Academy Brochure
Academy Brochure
Academy Brochure
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Application deadline
March 15
I have greatly enjoyed my experience with the Academy. The learning
sessions and the annual conference have been a highlight for me as a
professional over the past two years. I had an opportunity to meet like-minded
and eager educators who believe in innovation and the simple statement that all
students can learn. Most importantly, the Academy guided me in completing
meaningful work for my educational community. For all the Learning Forward
educators, facilitators, supporting crew; it truly has been a highlight of my
career. I am looking forward to continuing the professional practices that will
support our kids and my colleagues in a life of educational fulfillment.
Due to my Academy teammates, other academy members, and conference
attendees, I have made connections and communicated with folks with whom
I would have otherwise never made association. I have had phone calls, emails,
and Skype sessions with others who have made an immediate impact on my
day-to-day operations. Being able to work with a curriculum director from
New York, professional developers from Arizona and Illinois, as well as well as
an Assistant Superintendent from Oregon has provided me both a depth and Standards-based
breadth of perspective that has been unparalleled. We have been able to idea professional learning
share, be critical listeners, and work off of each other’s successes and failures. It
has been this networking that has been the most valuable and has increased my
Improvements in
proverbial toolbox of resources in my job and overall growth and development.
educator knowledge, skills,
While giving up time during the school year is always a challenge, and and dispositions
working on Saturdays and Sundays at a conference while missing college and
professional football games has been a bit of a chore, it has been a sacrifice to Improvements in
benefit the greater good. The personal reflections, learned skills, strategies, and educator practice
experiences have been transferred to benefit the learning and growth of our
students. The experience with the Learning Forward Academy is one that I will Improvements in
cherish. student results
A special thank you to our Academy coaches, Mike Murphy, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Lisa Casto.
Learning Forward’s mission is to build the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain
highly effective professional learning. We are the only association devoted exclusively
to advancing excellent teaching and learning every day through professional learning.