the results of recent research
a code of rules to be adopted for freeing Italy from malaria in a few years.
The experiment consisted in protecting from malaria railway employees
and their families, living in ten cottages, at the stations of St. Nicolo, Var-
co, and Albanella, situated along the Battipaglia-Reggio Railway. They
numbered one hundred and four persons, including thirty-three children
under ten years of age. Of these one hundred and four individuals, at
least eleven, including four children, had never suffered from the disease,
not having previously lived in a malarious district; a certain number, it
appeared, had not suffered from it in two or three years, and all the others,
that is had suffered from it during the last malarial
to say, the large majority,
season, some of them even During the malarial season the
in the winter.
health of the protected individuals was good, with the exception of a few
cases of bronchitis and a case of acute gastro-enteritis. None of these cases
was treated with quinine. The one hundred and four persons, with three
exceptions, had remained free from malaria up to September 16th, the date
of the report."
These two experiments alone would be conclusive. Since 1900, however,
the brilliantly successful results of actual practical measures undertaken
on a large scale in Africa under the supervision of English experts, and in
many European and American localities by army, governmental, and munici-
pal authorities, have settled the matter of malaria infection for all time.
It only remains now to adopt in medical practice everywhere and in the work
of yellow fever. Not a single one of the seven inhabitants of the house was
attacked by the disease.
Another similar building was erected near by, well provided with doors
and windows for thorough ventilation. It was divided into two rooms
filariae are very long, the notorious guinea-worm, Filaria medinensis, which
parasitizes the human body in the tropics of the Old World, attaining a
Insects and Disease 633
length of three feet. Other species vary from an inch to a foot in length.
All the species of the genus Filaria are parasites of other animals living
mostly in the stomach and intestine, sometimes in the connecting tissue and
elsewhere in the body. One species lives in the heart of dogs, another in
the body-cavity of the horse, donkey, and ox, still another in the eyes of
negroes in West Africa, while Filaria bancrofti, the particular species
which is the cause of filariasis, lives in the blood and lymphatic vessels of
men in tropic lands of both Old and New World. The young or larval
filariae(sometimes called F. sangninis-hominis) live in the blood, but they
finally lodge in the lymphatic glands and there mature.
of the filariae from the thoracic muscles forward into the head and "beak"
of the mosquito. He has seen a filaria larva issuing from a fine opening
near the tip of the labium. According to Bancroft's theory the filaria
escapes from the beak of a puncturing mosquito into the skin of a man,
finishes its development and growth in the skin, becomes adult, pairs and
produces embryos which get into the lymphatic spaces or vessels, and are
carried by the lymph into the blood. Here they circulate over the body,
finally lodging in the lymphatic glands and causing the characteristic hyper-
trophy of tissue. Further investigation is necessary, however, before the
question of transmission is fully understood. That the mosquito is the
actual disseminating agent of the disease is, however, certain.
The which acts as intermediate host and distributing
species of mosquito
agent of the filaria? is Culex jatigans, var. skusii.
in Australia Anopheles
rossii is also known to carry the filariae. In Samoa, where elephantiasis
is more prevalent than anywhere else in the world, I have found the most
published constantly, and in a few years our knowledge of this causal rela-
tion of insects to human disease will fill books instead of chapters.
The simpler the equipment the better for the beginning collector of
insects. A net, box for pinning specimens, papers for
"papered" ones, a few empty and pill-boxes, and a few vials contain-
for digging and prying under stones, cutting into logs and stumps, and split-
ting canes and galls is always useful. A pair of forceps, for handling sting-
ing specimens, and very small or delicate ones, is convenient.
The net (Fig. 799) should be of some strong non-tearing cloth netting
bobinet is excellent — 12 to 14 inches in diam-
eter at the mouth and about 24 inches deep,
tapering to a rounded bottom about 4 to 6 inches
in diameter. The handle should be light and
about 3^ feet long. The wire ring supporting
the net should be strong—No. 3 galvanized iron
wire is —
good and firmly fixed in the handle. For a water-net the meshes
should be coarse and the handle, wire, and netting all extra strong.
The killing-bottle (Fig. 800) is prepared by putting a few small lumps
(about a teaspoonful) of cyanide of potassium into the bottom of a wide-
636 Collecting and Rearing Insects
mouthed bottle from three to six inches high (a quinine or quassia bottle is
good) and covering this with wet plaster of Paris. When the plaster sets
it will hold the cyanide in place, and allow the fumes given off by its gradual
volatilization to fill the bottle. Or the cyanide may be covered with damp
sawdust over which is placed. a cardboard disk cut so as to fit tightly into
the bottle. The advantage of the sawdust covering instead of plaster of
Paris is that it allows one to clean out the bottle after the cyanide is used
up and to recharge it. The plaster of Paris is broken out of a used-up bottle
only with difficulty. The disadvantage of the sawdust and cardboard cover
is that it is likely to be loosened if the bottle is jarred often. Insects dropped
into a cyanide bottle will be killed in from two to six or seven minutes. Keep
a little tissue-paper in the bottle to soak up moisture and to prevent the
specimens from rubbing. Also keep the bottle well corked. Label it
"poison," and do not breathe the fumes (hydrocyanic gas). Insects may
be left in it overnight without injury to them.
Butterflies or dragon-flies too large to drop into the killing-bottle may
be killed by dropping a little chloroform or benzine on a piece of cotton,
to be placed in a tight box with them. Larvae (caterpillars, grubs, etc.)
moths, dragon-flies, etc., are papered— they should have the wings folded
over the back and the specimen then laid on one side on a rectangular piece
of smooth paper, not too soft, which is then folded so as to form a triangle
with the margins narrowly folded over to prevent its opening. A very success-
ful professional collector of my acquaintance "papers," in a sense, small
insects in the following way: In the bottom of a small tin, wooden, or paste-
board box he puts a thin layer of glazed cotton; over it he lays a sheet of
paper, and on this a layer of small insects just as they are poured out of the
cyanide bottle; then a covering sheet of paper, and over this a layer of cotton,
another sheet of paper, a layer of insects, and so on. In this way he rapidly
cares for hundreds or thousands of specimens in the field. When these
specimens are brought home he either pins them up immediately while
fresh and flexible, or stores them away to be worked over and pinned up
at leisure. Before dried insects can be pinned, however, they must be re-
laxed. may be effected by steaming them, or simply by putting them
for a day or two into a closed glass jar with a soaked sponge. In my lab-
oratory we keep one or two jars with a layer of wet sand in the bottom;
into these relaxing jars dried insects can be put at any time, and made ready
for pinning.
Collecting and Rearing Insects
To "pin up" specimens special insect pins are used. These pins can
be bought of any dealer in naturalists' supplies at from ten to fifteen cents
a hundred. Order Klaeger pins No. 3 or Carlsbaeder pins No. 5. These
are the most useful sizes. For larger pins order Klaeger No.
