Fire Fighting Drone Using CO Boll Extinguisher
Fire Fighting Drone Using CO Boll Extinguisher
Fire Fighting Drone Using CO Boll Extinguisher
ABSTRACT: Fire fighting is traditionally done using firemen and fire engine. Later it was modified to fire fighting
robots. Fire Fighting Robots were controlled by electronic devices mounted on them. Our work aims to control and
supply a solution for fire fighting using a fire extinguisher and any such mechanism fitted on a Drone. Fire fighting is
harmful job that invariably place the life of a fire fighter in danger. By putting a fire- fighter drone to perform this task
in a inaccessible fire-prone area, it can aid to avoid and/or prevent untoward incidents or the loss of lives. This work
describes the development of a fire fighting Drone equipped with the fighting instrumentation that may be required to
be mounted on it. In literature we've not found any such attempt being made. Fire Fighter Drone is designed for usage
in extreme conditions. It can be operated and controlled by remote user and has the flexibility to extinguish flame. Itis
design to be controlled with a monitoring system and component communicate in wireless mode .
KEYWORDS: Remote-controlled Aerial Vehicle, Fire Fighting Drone, Fire Flame Extinguisher.
The main objective of this project is to design and implement an Autonomous Fire Fighting Platform. Drone is able to
monitor a prescribed area, detect for occurrence of fire, locate for exact location of fire source and extinguish fire. It
will save human lives as well as animal we rely on human beings to enter burning buildings and extinguish fires. With
help of such Drones, firemen work will be easier and effective regardless of security. It will make human lives easier
and make maximum use of time available in emergency case. The drone that will start the process from the take of after
that it will move to all surrounding area that are specified and detect the fire area and split water over it .
To make associate degree Automatic fire extinguisher robot which will notice the fire over the particular area . A
Thermostat detector, typically referred to as associate degree optical detector, Detects visually sense the fire place so as
feature in forest operations, It is useful fire lined space at much less time and helpful from dangerous hazardous the
atmosphere mistreatment extinguisher .Automatic Fighting robots area unit used as to prevent the fireplace and work
because the extinguisher another wherever force don't seem to be potential to be reached. Automatic Fighting robots
sense the Thermostat sensors however once it's on out of sense vary it have to be compelled to build a correct vary for
sensing the fireplace.
In previous system the drone have the capacity to move on only ground area .The remote controlling feature is also
available it will helpful for the capturing image of that particular surface.
Drone can achieve vertical flight during a stable manner and be used to monitor or collect information during a specific
region like loading a mass. Technological advances have reduced the cost and increase the performance of the low
power microcontrollers that allowed the general public to develop their own quadcopter. The goal of this project is to
create, modify, associated improve an existing quadcopter kit to obtain stable flight, gather and store GPS data, and
perform auto commands, like auto-landing. The project used an Aero-quad quadcopter kit that included a frame,
motors, electronic speed controllers Mega development board, and sensor boards and used with the provided Aeroquad
software. The most objective of this project is to design and implement an Autonomous fire Fighting Platform. Drone is
in a position to watch a prescribed space, observe for incidence of fire, find for actual location of fire source and
extinguish fire. It’ll save human lives as we have confidence human beings to enter burning buildings and extinguish
fires. With facilitate of such Drones, firemen work are going to be easier and effective regardless of security. It’ll create
human lives easier and create most use of time available.
Figure shows, System Architecture of fire fighting robot with GSM using Microcontroller. It consists eleven blocks.
Basically system architecture of fire fighting robot is divided into three main parts:
1. Input,
2. Processor,
3. Output.
There are three flame sensors(Smoke detector), connected to the processer .These sensors are used for the fire
detecting purpose. Fire sensors used to detect fire before it burns out. The DC motor used for the rotation of wheels
which are responsible for the movement of the robot.
In this paper, we propose a new fire Fighting Robots to control and supply a solution using a fire extinguisher and any
such mechanism fitted on a Drone. Fire fighting is harmful job that invariably place the life of a fire fighter in danger
.Drone that have the functionality of the screen capturing ,remote control ,Fire detection ,Water splitting over the fire
area .
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