Technical Bulletin: RIPA Buffer
Technical Bulletin: RIPA Buffer
Technical Bulletin: RIPA Buffer
Note: If a mucoid aggregate of denatured nucleic 6. Clarify the lysate by centrifugation at 8,000 x g for
acids is present, carefully remove it with a 10 minutes at 4 °C to pellet the cell debris.
micropipette before centrifugation.
Note: If a mucoid aggregate of denatured nucleic
6. Carefully transfer the supernatant containing the acids is present, carefully remove it with a
soluble protein to a tube on ice for micropipette before centrifugation.
immunoprecipitation or other analysis.
7. Carefully transfer the supernatant containing the
B. Procedure for lysis of suspension cultured cells soluble protein to a tube on ice for
1. Pellet the cells by centrifugation at 450 x g for immunoprecipitation or other analysis.
5 minutes.
2. Carefully remove the medium from the cell pellet by 1. Antibodies a Laboratory Manual, Harlow, E. and
decantation or aspiration. Lane, D., Cold Spring Harbor Press (Cold Spring
Harbor, NY: 1988), p 449.
3. Wash the cells to remove residual medium. Add a
volume of a physiological wash solution, such as ASC/NW/MAM 9/03
DPBS, equal to the original medium volume. Mix or
vortex briefly to resuspend the cells completely.
Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 450 x g to pellet the
cells and carefully remove wash solution
supernatant. Repeat the wash once in order to
remove any other minor contaminants. More
washing steps can be done, but two is usually
sufficient to remove nearly all of the contaminants.