5 (Carls-
baeder No. 8); for smaller order Klaeger No. 1 (Carlsbaeder No.
Pin each insect straight down through the thorax (Fig. 801) (except beetles,
which pin through the right wing-cover near the middle of the body (Fig.
802)). On each pin below the insect place a small label with date and locality
of capture. If many specimens are going to be collected in one locality, small
should be "spread," that is, should be allowed to dry with wings expanded.
To do this spreading— or setting— boards (Figs. 804 and 805) are necessary.
Such a board consists of two strips of wood
fastened a short distance apart so as to
leave between them a groove for the body
of the insect, and upon which the wings
are held in position until the insect is dry.
Fig. 804.
FrG -
8 °5'
Ponds and streams shelter a vast throng of insects, and should be diligently
dredged with the water-net, and stones and pebbles should be overturned
for aquatic beetles, Hemiptera, and Dipterous larvae."
Much collecting may be done at night. Many nocturnal moths and
beetles are attracted by bright lights: the city's lamp-posts or your own
brilliant bicycle-lamp of acetylene gas may be relied on. "Sugaring"
for moths on warm nights, a favorite trick of moth-collectors, consists of
smearing a mixture of and sirup in patches a foot square on the
stale beer
with a dark lantern. Throw the light on the smeared spot and any feed-
ing moth there will tarry long enough to be covered with a wide-mouthed
bottle or swooped up with the net.
Numerous small insects may be found in galls, in rolled-up leaves, and
in bored canes. Where a plant shows leaves ragged or full of holes, there
look for the hole-makers. In this kind of insect-hunting one is likely to
get the immature stages of insects rather than the adult. So much the better.
sary that he modify his field equipment somewhat. He needs empty boxes
and little jars, more than killing-bottles and cork-lined pinning-boxes. Do
not trouble to punch air-holes in box-lids; enough air will get in through
cracks and loose-fitting covers. Aquatic specimens, however, are easily
suffocated by filling and then screwing a tight cover
the water-jar too full
on to prevent splashing. The
and pails should be carried uncovered
if possible, and they should be broad and shallow rather than narrow and
deep. Do not try to bring too many water-insects back in one jar; crowd-
ing is always fatal to them. With log-burrowing grubs and larvae bring in
some chips and dust of the home log; with underground larvae bring in
some soil. Simply because you find such larvae in a certain place is sufficient
proof that their surroundings are of the right sort for them.
transferred to cage
When brought home the live specimens must be
kept and winch enables
jars in which proper food
or rearing-boxes or
way We want our
1 n cf to live as nearly as
possible in
.0 provide us with
"unrubbed" fresh moths and
ca en 1 as not merely
for our collection, but
want them to go through under our ey
butterfl ies ,10
, ,. .
ftem ^
an(J crawl and moult
them drsplay
their living; to
watch them grow and develop;
.„£e in ^ — ™ty c
^ Vlr7dtrrCdrist:et
of doing
they ™
light and darkness, tow.
may be induced
new and ungual
to ^~
d e
dr les's/hea. or cold; to
inherited instincts to the extent
ge^aJiid way
t0 see if
1 P
plrticular,y available and in, erestmg kir
and ants, and many still-water insects, as water-beetles and bugs, mosquitoes,
May-flies, dragon-flies, etc. For these various kinds of insects with their
various kinds of habitat and habit several different kinds of cages are neces-
For moths and butterfly larvae very simple cages are sufficient. It is
only necessary that they admit light and air, that they keep the insects in,
and that food, green leaves of the favorite food-plant, may be kept fresh
in them, or readily repeatedly supplied. For small, or a few, caterpillars an
excellent rearing-cage is shown in Fig. 808. It is made by combining a
In our laboratory we have made much use of bell-jars of the kind with
a hole in the top for a cork, which can be closed with netting instead of a
cork, so that the air may enter (Fig. 809). Small branches of the food-
plant are kept in glass bottles of water, whose mouth is closed around the
branches by loose cotton so as to prevent the caterpillars from getting in
and drowning. For larger, airier cages in which many caterpillars or trans-
forming pupae can be kept we make much use of common wire-screened
Collecting and Rearing Insects 6 43
meat-safes (Fig. 810), which can be got at the grocer's for about a dollar apiece.
Comstock describes a good home-made cage built by fitting a pane of glass
into one side of an empty soap-box. A board, three or four inches wide,
should be fastened below the glass so as to admit of a layer of soil being
placed in the lower part of the cage, and the glass can be made to slide, so
as to serve as a door (Fig. 811). The glass should fit closely when shut,
to prevent the escape of the insects.
We have even made use in our laboratory of pasteboard shoe-boxes
with the middle part of the cover cut out (leaving but an inch or so around
the edges),and mosquito netting pasted
over the hole. Into such a box fresh
leaves must be put often, but beyond
the trouble it serves very well. Specially
made rearing-cages (Fig. 807) of various
kinds can be bought of dealers in natural-
ist's supplies, but they are mostly rather
For larvae that live underground
cages with soil in must be provided.
The principal difficulty of rearing such
insects is to keep the right degree of
Fig. 811. — Soap-box breeding - cage.
(After Comstock.)
moisture in the soil. If too damp, fungi
grow and envelop the insects; if too dry, the larvae soon die. For the study
of insects that live on the roots of live plants Comstock has devised a special
form of breeding-cage known as the root-cage. "In its simplest form this
cage consists of a frame holding two plates of glass in a vertical position
644 Collecting and Rearing Insects
and only a short distance apart. The space between the plates of glass
is filled with soil in which seeds are planted or small plants set. The width
of the space between the plates of glass depends on the width of two strips
of wood placed between them, one at each end, and should be only wide
enough to allow the insects under observation to move freely through the
soil. If it is too wide, the insects will be able to conceal themselves. Im-
mediately outside of each glass there is a piece of blackened zinc which slips
into grooves in the ends of the cage, and which can be easily removed when
it is desired to observe the insects in the soil."
Many caterpillars and other larva? which live above ground in the larval
stage when readypupate crawl down to the ground and burrow into it.
For these soil must be provided in the rearing-cages, or the larvae when
ready to pupate must be removed from the meat-safe and bell-jar cages
to boxes containing soil. This soil must not be allowed to dry out entirely,
nor yet must it be too moist. Experience is the only teacher that will deter-
mine for the novice the "just right" condition.
It may be necessary to keep pupae, in cocoons or in underground cells, over
winter, for many insects, especially in the eastern and northern states, pass,
the winter in the pupal stage. "Hibernating pupae may be left in the breed-
ing-cages or removed and packed in moss in small boxes. Great care should
be taken to keep moist the soil in the breeding-cages, or the moss if that
be used. The cages or boxes containing the pupae should be stored in a
cool cellar, or in an unheated room, or in a large box placed out of doors
where the sun cannot strike it. Low temperature is not so much to be feared
as great and frequent changes of temperature. Hibernating pupae can
be kept in a warm room if care be taken to keep them moist, but under such
treatment the mature insects are apt to emerge in midwinter." Eggs of
may also be kept over winter, but one must be careful
insects, laid in the fall,
to preserve them in a cold place —as an unheated attic or cellar.
