Homework 5 - Bag Interface Implementation (ADT)

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|CS204| - Advanced Programming May, the 5 th, 2016

Homework 5 (3.33%)
Prof. Karadžuzović-Hadžiabdić Kanita
Student: Sladić Nedim
ID: 150302003

Implementation of Bag that uses Arrays – Data Structure and Abstract Methods (ADT)


package baginterface;

interface BagInterface<T> {

int getCurrentSize( );
int getFrequencyOf(T anEntry);
boolean isArrayFull( );
boolean isArrayEmpty( );
boolean add(T newEntry);
boolean remove(T anEntry);
boolean contains(T anEntry);
T remove( );
void clear( );
T[] toArray( );

package baginterface;

* Name of the class, implementing BagInterface.
* In the first definition of my class, instance variables are enlisted.
* @param <T> means generic type.

public class Bag <T> implements BagInterface <T>

private T[] myArray;
private int size;
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 50;

* Class Bag that holds a no-argument constructor.
* In public class Bag, we created a constructor that will initialise
* our instance variables.

public Bag( )
size = 0;

* Initialisation of the constructor.
* @param maximaCapacity - determines a maxima number that an array can
* take (its capacity), initialised by user.

public Bag(int maximaCapacity)

myArray = (T[])new Object[maximaCapacity];
size = 0;

* Method called getCurrentSize( ) that will return the size an array
* currently has.
* @return an integer size, since the return type is int.

public int getCurrentSize( )
return size;

* Method called getFrequencyOf( ) that determines if some element inside of
* an array and how many times an element repeats inside our array.
* @param anEntry
* @return integer of counter by which we determine the frequency of an
* specific element, since the return type is int.

public int getFrequencyOf(T anEntry)
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++){
if (anEntry.equals(myArray[i])){
return counter;

* Method called isArrayFull( ) that determines if an array is completely
* grouted with the elements from start until end position.
* Thus, if the array is grouted, size and length of an array must be the
* same.
* @return boolean value, either true (if size and length are satisfied) or false.

public boolean isArrayFull( )
return size == myArray.length;

* Method called isArrayEmpty( ) that determines if an array is completely
* empty from start until end position.
* If the array is completely empty, size must be 0, otherwise it is not empty.
* @return boolean value, either true (if the size of the array is 0) or false.

public boolean isArrayEmpty( )
return getCurrentSize( ) == 0;

* Method called add( ) that will add the new elements inside our array via
* parameter called newEntry. Parameter newEntry is enlisted in the parameter

* list of the name of our method.
* @param newEntry - a parameter that we will use to enlarge the array
* by adding more elements to our array.
* @return boolean value, either true or false.

public boolean add(T newEntry)
boolean upstroke = true;
if (newEntry == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Your entry must not be null. " );

else if (isArrayFull( )){

upstroke = false;

else {
myArray[size] = newEntry;
upstroke = true;
return upstroke;

* Method called remove( ) that will remove the element from the array via
* parameter called anEntry. Parameter newEntry is enlisted in parameter list
* of the name of our method.
* Due to remove process, it will decrement and reduce the size of our array
* by 1, that position will remain blank.
* @param anEntry - parameter that will decrement and reduce the size of array.
* @return boolean value, either true or false.

public boolean remove(T anEntry)
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++){
if (myArray[i] == null && myArray[i].equals(anEntry)){
myArray[size - 1] = myArray[i];

myArray[i] = myArray[size - 1];
myArray[size - 1] = null;
return true;
return false;

* Method called contains( ) that will check via parameter newEntry
* if our array contains an element. Parameter newEntry is enlisted in
* parameter list of the name of our method.
* @param anEntry - parameter that will check the existence of the element.
* @return boolean value, either true or false.

public boolean contains(T anEntry)
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++){
if (myArray[i] != null && myArray[i].equals(anEntry)){
return true;
return false;

* Method called remove( ) that removes the element and reduces the size
* of an array.
* @return generic return type, in this case, a variable called upstroke.

public T remove( ){
T upstroke = null;
if (size > 0){
upstroke = myArray[size - 1];
myArray[size - 1] = null;

return upstroke;

* Method called clear( ) that will erase the elements from our array.

public void clear( )
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++){
myArray[i] = null;

* Method called toArray( ) which returns the sequence in a proper way from
* the first to last element.
* @return generic return type.

public T[] toArray( )
T[] upstroke = (T[])new Object[size];
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++){
upstroke[i] = myArray[i];
return upstroke;

Main method:

package baginterface;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class BagTester
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);

// Create a Bag named B1.

System.out.print("Please enter the size for your bag: ");

int mySize = kb.nextInt( );
Bag B1 = new Bag(mySize);
kb.nextLine( );

// Read the item in strings. Then it adds them to B1 and print out B1.

String myFruit;
for (int i = 0; i < mySize; i++) {
System.out.print("Fruit number " + i + ": ");
myFruit = kb.nextLine( );
System.out.println( );

// Iterate over the objects in B1 and then printing them //

Object[] myFruits = B1.toArray( );

for (int i = 0; i < myFruits.length; i++){
System.out.print(myFruits[i] + "|");
System.out.println( );

// Checks if the bag is empty or not. //

if (B1.isArrayEmpty( ))
System.out.println("Our bag is empty.");
System.out.println( );
System.out.println("Our bag is not empty.");
System.out.println( );

// Checks if the bag is full or not. //

if (B1.isArrayFull( ))

System.out.println("Our bag is full.");
System.out.println( );
System.out.println("Our bag is not full.");
System.out.println( );

// Get an item to remove from bag, remove it, and reprint the bag.

System.out.print("Which fruit you want to remove ? : ");

myFruit = kb.nextLine();
if (B1.contains(myFruit))
System.out.println("Removed element ? " + B1.contains(myFruit));
System.out.println( );

Please enter the size for your bag: 6
Fruit number 0: Raspberries
Fruit number 1: Strawberries
Fruit number 2: Blackcurrants
Fruit number 3: Siberian Aronia
Fruit number 4: Blueberries
Fruit number 5: Blackberries

Raspberries | Strawberries | Blackcurrants | Siberian Aronia | Blueberries | Blackberries |

Our bag is not empty.

Our bag is full.

Which fruit you want to remove ? : Strawberries

Removed element ? true
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 44 seconds)

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