Sect 8 - 2 D Glide Materials Overview Page 2 Only
Sect 8 - 2 D Glide Materials Overview Page 2 Only
Sect 8 - 2 D Glide Materials Overview Page 2 Only
D Glide is the family name of a range of composite bearing materials produced by DRIE-D bv located in
The Netherlands.
When taking the above short summary into consideration it is easy to see applications where D Glide
bearings are a better choice than metal bearings for example:
- When lubrication is not possible or unwanted
- In water (experience up to 3.000 metres deep)
- Where the elasticity of the materials may be required (misalignments, shock loads, vibrations)
- Longer bearing life including linear motions
- When low friction values are needed
- Corrosion may occur
- Where shaft wear is occurring
Summary of D Glide Materials
The basic D Glide range consists of 3 major families D Glide P, X and F with F being the major types
being produced today. Within this range for most applications the optimal bearing material can be
found. It is also possible to quickly and efficiently produce special types of D Glide to optimally meet
the requirements of specific applications. All D Glide varieties can be machined with common
equipment. Machining instructions are available, only harmless dust and fibres will be released. If
the bearings are used without lubrication, it is advisable to use a corrosion resistant counter face
material for optimum results. All D Glide materials are available in sheet and hollow tube except D
Glide X which is available only in hollow tube.
D Glide P is the originally developed base material of the range. The maximum loads are high,
friction is low as are the wear rates and demands on the counter face materials. It is also available in
a 'no-creep' version. D Glide P normally is coloured blue but can also be produced in different colors
when requested. It is the most inexpensive material in the D Glide family and it probably offers the
best price performance ratio of any composite material available today.
D Glide F is in most aspects the superlative of D Glide P. It allows higher loads and a higher
temperature than P. More importantly friction is lower allowing higher PV values and the wear
resistance is even better. Also D Glide F is available in a 'no-creep' version. Both research and
experiences in real applications have shown that the family of D Glide F is one of the least wearing
materials of its kind.
D Glide X is the youngest and strongest variety of the D Glide family. This material has been
developed for applications where up to now no bearing material gives satisfactory results. Besides
the very high strength the resistance against abrasive wear is unequalled. Also D Glide X is probably
the only homogeneous composite bearing material that does not creep. D Glide X is one of the
strongest and, in dirty conditions, the most wear resistant plain bearing material in existence and the
only one to have non-creeping qualities.
• Current Applications:
- Joints and hinges offshore equipment
- Hinges agricultural equipment (ref.
- Rudder bearings
- Hydraulic cylinder wear rings
- Deck hatches (ref.
- Slide blocks and pads
- Joints and hinges
- Sockets / connections wire ropes (Kranbau Köthen)
- Truck trailers (ref.
D Glide F
• Improved version of D Glide P
• Main components:
-Terylene cloth, high temp resin (250 °C), PTFE friction modifier
• Main properties:
- Breaking strength > 300 Mpa
- Negligible water swell
- Typical real friction values: ±0.1
- Higher PV-values than D Glide P
• Applications in general:
- Oscillating and rotating motions
- Wet and dry applications
• Current Applications:
- Sheaves and rollers
- Hydro-power gates, linkages and pumps
- Rail applications (QLD, European Rail)
- Spherical and non-spherical bushes
- Pump bearings (KSB, Weir and Ebs-Ray)
- General offshore applications (ref.
- Civil applications (bridges, locks, gates, ref
- Wind power
D Glide X
• Special carbon fibre based material
• Main components:
- Carbon fibre (FW), high temperature resin (250 °C), PTFE
friction modifier
• Main properties:
- High temperatures
- Extremely strong
- Stiffer than any other composites manufactured
- Slightly brittle
- Good conductivity (heat and electricity)
- No creep
- High PV-values
- Not available in sheet form
• Applications in general:
- High temp
- High PV applications
- Enduring loads
• Current applications:
- Hot glue rollers
- Rail
- Hydro-forming equipment
D Glide FT
D Glide FT is from the family of D Glide F with a special high PTFE content sliding layer. With
respect to friction values and wear rates there is no material that comes even close to PTFE but
mechanical properties of PTFE are poor. For this reason most D Glide materials contain PTFE
homogeneously dispersed in the material but the percentage that can be included this way is limited.