Fill in the grooves of the bottom board with cement before pressing down
the panes of glass. Where the glass sides join the bottom board use cement
carefully both inside and out, filling all the cracks.
The cement should be made according to the following formula:
Make into a stiff paste with boiled linseed-oil. Use as little oil as possible
and take proper care in mixing. Leave for several days to harden the
cement. Then fill slowly and pour off the water several times before using.
Place an inch and a half of sand on the bottom of the box. This sand
should be previously baked or boiled to rid it of bacteria. Its main purpose
is as an anchorage for growing plants. Over this place a layer of variously
sized pebbles treated in the same way. These form hiding-places for the
aquatic fauna. Fill with water to the depth of five or six inches. Stock
with water-plants, the streams or ponds of the neighborhood to determine
the kind. Watercress, water-crowfoot, Potamogeton, Chara, and eel-
shown by the healthy condition of both plants and animals, dip up a few
cups of water every day and let it fall back into the aquarium. All uneaten
food, dead animals, or decaying leaves must be removed at once. An
apparatus for removing such is described in a later paragraph.
The aquarium should be in the light to enable the plants to produce
oxygen, but not in direct sunlight. If it stands in a sunny window, it should
be screened from the sun. Water lost by evaporation must be replaced,
but the fresh water must not differ materially in temperature from that in
the aquarium. If a film appears on the surface of the water, it is due to
Among the insects easily kept in aquaria are the predaceous diving-beetles,
the young of which are known as water-tigers and feed on small earthworms
and other insects, as mosquito-wrigglers, May-fly nymphs, etc.; the water-
Collecting and Rearing Insects 647
scavenger beetles; back-swimmers; water-boatmen; dragon-fly and May-fly
nymphs; mosquito larvae, etc.
Other animals may of course be kept in the aquarium. Common pond-
snails will live easily, feeding on green slime, roots of water-plants, bits of
cabbage, etc.; minnows will eat bits of fresh meat, and also the insects;
quarrelsome little sticklebacks will eat the pond-snail eggs and small crusta-
ceans, as cyclops, etc. ; frog and salamander larva; feed at firston vegetable
matter, later on bits of meat, tiny earthworms, mosquito larvae, etc.
Remember that an aquarium needs daily care to keep it in good condition
The foregoing account of collecting, preserving, and rearing insects has
been made short and only a general course of procedure indicated, with the
hope in mind of avoiding the confusion to the beginner likely to result from
a longer account, including many " specialties" and refinements in collect-
ing methods. Numerous excellent extended directions for collecting, pre-
serving,and rearing have been published. Two such accounts are those
by Comstock in "Insect Life" (Appletons), pp. 284-335, an d by Packard in
"Entomology for Beginners" (Holt & Co.), pp. 224-288.
Illustrations are indicated by an asterisk. Page references in black face
type are to definitions of technical terms. Etymologies are given for the
order, suborder, superfamily, and family names. In etymologies of names
derived from the Greek, the Greek is followed by the transliteration (in
italics) of the Greek letters into Latin letters, and that by the English
meaning; in those derived from the Latin, the Latin (in italics) and the Eng-
lish meaning are given; in those derived from other languages, the nativity
of each word is specifically indicated. Each of the family names has been
derived by adding -idee (having the force of a patronymic) to the name of
the type-genus, which, in the index, immediately follows the family name.
The family termination is not repeated throughout the etymologies and
should be supplied by the reader.
134 .
Aleyrodes iridescens, *\g2\ *494 nesting-ground of,
650 Index
*2i ;of monarch butter- boscis of, showing ar- nalis, 275
fly, *I3 of silkworm, 430
; rangement of muscles, Aphoruridae, Aphrophora
Anax Junius, head of, *93; *36i part of wing of,
(dtypotyopoq aphrophorus, ,
Andrena, 517; nest of, 545; little black, *536; Apina, (see Apidae), 463
*5i6 red, 541 slave, 547; Apis florca, comb of, *520;
Anger ona crocotaria, 398, Ant-guests, *553 Apple aphids. 174, 179
*399 Anthidium, 514 Apple bucculatrix-moths,
Angle-wings, 452 Anthomyiinae, 341, 345 376 pupal cocoons of,
Index 6S i
Fates), 112; key to gen- mining, nest-burrows of, mouth-parts of, *3i3;
era of, 113 *5i6; potter, 514; short- head of larva of. show-
Atrc^os divinatoria, 113; tongued, 511 social, ing developing mouth-
652 Index
Black swallowtail, 450 Bot-fly, larva of, *337; of to families of, 441
Blastoderm, *38 horse, *338 scales of, their structure
Blastophaga grossorum, Box-elder bug, *2I3 and arrangement, 589
* 8 Brachycera (/3pa^i>f, bra- wing of,
Butterfly, part of
4 7
Blatticte, Blatta (blatta, chys, short; n&pas, ceras, *590
insect that shuns light), horn), 303, 327; division
126 into groups, 327 keys ; Cabbage-bug, harlequin,
Blcpliaroccra c a p i t a t a , to families of, 327, 332 214, *2I5
cross-section of eyes of, Brachynemurus, 232 Cabbage-butterfly, caught
Braconidse, Bracon (Fa- by Asclepias, *574 Eu- ;
Blissus Icucoptcrns, 211, braula, louse), 351. 353 Caca:cia parallcla, *38o;
*2I2 Breathing of aquatic in- pcrvadana, 380 rosa- ;
Blue-striped looper, ^398 with young stages, *46 of, *243 habits of, 241
; ;
Bodv-wall, section of, *4 (fipovxos, bruchus, a lo- of, *24i key to families
Bombycidse, m
B o b y x Buffalo-moth, *263 parasite of, *346
(boinbyx, silk), 369,, Buffalo tree-hopper, 169 California honey-ant, un-
Bombyliidse, Bombyllius Bug, pinning a, *637 derground nest of, *546
( po/jtfvfaoc, bombylius, Bugs, 55, 163 California oak-worm moth,
humble-bee), 332, 333 Buprestidse, Buprestis *4o6
Bombylius, 333 major,
; (fiovc, bos, X ; Trp/'/Oeiv, California ringlet, 457
*334 ; s P-> mouth-parts prethen, swell), 265, 266 California shield-backed
of, *334 Buprestis, 267 grasshopper, *i55
Boinbyx mori, 429; larvae Burrower-bugs, 195, 215 Caligo sp.. *6i2
of, 428 venation of, *420 Burying-beetle, *26i
; Callimorphas, 414
Book-lice, 55 ; 111 Bumblebee, at clover-blos- Calliphora crythroccphala,
Book-louse, *ii2 som, *5i8; guest, 519; 344 complete metamor-
Boreus brumalis, 236; cali- Bumblebee-like robber-fly, pound eye of, *33 larva, ;
Index 6 53
thea, 422, *424; cocoons Carpocapsa sal titans, 382, Cerura, 394; sp., larva of,
of, *423 development of
; *383 *6o7
color-pattern in pupal Carrion-beetle, *26i larva ; Ceutophilus lapidicolus,
wings of, *597 of, *262; smelling-pits *I55; maculatus, *i54.
