Business Communication Ebook PDF
Business Communication Ebook PDF
Business Communication Ebook PDF
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the primary skills sets of Business Communication
to the students. The chapter aims at stating the strategies of communication and the ways to
overcome the barriers to communication in a business environment. Effective
communication skills are recognized as the top most preference of the employers in the
corporate world.
What is Communication?
According to W. H. Newman, “Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or
emotions by two or more persons.” To quote Norman B. Sigband, “Communication is the
transmission and reception of ideas, feelings and attitudes both verbally and non-verbally.”
Communication is the process of transferring information from a sender to a receiver with
the use of a medium in which the communicated information is understood by both sender
and receiver. It is a process that allows organisms to exchange information by several
Introduction Business Communication
Communication is the act of conveying information for the purpose of creating a shared
understanding. It’s something that humans do every day. The word“communication” comes
from the Latin “communis,” meaning “to share,” and includes verbal, non-verbal and
electronic means of human interaction.
Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange
(encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In
general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a key
function of management--an organization cannot operate without communication between
levels, departments and employees.
Encoding: The conversion of the idea in to message by verbal or nonverbal method is called
encoding. While encoding a message, one needs to consider what will be interpretation of
the message. This process of converting the thought of the sender into message is encoding.
Channel: The way or the medium of sending the message is called channel. Medium or
channel can be oral, written or it can be non-verbal.
Receiver: The receiver is the person who receives encoded message. In the best way, if it
reaches to the receiver then there is no problem to the receiver to understand the massage
properly. The Receiver is known as the Decoder.
Decoding: It is a process where the received message is being understood. It is not necessary
that the message reached to receiver will be understood by the receiver but decoding is a
process which converts the message in to understanding. There are chances of
Introduction Business Communication
Verbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Verbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted
verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Objective of every
communication is to have people understand what we are trying to convey. In verbal
communication remember the acronym KISS (keep it short and simple).
When we talk to others, we assume that others understand what we are saying because we
know what we are saying. But this is not the case. Usually people bring their own attitude,
perception, emotions and thoughts about the topic and hence creates barrier in delivering
the right meaning. So in order to deliver the right message, you must put yourself on the
other side of the table and think from your receiver’s point of view. Would he understand
The message? How it would sound on the other side of the table?
Oral Communication
In oral communication, Spoken words are used. It includes face-to-face conversations,
speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television, voice over internet. In oral
communication, communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed and clarity of speaking.
Business Communication Introduction
Written Communication
In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate. A written
message may be printed or hand written. In written communication message can be
transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc. Message, in written communication, is
influenced by the vocabulary & grammar used, writing style, precision and clarity of the
language used. Written Communication is most common form of communication being used
in business. So, it is considered core among business skills.
Memos, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail are the
types of written communication used for internal communication. For communicating with
external environment in writing, electronic mail, Internet Web sites, letters, proposals,
Introduction Business Communication
telegrams, faxes, postcards, contracts, advertisements, brochures, and news releases are
Figure 4: Keys to Formal & Informal Written Communication
Formal Communication
Informal Communication
Formal Communication
In formal communication, certain rules, conventions and principles are followed while
communicating message. Formal communication occurs in formal and official style. Usually
professional settings, corporate meetings, conferences undergoes in formal pattern. In
Introduction Business Communication
formal communication, use of slang and foul language is avoided and correct pronunciation
is required. Authority lines are needed to be followed in formal communication.
Informal Communication
Informal communication is done using channels that are in contrast with formal
communication channels. It’s just a casual talk. It is established for societal affiliations of
members in an organization and face-to-face discussions. It happens among friends and
family. In informal communication use of slang words, foul language is not restricted. Usually,
informal communication is done orally and using gestures. Informal communication, unlike
formal communication, doesn’t follow authority lines. In an organization, it helps in finding
out staff grievances as people express more when talking informally. Informal
communication helps in building relationships.
a. Downward Communication: starts from higher authority to downward authority, like the
board of directors-managers- -purchase officer-executive-clerk etc. It is a convenient channel
to explain policies and organizational procedures/to appraise the subordinates for their
performance. Major decisions are conveyed through this type of communication. It is
necessary for the functioning of any organization as it involves the transfer of information,
instructions, advices, request, feedback and ideas to subordinate staff. It is useful for
Business Communication Introduction
appraisal of the subordinates for their performance. Downward Communication is very long
and time consuming process. Downward communication is too much authoritarian process.
b. Upward Communication: Upward Communication starts from bottom level to top level.
For example, worker conveys message to production manager, he conveys it to the director
of company etc. Upward communication provides necessary feedback. Upward
communication is also important for workers' suggestions for the welfare of an organization.
Upward communication is difficult as it moves upward against the force of gravity - means
workers hesitate to initiate for upward communication.
Informal Communication
Informal channels transmit official news through unofficial and informal communicative
interactions known as the ‘grapevine.’ This informal communication network includes tea-
time gossip, casual gatherings, lunch-time meeting and so on. Grapevine communication is
the best example of Informal Communication.
Introduction Business Communication
Types of Grapevine
The Wheel
Person 1
Person 2 Person 3
Business Communication Introduction
The Cluster The cluster like grapes, have several groups of people linked together by a cluster
or chain of communication.
The Chain
Chain is the most common pattern in which information passes through a series of people
linked together in the organization.
Free Flow
Most of the rumours or idle gossip is spread by random, free flow or haphazard network,
which includes a number of people who are not necessarily linked by any organizational
Introduction Business Communication
2. Intrapersonal Communication:
This communication occurs within the individual's brain in the form of internal dialogue. For
example when you “feel hot”, the information is sent to brain and you may decide to “turn
on the cooler”, responding the instructions sent from brain to hand. Here relevant organ is
sender, electrochemical impulse is message and brain is receiver. Next the brain assumes the
role of sender and sends the feedback that you should switch on the cooler. So this process
can be termed as intrapersonal communication.
3. Interpersonal Communication:
It is a sharing of information among people. It includes a few participants who are close to
one another. Here many sensory channels are used and immediate feedback can be
obtained. This can assume in the form of face to face conversation, video conferencing. And
telephonic talk and soon. It takes place in our day to day life.
4. Organizational Communication:
Communication in an organization takes place at different levels. It may be upward,
downward, diagonal and grapevine. This kind of communication can be divided into:
(a) Inter-operational Communication contains the structured communication within the
(b) External – Operation Communication deals with people and groups outside the
organization. It is the organization’s communication with its public – its suppliers, customers
and general public.
(c) Personal Communication: Communication that occurs without purpose as far as
business is concerned is called personal communication.
5. Mass Communication:
There are several mass media such as journals, television, newspapers, internet which
mediate such communication to the large audience. Information in the oral form requires
equipment such as microphones, amplifiers and information in the written form requires
electronic or print media. Oral communication through mass media requires some
Business Communication Introduction
equipment such as microphones, amplifiers etc and the written form requires or print visual
6. Grapevine Communication
Grapevine Communication is a means of informal communication in which one learns of
something informally and unofficially by means of gossip and rumor.
According to Prof. Keith Davis, "Grapevine arises from social interaction; It is as fickle,
dynamic and varied as people are. It is the exercise of their freedom of speech and is a
natural, normal activity".
Barriers to Communication
A breakdown can occur at any point in the communication process. Barriers (obstacles) can
inhibit communication, resulting in misunderstanding or distortion of the message. This can
lead to conflicts of views and the inability to make effective decisions. Barriers can also
prevent the achievement of the project goals.
Business Communication Introduction
a) Physical barriers & Environmental barriers: might occur if there is too much noise or if
the room is too congested. Physical distractions are the physical things that get in the way of
communication. Examples of such things include the telephone, an uncomfortable meeting
place, and noise. These physical distractions are common in the hospital setting. If the
telephone rings, the usual human tendency will be to answer it even if the caller is
interrupting a very important or even delicate conversation. Distractions such as background
noise, poor lighting, uncomfortable sitting, unhygienic room, or an environment that is too
hot or cold can affect people's morale and concentration, which in turn interfere with
effective communication.
c) Perceptual barriers, in contrast, are internal. If you go into a situation thinking that the
person you are talking to isn’t going to understand or be interested in what you have to say,
you may end up subconsciously sabotaging your effort to make your point. You will employ
language that is sarcastic, dismissive, or even obtuse, thereby alienating your conversational
partner. Think of movie scenarios in which someone yells clipped phrases at a person they
believe is deaf. The person yelling ends up looking ridiculous while failing to communicate
anything of substance.
d) Emotional barriers include the readiness, willingness or eagerness of the receiver — and
the emotional status of the educator. It can be tough to overcome, but are important to put
aside to engage in conversations. We are often taught to fear the words coming out of our
Introduction Business Communication
own mouths, as in the phrase “anything you say can and will be used against you.”
Overcoming this fear is difficult, but necessary. The trick is to have full confidence in what
you are saying and your qualifications in saying it. People often pick up on insecurity. By
believing in yourself and what you have to say, you will be able to communicate clearly
without becoming overly involved in your emotions.
e) Socio-Cultural barriers are a result of living in an ever shrinking world. Different cultures,
whether they are a societal culture of a race or simply the work culture of a company, can
hinder developed communication if two different cultures clash. In these cases, it is
important to find a common ground to work from. In work situations, identifying a problem
and coming up with a highly efficient way to solve it can quickly topple any cultural or
institutional barriers. Social barriers to communication include the social psychological
phenomenon of conformity, a process in which the norms, values, and behaviors of an
individual begin to follow those of the wider group. Social factors such as age, gender,
socioeconomic status, and marital status may act as a barrier to communication in certain
f) Language barriers seem pretty self-inherent, but there are often hidden language barriers
that we aren’t always aware of. If you work in an industry that is heavy in jargon or technical
language, care should be taken to avoid these words when speaking with someone from
outside the industry. Without being patronizing, imagine explaining a situation in your
industry to a child. How would you convey these concepts without relying on jargon? A clear,
direct narrative is preferable to an incomprehensible slew of specialty terms.
g) Gender barriers have become less of an issue in recent years, but there is still the
possibility for a man to misconstrue the words of a woman, or vice versa. Men and women
tend to form their thoughts differently, and this must be taken into account when
communicating. This difference has to do with how the brain of each sex is formed during
gestation. In general, men are better at spatial visualization and abstract concepts such as
math, while women excel at language-based thinking and emotional identification. However,
successful professionals in highly competitive fields tend to have similar thought processes
regardless of their gender.
h) Interpersonal barriers are what ultimately keep us from reaching out to each other and
opening ourselves up, not just to be heard, but to hear others. Oddly enough, this can be the
most difficult area to change. Some people spend their entire lives attempting to overcome a
poor self-image or a series of deeply rooted prejudices about their place in the world. They
are unable to form genuine connections with people because they have too many false
perceptions blocking the way. Luckily, the cure for this is more communication. By engaging
with others, we learn what our actual strengths and weaknesses are. This allows us to put
forth our ideas in a clear, straightforward manner. Communication is not a one-way street. To
have others open up to you, you must be open yourself. By overcoming these barriers to
communication, you can ensure that the statement you are making is not just heard, but also
understood, by the person you are speaking with. In this way, you can be confident that your
point has been expressed.
Business Communication Introduction
i) Intellectual barriers may occur because of the natural ability, home background or
schooling that affects the perception and understanding of the receiver.
j) Inappropriate Channel: Variation of channels helps the receiver understand the nature
and importance of a message. While making a choice for a channel of communication, the
sender needs to be sensitive to such things as the complexity of the message; consequences
of a misunderstanding: knowledge, skills, and abilities of the receiver; and immediacy of
action to be taken from the message.
k) Semantics & Jargons: Language, jargon, slang, etc., are some of the semantic barriers.
Different languages across different regions represent a national barrier to communication,
which is particularly important for migrating nurses. Use of jargon and slang also act as
barrier to communication. For example, while delivering health education to a cardiac
patient, if a cardiac nurse uses jargons such as “coronary artery disease,” “anticoagulants,”
and “homocysteine and C-reactive proteins,” the patient will listen attentively as he/she
cannot understand these medical jargons. Therefore, she is required to use simple words so
that the patient can understand what the nurse is supposed to communicate with him/her.
Introduction Business Communication
b. Use of Simple Language: Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized. Use of
ambiguous words and jargons should be avoided. Don’t try to impress by using language
and words that may be distorted by the listener(s). It simply makes them confused and
inadequate. Plus, they won’t be listening to you while they try to work out what on
earth you are on about.
c. Reduction and elimination of noise levels: Noise is the main communication barrier
which must be overcome on priority basis. It is essential to identify the source of noise
and then eliminate that source.
e. Emotional State: During communication one should make effective use of body
language. He/she should not show their emotions while communication as the receiver
might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer of the
message is in a bad mood then the receiver might think that the information being
delivered is not good.
g. Avoid Information Overload: The managers should know how to prioritize their work.
They should not overload themselves with the work. They should spend quality time
with their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedbacks actively.
h. Give Constructive Feedback: Avoid giving negative feedback. The contents of the
feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive
feedback will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate.
i. Proper Media/Channel Selection: The managers should properly select the medium of
communication. Simple messages should be conveyed orally, like: face to face
interaction or meetings. Use of written means of communication should be encouraged
for delivering complex messages. For significant messages reminders can be given by
using written means of communication such as: Memos, Notices etc.
k. Have integrity and honesty in your communications. If you are seen as being someone
who lacks integrity, this will immediately be noticed and even more barriers will be built
up between you and the listener.
l. Make it easy for others to listen to you. Make your communication style that one of a
conversationalist, one who is able to make a point quickly, succinctly and with
conviction. If your key message is lost in the morass of a thousand words, people will
wonder what you mean and what the purpose is. Clarity and brevity are the
Introduction Business Communication
a) Audience Analysis
Audience analysis is the process of gathering information about the people reading the
document. It helps to create user-focused communication and tailor the writing to the needs
and expectations of the intended recipient(s). It also helps to fine-tune the thought process.
