Tesina Complete

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My acknowledgements are for my parents and my family for

allowing me to finish my career in Conalep from MMOP (PTB),
in the same way for my teachers to transmit their knowledge
with me and for the tolerance that they had with me. My parents
were a fundamental part, because they supported me all the
hard times and they got everything to be better person.

Finally, I want to thanks again to my parents and my friends for

making me these three years better person.


The topic will deal of the flight control surfaces both primary and
secondary. These flight control surfaces are a fundamental part of
the Aerodynamic. These are going to allow that the airplane flight
without problem and for this reason is necessary to know something
about the Aerodynamic and its effects.

These surfaces worked hydraulically, means, worked at a base of

the fluid that allow that them to move. These surfaces are moved or
controlled from the cabin and in turn cause a movement that makes
the plane fly properly and that the airplane flight on his axes.

The former aviation was not so, in fact the planes were made of
wood and flew by a small motor. A few years ago the people said
that the pioneer of the aviation were the brothers Wright although
some people prefer to the Brazilian Albert Santos Dumont.

The surfaces of control and command change the aerodynamics of

the aircraft causing an imbalance of forces, one or more of them
change of magnitude. This imbalance is what causes the plane to
move on one or more of his axes, increase lift, or increase the

Axes of Aircraft

These are imaginary lines drawn and ideals on the plane. It’sname
and movements that are done about them are:

Longitudinal Axis. It is the imaginary axe that goes from the nose
to the tail of the aircraft. The movement around this axis (lift a wing
down the other) is called roll (in English 'roll'). Axis of roll, name that
seems more logical when reference is made to the stability on this
axis, it is less confusing to talk about of roll stability that of roll

Lateral or Transverse Axis.Imaginary axis that goes from the tip of

the wing to the tip of the other. The movement around this axis
(nose up or nose down) axis is called pitch ('pitch' in English). Also
known as axis of pitch, for the same reasons that in the previous

Vertical Axis. Imaginary axis through the center of the plane. The
movement around this axis (nose turning left or right) is called yaw
("yaw" in English). Also called the yaw axis.


They are movable aerodynamic surfaces, operated by the pilot

through the cockpit controls, change the aerodynamics of the aircraft
causing the displacement of this on their axes and this way of the
wished trajectory of flight.

The control surfaces are three: ailerons, Elevator, and rudder. The
movement around each axis is controlled by one of these three
areas. The difference between a driver and a pilot of aircraft is the
proper use of controls to achieve a coordinated movement. Let's see
which are the control surfaces, how they work, and as the pilot
activates them

These are:


Latin word meaning "small wing" are moving surfaces, located at the
rear end of each wing, whose actuation causes movement of roll of
the aircraft on its longitudinal axis.Its location at the end of the wing,
in this part is higher the torque exerted. The pilot operates the flaps
by turning the control wheel ("horns") to the left or right, or in some
planes by moving the joystick left or right.

Operation: The ailerons have an asymmetric movement. To spin

the wheel to one side, the aileron of the wing of that side rises and
the opposite wing low, both at an angle of deflection proportional to
the amount of rotation to the steering wheel. The aileron in the wing
towards where the steering wheel moves implies less curvature in
that part of the wing and therefore less lift, which causes the wing
down; the aileron down the opposite Wing assumed greater
curvature and lift which makes this wing up. This combination of
adverse effects is what produces the movement of roll towards the
wing descends.

Roll control is achieved by the following movable control surfaces on

each wing :
- One all speed aileron
- One low speed aileron
- Three spoilers

The all speed aileron is actuated by three servo controls. The slide
valves of the servo controls are operated mechanically, by means of
rods and cables, from the aileron control wheels in the flight
The low speed aileron is also actuated by three servo controls. The
slide valves of the servo controls are operated mechanically, by
meansof rods and cables, from the all speed aileron.
Each spoiler, when used in roll control, is actuated by one servo
control. The slide valve of the servo control is operated
mechanically,by means of rods and cables, from the all speed
An entirely mechanical artificial feel system on the all speed aileron
control system provides variable load feedback to the pilot,
independently of flight conditions
Trim control is achieved from the flight compartment by means of a
control wheel and a chain and cable mechanical transmission
Autopilot control is achieved by electrical inputs to servomotors,
whose output is injected into the mechanical transmission.

Roll control

These surfaces work-based hydraulic fluid that allow these movable

pieces are likely to move to balance the plane and have better
stability. With this movement of roll we can move the spoilers and
ailerons. Aileron on left side works with the system "A" and the right
side the aileron works with system "B".


Is the surface or moving surfaces located in the rear of the

horizontal tail empennage of the aircraft.Although its name might
suggest that is responsible for rise or descend to the plane, in fact
the drive causes movement of the aircraft pitch (nose up or nose
down) on its transverse axis. Obviously, the pitch motion causes the
modification of the aircraft angle of attack, ie that the control button
of the elevator controls the angle of attack.

