Case Digest - Cred Trans - Mutuum-Commodatum
Case Digest - Cred Trans - Mutuum-Commodatum
Case Digest - Cred Trans - Mutuum-Commodatum
Sec. 327. Non-retroactivity of rulings. Any
revocation, modification, or reversal of any of
the rules and regulations promulgated in
accordance with the preceding section or any of
the rulings or circulars promulgated by the
Commissioner shall not be given retroactive
application if the revocation, modification, or
reversal will be prejudicial to the taxpayer
except in the following cases (a) where the
taxpayer deliberately misstates or omits material
facts from his return or in any document required
of him by the Bureau of Internal Revenue; (b)
where the facts subsequently gathered by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue are materially
different from the facts on which the ruling is
based, or (c) where the taxpayer acted in bad
faith. (ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. CTA, 108
SCRA 151-152)
granting of "loans" up to the limit of the amount
G.R. No. L-19190 November 29, 1922 fixed in the "credit,"
A penalty clause, expressly recognized by law, is an "We find merit in plaintiff-appellee’s claim that
accessory undertaking to assume greater liability the principal sum of P114,416.00 with interest
on the part of an obligor in case of breach of an thereon must commence not on the date of filing
obligation. It functions to strengthen the coercive of the complaint as we have previously held in our
force of the obligation and to provide, in effect, for decision but on the date when the obligation
what could be the liquidated damages resulting became due. Default generally begins from the
from such a breach. The obligor would then be moment the creditor demands the
bound to pay the stipulated indemnity without the performance of the obligation. However,
necessity of proof on the existence and on the demand is not necessary to render the obligor in
measure of damages caused by the breach. default when the obligation or the law so
Although a court may not at liberty ignore the provides. In the case at bar, defendants-
freedom of the parties to agree on such terms and appellants executed a promissory note where
conditions as they see fit that contravene neither they undertook to pay the obligation on its
law nor morals, good customs, public order or maturity date 'without necessity of demand.' They
public policy, a stipulated penalty, nevertheless, also agreed to pay the interest in case of non-
may be equitably reduced by the courts if it is payment from the date of default.
iniquitous or unconscionable or if the principal
obligation has been partly or irregularly complied
with. Aggrieved by the decision and resolutions of the
Court of Appeals, petitioners elevated their case
to this Court on 9 July 1999 via a petition for
review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules
FACTS: of Court, submitting thusly -
Dario Nacar filed a labor case against Gallery Frames b.2. rate of interest shall be 6% per annum
and its owner Felipe Bordey, Jr. Nacar alleged that 2. Non-Monetary Obligations (such as the case at
he was dismissed without cause by Gallery Frames bar)
on January 24, 1997. On October 15, 1998, the Labor
Arbiter (LA) found Gallery Frames guilty of illegal a. If already liquidated, rate of interest shall be 6%
dismissal hence the Arbiter awarded Nacar per annum, demandable from date of judicial or
P158,919.92 in damages consisting of backwages extra-judicial demand (Art. 1169, Civil Code)
and separation pay. b. If unliquidated, no interest
Gallery Frames appealed all the way to the Supreme Except: When later on established with certainty.
Court (SC). The Supreme Court affirmed the decision Interest shall still be 6% per annum demandable
of the Labor Arbiter and the decision became final from the date of judgment because such on such
on May 27, 2002. date, it is already deemed that the amount of
After the finality of the SC decision, Nacar filed a damages is already ascertained.
motion before the LA for recomputation as he 3. Compounded Interest
alleged that his backwages should be computed
from the time of his illegal dismissal (January 24, – This is applicable to both monetary and non-
1997) until the finality of the SC decision (May 27, monetary obligations
2002) with interest. The LA denied the motion as he – 6% per annum computed against award of
ruled that the reckoning point of the computation damages (interest) granted by the court. To be
should only be from the time Nacar was illegally computed from the date when the court’s decision
dismissed (January 24, 1997) until the decision of the becomes final and executory until the award is fully
LA (October 15, 1998). The LA reasoned that the said satisfied by the losing party.
date should be the reckoning point because Nacar
did not appeal hence as to him, that decision 4. The 6% per annum rate of legal interest shall be
became final and executory. applied prospectively:
ISSUE: Whether or not the Labor Arbiter is correct. – Final and executory judgments awarding damages
prior to July 1, 2013 shall apply the 12% rate;
HELD: No. There are two parts of a decision when it
comes to illegal dismissal cases (referring to cases – Final and executory judgments awarding damages
where the dismissed employee wins, or loses but on or after July 1, 2013 shall apply the 12% rate for
wins on appeal). The first part is the ruling that the unpaid obligations until June 30, 2013; unpaid
employee was illegally dismissed. This is immediately obligations with respect to said judgments on or
final even if the employer appeals – but will be after July 1, 2013 shall still incur the 6% rate.