Research indicates that audiences characteristically pay greater attention to messages that
are consistent with their values and interests. Research also indicates that audiences like to
see messages that they are really interested in. This selective attention and selective
exposure is the core of audience psychology. A strategic communicator must, therefore,
establish personal relevance as directly and clearly as possible. In addition, a message can
stand out by contrasting it with other messages or ideas.
c) Develop Messages
Your messages are closely tied to your goal and objectives. They deliver important
information about the issue and compel the targeted audience to think, feel, or act. They
Show the importance, urgency, or magnitude of the issue
Show the relevance of the issue
Put a “face” on the issue
Be tied to specific audience values, beliefs, or interests of the audience
Reflect an understanding of what would motivate the audience to think, feel, or act
Be culturally relevant and sensitive
Be Memorable
Business communication happens throughout every organization, using multiple channels
for many kinds of desired results
Messages must take on the characteristics of the medium chosen for communication,
making it more challenging when team members speak, read and learn differently from
each other
Effective communication offers the best opportunity to make an outstanding first
Using powerful words, images and messages, business professionals can craft strong
internal partnerships while developing the foundation of a solid client base
As manager of a new coffee shop develop the communication process you would have to
follow for an effective communication system.
How can you establish your credibility when communicating with a set of audience the
first time?
Introduction Business Communication
Distinguish between lateral and diagonal communication with relevant examples from an
established organizational structure.
Business Communication Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
This Chapter deals with communication as a transfer of meaning from one person or group
to another. It focuses on the nature of meaning and ways to maintain the integrity of
meaning through the process of dissemination and reception of a message. This unit also
provides an overview of the nature and elements of verbal and nonverbal communication.
The objective of this chapter is to develop learners’ ability to use verbal communication skills
effectively in a workplace setting. Learners will develop their knowledge and understanding
of the purpose of verbal business communications and the range of contexts in which such
communications occur. This chapter focuses on the role of nonverbal codes in
communication. Some of the major nonverbal codes are identified and defined, including
bodily movement and facial expression, bodily appearance, space, time, touching, and vocal
cues. The chapter concludes with a discussion of some solutions to the problems you might
encounter in interpreting nonverbal codes.
Verbal Communication
The sharing of information between individuals by using speech. Individuals working within
a business need to effectively use verbal communication that employs readily
understood spoken words, as well as ensuring that the enunciation, stress and tone of voice
with which the words are expressed is appropriate.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
Verbal communication of the vocal category includes spoken language. Non-vocal verbal
communication involves written communication as well as communication that is
transmitted through transmitted through sign language, finger spelling, Braille, or other
similar alternatives to verbal language.
Hence, we may often think that, having good communication skills is all about the ability to
speak well…..
Or all about “SPEAKING.”
We are right……But only 50% right.
Because….Verbal Communication has another very important part…… “LISTENING”
“If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and
one ear.”-Mark Twain
“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
There are different kinds of listening…
1. Appreciative Listening
2. Empathetic Listening
3. Comprehensive Listening
4. Critical Listening
5. Sympathetic Listening.
Business Communication Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Sympathetic Listening: In sympathetic listening we care about the other person and show
this concern in the way we pay close attention and express our sorrow for their ills and
happiness at their joys.
On your way back from office, you slip and fall and hurt your back. When you reach home
your family members “Feel” for you. They “share” your hurt feelings and maybe even shed a
tear in sympathy.
On your way back from office, you slip and fall and hurt your back. You visit your doctor. Your
doctor does not share your feelings.He does not reject or trifle your feelings, but on the
contrary, he acknowledges your feelings totally and treats you for your injuries.
Here, there is no “sharing” of feelings, but acknowledgement of “feelings.”
Verbal communication include sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is an effective
way of communicating and helps in expressing our emotions in words. This form of
communication is further classified into four types, which are:
1. Intrapersonal Communication
This form of communication is extremely private and restricted to us. It
includes the silent conversations we have with ourselves, wherein we
juggle roles between the sender and receiver who are processing our
thoughts and actions. This process of communication when analysed
can either be conveyed verbally to someone or stay confined as
thoughts. Three aspects of intrapersonal communication are self-
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
Values are deep-seated orientations and ideals, generally based on and consistent
with beliefs, about right and wrong ideas and actions.
Attitudes are learned predisposition toward or against a topic, ideals that stem from
and generally are consistent with values. Attitudes often are global, typically
Beliefs, values and attitudes all influence behaviour, which can be either spoken opinion or
physical action. Whereas self-concept focuses internally, perception looks outward.
Perception of the outside world also is rooted in beliefs, values and attitudes. It is so closely
intertwined with self-concept that one feeds off the other, creating a harmonious
understanding of both oneself and one’s world.
Internal discourse involves thinking, concentration and analysis. Psychologists include both
daydreaming and nocturnal dreaming in this category. Prayer, meditation also are part of
this category.
Solo vocal communication includes speaking aloud to oneself. This may be done to clarify
thinking, to rehearse a message intended for others, or simply to let off steam.
Solo written communication deals with writing not intended for others.
Interpersonal Communication
This form of communication takes place between two individuals
and is thus a one-on-one conversation. Here, the two individuals
involved will swap their roles of sender and receiver in order to
communicate in a clearer manner. Interpersonal communication
can be categorized by the number of participants.
Group communication involves three or more persons, though communication scholars are
inconsistent as to the top end of the number scale. The smaller the number in the group, the
more closely this mode resembles interpersonal communication. Often group
communication is done for the purpose of problem solving or decision making
Public communication involves a large group with a primarily one-way monologue style
generating only minimal feedback. Information sharing, entertainment and persuasion are
common purposes of public communication.
This type of communication can take place only when there are more than two people
involved. Here the number of people will be small enough to allow each participant to
interact and converse with the rest. Press conferences, board meetings, and team meetings
are examples of group communication. Unless a specific issue is being discussed, small group
discussions can become chaotic and difficult to interpret by everybody. This lag in
understanding information completely can result in miscommunication.
Public Communication
This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering of
people. Election campaigns and public speeches are example of this type of communication.
In such cases, there is usually a single sender of information and several receivers who are
being addressed.
For example, the boss speaks to everyone, and the sales team quietly listens without
The boss may say, as part of a charged-up motivational speech, “Do you hear me?” and the
sales team is expected to call back “Yes Sir!” The boss, as a public speaker, recognizes that
intrapersonal communication (thoughts of the individual members) or interpersonal
communication (communication between team members) may interfere with this classic
public speaking dynamic of all to one, or the audience devoting all its attention to the
speaker, and incorporate attention getting and engagement strategies to keep the sales team
focused on the message.
Oral Communication
Define Oral Communication
Oral or verbal communication describes any type of interaction between individual which
makes use of words and involves speaking and listening. In oral communication, the sender
and receiver exchange their thoughts r ideas verbally either in face-to-face discussion or
through any mechanical or electrical device like telephone or VOIP system like Skype.
The ability to communicate effectively through speaking is highly valued in business.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
3. The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication. Thus, decisions can be made
quickly without any delay.
4. Oral communication is not only time saving, but it also saves upon money and efforts.
9. Oral communication can be best used to transfer private and confidential information /
2. Oral communication is less authentic than written communication as they are informal
and not as organized as written communication.
3. Oral communication is time-saving as far as daily interactions are concerned, but in case of
meetings, long speeches consume lot of time and are unproductive at times.
4. Oral communications are not easy to maintain and thus they are unsteady. There may be
misunderstandings as the information is not complete and may lack essentials. It requires
attentiveness and great receptivity on part of the receivers/audience. Oral communication
(such as speeches) is not frequently use as legal records except in investigation work.
5 Cs of Verbal Communication
According to motivational speaker and entrepreneur Pat Croce, effective communication
Business Communication Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
i. CLARITY: refers mainly to sentences, although, since sentences are made up of words,
diction (word choice) is important. Diction affects clarity without because imprecise words
make the meaning unclear. The main concern is: Does each sentence communicate the
desired point, to confusion? One key to clear sentences is effective syntax (sentence
structure): the order of and relationship between words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence.
ii. CONCISENESS: refers mainly to sentences, to the economical use of words. Concise writing
involves the elimination of: unnecessary words (redundancy/"deadwood"), roundabout
expressions (wordiness), and needless repetition. The objective is directness — expressing
ideas in the most forthright way.
iii. COHERENCE refers to the logical flow of ideas. Since flow (or continuity) is important for
the sense of the writing (its understandability), coherence is related to clarity. Flow is also
interwoven with the organization of ideas; thus, coherence is related to control. An
important consideration in developing coherence is transition — logical movement from one
idea to the next.
iv. CONTROL refers mainly to total organization but is also a key element in correctness,
clarity, conciseness, and coherence. Unity is an important element here .At the paragraph
level, unity means that each paragraph develops a single, controlling idea; each point in the
paragraph clearly relates to that idea. On a larger scale, unity refers to the organization of
the total work; all paragraphs relate to the purpose (objective) of the work.
1-No use of technology to interact that would waste natural resources.
2- It is the fastest way of interaction with each other.
3-It is less expensive to interact with people.
4- It is more easier to understand a conversation than some other multimedia means of
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
5- During a verbal communication you can utilize nonverbal cues such as tone, body
language, inflection.
6- You can have long conversations. And does not require lots of repetitions. Because it is
7- It can be used every where you go only if the person you are interacting with is with you.
8- Speech can be direct and to the point. Some non-verbal communication such as gestures
has different meaning in different countries.
1- It can be quickly forgotten.
2- You cannot provide legal evidence.
3- Sometimes , you can not remember each and every point.
4- Poor presentation of the message or the instruction can result in misunderstanding and
wrong responses.
Non-Verbal Communication
Our interpersonal effectiveness depends on more than words. Nonverbal messages add to or
detract from our words. In effect, we become the message, with our nonverbal cue
announcing our state of mind, expectations, and sense of self.
For this reason, nonverbal messages are less likely than words to be intentionally deceptive.
You can improve your own nonverbal communication by first becoming aware of how you communicate.
Using one of the multiple video technologies, record yourself when you are engaged in a conversation,
group discussion, or public speech. Watch the recording with classmates, and take note of your facial
expressions, gestures, posture, and other nonverbal features. How might you improve your nonverbal
Nonverbal communication can happen on many different levels. The main areas are:
Body language or kinesics is a vital part of communication. It includes several factors like
facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, posture and even dress and grooming.
Facial Expressions:
The face of the person mirrors the emotions and conveys a host of different messages. Facial
expressions also include eye contact. Smiling, frowning, widening the eyes, raising the
eyebrows, pursing the lips are all examples of facial expressions. Such expressions
communicate in one of two ways. Sometimes, they act as a complement to the words used
and add to their meaning. They can also act as a substitute for the words. Facial expressions
often reveal the true feelings of a person, even when his words are saying something else.
The face and the eyes are the most expressive means of body communication. Dale Leather
has found that 10 basic categories of meanings can be communicated via facial expressions.
Eye Contact:
The eye has an important role in face-to-face communication. Eye contact is one of the most
powerful forms of nonverbal communication. When we look at somebody's face, we focus
on his eyes and try to understand what he means. The eyebrows, eyelids and size of pupils
convey our innermost feelings. Eye contact has different meanings for different people. It is
sometimes used to signify the gravity of a verbal statement. It can sometimes imply that
more has been meant, or understood, than can easily be expressed verbally. It can provide a
sense of emotional connection, with a variable degree of intimacy. However, if you make
prolonged eye contact, some people might feel that you are trying to stare them down,
which is an aggressive behaviour in most contexts. Others might feel that you are looking
deep inside them, to a degree which could be perceived as disturbing, intrusive or just plain
impertinent. Too little eye contact, on the other hand, might give the impression that you
have something to hide, or perhaps that you dislike the other person and want to avoid
closer interaction.
Whatever the reason for the various feelings people have about the eyes; it makes sense to
adjust the amount of eye contact offered in response to all the clues you have to the client's
comfort or distress. This should help you to avoid erring too much in either direction.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
Eye behaviour shows emotions and establishes conversational regulators. It also monitors
feedback and serves as a reminder. The eyes not only supply information, they receive it as
In addition to facial expressions and eye contact, another important element of kinesics is
the use of gestures. Gestures are the physical movements of arms, hands, torso and head,
which help one to express thoughts and/ to emphasize one’s speech. They play a very
important role in conveying meaning without using words.
Business Communication Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Emblems: A large number of body movements have come to be identified as a substitute for
verbal translations. They often replace verbal messages and take the shape of emblems.
List of Emblems:
a) Patting the stomach-”I'm full of food”
b) Nodding the head up and down-”Yes” or “I agree”
c) Shaking fist-”I am angry”
d) Cupping hand behind ear-”I can't hear”
e) Clapping hands-”I approve”
f) Placing first finger on lips-”Be silent”
Illustrators: They are directly tied to verbal language. These gestures illustrate the words,
which a speaker is saying. When a speaker says, “My fourth and final point is....” and holds
up four fingers, this gesture is an illustrator.
Regulators: Regulators control oral communication by alerting the sender to the need to
hurry up, slow down, or repeat something.
Examples are frequent glances at the watch or drumming fingers on the table when
someone is talking with another person. When someone is delivering a long speech and the
other person wants to restrict him, he/she may show his watch to regulate or moderate him.
Adaptors: They are the gestures over which people less control, often people have are not
conscious of performing such gestures. Stifling a yawn or clasping the hands to the face in
fear, are adaptor gestures. They are automatic and usually are not planned. It is important to
note that gestures are not used individually but in relation to another person, and acquire
meaning at particular times. Speech and gestures go together, and, therefore, have to be
properly co-ordinated. In the absence of speech-gesture-co-ordination, we experience
confusion and discomfort.
Although gestures are spontaneous, we can learn to monitor and use positive
gestures and minimize the negative ones.
