Cover 3 by Bob Stoops
Cover 3 by Bob Stoops
Cover 3 by Bob Stoops
Bob Stoops
A. Great run defense for one back sets. (All gaps are accounted for)
B. Gives a pressure look to QB (makes him honor pressure)
C. Must bring pressure and change up coverage from alignment
Corners- line up outside eyeshade, tight to the WR one or two yards off from the
Rover and Sam- lines up on inside eye of the #2 receiver. Plays 1-3 yards off
receiver depending if they are pressing or not.
Free Safety- lines up 12 yards splitting the two widest threats
Play a Press Technique.
Press Technique- Open step just before the snap (corners need to try to time the
snap), eyes are looking in, they open step will create a ½ turn so the corner is
looking at #2 and #1 at the same time. Corners outside shoulder are now on WR’s
outside shoulder. Next they will cross over and run. Corner should have a 3 yard
cushion, they will mirror the WR’s feet and if they need to use the hands they can
(vs. Out and Up)
Play Post and Go first- they will run with any Post or Go routes unless they see a
wheel by the #2. If they see a Wheel they will split the two deep routes so they
can play both. This is the only time they come of the post.
Vs. Boot action the corners cut off any Post routes
Vs. Trips they play the same techniques, away from trips the corner has the deep
routes for ½ the field.
If #1 on your side runs a square in you will gain depth and look to cut off a
backside post
Free Safety-
The Safety will make all plays 3 yards inside of each hash. Unless #1 runs a
square in to his side.
Safety is an aggressive run player
Eyes go to the twins side first because it is a more dangerous pass threat.
If #2 runs a wheel gain depth and look to play a post by #1
If #1 runs a square in on the twins side they will jump the pattern
Vs. any boot action the Free will close on any crossing routes.
Vs. Trips the Free with have the ¼ on the side of trips.