Calocalpc undnlata, *399 on antenna of, *27 155
Calopterygidae, Calopteryx Cases, for insect collec- Charocampa tersa, 435
(naMc, calus, beautiful tions, 637 Chalcedon, 457
lrrepvt, pteryx, flight), Cassida bicolor, 281 Chalcid fly, *479
89 Castes, 503 Chalcididae, Chalcis (x a ^«-k,
Calopteryx, 89 maculata, Cat- and dog-flea, 356
chalcis, copper), 463
89, *90 Caterva catcnaria, 399 Chalcidoidea (see Chal-
Calosoma calidum, *254; Catocala cpiore, 401 gry- ; cididae), 477
frigidum, *254 larva of,
; nea, *4oo, 401 nupta, ; Chalcophora liberta, 267;
*2S3 scrutator, 254
; ommatidia of, *32 pala- ; virginiensis, 267
Calotermes, 102; casta- ogama, *40o; relicta, Chauliodes, 224; serricor-
neus, 104 401 ; ultronia, *400, 401 nis, adult depositing,
Calyptrate Muscidse, key Catopsila eubule, 446 *225
to subfamilies of, 341 Caudal (tailward) Chauliognathus margina-
Camel-crickets, 155 Cave-crickets, 156 tus, 270 ;
Camnula pcllucida, 133, Ccanothus americanus, vis- 270
*M5 isted by insects, 569 Checkered beetles, 265, 270
Campodca sp., *6i staphy- Cccidomyia destructor, 323
; Cheese-skipper fly, ^348
linus, 60 Cecidomyiidae, Cecidomy- Chclymorpha argus, 281
Campodeidae, Campodea ia (wick, cecis, gallnut Cherry aphis, 174
(Kdfirnj, campc, caterpil- fivla, myia, fly), 304, Cherry-bug, 214
lar; elihg, cidus, form), Cherry-fruit fly, larva of,
60 Cecropia-moth, 418, *4I9 *349; puparia of, *350
Camponotidae, Camponotus Celery leaf-hopper, *I70 Cherry-tree leaf -roller,
(k&httt], campc, curve; Cclitlicmus cpomiiia, *g6 *38o
vutoc, notus, back), 540, Cell of wing (space bound- Chicken-flea, 355
545 ed by veins) Chickweed geometd, 144,
Camponotus pcnnsylvani- Cephalic (headword) 399
cus, 545 Cephus, grain, European, Chigoe, 355
Canker-moths, lime-tree, 467 CJnlocorus bivulnerus, 287
*397 Cephus pygmccus, 467 Chinch-bug, 211, *2I2;
Canker-worms, *395, 397 Cerambycidse, Cerambyx family, 195
Canthon, 274 (Kepafij3v^, cerambyx, Chionaspis pinifolice, 188
Capitate, *25o beetle), 277, 282 Chironomidae, Chironomus
Capnia, 73 pygmcca, 74
Cerasa bubalus, 169 (xet-povof-o?, chironomus,
Caprification, 488 figures Ceratocampidae
; (prob. one who moves hands in
showing effect of non- Kepac, ccras, horn na/uKy, gesticulation [symmetri-
Carneades scandcns, 402 nest, *495 pupa of, *3ii sp., *3io; ;
tunnel of, *5i3 cercus, tail wi/», ops, ap- Chloealtis conspcrsa, *i40,
654 Index
Cicada, mouth-parts of, Clouded locust, *I45, 146 podermal, 587 of flow- ;
166 ; sound-making or- *286 ; calif omica, *286 produced, 586 produced ;
gan of, *i67 calif ornica, stages of, by scales, 594; warning,
Cicadula exitiosa, 170 4- ;
*287 novemnotata, 287;
; 604 cuticular, 587
Index 655
Coptocyla aurichalcea, Cossus populi, 385 Cuckoo-flies, 463, 498
*28o clavata, 281
; Costa (sec venation) Cucujid3e, Cucujus (Bra-
Coral-winged locust, *I42, Costal, 460 zilian cucujo, a bu-
144 Cotalpa lanigera, 276 prestid beetle), 258, 262
Corbiculum, 514, *52i Cotton-stainer, 210 Cucujus flavipes, 263
Cordate (heart shaped) Cotton-worm, 404 Cucumber-beetle, 279, *28o
Cordulegaster, 92 Cow-ants, 498 Cucumber flea-beetle, 281
Cordulegasteridae, Cor- Cow-killer, *497, 498 Culex, 305, 307
dulegaster (prob. Coxa, *247
*3, *6, Culex fatigans, scales on
Koptivfaj, cordyle, a club Crab-louse, *2i7; egg of, wings of, *3io; head of,
yaarr/p, gastcr, belly), *2I7 *7 ; incidens, eggs of,
92 Crabro stirpicola, 502 306; life-history of,
Coreidse, Coreus ( nopic, Crabronidae, Crabro (cra- *305 mouth-parts of,
larva of, *378 erating muscle from pu- Currant-stem girdler, *4.6$
Coriscus subcoleoptratus, pa of, *S0 development Currant-worm,
; imported,
204 of wing-buds of, *48 466 native, 466 ;
Corisidae, Corisa (topic, salivary glands of, be- Cuterebra cuniculi, 338;
coris, bug), 194, 198 fore and after degenera- larva of, *2>Z7
Corn-bill bug, 297 tion, *5i stages ; of, Cuticle, 4; chitinized, *5
Cornroot-louse, and shep- *322 venation of wing Cutworm, *402; climbing,
656 Index
of water scavenger-bee- Discal area or spot or cell history of, 84; preserv-
tle, *38 of honey-bee,
; (near center of base of ing adults, 88 rearing ;
522 of malaria-produc-
; wing) nymphs of, 87 struc- ;
ing Hsemamceba in hu- Diseases, insects in rela- ture of, 79 table for ;
wing of Anosia plexip- vous system of, *22 giant, stages in develop-
pus, *595 of scales on
; pericardial membrane of, ment of, *83 hero, 93 : ;
wing of Euvanessa anti- *i8; respiratory system nymph of, *76, *77 ve- ;
Index 657
water-prince, *95 wind- ; Elipsocus, 113 Eriocephala, 371
sprite, *96 Elytra, 249 Eriocephalidae, Erioce-
Drosophila ampclophila, Enibia texana, *iog phala (prob. vpiov, cri-
349 Embiidae, Embia (e/u/3iog, um, mound; Ke^a/r),
Drosophilidae, Drosophila cmbius, living, viva- ccphale, head), 368
(Spoaoc, drosus, dew; cious), 109 Eristalis sp., mouth-parts
0«Aoc, p hilus , loving), Embryo, 37 of, *340 t e n a x , *339,
cithem, 543; sclunitti, brya (prob. evtouov, en- nest of, *499
*543 tomum, insect; fipvov, Eumenidae, Eumenes ( e$,
Ecitoxenia breviples, *552 bryum, moss), 63 at, good; /j-evoc, menus,
Ecpanthcria dcfiorata, 413; Entomophilous flower, 566 disposition), 498
muzina-, 413 Epargyreus tityrus, 442 Euphoria inda, 276, #277
Ectobia gcrmanica, 128, venation of, *440 Euphydryas phaeton, 456
*I28 Ephemerida, Ephemera Eupicctrus comstockii, 485
Egg, development of, of (e<j>T//nepoc, ephemerus, Euplexoptera ( ev, eu,
water scavenger-beetle, for a day), 53, 54, 65 well ttXeko, pleco, fold- ;
Elephantiasis and mos- Ers,ates spiculatus, *282, blow-fly, *33; spots, PI.