Posture: Posture has great significance in interpreting body language. Postulating (adopting a
posture) is very general approach for adjusting – relating with and defending ourselves from
various physical environments, social situations, objects and persons. Posture speaks loudly.
Adopting a posture has been hard coded in our subconscious minds since millions of year as
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
primary defence and adaptive mechanism. Our aquatic ancestors started adopting postures
and we got them in genes. Unlike facial expressions or voice, posture can be observed or
sensed from long distance thus it has power to convey message to many. Following are
some commonly observable postures in our day to day life:
Self-control - For keeping self in check, we clench fingers
with each other near abdominal area. We try to manage
ourselves in the situation with reasonable patience.
We communicate a great deal through touch. Think about the message given by the
following: a weak handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm bear hug, a reassuring slap
on the back, a patronizing pat on the head, or a controlling grip on your arm.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
1. Long conversations using non-verbal communication are usually not possible.
Business Communication Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
unwelcoming, and fidgeting during a conversation may cause coworkers to feel as though
you are disinterested. Consider what messages your gestures and body language are sending
to your peers, boss or employees. Shaking hands shows respect and manners, standing up
straight conveys a sense of welcoming and facing co-workers during a conversation sends the
message that you care about what they are saying.
Verbal communication is the commonest mode of human communication. It requires two
persons at least to make verbal communication. One is the speaker and the other is the
listener. So two elements are involved and that is speaking and listening. Verbal
communication is used all the time and in debates, seminars, workshops and symposia.
Then comes the feedback process. This is the step where the listener (receiver) tells the
sender what he has received and understood of the message and what his responses are to
it. The speaker then has to respond to the listener only then the feedback is said to be
Practice Exercise:
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Business Communication
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Skills Required in Written Communication
3.2 The Purpose of Writing
3.3 Characteristics of Written Communication
3.4 Three Elements of Written Communication
3.5 Oral versus Written Communication
3.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication
3.7 Barriers to Written Communication
3.8 How to Overcome Barriers to Written Communication
3.9 Proof Reading
Written Communication Business Communication
In this lesson, we'll discuss what written communication is and some advantages and
disadvantages of using it. We'll also discuss the skills you'll need to become an effective
The overall objective is to develop students’ written expression of thought and provide
learners opportunities to explore ideas and to build connections between content areas.
Written communication implies transmission of message is black and white. It includes
diagrams, picture, graphs etc. Reports, polices, rules, procedures, orders instruction,
agreements etc, have to be transmitted in writing for efficient running of the organization.
Written communication ensures that everyone concerned has the same information. It
provides a permanent record of communication for future reference written instructions are
essential when the action called for vital and complicated. To be effective, written
communication should be clear, concise, correct and completed. It may take the following
i) Sender (source): This is the source or the writer in written communication. He has to be
clear about what he wants to send and be concise and appropriate about it.
ii) Receiver (destination): This is the receiver or the reader of the information. He too has to
be clear about what he wants and what he is getting through the communication.
iii) Message (signal): The message is the signal or the information. The information has to be
absolutely clear, concise and appropriate. In this case of written communication language
has to be taken care of.
a) Writing to Inform
When the writer seeks to provide and explain information, the writing is called informative
writing. It is also called expository writing because it expresses ideas and facts. Informative
writing presents information not opinions. Its purpose is to educate and not persuade.
Business Communication Written Communication
b) Writing to Persuade
Persuasive writing aims at convincing the reader about a matter that is debatable; it
expresses opinion rather than facts. This writing is also called argumentative, as it supports
and argues for a certain viewpoints. The writer seeks to influence and convince the reader to
accept the position he or she has put forth. Persuasive writing is found in opinion essays,
editorials, business and research proposals etc.
(i) Written communication is a creative activity that requires a lot of imagination and effort
to arrive at the finished product. While oral communication is spontaneous, written
communication is based on conscious effort. Let us take the example of a report that we
want to present. We first of all have to collect all the necessary information, arrange it in a
logical order and then write out very carefully. We have to be careful at every step. That is
not always the case with spoken messages or other forms of oral communication. Letters and
reports, nicely produced, reflect the image of the organisation. The more creative and
imaginative the writers the brighter the image of the company.
(ii) Another important characteristic of written communication is the time factor that is
involved in it. Oral messages, in a face-to-face situation or through telephone reach the
receiver immediately and the feedback almost always comes immediately. This is not the
case with written communication. The sender has to plan out his message, viz., a letter or
report carefully and encode it with great care. Then he sends it to the person for whom it is
meant. The receiver takes his own time in decoding it. Then he gives it careful thought or
filters it through his mind and plans out his reaction to it. Sending back the reply or his
comments on it will take some time. So it is to be kept in mind that written communication is
a time consuming activity.
iii) Thirdly, it is to be noted that written communication has fewer cycles than oral or face-
to-face communication. Oral communication is a multiple cycle event. Oral messages get
immediate response that leads very often to further exchange of words. This is not possible
in written communication.
i) Structure: A good structure will help you to express yourself more clearly, whether in a
dissertation, an essay, a job application letter or a CV. The following tactics may help you to
structure your writing:
a .Clarify thoughts and the purpose of your communication before you start writing. In
business communications, clarity is more important than style. Identify the themes, key
points, and facts.
b. Compose a strong introduction and ending. The first will make an immediate and positive
impression on the reader; the second will remain in their mind after they have finished.
c. Use short paragraphs and sentences to keep to one idea per paragraph and put your point
in the first line, then add the supporting information.
d. Help key points to stand out by the use of headings, sub-headings and bullet points. This
will allow your reader to quickly scan your message for the main points.
ii) Style: Style is a comprehensive term that merits lots of attention. In written
communication, we depend on the style of writing. We adopt the style of writing by reading,
by listening to good speeches and by practicing writing. The current trend is simple and lucid
style of writing. When you strike the right tone and technique for your written
communication, the document becomes even more effective.
iii) Content: The content should be clearly readable. It is important for writers when working
on the frontline, what they should consider when planning for clear and readable content.
The content should be written in plain language.
Written communication also involves verbal and nonverbal dimensions. The words you
Business Communication Written Communication
choose are the verbal dimension. How you portray or display them is the nonverbal
dimension, which can include the medium (e-mail or a printed document), the typeface or
font, or the appearance of your signature on a letter. In this sense, oral and written
communication is similar in their approach even as they are quite different in their
The written word allows for a dynamic communication process between source and
receiver, but is often asynchronous, meaning that it occurs at different times. When we
communicate face-to-face, we get immediate feedback, but our written words stand in place
of that interpersonal interaction and we lack that immediate response. Since we are often
not physically present when someone reads what we have written, it is important that we
anticipate the reader’s needs, interpretation, and likely response to our written messages.
Written Communication Business Communication
2. Legal validity: It provides legal proof. Documents of importance are always stored in
written form.
3. It aids memory and retention: the reader can go to the written matter again and again.
This aids understanding as well as retention.
4. It is more accurate and organised: Written messages are drafted with greater time at our
disposal; they are more accurate. The writer can edit and alter his message to make it as
perfect as possible, and add the details needed. Words are chosen carefully to convey the
exact meaning and matter is organised properly. This makes written communication an
essential part of every business organisation.
5. Fixing responsibility: Written documents are always signed; hence it is possible to fix
responsibility on a certain person or group of persons.
6. Wider reach: Written messages have a wider reach than oral messages, as printing and
photocopying make it possible to transmit messages easily to a very large number of people.
1. Time, trouble, expense: A written message needs more time and care to prepare.
It is also costlier as it needs machinery and stationery.
2. Feedback is slow: Feedback is slow and often delayed in written messages – sometimes it
may even be absent. Getting answers to queries and clarifications may become difficult.
1. Write short sentences. Short sentences are easier to read than long sentences. If a
sentence seems like it’s getting long, break it into two.
2. Write short paragraphs. Limit your paragraphs to three sentences. This allows for white
space and improves readability. If a paragraph looks like a big block of text consider how you
can divide it into two or three smaller paragraphs.
3. Capitalize the first letter of each sentence. Not hitting the shift key is a sure
fire way to tell people you don’t care about how you are viewed.
4. Use people’s names. Just as people notice when you speak their names, they
are also aware when they read their names. Writing “Hi Joe,” or “Hey Sue,” lets them know
the message is for them and makes the person feel valued.
5. Be clear. With every message you type, ask yourself, “Is this message clear
and to the point?” No one likes having to read a message more than once to
figure out what the other person is trying to say.
6. Be concise. Learn to communicate your messages in the fewest number of
words possible. This is my goal with every sentence I write.
Written Communication Business Communication
14. Take pride. Be proud of every message you send, including those going to your
friends and family.
who we are. How you are viewed impacts the respect people have for you, the influence
you have with others, and the people you attract into your life. These things play an
important role in your personal and professional relationships, in the value you bring to the
market, and how you feel about yourself. It really boils down to this: do you care about how
you are viewed? Do you want to create a positive brand for yourself? If you do, it’s important
that you start taking pride in everything you type and write. Begin today to put an
emphasis on developing your written communication skills.
Proof Reading
A draft of the written matter should be proof read and then a final draft made considering
the errors corrected and suggestions made on the draft, so that an error free rightly
formatted piece of written communication is presented. Remember in the words of James
Michener, “Good writing consists of trying to use ordinary words to achieve extraordinary
results.” The following are the common proof readers’ marks:
close up
insert a space
space evenly
let stand
Written Communication Business Communication
align horizontally
align vertically
broken character
spell out
set in lowercase
set in italic
set in roman
set in boldface
Hyphen multi-colored
en dash 1965–72
superscript or superior
subscript or inferior
Written Communication Business Communication
quotation marks
wrong font
What is corporate Communication and why is it necessary. The necessity arises from the
need to thrive well in a competitive world and all depend on how effective communication
is. Written communication has several advantages and a few disadvantages. However the
advantages are more. The disadvantages maybe kept in mind to obliterate the misuse of
written communication.
Business communication has to be simple, ornate and flowery language should not be used.
Simplicity will result in clarity of language and this is essential in business communication.
Ambiguity of language not only mars the flow of thoughts in the communication, it will also
Business Communication Written Communication
Proof reader’s marks are used to correct the first draft of any written communication, after
which the draft is written out in fair. Standard proof readers’ marks have to be used in case
the writer and the proof reader are two different persons. Corrections are made according to
the proof reading done.
Practice Exercise
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Principles of Business Writing
4.2 Formal and Informal Written Communication
4.3 When to Use Formal and Informal Writing
4.4 Types of Internal Formal Writings
4.5 Types of External Formal Writings
After completing this chapter you should be able to understand the value of writing.
In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate. A written
message may be printed or hand written. In written communication message can be
transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc. Message, in written communication, is
influenced by the vocabulary & grammar used, writing style, precision and clarity of the
language used.
Written Communication is most common form of communication being used in business. So,
it is considered core among business skills. In the last chapter we have learnt how to adapt to
written communication skills. Here we are going to learn in how many different ways can
communicate through different forms of writing like for instance:
Electronic mails
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
These types of written communication used for internal communication. For communicating
with external environment in writing the followings are used:
2. Be Concise
Avoid unnecessary embellishments and get straight to the point.
Wordy Example: The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with a detailed
explanation of the primary business writing principles. In order to provide an introduction to
this process for new business writers, we have prepared an overview, which describes the
highlights of the business writing process in just three pages. This detailed document
describes several tips and techniques that writers are able to follow in their path towards
improving their business writing skills.
Concise Example: This document explains business writing principles in detail. A three-page
overview has been prepared to introduce this process to new business writers. The included
techniques can be utilized to further develop your writing skills.
Establish a Need:In persuasive documents, readers should perceive a need for your idea
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
before being presented with facts and support for your idea.
Stress Benefits before Features: Your audience, particularly at the executive level, seeks
benefits rather than features. Readers are looking for direct benefits when reviewing and
approving documents.
Use Facts and Statistics: Readers tend to be naturally skeptical and will look for reliable
information before providing their support for a specific idea. While it may sound
obvious, relying on trustworthy supporting evidence can substantially help to persuade
the audience.
Provide a Call to Action: Establish a clear deadline and plan next steps. Readers are most
likely to take action (such as approving your request, forwarding your questions, etc.)
when there is a specific timeline and instructions for proceeding.
Formal Communication
Formal communication includes all the instances where communication has to occur in a set
formal format. Typically this can include all sorts of business communication or corporate
communication. The style of communication in this form is very formal and official. Official
conferences, meetings and written memos and corporate letters are used for
Formal communication can also occur between two strangers when they meet for the first
time. Hence formal communication is straightforward, official and always precise and has a
stringent and rigid tone to it.
Informal Communication
Informal communication includes instances of free unrestrained communication between
people who share a casual rapport with each other. Within a business environment, informal
communication is sometimes called the grapevine and might be observed occurring in
conversations, electronic mails, and phone calls between socializing employees.
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
well as the professional communication and here your letters and the emails are the
instruments to facilitate these relations. Just imagine, if you receive letter from your boss
wishing you on your birthday, how do you feel? Certainly, you will be excited, happy and
motivated to perform to the satisfaction of your boss. This in turn not only helps to build the
better relations but also performance. Even when an author writes he has a reader in his
mind. The very reason is, he wants to build a bond of intimacy between him and his reader
so that he can take him into his thought process. Therefore, consistent letter writing will
evoke a sensation of an actual meeting or participation in to the thoughts or writer creating
a cohesive bond.
a. Inquiry letters
These letters are used to request more information about a product or service. You must
clearly explain what information you are seeking. You may also ask for further details in the
form of catalogues, brochures etc.
1.2. Paragraph 2
In the second paragraph, clearly mention your academic qualifications and work experience.
You may also add any relevant details that might improve your chances of being considered
for the job.
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
1.3. Paragraph 3
In the third paragraph, inform them that you have included your CV. You may also draw their
attention to particularly important points you would like them to consider.