To increase the percentage of PTFE in the contact surface Drie-D has developed D Glide FT. The
sliding layer does not have the full strength of normal D Glide F but with limited layer thicknesses this
is hardly significant for the bearing as a whole. As the sliding layer is not as tough as normal D Glide
F the resistance against abrasive wear is slightly reduced. One major advantage of D Glide FT is
that if the PTFE sliding layer wears through there is still a fully functional D Glide F bearing to be
used as a back up.
Property Unit
Compressive strength (MPa) 300
Shear strength (MPa) 95
Stiffness under compression (MPa) 1600
Density (103 1.35
Water absorption, submerged (%) 0.3
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10-6/°C) 50
Chemical resistance (-) Good
Colour (-) Yellow
Maximum temperature (°C) 150
Minimum temperature (°C) <-200
Advised maximum working temp (°C) 100
Typical friction value, dry (-) 0.04 – 0.08
General wear resistance (-) Excellent
Resistance against abrasive wear (-) Average
• Applications in general:
- All applications where friction value of D Glide F is too high
• Current applications:
- Rollers
- Slide and wear pads
- Sheaves
- Railway spherical bushes
D Glide FS
D Glide FS is a special variety of the D Glide F material. The bearing properties are identical to those
of D Glide F, but due to a different combination of fibres the mechanical properties are different. D
Glide FS has been developed for high load applications where using D Glide F or P creep may
occur. The stiffness of D Glide FS is approximately twice as high as of D Glide F but can be adjusted
upwards and downwards when desired. In practice this means that the material is suited to be
loaded for a long period of time with much higher pressures than would be acceptable for almost any
other composite plain bearing material besides D Glide X.
Property Unit
Compressive strength (MPa) 350
Shear strength (MPa) 105
Stiffness under compression (MPa) 3000 – 6000
Density (103 1.35
Water absorption (%) 0.30
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10-6/°C) 50
Chemical resistance (-) good
Colour (-) Yellow
Maximum temperature (°C) 150
Minimum temperature (°C) <-200
Advised maximum working temp (°C) 100
Typical friction value (-) 0.04 – 0.10
General wear resistance (-) Excellent
Resistance against abrasive wear (-) Very good
• General applications:
- All applications with very high loads
- Applications requiring a higher stiffness than D Glide F
• Current applications:
- Sheave blocks
- Amusement rides (Maurer)
- Highly loaded hinges (offshore)
D Glide FC
D Glide FC is a variety of D Glide F with which it shares the main mechanical properties. As with all
other D Glide material it is designed to be used without lubrication or any other kind of maintenance.
D Glide FC has been developed to further reduce wear rates, especially in less than ideal
circumstances. This includes many linear applications where the counter face conditions are not as
well controlled as is usually the case in rotating motions. D Glide FC is less sensitive to the intrusion
of foreign particles (for example sand or rust) in the contact surface. This gives the material a very
constant long term behavior, low wear rates with low and constant friction values even when
contamination is introduced. When used in abrasive circumstances some extra care is required in
choosing the counter face material. Especially in rotating applications a minimum hardness of HB
220 is advised.
Property Unit
Compressive strength (MPa) 350
Shear strength (MPa) 105
Stiffness under compression (MPa) 1600
Density (103 kg/m3) 1.35
Water absorption (%) 0.30
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10-6/°C) 50
Chemical resistance (-) good
Colour (-) Pink / Orange
Maximum temperature (°C) 150
Minimum temperature (°C) <-200
Advised maximum working temp (°C) 100
Typical friction value (-) 0.04 – 0.10
General wear resistance (-) Excellent
Resistance against abrasive (-) Very good
• General Applications:
- Linear and sliding motions
- Wear blocks / strips and plates
- Slurry pump bushings
• Current Applications:
- Container (straddle) carriers
- Formula one wear planks
- Slurry pump sleeves (Weir)
- Screw conveyor hanger bearings
D Glide U
D Glide U can be seen as an improved version of D Glide F. It shares the good running properties of
D Glide F but thanks to the use of different fibres, the resistance against abrasive wear is even
better. Also maximum strength and stiffness are slightly higher than of D Glide F. Creep is an
unknown phenomenon for D Glide U. Perhaps the most significant improvement over D Glide F is
the much higher allowable temperature, better temperature stability and the fact that properties
hardly change with increasing temperatures.
