Planning An Outcome Impact Evaluation
Planning An Outcome Impact Evaluation
Planning An Outcome Impact Evaluation
This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through USAID. The contents
are the responsibility of John Snow, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States
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Boston, MA 02210-1211
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The goal of an end-of-project evaluation is to determine whether the program was successful and
to identify lessons that can be used in future programming.
There is no fixed way to conduct an end-of-project evaluation. There are however, steps that
can help a project team decide the best approach for their specific project. The following
questions will help you design an appropriate evaluation:
In addition to measuring the outcomes and possibly the impact, the project is also likely
interested in finding out what worked and what could have been improved. This can be
considered from a variety of perspectives, such as: service delivery to clients; project
management (how efficient and effective were the various project systems?); scope of programming
(breadth and depth – did the project spread itself too thin? Should the depth or comprehensiveness of
the project have been greater?); and sustainability of the services (are there opportunities for
sustaining the services under this project?). Ask questions that will help the organization to
improve the quality of future projects, and will provide the organization with useful
information for future funding opportunities and technical linkages.
Remember that less is often more: do not try to answer too many questions. Pick the most
important ones and focus on getting quality answers to these key questions.
2. What/who are the data sources that the team would like to include?
Information for your evaluation will likely come from a variety of sources. What are the most
feasible sources for getting the information that you want?
What existing data sources will you want to review? These may include project records such as
annual reports, routine data, publicity that the project has received, materials such as BCC
materials or data collection forms that the project created, etc., evaluations that were done on
the project (by external sources, baseline evaluations, or midterm reviews), etc.
Whose input do you want to include in the evaluation? Stakeholders you may want to consider
o Clients
o Partner organizations
o MOH staff (at the appropriate level, e.g. district)
o Project managers and staff
As with every step in designing the evaluation, take a moment to ensure that what you are
planning is feasible.
Filling in the table on the following page may help to organize the planning of the evaluation,
and to help determine if the scope of the evaluation is too large. Feel free to modify the table
as appropriate.
Creating a realistic evaluation plan: Fill in the appropriate cells below (modify cells as needed). For each line, consider if it is
feasible to conduct this portion of the evaluation.
What do we need What evaluation questions do we need to ask? Where/who What/who are Who is
to evaluate/why is Sample questions provided below. will the data responsible
it important to information sources for each
ask this question? come from that the data
to answer team would collection
this like to method?
question? include?
Outputs 1. Have the targets set out at the beginning of the project been met?
2. What could best explain project targets being met or not met?
Outcomes 3. What were the pre and post intervention knowledge and skills of
individuals benefiting from the service? Did individuals trained utilize skills
gained? What was the reported or observed change in the status of
beneficiaries (individuals or households)?
4. What could be the determinants of successful utilization health status
following project intervention? Has the project made a difference? Why
or why not?
5. Did the intervention facilitate strengthening of linkages?
6. Did the project improve the quality of service delivery?
Assessing 7. Do the results of your a population or beneficiary survey on selected
contribution/progress outcome/impact indicators indicate an improvement in comparison with
towards desired impact your baseline and or national statistics for your catchment population?
Sustainability 8. Are the benefits from your intervention sustainable? How has the
project facilitated potential replication and scale-up of the identified
good lessons learned?
Quality of service 7. Are intervention beneficiaries satisfied with the quality of services?