Your name
City, Street,
Zip Code
Recipient name:
Name of the organization
City, Street, Zip code
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
Yous Sincerely,
Your name
Enclosure: Resume
2.4. Considerations
Your cover letter should be neat and free of spelling or grammatical errors. Keep the tone of
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
the cover letter positive and focus on tasks you can perform well. Avoid showing any
negativity toward past employers. Be sure to follow standard rules of correspondence even if
you are sending your cover letter through email.
Dear [insert name of hiring manager],
First paragraph: Mention the job you’re applying for and where you found the job listing.
Middle paragraph: Discuss your qualifications. These paragraphs should be specifically
tailored to requirements posted in the job listing. You might also consider including why this
specific company interested you in the first place. Limit this section to two to three
Final paragraph: Discuss the next steps. If you are going to follow up in one to two weeks,
mention a specific date. If you would prefer to leave the ball in their court, say that you look
forward to discussing your qualifications further. Also provide your email address and phone
number. Don’t forget to thank them for their time.
[insert your name]
Best Regards,
Narendra Bose
B. Memos:
1. What is a memo?
A memo, short for the word memorandum, comes from the Latin word memorandus, which
means, "to be remembered." It is a compact written message designed to help someone
remember something. For example, a list of groceries to be picked up on your way home
from work is a memo, a simple list of things to be remembered later. Once acted upon, a
memo is often thrown away. Not so with business memos, it is standard practice to save
them. Their objective is to deliver information or instructions. Their scope should be limited
to a single topic so that the reader will" get the message" quickly and, if necessary, take an
action. A memo is a hard-copy (sent on paper) document used for communicating inside an
organisation usually short contains To, From, Date, Subject Headings, and Message section
does not need to be signed, but sometimes has the sender's name at the bottom to be more
friendly, or the sender's full name to be more formal. If in doubt, follow your company style.
Example Memos
a. Decide if it’s to be persuasive or informative. While many memos are a combination of the
two (example: “In order to process your claim promptly, please submit it no later than
January 15.”), sometimes memos have to be one or the other for the reader to take the
appropriate action. A persuasive memo engages the reader’s interest before issuing a
directive, where as an informative memo outlines the facts and then requests the reader’s
b. Clearly state the purpose of communication in the subject line. Most memo formats
have the basics of the header, like “to,” “from” and “date” in place. But you have a
responsibility to make the subject line as descriptive as possible so the reader understands
the intent. A memo simply titled “Vacation Time” might appear to be good news – until the
document explains that vacation time won’t be granted unless first requested in writing.
Thus, a better memo title might be “New Vacation Time Request Policy".
c. Write memos with purpose and make that purpose known in the first paragraph. One
way to make sure no one reads or heeds memos is to send them out for the slightest issue.
Try to avoid doing this. Also, outline the purpose and the desired action in the memo’s first
paragraph. Readers will become conditioned to the importance of a memo and gain that
knowledge as soon as they open it.
d. K.I.S.S. – Keep It Short and Simple. Most memo formats accommodate one page of
information. This means that the topic details should be concise, with clear directives and
contacts for follow-up. If it’s a complex topic extending into multiple pages, still keep the
language as direct as possible, add headings or bullets to guide the reader and conclude with
a summary paragraph of key points. Reinforce the reader’s necessary action. At the end of
the memo, specifically direct the reader to the desired action.
4. Parts of a Memo:
There are three basic reasons to write a memo:
* to persuade action
* to issue a directive
* or to provide a report
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
Regardless of your purpose, memos are generally divided into segments in order
to organize the information and to achieve your intention.
4.a. Heading
Make sure you address the reader by his or her correct name and job title.
Be specific and concise in your subject line.
ii. In the task statement describe what you are doing to deal with a situation. If an action was
requested, refer to it by a sentence opening like, "You asked that I look at...." If you want to
explain your intentions, you might say, "To determine the best method of xxx, I will...
iii. Finally, the purpose statement of a memo gives your reason for writing it and forecasts
what is in the rest of the memo. You want to come right out and tell your reader the kind of
information that's in store. For example, you might say: "This memo presents a description of
the current situation, some proposed alternatives, and my recommendations." If you choose
to use headings for your memo segments, you can refer to your major headings in this
forecast statement to provide a guide for your reader.
easier. For example, you might say, "I will be glad to discuss this recommendation with you
during our Tuesday meeting and follow through on any decisions you make."
C. Reports:
1. What is a report?
A report is written for a clear purpose and to a particular audience. Specific information and
evidence are presented, analysed and applied to a particular problem or issue. The
information is presented in a clearly structured format making use of sections and headings
so that the information is easy to locate and follow. when you are asked to write a report
you will usually be given a report brief which provides you with instructions and guidelines.
The report brief may outline the purpose, audience and problem or issue that your report
must address, together with any specific requirements for format or structure. This guide
offers a general introduction to report writing; be sure also to take account of specific
instructions provided by your department.
An effective report presents and analyses facts and evidence that are relevant to the specific
problem or issue of the report brief. All sources used should be acknowledged and
referenced throughout, in accordance with the preferred method of your department
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
/university. A well written report will demonstrate your ability to: understand the purpose of
the report brief and adhere to its specifications;
gather, evaluate and analyse relevant information;
structure material in a logical and coherent order;
present your report in a consistent manner according to the instructions of the report
make appropriate conclusions that are supported by the evidence an analysis of the
There needs to be a summary of the major points, conclusions, and recommendations. It
needs to be short as it is a general overview of the report. Some people will read the
summary and only skim the report, so make sure you include all the relevant information.
The first page of the report needs to have an introduction. You will explain the problem and
show the reader why the report is being made. You need to give a definition of terms if you
did not include these in the title section, and explain how the details of the report are
The main body of the report is where you discuss your material. The facts and evidence you
have gathered should be analysed and discussed with specific reference to the problem or
issue. If your discussion section is lengthy you might divide it into section headings. Your
points should be grouped and arranged in an order that is logical and easy to follow. Use
headings and subheadings to create a clear structure for your material. Use bullet points to
present a series of points in an easy-to-follow list. As with the whole report, all sources used
should be acknowledged and correctly referenced.
In the conclusion you should show the overall significance of what has been covered. You
may want to remind the reader of the most important points that have been made in the
report or highlight what you consider to be the most central issues or findings. However, no
new material should be introduced in the conclusion.
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
Under this heading you should include all the supporting information you have used that is
not published. This might include tables, graphs, questionnaires, surveys or transcripts. Refer
to the appendices in the body of your report.
i. Write simply and appropriately. Your method and findings should be described accurately
and in non-ambiguous terms.
ii. Spend time on your discussion section. This is the bit that pulls the whole piece together
by showing how your findings relate to the purpose of the report, and to any previous
iii. Acknowledged with a reference. Every idea and piece of information you use that comes
from someone else's work must be acknowledged with a reference.
iv.The scope of the report. Be clear about the scope of the report. The word count will help
you to understand this. For instance, a 5000 word report will be expected to include a lot
more background and discussion than a 1000 word report – this will be looking for more
conciseness in the way you convey your information.
Example of a report
Product Profile
TKAP manufactures transmissions for Toyota vehicles and is a key supplier for Toyota both globally and
locally. It also manufactures front axle, rear axle and propeller shaft for models such as Toyota Innova
and Toyota Fortuner.
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
Financial Position
The financial position of the company was however not disclosed by the personnel. But still the
chances of a heavy drop is negligible because the production, the inventory and the stock was
maintained effectively based on the demand.
Plant Layout
There were two units in TKAP mainly as 3-Unit Parts Plant and the 100% EOU plant which has products
exclusively to be exported. Mass production strategy was adopted. The production line was mainly
aimed at the product being produced. An exclusive product orientedplant layout was setup at TKAP.
HR Practices
HR practices at TKAP were actually unique. They have a very unique appraisal system based on
performance and newer ideas. Each and every single employee had an opportunity to express their
ideas to improve productivity. There were weekly, monthly and annual appraisal charts displayed at the
plant with employee details.
Below are some key distinctions between formal and informal writing, as well as some
guidelines to follow when composing a formal email to a superior(professor, current or
prospective employer, etc.) or someone who does not know you.
a. Informal:
Hi Simpi,
I'm now preparing a few materials for the meeting this weekend. Basically, l just introduced the
Sakawat School program with some general information and some photos, then we can share the
highlights of our own experiences.
After that, we can field a few questions. How does that sound?
Yes, I agree it can be a challenge to meet the needs of a class with different
levels. Good luck with this!
See you Saturday,
Bye now,
b. Formal
Written to a professor, colleague, boss, etc.
Must always be professional
Accurate grammar, punctuation, and spelling necessary
Dear Professor Kamat,
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
I was unable to attend class today due to a doctor’s appointment. When you
have a moment, could please let me know what I missed and what homework
I need to have completed for Friday?
2. Email Format:
a. Salutation:
The salutation of a formal email is similar to the salutation of a letter. When writing to
someone you do not know by name, you put “To Whom it May Concern.” When applying for
a job, you would address the person by, “Dear Hiring Manager.” If you do know the
recipient’s name, you put “Dear Mr./Ms. Solanki.” For a formal salutation, you should not use
the recipient’s first name or the informal greetings “Hello” or “Hey.”
b. Body Paragraphs:
It is important to remember that an email needs to be concise. The first sentence, known as
the opening sentence, can be a greeting if the situation allows it. hope all is well with you.
Thank you for your prompt response. However, for most formal emails it is best to get
straight to the point. Depending on the subject, you should have a maximum of four
paragraphs and each paragraph should contain a single point. It is also important to
provide questions in order to prompt a response. At the end of your last paragraph you
should provide a “thank you” or “call to action” depending on the subject of your email.
Rohan Rastogi
Student Body President
Azad College
(555) 555-5555
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
1) Proposals:
A proposal is a request for financial assistance to implement a project. The proposal outlines
the plan of the implementing organisation about the project, giving extensive information
about the intention, for implementing it, the ways o manage it and the results to be
delivered from it. the following guidelines are designed to help you prepare your full
proposal. How well you plan the action is critical to the success of the project.
Designing a project is a process consisting of two elements, which are equally important and
thus essential to forming a solid project proposal:
Project planning ( formulation of project elements)
Proposal writing ( converting the plan into a project document)
The project proposal should be a detailed and directed manifestation of the project design. It
is means of presenting the project to the outside world in a
format that is immediately recognised and accepted.
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
Identify potential funding options: It is necessary to find out in advance what sources of
funding are available, through governments, international cooperation agencies, some
international NGOs or private foundations.
Build a project proposal team (adapted from PHILIP et al. 2008): a leader will be needed to
manage the proposal development in an efficient way, and therefore it is advisable to assign
the lead role to one specific person. This person is then responsible for the coordination of
the overall proposal development, for communication with potential funders and for making
sure that all different pieces of input are brought together in a consistent and coherent text.
Experts with more detailed technical knowledge might be part of the team, or simply
contribute to an initial brainstorming session. Furthermore, the budget should be compiled
in close cooperation with staff from the financial department. Input from stakeholders or
other specialists with different backgrounds helps bring in the necessary expertise to the
Title page: A title page should appear on proposals longer than three to four pages. The title
page should indicate the project title, the name of
the lead organisation (and potential partners, if any), the place and date
of project preparation and the name of the donor agency to whom the
proposal is addressed.
Project title: The project title should be short, concise, and preferably refer to a certain key
project result or the leading project activity. Project titles that are too long or too general fail
to give the reader an effective snapshot of what is inside.
Abstract/Executive Summary: Many readers lack the time needed to read the whole project
proposal. It is therefore useful to insert a short project summary, an abstract or executive
summary. The abstract should include: the problem statement, the project’s objectives,
implementing organisations; key project activities; and potentially the total project budget.
Theoretically, the abstract should be compiled after the relevant items already exist in their
long form. For a small project the abstract may not be longer than 10 lines. Bigger projects
often provide abstracts as long as two pages.
Context: This part of the project describes the social, economic, political and cultural
background from which the project is initiated. It should contain relevant data from research
carried out in the project planning phase or collected from other sources.
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
Project justification: A rationale should be provided for the project. Due to its importance,
this section is sometimes divided into four or more sub-sections:
a.Problem statement: The problem statement provides a description of the specific problem(s)
the project is trying to solve, in order to “make a case” for the project. Furthermore, the
project proposal should point out why a certain issue is a problem for the community or
society as a whole, i.e. what negative implications affect the target group. There should also
be an explanation of the needs of the target group that appear as a direct consequence of
the described problem.
b.Priority needs: The needs of the target group that have arisen as a direct negative impact of
the problem should be prioritised. An explanation as to how this decision was reached must
also be included.
c.The proposed approach (type of intervention): The project proposal should describe the
strategy chosen for solving the problem and precisely how it will lead to improvement.
d.The implementing organisation: This section should describe the capabilities of your
organisation by referring to its capacity and previous project record. Describe why exactly
your organisation is the most appropriate to run the project, its connexion to the local
community, the constituency behind the organisation and what kind of expertise the
organisation can provide. If other partners are involved in implementation provide some
information on their capacity as well.
e.Project aims: This information should include the project goal (a general aim that should
explain what the core problem is and why the project is important, i.e. what the long-term
benefits to the target group are), project purpose (that should address the core problem in
terms of the benefits to be received by the project beneficiaries or target group as a direct
result of the project) and the outputs (i.e. results describe the
services or productss to be delivered to the intended beneficiaries).
Target group: define the target group and show how it will benefit from the
project. The project should provide a detailed description of the size and characteristics of
the target groups, and especially of direct project beneficiaries.
Project Implementation: The implementation plan should describe activities and
resource allocation in as much detail as possible. It is exceptionally important to provide a
good overview of who is going to implement the project’s activities, as well as when and
where. The implementation plan may be divided into two key elements: the activity plan and
the resource plan. The activity plan should include specific information and explanations of
each of the planned project activities. The duration of the project should be clearly stated,
with considerable detail on the beginning and the end of the project. In general, two main
formats are used to express the activity plan: a simple table (a simple table with columns for
activities, sub-activities, tasks, timing and responsibility in a clear and readily understandable
Budget: An itemised summary of an organisation’s expected income and expenses over a
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
1c. Applicability
Proposals are prepared to apply for external funds for the implementation of a project. Most
grant applications ask for the same information, but they often have different formats.