reversed if employer wins on appeal. The second Case Digest: G.R. No. 173227. January 20, 2009
part is the ruling on the award of backwages and/or Sebastian Siga-an, petitioner, vs. Alicia Villanueva,
separation pay. For backwages, it will be computed
from the date of illegal dismissal until the date of the
decision of the Labor Arbiter. But if the employer
appeals, then the end date shall be extended until
the day when the appellate court’s decision shall
become final. Hence, as a consequence, the liability Facts: Respondent filed a complaint for sum of
of the employer, if he loses on appeal, will increase – money against petitioner. Respondent claimed that
this is just but a risk that the employer cannot avoid petitioner approached her inside the PNO and
when it continued to seek recourses against the offered to loan her the amount of P540,000.00 of
Labor Arbiter’s decision. This is also in accordance which the loan agreement was not reduced in
with Article 279 of the Labor Code.
writing and there was no stipulation as to the
Anent the issue of award of interest in the form of payment of interest for the loan. Respondent issued
actual or compensatory damages, the Supreme a check worth P500,000.00 to petitioner as partial
Court ruled that the old case of Eastern Shipping
payment of the loan. She then issued another check
Lines vs CA is already modified by the promulgation
in the amount of P200,000.00 to petitioner as
of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Monetary Board
Resolution No. 796 which lowered the legal rate of payment of the remaining balance of the loan of
which the excess amount of P160,000.00 would be
applied as interest for the loan. Not satisfied with no stipulation therefor, the provisions of the Civil
the amount applied as interest, petitioner pestered Code concerning solutio indebiti shall be
her to pay additional interest and threatened to applied. Article 2154 of the Civil Code explains the
block or disapprove her transactions with the PNO if principle of solutio indebiti. Said provision provides
she would not comply with his demand. Thus, she that if something is received when there is no right
paid additional amounts in cash and checks as to demand it, and it was unduly delivered through
interests for the loan. She asked petitioner for mistake, the obligation to return it arises. In such a
receipt for the payments but was told that it was not case, a creditor-debtor relationship is created under
necessary as there was mutual trust and confidence a quasi-contract whereby the payor becomes the
between them. According to her computation, the creditor who then has the right to demand the
total amount she paid to petitioner for the loan and return of payment made by mistake, and the person
interest accumulated to P1,200,000.00. who has no right to receive such payment becomes
obligated to return the same. The quasi-contract
The RTC rendered a Decision holding that of solutio indebiti harks back to the ancient principle
respondent made an overpayment of her loan that no one shall enrich himself unjustly at the
obligation to petitioner and that the latter should expense of another. The principle of solutio
refund the excess amount to the former. It indebiti applies where (1) a payment is made when
ratiocinated that respondent’s obligation was only to there exists no binding relation between the payor,
pay the loaned amount of P540,000.00, and that the who has no duty to pay, and the person who
alleged interests due should not be included in the received the payment; and (2) the payment is made
computation of respondent’s total monetary debt through mistake, and not through liberality or some
because there was no agreement between them other cause. We have held that the principle
regarding payment of interest. It concluded that of solutio indebiti applies in case of erroneous
since respondent made an excess payment to payment of undue interest.
petitioner in the amount of P660,000.00 through
mistake, petitioner should return the said amount to Article 2232 of the Civil Code states that in a quasi-
respondent pursuant to the principle of solutio contract, such as solutio indebiti, exemplary
indebiti. Also, petitioner should pay moral damages damages may be imposed if the defendant acted in
for the sleepless nights and wounded feelings an oppressive manner. Petitioner acted oppressively
experienced by respondent. Further, petitioner when he pestered respondent to pay interest and
should pay exemplary damages by way of example threatened to block her transactions with the PNO if
or correction for the public good, plus attorney’s she would not pay interest. This forced respondent
fees and costs of suit. to pay interest despite lack of agreement
thereto. Thus, the award of exemplary damages is
Issue: (1) Whether or not interest was due to appropriate so as to deter petitioner and other
petitioner; and (2) whether the principle of solutio lenders from committing similar and other serious
indebiti applies to the case at bar. wrongdoings.