Application For A Visitor Visa - Tourist Stream: About This Form Visa Validity
Application For A Visitor Visa - Tourist Stream: About This Form Visa Validity
Application For A Visitor Visa - Tourist Stream: About This Form Visa Validity
Application for a
Visitor visa – Tourist stream 1419
Change of address
If you change your residential address for more than 14 days
while your application is being processed, you must tell the
Department your new address and how long you will be there.
The department will send communication about your
application to the latest address for correspondence you have
Note: The stay period granted may be less than the period requested. Date of birth
You should check the terms of any visa granted.
Passport number
4 Do you intend to enter Australia on more than one occasion? Country of passport
No Go to Question 7 Nationality of
passport holder
Yes Give details DAY MONTH YEAR
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Place of issue/
issuing authority
Go to Question 7
8 Place of birth
Applicants in Australia
5 Specify the date you wish
to extend your stay to State/province
6 Provide detailed reasons for requesting this further stay
9 Relationship status
Married Separated Never married or
been in a de facto
Engaged Divorced
De facto Widowed
13 Do you currently hold, or have you applied for, an APEC Business Travel
Card (ABTC)?
20 Your current residential address
No Note: A street address is required as a post office box address cannot
Yes Note: If this visa application is approved, the Australian visa be accepted.
associated with your ABTC will cease.
16 Do you hold an identity card or identity number issued to you by your 22 Contact telephone numbers
government (eg. National identity card) (if applicable)? COUNTRY CODE AREA CODE NUMBER
Note: If you are the holder of multiple identity numbers because you Home ( ) ( )
are a citizen of more than one country, you need to enter the identity
number on the card from the country that you live in. Office ( ) ( )
No Mobile/cell
Yes Give details
23 Do you agree to the Department communicating with you by email
Family name and/or fax?
Given names This may include receiving notification of the outcome of this application.
Note: We can communicate about this application more quickly using
email and/or fax.
Type of document
Identity number Yes Give details
Country of issue Email address
17 In what country are you currently located? Fax number ( ) ( )
Full name Date of birth Relationship to you Their address while you are in Australia
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ / No Yes
/ / No Yes
/ / No Yes
/ / No Yes
/ / No Yes
/ / No Yes
/ / No Yes
/ / No Yes
Name of the
Name of the
Date from to
3. Country(s)
Date from to 36 Do you require assistance with mobility or care due to a medical
If insufficient space, give details at Part O No
Yes Give details
32 Do you intend to enter a hospital or health care facility (including
nursing homes) while in Australia?
Yes Give details
Note: If you are applying for a long stay Visitor visa or are 75 years
or over, you will be asked to undergo a health assessment and may
be asked to show that you have medical insurance to cover your
intended stay in Australia. Please contact your nearest office of the
Department for further advice before lodging your application. If
34 Have you:
additional medical consultations are required, a decision on your visa
• ever had, or currently have, tuberculosis?
application will be delayed.
• been in close contact with a family member that has active
• ever had a chest x-ray which showed an abnormality?
Yes Give details
40 Give details of how you will maintain yourself financially while you are
POSTCODE in Australia
Telephone number
( ) ( )
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
Family name OR
Office hours ( ) ( )
46 Did you pay the person/agent and/or give a gift for this assistance?
Non-internet Application Charge (if applicable) AUD (2)
Additional Applicant Charge aged 18 years or over at the time your application is lodged
Write the amount shown on the Number of additional applicants +
reference table for your visa subclass aged 18 years or over
AUD X (multiplied by) = AUD (3)
Additional Applicant Charge under 18 years of age at the time your application is lodged
Write the amount shown on the Number of additional applicants +
reference table for your visa subclass under 18 years of age
AUD X (multiplied by) = AUD (4)
Total (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) AUD
You must pay the total amount or your visa application will not be valid.
Note: A second instalment of the Visa Application Charge must also be
paid before we can grant some visas.
Bank cheque
Money order
Credit card Give details below
Payment by (tick one box) Australian Dollars COUNTRY CODE AREA CODE NUMBER
Telephone ( ) ( )
MasterCard Diners Club number
American Express JCB AUD Address
Credit card number
As the cardholder I acknowledge and accept that a credit card
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : surcharge may apply to the transaction.
Cardholder’s name
Credit card information will be used for charge paying purposes only.
1419 (Design date 02/17) - Page 14 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2017
Part M – Application cftecklist Additional documents
50 With your completed and signed application form 1419, Under the Migration Act 1958, decision-makers are not obliged to seek
you must include: additional information from the applicant before making a decision on a
visa application. It is therefore in the your best interest to submit the
• a certified copy of the identity page (showing photo following documentation, if applicable, with your application:
and personal details) of a valid passport and other
pages which provide evidence of travel to any other • evidence of access to funds to support your stay
• evidence of your medical/travel insurance
• a recent passport photograph (not more than (if requested)
6 months old) of yourself
• medical examination or tests (if requested)
• the Visa Application Charge (if applicable)
• a letter from your employer confirming your leave
• a completed form 1257 Undertaking declaration, for
applicants under 18 years of age, staying in Australia • evidence of enrolment at school, college or university
with someone other than a parent, legal guardian or
relative (if applicable) If visiting a close family member in Australia (who is a
citizen or permanent resident of Australia):
• a completed form 1229 Consent to grant an
Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years, • a letter of invitation to visit
for applicants under 18 years of age, travelling alone • other information to show that you have an incentive
or without one or both of their parents or legal and authority to return to your country of residence,
guardians (if applicable) such as property or other significant assets in your
If you authorise another person to receive all written home country
communications about your application with the
Department: Important: Do not provide original documents unless requested.
You should provide ‘certified copies’ of original documentation.
• completed Part K – Options for receiving written
Documents not in English should be accompanied by accredited
communications; and
English translations.
• form 956 Advice by a migration agent/exempt person
of providing immigration assistance; or
• form 956A Appointment or withdrawal of an
authorised recipient
Signature of
applicant -