A proposal is an essential marketing document that helps cultivate an initial
professional relationship between an organisation and a donor over a project to be
A proposal facilitates appropriate words for the conception of an idea
The proposal has a framework that establishes ideas formally for a clear
understanding of the project for the donor
Successful proposals mean financial aid for the organisation to grow for the
replication of project and ideas.
Planning problems: Although a good idea exists, yet when we try to plan it out
extensively, we face many unexpected challenges
There are often tight deadlines, and proposals may be rejected
2. Fax Messages
A fax (short for facsimile and sometimes called tele copying) is the telephonic transmission of
scanned-in printed material (text or images), usually to a telephone number associated with
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
a printer or other output device. The original document is scanned with a fax machine,
which treats the contents (text or images) as a single fixed graphic image, converting it into
a bitmap. In this digital form, the information is transmitted as electrical signals through the
telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image and prints a paper
copy of the document.
A fax message is much the same as a letter sent by post. The cover page includes “To”,
“From”, Company, Date, Fax No., and No. Of Pages. The Salutation and Complimentary close
may be included and the text must be included and the text must be prepared as the text of
the letter.
A fax machine is a relatively inexpensive essential item of equipment for any business. Fax
messages may be sent between branches of the same company or to external business
associates. Today many communications which would normally be sent by letter are in fact
sent by fax.
The fully blocked style may be used in preparing a fax message, as shown in this example.
The message usually has a cover page containing the following information:
The cover page also usually contains a short message. Any document (e.g. report, letter,
purchase order) that you are sending follows the cover page.
To Samsundar Das,GeneralManager
-Number of pages
(Including this page) 1
These headings are important so that all the essential details can be inserted
Thank you for calling this morning regarding my trip to
Singapore next month. I am very grateful to you for offering
to meet me at the airport and drive me to my hotel.
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
1.Speedy Transmission: Fax enables transmission of message, data, diagram, sketches and
drawing with exceptionally high speed.
4. Overcoming barrier: Fax can be sent to any point where there is availability of
telecommunication system. There is no hassle to carry the document physically.
5. Confirmation of Receiving: Fax provides confirmation for the data or information received
by the user.
1. Less Privacy: Fax has less privacy as the transmitted data can be handled by anyone who
is beside the fax machine.
2. Hazy information: Fax may send hazy information due to problem with the machine and
therefore purpose of fastest delivery will be unsuccessful.
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
3. Dependency on telephonic system: Fax uses telephonic system to transmit data and if
such system is down then sending of data and information face problem.
3. Advertisements
The short length of radio and television ads make it seem that writing them would be simple.
In fact, they are more difficult to write because they need to convey the advertiser's message
in a meaningful way in such a short time. AIDA is an acronym used in advertising that
describes a common list of events that may occur when a consumer engages with an
Step 1
Identify your target market. Know as much as you can about their ages, genders, lifestyle and
any other factors that identify them. The better you know your audience, the more
effectively you can speak to them.
Step 2
Determine the objective of your ad. You may want to make people aware of a company,
product or service, entice them to buy or take action of some kind. Everyone involved
should agree in advance on what the ad should accomplish.
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
Step 3
Write to your audience. Use the language they use, words they understand and images they
can identify with. Keep your message simple, direct and clear.
Step 4
Grab the audience's attention in your opening scene and dialogue. If you're writing a radio
ad, use words that describe the image.
Step 5
Repeat your message several times in different ways. Once is not enough to make the
message memorable. Even in a 30-second spot, repeat your main message at least once. If
you're giving a phone number or address, show it on the screen as well as saying it.
Why Advertising?
Modes of Advertising
Advertising Effectiveness
Good advertising and marketing communication is effective when it generates the
advertiser's desired response. The intended consumer response is the message's objective
and the message is effective to the degree that it achieves this desired response
Advertisements make attitudes more favourable to a particular product. Helps in building an
image for the product and keep building loyalty.
Advertising is the business of drawing public attention to goods and services. When you
begin to create advertising for your product or service, keep these suggestions in mind:
1. Don’t make promises you can’t live up to. Although your ad may draw more people to
your product initially, you can’t retain these people as loyal customers in the long run if you
make promises you can’t keep.
2. Identify the best features of whatever it is you’re selling and develop your advertising
around these features. Think about how your product stands out from the competition,
what sets it apart, and then focus on those attributes.
3. Try to create a memorable advertising message for your product. You want people to
think of your store, your product, or your professional service whenever they’re in the
market for such a thing.
advertising. If your advertising makes bold promises about your product, you may convince a
lot of people to try it. But if those people buy your product and give it a try, and the product
turns out to be less than you advertised it to be, you will most certainly never see
those consumers again.
Think about it: How many times have you responded to an advertising message for a new,
improved, astounding product, only to be disappointed with the item after you tried it? You
probably even felt like you’d been ripped off. If your advertising message leaves consumers
with the same feeling, you simply won’t get anywhere. One good promise on which you can
truly deliver is better than trying to be all things to all people.
Different words or phrases work for different types of businesses, though. Here are some
examples of words and phrases that sell in the retail industry:
3.Everything must go
4.Final closeout
6.Going out of business
7.Grand opening
The challenge lies in walking a fine line between using simple, easy-to-grasp words and
phrases and writing the way people think (in everyday conversational English). Bottom line:
Make your ads simple in their language but creative in their content and presentation. If you
offer a service instead of providing a product, many of the words from the previous list still
work. “Free,” for example, always gets consumers’ attention, as does “new.” The
following appealing words and phrases, however, are specific to the service industry:
1.Great service
2.Free pickup and delivery
3.On time
4.Trial offer
6.Family owned and operated
7.Guaranteed service
8.Money saving
9.Dependable (or reliable)
10.High quality
11.References available from satisfied customers
Business Communication Introduction to Business Writing
1. On average only 0.1% -0.5% of recipients respond.
2. The costs of advertising are many. For one the increase in advertising raises consumer
prices. The company needs to pay for it somehow so guess who the cost is pushed on? The
consumer. Another bad point in advertising is that it often makes you buy things you don't
need or didn't even want. The worst aspect of advertising is probably the fact that it controls
the media.
4. Brochures
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
A brochure is a tangible and credible sales and marketing tool. Your customer can touch it,
flip the pages, and absorb the benefits of your product. It is the face of your company to the
world. Brochures are also called pamphlets or leaflets. It is usually made from a single sheet.
atmosphere. Use photos to break up content and tell a story that’s relevant to the product.
Add captions to the photos. Research shows that captions are highly read and remembered,
and add to the credibility of a photograph.
Advertising Benefits:
Brochures are small, allowing you to place them on doors and car windshields, hand them
out to passers-by, and place them in your reception area where visitors can easily take them.
they can also be placed in point-of-sale displays where your product is sold. Due to their size,
people will be more likely to hold onto a company brochure than a flier, which appears more
disposable and requires folding.
Saves Time:
Unlike typing a full letter to a customer answering an inquiry, sending a brochure that
contains the requested information saves time and generally exposes the customer to a great
deal more information. You don't have to customize brochures or address them specifically
to a customer. You can pop a brochure into an envelope and mail it out to potential
customers without hassle.
Printing Expense:
Brochures may offer advantages like flexibility of design, but printing them still incurs some
costs. Because they're so easy to distribute, you may print a great deal more to be confident
of reaching enough people. Prudent management also requires brochures to be reprinted
when the information they contain becomes outdated. Some companies print brochures that
don't include information like pricing, which can change frequently.
Limited Space:
Brochures are small and are limited by the amount of space available to showcase a
company or product. Brochures feature small paragraphs and bullet points, which often may
not be sufficient to make a sale. Many companies use
brochures to supplement their other sales activity.
Environmental Concerns:
Introduction to Business Writing Business Communication
A brochure, even when printed on recycled paper, is not an environmentally friendly means
of advertising because a single brochure generally reaches a single customer. By contrast, a
radio message reaches thousands, and those that fall on deaf ears are not added to the
garbage stream. In addition, inventories of brochures are not always exhausted before they
expire or require changes, and therefore are a waste of paper, toner and ink.
Practice Exercise
1. Describe the different letter formats. Illustrate clearly by means of
2. How can inquiry letter be made effective? Discuss the kinds of inquiry letters.
3. How job application letter is like a sales letter? Explain with reference to its functions.
Mention the considerations for writing effective job application letters.
4. What is a business report? What are its functions?
5. Write an ‘internal message’ email.
6. Write an email applying for a job.
Some ideas are given below:
Remember the structure of a job application :
• Reason for writing
• Your background and experience
• The job itself, and why you would like to do it
• Refer to your CV
• Final comments
7. Memorandum Writing Exercise
a. Scenario:
In recent months, your company staffs have not been punctual in reporting for work. Your
general manager has taken note of the worrying trend and asked you,
the HR executive to nip the problem in the bud.
Write a memo to your company staff. Ensure that your message is clear, concise, courteous
and complete. Include in your memo:
•Heavy rain
b. Write a memo to your fellow employees requesting that everyone take part in keeping
the break room appliances clean.
8.a. Write to all employees an email, subject being “Project Team Volunteers
b. Write an email to the Proposal Team, Subject being, Receiving sample
9. Write a fax message to your supervisor stating that your business trip has been
postponed to a later date and also give the reason.
10. Design a brochure on Sales Training
Introduction to Informal Writing Business Communication
A. Summary Writing
i) Definition
ii) When are summaries used?
iii) First steps to writing a summary
vi) What is a Good Summary?
B. Note Taking
i) Definition
ii) Why Take Notes?
iii) Methods
iv) Types of Notes Taking
C. Précis Writing
i) Definition
ii) Qualities of a Good Précis
iii) Rules of Making a Précis
D. Journal Writing
i) Definition
ii) Introduction
Business Communication Introduction to Informal Writing
b) Simple: Short sentences are acceptable and sometimes essential to making a point in
informal writing.
c) Contractions and abbreviations: Words are likely to be simplified using contractions (for
example, I’m, doesn’t, couldn’t) and abbreviations (e.g. TV, photos).
d) Empathy and Emotion: The author can show empathy towards the reader regarding the
complexity of a thought and help them through that complexity.
A .Summary Writing
1. What is a summary?
A summary is a record in a reader's own words that gives the main points of a piece of
writing such as a newspaper article, the chapter of a book, or even a whole book. It is also
possible to summarize something that you have heard, such as a lecture, or something that
you have seen and heard, such as a movie. A summary omits details, and does not include
the reader's interpretation of the original.
You may be used to reading English in order to answer questions set by someone else. In that
case, you probably read the questions first and then read the passage in order to find the
correct answer. However, when you read in order to write a summary, you must read in
order to decide for yourself what the main points are. This involves reading to understand
the message that the writer has for the reader, rather than reading in order to get the
correct answer to someone else's questions. Since people have different backgrounds and
read for different purposes, it is possible that different readers will interpret a writer's
message in different ways. Even if they agree, they will probably write their summaries in
different ways. In other words, there is unlikely to be only one "correct" summary. On the
other hand, to write a summary it is necessary to understand a passage as a whole, and
therefore at a deeper level, than when one's purpose is just to answer questions.
i. In general terms: writing summaries is a good way of improving one's ability to read
because it forces the reader to focus on understanding the whole of something rather than
on just following each word or sentence.
i) If you are reading something that is very important for your studies and/or difficult to
understand, writing a summary helps you to make sure that you have understood it. You can
also refer to it later to refresh your memory for example when you are revising for an exam,
or when you are talking about it in class. (It is also a good idea to turn lecture notes into
ii) When writing academic papers people often need to insert summaries of something that
they have read or heard. For example, you might want to summarize the main points of a
book that is relevant to your topic. In such cases, it is extremely important to use your own
words or quotation marks if you are actually quoting, in order to avoid plagiarism.
Business Communication Introduction to Informal Writing
i. As you read, underline all the important points and all the important evidence. For
example, you could look for all the topic sentences. Words that are repeated several times
are likely to be keywords. Transition words can help understanding of the overall structure of
a passage.
ii. List or cluster the main idea of the whole piece, the main supporting ideas, and the main
evidence for each idea. Use of the same keywords or technical expressions is probably
unavoidable. However, be careful to express the ideas in your own way, using your own
vocabulary and expressions as much as possible, rather than copying or just rearranging. Do
not include too much detail.
a) A good summary should give an objective outline of the whole piece of writing. It should
answer basic questions about the original text such as "Who did what, where, and when?",
or "What is the main idea of the text?", "What are the main supporting points?", "What are
the major pieces of evidence?". It should not be a paraphrase of the whole text using your
own words. A reference should be made to the original piece either in the title ("A Summary
of..."), in the first sentence, or in a footnote or endnote.
b) You should not give your own ideas or criticisms as part of the summary. However, if you
want to comment on a piece of writing it is usual to begin by summarizing it as objectively as
c) A good summary should not include selected examples, details, or information which is
not relevant to the piece of writing taken as a whole. A good summary of an essay should
probably include the main idea of each paragraph, and the main evidence supporting that
idea, unless it is not relevant to the article or essay as a whole. A summary does not need a
conclusion, but if the original ends with a message to the reader this should not be left out.
(A good summary of a chapter should probably include the main idea of each group of
paragraphs or each section; a good summary of a book should probably include the main
idea of each chapter, or perhaps the main idea of each section of each chapter.)
d) A good summary may use key words from the original text but should not contain whole
phrases or sentences from the original unless quotation marks are used. Quotations should
only be made if there is a reason for using the original words, for example because the
choice of words is significant, or because the original is so well expressed.
e) Rearranging the words used in the original, or keeping the same structure but just
substituting different words is not enough. You must express the sense of the original using
Introduction to Informal Writing Business Communication
Passage1: Make a summary of not more than 120 words, describing the emergence of
paper money used widely today.