quitoes, 633 284 X., 1
658 Index
Flowers and insects, 562 Gall, blackberry, 473; fi- from wing of, *593
colors of, developed for brous, of the California Glow-worm, 269
attraction o f insects, live-oak, *472 of the
; Goatweed-butterfly, 455
566; cross-pollinated by California white oak, Golden-eyed fly, *228
humming-birds, 573 en- ; *473 rose, 473
; Gomphidae, Gomphus
tomophilous, 570 Gallcria mcllonclla, 379 (yofupoc, gomphus, a fast-
Food-habits of Hemiptera, Gall-flies, 56, 463, 467; al- ening), 92
164, 165 ; variety of, 8 ternation of generations Gomphus cxilis, 92
Footman, banded, 410; of, 469 Goniodes, 118
painted, 409; pale, 410; Gall-fly, *468; ovipositor Goniocotes, 118; holo-
striped, 409 of, *468 gastcr, 1 19
Footman-moths, 370, 409 Gall-forming aphids, 180 Goniotaulius dispectus,
Foot of house-fly, *34i Gall-gnats, 304 243
Forest-fly, *352 Gall-midge, 322 Gopher crickets, 155
;;; ;;
; ;,
Index 659
Gossamer-winged butter- Hccmatopinus acanthopus, Head-louse, *2i6
443 218; antcnnatus, 218; Hearing, sense of, 29
Gnophccla latipcnnis, 407 asini, 218; eurystemus, Heart, 16; of locust, *iy,
Grain-cephus, European, 217, *2i8; ovis, *2ig; valves of, *i8
467 pcdalis, 218 piliferus, Heel-flies, 338
Green fly of gardens, 172 Halictus, 517 wing), 55, 163; as pests,
Green-fruit worms, *402 Halobates, 198 wiillers-
; 163, 165, 169, 172, 176,
parasitized, *486 dorM, *igy 180, 194; classification
Greenhead, *328 Halteres, 302 of, 165 food habits of,
Green-leaf insect, *6o2 Haltica chalybca, larva of, 164, 165 key to sub-
66o Index
terus, different ; nrepov, comb of, *520 ; first tar- (iarriq, bates, one that
pterum, wing), 166, 194; sal segment of hind legs treads), 195, 196
key to families of, 194 of, gathering pol-
*528 ;
Hydrocharis obtusatus, 260
Hexapoda, 3 len and nectar, *522 Hydrophilidae, Hydrophi-
Hibcmia tiliaria, *397 ',
head and mouth-parts lus (i)Sup, hydor, water
larva of, *396 of, *7 honey-making
; <j>i%oc, philus, loving),
Hilara, 335 by, 528 larva and adult,
; 256, 258
Hippiscus tigrinus, *i43 *45 leg of, *52i
; life- ; Hydrophilus, development
tuberculatus, 144 ; fe- history of, 521 mouth- ; of egg of, *38; external
male of, *I42; young of, parts of, *459 section ; anatomy of, *247; inter-
*I42 of body of pupa of, nal anatomy of, *248;
Hippobosca equina, 351, showing histolysis and triangularis, *259 trian- ;
globulus, 472 inanis ; single-comb, *5o8 , nest, pterum, wing), 56, 459;
47 1 Horn-fly, 342, *343
. .
aculeate, 490; key to
Holorusia rubiginosa, Horn-tails, 463, 466 groups of, 463 mouth- ;
anatomy of larva of, Horse-fly, 327, *328; cor- parts of, 460; parasitic,
*2i ;degenerating mus- neal facets of compound 476 sting of, 460
cle from pupa of, *50 eye of, *3i mouth-parts ; Hyperites, 113
development of wing- of, *329 venation of ; Hypermetamorphosis, 200;
buds of, *48; salivary wing of, *328 of Epicauta vittata, 290
glands, before and after Horse-louse, 218 Hyperparasitism, 482
degeneration, of larva Horse-stinger, 76 Hyphantria cunca, 412
of, *5i salivary gland Horse-tick, 351, *3S2
; Hypoderma bovis, 338;
of, *i6; stages of, *322 Host, 479 lincata, 338
Homolomyia canicularis House-crickets, 157 Hypoprcpia fuscosa, 409;
345 House-flea, *354 miniata, 409
Homoptera (ofidc, homus, House-fly, *34i, 342; foot Hydroporus, 255
same irrepov,
; pterum, of, *34i larva of, *342 ;
wing), 165; key to fam- mouth-parts of, *8, *30i I eery a purchasi, attacked
ilies of, 166 nervous system of, *22 by Australian lady-bird
Honey-ant, 545 pupa in puparium of, beetle, *i87; male and
Honey-bee, *52i alimen- * female of, *i86
34 2
;;; ; ; ;;
Index 661
Ichneumon-flies, 56 Jigger-flea, 355 Larva, 44 coarctate, 291 ;
662 Ind ex
Icptus, thin, fine, deli- Live-cage bell-jar, *642; 410; miniata, 410; pho-
cate), 327, 330, 332 meat-safe, *643 lus, 410
Leptoceridae, Leptocerus Live-oak moth, 407 scale, ; Lyctocoris fitchi, *2o6
(keTTTng, Icptus, thin, California, *i9i Lyda, 466
fine, delicate nepaq, ; Locust, alimentary canal Lygaeidae, Lyseus ( hvydiog,
ccras, horn), 244 of, *I4; auditory organ lygccus, shadowy), 195,
Leptocerus resurgens, *240 of, *28 brain of, *22
; 207, 211
Lcptocoris trivittatus, *2i3 development of wings Lygccus turcicus, *2ii
Lcptogcnvs clongata, 540, of, *42 development
; Lygus pratensis, *20Q
*54i stages of, *42 external ; Lymantriidae ( Ivnavriiptac,
Lcptoglossus oppositus, parts of, *3 head, ner-; lymantcrius, destruc-
214; phyllopus, 214 vous system of, *23 ;
tive), 370, 404
Lcptotcrna dolobrata, 210 head of, showing anat-
Lcptothorax emersoni, 544 omy, *I24; heart or dor- Machilis, 62; polypoda,
Lesser migratory locust, sal vessel of, *i7; ner- nerve-endings in tip of
133, *I37, Mi vous system of, *22 labial palpus of, *26; sp.,
Lestes sp., nymph of, *84; pericardial membrane of, *63
uncata, *8y *i8; respiratory system Macrodactylus subspino-
Lcucania unipuncta, 404; of. *i8 sus, *27$