In some aircraft, the horizontal tail empennage is in one piece by the

functions of the horizontal stabilizer and elevator.

The elevator is driven by the pilot pushing or pulling the steering

wheel or joystick, and usually has a maximum deflection of 40 °
upwards and 20 º downwards.

Operation: When pulling the control wheel, this area rises while the
push-down on some aircraft moves all the horizontal empenage.
The rudder up produces less lift on the tail, which is low and
therefore the nose up (high angle of attack). The rudder down
increases lift on the tail, that rises and thus lower the nose (low
angle of attack). This will produce the pitching motion of the aircraft
and by extension the change in angle of attack.

Pitch control is achieved by two elevators on the empennage.

Each elevator is actuated by three servo controls. The slide valves
ofthe servo controls are operated by means of rods and cables, from
thecontrol columns in the flight compartment.
Elevator artificial feel is achieved by an electrohydraulic system.
The variable load feedback to the pilot varies with flight conditions.
Pitch trim is provided by a separate control surface, the trimmable
horizontal stabilizer.

Autopilot control is achieved by electrical inputs to servomotors,

whose output is injected into the mechanical transmission.

Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer

The trimmable horizontal stabilizer provides pitch trim. It is actuated

by a screwjack controlled by three hydraulic motors. The slide
valvesof these motors are controlled either :
Mechanically, by two control wheels in the flight compartment, and
then by a chain and cable transmission system.
Or Electrically, by two push buttons on the aileron control wheel, or,
in autopilot mode by the automatic trim function.

Pitch Control

These surfaces work based hydraulic fluid thatallow these movable

pieces are likely to move to balance the plane and have better
stability. With this movement of pitch we can move the elevators and
horizontal stabilizer.


The movable surface is mounted on the rear of the vertical tail

empennage of the aircraft. The movement causes the aircraft yaw
movement about its vertical axis, however this does not turn the
device, but is often used to balance the forces in the turns or to
center the aircraft on the trajectory wished. Usually has a maximum
deflection of 30 ° on each side.

This surface is operated by a pedal situated in the cabin floor.


Operation: Pressing the right pedal, the rudder turns to the right,
causing a reaction aerodynamic tail makes this turn left, and
however turn the nose of the plane (yaw) to the right. Pressing the
left pedal, the opposite happens: rudder to the left, tail right and left

Yaw control is achieved by means of a single rudder.

The rudder is actuated by three servo controls. The slide valves of
the servo controls are operated, by means of rods and cables, from
the pedals in the flight compartment.
The rudder artificial feel system is a combined
mechanical/electrohydraulic system. The mechanical part provides
variable load feedback to the pilot independently of flight conditions.
The electrohydraulic part varies the degree of rudder travel
according to airspeed, for a given movement of the pedals
Trim control is achieved from the flight compartment by means of a
control wheel and a chain and cable mechanical transmission

Autopilot control is achieved by electrical inputs to servomotors,

whose output is injected into the mechanical transmission.

Rudder Trim

The rudder trim knobs have evolved over the years. The 1/200
series had the large knob from 707 days when there was more hand
flying and asymmetric thrust before the days of autothrottle.

Yaw control
The rudder is moved by a power control unit (PCU) powered by
hydraulic system “A” and/or “B”. If the “A” or “B” fails a standby
rudder PCU is powered from the standby hydraulic system. Unlike
the aileron and elevator, there is no manual reversion for the rudder,
hence it does not have a tab.
The yaw damper (this serves to ensure that the pilot to turn back
although the pilot mistake and you step on of more this avoids that it
is stuck and does not cause any accident), only with the "B" System.


It is possible to decrease the minimum speed that supports an

aircraft in flight by the boundary layer control, changing the

curvature of the profile, or by increasing the wing surface. The

surfaces that perform one or more of these functions are known
hipersustentador surfaces.

The primary surfaces allow us to maintain control of the plane's

trajectory, the secondaries are generally used to modify the lift of the
airplane and make many maneuvers easier. The secondary
surfaces are: flaps, slats and spoilers or airbrakes.


The flaps are lift devices, whose function is to increase the lift of the
airplane when it flies at speeds lower than those for which designed
the wing. Located on the inside rear of the wings deflect downwards
is symmetrically (both at once) in one or more angles, thereby
changing the curvature of the wing profile (more pronounced at the
extrados and less pronounced the intrados), the wing surface (in
some types of flap) and the angle of incidence, all of which
increases lift (and resistance).

These areoperated from the cockpit, or by a lever for an electrical

system, or any other system, with varying grades of reference
setting (10 º, 15 º, etc. ..) for different positions of the lever or electric
switch, and not lowered or rise in full wheelseat once, but gradually.
In general, flap deflections up to about 15 ° increase the lift with little
further resistance, but higher deflections increased resistance at
higher rates than lift.