Buying things today is so simple. Just enter a shop, say a bookstore, choose the desired book
and pay for it. Long ago before the invention of money, how did people trade?
The most primitive way of exchange should be the barter trade. In this form of transaction,
people used goods to exchange for the things that they had in mind. For instance, if person A
wanted a book and he had a spare goat, he must look for someone who had the exact
opposite, that is someone say person B, must have a spare book of person A’s choice and is also
in need of a goat. Having found such a person, the problem does not end here. A big goat may
be worth not only one book, hence the person B may have to offer person A something else, say
five chickens. However, he runs the risk of person A rejecting the offer as he may not need the
The above example clearly illustrates the inefficiency of barter trading.
Many years later the cumbersome barter trade finally gave way to the monetary form of
exchange when the idea of money was invented. In the early days, almost anything could qualify
as money: beads, shells and even fishing hooks. Then in a region near Turkey, gold coins were
used as money. In the beginning each coin had a different denomination. It was only later, in
about 700B.C. that Gyges, the king of Lydia, standardized the value of each coin and even printed
his name on the coins.
Monetary means of transaction at first beat the traditional barter trade. However, as time went
by, the thought of carrying a ponderous pouch of coins for shopping appeared not only
troublesome but thieves attracting. Hence, the Greek and Roman traders who bought goods
from people from faraway cities, invented cheques to solve the problem. Not only are paper
cheques easy to carry around, they discouraged robbery as these cheques can only be used by
the person whose name is printed on the notes.
Following this idea, banks later issued notes in exchange of gold deposited with them. These
bank notes can then be used as cash. Finally, governments of today adopted the idea and began
to print paper money, backed by gold for the country’s use.
Today, besides enjoying the convenience of using paper notes as the mode exchange, technology
has led man to invent other means of transaction too like the credit and cash card.
Business Communication Introduction to Informal Writing
Long ago, people bought things through barter trade. However, the difficulty of having to look for
the right partner and dividing the goods led people to switch over to monetary transaction at first,
beads, shells and fishing hooks were used as money. Near Turkey, gold coins with irregular
denominations were used for trade. Later King Gyges standardized the individual coin value. People
soon found carrying coins around for shopping troublesome and thieves courting. Hence,
merchants started to issue cheques with names of the users on them to discourage robbery.
Following that, banks started to issue cash notes in return for gold deposited with them. Finally,
adopting the idea, today, governments printed paper money backed by gold for the country’s
usage. ( 119 words)
Passage2: Make a summary of not more than 120 words, describing “Achieving Peak
There are seven steps to achieve peak performance. The first step is to lead a well- rounded life.
High achievers, according to experts, are obsessed people who take work home and then labor
over it until bedtime. Furthermore, research has also shown that such people tend to peak early
and then go on into decline or level off. They then become addicted to work itself, with less
concern for results.
High performers, in contrast, are willing to work hard-but within strict limits. For them, work is not
everything and they know how to relax. They are able to leave work at office. They value close
friendship and family life, and spend a healthy amount of time with their families.
The second step is to select a career you care about. Studies show that high performers choose
work they truly prefer, and spend over two-thirds of their working hours doing it and only one-third
on disliked tasks. They want internal satisfaction and not just external results such as pay rises and
promotions. In the end, ofcourse, they often have both. Since they enjoy what they do, they
produce better work and the rewards are higher.
Rehearsing each challenge or task mentally is the third step to achieving peak performance. Before
any difficulty or important situation... a public presentation, a board meeting, for example… most
peak performers run their desired actions through in their minds over and over again. Nearly all of
us day-dream about important coming events, but idle day-dreaming is not the same as a
deliberate mental workout that sharpens the skills to be used in the activity.
In order to achieve peak performance, you also have to seek results, not perfection. Many
ambitious and hardworking people are so obsessed with perfection that they produce very little
work. It has been found that those with perfectionist tendencies earned considerably less a year
those who did not have such tendencies. In contrast, high performers are almost always free to
compulsion to be perfect. They do not think of their mistakes as failures, but they learn from
mistakes so that they can do better the next time.
Introduction to Informal Writing Business Communication
The next step is to be willing to take risks. Most people are willing to settle for jobs which they
think are secure, even if that also means mediocrity and boredom, rather than take chances. High
performers, on the other hand, are able to take risks because they would carefully consider how
they would adjust and how they would salvage the situation if, in reality they did fail. Constructing
a ‘worst-case’ scenario allows them to make a rational choice.
The penultimate step to achieving peak performance is not to underestimate your own potential.
Most of us think we know our own limits, but much of what we know is not knowledge at all. It
could be a belief which is erroneous and self-limiting. These types of beliefs are the biggest barriers
to achieving high-level performance. Too many of us set our individual limits far below what we can
actually achieve. High performers, on the contrary, are able to ignore artificial barriers. They
concentrate instead on their own feelings, on their functioning, on the momentum of their effort
and are therefore free to achieve peak levels.
Finally, compete with yourself, not with others. High performers focus more on improving on their
own previous efforts than on completing with others.
Such are the skills of high performers. If you want to make the most of your talents and to live y up
to your fullest potential, learn to use these skills.
There are seven steps which can lead to peak performance. Firstly, have a well-balanced life-
work hard but know when to and how to relax and enjoy your life. The second step is to choose
a career you love since internal satisfaction gives better results and rewards. The next step is to
rehearse a task mentally before actually doing it. Another step is not to be a perfectionist but to
be a risk-taker, and to pursue results and learn from mistakes. High performers never
underestimate themselves but concentrate on their capabilities. Lastly, compete only with
yourself not with others.( 98 words)
Business Communication Introduction to Informal Writing
B. Note Taking
1. Definition
The practice of writing down or otherwise recording key points of information. Note-taking is
an important part of the research process. Notes taken on class lectures or discussions may
serve as study aids. Notes taken during an interview may provide material for a essay, article,
or book.
2. Why Take Notes?
It is important that you decide what the purpose is for you in taking notes. Students take
notes from lectures and tutorials, as well as from reading and written material. There are
various reasons for making notes:
To note down facts
To contrast similarities and difference
To summarize main points
To help pay attention
To review and revise
Good notes are essential for effective learning and the development of understanding at
university. If you have taken the time to make good notes you not only have a personal
resource that you can use as you revise for terms tests and exams, but you are also more
likely to have confidence in your knowledge of the topic.
3. Methods
There are several ways of taking notes, with various advantages and disadvantages.
Method Description
Many students use this format (basically written paragraphs) and
they are familiar with it. While this type can provide a summary
the disadvantages are that it encourages verbatim copying and
Prose or linear doesn't allow for organizational strategy use.
The advantage of this method is that it is more visual and allows
for the imposition of structure. It forces the note taker to create
main points. A disadvantage is that sometimes the material is not
conducive or provided in such a format that lends itself to
Outline outlining.
Sometimes referred to as spider diagrams. The notes start in the
middle of a page and 'explode' out towards the edge of the page.
The advantage is that it is very visual, allows for structure and
displays relationships. They are very useful for review and recall,
brainstorming and revision purposes. Also, they work on both a
Mind maps orverbal and a non-verbal level. Another advantage is that a lot of
patterned information can be condensed into a small area. Disadvantages
[Buzan] include they are hard to produce, especially from lectures and
Introduction to Informal Writing Business Communication
This method involves drawing a line down the page, about 1/3
from left side of page. The right side is used to record notes. The
left side is reserved for key words and main points. These can be
done after the lecture, when trying to condense the information.
The advantage of this method is that it forces the note taker to
select main points; it also provides a basis for self-examination (by
Cornell or splitcovering over the right hand side and quizzing using points on left-
page hand side). However, it needs practice.
Whatever method is employed, it is vital that all notes are kept organized.
Précis Writing
The word précis is derived from French that means summary and précis writing means the
art of summarizing. Précis writing is one of the most useful skills you can acquire for your
work both as a student and as a professional. Précis writing involves summarizing a
document to extract the maximum amount of information, then conveying this information
to a reader in minimum words.
1. Definition
A précis is a clear, compact logical summary of a passage. It preserves only the essential or
important ideas of the original.
Clarity means getting your message across so that the receiver can understand what the
writer is trying to convey. It is the basic and essential need of a précis. The ideas should be
clear and understandable. There should not be any ambiguity in your writing. The writer can
achieve clarity by using simple language and simple structure. If your précis is not
understandable to the reader it will lose its importance and meanings for the reader.
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Mistakes in your writings always irritate the reader. Of course mistakes are never intentional;
even so there is no excuse for them. At the time of writing or composing a précis the writer
must ensure that the facts and figures are correct. Structure of sentences and spellings of
words must be correct because a single mistake in structure and spelling may spoil the
message. We may consider the mistakes under the following headings:
Misspelled words
Mistakes in figures and dates
Mistakes in punctuation
Mistakes of grammar and structure
Objectivity means the ability to present or view facts un coloured by feelings, opinions and
personal bias. While making a précis, the writer should adopt an objective approach. He
should not give and add his personal opinion and ideas in a précis. A précis should be purely
a summary of the original text without any addition.
Coherence means the logical and clear interconnection of ideas in a written piece of work. A
good précis should be coherent. The ideas which are presented in a précis must have a
logical connection and they all should be interrelated. In short we may say that the ideas
should be well knitted so that the writer may not be confused and lose his interest.
Another striking feature of a good précis is completeness. A précis should be complete in all
respects. Completeness means that the writer should include all the important facts in a
précis. To make it short he should not omit the important ideas. This mistake on the part of
the writer will spoil the importance and meaning of the précis.
Conciseness is a desirable quality of a good précis. Conciseness means to say all that needs
to be said and no more. The writer should write what is necessary and avoid writing
unnecessary details. A concise piece of work conveys the message in the fewest possible
words. But one point must be kept in mind that the writer should not omit some basic and
essential facts to achieve conciseness. To achieve conciseness, notice the following
Read Carefully
First read the passage twice or thrice carefully to summarize it. This will enable you to
understand the main theme of the passage.
Underline and mark the important ideas and essential points from the original text.
With the help of underlined ideas, draw the outline of your précis.
Omit all the unnecessary information or the long phrases which could be replaced by one
word. All the adjectives and the adverbs can also be omitted in order to make a good précis.
Don’t Omit
While making a précis, the writer should never omit the important points and ideas which
are essential to be described.
Keep the fact in your mind that the length of the précis should be the one third of the
original passage.
Indirect Speech
A précis should be written in indirect speech. If there is direct speech in the passage, it
should be changed into indirect speech.
Own Words
A précis should be written in your own words and the writer should abstain from borrowing
words from the original passage.
Précis of a Dialogue
The précis of a dialogue or conversation should always be expressed in form of narrative.
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Objective Approach
A précis writer should adopt an objective approach. He should not add his personal ideas to
a précis. Put all the important points and ideas in a logical order.
One Paragraph
There could be two or more paragraphs in the original text. While making the précis, try to
write all the ideas in one paragraph.
Rough Draft
After omitting all the unnecessary ideas, the writer should prepare a rough draft to finalize it.
Final Draft
Having read the rough draft and pointed out some mistakes which may be found in the
rough draft, the writer can prepare the final draft.
a. Rough Draft:
Discipline is one of the biggest problems in the world. Society feels that discipline should be
controlled to shape the mind of the citizen. Some want to be free to think and do whatever
they like. Even the keen athlete is disciplining himself the whole time.He observes the rules
of good health.
b. Important Points:
Discipline seems to be a problem. Society wants to control or discipline the citizen to shape
his mind. Some may think that discipline is not necessary because they want to be free to
think and do whatever they like. An athlete is disciplining himself. His discipline and
punctuality make him enjoy playing games.
Business Communication Introduction to Informal Writing
c. Fair Draft:
Though discipline seems to be a problem it is necessary for all. Discipline shapes our mind and
regulates our habits. Some want to be free and think that it is not necessary. Discipline and
punctuality give enjoyment to athletes.
D. Journal Writing
The word journal comes from the French word jour and from the Latin word diurnalis
meaning daily. Thus, a journal is some form of notebook in which daily writing (or at least
regular writing) is recorded. Journals help people clarify their thoughts. Jotting down
feelings, responses, and insights into daily events gives writers an opportunity to discover
what they think and how they feel about different topics. If you keep a journal during this
course, you never will have to worry about finding a topic for your writing assignments. You
will have a collection of ideas stored in your journal.
The word "journalist", for one whose business is writing for the public press and nowadays
also other media, has been in use since the end of the 17th century.
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Journal writing is informal, casual writing. By writing about different topics, you not only
improve your writing skills, but also you have an opportunity to explore your thoughts
without being chastised for grammar, usage, or other errors. Journals are idea books; they
are places where writers are free to “think” in writing. If you have never kept a journal, you
may never have experienced the freedom of writing for no immediate purpose other than to
explore a thought. So that you will understand the informal nature of journal writing, try the
following practice exercise. If you have to ramble aimlessly before finding a main idea, do not
worry; you are allowed to ramble for awhile. When you do discover your topic, however, try
to stay with it. Keeping with your topic will help you learn how to explore it in detail. This
skill can be transferred to more formal theme writing assignments later.
5.ii) Introduction
Have you ever been assigned to write a journal as part of a class? Journals can be one of the
most important assignments in a class. Unfortunately, not all students may recognize the
importance of keeping a journal since it is typically an informal, ungraded assignment. This
lesson will cover various points on why journal writing is so useful.
What is journal writing exactly? It is a process of writing down your personal thoughts,
questions, reflections, and insights on assigned topics. Journal projects assigned in a class
may request you to write about daily experiences, reading assignments, current events,
science laboratory projects, or a number of other topics related to the material taught in
Journal entries are reflective writing, since they typically require you to consider and
respond to something you have read or learned. Your journal entries should not merely be a
summary of what you read, nor should they focus only on your feelings: they should
demonstrate your ability to analyse what you've read and form responses, known as critical
inquiry. Although journals should incorporate these components, they typically have a free
form. Because journal writing allows you to explore different writing strategies, it is a form of
exploratory writing.