larva of, on corn, *403 Locusta viridissima, nerve- Maia moth, 424
Leuctra, 74 endings in tip of maxil- Malaria-carrying mos-
Libellula basalis, 94 pul- ;
lary palpus of, *26 quito, *3o8
cliella, 93, *94 quadri-
Locustidre, Locusta (lo- Malaria, mosquitoes and,
maculata, 94; semifasci- custa, locust), 126, 149; 617
ata, *94, 95 wingless, 154 Malaria-producing Hsema-
Libellulidse, Libellula Locusts, 53, 126, 133 au- ; moeba, development of,
(libcllulus, a tiny book), ditory organs of, *I35 in human blood-corpus-
9i. 93 impaled by shrike, *I34; cle, *6i8
Liburnia lentulcnta, para- life-history of, 136; key Mallodon, 284
site of, *479 to subfamilies of, 136; Mallophaga (jialMc, mat-
Lice, 216 migratory species of, ins, hair, wool ;
Lightning-bugs, 269 133 sounds of, 134
; phagen, eat), 55, in;
Li gyrus rugiceps, 276 Locust-tree carpenter- distribution of, 116, 117;
Lime-tree canker-moths, moth, 385, *386 keys for classification,
*397 ;inch-worm, *596 Long-horned locust, *I46 118; life-history of, 114;
Limnephilidse, Limnophi- Long-legged flies,
332, 335 oesophageal sclerite of,
lus QAuvq, lininc, a pool Long-tailed skipper, 442 115; pharyngeal sclerite
<j>i?,oc, philus, loving), 244 Loopers, 395 of,*n6; structure of, 115
Limnobates lineata, *I97, Lopidea media, 210 Malpighian tubules, 14
198 Lorquins Admiral, 452 Mandible (see m
u t h -
Limnobatidae, Limnobates Louse, sheep-foot, 218 parts)
(kifivrj, Umnc, a pool Lucanidae, Lucanus (Ul- Mantidae, Mantis (pavnc,
j3a.Tj]c, bates, one that cere, shine), 272 mantis, a prophet), 126,
treads), 194 Lucanus dania, 273 129; ancient beliefs con-
Lioderma ligata, 214 claphus, *273 placidus, ;
cerning, 130
Liotheidae (heioc, liu s , 273 Mantis rcligiosa, *I29, 130,
smooth; Oelv, then, run), Lucilia ccrsar, 344; vena- 131 egg-cases of, *i62,
Index 66
March-fly, *326 Melanactes piceus, 268 Mexican jumping bean-
Margar odes formicarum, Melanoplus atlanis, 133, moth, 382, *383
190 *I37, 141 bivittatus, ; Microcciitrum laurifoliitm,
Maritime locust, *147 *I38, 141 diifercntialis,; *I5I, 152; retinervis, 152
Marsh-treader, *I97, 198 *I37, 141 femur-rubrum, ; Micropterygidae, Microp-
Marsh-treaders, 194 *I35, 140; development teryx (fiiKpog, micrus,
Marumba modcsta, 437 of, *42 nervous system ; small Trrtpvf, pteryx,
66 4 Index
families of, 367; scales Muscid, aquatic, *348 coris, a bug), 194, 199
of, their structure and Muscidae, Musca (jivla, Necrobia rnfipes, 270; vio-
arrangement, 589; wood- myia, a fly), 332 lacea, 270
nymph, 407 Muscinse, 341, 342 Nccrophorus marginatum,
Moulting, 43 Muscle, degenerating, *26l
Mourning-cloak, 455 from pupa of giant Nectar, 566
Mouth-parts, 6 head of ; crane-fly, *50 degen- ; Nectar-drinking, adapta-
larva of net-winged erating, of tussock-moth, tion of insects for, 569
midge showing forma- *5o; developing, in pupa Negro-bug, flea-like, 215
tion of adult, *3i8; head of honey-bee, 51 struc- ; Negro-bugs, 195
of larvaof black-fly ture of, *I3, *I4 Nematocera (vy/na, nema,
showing developing, Muscles, arrangement of, thread ; Kcpas , ceras,
*3i4; developing, of tus- in maxillary proboscis horn), 303; key to fam-
sock-moth, *363 devel- ; of milkweed butterfly, ilies of, 304
opment of, of Corydalis *36i attachment of, to
; Nematus erichsonii, 466;
cornuta, *227 of bee- ; body-wall, *4; of leg, ventricosus, 466; larva
fly, *334; of dance-fly, *5 of wing, *5
; of, *465
*335 of Cicada, *g; of
; Muscular system, 13 Nemobitts fasciatus, form
;; ;
Index 66 5
vittatus, *i5<p; chirping ter, for collecting drag- bat; /3/oc, bius, life),
of, 159 on-fly nymphs, *?>y 351, 352
Nemoura, 74 Net-winged midge, cross- Nycteribia sp., 352
Neophasia liienapia, 445 section of body of larva Nymph (young of insects
Nepa, 201 of, *3i5 cross-section of
; with incomplete meta-
Nepidae, Nepa
{nepa, a eyes of, *3i7; female, morphosis), *42, *67
scorpion), 194, 201 *3i6; female, mouth- Nymphalid, venation of,
Nerve endings in labial parts of, *3i6; head of *
44 o
palpus of Machilis poly- larva of, showing forma- Nymphalidae, Nymphalis
podia, *26; in maxillary tion of adult head-parts, (yvfjtyr), n y m p he , a
palpus of Locusta viri- *3i8; heads of male and nymph), 450
dissima, *26 female of, *3i6; larva of,
Nerve-winged insects, 223 *3i5 mouth-parts of, Oak
1 bucculatrix - moths,
Nervous system, 20 in ; *9 mouth-parts of larva
head of locust, *23 of ; of, *3i7; pupa of, *3i5; Oak leaf-roller, 380
house-fly, *22 of locust, ; venation of wing of, Oak-apples, 471, *472
*22 ;of midge, *22 ;
*3I7 Oak-scale, southern Cali-
stages in development Net-winged midges, 304, fornia, *I92
of, of honey-bee, *24 Oak-worm moth, orange-
stages in development Neuroptera (vevpov, neu- striped, *428
of, of water-beetle, *25 rit in, nerve ; nrepov, Oblique-banded leaf-roller,
sympathetic, 23 of larva ; pterum, wing), 55, 223; 380
of harlequin-fly, *24 key to families of, 224 Oblong leaf-winged katy-
