Unit 5 Written Assessment

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Unit 5 Written Assessment


Institution Affiliation


A formal approach is more suitable to validate the problem. The outlook offers a valuable

tool that helps to reveal omissions, inconsistencies, and ambiguities in health records. Traditional

approaches can't detect uncertainties and several other issues in health information system. Also,

it enhances the efficacy and applicability of data in any health settings. However, a formal

approach allows and complements exclusive validation procedures. Patient data efficiently used

has excellent capability to improve and even save human lives. The need for the transparent

information system is of great importance to creating a reliable service design and healthcare

delivery system (Sammon, O'Connor & Leo, 2009).

The hospital collects demographic data of its patients. It includes analytical expression of

patients' socioeconomic status such as education level, sex, marital status, religion, age, death

rate, income rate, birth rate, family size, and occupation (Yanamadala et al, 2016). The data is

stored in structured form. Structured information is accessible and readily searchable using

straightforward algorithms. On the other hand, unstructured data is the opposite of being readily


According to Sun and Reddy (2013), data mining process uses several essential

techniques that define data recovery and mining operation. Techniques such as prediction,

classification, long-term processing, clustering, association, decision trees, sequential patterns,

and combinations are applicable in both structured and unstructured data sets. For this

assessment, classification and association techniques are suitable to extract the required patient

data. Preferably, I will use the Naïve Bayes (NB) mining algorithm. It is a supervised algorithm

that uses Bayes' Theorem to make predictions within a data set. By doing so, it facilitates the

detection of the issue from the relevant evidence as presented in the patient data (Sun & Reddy,

2013). To arrive at an evidence-based answer, approximately 75 percent of the patient need to be

successfully extracted.

In most cases, researchers undermine the data pre-processing step in data extraction

exercise. “Garbage In, Garbage Out” is a significant phrase in data mining process. Methods

used to gather the data need to be controlled to avoid ambiguities and irrelevant or redundant

data combinations such as (Gender: Male, Pregnant: Yes). Also, to make sure that all essential

values are available to avoid misleading conclusions. Therefore, quality of data and accurate

representation is of importance before analysis. Data pre-processing improves the quality of the

data by ensuring that the data isn't noisy, doesn't have inconsistencies, and missing values

(Sammon, O'Connor & Leo, 2009). Also, it makes the mining process easy and efficient. This

critical step in data extraction prepares and transforms the initial dataset. Data cleaning includes

the following categories: Data cleaning, Data integration, Data transformation, and Data


The 10-fold cross-validation technique is the best evaluation technique to evaluate this

kind of dataset. It's a method that analyses predictive sets by diving the initial data sample into a

test set and training set. The researcher repeats the cross-validation procedure for ten times and

uses each of the ten sub-sets once to represent the validation data. Then the ten folds produce an

average that results to a particular estimation (Burrows, 2017). The method is advantageous

because all extracted sets make up the validation and training samples, and uses each fold once.

Also, the samples contain equal proportions. The supervised approach is recommendable for

learning purposes. Considering am a single mother and as well as a strong Christian, health

information records require transparency. A formal report containing all the results from the

analysis will be the best way to transform and create a transparent and reliable health sector that

aims at improving and saving patients’ lives.



Burrows, S.C. (2017). The Importance of Internships: Ensuring Informatics Students’ Future

Success. Journal of Health Informatics & Management 1:2.

Sammon, D., O’Connor, K.A., and Leo, J. (2009). The Patient Data Analysis Information

System: Addressing Data and Information Quality Issues. Electronic Journal Information

Systems Evaluation Volume 12 Issue 1 2009 (95-108).

Sun, J. and Reddy, C.K. (2013). Big Data Analytics for Healthcare. SIAM International

Conference on Data Mining, Austin, Texas. IBM.

Yanamadala et al. (2016). Electronic Health Records and Quality of Care: An Observational

Study Modeling Impact on Mortality, Readmissions, and Complications. Medicine Vol

95, Issue 19 (3332). Retrieved from https://journals.lww.com/md-



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