Properties Unit
Compressive strength (MPa) 390
Shear strength (MPa) 110
Stiffness under compression (MPa) 2200
Density (103 kg/m3) 1.4
Water absorption, submerged (%) 0.3
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10-6/°C) 35
Chemical resistance (-) Good
Colour (-) Yellow
Maximum temperature (°C) 250
Minimum temperature (°C) <-200
Advised maximum working temp (°C) 180
Typical friction value, dry (-) 0.06 – 0.12
General wear resistance (-) Very good
Resistance against abrasive wear (-) Excellent
• General Applications:
- Used where D Glide F is unable to withstand the high continuous temperatures
• Current applications:
- Steel foundry and aluminium
smelting hooks
- Heavily contaminated pumps
- Hot steel rollers
Design guidelines
The main concern when designing anything is that the product should perform its function and
should achieve its desired life. The same of course applies to D Glide bearings. To be able to make
statements about this we need to look at the 'failure mechanisms' i.e. the causes for possible
failure. For a D Glide bearing there are four: overloading, creep, overheating and wear. Further
some guidelines are given for the dimensions of D Glide bearings and other relevant design
When pressures are mentioned this is the average pressure, for bushings this means the load
divided by inner diameter times bearing length. Local peak pressures ('Hertz stresses') of course
are higher, how much higher depends on the bearing design. All data provided is based on the
average pressures.
Long term average pressure values of up to 60 MPa dynamic and 120 MPa static are allowed.
Higher values are often possible; however in these cases please consult Modern Engineering. If the
loads don’t go beyond these limits deformation is then elastic; there will be no permanent effects on
the bearing.
Creep is defined as permanent (plastic) deformation caused by long term stress. Almost all plastics
and a number of metals are sensitive to creep. Whether or not creep can occur depends on many
factors like wall thickness relative to bearing diameter and length, temperature, installation method,
other design features and so on. For an average bearing, in average conditions, for D Glide P and
F, creep may start to occur at long term pressures of over 50 MPa, for D Glide U this is 75 MPa and
for the no creep version of D Glide P and F this is 100 MPa.
Again, in case of any doubts please consult Modern Engineering.
Wherever sliding takes place heat is generated and too much heat can damage a D Glide bearing.
There unfortunately is no easy way to calculate contact temperatures but there is an easy way to
assess the amount of heat going into a bearing. The amount of heat has a direct relation with the
contact pressure (p, MPa) and sliding velocity (v, m/s), commonly known as PV value. Because
this says nothing about how well heat can flow away there are no fixed threshold values, instead 3
area's are defined: Green - permanent motion will not lead to overheating, Orange - overheating
could occur further investigation is required and Red - don't bother, bearings will melt.
Bearings dimensions
A good value for the wall thickness is between 10% and 5% of shaft diameter, larger and smaller
wall thicknesses are allowed. Larger wall thicknesses reduce the load capability and increase the
sensitivity to creep. At smaller wall thicknesses the interference fit between bushing and bore might
become a point of concern. Of course the elasticity of a bearing and the amount of misalignment it
can accept is directly related to the wall thickness.
Counter faces
Good counter faces for D Glide must meet 3 basic requirements, the roughness is not higher than
Ra 1.6μ, the hardness minimally is HB 180, preferably HB 220 or more and they should not corrode
in the environment they are used in. All materials that meet these requirements can be used.
Designing good D Glide bearings is not difficult; the main rule is to use common sense. The data
provided here is purely indicative and consultation with Modern Engineering and Drie-D is
recommended. In case of any questions or doubts, Modern Engineering is always available for
advice and support.