Nest, artificial, for ants, Nezara pcnnsylvanica, 214 did, *I5I
*55o; communal, of yel- Nicoletia *6i
texensis, Obsolete-banded strawber-
low-jacket, Vcspa sp., Nirmus, 118; fclix, *i2i, ry leaf-roller, larva of,
*505 Fielde, for ants,
122; lineolatus, 116; pi- *364; pupa and adults
*55 J Janet, for ants,
leus, 117; press tans, *ii4 of, *365
*550, *55i of Califor-
Nitzschia, 119 Ocellar lens of larva of
nia honey-ant, 546; of Noctuidae, Noctua (noctua, saw-fly, *30
Camponotus pennsyl- a night owl), 370, 399 Ocellus, *3, 31 section of,
666 Index
wing), 5, 123; key to daunus, 449 Euryme- ; empty pupal skins of,
families of, 126; sound- don, 449 glaucus, 449
*39i ; moths of, *390;
making by, 123, 134, 150, polyxcncs, 450; venation eggs of, *390
*I5I, 152, 155, *I57, 159 of,*440, rutulus, *447, Peacock butterfly, 455
OrtJwsoma brunnca, 283; 449; sp., chrysalid of, Pear-tree flea-louse. 171
development of color- *448 troilus, 450
; tur- ; slug, 466
pattern in, *598 nus, 449 Pea-weevil, 277, *28i
Orchids, specialization of, Papilionid, venation of, Pectinate, *250
for insect pollination, *440 Pediculidas, Pedi cuius
575 Papilionidse, Papilio (pa- (pcdiculus, a louse),
Index 667
Pentamera (nivre, pente, Phobctron pithccium, 384 Plant-lice, 171
five ; merus, part)
/ut'/jof, Pholisora catallns, 442 Plants, fertilization of, 564
251, 252 P h lus achemon, *433, Plathemis lydia, *97 ; tri-
Pentatomidae, Pentatoma 434; larva of, *43i, *434; maculata, issuance o f
(ttevte, p e n t c , five pandorus, *433, 434 adult, *86
Ta/xelv, tamcn, cut), 195, Phorbia brassicce, 345 ; ce- Platyccrcus que reus, 273
207, 214 parum, 345 Platygastcr herricki, larva
Pentatoma juniperina, Phorothrips sp., *2ig of, *48i instricator, lar-
*i84; on bark of fruit- Phytophaga (<pvr6v, phy- pus, foot; ovpa, ura,
tree, *i8i structure and
; titm, plant; (payelv, pha- tail), 63,64
life-history of, 182 gcn, eat), 252, 277 Parcilocapsus lineatus, *20g
Pctrophora diversilineata, Pierid, venation of, *440 Pogonomyrmcx barbatus
*399 Pieridas, Pieris ( Tiepig, var. molifaciens, 541
Phagocytes, 49 pieris, sing, of mepideg, occidentalis, mound-nest
Phagocytosis, 49 the Muses), 444 of, *542
Phaneus camifex, *274 Pigeon-tremex, *467 ich- ; Polistes, 294, 503, 506, 507;
Phasmidae, Phas a m neumon-parasite of, *484 sp., nest and stages of,
(cpaa/ia, phasma, an ap- Pimpla conquisitor, ^483; *5o8; parasitized by
parition), 126, 132; key inquisitor,
483 sp., an; Xenos sp., *293
to genera of, 132 pro- ;
ichneumon-fly, *48i Pollen, basket, 514, *52i ;
668 Index
Index 669
Rat-tailed larva of a Syr- Robber-flies, 330 Sarcopsylla penetrans, 355
phid, *34o Robber-fly, *33i bumble- ; Sarcopsyllidae, Sarcopsyl-
Rearing insects, directions bee-like, *33i mouth- ; la (oapS, sarx, flesh;
for, 640 parts of, *33i venation ; xpv'Ala, psylla, a flea),
Redbugs, 195, *2io of wing of, *33i 355
Red-humped caterpillar- Rocky Mountain locust, Sargus, 330
moth, *393 ; larva of, 133, 136 Saturnia, 370
*393, 394 Rose-beetle, *275 Saturniina, Saturnia (Sat-
Red-legged locust, *I35, Rose-leaf hopper, 170 urn), 417
140 Rose-aphids and ants, *I74 Satyrs, 457
Red-spotted purple, 452 Rose-scale, *I90 Saw-fly, *464 develop-
Red-tailed tachina-fly, *347 Rose- slug, 466 ment of egg of, *6g
Reduviidse, Reduvius (re- Rostrum, 251 ocellar lens of larva of,
duvia, a hangnail), 195, Rosy dryocampa, 427 *3Q
203 Rove-beetles, 260, *S$2 Saw-flies, 463, 464
Reflexes of ants, 554 Royal walnut-moth, larva Saw-horned fish-fly laying
Remedies, 189 of, *366 eggs, *225
Reproduction among Russet-brown tortrix, *38i Scale of Hepialus megla-
aphids, 177 173, shani, *589
Reproductive system, 14 Saddle - back caterpillar, Scale of Lycomorpha con-
Reproductive organs, 38 384 stants, *592
of female thrips, *36 Salda sp., *202 Scale-insects, 180
Resemblance, protective, Saldidse, Salda (from a Scales,arrangement of, on
599 proper name), 195, 202, wing of butterfly, *59i ;
Rhinoceros -beetle, *I2, coon cut open to show moths and butterflies,
*276 pupa of, *307 Columbia, ; structure and arrange-
Rhoditcs rosce, 473 419 glovcri, 419
; ment, 589; of springtail,
Rhopalocera (fi6na2.ov, rho- San Jose scale, *i8i, *i82, *64 ;on wing of mon-
palwm, a club; nepac, *i84 arch butterfly, *36o; on
ceras, a horn), 364 Sand-cricket, *i$6, 157 wings of Culex fatigans,
Rhopotota vacciniana, *38i Sand-diggers, thread- *3io
Rhyacophilidse, Rhya- waisted, 493 Scallop - shell geometer,
c o p h a (|4i'af ryax, a
i 1 , Saiutinoidca cxitiosa, 389; *399
stream Qihelv, p hi I en,
larva of, *39i cocoons ; Scaptcriscus didactylus,
love), 244, 245 and empty pupal skins *i6i
Rhynchophora, 251, 294; of, *39i moths of, *39o;
; Scarabeid beetle, larva of,
key to families of, 294 eggs of, *390; pacifica, *274 leaf-chafers. 275
670 Index
Scutellum (dorsal trian- ture stages of, *225 Smoky-moths, 369, 386
gular piece at the base Sibine stimulea, 384 Smynthuridae, Sminthurus