One important point to understand is that journal writing for a class is not the same thing as
keeping a diary. Topics you write about in a journal are typically more formal than a diary,
but less formal than an essay. Also, your teacher, and in some cases other students, may read
what you have written.
The following table reveals a comparison of the various types of journals available:
part of
/ trade
association Bulletin (Sydney) Australian
Examples membership Readers FinancialReview
Journal of Current Affairs Morning
Psychology National Bulletin
Advertising Geographic
Age Bulletin
New Idea Courier Mail
Times ScientificAmerican Sports
Drug Topics Time (Sydney)
Take time at the end of each day to record images, events, and scenes that have stuck
with you
Write down details you recall
Make notes about other images or events the day’s images and events suggest to you
Explore what the things you remember tell you about yourself
Write freely for ten minutes using an image, event, or scene from the day as a starting
Reread what you wrote on other days and develop ideas that strike you
Use your journal as a place to
play with words or phrases
tell stories from different points of view
Business Communication Introduction to Informal Writing
If you keep a journal faithfully, you will find that it is more than a place to practice writing. It
is a place to store your personal experience. And every good writer knows that personal
experience is the most valuable resource for writing.
The journal may or may not put many points toward your final grade, but it can be a place to
explore ideas and improve your writing skills, helping you succeed on other class
assignments, in your profession, and in your personal life.
As an informal mode of writing, your journal entries can alleviate stress associated with
writing. Many people procrastinate and put off writing because they find the process to be
daunting. One of the great powers of journal writing is that you don't have to worry about
spelling or grammar or even structure when you write your entries. It is a place to
brainstorm and form your points. This really frees a writer to produce more writing when the
weight of polished perfection is lifted. Writing regularly makes writing come easier.
Keeping a journal helps you to summarize what you've read, remember important points,
and organize your own arguments. Each time you read for a class, it is a good idea to take the
time to write down your thoughts regarding the piece.
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iv. How Can You Begin to Explore the Answers to These Questions?
Personal Journaling is a way for you to explore these types of questions and develop better
self understanding.
“Blog, Diary, Journal . . . what’s the difference?” Blogs are online scrapbook pages which
• daily blog entries about a person’s interests, comments & opinions
• favorite pictures, images & music
• links to favorite sites or friends’ pages
• info that can be kept private or shared with friends through URLs or links
When shared, a blog is a personal advertisement of how a person wants to be
viewed by others.
Diaries and journals contain very personal and private information which is usually not
shared with others Diaries track daily experiences and record feelings and reactions to those
Right now you might be thinking, “So, I can figure it all out in my head . . . I don’t need to
write in a journal!”
Idea Journals :Capture inspirational and creative thoughts (ex. song lyrics,
poetry, and any other form of personal writing).
Personal Journals :Explore your personality, how you feel, the roles you play every day, who your
role models are, and career choices.
Goal Planning Journals :Set short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals based on your values,
beliefs, and real interests.
Problem-Solving Journals :Explore alternatives by looking at problems from different points of view
and identifying sources for more information.
Art Journals :Use creativity through different art mediums to show your
feelings or ideas. You can add personal writing, or not!
History Journals :Chronicle your life, or your family history, through writing,
photographs, and mementos.
Business Communication Introduction to Informal Writing
Practice Exercise:
1a.Write a summary what happens to people who take part in encounter groups, according
to the passage.
Encounter Groups
Because of the unstructured nature of the group, the major problem faced by the
participants is how they are going to use their time together - whether it be eighteen hours
of a week-end or forty or more hours in a one-week group. Often there is consternation,
anxiety, and irritation at first - particularly because of the lack of structure. Only gradually
does it become evident that the major aim of nearly every member is to find ways of
relating to other members of the group and to himself. Then as they gradually, tentatively,
and fearfully explore their feelings and attitudes towards one another and towards
themselves, it becomes increasingly evident that what they have first presented are
façades, masks. Only cautiously do the real feelings and real persons emerge. The contrast
between the outer shell and the inner person becomes more and more apparent as the
hours go by. Little by little, a sense of genuine communication builds up, and the person
who has been thoroughly walled off from others comes out with some small segment of
his actual feelings. Usually his attitude has been that his real feelings will be quite
unacceptable to other members of the group. To his astonishment, he finds that he is more
accepted the more real that he becomes. Negative feelings are often especially feared,
since it seems certain to each individual that his angry or jealous feelings cannot possibly
be accepted by another. Thus one of the most common developments is that a sense of
trust slowly begins to build, and also a sense of warmth and liking for other members of
the group. A woman says on Sunday afternoon, 'If anybody had told me Friday evening that
by today I would be loving every member of this group I would have told him that he
belonged in the nut house.' Participants feel a closeness and intimacy which they have not
felt even with their spouses or members of their own family, because they have revealed
themselves here more deeply and more fully than to those in their own family circle.
Thus, in such a group the individual comes to know himself and each of the others more
completely than is possible in the usual social or working relationships. He becomes deeply
acquainted with the other members and with his own inner self, the self that otherwise
tends to be hidden behind his façade. Hence he relates better to others, both in the group
and later in the everyday life situation.
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examples that support the main ideas. Is the pattern time sequence, compare and contrast,
cause and effect, big idea to small idea? Something else?
7. Try this simple note-taking format, and use it to review, reflect and self test:
Date:________________ Subject:______________________
Questions: Notes:
Trees give shade for the benefit of others, and while they themselves stand in the sun and
endure the scorching heat, they produce the fruit of which others profit. The character of good
men is like that of trees. What is the use of this perishable body if no use is made of it for the
benefit of mankind? Sandalwood, the more it is rubbed, the
more scent does it yield. Sugarcane, the more it is peeled and cut up into pieces, the more juice
does it produce. The men who are noble at heart do not lose their qualities even in losing their
lives. What matters whether men praise them or not? What difference does it make whether
they die at this moment or whether lives are prolonged?
Happen what may, those who tread in the right path will not set foot in any other. Life itself is
unprofitable to a man who does not live for others. To live for the mere sake of living one’s life is
to live the life of dog and crows. Those who lay down their lives for the sake of others will
assuredly dwell forever in a world of bliss.
3b. Here the number of words is 204, try and keep with 68 to 73 for précis
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Odisha, a small state in the east coast of India, was battered by Cyclone Philine in the last weekend.
The cyclone came from the Bay of Bengal. It was the result of a low pressure area developing
in the sea. From a location a few hundred kilometers off the coast, Cyclone Philine gradually
moved towards the land. The wind speed was nearly 220 kilometers per hour. The violent
wind hit villages near the coastline with deadly force. Mud houses were flattened, trees
uprooted and power lines were reduced to tangled heaps of wire. Fortunately, weather
radars tracked the Philine doggedly as a result of which people were evacuated from their
houses that fell in the projected path of Cyclone Philine. Millions of people were quickly
moved to temporary shelters with remarkable efficiency. This reduced the death toll to
negligible numbers. It was a remarkable success of disaster management in India. In another
operation, the Coast Guard spotted a cargo ship at night that had tilted dangerously in the
waters a few kilometers off Bengal. Responding to its SOS call, the Coast Guard rushed to its
rescue and lifted out the sailors who were floating on their life boat in the dark near their
4 a. Write a Journal for 20 minutes without editing using the following title: "The Salesman".
b. Write a Journal on a list of things you are knowledgeable about, or are highly interested
in. Think of ways that you can extend yourself as a resource to others on these topics.
Consider writing articles, volunteering, collaborating, organizing a small group focused on
the subject, participating in a "barter exchange", etc. Evaluate your skill level and determine
if you need more experience or exposure. What steps can you take to promote yourself?
Business Communication Workplace Communication
Communication is a process of exchanging words, tone of voice and body language with
regards to a person’s needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge or affective states
between two persons or a group of people. To have an effective communication one
should; use standard terminologies which do not have any ambiguity or rather using direct
statements, combined with the appropriate body language, the individual should
further avoid or minimize the barriers of communications. In a work place I was told
to address members as a young employee and there was great expectation. All eyes were on
me, I delivered it and got congratulatory messages after the meeting.
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To have an effective communication one should; use standard terminologies that are not
ambiguous, combined with the appropriate body-language, then avoid or minimize the
barriers of communication.
1. Creates diversity by reducing the barriers erected because of language and cultural
Business Communication Workplace Communication
2. Productivity increases while errors decrease, making operations to run smoothly.
3. Effective communication is important for businesses looking to expand beyond its
domestic borders.
4. It facilitates team building and a team that works together has high productivity, integrity,
and responsibility.
5. Boosts morale of workers, who are then able to perform efficiently their duties with a
positive attitude.
6 . Transparency is achieved by encouraging employees to communicate honestly without
fear of repercussions.
7. Innovation helps most competent employees to innovate at a rapid pace.
8. Conflict is reduced, which is a result of misunderstandings in communication.
From the stone tablet, communication has improved from the printing press to finally
computers. The methods of types of communications like written communication have
continued to change, but some are still in use even today. Technology has enabled an
individual to reach many people at the same time with no intermediary, at the right time. A
large amount of data in communication is transmitted through fibre optic cables and storage
is done on hard drives. Some operations done by tape drives and even older telephone wires
are still in use.
Successful communication requires that someone (the sender) shares information and that
someone else (the receiver) gets the message and correctly interprets it. The full
communication loop is only successful when the sender can confirm that the receiver
understood the message as intended.
It sounds simple enough. In reality, many things can prevent successful communication, not
the least of which is a different communication style. There are a number of different
constructs describing various communication styles. Let’s explore one of the most common.
Communication Style
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Based on the behavioral grid model depicted here, there are four main communication
Relator (Interpersonal): The Relator is relationship orientated and readily expresses their
thoughts and feelings. However, Relator's are generally slower paced and security conscious,
so they prefer less intrusive interactions.
Socializer (Affective): The Socializer prefers to interact with others rather than work alone.
Socializers have a fast paced, aggressive communication style and generally work well with
Thinker (Cognitive): The Thinker has a closed, personal style and is analytical in their
approach. Thinkers take a while to feel comfortable with others, and tend to take longer to
reveal information about themselves.
Director: (Behavioural): The Director has an aggressive, competitive nature and is very
independent. Directors are results orientated and focus less on the people impacts.
Business Communication Workplace Communication
Consider the descriptions above and think about your own communication style and
preferences. What kind of communicator are you?
Accept that options requiring risk-taking options are generally not welcomed
The most important thing to remember about communication styles is that the differences
are real and largely unconscious. Railing against someone else’s communication style or
expecting everyone to interact in your preferred style seldom leads to a positive outcome.
Highly effective communicators learn to recognize and adapt to different communication
styles; both when they’re receiving and interpreting information from others and when they
share information with others
The qualities of our life is the quality of our relationship...Please listen carefully and try to
hear what I am not saying....
Intrapersonal Communication
Intrapersonal communication takes place within one person. It is meant to reflect oneself to
clarify something The intrapersonal communication namely are as follows:
Intrapersonal communication takes place within a single person, often for the purpose of
clarifying ideas or analyzing a situation. Other times, intrapersonal communication is
Business Communication Workplace Communication
Self-concept is the basis for intra personal communication, because it determines how a
persona sees him/herself and is oriented toward others. Self-concept (also called self-
awareness) involves three factors: beliefs, values and attitudes.
Beliefs are basic personal orientation toward what is true or false, good or bad; beliefs can
be descriptive or prescriptive.
Values are deep-seated orientations and ideals, generally based on and consistent with
beliefs, about right and wrong ideas and actions. Attitudes are learned predisposition toward
or against a topic, ideals that stem from and generally are consistent with values. Attitudes
often are global, typically emotional.
Beliefs, values and attitudes all influence behavior, which can be either spoken opinion or
physical action. Some psychologists include body image as an aspect of intrapersonal
communication, in that body image is a way of perceiving ourselves, positively or negatively,
according to the social standards of our culture. Other things that can affect self-concept are
personal attributes, talents, social role, even birth order.
Whereas self-concept focuses internally, perception looks outward. Perception of the outside
world also is rooted in beliefs, values and attitudes. It is so closely intertwined with self-
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concept that one feeds off the other, creating a harmonious understanding of both oneself
and one’s world.
Intra personal communication may involve different levels of communication activity:
internal discourse, solo vocal communication, and solo written communication.
Internal discourse involves thinking, concentration and analysis. Psychologists include both
daydreaming and nocturnal dreaming in this category. Prayer, contemplation and meditation
also are part of this category, though from a theological point of view the argument may be
made that this is not solely internal to one person.
Example: Consciously appreciating the beauty of a sunset.
Solo vocal communication includes speaking aloud to oneself. This may be done to clarify
thinking, to rehearse a message intended for others, or simply to let off steam. Example:
Talking to yourself as you complain about your boss.
Solo written communication deals with writing not intended for others.
Example: An entry in a diary or personal journal.
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication involves a direct face-to-face relationship between the sender
and receiver of a message, who are in an interdependent relationship. Because of
interpersonal communication’s immediacy (it is taking place now) and primacy (it is taking
place here), characterized by a strong feedback component. Communication is enhanced
when the relationship exists over a long period of time.
Interpersonal communication involves not only the words used but also the various elements
of nonverbal communication. The purposes of interpersonal communication are to influence,
help and discover, as well as to share and play together. Interpersonal communication can be
categorized by the number of participants.
• Dyadic communication involves two people. Example: Two friends talking.
• Group communication involves three or more persons, though communication scholars are
inconsistent as to the top end of the number scale. The smaller the number in the group, the
more closely this mode resembles interpersonal communication. Often group
communication is done for the purpose of problem solving or decision making. Example:
University study group.
• Public communication involves a large group with a primarily one-way monologue style
generating only minimal feedback. Information sharing, entertainment and persuasion are
common purposes of public communication. Example: Lecture in university class.