In the figure shows a reference setting positions and grades of flaps

for example, as the number of positions as well as degrees flaps
corresponding to each varies from one plane to another. The flaps
increase the lift of the wing through two variables, which may be
present simultaneously in the same type of flap:

By increase the curvature of the wing. With the extension of the flap
increases the curvature of the profile and there is more suction (lift)
on the extrados of the wing.

The following types of flaps with a short definition:

•Simple. It is most often used light in the aviation. Is a portion of the

rear wing.

• From intrados. Located in the bottom of the wing (intrados) its

effect is smaller because it only affects the curvature of the intrados.

•Zap. It’s very similarto the intrados, to deflected moves toward the
wing tip, increasing the surface of the wing in addition to curvature.

• Fowler. Identical to zap flap is moved fully to the end of the wing,
greatly increasing the curvature and the wing area.

•Ranurado. It differs from the previous ones, in which when

deflected leaves one or more grooves that connect the intrados and
the extrados, producing a large curvature at the same time creates
an air stream which removes the resistance of other types of flaps.

• Krüeger. How above, but located on the leading edge than the
trailing edge.

These include two types which are the trailing edge flaps and
leading edge flaps:


For cruising is required wide brim, with a moderate coefficient of lift,

given that the air velocity is sufficient contribution to the total
airplane lift. For low speed flight, however require significant
amounts of lift, in this case from CL because now the air velocity is

These are called because it is situated in the wing trailing edge.

There are different types of flaps:

Flap Simple:

Flap flat, wide use in General Aviation.

Intrados Flap:

Only moves the bottom flap, in relation to the single plane causes
more drag and has a smaller pitch. Today is rarely used.

Slotted Flap:

It is the simple flap has a slot between the wing and flap. The
function of the groove is to allow air from the bottom of the wing
pass to the upper wing in order to stabilize the boundary layer of the

Flap Fowler:

Is similar to the slotted flaps, but the flap is designed so that it can
be extended back, or over joints or via guide rails and which allow

Fowler Flap 2 and 3 fins:

It improves even thelift the disadvantage of this flap is that the drive
mechanism is more expensive and complicated maintenance.


They consist in the leading edge of the wing. The most important
types are:

Simple flap leading edge:

Is a hinged flap at the inner edge of the wing, that rotates down with
increasing curvature. Is outweighed by the flap Krüeger.

Flap Krueger:

Flap Krueger is a flap which increases the curvature of the leading

edge flap which compares the classic Krueger with the slat.

The flap Krüeger acts as a partition which physically force the wing
to the upper wing, improving the coefficient of lift.

The flaps should only be used in maneuvers of approach and

landing, or in any other circumstances in which it is necessary to fly
at lower speeds with the airplane "clean".

The effects that produce the flaps are:

Increase of the lift.

Increase in resistance.

Ability to fly at lower speeds without stalling.

It needs less runway length takeoff and landings.

The approach path becomes more pronounced.

Create a tendency to bite.

At the time of the deflection the plane tends to rise and lose speed.


The slat is a fin located on the leading edge of the wing. The
operation of slats allows the formation of a slot between the fin and

the wing so that air can pass through. The fin is peeled the leading
edge when it is extended. Air flow then circulates the slot bottom
upwards between the fin and the profile of the slat. The air passes
through the slot comes from the bottom of the level, high static
pressure area. The air flow bathes the upper wing surface once it
passes through the slot. The extrados of the wing is an area, where
it starts and develops the detachment of the layer limit.

The slats extended, because air from infiltrating the area below to
upper wing. Air pressure is more static and more kinetic energy. Air
infiltration of higher kinetic energy on the extrados of the wing tends
to stabilize the boundary layer in that area, to communicate
momentum to the air particles in the layer, and ultimately delay the
release point. If the wing supports greater angle of attack for
initiating operation without the loss or release of the current lift
coefficient CL the increases.

The slat is a "retarder" of the aerodynamic loss: a mechanism that

allows the aircraft to fly higher angle of attack and lower speed.


The slats can be of 3 types: stable, automatic and controllable.


The slats stable are slats that are located some distance from the
leading edge. The slat stableis always in the extended position.

Therefore, when the aircraft flies at cruising speed presents an

excessive drag.


The slats automaticare extend forward of the leading edge when the
vacuum (reduced static pressure) at the edge of the wing reaches a
certain value. Since the suction at the leading edge depends on
precisely the angle of attack of the wing, the slats machines are
calculated so that they extend when the lift coefficient approaches
the critical value of loss.


The slats controllable allow a manual extension of the slats, usually

by means of a spindle which deploys the fins.