of and between elytra or Sight, sense of, 30 (a/iiv&oc, s min thus,
fore wings) Silkworm dissected, *430; mouse; ovpd, ura, tail),
Scydmaenidae, Scydmsenus mulberry, *428, *429 63
(tmvd/j.aivo£, Silkworm-moths, 369. Smynthurus aquaticus,
angry-looking, sad-col- S il p ha americana, 261 *58 hortensis, 63 ;
Serricornia (serra, a saw larva of, *3I3 venation ; Solidago canadensis, vis-
cornu, horn), 251, 265; of wing of, *3i2 ited by insects, 571
key to families of, 265 Sinoxylon basilare, 272 Song of snowy tree-
Scsia pictipes, *392 Siphonaptera (oifyuv, si- cricket, 160
tipuliformis, 390 phon, tube ; awTepoc, ap- Sooty-wings, 442
Sesiidse, Sesia (cw, ses, a terus, wingless), 56, 353 ;
Sound-making by Orthop-
moth), 368, 388 key to families of, 355 tera, 123, 134, 150, *ISI,
Setting-board with butter- Siricicoidea (see Siri- 152, 155, *IS7, 159; file
flies properly spread, cidae), 464 of cricket, *I57: organ
*638 ; cross-section of, Siricidae, Sirex ((reipf/v, si- of the Cicadidae, *i67
showing construction, ren, a siren, wasp), 463, Southern grain -plant-
638 how to make, 638
; 466 louse, *i72
Seventeen-year Cicada, Sisyra umbrata, stages of, Span-worms, 395
166, 167 *229 Species, 56
; ;
Index 671
similima, 195 stylus, a pillar; Zip,
ciftca, *49-8;
Squash-vine borer, 391 eye, face), 293, 294
bolli, *I46; Stable-fly, *342 Stylops, 294
*I46 Stag-beetle, 272, *273 Subcosta (see Venation)
Sphecina H»?f. $M^ a Staphylinidse, Staphylinus Sugar-beet midge, 345
(oTcupv/'ilpog, staphylinus, Sugar-maple borer, *283
wasp), 463
a kind of insect) 258, 260 Sulphur colored tortrix,
Sphecius speciosus, 500 ,
vertebra, a joint), 277, Stone-flies, 53, 65, 70; We- banus, a horse-fly), 327.
history of, 71 328
globulifc- Stone-fly, *72; exuvia of Tabanus, 329; Uneola, *328
rum, 212; sp., *34° nymph of, *7i young Tachina-fly, 345. *346 Cali-
672 Index
(TevfJpjjSuv, tenthredon, tary canal of, *I5 head ; May-fly nymph, *20
a kind of wasp), 463, and mouth-parts of, *8; Tracheal system of beetle,
464 mouth-parts of, *220 *i8
Tenthredinidoidea, (see respiratory system of, Tramca lacerata, 95
Tenthredinidse), 464 *i8; tabaci, 221 Tree-bug, bound, 214;
Terias nicippe, 446 Thyreus abbotti, 437; lar- green, 214; spined, *2i5
Termes, 102 bellicosus,
; va of, *437 Tree-hoppers, 168
106 depredation b y
; ,
Thyridoptcryx ephcmcra- Trcmcx columba, *4&7
107 flavipcs,
; comple- formis, 386, *387 vena- ; Tremex, pigeon, *467
mentary queen, *I03 tion of wing of, ^389 Triccnodes ignita, *243
habits of, 102, 103 Thysanoptera (dvoavoc, Trichodcctcs latus, *I20,
winged male, *I03 thysanus, a tassel irrepdv,
; 121 parumpilosus, *I20,
worker, *I02 lucifugus, ; pterum, a wing), 55, 220 121 pilosus, 121
; scala-
104; redmani, *io6 Thysanura (dvoavos, thy- ris, *I20, 121 ; subro-
Termites, 55, 99; artificial sanus, tassel ovpa, ura,
; stratns, 121
distribution of, 108; tail), 60; key to families Trichodectidae, Tricho-
food of, 101, 109; forms of, 60 dectes (fyx'f, hair
tlirix, ;
key to genera of, 102 Tide-rock fly, *3H Trichodes, 270 apiarus,
castes of, 108 nests of, ; Tiger-moths, 370, 411 Trichoptera (6p*f, thrix,
*ioo; sheds in Samoa, Tiger swallowtail, 449 hair; nrepov, pterum,
*ioi structure of, 101
; Tinea bisclliclla, 374; pel- wing), 55, 223, 239; key
Termitogaster texana, a lion e I la , *373, 374 to families of, 244
rove-beetle, *552 tapctsella, 374 Tridactylus apicalis, *i6i
Termitophiles, 108 Tineidse (see Tineina), Trigonalidse, Trigonalys
Termitophily, 108 .374 (
rpiyuvoQ, trigonus,
Termopsis, 102 angusti- ; Tineina (tinea, a gnawing three- cornered u}uq, ;
collis, 99, *I04; habits worm), 133. 368, 374 alos, disk), 463
of, 104, 105, 106 Tingitidae, Tingis (Fabri- Trimera (r/aeic, tris, three;
Terrifying appearances, cius, 1803, —
etym. un- p.epog, mcrus, a part),
604 certain), 195, 207 252, 286
Tetanocera pictipes, *348 Tiphia inomata, 497 Trimcrotropis maritima,
Tetracha, 253 Tipulidae, Tipula (tipula, *i47
Tetragoneuria epinosa, *96 a water spider), 304, 321 Trimerotropis, protective
Tetramera (rerpa, tetra, Tmetocera occllana, *38i resemblance of, 147
four ;
fiepog, me r us Toad-bug, 194, *202 Trinoton, 119; luriditm,
part), 252, 277 Tobacco-worm moth, 434 116, 120
;; ;; ;;;
Index 6 73
red and yellow, *400 maculata, 506 sp., *50S ; of, *38; external anat-
Utetheisa bella, 413 Vespidas, Vespa (vespa, a omy of, *247
wasp), key to genera of, Water-scorpion, 194, *20i
Valves of dorsal vessel or 503 eggs of, *20i
heart, *i8 Vespina (see Vespidae), Water-skater, ocean, *I97
Vanessa atalanta, 454 463 .
Water-striders, 195, 196,
cardui, 454; caryar, 454; Vespoidea (see Vespidse), *I97; broad-bodied, *I97
hunt era, 454 464 Water-tiger, *256
Vedalia cardinalis, 186, Viceroy, 452 butterfly ; Wax-making o f honey-
*i87, 287 mimicking monarch but- bee, 526
Wax secreted by aphids,
6 74 Index
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