Business Communication Workplace Communication
Group Communication
Much communication takes place in the context of small groups, which are defined as those
of three or more participants. The various and overlapping types of small groups lead to
various types of communication patterns. Social groups are units such as families, friends
living as roommates, and voluntary recreational groups such as soccer teams. Families also
form primary groups, which are defined as those in which people share living and financial
arrangements. Families also are an example of reference groups, through which participants
gain a sense of identity and an awareness of expected behavior. Work groups are another
pattern of relationships. These are built by people who are drawn together by a common
task, such as students working together on a project or company employees assigned to a
common job activity. Decision-making groups are brought together for the purpose of
dealing with a question or policy. Similarly though distinctly, problem-solving groups focus
on resolving a problem. The working of groups has been the subject of much study,
particularly from the framework of organizational communication. Leadership styles of small
groups have been identified – generally in a three-part continuum ranging from high control
(authoritarian leaders) through moderate control (democratic leaders) to low control
(laissez-faire leaders). A fourth type, called abdacratic, involves the total collapse of
leadership over uncontrolled group dynamics.
It is by contrast, when the communication was not properly flowed with good impact, it is
always bad impression.
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The communication might be of body language and it is really hard stop when something
goes on emotionally, at that point of time, you may resort to have violence interaction.
The communication can also be depending on the situation, when situation will be calm both
psychologically and sociologically then communication would be smooth.
It is by contrast, when the situation of discourse is harsh and not good, the communication
might not be in a good flow.
Examine, the Iceberg Model. When you see an iceberg on the ocean, the great majority of its
size and depth lie below your level of awareness. When you write a document or give a
presentation, each person in your reading or listening audience is like the tip of an iceberg.
You may perceive people of different ages, races, ethnicities, and genders, but those are only
surface characteristics. This is your challenge. When you communicate with a diverse
audience, you are engaging in intercultural communication. The more you learn about the
audience, the better you will be able to navigate the waters, and
your communication interactions, safely and effectively.
Business Communication Workplace Communication
Theodore Roosevelt pointed out that “the most important single ingredient in the formula of
success knows how to get along with people.” Knowing your audience well before you speak
is essential. Here are a few questions to help guide you in learning more about your
How big is the audience?
What are their backgrounds, gender, age, jobs, education, and/or interests?
Do they already know about your topic? If so, how much?
Will other materials be presented or available? If so, what are they, what do they cover,
and how do they relate to your message?
How much time is allotted for your presentation, or how much space do you have for
your written document? Will your document or presentation stand alone or do you have
the option of adding visuals, audio-visual aids, or links?
Demographic Traits
Demographic Traits refer to the characteristics that make someone an individual, but that he
or she has in common with others. For example, if you were born female, then your view of
the world may be different from that of a male, and may be similar to that of many other
females. Being female means that you share this “femaleness” trait with roughly half the
world’s population. How does this demographic trait of being female apply to
communication? For example, we might find that women tend to be more aware than the
typical male of what it means to be capable of becoming pregnant, or to go through
menopause. If you were giving a presentation on nutrition to a female audience, you would
likely include more information about nutrition during pregnancy and during menopause
than you would if your audience were male.
We can explore other traits by considering your audience’s age, level of education,
employment or career status, and various other groups they may belong to. Imagine that you
are writing a report on the health risks associated with smoking. To get your message across
to an audience of twelve-year-olds, clearly you would use different language and different
examples than what you would use for an audience of adults age fifty-five and older. If you
were writing for a highly educated audience—say, engineering MBA graduates—you would
use much more scholarly language and rigorous research documentation than if you were
writing for first-year college students. Audiences tend to be interested in messages that
relate to their interests, needs, goals, and motivations. Demographic traits can give us insight
into our audience and allow for an audience-centered approach to your assignment that will
make you a more effective communicator.
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Fair in Communication
Finally, considering that your audience has several expectations of you. No doubt you have
sat through a speech or classroom lecture where you asked yourself,”Why should I listen?”
Business Communication Workplace Communication
You have probably been assigned to read a document or chapter and found yourself
wondering, “What does this have to do with me?” These questions are normal and natural
for audiences, but people seldom actually state these questions in so many words or say
them out aloud. In a report on intercultural communication, V.LynnTyler offer us some
insight into these audience expectations, which can be summarized as the need to be fair to
your audience. One key fairness principle is reciprocity, or a relationship of mutual exchange
and interdependence. Reciprocity has four main components: mutuality, non
judgementalism, honesty, and respect.
Mutuality: means that the speaker searches for common ground and understanding with his
or her audience, establishing this space and building on it throughout the speech. This
involves examining viewpoints other than your own and taking steps to insure the speech
integrates an inclusive, accessible format rather than an ethnocentric one.
Non judgementalism: involves willingness to examine diverse ideas and viewpoints. A non-
judgmental communicator is open-minded, and able to accept ideas that may be strongly
opposed to his or her own beliefs and values.
Honesty: stating the truth as you perceive it. When you communicate honestly, you provide
supporting and clarifying information and give credit to the sources where you obtained the
information. In addition, if there is significant evidence opposing your viewpoint, you
acknowledge this and avoid concealing it from your audience.
Respect: for the audience and individual members—recognizing that each person has basic
rights and is worthy of courtesy. Consider these expectations of fairness when designing your
message and you will more thoroughly engage your audience.
Teamwork is a compound word, combining team and work. Teams are a form of group
normally dedicated to production or problem solving. That leaves us with the work. This is
where our previous example on problem solving can serve us well. Each member of the team
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has skills, talents, experience, and education. Each is expected to contribute. Work is the
activity, and while it may be fun or engaging, it also requires effort and commitment, as
there is a schedule for production with individual and group responsibilities. Each member
must fulfil his or her own obligations for the team to succeed, and the team, like a chain, is
only as strong as its weakest member. In this context we don’t measure strength or weakness
at the gym, but in terms of productivity.
Teams can often achieve higher levels of performance than individuals because of the
combined energies and talents of the members. Collaboration can produce motivation and
creativity that may not be present in single-contractor projects. Individuals also have a sense
of belonging to the group, and the range of views and diversity can energize the process,
helping address creative blocks and stalemates. By involving members of the team in
decision-making, and calling up on each member’s area of contribution, teams can produce
positive results.
Teamwork is not without its challenges. The work itself may prove a challenge as members
juggle competing assignments and personal commitments. The work may also be
compromised if team members are expected to conform and pressured to go along with a
procedure, plan, or product that they themselves have not developed. Groupthink, or the
tendency to accept the group’s ideas and actions in spite of individual concerns, can also
compromise the process and reduce efficiency. Personalities and competition can play a role
in a team’s failure to produce.
We can recognize that people want to belong to a successful team, and celebrating
incremental gain can focus the attention on the project and its goals. Members will be more
willing to express thoughts and opinions, and follow through with actions, when they
perceive that they are an important part of the team. By failing to include all the team
members, valuable insights may be lost in the rush to judgment or production. Making time
for planning, and giving each member time to study, reflect, and contribute can allow them
to gain valuable insights from each other, and may make them more likely to contribute
information that challenges the status quo. Unconventional or “devil’s advocate” thinking
may prove insightful and serve to challenge the process in a positive way, improving the
production of the team. Respect for divergent views can encourage open discussion.
John Thill and Courtland Bovee provide a valuable list to consider when setting up a team,
which we have adapted here for our discussion:
Elicit commitment
Clarify responsibilities
Instill prompt action
Apply technology
Ensure technological compatibility
Provide prompt feedback
Group dynamics involve the interactions and processes of a team and influence the degree
to which members feel a part of the goal and mission. A team with a strong identity can
prove to be a powerful force, but it requires time and commitment. A team that exerts too
much control over individual members can run the risk or reducing creative interactions and
encourage tunnel vision. A team that exerts too little control, with attention to process and
areas of specific responsibility, may not be productive. The balance between motivation and
encouragement, and control and influence, is challenging as team members represent
diverse viewpoints and approaches to the problem. A skilled business communicator creates
a positive team by first selecting members based on their areas of skill and expertise, but
attention to their style of communication is also warranted. Individuals that typically work
alone or tend to be introverted may need additional encouragement to participate.
Extroverts may need to be encouraged to listen to others and not dominate the
conversation. Teamwork involves teams and work, and group dynamics play an integral role
in their function and production.
Whether or not there is a “natural leader,” born with a combination of talents and traits that
enable a person to lead others, has been a subject of debate across time. In a modern
context, we have come to recognize that leadership comes in many form and
representations. Once it was thought that someone with presence of mind, innate
intelligence, and an engaging personality was destined for leadership, but modern research
and experience shows us otherwise. Just as a successful heart surgeon has a series of skill
sets, so does a dynamic leader. A television producer must both direct and provide space for
talent to create, balancing control with confidence and trust. This awareness of various
leadership styles serves our discussion as groups and teams often have leaders, and they
may not always be the person who holds the title, status, or role.
Leaders take on the role because they are appointed, elected, or emerge into the role. The
group members play an important role in this process. An appointed leader is designated by
an authority to serve in that capacity, irrespective of the thoughts or wishes of the group.
They may serve as the leader and accomplish all the designated tasks, but if the group does
not accept their role as leader, it can prove to be a challenge. As Bruce Tuckman notes,
“storming” occurs as group members come to know each other and communicate more
freely, and an appointed leader who lacks the endorsement of the group may experience
challenges to his or her authority.
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A democratic leader is elected or chosen by the group, but may also face serious challenges.
If individual group members or constituent groups feel neglected or ignored, they may assert
that the democratic leader does not represent their interests. The democratic leader involves
the group in the decision-making process, and insures group ownership of the resulting
decisions and actions as a result. Open and free discussions are representative of this
process, and the democratic leader acknowledges this diversity of opinion.
An emergent leader contrasts the first two paths to the role by growing into the role, often
out of necessity. The appointed leader may know little about the topic or content, and group
members will naturally look to the senior member with the most experience for leadership.
If the democratic leader fails to bring the group together, or does not represent the whole
group, subgroups may form, each with an informal leader serving as spokesperson.
Types of Leaders
We can see types of leaders in action and draw on common experience for examples. The
heart surgeon does not involve everyone democratically, is typically appointed to the role
through earned degrees and experience, and resembles a military sergeant more than a
politician. The autocratic leader is self-directed and often establishes norms and conduct for
the group. In some settings we can see that this is quite advantageous, such as open-heart
surgery or during a military exercise, but it does not apply equally to all leadership
Contrasting the autocrat is the laissez-faire, or “live and let live” leader. In a professional
setting, such as a university, professors may bristle at the thought of an autocratic leader
telling them what to do. They have earned their role through time, effort, and experience
and know their job. A wise laissez-faire leader recognizes this aspect of working with
professionals and may choose to focus efforts on providing the professors with the tools they
need to make a positive impact. Imagine that you are in the role of a television director and
you have a vision or idea of what the successful pilot program should look like. The script is
set, the lighting correct, and the cameras are in the correct position. You may tell people
what to do and where to stand, but you remember that your job is to facilitate the overall
process. You work with talent, and creative people are interesting on camera. If you
micromanage your actors, they may perform in ways that are not creative and that will not
draw audiences. If you let them run wild through improvisation, the program may not go
well at all. Balancing the need for control with the need for space is the challenge of the
laissez-faire leader.
Not all leaders are autocrats or laissez-faire leaders. Thomas Harris and John Sherblom
specifically note three leadership styles that characterize the modern business or
organization, and reflect our modern economy. We are not born leaders but may become
them if the context or environment requires our skill set. A leader-as-technician role often
occurs when we have skills that others do not. If you can fix the copy machine at the office,
Business Communication Workplace Communication
your leadership and ability to get it running again are prized and sought-after skills. You may
instruct others on how to load the paper or how to change the toner, and even though your
pay grade may not reflect this leadership role, you are looked to by the group as a leader
within that context. Technical skills, from Internet technology to facilities maintenance, may
experience moments where their particular area of knowledge is required to solve a
problem. Their leadership will be in demand. The leader-as-conductor involves a central role
of bringing people together for a common goal. In the common analogy, a conductor leads
an orchestra and integrates the specialized skills and sounds of the various components the
musical group comprises. In the same way, a leader who conducts may set a vision, create
benchmarks, and collaborate with a group as they interpret a set script. Whether it is a
beautiful movement in music or a group of teams that comes together to address a common
challenge, the leader-as-conductor keeps the time and tempo of the group.
Coaches are often discussed in business-related books as models of leadership for good
reason. A leader-as-coach combines many of the talents and skills we’ve discussed here,
serving as a teacher, motivator, and keeper of the goals of the group. A coach may be
autocratic at times, give pointed direction without input from the group, and stand on the
sidelines while the players do what they’ve been trained to do and make the points. The
coach may look out for the group and defend it against bad calls, and may motivate players
with words of encouragement. We can recognize some of the behaviors of coaches, but what
specific traits have a positive influence on the group?
Thomas Peters and Nancy Austin identify five important traits that produce results:
Coaches are teachers, motivators, and keepers of the goals of the group. There are times
when members of the team forget that there is no “I” in the word “team.” At such times,
coaches serve to redirect the attention and energy of the individuals to the overall goals of
the group. They conduct the group with a sense of timing and tempo, and at times, they
relax and let the members demonstrate their talents. Through their listening skills and
counseling, they come to know each member as an individual, but keep the team focus for
all to see. They set an example. Coaches, however, are human and by definition are not
perfect. They can and do prefer some players over others and can display less than
professional side-line behavior when they don’t agree with the referee, but the style of
leadership is worthy of your consideration in its multidisciplinary approach. Coaches use
more than one style of leadership and adapt to the context and environment. A skilled
business communicator will recognize that this approach has its merits.
1.Define groups and teams.
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2.Discuss how primary and secondary groups meet our interpersonal needs.
3. Differentiate between Teamwork and Leadership.
4. Name and elaborate types of leadership.
5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a group and individually?