The modern commercial aircraft and flaps krüeger as lift devices of

leading edge. The Airbus firm employs slats on all their aircraft,
while Boeing models it is common to find both types of devices. The
great advantage of the flap krüeger on the slat is the aerodynamic.
Flap krüeger allows aerodynamics specialists to design an edge of
wing that is almost ideal for cruise flight conditions.

This is so for two reasons, firstly by the little transfer which makes
the flap with the upper wing, and secondly, by its almost perfect
folding at the bottom of command the closing of the wing leading
edge. Thus, it can be said to associate the use of the flap Krueger is
always an increase in CL and L / D rendimient or aerodynamic
performance of aircraft.

The slats on the contrary, are devices of extension on the wing and
not folding. It means that consistently produce more aerodynamic
interference that the flap Krueger. In addition, the aerodynamic
design of the fin itself is more complicated and subject to more
restrictions. Indeed, on the profile shape of the upper slat little can

be done because the entire top surface of the wing (and the slat
form part of it) is optimized for cruise flight. The geometry of the
upper slat is then given in advance by the requirements of the wing
for cruise flight. Thus, only the bottom slat can be optimized for the
low-speed flight. So, is it that there is some loss of aerodynamic
performance of wing slats riding compared to that used or compared
the flaps Krueger.


The spoilers are aerodynamic surfaces located in the extrados of the

wing. It’snormal position is folded, forming part of the wing
aerodynamic concept. A hydraulic drive system allows deployment
and exposure to the relative wind.

The spoilers are usually located behind the peak thickness of the

When the spoilers are exposed to the relative wind effects get very
significant decrease in lift and increase the resistance.

In commercial aircraft are used for three purposes:

 roll control function in order to implement or enhance the

 Airbrake function to reduce the air speed and increase the rate
of descent.
 Function landing to reduce the carrer of landing .

Spoilers with functions of flight

We have 3 options:

A)Function of balance command

They are used in combination with the ailerons control through a

system Mixer functions. If the command wheel is rotated more than
a certain value, solicitation of a turn more tight,The spoilers of low
wing are extend automatically and break the layer limit of the
extracted from the wing. Decreases the lift of the plane and
reinforces the action of balancing command. A certain value is
therefore an automatic strengthening of balancing function, giving
the signal of command (turn of the steering wheel) exceeds a certain

B) Function of Airbrake

The deceleration of the aircraft in the air can be done with the
spoilers in function airbrake. This maneuver has its origin in various
factors, from air traffic control, a matter of adjustment altitude above
a certain point, or simply because there are to descend more quickly
than initially expected. In these cases the Airbrakes extend over the
wing and it produces an instant and important moment of resistance
to the advance, which decreases the speed of the plane. The angle
of extension of the spoilers in this function is much lower than when
acting in the career of landing. In mechanical systems, the Airbrakes
control lever prevents the deployment of the spoilers in flight with a
top mechanical more than positions limits, typically 30 ° - 35 °.

C) Function of control of the load of maneuver

It is this function only in pilotage by electrical control systems.

Priority functions of the spoilers

We have seen that the spoilers are diverse, so functions which may
coincide, at the same time and for a same fin, different demands of
operation. Thesystems of control have implemented a logic of
priority functions which is normally the follow:


The Elevón is a flight control surface located at the trailing edge of

the wing that functions as both aileron (roll control) as rudder or
elevator (pitch control).

First used in the aircraft of delta-wing, as is known these aircraft

have horizontal tailplane, so that they can not accommodate the
normal control aerodynamic surfaces located in this part of the
plane. In its typical application to delta-wing aircraft, the elevons
move in two different ways: a) in a symmetric manner to achieve the
necessary pitch movements, b) asymmetrically to achieve the
swinging plane. Note that the typical aircraft delta wing has no flaps
and landing with both high angle of attack to get the necessary


There are aircraft that have control surfaces of flight in which the
spoiler and flap trailing edge functions are combined. A configuration
of this type is called flaperón. In the function of flap, the flaperones
move symmetrically. When work as ailerons move of asymmetrical


The conclusions of my work are that through this project I could

learn many things more and which my teachers teaching me is not
enough if I want to be the best and each day I have myself more to
be the best and achieve all my goals.

On the other part this work was with the knowledge that I’ve
acquired during these three years have given me my teachers.


Manual of aircraft Airbus A-300

Aeronautical books from the library of the school

Notes from my notebooks



 My comments about my work are that I am very happy for I

have done this job.
 I think that my work can serve very much to the students who
want to know about the aerodynamics.
 It is the fundamental part to know how the plane flies.
 This work has made clear me many doubts that I had on the
surfaces of the aircraft.
 I learned many new words in English technical-aeronautical.




Primary Control Surfaces………………………………………….……4




Secondary Control Surfaces……..…………………………..……….10


Trailing Edge Flaps…………………………………………………….13

Leading Edge Flaps……………………………………………………14






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