Architectural Conservation
Architectural Conservation
Architectural Conservation
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Architectural conservation describes the process through which
the material, historical, and design integrity of humanity's built
heritage are prolonged through carefully planned interventions.
The individual engaged in this pursuit is known as an
architectural conservatorrestorer. Decisions of when and how to
engage in an intervention are critical to the ultimate
conservationrestoration of cultural heritage. Ultimately, the
decision is value based: a combination of artistic, contextual, and
informational values is normally considered. In some cases, a
decision to not intervene may be the most appropriate choice.
St Paul's Cathedral, London, clad for
refurbishment — in this case,
cleaning the exterior.
1 Definitions
1.1 Narrow definition
1.2 Broad definition
1.3 Functional definition
2 History of the architectural conservation movement
3 Current treatments
4 Common architectural conservation/preservation
5 Conservation process
5.1 Assessment Revision and conservation of Holy
5.2 Treatment Trinity Column in Olomouc (Czech
5.2.1 Case example: Ancient stone Republic) in 2006.
6 Public awareness and outreach to promote
architectural conservation
7 Related journals
8 See also
9 Notes
10 References
11 Further reading
Narrow definition
Architectural conservation deals with issues of prolonging the life and preserving the integrity of
architectural character, such as form and style, and/or its constituent materials, such as stone, brick,
glass, metal, and wood. In this sense, the term refers to the "professional use of a combination of
science, art, craft, and technology as a preservation tool"[1] and is allied with and often equated to its
parent fields, of historic environment conservation and art conservation.
Broad definition
In addition to the design and art/science definition described above, architectural conservation also refers
to issues of identification, policy, regulation, and advocacy associated with the entirety of the cultural
and built environment. This broader scope recognizes that society has mechanisms to identify and value
historic cultural resources, create laws to protect these resources, and develop policies and management
plans for interpretation, protection, and education. Typically this process operates as a specialized aspect
of a society's planning system, and its practitioners are termed built or historic environment conservation
Functional definition
Architectural conservation is the process by which individuals or groups attempt to protect valued
buildings from unwanted change.[2]
History of the architectural conservation movement
As a movement, architectural conservation in general, and the preservation of ancient structures
specifically, gained momentum during the 18th and 19th centuries. It was a response to Modernism and
its corresponding architectural perspective, which eschewed sentimental attachment to old buildings and
structures in favor of technological and architectural progress and change. Prior to this time most of the
ancient buildings that were still standing had only survived because they either had significant cultural
or religious import, or they had yet to be discovered.[3]
The growth of the architectural conservation movement took place at a time of significant archaeological
discovery and scientific advancement. Those educated in the field began to see various examples of
architecture as either being "correct" or "incorrect".[3] Because of this, two schools of thought began to
emerge within the field of building conservation.
Preservation/Conservation were used interchangeably to refer to the architectural school of thought
that either encouraged measures that would protect and maintain buildings in their current state, or
would prevent further damage and deterioration to them. This school of thought saw the original design
of old buildings as correct in and of themselves. Two of the main proponents of preservation and
conservation in the 19th century were art critic John Ruskin and artist William Morris.
Restoration was the conservationist school of thought that believed historic buildings could be
improved, and sometimes even completed, using current day materials, design, and techniques. In this
way it's very similar to the Modernist architectural theory, except it does not advocate the destruction of
ancient structures. One of the most ardent supporters of this school of thought in the 19th century was
the French architect Eugène ViolletleDuc. Victorian restoration of medieval churches was widespread
in England and elsewhere, with results that were deplored at the time by William Morris and are now
widely regretted.
Current treatments
The Department of the Interior of the United States defined the following treatment approaches to
architectural conservation:
Preservation, "places a high premium on the retention of all historic fabric through conservation,
maintenance and repair. It reflects a building's continuum over time, through successive
occupancies, and the respectful changes and alterations that are made."[4]
Rehabilitation "emphasizes the retention and repair of historic materials, but more latitude is
provided for replacement because it is assumed the property is more deteriorated prior to work.
(Both Preservation and Rehabilitation standards focus attention on the preservation of those
materials, features, finishes, spaces, and spatial relationships that, together, give a property its
historic character."[4] See also adaptive reuse.
Restoration "focuses on the retention of materials from the most significant time in a property's
history, while permitting the removal of materials from other periods."[4]
Reconstruction, "establishes limited opportunities to recreate a nonsurviving site, landscape,
building, structure, or object in all new materials."[4]
Other nations recognize some or all of these as potential treatments for historic structures. Canada
recognizes preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration. The Burra Charter, for Australia, identifies
preservation, restoration, and reconstruction.
Common architectural conservation/preservation problems
The earliest building materials used by ancient peoples, such as
wood and mud, were organic.[5] Organic materials were used
because they were plentiful and renewable. Unfortunately, the
organic materials used were also very susceptible to the two most
significant impediments to preservation and conservation: the
elements and life (both human and animal).[5] Over time
inorganic materials like brick, stone, metal, concrete, and terra
cotta began to be used by ancient people instead of organic ones,
due to their durability.[5] In fact, we know that these materials are
Conservation patches on mosaics wall durable because many ancient structures that are composed of
of Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant them, even some built as far back as the Bronze Age, like Egypt's
Pau (Barcelona) Great Pyramids, still stand today.
Ancient buildings such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Roman
Colosseum, and the Parthenon face common preservation issues.
The most prominent factors affecting these structures are the
environment, pollution, and tourism.
As the Earth's climate patterns change, so too do the
environmental conditions governing these buildings. For
example, the Colosseum has already faced lightning, fire, and
earthquakes.[6] The changing climate increases the accumulation
of salt crystals on the outside of monuments like the Colosseum
Punched lead cast in a Venice bridge
and the Parthenon.[7] This phenomenon increases the
wall fixing the hardmetal connecting
deterioration of these buildings.
The salt crystals further contribute to the black effect that man
made pollution has on these buildings.[7] The Parthenon is especially exposed and many of the
remaining marbles are eroding to the point that they may no longer be identifiable.[8] The pollution from
corrosive agents in the air has also attributed to this deterioration.[9]
The third factor affecting ancient building conservation is tourism. While tourism provides both
economical and cultural benefits, it can also be destructive. The Egyptian tomb of Seti the 1st is
currently off limits to the public due to the deterioration that has been caused by tourists.[10] The
pyramids in Giza have also encountered problems due to large numbers of tourists; more tourists mean
greater humidity and water presence, which can lead to erosion.[11]
All of the above factors complicate the conservation options available to treat these buildings.
Conservation process
The first step in any building conservation project is a sensitive
assessment of its history and merits. As noted architect Donald
Insall states, "Every building has its own biography. A
knowledge of the whole life of a building brings an essential
understanding of its features and its problems.[12] He gives the
Parthenon in Athens as an example; built between 447 and 432
BCE to serve as a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, its
purpose over time changed to Christian church, mosque, and
powder magazine before it became one of the most famous
tourist attractions in the world.
Once the assessment is complete, the next step is a thorough
measured survey with a tape, rod and level. Modern measuring
techniques, such as photogrammetry (the use of aerial
photographs to make maps and surveys) and A preserved historical alleyway in
stereophotogrammetry, are also used today to increase accuracy. Beirut Central District
Once the measurements are complete, there is an analysis of the
structural stability of the building and its living pattern of
movement. No building is permanently still; soil and wind can affect building stability and need to be
documented. Finally, the architect or surveyor tests the electrical connections, plumbing, and other
utilities present in the building (this is more for historic and repurposed buildings). For both ancient and
historic buildings, lightning conductors and firefighting equipment are checked to make sure they can
provide sufficient protection.[13]
At the end of this assessment process, the conservator will analyze all the collected data and decide on a
conservation plan based on available funding sources..
The phrase covers a wide span of activities, from the cleaning of the interior or exterior of a building —
such as is currently underway at St Paul's Cathedral in London — to the rebuilding of damaged or
derelict buildings, such as the restoration of the Windsor Great Hall in Windsor Castle after a destructive
fire in 1992. The 1985–1989 removal of 38 layers of paint and the cleaning and repair of the exterior
sandstone walls of the White House in the USA are an example of building restoration.[14]
Buildings are structures which have, from time to time, particular purposes. They require ongoing
maintenance to prevent them falling into disrepair as a result of the ravages of time and use. Building
restoration can be thought of as that set of activities which are greater than yeartoyear maintenance, but
which by retaining the building are less than a demolition and the construction of a new building.
Not all building conservation seeks to follow the original design of the building. It is reasonably
commonplace for the shell of a building — its external walls — to be retained whilst an entirely new
building is constructed within. This approach is also referred to as adaptive reuse.
Although techniques of architectural conservation are improving, the action of cleaning or repairing
buildings can, with hindsight, be seen to cause problems that at the time were unforeseen. A good
example is the unrestrained use of sandblasting to clean smog deposits from softstoned buildings — a
technique employed in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s — which has damaged the external faces of
stonework to the extent that in some cases, later, the stonework has needed to be replaced. Contemporary
building codes recognize such problems, and (it is to be hoped) mitigate poor outcomes.
Case example: Ancient stone structures
Most ancient buildings are constructed of stone and have survived from antiquity as a result of the
stability of this building material. However, stone can deteriorate rapidly without protection, particularly
in our modern era of pollution and climate change.
Public awareness and outreach to promote architectural
There are many organizations that work to raise public awareness of the necessity to preserve ancient
and historic buildings and areas, across communities, users and government. In addition to promoting
the cultural value of these buildings, and encouraging appropriate polices and strategies for
conservation, the organizations can help in raising the required funding to implement conservation
initiatives and plans, and often serve as a link between the community and local/federal governments to
advance conservation projects. A brief list of architectural conservation organizations is below:
AICASG[15] (The American Institute for Conservation Architectural Specialty Group)
IHBC ([16] (The Institute of Historic Building Conservation)
SPAB[17] (The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, a member of the UK's Joint
Committee of the National Amenity Societies)[18]
UNESCO World Heritage Centre[19]
Council of Europe, Architectural and Archaeological Heritage[20]
APT[21] (The Association for Preservation Technology International)
International Council on Monuments and Sites
The International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of
Architectural Heritage[22]
Related journals
Context The official journal of the IHBC[23]
International Journal of Architectural Heritage[24]
Journal of the American Institute for Conservation[25]
Journal of Architectural Conservation[26]
Western Association for Art Conservation[27]